Home Forums Recipes Dad’s Favorite Cheesecake (aka Dream Cheesecake)

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    • The Quacker Factory
      Post count: 328

      Dad’s Favorite Cheesecake (aka Dream Cheesecake) Recipe



      • 1/3 c. melted Butter
      • 1 1/3c. Lorna Donne’s, finely crushed


      • Butter a 10” spring form pan thoroughly. Mix the 2 ingredients above and press inside the bottom and slightly up the sides of the pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 5 mins.

      Filling: Have All Ingredients Room Temp!!!


      (Preheat Oven 350)

      • 3 Tbs. flour all-purp
      • 1 ½ c. sugar
      Mix the 2 above ingredients together.
      • 20 oz. Cream Cheese
      • 6 egg yolks ( reserve the whites in a Med Sized, Separate Bowl)
      • 1 pint of Sour Cream
      • 2 tsp. Vanilla


      • Beat the cream cheese until smooth. Blend the flour/sugar mix into the cream cheese. Beat in the egg yolks until smooth. Finally beat in the sour cream and vanilla. Reserve this mix and prepare the Egg whites as directed below.
      • 6 Lg. eggs whites
      • 1 tsp. Cream of Tartar
      • ¼ cup sugar
      • Use clean beaters and beat egg whites with cream of tartar until very foamy. ( med speed is fine) Turn up to High Speed and start beating those whites until they almost turn opaque. Gradually add the ¼ sugar beating still at high. Continue beating until they are very stiff peaks and very white and glossy!
      • Fold the egg whites into the cream cheese mix. Pour into pan and bake at 325 for about 70 mins. The cake will raise up very tall. It should have a slight wobble but not be runny in the center. You can test with a knife. Don’t worry about the steam cracks in the cake! Cool an hour and a half, it will deflate alot. The put in the fridge. Next day, run a knife around the inside edge and release the pan.

      Cut and enjoy. XO John Shrader (Designer) and My Dad

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