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Gail Norusis
Post count: 3596

Hi Everyone,
Just checking in to see how everyone is.
We continue to have vast swings in the weather.
Last Sunday we woke up to snow. Greg went up north last week to work on a new CD with the guys.
He said the first day he arrived the temp was 80 and there was a bunch of snow on the ground. lol

I heard there might be more flakes this weekend.
Greg got in his first golf game of the season this morning.
Golf league was supposed to start Monday but there was still snow on the ground and his teammate was in Texas watching the space launch so it was good it was cancelled.
We went to a great concert this week. Elementrio-three guys kind of like the three tenors. Greg loved it and said he could listen to them all night which was a great compliment as he is usually sort of stingy with his praise about singers. He even went to talk to the guys at the meet and great after the concert which he usually skips.
Did I ever tell you that after every concert in this place they hand out Dove bars on the way out. I think if they ever didn’t have them the people would revolt. lol
We have been doing other things the past two Fridays so we missed going to Jenny’s. Hopefully we will go today.
hope everyone is well.