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Gail Norusis
Post count: 3596

Hi DD,
I hope that you can get rid of the crazy guy permanently this time now that all the paperwork is together. I thought his apartment was condemned or something-so did they let him back into it?
We have crazy weather here too. Close to 80 this week and next week back to 50.
I hope you enjoy your new dinner ware. It’s nice to eat off pretty dishes.
I had a gold set when we first got married. Remember the gold, copper and avocado decor colors from the 70’s? lol
When we built this house almost 25 years ago I got new dishes. Royal Worcester with herbs and butterflies and I still enjoy those dishes to this day. It’s nice to eat off pretty dishes.
I’m not sure what patterns in Temptations that you are referring to. It seems like there is always something new. I haven’t been paying much attention lately as I don’t want to be tempted. lol Thus the name.