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Dianne Danielson
Post count: 1034

Hi Ladies,
I’m sorry to hear about the passing of a fellow Quacker. I didn’t see a photo on this page. Did I miss it? Saying a prayer for her family.
Well the clouds are rolling in tonight…hooooooray!!! That means the heat wave is over & cooler temps are ahead. Showers are in our future.
It looks like a cloudy, cool & maybe damp day for the Grand Floral Parade on Sat..no surprise there. I think the bands, horse riders, etc probably
prefer cool days. Just not soaking wet.
Did ya catch the QF show today? It was on in the morning here. Again a lot of cute tops, & no money. There’s going to be other shows later in the week.

Oh, did ya know that Phillip Watson was in the hospital? I got a post in my FB Newsfeed. He said he was in for nine days & was glad to be alive.
He had a heart valve replaced & a stent put in. I didn’t learn about it till I saw the post. He’s sooo darn cute. I love to watch his gardening shows.
Let’s send prayers for his full recovery. He was feeling pretty weak. I’ll check his FB page & see if there’s any updates.

I had open heart surgery in 1982. I was born with a hole in the heart & instead of it closing like it normally would, it grew bigger. the heart surgeon that
developed the procedure did the surgery. When I was asked who I wanted to do it, my response was Dr. Starr. They patched up the hole & here I am.
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have made it to age 50 if I hadn’t had the surgery done.
I can hear the wheels turning. Why didn’t my parents have it done when I was a child. Well, the Dr’s said I wouldn’t make it thru the surgery at that
age. I was 32 when I had it done, so by that time the procedure was perfected. The Lord knew when it was the right time. His timing is Perfect.

I’m putting up my tropical pics for the summer. If I can’t get there in life, I can sit here & daydream of being there. Sigh. Besides they’re gorgeous
I’m enclosing pics of my set of dishes, I took it off the computer. Also a pic of my shelves in the living room. You’d never guess I LOVE roses, LOL!!!

Adele, did they come & fix the back splash yet? I’d be ALLLLLLLLLLLL over them if not. Your sooooo right it was torture with all that noise. It’s BLESSEDLY QUIET now. And you’re right they should have moved us all out while that went on. It could’ve been done in half the time. the crew
wasn’t happy they had to share the elevators, & put up with us!!!
Well, I guess that’s all for now.