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Gail Norusis
Post count: 3596

Hi Adele,
How did you and Tillie make out getting the brace yesterday? That could have been interesting. My MIL and I always used to stop and go out to lunch whenever i took her for doctor’s appointments or tests. It was something for her to look forward to afterwards.
I’m glad the birthday dinner went well. It must make Gary’s heart ache to think of what his brother is going through. I hope someday there will be more progress on figuring out how to stop Alzheimer’s.
I must ask-what are peepers? Crickets? If so i never heard them called that.
Greg used to be able to control his diabetes with exercise and diet but lately his numbers have been rising so he has to get back with the doctor and put another plan into action. Plus his tester thing is not working right so he may have to get a new one and I know you need a prescription for that. One thing is he is good about getting to the doctor if something is not right so I don’t have to nag him.
Part of the Milk Day prince and princess contest rules are the dresses and suits have to be made out of crepe paper. When we first moved here the costumes were very simple but now they are much more ornate and it takes a real seamstress to make them. I am attaching a couple of pictures from a few years ago so that you can see what I mean.