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adele shanbar
Post count: 5025

Hey Gailster
I would be like Jenny, for sure. There is nothing that scares me more than a tornado warning I would not be able to live in any area that had tornados sirens. I would be completely freaked out That is the scariest thing ever to me.
Every time I hear of tornado damage, I keep saying I have no idea how people can live in those areas. Give me a Nor’easter or a blizzard any day of the week. Snow can be shoveled. Nothing protects you from a tornado. Plus, they are getting worst every year with global warming. I say prayers for anyone in their way every time I hear it in the news.
Has Jenny always been that way, or getting worst with the severity of the storms lately? I feel so bad for her
This weekend I watched movies on Peacock. I saw:
Fighting Temptation. (Beyoncé was in this one!)
Employee of The Month
Sam and Kate( this one was sad)
Emma…..on list for today. Lol
Ride Along 2….. on list for soon…. This one’s on Netflix
In y new solitary life, movies have been keeping me company, especially on Friday and Saturday
I had an awful meltdown this week. It was on opening day for the Red Sox. That was Gary’s favorite sport to watch, and when the fighter jets went over the house….. like they do every year on the way to Fenway Park, I started to bawl my eyes out. I watched the opening ceremony, and cried through the whole thing. Especially when Big Papi came out. There was no frantic call from Nancy to Gary to find out what channel the game was on, no yelling at the TV, and nobody getting excited about the game. My eyes were so sore, they stayed sore the next day
I did not expect that. That grief came out of nowhere, and took me by surprise. I was looking forward to the game, and then could not watch any of it. I was going to watch in Gary’s memory THAT definitely did not happen. It is what it is, as I say. I got over it.
Do you and Greg watch baseball?
Please be careful out there in these Spring storms. You are in my prayers
Pics attached of ornaments I made for the girls and Nancy, Joanne, and Joyce. I hope they will all load. I have been having trouble with that lately