Home › Forums › General Quacker Chatter › Hi Girls-Here's Celebrating the Dog Days of August Part 2
Hi Colleen, Adele, Cynthia, Barbara, Debbie and Debra,
Hope that you can find me on the new page. Angel is on right now-three hours of Quacker! Hooray. I will try to explain to you guys how to find me or else I will be over here chatting to myself.
Gail -
Hi Girls!
I found us!!!!
Doctor apt went well. I do not have any arthritis in my knee. he does think the bursa is a little inflamed. But, I did not think it was t at the level to get a shot for it. I will see what the back doctor says next week, then I will decide. The hip doctor said the pain I am getting in that hip area, is not consistent with hip pain. He feels it is all the back. I am really glad about that, because that means I do not have issues in yet another joint. The bursa will heal itself, as long a I am not doing anything to stress it out.We went to breakfast this morning- the Gary was thrilled! Went to the International Pancake House- one of his favorites. After the doctor, and errands, I got my ice cream! Even though I was not hungry at all, I did not want to miss the opportunity to get my One Summer Premium Ice Cream…..LOL cost for 2 small dishes of soft serve, one with chocolate dip…..10.00. LOL LOL Just have to ask- do you guys pay the same prices for those premium homemade ice cream places?
Angel is on- thank God we are home to watch!!!
Adele -
Hi Gail and Adele,
I found it finally. It took ma while and a few tears but I did it. I cannot believe that I did it. You would think that I won a prize or something.Now i am going to see if this posts or not. Keep your fingers crossed.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
I was just going to write you some instructions. So glad that you got on. It took me a while too. I still have to find a shortcut. I don’t want to mess around too much yet and mess something up. This is totally different than before. When they changed it before at least there were some similar things. Don’t know how to get friends and other stuff but we’ll all learn together I guess. I kind of got used to that little thing that showed who else was online. This has been frustrating because I can’t post the pictures like I used to. Even Greg couldn’t figure it out for me.
Will talk more in the morning.
I will start another book page sometime soon too. -
Hey Colleen-Did you notice that you are no longer floating sideways?
Hi Girls,
Well sounds like this has been somewhat of a frustrating experience for all of us.
Colleen and Adele-Kendall did somewhat better the second day of school-but I’m sure that she’d never turn down any of Adele’s sweets-for that matter neither would I. lol You are right Colleen-she’s had trouble every year starting in kindergarten. For a child she just stresses too much. Jenny was a little the same but not quite as extreme.
We think Gabby and Enya’s mother expected that Adam’s parents would offer to pay the tuition-remember they all live with Adam’s parents and I think she just expected another hand out from them since they have always been there to help out because after all Gabby and Enya are their grandkids. But Adam’s Dad is retiring soon and his Mom didn’t want to spend the extra money for tuition. Anyway, the Mom’s manipulations backfired. Jenny has talked to the girls and so far they’ve said that they are enjoying their classes-so it seems that they are making the adjustment-it was just so mean waiting til the last minute to tell them. Adam said they were able to take a tour and practice opening their lockers and such the day before school started. That’s one thing nice about being in a smaller town-someone at the school took the time to do that for them.
You know we go over to Jenny’s almost every Friday for dinner and a visit. The older kids were playing at the neighbors so just Piper was in the house. It made me think why do they need a perpetual motion machine-just get a 2 and 1/2 year old! That child just never stops either the movement or the talking. Wow! It’s exhausting! And she’s not hyper just a normal two year old. lol She does love to go to the swimming pool-she tells me she’s taking lessons(she’s not but the older two do so she thinks she is) She also loves Minnie Mouse. she has a variety of Minnie clothes and she just got Minnie shoes.
Well looking around this site it looks like we can no longer post our own photos or videos. I suppose they want to keep it cleaner looking for all the Quacker stuff. I see there are birthday’s Colleen. Remember on the old site when we could decorate our home page with whatever colors we wanted and a picture border on the top? Now our pages are very sparse and I don’t even see a place where you could leave a message to wish someone a happy birthday. Although the front page looks different than it did yesterday. All that Facebook stuff. So maybe things are still a work in progress. At least we still have a discussion page-for now.
Gail -
Hi Girls
Glad everyone got over here. I did not get an email for Gail’s post, so I think I have to do something. I thought I hit the “get an email when someone responds” but, maybe I did not.
I hope Gaby and Enya like their new school. So hard when they have to change schools. When we moved here in Heather’s junior year, that did it for her. She never made any good friends until much later, when she worked in day care. She felt very out of place, because the other kids were together all their lives.
So what does jenny serve for Friday night dinners? I am making Gail’s zucchini crescent pie tomorrow. I also want to make zucchini bread. By the way, no zucchini to harvest yet. My one pepper fell, and rotted. I do have some grape tomato’s, and so far 4 plum tomato’s. Pretty sad harvest. I could have saved money buying them at the store, instead of getting the plants…LOL LOL
that will stink if we cannot post any pictures. How will you see my Halloween decorations?Hey Colleen- Glad to see you are upright!
Tillie got some things form the show last night, and I could not see anything I wanted. I am hoping for a fabulous Halloween/Fall show soon.
Bobby put up our new TV today. Gary is in there watching the Red Sox- he is thrilled. I am calling it his birthday present.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. it is cooler here tonight, but the humidity level is 80%- GROSS !!! the air is on, thank God.
Gail- any news on your SIL? We are all still praying for her.
Hi Gail,
I am glad that things went easier for Kendall the second day. I guess she calmed down a bit and got into things. It is hard on little ones to go to school for awhile. Some get use to it right away and others just have trouble. I am dreading when Kaylee starts school. She will be coming home every day with bad marks in behavior. She is a mess.
I guess when we retire we all have to come to a point that we tell our children no. Glad to hear that the girls liked the new school and someone took them around and showed them their lockers. Small towns are better then big towns. They take the time to work with the kids. Well just about all the kids are back in school. I wonder is Adele’s grands are back in school yet. I do not think that she has said.
I know what you mean about little ones. We will have one again before too long. They are going constantly.Piper just sounds like a little character to me. It is nice that you go and have dinner with Jenny and the kids every Friday. It gives you time to be with all of them except the days they are playing with their friends. You do at least get to see them for awhile. We only get to see the older grands now. It just seems like the others do not come over as much. Danyielle because she is pregnant and does not feel like doing much and Melissa lives too far to come very often. I was glad that we got to keep the kids over the summer though.
That is one good thing about this page. We can still chat with each other. I hope that Barbara will be able to find us. She has not posted for awhile. I hope that we do not lose her. At least one of us knows how to get in touch with her and we can still hear how she is doing.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I think that I looked better sideways.lol I look old and grumpy in that picture. Well at least that is one change that they made. It was really nice of them to do that. I am still trying to find my way around this place. I did try to change my pass word but it would not let me. So I guess that i will stick with the one that I have.
I do not think that we have an ice cream place around here like that. We have never paid that much for ice cream. I love the soft serve ice cream though. We have that at a few places around here but probably not as good as that was. We live in small town no where. We do not have hardly any nice stores around here at all either. We have to go into the city.
Glad that you did not have to have the shot. I do not like shots at all. They did not use to bother me like they do now. I guess in my old age things just bother me more. Like this new site. lol.
Not much else going on here. I have been sick off and on for over a week. We cannot figure out what is going on. I am going to have to find me a gastro and just make an appointment. This doctor that I am going to is never going to do it. He is a real pain in the neck.
Well that is about all from here. I am glad that we will still be able to chat. That would have been hard if we could not.
Colleen -
Found it but don’t receive notices.
None of us are receiving e-mail notices. If you checked the box at the bottom of the page about notifying you by e-mail about responses nothing seems to happen. However, if you go to your page you will see a place that says notifications and if it has a number in it click on it. That will show you that there have been replies. The best thing to do is to just come here everyday and look for new postings. Someone comes to post nearly every day. It’s not as convenient because you have to scroll through everything to find the latest posts but I am just grateful that we have a place for discussions. I guess we have to be grateful that they didn’t shut us down completely.
Hi Adele,
It is hard for the kids to change schools. In this case though both girls should at least know other people from their grade school so hopefully that makes it a bit easier. Do your schools open after or before Labor Day?
I wish the print on here wasn’t so small and squished together when we are typing a response. So far I haven’t found anywhere to change the font so I guess we are stuck with it. If someone finds it please let me know. Why can’t it be the same size when we are writing it as when it posts?
When we go to Jenny’s on Friday we pick up something from a local fast food place or order pizza or chicken. Something that the kids will like and to give Jenny a break.
I wish I could share some of our garden stuff with you. We have a ton-especially tomatoes. We take stuff over to Jenny’s weekly.
I am hoping for some pretty new Fall/ Halloween stuff from Quacker too. I was just thinking that they really do a much better job with the fall winter long sleeve stuff than they do with the short sleeve stuff in the summer. The summer stuff doesn’t have as many cute pictures. They need to work on that. Plus I don’t think I have one single short sleeve shirt with a butterfly!!! That’s a darn travesty! Oh, I take that back-maybe one from a long time ago that went with some jeans.
My SIL doesn’t have the bone marrow test until Wednesday and after that I don’t know how soon results will be in. I’m trying to sooth her until then.
I guess we no longer get e-mail’s when someone else posts even though there is a box to check for it at the bottom of the page. You just have to come here and look and see if someone posted. If you look on your “my page” it does show notifications there that you can click n to show that someone posted. I have not tried to click on those yet to see if they bring you over here. I will try that next.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
You don’t look grumpy now that you are upright. You look like our beautiful Irish Colleen! Except now you don’t have your superpower of flying anymore. I sure hope Barbara finds us too. I left a note on her page on the other site but who knows if she will read it or not. I guess we are not getting e-mail notifications anymore either. If you look on your home page the notifications come in there. But it is just as easy to come here and check the posts and do my posting I guess. I’m just glad they didn’t totally eliminate the discussion pages. They probably could have since we are the only ones who use them. I hope in the future they don’t find them superfluous and eliminate them. Because we can’t post videos or pictures this new place doesn’t seem as welcoming as the old one. It seems more cold and businesslike-or maybe it’s just me.
I’ll bet Kaylee will be just fine in school. Lots of kids are better for the teachers than they are for their own family members. It is hard to see the grandkids that are farther away-especially once school starts. We’re lucky ours are only 15 minutes away. Plus I see them when I babysit. That’s why we go there every Friday so Greg gets to see them too.
I think you are right and need to find your own gastro doctor if you are not getting any satisfaction from that new guy. Especially if you have been feeling sick and having problems again. Please look into that soon for us so that you can feel better again. We hate to hear when you are feeling bad. And you know if you don’t do something we will nag you unmercifully until you see the doctor. We can be a big pain in the butt when we need to be. lol
We are getting some nice weather in the 70’s although it looks as if it may rain this morning.
Gail -
Weird. Yesterday I went to my page and clicked on Notifications and it showed me that other people had posted on this discussion. Today when I click on it it just keeps on sending me over to that sign in page. I hope they are still just getting the kinks out.
If you are looking to refriend people go to the part where it says members. Decide how you want them listed ex. alphabetically or what ever the other choices are. Then when you find someone that you want to friend you will see on the right hand side of the column a big friend request thing. Click it and wait for them to respond. You may not find all your old friends though. On the old site there were 6000 members-so far on this one there are only 3000. I found Debra and Sue but not Barbara and Debbie. I have no idea how they decided who to bring over and who not to. Or maybe they are eventually going to bring over the rest of them. It really doesn’t make any sense. I’m sure they are still working out the kinks. Hope this helps.
Gail -
Hi Gail,
I guess they are still working on the site. The old site is supposed to be up until September 15 th isn’t it. I think that I read it somewhere but not sure where. I would love to go back to the old site and stay on there but I guess we have not choice in the matter. It is better since we did find where we can post.
The way I fall all the time it looks natural for me to be on my side.lol It was nice of James to put me upright. It is much better then being on my side. I did not know that they were going to transfer our pictures over to this site. It is really nice that they did that.
I am trying to find a gastro but not having much luck. I am still trying to get in with my old doctor also. They said to keep checking back until they take my insurance. They are a new place. Right now my insurance does not recognize the doctor that I am seeing as my primary doctor. They still have doctor Ohara. Which is fine with me. That will give me time to find a good doctor in case i cannot go back to him.
I hope that Kendall has a better week at school then she did this week.She is such a sweet girl and it must be hard on all of you to see her go thru this all the time. Did Lachlan start pre school yet? I hope that he likes it. He has an easier time then Kendall doesn’t he? My group is all settled in and doing okay. My oldest grand likes high school but her sister does not like school at all. She got sick the second day and had to come home. Ron went to pick her up. They said that she was actually sick which she does to herself. I guess maybe she is a little like Kendall about new situations. She does not try to be perfect though. She has changed since she got older.
Our garden is just about done for. We are still getting cucumbers and peppers and that is about all. It would be nice if we were still getting tomatoes but they are done for. Sounds like you are have the same thing happen to you that happened to us with the tomatoes. Enjoy them while you can. I still have some tomatoes frozen and am thinking about thawing them out and making gravy for the winter. That sauce was really good or gravy. I wonder if it would work if I had the tomatoes frozen first. I will have to ask Adele.
Hope that Barbara comes on here soon. I am getting worried that she won’t.
Well that is about all from here have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Again Colleen,
You and I must have been on posting at exactly the same time. So when I went to my regular e-mail there was the message from you that you wrote on this discussion right in my e-mail. So we are getting notifications now. Except where the old way just had a link to go to the site to read what was posted I could read your whole posting right in my e-mail. If that makes any sense. Then at the bottom there was a link that I clicked on and it brought me straight to your posting. I think we must be the experimental guinea pigs. lol
Did anyone else have this happen?
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Yes there was an e-mail that said the old site would be open until Sept. 15. None of us like change but we have to come over here as we have no where else to go once they shut the old site down. At least our little group of regular chatters were all brought over as members-except for Barbara-so she may not even know about the change yet. Got an e-mail from Sue saying that she could not even get on the new site and they can’t even get back to her to help her until sometime this week. So it must be a work in progress right now.
I hope that you find a gastro doctor soon-especially if you are being bothered again. I know you feel like it is the same old thing but you still should have someone that can check it out.
Lachlan either starts school at the end of this week or the beginning of next. Preschool is only a half day three days a week now so it is not like going to kindergarten for a full day. Lachlan and Finn are in the same class and his Aunt is the head teacher there so things are pretty easy for him. I’m sorry that your grand got sick at school. I wonder shy she no longer likes school? Could it be the classes or a teacher or the other kids. When they do change like that it’s good to know why in case they are having some sort of problem.
I did e-mail Barbara last week to tell her about the change but if she doesn’t check e-mail regularly she may not see it for weeks. I check my mail every morning-there’s always something there even if it’s junk.
So far I don’t detect any other activity on this site but us. At least before someone else would come on and post something occasionally.
Gail -
Hello girls
Colleen- you can freeze the tomato’s and make a gravy/sauce later. You can also make the sauce, and freeze it. When we make one, we make a huge pot, and always freeze some. I will freeze some in a big bowl, for a big meal, and then some in a smaller bowl, for just me Tillie,and Gary to have a quick meal- then all you have to do is heat, and eat….of course make the pasta you like….LOL
So far, I just have you 3 as friends on here now.
Gail- I hope the kids have a good week in school. It is so hard when they do not take well to new situations. It breaks your heart to see them in pain. Heather is like that. She hates change, and gets very anxious about everything new. Bobby just rolls with the punches. JJ gets anxious. In every picture I have of him on the fist day of school he is holding his little hands together. He does that when he is anxious. In this town, they do not tell the kids which home room they are in, until the day before school starts. We think it is because all the parents want certain teachers, and they drive the school nuts to change their kids teachers. Hence, the mystery, and anxiety for the poor kids. Last year, JJ got the good teacher. I hope he is lucky again this year. He had a horrible Kindergarten teacher, who hated teaching. That was awful.
Colleen- Heather does that to herself. She actually vomits when she is anxious- all day long. She makes herself sick when she is upset, anxious, or something new is occurring h in her life. Like….Marissa driving, and going to college. Heather sat in the parking lot of the college, and cried, the day she took her to orientation. And….she is NOT living there. Can you imagine what she will do when Amanda or Marissa get married?
Hope all the kid shave a good week in school. We have another 2 weeks before we go.
Adele -
Hey- I do not see any posts form Cynthia??????
I’m here, just not as much with a lot going on these days. It’s been 115 again. We usually don’t see cooler weather until mid October and then it’s about 78-90. I gave away all my Halloween stuff because I have no where to store it. Got rid of the Christmas stuff too. I haven’t been celebrating any holiday the last three years. Didn’t even put a tree up. The only ones here are me and my husband, and the cats. And he works all the time. Same with Thanksgiving. I have no family now, and my husband has off Sunday and Monday, and lately he’s been working seven days a week. Saw a Quacker show the other day and almost ordered another top but decided to pay off six things I still am paying on. This is the last month THANK GOD. I am thinking of buying that $200 corrugated steal rack I saw last month on line. I need ONE more heavy duty one, then I can start buying again, LOL.
Hi Gail,
I have two friendship requests and I cannot figure out how to accept them. They came up once and i clicked on read but nothing came up. They was not place to accept them. I have your request and it went thru without a problem. Then I did the others in the regular group and they went thru. But now I cannot get them to go thru. I am about to scream and cussing under my breath. That is not good.lol
If you can help me out I would appreciate it.
Colleen -
At the top of this page is a note I wrote to Colleen telling her how to friend people. Colleen-I believe you accept the friending on your “my page.” -
Hi Gail,
I saw where Sue was over here now. We have to find out what is going on with Barbara. We really need her to be here with us also. She is such a big part of this group. We miss everyone that has not come over here. I wonder if Debbie is just not going to come over to the new site. She is really missed.
Brooklin would not tell us why she got sick. She does this every year though. She is still in the same school but in 8th grade. We cannot get her to tell us what is going on. She is something. She has been like this since she got into middle school. We will try to talk to her this week-end and see what is going on with her. She is a mess. She just has changed so much. Maybe she will do better when she gets to high school. She will try and take classes that her sister is not taking or took any time she was there.
It will be nice for Lachlan. He starts school with a friend already. It is nice that his aunt is in charge of the pre school. It will make it easier on both the boys. I forgot that the pre school always starts a week or two after the older kids. That is nice that they start out at just a half a day. A full day is hard on the little ones like that. Melissa has not said if she got Kaylee in pre school yet or not. I will have to check and see. I talked to her tonight but she did not mention it and I did not think to ask.
Well that is about all from here. I hope I can figure out how to accept friends on here. Please help if you can.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Thank you for letting me know that I can make the sauce with the frozen tomatoes. I will do that after it cools down and then freeze the gravy. (or sauce) I froze what I made last year and it was nice to have during the winter. My mom and everybody in the family really liked it. So need to make it again.
I am still having trouble on this site. If you can help me figure out how to accept friend requests that will be great. I have asked Gail but if you can help that would work great. I am desperate.
Your kids start really late compared to ours. Poor Heather. That is going to be rough on her if either kids decide to move away from your state. She may have to move with them.lol It was hard when my first one went to college but after that we were okay with it. We heard more from her after she went to college then we did when she lived at home. She was always on the go. Heather is lucky that Marissa is going to college close to home. Kids find out that they are not as big as they think.
It has been so nice here today. We have been outside just about all day. Sitting on the deck. Ron grilled tonight for dinner so I did not have to cook just a couple of salads. They were boxed salads so there was no work to that.
I cannot believe that we are so close to Labor day week-end. We usually go to the labor day picnic. They have all kinds of craft booths and good things to eat. They always have these potatoes and they cover them in cheese. They are so good. Ron likes to get a funnel cake also so we just by fattening food that day. We do not get any type of sandwich or anything good for you.
Sept. 3 there will be a Quacker tsv. I can hardly wait to see what it is. I think that it is going to be a dj. I am not sure but I think that it will be. If it is it will be interesting to see what they do with them this time.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
My memory is so bad. Here’s how i think I accepted a friend. Go to your my page and it either shows up there or click on where it says friends and the request will show up and then you can accept. Hope this helps.
I’m with Ron-love that funnel cake! Any carnival is worth it just for that.
I kind of thought that I remembered someone saying that there would be a TSV early in September. Going into fall I guess a DJ would be appropriate.
As for Barbara-i wrote her an e-mail and got no response. I guess if she wants to come on she knows where to find us. Last time I think she thought they were shutting the whole website to posts so maybe she still thinks that. I will try to contact her again before they shut down the old site. Maybe she didn’t get the e-mail with the temporary password yet. I think Debbie just does not feel like her old self and it’s just too hard for her to come on. I want to tell her that we don’t care if she writes her old style long funny posts or not-we just want “her.” But she just doesn’t seem up to it. We just have to see what the future will bring.
I think girls more so than boys start to change around middle school and of course a lot of them will just not talk about what they are feeling with their parents. I think I would check with the teachers also and see if they observe if she is being bothered by the other kids or what they think could be going on. If she doesn’t want to take any of the courses that her older sister took maybe she feels like she cannot compete with how well her older sister does and that makes her feel bad. Maybe try to find out what she loves to do and see if she can take courses that pertains to that. Didn’t one of them write and illustrate comic books or something like that? I can never remember the other sisters name-isn’t that weird?
Here’s a sample of how Kendall gets so easily upset. When she got home from school yesterday she told me that she lost her lunch box. Now i knew she would be upset so I asked when she had it last and then she told me she left it in the school room at the end of the day. I knew she was upset so I said the teacher would find it and put in in the lost and found at the office and it will be there tomorrow. Well she seemed satisfied with that. But when her mom got home and she told her she started crying and wanted Jenny to go back to the school and get it right then even though we both assured her that it would be there in the morning and Jenny would go in with her and get it in the morning. She just stresses over the small things so much. I wish I could just give her a big hug and tell her not to worry it will be all right but she is not a hugger at all. She needs not to be so pent up.
Yesterday Kendall and Piper were playing dress up and Lachlan wanted to put on this one dress with fairy wings attached so I helped him get into it. I so wanted to get my phone and snap a photo but i knew he wouldn’t let me. it would have been a great picture! All of them in their princess dresses. Piper (the ham) is the only one who will pose though.
I hope that I told you right about how to accept friends.
gail -
Hi Cynthia,
I didn’t get rid of all my decorations but I have scaled down on the amount that I use. I do like to put up some decorations though especially at Christmas because the pretty lights make me feel happier. I put up the trees because Santa leaves presents for the grandkids under our tree too. I have just cut down on the amount of stuff that I put out. The last two years our son helped me because he was living here and that was great. But I understand the feeling of not wanting to go through all that work just for yourselves. When it goes from being fun to being a chore that’s the time to reassess.
It’s tough to have no family left especially around holidays. How many siblings did you have? I have a brother and a sister who fortunately are still alive even though neither lives close by. My husband also has a sister and two brothers-so we are very, very lucky. Hope that you are having a good day.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
So here is the burning question-is saying gravy instead of sauce a regional thing or an Italian thing or a regional Italian thing. lol I wonder what Antonella calls it.
I can sympathize with Heather. When I was younger i would make myself sick over changes too. It’s something that you just really can’t control. Your emotions take over your physical body. I think we all shed some tears with each new step that our child takes in life-and when it is the youngest it feels like the end of an era and we kind of have to reassess what the next step will be for us too. Plus it just makes us feel darn older! lol As for the driving- when you live out in the country you say a big yahoo when your kid gets their license and you hand them the car keys because you have been carting them back and forth into town sometimes 2 or 3 times a day for the last 10 years for all their various activities and to visit their different friends.
Are you still watching AGT? I can’t believe that regurgitation guy is still on. I hope he gets kicked off this go round. I would not spend 2 cents to see his show in Vegas. I guess they’ll be announcing the DWTS cast in another couple of weeks too. Where did the summer go?
Gail -
hi Gail
I feel the same way- I cannot even look when the guy regurgitates. It is absolutely disgusting. Then, you hear the story of why he started to do it, and your heart bleeds for him. Still not enough to watch!
Calling it gravy is an Italian thing. Nobody in Italy calls it sauce, nor in East Boston, or the North End of Boston. things are changing with the newest generation, I would venture to say. A real Italian will still call it gravy. We have all laughed about that for years!
I keep telling Heather Rissy is not moving out. She will be home with you every day- enjoy it, it is not going to last much longer.
It is going to be very stormy here this afternoon. Thunderstorms, and then the big chance to less humidity. I am waiting for that!
I cannot wait to see the new cast of DWTS. I love the Fall for so many reasons- the smells, apple picking, apple crisp, hot apple cider donuts, Halloween, and then the new TV shows.
hope your weather is good!
Adele -
Gail and Colleen- the story about the kids in the fairy dresses is priceless!
hey Cynthia- we all have value pays going until next year….LOL
Hi Colleen
I just put on The Chew. They have had repeats all this week. I have watched some of them. I will see if today’s is a good one, or it will get shut off. they are doing a Luau today.
On Labor Day around here they do something in Town. Actually, I am not sure if it is Lay, or Columbus Day weekend- it is a Heritage Days thing. We have never gone to it, as we are usually in NH. We do not go to NH for weekends anymore. I know more about what they do, than here.
How are the kids doing in school? we still have 2 weeks before JJ goes back, and Marissa starts college. I heard that the Farmers almanac is predicting another bad winter. god help us!
Adele -
Hi colleen
I figured out how to accept friend, but still not how to ask for one. Sue friended me. I have not seen Barbara on yet. I know I read that Gail was in touch with her, and I hope she comes over.
Adele -
Okay girls to ask someone to be your friend go to the members list and click on the box to the far right of their name to ask them to be your friend. To accept a friend go to your my page and any requests should show up there and just click on them to accept.
Hi Adele,
Since you’re the good one with putting on pictures i noticed that there is a discussion page for photos on here. I wonder if you can post stuff there?
I know that I can no longer copy and paste into a discussion page. Already tried it several times. -
Hey Gailster!
Up-loaded the picture of the Eagle for a trip to the Zoo!
Adele -
Well ladies.
I was able to finally do the friend thing. I did find some of my old friends, but, it is a huge list, so I did not get through it all. I was also surprised at a name I found. I did not find Patrick’s name yet, nor Barbara’s….LOL I did find Angel’s, thank God!
I wonder is Angel will post another Halloween cake idea, like last year’s. I loved replicating that cake. It was so much fun!
OMG…..where did the Eagle picture go???????
Adele -
HI Gail,
I figured out how to accept friends. You got to notifications and hit on that and anyone trying to befriend will be there. So I have now accepted my friends. Now I would like to let you think that I did this on my own but I didn’t. I got a friend request on it on it they told me how to do it. I got an e-mail saying that i had a friend request and that is where it told me where to find it. I have not tried to friend anyone yet. I will try that next. This is just crazy. We are going to get this. I tell myself every time that I have trouble doing something.lol
I hope that we do not lose Barbara and Debbie. Even if they just check in once in awhile. That would be great. Just if they just say hi that would be good enough. We have lost too many people on here since I have began on here.
Kylie was the one that wrote the comic books and the illustrations. She has joined drama club and loves it. She has been in a couple of the school plays. She has not done as much writing as she use to. I hope that she takes that up again but do not know if she will or not. She does really good at it. She may turn out to be a play right. That would be funny if she did. Brooklin has not expressed what she wants to do. The last time that she said anything about what she wanted to be is when she wanted to be a princess. That was the last time she ever mentioned what she was interested in. She really did not want to grow up. She wanted to be little all her life. I think that is because she was afraid of going on in school These poor kids go to so many schools. The first school that they go to is k-2 then they got to another school that is 3-4 then they go to a different school that is 5 -6 and then they go to junior high and then to high school. That is a lot of changing schools. They started doing this when they started building new schools and not making them big enough to accommodate the kids. They did not think of what it would do to the kids. Every school has their own rules and they just get use to one school and then they are off to another one. I think that is one of the dumbest things that they did. It is so confusing. Kylie did not have it that bad they did not build the new school until she was a little older. Schools do not think of what they are doing anymore.
Poor little Kendall. She gets upset about a lot of things. Bless her heart. Maybe next year she will do better. She will be a little older. It has to be hard on her feeling that way. It is a shame that you cannot just give her a hug and make her feel better. Kids are so funny and they are all different.
That is so funny that Lachlan wanted to play dress up with the girls. I guess if you only have girls to play with at home you have to do what they are doing. It would have made a cute picture but he would have been upset with you for taking it. That is funny about Piper. She sound like a little cutie. She is going to be a lot of fun when she grows up.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
It sounds like we are all finding different ways to accept friends. I just did what they said to do and it worked. So who knows what will happen next time.lol
The kids really like school. I think that they were all ready to go back. They were getting bored with summer. I think the main thing that they miss is sleeping in in the morning. My grands like to stay up late and sleep until noon. The older two girls especially. The college kids have not started yet either. I am not sure when they start. I do not have anyone in college right now. I really hope that we do not for awhile. The grands are growing too fast.
The Chew has been a rerun for a long time. The new ones start on September 8th. I hope that they have some new recipes. I liked the one that they had on today. It was really good. I like the ones about parties. They did the surprise party yesterday and that one was funny. They do some things that kind of surprise you sometime. Well it is more what they say then what they do.
i hope that you get the cool weather that we have been having here. It is only in the upper 70’s and lower 80’s. We have been enjoying sitting out on the deck. I hope that the almanac is wrong about a rough winter again. I like the snow but I know that last year you got more then you share. I like cold weather better then the hot weather. I use to like all the activities that go on when it is cold outside and snowing. Now I cannot do that stuff anymore. We use to go sleigh riding and build snow men. We had our grands here and when our kids were young. Oh well things change and our kids have to take over where we left off.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
We did not get any rain at all form the thunderstorms- they passed north of us. So we had to water the garden again….LOL
I tried to post a picture yesterday, and it disappeared. let me know if you see a picture of an Eagle. This stinks, as I like to show you all cute pictures of baked goods, and decorations!!!
Our grands in Revere started school today, and I did not realize it. I assumed they started the same day as the Saugus ones, so I missed wishing them well. I will call them when they get home. These different starting times for all the schools is so confusing. The vocational school down the street starts Monday. The rest of them start the day after Labor day. How can we keep this all straight? At least your kids all start on the same day in your state.
Steph took the kids, and the dog to the beach last night. I will hear about this later, when they all get up. they have been sleeping real late.
After my doctor appointment tomorrow, I come back, and get Tillie in the car to go to the hairdresser. I am in the middle of a decision on my hair. I have let it grow out, and not dyed it in a biy. I am trying to decide if I am just going to give in, and let it go grey. So, I will really look like a witch on Halloween, with all the roots showing….LOL LOL The last time I did this, I gave in.
It is still humid here. I am dying for it to change. I have not sat out on the deck in 2 weeks. It is supposed to break this afternoon. Like you, I love the cooler weather, and the snow. But, last year was a little much. I have not even made the zucchini bread I planned to do this week…..maybe tomorrow.
Hope you are out on the deck with Ron, enjoying the weather before he does something bad that requires more potato soup!
Adele -
Hi Girls,
I looked around and didn’t find an eagle picture anywhere. i wonder if Quacker is using the same server as the Q. Somehow I feel that there is a sameness to the look of their websites now. Or I’m just seeing things-that could be it also.
I wonder why when I took the garbage out this morning no one ever picked it up. Now I have to go out and bring it in again. Last time this happened they supposedly picked it up at five in the morning which is weird as they usually pick it up at 2 in the afternoon. Oh well. Good thing we have a second can.
So Adele-what did they finally name that puppy? I like the cooler weather but I could skip the snow. Too hard to get around.
Colleen, I agree with Kylie-I want to be a princess too. I think that I have been working on that my whole life. Our kids go to several different schools too. They just built a nice new K-3 a few years ago too. I think the smaller towns end up with the grades more separated because they have growth spurts and unless you are a really wealthy school district you can’t just abandon one school to build a whole new huge one. With schools being taxpayer funded here it just doesn’t allow it and sometimes schools are not set up for additions. Especially the older ones. The kids are usually with their same friends at the different schools so that makes it easier. There was tons of overcrowding when Brent and Jenny went to kindergarten and they attended the junior high for kindergarten. They basically kept them in one end of the school so they wouldn’t have to deal with the older kids.
Talking about dress up-somewhere i have photos of when Jenny and her friend Kim talked their brothers into letting them put on dress up clothes and lipstick. Funny pictures!
I’m glad that everyone is finding their way around here. It’s not that bad. Except for the picture part. I guess they want to keep it confined to just Quacker stuff.
My SIL had the bone marrow biopsy today. Won’t get results for two weeks-so keep praying.
Gail -
Good evening girls
How did all the children do in school? Are they all settling in? I told Heather about all of them today, and she looked so sad. It reminded her of how much she hated changes in school.
We were wondering- Colleen- why do the kids have so many different schools in your area? That must be extremely hard. A parent could have kids in 4 different schools at one time.
Gail- How are you doing- I have not seen any post from you today.
I have not seen anything form Cynthia, either.
Gary’s doctor appointment went well today. One stint s out. We were shocked to see it is about 10 to 12 inches long. We thought it was a tiny little thing. I think ignorance in these situations is a o good thing.
Hope everyone is doing well, and that your day was good!
PS……cannot find the picture of the Eagle I posted, so I am doing it again- hope it works this time! -
Hi Gail
You must have been typing the same time I was. Now, I get it with the different schools thing. I am continually amazed at how different things are in this country. That is what make sit all interesting.
Believe it or not….Puppy, is still Puppy……LOL LOL I vote to leave him Puppy. Steph says that when JJ goes to a friend’s house, Puppy gets very sad, and keeps looking for him. Can you imagine when JJ goes to school? Poor puppy.
Two more weeks to Halloween decorating…let the fun begin!!! Did any of you do the pumpkin cake last year, that Angel made? I think I am going to do it again, as it was so much fun. I hope I can do the hot apple cider donuts, which I wanted to do last year, and never got to do. I just love the smell of pumpkin, spices, and apple in the Fall. I have one more harvest of basil for another Pesto Sauce. the balis just did not grow fast this year at all.
I am glad that your SIL had the procedure, and that is all over. Now, we will all pray for a good outcome. How is she feeling?
I do not see the second picture I posted, either….what is up with that?????
Have you heard anymore on Barbara? She is so funny, and we all love to hear her stories, and know that she is all right.
Did you see the new Quacker Turkey shirt they email’d us about….it is on the way to my house…..LOL LOL
Adele -
Hey everybody,
I posted a new page here about Q-Shopping. I closed my account to save me from over spending. I paid it off and decided I would just use my debit card and now the Q has decided to only allow Q card people to use easy pay. They just lost me as a client.
Hi Cynthia
I am sorry you are having trouble with shopping on QVC. I did nto know you can only use the easy pay when you use your Q card, because I w always use it.
Adele -
I think that easy pay with the Q card is a brand new promotion that just started up to get more people to sign up for the card. Perhaps a call to customer service to learn the full policy might be in order.
Gail -
I posted another reply on your discussion topic.
Gail -
Good idea Gail!
I like to use the Q card, so I do not mind. I try not to buy anything that I cannot pay for in that month, so I love the easy pays. It is a good way to get what you want, and still pay off the bill each month in full.
Adele -
Hi Girls,
You are right Adele a parent could have kids in four different schools here too if they were spread apart enough.
I never pictured a stint as being that long either. I guess ignorance is bliss! Now the thought kind of makes me squirm. I imagine it’s even worse for Gary being the person who it was inside of.
No eagle picture. But then why under General Quacker chatter is there a discussion topic for posting pictures. I’m still trying to figure that one out.
I too have always enjoyed coming on here and learning how different people across the country live and do things in different ways and call things by different names. Two of my favorites were calling the grandfather Pawpaw-that was from Barbara. I knew they did that in the south because Kim called her grandfather PawPaw but I just liked to hear Barbara talk about him. The other thing we discovered is that there are no fireflies/lightening bugs west of the Mississippi. That was prompted by me doing research after a conversation with Debbie about how they weren’t in Oregon but she used to see them as a kid at her grandmother’s in Minnesota. I always said all the different women from across the country reminded me of when we had childhood pen pals.
Puppy/no name will adjust when JJ goes to school-Steph will just have to pay more attention to him. How’s he doing on housebreaking and such?
I never tried making that pumpkin cake. You have all those people at your house to admire it. We just like to eat the stuff so there’s no point in making it look too fancy and spending extra time when we are just going to gobble it down.
I have to e-mail my SIL this morning to see how she is feeling. Now is the long wait for results.
That turkey shirt is winging my way also. Plus the acorn shirt.
There will be a TSV next week so maybe there will be more fall/Halloween to see then.
Gail -
Hi Gail
We have only noticed fireflies in NH, back when we went up there. Once the kids were her late in June, and we saw them in the backyard. But, usually here, we do not venture into the grass at night….LOL Everyone (me and Ga) are too tired, and in our recliners by 8pm.
I have been horrified by the snakes in Barbara’s pot on her deck….I would have moved. Not to mention the snakes that are biting poor Colleen’s dog every summer. I have seen a couple of snakes in the yard, but, they were run over by our landscaper….LOL Then, there is the story of my neighbor and the family of snakes, that almost resulted in his house going up for sale. Here it is:My neighbor hates snakes. Really hates them. One nice weekend day, he was blowing/sucking the leaves on the other side of our fence. He went into his garage to empty the blower/sucker, and all that was heard throughout the neighborhood was blood curdling screams. We all went running over to find our neighbor huddled in the corner of his garage, with baby snakes everywhere. He had inadvertently sucked up a family of snakes. Our very macho other neighbor came to the rescue, and got all the snakes out of the garage. I do not believe my neighbor EVER got any more leaves out of that area again. Every once in a while, we all have a good laugh about it, and tease him. He has made it clear that if he ever encountered another snake in his yard, he told his wife they are moving back to the city, where there is all concrete. I do believe he scared the snakes enough, to have them alert all their friends to the danger in his yard, and no such sighting was ever seen again. I could write a children’s book on that story. LOL LOL
heather was at Steph’s last night. She said Puppy is being called Captain, but Steph wants to change the name, and Puppy does not respond to Captain. So, I asked what does he respond to….the answer was….”Hey You”. Oh dear. I think I will suggest this name…Hiyo.
I am glad we both got the Fall shirts, before they are out of stock. I still have the Love shirt in brown on waitlist!
the Pumpkin cake was a chocolate bundt, with the orange frosting- it would taste good, no matter the shape. We had it for Halloween, I think, or just before Halloween- did one of my chocolate cake recipes. the Q did a box cake. Those are not allowed in this house. There is a sensor at the threshold that prevents any pre-packaged baked goods from entering, with an alarm that goes directly to the police department…LOL.
Hope all my Quacker buddies are having a good day!
Adele -
Hi Adele and Gail,
We have all kinds of stuff here In Nevada. My back yard these days has chameleons and lizards. Everything is desert rock and concrete and they thrive on it. In the last place we had tarantulas on our front and back porches about the size of your hand. They are harmless. They have fur and you can feed them bugs and lettuce. We had a lot of scorpions that used to get in the house but after we got the cats we had ZERO bugs anywhere. Saved us hundreds on exterminators.I also had something called RIDDEX plugged into the walls and we also had no bugs when we used those things in a third house we had. I wonder if RIDDEX works on snakes. I know it works on Possums and rodents. We used RIDDEX when we had a place in upstate NY. We had three plugged into wall outlets. It has something to do with ultrasound. It drives them crazy and they leave. I think I like the old site better.I can’t read the print here.
Hi Cynthia,
You must be a long time QVC watcher as I remember them selling those Riddix things on there years ago. I often wondered if they worked. I remember when my Mom lived in Florida the little chameleons would get into the house sometimes. Plus they have fire ants and our son stepped on an ant hill when he was about three and got some bad stings from them-the poor little guy. I don’t understand either why the words are so tiny and close together when you are writing your post and then when you actually post it they get bigger and more readable. Maybe they can fix that eventually when they get their other kinks worked out.
Gail -
Hi Cynthia
I think those chameleons would be cute to see, as well the lizards. I do not think I would love the tarantulas, though. It is amazing the different creatures we have in our back yards. We do have coyotes. Bobby sees them when he goes to work early in the morning in the winter, and sometimes at night in the summer. The last one I saw was in the spring, when I was going to pick up Amanda at the Mall one night, after she finished work. They are so creepy looking, and big. You definitely know it is not a dog.
I have not seen the bunnies in a while. I hope the coyote did not eat them. the last time I saw them I was coming home at night, and there was a family of bunnies on the front lawn. they are so cute.
Adele -
Boy Adele,
You are strict no outside baked goods allowed in the house. We would have no desserts then as I hardly ever bake anymore. Which is weird as I always preferred homebaked cakes and especially cookies over store bought. I think my cooking always leaned more toward the supper time meal. However I loved to play around with different appetizers when we used to entertain at home. And when the kids were home I baked a couple of times a week. Please don’t faint but I always made brownies from a box. lol Jenny and Greg love brownies so I made them a lot.
It’s been so nice here this week with temps in the low 70’s-next week it will be in the 90’s.
I wonder if Colleen is not feeling well as she has been missing for a couple of days and mentioned being sick lately. I hope she finds a gastro soon and gets those problems taken care of.
Gail -
Oh Gosh Adele-We have a veritable zoo here coyotes,fox,raccoon,opossum,skunks,wild turkeys,deer. Cranes which come to try and eat the koi that we chase away. We have had a duck couple at the pond a couple of years. All kinds of birds including the crazy head bashing cardinal who finally gave up after mating season.
Hi Gail
I love to bake, as it is like therapy to me. If I am having a bad day, I always feel the need to bake something. I am wiritng down a recipe for you for brownies. It is called “wicked easy brownies”combine ingredients in order:
1 cup flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
2 cups sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
3 eggs (I use Jumbo)
1/2 cup melted butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tsp vanillaoven at 375, grease a 9×13 pan, bake for 25 to 30 minutes
If you have a convection oven, do not use the convection cycle.These are so easy, and it is everyone’s favorite brownie over here. Up do not even have to get your Kitchen aid mixer dirty!
I am also wondering about Colleen. I hope she is not sick or hurt herself again. Also hoping she had no damage in any of the rain storms that went through. Lets hope it is just her computer.
We actually turned off the air this morning. First time in a month. Even with the Solar, the combined bill for Solar and National Grid was a little over 400.00. We usually top a bill of 700 to 800 in the summer months when it is on non-stop, so that is still good. I cannot imagine what it would have been without the Solar, as we got a 50% increase in the rate for National Grid, just after we installed the Solar System. It is the best thing we have ever done. The last few months, I actually got a credit from National Grid- can you imagine running a credit on your electric bill?
I am sitting here waiting for Sears to come for the dishwasher. I think the arm on the top rack is gone, as the glasses are not coming clean. Another fun activity for a Friday….LOL
Hope everyone is having a more exciting day than that.
Adele -
Hey Gail
We have a pair of ducks that come every Spring. They sit on the cover of the pool, and swim around. They do not come after the pool is open. How funny is that!
I have seen one family of turkeys that were in the neighborhood, only once. we do have a lot of pretty birds that I feed- some very little yellow ones that are adorable. Our cardinals do not slam themselves into the window, at least that I have noticed. I did see one red tailed Hawk last Fall. He came only once, and never saw him again. I was able to get a couple of pictures, but, not good ones, as he heard me when I moved to a window that was closer to his view, and flew away. If I could have opened a window, I would have had a great picture.
I really enjoy seeing the cute animals and birds. I am a big fan of the chipmunks.
I am glad that poor cardinal finally stopped abusing himself….LOL -
Hi Adele,
Your kids did start early this year. They all start about the same time here. Some start three days later then the others. The college always starts later then the regular schools.I never did understand that but that is how they do it. I wonder if it has to do with some of the teachers having kids. I do not know for sure. That is just a guess.
I have not seen a picture of an eagle yet. I wonder if they put it somewhere else. There is not telling on this site. I think that they are figuring this all out still They just have to close down that other site by Sept. 15th. That is all I can figure out. I think that this site gets easier as we go along. Not that I understand any better at least we can get on here and found how to add friends and accept them. That is more then I could do at first. We just have to hang in there until we figure it all out.
It is hard to decide if what to do with our hair. Mine is always short. It is getting so thin that if I let it grow it looks terrible. My hair is highlighted and it covers the grey or you do not notice it as much. You do not have to do it as often as having it dyed. At least that is what I was told. It also makes your hair look thicker or at least mine. You probably do not need that though. I wish that my hair was as thick as it was when I was younger. I guess that is just another thing that you lose as you get older. Some of us do.
Our cool weather is leaving us. We are supposed to be back in the 90’s next week. I do not like that hot weather but it will not last long. We have to keep remembering that our hot weather will not be around much longer. Fall will be here soon and we will all be a lot more comfortable. We did sit on the porch for awhile but then came back in. I am ready to turn off the air for the year and open all the windows. That is the best time of the year.
Well that is about all from here. I hope that JJ enjoyed school. My grands really like it. I think that they were bored with summer vacation.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
That is terrible that they are making your sil wait so long for the results of the test. That will give her more time to worry. That is not right to do that to someone. They scare you before they do the test and then make you wait for what seems forever. At least she has her boyfriend with her to help her thru it. I will be praying for her.
Here they felt that we needed new schools the old one were to costly to run. So they built these new schools and they were not big enough for all of the kids. We none us understand why they did it and now everyone is a little angry. They are going to have to build on to the high school because now it is too small. Unless they decide to build a new school for the Juniors and Seniors. That is about their speed. The halls are so crowded you would not believe that it is a new school. It is a mess.
We did not have fun with our daughters dressing a brother in girls clothes. They did miss out on a lot of good times with a brother. They did not have the youngest to pick on either because she was so much younger then they were they watched out for her. It is funny how different girls are.
I thought that maybe the q-card thing is a promotional deal. I do not have a q card. I just use my card that I have. I just do not pay attention to it all. If I want it bad enough I will buy it. If I cannot get it on the card that I have I just will not get it. I does not matter to me. I do not know how this thing will work for them. It may drive people away from QVC and to the other shopping channels. You never know how these things are going to work out. Like I said though it may save me some money.lol
We are like you Gail where we live.We have all kinds of wild creatures that run around here. They usually do not bother you if you do not bother them. I had to laugh at Adele’s story about her neighbor. That probably would not happen again in a million years. That is too funny.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
Two weeks is a long wait for those test results for my SIL. Her old boss asked her to come back and help with the back to school rush so she is doing that-so that should help her keep her mind off the waiting. The Chicago public schools have uniforms and the stores that she worked at sold the uniforms so there is always a big pre Labor Day rush.
Are the schools by you funded primarily by property taxes? That’s how it’s done around here-so basically the richer school districts have the better educational systems.
I have a Q card-but you can still use any other card that you have. The Q card just gives you the 3 easy pays automatically. Sometimes i don’t even notice if something is on easy pay or not. For a smaller item I just want to pay it and get it over with. In any case that whole three easy pay thing could change any time. I doubt it will be like that forever.
Hoping that we will be getting an e-mail soon about what the new TSV for Quacker will be. I hope it will be something that I like.
It’s raining here today. I hope the people in Florida don’t get hit by a hurricane.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
It must be the week of waiting for service men. I was waiting for Stephen(you better not call him Steve) Yikes!-earlier in the week. Got that all taken care of.
We have whole flocks of wild turkeys that come through our yard in the summer and fall. I like to see the chicks in early summer. It’s funny how the turkeys disappear around mid November. Now that you mention it we used to have tons of chipmunks and I haven’t noticed them the last couple of years. I wonder where they went? Maybe the guy from Caddyshack got them. lol They did make a lot of annoying holes though. I guess Greg posted a video taken by his drone of the koi pond. Other people have remarked that they have seen it-I have not since I’m not on Facebook.
Thanks for the “wicked easy brownies’ recipe. That must be a Boston recipe.
How great that the solar has worked out so well. What is the National Grid? is that your electric company. Ours in called Commonwealth Edison. Another interesting difference.
Gail -
Hi girls!
First, I have to say, I am so glad we heard from colleen- we were all ‘s, with the dam humidity coming back.getting worried.
I had the air off for a day. It will go on again today, as it will be in the 80’s. with the dam humidity coming back. I am going to bake this afternoon, as Steph and the kids are coming tomorrow for dinner. I have been dying to make zucchini bread, and I have to do brownies too. I am dying to try out my new Temptations Pumpkin baking dish! hence the brownies….LOL
JJ is the only one who starts school on the 8th of sept, along with Marissa’s college.I am still trying to find my way around here, but, it is getting better. So how bad is that when we got that Fall email form Quacker, that there was nothing I did not already own????
Speaking of that……Rissy calls me at about 9am, asking if I could locate a Witch hat for her to wear to work. She works at Yankee Candle, and they are debuting the new 2015 Bony Bunch Halloween collection. Took me less than 30 seconds, as I was in my bedroom when she called, and all I and to do was walk to the closet, and pull it out. Actually, she had 3 bedazzled Witch Hats to choose from. So, I called her back and said, “Whose Nana can get their hands on 3 witch hats in less than 30 seconds?” Rissy answered….”My Nana, of course!” Only a true Quacker can pull that one off, my dear friends.We have several friends in Florida who are getting nervous. I hope the storm weakens, and they just get some rain. Hurricane season is starting with a bang. We still have no rain up here- go figure!
Colleen- I have been thinking of doing the highlight thing. I just do not know if I can do that myself. The new hairdresser I go to does only cuts, I think. I will have to call and see. I like them because it is very easy to get into the salon. The ones that do all the fancy dyes, etc, are very hard to get into- stairs, on the street parking, etc.
Gail- National Grid is our electric company here- every state has a different name- weird!Oh yes- the name is definitely a Boston thing. But, strangely enough, I got that recipe from King Arthur company. I have a whole cookbook on brownie recipes, and they are fabulous, but take a whole lot more time. One is a black and white brownie one, a milk chocolate brownie, an extra fudgy brownie, and a checkerboard brownie one. they like all of them. But this easy one is so easy, and I get no complaints, so why torture myself! LOL LOL
The service calls went well- dishwasher is all fixed, for way less than a new one. We talked to the cable man, and now have another appointment to up-grade to that Xfinity X 1 box. the last time we tried, they said our house wiring could not accommodate it. this guy, said there was a way, and he told me what to say to the cable people to get it done. So, we will try again. the new system has one recorder box, and you can view the recordings on any other TV in the house, when they install a different box for those TV’s. The extra boxes cost less than the additional DVR boxes we have in 3 rooms now- half the cost. Yo only pay the larger cost on the main box, so we will actually save 20.00 Not bad, I say. I hope it works this time!
Gail- we are all still praying for good results for your SIL. How is she feeling?
By the way, Greg is so funny with his drone!
Hope everyone has a good day- now I cannot longer post a pic of my baking, in my new dish!!!!
Hi Colleen,
I’m not sure how to reply to stuff on here. We still have 108 here. Things cool down Halloween. I have my hair cut in 33 layers and a hair dresser does it once a week. It’s a medium shag like you see in my picture. In the 80’s it was real long and the top was ala Rod Stewart/ Now it just Rod Stewart LOL. I have my hair dresser do it and it comes out nice with no spiking. That’s one thing I can say is everyone likes my hair. People want to get their hair fuller and i tell them it all about the cut and layering.
Hi Gail,
That is nice that you sil is going back to work for awhile. That will really help. I hope that it will keep her mind off of things for awhile. We are praying for her. I hope that by some chance they will give her the results sooner then she thought they would.You never know about these doctors.
They are supported by taxes and then they want us to vote on bond issues to give them more money. Well here lately they are not getting the money. People feel like they have wasted it. It is like that with most of the schools in mo. I do not understand how they can spend so much money and have so little to offer the kids. I guess it is just me but I do not feel that schools are as good as they were when our kids were in school. They definitely do not learn as much as we did when we were in school. I better stop and not start complaining about the schools.
I will still use my other card. It is something that they have started and like I said that if it is something that I really want I will get it but if not then I won’t. That is usually how I do it now. Well I guess I always have.
I am hoping so too. They never make us wait this long to get a peak of the tsv. It is not even in the Insider magazine. I was a little disappointed. They have all these other products that they show but not quacker. I guess people start ordering and they sell out faster. I do not know I am probably wrong.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good rest of the week-end
Colleen -
Hi Cynthia- you go to the bottom of the page, and then write in the “reply to” section. then scroll further, and hit the submit button. You must be doing it as your posts do show up.
I bet your hair is a lot thicker than mine. Mine is all layered, but it does not look as thick as yours.
Adele -
Hi Girls
I wonder if the TSV will be the Dream Jeannes. Have you noticed they have new colors and you canno0t see them? That is why I think it t it s the Jeannes.
Adele -
I don’t like them. They are too heavy and in Nevada it has to be 65 before I even wear pants. That’s the thing I hate about living here . I have all these great fall sweaters and a ton of Halloween sweaters and NONE of them get worn. Every year it’s still 100 here. Until THAT weekend. So I end up wearing one on Halloween. I have a ton of really cute ones too. It’s too bad.
Hi Adele,
You can either use the cap or foil to do the high lights. I go to this young girl that has a small shop in the town close to us. It only has one chair in it. So she makes time for anyone that wants something done to their hair. She is young so have to help her with my old style hair. lol She is good though.
I bet your brownies will look really cute with you putting them in the pumpkin baking dish. Will they be in a shape of a pumpkin? I have a lot of zucchini in the freezer. I am waiting for it to cool down so I can start baking. It has been to hot and humid for me to bake. You are a brave lady to bake in all this heat. Even with the air it gets really hot in here when the oven is on. Can you bake bread in a ninja? I know they have an oven setting but do not know if it will work for that or not. That would be nice you would not have to turn the oven on.
I hope that all of your friends are safe and they do not get hit by the bad storms. It seems odd that it is hurricane weather now. It is getting to the end of our storm season. I guess it will depend on how bad the hurricanes get in certain areas. I would not want to live in Florida for that reason. I guess they do not want to live in our area because of the tornadoes. I guess it is all what you are use to. I sure do like our winters though.
That is good news that your dish washer is fixed. We cannot get cable out where we live we have to have dish or some other satellite company. I will think of it when I get off of here. We hear from them a lot wanting us to switch to their company. My mind is gone tonight. I need a new brain.lol
I must have missed something. What is up with Greg and his drone. I hope that he is having fun with it. Did you hear what Clinton Kelly said about drones? He said that it is okay to have one but one flew over his backyard he was going to put it down. It was funny. We could not watch the chew for about 3 days because Dish and channel 30 were having a disagreement and it took that time to settle it. I was gald that it was settled that fast as I do not like to miss the chew and it is almost time for DWTS to be coming on. Have you heard who is going to be on there this year? I have not heard a word. I love to watch that show. Hope that they have people on there that I know. That makes it better.
Well that is about all from here. We will miss your pictures. I am sure they will come up with a way to post them again. At least I hope that they do. How will get to see all those goodies that you bake.
Colleen -
Hi Cynthia,
My hair is past layering. It is really thin. I do not know if it is because of the medicine that I take or what it is but It has really thinned out. My hair is really short and I just keep it that way. So I can blow dry it or let it air dry and it does not make that much of a difference. I have learned that if you comb it all forward and then comb it back it will be a little fuller that way. Not as much as it needs to be but good enough.
Your temps are a lot higher then our are. We have been in the 90’s and the humidity is high. We had a few days where it barely got up to 80 and the humidity was low so we could sit on the deck. It was nice.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Hi Colleen,
I was supposed to take this drug Topomax for my MS and I refused to take it. First thing I found out was hair loss. My mother was on a myriad amount of drugs and she lost all her hair the year she died.It made her very unhappy. she used something called Toppix and it made a word of difference. Her hair dresser put it on her hair after she washed and dried it and it made her hair 50% fuller.F irst time I heard of it was on QVC ten years ago, and then she ordered it right from the factory. It’s a powder they put in the hair and then a haor spray that goes with it. It doesn’t come off either until you wash it again. It costs about $80.00 for a can of it and the spray and she would buy it every six months. QVC also sells this lifting and filling spray by Jose Eber that works pretty good too.
Hi Adele,
I was pretty much in the same boat as you when they sent out that e-mail about the Fall Quacker. I already own a lot of it. I think you and I like a lot of the whimsical things with the pictures on them. I am definitely not a quiet Quacker! lol
I love the story about Rissy and the witch hat. Of course you can get your hands on one in 30 seconds! lol It reminds me of when Greg and I were first married and my family was always surprised because it seemed like anytime you needed something Greg had it in the trunk of his car whether it be a tool or a microphone etc.
I get my hair dyed to cover the gray and then I also get hilites put in twice a year and a haircut every six weeks when I get my roots done. That is my big indulgence that I do just for me. I have gone to Emillee for many years now and I enjoy going there just to relax and have some “girl” time. I have gone through several different colors and styles over the years. When I first went to her she was working for someone else who had a shop in their home. Then the woman moved the shop to downtown Harvard and she and Emillee had a falling out and Emillee ended up opening her own shop. She’s a great colorist-I always get compliments on my hair color from total strangers and I make sure I let her know what people say-it makes her feel good. She is easy to get to-has a parking lot right out in front. I usually can park right in front of the door.
Not only can’t you post pictures here but I cannot copy and paste like I used to either. So there will be no more cute pictures at the beginning of each new month’s discussion. Oh well-it is what it is.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I told my SIL the same thing as you. Maybe the results will come in quicker than she was told.
I agree with you about the educational system. Only I actually think it was better when Greg and I went to school than when our kids went. We were always surprised that some things that we considered common knowledge they were not even taught. I think that they have really dumbed down the educational standards over time. I know I’m getting old when there’s just another example of things being better in the “good old days.”
What we were talking about was Greg’s posting of movies on Facebook of the koi pond taken by the drone and people telling me they liked them but i have never seen the movies because i am not on Facebook. They are going to have to start regulating drones soon before someone interferes with an airplane and causes a tragedy. Just like anything else there are a lot of irresponsible drone users.
I have read some online leaks about the cast of DWTS-whether they are true or not i don’t know-I’ve read that Bindi Irwin will be on, Victor Esponoza(triple crown jockey), Chaka Khan, Nick Carter from the Backstreet boys, a young married couple actor and actress and some internet youtube young guy. I’ve also heard rumors of Paula Deen-don’t know if there is any truth to them or not. I guess we’ll find out soon if there’s any truth to these leaks. You can’t seem to keep anything secret anymore. Except maybe Jennifer Aniston’s wedding-not that it mattered as my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail anyway. That reminds me of when we got a save the date card for a 50th anniversary way last summer. Since the cards were sent out Greg, Tim and a couple other choir members had a falling out with the husband of the anniversary couple and so we never received an invitation to the party after getting the save the date card. It was pretty funny and we made lots of jokes about it but I’m sure that was not good manners according to Emily Post.lol
Gail -
Hi Cynthia
Wow. Your area stays extremely hot. I love the Fall, and would really miss it. that is one reason I will not go south. I have a lot of friends who say they want to go, and I remind them of the beauty of the changing seasons. Also hate humidity. Really hate humidity. ink you get the humidity where you are- I could be wrong.’A
It’s hot here but humidity is very low. That’s the only thing that makes it bearable. It’s also great for my hair because it’s a dry heat. My hair stays nice for a whole week and never goes limp.
Hi Colleen
Greg posted a picture on Facebook, I think, of their coy pond, and lots of people were commenting on it. It sounds like it was a fabulous shot.
I did hear Clinton Kelly’s drone comment, and I laughed like crazy. Did you see the Modern Family segment where they shot a drone down in their backyard, that was creeping on them in the pool? It was hilarious.
I just looked at the celebrities to be on DWTS- the only one I know is Chakka Khan.
that is aggravating about Dish. That is the one thing you do not get with ac they seem to have good relationships with all the channels. Their cost is a lot higher, though. Gary’s only hobby is his TV, so we have to suck up the cost. then add that we have Bobby, and Tillie, with their TV’s too. Everyone puts in for the bill, so it is not that bad when you share it.
I put the air on real high when I bake, so it is not that bad. on a real bad day, I would not think of baking at all. yesterday was not too bad- 80’s,but that miserable humidity!
The kids are coming today for dinner. I am making Pesto sauce, with linguini, and Bobby is doing the rest….BBQ.
Hope your Sunday goes well!
Adele -
Hi Gail
We had a hairdresser for over 25 years. The problem was her place was not up-dated, and the chairs were very hard to get in and out of. they had this huge bar in front that you had to put your feet into ,and then get in the chair. Tillie was tripping all over the place, and it was annoying me. Then I found out I was getting charged twice as much as other salons. My cut- no blow dry- was 29.00, Tillie’s perm was 95.00. The other salons were charging from 15.99 to 19.99 for a cut with no blow dry, and the perms were about 75.00. So, between the uncomfortable salon, the prices, and the fact I called her twice to come o to the house to cut my hair when I was laid up, and she promise dot come and did not. I was done. That is when I started to look around for a more comfy salon, and discovered the price differences.
I used to have her dye my hair, but that price got way out of control, and I never liked the color. Heather has a beautician’s license, and had me go to the supply shop to get new color dye. The man there set me up with a color, and then added some blue “to make it pop”, he said. I have been using those dyes ever since. But, here is the problem. My hair is so grey, and very light grey- almost white. Whine it starts to grow out, it makes me look like I am bald, because you see the white on the scalp, and it looks like my scalp. It only takes 2 weeks for it to show. So, I only look good for 2 weeks. hence my idea of letting it grow out. I am still not sure. I am so conflicted over this. Gary says just let it go. I may give it one more try, of a highlight to see if I can live with that. But, it would be a platinum blond highlight, and I have never done blond well. HELP !!!! I need some miracle.
Rissy said everyone loved the hat, as she chose the biggest brim, fanciest one I have. She is working again today- with the hat.
The kids, who are not working, are coming for dinner. Amanda and Rissy are working. I am making the Pesto Sauce, with linguini. Bobby is doing the rest- a BBQ. This is the last weekend for the pool- we are closing it next weekend. The end of summer is coming!
I just purged my Quacker. I am finally getting rid of everything a size down…..LOL I may as well admit, I am not going to lose a ton of weight, so they may as well go. I hope this week to have the time to take pics, and load them onto Ebay. You cannot believe how fast they disappear. A lot of them I never even wore, as they were far down in my bench….LOL I tend to buy every color on something I like.
That is funny about Greg. With Gary, everything imaginable is in the shed, or in his office.
I am sad we cannot post anymore pics. I liked to show you all what I have been up to. Now, we will just have to do good descriptions.
hope your day is going well!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I’ve never watched dancing with the stars. I do the true crime thing on OWN late at night, the English shows on PBS and Bravo. I skim over Bravo and see if something is worth watching and if the drama is too much I watch a movie. I also watch Discovery.My father did hair and make up for MGM and Paramount Pictures for 30 years and he had salons everywhere. I never paid for anything until he died. Right now i pay only to wash and style, about $35.00 a week. Hair cuts are free for me. I color once a month for $65.00.I found someone who learned the same way my father did.I used to do my own hair after my dad died until my MS went into progression. I’ve used a hair dresser for the last ten years. It’s easier and i never have to mess with any thing now. I keep a separate web site to show pictures There is a link below here where you can upload a picture. It’s the box below this e-mail.
Let me know if you can see my picture.
Cynthia -
PS: Nope, it doesn’t work. I contacted the webmaster. Cynthia
Hi Cynthia.
I am wondering if they just do not allow pictures on here anymore.
Adele -
Cynthia- there is no other link below this one.
You should watch DWTS some day- you would enjoy it. they take stars who have never danced, and they work with them to look like the pros. It is just pure fun, no thinking needed….LOL
Adele -
Actually on my site there is. Look: Below there is a button to upload:It’s underneath the bottom here It doesn’t show up on this page I cut and pasted. It is below TO BETTER EXPLAIN YOUR QUESTION OR ANSWER, YOU CAN UPLOAD SCREEN SHOTS. Scroll all the way down on the reply page. It’s there.
Reply To: Hi Girls-Here’s Celebrating the Dog Days of August Part 2
You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
To better explain your question or answer, you can upload some screenshots.
Hi Girls,
I found the picture of the eagle. YEA!!!!!!!!!! Look at the post to Gail and at the bottom there is an attachment and I hit that and there was the eagle. It is a really good picture. It is worth taking a look at. I cannot believe that I found it. I never find anything.lol
Gail, I think that you are right about them not making the classes like they should be. They let them take calculators into the class room or use the one on their phone and us lap tops. What is the point of them going to school. They could sit at home and do all of that stuff. We use to have to figure our math out on paper and there were no machines in the classroom to help us. I can remember the nuns telling us that we could not use our fingers or our toes. They thought that was funny. I do think that some of the kids would have tried it to show them that they could. lol
The married couple that is going on DWTS is the girl that played on Spy Kids. I do not have a clue to who her husband is. Thanks for the info on the ones that you heard about. It should be an interesting show. The young couple is the first married couple that is on the show together. It should be interesting to see how it plays out. At least they will be going thru this together.
You did not get your invitation to Jens wedding. I will send you snap shots of it.lol I do not even know when they are getting married. I hope that this marriage works better for her then the first one. I really liked her. I guess that is how life is in Hollywood. I would never want to live there.
I bet the pictures of the koi pond were really pretty. I am not on face book either. So will never know. Maybe one day we will get enough internet that I can watch any movies at all. Ron is funny about the internet. There are two things that are important right now. Enough internet and our satellite. That is about the only two things that I do anymore. When I get sick it is nice to have these two things to keep me busy.
Adele, are you going to enter to win the witches hat on the Quacker contest? I do not think that I am going to enter this time around. I do every time and I lost. So I give up. I thought that one of us would win one of the baskets but so far nothing. Maybe next one.
That is nice that all of you share the cable bill. It sure does make it easier. We do not have that many channels just the ones that we like to watch. Did you see where DWTS comes on Sept. 14th this year. So I have to get my dvr set up to tape all of them. That way I can watch them at night and enjoy them without Ron’s commentary.lol He thinks that he is an announcer. They do not have a lot of good shows on anymore. THey have that walking dead and shows like that. I guess that is the new type of shows for the year now. I like the funny shows. They sure do not make them like they use to.
Cynthia I will have to try that stuff on my hair and see if it helps. It would be nice if it did. I will look on qvc and see if I can find it.
Well that is about all from here. Hope that everyone has a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Everybody,
Well, I think I better start using the Stair Master again. With me being in be almost all summer my thighs have hit an all time high, VERY scary. I have the Norditract treadmill and Stair Master in my bedroom and i used to use both of them one hour each a day but this summer I was so sick I did nothing but sleep and eat. Everything went to the thigh area.I am so debilitated I think I last MAYBE five minutes now. Colleen I watch Scandal, How To Get Away With Murder, And I just finished watching the Astronauts Wives Club. It’s off the air now. I think it was on for one season only. I have to admit I watch the Walking Dead because I like Norman Reedus. He’s nine miles of dirt road trailer trash I’d like to travel LOL. And I watch all the Housewives shows on Bravo except Atlanta. And there is a new show about fake dating show hook ups that I watched this past season, but can’t remember the name. Game Of Thrones, Masters Of Sex, Mad Men which finally concluded this past spring, and a new show called the Royals. Then I watch Discovery, OWN has a show called The Have and have Nots, And late night all the true crime stuff. I DVR everything. And Wheel Of Fortune. Still waiting to win the $5000.
Hi all,
I just wanted to let you all know that we have fixed the problem uploading pictures to a post.
Please lets us know if you are experiencing problems uploading pictures.
Thank you for using our new website and Quacker Social.
The Quacker Team.
Hi All,
Well-ask and you shall receive. So thanks for asking Cynthia. It looks like the picture posting is back. That’s a good thing. Now we can see Adele’s creations again.
I didn’t know they were having another witch hat contest this year. Where did you see that Colleen?
Adele, that is a hard decision to make as far as the hair goes. I don’t think I will ever let my hair go gray. I just don’t like the color of it with my face. My mother always said she would let hers go if it was pure white like her mother’s but my mom’s was more of a steel gray and she just did not like that. So later in life she was pretty much a platinum blond-I would always kind of choke when people talked about my mother’s “blond” hair like it was natural. lol Anyway, you will have to decide what look you like the best. How nice that Heather has a beautician’s license. She can give you pointers.
I’m surprised that the Quacker things go so fast on EBay- whenever I look it seems like they have tons of it. I’m like you in that if I like a certain style I buy in several different colors or sometimes they have the same item with different motifs.
Colleen, I agree- I never would have thought that I would love the Dish and the internet so much. I guess because i spend more time at home than ever before. I still love my books though too. Sometimes if I have a day where I’m so busy that i don’t get to read I feel reading withdrawal So I always like to make time for it. Right now we are having trouble figuring out where all the overages on our internet/phone are coming from. We have not changed our using habits at all but all of a sudden we are way over our usage. It seems like it started right after Greg got his new phone and changed our program so he has to get with Verizon now that he is back and see if he can figure out what’s happening.
Yes, my dear husband came back from a week of fishing in Canada yesterday. Monday they had bad weather and couldn’t go out but the rest of the week was great fishing and he caught some fish that were bigger and better than ever before. After all that fishing Canada only allows you to bring two fish home-so I always say that each of those fish dinners cost about $1000.00 dollars apiece. lol Anyway, he had a great time and loves the fishing but he was home by 11:00 A.M. yesterday morning so he must have left Saint Germaine at 6 because it’s a 5 hour drive. So I would say he was pretty anxious to get home. I always say spending that week with two other guys makes him appreciate me more. Rocky was so happy to see him. Now his little family circle is complete again and he can relax and stop being my velcro dog.
Now that they fixed the pictures I hope I can copy and paste again for our new monthly Discussion pages. We’ll see.
Gail -
Hi Gail,
I always had dark hair until I was about 36, and then my dad colored it. First he streaked it and then i went platinum blonde but I didn’t trust anyone but him to make it that color so after that i went to an ask blonde. I keep going back and forth and this Saturday it’s color day again. Sometimes i think I should just go back to dark hair but when you are in your 60’s, dark hair sometimes shows all the hollowness in our face making age show. I would love a nip tuck but know wt my health it will never happen. Colleen, here is the picture of what my hair looks like now.
Here it was dark……
I was 35 when the dark one was taken. The blonde one I was 48. And this was me a couple years ago. I finally cut my hair , It had gotten pretty long. I had said I was going to cut it before I turned 60. They caight me with my eyes closed. That’s my husband.
I just realized all my other pictures did post LOL. I SAW THE EAGLE!!!!
LOL Cynthia- I can see your pics now!!
Hi Colleen
OMG….I have to find the place to enter for the witch’s hat asap!!!!
We get a lot of channels. I also love the funny shows. This is what I get to listen to when I watch them….”Adele, that is not funny. I do not know what you are laughing at. This show is ridiculous.”
Maybe Gary and Ron can watch TV together.
My new turkey shirt arrived today!
Yahoo……Adele -
I love Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder, and the Astronauts Wives club. I also love Rizzoli and Ives, Murder in the First, Aquarius, and a few others I have forgotten….LOL
Adele -
Thank you Tiago!!!
Hi Gail
I saw the eagle, finally…..LOL
Glad Greg is back, all safe and sound. So, did you eat the fish yet?
I already sold 2 tops, before I even finished listing them on Ebay. I get such a kick out of that. I promptly bought another one form Quacker….LOL
So glad we can post pics again.
I have to say….I think the dye is going to win out. It looks like I have a lot less hair.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I also was watching something called “The Returned” that was in French on the Sundance Channel last year. They remade it in English and it was on one of the stations. The French version was one of the number one shows in Europe, and was even better then the English version although they followed pretty close. The French version had more ambience.. or what ever it is they call it, LOL. But the American Version will be back on this fall. Robert Redford’s Sundance Channel really has some great stuff. I also watch Rectify on Sundance. I used to watch Justified just to look at “Raylen Givens” /Timothy Olyphant. And there was an awesome TRUE documentary that was told in real time about the real life murder of the wife of this writer back east called THE STAIRCASE. You can also get it at the library. THAT was VERY interesting.I am going to send you the link to that. STARZ had a drama with Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright called “House Of Cards ” that I got from the library because i just can’t pony up ANOTHER $50.00 a month for that channel. Many of these series can be picked up at the local library. After I got sick, I started watching TV. I NEVER watched any TV until the mid 90’s. With the exception of Dallas, Falcon Crest, Knots Landing, and Dynasty. I did watch a couple soap operas in the early 70’s. DAYS OF OUR LIVES, ANOTHER WORLD and THE DOCTORS. I guess Stephen Nichos, the cute blond guy on Days is coming back on this month. I saw it on MSN. He was in a really GREAT horror movie called “Witchboard.” Now Horror i LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have every single horror film ever done except the slasher ones they put out now. I like inuendo. You don’t see a lot but it scares the hell out of you. ANYONE LIKE HORROR???? I can tell you the absolute best one to see. My husband and I have a library in our house with over 5000 movies and books. We have walls of DVD’s BETA, VHS and LAZER. Our old house had a screening room which I miss, but the place we are in now has a LARGE long den that holds three sets of living room furniture, two curio cabinets and a buit in wall unit and big screen TV so it’ pretty nice. It’s just private so you can REALLY blast it without waking up the dead. It was soundproofed. I miss those days now that we no longer make the big money. Sigh.. Speaking of money, I shopped AGAIN with the Q-Card. Yes the FBI is sending a hit man to pick me up. I bought TWO MORE statement necklaces. I GO NOWHERE people!!!! I didn’t need them. BUT I got them. EASY PAY. I just got done paying off TWELVE of them….. Now I have TWENTY of them. The nicest one I have I got at Dillards in the summer. It was a git from a relative for my birthday. She spent $200 on it but it is GORGEOUS.
How easy is it to post stuff on eBay? I have never sold anything there. How do you set up an account? Is it expensive to maintain?
Hey Everybody
I have a lot of stuff I can sell but it’s all Medium sizes. I wonder if it would sell. I also have a lot of designer stuff to unload but it is sizes ZERO to size five. I can MAYBE get most of it up to my knees and everything is like brand new from places like Saks, Dillards and Cache. I was so stupid in the 2000’s. I SHOULD have saved my money knowin what I do now
Hi All,
They posted the Quacker TSV and I ordered me a pair. If you look Cynthia they have it on two easy pay if you are interested. You do not have to have a q card. I just thought that I would let you know. They are really cute.
I will have to look again to see where I found it. I am not sure. Will look it up when I am done here and if I find it I will post again. I should have written it down so I could find it right away.
I like the high lights. They are easier for me to keep up with and I do not have to do them on a regular basis. So on days that I am not feeling well I do not have to worry about going and getting it done. Everyone does have to figure out what will work best for them. My mom use to dye her own hair and sometimes it would turn a really funny color. We would try to be nice and tell her it looked good. One time it turned red and she almost had a fit. She stayed home until she could dye it again. The hair dyes were not as good as they are now though. She just let her hair go white and she looks really good with it like that. She does still wear wigs. I guess we never change.
That is like us. We do not go that much anymore. Retirement does something to you. I have to say it is a most relaxing time in life. If Ron would quit buying old junk trucks it would be even better. He bought that old red truck that was wrecked. So now he has bought another truck to take parts off of to fix the first old truck. The second does not run at all. I wonder what he will come up with next. Maybe he can buy a third truck to fix the second truck. We still have the original truck he was going to sell before he invested in anything else. Our yard is starting to look like a junk yard. He needs a hobby.
Sounds like Greg had a great fishing trip. What type of fish did he catch? Do they eat the other fish that they caught there at the camp site or the cabin? That makes it nice to be able to eat what you catch. I bet it was pretty there this time of year. Have the wives ever gone on that trip with the guys before? I just wonder if you like where they go or if it is strictly for the men. You need to find a place to go without the men. That would be fun.
It will be nice to have pictures again.The pages were getting a little dull.lol
Talk to you later
Colleen -
Hi Cynthia
we were watching the Returned too. Then I lost interest in it.
OMG- Heather, my mother, and I watched Dallas, Falcon Crest, Knotts Landing and Dynasty too. They were our favorite shows. We made popcorn, and then watched them together.
Hope your weather is starting to cool down.
Oh yes….all our Q cards are going to explode!
Adele -
Hi Cynthia
It is very easy to set up the selling account, if you are already an Ebay member, and have a Pay Pal account. You just follow the prompts. -
Cynthia- for got to say…..they charge a mimimal fee when you sell something- very minor. It comes out of your account once a month. You also purchase the postage through them. If I sell something for more than 100.00, I do free shipping. I do not do free shipping on clothes.
Hi Colleen,
Well, I watched the Diamonique show last night and bought a ton of stuff. Everything was on easy pay and it was cheap so I went for it. My sister’s husband has all kinds of car parts all over their side and back yard. Her house is a mess, no one cleans it and with all her kids living with her and THEIR kids, it’s like Hoarders LOL. I didn’t see the Quacker TSV.
Hello Colleeen
I cannot find the TSV Quacker. What is it?
Oh yes, retirement is a hoot and a half! Ron sounds like Gary. he used to that had to be fixed, and ended up spending more money in the long run.
I am out soon to meet Nancy for lunch at Friendly’s. That is one of our favorite places, as the wait staff let us sit and talk.
Adele, the TSV number is A267934 DJ’s with straight legs and rhinestones on the back pocket. They are the kind with the zipper and button not the pull on style. In I think about six colors. I like the way the pull ons fit better so these will not be for me-but I’m sure that I will find something else on the shows that will tickle my fancy.
How was your lunch today?
Hi Cynthia,
I also had dark brown hair with natural auburn hilights. I never started dying my hair until I started getting gray in my 50’s. I started doing it myself but now that i have the hair done plus the hi-lites it’s better if a professional does it.
I didn’t watch the program The Returned but I did read the book. I don’t like the gory horror stuff but I like a good psychological suspense movie and I do read mostly all of Stephen King’s books. He describes things so well and is usually an author that consistently grabs me from the first page. I think most of us probably watched less TV when we were younger as we lead busier lives. Sometimes I just have it on in the house for background noise-QVC was always good for that.
Gail -
Hi Gail
I am the same way- I like the pull on types too. I hope they have some new Halloween or Fall , that we did not already buy….LOL
I am back from meeting my buddy Nancy. It was nice to get out- I was in orange today, head to foot orange Quacker. I had the half sleeve v neck shell shirt on.
Hope your night is going well!
Adele -
OMG- missed the whole show!!!
Missed what whole show?
Thanks for telling us about the witch hat contest. I would never even have known about it as it never occurred to me to click on those little dots.
When the guys fish they usually go for northern or walleye. We have not eaten the 2 fish that Greg brought home yet. We like to save them for a little while as he has just eaten a lot of fish on his trip. Sometimes they have what’s called a shore lunch of fish and sometimes they have it for dinner. Believe me the wives would not want to go with them in a million years. They are way out in the boondocks with absolutely nothing to do and it’s a small place with kind of crummy cabins. It’s roughing it-not a nice resort or something. Sometimes Nan and I will meet for shopping and lunch while they are gone but she just got a new cat and didn’t want to leave him alone yet and I don’t like to leave Rocky alone for too long now that he is an only dog. He feels like everyone is abandoning him.
What color did you get in the TSV-black or indigo? lol I’m passing as I prefer the pull on pants. I wish they would have made those pants with the sparkle on the pockets when I was younger and slimmer and wanted to show off my butt. lol Although Jeanne would tell me to decorate it-wouldn’t she?
Gail -
We all feel the same way about our younger butts- much more worthy of a sparkle and shine pocket. Today, we need a lot more glitter to cover that same area…..LOL LOL
Adele -
I did miss the whole thing-I am going over to QVC to see the details of the show. Just in case I missed something.
What was it that you missed because i missed it too?
Was there a 3 hours show today? It is not listed in my area at all. Maybe on the other QVC channel?
Maybe I misunderstood the post….age is showing again, maybe?-
What other QVC channel????
QVC plus-on Dish Net it’s channel 255. Don’t know where it is on other providers. The majority of programming is reruns of what happened about 3 or 4 hours previous on the regular channel and sometimes they throw a live show into the mix. Occasionally Quacker will have a live show on that channel-they will announce it in the show schedule on this website. 90% of it is repeat programming.
Hi All,
It’s going to be a scorcher. It’s 10:30 and I was just outside and it must already be 85 degrees. For some reason this struck me funny. I walked to the end of the driveway to put something in the mailbox for pickup. It’s garbage day and when I looked down the road I realized that the new neighbor must be doing some remodeling as sitting next to his garbage can was a toilet. This just gave me a chuckle and then I was wishing that I had a life sized mannequin that I could take over and sit on that toilet to give a laugh to whoever was driving down our street today. There’s a mailbox on the way into town that a guy put up last year. It’s a life sized painted white naked female mannequin. At first when he put it up it would make me jump when I drove by at night because it seemed like there was an actual person standing at the side of the road. Now I’m so used to it I don’t even notice it’s there anymore except around holidays when he decorates it-although he’s never seen fit to clothe the poor woman. lol One day I drove by and some graffiti artist had painted the nipples red. He changed them back to the original white though-I guess that was too scandalous for him. Anyway, these are my crazy thoughts for the morning.
I sent Babara another e-mail yesterday. I don’t know if she will respond or not. Perhaps she has lost interest. When somebody e-mails me I always try to respond. It may not be that very day but I like to let the person know that I have received their e-mail. I know she was upset when she thought we were losing our chat pages so I would think she would want to come on here. Maybe something else is going on in her life. I just don’t know. I just hope that she and her family are all okay. I wonder if there will be new sign ups on here after the Quacker shows tomorrow. I still can’t figure out how we went from 6000 to 3000 members. Did everybody get the original sign up e-mail but only half actually came over and signed up or did they only bring over half the members from the other site. I’m still trying to figure that one out. Hoping for some new Fall/Halloween designs and am anticipating/dreading when they start bringing out the new Christmas stuff as I have absolutely no resistance to the Christmas clothes. As it is I have to start wearing my Christmas stuff right after Halloween and into the new Year to get it all in. lol The clothes should come with a warning label-“these clothes are addictive and may be hazardous to the health of your closet racks.” “May cause extreme overcrowding.” “Extra closets are highly recommended.”
Gail -
85 over here is a cold front LOL The birds are falling off the trees when that happens. I bought the TSV for the month, all six of those colored diamonoque band rings. I have the real ones with white, black, ad canary yellow diamonds. My husband bought me double sets in the 90’s. So nice to see them make in CZ now. I’m looking to buy one of thoe heavy duty steel double racks next. They hold 400 pounds.
Yes, being in the desert you have summer practically all year round. But I’m sure that you don’t miss the ice and snow of the winters.
I saw those diamonique bands. They were quite pretty and reasonable. I have had diamonique for many years and they really wear quite well and unless someone is carrying around a loop I don’t know if people can tell the difference. I think most people think they’re real and I mix the two together. When I first started watching the Q many years ago they seemed to have many more styles. I guess interest has waned over the years-but I still enjoy my pretty pieces. I’ve always loved gems of any size shape or color! lol
Hi Gail,
I did order the dj the other day. I also ordered a pair in the wine color. I hope that the vest will match the pants we will see. I think that the wine and pink will look good together. I have a lot of pink shirts. I am going to make myself wear another color. I need to get out of this funk. Or maybe I will end up sending them back. We will see.
It is really hot here also. That is interesting that you have a toilet out by the road. It would be funny if you could find a mannequin. The neighbors will be talking about that for a long time. I wonder what made that man put his mannequin up. That is a lively neighborhood. That is one thing about country life you can do almost anything that you want. That is how you started pole dancing in the barn.lol In the winter you should take an old blanket or a old jacket and put it around the white mannequin. That would surprise him.
Barbara has been having so much going on here lately. I really hope that she moves over here with the rest of us. We sure do miss her. I hope that Jerry is okay.He has been having health issues also. We are all falling apart.
I went to the back doctor today. I have been having trouble with my neck so he popped it for me and it has not felt so good for a long time. He has crazy ideas but he really know how to get rid of a sore neck. It was weird though when we went in there. None of the girls that worked there are there now. They have been there since I started going there. Two of the girls are going to nursing school and one moved away. I could not believe it when I walked in. Told the doc that I was wondering if he was going to be there or not. He said he is not going anywhere. Now that is sad when something like that is news. I need to get a life.lol
I cannot wait to get the new dj. I hope that they are as cute as they were on the internet. I do not know why they decorate the pockets most people cover them with their shirt. Oh well maybe it will inspire me to tuck my shirt in once in awhile.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Cynthia,
One nice thing here we have a lot of land for him to put his junk car in. He is always going to do something with one of them. Sometimes he does and sometimes not. I am stuck with all that junk no matter what.
I am glad that you found some new pieces of jewelry that you like. They are having easy pay on a lot of things now. I guess that they did not want to exclude people that do not use their card.
I have brown hair also. I have never changed the color just have had it high lighted. Well I did dye it blonde when I was first out of high school. I had a friend that was a beautician and she use to do it for me. It did not look good on me it made me look really pale.
It is really hot here. 85 is warm for here. We up in the 90’s though. Will be glad when things cool down.
Colleen -
OMG Gail!!!
That was so funny. I can see the naked woman at holiday time. Does he give her a witch hat? He must am surprised the Town doe snot give him the what for, or that he has not made the National news.
Oh yes- we all need to have those warnings on our QVC envelopes!
I am also hoping we get some new Halloween clothes, as I think we both own every one they have- even the new grey spider one we already got last week/month.
I already ordered that pretty blue cardigan they just emailed us about. LOL
Adele -
Hi girls
It was 92, and high humidity today. This Quacker did not stick her nose outside at all!
I would hate the weather in Las Vegas. Cynthia, I do not know how you do it.Ok……so it is over 90, and I have had phone calls all day long from Marissa getting her car registered, and Amanda, who wants to get a new car. Advice was given and some followed. We had Amanda, who I was not working today, run to the insurance agent for Marissa, who was working until 3. Amanda went back and forth to the car dealer, called her Uncle a few times, and came here a couple of times. The end result for Amanda was that she listened to me, and finally went to he bank, to apply for a much lower rate- hope she gets it! I did not get to get into the shower until 3pm today.
At 4:10, Marissa calls, saying someone had to get to her at the Registry, as they only take cash for the registration, and she had her ATM card, and a check with her. Luckily, Heather just came back with her paperwork for the day and off she went yelling that her kids are driving her crazy. She had 40 minutes to get through the rush hour traffic, which was near impossible- she made it with only 5 minutes to spare.
After everyone was gone, I finally got to do dinner. Dinner was a roast pork, with roasted potato’s…..in the kitchen of a house that has central air on am above 90 day. So………….Gary says it tasted funny. (he was eating the larger pieces of garlic, because my mini food processor again melted in the dishwasher that was just repaired on Friday, so the garlic was squashed with the side of the knife, like on The Chew, instead of ground up in tiny pieces. Apparently, that works better on TV) Tillie says it had too much garlic. Bobby said the meat was dry, after he was an hour late for dinner. I started to get snarky, and asked everyone if they ever want to eat again.
After dinner was over, Tillie says she is starving. Gary started in the cabinets for a snack. I then announced it will be a cold day in Hell before I cook again. Colleen…..potato soup will be ordered from Walmart!!!
Love you guys!
Adele -
hello all…..forgot to add….I hope we hear from Barbara again.
Adele -
Hi Colleen,
I’m excited that you got the wine DJ’s. That’s such a pretty color for fall and winter. I think a lot of the pink and light purple shades should go with a wine color. They also had a matching exact color in those sets of two shirts last night.
I worry when I write to Babara and hear nothing back. It makes you wonder what is going on. But it’s out of my hands.
That was odd that there was a whole new set of girls in the doctor’s office. It would make you wonder if you were in the right place. I think I could use the chiropractor myself this morning. We went to a memorial service last night. We were there for quite a while as it was for a member of the local folk community and there were a lot of people getting up and talking and singing. It started about 7:30 and we left at 10:00 as it was already an hour past Greg’s bedtime. Anyway, it was in a church with wooden pews and after sitting on those for 3 hours my back has been killing me. I had to get up in the middle of the night to take some ibuprofen. I guess there is something to be said for the Catholic mass where there is sitting standing and kneeling. Not quite so hard on the back. It was a beautiful, fitting tribute to Judy though filled with the music that she loved. She always did like my Quacker clothes too-now that I think of it.
You know I can’t remember ever being a tucker with my pants or skirts. Maybe years ago with a button down shirt back in my youth-but once everything changed to sweaters and t-shirts I’ve always been an outside shirt wearer-and now i couldn’t tuck if I tried -too much basketball belly. Even the models don’t tuck as most of the Quacker clothing is designed to be worn out I think.
Gail -
Okay, now your house is officially a potato soup zone. Everyone’s a critic-right? I smell a strike. lol
You know I was kind of surprised that the town let the guy keep that mailbox up myself. After all it is basically the figure of a naked woman. I can’t remember he if he decorated it for Halloween-i remember a Santa hat, something for St. Patrick’s Day and Mardi Gras beads so there must have been something for Halloween.
You know I tried to order that new pumpkin shirt last night but it came up as being sold out-I’m sure it isn’t but they probably don’t want to release the inventory yet for fear it will be sold out by air time. I did get a couple of those sets of shirts last night. They make for some nice basics.
Can’t believe that we have had another police shooting. And Fox Lake is in our area of the state too. So now there is another man hunt for me to worry about. Hope they catch these guys. All the police families across the country must be so worried about their loved ones.
How do you like the new cast of DWTS? Gary Busey should be interesting. I can’t picture him going through all the hard work. I saw him on Celebrity Apprentice and just when you would think he was completely crazy he would come up with some genius idea. He’s like a mad scientist. i saw that Rumer Willis is now going to be appearing on Broadway in Chicago. I wonder if being on DWTS helped kick start her singing/acting career. I’m happy for her.
Hope I find some Quacker treasures today. Loved Patrick’s duck pants!
Gail -
Hi Gail
I tried to get that same shirt- it is gone! I loved it.
We also had a police shooting yesterday. it was on the south shore area, closer to my SIL’s. The officer crashed his cruiser, and it went on fire. They are still looking for the shooter in that one too. What is going on? Are they doing a shooting a day of an officer? This is out of control. You know, I said when all the hating of police officers started a while ago, that if they start to go after the police, we are in a lot of trouble. If there is not even fear of the police, we are all in deep doo doo. Who will protect us, if they cannot even protect themselves? It is getting way too violent out there. Very scary.
I looked the duck pants- they are very expensive. If they were cheaper, I would have got a pair for Gary. But, I know he would not wear them, so it would be a waste of money. I love them!
Waiting for the show tonight, to see if there is anything else new. I got the new witch shirt in both colors. The green showed the witch decorations better, but I think the purple will look better on me….we will see!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
I saw the two shirts that would go with the pants that I bought. I did not buy anything else yet but am still thinking about it. I do not need anymore Halloween tops. We do not get any kids that come to our house she I cannot justify buying more shirts. I did get the one with the dogs dressed in costumes off the qvc site it was on clearance and did not give that much for it. I always feel better if it is a bargain. I bought the wine vest and the butterfly shirt not too long ago so I have that to wear with the pants. They had a couple of butterfly tops and I thought of you right away. They had the one with the vest and then they had one with flowers on the butterfly wings and then one that was beads. They were all cute. Did you get any of those? You would look cute in all of them.
I do not see how you sat in those wood pews for that long. I would have been in trouble. They would have had to get a crane to get me out of the pew. That was a long service. It sounded nice though especially if she liked music. Did Greg or any of his group sing?
I remember having to tuck our shirts in when we wore the uniforms. You had to look just right when you went to school. I am not sure that we tucked shirts that much when we did not have to go to school. When we went to mass on Sunday mom always made us wear dresses. I guess she was afraid that we would not tuck our shirts in if we wore a skirt or have them tucked in before we left the house and then untuck them before we got in church. Mom was smarter then we thought she was. When we were younger.
Those duck pants that Patrick were funny. I thought they almost looked like pajama bottoms but obviously they were not. He can find the funniest things to wear. I enjoyed all of the shows today. They had some cute things just nothing just called me to take them home. I guess right now I feel like I have bought enough stuff for awhile. At least I did get a lot of Christmas stuff bought and do not have to worry about that anymore. I did order one present for Christmas so that was another name off the list.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and I hope that you back gets better soon. One thing the doc said to do for my back when it hurts is put an ice pack on it. It does take away some of the pain. Just a suggestion.
p.s. I do wish Barbara would write to someone. It is starting to bother me also. She seems to always answer if you e-mail her. I guess we better say a prayer for her and that everything is alright. -
OK Girls…. I ponied up and bought the orange waffle shirt with the pumpkin. I have a cute pair of beige and pumpkin lounging pants that I found at Saks 5th Ave two years ago, and this top would go great with it. I am going to order some jeans as well but not till next month. I have too much stuff to pay for now. I taped the Halloween show and I bought the first thing. I hope I don’t see something else. LOL
I got that shirt in the orange too. Wanted the black but I missed the first part of the show and the black was gone. They make such cute holiday designs.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Greg would never wear duck pants either. Now maybe if they were on a shirt he might. I know he will wear shirts with fish on them-In fact he left for work this morning wearing one. And I know he will wear shirts with golf stuff on them. But ducks might be pushing it. I guess he leaves most of the shirts with pictures up to me. You know-now that I think of it why doesn’t Quacker Factory ever make any duck shirts? Doesn’t that seem like a huge oversite? I know years ago they made a tee shirt that said Quacker on it in rhinestones. I still have mine-it’s probably a collectors item.
I got that witch shirt too in the purple. That yellowy shade of green that they sometimes use is not my best color. I did finally get that pumpkin shirt when they put it up during the show that it was on but you had to be fast. I also got another pumpkin shirt and anther Halloween shirt so I should be set for the next three months of fall. Of course it’s still 90 degrees and too hot for long sleeves but that will change. The grandkids love the Halloween and Christmas shirts. We have so many conversations about the pictures. It is worth it just for that alone. I’m glad they did the Falloween show earlier to give everyone more time to wear the clothes. That was a good idea.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
That’s funny that everyone thinks of me now when they see butterfly Quacker. I actually saw that one butterfly shirt with the sunflowers online a few weeks back and ordered it then. And I had the leopard butterfly shirt from last year. I also have a collection of butterfly jewelry. When you think of it-isn’t butterfly an odd name for an animal? I get the fly part but why the butter? Hmmm-I guess that’s another question for Google-if I had an I phone instead of a Samsung I could ask Siri. As frustrating as technology can be how nice is it that instead of getting in the car and driving to the library to look that up in an encyclopedia we now can just Google the question and nine times out of ten will get an answer.
I went to a public high school so there were no uniforms. In grade school they had no uniforms until they built the new school and then when we moved over there we had to wear them in 7th and 8th grade. They were blue plaid jumpers-so i guess our shirts were already tucked in.
Well that memorial wasn’t exactly a service as there weren’t any prayers said. I guess you would call it more a celebration of her life. It when on for so long since she was a member of the local folk music community there were a lot of people that wanted to get up and sing. Greg did not sing even though Keith (who was Judy’s singing partner) said he wished he would. Greg only sings solo every once in a while in public if I really twist his arm-even though he sings all the time. I guess he likes being with the trio better. I was surprised that there were still so many people there when we left at 10:00. I’m surprised that Greg wasn’t falling asleep in the pew by then. If he had started snoring I would have had to give him the elbow in the ribs. lol Speaking of that we have the split king sleep number bed and they always advertise how you can raise the head of your partner’s bed if they are snoring. I have done it a couple of times just and inch or so but there are some nights when he is snoring so much that he would be entirely upright by the time morning came around if I raised it every time he started. When it is one of those nights I have to threaten that i am going to put a pillow over his head. lol
Anyone have any plans for the Labor Day weekend? I guess we are just going to chill as far as I know. There is a really nice county fair but it might be just too hot to walk around.
Gail -
Hi Cynthia- I got that shirt too.
I just listed my Halloween shirts that are too small on Ebay, and 4 out of 9 of them have already sold. I think this is very exciting. At least I can justify getting more shorts, when I sell the ones that do not fit.
I missed that beautiful pumpkin one- it was gone before I could click on it.
Adele -
Hello girls
Gail, we all think of you when we see the butterfly shirts. I even said to Gary…….”there goes Gail clicking on that one!”
I got a few shirts, as I did a purge of my Halloween, and found quite a few in the wrong size for my chubby, retired, disabled bits….LOL LOL So, off they went onto Ebay this morning, and 4 out of 9 are already sold. At least that way, I do not get :the looks” from Gary when the new ones arrive….LOL LOL
I am thrilled that they had the Falloween show early. We have to get ready!
I hope they do the same with Christmas.
It is cooler today but tomorrow back to the 90’s. We will need Halloween shirts in tank tops, for God’s sake.
We are going out with Ron and Joyce tonight. I will be wearing one of my patriotic shirts, with the Quacker sequined flag vest over it. I am putting Gary in his flag shirt- it has stripes on one sleeve, and stars on the other.
Hey……….why don’t they make a man’s shirt, saying, in glitter………”I’m with the sparkly girl”?????
hope everyone has a good day, and a great holiday weekend.
Adele -
That was some memorial service. Gary would not have made it that long. he would have been complaining so loud, they would have heard him. Wow, is all I can say.
So far, we are meeting Rona dn Joyce tonight for dinner> I have to make Gary’s favorite cake for his birthday, or…….is baking cooking??????
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I tried to write to you last night but the whole thing disappeared. I misspelled a word and hit the back space to correct it and the whole message disappeared. I have not idea why. I did something wrong.
I am glad that you sold your shirts that do not fit. I have to go thru my closet and get rid of some things that I do not wear anymore. I really do not like to do that but I have to do something to make room in my closet for the new stuff. My daughter sells stuff on the internet but does not do it on e-bay. I may have her sell some of my quacker. I have a lot of pieces that I do not wear anymore and they need to go. I am going to have to ask her how she does it but would rather she do it for me. She likes doing it.
I think of Gail when I see the butterfly shirts also. She loves them and I can see why. They have had some really cute ones here lately. The shows were good yesterday and I watched the ones that I could and put the others on the dvr. I am still deciding on what shirts that I want to order probably need to do that pretty soon.
I am glad that Marissa got her car all straightened out and she can now drive it. She will find out how nice it is to drive herself and not have to depend on other people. Then she can go and do what she wants.
You and Gary will look really good in your flag shirts. I hope that you enjoy yourself out tonight.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
The butterfly shirt is a pretty. I am glad that you got it. I am still deciding what shirts that I want. That takes me awhile still. I am glad that I bought the dj. They are so cute and hope to get the wine ones soon. The indigo ones have already shipped. I could not believe it. They are getting faster about shipping things.
We wore jumpers in grade school but skirts and blouses in high school. We also had to wear the bloomer gym outfits. Talk looking really stupid we did in those things. I do not know how long it took them to change them to normal gym clothes. That high school is closed now and is all run down.
Maybe that is why it lasted so long. It was nice that they did that. Sometimes that helps people to feel better about the whole thing. It is a shame that Greg did not get up there and sing. He has such a good voice and they would all have enjoyed listening to him. I guess it is hard to sing along when you are use to singing with a trio.
That would be interesting if you threw Greg out of the bed raising him up to get him to stop snoring. I just do not think that it would work with most men. That advertisement is funny though. We all just have to put up with their snoring and learn how to sleep thru it. Ron says that I snore sometimes but I know better.lol It is really bad if my sil is here and then we have snoring in stereo. Melissa need to rent a hotel room for the night so we can get some sleep.
Not a whole lot going on here today. Just been doing a lot a resting. I need a lot of that. I still have not taken my nap and that is not good. I will be cranky tonight.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen.
What I did for my husband snoring is I put a tape recorder next to the bed and let it run. Then i played it back while we were driving in the car. He finally did something about it. I never snore. I had my adnoids out when I was seven. If anything, he has to put a mirror under my nose to see if am still breathing. With my multiple sclerosis it has been touch and go and I have been in serious pain. In and out of the hospital and now in a wheelchair again. I’ve totally lost my shape because of it. Right now I am on TEN different drugs and the days of 2 hour gym sessions are long gone. I can barely make it through a night with out some IV pain drip. Been going on three months this time, and now it settled in my back now. Been going through this for 20 years and every year the exacerbations last longer and longer and are more severe. This summer was the worst. Anyway, just had to comment on the snoring.
Hi Cynthia,
How did listening to himself snore get your husband to do something about it? I thought there really wasn’t any solution to it. Unless of course the person has sleep apnea and then they need one of those machines.
I’m sorry that the MS has gotten so bad this summer. Pain meds in the middle of the night is no picnic. You do seem to keep a good attitude and a sense of humor in spite of it all-which is a hard thing to do when you are in pain. It’s nice to have the cats to snuggle with if you have been in bed a lot. Do you have conversations with them? I talk to the dog all the time when Greg is at work and now the dog is more deaf than my husband so it’s still like talking to myself. lol
Hi Adele,
Hope that you had a good dinner last night. Adam was off last night because he is working tonight so the whole big group of us went out to eat. Gabby and Enya were there too as Adam was taking them to the high school football game after dinner. I asked Jenny if they really wanted to go to a high school game with their father and she said they asked him to go. I wore one of my patriotic shirts too. It was a polo shirt with a collar and a basket with flags on the left hand side and (of course) two little butterflies flying over it. Piper noticed my butterflies right away.
I guess school is going better for Kendall so hopefully each year the transition will get easier and easier. They are going to the lake to the beach this weekend for probably the last time of the season. it’s going to be hot still this weekend and then cool down next week. The girls went in shirtsleeves to the football game last night but by the end of the season they will be bundled up. Greg used to take his “‘lava buns” seat cushion to sit on in the bleachers to keep him warm. We don’t really have any plans for the weekend-we’ll wing it.
By the way the naked lady mailbox holder is sporting a yellow hard hat in honor of Labor Day.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
We wore those blue bloomers with a white shirt for gym. Those were goofy looking. I wonder why we could not just wear regular shorts?
I hope that you like the wine DJ’s-they had a lot of pretty colors. I think the wine is especially nice for the fall and winter. Do you wear the capri DJs in the summer? I have capris, pedal pushers and shorts that I wear.
Are you going to that Labor Day festival that you have talked about? I don’t know if we will do anything. I feel bad because pretty soon we will have to take the boat out of the water and Greg has only used it once to go out fishing and we have not gone riding in it at all. Without Brent here he just has not used it much. This should be interesting getting it back out-I suppose that I will have to help now. Have not done this in awhile so we may have to call in the support troops.
I wonder when they are going to announce the winners of the witch hats. That was so nice that they gave one to Jane for hosting the Spooktacular.
Has anyone tried those Alegria shoes that they had as a TSV the other day. I’ve tried the Vionics but I don’t like them as well as the Birkenstocks which you can’t get from the Q anymore. Right now I mostly wear Birkenstocks, Ryka or Skechers. I have to go for comfort not style with my ankle and my bunions. What brands to you girls like to wear?
Gail -
Hi Colleen’
you should sell the Quacker that does not fit. There is a huge market for it. All the shirts I listed sold, accept one. I listed 9 Halloween shirts yesterday, and they are all gone. The others I listed are gone, accept one, and 2 people are “watching” it.
We looked cool in our patriotic garb last night. I got 2 comments from people. LOL Every Quacker shirt I wear, I get a comment.
the only bad thing was, I got real sore from sitting in the booth. I am stiff today, and I need to go to the dentist- all of a sudden got a toothache. I never get toothaches, as when I have a cleaning, they tell me if something needs attention. I hope I did not crack anything- leaving in an hour.
‘It is cool here- first time air has been off in a while. It is getting hot again tomorrow. Yuck.
PS I did that before- all I typed disappeared- very upsetting! -
Hi Cynthia
So sorry you are always in so much pain. That is just no pleasant way to live. I sincerely hope it gets better for you. MS is a horrible disease. You are in my prayers.
Adele -
hi Gail
That is so funny about the naked mailbox lady. he must have quite a sense of humor, as well as the rest of his neighborhood!
Can you imagine- we were all in our Patriotic gear, coast to coast! I got 2 comments on my outfit….LOL
I am glad Kendall is doing better in the transition. It is so hard on these kids changing classes and friends in class, every year.
Did I tell you they cancelled 3 of Rissy’s classes? No other courses are available, and she could lose her finding for the year. She will go to her one class, and then get right to guidance, to see if they can help. Every other class that is not full, she tried to get into, but, they all required pre-requisites. I hope they can help her get into 3 more classes.
I am f off to the dentist- have a toothache. I never have tooth aches, as I fix things before they become an issue. I hope I did not break something.
cool here today- getting hot again tomorrow.
Sounds like you all had fun last night, and the kids enjoyed the football game!
Adele -
hi Gail
The only shoes I wear are either New Balance sneakers, or once in a blue mon, Clarks. All due to the yucky back!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
Weren’t those gym suits horrible. We looked like geeks. We also did not have gym the same time as the boys. They had to have theirs at a different time and we could not be on the field when they were and vice a versa. I do not know what they thought would happen. There was no threat of any boy coming after us in those stupid outfits.lol Guess they just wanted to be cautious. Heaven only knows why.
I do wear the capris dj and some of the other styles. What do they call them I cannot remember. They are shorter then the capris are they pedal pushers? I even wore them out of the house because it was so hot and to hot for dj. I am excited about the the color of dj that I got this time around. I cannot believe that I bought two pair. One in indigo of course and then the wine. I like that they are straight leg. Just hope that they look okay on my. I got the short this time also.
We are thinking about going to the labor day picnic tomorrow. They have it all week-end. Monday Mandy and her family are coming for a bbq so we will stay home that day. Today we did not do anything. It is just too hot. It may be too hot to go walk around at the picnic tomorrow also. We will have to wait and see. I just want to get some of those twisted potatoes with the cheese. They are so good. Ron wants his funnel cake also. We may just get those two things and come home.
That is a shame that Greg did not get to go out in his boat that much this summer. That should be interesting trying to get that boat out of the water. I have never done that before but I imagine it will be hard for you to do. Maybe Adam will help Greg with that. You could all go for a last ride and them bring it in for the winter.
I thought that they were going to announce it the day of the falloween show. I have not seen anywhere they are going to do the drawing.That was really nice that they gave Jane a hat. She does such a good job on that show. Don’t they usually do a live show for that? I guess they did it early so they did not have time to get a live audience. It was a fun show. I had to watch it later in the evening Ron did not want to watch it.
I have not tried the Alegria shoes yet but have tried the Vionic. I have had trouble with the Vionic. I really wish that I would not have wasted my money. I would not buy another pair. they bother my feet. So do not wear them that often. At first I thought I would like them but after you wear them for awhile they start to hurt your feet. They do not break in easy. I am with on the Ryka’s and the Birki’s are so much better. I need a new pair of the Birkis mine are wearing out. Guess we will have to find another place to buy them.
Well that is about all from here. Enjoy the rest of the week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
You should take a pillow with you for your back. It helps to keep it from getting as sore. I take one when I go and the people in the restaurants are always really nice about it. We go to a bbq place where they have picnic tables but when we go in there they make sure that we have a table with chairs. I have to have a back to a chair that I sit in. Most places are really nice about things like that.
I am going to sell them. They are doing no good hanging in the closet. Just have to talk to my daughter about helping me. I am not good with the computer so it will be better if she does it. I have some of the ward robers that I am going to sell. I cannot wear them anymore and so might as well get them out of the closet. Since I have been sick my weight is going down and so some of my clothes are too big. I put off getting rid of them because of the fact I could gain the weight back. But the way things are going I probably will not. I have to be so picky about what I eat now.
Glad that you got some compliments on your outfit. It is always nice when someone tells you they like your shirt. This has just started happening to me here lately. Usually when I am at my mom’s. I guess they have a lot of quackers there.
Do you have any plans for this week-end? We are going to the labor day picnic tomorrow for a little while unless it is really hot. Then we may just go and pick up the snack food we like that they have there and come home. Then we are having a bbq on Monday with my daughter and her family. We should have a really good time. Mandy is the daughter with the two older girls. Then the week-end will be over. It seems like time is flying by.
I hope that things go okay for you at the dentist. that is one place that I do not like to go to. Enjoy the rest of your week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Cynthia,
I am sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. I would not worry about my figure right now. Just concentrate on getting well enough to get out of that wheel chair. Some things are just now worth worrying about. Your health and being able to get around again is a lot more important. The other stuff you can worry about later.
My husband would still say that he was not snoring. He would say that it was me. It is kind of a joke between us. He denies that he snores and he just laughs. He knows that he does there is just not much he can do about it. I do not want him to go thru a surgery to stop snoring.
Hope that you are having a good week-end. Will you husband be home so you two can bbq or something? It would be nice if he could be home.
Well have a nice night will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Gosh I hope that Marissa can find three more classes to get into. That’s terrible that everything is already filled up. Does she have a loan or scholarship or something that requires her to take a certain amount of hours? I hope that once she gets started that she enjoys school. Refresh my memory-was she going into nursing? I hope the counselor can help her find some other course to take.
What happened with the toothache? I hope it was nothing serious. I guess things can come up between cleanings unexpectedly.
My back is still hurting. Who would think that sitting on a hard bench for three hours could be so debilitating but I guess backs can sometimes get out of whack from the smallest thing. It’s okay when I sit but not so much when I stand and walk so I’m not getting much done. I will have to take Colleen’s advice now and try some ice. If there is inflammation that should help.
Greg’s out golfing this morning. He missed it for two weeks when he was off fishing. I’ll bet he’s glad to get back to it. Nothing else really going on.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
We didn’t have any gym in grade school. However it would have been interesting if we had. I would like to have seen one of the nuns in full habit teaching a gym class. That would have been interesting. When I think of it they must have been incredibly hot back then-teaching in all those layers of clothes in unairconditioned rooms.
When we were in high school we had gym at the same time as the guys but there was a girl’s gym and a boy’s gym so we were in two different places. And when we were outdoors we were in different fields. We did have co-rec volley ball which I hated as the guys always hogged the ball. Because I’m short they could just reach over my head and get the ball. We also had co-rec square dancing. Even though everyone said they hated it-it was kind of fun just because it was something different.
A live audience Falloween show would have been lots of fun. I did enjoy the photos of the animals in their costumes.
I’m with you on the Vionics. Even though I have flat feet-so they should really help me I find that they rub in a funny spot for me. However I do pronate because of the flat feet so I am always tempted to draw those lines on my legs and feet and put a shoe on and see if it changes. lol After a couple of tries i will stick with my Birkenstocks. After watching the Q for over 20 years I have a good collection of many styles and colors. People always compliment me on the unusual ones and want to know where they can get them. Unfortunately I think a lot of those colors and patterns were made only for the Q so in the marketplace you can only get the standard designs for the most part. Zappos is a good place for shoes-I like them because I can find wides. Gosh-what did I do before internet shopping? I wasted all that time slugging around to different places looking for stuff. Well I guess back then I was younger and didn’t mind-shopping was also a social event but now it just wears me out. I’m glad that I can get most things that i want with the click of a button. Actually, years ago i did a lot of catalog shopping which in a way is the precursor of online shopping. Have you tried the Skechers yet. They don’t have as much support as Rykas and Birks but the Go Walks are so light-I just love them! Even talked Greg into getting a pair.
Gail -
Hi Colleen, Gail, Cynthia, and all!
Well the dentist was weird. She could not find any cavity. She did say, after taking xrays, that on the edge of my crown, there is a little white area, that could be an infection. She also said that with the TMJ, I am clenching my teeth too much, which could also be the cause. So, I have an antibiotic, and have to use my night guard. It feels a lot better today, so she is right. So…..I came out of the office and said to Gary…..”Yup, it is your fault- I have too much stress around here, and I am killing my jaw with the clenching”…..LOL LOLIt is Gary’s birthday tomorrow, so I made a Boston Cream Pie. I made the cream yesterday, as it needs to be cold – very cold. The cake is a yellow one, and the frosting was also made form scratch- a fudge one. the only issue is, the cream comes out of the sides, as I cannot find those pieces of plastic they put on the outside of those cakes, to make the cream stay in. So, we have a lot of oozing cream, which then collides with the frosting….LOL LOL I look at it this way- the cream on the sides, makes the cake stay fresh, and not get stale. It took almost all day, as I had to wait for the cake to cool and that frosting I picked was quite a process. I will take a pic and load it here for you to see.
Bobby is making marinated steak tips with rice for dinner, and roasted peppers on the grill. Tomorrow Steph is coming with the kids, and will have some of the left over cake….LOL we are doing Gary and JJ’s official birthday celebrations next Saturday. Sunday of next week, we are going to my SIL’s for Rosh Hashana.
JJ starts school Tuesday, so I will be there with the camera.
Colleen- I have to remember to take the little pillow Steph gave me when we go out. I know you told me that before, and I keep forgetting to do it.
We did not have gym in high school a sit was a Catholic school. No undressing of any kind, would have been allowed….LOL LOL
Marissa is going to attend her one class, on Tuesday, and then go straight to the guidance to see about more courses. She got a grant, and loans to go to school. I hope thy can help, or she will lose the entire semester.
Hope all of you are having a good time, and that you went to your local picnics for some fun!
Colleen…forgot to say….I hope your stomach is feeling better soon. That is no way to lose weight. How has it been doing , any better?
Adele -
Hi Gail,
We had to go out on the playground and play ball for exercise. They did not separate us back then when we were in grade school. We did not have a gym and we just played on the playground. The nuns did not play they just watched and made sure that no trouble started. The nuns really had a lot of control of all of us. It is funny how they could handle a big group of kids and not have a problem. Times are changing. Teachers sometimes cannot control a small group of kids.
I have not tried the Skechers yet. I may have to give them a try. I thought it was just me with the vionic shoes. They do rub a spot on my foot and it really hurts. So it is easier not to wear them. I wish that I could find someone that can wear them and like them. It was just a waste of money. I need to get me some Rykas for this winter. I have all the boots that I need but I need some sneakers. Birkenstock did have a lot of different shoes when they were on. I wonder why they left QVC. They always seemed to sell a lot of shoes on there. Did you notice that the girl that was so wild is now working at the q again with a different shoe company. I cannot remember the name of the shoes. It is Earth brand? I always liked her she was wild.
The pictures of the animals in costume was cute. They always come up with some good ideas on face book. I just wish they would do it on the QVc site once in awhile. Then we could all join in. I guess face book is taking over but I still will not give in. That is one thing that I am not interested in. Now they have hash tag and twitter. I have no idea how to do that and do not think that I want to know. I am content just coming on here and chatting. It is strange what all people put on face book. I would be embarrassed.
It is so hot today that we decided not to go to the picnic. The humidity is really high also. So we are staying in the air conditioning. I guess that is a good place for young people that can still stand the heat. We will bbq tomorrow and that will be the only thing that we do this week-end.
That is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen, and everyone.
I did like those pet pictures in costumes too. If I had pet, they would be dressed up for Halloween, for sure!
Here are the pictures of the Boston Cream Pie. As I cannot find those plastic rings they put around the cakes anywhere, our cream oozes out of it’s goodness….LOL
Adele -
here is another
Last one……
last one……ok…could not get the last one to load.
Hi Adele,
I’ll be right over for some of the Boston Cream Pie. Tell Gary happy birthday! I guess if I am coming I will need to bring a gift. What does he need besides a sense of humor? lol Perhaps some DVD’s of those unfunny comedies that you like to watch. lol We can explain the humor.
I have a night guard too-which I’m not the fondest of. They nagged me to get one for years because I grind my teeth-have since I was a child- so I think about a little over a year ago I finally broke down and got one. Expensive too if you don’t have any dental insurance which we don’t. I have never fully gotten used to it and wear it sporadically. I try but a lot of times if I have fallen asleep on the couch when I get up and get in bed i just don’t want to take the time to get it and brush it and all that other stuff. Every dentist visit i resolve to do better. Debbie has a night guard too so I guess we are all stressors.
Got an e-mail from my SIL. Her house has finally sold so now she is getting ready to move in with her fiance.I guess they will be living in sin( lol )since as far as we know no wedding plans are in the works. I Iove to tease Greg about his sister’s love life so that he has to cover his ears and sing Lalalalala.
I can’t believe that even in an all girl school that you didn’t have gym in high school. You were a lucky duck! Speaking of all girls or all boys schools I have a funny story. When I went to the U of I in Chicago I did some work at a local Catholic grade school in the neighborhood. Parts of the neighborhood around the college were kind of sketchy so instead of walking down the blocks to get to the school on days when I was working I would cut kitty corner across a local high school campus. It was shorter and I avoided some borderline areas. I always thought it was weird that if there were guys outdoors playing basketball or something when I walked across the high school grounds they would always stop and just stare at me when I walked through. It wasn’t until I met Greg later on that I discovered it was an all boys what he called EggHead Catholic school called Saint Ignatius. (that’s where he and his brothers went) So when I was wondering when they were staring if they had ever seen a girl before many of those little budding Bill Gates really didn’t have a lot of experiences with girls at an all boys school. lol
So far my weekend has been boring. My back is still hurting from those wooden pews so I have done basically nothing. I am good when I am sitting but standing and walking hurts. So I have been on my butt in my pajamas all weekend. Not what I envisioned. I’m glad that Jenny’s off tomorrow so that I don’t have to babysit. All that sitting on the hard surface must have pinched or squeezed something in the back. isn’t it weird how the smallest thing will set something off. So I wanted to do something fun but instead have been the most boring person in the universe. lol
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
We did the same thing in grade school. Just played on the playground at recess and after lunch. It seems like they didn’t have to separate the boys and girls. We just did it naturally. You are right the nuns could really control a whole room full of kids. I guess that’s because they had fear on their side. That educational philosophy is long gone.
You are right it is Earth Brands now that Sally Coombs is a representative for. She was always so lively and energetic and had really long hair. gosh the people that I have seen come and go over the years. I wonder what happened to Lisa Mason. She came back for a few shows and now she is gone again. Maybe she found that she could not physically handle it. I know she has lupus and maybe she had problems with that.
I wish Quacker would do some chats again on the Q site too but i doubt that will happen as everyone seems so concentrated on Facebook. As to twitter and Instagram and all that-who has the time or the inclination. People are so busy interacting with their devices that they forget to talk to real people in real life. It annoys me no end.
We have stayed in this weekend too. Besides the hot and humid weather my back is still bothering me. i was hoping to get out and do something but things aren’t working that way.
It’s good to hear that it isn’t just me and someone else has the same problem with the Vionics. Another thing to eventually go into the donation bag I suppose.
Gail -
Hi Gail
OMG- isn’t it awful when we are prisoners to our backs? I hope yours gets better soon. It is awful when it gets all stirred up. that is what I am afraid of for tomorrow- I want to go see JJ off to school, and take pictures in the schoolyard. I am afraid of carrying the camera. It is heavy, and if I make this back gout again, I will be miserable for weeks. I am so conflicted dover this, you have no idea. Usually Amanda or Marissa will come with, but, they are not available. Rissy will be at her first day in college, and trying to get more classes, and Amanda will be at work.
I am making JJ his request of chocolate chip cookies today for his birthday Wednesday, and the first day of school tomorrow.
Oh yes… he needs that sense of humor, more than anything else! Walmart is all out of them. Must have been a run on senses of humor lately. Gary said thank you for the good wishes. the phone has been ringing all morning long.
I brush my night guard, in the morning, so all I do is put it in. Mine is plastic- it goes over the top teeth. It is not bad, and I have to say, my mouth feels better.
That is funny about your SIL. I can see Greg now, holding his ears….LOL
I went to a co-ed Catholic school. It was rally small. We had one class each of each grade, and the graduating class was 32 kids. You could not get away with anything. I really did have a ball in high school, in spite of the strict supervision.
that is a hysterical story about you and the boys from the boys’ school. Life is so very funny, when we look back on our youth.
hope you are feeling better. How is your SIL, feeling- has she heard anything from her doctor yet?
Hoe you are better, and out of your jammies. I love my Carole Hochman lounging jammies, and wear them in the house all the time. At least when I get them dirty form the baking/cooking/cleaning, I do not care!
Did I tell you….Tillie was saying she was going to call Meals on Wheels, as she needed to eat something else than sandwiches, as I was on strike….LOL LOL I guess I better end my food strike, before I get up on charges for elder abuse. I just wish everyone would stop complaining about the cooking. You would think I gave them slop. I have the most critical bunch I have ever seen!
hope your day is good!
Adele -
What a cute graphic!!
HELLO HELLO HELLO = I feel like a complete idiot for working days trying to find you girls. I have no idea how I have come about getting on here but I hope this gets through to you all and that all of you are doing well. We are all okay. Had a cook in today instead of out. It was so hot to be outside over a grill that we did everything inside. Turned out really well, and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. Lisa brought up a buffalo wing dip and it tasted so good. Was not too spicy, just right. She and I ate so much we almost didn’t want our meal. Jerry is some better. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I don’t know why but it seems I was dropped from this site and had to start all over again. I have no idea how to get back on here, so will someone e-mail me how so I can still write to all of you. Right now the print on here is so small I can hardly read what I am writing to you, so hope it gets to you and you an read it. I am going to hit the submit button and see if you all do get this and if I can somehow figure out how to get back on. I can’t tell you all how many times I have put this up so mad just trying to get on. Take care, I am still here somewhere in cyberspace land. Your alien friend, Barbara
OMG Barbara!!!!
Thank God you are back with us! I will friend you asap. I am so gald you are ok, and hubby is good too. We were all worried.
I will friend you right now!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
You have hit on one of my favorite foods. Boston creme pie. That is so good and I like all the gooey stuff between the layers. Now that one really made my mouth water. I love all the baked goods that you make but that one is my favorite. I have not had a good piece of that in a long time. They do not make that here that often anymore. They use to do not know why they quit.
Good for you. It could not be your fault that you are clenching your teeth it has to be Gary. It is always the husband.lol If they would just learn that we are always right and do what we say that would stop all of our problems. tell Gary that I said happy birthday.
The meal that Bobby is making sounds so good. You are going to have to send him here for awhile so he can cook some meals and I can freeze them.lol You could send a Boston Creme pie with him or you could come with him and make one here. That would just make the meal complete. You could make more baked goods if you would like we can freeze those also.lol I do not ask too much do I.
Stick your pillow in the car so you do not forget it. I take one with me all the time so if we stop somewhere and I will need it, it is there. If I had to remember to bring it with me I would never remember. It really does help or at least it helps me.
I hope that when Marissa goes to school tomorrow they can straighten her classes out. That is a mess. I am sure that the guidance councler will help her out. I wonder why they did not get that fixed before school started. they do some dumb things for being college professors.
We did not go to the picnic Sunday. It was so hot you could not stand to go out the door. We are supposed to have some more rain and then it will cool down for the year. I hope that they are right. It will be nice for the weather to stay under 90 for awhile. I think that the highs will only get into the middle 80′ at the highest.
Hope you have a good night will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
I hope that you get this. We are so glad that you found us. We have been thinking about you and wondering when you would find us. Do not feel bad we all had a little trouble when we first started on here. They are really good about helping you if you have trouble.
I am glad to hear that Jerry is doing better. Your dinner sounded really good. We did bbq today but Ron did it early so we would not be out in the really hot weather. My daughter and her family came over for dinner and it was just her family. I have not idea what the other two were doing today.
This is weird the print is small and then when you post it gets bigger. I do not know why it is like that. They must not realize that we are older and do not see as well as we use to. lol I guess this is just another thing that we will have to get use to. Maybe they will change it as they go along. They are still working out the bugs.
Hope to see you on here again soon,
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
When we went outside to play ball they made the girls and boys play together. It was our exercise time and they were going to make sure that we got our exercise. The nuns stood right there and watched us. So nothing went on that they did not see. Sometimes it would be nice if they went back to watching out for the kids more and not just let them do what they wanted.
There is a show on the q tomorrow that is supposed to have Lisa on it. I was not sure if that is who they meant or if it was someone else. I wonder if she is doing some fill in for the people that are on vacation. Did you read that Carolyn Gracie is coming back on Tuesday. It will be nice to see her again. She was lucky that she could take the summer off and recuperate. I like her she is a good host. They have a lot of good ones on there now. I really feel like I am getting old when a new host comes on there it takes me awhile to get use to them. I wonder what the other Lisa is doing now. I hope that she found something that suits her.
I know what you mean about a bad back. It is hard to know what to do sometimes for it. They say that riding in a car is one of the worse things that you can do for your back. If you drive a long distance. Adele has probably had all kinds of advice about what to do and not to do by her back doctor also. I hope that yours start to feel better soon. As hot as it was this week-end we were all better off staying in the house. Ron did bbq today but did it early so he would not get that hot outside. Everything turned out pretty good.
I am sick of all the internet stuff also. They forget about people that do not want to do the face book thing and all of that. My granddaughters were trying to explain hash tag to me today. It did not make sense to me at all. I told them to forget it. They were giving me a head ache.lol They were talking about twitter also. I just shut them out and did something else. There is not way that I would do any of that.
That is funny how all the boys would stop and watch you walk across the school yard. They needed to get out more.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night. Hope that you back feels better tomorrow.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
My dentist has said to brush the night guard before I put it in and after I take it out but maybe I will try skipping the before part in order to not get wide awake again. I guess it’s been hard for me to stick with because i am a gagger and really don’t like the feel of it in my mouth. Plus it’s hard to talk so it’s not good for the conversations that we sometimes have in bed. Of course Greg probably prefers that. lol
Wow! 32 kids is a small class. We went to a small school but not that small. I too had a great high school experience and it was only as an adult that I found out it was not the same for everyone. Some kids had a miserable high school experience. That’s sad. A small school was nice in high school because you knew everyone in your own class and in the other three classes as well. College was a little more difficult for me at first after having been a big fish in a small pond. I missed my circle of friends and it took a while to establish a new one as there was a so much larger pool of people to choose from. It’s funny my dentist was at ISU the same years that i was there and sophomore and junior years we lived in brother and sister dorms which means we would have eaten in the same cafeteria. However I probably would not have known him anyway as i was a bit of a wild child then and he was most likely very studious. In any case I left there after my junior year and took some time off and then went back to school in Chicago. We always tease each other as we both have October birthdays although mine is mid month and his is Halloween-so I tell him as his elder he has to listen to me. My uncle also had a Halloween birthday. I always thought that was kind of neat.
That’s funny that Tillie wants Meals on Wheels. You are really serious about this strike. lol It’s bad enough trying to make picky kids happy let alone picky adults. I would have the same reaction as you-if you don’t like it you guys are all adults-fend for yourselves. I am lucky with Greg-he is pretty satisfied with just about anything-and to him if it can be cooked on the grill-that’s even better. He would grill pancakes and eggs if they wouldn’t drip through the grate.
So, Adele, I need your help. This new site will not let me copy and paste a picture. So I tried saving it to my photo file and then posting it that way. I get it in the little browse box but when I hit submit it still does not show up. So what step am I missing? I went back to look where Tiago wrote step by step directions but could no longer find that post. Help!
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
So glad that you finally got on. I e-mailed you trying to tell you that you would have to re-sign up but got no response so maybe you didn’t get the mail or you don’t check mail. For some reason they only brought over half of the people from the old site. They didn’t bring Debbie over either. We all had trouble at first trying to figure everything out. But anyway-we’re glad that you got here.
The print is awfully small. I don’t know what’s up with that but at least it posts larger.
I sent you a friend request. To accept it click on your my page and it should show up there where you can accept it.
Glad to hear that Jerry is doing better.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I’m hoping that we will all be getting a break from the heat soon. Greg barbecued today anyway. He’s like the postman-neither rain nor snow nor sleet nor hail keeps him from his grill. lol
I imagine that Lisa will be on with Super Smile which she represents. But a little while back she was supposed to come back as a host and I saw her on a few shows and then she was gone-and i thought I read somewhere about health concerns with her lupus. I’m glad that Carolyn Gracie will be back. this has been a rough summer for her. I hope that she continues to be well. She seems like such a nice down to earth person and she loves her animals just like we all do. I read about the other Lisa on the Q pages. some people keep up with her on Facebook and from what I read she is doing a lot of traveling. I say good for her. Take some time off and regroup before you decide what to do next. Not everyone has that luxury but if you do take advantage of it.
Have you heard yet how Kaylee is liking preschool? Whenever we ask Lachlan what he did in preschool he says-“played.” How is Danyielle feeling? Good I hope. Is she going to find out the sex of the baby beforehand? Maybe she would like a girl since she already has a boy. That’s always nice to have one of each. But we all know that we take whatever the good Lord chooses to give us! And we love that precious little bundle.
Gail -
Hi Gail,
The baby is a girl. I am so excited about it. She did not say one way or the other about how she felt. I think that Kevin wanted a boy but he will take what he gets. He has no choice. I am not sure how he feels about it. He probably is just as happy about it as the rest of us. I am not sure but Danyielle may not have been feeling good when I talked to her. She will never say until you just really make her. She has always been like that.
It would be nice if the heat would just go away for the year. They say that we are supposed to get some rain and then it will cool down again. I sure hope that they are right. I am tired of all the heat.
Well all of my things from the -
Hi Gail,
That thing posted mid sentence. I will try again. Well all of my things from the q have shipped. I just wonder how long it will take me to get them. They sure are slow around here. I cannot wait to get the dj. I did end up ordering the two tops. I hope that they go well with the what I have. I am thinking about selling some of my old quacker. I am getting a lot that I do not wear anymore. So it needs to go.
Kaylee has not started yet. They do not start until the middle of the month. I guess they wait until they get all of the other kids settled in and then they start pre school. I cannot wait to hear how she does when she starts.
That is good that Lisa is traveling. She needed to do something to unwind after all the time she spent on the q. I hope that she has someone to travel with. It would be hard to travel alone. I guess there has always been someone around to travel with around here it would be hard not to have someone. Someone asked if she was going to marry Dennis Basso. I do not think that is going to happen. I wish I could remember who asked me that. I could write and tell her that Lisa is traveling. It is funny how these rumors start.
Well that is about all from here. I need to get a life and do something besides hibernate in the house. This heat really gets to me though. Have a good day and stay out of the heat as much as you can.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
That is a good idea to keep a pillow in the car.
I would love to send bobby- maybe he would fall in love with one of your daughters….LOL
They fixed Marissa’s schedule at school. She now has 3 classes, twice a week, which is good. She already found a friend. I knew she would as she is very social. So, today was a good Marissa day.
I missed going to the school for JJ. I got up too late to wait until I was not stiff, so I thought it would not to be a good idea to get out of the house that early. Steph sent me a pic, and I talked to him, before he went. He took the cookies I sent for a snack, so that was good too.
It is too bad you did not go to the ho9iday celebrations because of the heat. I would have done the same thing. It is so gross out there today, I would not stick my nose outside. It will not cool down until Thursday around here.
I took out some of the Dept 56 Halloween houses today. So the decorating is starting….LOL
Adele -
Hi Gail
I did not go to college right out of high school. I got married first. So, when I got divorced, I went back to school. I wanted to be an artist, and my parents were freaking out. My Nun wanted me to go to Paris to art school, and they were adamant about my not going. I had won several Art contests for the Archdiocese of Boston’s high schools, first and second places. So, the fight began. Can you imagine? I may have been a designer of sorts, had they not freaked at me being away from them- an only child…..LOL So, they had to babysit at night, while I went to school. I got my revenge….LOL LOLI had to end the dinner strike. they better just ne happy about whatever I make for the rest of this hot weather. Tonight we are having sandwiches- way too hot today. It says 101 on my back deck.
My mouth guard is only a piece of plastic over my top teeth- like those tooth whitening things you see advertised. Not sure if yours is different. It does make you talk funny. Makes for amusing pillow talk….LOL
Rissy is all set with school- she went right to guidance, and they got her into 3 classes. She goes to school on Tuesday and Thursday, and is out by 1:00pm. She made a friend too, which is what I thought would happen. So, she was happy- got all her books today too.I got out some of the Dept 56 Halloween houses. Only the ones in one closet. I have another closer completely full of them on the top shelf of that closet, so there is more to do. I wanted to get them out before I vacuumed this week, as you always have those annoying little white balls of Styrofoam floating around after. I hope to get the rest out before the weekend.
I go to the bottom of this page, and click on the attachments link. Then I search for a pic, and attach. the last one I had to do twice, before it showed. I had to open the pic in a different way to get it to attach. I have no idea how I eventually did it….LOL All I remember is that it would not take it from my picture file. I may never be able to do it again. I hope they fix this, so it will be simpler to do.
I am so glad we heard from Barbara! I friended her, as soon as she came on. I hope she friends me back, so I can do a private email response to her, and help her get on here.
It is grossly hot here today.
Adele -
Colleen- that is great that the baby is a girl. there is so much cuter things to buy. It is awful finding cute stuff for the boys. Everything is dark blue and grey. Congrats!
Is your daughter feeling good?
Adele -
welll somehow I have made it on here again; just wish I could remember how I did it! LOL All of the requests you all have sent me were going in my JUNK e-mail box; and it has been forever since I checked on it; so I am sorry I did not know you all had tried to reach me. This is such a nightmare to me; but I am bound and determined to finallly figure this thing out. My other one to you all went to the old site and thats how Debra found me and said to come to this site. I guess you all can just you the old southern saying, “bless her heart; her elevator doesnt go all the way to the top floor” ha ha. Jerry just had Joey picked us up some food from the Mexican restaurant tonight. I just didn’t feel like cooking tonight. He and I share an entree with some chips and dip. Now I bet all of you are saying, aren’t we glad she got on here to tell us all about her supper? ha ha Adele, hope you SIL is okay. Sending prayers and hope everyones back is feeling better. Gonna close for now and hope this gets to you. That cheese dip is calling my name Barbara
Hey everybody,
I’m sitting here totally drugged out with OXY right now. This pain went from my head to the lower back and I am in a wheelchair again with MAJOR pain. The OXY kind o calms it down jut ti where I can just stan it. But I an’t walk at all. I liked Carolyn Gracie as well. I have her friended on Facebook. I went through the breast cancer thing about seven years ago as well. Gail are you talking about Lisa Robertson having Lupus? That is a terrible disease, somewhat like MS. Lupus attacks the organs where as MS attacks the nervous system. It’s all BS. We’re having a cold front….high 90’s. It’s supposed to rain on the weekend and the temps will drop to 90. The birds will be falling off the trees LOL. I watched the Halloween shows Bought a bunch of stuff and everything was delivered today. In the 90’s, I made my own fancy sweathirts with all the beads and rhinstones. I used to sell them at Sak’s and Neiman Marcus. I got in with the buyers and made a little side money. I am going to do a web page with all my designs so you all can see them. It amazes me that I HAND STITCHED everything. One year I got REAL ambitious, and I did a mural on someone’s ceiling using rhinstones and stuff. It was beautiful. Quacker is coming out with some really nice stuff again. I need to have a garage sale so I can start buyiing again. LOL
Hi Adele,
I am glad that Marissa could get into two more classes. Hope that they are ones that she wanted to take. We do not have to worry about colleges until after next year. My oldest granddaughter does not graduate until 2018. She cannot make up her mind what she wants to do.Every time she thinks she has an idea my daughter tries to talk her out of it. She is going to have to start thinking about it now and so if there are any classes she has to take she can take them now. Her mom never thinks.
I only have one daughter that is sort of available right now. She is the one that is pregnant. To me she is available until he puts a ring on her finger she is available.lol The other two are married.
We found another copper head in our yard last night. Biskit found it and barked and carried on until Ron went outside and killed it. It was under our deck until Biskit ran it out. She stays far enough away that she does not get bit. Ron said that it had its head raised like it was ready to strike but could not reach her. Ron beat it with a baseball bat. It was a good thing we found it instead of one of the kids. They would not have known what to do except to stay away from it.
It has been raining here so our hot and muggy weather is supposed to be clearing out. I hope that they are right. It is going to be a lot cooler the end of the week and next week. They said we are supposed to get more of the fall weather.
Your house is going to look so cute with all of the decorations up. I bet that your house attracts a lot of people during the holidays. Do you decorate the outside as much as you do the inside? We like to go around and look at all the holiday decorations they are always so cute and make you cheer up.
I am so glad to see that Barbara has found us. She is such a sweet lady. I have friended her also but she has not found it yet. Hope she does so we can talk to her privately if we want.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and have fun decorating.
Colleen -
Hi Cynthia,
I like the decorations that you have in front of the house. I guess that is the old house. Those are really cute. We do not do that much we do not have any people that live on our road. We all live so far off the road that no one would see them but us.
It is not Lisa Robertson it is the other Lisa that has Lupus. I think her last name if Mason. She was supposed to be on one of the shows tonight but she was not there. Albany hosted the show instead. Lisa M was a good hostess. So was the other Lisa. Miss them both.
I hope that your pain will lessen as the days go by. Just hang in there and do what you can.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
Glad that you found your way back again. This site is harder to figure out then the other one was. You will get the hang of it though. If I did you will and that is for sure. I am terrible with computers.
It was nice that Debra helped you to get back on here.
You have my mouth watering. The Mexican food sound delicious. We all talk about what we ate or what we are going to fix. Adele keeps our mouths watering with all of her baked goods. She is a good baker. She posted that picture of her Boston creme pie. That looks so good. She is teasing us with all the good stuff. lol
Hope that you will keep posting and will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Yes, and there is no way I can even think of decorating right now. I am SUPER crippled. I took a ton of pictures and used to have the cutest websites for them until Cox closed out all webspace. Now I have to start over. No Mexican food for me,makes my stomach burn like crazy. And NO snakes either. That is one thing we don’t have to worry about over where I am right now.
Glad that you found us again. I guess you have to check your spam every once in awhile to see if something goes there that shouldn’t. I never used to until I was waiting for a confirmation for something that I had ordered and couldn’t find it anywhere. I finally checked the spam and there it was so now I check it every few days and then delete so that I don’t have hundreds of e-mails adding up in there. I saw you had posted on the old sight but by the time I saw it Sue had already come on and directed you back here. You will find your way around. It took all of us awhile. There are some things that I really don’t like about it. I don’t think it’s quite as user friendly as it was before but at least we can still chat and that’s the main thing.
Gail -
It’s Lisa Mason with the lupus-not Lisa R. I think I read that on the Q boards so I’m just going by what was said over there.
I thought maybe there were rattlesnakes in the Vegas area because of he desert climate.
Your outdoor decorations were so nice! Cute and not spooky. When the grandkids go out trick or treating they will not go to the houses that have the really spooky decorations.
Gail -
A new little baby girl will be so nice. I wonder if Kaylee will be unhappy not being the baby of the family anymore. It always seems to me it’s easier to shop for girls than it is for boys. Perhaps because I am a girl too. lol
I usually just donate my gently used clothes somewhere. My friend takes hers to a consignment shop, but we don’t have anything like that around here.
I think Lisa Robertson has a boyfriend that she has been taking trips with. I imagine that she has lots of girlfriends and some sisters too so she probably has no problem finding traveling companions. I doubt that she and Dennis Basso would be getting married as he already has a husband that I have heard him speak of. Dennis is certainly a larger than life personality. Greg likes to imitate him when he isn’t imitating “Little Susie Graver.” lol For a guy who never watches QVC he sure seems to know who everyone is. lol
I’m glad that Ron was around to get that snake and glad that Biscuit barked and stayed away so that she didn’t get bit again.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I’m glad that Marissa was able to find more classes to take. I hope that she does well and enjoys her time there.
So you are an artist. How interesting! An artist who went to school for social work in order to actually be able to make a living. I know how that is as Greg was an originally an art major who I think ended up as a business major. What medium did you like to use and what subject matter did you like or did you like abstract art. I must say that I understand representational art more than I do abstract. I don’t know how you tell which abstract art is good and which was actually painted by a kindergartener. I guess I am just unsophisticated. Do you still draw or has your creativity gone into your needlework and your baking? Greg doesn’t draw anymore except maybe sometimes a quick sketch for a grandkid. Of course now he has taken up guitar making so woodworking is a form of art too. I often wonder how he got the artistic and musical talent and I got none of that stuff. I’m still trying to figure out what talents that I have.
I think we probably have the same type of night guard. I just don’t like to wear it-I guess because it does interfere with my main talent-talking. lol
I know what you mean about those pesky little balls of Styrofoam inside those boxes that the houses are stored in. They have a mind of their own and just stick to everything. Like those crazy styrofoam peanuts-you can’t get rid of them-much prefer bubble wrap. It protects and it pops.
Gail -
Hi Cynthia= love your Halloween decorations! I hope you feel better soon. It is miserable to be in pain all the time.
Adele -
Hi Barbara
I think it is great you are doing take out. It is way too hot to cook over here- it will be above 90 again, with high humidity. I feel so bad for the grands in school today. We are doing pizza tonight. Steph is coming over to use the pool, with Jhonny, before he goes to work this afternoon. JJ will be here after school, of he did not melt away!
I love cheese dip…yum yum!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I just put out a couple of things outside for Halloween- pumpkin, a metal Frankenstein, and then the door sign that says….”the witch is in”. I should leave that one up all year….LOL
I am also glad Barbara found us, but, she has not figured out the friend thing yet. Hoe she does soon- I bet Gail can direct her to it. Gail is really good at all this stuff.
That is funny- he does need to put a ring on her. Steph and Jhonny are not officially married either- they are engaged. I have no idea what the delay is!
Those snakes scare the hell out of me. I would not like that at all. yesterday, they saw a Hawk on our lawn eating something. I hope it was not one of our bunnies.
It is gross here today, again. This is for the birds! When they come to use the pool, I am not going out at all.
Adele -
Hi Gail,
I didn’t decorate this year. My MS is so bad. Now they want to put me on IV steroids again and the last time they did it I gained 50 pounds and it took me TWO YEARS to get it off. If I have to be sick and miserable, I want to be fashionably thin and miserable.There are rattle snakes up in the high desert plains but not in the city. I did some Quacken today.
PS.. That is so funny about your husband imitating Susan Graver LOL MY HUSBAND DOES IT TOO!!!!!! We KNOW they are ‘closet cases LOL. I think Paul Deasey used to go after Lisa back in the day. Have any of you ever bought Bob Mackie? I have some of his stuff and now there is going to be a Halston show. I bought two of all those diamonique bands in the colors. I am so bad. And i have a bunch of stuff on back order. Tons of Susan Graver. I bought every single Statement necklace she has And a couple of Logo Links ones. Did you see where MACY’s is closing 400 stores? The only places I go now are Victoria Secret and Charming Charlies. They have really nice purses and statement pieces. I got a gift certificate for my birthday and went shopping there. I need another annex on this house. I MISS MY OLD CLOSETS!!! Our other house had a loft and my husband paid to have it closed in and it had shelves and racks just like a department store. LOL Next place we get (my husband is already looking) he is getting me my own department store closet again. Not that I want to move. This last move almost put me six feet under. I didn’t realize how much stuff I had. I have to take pictures. I remember reading about Natalie Wood when she died.It took eight people twelve hours to just move her furs and clothes. Do you guys keep wish lists on QVC? I do. The worst thing that can ever happen is having money and a credit card and nothing to buy. Of course I am always a day late and a buck short and have fifty things I want at any given time. But there has been a couple times when I did have a few gift certificates and there was nothing to get on the mall. NEXT time, I am asking for QVC cards. We have consignment shops here but they are mostly for kids. Before we had the cats,( I had and still have ) a Blues Clues room with all of them dressed in baby clothes. We lost a couple of our animals in the early days and both of us were so broken up we swore we would never get real animals again. So my husband started buying me stuffed ones. And then we had a baby room, and well….here’s the pictures.
OMG Gail……..you should film Greg imitating Dennis Basso. It would be a hoot!
Adele -
Hi Gail
I have not drawn anything in years. I used to work on chalks. That was my favorite. I would sit in the window of the school, look outside, and draw. They were city scenes, one that won was a 3 decker house, with the laundry hanging on the lines. Another one that won, was a fabric batic, of a bird. I lost them in the move here.
Isn’t it a hoot what we end up doing? You just never know. I did always want to help people, that was one thing I always had in mind.
Steph is here, with Aizen. Waiting for JJ to get out of school. Then it is pizza- way too hot to cook!
Adele -
Hi Cynthia,
Yes, I’ve bought Bob Mackie over the years. I think after 25 years I’ve tried just about everyone once. Except for Gili-too old and fat for that stuff. Plus I still wonder who is paying 85 dollars for that Obi belt that I don’t think looks good on anyone but a total stick figure.
I had not heard about the Macy’s closings. That would be sad as they are an anchor store for many a Mall-although I hear Malls are hurting because of online shopping.
I’ve never had a QVC wish list as I am the only one I know who buys from there.
I do love the look of the statement necklaces but I only have one because they seem so dressy and I wouldn’t have a lot of places to wear it. Plus they are a little heavy around the neck and after awhile that starts to bother me. Every place you go now seems so casual-no one dresses up anymore. But I enjoy seeing what statement necklaces the women on the morning shows and the talk shows choose to wear.
It is hard when you lose a beloved pet. You do feel like you cannot go through that again. Then after awhile you remember all the wonderful memories and the love that you received from your pet and you decide it’s worth doing it over again because if you don’t you might miss another opportunity for happiness and love.
Gail -
Hi Gail and Cynthia
We heard a little blip on the news last night about Macy’s closing some stores. They never said which ones.
Cynthia- did I miss something- did one of your kitties die? If so, I am sorry you lost one of your little furry friends. Kitties are so cute. I had 4 at one time. An all white one, an orange tabby, a grey tabby, and one that looked like the kitten named Nermal on the Garfield cartoon- we called him Nermal. I lost the last one around 2001.
PS……….I am exhausted today. JJ Steoh, and Aizen were here late. It was JJ’s birthday, and since Jhonny goes to work at 4, Steph did not want to be alone on JJ’s birthday. We had an impromptu birthday party. Since Marissa now has her car, we sent her to the store for a birthday cake. We did pizza. JJ picked the only 2 cucumbers that grew outside, and you had to see how Aizen loved them. I called them my 9.00 cucumbers- 2.99 for each plant…..LOL. We still have no zucchini- a few flowers are on the vines. J said there were 3 peppers still growing. I harvested one that looks like a funky tomato. That is my 9.00 pepper. We will see if I get any more of those. -
Hi Adele,
Hope JJ had a good first day of school. What grade is he in now?
Next time you’re in Hobby Lobby or somewhere like that you should pick up a sketch pad and some chalks and try your hand again. I’ll bet the great grands would love to see you draw something. Greg did mostly oils and pencil sketches. Somewhere around is a pencil of me when we were first married. I wonder where the heck that could be. Maybe in the basement somewhere.
It is funny what we end up doing. I ended up working in accounting and I hate math-but I am good at details. I started out in speech pathology-directed that way by my mother when I really wanted to work with emotionally disturbed kids-or be an archeologist which would have been unheard of at the time. Then quit school and went back as an English major in secondary ed-then decided I didn’t want to teach so just ended up in English-not very useful though. I also was interested in helping people but that just never transpired career wise. Life often takes a very serpentine path.
Gail -
Hi Gail
Jj had a good day at school. They said he got the better of the two 3rd grade teachers, and his best friend is in his class, plus a few other friends. So, hope he has a good year. Thank you for asking.
I have found over the years, especially in my interviewing hundreds of people for their foster or adoptive Homestudies, that you could write a novel about each and every person’s life experiences.
Can you imagine- I would have been in Art, and you would have been in Archaeology. Back then, parents told girls they coul dnto do things. Things are very different today!
Adele -
Anyone else not getting their e-mail notifications when someone posts on this topic or is it just me? Greg has been fooling around with computers trying to figure out why we are all of a sudden using so much data so maybe he did something.
Hi Gail
Yours was the first one I got today. Did we miss some?
Adele -
Hi Girls. I am so sorry that you are feeling so sick with your MS Cynthia. Sure hope it is getting better and you are finding some relief from that pain. I know you hate to have to take those steroids but if it will help you; you just have to do what you have to do. I was on steroids for a long time years ago with that cancer; and I blew up especially in my face but knew I had to take it. Funny, but you just sometimes get to a point where you just say, whatever it takes to make me feel better and go on with it. But I know that you know what is right for you, and will do the best that is for you. In any case; good luck. Colleen, I am so happy that Ron took care of that snake instead of Bisquit or anyone else getting hurt. Those copperheads are so bad; and they actually seem to like to pick a fight instead of run from you. I guess I am trying to say they are so aggressive. Adele, my brother is an artist, but is also a professor at the U of Alabama. He said something I will always remember, he said to me that if you want to starve to death, paint, if you want to eat, get a job ha ha. He is 3 years my senior, and I just love him. He has such a young spirit. He married when we were young, divorced, and stayed single (no children) for over 20 years, and then ended up marrying one of his students after she graduated and became a high school teacher. She is drop dead georgeous. I’ll never for get the first time I met her; I know my chin just dropped when I saw how young and beautiful she is. But they are in love; travel all over the world every summer and lead a great life. He paints still; mostly landscapes, and has a studio in New Orleans and has sold some pretty expensive paintings (more than I could afford ha ha ). He did a portrait of our oldest son from the photo I had made of him on his first birthday; and gave it to me as a gift. I treasure it. Buddy had a little sailor suit on; and each of the boys had their first year photo made wearing the same sailor suit he had worn. I am so sentimental. I am like Gail, you should take it up again. I bet your grandchildren would love to paint along with you; especially if you use chalk. My only chalk use was for four squares on the sidewalk as a child. Anyone else play that? By the way, I made your brownie recipe. To say the least; they ate it up.
I am really having a hard time with Sarah; and to be honest with Neal as well. I guess just adjusting to him being married. I cannot seem to have a talk with him without her feeling she needs to be there. She didn’t offer to help me on Labor Day. She is a good girl but she and I are so not alike. Wait a minute, did I just say I am not a good girl? ha ha Jerry keeps saying that I need to speak up or he will, that I am not their maid or cook, but I just don’t want to cause strife with them and I just know Neal will take her side if it comes to me saying anything. Oh, girls, it is too complicated and it should be so simple. I just want families to love one another; take care of one another. Where am I going wrong?
I think I need to go buy something. I need a new solar light to cheer me up ha ha. I keep saying you all should just walk outside at night and look south for the glow in the sky and say to yourself, there’s Barbara lighting up the night sky with all her solar light therapy! Talk soon. I have just got to get Jerry out of this house and away from the news channel. He is starting to talk to it again. Hugs, Barbara -
Happy birthday Barbara. If you haven’t accepted your friendship requests and you want to go to the top of the page and click on my page. Scroll down and you will see where people have asked to friend you and you can click on accept or reject as you see fit. At least I think it’s your birthday-it said it was on the old site.
Gail -
Hi Barbara
You are not doing anything wrong. This new generation of women do not do anything to help out. My friend Joyce’s 2 DIL’s do nothing when they go to her house. Then add that Joyce, like us, has issues. If she says anything to either DIL, an argument will begin. She has to walk on eggshells around them, at all times. The stories I could tell! I have found that a relationship with a DIL is very fragile. The MIL has to have nerves of steel, and a smile on her face at all times, or it is misconstrued as a call to arms. Then add that they live at your place- I think in the small house out back, right? If she were underfoot, it would be even worst.
If anything, I would suggest this, in the hope it would not blow up in your face…………”Sarah dear, I am wondering if you think I am protective of my appliances. I would not mind at all, if you wanted to do a load of laundry, or cook something for you and Neal- I really would not mind at all.” What do the rest of you girls think. Maybe between all of us, we can find a sentence that would work, and not make lifelong enemies.
I am so glad you liked the brownie recipe It is so simple, and you do not even have to dirty the mixer. That is what I love about it the most. It is a huge hit over here, and I have some very complicated brownie recipes. I actually have not made any of the complicated ones anymore at all!
I buy a new Quacker top when I am upset, or a new Annalee doll, or something pumpkin- like the new Temptations ones. I think I have every pumpkin thing they have….LOL
Speaking of the news- can anyone get the picture of that dead little boy who washed ashore escaping Syria (I think) out of their mind? I am haunted by that picture, and I am in tears whenever I think of it.
Unspeakable horror in 2015. Not acceptable, just not acceptable.
Love you guys!
Adele -
form all your Quacker friends
Adele -
Hi Gail,
Kaylee is going to be so jealous. She is mad that Danyielle has a boyfriend. She does not like him and will not have much to do with him. He has tried to be nice to her but she is not having any of it. She told him she did not like him to leave her alone. She does not get to stay at Aunt Danyielle’s anymore and that makes her mad also. It would be hard to have her there and Kevin. It is really funny. So by the time the baby gets here she will not be talking to Danyielle either.
Greg is getting to be the little imitator. lol At least he imitates people that have better voices then the people that Ron tries to imitate. It is odd how these guys know who is on qvc but they never watch. I wonder if they go off by themselves and watch it when we are not looking.lol
I got my djs today. The wine color is really pretty. I also ordered two shirts. They came in a set. One is grey and the other is pink. I am hoping that it will go with the wine jeans. I am not sure about either one of them.
I did not think that Dennis was Lisa’s type. I just wonder what she is going to do after she gets done traveling. She must have had some type of plan. She may have figured out a way to retire at her age. They have those plans now where you can retire early. I wish we would have gotten one of those plans. Now that we could travel we are stuck at home because of health problems. Life is not fair but then no one ever said that it was going to be.
Ron knows that I would not live here much longer if he did not kill the snakes. I have never walked up on one but if I did it would be all over with. I do not like snakes. We are just glad that Biskit has gotten to where she knows to stay away from them. She learned the hard way.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
That is more decorations then we put outside. We use to get a couple of hay stacks and then put a couple of pumpkins on it and some mums. Then we would put a scarecrow on there also. Ron just decided that he did not want to do that anymore so he doesn’t. The man is getting old and grumpy. We still do the hay ride every fall. We are going to do it the first week in October this year. We have tried doing it later in the month but it is so cold that everyone freezes. We should have a good time. We roast hot dogs and make smores. The kids always have a good time.
I know that ring is not important. Some people get married and it does not last very long . She had second thoughts about her first husband and did not do anything about it. I told her she should have told me and her dad we would have canceled that whole thing. So she was unhappy with him for all that time and never said a word. She did have Owen that was the only good thing that came out of the marriage. Sorry did not mean to go there.
Snakes are creepy. I am so glad that it is almost time for them to go into there wholes for the year. I will be so glad when they are all gone. Someone said that if you pour bleach in their holes it will run them off. I am not sure if that works. Who wants to go looking for snake holes. I sure do not.
It is good news that Marissa got into two more classes. I can imagine that she was relieved.
Well that is about all from here. Take care and will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
Sorry that you are still having problems with Sarah. I do not have any dil at all so do not have that problem. She sounds like she has been spoiled really bad by her parents and never taught any responsibility. That is a shame. You are doing better then I would. I would have to say something or explode. You have to do sounds right to you. If nothing else you can tell us all about it when you do not think that you can stand anymore. We will always listen.
I wish that I had some type of talent. I cannot paint or sew or anything crafty at all. My mom can do all types of things and my dad was a good artist. I did not inherit any of that. I am the only one in the family that cannot do stuff like that. lol I think they must of found me under a cabbage leaf.
Your brother sounds like a very talented man. That is really nice that he found someone later in life that he can travel with and enjoy life. A lot of people never find that. How exciting that he has sold some of his paintings. He must be really good.
I know what you mean about men and the news. Ron does that also. Then sometimes he is crabby all night long and I have to tell him no more news. It is hard to understand why they do that to themselves. They know that it is going to make them mad so why listen. Do something else. Not men though they like to watch that junk and get mad. I will never understand.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Glad to hear that JJ got the good teacher and has friends in his room. I hope that he has a good year too.
You are right everyone does have a story. I remember seeing an Oprah show one time based on just that premise. I don’t remember the episode well but I think they had people working with the audience members to each write their own story. Sometimes soap operas have nothing on real life stories. People are very interesting if you just take the time to listen. Speaking of doing home studies for adoptions and foster placement-it seems like they did one again after the baby is in your home before final papers are signed-anyway-at the time I was obviously pregnant and was afraid that they would take the baby (Brent ) back because of that. Funny how your mind works.
Yes back in the day not many careers were open to woman. You really weren’t allowed to dream. My mother really pushed me into speech pathology because special ed. teachers were needed (she was secretary to the superintendent of schools) so she knew what she was talking about but I had no passion for that field-she thought that would be the best special ed path as it was also something that I could still do privately if I married and had a family-practical but not really my hearts desire. I wanted special ed which back then was divided up into hearing and speech path, teaching either what they called mentally retarded which was broken into two categories-educable and non educable-and teaching mentally disturbed and socially maladjusted which was the field of special ed that I wanted. Naturally the categories were not very politically correct back then. And nothing was really geared toward Dyslexia or ADD and autism was like a rare occurrence back then. And now most of special ed emphasizes those categories. it’s funny though-Brent’s best high school friend got a special ed degree with an emphasis on emotionally troubled kids so I like to think perhaps somewhere along the line in the many hours and days that he spent at our house something of me rubbed off on him.
It must just be me who stopped getting notices when someone else posts. I don’t know what’s going on. I have the box checked and was getting them but all of a sudden they have stopped. Maybe it has something to do with having to sign out of my Yahoo page now in order to try and track down where all the interenet overages are all of a sudden coming from. I swear it started right after Greg got his new phone-it just doesn’t make sense-we are doing the same things that we always did and now all of a sudden we are using a zillion times more data. We need a super computer sleuth to figure this one out!
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I have never drawn four square on the sidewalk with chalk but I have drawn hopscotch. What is four square?
You are not doing anything wrong when it comes to Neal and Sarah. It seems like each new family develops their own dynamic and what works for them. When you think of it our families are probably different in some ways than our parents families and so on down the line. What we would do isn’t necessarily what our kids would do but it’s hard to accept that especially when they are living under our roof. I’ve found it much easier to accept the differences when they are not living with us on a daily basis and I am constantly confronted with it first hand. I guess it’s kind of out of sight out of mind or ignorance is bliss-but it seems to work. I think the idea of the Waltons and three generations living happily under the same roof is probably pretty romanticized. Although, Adele’s house is like that and they seem to make it work okay. It just seems once they get married they have a new and different family unit in the combination that the two of them make-if I am making any sense at all. I’m having a hard time expressing my meaning. Sometimes I really don’t think the young ones realize that they should be helping-it seems once they have a family themselves and realize how much work it all can be that the light bulb finally goes off. I was lucky in that Kim was brought up with what I call old fashioned “southern” values and she was always very helpful.
However, if there is a confrontation your son will most likely take his wife’s side and when you think about it our husbands probably would have taken our sides too when we were young married couples-it’s just the way it is when a new family unit is formed. That’s why it’s so much harder when you are all under one roof. Because you can see what is going on and you want to speak up but don’t want to cause a rift. This won’t solve the underlying situation but hopefully they will soon have saved enough money to get their own place and when you are not living together the strain will be less. The situation will not change but you won’t be living with it and watching it day after day. So keep your eye on the prize, Barbara. and if they are driving you up the wall you can always come here and vent to us and then look out the window and see all your lovely solar lights and feel the peace filling your soul.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
That is funny about Kaylee and Danyielle’s boyfriend. She sounds like a very strong minded little girl who wants to run the whole show. Something tells me she will not like the competition of another little girl in the family. Maybe she will take on a big sister type of role and be the new baby’s teacher. I always have to stop and think before I write about your granddaughters because you have both a Kylie and a Kaylee so I have to make sure I have the right name with the right person.
I think the pink and the gray shirt would go with a lot of things-the wine pants and also gray or black or denim-it sounds like it should be pretty versatile. I’m looking forward to the cooler weather to take out the fall and Halloween Quacker to wear.
Poor Greg has a toothache and came home early today to go to the dentist. He has an infection under a crown for some reason so he is on an antibiotic and has to go to a specialist on Monday. Fortunately once he’s on the antibiotic the pain should go away.
Took Rocky to the groomers today and when I went to pick him up he had gone into one of the crates there and was just laying there waiting for me to come get him. It was a little sad though because it reminded me when I used to take all three dogs there and they all used to go together into one of the huge crates. We used to come into that place like a tornado and now it’s just me and little Rocky. He was having a bit of trouble getting down the two steps into the garage to go out to his potty enclosure so Greg just built him a ramp and carpeted it so it wouldn’t be slippery and now it’s much easier for him. Gosh-we’re lucky to have husbands who know how to build things and fix things.
Has your weather broken yet? We are now getting some cooler temperatures and also some rain.
The other day I walked past the patio doors and found our old nemesis the blue heron out there scoping out the koi pond again. For some reason they always seem to come in the spring and the fall. So I had to go out and chase him away. It used to be the dogs would bark and scare him but Rocky seldom barks because he doesn’t hear anymore. However he does bark when he is done in the dog pen. Sometimes I would let Abby out to chase him away. He probably can’t get the big koi in the big pond because it’s too deep but if he discovers that there are babies in the upper shallow pond they will be sitting ducks. Every fall we have this war on the blue heron.
Gail -
Forget to tell you all. My SIL got the results from her bone marrow biopsy and there is no damage to bone or marrow so other than the enlarged red blood cells and she said a few minor things she is good to go. She has to do blood work once a month and sees the hematologist again in January. So thank you all for the prayers. She also finally sold her house so I said she should go forth now and be happy and healthy in her new life.
Hi Colleen
I totally get it with you and the snakes. I would be the same way. We can now call Ron the Snake Charmer….LOL
That is so sad about your daughter, that she felt she had to go through with the marriage. You are right though, she would not have had Owen, and that is a blessing.
We are relieved Marissa got the classes, as we were afraid she would just drop out, and not go at all. That happened with Amanda- she kept pushing it off, and then did not go.
I love hayrides. But, the last one I went on, my face blew up like a balloon- allergies. So, I would not be any fun on a hayride at all….LOL
It is raining here, and I am glad as we really need it. It is supposed to stop some time today.
Hope you are having a great Friday!
Adele -
Hi Gail
You are so right- women were not encouraged to do what they wanted. Today’s girls have no idea how lucky they are. They know so much about learning disabilities today, and that is wonderful for these kids. Gary is dyslexic, and he hated school. He was never diagnosed. I figured it out in a second. If he had help, he would have liked school, and possibly gone on to college.
I have found that all adoptive parents are really scared that they will not get a child, or lose the one they have, before the finalization. it is really sad. But you can understand it, as they have no control over the decisions made on their life, not to mention the legal system. A lot of the worker’s time is spent on reassuring them all will be ok. the legal system is a nightmare to a lot of people. And scary!
Computers are strange. you press one button by mistake, and you are dead in the water.
Hope the beginning to your weekend is good!
Adele -
Barbara and Gail…….
Well said, Gail. You have a nice way with words.
here is a good one…….for every holiday, or birthday, give them money for their “house fund”.
Bobby and his x lived here for a bit before they moved into their place. It was not easy, as you know. The hardest thing was to keep Gary quiet .He loses it really quick.
I hope you can find some middle ground, so you can have less stress in your life. It is so hard to have a DIL under your roof.
Adele -
Gail and Colleen
OMG- that is what I got diagnosed with last week- an infection under a crown. I am on my last day on the antibiotic. It is still sore to bite down on that side. Let me know how greg feels, as I think this is the weirdest thing I have ever had.
Adele -
Gail- that is fabulous about your SIL. Prayers work. Also glad she sold the house. I love good news!
Adele -
Adam is dyslexic too and I don’t think he was ever diagnosed in school. He just said he had a hard time since his two brothers and sister got such good grade and he was always middle of the road. When you have to struggle so much you just don’t enjoy learning. it’s not that you are not smart you just need tools that help you learn in a different manner.
Speaking of adoptions and the legal system-Brent was born by C-section which means he could be released from the hospital before his mother. I guess legally there are only certain people that can technically carry him out of the hospital and it didn’t include the adoptive parents. I guess the grandparents wanted no part of it so the judge actually went to the hospital and carried the baby (Brent) out and placed him with the lawyer and his wife who then brought him to our house. it also happened to be 4th of July weekend. This was a private adoption-I suppose things would be different with an agency or a government body. Anyway, in all the years since whenever that judge was on a ballot she got my vote. Now I think she is higher up in the system so she gets appointed to her jobs.
I had to laugh when you mentioned my being able to express myself. Sometimes I have to grope for words that used to come easily. But it reminded me of the words a college professor wrote on a hastily written essay. His comment was “your facility with words sometimes does you in”-meaning in a nice way-I can tell that you didn’t put much time into this and although it’s good it could be excellent. For some reason his comment always stuck in my brain after that and I try not to do things half-assed so to speak. lol
It is weird that you and Greg had the same thing with your tooth. He has an appointment with the root canal/crown doctors-not sure of their official title-on Monday. Not sure what they will decide to do with the tooth. I’ll keep you posted.
Gail -
Hi Gail
I love that quote from your professor. I bet we would all have enjoyed reading that essay…..LOL
My instructions with the dentist were to call her, if the tooth still hurt. Then, we may have to do a root canal. She said they would drill through the crown to do the root canal. Yuck. I wonder what they will do with Greg. I am anxious to hear what they do with Greg.
All I can say is “WOW” on that adoption story. I never heard of it being so strict on who takes the baby out of the hospital. For us, it was the person who had custody that can transport the child….which means the State or foster parent, who is our designee. There is a clause in the Foster Parent Agreement that says, “You shall not give up the custody of the child to anyone who is not an agent of the Department.” So, you ask…..why does Adele remember this sentence………because I used it once to revoke someone’s license. Not one of my best days, I might add, but, certainly memorable
I always feel bad that Gary never got a way to deal with his learning disability. He taught himself how to deal. He has notes all over his desk, and never puts anything away- everything has to be within his sight.. Definitely have some ADD added in there.
Just finished washing the kitchen floor, and cleaning the counters- off to the showers I go……………….it stopped raining.
Adele -
Seems all I needed was retail therapy, and a birthday date with Joey ;who loves to shop too! He called and asked to take me and Jerry out to dinner, Jerry said no just let it be the two of us; so off we went. Had a wonderful time. He is so much fun and always can make me laugh. We had a long serious talk (I mostly listened) about him and Lisa and how their relationship is going. He admitted that things are not as rosy as it appears; but the two of them are to be leaving for Destin Florida in a few weeks, and so are Neal and Sarah. I know they all need a break, and Jerry and I do too; not because we don’t love them; but because we all just need a little “space” to clear our heads. He worries me that Lisa has a jealousy thing. I did up and say, a lot of this probably has to do with they are the last ones to marry, and he agreed. So hard to see your children go through tough decisions; but I look back on some that Jerry and I made regarding the kids, and I am not so proud and wish I could do over. I think like Gail that when Jerry and I built this place we had all these dreams of us all being together always; and didn’t really think of how they would have dreams of their own that might not be the same as ours were. I do believe that Neal and Sarah will move out soon. I just continue to speak and say she looks really nice or smells really good or something like that. No personal questions. I love one of Paw Paws old quotes that I always think about. He said “it is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubts”. Lots of wisdom there.
It is so strange; Jerry is dyslexic too. He had a terrible time all through school, and to this day I have to spell everything for him and he refuses to read. I have bought him several books that I know he would love to know the content; but to no avail. I cannot imagine a life without a book. They take me away to places I know in my heart I will not ever see in person; they make me feel I am right there with the characters. I have always loved to read. Gail, that was so admirable of you to work with people with disabilities. That is one thing I love about Joey; he works on a unit with dementia residents. He made me laugh by telling me that one of the ladies will not take her 10 pm meds unless he lets her pat him on his leg. The female nurses tease him about this. He said in her mind she is just reliving being young again. He is so understanding.
Jerry is driving me bananas watching that news show. It is so full of terrible things, I found him fussing at it again; so I made him change the channel and he went to the weather. So I can’t wait for DWTS to start up again to give us something to do. Wish I could get him interested in candy crush or something. He is feeling better; so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I found a big bruise on his side and said where in the world did you get that? For two days he “couldn’t remember” and I kept pushing him for info that he finally admitted he fell back into the car door one night and hit the edge of the door.
It is rainy here today; but is to be beautiful all week end. Hope you all have nice weather too. I think it is a grilled cheese and tomato soup night for us tonight. Can’t really think of anything I am interested in = take care. Barbara -
Hi Gail,
I hope that Greg gets rid of his tooth ache soon. That is no fun to have a tooth ache. I have never heard of having an infection under a crown. That would make it hurt even worse. I hope the dentist can give him something to help him.
I do not know what they will do with Kaylee when the baby comes. She is going to be something else when the baby gets here. She may not want Kevin to touch the baby. It will be interesting to see how she reacts. Maybe by then she will have forgiven Kevin for what ever it was he has done to her. You never know about her though she is a stubborn girl.
Poor Rocky. He needs a friend so he does not have to do things alone. Do you think that you will get another dog? We are not sure after these two if we want anymore dogs or not. We really love our dogs but you never know what will happen with them. Biskit is a handful with the snakes even though she has learned not to get too close. You just never know what she will do. I felt this way when Lucky died but here we have two dogs again. I guess never say never.
Our weather is really nice now. We had some rain and then it got really cool. We do not have to have the air on at all. We just are using fans. It is so nice. We have been sitting on the deck in the evenings it is so nice out. It would be nice if we were done with the hot weather for the rest of the year. I am ready for fall and winter. It is fun wearing all the sweaters and coats. I am just weird. It is easier to get warm then it is to get cool.
Well that is about all from here have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
It has gotten cooler here too-although by the end of next week I think it will be in the eighties again. I wish we could have September and October with weather in the 60’s and 70’s-to me that’s perfect for going outdoors and doing things. Pretty soon it will be time for your annual hay ride. Gosh I haven’t done one of those since high school. Brings back lots of old memories.
Big week at the Crone household. Lachlan lost his first tooth. Kendall learned to ride a bike without training wheels and Jenny got a call from Kendall’s Spanish teacher telling her how well she is doing and how she can just see her little mind churning and following along in class and that Kendall is her helpful buddy. So that was good news. Jenny and Adam ran 8 and a half miles before we got there last night. They might run a half marathon on Halloween. More power to them. I think she had 22,000 steps on her fit bit yesterday. Oh to be 33 again and able to work and take care of a house and family and run 8 and 1/2 miles all in one day! I couldn’t do all that in one week.
Sometimes I think that Rocky would benefit from an older dog friend. When he comes home from the groomer where he has been more active because of the other dogs he always has a better appetite because he has not just been sleeping all day like he does here now that there are no other dogs in the house. Gosh we have had dogs ever since we have been married. In a way I can’t imagine life without one. I can’t have cats because Greg is allergic so there really is no other alternative anymore. Also I can’t have a miniature horse in the house (lol) because we discovered last year at ONP that he is allergic to those also.
Hope that you have a nice cool weekend.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Do you have to go back and have the tooth checked? Greg has an appointment with the endodontist to look at that tooth on Monday. I will let you know what they recommend doing with it. He has already had a root canal in that tooth/crown.
You and my sister could really talk shop together. She worked in different areas of Child Protective Services for many many years. She was also the first, appointed by the governor, Ombudsmen for DCFS for the state of Indiana. So she set up the whole program for that for the state. That was her last job before she retired. She applied for the job never thinking that she would get it but her qualifications and number of years of experience were so strong that they just scooped her right up for the job. It was a great opportunity for her too as those last few years of working at a higher pay scale really benefitted her social security. However, it was quite stressful too so she was glad to retire from there. Plus with her background she can get part time work anytime she would want or need it. She is still so high energy-she is always doing something-ballroom dancing taking classes-she is just active active active-unlike me her couch potato sister. It’s hard to believe we came from the same parents. lol
Any treats cooking in your house this weekend? I imagine that your mind is churning with the fall delights that you will be whipping up. Gotta display something on all those pumpkin plates! lol
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
How wonderful to have a private birthday dinner with Joey. That was a great gift!
Somewhere I have a cross stitch piece with that same saying of PawPaw’s on it.
I am like you. Life would not be complete without books. My mother always said that if nothing else was available I would read the cereal box. I subscribe to several book sites and am always looking for what to read next. Right now I probably have a list of 500 books that I want to read. I still read paper books but also use my nook-probably about 50/50. I love the nook for the portability and that any book is available at the click of a finger. Plus we have a lot of books so the nook helps with storage.
You are going to have a rough year with Jerry and the news shows what with an election year coming up. Fortunately Greg is much more interested in watching sports than he is news-although that can get obsessive too as I think he would watch a tiddily winks tournament if it was labeled as “sports” programming.
Hope that you have a great weekend.
gail -
Hi Adele,
Marisa sounds like she was determined to get to school and have the classes she needed to stay in school. She will make it she seems to want something more out of life. My oldest daughter was like that. She always new that she wanted to be in fashion and never gave up on getting to college. We got her all set up and got the things that she would need for the dorm and she was happy. She finally went with two other girls and rented an apartment. They stayed there until they got married and some other girls took over the apartment. These three girls all went to high school together and they all went to different colleges. They still stayed together and are friends to this day.
It is hard to find where people have posted on here. You have to scroll down so far and then you lose the post you were looking for. That is so aggravating. I wish they would break this up into pages like they did on the old one. You could go to page 2 and find where the last chat was. I hope you know what I mean.
I have got to figure out how to fix up the yard this year for the hayride. The kids are all older now and we can scare them a little. I wish that I had ghosts with lights in them that would light up when they went by in the wagon. We have a thing that will make strange noises so that will be fun also. I know that we can use sheets but what can we use inside to make them light up. I thought about the candles that are on timers but that would not work. They would stay on all the time. I may have to go and look at wally world and see what they have. I wish we had a party store down here somewhere. We do not though. I sure could use some ideas if anyone has any.
That is really nice that JJ has a good teacher. That makes all the difference in the world. Does he like going to school are is he like my grands. They like it just do not like having to get up early in the morning to go there. If it did not start until noon they would be completely happy.lol I do not know how these kids got to be such late sleepers. They all are though.
Well that is about all from here. Enjoy the rest of your week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
I am with you on the weather staying in the sixties and seventies during the fall. It is nice that it has cooled down like it has I got really cool here last night. We even turned the fans off. I like snuggling up in the blankets. I hope that it does not get close to 90 again. We have had enough of that. We have tomato plants coming up again. Ron thinks that it is from where he plowed the garden under. We have had enough rain and warm weather for it to come back again. It will be interesting to see if we get any tomatoes off of them.
Jenny and Adam have had a lot going on at their house. That is really great to hear about Kendall. She has found her place in school. Maybe that will help her to be more positive about going next year. That is really good that she is doing well in Spanish. I wish that I had been able to do that well and remember what I learned. The older I get the more I forget.
We are having the hay ride the 3rd of October. We are having it a little bit earlier because it will not be as cold. I am trying to think of things that I can do to make the yard look a little more scarey. If you have any ideas I sure would appreciate it. Maybe if you and Adele help me out we can come up with some really good things to do. All of the kids will be older this year and so we can do more this time around.
It would be nice to be that young again. That young and know what we know now. That would be even better. I do not know how she does it either. I guess we did the same things when we were young except run. I cannot see running if not chased.lol Running was not as popular back then. I hope that they do good running in the marathon.
Kaylee is not going to pre school. They could not find on that was reasonable. They do not have one thru the school unless your child has a learning problem. Which Kaylee does not. Melissa is going to teach her herself. She use to teach preschool and did a good job. It is going to be harder with Kaylee though. She did it with Ethan and he did really good in school but I think that she is going to have her handfuls with Kaylee. She is a mess. I guess that she has to be firm with her and make her sit for awhile and do the work. We will see what happens. She said that there are some little girls that have moved into the neighborhood where they are now so she has been playing with them. So she is doing well with other kids.
How did Lachlan feel about losing his first tooth? Did he know that this would happen or was he surprised to see it? They usually are excited because they get a visit from the tooth fairy. That always means money.lol
Poor Rocky. He has to be lonesome without all the other dogs. Maybe you will find one that will be company for him. That is us we have always had a dog. The only time that we did not was when we lived in an apartment and could not have pets. We still had a cat that lived outside and came to the back patio to eat.
Well that is about all from here. I hope that Greg’s tooth has stopped hurting. Enjoy the rest of your week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
How nice that you and Joey got to go out to dinner together. That gave you a lot of time alone to talk. At least you know now how things are between them. Maybe this vacation will do all of you some good. I am sure that you and Jerry could use some alone time. That will give you time to regroup and think things thru.
Barbara we can only do what we think is best at the time. Hind site is always better then fore site. I am sure that we all look back and think what have I done different. When things are happening you just do what you can right then. So you cannot go back and worry about the decisions that you made with the boys. It always seems like the kids will be with us forever and then they move away and get married. It is hard to prepare for all of that. Just hang in there things will get better and you will feel better about everything.
I like Paw Paw’s quote. He was a smart man.
Well not much else going on here. Have great rest of the week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara
I really feel it is more difficult to be a mother of adult sons, than adult daughters. The relationship between the MIL and DIL is so fragile. You are so right to make nice comments on things that are not hot buttons. My Dad said that same phrase a lot. He was big on just staying quiet to avoid family conflicts that only lead to more strife. My Dad, like your Paw Paw, were wise men.
I am glad you had that nice dinner and shopping with Joey. He sounds like such a caring person. I would love to have him care for any of my people, who are in the hospital.
I think when they all go to Florida for vacation, you and Jerry will be doing the dance of joy. jerry worries me. As you know, when we cannot move well due to an injury, we are not so steady on our feet. How is he progressing, with his injury? Men are funny- they hide when they hurt themselves. I think they are embarrassed to say they had a slip.
Rainy here.
We are going tot he home where my BIL is, for Rosh Hashanah today. Mt SIL had to sell the house, and move into a mush smaller house. She had to put Don into a “respite” for the end of the move, as he was becoming very difficult. She is laboring with the decision as to what to do. His doctors are saying to leave him there, as everyone is concerned for her at this point. he is becoming more difficult, and the sun downing thing is getting worst. So she is bringing dinner to the home, and we will all meet there. Very sad. I am bringing chocolate chip cookies, as he can keep the leftovers in his room for snacks.
It will be stormy when we go today, and will be nice tomorrow, and for the rest of the week. We are both feeling this weather in our bones.
Hope your Sunday goes well! You are in my prayers.
Adele -
That is great news that the grands are settling in, and enjoying their schools! Marissa was here yesterday, proud of her new tablet for her homework. It is nice to see them enjoying their new schools, be is Kindergarten or college. All good news- love that!
Poor Rocky. He needs a friend. I know a crazy puppy you could have…..LOL
Adele -
Hi GAil
the dentist said to come back, only if I had more pain. Not sure yet. It is still a little sore, but, nothing like it was. I am waiting to hear what Greg’s dentist says- that will be interesting. I am hoping mu ine will not be a root canal. I have never had one of those.
I had to make a double batch of chocolate chip cookies- that is what I decided to make for the Rosh Hashanah dinner today. Read the post to Barbara for more info on that one! We are going to the place my BIL is at right now. Very sad. Gary is having a hard time with it.
I am definitely going to make that pumpkin cake Angel made last year. It was fun, and looked so fabulous. I wonder if she will post something cool again for this Halloween.
Your sister and I could have quite a conversation. She sounds like a lovely woman….just like you!
I agree with Barbara- your line of work is admirable. It is a difficult population to work with, and takes not only special skill, but a lot of patience.
It is raining here, and will be stormy later. rest of week is supposed to be in the 80’s…..bring on those lovely 60’s!!!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
JJ loves school. last year he cried when school got out. He is too funny. Who knows, maybe he will be a teacher some day. He does not mind getting up. His parents do. He gets real annoyed when he is late for school because his Papi is late. Since Jhonny’s work schedule changed, hopefully he will be more on time this year.
I feel that same way- I think I am missing a lot of posts. I liked the old site better too.
that is nice that those girls all stayed friends. Kids today seem to scatter more after school. and lose contact with all their friends.
I do not have any ideas on how to do the ghosts. But, I get a lot of catalogs that have Halloween outside decorations in them. Google outside Halloween ghosts, and see what come sup. Maybe you can set your up, like they describe ones in the catalogs. That would be my only suggestion. I have seen the ghosts is see through wispy fabrics- that I do know.
Going to celebrate Rosh Hashanah I made a double chocolate chip cookies- one for here, and one to take with. If not, Bobby would have had a fit. Rissy came and got some last night, when she stopped by to show us her new Tablet for school work. I am so glad she is getting into the college thing. She has a great schedule, and can still work at Yankee Candle with no problem, so she can pay her phone and car insurance.
Read my post to Gail and Barbara for more info on the holiday today. Very sad- going to the home where my BIL is for respite for dinner. I am so glad Barbara is on her writing again. It is good to hear from her, and know she is ok.
Hope your weather is better than here- rainy!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I am so sorry about your bil. It is hard to have to put him in a home but it is better for him and for her. They will know how to handle him and make him comfortable. We had to put my dad in a home and it was very hard on all of us.
I am glad that JJ is enjoying school. That is funny that he gets upset when school is out for the summer. It is good that he likes school that much. He would make a good teacher. If he likes school that much.
It is unusual for young girls like that to stay friends for that many years. They have helped each other thru a lot. Marriages and divorce. Two of the girls are still married and two are divorced so it is odd how that all worked. The one girl has not been married that long so they will probably be together for a long time. After I graduated from high school I lost contact with all my old friends. It was really sad that none of us talk to each other. Now I do not know if I would recognize any of them. Now some of the girls that I went to college with I would recognize. I have talked to a couple of them since we got out of school.
Rissy sounds like she is doing really good. Glad that she did not get discouraged when they canceled her classes. She really hung in there until she got signed up for two more classes. She is going to make it thru college.
It is really nice that you are going to the home to celebrate with your bil. At least he will not feel left out. You are all doing a good job with him. I hope that you had a nice day and he did enjoy himself and all of you did also.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I hope your evening with your BIL went well and Gary wasn’t too upset by it. Alzheimer’s is a horrible disease that steals one’s personality. Your SIL will need your ongoing support too. At some point a lot of sufferers need nursing home care. It just becomes too dangerous for them to remain at home. No one should feel bad about accepting whatever help is needed.
Somehow you and Barbara must have misunderstood what I wrote. I said I wanted to work with emotionally disturbed children but my mother steered me into Speech pathology-which backfired because I ended up doing neither and worked in accounting which was quite weird as I never really cared for math. Anyway, I retired from that when the kids came along and became a domestic goddess. lol
Greg has that endodontist appointment today. He already has a root canal in that tooth-in fact he has a root canal in just about every tooth in his mouth. I used to call his old dentist Doctor Root Canal and Doctor Demento. Every time Greg went there he had an expensive procedure and I kept telling him I thought that something was off with that doctor but he was just too stubborn to change until he had about three screw ups in a row. I still think that dentist saw Greg as a cash cow and did a lot of unnecessary work on him. Greg wouldn’t agree but I think it’s because he doesn’t want to admit that he made a mistake by continuing to go to him. Anyway, I know he’s hoping that this current problem won’t cause him to lose the tooth.
I still can’t figure out why I stopped getting my notices from here. Greg must have done something when he was on here because I stopped getting my zulily e-mails too. No wonder that I don’t like other people touching my computer. something always comes back not right.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I don’t have any Halloween decorating suggestions right off the top of my head. Even though you don’t have a party store around maybe you can find one of those seasonal Halloween stores that pop up around this time of year.
Yesterday I took Jenny to Costco so she could get some stuff for her family. A family of five with two steps can save a lot of money by getting things in bulk there. Most of the things are in just too big of sizes for just me and Greg but for a young family it is a perfect place to get lots of things at bargain prices. They had a nice big light up yard spider there. And they were already putting out stuff for Christmas-children’s toys and some décor.
Lachlan had his first soccer game Saturday and he scored a goal so that was quite exciting for him.
Kendall’s school offers a bilingual (Spanish-English) program and a regular English program. If you are in the bilingual program it is not just learning Spanish but half of your day’s learning of all subjects is done in Spanish-so you may have history in Spanish or math in Spanish depending on the day. So you are immersed in the language for half the day. Jenny figured she would put her in there because it never hurts to know another language and you may as well learn it while you are young and your mind is like a sponge. I don’t know what happens when they leave this current school after third grade. I don’t know if the program continues into middle school or not. I will have to ask.
I’m sure Kaylee will do fine with Melissa as a teacher. I’m glad that she has other girls to play with in the neighborhood now. Kendall is always out playing now with the other kids on her block. It’s so nice for a kid to be able to do that. So many of the other families in that neighborhood are made up of people that my kids went to school with so they all kind of keep an eye out for each other’s kids. it’s a lot like the old fashioned neighborhoods.
Gail -
Hi colleen, Gail, Barbara, and Cynthia
The only notice I got on email was from Colleen. I think we are all missing a lot of posts!
Last night was good, and bad. My BIL only knows his wife’s name. He looked at Gary, his daughters, and his grands with a confused look on his face, but somehow seemed to recognize them on some level. When they did a birthday cake for one of the girls, they told him it was Maia’s birthday, and he looked around the table, until he focused on the cake with the candles. He also fell asleep a lot. We were there for about 3 hours total. The home did a fabulous job. They have a private dining room, used for families for celebrations. they set the table with pretty linens, flowers on the table, and nice dishes. They have a huge kitchen area, where families can prepare meals- Susan brought everything, and all just had to be heated. The staff cleaned up the dishes. Susan laughed and said that was the best part- she did not have to do any dishes.
the whole thing was very sad. It was nice to see the nieces, their husbands, and their kids, of course. His daughters are devastated. They did their best to smile through it all. My heart goes out to all of them. Gary had a tough time. the only good part, was that he saw, first hand, that his brother needs to be in a home at this point.
Gail- the dentist thing does not sound so good. Look at the difference with my dentist. She said if the antibiotic did not stop the pain, then I needed another appointment to see if a root canal was needed, or if there was any decay inside the crown. I hope he does not have work done for nothing. My tooth stopped hurting. it is just a tiny bit tender- nothing of concern, I would say. If it starts up again, I will call them asap. This is the first time I have ever had an infection inside a crown- very strange to me. I have to find out what causes those. Maybe I am a little too aggressive with the flossing, and water pik.
That is funny that both Barbara and I got it backwards- LOL I think we both have a little too much going on right now. Still, you did good work with the speech therapy- we know you did!
Colleen- I also wish I had kept in contact with old school friends. It seems once you move, that is it after a while.. It is so good your daughters have the support of their friends. I hope they keep intouch with them all their lives.
It is a cool, nice day here today. Yeah!!!! It is supposed to get a little warmer the rest of the week, but not above the low 80’s. All the windows are open.
Adele -
Hey Gail and Colleen
Congrats to Lachan and Kendall. Yeah for the grands!
BJ’s also has a lot of outside Halloween things. You may want to check Walmart too- on line, as they have way more on line than in the store.
I hope you can find something at a reasonable price that you can use year to year.
Adele -
Hi Gail,
Costco always has some nice things. We shop there a lot for paper goods and can goods. We buy things that we can keep for awhile. I really like their pretzel rolls. They are so good with chicken salad and a lot of other things. There decorations are a little pricey for me. I usually wait until the season is over and they are trying to get rid of all of their stuff. They have really good prices then. Unless it is a Santa they are worth more money then the rest of the decorations.lol I will look at some of the Halloween stores when they open.
Good for Lachlan. He is going to be a good soccer player. It is good that he has found a sport that he likes. He will enjoy the sport for a long time. That is odd that they offer that class for Kendal and they may not when she gets in the other school. If they do not keep it up it will be hard for the kids to remember. That is one bad thing about all these different schools for these kids to go to. They are not all continuing what the other school was doing. They have that problem here and it really is not good for the kids. They also have different rules for each school. That is confusing also. I am just glad that I do not have kids in school right now. It would be a battle. The neighborhood that your daughter lives in sounds like a good one. It is nice that they look after each others kids. That makes the neighborhood safe for the kids and parents do not have to worry about it as much. It is a shame there are not more neighborhoods like that.
I hope that things go well for Greg at the dentist. That is terrible that the old dentist was just taking advantage of Greg. That is not right to do work that was not necessary. I bet you were happy when he switched to another dentist. You still have to be careful of that.
Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Isn’t nice to have the windows open now. I am so tired of having the air on all the time. We need some fresh air in here and I need to do the fall cleaning. I really do not like to have to do it but no one will do it for me. I think that once a man retires he should start to help with all the cleaning. It should be in a contract that they have to sign when you marry them.lol There would probably be less marriages if that had to be signed.
How nice that the home did all that for the celebration. The table sounded really nice. They did a good job setting it all up. It is hard when you see they have forgotten who some people are. You just have to try to get thru it and not let them know it upsets you. That had to be hard on his kids. I use to work with people with dementia and Alzheimer. It is a sad process to watch as it happens. Some of them are happy go lucky during this process but then others do not go thru it well. Gary must have taken it really hard also. It is so hard when it a family member and you were once close to each other. I guess you just have to think of all the good times that you had together and go on from there.
It would be nice if kids realized that these friends that they think they have to impress will not matter to them once they graduate from high school. Everyone goes their separate way and do not see each other again. It is hard for the kids to realize that though. It is really true in a small town. A lot of the kids go off to college and never come back here and some just move away to find a job. We have a lot of that here and it is unusual when they remain friends.
Sounds like you grands and Gail’s are all doing great. Ethan called me yesterday to wish me happy grand parents day. He never forgets like the other kids do. He does not like his teacher this year but that is not unusual. It is the one he has at regular school. He really likes the one at the exhilarated school. They are up to his level there and he likes that. He does things that keeps his interest. I do worry about when they have to be moved to another place. We just hope that he goes where they have the same type of program.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Girls,
I am going to start a new discussion page since this one is getting so long. When we first came over here this discussion had pages to it and then they changed it. Weird. Anyway, I hope that I can remember how to do this-it may take me a few tries. Look for a new discussion that is titled something about Fall-I’m not sure exactly what it will say yet. See you all over there if I am successful.
Gail -
Hi Colleen
Oh yes- nice to have the windows open. I had to shut them again this morning, as I baked a blueberry breakfast cake- it has ricotta and sour cream in it, and 3 eggs. Only 3/4 cup of flour. Gary has NO IDEA it has ricotta in it….LOL So, it was getting hot, and it will ‘s with humidity again today. I will be very happy when it gets back down to the 70’s.
It must have been hard to see the patients with Alzheimer’s deteriorate. I bet you remember the special ones, who were very kind . It is very difficult. Gary always looked up to his brother, and always felt “less than” him. His brother went to college, and did extremely well. he developed 2 different Advertising Agencies, and sold both. He is a millionaire. If you met him, you would never know, because he was a very kind, calm, nice man, who never made you feel he was worth a lot more than you. Such a shame. He had a brilliant mind. That is one reason Gary is having such a hard time. It is hard to wrap your head around it. He cannot fathom why such a brilliant man could end up like he is now.
I think the men should have a set amount of chores when they retire….let’s work on that!
High school is so difficult, and Marissa is so happy she is out of there. She hated the clicks ,and how snarky the other girls were. She did not make a lot of friends in school because of that. I think she will like college a lot more. I am so happy she went, you have no idea. I was really upset that Amanda did not take advantage of the scholarship she won, and that Stephanie did not go either. They are both very smart girls. Marissa has to work harder to get the good grades- it came easy to the other two.
Did you see DWTS last night? I loved it. I loved that cute little girl who was the daughter of the man who was killed by an alligator, and the jockey. I also thought Paula Dean did better than they said she did.
Hope your day is going well!
Adele -
hey Gail – read the post to Colleen for all the info…..LOL
I hope you can find us a new page!
Adele -
Hi Girls,
Started a new discussion. it’s under general Quacker chatter and Titled It’s Fall! Enjoyed DWTS last night. Yes, Bindi Erwin’s enthusiasm was contagious-I think she’s a chip off the old block. I hope Gary Busey stays on for awhile. We saw him on The Apprentice and sometimes you thought he was totally bonkers and sometimes you thought he was a mad genius. I know he’s not a good dancer but he’s interesting. Last night was a big dancing night-DWTS season opener and So You Think You Can Dance season finale-my favorite won-I always have a soft spot for the tap dancers.
I wonder who will win AGT-I hope the mentalist or the ventriloquist but I think the professional regurgitator has a chance too. he’s like a trainwreck-you can’t look and yet you can’t look away.
See you all over on the new page.
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