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Cynthia Shay
Post count: 65

Hey everybody,

I’m sitting here totally drugged out with OXY right now. This pain went from my head to the lower back and I am in a wheelchair again with MAJOR pain. The OXY kind o calms it down jut ti where I can just stan it. But I an’t walk at all. I liked Carolyn Gracie as well. I have her friended on Facebook. I went through the breast cancer thing about seven years ago as well. Gail are you talking about Lisa Robertson having Lupus? That is a terrible disease, somewhat like MS. Lupus attacks the organs where as MS attacks the nervous system. It’s all BS. We’re having a cold front….high 90’s. It’s supposed to rain on the weekend and the temps will drop to 90. The birds will be falling off the trees LOL. I watched the Halloween shows Bought a bunch of stuff and everything was delivered today. In the 90’s, I made my own fancy sweathirts with all the beads and rhinstones. I used to sell them at Sak’s and Neiman Marcus. I got in with the buyers and made a little side money. I am going to do a web page with all my designs so you all can see them. It amazes me that I HAND STITCHED everything. One year I got REAL ambitious, and I did a mural on someone’s ceiling using rhinstones and stuff. It was beautiful. Quacker is coming out with some really nice stuff again. I need to have a garage sale so I can start buyiing again. LOL