Home Forums General Quacker Chatter It's Fall! Let's Celebrate Cooler Temperatures and Spectacular Fall Foliage.

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    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All.
      Come join us for discussions of all things fall. Back to school, apple cider, pumpkins, football games and walks through the woods with the brilliant fall leaves.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I don’t think we are missing posts even without the notifications. I just go to the last post and scroll back to find the last post that I read and start in from there. I can’t figure out why I’m not getting any notifications so I will just have to take matters into my own hands.
      It sounds like the nursing home really has a nice facility for family get togethers. It shows that they realize how important those events are in the lives of their clients. It’s good that Gary now understands that his brother really needs the extra care. I don’t think anyone really understands how difficult Alzheimer’s can become for the caregiver until they actually live through the experience themselves. My heart goes out to all the caregivers in the world-it’s a tough-sometimes lonely-job.
      Greg changed dentists three years ago so I know they are not doing anything unnecessary. He goes where I go now. But they send you out to a specialist for root canals whereas his old dentist did everything-even the teeth cleaning himself so he could keep all the money. They ended up doing a triple root canal. He had a lot of pain last night but seems better today so I hope that continues. He has to go back for the second part of the procedure next week and they have a concert the following night so I hope he will be okay for that.
      Oh Adele, I am laughing-maybe the third time is the charm. I ended up changing from speech therapy too. I quit school after three years-worked for awhile and then went back to a different school as an English Major-which never did anyone any good. lol That’s why I always say that I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. lol

      It’s funny-where I grew up most of the kids went away to school and then when they finished most ended up moving to different areas of the country. A few stayed in the area but only a couple stayed in the same town. Here in Harvard so many of the kids graduate-go to college and then get married and come back and live in Harvard and raise their families there. I’ll bet in Jenny’s subdivision there are at least 20 other people that she or Brent went to school with. It’s different than what I experienced growing up.
      Anything good cooking at your house this week? Did Tillie order anything new from those last Quacker shows. Does she like the fall/ Halloween stuff too?

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Well it’s about Fall but we are having summer like temperatures this week. Our cooler temps have disappeared.
      I was so glad when Greg switched over to my dentist three years ago. In all these last three years this is the first time that he has needed another big procedure-if he was still with his old dentist he probably would have had several more done between then and now. They ended up doing a triple root canal.. he was having some bad pain last night but he said it’s somewhat better this morning. He has rehearsal tonight so I don’t know how well he can sing. Maybe they will concentrate on practicing instruments today.
      When I went to babysit yesterday Lachlan had just lost another tooth-so that’s two teeth in two weeks. So Lachlan was minus a tooth and Piper was minus her pants! lol She had on a shirt but no pants-that child is a little nudist between the swimsuits and the nakedness she is something else. lol I tried to talk her into letting me put a diaper on her but she told me she didn’t want any pants. So rather than have her have a screaming fit I just did what I always do and let her Mom deal with it when she got home. In the meantime I was sitting next to her on a leather couch reading books and hoping that she wouldn’t have an accident. lol. Anyway, she finally ended up putting on some underpants. She’s kind of in that in between potty training stage right now.
      I see that there are some Quacker shows on QVC plus this week. I will have to set up our DVR to record the Quacker shows from that channel now too.
      Hope everyone found the new discussion.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Beautiful Fall day here today. We threw open the windows and boy, did the dust bunnies have a BLAST. Made me hang my head in shame for about one minute and then just said it is what it is and I wonder if I should really consider having someone come in every few weeks and help us out with the things we just simply cannot do anymore? The las time I tried to clean the walls and baseboards it put me in the bed for three solid days. So now I just do a little at a time, and have come to the realization that I am not ever going to catch up; but somehow, it doesn’t seem to bother me the way it used to. We have had sickness this week; both Jerry and Neal have the sinus thing with scratchy throats and chest congestion., Jerry just refuses to go to the doctor. I told him yesterday that I would be absolutely lost without him, and that I need him to help me. I really think he listened for the first time of how much I depend on him being here; even if he can’t physically do things like he used to that I still need him for advice and just to be company for me when no one else seems to be. So he went to the doctor today; and is now on medicines. Neal actually took off the last two days; but I am afraid he will start back tomorrow still feeling bad. Neal never takes off; in fact; he is the one there before anyone else; always has been. He went to the doctor yesterday; so I hope he will be better tomorrow.
      Hope Greg is doing better with that tooth. I am terrified of the dentist from really bad experiences as a child; but I have to say this last young man who took care of the abcess for me was do kind and patient; and honestly didn’t hurt me. Jerry stood right by me and held my hand (does that tell you what a coward I am?) through the whole procedure.
      You all have such cute grand children. I know they must be such a joy to you. Our granddaughter is 23; from our oldest sons first wife’s marriage. She is so sweet and very talented doing some kind of art on the computer. Her dream job is with Disney. I really hope she makes it. She lives in Florida with a friend of her Moms. I know I sound awful; but her Mom was not very nurturing. She (our grand daughter) is really quiet and you wouldn’t even know she is there unless you ask her something. Now her Mom is very outgoing. I just kind of feel she somehow got lost in her shadow. I wish I had more time to have spent with her as she was growing up. She really loves our son; so I know he has been very good to her. I am proud of him for that. She was eight when they married.
      It is cool here; especially at night and early morning. Just beautiful. I don’t know if I will do my hay bales and pumpkins this year. They have gotten a little heavy for us to handle. But I have two artificial pumpkins with tea lights inside that will go on the front steps. And I am thinking of decorating my mail box this year. That would be a new idea.
      I am still having some problems getting on this website; but doing better. Oh, by the way, I baked an apple pie today. Smelled so good and Joey and Lisa came up; cut half of it; got some ice cream and really ate it up. I had told them about the sickness up here; so they called first and asked Neal and Jerry to be off in their rooms while they came to eat pie ha ha So I guess it was good.
      Well girls, will go for now. I think I heard there are Quacker shows this weekend. If a pumpkin shirt comes on, it will have my name on it. Hug, Barbara

        Post count: 15

        Hi Barbara
        Just thought I would mail you, as i have not done so for a while, I hope things with you are not too bad, sorry to hear you were sick there a while ago, I hope you are feeling much better now, baking! wow, you do pies, amazing, im not that good at pastry myself, ok with sponges etc, make muffins and lately been making banana bread, although its not bread to be honest, but more of a cake but you bake it in a loaf tin in the oven, im not feeling that great today, bit of tummy problems and bad headaches, went to bed early last night though, feel better than i did last night anyway, patch is doing fine our new springer spaniel puppy, hes 9 months old now, hes realy growing up fast, it was the anniversary of charlies passing yesterday, 2 yrs, i miss that dog each and every day, but ive got hes garden to tender, and i have hes ashes, still cannot open that bag with hes collar in though, that sits on top of hes ashes box, patch is nothing like charlie though! patch has riped all the soft toys up, ive had to throw them away, will have to get him stonger toys to play with, he has rope toys, tuggers etc to play with and he loves playing with tennis balls, ive started to let him off the lead up the green when no other dogs are around, we have had a lot of food issues with patch, a lot of what we had him on made him have upset tummys, but we found one now lillys kitchen brand its organic and wheat and grain free, since being on it hes ok now, thank goodness, stewarts still working at the airport in the duty free shop, hes on the late shift today, 1pm-10pm, so hes home for around 10.30pm tonight, i hate the shifts he works, but at least hes working, ive still not heard from the physio therapy about my heel spurs on my heel, been waiting since july for an appointment, i had blood clots in my right leg a while ago, ended up goign to the hospital emmergency deparment in the end, pain was shooting up my leg, turned out to be blood clots and infection in my leg, my drs just ignored me all the time, just said they will refer me for physio therapy, my heel spur is realy painfull like needles digging into my heel, hurts like anything, i just have to carry on best i can, ive tried the gel insoles, makes no difference at all, ive found a lovely comfy pair of clarks shoes i have at home and wear those now, our weather had cooled down now, its dry out side today, i took patch out for a walk this morning , will take him out again around 2pm before the schools come out and again tonight after patch has had hed dinner tonight, i cannot believe its nearly october already, where has this year gone? our strictly come dancing started at the weekend, im pleased its back on now, we have one show each year, it goes on untill xmas here, i know your dancing with the stars is on now over there, you have that gary bussey on there, he was on our celebrity big brother last year and he won it! hes had some kind of brain injury on a motor bike accident, he was not wearing a helmet they say, but hes not right to go on these shows realy, ive not done much realy this past week, been baking, im going to watch some television shows i recorded off the tv today and get patch out, i need to get myself some lunch soon, stewarts left for work now, so a long day for me, got to get the rest of the washing out on the line to dry too, take care now christine

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I like the pictures that you found for the fall. They are really cute. I cannot believe that the summer is almost over now. We have had a warm up also but at night it is still kind of cool. Good sleeping weather. At least with this dentist you have a lot more confidence in him. It is nice that he is not doing all those procedures on Greg that are not necessary. Is Greg’s tooth still feeling okay? I have never had a root canal but have heard that they really hurt. So hopefully will never have to have one.
      Piper is so funny. It is interesting that she did finally put some pants on. I wonder why she does not like to have pants on. Maybe she does not like them if she wets them and thinks it is better not to have any on. I bet Jenny has her hands full with that one. It is funny how the kids lose their teeth. Once they start it seems to happen really fast. They never look the same after they get their big kids teeth. They lose their boyish charm. It is the same with the little girls. How is Piper doing with her potty training? Hope that she will be easy to break. It should be easier since she has an older sister and brother.
      I saw that they are having a few shows on QVC plus. They are going to have some new tops I think are some two for one things with the tops. That usually is a good deal when they have the two tops for 40 some odd dollars. I do not need to buy anymore tops or dj right now. I have been buying so much here lately. I have got to get my Christmas gift cards and some little gift for the kids that are getting the cards. I may buy them a book or something like that. Ethan loves to read but not sure about Owen. Will have to ask his mom. They need to get something to open from us.
      Then in January we will have to buy gifts for the baby. We may have the baby shower after the baby is born. It would be easier then doing it before hand. Everybody has so many things planned for this time of year. So will have to talk to Kevins mom and see what she thinks. We may have to have it at Danyielle’s since they do not know where we live and do not want to rent a room at a hotel again. Those meeting rooms are expensive and if hardly anyone comes it is not worth it. We will see.
      I see Barbara found it but not Adele yet. I will have to check on the other discussion and see if Adele is still there. She will find it though I am sure.
      have a good night.

    • The Quacker Factory
      Post count: 328

      Hey Gal’s. Sorry for interrupting your conversation here, but I wanted to share that we just posted a new tutorial video in our help section on how to SHOP on the new site. You can view it here:


      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        Thanks Keymaster-I will check it out.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      Oh yes- Tillie loves Halloween. But, she did not buy any Halloween from the last show- she got another pair of dream jeannes, and another grey shirt. Can’t remember which one….LOL
      Everyone I know stayed here around Boston. We have the best colleges, and people come from all over to learn here. Eve our state colleges are famous. We laugh around here, and say no Italians we ever knew moved further than Saugus, where I live. we used to say, very un-politically correct, I may say, “Nobody moves further than Saugus because they all think there are Indians out there.” Of course, nobody ever meant that in a derogatory way to the American Indians, just a slam on everyone for staying close to home base. My x-husband used to say nobody in my family moved off “The Family Compound.”
      I feel so bad for Greg. Didn’t the antibiotic stop the pain? I hope mine does not come back. So far, it is just a tiny bot tender, and not getting worst. I will have her look at it, at my next cleaning, unless it gets worst. I hope Greg is better today. Nothing worst than tooth pain!
      It is still in the 80’s here. The end of the week looks like it may break.
      It was so crazy here last night, I never made the meatloaf. Bobby had to go on an ER visit before he came home- a bed bug inspection. So, we ended up doing hot f dogs, and saved the meat to make for tonight. I had already made the potato’s, so I will do home fries with them for supper tonight, with the meatloaf cooked in the Temptations Bundt pan. saw a recipe done in there, so I want to try it out in the pan- not the recipe though, just our meatloaf. Have you ever done meatloaf in the Bundt pan?
      Yesterday am I made the Blueberry Breakfast Cake- recipe on the King Arthur Flour website. It has 1 cup of sour cream, one cup of ricotta, and 3 eggs, with only a half cup of sugar, and 3/4 cup of flour. So, it has a lot more protein for Gary, with less carbs….and of course the 2 cups of blueberries- made in a square pan. He has no idea it has cheese in it….LOL LOL
      I love the cute graphics on the top of the page!
      I am dying for this weather to get cooler, so the baking of bread can begin! I did not do much bread over the summer.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Gail …… That Piper is so funny! You could do a You Tube on her, and people would be howling….minus the bare little bum, of course.
      School pictures minus teeth are so cute!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG BARBARA……….every time I go to order pumpkin shirt, I am too late. All gone in my super size….LOL I did get the last 2, but I am on waitlist for another. I wish they owld get more of the pumpkin ones in stock. The one I really wanted is completely gone- no waitlist. Gail got one.
      I am still waiting for our weather to come into Fall. I have apples in the fridge that are waiting for the smell of Fall to appear…… I got that new accessory to my Kitchen Aid mixer- it has all these fabulous slicing accessories, and even cores and peels the apples. It will do the apples way faster than my old fashioned apple corer/peeler.
      I hope Neal and Jerry get better soon. I will bet that flu will be up here soon. It seems you get it first, and then we see it up here. The first flu of the season is the worst!
      Your granddaughter sounds adorable. I hope she will make it to work in Disney. That would be such a fun job. Do you still see her- does she come to visit?
      I am thinking of getting a couple of those pumpkins that look real0 no worry about rotting! I have a huge Jack O Lantern one- lighted- that I put outside near my metal Frankenstein.
      That is so funny about them asking for the sick boys to stay in their rooms, so they can come for a goodie! did they think the germs would not be in the house? That speaks to how good your apple pie is- they risked the illness to get some.
      hope you are having a good day!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Colleen- read my other posts for all the goings-on up here…..hope you are good too, and ready for the AGT finals tonight. Who are your favorites on DWTS????

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I found some pumpkin shirts on the Quacker factory tops on the Q. Here are the numbers.A268433, a257629 AND a267230 They had a lot of sizes when I looked but if interested you probably need to hurry to get one of the. I was not sure which ones you were looking for but these are cute.
      I love the smell of the apples in the fall. We use to have an orchard close to here but they tore out all of the apple trees and are putting up some kind of subdivision. We were all really disappointed when they did that. So now we have to drive a long ways to get to another one. They always have such good apple cider and the apple donuts. They also had a maze for the kids to go thru. It was just a fun day in the fall for the kids and parents.
      That is nice that the family all moved close to each other and stayed. Ron’s sister married an Italian man and they all stayed close together also. They all came from St. Louis and when one of them moved to this area they all did. It was like a migration. The schools down here are safer and better then most of them in the city. That is sad. They use to have really good schools.
      I am not sure who my favorite is on dwts. I like that young married couple but I also like Bindy she was pretty good. Gary Bussey is a joke. He just does not act right. He was saying things and they could not make sense of it. The others we will see. Poor Paula Deen was so scared. Hopefully she will calm down by next week. Who was your favorite? They are supposed to have two shows next week. I guess they will eliminate one couple on both nights. I guess this is the first time they have done this. So it will be interesting.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      I am glad that you just hung your head for a minute. It is not worth worrying about. It is funny how when you are younger it is important to get everything done and right away and now it like who cares. Let the dust fly. Did you get any of the Halloween shirts? They have a few back in stock. If interested I posted the numbers on the post to Adele. I just noticed that they were back in stock. I am still debating on whether I want one of them or not. You cannot wear them that often but they are so cute.
      How is Jerry and Neal doing? I hope that they are feeling better. That is funny that Lisa and Joey did not want the two guys to be around when they came. They did get their pie though. That was just funny.
      I wonder why our husbands do not understand that we need them just as much as they need us. If they get sick it is hard on us also. Ron has been sick and the girls and I have been trying to get him to go to the doctor. He will not go. Not him, He is eating some garlic and that is supposed to cure what ever it is that is wrong with him. All that it is doing is running us out of the house. Minced garlic really smells bad.lol
      I hope that your granddaughter gets the job at Disney. It is hard to work and take care of the grand kids. She knew that you and Jerry loved her. You are such good people She would have to know. Kids can sense things like that.
      Your apple pie sounds really good. You and Adele are the bakers in the group. You both do a good job. You two make me feel bad that I do not bake as much as I use to. Well not enough to get to be start baking again but a little guilty. lol
      Well that is about all from here. Hope that the guys get better soon and that you do not catch what they have.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Barbara,
      Sorry to hear that Jerry and Neal are sick. It was funny though that Joey and Lisa sent them to their rooms so they could come in and get the pie though. I hope they keep their germs away from you too.
      Your granddaughter sounds so talented. I hope she gets her dream job someday. Just think someday perhaps Joey and Neal will have kids and then you will be the one with the babies and the rest of us will have older grands. We love the older ones just as much but the babies are just so precious.
      I no longer worry about the dust bunnies. It used to be so important to get all the cleaning done weekly and now I just don’t really care. For the most part the only people that see the house anymore are me and Greg. I guess we now have different priorities.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I hope that you guys can convince Ron to go to the doctor. Maybe you will have to give him the same talk that Barbara gave to Jerry. What is the garlic supposed to do? And what is he so afraid of? Tell him no one likes to go but sometimes it really is necessary in order to stay well.
      Here’s a thought for a place to have a shower. Our library has a room that you can use for showers or birthday parties. I’m not sure how much it costs but I’m sure it’s pretty reasonable. Maybe you could find a room somewhere like that to rent for a shower if necessary.
      Gosh you sound like you have a lot of your Christmas shopping already done! How nice is that. Some years I have already started too but not this year. For those kids that like to read a book is always a good add on to a gift card.
      Speaking of that have you read anything good lately? I think I will have to start a new book thread over here so that we can share reading ideas again.
      I wonder why they are having two nights of DWTS next week? The Voice also will start up again so Monday nights will be some busy TV watching for me.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Poor Greg went back to the endodontist at 8:30 this morning as he is still in so much pain. they switched him from regular penicillin to a zpak but that still hasn’t helped and he is taking pain pills every four hours all night long with no relief so something is not right. he had a huge problem with this same tooth exactly three years ago. I hope they help him today. I feel so bad because toothache pain is the worst and he has been going to work every day with this.
      My nephew did some of his undergrad work at BC. That’s so funny that anywhere west of Boston is “the great unknown.” lol Does anyone ever take vacations out on the “great western plains?” We do have electricity and indoor plumbing out here in the sticks. lol
      I was hoping that Oz would win AGT. I think he was my favorite act although I thought the ventriloquist might win too. I was surprised that Pip wasn’t in the top five. I’m actually sorry to see Howard Stern leaving. I thought he was a good judge and I was surprised at that because I only knew his radio persona and basically from that I thought he was a jerk. Surprisingly I found myself many times agreeing with his assessment of an act.
      I have never made a meatloaf in a bundt pan-but it would be an interesting way to do it and maybe serve mashed potatoes or some sort of veggies in the middle hole. that would look cute.
      The finals of Master Chef was last night too. I would bet that you would love that show since you like to cook. I’m always amazed at how these amateur home cooks know how to make all this different stuff and make it look so beautiful on a plate besides. It’s a fun show and at least one where Gordon Ramsey isn’t ranting and swearing.
      Does Gary not like any cheese or just ricotta? I Love cheese and find it to be one of life’s great pleasures. I can’t imagine someone not liking it. Sometimes I have crackers and cheese for lunch.
      I finally figured out how to post some pictures. It won’t let me copy and paste so I have to save them to my photo file. Then they still wouldn’t post by themselves. You have to write something on the post first and then add the picture as an attachment. They made it more difficult than it had to be but it is what it is.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I did not understand why they needed to have to nights next week. We will have to wait and see what goes on with it. Do you have a favorite picked out yet? It is hard the first couple of weeks. Some did really good and others did okay but next week they may really do great and the ones that were so good my not do as well. You never know about this show. It is just fun to watch. Ron has been telling me he knows who is going to win. I should have him tell me and then when he is wrong I am going to laugh at him. He keeps telling me that it is all planned. They decide who will be the winner of the season when they pick out the people to be on there. I do not see how they can do that. I think that he is wrong.
      Garlic is supposed to heal his lungs. How I do not understand unless the smell scares it away and it won’t come back. Makes not sense to me. He does all this stupid stuff and then ends up at the docs sooner or later. This time he needs to go sooner and not wait. We have to go to the auction this week-end and I want him to be well.
      I will have to find out at the library close to her house. I did not know that they did that. I think this time we will keep it simple. I am not going to make all of the snacks. We can just buy some and leave it at that and have the cake. It is a lot of work and I am not in the mood to do all that again.
      I am sorry to hear that Greg is still having trouble so much trouble with his tooth. Usually the z pack works really well. Please let us know how it went at the dentist today. That makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it.
      This week-end is the big church auction. I am not making potato salad this year. I have not been feeling that well so decided that it was time that I stop for awhile. They need to get some of the younger members of the church doing all of that. It will be nice if we belonged to this church we just go to all of the functions. They have a good group of people there. They take the money they make and do a lot of good things in the community. I guess that is why they always do so well with it. They are the ones that have the chicken and dumpling dinner in October.
      I have not been reading much here lately. I did start a book but have not got that far into it yet. I need to start reading again. I have been playing on my tablet a lot here lately and doing stuff like that. I guess I go thru spells. It would be nice if you started that thread up again about what everyone is reading.
      Well that is about all from here. Will talk to you later.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I don’t really have a favorite on DWTS yet. I thought Bindi was very cute and charming and was channeling her father’s enthusiasm. You really couldn’t watch her and not smile. There are a few others that I think will do well and then there are others like Paula Deen, Gary Busey and that lady from the housewives of Atlanta who will probably be some of the first to go. Is it just me or does Paula Deen come across as kind of fake? Of course the nature of show business is pretending to be something that you are not so maybe that’s a silly question in general. I feel kind of sorry for Tony Davolani-he has the housewife and he seems to get a lot of duds-and the poor man got Kate Gosslein who was the worst. I don’t think it’s fixed at the beginning of the season-what would be the point? Of course judges can influence the outcome with their scores and comments but the public is basically going to vote for who they like-sometimes despite whether they are any good or not. I think I enjoy the sparkly costumes almost as much as the dancing. (said in true Quacker fashion) lol. Speaking of that we had storms during the show on QVC plus tonight so I lost most of the recording due to satellite outage but I think it was pretty much clearance items so I probably didn’t miss much. Plus Albany was the host and sometimes she is annoying. I know-I’m not being very nice tonight am I? What’s up with that? Usually I love everybody. lol
      I’ll bet Ron isn’t getting a lot of kisses with that garlic breath. I could never do his cure as eating garlic makes me sick to my stomach for some reason. it’s not as weird as it sounds though because I have met other people who react the same way-I know my Dad was like that too-it makes us physically sick-so I have to be really careful in restaurants if it says there is garlic in something.
      I’m sorry that you are still not feeling well. Maybe it’s time to start looking seriously for another gastro doctor-or do you think they will just put you in the hospital and do the same thing again? Maybe a new doctor would have some fresh ideas. I just know it’s awful to feel sick to your stomach a lot. I grew up with my Mom always feeling nauseous from ulcers and back then they didn’t have all the meds for it that they do now so she was always drinking baking soda and water to relieve it-many foods especially meat made her sick to her stomach for so many years-finally they did a surgery-can’t remember I think it was called a pyloroplasty-and she was fine and could eat anything after that but she suffered for at least about ten years before that was done. So I can really sympathize if you have similar symptoms. I hope that you can find some relief.
      I hope that Greg is feeling better. They went back in and cleaned everything out and medicated it and then ground some teeth down that might have been causing pressure. So far he seems to be somewhat better so I hope that this has done the trick now for him. I felt so bad for him because toothaches are such severe pain.
      I don’t blame you for not wanting to make all the snacks for the shower. They have nice places now where you can purchase appetizer trays that will do the trick. Gosh for Jenny’s shower my SIL was out here and we did all sorts of cool things that were a lot of work-I probably wouldn’t go through all that anymore but that was before I got lazy and started my cooking and cleaning strikes. lol
      I love churches that do a lot for the community. Maybe you and Ron should join this one if you like going there. They do seem to have a lot of nice activities there. Do you know anyone that already belongs there? One of the churches around here used to serve a great turkey dinner in November-when Brent was in Boy Scouts they used to help with that and we used to buy the carry out dinners which were so good. Another church has a folk festival and the women make pies which they sell there that are so delicious. Now I’m making myself hungry. lol
      I play on my tablet too but I still read. It’s like my day isn’t complete unless I have sat down with a book or a magazine at some point during the day. it’s like its not only a habit but a need. Anyway, I am starting a new What are you Reading discussion so come post when you read something.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I hope what they did for Greg today will really help him. It is nice that they got him in right away and he did not have to suffer with it for very long. Your dentist sounds like ours. If he knows that you are in pain he will get you in right away and not make you wait. Some dentist will say they do not have an opening right away and make you wait a couple of days. That really drives me crazy. We do not have a lot of good dentists down here. They are opening a new dentist office down here but do not know what they will be like. I think that it is one of those chains that have offices all over the place. it is called Aspen Dentist offices. It will be interesting to see how it does and if people like them or not.
      I agree with you on the first to go on dwts. They were none of them very good and am not sure they will improve. It is weird that Paula Deen keeps hanging on the guy that she is dancing with. She needs to let go and stand on her own. Ron does not like reality shows and he says all kinds of goofy things. I do agree with him about some of the shows. Like lost how can they be lost if they have a camera crew with them filming them the whole time. How lost can you be. The ones where the public votes on who leaves the show cannot be rigged or the viewers would start to complain or they would stop watching. The older he gets the more opinionated he gets. The kids are always arguing with him about what he says. He may just enjoy getting them all arguing with him. At least they have an opinion and they do like to share it with him.
      Getting close to Ron with all the garlic can make you sick. Garlic does not effect me like it does you but if there is too much it is not good. My daughter Mandy was taking the garlic pills and she was taking too many and you could smell it on her skin. That was awful. She finally quit taking them. Her kids tried to tell her but she did not listen until she came here and we told her she smelled like she had been rolling in garlic all day. She told the kids that she was sorry for not listening.
      With the insurance that we have we have to get a refferal to see another doctor. If we don’t they will not pay for it. So if I go and pay for the doctor if they do any tests or anything they will not pay for that either. We are going to have to change insurance next year. I am tired of this one. We will never get an hmo again. When we went to the old doctor it was not a problem. He would just refer us to who we need to see. I wish he would start taking our insurance.
      We have friends that go to that church. We do not go there because it is not a Catholic church or a Baptist church. They are a good bunch of people though. They always ask me to come to their womens meetings and do things with them. It may be a good idea going there because we can both go together. The Catholic church down here is a little one that is connected to another one in another town. So they do not do much at this church. The other church is about 30 minutes away and I do not go there often. I am not one to go to church early it takes me a long time to get ready and I leave just in time to get there. Isn’t that terrible.
      How is your ankle? I hope that it is better and you do not have to wear that brace all the time. Sometimes it is hard to put that on and go somewhere it is a lot of trouble. It is easier to just go. Do you have any plans for the week-end? We are going to the auction and that is about it. We may not stay long it will depend on how high the bidding gets and if they have any nice things. This is the time for all of the fall festivals to start. Do you have many around you arrea?
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      We’re not sure yet if this last visit helped Greg or not. He is still having some pain and he went right to bed after we came home from Jenny’s tonight. He is such a trooper as even with all this going on he went to work every day this week too. We have those Aspen Dental places around here too as I have seen them advertised. I don’t know much about them though.
      Ron probably does say some of that stuff to get the kids talking and discussing things with them. Kendall is now at a stage where she takes things very literally-so every time you say something joking or silly she corrects you. I must have been the same way at some point because I remember my parents and brother and sister always saying-“Gail, do not be so literal!” Anyway, now I know why it annoyed them so-it’s like the person has no sense of humor. She needs to lighten up! lol
      Why was your daughter taking garlic pills? Are they supposed to be good for your health like fish oil or something. I never could get those fish oil pills down-they were too big and made me gag.
      I hope that if you get a new insurance that it will be one that your old doctor will take so that you can go back to him and get a referral to a gastro doctor so that you can feel better. It’s so hard when you can’t see the doctor that you really really like.
      It would be fun to go to the meetings with those ladies that invite you even if you don’t join the church. They sound like a fun group.
      The ankle is doing okay. It still hurts. I wear the brace when I have to do walking but don’t normally wear it around the house unless I am doing cleaning(which is less and less recently) where I will be up on my feet for a couple of hours. It doesn’t hurt as much as originally so either the brace helps or it is just feeling better on it’s own. Who really knows?
      We are going to Chicago this weekend. Bill is in town so the guys will rehearse and Nan and I will probably go out shopping while they do that. We are supposed to get there by noon so we can watch the football game before rehearsal. And then we were supposed to go out to dinner after they rehearse but much as I love to go out to eat that will put us away from home for almost 12 hours and because that is just too long to leave Rocky home alone anymore , I think we are going to bow out on the going out to dinner part. I know he is spoiled but I worry about him being home alone for too long now that he is pretty old. I will have Jenny stop in during the mid afternoon to check in on him as she has to come by anyway to borrow one of Greg’s cars while theirs is in the shop.
      They do have several Fall Festivals around here. Our favorite is the Harvest Fest and fiddle contest. We will miss it this year as it is Sunday and we will be in the city. They have this other thing in October where you drive from house to house and different people have different things for sale like pumpkins and fall crafts and food. I wish I could think of the name that they call it but it slips my mind right now. We haven’t done that for a few years-it might be fun to do that again. Plus they have corn mazes and apple picking and all that fall stuff. I just discovered at the end of last winter that there is a place around us that does sleigh rides. Maybe I will look into that as something to do this coming winter-it sounds like fun.
      I hope Adele is okay. It seems like she hasn’t been here for a few days.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello Gail, Colleen, and Barbara
      I have not been getting the emails from these posts. I thought all of you were on vacation! So, I checked this morning, and there you all were. So, I hope I answer all the posts in this one email…..LOL
      OMG- what is happening to poor Greg! You know, I was wondering if a recent filling they did was a little too high, and causing the tooth to hurt when I bite down. Funny they thought of this with Greg too. I am going to mention that at the next cleaning, or if I have to go back sooner, if the discomfort gets worst. Right now. my tooth is just a little sore when I bite on something hard. I hope Greg can get relief from his toothache. this has been going on too long for him. I guess I would say I am lucky.
      Colleen- is it not funny that all Italians stay close to their family? I hope you solved the health insurance issue, and that you now have one where you can see your old doctor. I also love the smell of apples this time of year. But, this weather has to stop- it is in the high 80’s, with high humidity today.
      We are closing the pool. Gary is draining it, as the weather is supposed to break tomorrow, and go down to the 60’s and 70’s- not pool weather anymore!
      I am waiting for Sears to come to repair the dryer- yuck-thank God I have the policy for repairs.
      DWTS looks different this year…..I do not like Gary Busey. He gets me nervous, and I think he does the same with his partner. I hope he does not hurt anyone. That young man is my favorite dancer- cannot remember his name- he is real good, so is Bindy.
      Gail- I was very disappointed at AGT. I thought as they were going along that Pip may win, as well as the regurgitator. Although he grossed me out, he was good, and certainly nobody else has that talent. I was very surprised at the winner. I did not think he was that good.
      Did I miss something about Ron- is he sick- did he finally go to the doctor????
      Thanks colleen- I am going right to the QVC to see if they have stock in my super-size…LOL
      hey girls- Quacker is on tonight- yahoo!!!! If I get anything, I wall ask to talk tot he host, and say hello to you guys!
      Gail- I had that same thought with he meatloaf- put mashed potato’s in the middle!!!
      Hope everyone is good……..have not seen Cynthia post on here in a bit. Hope she is ok.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I don’t get the e-mail alerts at all anymore so I just check the site everyday. You probably weren’t getting them as you were not signed up for this new discussion yet.
      Cynthia posted on the book forum so she is still here-maybe just not feeling well enough to post here.
      Greg is still battling the tooth-he still has some pain but not as much. I hope after they do the second part on Tuesday that it will be okay. He really had a rough week and went to work and drove into the city to meet clients and everything through it all. he deserves to just rest today.
      It’s sad that today is pool closing day. Although today is just beautiful. Low 70’s low humidity-the perfect day for outside activities. It’s still not cool enough for any pumpkin shirts yet though.
      I guess some people did not get Pip’s sense of humor. I was hoping the mentalist Oz would win-I thought he was consistently the best. The professional regurgitator was both fascinating and repulsive at the same time. I know that I would not pay money to see his show. Although his thing is like on the Carbonaro effect. You know it can’t be real but you don’t know how he does it. Do you ever watch Impractical Jokers or The Carbonaro Effect? It’s on Tru TV-check it out. At first I thought the Jokers were so juvenile but they have grown on me and now they can make me laugh out loud at their silly antics. I guess because they are like four silly little boys who never grew up.
      Gary Busey was on Celebrity Apprentice and like I said before he is both crazy and brilliant but he is definitely a loose cannon. He is an interesting character.
      I hope that you get your dryer fixed soon. gosh I am so dependent on my washer and dryer. Even with just the two of us we always seem to have something that needs washing.
      We are going into the city tomorrow for Greg to rehearse since the Choirboys member who lives in NY is in town. I will get to meet Nan’s new cat.
      I’m afraid the dangerous time of Holiday Quacker is starting for me. If I get more this season we will need to build an addition. lol

      Post count: 15

      Hi Girls,
      sorry Ive not mailed you all for a while, but the time has just flown by! and there is always things to be done here, what with patch etc, hes nearly 9 months old now! how time flies by! we had to get him another crate the other week, hes outgrowing hes currant one, we got the extra large size this time, thought it would last him out ok! still got to put it up yet, its still in the box in our hallway, we will have to put it in the front room, too big for the kitchen! patch is growing into a lovely dog, he knows basic commands now and we do let him off the lead up the green area where we walk him if there are no other dogs around, I bought a whistle and clicker inone and he responds to that, he knows our routine now and hes not grabbing my rose heads like he used too! he loves to meet other dogs and people, he loves people, he has this one thing though, he rips hes toys up! ive had to throw away some of hes toys and had to sew up others, i will have to get him tough toys from now on like kong toys.

      Im not feeling that great in myself realy, was sick the other week and have not been right since, think its the damm weather we have here, one day rain, rain, rain the next sunshine, ive just not felt right at all, ive still not heard anything about my physio therapy,but what with our health service., im not surprised by that one, i did get a letter from my drs surgery asking me to call them to make an appointment for a flu vaccination, which i will do monday now, my heel spur is still hurting a lot, ive found a pair of comfy clarks shoes i had in my wardrobe, so been wearing those, but what with all the dog walking my heel soon starts to hurt like hell, patch goes out three time a day now, morning, afternoon and evening time, all the kids went back to school after thier summer break 2 wks ago now, so i have to make sure when i take patch out it does not clash with the kids going or coming out of school, stewart is ok, hes still working at our local airport in the duty free shop, hes on the early shift tomorrow, so ive got to be up for around 2.10am, to let patch out, i wil then sweep and mop the floors downstairs and then go back to bed untill around 7.30am, then get up put patch out in the garden, then get hes breakfast and get himout for a walk, ive got laundry to do too tomorrow and cleaning of the house, ive taken chicken legs out of the freezer for our dinner tomorrow, im not in the mood for a lot of cooking tomorrow.

      I was lucky enough to be asked to test out a morphy richards food mixer, its a lovely mixer, it would cost around £150 to buy, and i get to keep it too, so thats on the counter in my kitchen, its red in colour and ive used it twice so far, i ve had it around a week now, ive done muffins in it, i made some muffins today in fact, some strawberry ones and blueberry ones, i plan to do banana bread this coming week too, never made that before, but i thought i would give it a go.

      My dad has not been the best this last week, he had some infection in hes tooth, he has to go and have hes tooth out next week, the dentist gave my dad antibiotics for a week, he has poison in hes tooth, must of been realy painfull, Gail I hope Greg is a little better with hes tooth now, im so sorry ive not mailed here for a long time, but time has just flown by, our clocks change end of next month here, they go back by one hour, i think its the last sunday in October, we had a quacker show here the other week, i just ordered a couple of quacker tops that were on clearance prices, i got the red top with the cromets around the neck line and sleeves and i got the blooming top that has embroidered flowers around the neck line and cromets on it too, i got it in pink, i was so lucky to get that top, as i wanted pink and all they had in my size was white, im not the biggest fan of colour white, makes me look pale, and then i looked and they had pink in my size, just what i wanted, so i ordered it and it came within a few days too, im so pleased with all my quacker purchases, i need to get some more dream jeans though, i realy want to try out the leggings too, i just wish we had the range you girls have there in the usa, you are so lucky with the colour choices you have there in things.

      Our weather has realy cooled down here now, summers over for another year, we have no plans to go away anywhere this year now, patch is far too young to be going into kennels and this year we had a lot of expenses on our car, the clutch went back in June and that cost us £800!, it had to go on the credit card as we just did not have £800, and stewart needs the car to get to work and back, and when hes on hes early shifts he has to start work at 4am, and on the lates he finnishes at 10pm, so its difficult to be without the car, luckily stewarts dad took stewart to work and brought him home in hes car while our car was in the garage, so we have to keep that car on the road, plus what with my blood clots, i was advised not to fly for a year, so no more holidays for us this year, we did manage to go to wales in may, which was ok, we at least got to see my dad, and patch enjoyed hes first holiday, i cannot believe on the 27th september our charlie has been gone 2 yrs, hes over the rainbow bridge with all the other animals having fun! guess jean has blinged him up! im going to get something for hes garden this week, we hope to get one side of our garden turfed in the spring, so patch has more grass to play on, he loves to dig the soil though, hes a rascle, but hes lovely though, i will have to put some recent photos of him on here soon, will try and do that next week if i can, i promise i will mail here more now,im getting used to the new site, anyway best go now, im so tired and stewarts on early shift tomorrow, y ou all take care and again so sorry for the delay in mailing, ive not forgotten any of you, barbara i hope you are feeling better now, keep quacking girls! big hugs to you all there christine

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      I haven’t seen any of thee or even got an e=mail notice. We’re dealing with another death in our immediate family. Lost my husband’s father Saturday. That makes eight people , one a month this year. Both of our parents, brothers, sisters, an Uncle and an Aunt. So now there is just my husband and me left.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I’m very sorry for your loss. It’s been a rough year for you and your husband. Thank goodness you still have each other for love and support.
      I imagine you weren’t getting any notifications because this is a new topic. It seems like perhaps you have to check the box at the bottom of the page each time we start a new topic. Even though I have it checked I am still not getting notifications-so I don’t know if it’s them or if it’s my computer. Threrefore I just come by and check each day to see if anyone has posted.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I hope that there is something they can do for Greg and stop all the pain. That has to be uncomfortable going to work when his mouth hurts so bad. Can he eat now? That makes it hard also if he cannot eat hardly anything. Will keep praying for him.
      Ron does like to aggravate the kids. Sometimes he really get them going. That is funny that Kendal is going thru this. I wonder how long that she will do this. Kids do go thru a lot of funny things when they are young. Does she ever get a joke or does she just take it all serious. That is funny that she corrects everyone. She is something else.
      She was taking the garlic pills because she thought it would help her to lose weight. It did not work though. The only thing that it did is make her smell like garlic. So she quit taking it. They tell you that the pills do not make you smell like garlic but they do.
      I hope you had fun in Chicago with Nan. Did you find a lot of interesting things at the shops. I do not blame you for not wanting to leave Rocky by himself. He is older and he does not have another dog around to keep him company. That was nice that Jenny checked on him for you. That kind of broke up the day for him. He is not spoiled he is just well looked after. He has been in your family for a long time. So you have to take care of him. We do this with our dogs and our guineas.
      that is a shame that you will have to miss the fiddle contest. You and Greg like all of the musical fests. It seems like when the church has their auction the fall season has started. We had a lot of fun at the auction. I bought a Keruig there for six dollars. No one would bid on it so I did. Ron really likes it he says that it works really good. It had a filter for it so you do not have to buy the k cups unless you want to. The people were not bidding as high as they have at earlier auctions. I got a basket of candles and candle holders for 15 dollars. Usually they sell for 50 or 60 dollars. They were just not bidding. This one woman paid 100 dollars for a bunch of wood spindles. That is how they bid sometimes. You would not think they would pay that much for things like that. They must know something that I do not know. I did not go to the auction of the cakes and jellies this time. I came home I was so tired. I got there at nine thirty in the morning and did not get home until around four. It took them a long time to get everything sold. I also got a new sandwich machine. It was brand new and is really nice. They had a trailer of all new things and even those things went cheaply. I just hope that the church made a lot of money. They need it to keep things going.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and will talk to you later.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I do not get notices on here either. I just go to the site and see if anyone has been on here. This site is going to be different and we are going to have to get use to the new way. I am glad that you finally came on here. We were getting worried about you. I am just glad that you and Gary are okay.
      Ron has some type of lung infection. He will not go to the doctor because he thinks that he can cure it. Well surprise he cannot. He was eating garlic because he heard that it will really help. Well all it did is keep people away from him. He just ate the garlic. I could not stand to be around him. So he did quit. Thank God.
      Our weather has really cooled down here. We had the rain and after we got the rain the temps started to fall. We are supposed to have some days in the lower 80’s but that is normal for us. We do not stay cool until we get further the fall. I will be glad when we get into the cool weather. All the pools around here have already been closed. It just seems that everyone closed their pools after Labor day. It is sad that no one can go swimming when it is still hot. I guess they just want to do it then because it is tradition. Do you leave any water in the pool at all or does all of it have to be drained? We have never had a big pool so have not idea how to close them for the winter.
      I hope that they get your dryer fixed. It is hard to be without a dryer. I do not like to have to go to the laundry mat. They are expensive and not always clean. You almost always have to clean out the washing machine before you use it. The same with the dryer. I really do not like to go.
      I wrote about the auction on Gails post please go there to read it if you want to. Ron did not go with me he was not feeling well. So had to go alone. I went early because I wanted to get a parking space close to the building so I would not have to carry my things too far. Joe carried all of my stuff to the car for me. He and Ruth are really good friends. So he did that so I would not have to. I had to take my cane with me so I would not fall in the grass. We had rain the night before and did not want to fall. That would have been a mess.
      Well tha is about all from here. Have a good night. I am glad that you saw that we were here.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I am so sorry to hear about your Father in law. My prayers are with the two of you.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia
      I am so sorry about your FIL. Prayers are going out to you.
      I hope you will be feeling better soon. Being in pain is not fun, to ay th eleats.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      I guess I will have to just do daily checks on the site too. I looked at my settings, and I should be getting emails.
      I have not watched those other show you mentioned. There are some good drama shows that are new this year- we will have to see if they are good. Did you see where the star form How to Get Away with Murder won last night? I did not realize she was the first black woman to get the award.
      The dryer will be fixed next week. We have 2 dryers, so I am golden. Thank God!
      It is so cool here today, that I had to shut some windows. How funny is this- from the air on to closing windows????
      I saw a butterfly shirt on the Friday night show- did you get it? Tillie and I got the Christmas tree black shirt- very pretty!
      Hope Greg is feeling better. Also hope your foot is doing a little better.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      It is not my FIL who died, it is Cynthia’s. I never met my FIL- he has been gone for a long time.
      I hope Ron has finally agreed to see a doctor. At our ages a ling thing can really take hold. he is right about garlic. But, it has to be taken all the time to prevent it, I think not to cure it. I am not sure if I am right, or not. Either way, I hope he is better. A sick husband is no fun to be around.
      We closed the pool late because it was so hot. We drain it down just below the skimmer, so it is not too bad. Marissa and Enzo came to help put the cover on. I made the (requested) chocolate chip cookies for the “pool closers”. Of course, Bobby even snatched some of the cookie dough…..LOL He is so bad! When he was little, I had to take the dough with me, if I left the kitchen. If I did not, I would get about half a batch of cookies, as he would happily eat the cookie dough.
      It sounds like you had a real good time at the auction. I have never gone to an auction.
      I was also worried about all of you. I thought something happened, and then I decided to just look at the site…here you all were! I will have to remember to check every day, so I do not miss anything.
      I have been doing the needlepoint stocking for Aizen for Christmas- have to get it done before Thanksgiving, so Steph can hand it up with the others.
      heather just told me this morning that JJ is signed up for Boy Scouts. I am so glad. I loved scouting- my kids were in it, and I was a leader. It is such a great experience to earn the badges, and the camping.
      It is so cool here, I had to close some windows….LOL I have to finish my furniture dusting today and tomorrow, so I can finish my decorating. the only thing I have out is the village on the dining room table! I still have to find some of the little people accessories that I tucked into a box with all the other Halloween stuff. Once I get it all out, I will take a pic for all of you to see. I was just not feeling very Halloween, with the 90 degree weather. I am in the mood today though.
      Hope you have found some Halloween things for your yard.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Christine!
      It is so nice to hear from you again. We are all glad you are ok.
      Patch sounds like he is growing by leaps and bounds. he is surely keeping you going. I hope you find toys for him that will last longer. AT least he is not eating the feet of your chairs, like I hear other dogs do. So, I guess that is a good thing, or you have done a real good job training him.
      I have never heard of that mixer before. I wonder if it is brand new, and a competition for the Kitchen Aid mixer. It sounds like you are having a good time baking. I love to bake, especially when it gets cool. To me, it is kind of like therapy. When I have a bad day, I need to bake something. I love baking in the fall and during a snow storm. It makes the house smell so good. I am always trying a new recipe.
      This week, I am doing a recipe I found on a cooking book I have…the “Apple Lovers Cookbook”, I think. It is a recipe for cabbage with sausages and apples. It sounded interesting, so I am ogign to give it a try. Bobby thinks it will be a disaster, and that Gary will not eat it…..LOL We will see!
      Hope your weather is good. It is beautiful here today, bit cool. I am glad it is not hot.
      Hope you are having a good day, and feeling better. I hope you get the treatment you need for your foot to improve.

        Post count: 15

        Hi Adele
        Thank you so much for your mail to me, appriciate it, sounds like you are busy there, that receipe sounds lovely, i did the banana bread yesterday used the mixer, it sure makes cakes so light and the banana bread was lovely,dont know why its called banana bread, its more banana cake! but its nice though, I managed to get patch out this morning, but when we got down the the firs where we walk patch it started to drizzle with rain, so we walked up one side of the firs and came home, i had to leave patch in the kitchen to dry off, as he was wet and we have wooden flooring or else he would just slip all over the place!, Ive got a guy coming today to service my boiler, hes due here between mid day and 5pm, tomorrow ive got smart meters being installed here, for my gas and electric, ive cleared out the cupboard under the stairs where the gas meter is, got to do the other cupboard today where the electric meter is kept, patch is growing up fast, hes 9 months old next week, it will be 2 yrs sunday we lost charlie, the time has just flown by realy, its wet here today, hope to be able to get patch out again today, see how the weather is and when this guy comes to do the service on the boiler, stewarts on late shift today and tomorrow, so hes not home untill 10.30pm tonight and tomorrow, i understand your dancing with the stars has started, that gary bussey was on our celebrity big brother here last year, and he won it! but he was weid on that show, never wanted to shower or change hes clothes, the other celebs had to help him shower and dress him and tell him what to do, and he goes and wins the show!! lol, i feel sorry for him on d.w.t.stars there, feel sorry for the partner that has him too! our strictly come dancing starts this friday and saturday, its on twice this week, then its every saturday, the judges award points out of 10 for each dance then the public vote and the 2 that score the lowest get to do a dance off and its up to each judge who they want to save, and the one that loses out leaves the show, we managed to go and see a show of it last year, ive applied for tickets for each show this year, they draw your name out, hope im lucky this year though, i hope you and gary are both ok there, we have cooler weather now, mostly rain!, anyway best go as stewarts leaving to go to work soon and i have to be downstairs for the boiler service guy, take care and big hugs to you from me christine

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      I am so sorry to hear about your fil. I will pray for you and your husband.

      • Cynthia Shay
        Post count: 65

        Thanks Colleen. BTW, I finally got the camel color in the Dream Jeans and I am a bit disappointed. These pants are NOT denim but some kind of heavy Ponte fabric which on ME adds bulk. The legs are way too wide which also adds pounds. It’s too bad. I have noticed many of Jeannes’ pants are constructed for heavier women, even in the smaller sizes. I usually buy Mediums or a 10. Camel is such a hard color to find. I’m going to keep them. I found an awesome jacket last year at Dillards that originally was $300 and i got it on markdown clearance for $18.00. I was beside myself when i found it but had no pants to match. Now I have these. I may buy the sage and burgandy pair for winter. It’s 110 today, hotter than a well digger in the desert. This weather is BS. I also got the new Halloween Quacker top that was back ordered but there is NO way I am going to be able to wear it in this heat. I have twelve really awesome Halloween tops from Jeanne and I can’t wear any of them for fall. I need to move to Alaska.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Sorry that I sent that e-mail to you. I was thinking about Cynthia and put your name on there. I am losing my mind I guess. I will apologize to you again.
      I finally got him to agree but they would not work him in. He cannot see the doctor until Tuesday of next week. This doctor is not fast about anything. They said that I can go see a np but they are not all that good with something like this and I am not going to be bothered with them. They cannot do anything unless he okays it so why not just go to him.I am looking for a new doctor hope I find one soon.
      That is funny about Bobby. He still snatches the batter for the cookies. My grand daughters do that if their mom buys the dough from the store. She went to bake the cookies and the dough was gone. I thought she was going to crazy after that. What was funny she was looking all over for the dough and they finally told her that they ate it. I will have to tell them about your son and that he still does that and he is not a teenager. lol Some habits are hard to break and I guess that is hard for Bobby to stop doing. That was nice that Marissa and Enzo came to help close the pool. That made it a lot easier on you and Gary. They got a nice reward for doing it. You are a good grandma.
      If you ever get a chance you should go to a church auction. They are fun a lot more fun then a public auction. You can get better bargains and a bigger variety. It is nice that all the money goes to the church. This church is so good to the people in the community. That is one reason we do this every year. We also go to their chicken and dumpling dinners. They are always doing something at that church.
      You will have to post a picture of the stocking. I bet that it is really pretty. You always make such nice things. The only creative thing that I ever did was latch hook. Did you ever do that? I made a tree skirt for my Christmas tree and then they stop making the kits so I stopped. I have not seen a kit since I made that. That is all the talent that I have.lol
      That is nice that JJ signed up for boy scouts. He will really enjoy that. They always do so many fun things. I hope that he gets a good leader that is imporant. I hope that a lot of kids from his class joined so he will have friends in the troupe. It is fun to hear them recite the pledge when they first start to learn it. I had daughters and they belonged to girl scouts. They would mess up the pledge at first and some of the things that they would say was hysterical.
      I have to start to put out my Halloween things out. I have two haunted housed that my mom made. They are really cute. She use to do ceramics all the time and she made some really pretty things. She has been giving me a lot of it. She is thinking that she will have to give up her house one day and she wants to get rid of a lot of stuff before she has to do that. She always said that when she turned 90 she was going to sell her house. Well she will soon be 93 and she is still living in her house. I just have to laugh at her. She is always worried about what she is going to do. She can take care of herself and can stay where she is. Everyone calls her every day so we always know that she is okay.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Christine,
      Good to hear from you. I am not familiar with a Morphy Richards mixer either. It sounds like a nice machine. That’s cool that you get to keep it.
      It sounds like Patch is doing well and you are getting along with his training. A dog is such a treasure but a young dog can be exhausting.
      It sounds like Gary Busey is making the rounds of all the reality shows. He was on two Celebrity Apprentices, Celebrity Big Brother UK and US and now DWTS. He was in a bad motorcycle accident back in the 80’s I think. He wasn’t wearing a helmet and did have brain damage so I guess that accounts for his goofiness. He certainly is not an easy guy to keep on task. His partner will earn her salary-that’s for sure. He probably won’t be on that long.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Doesn’t the cooler weather feel good? I feel sorry for poor Keo on DWTS-it seems like his partner always gets kicked off right at the beginning. He won’t want to come back if that keeps on happening. That was interesting when he told Chaka Khan that he was a prince in his native country. That reminded me that when I was in high school we had a foreign exchange student from Uganda and she was a princess in her country. I often wondered afterward how her family survived all the upheaval that came to that country in later years.
      I hope JJ likes scouting. I was a cub scout leader when Brent was in Scouts. Then when they went to Boy Scouts all the leaders were men-except for one woman and her husband. I guess because they do more camping out in the Boy Scouts women were not really welcome and personally I was glad to hand it over to the men at that point. Several of Brent’s friends got their Eagle Scout badge and that’s still a big deal as they consider that a plus on resumes and college applications. I wished that Brent would have followed through and gotten his but he lost interest at some point. My Dad(even though he was no longer alive) would have been so thrilled-he always wanted to be an Eagle Scout but had to drop out of school and work to help the family.
      I don’t watch the dramas on Thursdays other than Grey’s Anatomy. I’m trying not to get invested in any new shows as it seems like all the singing and dancing shows take up so much of my time. I wonder when the Blacklist is coming back? I’m mad because I had The Voice and DWTS recording last night and I forgot to watch the new Big Bang theory in real time so I missed the season opener. We really need to get the Hopper so all the regular programs will record automatically. lol
      I think the perfect Halloween costume for Bobby should be a Cookie Monster costume. lol
      We used to go to country auctions all the time around here. Then a lot of the antique dealers started coming too and they always seemed to have much more money to spend than we did. We haven’t been to one for years now but they were fun.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Over a week is a long time to wait for a doctor appointment. That is different that he won’t let the NP’s do anything. If I have something that I know I will just need an antibiotic for I just go to the NP and they are allowed to prescribe meds and order tests just like the regular doctor. If it seems like it might be something more complicated then I want to see the regular doctor.
      You know they still sell latch hook kits at Michaels and Hobby Lobby and in several needlework catalogs that I get in the mail. Plus you can find just about anything online now.
      Our pool closes here on weekdays as soon as the kids go back to school and then it closes completely after Labor Day. Most of the lifeguards are students so when the schools start most of the life guards are gone too. Is today the first official day of fall?
      We have had a Kuereg for a long time and we love it. If you ever want to use Kcups Greg and I think the Kirkland ones are really good. That was a good deal that you got.
      We watched the football game until the third quarter on Sunday and since the Bears were doing so bad Nan and I left to go shopping. We ended up going to Ulta because I needed something from there. Nan was looking for some new makeup-she wears very minimal-so I was able to help her with all my QVC hair and makeup expertise. After 25 years I think I have tried it all. After that we went over to Von Mauers and looked at all their stuff. They have beautiful things but quite pricey and when I look at their clothes I really don’t see anything that much different or better than what I can get on the Q. But it’s fun to look as they have a lot of the upscale brands of jewelry and clothing. They also had out a lot of their fall and Christmas décor which is so pretty.
      Greg is getting his root canal stuff finished off today so I hope that he is done with his problems and is a okay.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Christine
      Anniversaries are so hard. You will have to give Patch a big hug that day, so you will not feel so bad!
      We are all getting ready for winter- you with the meters and boiler service. While I am getting ready to finish the Halloween decorating. I have to schedule the boiler clean-out soon too.
      It is cool here. But we have had no rain in a long time.
      I can’t believe Patch will be 9 months old. Tome really flies.
      You should have seen the face of Gary Busey’s partner. I honestly think she was hoping they would get voted off. She looks like she is a little afraid of him. I hope he gets voted off tonight, as I am concerned for her. She is a small woman, and he is very big.
      I have the wonderful activity of finishing my furniture dusting today…..LOL Thank God for the Swiffer! I think I am going to make a recipe tonight I saw in a cook. It is with cabbage, sausage, apple, and cider. I hope everyone will like it- it sounded interesting, and I wanted to try it. if not, I will never make that again…..LOL
      Hope your day is good, and hat we get your rain here!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      You are a great grandmother too! My grand’s would love the hay ride you all do for Halloween.
      Well…JJ loved his scout meeting. Heather had him call me last night after she picked him up. he told me about his pledge, and I told him his Nonni and Great-Uncle were scouts, and that I was a scout leader back in the day. He already has a camping trip planned- a 2 day event in October. He is going to love camping. I am so glad they put him in Scouts. It is such a good experience.
      you do not have to apologize for getting me confused with Cynthia- we all do that. Sometimes I get our issues confused too- I have to keep re-reading the post to make sure I got it right….LOL
      I am glad Ron agreed to go to the doctor. I hope they give him something to clear it up. Once those lung things take hold at our ages, it is hard to get rid of them. I have found that if I get a cold at the beginning of the season, I get more as the winter goes by. I so hope you get a better doctor soon. You have been really struggling with this one. Not fair.
      I am making a new dish for dinner that I found in an apple cookbook I have. it is a cabbage/sausage/apple/apple cider thing. Bobby said it is going to be a disaster. I smacked him one! hey- you have to try something new every once in a while. Got the recipe from the “Apple Lovers Cookbook”.
      I am going to finish dusting the house, and then get out my witches today. My goal for tomorrow, is to get the rest of the Halloween things out of the back closet. I hope I will be successful in my goal, so I can finish the village display on the dining room table. I know I am missing things- like the fall trees, and some people accessories. they have to be in that closet…..LOL I cannot a wait to post the pics for you girls!!!
      Colleen- you will not believe this. I made a tree skirt that is a latch hook rug-mine is white, with poinsettia’s all around it. How funny is that! I have one more rug I did that is in my back room. It is about 30 years old, and still looks good.
      Hope you are having a good day.

        Post count: 15

        Hi Adele
        Thank you so much for your mail tome, its appriciated, as i do know you are busy there, hows gary doing now? hope hes ok and things are improving with hes health, boy what a year its been for us quackers, most of us getting some ailment or other, be pleased when this year is over to be honest, my heel is still paining me a lot, like needles sticking into my heels, i wore some boots i got a few years ago yesterday afternoon when i went to walk patch, as up the firs where i take him is fairly muddy now, what with rain etc we have had, i put those gel heel insoles in them, and boy they were awefull to walk in, uncomfortable, i could not wait to get home to take them off and get my comfly clarks shoes on again! i threw those boots in the bin now, they went today, the binmen came to collect our rubbish bin today, the smart meters were installed today too, i made stewart get up early, around 9am, i was up at 6.45am this morning, made stewarts packed lunch for work, got patch out in the garden and did hes breakfast and then got him out for hes walk, we met up with an old guy mowing hes front lawn, he likes pach and always has a chat to us if we see him, patch enjoyed hes walk then we headed back home, the guys came around 11am to put the smart meters in, took about an hour to install them, they have given me this small screen thing, you plug it in and it tells you what you are using and how much its costing you to run per hour, even gives you your total electric and gas bill as you go along, no more them coming to read the meters, the reading goes right to the head office and every 3 months they just send you a statement of your bill, we pay direct debit each month for our gas and electric, we pay around £64 a month for both gas and electric, its been enought though as we are always in credit, in winter i dont go mad with heating, we have heaters we can use if we get cold, we have central heating too that comes on twice a day in autumn and winter, we will probably put the heating on next month, i had to have one heater on last night as it got chilly in the living room, im doing gammon steaks with pasta tonight, stewart and i like the banana bread i made the other day, stewars on late shift today, so hes not home untill 10.30pm, hate him doing lates, but hes off tomorrow and friday, shopping day for us tomorrow too, anyway you take care and thank you so much for your mail, its going to be hard sunday remembering charlie, cannot believe its 2 yrs since he went over that rainbow bridge, what i would give to see him though!, miss him so much, take care quack, quack! christinex

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail
      We used to call Bobby the Cookie Monster….LOL You know, when he was little they introduced The Count. Bobby was so scared of him, he hid under the kitchen table every time he came on Sesame Street.
      I also feel sorry for Keo. he is a good dancer, and I hope he gets a better partner next year. I am a little afraid for Gary Busey’s partner. did you see her reaction last night? I think she was hoping they would get voted off. It looks like she is a little afraid of him, and I do not blame her. We watched that new show with the girl who is tattooed all over- it looks like it is going to be a good one. I recovered the Big Bang and the one after- Life in Pieces, and then Castle too.
      I was a scout leader for the Girl Scouts. In my area, it was all men for the Boy Scouts too.
      Read my post to Colleen about tonight’s dinner try out…..LOL I hope it tastes good. I will not hold it against them, if they do not like it. No Cooking Strikes will be enforced tonight, as long as they are kind with their comments.
      Off to watch The Chew while I dust. so I can get my witches out!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Sounds like you and Nan had fun shopping. I like to look at all the pricey shops even if I cannot afford to buy. Their clothes are so much more expensive then what they are at the q. I was really surprised. I guess that I have not shopped for clothes in a regular store for a long time. I like to get my things from Quacker. Have you ever bought the clothes I cannot think of the name of them right now. Women with control. Wonder if the waist is tight from the material that they use to hold your stomach in. The name came to me right after I said that I could not remember. I thought about trying a pair but am afraid that if they put any pressure on my stomach I will not be able to wear them. So was wondering if anyone has tried them. I need to buy some dress pants that are not dream jeannes. lol I do not get dressed up that often but once in awhile I do.
      This new doctor is not as good as the old one was. If we called and were sick he would work us in. They do not do that now at the doctors office where we go. We are going to have to find somewhere else to go. We have been looking but cannot find a place that we like. It is so hard to find a doctor that we are going to like as much as we liked the doctor we had. I can see now why he left that place. They are changing so much and he tried to do as much as he could for his patients. They want you in and out and do not want to take care of anything.
      Will have to look on the internet and see what I can find. We are going to Micheals Wednesday so will look and see what they have there. If they have anything. We have to go to my mom’s and she needs to go there. I need more things to do around here. I will have to buy new needles and everything I have lost my old ones. Not needles but hooks.
      I think that fall starts tomorrow. I am not sure though. They were talking about it on the news last night but now I do not remember for sure. I think that it is tomorrow. though.
      I will have to look at Costco for their coffee. Ron likes Kirkland coffee. So he would like the k cups they have there. We buy a lot of things there. They have some good prices. I am going to get some granola bars to give away on Halloween. The kids really liked that last year when we gave them out. We are going to the church for their trunk or treat they have there. We will also buy a bag of candy to hand out. They get a lot of kids that come there. I guess it just works out better for them to go to the churches for that instead of trying to go from house to house. They are too far apart here.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great evening.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      If you lived closer you grands could come over and go on the hayride with us. You and Gary could sit by the fire with the ones who do not go on the hayride like me and roast hot dogs and marshmallows. We have more fun just sitting there talking and eating then anything else. I could not get in that hay wagon if I tried. So just do not try to get in there.
      JJ will love the camping I am sure. Most boys do. That is good that he loves the meetings and wants to go. They will do some interesting things. My brother was in boy scouts and he loved it.
      Your dinner sounds really good. Bobby might be surprised and really like it. If you send the recipe I may try that myself. We love cooked cabbage and anything with apples in it is good. I like apples cooked with sausage that is good also. I hope that all of you like it.
      I hate that when I know that I have pieces that go to my villages and cannot find them. Usually they turn up after the holiday is over. I need to get my stuff out and get it all put up before the first week-end in October. The kids will be disappointed if the things are not up by the hay ride. I have the two haunted houses now and some other things to put out. The kids always like that stuff. I have a witch that I bought from Avon that sings Ghouls just want to have fun. They kids all like that on also. I love this time of the year when you get out all of your decorations for the holidays. The house looks so festive. I went looking for some Halloween things to put in the yard and I think that we can make some of that ourselves. They had ghosts made out of that netting stuff and it just had a Styrofoam ball for the head. I will just have to find some eyes that will glow in the dark and that is about all it was. They wanted 24 dollars for that. So it will be a lot cheaper to do it myself. If I can find some black material and a witches hat I can make some witches. I will have to look around and see what I can find.
      The tree skirt that I made is cream with a big Poinsettia in the middle. So they are similar. I had made things for the kids but have no idea what they did with it after they moved away from home. I made one for my daughter to hang on her wall in her room. I know that she does not still have hers. they were probably too childish for them after they left home.
      Have you tried any of the Women with Control pants? I am wondering if they are uncomfortable to wear. If they are tight across the stomach then I cannot wear them. I thought about buying a pair for when we go out somewhere and I cannot wear dj. I just want to find someone that has a pair and see what they think of them.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good evening and I hope that everyone loves you dinner.

    • The Quacker Factory
      Post count: 328

      Hey girls. Sorry to be clogging up your wonderful thread here, but we have been noticing some complaints about members not getting notifications when people are responding to their forums. A few other things to try:

      1) notice next to the SUBMIT button on the discussion there is a small check box that says ‘Notify me of follow-up replies via email’. Make sure this is checked to assure you will get a response. We are working on making it checked by default, so you won’t have to worry but that is easier said than done. This goes the same when you are creating a new post. ALWAYS CHECK THIS BOX.

      2) add ‘social@quackerfactory.com’ to your address book or ‘non’ spam list to that your email think our emails are spam.

      We also just updated our mail server to hopefully make these send better.

      Let me know how it works out for you!


    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Happy Fall to All. Fiirst, let me offer my condolences to you, Cynthia for your and your husbands loss. What a hard year for you both. Prayers for you both.
      Christine, so happy to hear you all are doing good with your little Patches! I just knew there was a special puppy dog out there who was looking for wonderful family to share lots of love and good times with, and he sure was lucky to find you and Stuart. I know how you feel about the time passing since you lost your precious Charlie. I have so many that we have that are gone, and I just try so hard to think they are now healthy, happy, and playing with all the others in some grassy field, rolling on their bellies and feeling the warm sunshine, and lots of tasty treats! I will not let myself cry now, but just know I can relate to how you feel. Sounds like you have been in the baking mood too. Wish we could all have a big picnic, and each one of us bring one of our treats. Still wishing I could taste some of Colleens potato salad. It sounds yummy and is one of my favorites, but I can always save room for dessert.
      Poor Greg. There is nothing like a toothache. And he has had to endure so much with this. You hope when you go to the dentist that it is over and you will feel better, not have to keep going back. Is he able to sing with his mouth so sore? He is SO talented. My talent is resting and coming in second is taking a nap. I actually got into a cleaning spell yesterday, and worked on the pantry. I am ashamed to say that there were “several” things in there that were more than a little out of date. So it looks sparce in the pantry now, but nothing is out of date. ha ha
      Colleen, how is Ron doing now? I was wondering when you said he was taking so much garlic how much he is like Jerry. They are really kindred spriits. He takes so many different vitamins and supplements that I have never heard of that he saw something about on an add on his computer. Like take for example, he is taking some kind of ground of sugar cane to keep him from having to get up and go to the bathroom so much at night, and I don’t know if it is just in his head or really works, but he was getting up about three times a night and now once. He was on that garlic thing at one time, and he just stunk. I finally asked him was he trying to ward off vampires? I said just carring around a stake and hammer and get rid of that garlic. It was beginning to make me sick smelling him. We had a nurse one time from I think it was the Phillipines, and she ate so much garlic in her lunch that she brought with her everyday that I finally had to talk to her about it. It was so strong that it was coming out of her skin, and she was a pretty, young, very well dressed young woman. I think she had just eaten so much of it that she really didn’t realize how offensive she was to others.
      Your grands sound SO cute. I had one who would not wear pants too, Gail. Neal was our “wearing his birthday suit” boy. Funny thing about Neal, he was completely bare except for wearing cowboy boots! He would have a fit if you tried to dress him, but had to have those boots on. Our oldest son, Buddy, finally got him to wear pants by telling him he could hide his little plastic robo man toy inside there to keep Joey from finding it. I just think it is precious how innocent and not ashamed to run around all bare. I remember seeing just that bare bottom running off down the hall after Joey or Bud.
      I made a pan of lasagna yesterday. The boys just ate it up. Must admit, I did my part as well. I have come to the the fact that I will not ever get down to my original weight. After all, six pounds 4 oz. is not very realistic! I had so many different dreams when I was young, and somewhere in the process of getting to this point, I lost track of many of them and took other roads. I feel so fortunate to have made it this far; and look at those gray hairs that keep coming back even though I try to cover them up every six weeks. I know how blessed we are, and whether the times are good or bad, I am grateful to be here to experience it all. Not being mundane, just grateful.
      Colleen, I got an apple shirt instead of a pumpkin one. I remembered my pumpkin vest that has the smiley pumpkin faces all over the front (big orange pumpkins on a black sweater background) that I have had for years from Jeanne. Just love it. So I went more general Fall with apples and leaves. Got it on sale too.
      I am watching DWtS too. One couple did so good last night, scored really well. Gary Busey does seem to be on everything, and I think his partner was silently hoping they would get voted off too. She seems afraid of him. Do you know he has a four year old son? I was surprised when I saw him with his wife and little boy. The little boy was so polite and well spoken. I watched the Joan RIvers special jewelry show las night with Jill. I loved seeing the original real bee pin that Joans husband designed for her those many years ago. It was beautiful to say the least. No telling what it is worth. They showed lots of old videos of David Dangle and Joan and pictures of her. Made me a little sad. But really was a good show.
      Will close for now. Hope today is a good day for everybody. Jerry and Neal are doing better now. Neal missed work for a week. That just shows how sick he has been; he just never calls in. So glad they are better now.
      Take care everyone, and have a great Fall day. Barbara

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      Your lasagna sounds really good. I love lasagna but when I make it for us it is too much and we cannot eat it all. It would be nice to have the kids come over and help us eat it. It is sad that we cannot make things that we use to like because it is too much for two. I still have trouble cutting it down for just the two of us. Probably need to take cooking lessons for two.
      It would be fun if we could all get together and have a picnic. We could all make our specialties. Who makes good fried chicken? That would be good with the potato salad. Can you imagine all the good baked goods we would have. If nothing else we would all gain 50 pounds. lol That is one thing that I do not need.
      My daughter did that with garlic. She was taking so much that you could smell it thru her skin. I would have never thought that we could eat that much of anything that you could smell it thru the skin. That poor girl from the Philippines must have been embarrassed after she found out that she smelled like garlic. That must have been hard for you to have to tell her. I hope that she took it well.
      Jerry and Ron seem to do similar things. I did not think to tell him about the hammer and the spike. Maybe he would have taken the hint earlier. It really did not help him either. He just made people stay away from him. He is so crazy sometimes.
      That had to be cute with Neal running around in the buff with cowboy boots. He and Gail’s granddaughter would have gotten along really well. That is funny that they did not like wearing clothes. I wonder what it is about them that they do not like. Buddy was smart coming up with the idea that he could hide his toy in his pants.
      I ended up buying the ghost shirt with the grey vest. It is really cute so I thought I might as welll get it and stop buying things. I have been buying too many things here lately. When Ron sees the bill he is going to be ready to shoot me. lol
      Gary Busey is so weird. I cannot believe that a younger woman would want to marry him. He is scarey looking now. I thought for sure that he would get voted off the show. I thought that the jockey did a lot better then him. I just keep thinking maybe Monday he will go home. I hope that it is him and not Paula Deen. I cannot understand why they keep him around. The judges keep talking about his showman shiip and I do not see it. They have a lot of good dancers left on the show now I think. It will be interesting to see who wins.
      Well that is about all from here. It was nice to hear from you. Have a great night.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Just a short note to say I am leaving the group. I never receive e-mails anymore, and have idea what is going on. I even e-mailed Quacker and never heard back.It was nice at the old site. Have no idea what is going on now. I see if I start a conversation, or something new there is no response. Bye.

      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        Hi Cynthia,
        I’m sorry that you feel the need to leave the group because of the lack of notifications. They have been trying to fix that. Now I am getting notifications again but they are going to my spam-so I just added QF to my contacts list-we’ll see what happens. The rest of us have just been coming and checking the website daily to see the other postings. There are so few people that come on here that many times none of the new discussions have any responses. Those of us who come on regularly mostly just check the monthly discussion topic-so if you have started other topics most people just don’t see them. We will miss your participation as we always felt-the more the merrier. If you have decided not to come back I want to wish you much health and happiness in your future.

      • Anonymous
        Post count: 643

        Cynthia James did reply just scroll up from this post. He is working on it. Give him time. I don’t see the need for e-mails clogging up you in box. Just come on and read what everyone posted.
        As to new threads these girls only post on one this one and ignore all others.

      • The Quacker Factory
        Post count: 328

        Hello Cynthia,

        We did get your email and were working hard all day yesterday to try and find some solutions. I posted earlier on this thread in response to try and help.

        Just incase you did not see it I just emailed you directly, hopefully you get it and we can resolve any issues you are having.

        Hope to hear from you soon!


    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      That is funny about Bobby being the Cookie Monster and being afraid of the Count. I always loved Sesame Street and it’s messages. My sister gives Sesame Street part of the credit for her son being a genius. When he was born he was breech and it took awhile to turn him(this was before they did C sections at the drop of a hat and she probably should have had one). Anyway he had seizures after he was born probably from lack of oxygen and they weren’t sure if he suffered any brain damage or not. It was suggested that he be given lots of intellectual stimulation and besides having tons of books and things read to him he was shown Sesame Street as it started at just about that time. Anyway, my sister gives the show credit for him not only- not being brain damaged- but ending up with a genius IQ.
      Since you caught Big Bang Theory I have to ask did Penny back out of the marriage after finding out about Leonard and that other girl? I’m so pissed that I missed that! Big Bang is one of my favorites-I love The Nerd boys they are so funny. Now if Gary doesn’t laugh at them he does need to buy a sense of humor. lol I did enjoy all my sitcoms last night. I didn’t like The Goldbergs right away but they have grown on me and I thought Blackish was funny from the very beginning. There was a sitcom on last year with the woman who played Roseanne’s sister(and Sheldon’s mother come to think of it) and John Ritter’s son called I think The Murphy’s that I thought was pretty good but it got dropped. We’ll see which programs stick and which stay this season. I think I only have three dramas left-Gray’s Anatomy, The Blacklist and The Good Wife. We’ll see how long I stick to my idea of not getting invested in any new dramas. lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Barbara,
      I’m glad Neal and Jerry are feeling better. Neal must have been sick if he was off for a week. When is everyone heading for Florida? I hope you have some snapshots of Neal with his bare butt and cowboy boots. Obviously those were his most important piece of attire. Those little naked butts running around were so cute.
      Don’t feel bad I always have to go through the pantry and throw away things with expired dates. We just don’t use things as quickly as we used to. Plus Greg never checks dates on anything so I have to try and keep up on it so he doesn’t eat something and make himself sick.
      Greg’s tooth was better so he was good to sing at the Retirement Community last night. One of The Choirboys mother lives there so she was in her glory having her son sing in front of all of her friends-even when you are in your 60’s your mother is still proud of you. How sweet is that.
      I missed them showing Joan’s original Bee pin. I know that she has a collection of invaluable Fabrege pieces. I would love to see those.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      When I make lasagna if I am not having the kids over I actually cut it in half and wrap the second half in foil and freeze it for a later date. So it’s make it once eat it twice-the perfect meal! lol
      I’m so glad that you got that ghost with vest set. I thought it was so cute but I already have a ghost tee so it seemed kind of redundant to get that one too-even though I thought it was really cute. I got a email saying all Quacker was on 4 ez pays today. That was unusual as they don’t have a lot of ezpay.
      We are too far apart here also for kids to trick or treat. That’s why we go to Jenny’s and help her take her kids out. I found a cute headband with a little witches hat on it to wear this year. I already had one with a spider on it so now I can switch off.
      I have some women with Control pants and I think Barbara does too. Not all of them have that big tummy control band- you would have to look online at the different styles. Some of them have a wide waistband and some have a little thin one so there are many different styles to choose from. I size up just because of the 14% spandex. Plus even their petites seem kind of long on me. My favorite dressier pull on pats were a ponte knit by the old Modern Soul line. I think they are a little dressier and nicer looking that the WWC. I think perhaps Liz Claiborn has something similar now on the Q-if I find an item number I will pass it on to you.
      I wish Victor hadn’t gotten voted off DWTS either. He was trying so hard. Somehow I think maybe the voters will keep Gary on for awhile just for the novelty. They usually do that with someone who isn’t very good. I really enjoyed the night with the pros getting to talk about their backgrounds. I think I knew Gary had a little kid because I think he may have been on an episode of Celebrity Wife Swap. One of my guilty pleasures. lol

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi James, and Cynthia

      None of us are getting emails anymore. That is why I am not on as much, as I have to remember to go check every day on my own. I did check my page, and made sure I checked the block for getting emails in threads I am on. I hope you can fix it.

      this is the only thread I really follow, as I feel I know everyone here, and have things in common with everyone. Once in a while, we had others who were on, and I loved to hear their stories too.
      Cynthia- when you add a response, I, as well as everyone else, always answer you, unless it is so far back, that I/we did not see it. I certainly hope you feel welcome her- that is not the Quacker way to make anyone feel they are not wanted. None of the girls on here would ever do that to anyone.

      I hope this cleared things up a bit. I think we are all feeling a little disjointed, since we do not get the email notices anymore.

      Hope everyone is having a good day!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      All I can say is check your spam. I have added QF to my contacts three times now and the notifications still go to spam. It is probably my computer. That’s okay. I can figure it out.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello Cynthia and James

      I have not been getting the emails. A such, I have not been on as much, as I have to remember to go on, and check.
      I need to mention that I usually only go on here, as I feel I know everyone on this thread, and rarely visit another one. Please do not take offense to that, Cynthia. I always answer you on here, unless it is so far back, that I did not see it. If so, please accept my apology.
      Everyone on here is very kind, and nobody would intentionally ignore something anyone says- that is not the Quacker Way! I think it is safe to say we all live by Jeanne’s Quacker doctrines- be knd to each other, smile, and of course,……sparkle and shine our way through all the difficulties life sends our way.
      Hope the email issue can be resolved, and that everyone knows we love you all!!!

      • The Quacker Factory
        Post count: 328

        Hey Adele, Try this…

        1) next to the SUBMIT button when you are responding to a discussion there is a small check box that says ‘Notify me of follow-up replies via email’. Make sure this is checked to assure you will get a response. We just made it a bit larger to make it easier to see. Also, we are working on making it checked by default, so you won’t have to worry but that is easier said than done. This goes the same when you are creating a new post. ALWAYS CHECK THIS BOX.

        2) add ‘social@quackerfactory.com’ to your address book or ‘non’ spam list to that your email think our emails are spam.

        We also just updated our mail server to hopefully make these send better.

        I hope you get this!


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello everyone!
      I read through all the posts, and di a group one here- hope I did not miss any issues to respond to, as I am still not getting the emails. So, here we go:
      Christine- I also wear the Clarks shoes, when I go somewhere special. Otherwise, I am in the New Balance sneakers, which is most of the time. I
      hope your heel continues to get a little better each day.
      We have something like your smart meters here- they can be read from the street, and do not require the meter reader to get out of their car. That is about as smart as they get here….LOL
      Gary is doing ok. he gets the second stint out next week. he is not looking forward to that.
      I hope you do something nice for yourself on Sunday. the first anniversary is the worst. Just hug that puppy of yours all day- he will make you smile. Plus, eat chocolate- that works for me.
      Gail- How is Greg’s tooth doing? I hope it is getting better- not fun at all!
      I did not watch the Big Bang yet. I recorded it, and still have not had the time to go through all the shows I recorded this week. Also recorded Scorpion, and a couple of others- I like that show. We will have a lot to watch on Saturday, when the Tv is usually pretty bad at night….LOL
      So….what did you get when you went shopping with Nan??
      Colleen- We would love to come to the hayrides. I would bake apple crisp for everyone. I definitely have enough deep dish pie pans. If we lived closer, I would grow out of the Quacker sizes….LOL
      How is Ron feeling?
      I will happily give the Boy Scout reports, when I see my cutie JJ. It is such a great experience for kids.
      I finally found all my Dept 56 accessories. I have to get them all out, and positioned tomorrow- that is my job for Friday.
      Tonight I am going out to dinner with Nancy and Sue- looking forward to that!
      I have never tired the Women with Control pants, especially since I have no control…..LOL
      Barbara- I am also shocked that Gary Busey is till on DWTS. I could not believe they voted off the Jockey, instead of him. His poor partner was probably crying.
      I love lasagna. We have not made it in a while. Bobby is doing a gravy this weekend, and everyone who is not working, will be here. The girls will stop by after work to get a dish of macaroni.
      I am glad Neal and Jerry ar feeling better. Steph told me JJ and Aizen were sick this week, with a stomach bug. As soon as school starts, so do the flus!
      I hope you are feeling better. How are your kitties doing? Will you do any Halloween decorating at all? I hope you do, as it is happy to see the pumpkins around.
      Sue- hope you post how you are doing, as we have not heard from you in a bit.
      Hey girls……great night on TV- Grey’s, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder!!! I am recording Grey’s inc ase I am late getting back here.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Thank you, James- I added Quacker to my email list. I hope it works.
      Quack Quack!

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Happy Fall Day to everyone today. I don’t know what has gotten into me; but I have another apple pie in the oven. It just smells yummy. I think that is all I plan to have for dinner; with some ice cream of course. Jerry says he wants a bologna sandwich. We have such refined tastes ha ha. The boys will probably lecture us if they find out. Joey is out mowing with the tractor. I hope this will be the last time this year he has to do this. It is such a big job; and I really feel some guilt in having to have him do it for us; but he doesn’t complain. Jerry and I went to Sams wholesale store today. I always get caught up in the book section and spend way too much time there. I got several new paperback books, but can’t think of the names of any right now. They surely sounded good though. I also picked up this hunting magazine for Neal. Speaking of Neal, he and Sarah leave on the 5th I think for their anniversary in Florida. It was SO beautiful there this time last year. I remember the evening of their wedding, the sky was pinks and blues. It was so pretty and then with that crystal blue water; they could not have had a more perfect day. Did I ever tell you guys that I was worried most of the wedding that Sarah would lose the top of her dress? She is “well endowed” in that department, and her dress was beautiful, but stapless, and she kept having to pull it up so to speak. She told me later just in passing, that the sand had gotten in the trail of her dress, and it weighed the dress down, and she was always having to pull her dress up ha ha. She looked so pretty. I sure wish she and I were closer. Mabey one day.
      Joey and Lisa are also planning a trip to Florida at the same time. They don’t want to spend all their time with Neal and Sarah (lunderstandable on both parts) but are planning on meeting up and doing dinner and playing putt putt golf and such. I know they will all have a great time. They asked us if we would like to go, but we are not going to have Ruby put in a kennel and then there is no one to see about Auto Kitty and the rest of the gang. So hopefully, when they are all home again, he and I will plan us a little time away. I think it will do them and us all good to have a little “breathing room”
      Jerry and I have been a little “cross ways” these last few days; mainly over his health. He can be so stubborn. I am really thinking of sneaky ways to get him to take better care of himself; and feel like it is his idea instead of mine. Boy, this is exhausting. ha ha Told him this morning he could go buy himself some tool he wants (not for himself, but for poor Joey to do some job he has in his head) if he takes a walk with me each evening out to a pond we have between our house and Joey to help us both move our muscles around a little more. I am worried about him not moving his legs enough. He wears these ankle socks, and I think they are too tight around his feet making his feet swell some. He wears them even in the winter. I remember how I used to have to look all over everywhere for a certain kind of socks for Paw Paw. I think the last time they actually made them was during the depression. They were like a Buster Brown sock; in case any of you know what I mean.
      How is Gregs tooth? Better I hope. Has anyone done any Fall decorating yet? I put out my ceramic pumpkin with a candle timer inside it. Sure looks pretty. Sue, is your little doggie still doing good? Is it a boy or girl? Sure is pretty (or handsome). It reminds me so much of our Peppy that we had. He was such a good boy.
      It is so cool here; especially at night, and just warm enough during the day to feel good. Bet you all are beginning to see some beautiful changes in the leaves too. Are any of you close enough to the studio for QVC to go see a show or take a tour? I’d love to do that. It seems like there are such friendly ladies there when they have a Quacker show.
      Take care everyone. Pie is done!!!!!!!! Barbara

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara
      I am back from dinner, and just about ready to close this for the night, and I saw your post!!! I got the email about it…………….thank you James!!!!
      I can smell your pie from here- yum yum!
      Amada went apple picking with one of her friends who also did not have work today, and they brought me apples for an apple crisp. Apples are cooking from coast to coast. I love this time of year.
      When I am done doing my Dept 56 village, I am going to post pics on here, for you all to see. I have my sign up on the door, “The Witch is In”. Tomorrow, Gary is putting out my huge Jackolantern, so it is looking like Halloween around here. My witches from the Annalee doll company are at their assigned post, keeping watch over all of us. I am getting there- have to put out my pillows, and throws too. I am hoping to finish the decorating tomorrow, before the boys get here. I think they are coming on Sunday- uncle Bobby is cooking.

      I think it is great that you and Jerry are getting some alone time.. Now, we do not want to hear that you are “with child”. After all, which one of us would you choose to be the Godmother, or should I say the Quackmother? LOL LOL
      Hope you have a good night!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      It is hard to respond to all of the e-mails. There were two that you had posted and I did not have a response for either one. I did respond to your thread on the easy pay. I have started a thread and no one responded and you just go on and do not take it personal. We are all trying to get use to this site and it will take awhile and they are still trying to work all the bugs out. I always just come on here and see what everyone has to say. So we would hate to lose you. Just think it over and see if it gets better.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I did not know how lasagna would do if you freeze it. Sometimes if you freeze things with pasta it gets soggy. I will have to try that the next time that I make some. I know one thing you cannot freeze potato soup. I tried that and it tasted terrible. I must have done something wrong. You can get it in the freezer section of the grocery store.
      I have been debating all day on whether I should keep the ghost top or cancel. I just cannot make up my mind. It is so cute and I only have one more Halloween top and it is the dog one in costume. The vest I can wear all year round but would I. I should not stop and think about this stuff. It is not worth it. Ron tells me to go ahead and get it but he still has not seen my credit card bill. He may change his mind.lol Most of my easy pay items will be paid off next month. I do not know why I am boring you with all this stuff. I will move on.
      Your witch band sounds really cute. I wonder who won the witches hats that they were giving away on here. I have not heard have you . Now if I had that I could wear my hat and my ghost shirt. lol We are going to the church again this year and give out candy there. The kids are so cute and there is usually a lot of them. I bought one of those 5lb. bags of candy at Costco today. So that should be enough. I found some Halloween decorations at Micheals today. We bought a skeleton and a couple of ghosts and a spider in a web. They are not really big all but the skeleton it is large. Their Halloween decorations were 60% off or 50% off. So they had some really good deals. I think that we are going to make some ghosts to put out also. We looked at the ones that they sell and they are just a sheet over some cardboard on a stick. We think that we can do that. I will just have to find eyes that will shine in the dark. This year our hay ride will be spooky.
      I would appreciate it if you sent me the number for the pants. I do not think that I will take a chance on the women with control pants. If they are tight on my stomach at all I won’t be able to wear them. I did not think about Liz Clayborn. They have some cute clothes. Do they run true to size or do you go up a size in her things also. I have been buying Quacker for so long that I do not remember how to order from other company’s.
      It is just not right that they are keeping Gary B,. on the show and voting off the ones that are really trying. That really aggravates me. He cannot win he is not good enough. We will see who goes home on Monday. I do feel sorry for his partener. He cannot be an easy guy to work with.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I hope that you had fun on your night out with the girls. We are going out tomorrow night with another couple. We have not gone out for dinner for a long time. So it will be nice. I got a coupon for a pizza place dinner for 4 at the auction. I hope that they made sense. So we are going and use it before I lose it.lol This is a new restaurant so it will be fun to go there for the first time. Where did you girls go for your dinner?
      Ron is feeling better and probably will want to cancel his doctors appointment. That is usually what he does. I get so aggravated with him. Gary gets his stint out soon. Will he have to stay in the hospital or will they do that as an out patient? Taking them out will not be as bad as when they put them in. I hope that things go well for him.
      Have you been watching the Chew? It has been pretty good. They have changed the way they do it this year. They had Jamie Lee Curtis on the other day and she was so funny, She said some things that they did not expect her to say. She is crazy. They have had some really good recipes on there this week. They are recipes that are quick and easy to fix.
      I wrote to Gail about the Halloween decorations I found. They were at Micheals. They had some good prices. So if you want read what I wrote to her. All of the info is on there. Some things were really boring so do not want to write them twice.lol
      Your apple crisp sounds really good. I have not made anything with apples yet. We need to go and pick some apples and do some baking. I like to melt some butter in a pan with sugar and cinnamon and cook my apples in there. They are good on top of ice cream or with whip cream on top. We usually ate it hot or at least warm. I am making myself hungry just thinking about it. I need to get some apples. lol
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      I have my plate and fork ready for the pie.lol You and Adele keep talking about apple pies and apple crisp you are making me hungry for something sweet. lol I am going to have to go get some apples.
      I can understand how you feel about Jerry and not wanting to take care of himself. Ron is the same way. He is feeling better now and is going to give me trouble about going to the doctor. I am going to call one of our daughters and see if they can be here to help me get him to go. he is still coughing and all of that junk so he needs to go. Men what can you do with them.
      I have to get my fall things out of the closet still. I bought a few things to put outside for when we have the hay ride. We do not have any trick or treaters to worry about putting things outside for Halloween night. We never have since we moved out here. The houses are just too far apart and they have to drive down the long drive ways and most people do not want to do that. The kids would not get to go to too many houses. We will just go to the church and give out candy at their trunk or treat. Do you get many kids that come to your place on Halloween?
      It will be nice for all of you to spend some time apart. You and Jerry need the time alone for awhile. With you son Neal and Sarah living that can become very stressful. We have gone thru that with a couple of our daughters and their husbands. You just need that time for some peace and quite. Enjoy it while you can.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and will talk to you later.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Sue,
      I am sorry if we have ignored any of your posts. I try to answer when I see one. We do not want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make anyone quit coming on here. You and I have been on here for a long time to stop now. I will watch more carefully in the future.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      hey Colleen
      I have that ghost shirt, and I love it. Every time I wear it, I get compliments.
      I am glad you found some decorations on sale. I finally finished my Halloween village. I am going to try to get a pic that shows up the houses, and post it today….LOL

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I saw the post to Gail- glad you got the decorations at a good price. That always helps.
      I have not been out with Gary in a while. these were the girlfriends. We did have fun. I talk to them a lot, but , we do not see each other that much. We try to get together at least once a month.
      I took pics of the village I did- I am going to try and load them for all of you to see!
      The stint comes out in the office. he is not thrilled, because he already had one removed, and knows how it feels. I think the second time around it worst. Yuck!
      I hope Ron doe snot cancel his appointment, as it can get worst again.
      hope you are having a good day!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      here is another one

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleeen- for got to say. I have been kind of half watching the Chew, while I am decorating. I think I missed all the great recipes!!!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Sue
      Ditto for what Colleen said. I have not seen a post from you at all, accept the one where you answered Cynthia. Are you on another discussion? If so, let me know, and I will go there too.
      Hope you are having a good day!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I really like you village. It is really cute. It must have taken you awhile to get it all together. You do such a good job decorating. I am still trying to find some decorations to put outside. Ruth told me today that she found some things at the dollar store for a dollar. Will go there tomorrow and see what they have. I hope that they have some things left. They must have started early this year.
      That is nice that you got together with your friends. I do that once a month with a bunch of woman that I use to go to water aerobics with. I need to go back but with my stomach the way it is it may not be a good idea. We have that doctors appointment on Tuesday so will see if the guy will give me a referral. If not I will go on my own and pay for it myself. I am so sick of this insurance thing. Obama care really stinks.
      We went to a new restaurant for dinner. We had a really good meal. We had a coupon for a free large pizza, to orders of pasta, and drinks for free. I bought it at the auction and did not give enough for what we got. The food was so good. I will try and get more people to go there. They are new and so not a lot of people know that they are there. If I get my daughter to go she will get her friends to go. It is so hard for a new business to get going. Money is so tight around this area.
      Not much else going on here. I really wish that people did not think that we are not including them in our conversations. I feel really bad about it. Really do not know what to do to change things.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Your village is so cute! I always loved that Dept. 56 stuff. You can get really detailed if you have room to store all the stuff. Nan and I used to go to a store that had huge displays of it for each season. That store had every collectible imaginable-but when collecting things started to go out of fashion it closed down. I’ll bet there were some good close out sales there. Speaking of Nan when we went shopping I found a headband with a little witches hat and some cute Halloween glasses for the kids to wear. Then we went to Ulta and I helped Nan pick out some new makeup with my QVC expertise.
      The concert at the Rest Home went well-there were about 175 people there and Greg’s tooth was better so that he could sing well.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I hope that you decide to keep the QF shirt and vest. I wear my Halloween stuff all month long and you can wear the vest all winter.
      I’m sorry that I don’t have a number for the specific Liz Claiborne pants as the ones I have are Modern Soul and they don’t carry those anymore. If you go to the website and type in Liz Claiborne ponte knit pull up pants the styles will come up there and you can choose. I just think the ponte knit are a little nicer than the WWC. Joan Rivers and Bob Mackie might have some ponte knit pants too.
      I never heard who won the witches hat either. I wonder if it’s posted somewhere on here.
      You got some good decorating deals at Michaels. I hope that you find something good at the dollar store too.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Barbara,
      Boy, you are baking fool. I must confess that I have never baked an apple pie as i am not a big fan. I know that is unAmerican!
      Greg’s tooth is better-thank goodness.
      I hope that you and Jerry enjoy your privacy with the kids on vacation. It’s a good idea to start taking some walks. I need to start doing that myself as i have gotten really sedentary over the last year what with this stupid ankle. I need to walk more. Maybe I will get a fitbit-it seems I get so tired even after being out for a little bit anymore. i need to build up some stamina.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Fall Yard, trying to post again.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      What a nice thing to do- to go to a new restaurant, and make sure others go there too. Sounds like your dinner was good, too.
      It doe s take a long tome to set that all up!
      It got cold here last night. So cold, that I am going to bake something to heat the house up…..LOL I am making a sugar cookie, and this recipe for Apple Cider Muffins- never made that one before, so I hope it comes out ok. I just cannot bring myself to put the heat on yet.
      It is bright and sunny,, and in the low 60’s today.
      I hope you get all the decorations you nee from the dollar store. GAry loves the dollar store. His favorite place to shop!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Love your Fall yard! I wish we could make these pictures bigger, so I can see the details better…..LOL
      I am glad you felt good enough to go outside to decorate. I ordered a set of 3 witches on sticks, that you just stick into he grass, for outside. I hope they work out! They looked simple enough to put on the lawn. We will see!
      Hope your day is going well, and that it got a little cooler in Vegas.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail
      I am glad the concert went well. Even happier Greg’s tooth is better. I am sure he is too.
      Those Halloween glasses sound adorable. I would love to see the hat/headband you got- take a pic, and post it for us!!!
      I just ordered a set of 3 witches form Home Depot. I hope they work out- looks like you just put the stakes in the lawn, and all done. I felt like I wanted something, other than just the door sign, and Jack O lantern and the Frankenstein metal guy. The metal guy is broken. Gary got it out of the shed, and needs to repair the front of him……which he ha snot done yet. So, he tells me that last night, and I say, “So, why are you still sitting here?????” LOL LOL
      hope your day is going well!

      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        Hi Adele,
        If I remember I will take a picture of the headband. Don’t know how much decorating that I will get done this year. Your yard stakes sound cute. You are one of the few out of the group who actually get trick or treaters. Colleen, Barbara and I live too far off the beaten path. I imagine that Cynthia gets them too. Tell Gary to get busy and fix that metal guy. lol You have decorating to do.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hello Girls – so cool and crisp here today. Feels so good. The Air Force Thunderbirds are in town for a show today and tomorrow. Boy, they are so beautiful flying over; especially when they kind of tip one way and the sun hits their wings. It is a little cloudy; so I hope that doesn’t interfere with their show. Neal and Sarah have gone. They are with the air ambulance heliopter that Neal works for. They have to be there for all air shows. So I think they have “front row seats” so to speak. ha ha I felt really bad that they didn’t ask Lisa to go along with them. Just wish they would mend fences and dp some things with each other. Joey worked last night and also tonight; so he wasn’t able to go. But that is one of many subjects I don’t push. Let them go at their own speed; and hopefully, someday things
      will be better between all of them.
      Adele, you and Cynthia really do a good job on decorating your yards. We do not get any trick or treaters. We are like Colleen, so far back off the road that no one wants to walk way back here in the
      dark. And of course, there’s the dogs. They don’t realize that Auto Kitty is the most likely one to take a swat out of you and the others will lick you. I put out my ceramic pumpkin with the auto candle
      light inside out on the front porch. I am going to cruse the dollar store after the holiday and pick up things for next year. Bet they will really mark things down. I was a little surprised to see more Christmas
      programs on the Q this week. But I did pick up some things on that night of 4 pay; for the girls. It is kind of hard to buy for Sarah. Neal beats me to the punch. I am happy to see how much he loves
      her. Does it sound really as terrible as I think it does for me to say I sometimes feel a little jealous that she gets so much at such a young age? I just remember how hard it was for Jerry and me when
      we started out; and even now; with the cost of things being so outrageous. Sounds kind of shallow of me. Guess we all just need a vacation. I know the boys grew up taking care of the horses; and
      doing chores. It was such a different life than they live now with all the new phones and 4 D televisions and such. I was watching so many young people today. Most didn’t show any interest in the air show; but was steadily going in the video game shop. Its a new age I guess.
      Guess where I found Jerry? Up on a ladder spraying the gutter on the patio. He had seen a leak; and said he wanted to do it before it rained. I fussed and fussed; and he finally got down; but not before spraying. Now his back is hurting; but he and I are going to walk again for just a little while out to the pond out back. The dogs love to go with us. I make the excuse I need to check on the Mimosa tree that is growing by the pond. So far; its working.
      Has anyone heard from Debbie? I hope she is okay. I really miss her posts. I am still having some trouble with this site; and I know I have missed some of your posts; but I am trying to adjust to all
      this. I know it will get better in time.
      My next project; baking wise. is a pumpkin pie. For some reason I am on a pie kick. I found this recipe for chicken and dressing that sounds delicious and simple; so I am springing that on the gang tomorrow. Ever since I saw it I have wanted to try it.
      Gotta go for now. So glad Gregs tooth is better and I know he is too! Now to get that stubborn ankle in shape! Take care everyone, Barbara

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      How did your cabbage sausage and apples turn out? I have been waiting to hear and really do want the recipe. It sounds really good and would be something that we would like. Ron likes anything with cabbage and I like it with sausage and the apples just makes it sound better.
      That is funny that it is so cool there that you have to bake to warm the house up. We are like you do not want to turn the heat on until we have to. We do have heaters that work really well and cuts down on the gas bill They are not bad on the electric either. I am not ready for the really cold weather but I do like to cover up with a warm blanket and stay snuggled up.
      That is good that the stint comes out in the office. They put me under when they took the stints out so maybe that is why I did not feel a thing. After they were out I did not have any problems either. Guess it just depends where they put them.
      The weather is nice here and we can sit outside when we want and not burn up. It has been misting rain here this evening though. We were not supposed to have any rain just cloudy. Oh well when does the weather man get thing right.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I will probably keep the shirt and vest. I just have to think about things and sometimes I do it too much. After I buy it I should just forget about it until it comes and then I will not have to worry about canceling it.
      I am glad that Gregs tooth is better. Hope that he does not have to go thru that again. At least they got him feeling better right away. Did he have another concert? I must have missed that. They are such a good group.
      Well have a good evening and will talk to you later.

      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        Hi Colleen,
        You are right. Just order the shirt and then don’t second guess yourself. I hope that you keep it.
        Yes, they had a concert at the retirement complex where Bill’s mother lives. Greg says the ladies at the complex all call them “young” men. I guess all things are relative when people are calling three guys in their mid sixties “young. “Next concert will be the ONP fundraiser in mid October. That’s always a big one as they get so many people to sign up that night to buy gifts for the kids who come to the party in December.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      I wrote to you once and all of a sudden it was gone. I do not know what I hit but I tried to get the post back but it was gone. That is so aggravating. So here it is again. Hopefully this one will not disappear.
      It is hard not to worry about you kids no matter how old they are. It bothers me sometimes that the kids start out with so much and do not have to work for things as hard as we did.Things come to easy to some of them and they do not have to struggle together to make things work. I wonder if that is why some of them do not make it. They do not have that growing time together. Where they have to really work to have the things that they want. I just hope that they make it thru the hard times.
      It is fun to watch the thunderbirds. They have not been in our area for a long time. Most of the time we see them on tv when they have appeared somewhere else. They are just so much fun to watch. They really do some interesting things.
      Jerry just does not learn. You are going to have to put a collar on him with a bell so you can keep track of him.lol Men just never learn. I hope that his back does not hurt too bad. Does he have something to take for the pain? I am sure that he does that was a dumb question. I guess they have been doing that type of things all of their lives and it is hard to quit. They just have to find out for themselves I guess. Maybe he got this out of his system and will not do anything else for awhile.
      I have watched some of the Christmas shows for the last couple of days. Have not bought anything though. I bought most of my stuff on the Christmas in July shows. I got a lot of shopping done and do not have a lot more to do. Just have to find something for my mom. She is so hard to buy for. She is giving some of her things away now because she is thinking that she needs to do that. She is going to be 93 in November and she is thinking that she will not be around much longer. She really creeps me out some days.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good evening. Will talk to you later.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      Like you pictures of the front yard in the old house. That is so cute. You really did a lot of decorating when you lived in that house.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hi Adele…. No, it is 102 out right now. Still hot as hell LOL


    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hi Colleen, the Christmas Yard was the best. One year we decorated every single tree in the front. I’ll have to find some pictures.


    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      You did a really good job decorating your yard. That was a good yard to decorate. It is a shame that you cannot do some things in the new house. But if you are hurting it would be hard to do anything. I like seeing the pictures of how you decorated your yard.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Barbara,
      I have not heard from Debbie in awhile. I will have to e-mail her and see what she is up to sometime soon.
      I imagine that things are different for our kids just as our young married lives were different from our parents. Every generation has different things and seems to do things differently. Sometimes it’s hard to accept but it just seems to be how things happen. I guess progress happens with or without us and we need to latch on if we don’t want to be left behind. Without change and progress we wouldn’t have our computers and e-readers and google! lol Now if we could just put an electronic device with an alarm on Jerry to notify you every time that he is doing some activity that he shouldn’t. lol
      You are really into pie baking now. I’ll bet your home smells delicious!
      As to fixing that stubborn ankle there is no fix except for surgery to fuse the ankle so I will muddle along the way it is unless I find that I really can’t stand it and opt for the surgery-which would be an extreme situation.
      Hey Barbara, can you do us a favor? Check your my page on here. I know Adele and myself have requested your friendship and on my part you have never accepted. If you look on your my page you will see your friendship requests and you can accept or reject them as you would like but I don’t even know if you realize that they are even there. Thanks.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara!
      Did you actually go to the Air show, or watch it from your house? Not sure the way I read it….LOL
      You are not terrible at all! These kids today seem to have it a lot easier than we did when we first started out. I would bet it is due largely to our support of them, both emotionally, and financially. You have provided a home for your kids, at way below market value, I assume. Who did that for us? Although I have to add, I was in one of my grandmother’s houses in Boston when I first married. She charged me 30.00 a month….LOL So, I should be quiet.
      Bobby is making gravy today, and everyone is sick. Steph and the family are all sick, and they do not want to come over, especially with Gary having only one functioning kidney, and Tillie being 89.. You got me thinking about pies, and I made an apple crisp for dinner today. Yesterday, it was so chilly in here, I made butter cookies, and this recipe I had for “Apple Cider Muffins”- supposed to taste as good as the donuts do when you go apple picking. They liked them so that will be a keeper.
      I also want to make this recipe I saved from the Yankee Magazine- chicken pot pie with dumplings on top, instead of a regular crust. that will be on a cool day/night.
      Hope you are enjoying your Sunday- keep that Jerry off the ladders! What was he thinking????

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      the recipe got mixed reviews. Heather and I loved it. She even ate the leftover cabbage the next day. Tillie was afraid it would give her “bathroom issues”, so she ate hardly any. At 89, I guess that is how that goes. Gary only ate the sausages. He didn’t like the taste of the sweet/vinegary mix. I would make it again. Just not for them….LOL
      It is a little warmer here today. It seems the house is real chilly in the morning, and then gets better later. I will have to give in shortly, as I do not want anyone to get sick.
      I am dying for those set of 3 witches to come. I have never put anything like that out on Halloween before. I usually have just the entrance way decorated downstairs, so you see it when you open the door. I hope I get more Trick or Treaters this year. Last year we only got 2 groups, and then our kids. I still love it!
      I would love to live-in your neighborhood, that is for sure. I would have such a good time in the country, with the activities, the community suppers, etc. Makes Fall a lot more fun.
      Hope you are having a good Sunday.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia

      Wow- that takes the fun out of Halloween with it being so hot. Do the kids still get dressed up in the fancy costumes, or is it just too hot for that? I costumes with less ornamentation, so they stay cooler. Their candy would melt while the Trick or Treat, for God’s sake!
      Are you going to watch that new show Blood and Oil tonight? I am. I have not seen Don Johnson in a long time. My son used to love him. For his high school graduation, he dressed just like him- a cream colored suit, turquoise silk t shirt, and cool brown loafers with tassles- no socks. We still laugh about it. The “Don Johnson” look. he made me go nuts getting the outfit together- the suit came form Saks, and the shoes form Bloomingdales. All I remember was going back and forth, with the purchases, and returns, until it was just right. I even had my Dad doing some of the errands, God rest his soul.
      Hope your day is going well!

      • Cynthia Shay
        Post count: 65

        It in 40 years that I’ve lived here, it has always been close to 100 degrees until the night of Halloween. All through October the weather would fluctuate between 87 to 95 and then the week before Halloween it would be 102 again and then it he night of Halloween it would be 70. Then in November the winds come in and for us it’s cold which means it’s about 66 degrees. For some reason, right after that it stabalizes and it always around 78 all the way through Christmas but some of the nights will get down in the 30’s in December. We had snow three times since I’ve lived here but it would last maybe four hours and then melt.January and February are nice. About 72-78 during the day with some 66’s here and there. It startes to get super hot now by the first of May.Seems like ever since we had the tzunami problemsthe weather pattern changed.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Cynthia- I am right there with Colleen- love to see everyone’s decorations!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Wow Gail….it is time for the ONP fundraiser again. Where di this year go to????

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG Gail……………..I just yelled at him again to get going with Frankenstein. Then he said he thought I was going to use the hot glue gun………………aughhhhhhhhhhhh

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      If you do not mind giving me the recipe for the cabbage and sausage and apples I would like to have it. If you do not want to give it out I will go and try and find it on the internet. It just really sounds good.
      I must have missed something. Where did you get the three witches? That would be cute outside the house. Tomorrow I have to find more decorations for outside for the hay ride. I did absolutely nothing today. I need to do something and get my decorations out for the fall and Halloween. I am getting so far behind. The grands use to come over and help me but now that they are all in school they do not do that anymore. They are too busy to come and help old grandma. lol Maybe I can get my daughter to come over and help. Sometimes she will help. You never know.
      We do have a lot of things going on out here in the fall. It will all end at Christmas festivals and then it will not start again until after Easter. THey do not do much in the summer except for the 4th of July stuff and then sometimes they will do something for Memorial day but not often. I do not know why they skip that every year.
      Well that is about all from here have a good night.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I got the witches form Home Depot. They are a set of 3 that stick into the ground. It was though on line ordering, as they were not in the store.
      Check your private emails- I sent the recipe to a lot of my non-Quacker friends, and included you in that email. If you do not have it, or anyone else wants it, I will post it on here too.
      I know what you mean. Since Marissa is in college, and working, there is less Minion help around here too. Especially with Amanda working so many hours too, and Steph with Aizen. It is very hard to do something with an almost 2 year old- he is quite curious.
      Gary got the stint out today. It was not pretty. Men are really wimpy when it comes to these things. We got home about an hour ago. he needs to drink a lot of water today, so it will not burn form the work done. Yuck.
      The Fall in the Midwest does sound nice. We do have a lot of apple picking, but we do not have as much as you do for hayrides, and community events. There is a huge fair a few towns up from us every October- the Topsfield Fair. It is the oldest fair in the country, and I used to love going. It is very crowded, and a lot of walking. I do not think I would be able to do that again. People come from all around to see the Fair. they have tractor pulls, pig races, and a daily concert by some group. Famous people are also in concert there- usually country singers, or bands. I really miss going to the Fair. I thought after the last surgery that I would be able to do it. I have to come to grips with the fact that it is way beyond my capabilities.
      Hope your day is going well!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello everyone!
      Here is the Sausage/cabbage/apple recipe for all to enjoy!

      Last night’s dinner, which was not a hit with the picky people who live here, was very good. Gary made faces, and ate the sausages, saying they tasted good. Bobby ate, but was not too thrilled. Tillie made faces, and said she was going to be in the bathroom all day tomorrow. Heather and I loved it! It was VERY tasty, and had little fat, accept for the fat in the sausages….LOL

      I made this to try to add some vegies to Gary’s diet that would be acceptable. He loves a boiled dinner, so I thought this would work. Not.

      1 small head red cabbage- quarter, and cut lengthwise, then slice down as thin as possible

      1 tbsp. olive oil

      6 uncooked Italian or Bratwurst sausages

      1 medium red onion, cut thin

      1 1/2 tsp salt

      1 tsp caraway seeds

      6 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

      3/4 cup apple cider

      1 large tender-sweet apple

      1 large firm sweet apple

      2 tbsp. butter

      peel and core apples, and cut into 1/4 inch cubes

      heat oil in Dutch oven

      add sausages, and cook for 5 minutes- browning on all sides, over medium heat

      remove sausages, add onion and salt, and cook about 8 minutes

      add caraway seeds, vinegar, apple cider – bring to boil, scraping up any brown bits

      add cabbage, apples and cook 10 minutes

      return sausages to pan, and cook for additional 20 minutes, until tender- covered.

      add butter just before serving.

      Serve with a crusty bread- enjoy!



    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia

      Your weather really sounds good, accept for the very hot part in the summer. Our weather is good (to me) all year long, accept when it is 90’s and humid, and way below freezing in the winter. At least in the winter, you can put on your coat, mittens, scarf and boots and keep warm. After all you just go from the house to the car, and the car to wherever you are going. It did stink when I was working, as it was really cold early in the mornings, when you left for work. Now that I am retired, I pick the days I go out. If it is lousy out, I stay in. That is the great part to being retired. You have a lot more control.

      It is beautiful here today- in the low 70’s, slight wind, and perfect. Gary got the second stint out this morning, so we are home now for the rest of the day.

      Hope your weather is good today!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Well at least he does not have to worry about getting about getting the stint out anymore. It is over with. I hope that he is drinking a lot of water like the doctor told him to. Ron goes to the doctor tomorrow for his check on his lung. I will go with him so I make sure that he tells the doctor all that he needs to know. He always seems to leave things out when he goes to the doctor. Like how his lung hurts when he breathes. It is not as bad now so he will not tell him if I am not there.
      I found a bunch of the ghosts with skull faces at the Dollar store. They were only a dollar so they were cheap enough that I bought enough to hang on the trees. It will be fun this year since all the grands are older and will not scare as easy.
      Thanks for posting the recipe. I did not get it in my private mail. I do not know why. Unless it went into my spam and I did not see it. Sometimes I do not go thru my spam mail but I guess I better for awhile. I may be missing some e-mails from people that I want to hear from. That really irritates me. I do not know why they do that. I will have to check and start moving my mail over to the in box.
      When we go to things like that I have to take my cane. If I don’t my back hurts really bad and I have to leave. My knee is acting up again so it is really a mess. I am still going though. You have a lot more wrong with your back then I have with mine. You do really well for all the trouble that you have. After a certain age it seems like we all start to fall apart. Our body does not want to work for us like it use to. Our minds still work and we feel young enough to do those things but then something happens to stop us.
      I am going to try that recipe out this week-end. It sounds so good. It will be nice for Saturday if it is really cold like they say it is going to be. We are having our hay ride on Saturday so we will see how things turn out. It does not matter when we plan this thing the weather always gets cold. The kids won’t care though they will sit by the fire or they will do so much running around that it will not matter.
      My ghost shirt has already shipped. I cannot believe how fast they send things out. It takes us a long time to get it but they ship it out quickly. Our mail is slow. I understand why they call it snail mail.lol
      well that is all from here. Have a good night. I hope that Gary feels better by tomorrow.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      Where did you live before you moved to Vegas? I do not think that I could take that hot weather. Do you have high humidity there also are is the humidity low? When my daughter lived in Texas it did not seem like it was as hot because the humidity was low. I like the winter months when we get the snow and the cold. The air is so crisp and clean. I just guess it is just what you get use to.
      We try to decorate the outside of our house when they kids are coming for a holiday. We do not put out as much because of all the wild animals. We do have one blow up thing but that is it. We have to have it close to the house. It is really a pain.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      he is very tired tonight. I think that is expected. he is glad it is out, as it did hurt him. I just hope they can remain out. He has already started to slip on the drinking of water. I am getting tired of being the “Water Police”.
      Those ghosts sound so cute. They will look great at night, hanging from the trees. The kids will be thrilled.
      Oh yes, the cabbage dinner is good on a cold night- also makes the house smell good.
      The weather changed here again- due to some weather thing that is bringing up humid air from the south. It is humid, and in the 70’s- tomorrow will be in the 80’s. I felt that humidity- I thought I was nuts! For God’s sake- if I liked humidity, I would live in the south.
      I wanted to bake a loaf of bread tomorrow. Not sure if I should now. We were going to have it with a pot pie. Not if it is hot.
      You are so right to go to the doctor with Ron. They never tell the truth. I hope he gets something to make him feel better, and make sure it doe snot go into bronchitis or pneumonia. This getting old is for the brave, as I say. Every time we turn around. it is something else. I hope your knee does not get worst, so you would have to have it replaced- stay away from stairs, if you can. Stairs are the worst for bad knees, that is for sure.
      You and Ron, and all my Quacker friends are always in my prayers. Prayers work. Even the Pope needs them. Did you see how he asked everyone to pray for him?
      Hope you have a good night- DWTS is on.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hi Colleen,

      It’s 102 today but like Bill Paxton says in Alien,” IT’S A DRY HEAT” Thank God. Very little humidity, which mean you never have a bad hair day. I lived in New York. Got tired of the taxes and moved here.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Cynthia- love the Pumpkin Ghoul!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      That is good that they took it out if Gary was having problems with it. That can be miserable if they are hurting. He better keep drinking the water if he doesn’t he will be having problems again. Men you can never tell them anything. It was a good thing that I went to the doctor with Ron. He did not tell him all that was wrong with him. They said that he was fine now. They did some blood work and checked things out. They think what he had was pleurisy but he was not sure because he waited too long to come in. Well if he had appointments where you could get in to see him if you are sick that would be nice. He was not happy that I asked him about getting a referral for a GI doc. He wanted me to have a separate appointment. He really is a pain.
      We had some warm weather and high humidity but it is cooling off again. It rained all morning this morning and all night last night. So it cooled things down again. The high on Saturday is supposed to be 64 so it will be chilly on the hay ride. Oh well the kids will still enjoy it.
      I did not see that much of the things about the pope. I know that he talked to Bohner and he stepped down from house speaker. I wonder what he said to him. It will be interesting to find out what he said to him. He probably said something about how they are treating Israel and about abortions. There may have been a few other things that he said something about. Maybe he should have had a private with all of the members of the house and senate.lol
      I am fixing your cabbage and sausage with apples tonight. Will find out what Ron thinks. It just sounds really good to me. I may have to leave a couple of things out though. I do not know if I have caraway seeds. I forgot to get them when I was at the store. I am getting old and forgetful.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      I do not know if I read that right or not but did you say you lived in New York before Vegas. That must have been an interesting place. We have never been there. Even when we were kids my parents would not go there. So I guess we just followed suit.
      I like you ghoul pumpkin ghoul.. That is really cute.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi colleen
      I hope you and Ron like the cabbage and sausage dish. I did. The seeds only add some to the flavor. I do not think it will make that much difference. The apple cider would make a difference if you do not have that in there. Let me know how Ron likes it.
      Pleurisy is very painful. Did they give him anything for it, like an antibiotic? How long until it goes away?
      I am glad you got a referral for a GI doctor. You have been suffering with your stomach for a long time.
      It is going to pour here later tonight, and until Thursday. They are predicting flash floods. We are not in an area that gets any flooding, so we will be fine. I just hope that leak in the living room ceiling does not re-appear. The carpenter re-caulked the skylight, so I hope that was the problem. Better now than in mid winter, I guess- to find out if there is still a leak.
      After the rain, it is going to be in the 50’s around here- can you imagine? From the air conditioner to the heat…..LOL No break in between!
      Hope your sun will be shining tomorrow!

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hi Everybody….we’re having record breaking heat here for the rest of the week. Supposed to be 110. I am so ready for fall. I got the camel colored Dream Jeans in the mail today and they are so heavy. I had to put them in the back of the closet. Way too hot to wear them


    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hi Colleen.

      Yes. we lived in upstate New York for the first ten years. I was born in NYC. My dad moved us to upstate where it was beautiful in the fall. The majority of my friends and what is left of my cousins are back there. I haven’t been back since 82. I’ve been all over Europe as well.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia!
      OMG- I would die in that heat. I have the air on here, because we are having tropical type rain storm, and the humidity is through the roof. Tomorrow it is supposed to be only in the 50’s….definite Fall weather!
      Hope you are staying cool.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hello all my Fall Friends! Gail, I didn’t even know I Have a My Page. I will go on there right after I finish this. You all have to just look over me; I don’t know why, but ever since I retired I have been so out of the loop with the changes in the computer world. The boys have been so good to just do things for me on the computer; and I had a secretary when I worked, so I guess my dependence on others began several years ago. You all seem so ahead of me, so any time I go “missing” just know unless someone is sick that I am out there floating around in cyber space land trying to find you all. ha ha
      Love you Halloween decorations, Cynithia. It looks like your home is lovely. Gosh, I cannot believe how warm it is for you all. We have had, up until today, a pretty warm temps. But today, we are cloudy
      and cool, and you can see leaves beginning to fall so I know full blown Fall is right around the corner. I got my Quacker slacks too, but is it cool enough for them here; especially at night.
      So glad that things went well for Gary. How is your back doing Adele? I could not believe my eyes when I saw Jerry up on that ladder; but like Colleen with Ron, nothing he comes up with shocks me
      too much. One of us has to hold on to some level of sanity. ha ha If I hadn’t been so afraid he would fall; I would have just bopped him.
      We had a dinner for the boys and girls last night. Jerry grilled out and I made some potato salad, baked beans, and a red velvet cake. Jerry told me I am such a sucker; and mabey I am; but he was
      sure out at that grill We wanted to do a dinner for them before they all leave on their trips to Florida. We have been watching the weather; but it looks like they will be okay but I am a little concerned
      that you all may be getting some of the storm. Any news your way?
      I hope that Jerry and I can take a little trip when they get home. We took a short drive down in Mississippi the other day; and as silly as it sounds; his back was aching and my legs were really talking
      to me when we got home and we just fell in the bed. Makes me wonder a little bit how we will do being away for several days; but I just love this time of year and want to get out and enjoy it some.
      Jerry is fussing at the news again, Colleen. We need to get him and Ron in the same room and let them just go at the TV ha ha. Jerry gets so upset over the news but just keeps on watching it.
      I’m more into DWTS and the Food Network, and oh yes, the Hallmark movies. Love the Christmas one especially, makes you feel so hopeful and festive too.
      Adele, we call it spagetti sauce, but we used to have some very close neighbors that were from Italian heritage, and they said “gravy” and for the longest time we had no idea what they were talking
      about; but then they invited us over for dinner, made a real homemade pizza for us and the kids (they were little) and I can honestly say, I have never tasted any pizza that good before or since, and believe you me, my thighs can testify that I have eaten my share of pizza.
      Will go over to my page now and okay you fine ladies to be my friend or what ever it is called. Take care everyone, and have a good evening. Barbara

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      He did not give Ron anything for the pleurisy. He said that he was okay and did not need anything for it. I should have had Ron eat some of his garlic before we went there. That would have taught him something. He may have left the room and not come back. I always come up with these ideas when we are gone. He asked Ron if he was short of breath and Ron said no and I told him that he was. He asked if he was winded at all. He then looks at me and says that some people call it something. I almost told him I have been married to this man for 45 years and I have never heard him use the word winded. I did restrain myself though. They did call today and let me know that they made me an appointment with a doctor that is a surgeon. I have not idea what he is going to do but guess that I will find out. I think this whole is funny. I have to laugh or I would pull my hair out.
      We loved the cabbage and sausage. We ate almost all of it. I do have some in the fridge that we will eat later. That was really good. Ron told me to keep the recipe for another time. So I will do that. We can have it again in the winter when it is colder and we need to warm up. I used the Ekridge sausage though and it was good. Thank you for the recipe.
      I got all my decorations our for Halloween. We had a lot that go in the house and then I have some that are made of wood that I will put on the table that we use outside. We will hang all the ghosts and the skeleton on Saturday during the day. So if it does decide to rain then they will not get wet. My mom gave me some of her decorations for Halloween So I will put them out this year. She gave me a haunted house that she made in ceramics and it lights up. So the kids will really like that one. She worked so hard on her ceramics that I cannot see letting her get rid of them. The family should take them. She was really happy when I told her that I would and that I would not let anyone give her ceramic things away. I have no idea where I will put them all but I will find a place for all of them. She gave me some smaller houses to put around for Halloween also. She loves to decorate like I do guess I got that from her.
      Hopefully you do not have a leak in your ceiling. That is such a pain. Ron had to put some tar on our roof because of some leaks that we had. He stopped the leaks though. Our roof is not that high though. So he was not worried about getting up there.
      We cooled down also after the rain. It has been so nice. You can go outside and do things without burning up. That is so nice. Well that is about all from here. Have a great night and enjoy your cool weather.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      Sounds like you had a nice drive. The doctor always tells me to get out and stand for awhile. Not to drive too far without doing that. We have started to do it and it really does help. We get out of the care and walk around for awhile and before we drive anymore. I hope this will help you and Jerry. Just take it easy and stop often.
      It took me awhile to figure out that I had a page. I had some friend requests and that is how I found out. We can also send private messages which is nice also. It takes awhile to figure all of this out. It is not as easy as the old site was. We will all get use to it though.
      Jerry and Ron are two peas in a pod. He is watching baseball now because the Cardinals are going to the play offs. He is so excited that they are going. They played a double hitter tonight so he watched both of them. So when the season is over he will be hollering at the tv again. He will also be out collecting more junk.
      How nice that you had dinner with the boys and their girls. Sounds like Jerry enjoyed it also. It is nice to have a bbq for them before they go away for awhile. It will be nice for you and Jerry. You two can relax and not have to worry about them and what is going on with them. It does not seem like Neal and Sarah have been married for a year. That went by quickly. Maybe they will have the money to buy a house just a quickly.
      I made some of Adele’s gravy and it is really good. I am going to make some more with the tomatoes that I have frozen. She has some good recipes. I made her sausage and cabbage with apples yesterday and Ron and I both loved it. Will be doing that again. You dinner sounded really good. The red velvet cake sounds really good. I have been craving sweets lately.
      We are getting ready for the hay ride on Saturday. It will be a fun time. We have more people coming this year then we have had before. I cannot believe that they are all coming. It started out that it was just our family then my girls invited some of their friends and Ron sister called and he invited her and her family so we will have all of them. So we will have a crowd. He also invited some guy that works at the car lot. The guy said that he wanted to bring beer but Ron told him no. He said that there would be too many kids there for him to be drinking. So he said that he will not bring any. What a mess. We do not want people drinking because we do not want anyone getting hurt.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night. Enjoy your time with no kids.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      I do not think that I would want to be in all that heat. We are cooling down here and it is nice. We can go outside and just sit on the deck with out getting too hot. We love this type of weather. It is time for the leaves to change here. Do you have that where you live or do you have a lot of trees?
      New York sounds like a pretty state where you lived. I did not realize that you were born in New York. You really have traveled a lot. I do not like to fly so we mostly go where we can drive. I am a coward.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara
      Well. Bobby is using the gravy from Sunday to make chicken parm tonight. Yum, yum. He is on vacation this week. We have not had rain all summer long- the lawn is brown, and the trees are crying. It has been raining since Tuesday…..LOL Maybe Bobby should have taken some vacation days in the summer. He was outside on Monday- putting up the new drainpipe we lost in the storms last winter, and disinfecting the garbage cans, and garbage garage, as I call it. He was going to re-caulk the foundation, and power wash the house, and fence, and then do the windows from outside, with that great Windex thingie for the hose. That ended!
      They keep changing the storm for us. We were getting it, then not, now today, they are not sure again. either way, it will not be bad for us- mostly wind and rain, as it will decrease in strength by the time it gets this far.
      Keep that man off the ladders, and supervise him carefully! men are so crazy. they think they can still do what they did when they were younger. Back issues are forever. I hope his gets batter.
      I go for the first of the series of 3 shots in the back again tomorrow. They want to get that nerve that got stuck a bot ago, and made miserable. As this area is nto way as bad as the one below, it should work fine.
      It has become a lot cooler here today- it is in the 50’s. Thank God!!!
      I just made a berry torte for breakfast- loaded with blueberries. My way of getting Gary to eat more fruit….LOL
      Hope your day goes well, and that the BBQ last night went well. A good send off for the boys!! I hope thye all have a good, and safe trip.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      We did not get any leaks yesterday., so that is good. they keep changing the forecast on the hurricane. Either way, it will not be bad when it gets here, if it does. We will just get a rain storm, with wind.
      That is nice that you have a lot of your mother’s decorations. I hope my grand’s will cherish all mine some day, when I am gone. The witches came yesterday, but it is too wet to get them shoved into the ground- they go on plastic stakes.
      Today it is in the low 50’s, and very windy. My goal for today is to get the bathrooms cleaned, before The Chew comes on. I missed a lot of it this week, and hope to see it all today. I hope I did not miss good stuff!
      Did the doctor call fro a surgeon for you, or Ron? I think it would be for your back?
      I cannot believe they did not give Ron anything for the pleurisy!

      I am so glad you enjoyed the cabbage recipe. It was pretty simple to do, and I loved the taste. I will probably not make it again, because nobody but me and Heather liked it. Heather doe snot live here, so she would not count….LOL
      I made a blueberry tart for breakfast – everyone had some, and it is all gone. read my post to Barbara for the news on Bobby’s rained out vaca. Bobby is making chicken parm tonight for dinner, witht he left over gravy….yum yum!
      Hope your day is going well!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello Fellow Quackers

      Please tell me none of you live in Oregon, or have any family or friends at the local Community College there. Not that it makes a difference if you know one of them. It is absolutely unacceptable, and horrific to continually hear children, adults, and young adults go to school, the movies, the Mall, Church, or anywhere else normal functioning people go, only to find out it is their last moment on this earth. This has to stop.
      Do we need armed guards at every entrance to everywhere in this country? How can we protect ourselves, and our children?
      What are the answers? I am so angry this continues to happen. It is not fair. Not right. Not American. Not human, for God’s sake. I do not know what the answer is. I do know I want it to stop. To watch another person’s family go through the horror we will shortly see, once again, on people’s faces on the news, Is just not right.
      My heart goes out to all the victims. To all the college students in this land. To the children all across America, their parents, grandparents, and friends.
      To everyone who can make a difference, I appeal to you to find a solution to keep us all safe. The Constitution says we have a right to pursue happiness. What about our right for safety?
      I pray to God this stops, and for Him to keep all of us safe.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      That was good that you had no more leaks. The guy that came to fix it was really good. That is really a pain when you get a leak in the roof.
      Poor Bobby. What a way to spend your vacation in the house all the time because of the rain. Hopefully he has some other things that he likes to do and can go and do that. We need to power wash our house it really needs it. He sounds like such a good cook. I love chicken parm. Does he put cheese on top? That is good with garlic bread or a buttered Italian bread. That is why I cannot lose weight. Every thing that we eat there is a bread that would taste good with it. lol Your blueberry tart sounds really good also. I need to go to your house to eat. lol
      I was glad that Ron liked the cabbage dinner. I thought it was really good. He wants to have it again and next time to make more of it. I did not make as much as the recipe called for. Next time I will use the whole head of cabbage and more sausage. He said he could have eaten more of that today. We really enjoyed it. Tomorrow we are going to eat something light. We will eat a lot on Saturday at the hay ride. We have hot dogs galore and will make smores. One of the women coming is going to bring apple cider and cinnamon sticks. We will heat it up on the fire. That is the most fun of the whole thing. Sitting by the bon fire. I am really looking forward to this Saturday.
      As far as the whole thing with that college we are going to have to start fighting back. Instead of lining up like a bunch of sheep we are going to have to rush these people and get them down so they cannot shoot. I know that it is horrible to say but we are going to have to do something. We have got to fight for ourselves and not let these people win. I feel so sorry for all the families of these kids. They went to school where they should be safe but that is not true anymore. So we have to fight back. We do not have enough people to guard all of us and be everywhere. I do not know what the answer is.. It is just sad.
      Well that is about all from here.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hi Adele,

      I’ve been busy setting up an estate sale that I have no idea what is going on up in Oregon. Let me guess ISIS again? I am so sick of the BS these days. WE rarely go anywhere because of it. I do Catholic Mass at home by TV, mall shopping QVC and HSN and grocery store shopping at 3am at Smith’s/Kroger’s. Isn’t that sad? Never go to movies . We have our own home theater at the house with an entire library of movies. Oh and the house is on MAJOR lock down, bars and alarm system and flood lights AKA OMEGA MAN Charelton Heston. Isn’t it sad? Got another shirt in the mall today

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I am so happy you love that recipe! Heather and I loved it too. It made the house smell amazing.
      Bobby is a great cook. he does put cheese on top of the cutlets, and then we put on as much gravy, as each person likes. We also had garlic bread. I had only one piece-I was being good….LOL
      That hayride sounds fantastic! I hope you have great weather for everyone to enjoy the day, and the food.
      You may be on to something. Maybe we all need to carry a gun. This country is going to look like the Wild West, if this does not stop. Decent, peace loving people, may start to carry a gun everywhere they go. What does this say about our country???? God help us all.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      hi Cynthia
      I feel the same way you do. we never t go to the movies. We have a big TV, and surround sound- no need to risk our lives. I have to admit, though, the first reason for not going to the movies was the risk of bringing home bed bugs. Now, it is more of a safety thing.
      No it was not ISIS. it was another home grown American citizen gone nuts. I just heard he was after people who were Christians. Before he shot the kid sin class, he asked them to stand, and say what religion they were- heard something like that on the news- not sure if it is completely accurate, as the news is still un-folding.
      hope your sale is going good !

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Well this day is turning out to be a bust. Not as many people are coming that were supposed. It is cold outside and misting rain. What else can go wrong. The person that was supposed to bring all kinds of stuff is not bringing it at all. So a friend of mine is picking some stuff at the store for me so I will not have to worry about that. What a day this has been. I am sure that by tonight it will be fine but I am so upset. I had to complain to someone so I am on here complaining. This happens whenever my sil and her family is supposed to come. They never stick to what they say they are going to do. I like her and all but this is aggravating.
      I think about those people that were on the plane on 9-11 they attacked the high jackers and did it without weapons. We are going to have to do things like that. If everybody would rush them they would not be able to shoot as many people and that would maybe save some lives. I am sorry I am just so tired of these jerks doing this stuff. I guess having a son-in-law in the service makes me look at things different. I may change my mind if something like this happened to me but I am just mad. I am tired of hearing about some other mother that has lost her child to violence.
      So how is your day going? Well I guess I better go. Ron just thought of something else we need to do.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I am so sorry your hayride is not working out so well. here I was thinking of all the fun you were having, and waiting to hear about it. yuck! I am sure you made all the kids happy, even though other people let you down. You have good friends who went to the store to save the day! The weather did not help. Even so, I am sure everybody still had a good time. You are a great host, and everybody loves you…..we do, and we have never even met you!
      So, which Quacker top did you wear today? I wore my purple diagonal design witch/decoration shirt that I just got to the hospital yesterday. The shot went ok. I am home resting, and doing the ice treatment 3 times yesterday, and today. I think it made a difference already. I hope I am not imagining things….LOL Two more to go- one in 2 weeks, and then one more 2 weeks later.
      Because of the shot, Gary had to go to dinner alone tonight. Old friends were coming up form Florida, to attend the Topsfield Fair, and they always meet everyone for dinner. I made him go, because we did not go last year, due to my back. I had the back surgery a week after they came up last year. I told him there is no reason he has to miss it. After all, I go out with my old friends form work, and he does not come. I think he was feeling guilty he was going alone. This is what he said……”If I were widowed or divorced, this is how I would end up.” For God’s sake. Drama Mama!!! I told him to call me when he is in the car on the way home, so I know when he will get home. Actually, I said that, so I have an idea of him driving home alone, and will know when to dial 911 if he doe snot show up in a reasonable time….LOL
      I am like you. I can no longer see these kids who lose their lives for these crazy people. We have to screen people for mental health issues, before a license is s issued to them. It is not a matter of privacy anymore. It is a matter of saving lives.
      I hope your day improved, and all is good!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello Girls!
      here is a picture of the pound cake I made today. Tried the recipe put for the new Nordic Ware Autumn Cakelet Pan I have on order. I needed a recipe for cake that would stand up to the small molds. Going to make them for Thanksgiving, for those who are not pie lovers…..Gary and Stephanie. I figured they would look adorable on the dessert table!
      Hope everyone is good, as I have not seen many posts this weekend. Praying that none of you got flooded.
      Love, Adele

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      HI Adele,
      We ended up having a good time at the hay ride. We had more then enough food. My friend Ruth brought some things up and then my oldest daughter brought some food and we ended up with enough food and some left over. The one thing that we had more then enough of was marshmallows. I had about 5 bags of them and gave some to my youngest daughter to take home with her. She has to two small kids and they would love to have them to snack on. She is the one that has the son that is so smart. He goes to classes for smart kids. He is more intelligent then I am that is for sure. The kids had a ball. There were enough kids to play and go on the hay ride. Some of the adults went and some stayed by the fire. It was really cold when it started but then the wind died down and it got warmer out. We just had a good time. We hung up all the ghosts and the skeleton and we brought out the door bell that they sold on qvc. It played spooky sounds for Halloween. The kids loved it. They could not figure where the noise was coming from. A lot of people thought it was coming from the skeleton.
      Your cake looks delicious. Everyone is going to like that. That is for sure. What kind of cake is it? It really looks good.
      I wore the shirt with the dogs dressed in Halloween outfits. Hardly anyone got to see it though because I had to wear a sweat shirt and a coat to keep warm I freeze all the time. So even sitting by the fire it was cold. We are invited to another hay ride on the 30th of October. It will really be cold then. The fathers side of the family wants to have a baby shower for Danyielle on Halloween. I could not believe that they picked that day for a baby shower. They will have it at 11am and we will have to get back home in time for the trunk or treat. It is a bad day to have it but I guess that is when his sister is going to be in Missouri so she wants to be there and that is understandable.
      I have to use ice on my back when sometimes. It is surprising how much it helps. I have to do that and some back exercises. They help also. Do they give you exercises to do at home? It may be different because your back is hurt worse then mine is. That was nice that Gary went out to dinner with friends. Hope he had a good time and made it home okay.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great night and day tomorrow.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      I like your top. That is really cute. I do not have one with a pumpkin on it. Will try for that one next year. There are not any pumpkin ones left right now. I did get the ghost shirt with the grey vest. It is really cute.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hello All,
      I am back from sunny and hot Florida returning from our family vacation to see Mickey and Minnie. We all had a great time. Adele, I know you are one for pictures but I carried around my camera and just forgot to take it out. Jenny took tons of pictures so maybe i will have her send me some. We rented a beautiful house with it’s own game room, movie room and swimming pool so the kids had a blast when we weren’t at Disney. There was also a large swimming pool and playgrounds within the community that we stayed in. We didn’t stay on site so we had to pay for parking everyday but it was well worth it to have the amenities of the house. We just barbecued at home a few nights rather than going out every night so it was quite relaxing. I could have left my makeup and hair stuff at home as i sweated off my makeup each day and wore my hair up in a barrette to keep it off my neck most of the time. No one is glamorous vacationing in 90 degree heat. The first day I had to drink ten gallons of water to keep from dehydrating walking around in the heat and as soon as i drank something i sweated it all out. After that Greg insisted that I drive a cart and that made things so much better as even though I was wearing my brace it still was challenging to walk that many miles each day in the heat. At first like everyone i felt that i didn’t need it but after i used it i had so much more fun as I wasn’t exhausted just from all the walking in the heat. Even Greg who loves being outside in the heat had it bothering him by the time we went home each day. The International Wine and Food Festival was at Epcot and i was disappointed that we weren’t there the same time as The Chew will be. One night Jenny, Adam and the kids went to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween party where the kids dress up in their costumes and go trick or treating right there at Disney and boy do they get the candy!!! The kids went to The magic Kingdom two days. We just went once and that particular day it was quite rainy so we went into Orlando and went to a science museum. After seeing how much the kids enjoyed the pool I think i am going to have to go back to twisting Greg’s arm to put a pool in here. Every time I say i want one he says we have one and points to the koi pond. Not quite the same. If anyone or their kids go to Disney use the fast pass for whatever rides that you can-it was so helpful not standing in long lines. Jenny knew all about this stuff from her friends who go frequently so she set our wristbands up and our fast passes so we didn’t have to do a thing. I think I enjoyed the shows this time around more than most of the rides but there is definitely something for everyone and Piper got to meet Minnie who is her absolute favorite. One night we went to Joe’s Crab Shack for dinner and they have the cutest dessert for kids. It’s a rice crispie treat shaped like a crab. They bring it out on a plate shaped like an artists palette with a paint brush and raspberry, chocolate and caramel sauce and while the adults are finishing up their dinners the kids can “paint” their desserts. I thought that was the most clever idea ever! The kids drove down so they got there Sunday evening and we didn’t get there until late Sunday night as our flight didn’t leave Rockford until after six and we lost an hour’s time. We had to check out of the house on Saturday which is when the kids left to drive back but our flight back wasn’t until Sunday morning so we stayed at a place closer to the airport Saturday night. On the ride to the hotel we stopped at a Vietnam War Museum and toured that. Our flight was at 9 so we were up at five to get ready, get to airport, drop off rental car etc. We were back in Rockford by 10:30 because of the time difference. Picked up Rocky and were home by noon in time to watch The Bears. lol After that I took a four hour nap. Woke up and we ordered in dinner and went back to sleep again until this morning. I guess I was tired. I need a vacation from my vacation. lol I can laze around today but poor Greg had to go to work. Even Jenny and Adam took off today but Greg had to go in and close the month out. Jenny got a little chip in her front tooth that just happened for no reason so she was going to the dentist today and Adam took two weeks off-so I have no babysitting today. I have lots of laundry but i am not worrying about any of that until tomorrow. We had to come home and turn on the heat yesterday as it was in the 50’s.
      I was shocked to come home and turn on the Q and it looks like they are now permanently decorated for Christmas. I thought they at least waited until after Halloween. I like to enjoy the fall months and what they have to offer too.
      As to the latest tragic shooting-I just don’t know what the answer is. Better screening-less guns? I know many European nations have much more stringent gun controls and they are appalled by what happens with guns over here. Maybe we need to look at places where things like this don’t happen and see what they do that is different.
      Colleen, I’m glad to hear that after a rough start your hayride turned out well. The spooky doorbell sounds like fun!
      Adele, Good to know that Gary’s stint came out and that you have one back shot down already. Your pound cake looks “Delicious” as Piper would say.
      I think I still have vacation brain today. Usually I am glad to get home but this time I really could have stayed longer. Except that i missed Rocky every day. If he could come along it would be perfect.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I am glad the hayride ended up working out well. Yu put a lo of effort into it, and would have been real disappointed. I aim sure you looked adorable in your Quacker Puppy shirt!
      It may not be a bad idea for a Halloween Baby Shower. That lends itself to a lot of decorating!
      The cake is a pound cake. I wanted to try it, because it is dense enough to do the shapes on the pan I ordered. They did like the cake- it has an entire pound of butter- can you imagine???? You coud split it in half, and do one loaf pan, instead of the huge Bundt one.
      Today I am making a loaf of French bread- it better be good, as it has a huge amounts of steps, and rising times. LOL I am just making one of the Bear Creek soups with it.
      I do not have nay exercises to do anymore, because they stirred up the back problem. so that is done.
      GAry did have a good time and got home safely. He wa snot thrilled about how late he was…..LOL He also said he missed me.
      Hope your day is good!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      Glad you are back, safe and sound. Our friends from Florida were up here this week. Gary met them, and the rets of his old gang Saturday night, as I could never have sat that long after a shot. I am glad he went, as we missed their visit last year. As you know, one never knows. One of the friends has heart issues, and we are all not getting any younger.
      That was some vacation. that house must have been fabulous. I hope Jenny send you some pictures, so we can see the fun. Halloween time in Disney is certainly worth a visit. The 90 degree was not in fitting with the Fall/Halloween climate…..LOL I am glad you all had such a great time. the kids will remember this one for the rest of their lives. Memories were made to last a lifetime.
      the Vietnam War memorial was in Mass. a few months ago. It has been making the rounds, and I think that was a fabulous idea.
      I agree- what happened to Halloween and Thanksgiving????? I do not like to see Christmas, until Nov 1.
      I hope Jenny’s tooth did not chip down to where it creates a problem. I have had a small chip for years- it has been filled twice. It is a small chip, and the first filling lasted about 15 to 20 years. You just have to be careful not to use your mouth to pry something open. That can be hard to remember.
      I hope our legislators finally do something to get more control over who gets a gun license, and how many guns/ammunition anyone can legally have in their possession. I heard some people tlak today, who were in the room, and survived. How frightening for those poor people, and the ones who died. Believing in God, and Religion is not supposed to be a reason to die.
      We all need to pray out grandchildren stay safe.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      It sounds like you had a great time. You were smart to rent the house and not stay at the hotel by Disney. They do not offer all that you had at the house you rented. You also could spend some fun time with Jenny and her family. I bet the kids had such a good time and you and Greg had fun watching them. Greg was smart to talk you into getting the scooter. It made it a lot easier on you and you did not seem to get as hot. You are better then I am that heat would have gotten me down,. You made it thru the whole day. That was nice that the kids got to go to the Halloween party. They do some really nice things for the kids there. They almost have to have the fast pass at six flags also. The lines are so long and if you do not want to wait forever then you need the pass. How did Piper act when she saw Minnie. I bet she was so excited. The science museum sounds great glad that you had such a good time. That would be a trip that would have been hard to come home. The house you stayed at sounded really nice.
      The trouble with screening for guns is most of these people do not buy them legitimately. They buy them off the streets and then they do not have to register them. They have to get all the gun sellers off the street and that will never happen. So if everyone registers their guns ti will be the people that buy them for hunting or protection. The ones who want to do harm will never buy them that way. I do not know what the answer is but we are going to have to fight back or they are going to take over our country. I am still mad about this. I am tired of our children getting killed by some idiot that just walks into a school and starts shooting.
      The dessert that the kids got from the Crab shack sounds really cute. I bet they had fun putting all the different flavors on them. That really is a good idea. Did you enjoy the food there? The person who thought of that must have had children of their own or grand children. Some people are so creative.
      What about the Cubs? They are doing pretty good. SO are the Cardinals. I guess we will see who we will be playing Friday after the Cubs play their game. I cannot remember who they are playing. I sure hope we win the world series this year. If not us the Cubs can win it. lol I know that you feel the other way. You want the Cubs to win.
      Our hayride was a lot of fun. We had a few bumps along the way but it all worked out in the end. We had plenty of food and lots of fun was had by all. Danyielle could not go on the hay ride this year but Owen did not care. He was going no matter what. He is getting older. We bought that door bell thing on qvc it plays Christmas music and Halloween music. The Halloween music was really good. It was scary and it took the adults awhile to figure out the noise was coming from. I could press the red button in the house and it would play the noise outside. That is what was confusing everyone. Once they thought it was motion activated. Then they decided that it wasn’t because it did not come on at the same time all the time. No one would be around it and it would play. we had fun with that.
      Well that is about all from here. Glad that your vacation turned out so great. Rest all that you can. The holidays are coming and that can be hard on everyone.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      We did turn out to have a good time at the hayride. I wrote some more that happened on what I wrote to Gail. If you want to read it. I do not remember if I told you about that are not. I am getting very forgetful.
      I hope that the baby shower works out. We do not have the address yet. She did not send me an invitation yet so will have to call her and see where it is at. I will have to send on to my sil and see if she can come. Some people have already said they were not coming. They have other things going on that day and have to get their kids ready for Halloween. Mandy and her kids will not be going they have passes for Six Flags and they want to go there for the haunted house. They will stay there for the whole day and ride the rides and then stay until it closed at night. I guess they have a lot of fun things that they do there.
      That is a lot of butter in a cake. It looks really good though. It would not look as good in a loaf pan the bundt pan is better. That will look nice on the table and if you fix two you con have one on each end of the table. What type of icing do you put on it or do you put any on it? That would be good with strawberries or blueberries and whip cream. This is really making me hungry and it is too late to be eating.
      The soup and bread sounds really good. You do a lot of baking. I have not made a loaf of bread in a long time. We usually just buy it frozen and then stick it in the oven. I need to make a fresh loaf again. I love the bear creek soups. I am glad that you have tried them. We eat a lot of different types. I am starting to stock up for the winter.
      That is good that Gary had such a good time with his friends. It is a shame that you did not get to go but you were better off staying home. Does he not like to stay out late? That is sweet that he said that he missed you. That had to make you feel good. He sounds like such a loving man.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Gail I forgot to say that I hope that they can fix Jenny’s tooth. That is a shame that she chipped it. Hope she does not have any pain with it.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I have not talked to Jenny since she went to the dentist so I don’t know what they did for her yet. Fortunately it didn’t hurt her and it was hardly noticeable to anyone but her. It was one of those things where it was hard for her not to keep feeling it with her tongue because it was a little sharp feeling.
      We did enjoy the food at the Crab Shack. We don’t have any around here so the only times that we have been is on vacation-but we’ve always enjoyed them then.
      Your doorbell sounds like it was a riot. I have seen it on the Q but never realized it made spooky Halloween sounds too. That was a good purchase.
      I must say the Cardinals need to give someone else a chance to get into the series this year. The poor Cubs have only that one game to decide the whole playoff thing. Everyone else has a series of games. I just hope that they predicted it right in the movie Back To the Future. Oh my goodness-Chicago would go wild!!!
      Patrick Taylor has a new book coming out October 13th called An Irish Doctor in Love and at Sea. I didn’t know if you knew that or not. You said that you have not been reading much lately but I figured you still might be interested in a new Patrick Taylor book. I didn’t read at all on vacation and I am having reading withdrawal right now so I have to pick myself out a new book. I pledged to read 52 books this year on Goodreads and I am way behind again. Oh well, there’s no punishment involved(I hope)-in not reaching my goal. It was in the 50’s when we got home Sunday and now we are back to 70 degrees again. I have to get out my Halloween shirts because i can wear them now. Hooray!!!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I’m glad that Gary got to go out and meet your friends the other night. I’m sorry that you had to miss it but it was better that you stayed home and took care of yourself. How far apart are the back shots.
      We had the traveling Vietnam Wall here a few years ago. I wanted to see it and see my high school friend’s name and the name of the man on the wrist band that I wore who was MIA but whose remains were found years later,but we were out of town when it came through here. I have never traveled out east and that is on my to do list so maybe someday we will get to Washington and the Smithsonian. All those years that my BIL and his family lived in Virginia when he was in the CIA and we never got out there as a family. Greg got out there on his own for family things but we never could take the time to drive out and couldn’t always afford to fly the whole family out. I always remember when 911 happened and my BIL from the CIA was here and our friend from the FBI in New York was also in the area and how they had to scramble to get back with all flights being stopped. Bad time for both of them to be out of town-my BIL actually worked in the Pentagon at the time so maybe it was better that he was here.
      Speaking of flying-the FAA changed the rules again so that now you cannot have your purse and your carry on so it was interesting trying to find the right size carry on that would fit my other stuff and my purse. Personally, I think everyone should have to check their suitcases and forget stuffing all those things into the overhead compartments. We always just check our bags and have a small carry on. We’re never in that big of a hurry that waiting for a bag to be unloaded is that big of a deal. I am envious of the smaller people though who can fit more stuff into their suitcases. Size 8’s take up a lot less space than size 1x’s. lol
      I wanted to say that the name of that Vietnam museum that we went to was the Corporal Larry E. Smedley National Vietnam War Museum-named after a young man KIA who posthumously received the Congressional Medal of Honor. It’s an unusual last name so i wondered if he was a relative of Angel’s somehow. I will have to tell her about the museum.
      I have not put out any fall decor yet. I have to get at least a little out even if I do not decorate full fledged this year as i don’t have Brent around to help me lug things out.
      You would have loved this Adele. One evening we were all going in the pool on vacation and Lachlan just jumped in without his suit so that evening he went skinny dipping. Everyone thought it was funny except when he tried it again the next night and Greg noticed that we now had neighbors so he told him that he now had to wear a suit since we had people next door to us now. Then we had Piper on the pool deck dancing Gangnum style. lol Kids and water are just sort of a magic solution for fun.
      Greg has rehearsal tonight so I have a no cooking night tonight. Speaking of Washington someday I’ll figure out how to copy the picture of Greg in the Oval office with LBJ and see if i can get it posted here.
      Can’t wait to look through my Halloween shirts and start wearing them! Hooray!!!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I think I am going to make that cake recipe for the mini cakes, in the shapes of acorns, leaves, and pumpkins, for Thanksgiving. Gary only likes chocolate pie, and Steph only likes Apple Crisp. So, I thought I could do just the all time favorite pies, and then these cakes. I am not sure if I will frost them, would not see the detail of the shapes. Undecided on that one! Maybe a drizzle would work. I cannot believe I am already trying out new things for turkey day!
      You know, I never realized people would not come because it was on Halloween, as I thought it would be much earlier in the day, so it would not interfere- like a brunch. If you are getting “no’s”, maybe you could suggest a time change.
      The soup we had last night was the Minestrone. I have yet to try the beef vegie, and the chicken soups- have them in the cabinet. I love their Hot and Sour soup. The bread was a big hit. I guess this will be one loaf I will keep doing.
      tonight I am doing a recipe from the Kind Arthur site- Turkey and Dumplings….accept I am doing it with chicken. If you want to see it, go on the King Arhtur Flour website, and you can copy it form there- very easy. I hope the picky crew likes this one. It is simple enough for me to make- not a lot of standing at the stove, and then it is baked. I already baked the chicken- just have to cut it up when it cools.
      Hope your day is going well. hey…..how is Hubby feeling??

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      We would love to see that pic of Greg with LBJ!!! I love those things.
      OMG- those kids are so funny. I would have been howling. I love when kids love to dance and sing. from what I understand, we may have a budding singer in the family. Aizen. He went nuts for the Happy Birthday song, and started to sing it all the time. I thought nothing of it until Steph told me this story. She had a song on the radio, and was just singing along, and Aizen joined in. After the song was over, he continued with the entire melody form hearing it only once. I told her he may be a singer some day, or do something in the line of music. After all, each little person has their talents, as long as we do not discourage them at an early age.
      JJ was very talented with drawing at a young age. He did such complicated drawings, you would be shocked to know a 3 year old did it. He may be artistic. Who knows! I hope I live long enough to see what they end up doing.
      I bet you are right about your friends in the CIA and FBI. Had they been where they were supposed to be they may not be here today. One never knows why things happen.
      Marissa said her school went over their procedures for a violent incident in the class today. What a statement on society. Fire drills are no longer the threat. I get so worried about all our grands, all across this land. We have to protect them, and the rest of us.
      You were lucky to have a night off from chef duties. That gave you another night to relax from your fabulous holiday!
      Tonight I am doing a new recipe for chicken and dumplings. Never did it before. If you are interested- look on the King Arthur Flour website, and put in “Turkey and Dumplings”. Ihope the fussy people will like it…..LOL
      I do not think I would like to fly at all. I would be searched due to all the metal, even though I have a card for that.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hello everyone! It has been a busy week for Jerry and me. Both of the boys left for Florida 4 days ago; so we are “grand-dog” sitting with Ruby; and of course have to keep an eye out for Dodger too. He just runs around like the cartoon character Goofy if any of you all know who I am talking about. He is so sweet; but just a little happy go lucky kind of guy ha ha. He was so happy to see Ruby when Jerry and I took her for a walk out to the pond. That is our afternoon thing to do. It had turned really cold here; but is back in the 80s today. Still feels so cool at night; but was down right cold this week end.
      Your hayride sounds like so much fun Colleen. We did one for years with Jerry pulling a trailer behind his tractor. The children loved it. We had a big bonfire afterwards; and there was hot dogs and smores. And believe you me; Jerry could really put a big bonfire together. Your trip to Florida must have been so nice Gail. The boys and girls are sending some photos to us; and it is so beautiful this time of year. Jerry and I had actually had time to do some talking to one another; and like you said Colleen, we needed this too. We really miss them; but Jerry just up and said last night for he and I to
      go to a steak house in Memphis that has really good take out; and order and bring it home since I didn’t really want to go inside. It turned out so good and both of us really enjoyed it. We had so much that there was some left over for today.
      Gail, I am so glad you got a scooter at Disney. I just don’t think I could make it all day without one. Your poor ankle would have really been talking to you. I have felt that I would have to do the same thing
      if we were to visit a theme park, and so would Jerry. I know he would balk; but I don’t mind. Mabey I would be able to convince him that its like driving his tractor ha ha.
      Your cake looks delicious as usual Adele. I love the King Authur flour website. Do you have the bread starter kit? I remember once when the kids were little; Paw Paw showed me how to make a “fruit
      based” starter in this old crock jar that he and I had found at a garage sale. You mix up all sorts of fruit and it stays out on the counter for weeks; with you stirring it every day; once a day. I can’t really remember how many weeks it took for it to be ready to make things out of but the kids took it upon themselves to get into it. As it was; all that fruit fermented and it was like pure liquor. They had only eaten a couple of spoonsful (according to our oldest Buddy) but those little fellows were loopy to say the least. They were just laughing and laughing. As it turned out; the truth was Jerry and Paw Paw were calling this fruit starter; but it was really how the old folks made moonshine. I would have had a fit with them both if my little fellows had gotten any bad side effects; but thankfully they did not.
      They really slept good that night too. ha ha
      Your little Aizen singing is sweet. And of course all the bare backsides shineing and how great that Colleens grand son is doing so well and all it took was the right teacher. There is never a dull moment
      with little ones around. They bring so much joy on just the simplest of things. How I envy all of you watching all their little tricks.
      Well, we recieved some rather unsettling news yesterday. They are cutting Jerrys pension in half in a few months. He worked for the Union for all those years before he broke his back; but it is all due they say to trying to keep the pension solvent. It is such a shame. They were supposedly protected; at least thats what they told us all these years; but turns out that is not the case. Jerry is really torn up about this; but I am trying to keep my chin up for his sake. He feels like he has let me down by chosing the wrong profession all those years ago. Who is to say what will happen to any of us. It is a shame to work all those years and pay into a pension; and then lose so much of what you paid. Enough said; it could be completely taken away instead of half of it.
      Hope all is going good with you all. Will write more later. Bet you all look great in your Quacker attire. Take care. Barbara

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      That is funny that Lachlan went skinny dipping in the pool. I am surprised that Piper did not try that also. She is a little dare devil. Well Greg was right there and knew that he needed to put a suit on so the neighbors would not be upset. You had such a good vacation.
      It must have gone well at the dentist or Jenny would have called. It is hard not to take you tongue and keep touching the place where the tooth chipped. I do that if I have a sore tooth also. At least she got it fixed right away.
      We did not know that either when we ordered it. It was well worth buying. All the kids were old enough to enjoy it and it did not scare anyone. Ron is thinking of getting a grim reaper costume next year and popping out and scaring my bil. That will be okay if he does not scare anyone else.
      I do not understand all this new stuff they are doing for the play offs. They have changed all of that so much. I thought they played 7 games before they get decided if they stay in or not. They play so many different times now. That is also strange. It was better when they won the pennant and then played the world series. Now it goes way into October before they are done. We have baseball, football, hockey and basket ball all at the same time. It is just crazy,.
      Thanks for the heads up on the new Patrick Taylor book. I have started reading again. I am reading Dancing in the Low Country. It is different but it is good. I will write more about it on the what are you reading post on here, I cannot imagine you not reading the whole time you were on vacation. You were having a good time and were with your grand kids so that was more important. I do not set a goal for how many books that I will read. I just read when I can. I am not going to read anymore books about the war. Especially what they did to the Jews. That was really depressing. Do not want to end up reading another book like that.
      That must have been a mess for your bil and your friend both to be stranded and not able to get back to Washington or New York. I am surprised they did not have private jets to pick these guys up so they could get there. I guess that there were more people like them that were stranded. That was such a horrible day. I still cannot get over how brave those people were that decided to crash the plane that they were on and not let them crash into the white house. They had to have been brave people to do that.
      The Vietnam museum must have been really interesting. I would like to go there. I had a friend that we went to school with that died over there. His name was on the wall. They would send home the name of the person and the date that he died. It was sad he died the day he got there. Stephen said that it is not unusual for that to happen. It is really sad.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Your dessert table is going to be really good. Do you make pumpkin pies? We have to make pumpkin and apple pies and a cherry for my grand daughter. I made pecan pies one year and they hardly ate any of it and I had to throw it out. So I told them that I will never bake another one. They take more time then the other two do so I will make the easier ones and forget making anything fancy. Do you have those pans with the designs on them from King Aurthur? I saw them on the site the other day and they are really pretty.
      I think they will not come because of the drive there and home. My youngest daughter lives at Ft Leonard Wood so it is a long drive for her. So if they do not go trick or treating down here they would not make it home in time for the kids to go. The shower is in St. Louis so we all will have to drive a long ways to get there and back home. I will not stay that long so I can get home in time and not be on the road with all the kids out walking around. Some of the kids are careful but the older ones do not care and walk out in front of cars.
      I have not tried the minestrone or the hot and sour soups that they have. I really love the potato and the chicken noodle. Ron likes the veggie and beef a lot. We always add some meat to it and more veggies and onions. He really loves onions. The break sounds really good. You are such a good baker. Wish I had your talent. I will have to look up that recipe and try it out. That would be a good idea for after Thanksgiving so you can use the left overs. It would be good with the chicken also. Trying new recipes because we are getting sick of the same old thing all the time.
      How cute that Aizen likes to sing. He may write music or songs or be a famous singer. Your grands are so cute. JJ could draw. That is amazing that he could do that at such a young age. Does he like art classes they have at school? Both boys are very talented.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      I am glad that you and Jerry are enjoying your time alone. The restaurant that you two went to sounds like they have really good food. I am glad that you both enjoyed it. It is nice to be alone for awhile. We love our kids but sometimes it is just nice to have that together time and just talk and do what we want.
      Sounds like you hay rides were a lot of fun also. You fixed the same food that we fixed the other night. I guess that is standard hay ride food. We had a hard time keeping the hot dogs on the stick. The poor kids would drop them into the fire. I guess they were cooking them too long.
      That is so funny that they were making moonshine and the kids were eating the fruit out of it. I bet you could have smacked them both for not telling you. It is a good thing that the boys did not eat anymore of it. That must have been a site with them loopy like that.
      That is not right that they are cutting his pension. They pay into that the whole time that they work and it is not cheap. They should not have the right to cut it in half. They are doing it to all kinds of people. The car companies have been doing that also. My sister’s husband worked for Ford for years and they cut his pension and there health coverage. That was a big shock to them when they found out how much they would have to pay for health care. They really had to work hard and pay a lot into that and to lose it that is not fair.
      Are you doing any decorating for Halloween? We did when we had the hay ride but took it all down the next day,. I may but some of it in the car when we go the trunk or treat at the church. That is fun to do. You get to see a lot of the kids and give out treats. There are a lot of people that come there to hand out treats. It is all the county people that do not get any kids at their homes. We have done this for the past two years, They are nice about saving us a space to park so we can do this.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      The recipe for turkey and dumplings looks good-I’m a sucker for anything with the name dumpling in it. How did everyone like it-if they didn’t I’ll be right over for leftovers. Also I can’t believe that everyone is so fussy about the baked goods. I would eat it all except if it had coconut. I love home baked goods-I didn’t get to be a 1X by eating kale and quinoa. lol
      That is so cool that Aizen picked up the song melody so easily. I hope he has a life long love of music. I hope that the schools will encourage JJ’s drawing abilities too. So many arts programs have been lost due to budget cuts. Those are the areas that I like to donate my money. I remember when Kendall started kindergarten they already had practices for what to do if a “bad man” came into the room. I can’t remember what code name they had for it right now so they wouldn’t say “shooter or gunman” in front of the kids. Speaking of that-I couldn’t believe what a strange coincidence it was that the guy on DWTS that helped stop the terrorist attack on the train in France also went to the same school where the most recent shooting occurred. I found that to be rather eerie.
      Do you fly at all ever? So many people have steel rods and pins now a days. I always get pulled out for something. This last time going down I was pulled out and had my hands checked for something-maybe gun powder? I know not to wear Quacker clothes as the embellishments always ring the bells. They should make a travel outfit with just a little embroidery. lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Tonight is all or nothing for the Cubs. If they beat the Pirates they move on if not they are done. it is silly that we have football, baseball, hockey and basketball all going on. The seasons are just getting too long. Hockey and basketball playoffs are now into June I think.
      I just set a book goal this year because they have this thing on Goodreads so I decided to just try it. I don’t think anyone punishes me if I don’t reach my goal. lol I have a hard time with the books about the Jewish people during WW II. It’s an interesting subject-especially when you read about people surviving against all odds but the books always make me cry and I have a hard time finishing. When I do read something like that I try to follow it up with some light reading-I’ve heard the term literary palate cleanser which I think is so clever. I wish that I could take credit for it.
      It ended up that Greg’s brother who was the CIA guy took our extra car to drive home as there was not a rental car to be had in the Chicagoland area. They ended up sending a troop transport for Bill the FBI guy when some planes started flying again. That was a sad time.
      It sounds like Halloween was not the best time to schedule the baby shower. It’s hard to get into the city and get back home in time for the trick or treaters. Does the father’s family live in the area? I wonder what Jenny’s kids will be for Halloween this year. They wore their last year’s costumes to the party at Disney but they were all getting kind of small so they will probably get new ones.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      I don’t think you would set off anything at the airport. They make the things out of an alloy that does not set off the alarms. I have all kind of hardware in my ankle (plate,screws and pins all holding it together) and I did not set anything off. But like Gail said Quacker clothing will do it. They questioned something on the ship so they just used a hand wand on both Nancy and I. I mentioned about flying to the doctor and he said it would not set anything off and he was right.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Barbara,
      Glad that you and Jerry are enjoying your private time. I think that’s horrible that they are cutting his pension. How can you work and pay in for all those years and not get it back. I imagine quite a few people are up at arms. It is certainly not his fault and how can one know what career to choose to guarantee a solvent retirement. You would have to be able to foresee the future. I hope perhaps they can find a different solution.
      That was funny about the boys and the moonshine. So it was not a cake starter but a moonshine starter. I tried moonshine years ago and I swear it grew hair on my chest! lol
      After I got over the initial shot to my pride I enjoyed riding the scooter because I could actually enjoy myself without worrying that I would pass out from the heat. I actually think a couple of days after walking around in the heat that Greg was envious of me.
      Well, time to make some dinner and watch the Cubs. Everyone keep their fingers crossed.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara
      Your alone time with Jerry is turning into a real good time for both of you. That is awful about his pension. I had no idea that could happen to anyone. Nothing in this life seems secure anymore. Maybe if we all say a prayer, something else will happen.
      I do have the sourdough starter. Funny you asked, as today I got a new one in the mail, because mine went bad, which is unusual. The top was slightly askew, and it dried out. Bobby kept saying something smelled in the fridge, and by the time we figured out the top was slightly off center, it was too late.
      It was warm here today. Got another haircut. Trying to get rid of the brown, so the grey will not look so weird. the kids say I look like a witch…..LOL
      Hope everyone is good, and waiting for the shows tomorrow!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I do not think JJ has Art classes- budget cuts. They eliminated that a bot back. that is sad. Aizen is a very amusing child.
      I do not have the other pans from King Arthur- I did love that pumpkin one, though! I will wait to see if it goo on sale.
      I make pumpkin, chocolate, apple, and 2 custard’s, because they all fight over the custard one. If I want a piece, I have to make 2…..LOL I love the smells of Thanksgiving. I also make a cranberry chutney- from Marta Stewart’s magazine years ago. What a smell! It is fabulous- that can be made a few days ahead. I do make these little Pecan Tarts, but, not for Thanksgiving. I love the prep for the holiday.
      I cannot believe we are already preparing for Thanksgiving. It will be here in a minute.
      It is late, and I still have to clean the fish…..gotta go…talk tomorrow!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG GAil!
      That is so funny about our Quacker clothes setting off alarms!!
      You are right- budget cuts here has all but stopped any art work, or music. it is a real shame. The high school has some music, and a band. they also do theatre. That is the limit to the Arts around her, that I know of.
      Well. Everyone loved the chicken and dumplings. THE HUSBAND had a comment…….”The carrots were not cooked enough.” I have barely spoken to the man all day. he is in so much trouble.
      Gotta go- the funny shows are coming on. I , like you, could not believe that poor guy’s luck, How awful for him. Very sad. the whole school safety is so scary.
      Talk tomorrow!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Sue,
      That would be embarrassing if every time you got on a plane you set the alarm off because of pins in your ankle. That is odd that Quacker clothes set off the alarms. Do they pull you out of line when that happens? You would think that they would realize that it is the clothes and nothing else. I am glad that I do not fly it is just easier to drive. I did not realize that they did the same thing when you go on a ship. I guess I need to get out more.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Ron is watching the game. It will be interesting to see who wins the game. I think that whoever it is will play the cardinals. I think that is how it goes. It is getting so confusing. Now that they added the new league to the mix. Good luck to the Cubs.
      You don’t think that the book police will come and take you away for not meeting your goal.lol I have finished my book and getting ready to start another. It should be interesting. I hope that you reach your goal. I did not realize how much I missed reading until I started again.
      Kevin’s family lives in St. Louis and his sister lives in Colorado. She is coming home for Halloween so that is why they are having the shower then. It might have been a better idea to have it on Sunday and not Saturday. I guess they had their reasons for doing it then. They were supposed to e-mail me the invitation so I could send it to family but have not received it yet. I hope that it comes soon. I lost his mom’s phone number to ask if they have sent it yet. Oh well it will all work out in the end.
      I think that Kaylee is going to be a cat but do not know what Ethan will be. He wants to be something scary. Owen has not said what he wants to be yet so will see what they all decide on Halloween. I am sure it will be something scary for both boys and Kaylee will be something cute. It will be fun to hear what your kids will want to be and Adele’s also. They all have such a good time going out and getting candy.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      That is a shame that they do not have art classes for the kids. JJ would do so good at it. They should cut the money for sports before they cut the money for the arts. That has always made me mad that they do that. We have been lucky so far they do still some art in the grade schools. I am not sure about the high school. They still do have band and choir. I think that people would complain if they cut out the choir.
      I usually make a cranberry salad but the kids want just plain cranberry sauce this year. So i guess that is what we will have. They are wanting to try new things this year for dinner. I told them that I do not care if they want to come up with the recipes. They found one with Brussels sprouts. I do not think that one will make the Thanks giving table. Not everyone likes brussel sprouts. So we will see what we come up with. I will make two types of dressing like I do every year. Thanks giving is coming fast. It will be fun with all the family together. That is the best part of the holidays.
      I hope that you enjoy your fish tonight. Will talk to you later.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hope everyone is having a good evening and that your favorite ball team is winning. Paw Paw loved to watch the St Louis Cardinals. Joey used to go watch it with him. We had breakfast for dinner again tonight. Tasted so good. We just didn’t feel like anything heavy and were a little tired of fast food. I have been so lazy in the cooking department this week. Think I have been on vacation from the stove. ha ha The boys called yesterday evening to check on us. Sounds like they are both having a wonderful time. Jerry and I both said we were not going to call and interfere with their time with Sarah and
      Lisa this week. So far; we have been able to do so. We told them that we were doing fine and that we know they may not have time to call us but that was fine since its their vacation; and they should
      be able to have time to themselves. I didn’t want to sound like we didn’t care about them; but wanted them to not feel they had to check on us; that we just want them to enjoy themselves and really get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life here.
      You all are way ahead of me already planning on your Thanksgiving dinner. Boy, is that my all time favorite meal. I absolutely love the smell coming from the kitchen that day. And then there’s the
      left overs that we enjoy days afterwards. I almost enjoy that as much as the day itself. I used to love how Debbie would describe her love of the turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce and mayo
      slathered on the sandwich. Made my mouth water. I had not ever thought of putting it all on the sandwich. Do you all like chicken salad? We do. I make it sometimes with the cans of chicken we get at
      Sams wholesale. It tastes fresh, and I use it when we just don’t have time to boil the chicken myself. Adele, your dumplings sound so good. I am like Gail, I have never met anything with a dumpling that
      I didn’t like ha ha. Come to think of it; that may, just may, explain why I look like a dumpling.
      I had lost about 25 pounds when I was sick; everything just tasted like chewing cardboard; but yipee now I have found it again. I have just decided to celebrate my size whatever it might be. I am what I am and thats all that I am; as PopEye used to say.
      Got to go for now. I have gotten Jerry interested in playing a game with me on the I-Pad and he and I are about to play. That is our big plan for the evening. Have a good night. Barbara

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Well Colleen it’s my Cubbies fighting it out with your Cards. May the best team win and Lord please let that be the Cubs! They haven’t been in a world series since 1945 and haven’t won one since the early 1900’s. The Cardinals have played in the last two and won one of them. It’s time to spread the wealth! lol

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail.
      I am with you may the best team win. I would like to see the Cards win but if they don’t then it should be the Cubs. I would say spread the wealth but Ron would not be happy with me. So I better stick with may the best team win.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      That is so nice that the boys are thinking of you and called to check on you. They are good boys and really love and care about you and Jerry. They just do not want to worry about you and if you are okay. Now that they know and you told them not to worry about you they may be fine for the rest of their vacation.
      I like having breakfast for dinner sometimes. It is nice to stay away from the stove as often as you can. We eat a lot lot of snack things for dinner now. It is too much trouble to cook for two. lol That is what I am trying to tell Ron. He did cook the other night. He put two pork roasts in our cooker and made bbq pork out of one and froze the other. So their is enough bbq roast to last all week. I hope that Ron agrees.
      I miss Debbie on here also. She use to come up with some good recipes. We will all have to try her turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce and mayo. We may all like it. We will do it in honor of her. Sure wish she could come back on here. She always could make me laugh.
      We like chicken salad but have never tried it with the canned chicken. May have to do that it will be easier then boiling the chicken and having to cut it all up. It is nice to have an easy to do things. Will give that one a try.
      That is nice that you can get Jerry to play games with you on the i pod. Ron will have nothing to do with my tablet. You would think that he would be struck by lightning if he touched it. So I just play games that I can play by myself. He really is boring most of the time. lol
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All,
      So Adele what does one actually do with chutney? Do you use it like a sauce for the meat or like a side dish. I always see it but never served it. As to the undercooked carrots that happens sometimes when you have a bunch of stuff mixed together and some stuff cooks quicker than others. I know that happens to me with pot roast or soup sometimes and we just enjoy it when they are cooked through for the leftovers. It sounds like Gary was lucky not to have a carrot sticking out of his nose like Frosty the Snowman. lol
      Colleen, It’s not really embarrassing if you set off the alarm at the airport. Everyone else is so busy getting through security and getting their stuff back, putting their shoes and belts back on and getting the change back in their pockets that no one even notices. I’ve been wanded, patted and had my hands checked-it’s really a small price to pay to be safe. When we were coming back Sunday the guy at security kept saying take everything out of your pockets over and over while we were in line and finally Greg asked him “even the lint?” and everyone cracked up including the security guy and he says “yes even that.” It’s nice if you can drive everywhere that you want to go but sometimes that’s just not possible. Sometimes you don’t have the time to drive or some places you can’t get to by driving-I much prefer driving to flying but sometimes it’s just not feasible and I do like to get out and do and see new things. It took the kids two full days of driving to get back from Florida and at our age that is a lot of time in a car too when you can fly and be back home in a little over two hours. There are pros and cons I guess. Gosh I hope the book police don’t come and get me if I don’t reach my goal. Do you keep a book diary. I never did but then I started reading of people who keep track of what they read each year and it kind of makes sense if you read a lot so I started about 5 years ago and each year I tried to read a book a week-so far I haven’t made it-I got close the year that Kim died but then after that happened the reading went downhill. Last year I joined Goodreads and they had a reading challenge for the year and that’s where I made my pledge.
      My grandmother always served brussel sprouts for Thanksgiving but I never continued the tradition as no one likes them but me. It does sound like the shower would have worked better on Sunday than Saturday but I guess plans are already made. Where did they decide to have it? And do you know if you are buying boys stuff or girls stuff?
      Barbara, I have been a lazy cook for about the last two years. I’m trying to psych myself back into being interested in cooking again-so far with little positive results. I do remember Debbie’s turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce sandwiches. I actually never thought of doing that. Speaking of Debbie I mailed her the other day and she has been feeling bad the last six weeks. She is off today to Portland to see the oncologist-the biggest problem is the plugged ear and the tintinitis. Typing on the computer really bothers her because of the body position that she uses while typing. she was feeling well for awhile and then overdid it and got bad again. She has to really watch her activity level and just trying to feel better takes all her attention and energy so she just doesn’t have anything left over to socialize. I’m beginning to wonder if some alternative medicine like acupuncture or something would benefit her. I’ll have to mention it next time I talk to her. it’s so sad that such a vibrant personality has been sidelined by these horrible problems. I hope some time that she can feel “normal” again.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Sue!
      I think it is so funny that our sparkly clothes set off the alarms. I am getting a real kick out of that! What would Jeanne say, if she were still here?
      Hey- I ordered those new sparkly Jeannes in short this morning. I am hoping they will work, as I still have to put a hem on short’s. I am hoping that because the leg is slim, it may work for me. I loved those others they had, but I had to send them back, as I would have lost all the design with the hem.
      Are you going to watch the show this afternoon? I am meeting 2 frineds at 4, so I have just enough time to catch it.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I like to try new vegie recipes too. Last year, I copied 2 from The Chew, that I want to find, and try. But because my surgery was scheduled, and I was so bad, I could not do much new, so they got shoved aside. I hope to try them soon, so I can see if they will work. I got 2 books from Barnes and Nobles for The Chew-….What’s for dinner, and Mario’s 5 in 5. Also go that book from “The Chef Next Door”- they had the author on last week. I loved one of her recipes. I found 2 in the book,, that I want to make so far.
      I have been searching for recipes that are in the oven, as those are the ones I can easily do with my back. There is a little bit of browning of the meat, and then the rest is in the oven, with no stirring, or bending- perfect for me! Plus, the long cooking always makes the house warm, and smell good.
      Steph called Heather, and told her Jhonny’s business is going out of business next week, and he is out of a job. She is beside herself. I am going to call her in a minute, and suggest she pull up the jobs for the local hospitals in the lab. He does the testing on the urine, and I think, blood samples. Not sure about the blood.
      Hope you day is good- going out tonight with Nancy and another friend for an early dinner.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara
      Of course you are on vaca form the stove- everyone else is on vaca in your family too! Glad the boys are having a good time. Even happier that you and Jerry are enjoying your alone time.
      That is the first time I ever made anything with dumplings. I have wanted to for a long time, and glad I finally did. I am a definite lover of those. I had the option to add chives, and decided not to because of Gary. Do you put chives in your dumplings?
      Look at my post to Colleen- I told her about the cook books I just ordered. Also told her Jhonny just found out his place of business is closing next week. Steph is in a panic, and I have to call he rin a second for support.
      Going out to dinner tonight with my friends….yeah!
      Ill be home for the Quacker show this afternoon, and back before Gray’s….LOL

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      that is terrible about Debbie. I am sure you gave her our regards. We need to do extra prayers for her.
      The cranberry chutney is like a chunky cranberry sauce. It is really good. It has apples, honey, celery, raisins, and cant remember what else. When it gets closer to Thanksgiving, I will post the recipe. Got it from Martha Stewart.
      So, tonight I am wearing my new black pumpkin shirt with my last year’s pumpkin scarf! I will be all “Pumpkin Quackered out”! Of course, my jeweled zipper crops to go with.
      So, Gail, GAry says last night as we ate the tiny bit of leftovers (Marissa took 2 helpings- one for lunch and one to eat at work later, and Heather took the same 2 helpings…..LOL) “The carrots are softer”. I flashed him “The Look”- same one my kids got that usually meant …when we get home you are going to die, and never see the light of day again.” LOL LOL
      Watching the show…gotta go and get the Angel shirt before it is gone!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Thought I’d post some Halloween costumes…

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Here’s more

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      One more

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I am so sorry to hear about Debbie. When you talk to her next tell her I hope that she gets thru this spell soon. We do miss her on this site. She is always so much fun. Hopefully they will soon find a pill that will help her to get better.
      Why do they check your hands? Is it because of the wedding rings? That is strange. I am just a chicken and will never fly. We have driven every where we have wanted to go and have made it just fine. I will never go over seas. It is fun to go but just do not want to fly there. Greg was lucky that the guy had a good sense of humor. They may have stripped search him.lol It is good that they take precautions like that. It save a lot of lives.
      Some of the kids like brussels sprouts but not all of them. So then I would have to fix something else for the ones that do not like it. That is too much work. So will just fix something that they all like and save me some time. We are having Thanks giving here so we do not have to have weeds in the turkey again,.lol Danyielle was so upset with me when I said that. Ron and I laughed. We were just kidding. She has made a turkey before but never fixed it like that. Well I know that was mean. We did not have the raisin dressing and that is a must on Thanks giving.
      I should keep a book diary so I can remember what I have read. Sometimes I will pick up a book and then remember that I have read it. I also need it so I do not buy two books that are the same. I have done that before also.
      Well that is all from here. I have to go and watch all my quacker shows that I taped. There were a few of them. They were on both channels and some I will just delete.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I hope that you have a good time with you friend tonight. You two always seem to laugh and have a ball. I hope that you remembered your pillow for your back.
      I am sorry to hear about Johnnys job/ I hope that he finds one soon. They probably give him a good recommendation so he will not have a hard time finding one. He should be sure and get a letter from them so when he goes looking he will have it with him. That is always a big help. He sounds like he is a good worker and should not have any trouble. Hospitals are always looking for help. At least they are down here.
      I have the 5 in 5 cook book that Micheal Symon wrote. He has some good recipes in it. He has one for broccoli salad so may try that on. There is not a lot to it. That is why they call it 5 in5. I like Mario but when it comes to cooking I like Micheal’s recipes better. I have never tried Daphne Oz recipes. She is always making healthy things and they do not look good to me. I do not know what else I will have yet will have to look thru my cook books.
      We have a small oven so most things have to be cooked on top of the stove. That works out okay though. I do like to make most things in throw away pans. Then there is not so much clean up.
      Well not much from here. Been busy cleaning and have not done anything exciting. That has become my life here lately. Have a good night and will talk to you later.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Love the pictures you posted on here about Halloween costumes. I really like the one of the toddler dressed like an old lady with a walker. That was very creative. All the costumes were though. The animals ones were cute also and the little one in the bucket.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      How was your dinner? I’ll bet that you were the cutest lady in the place in all your Quacker finery. I agree that Debbie does need prayers from us winging her way. It’s tough to have a disease that not much is known about and that there is not much relief for. Those more rare diseases do not get much research money thrown their way. I think that I would try going the Mayo clinic route and see what they had to say but I know that Debbie is hesitant as she feels she may have multiple tests with no results and I know she does not like taking medicines as she had some bad reactions. I don’t like taking meds either-I don’t think anyone does but I know without mine I could be all crippled up and have other problems to boot so I view it as the lesser of two evils. I’m very lucky to have a drug regimen that works well for my RA-my Dad was not so lucky and could find no relief from his.
      I hope that Jhonny finds a new job quickly. He and Steph must be quite frightened with two kids to support. They sure didn’t get much notice!
      I bought two pairs of the new pants and two of the shirts that go with them. I like the slim or the straight leg DJ’s the best and love the ones with a little décor on the leg. These are very festive looking. I have so many of the Christmas shirts that they showed in my extensive collection. Maybe I won’t be forced to buy any new this year. Fat Chance! lol I’m sure before the season is over they will come out with something new that I just “have to have” and then I will have to start wearing my Christmas tops in July! lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Glad that you liked my pictures. I too really liked the one of the little kid dressed up like an older lady. That one gave me a chuckle. Kendall had that same lobster outfit for her first Halloween but we never thought to put her in a pot. lol
      What’s in the Michael Symons book 5 in 5? Is that one of those 5 ingredients books? I love those and have some really good recipes like that. We just missed the Chew people at Disney world as I think they will be there next week.
      When I had my hands checked they said I was randomly chosen. It wasn’t because of my wedding rings. They swabbed my hands with something and then put the swab in a machine that looked for something-probably some sort of explosive. I guess they were checking my hands for residue in case I had built a bomb. Little did they know that I would have absolutely no idea how to do that.
      Those were some of the exact reasons that I started keeping a book journal. To keep track of which books that I have already read and to keep from buying duplicates as I have bought the same book twice and forgotten that I already read something if it was a long time back. My sister gave me a really nice book journal for Christmas last year. Have you seen where adult coloring is now all the rage. I am thinking of getting a book and markers or pencils and trying it. I always remember coloring as being relaxing when I did it with the kids when they were little so maybe I will try it out again on the adult level.
      I guess I am a Grinch but for some reason that fact that the Q is already decorated for Christmas is really bugging me this year. Some days it’s still in the 70’s here. I don’t know why they couldn’t decorate for fall in October and November and then decorate for Christmas and leave that up until after the New Year. I hate when they come back after their Christmas break and all their decorations are gone while the rest of the world is still celebrating-at least until after the New Year. I guess I am just a grump but for some reason that is really bugging me this year. I just feel like the fall and it’s beautiful colors and cooler weather is totally ignored on the Q. Remember when they used to do Halloween shows with costumes and masks? It’s going to be cold winter weather soon enough-we want to enjoy fall and apples and pumpkins and cider. Speaking of pumpkins I heard today that they will be more expensive because the harvest in Illinois wasn’t that good this year so if you need canned pumpkin for Thanksgiving there might be shortages so you might want to think about picking it up now. Who knows if this is just the news overreacting or if there will be a real shortage. I know a couple years ago there really was a problem getting the canned pumpkin.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      Well, I was not able to get the pretty Angel shirt- gone before I clicked over, again…..LOL I am hoping the pants will stay off the floor enough, for me to be able to keep them. I always miss the pretty decorations on the bottom, because I would have to cut off at least 3 inches. That is why I love the crops- they fit me perfect as long pants. I absolutely loved last year’s pants with the leaves, and Christmas trees on them- had to send them back, and it broke my heart! I got 2 of the shirts to match the pants too. Tillie got a sweatshirt, the new shirt , and something else I forgot….LOL
      I hope Debbie finds a solution. She is such a sweetie, and nobody deserves to live like that.
      Steph is very upset that the holidays are so close, and they had no notice at all. She was beside herself yesterday, an no words of encouragement were heard. Hetaher was going over last night, and I hope she is in a better frame of mind today. Very sad to watch, when you have no control about fixing it.
      Hope you have a good day…..I have sourdough rising.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG Gail!

      I love those pictures. My favorite is the lobster in the pot- how cute is that!


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      We did have a good time last night. I got one comment on my waffle, pumpkin shirt. It is fun when you get someone who notices your sparkle. I had the roasted vegies for my salad, and the roasted eggplant with linguini. So, I was not really bad at all. They make their eggplant with no breading.
      I was pretty good at the restaurant…..and yes, I did forget the pillow. I was surprised I did so well. I am hoping it is due to the first shot.
      thank you for your thoughts on Steph and Jhonny. I think because it is so close to the holidays, that she is freaked even more. It stinks no matter when it is. Jhonny said he will get a reference from his boss. They really love him there. This is all such a shame.
      Which recipes have you done form Michael’s cookbook that are your favorites? I really like cookbooks, so you can try something new, that you can do. A lot you would not even want to do…..LOL
      I recorded yesterday’s Chew, as I watched Quacker. I will catch up with it today. Did you watch it?
      It is gloomy here today- I have sourdough rising for bread for tonight. Gary is going to the Jewish Deli to get corned beef for sandwiches tonight.
      hope you are having a good day!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      It is something that takes five minute for you to prepare. Like he does on the show. I do think that they have to cook longer then that and for me it would take longer for me to put it together then him. I think it is funny that they tell you just to use all this stuff that you should have around the house. I very seldom have what they are talking about. It is an interesting cook book.
      I did not think that they would be able to see the residue of the material for making a bomb. That is funny that they would pick you to check for that. You must make them think that you are dangerous. lol They pick some strange people to test for things like that. They were talking about this one woman that had bladder control and they checked her diaper that she was wearing. That would be embarrassing. I would tell them to forget it. It is not worth that to get on the plane. That is going a little too far. I think that she was in a wheel chair. That part is something that I am not sure of. I think that they should have limitations on what they can check. Now if they wanted to run a check on her to see if she was a danger to the country that is understandable but do not make this person feel down about themselves and do something like that to them. I will get off my soap box.
      I have seen them advertise that on TV. They do look like fun. I am like you though would buy them somewhere else and for a cheaper price. There are all kind of books that you can buy and get the things that you need to use. They kind of make me think of the paint by number things that they use to have. My mom use to love to do that a lot. Have not done that in a long time. The girls use to like to do that also.
      I agree with you about the Christmas things on the Q. They can have a few shows that have a Christmas tree or something but not every show. They have different studios and they do not have to decorate all of them now. It is sad that they do not have the Halloween shows anymore. They use to sell a lot of things on those shows. That one guy use to bring such scary masks and cute yard decor. They had that ghost that you would connect to your door and when you opened the door the ghost would swing down. The kids would really like that. We thought about ordering it for our hay rides to have in the yard. We cannot find it anywhere now. Maybe we should all write and let them know that we miss those shows and we would also like to see more fall shows. Thanks giving hardly is even mentioned. They need to have pumpkins and pilgrims and hay stacks and things that remind everyone about Thanks giving. I really have my soap box out tonight. It is a good thing that I am not going anywhere tonight to complain.lol
      Pumpkins are expensive here this year. We have looked at the stores and they want way too much for them. So they may be right about the pumpkin. May have to get it early. It might be a good idea just to be safe. Will have to make two of them. One sugar free so I can eat some.
      The Cardinals win tonight. We will see what happens tomorrow.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Your dinner sounded really good. I love egg plant. Ron will not eat it so have to go out to get it for dinner. The roasted veggies on your salad sound really good also. The place you went almost sounds like our Pasta House. They have some good pasta dishes and salads. That is good that you made it okay without your pillow at dinner. It would be nice if I could do without mine. The shots seem to really be helping you a lot. That is really good news.
      I have not tried any of the recipes yet. I have one that is a broccoli salad that I plan on fixing just have to go to the store and get what I need. I guess that I do not have the proper kitchen. I will have to restock it. Ron found a couple of things that he thinks we should try.
      I watched the Chew but did not find anything that I want to try. The crab cakes looked really good but it almost impossible to get fresh crab meat here. Most places have the imitation crab meat. I would probably have to go to St. Louis to get the crab meat. My daughter would probably know where to find it but I am not sure anymore. The corn bread looked okay but do not know if want to eat fried corn bread. Would rather make the hush puppies. They are not as much work. Your bread that you are making sounds so good. I can smell it already. I need to get some fresh bread and bake it in the oven. Fresh bread really makes your house smell good. You do not have to worry about that you are always baking something that smells good.
      Your corn beef sound really good. There is nothing like a good corn beef sandwich. Ron likes the Ruben sandwiches but I like just a corn beef sandwich. Sometimes I put slaw on it and it tastes so good. We just like to eat. That is why we are not slim and trim. lol
      We are going to start to make Christmas cookies soon. I make them and then freeze them so we will have them for the Holidays. My daughter is always going to come over and make some with me but she never does. I have wanted to do that but last year I just did not feel like it. So this year I am just going to have to do it no matter what. I f I do not bake cookies no one does.
      Well that is about all from here. I wrote a bunch on Gails post so if you want to read that go ahead. I was ranting and raving again.lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      The crops fit me like ankle pants so they are a bit too short to wear with socks and shoes in winter without them looking like high waters. probably a perfect inseam for me is 27 or 271/2 inches. that’s why I like the straight legs because if they scrunch up a little at the ankles that is ok with me. I have those others from last year with the decorations and I do love them. sorry you had to send them back. Last night I wore those black ankle crops and a pink shirt with a spider on the shoulder when we went out to eat with Jenny, Adam and kids. The kids loved the shirt. Can’t wait to show them the rest of the October shirts. Jenny posted a picture on Facebook this morning of Piper sitting on the potty with nothing on but her Ugg boots. That reminded me of that episode from Seinfeld when George would take his shirt off to go to the bathroom. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Of course if no one was a Seinfeld fan that would have gone over everyone’s heads. I miss Debbie as she was a fan too and always got my Seinfeld references. I will have to write her next week and see how the doctor visit went. She was going to meet her niece in Portland for a day of shopping so I think she was spending the night after her doctor’s visit. I always wished that I liked corned beef as the sandwiches always look so good-but I’m just not a fan. Does anyone eat smoked butt? My Mom used to make that. They used to dip the slices in vinegar with pepper in it. No one else I know has ever heard of that. I wonder if it was a Polish thing? I used to cook the smoked butt for my Mom when I used to visit her in Florida but now I’ve forgotten how to do it. she used to add something to the water when she cooked it and now I can’t remember what it was. I wanna say either vinegar or brown sugar or both-I’ll have to see if my sister remembers. I know that’s what we use for a ham glaze. Brown sugar with vinegar poured in to make a thin paste. I love all the little ethnic or family things that people do with their food. My grandmother always used to make creamed peas and carrots and I never see anyone else do that either. Now I’m getting hungry talking about all of this food. lol if only Mom or Granny could cook for me again…

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      They really enjoyed the fresh sourdough bread with the nice fresh corned beef. I love it with the honey mustard. I also like a piece of sourdough with a little butter, and jelly. it tastes yummy. The leftover bread, I slice for toast the next morning. Gary does not like it for toast, as he likes white bread for toast.
      Tonight we will do take out. We do that once a week. Actually, I liked the fresh bread with corned beef better than a take out meal.
      The baking pans arrived yesterday. So today I am making the Cider Donut Muffins again. I want to see how they come out as little pumpkins. If they look good, I will take a pic and post them. I hope they do!
      It is chilly here, so instead of putting on the heat, just baking something will make the house warm enough…..LOL
      Did I tell you I missed the pretty Angel shirt again? If I lost weight, I could get one….LOL
      I have never done the cookies this early. I would not have enough room in the freezer.
      Hope you are having a good day.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Well the Cardinals got the first one but there is still hope in Chicagoland. They only had one run until the end of the game.
      5 minutes to prepare sounds like something that I would like. Taste of Home Quick Cooking always has a section with five ingredient foods and those are usually quick and easy and pretty good. I love Taste of Home for recipes as they are all from real people like you and me-not from some fancy chef with weird ingredients that you couldn’t even find in your local store. We don’t have fresh crab around here either so if I want to make crab cakes I don’t use the imitation I used the canned crab and it turns out well. Or sometimes I just buy the premade frozen ones-some are not too bad. My SIL always used to make cookies at the beginning of November to freeze and serve at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I wonder if she will do that anymore now that she is retired. maybe she will wait until the holidays now and just have them fresh. Or maybe she won’t make them at all. I know I haven’t baked cookies the last few years-but I do kind of miss it. Maybe I will make some again this year. It’s funny but growing up Brent helped me more with that kind of stuff than Jenny did. She had absolutely no interest in cooking. Maybe Brent liked to help because he liked to eat the stuff. lol
      It would be nice if they could still have one set with fall décor for shows. But I guess since now they are heavily concentrating on gift shows that won’t happen. The problem is when they are starting three months before Christmas the products become boring as they seem to show the same things over and over. I know people on the boards are complaining about that and about how boring the weekend programming has gotten to be. I remember the guy who brought the scary masks-Mario somebody-I think he does a lot of work in Hollywood for movies. Those masks were really something different.
      Greg is going to take the boat out of the water this weekend. I have not been in it one time this year and he has hardly used it either. With Brent gone he has no one to fish with. His one golfing friend was going to help him take it out but he just started a new job and is working seven days a week right now. So Adam is going to help him this afternoon I think. It is hardly worth having it anymore. I wonder what he will decide to do with it in the spring. We’ll see.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      Gone are those days our Nonna’s cooked for us. Those were the good old days. Now, we are the cooking Nonna/Nana’s. I love ethnic food. I am lucky enough to have 2 varieties- Italian, and German. I never met my German Oma, as she was gone way before we went to Germany for a while when my Opa was dying from cancer. I love Sauerkrait, and Schnitzel, and Spaetzle. Tillie has not made any sauerkraut in a while.
      that picture of Piper must be hysterical! She really hates to be restricted by her clothes. this winter, when it gets cold, will be interesting.
      I am dying for the Lock n Lock pie savers to come form the waitlist. I ordered 3 of them for the pies I make. The Tupperware one is Have are not high enough for my deep dish pies. I check in them every day!
      hope your day is not too chilly….I will be baking to make it warmer. You know that time when it is not cold enough for the heat, and you need a little warmth…..LOL
      Hope your day is going well!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello everyone.
      Here are the Cider Donut Muffins, made in the new pumpkin pan. One is with the cinnamon and sugar on, and one pic is without it.
      I love this new pan. I think corn bread in it would be adorable!

      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        These little cakes are adorable. Maybe with some of those orange sugar sprinkles on top. What was the flavor again? Apple cider?

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I guess I forgot to tell everyone that Danyielle is having a girl. I am so excited because they are so much easier for me to buy for. They always have cute things for girls. For boys it is always cars, trucks and guns. The boys like to pretend like they are hunting for deer and rabbit. Ethan hunts the enemy. We are never sure who the enemy will be but one night it was gophers on the roof. They would stand on the deck and pretend that they were shooting them down. It was funny.
      Well the series is tied now. Cardinals and Cubs one. We will see what happens at the next game. They all are playing really well but the Cardinals have made some major mistakes. That cannot keep doing that. They will end up losing this year.
      I think part of the problem with those people in New York they can get a lot of different things then we can and the people that live on the east coast can get a lot of crab and lobster that we cannot get here. If we have it shipped it is really expensive. I will have to look for the frozen crab cakes. I can probably find them at Schnucks. We can find a lot more then we could at the other grocery stores that we had before. They also have a lot of the fresh herbs. I like them a lot more then the ones that are in the bottles. We have fresh dill growing all over the place. We have been picking it and letting some of it dry and putting it in jars. If we don’t it will go to waste. We have been picking green peppers and hot peppers here lately. The just started growing when we had that last warm spell and have been growing ever sense. We have cut a bunch up and put it in the freezer. We also have been giving them away. We have tomato vines coming up again also. Ron tilled the garden under and when we had that warm spell it all started over again. I do not think that it will stay warm long enough for the tomatoes to do much. It would be nice if they would.
      How is your sil doing? Are they still treating her for the problem she had. Was it low white cells in the blood? I am getting forgetful. Hope that she is doing better. She will probably still make cookies. Does she have any kids or grand kids? She will make them for them. Well maybe not. If I do not feel like doing it one year I don’t. The kids notice that though.
      The shows on the q are the same ones over and over. It is fun that they had a couple of Quacker shows on to break it all up. We need some more fall shows. I think that you are right it was Mario that did the masks. I think that people decorate for Halloween just like they do for Christmas. They put up the lights and do all of that. We just need to remember their is another season before Christmas.
      Well that is about all from here. Congratulations to the Cubs for winning tonight.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I like your cider donuts. They look so good. That would look cute as corn bread muffins. The cider ones look really good. You know how to make a person hungry. I could eat some of those right now. It is a shame that we cannot grab one right off the screen.
      Which Angel shirt did you miss? The white one with the matching jacket or the plum colored one. They are both really cute. I have the plum colored one bought it a long time ago. I would love to have the white one with the jacket. It is on my wish list. Maybe I can get Ron to get it for me for Christmas. lol. He thinks that I have too much already. I bought a Christmas vest from a store when we have gone shopping on day. It was after Christmas so it was really cheap. I brought home and put it away and have never seen it again. I am not sure if it got mixed up with clothes that we gave away or what we did with it. It was really a good savings but not when you lose it before you ever get to wear it. I am always doing dumb things like that.
      Fresh bread tastes good no matter what you do with it I love it with toast and with spaghetti any way you want to fix it. That is one of my down falls. We were supposed to go to Oktoberfest today but my daughter did not come over so did not get to go. Ron took our car and went to the reunion at his old school He went to a one room school when he was younger and they have a school reunion every year. They all bring food to pass and they usually have a really good time. I do not go because they usually do not bring their husband or wife unless they went to school there. So that is okay.
      Well not much else going on here. It has been chilly here also. We have these heaters we use for this time of year. They work really well. They are cheaper then buying the propane gas that we have to get to use our stove of furnace.
      Enjoy the rest of your week-end.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I’ll bet the little cakes are almost gone. if I lived close I would be dropping by for coffee all the time just to check on what you have been baking and hoping for a sample. lol
      I hope that your pie savers come in soon. I think I have a small lock and lock obsession. Perhaps an intervention is in order. lol I especially can’t resist if they come out with a cute seasonal print. I have one’s for summer and winter-they should really do a fall leaves or pumpkin one. It’s too late for this year-maybe I can get a suggestion in for next year.
      I have to admit I am not a fan of sauerkraut. Greg loves it and I must admit he doesn’t get it very often as he is the only family member who likes it.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      That’s nice that Danyielle is having a girl. They do have much cuter things for girls although the clothes for boys are now cuter than they used to be. The problem now is when they get older. In fact I can always think of things that I could give Jenny but when it comes to Brent and Adam-not so much. I guess it’s just because I’m a girl too and know what interests them. What does Owen think about having a sister?
      Well the Cubs and the Cards have made it exciting thus far. I saw a guy in the audience the other night dressed like a billy goat. lol The people of Chicago are beside themselves with excitement over this.
      We are still getting some peppers out of the garden. Everything else is pretty much done.
      My SIL is doing better-the results with the bloodwork seems to go up and down. She’s still supposed to see the hematologist again in January unless the tests get bad again and then she will see him sooner. She has been so busy lately packing up her house to move. She finally sold it and is closing on the 15th-then she will move in with her fiancée. She has been having garage sales to try and sell some of the furniture that they don’t need. She doesn’t have any children. Her husband was 20 years older than her and already had grown children when they got married so I guess they chose not to have kids. Her fiancée has grandkids though and I think they live close by.
      You are right lots of people decorate really elaborately for Halloween. I like to drive around and see what people have done to their houses and yards for the season.
      Do you prebuy your propane for the winter? We usually prebuy a certain amount that they figure out according to our average usage and then we get it at a better price per gallon-plus it’s already bought and paid for by the time winter rolls around so I don’t have to think about that bill for the winter.
      I see Jurassic World is coming out on DVD next week. We missed seeing it at the theater in 3D so I guess I will buy the DVD when it comes out and watch it at home now.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      The recipe is supposed to taste the same as Apple cider Donuts- just not fried. Sprinkles would look cute too!
      Attaching the corn bread pic. I di these in the pan too, and am thrilled as to how they came out. they cooked quicker, and the nice crust is on the whole pumpkin shape, not just the top like it is in your square baking pan. I got those cute muffin papers from a catalog- made by Wilton. Then I Googles them on the Joanne Fabric website, and found a bunch of adorable ones for all the holidays.
      I love this pan, almost as much as my Temptations ones! I have to say, I am thrilled with the temptations pans. This is the first time I bought them, and they bake everything better. It would be great if they came out with cute pans like this pumpkin one too!

      PS…..I think the whole gang is coming for dinner. (I know Amanda is working- not sure about the others yet) We are making a German dish- a beef pot roast, with onion and carrot in the gravy. It is a loose gravy, with great taste- you put it over egg noodles, or Spaetzle. Heather is coming to put it together, as it is a lot of standing to saute, and stir….LOL

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG….I attached the wrong pic….LOL Here is the corn bread!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      LOL I hit the button before it attached- here is the 3rd try!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I missed the black angel shirt, that has 3 angels around the top/neckline. I loved that one! I keep looking, as they sometimes have returns, and then I can get one.
      Congrats on your daughter having a baby girl!
      I know how much you and Ron like potato soup. For the Sunday roundup recipe on the King Arthur Flour website, they did potato garlic soup. I printed the recipe out-one of my favorite ways to cook- the crock pot!
      You are making me want my mother’s homemade genuine Sauerkraut, with all the talk of Oktoberfest!! Maybe I can get Tillie to remember it. You know, we forget how our parents age, and as she is 89, she has forgotten a lot of things. It is fabulous- it has a hunk of German bacon, as well as a slab of the smoked pork. Yum yum. If I can get her to remember- I will post it for all of you!
      PS I think the gang is coming for dinner.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail
      I bet you never had it like Tillie makes. Totally different than anything you would get in a restaurant, or buy. It cooks on the stove for 2 to 3 hours. It has a slab of smoked bacon, and smoked ham- we get the ingredients from the German store. She puts in onions, and then in the end, you shred in some potato to make the juice a little thicker. I will have to get Tillie to see if we can write it all down.
      I wish you could juts pick one of my muffins off the screen! I so wish we lived closer, can you imagine the fin we would all have in the afternoons- coffee ( or wine). and a goodie on a cold afternoon. All with laughs, good conversation, and so much sparkle and shine that we would cause a sun burn…..LOL LOL
      Between our Lock and Lock and Temptations, there is very little room in our cabinets! I bought EVERY single pumpkin design they had. Still waiting for the oval baker t come in from the waitlist.
      I have my little Hallmark bat hanging from the cup holder in the doorway. Heather is going to scream- she is very east to scare….LOL

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hello all my Quacker friends. It is such a beautiful fall day here today. The sun is out but it is cool; in the 60’s and the leaves are beginning to turn and some have begun to drop. I know it must be just
      beautiful where you all live in the fall. I have always wanted to travel East this time of year. We used to tallk about doing just that; but as it goes in life; some things take a detour and you have to just make
      some adjustments. As I hear about different things going on in other peoples lives; I begin to understand that we are all due for some ups and downs; even though at times it seems like some are always going up and mabey we are on a downhill slide; but I know that what shows on the outside is not necessarily what is going on on the inside. Our dear neighbor lost her father to Alzheimers this week. I know Adele you are all to familiar with this as is your husband. It is such a terrible disease; robs people of so much and their families. I think when I spoke to her that she was actually kind of relieved
      because he and they have been through so much. How is your BIL doing? I so hope he is still able to know his loved ones. Prayers.
      The pictures of the little children in the Halloween costumes are so cute. We live so far off the road that none come to our house; but I still put out a bowl of goodies for our gang. It is funny; they are grown men; but still expect something at Halloween and also at Easter. Jerry is as bad as the boys. He loves malted milk balls and Snickers. Haha There is a cake recipe that calls for Snickers in it; and
      I have always wanted to try it. It just seems so rich though. I am not much of a candy eater. Its funny; because I like just about everything else! I saw the recipe for potato soup on King Authurs flour website too; and I am going to make it this week. It sounds so easy; and I know it won’t beat out Colleens special soup that she keeps handy for Ron; but it may come in second. I’ll let you all know.
      I had a picture made at a photo studio of Joey when he was two sitting in a bucket with a washcloth on his head. He only had a diaper on; and you could just see from the waste up. He was smiling so
      big; and it is really cute. Neal told me one day that he didn’t have any baby pictures; that by the time he was born I was all used up on having photos made. I almost fell out. He has lots of baby pictures.
      He just loves to give me a hard way; and pretend that he got the short end of the deal. Speaking of them; Joey and Lisa got home around 8 last night. Seems like they had a wonderful time. They took
      a 45 minute helicopter ride one day (Lisa’s first) Joey said when it first took off that he thought Lisa was going to faint; but got better once they got up in the air. He said they saw tons of sharks right off the
      beaches. Lisa said from that time on they wouldn’t even go out past their knees. They both said the sharks were in large packs swimming just right off shore. He said in one case, the shark was about
      50 feet from a person swimming and they were not even in deep water. That would really scare me. I bet that terrible storm they had recently has them all stirred up. Scary stuff. Neal and Sarah had their first anniversary on Saturday. They went back to their wedding day spot on the beach. He called this morning and said they had decided to stay one more day and come home tomorrow, It sounds like
      they have had a wonderful time. They have looked forward to these trips all year. I am close to saying that Jerry and I will leave on a road trip for a few days. We’ll see how things go.
      I too am a little upset with all this Christmas selling going on these days. Gosh; I want to enjoy Fall, and Halloween, and certainly Thanksgiving. Just seems like we have jumped in to this even earlier than
      usual this year. When is Angels wedding? Bet that will be one nice affair. She really looks good – you can tell she has really made an effort to lose weight. I thought she looked just fine before; but she I’m sure wanted to look extra special in her wedding dress. I am happy for them.
      Ruby didn’t especially want to leave last night to go back home. She and I had gotten into our little routines and I kind of think she was enjoying the slow pace up here. ha ha
      Congratulations on the news of a new grand daughter on the way; Colleen. She is going to have to hit the ground running to beat our little bare bottomed Piper. ha ha Do you all remember the man who used to interview children; and then he would say “kids say the darndest things”? It was Art Linkletter I think. And it was so cute to watch them just be themselves. They are so honest and have such
      imaginations. Do your grand children help you with your baking and things. I remember how Neal used to sit on my cannister vacuum and ride it while I vacuumed. And Joey would pull a stool up to the
      sink and help wash dishes. Somestimes we made an extra mess to clean up; but it was fun. Simple things. That was the best.
      Well, gotta go into the pharmacy; and pick up my Plavix. Somehow; it is off from the other medicines I take; so have to pick it up at a different time. I think I will splurge and get me one of those fancy
      Pumpkin Spice coffees. I am in the mood for a treat. Don’t know why; but woke up at 4 this morning and just could not go back to sleep. Finally just said to heck with it; and played on my I Pad for a couple of hours and then lay there with my eyes closed for about an hour before going back to sleep for a couple of hours. For some reason; I am not tired. It may hit me about 6 or so.
      Hope all is well; and you are having a good day. Make the best of this beautiful weather. Hugs, Barbara

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara
      Amanda loves to bake, and she likes to bake with me. But, the new job at the restaurant in Boston has taken over her life. She is working another double today. She text’d me, saying to save her some. If she gets out early enough, she will come by. We sent some home with heather, just in case.
      Steph and the kids did not come. JJ was still at a sleep over. and we all think Jhonny and Steph were taking the alone time to talk about their plans. Also think she is not ready to face the entire group. That is ok. I get it. Heather brought the boyfriend for dinner- that went well. A small group of 6 today.
      That is great that the boys and their spouses had such a great time. They all work hard. Everyone deserves a break, and you t and Jerry needed it too. Seems their vacation was a vacation for everyone.
      When the kids were little, things seemed so simple. Small things made them happy. Memories were made from the tiniest pieces in time. I remember one day, when I was a young girl, I was outside with my Nonna in the yard. I remember a butterfly landing on my face. I was so excited, and I remember her smile. Being a grandparent is a very special role. All my Quacker friends do a great job in that role!We are really blessed.
      Don’t forget to tell us how the soup was. I have my recipe copied, and ready to go. Tomorrow I am doing this oven pot roast, I got from one of my magazines. You do the rub the night before…..almost ready to do that. Then you put it, and carrots, potato, and onion in the foil with the meat, and cook for 4 1/2 hours. My kind of meal- little effort from Adele…..LOL I will let you know if it was well received.
      Weather here was also fabulous. Windows open all day, and now I have to close them, as it is getting cooler.
      Well…..off to do the rub!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      HI Gail,
      They are having that baby shower for her and she already has bought all the big stuff that she needs. So now we have to figure out what to buy her. I am thinking of getting her a bunch of diapers and onesies. They always seem to need them more then anything. Then when the baby is born I will get her some more things. She will think of things that she needs after that. She may need bottles and pacifiers and things like that. You never seem to get enough of them. It is hard to buy for someone who went out and bought all of the big things that they need. She even bought a stroller. We usually go in together and buy stuff like that so the mom does not have to. I could bop her one for buying all of that. She did not think that anyone would give her a shower because this is her second child. She does not realize that it has been a long time since she had Owen and people realize that she needs new things for her.
      That is so funny that the guy had a billy goat costume on. Maybe it will work. This old man must have really been good at putting curses on the Cubs. You would think that since it happened so long ago it would not be good anymore. It is funny how things like that happen.
      We do pre buy or propane. We are like you and Greg we have it filled and then do not have to worry about it until into the summer. It is nice not to have to worry about filling it all winter. We wait until they send us a thing saying that it is cheaper and we get it then. We own our own tank so we can buy from whatever company we want to. We usually get some good bids so it is nice.
      It is fun to drive around and see all the decorations in peoples yards. They really have some cute ones. There is one house down here that goes all out. They have the graves some with the hands reaching out and ghosts all over. I bet they have a lot of kids that go to their house and get candy. I am not sure if they have spooky noises coming from the house or not. None of our kids go there trick or treating. The house is in Farmington and none of them live there.
      I cannot imagine having all that stuff out of a house to move in with someone else. That would be hard to do an get rid of all the stuff that you do not need. She has lived in that house for a lot of years. She probably has had a lot of yard sales. Hope she has sold a lot. Sounds like she is doing better hope that when she goes to the hematologist that he thinks things are going fine.
      We have never gone to see any of those movies. Hope you can get it when it comes out. If you have been watching all of them you do not want to miss out on this one.
      Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Your pumpkin corn bread came out really good. Bet they tasted really good. How nice that the whole family is coming for dinner. Heather is a good daughter coming to help you since she knows that it is hard for you to stand that long. You have good kids.
      The sauerkraut sounds really good. I hope that Tillie remembers how she made it. My moms family was German and my Dads was Irish. My grandma use to make some fantastic food but she never wrote a recipe down. When asked how to make things she would say oh use a dash of this and a dash of that. She never measured anything and it came out perfect all the time. We all wish that we could have some of grandmas recipes but they all went to heaven with her. My mom remembers some of them and wrote down the ones that she remembered and made a cook book for all the girls in the family. All of her granddaughters have one. They were all happy that she did that for them. So now they can make things that they loved to eat at grandmas. She use to make a fruit cake that was fantastic but she cannot remember how she made it. I know that she poured brandy on it every so often so it would not be dry. She use to let it sit in a cabinet and when you opened it you could smell the brandy. When you ate it you could not taste it though. They all made such good food. Even when we helped her in the kitchen you do not remember how to make things. It is a shame that we did not make notes of what we did to help her.
      My mom will be 93 next month. It does not seem like she should be that old. I have noticed that she does not remember things like she use to but she is still pretty sharp. She does a lot of reading and studying different things. One day she wrote down all of the presidents and the year that they were in office. She had to look some of them up but remembered most of them. She even wrote a separate sheet of which ones were in office while she has been alive. She does that so she can stay sharp. She lives by herself and has a lot of time on her hands. Wish she was still driving she could get out more.
      You have me thinking about my mom and my grandma now. It is fun to think back on the times when grandma and grandpa were around. They were two great people.
      Well that is about all from here. Hope that your dinner turned out good and everyone showed up.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      Sounds like all of your kids had a great time on their vacations. You and Jerry had a nice time also. Where are the two of you going are do you know yet. Hope you have as much fun as the kids had. Just take it easy and stop a lot so neither one of you get tired and sore.
      I have heard of that snicker cake. I have never tried it though. It was really popular for awhile but do not know if they make it that much now. Maybe since I cannot eat it now I do not pay as much attention to whether it is on the table at buffets at family gatherings anymore. I am getting to be a boring cook.
      I do not think kids ever change. My girls are the same way. If I have Halloween candy here they will eat some also. Sometimes they will stick it in there purses and take it home with them. They also tell me what Easter candy that I need to have in the bowl on the table. So they can have their favorite kind. We started going to trunk or treat at the church now since we do not get any kids here. So we have a five pound bag of candy here for the kids. They have a lot of kids that go to the church to get candy. I guess they feel safe going there. It would be strange for people to give out things that are not good at a church. We were glad that we found a place to go. It is fun and we do get to see the kids all dressed up.
      Ron would have a fit if I found a new recipe for potato soup. He hates the stuff. He has been being really nice to me here lately. Guess he know that it is that time of year for the soup and he knows that potato is going to be here soon. lol. He is a pain sometimes but I do know how to make him do things that I want done with it. Guess I am not a nice person.
      Thank you we are all excited for the arrival of the new baby. She will have a hard time competing with Piper. I remember Art Linkletter. We use to watch that show all the time when I was a kid. My mom really liked that. It is funny to think back that it was in black and white and now everything is in color. They do not realize how nice the black and white was. I enjoyed watching the old shows in black and white and think that they ruin them when they make them in color. They should leave them alone. It takes away from what they were,. I guess a lot of people do onto agree with me.
      Mine do help me when they are here. Some of them like to bake and some do not. The boys use to like to until they found that it is being a sissy to help cook. Owen loves to cook. He likes to pick things out of the garden and then help me cook them on the stove. He would put an apron on and everything. He may do it now if the other kids are not here. Ethan is the same way. He likes to bake cookies though. He would not go as far as Owen. He will not do that if the other kids are around either. Boys are so much different girls.
      I would not have gone near the water if their is sharks. I am a coward. They are really dangerous. They are coming closer to the shore a lot here lately.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Barbara,
      Sounds like the boys had good vacations. It is nice to get away. I think we never took enough vacations either as a family or as a couple. It’s tough to get away when hubby is running a business. Now he has someone that can kind of take care of things when he is gone but that’s just been in the last couple of years-and he usually calls in to check on things when we are out of town. I would like to take that same driving tour through Vermont in the fall. Our old neighbors from years ago took that drive and had a spectacular time. That’s scary that the kids saw so many sharks on the helicopter ride. I never usually go into the ocean past my knees anyway. I always thought the ocean was more for wading than swimming. I like to be able to see what is underneath me-like in a pool.
      Angel’s wedding is in November. I think she said six weeks from last Friday.
      Barbara, did you ever figure out how to accept friend requests? I see that you still are not on my list of friends. Go to your my page and you should see the requests there.
      That’s funny about Neal and the photos-I always said that by the time they got to me there was very little written in my baby book. Mom was just too busy by then. I would guess baby books are now a thing of the past. I don’t think any of Jenny’s kids had one but of course nowadays all the kids lives are documented with cell phone photos and Facebook and instagram postings.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I have not heard of sauerkraut with bacon and ham in it. That is different. Greg loves pot roast and I like to make it as it is such a simple dish to make-everything in one pot and shove in the oven. I still do the old recipe from when I was first married with the cream of mushroom soup and the package of dried onion soup. I was thinking that you cook and bake a lot-often for a group of people. Who does all your grocery shopping and lugging of stuff? When you are cooking for a lot of people that’s a lot of groceries and maybe it’s just me but I find that now grocery shopping just seems to wear me out by the time I have shopped. loaded and unloaded the car and put everything away. I guess that I am just a wimp in my old age. lol But that seems like a lot for you to be doing with a bad back.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I can understand why Danyielle thought she would not have a shower as usually people just have them for first babies. And she wanted to be prepared for this new one so she just went out and got the stuff herself. Maybe since she has most of what she needs people will just give her a lot of clothes in different sizes. Diapers are always good since you are buying them constantly and I remember how much money that cost when our family was young. Adam’s Mom would often buy then a big box of diapers and I know they appreciated that.
      Years ago we went on what’s called an Autumn Drive around here. There are a bunch of houses on the route and you drive around to them and they have different things that they are selling. It’s kind of a fun thing to do on a nice fall day. I think it’s this coming weekend so I doubt that we can do it as it’s the same weekend as the ONP concert. I would like to do it again someday though. It was fun seeing all the different foods and crafts and things for sale.
      When a house is decorated too scary for Halloween Jenny’s kids won’t go to it. They are funny.
      Tell Owen and Ethan that some of the greatest chefs in the world are men and they are not sissies. lol Tell them they better learn to cook as it’s all part of growing up and learning to take care of themselves-it’s neither a male nor a female activity. When they go off on their own when they grow up they will want to know how to cook or they will get mighty hungry. lol I suppose at their age they never worry about that-they think Mom will always be around to cook for them or they will just subsist on McDonalds or pizza. lol I’ll bet eventually they’ll discover that cooking’s a handy thing to know. I’ll bet all our husbands could whip up several good meals if they needed to. One thing I know-Ron wouldn’t be making potato soup. lol Speaking of soup. Lachlan and Piper love soup which seems unusual for little kids. When we went out to dinner the other night Lachlan said that he just wanted soup-so I am always trying to think of good soups for Jenny to make that the kids might like.
      My SIL ended up taking some of her furniture to her finacee’s second home. He just bought it last winter so it wasn’t totally furnished yet so they are using some of her stuff there. I think they gave away her family room furniture on Craig’s List. She is still trying to sell her living room furniture which is older but probably in excellent shape as no one ever went into her living room.
      I have seen all the Jurassic Park movies(except the new one) and read all the books. I loved those books-remember I wanted to be an archeologist so a book about someone creating dinosaurs was right up my alley. That reminds me-Have you seen the Indiana Jones movies? One of the things we saw at Disney was an Indiana Jones show where they showed how they did some of the stunts with the fighting and the explosions-it was really interesting.
      Well, I guess that’s all from here. I was wide awake in the middle of the night and now I am getting sleepy again so I guess I will go lay back down.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen

      Dinner was good. I am lucky to have kids who help out. I need to count my blessings every day. Steph did not come. Heather brought food home to the girls. Manda worked late yesterday, and Marissa was helping Enzo work on his car, and hers- he put in some ball joint thing for her. It was a quieter family dinner…..LOL
      We are lucky to still have our Moms. Tillie does the same thing- she forgets a lot, and cannot remember things I told her. Hey- I hope we are at least as good as they are, should we make it that long.
      I am still amazed at how good that pan did the corn bread.
      I did get Tillie to give me the ingredients for the sauerkraut. I can post it, if you like. Do you have a German grocery/butcher in your area?
      Hope your day is good- it is warm here- a perfect day.
      PS hope your daughter is feeling good!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      ‘Oh God no- I do not do the food shopping! Bobby does it on Sunday mornings. he gets up early, goes for a big breakfast, and then does the food shopping. He does it for all of us- the household, and Tillie downstairs. She gets things for breakfast. and snacks for herself. She also gets some soups, in case she does not want to come up for dinner. I am really lucky. Gary and I will do a BJ’s run. But, I have had to take the “booby cart”, as I call it. Usually, we have Bobby bring in all the stuff, accept the perishables that need to get in right away. I also have a lot delivered. If we do nto get to BJ’s, I order paper goods/cleaning things from Walmart. I love that free delivery!
      If you would like- I can post the recipe for the real German Sauerkraut. I got Tillie to list the ingredients. Do you have a German store near you?
      Hope your day is good- nice here- I am making the oven pot roast. I am also working on Aizen’s stocking. I HAVE to get it done by Thanksgiving.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      That is nice that she can move some of her things to the second house. She will not have to get rid of all of her things. That would be hard to do. There a re a lot of my things that I would not want to get rid of. That sounds like my mom. She had white furniture in her living room in her one house and no one went in there but guests that came to see just her and my dad. They bought this after we had all moved away except my brother and he was getting ready to go to college.
      I do not think that most people have a second baby shower. In Ron’s family they have one every time they get pregnant. I do not go to all of them. After the first I feel that I am not longer obligated unless I want to go. Sometimes I will go if the first baby was a girl and the second is a boy. It is hard to know what to do when each family is different. They are not like my side of the family. That makes it hard.
      The autumn sounds like a nice drive. I love to go and see what people are selling. They have some creative people that can make a lot of nice things. My niece makes really pretty wreaths. She has made a couple for me. She has also made me a swag to hang over my door. It has been hanging there for years. I hope that you can go next year and see what all they have to offer.
      I may have to show them that book by Micheal Symon. So they can see that he is a chef. If they did not say some things that are a little off the wall on the Chew they could watch that. I watched them today at Epcot. It was a pretty good show. It was fun to see Micheal make something from all the fresh veggies that he got from there. I cannot remember what they called their garden now. It will come to me after I get off of here. That hot pepper they had would be too hot for me to eat. I cannot believe that he fixed that in with his chicken well with the veggies. Ron use to grow those ghost peppers but they were too hot for anyone to eat so he stopped. So if these peppers are hotter then that it seems like ti would make you sick.
      One thing these boys will find out that it gets expensive to go out to eat all the time. Even if it is going to Mc Donald’s. It is cheaper to cook and not depend on anyone to cook for you. Even the food in the cafeteria gets tiresome. When Danyielle lived at the dorm she liked it if I would bring her stuff she could fix in a microwave. Her and her room mate had a microwave and a little fridge in their room. You know the dorm size ones. So even they got tired of food from different places.
      That is good that Piper and Lachlan like soup. They have some really good soups now. I love to make soup and when they have colds chicken noodle soup is really good for them. I made a big pot of it tonight for dinner. Ron liked that and ate a lot of it. So the next time it will be potato soup. I hope that he has not aggravated me and he has to eat it all week.lol
      We did watch Indiana Jones. We watched all of the movies and the kids liked them also. That would be interesting to see how they did all those stunts for that movie. They had a lot in them. In the one that woman screamed so much I am surprised that she did not have a sore throat all the time. I have watched different movies like that one but not a lot.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I bet the corn bread muffins tasted really good. It would be hard to bite into one they were so cute. They really look like miniature pumpkins. That was a cute idea. I would like to have the recipe for the sauerkraut. If I cannot find what I need her I can have my daughter look it up in St. Louis and see if she can find one there. I am sure that she can. They have all kinds of stores up there. They still have little communities where different nationalities live. It is nice even if part of the family shows up. At least there was family there. The dinner sounded really good if you want to print the recipes I will gladly try it.
      We are lucky to have our mothers. There are not a lot of people that can say that they still have their moms at our age. That is good that Tillie remembered the recipe. She probably made it enough to remember it. It is fun to hear them talk about what it was like when they were girls. Life was so much different then. They seemed to have a good time no matter what they did.
      My daughter is feeling fine now. She went thru a really rough time there for a while but she is over it now. We are all anxious for the baby to come. We still have a few more months to go though before the arrival. She has a really big tummy this time around. With her son I do not remember her getting that big. That was a long time ago though. I am just excited to have another grand child. They are so much fun. We were running out of kids that believed in Santa but now she will be the one. We will just have to watch the other kids. So they do not tell her. We are really trying to keep Kaylee from finding out. Her older brother knows and it is hard for him not to say anything. You know how kids are.
      Our weather is cooling down. It was warmer in the morning then it was this afternoon. That cold front is moving thru our area so this week will be nice and cool. I really like that. I do not like it to be so hot this time of year. It is the time of year for all the festivals. I cannot wait to go to more of them.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I don’t think they do showers after the first baby much around here either. Except maybe if there was 10 years or something between babies. A shower for each kid seems like a lot to have. Plus it would not seem quite fair if one person had 2 kids and another had six. It would get quite expensive for the guests who are invited.
      I think Michael was talking about the hydroponic gardens that they had at Disney. We went on a ride that showed how they did all that. It was interesting-probably more so for anyone that gardens or comes from farming country like we do. Do they grow a lot of field corn and soybeans in your area of the country? The farmers have started to harvest around here. I was surprised as I hadn’t been out and into town for several days and a lot of the corn fields have been harvested. Greg used to grow some really hot peppers too-I think they were thai peppers but no one ever ate them because they were too hot.
      Gosh when I was in college we had one refrigerator that the whole floor shared. I don’t know if they even made those small dorm size refrigerators back then-if they did they were probably really expensive. And of course the microwave wasn’t even invented yet. I remember I got my first microwave for a Christmas present-it must have been sometime in the latter part of the eighties. Our grandkids and maybe even some of our kids will not remember pay telephones. Actually I don’t think the grandkids have ever had a landline in their house. We have to keep a landline because our cell phone reception out here is rather sketchy. I remember when I was five and we first moved from Chicago to the country we had a party line. How funny is that-you could get some good gossip that way. lol
      What kind of soup did you make the other night? What is the name of those mixes that you use again? I don’t usually use mixes for soup but that would be a good thing to have on hand in the pantry. I’m at the stage where simpler is better. lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Please post the sauerkraut recipe. We have no German store around here but I’m pretty good at finding substitutions.
      I thought all those weekly ingredients would be way too much grocery shopping for both you and Gary. Bobby really earns his keep. Now the next question is how do you plan dinner as it seems you could have anywhere from 2 to 8 people stopping by looking for something to eat. Do you always cook in large quantities?
      I never even thought about ordering cleaning stuff from WalMart and having it delivered. I hate lugging around all that stuff. I have enough problems just getting the food shopping done without cleaning and paper products too. I know Jenny orders diapers in a big box from somewhere that she has delivered but it never occurred to me I could do that with tp and paper towels and laundry detergent. Duh!
      How is your weather? We went from 78 degrees down to 60 in a very short time yesterday and it was really really windy. By the weekend the highs will only be in the 50’s. The ONP concert is this weekend and it’s kind of bittersweet as I used to go with Brent and Kim and last year Brent and I went together. This year I will have to go with Greg which is a total pain in the butt because then I have to be there at 2 in the afternoon for a concert that won’t start until 7 because he has to be there so early to warm up and stuff. Oh well-it can’t be helped.
      How did the pot roast turn out-it looks like it’s getting to be pot roast and stew and chili weather around here soon.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      The corn bread tasted better in the pumpkin pan, because it got that nice little crust all over the pumpkin, instead of just the top of the pan baked ones.
      I am glad your daughter is feeling better. Being pregnant is not as easy as people think.
      I am attaching a pic of the roast I made last night. It was a huge hit- not one complaint. Maybe they figured if they said one more thing, a strike would be looming…..LOL

      Here is the recipe for Tillie’s Sauerkraut:
      2 large cans of sauerkraut ( size of the big cans of Kitchen ready tomato’s)
      smoked daisy ham- small
      piece/slab of smoked bacon ( this hangs from a string in a German deli)
      3 smoked pork chops
      1 tsp caraway seeds
      saute 2 onions in a piece of the slab bacon, and add to the pan, juices and all

      Put all in a large pan, and boil for 2 hours. At the end of the boiling time , with about a half hour left, grate in 2 potato’s- this will thicken up the broth a little.
      Serve with Spaetzle’s, or mashed potato, or anything you like!

      All items are purchased in a German deli/store. You cannot get a smoked Daisy ham in the supermarket, or smoked pork chops, or the level the German’s smoke bacon, either. You may find the cans of German Sauerkraut or the Spaetzle’s in the ethnic section of a supermarket. We just get everything at the German store.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi GAil
      Look at the post I did for Colleen- I wrote the recipe, and took a pic of the roast when I opened the foil. The instructions were simple. Here they are:

      You get a 4 pound piece of chuck roast, and cut it in 2 pieces. Then rub the pieces, and refrigerate overnight. Cut up 4 big carrots, 2 onions, and 6 potato’s, and one bay leaf- place in the foil- you do 2 pieces of the big foil, going different ways, so you can seal it up completely- really big pieces, so it can be sealed. Drizzle over the vegies, 2 tbsp. of soy sauce. Put the meat on top of the vegies, and seal it all around. Cook at 300, on one rack lower than the middle, for 4 1/2 hours. Take the meat out, and let it “rest ” for 20 minutes- enjoy!

      3 tbsp. cornstarch
      4 tsp onion powder
      2 tsp light brown sugar
      2 tsp salt
      1tsp pepper
      1 tsp garlic powder
      1 tsp espresso powder (I actually have this on hand, because I use it for baking…..LOL)
      1 tsp dried thyme
      1tsp celery seed

      the soups we get are from Bear Creek- from Walmart. You can order them when you order your paper/detergents! Let me tell you how easy that is. No carrying into the house, no putting all in the car, etc. the only thing is, Walmart sometimes takes a week to get things to you, and it may come in 25 different boxes…..LOL

      I read the post Colleen wrote, and it looks like you SIL was able to take a lot of her furniture to the new house- that is great!
      I forgot to say yesterday-it looks like my BIL is now going to stay in the home he was put in, while my SIL was moving them to a smaller house. All his doctors are telling her to let him stay there. They have done great work with him, and been able to handle him when he gets belligerent. he got that way every afternoon, and it was getting too much for her to handle. My SIL is about 5 ft. 2 inches tall, and weighs about 90 lbs soaking wet. he is much taller, and bigger than she is. We were all getting concerned for her safety. You know, this was a very gentle, professional man, who never raised his voice. Very sad what Alzheimers does to a person. My Sil is feeling very guilty about this. We all keep telling her it is the right thing to do. But, it is her husband. She has told me many times, that neither of us ever thought our retirements would look like this. It is what it is, as I say.
      Going to 2 doctors with Gary in a bit- talk later!
      Hope your day is good- it got cooler here- in the 6-0’s- going to get real chilly in a couple of days……..let the baking begin!
      Oh….I always cook a larger amount, as I have no idea who will show up to eat. Last night, Amanda came by, and we convinced her to stay. I also like left overs, as that is an easy night!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello everyone!!!

      Look at the post to Colleen for the Sauerkraut recipe, and on Gail’s for the oven pot roast recipe!!

      Happy cooking, Quackers!


    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      You are right it was the hydroponic garden.I bet that was fun to go thru. He really picked some big veggies. Did they let you buy any of the veggies are were they just for Epcot? That would be fun if they let you buy some and you could cook them at home. It all looked so good and would be fun to cook with. Today they had a contest between Mario and Micheal. Micheal made something with angel hair pasta and vegetables the Mario made some type of shrimp dish with hot peppers. They all voted for Micheal except for two people. They put a crown on Michael and had him wear a cape. Mario had to wear a jesters hat. It was really funny,.
      They do grow corn and soy beans in our area. My mom has more of that where she lives. They do raise a lot of live stock here. On our land we do not have a lot of flat land to grow corn. It is not bad for cattle but not a lot of veggies will grow on the ground here. We also have a lot of rocks on our property. So it took a long time to get all the rocks out of the way of the gardens that we do have.
      I do not remember those small refrigerators when we were younger either. It was really nice for Danyielle she went to college in St. Louis so we did not get up there as often. It was too far for her to come home very often. Her roommate was from Hawaii. She would bring us macadamia nuts from there and we always sent extra food for Danyielle to share with her. She did come and spend a week-end with us and one of her breaks she came home with Danyielle and stayed for a few days. She only went to school here for one year and then she went back home. I guess she really missed her family.
      There are so many things that our kids and grand kids missed out on. The grands and the girls do not like to watch a black and white movie. They do not appreciate the history of it. We got Its a Wonderful Life in black and white and they will not hardly watch it. They are also making it in color now. We have not bought one it makes the actors and actresses look strange. They put that really red lipstick on them and it looks really thick. The girls still remember pay phones but the grands have no idea what we are talking about. It is funny how times have changed. We have to have a land line here also. I remember party lines.That was always interesting. You could never say anything that you did not want to get around everywhere. Everyone seemed to know who their was on their party line. I do not know if the telephone company told them or how they knew.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Thank- you for the recipes. They both look and sound really good. I will have to try both of them. I saw a recipe on an ad for the dump crock pot meals and she made one with chicken and dressing. She did dump mixed veggies on it but I would not do that. The chicken and dressing would be enough for me.
      Well I went to the doctor today and my primary doc sent me to the wrong one. He was a colon surgeon. He did talk to me and told me that he could do an mri and another test but then he would have to send me to a gastro doc after that. I told him that I thought he sent me to the wrong doc when I found out he was a surgeon. He said that he could do surgery but he did not think that was the way I wanted to go. I told him that he was right. I would rather they do the ercp and then there is not surgery and long stays in the hospital. So he is trying to find me a gastro so I can see who I need to see. He is a young doctor so he may have gone to school with the guy he thought about sending me to. I was so disgusted with the whole thing. I had to pay a 45 dollar copay for him to tell me I needed to see a gastro. I guess that he felt that he should help me out since they did that to me. He was a nice doc.
      You need to find a recipe that they do not like and make it a few times when they complain about your meals. that is why I make potato soup a lot. I do like it but Ron does not. So when he makes me mad or says something that makes me mad he is on the potato soup diet.lol He is a slow learner. I cannot go on strike because I have been sick for awhile so do not cook big meals right now. I did make him some soup though. So what more does he want.
      That is a smart thing to do leaving you bil in the home he is in. If they take him somewhere it may really confuse him an he will become more belligerent. Alzheimer is such a sad disease. Really nice people change over night. You do not see it coming as quickly as it does come. It also is better where he is at because there are a lot more people to help with him. If one person has a lot of problems with him there are others that can come and help. When you are home alone there is no one else but you. That can be really hard. God bless her that is a hard decision to make.
      I hope that Gary’s doctors appointments went well today. It is hard when you have to go to two doctors on the same day.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night will talk to you later. Thank again for the recipes.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Thanks for the recipes. They sound so good. Hope Gary’s doctors visits went well yesterday. It’s funny that now we consider a visit to the doctors a “day out.”lol
      I think having your BIL staying in the nursing home is really for the best for everyone at this point. I know your SIL feels guilty-everyone does when it comes to this point but realistically she can no longer take care of him on her own without risk to her own health. She has to understand that she is not breaking any promises to him that came with the marriage vows-she is doing what is right and best for him in sickness. It is such a heartbreaking illness because the essence of the person becomes lost inside their own mind. Each visit to see them becomes emotionally exhausting and we grieve for that person who is no longer really there except in body. It is so so sad and your SIL is in my prayers asking for strength and understanding to be sent her way. I’m sure that Gary is feeling very sad too.
      How goes the job search for Jhonny? I hope that he’s finding some opportunities with his good recommendations. How is Amanda liking her classes?
      They are saying we may be getting a frost this weekend. So I guess fall is coming.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      No you couldn’t buy the hydroponically grown foods. We saw them on a ride about Agriculture through the Ages and Greg said the stuff we saw was actually models not real fruits and vegetables so the actual gardens must have been somewhere else in the area. It was really interesting though.
      A lot of the farm fields around here have big rocks too and they pop up more in the spring after the snows. In fact when Brent was in high school the guys would earn pocket money because the farmers would pay them to go out in the fields and collect some of the big boulders in the spring. Plus that’s where we got some of the big rocks for our koi pond-the farmers were more than happy for Greg and Brent to come and take some of them away.
      Our kids never liked black and white movies either. I guess it’s just a matter of what you grew up watching. I remember watching black and white TV through all of my childhood. I can’t really remember when we got our first color TV.
      I’m so sorry that the doctor sent you to the wrong specialist. That is maddening to spend the time going there and paying the co-pay and then finding out it was the wrong type of doctor.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      It is good that my BIl is in a place that can help me. My SIL is still struggling with tat decision, because this is not how she planned to live the rest of her life. She has been with him for about 50 years. Very sad.
      Gary will have surgery again soon. This time for “trigger finger”. He has it in his hand real bad, and the cortisone shots do not work on it any longer. It is a day surgery, and he will be home within about 4 hours. He will also have a nuclear test on his kidneys Friday- that will actually tell exactly how much functioning each kidney has. So, now he sees a Nephrologist, as well as the Urologist. While I was in one of the waiting rooms yesterday, I actually counted how many doctors he goes to see- 7. I am so tired of doctor appointments. I have only 3- my GP, back, and knee doctors, and a once a year to the dermatologist.
      I hope you like the recipes.
      That is absolutely awful about your doctor appointment yesterday. I would call that primary, and ask for a refund from him. I want to come out there and smack him (your primary) for you!
      I sincerely hope this next doctor is the right one to solve your stomach problem. You are in my prayers!
      Hope your day is going well.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi GAil
      You are so right. Both my SIL and Gary are struggling with Don’s Alzheimers. I was looking for a book for Gary, but, he does not read. (he is dyslexic) I would have to read it to him- he is not a fan of that one, or a movie. He wants to be able to better understand what is going on. I found one movie- “Still Alice”, so far. Before I get it, still looking to see if that is the best one.
      Well. My beautiful Quacker pants came, and I have to send them back again., I would still have to do a hem, and I would lose all the decorations. I hate to send them back- they are so pretty!!! No other choice. I was hoping the decoration was high enough, that I would not lose it…and I got the short’s. I got the pretty red cardigan, width the trees on it- wanted the black, but, I missed that one too! I finally got the Love shirt for Thanksgiving- glad I was able to get it.
      Gary will be going for surgery on his hand- for the trigger finger thing. He also has a nuclear medicine test scheduled for Friday- that will show exactly how much functioning he has in both kidneys. More follow appointments will be scheduled……….auugghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I counted- he has 7 doctors he is now seeing. I have 3, so that makes 10, altogether.
      It is supposed to get real cool tonight- baking weather!!!
      Tonight doing my old tried and true roast pork- I just cut up potato’s, and out them around the roast, and season with salt, pepper, and garlic, and then pats of butter around to roast the potato’s, and bsate the meat. I have a “meat roast” feature on my oven, and that makes the meat come out fabulous.
      So, Tillie just told me she hurt her back opening a window. A window, she has been told not to touch. If that does not get better quick, off to another apt, we go. I have her take 2 alleve’s to hopefully stop any swelling, real quick. I hope it works. You know, on any given day, there are from 4 to 6 people coming and going around here. Any one of them could have opened that dam window.
      Hope your day is going well!! Thank you for the prayers!
      Hey…..how has that foot been doing????

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      *******************************************EMERGENCY REVISION TO THE SAUERKRAUT RECIPE******************************

      God bless Tillie, she is, after all, 89 and counting. So, I tell her at the dinner table that I posted her recipe for all to enjoy. Then it dawns on me- you would have to put in some water, or it would burn. So, I ask her. and she says, “Of course you do”. So, I ask how much. She is not sure. We settled on a half of a can of water, measured form the large can of sauerkraut.

      So, ladies, watch your pots. If you feel after the boiling for a while, that it may burn, add a little more as you go along. This is not a “soupy” recipe. It generates some fluid on it’s own, but not a lot. But, enough to keep it from burning, when you simmer it on low for the 2 hours. When it is ready, it will be wet, but not soaked in a soupy broth- hope that helps.

      Just remember- you can add, but, not take away once you do.

      Sorry for the confusion, everyone…….Quacky cooking!

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hey everybody… it’s HOTTER THAN HELL OVER HERE. I just finished vacuuming the back patio and I Windexed and dusted everywhere. It is 102 and I am so over this BS. We do NOT have a fall here. It stays HOT until November, Sigh. I did have a killer garage/estate sale last weekend and it actually dropped to a freeze of 85 with clouds IT WAS WONDERFUL. I’m having another garage sale Halloween weekend MAYBE; I may put it off until the following week. I am in SHORTS. NO TOP (remember…patio, back yard) and i am just about ready to go COMANDO.. I’m trying to balance the chemicals in the jacuzzi now. I’m the only one that uses it, and I put in a stereo out there but not hooking it up until 7pm. TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! I got the latest Dream Jeans in with the bling in a medium. I also have these from a couple years agoSo NOT ready to wear them until MAYBE the end of Novmber. We cremated the last family member which was my husband’s father this week. So now it’s just me and him. No kids, no family. I guess I’ll be the only one not celebrating anything this year. Which SAVES ME $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

      Not seeing too many posts unless come on line. Just checking in. Ahh…central air just blasted me.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Hi everyone. Cool here again tonight. Jerry and I took a walk outside this afternoon and I had to put on one of my Quacker jackets. It is brown, got it last year. It felt good. Neal and Sarah came home while we were at the grocery store; and went up to their room then came down later. I had already made sloppy joes but they said they had plans for dinner. No real problem; just will have something for Joey to eat tomorrow. He has to work tonight. I don’t see how he can eat this after working all night; but it doesn’t seem to bother him. We offered Lisa some; but she had already gotten something
      else. So when they ask if we have dinner tomorrow; I will tell them to warm up the leftover sloppy joes. Jerry and I can’t eat it; bothers our stomachs.
      Boy, it is so hot where you are Cynthia. Sounds like your garage sell went so well. Wish I had the strenght to hold one. I have so much that I know someone else could use.
      Oh, gosh, I forgot to fix Jerry and I something for tonight. Gotta go and make us some sandwiches and a salad. Will write more later. Barbara

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Micheal Symon went thru the one where the veggies were the real ones. It is interesting to see how they grow them. He said that there were a lot of families that went thru there and he was glad to see kids in there. He thought that they enjoyed being in there to see how the veggies grow. That would be a fun place to go.
      That made it really nice. You got the boulders you needed and they got rid of the boulders that they did not want. It seems like people that live in farm country are nice about doing things like that. They just want the stuff out of their way and do not worry about being paid for them. It works really well.
      When we got our first color tv I was in grade school. I think the upper grades. I can remember because we invited all our friends in the neighborhood to come over and watch cartoons in color with us. I know that my parents were really excited when they had all these kids in the living room. They did not say anything though just set a limit for how long we could watch rv. That way they could send them home when they were ready.lol
      Not much going on here just our same boring life. This month is going by so fast though. Halloween will be here soon and then Thanks giving. I cannot believe that it is going so fast. Will the family come to your house this year or will you go to Jenny’s. Everyone will be coming here. I do love the family get togethers this time of year.
      Talk to you later.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      That is really sad for your sil. I am sure that this is not the life she had planned for them. Fifty years is a long time. It would be hard to get use to not having your husband around. We had to put my dad in a nursing home. Mom could not take care of him and he had to have a catheter put in so that took special care for him. We all hated that he was in there. I am sorry for Gary also. It would be hard for him to see his brother going thru that. I will pray for all of you.
      Poor Gary. He has really been going thru a lot here lately. I will be praying that he come thru all of that okay. It seems that the older we get we spend more time at the doctor then we do with anyone else. They have become our new best friends.lol I hope that his kidneys are functioning properly. What will they do if they are not? Will he go on dialysis or put more stints in? That is a hard thing to have to go thru.
      There is a book about Alzheimer called Grace. They recommended that we read if where I worked. It was more a book for women though I am not sure what books that they have for men. It would be nice if they did. It would explain a lot of things that they do not know about. I have not heard about the movie Alice. I have not seen it or read a book about it. I know that it new and that may really help him a lot also.
      I hope that Tillie’s back is okay. She just did not think. She wanted a window open and thought she could do it herself. She wants to be independent. With my mom we have to set her thermostat so she does not burn up in the summer or freeze during the winter. We will set it and my brother will tell her not to touch it. So every time he goes to her house he checks to see where the temp is set at or if she moved it. I guess when our parents get older they want to save money. So we have to watch our for them. You are lucky that Tillie lives with you. You can take care of her. My mom will not live with any of us. We told her she could go and stay a month with one of us and then move on to the next one of us. Seh will have nothing to do with that either. She says she will just be in the way. She is hard headed.
      have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      Sounds like you have been really busy. Glad that your garage sales went so well. The heat there would kill me. I am glad to have the cool weather and not all that heat. The jaccuzi sounds really nice.
      Those jeans are really cute. I did not get a pair. Not sure that I wanted all that bling at the leg. Sometime it is not comfortable when you sit down. They are really cute though. i bet you will look good in them.
      You and your husband can celebrate. Maybe you can celebrate with your sister. That would be nice. I am sorry to hear about our Father in law. You have really had a lot of deaths in your family this year.
      Take care.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      My laptop crashed last night so Greg had to reboot it and I’ve been working on putting everything back the way it was before. I knew it was coming as it had been acting funny for a few weeks but I forgot to mention it to Greg (my tech man) because of all the hustle and bustle of vacation.
      I used to have several books on Alzheimer’s but they were more geared toward taking care of a person with the disease. I’ll have to see if I still have any material on it. Still Alice is supposed to be a good report of what goes on in the early stages. You can try going to the library and seeing what they have and getting it in an audio book for him to listen to.
      I hope Gary’s kidney function tests will turn out well. That is definitely nothing to fool around with.
      I’m sorry that those pants didn’t fit. Even their shorts are a bit long on me but I can manage to make them work if they are straight legs. Really 27 inches is about perfect for me. I can’t imagine having legs long enough to wear a tall. I’m glad that you got that love shirt. I ended up with that shirt in all three designs-they are all really cute. I am a ducky piggy! lol
      Thanks for the revision on the recipe. I hope Tillie’s back is okay. It doesn’t take much to tweak a back out of shape.
      The ankle is okay. I don’t really have very high expectations as he basically told me that in 85% of the cases it won’t get better without surgery. It doesn’t hurt as much as originally. I basically wear the brace when I am going to be somewhere-like shopping or housework-that entails a lot of walking around. So I have worked out my own way of dealing with it as best as I can. The pain is less-I can deal with it generally so I have to be grateful for that.
      Greg has dress rehearsal tonight for the concert on Saturday so no cooking tonight. I hope they have a good turnout and lots of people adopt kids to buy gifts for.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I got those new jeans also. I think that I may be wearing them this weekend with the matching shirt. It’s a good thing that no one was driving a drone over your yard while you were out there cleaning. lol
      I guess when life hands us losses we have to figure out new ways to celebrate the things that are important to us. Maybe like celebrating certain holidays in honor of the loved ones that we have lost. I feel like if we keep some family traditions it’s a way of remembering the ones who are no longer there with us.
      I know around here garage sales don’t work well on Holiday weekends-people will be more concerned about parties and trick or treating on Halloween. I would wait until the next weekend.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I hope Ron wasn’t too disappointed with The Cardinals loss. They played in the series last year and won it two years ago. The Cubs haven’t played in one since the 40’s and haven’t won one since the early 1900’s-so it’s really really really been a long time for them. It’s so weird that in the movie Back to the Future there was mention of the Cubs winning the World Series in 2015. In the meantime I will have an ulcer watching these games my stomach gets so clenched up. I will have to start doing some serious drinking to calm down I guess. lol No wonder they sell so many 7 dollar beers at the ball stadium.
      I’m pretty sure Jenny will have Thanksgiving at her house again, She seems to have taken that holiday for herself which is fine with me. It is always tinged with a little sadness now since Kim died on Thanksgiving-even though it’s on a different date each year the day Thanksgiving is still a reminder.
      Too bad we missed The Chew at Disney by a week. Maybe we could have gotten into the audience. It looks like it’s still really hot down there. It’s such a fun show that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
      Didn’t Danyielle do Thanksgiving last year? Of course with her being pregnant she probably doesn’t want to do it this year. Although Jenny did it when she was pregnant with Piper and she was born towards the end of December. Of course I couldn’t have done it that year anyway as I still had mono and all I remember is going to her house and sleeping in a chair the whole time. I don’t think I was finally diagnosed until sometime in December but at least I was not contagious anymore by then. it’s so weird that such a fairly common disease took so long for a diagnosis. I guess because they don’t expect someone in their 60’s to have it. They expect someone in high school or college maybe-I guess because I’m such a youngster at heart. lol You probably like doing Thanksgiving anyway since then you can server the dishes that you want. I usually bring a couple of dishes to Jenny’s anyway. The only thing that she doesn’t have that I miss are candied sweet potatoes. but no one in her family eats them so I just make them for us at home at a different time. Oooops, I can see that I am starting to get one of those ocular migraines again so soon my sight will be all messed up for the next 20 minutes so I will finish up for now.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      Thanks for looking to see if there are any good reads on Alzheimers. The movie does not sound like it will help much, as my BIL is way beyond that stage. I did find a couple of books, but they did not come in the audio versions on Barnes and Nobles. site.
      I hate it when the laptop goes nuts- it is our way of communicating to everyone.
      The Chew is in Disney all week- tune in today and tomorrow.
      I am working on spot refinishing of the kitchen cabinets. Got that Miracle Finish stuff years ago form the Q, and it is fabulous. Did the first scratch step, and waiting for it to dry; before the Finish coat. You know, around the drawers, and cabinets where you work all the time, and some of the finish comes off. Perfect for that!
      Tillie took the Alleve, and is taking more this morning. She said it still hurts- does not want to go to the doctor. I am hoping this will just get better on it’s own. I swear, I am going to smack her, if she does not stop doing things she is not supposed to do. I cannot get it through her head that she is 89, and needs to be very careful in the movements she makes. Due to her age, they would never do surgery, and she has to stop acting like she is 50. We all know how delicate a spine is, and I do not want her to hurt hers, as she is in a lot better shape than I am. She has some arthritis, but, nowhere near what I have. her knees are fine too. She told me yesterday, when I had a hissy fit over what she did, that I am always yelling at her……LOL. Seriously??? I think I need one of those “nanny cams” downstairs, so I can yell “stop that”, before she does something silly. She did come up for dinner last night, so doing the stairs was not affected. She is very achy- in her neck. The neck is where all the nerves go through!! Honestly, I have become the mother, and she the 2 year old. I could threaten not to call QVC, the next time she wants something. That would strike fear in her to be a good girl…..LOL LOL
      I hope you get good attendance for your event, as you all put so much into it to make it a success. I cannot believe it has been another year.
      I wrote a post on the denotes to the designers section, asking if they could do crops with those pretty designs on the bottom. Of course, it would have to be a little smaller, due to the length, but, I would buy every one, in every color. I was so disappointed to send them back. Such a pretty design!
      OMG- The Chew is on, and Michael has on a huge hat for the sun- it is so funny!
      I think it will be a while, until we find out the results of the scan- hopefully less than a week. We are going out for breakfast after the scan tomorrow. I will have to decide which shirt to wear. I think I will do a pumpkin one. The back one, with the pumpkin in front, from last year’s collection, arrived yesterday. I was not able to even get on the waitlist for that fabulous one they had this year- Tillie has it.
      I am f off to do my second coat…..

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      hi Colleen
      Read my post to Gail on the info on “freshy Tillie”. She is still sore. Oh yes- we have become the parents of our parents. We are both lucky we still have them. Tillie wears a Quacker shirt every day, she is very funny…..when she behaves.
      Thank you for the prayers- we will need them. I hope he has more functioning than they thought. He is like a cat with 9 lives. I keep telling him he will run out of lives, sooner or later, so he needs to be good.
      I also have to monitor where she puts the heat setting. She always tells me we spend so much on oil, and tries to save. I tell her downstairs has to be at least 3 degrees higher than up here, as heat rises. She tries to save on the heat, and she is way too old to be cold! She needs to be comfortable in her old age.
      I am fixing spots on the cabinets today, with that Miracle Finish I got from the Q years ago- I love it! Getting ready for the holidays…..LOL
      It is going to get really cold her tomorrow. I will have to pick one of my Quacker jackets to put on. So far, I have not had to wear one. Winter is coming!
      Hope you are having a good day, and your belly is feeling a little better. Did you hear about a referral for a gastro doctor yet? Stomach issues are no joke.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara
      I am with you- let them eat the leftovers tomorrow. I love leftovers- just heat, and eat. That ispour dinenr tonight- we have leftovers form both roast I made this week. everyone can pick which one they want, as I am bust touching up the cabinets.
      read my posts to Gail and Colleen for all the info.
      Glad everyone is safely home from Florida.
      it is in the low 60’s here today, and going down. Tomorrow will be the first time I pull out a Quacker jacket!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia
      Glad to hear from you again. I would die in that heat! God bless you!
      That is fabulous that you had a successful garage sale. So, did you serve lemonade?
      I hope you and hubby can make new holiday traditions, now that you are alone. It is very sad when there is nobody form our parents’ generation anymore. All I have is Tillie- everyone else is long gone. I am very lucky to still have her.
      Hope your day is a little cooler!
      PS read my other posts to get all the news……

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      When you finish with your cabinets Adele, I know of some in Tennessee that need some tender loving care along with the rest of the place LOL I got busy and did vacuum and mop yesterday. Had to sit and rest at times. What used to take an hour is now a 3 or 4 hour project; but I figure as long as it gets done, who cares? Like Gail and her ankle, I have learned to just manage as I can. Hope Tillie is really careful with her back. I remember I threw my back out once just changlng the bed, and I couldn’t get up and down in the bathroom. I know that telling her to be careful is easier said than done; at least it was with Jerrys Dad. He lived for over 30 years in a little house out back from ours that we built for him. He would walk around in his boxer briefs in the hot summer time in his garden; so if you didn’t want a show; you stayed up here. He was very independent; but now that I think of it; so are Jerry and I now, and it was only the last few years of his life that he really counted on us for his care. I made dinner for him every day for all those years ( I mean, what was one more mouth to feed with all the rest of the family?} and usually Joey or Jerry would take it out to him and then visit. His family didn’t show up to visit him for all those many years. They really missed out on so much. Jerrys Dad was a very special man; and we were so blessed to have him as a big part of our lives. He will be gone
      4 years this Valentines Day. He left us with so many wonderful memories. You and Colleen must treasure still having your Moms in your lives.
      My family is scattered to the wind. I have one brother in Alabama (actually two, but we won’t go in to that one ha ha). Most of my cousins are either gone on or moved to states far away. One of our close neighbors lost her Father to Alzheimers last week. Dreadful disease that affects so many. How hard this must be for you all. She is most concerned for her Mother now. I think the family is taking turns staying with her. Her Mom could not bring herself to be with their Dad the last few weeks at the hospice. She just could not see him like that; so they are worried about her. They were married for 50 years; and Jerry had been fishing with him and his SIL and grandson and Neal several times. Jerry said he was such a good person. So sad.
      Bet you all look quite the fashion statement in your new Quacker Duds. It is going back up to 90 today here; but is to cool off again by this weekend. I loved wearing my Quacker jacket those few days. Felt quite sporty; even if it was just walking around out here. I have Jerry going with me on a short afternoon walk each day. Its good for us and the dogs love it too. Don’t get me wrong, we aren’t going to be entering any kind of marathons, but it smells so good, like Fall and the leaves are turning. We have about 20 Ginko trees on our place, and they are scattered among the Sugar Maples and Red Maples. Really looks pretty if the weather does right. Jerry gets hot so quickly if there is any heat; thats why I love this time of year. Sounds like it is really beginning to turn cool where you all are. I love to see you all talk about all you festivals. We don’t have any here; and I surely wish we did. We used to bob for apples and carve pumpkins when the boys were little at church. No more.
      How is your belly Colleen? Did you say you have have your gall bladder removed? That is so painful to have a gall bladder attack. That is another organ I have “donated” I don’t have a GB or a spleen. I have to take the shot each year for pneumonia; since I don’t have a spleen. Haven’t had a spleen in years. Not having one just makes me more susceptible to bacterial infections. Great
      Well, I’m sure you all are tired of reading my medical history ha ha I don’t know why, mabey its because of all these Christmas shows since July, but I am just not in the present buying mood. Jerry wants a lasar beam light that HE actually saw on the Q one day to light up the outside of the house. He was telling me all about it and was really excited about the idea; so I guess at least he is getting in the spirit of the holidays. Couldn’t believe as much as he fusses about me watching; he is watching ha ha Mabey he is hoping for a ladder or some tool saw or something else dangerous he can get ahold of before I catch him.
      Take care everyone. Still haven’t made that potato soup. It has just turned too warm. After Neal and Sarah came home last night; he announced he was smoking ribs this weekend; and asked me if I would make some potato salad. So guess he is the chef this weekend. I’m really looking forward to it. Have to say, tonight is his leftover sloppy joes that they didn’t eat last night. Joey ate his at 9 this morning then took some Tums and went to bed LOL Barbara

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara
      if I leave now, will I be there in time for the ribs on Sunday? LOL LOL
      Well, I finished my touch ups, and in the middle of it all, the doctor called, and they changed Gary’s hand surgery to tomorrow. Needless to say, it threw me into a tizzy of calls- getting him cleared medically by tonight- he is at his GP right now….cancelling the nuclear test for tomorrow, and his apt with the diabetes doctor. So, I put away my supplies, washed the cloth, and finally sat down, after I cannot tell you how many calls back and forth. I sit here, and look up, and see 2 huge smears that I made. I could scream. I will have to fix 2 smears on 2 doors. over the weekend. If I were not so stressed, I would have noticed before I washed everything.
      So, no breakfast out for Adele and Gary again tomorrow. I swear the Heavens are conspiring so that we do not have any time out of this house that does not involve a doctor apt.
      Tillie is a little better.
      That is great that you and Jerry get in a little walk each day. I do not think I have ever seen a Ginko tree- not sure.
      That is so nice that Jerry had his Dad there until he died. What a gift to the boys, and him, to have him close by to talk with. That is hysterical about him in his undies! The value of being an multi-generational/extended family is so great to everyone. I bet the boys have fond memories of their chats with him.
      Well…tomorrow morning at 6 :15, when I leave here to drop hubby off, I will not be in my Quacker finery. I will be in my Carole Hochman pajamas. I will come back home, and get dressed at a more reasonable hour. He will be there for at least 4 hours, and I do not want to sit in those chairs for that long. I guess I will not get the vote for “The Good Wife”……LOL LOL (our hospital is only a 5 minute drive from here)
      I hope you are continuing to enjoy the Fall- it is the best time of year. Like you, I miss the pumpkin carvings, apple picking, Fair going, costume making days. But, we still have our baking! At least I can still bake the pies, after they bring me the apples. Let’s not forget the decorating.
      Alzheimers is a very nasty disease. I have 2 people in the middle of that now. My BIL, and best friend on this street- my friend Phyllis. She is at the end stage of Alzheimers. Her husband is keeping her home, and I have no idea how this man is doing it every single day. Every time I see a picture of her…and she is in a lot of my pictures, I feel so dam sad. I hope I never know another person with Alzheimers.
      Hope your evening is going well……I am off to the showers.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Adele, those spots will wait for another day. Doesn’t it seem like just when we have a plan, life throws us for a loop and reminds us that we are really not in charge of anything. I so hope all goes just great with Gary tomorrow. Is he nervous or has this been dropped on when so fast that he hasn;t had time to think? Mabey that will be a blessing. Youre in our prayers. A Ginko tree, by the way, is the oldest living tree known to man; I believe. It was mentioned in the Bible. It is supposed to help with memory. Lots of people take supplements from it. It had fan shaped leaves that are a lime green in summer and turn bright yellow in Fall. They lose all their leaves in one day. Hugs, Barbara

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hi Adele,

      No lemonade, just a TON of people that showed up until about 8PM. It was crazy. Never had an estate sale before. Mostly Mexicans showed up and i was lucky to have had someone there that spoke Spanish so things went smoothly. We had a lot of collectables and some furniture and a 12 place setting of fine silver, and a lot of antique lamps and things. Made about $2000. Today it looks like we re going to have rain and the forecast says all week for it. The temperature dropped from 102 to 83 overnight. Next week…back up to 98. I just found out we have yet ANOTHER death pending…..a friend of mine has brain cancer and she i now in a coma. Family is deciding on when to take her off life support. This year has been just hellacious. I have one friend out of town whose mother has dementia. She finally put her in assisted living when she came home from work and found her down the street naked. In the past she was just fine at home. Never had an issue. But the last month things changed and my friend finally had a sitter while she was at work. She was fine for about four years and hen all of a sudden within thirty days she was out of it. Betty was only 67 when it happened. No one in my immediate family has ever had Alzheimer’s but 2’nd and 3rd cousins ALL had it by the time they were 65. VERY scary. The only family I have left are my eleven cats. My husband has a sister, but she left home at 17 and never looked back.She’s somewhere back east. I used to have a large family and holidays we great. Now it’s just me and my husband. and he works all holidays. Just another day for me.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I think that Ron was glad that they were done playing. He said they were doing so bad that he hated to watch them. I forgot to say congratulations to all the cub fans. I hope that they win the world series this year. They deserve to win it. It has been a long time since they played in a world series. Ron is rooting for Kansas City. That will be interesting to see who wins the title. I do not watch the games . I just like to hear who wins. If I watch I am like you I get all excited and upset at the same time. So I gave up watching a long time ago. Ron likes to watch the game on tv and listen the radio announcers on the radio. Well it is going to be the Mets and the Cubs in the pennant. I thought it was almost over but they have to play a lot more games. It is too long . THey need ot make this shorter.
      It is nice that Jenny will do Thanks giving. I will be doing every holiday again. Since Danyielle is with Kevin she will have to go to his house with the baby every other year. So it will be better if I just do it here every year. It makes it easier for everybody. I have told the other two girls that they can do it one year if they want. When they are ready to do it then just let me know. Danyielle did do it last year but she does not really want to do it again this year. So I will do it and do it the way that I like to. Maybe she will do it again when she is ready again. She just does things when she is in the mood to do it.
      Hopefully this year everyone will be in good health for the Thanks giving week-end. I am not doing the shopping thing this year since I am getting a lot of gift cards this year. My mom just wants t-shirts this year to wear so will order them off of the q and she can wear them. That is all that she wants. Maybe I can find her a couple of shirts from Quacker that does not have a lot of bling on it. Just around the collar. She will like that.
      Well that is about all from here. I hope that the concert does well for the ONP. You usually have a good crowd and make a lot for them. I am sure that it will be good again this year.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      It sounds like Gary may be trying to do what the doctors tell him to do. It is hard to do sometimes. He is lucky to have you there looking out for him. It is hard when you have to wait for a long time to get the results of a test. Especially one like this one. It will determine a lot for him. Doctors never get in a hurry to check on anything.
      Tillie sounds like my mom. She never listens. Mom fell down the steps a couple of years ago and did not call any of us to let us know that it happened. She hit hard enough that she broke her glasses and had a bruised eye and body. We have tried to get her to put something up so she will not fall down those steps again but there is not way she will do that. It will not look right in her house. She fell down the steps to the basement. She has an open floor plan to her house. Tillie is just like her. She would have done the same thing with the window and would not have gone to the doctor. The nanny cam sounds like a good idea. if she found it though there would be hell to pay.lol I just hope that we are not like that when we get their age. Knowing our luck we will be just like them and our kids will be saying the same things about us. lol
      Our weather is really going to be cold this week-end also. We had some rain tonight which surprised us. We did not think we were supposed to get any. It was a down pour and then it stopped. Do not know if we will get more or not. We can use some rain but a slow steady rain would be better. We will have to go out to the garden tomorrow and pick what veggies we have out there. We will get our first frost Saturday morning. We had fresh tomatoes for dinner tonight. Who would have thought that this time of year we would have fresh tomatoes. We sure didn’t.
      This baby shower that they are giving for my daughter is not working well for us at all. My other two daughters cannot come and Danyielle does not want one. So they are making this a surprise shower. I have never heard of a surprise baby shower. I really hope that she does not get upset about this. She can really get mad when she wants to. If she does get mad she will probably get mad at me over this. She will think that I should have stopped this. Our family is doing their part I am the only one going. Life is a pain sometimes.
      Do they still sell that miracle finish on the Q? I have not seen it. I sure could use something on my cabinets they are really starting to look old and worn. Mine are at the point that you are talking about. The finish is starting to fade out a lot and they do not look good at all. It seems like at the handles on the cabinets where you have to open them all the time is the worse part. We just all need a maid and she can do all that work. We need to live a life of leisure.lol
      My insurance company gave me a name of a gastro and I passed it on to that doctor that I saw. His nurse said that they will call and see if they can get that all set up for me. They will let me know as soon as they get it done. His nurse is a very nice person and sounds like she will try to help any way she can. She was more like him. They want to be sure that they get to the right doctor.
      Well that is about all from here. Hope that Tillie will take care of herself and you won’t have to holler at her anymore.lol

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Bar bara,
      Sounds like it was a bad idea for Joey to eat when he got home. That is funny that he ate and them took tums. They sloppy joes must have been really good for him to eat them and then have to take tums. Sounds like he was not going to turn them down for any reason.
      I do not have a gall bladder. They say that is why I am having so much trouble with the bile duct. I had mine out in the 70’s so do not know why it waited so long to flare up like it did. They did finally find me a gasto guy and am waiting for them to get me an appointment. I think that I have the wrong insurance. It is hard to find one that covers a policy that covers everything that you need and all the doctors. I wish that I could find a good one.
      Adele and I are blessed to have our mother’s. I just wish that mine did not live alone. Even if she would move closer to one of us that would be a big help. I guess we will all be that way as we age. We do not want to depend on anyone. It is easy to say that they need to be close to one of us but I would not want to leave my home and everything that I am familiar with.
      Jerry’s dad sounds like he was a really great man. You were lucky to have him close to you for all those years. The boys did learn a lot from him. Maybe that is why they both are in health care in some form. They helped with their grandpa and they want to help other people. They are such good sons. The dinner that Neal is going to cook sounds really good. Does he want to cook for a bunch of us? We could all come over for ribs and potato salad. lol If we all got together there he would probably leave and not come back until we were all gone. We would be a wild bunch of ladies.
      A lot of my cousins have passed away. Some of them were younger then I am. Not saying that I am young but you would not think that they would be gone already. We did not have cancer in our family and now it seems like it is hitting everyone or at least one or two in a family. It is really sad. My poor mom is the only one left in her family. She really gets lonesome for her sisters and brother sometimes. She misses grandma also. It is sad to hear her talk sometimes.
      That was depressing time to move on. I will not get into that anymore.
      Have you noticed the older we get the more health problems that we have. It is getting to where that is all we have to talk about. Our doctors are our new best friends. We see them more then we see our family. This new doc that we have we could do with out though. He is kind of a dunce. Ron keeps telling me that he is young.
      You better watch out for Jerry. He will be buying that ladder that you can shape in so many different ways. You will have to hide it to keep him off of it. Ron loves tools but he does not buy ladders anymore. He has an extension ladder and that is all that he wants. Thank heaven for that. Now power tools he would be right there with Jerry buying those. They could have a good time buying tools and finding ways to use them. One of us would have to watch them at all times. Ron is still buying junk. He now goes to another junk man and buys some junk that he has found. He really needs a keeper.
      Well that is about all from here have a good night. I did not realize that it was this late.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All.
      Adele, hope Gary is doing good after his quick surgery. Hope you at least got into the Quacker duds to pick him up. They need to see those sparkles in the outpatient surgery.
      Barbara, keep up the evening walks. Greg and I used to walk the paths every night with the dogs but we stopped doing it a couple of years ago. I really need to start doing that again. If Jerry likes those bliss lights I think a TSV is coming up for one this week. We really like ours especially the green one that shines on the pond.-in the winter it just sparkles on the ice and snow.
      Colleen, glad to hear that you got a gastro referral. It sounds like the doctor that you got sent to accidentally is nicer than your regular doctor. I don’t think Danyielle will get mad at you about the surprise shower. Just tell her that you had absolutely no input at all on that idea. I think getting your mother the tees with the sparkle around the neck is a great idea.
      My SIL closed on her house yesterday so now she and her dog are officially living with the fiancée. Maybe if they get married I will be able to attend this wedding. I missed her first wedding because Jenny had roseola and was contagious so I couldn’t leave her with the friend I planned to because she had little kids who would have been exposed to it. Of course some older couples don’t get married because it affects their finances negatively. We’ll see what happens.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara
      I wonder if we have those trees up here.
      Well…….I got the spots out, but I had 2 areas that were all smeared- LOL. I fixed them today, as I could not stare at them all day long- they were in perfect view from my seat in the kitchen.
      Gary did well. So far, he is still numb where they did the work. We were home by 9:30. Dear Lord! I hope I stay up for my favorite hunk…….Tom Selleck tonight, on Blue Bloods. Gayr has iced his hand twice, and asked what we are ordering for dinner. I told him- his choice, as he has the boo boo.
      Heather and Marissa have already stopped by to see him. MArissa had to go to work. She was so sweet. She asked him if there was anything she could do,a ndhe says…how about covering the outside furniture? She did, under his groggy supervision…..LOL So, we are all buttoned up outside.
      Bobby is finishing his jobs outside tomorrow- re-caulking the foundation, and washing the windows.
      Hope your day is going well.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail
      Gary did well with the surgery. he was home in 3 hours. His hand is a little swollen, but, would think that is expected. He said it is a little sore, but, not bad. To tell you the truth, I am glad that’s over.
      I never had to get-out of the car. Dropped him off, and then just picked him back up again.
      I hope your SIL does get married, if she can (financially), and you would be able to go this time. She must be happy to be all moved in, and done with the boxes.
      I looked at Quacker today, and low and behold…….the angel shirt- with the 3 angels around the neckline was in stock- so excited, I got the snowman one too before that went of stock again! Very happy about that one.
      Hope you have a good night- we are having a hard freeze tonight. Rissy came over to see Gary, and she covered all the outside furniture for us. Now, it looks like winter is coming, for sure. At least we are ready. If I want to g out on the deck, I can always use a folding chair from the kitchen – we have 6 in the corner, for when the gang arrives.
      I will be baking tomorrow, as it will be chilly. Not sure what I will make yet.
      I have been awake since 5:45am.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi colleen
      dear God- why are they continuing with the shower? I certainly hope she doe snot get mad. I would think she would act happy, no matter what. She is a nice young woman, and she is your daughter. I cannot see her getting real mad at them. I bet she doe snot want one, because it is not her first child, and she feels funny. A lot of people feel that way. If she does, just tell her they all wanted to do something nice for her. Do not fret, or you will ruin the shower for you, instead of having a good time. I bet it will all work itself out.
      Do you have a date for your gastro apt yet? Hope you got one today, so you will know when it is.
      It is going to be a hard freeze here tonight. I have 4 pitiful looking peppers that are starting to turn their right color. they look like they will die, before they turn color…..LOL
      Tillie and your Mom would be best friends, and get into trouble together. Tillie would not say anything either, if she fell and lived alone. They make us so nervous! You know why- we are both afraid they will do something, and then be gone.
      Hope you have a good night- GAry is doing good, so far. Surgery went well, and he is not too sore…..yet. He had the hand surgery today, that was supposed to be next week. So next week, he will have the nuclear teat.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia
      That was a very successful estate sale. Good for you! I like happy news.
      The rest of your news is not very happy. I am so very sorry for all your losses. It seems they come in bunches. I lost all my family, accept my parents, before I was 29. My Dad died when I was 38. As an only child, all I have left is my Mom, and of course the younger generations- thank God! for an only child, my table has grown- all due to my daughter having 3 daughters of her own. I am grateful for that, as we were very lonely after my Dad died. It was me, my 2 kids, and Tillie. I married Gary in 1999.
      We are having a hard frost tonight. All our outside furniture is covered up, so we are ready for winter. very sad.
      Read my other posts to the girls, for all the info, as I am too tired to do it all again…..LOL I have been up since 5:45, woth GAry’s surgery today.
      Hope you have a good night!
      PS….glad it is a little cooler for you!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I am glad that Gary did well with his surgery. Hopefully his hand will not get too sore after all the medicine wears off. He has really had a rough time of it here lately and so have you. It is hard when you have problems but when our husbands have problems it is even harder. We have to watch them and make sure they do what the doctor tells them to do. I hope this surgery healing time goes by fast.
      I do not know the person that is throwing the shower. I think that it is a shame that she is doing this to Danyielle. We could have all just got together at a restaurant and brought her some gifts and not made a big deal out of it. She is really going overboard with the food. She has her sisters bringing all kinds of food. I thought it was just going to be sandwiches and chips. I have never heard of a shower where they make all this food. I guess that is just the type of family they have. They make a big deal out of everything.
      They have not called yet with an appointment. I may have to call them on Monday and see what is going on. I f I have to wait for that nut case that I have for a primary care doc to do it, it will take months. They are not the speediest people I have ever seen. They take their time with everything.
      You are right about our moms. It is scary to think that one day they will be gone. They just do not think about that. It will be hard on us when they go. I guess they do not think about that either. We probably won’t either when we get their age.
      That is all from here. Have a great night will talk to you later.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Colleen
      Gary is in the living room, sleeping , I think. I hope I make it to Blue Bloods. Maybe I should record it, just in case.
      That is a shame about that friend of Danielle’s. If she does get mad, I hope she gets mad at just her. It is hard that you have to sit by, and get anxious about it, and have no control over what your daughter wants.
      I hope you get news of an appointment Monday. That would be great.
      I have my second shot on Monday. Marissa is coming with me, so she can drive me home.
      Hope you and Ron have a good night- it is going to be cold over here!

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Colleen, you little stinker, you are about to take my place in being the one who seems to get caught up in the middle of a family mess when you haven’t done anything LOL This is MY job; and I take it very seriously. I can get in more trouble by doing nothing than anyone I know of. I seem to spend so much time walking around on egg shells trying not to ruffle anyones feathers; it is just exhausting ha ha. I remember that crazy time at Neals weddings that my one DIL had arranged for a family portrait the very next day after the wedding; Neal and Sarah were “hung over” from it being the day after the wedding, Jerrys knee was swollen up the size of a football and hot and red from inflammation from gout; I was exhausted and had to have someone walk and hold me upright since I was just barely one month out from the stroke; Joey and Lisa were exhausted and had only one day to relax. But when I told my DIL this she would not speak to me again, didn’t say good bye to us the next day when we left, and our son gave in to her and went on to the photo session and we were only allowed to see him for a few minutes as we were leaving; even though I called and asked him if they would join us for dinner that night (they were staying on for two more weeks and we were leaving the next day) Joey wanted to grill hamburgers outside our cabins but he turned us down. I was so hurt; but after months of soul searching; I knew she was the one being unreasonable and I just finally said the heck with it all. But our son stands by her as I know he should, but it hurt so badly when it was all going on. We hear very little from them now; usually when I call them; not the other way around. Course, I am still just causing more trouble. My latest is sending Neal and Sarah an anniversary card, and I guess she was expecting some money in it; because she just opened it and put it back in the envelope and didn’t even acknowlege it. Couldn’t even muster up a “this is pretty card” nothing. I am just old school, and I know it. But I just let these things roll off my back like water, and wait for the next shoe to drop. You just go ahead and go to the shower and do the best you can. That’s all you can do. Is she excited about the baby? I got an American Girl doll book this week. Have absolutely no idea why since I don’t have any little grandchildren. But the dolls are so cute.
      Sure looking forward to Neals ribs on the smoker tomorrow. It is turning cold here this weekend. So potato soup on Sunday! Tell Ron I am saving him a bowl. That is if I don’t feed it all to Jerry ha ha
      By the way, Jerry already has one of those fancy ladders. Joey put it way up in the shop so Jerry can’t reach it. So its the small ladder he gets to and we have to watch out for. By the way, do you all know of an easy way to clean ceiling fan blades for us oldies but goodies? My dust collection is almost as thick as the fan blades; so it might be about time for me to do a little something. ha ha I don’t want to give Jerry the excuse of getting on that darn ladder, and I know if I bring anything up about it that he will.
      So glad that your husband surgery went good Adele. He may be a little uncomfortable tonight but hopefully not too bad. I know you all are so tired. I was awake early this morning too but that seems to be my usual routine here these days. I did take a nap for a little while today. Felt so good to snooze a while.
      Well, time for dinner. I did an easy one dish chicken with rice. Will do a salad and rolls. Smells good. Making me hungry. Imagine that ha ha Talk soon. Barbara

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All.
      Adele, I’m glad to hear that Gary is doing well. I’m sure with the chilly weather there will be something good cooking at your house this weekend. I know there’s going to be some good ribs and potato salad down in Tennessee too and hopefully no potato soup in Missouri.
      Colleen, I agree with Adele I’m sure everything about the shower will turn out fine and Danyielle will be very appreciative so just relax and enjoy looking at all the cute little baby things and think about that precious little bundle to be. And now because I am a Libra who likes to see both sides of the story and this is our month let me play devil’s advocate for a minute. If the shower is on the Dad’s side of the family maybe it is his first child or the first grandchild or niece or first something for somebody so they feel a shower and a special day is in order. After all a new baby is cause for excitement and celebration I think we all agree on that. As to the food I think every group does that differently. We had all kinds of finger food and little cakes here for Jenny’s shower and her MIL had sandwiches and salads and chips at her house-so everyone has different ideas on food. I guess any day that someone is giving me presents to open is a good day-so I’m sure they only have the best intentions at heart. It will all work itself out in the end so you and Danyielle should just relax and enjoy-after all it’s only a few times in life that someone has a party in our honor. Enjoy the pampering-it comes few and far between. So now I have done my Libraian duty and showed the other side and weighed it all out on the “scales of justice” and I will shut my mouth. lol This too shall pass and everything will turn out fine. Actually I’ve found that many times that something that I was dreading turned out to be a lot more fun than I had ever anticipated.
      Now speaking of something not fun-I’ve been sitting on this news for a couple of weeks-things did not work out in NM for Brent and Rachel and he is really down in the dumps. He feels like he is a failure at everything and that life keeps on giving him bad breaks. This is so worrisome as he is so far away and he feels so all alone in this world. Needless to say I am worried. He has plans on moving to Las Vegas and getting a job there with a friend. But now he says he is not sure that he wants to do that either. Hopefully we will get a chance to discuss this more this weekend. He can always come back here-I think he knows that but perhaps he needs to hear it in words since he is feeling so down about everything. So we could use some prayers shooting over in this direction for this particular problem. I thought this move and moving right in with her was not a good idea. It’s always better to move and get your own place first so that if the relationship goes down the tubes at least you are living independently.
      I will have to miss the first playoff game because of the concert tonight. I hope that the Cubs can win without me concentrating on the game and sending out all my good vibes. lol Hopefully there will be some good silent auction items-sometimes I will find a good Christmas present for Greg amidst all the Chicago sports paraphernalia. Greg’s sister and fiancée are not coming but I guess Troy from Greg’s work and his wife are coming so I’ll have someone else at my table at least.
      Barbara, do not feel bad about the anniversary card thing. I told both kids when they got married that they would be getting cards but no gifts for their anniversaries. I would still do birthdays and Christmas for all of them but told them that anniversary gifts are from husband to wife and visa versa. I figured if there were no expectations right up front there would be no disappointments later on. Sometimes I surprise even myself as I am usually a pushover. lol I figure all the times we went out to dinner with both couples and picked up the tab is gift enough.
      Gosh, both of Adam’s daughters were over at Jenny’s last night. they are a freshman and sophomore in high school now and have really turned into two beautiful and very nice young women. At one point last night they were both sitting there with their phones and headphones on and I looked over at Jenny and said “Is this typical of life with a teenager nowadays?” And she said, “I guess so,” and just kind of shrugged her shoulders. One was bopping out to some music and one was live streaming some show-I am so out of it technologically speaking -I don’t even know how they keep up with it all.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      hi Barbara
      That is a funny, and sad story at the same time. DIL’s are a special breed. When I had one, I like you, had to walk in eggs. No matter what we said, it could cause a problem. I also learned….this one through observations…..that once you tick off a DIL, you are done for good. That happened between Gary’s son, and x wife. They barely speak. However, a lot is due to Gary’s x being a real piece of work.

      Of course I have a way to clean ceiling fans. I have 2: 1. If it is real dusty, you will have to get a son to get up there, and Windex it off. After that, I use my Swiffer extended duster, and do it very time I dust. I do one side of the fan, then the other, and it keeps it clean. 2. I also use the Don Aslett cleaning tool that extends- it has all kinds of accessories, and I bet you could Windex the duster to death, and get the stuff off yourself, is a son is not available. Just wear a towel over your head, so you will not get all the dust bunnies on you……LOL Those Don Aslett cleaning tools are fabulous. Only thing is, you have to wash them when you are done- throw away with the Swiffer is easier.

      Quiet day here, so I am baking. I made cinnamon and blueberry muffins. Here is why…….Bobby got one of those tiny packs of blueberries- not enough for a muffin recipe, but enough for half. So, I split the recipe in half, and made the other half with the cinnamon chips, with cinnamon and sugar on the top. You know- they were tastier than the blueberry ones.
      I am also doing a test run on my meringue “Ghost ” cookies. I have to see if I can get them to come up a little, and look like a ghost. I have edible eyes I bought, so the little guys will be thrilled. Fun for the feel house bound oldies……LOL

      It is pretty chilly here. Gary is not feeling so good. (but still nothing to worry about- normal I would day for surgery) You know, after the Novocain wears off, the second day is always worst. Hope you are having fun.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail
      So, I get a call form Heather, who is at Steph’s for tea. Aizen wanted to talk to Papa Gary. Gary gets on the phone, and Aizen calls him….Garriahhh. OMG- I was laughing so hard- hope I spelled it good enough so you get how he did it.
      Mr Gary is a lot more sore today, than yesterday. Expected, I would say. Nothing to worry about. He will be in his chair for the rest of the weekend.
      I hope Brent comes home. You know me…..circle the wagons when one of the kids is down. I just hate it when anyone is far away when they need all the support they can get. I know he wants to make it on his own, but, it is cold out there, and he is so vulnerable. You were right, and I agreed – way too soon to live under the same roof. May be it is good that it ended, before he invested more in the relationship. Still sad. Isn’t this also close to the anniversary of his wife’s death- Thanksgiving, right? Prayers are being sent. Let’s all pray for the best outcome for him, as we just do not know what that is. I hate it when our kids hurt….any of our kids.
      I agree- I hope the baby shower will turn out good, for everyone. I hope Colleen will have fun, and Danielle will be happy…… with all the hormones going on, who knows???
      Oh yes- that is typical ten behavior. When I spoke to the kids today, JJ was playing a video game, from his school! They have games on line to play to increase their proficiency in Math. He was doing a division one. Everything is on line today, everything. I always wonder what happens to the kids who do not have internet access?
      Hope your day is good- nothing planned for dinner, but take out. I am doing a test run on the ghost cookies, and made muffins- see the post to Barbara for the info.
      PS It is cool here!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      I am not trying to take your job and will gladly pass it back to you. It is not fun and I do not like it. I will ignore her tomorrow and talk to other people and not give her a chance to get upset with me then. I will wait until we leave and then she can holler at me for awhile. It is the baby’s father’s mother that is having the shower so she should blame him or his mom and leave me alone. But as you know that is not how it works. One of these days we are going to have to stomp on those egg shells and let it all out. That will scare the heck out of everyone. Your dil should have understood why you and Jerry did not want to have a picture taken. You were recovering from a stroke and Jerry was not doing well either. Some people do not understand how it is to be sick and trying to take care of yourself.
      She is really excited about the baby. She is having a girl and that is good news. She wanted a girl so she could dress her up and buy all kinds of cute things for her. She loves to buy clothes for the girls. This little girl will be the best dressed girl in the whole family lol
      I wonder if everyone got one of those American Girl doll books. I got one also. I can pass mine on to my granddaughter. She loves those dolls. She will probably cut the pictures of the dolls out of the book and make paper dolls out of them. She is very creative. We have a lot of fun with her she is a girly girl and that is for sure.
      The ribs sound really good. We have not had any in awhile. Ron said that was okay that you should go ahead and eat all the potato soup. He can do without it.lol He is something else some days. We went and had Chicken and Dumplings at the church today. They were so good and I did not have to cook tonight. They serve a lot and we were not hungry tonight when it was time for dinner. If we joined that church I would be as big as a house. They are always eating something. They have a lot of good cooks.
      I have one of the extension swiffers. It is long enough that it reaches my fan but then my ceilings are not that high. So am not sure if that will help you or not. I do not climb ladders the way I fall all the time. Ron is in the house when I climb up the foot stole. It has three steps to it so I can reach the top cabinet. You all know how I fall though so you can understand why he does that.
      Well that is about all from here. I think that you are going to have to hide that ladder from Jerry. He is determined to climb it.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Jenny’s step daughters are typical teenagers. My two oldest granddaughters do that also. They listen to music but not watch movies. They cannot out here because reception is not good here. They do not go anywhere with out them and if they have to put them down they get really sullen. We make them put them down when we eat. We even say something to our daughters about that. They can do without their phones while we are eating dinner. They get phone calls and texts while we are trying to eat. It is really aggravating. So we turn our phones off except the land line but we feel that we have to answer that because of my mom. If she needs us we need to be there for her.
      This is the dad’s first baby but he has a sister that has two or three kids. So it will not be the first grands. We will have a nice time I just think that she is going to say something to me about trying to stop the whole thing. I do not think that it is my place to do that. This is his mom and I cannot tell her what to do. So things will work out they usually do. I will just sit with who ever I know that is there. If she sits with me that is fine and if she doesn’t that will be fine also. I think that she will sit with me because her sisters are not coming and I do not think my mom and sil and sister are going to come. Mom probably will not because of the steps. They are having this in the basement. So she will not come. She would be afraid that she will fall. So this should be interesting.
      Gail I am so sorry to hear about Brent. Has he found a place to stay now that they have split. I would call him and tell him that he wants to come home to come home and stay with you again. He really must feel alone right now. That is terrible. We will be praying for him here. I hope that he comes home and you will not have to worry about him. I think that it is hard for kids to understand that they should have a place of their own until they find out if it is going to work. They are always so sure of themselves. He is just having a rough time.
      I hope that the concert went well tonight. The poor cubs lost tonight. Ron was rooting for the Mets which really surprised me. I guess he has a thing going with his nephew. They both predicted who they thought would win the series. So we will see they still have more games to play. Did you find any nice things at the auction? I really like auctions but spend too much money at them. That is why we only go to the church auction. That way the money goes to the church like this one it goes for a good cause.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Dress Rehearsal

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Lets try this again. Dress Rehearsal.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Okay-I’m ticked off now so I need to rant for a minute. So I’m trying to post some pictures from the concert last night. I was able to post one to my wall but not to this discussion because it exceeds the allowed file size. Greg says in order to get it on here I can dilute the file which of course I don’t know how to do. Which means any pictures that I take with my camera cannot be posted on the discussions just cell phone pictures-but the pictures I wanted to put up are on my camera not my phone. This is so frustrating!!! Most of us are a bunch of older women who are technologically unsophisticated-why does it have to be so hard???!!! Pus all the pictures post so teeny tiny! I give up. I’m done ranting. As the old song goes (Sorta) It’s my birthday and I’ll rant if I want to rant if I want to rant if I want to-you would rant too if it happened to you. Okay-going to watch the Bears and maybe nap a little. I guess I’m just tired and crabby. Need to rest up to cheer the Cubs on as I guess Ron and I have a rivalry. Too much sports too little time. Now if the Bulls and Blackhawks would just play today too my head could explode from sports overload.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Open the pictures up in PAINT and resize them, and then drop the resized pictures back in your file. First. open up a new file on your desk top and label it Concert pictures. Next. load your pictures into the concert file folder. Open up PAINT (every computer has this at the desk top. Just click on your browser when you are at t he desk top and it will say PAINT as an option. Open it and change the size of the picture. Just go to the section that says percentage. And make them 50% and drop the new pic into the concert file and rename that picture with say number (1) small (2) small and so on so you’ll know what to put on Quacker wen you open up the file HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAIL!!!

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Gail, I sent you a private e-mail about the pictures. Let me know if you still hav an issue. I’ll walk you through it


      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        Thanks so much. I will have to fiddle with this stuff later as I have much to do in the early part of the week. All so much work just to put on a couple of little pictures. In the meantime if anyone wants to see them they are posted on my wall and they show up on the home page right now as they are new. This new website seems to make everything take so many more steps to accomplish anything. Plus still cannot copy and paste pictures which is just silly. It would help if I were more tech savvy. if I were 12 years old I would know all about computers and social media and all that stuff. sometimes my brain can’t keep up with it all. Thanks for the info.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      I hope you can get the pictures posted, even if they are small. We would all love to see them. I am assuming the event was a huge success, just like the other ones! You all have so much fin doing them, and it is for a good cause. A nice event, all the way around.

      Cynthia- that is fabulous that you have figured the picture thing out!!!!
      I have only taken pics of the food I did on my cell, so I have not run into that yet. If I do, I know who to look for!

      Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.
      Gary is doing good, The bandages are off, and he was able to shower, which always feels good. he has 6 stitches, that will need to come out….yuck.
      The little ghost came out ok, I will have to make them smaller, so they cook better, If the meringues are big, they stay sticky inside, and I do not like that. I hope the next batch comes out better.
      I am off for the second shot tomorrow.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      You bake such cute things for all the holidays. I wish I still had all that gumption-but I understand that baking is an outlet for you just like reading is for me. It’s just that with baking you have something tangible at the end of the day-with reading there is nothing physical to show for it. But boy is my mind enriched! lol
      I loved Aizen’s version of Gary/Grandpa. It’s so funny the way the little ones pronounce some things. Piper always says cool instead of pool and pronounces carnival carninnal. Sometimes it makes for some confusing conversations.
      It is close to when Kim died. It was November 28th which just so happened to be Thanksgiving that year so that is a tough time for him. Of course my first instinct is to tell him to come back home. He said like he feels like a failure at everything he does-which is quite scary to me. I miss him and would like him back here where I feel he would be safe. But then on the other hand maybe he would do well with the move to Vegas and find some success there and feel better about himself. I swear adult children can be just as stressful as having teens. I just wish he could feel like he has some successes in life. I’ve been sending encouraging e-mails. I am of the school of thought that if you feel negative and like a failure that you draw that sort of energy toward yourself and that if you feel positive and successful you eventually will be. I know it’s all sort of metaphysical but I really feel it’s important to put out positive energy into this world. Actually, Jeanne taught me a lot about that. Look at her story going from close to destitute to being a successful business owner. And I really believe her can do attitude was her tipping point. Maybe I’ll have to lend him my copy of Pull Yourself Up By Your Brastraps-reading that would get him some interesting looks in the breakroom or coffee shop. lol We’ll see what he decides to do-I just want him to be safe and happy.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I got one of those American Girl doll books too. It will come in handy though because the child that Greg and I adopted this year for ONP has an American girl doll on her list so I will order her’s from the book.
      Your chicken and dumplings dinner sounds so good. I wish one of the churches around here had one of those.
      Ron better stop rooting for the Mets-he’s jinxing us. Is he secretly parading a Billy goat around your back yard during the games? lol I declare lots of potato soup for Ron if he doesn’t quit it. I will personally send some down from Illinois.
      I hope the shower went well. I’ll bet there were lots of cute little baby girl gifts to oooh and ahhh over. It’s so exciting!
      Right now Brent is just staying in a motel as he is planning on moving to Vegas for a new job at the end of the month. it’s a college town so there are lots of reasonable places to stay so this is okay for the short term. I told him he’s always welcome to come back here and stay again-so we will have to see what he decides to do. I just wish he could find something to feel positive about to get his spirits up.
      The concert went well and it looks like a lot of kids got adopted by Secret Santas so that is a big deal. The more people that adopt kids and shop for them the more money ONP has to put toward other things. Greg won an autographed Arnold Palmer picture for his collection at the auction and I won a girls Halloween basket for the kids. There was another basket full of games that I wanted but our friend Patti won it-she will take it up north to their cabin and it will be there for when her kids and grandkids come up to visit so that was nice for her.
      Yesterday was like a perfect birthday for a guy-we spent all day watching football and baseball-unfortunately both of our teams lost. Greg did cook dinner though-he made some of the walleye that he brought back from Canada, potato pancakes, asparagus and applesauce. He even washed the pots and pans after dinner. He is a good husband-I made an excellent choice those many years ago.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG Gail!
      I get so scared when I see those posts about Brent. To have a new relationship fail, after his wife died, and just around the time she died, is not good. You never know in these situations what is good, and what is not. We would both feel the same way- for him to come home, where it is safe and cozy to heal, is the best. But, he is a man. He may feel it is more of a failure to return home again. I wish there were some way for you to get him home, and still have him feel it is a way up, not down. Does Greg need him for anything special? All we can do is pray he makes the right decision.

      I do love to bake, and it is soothing to me. When I feel bad, I bake, when I am anxious, or worried- bake. When it is cold…..bake. I can find any reason to do it. Your read, and I bake.

      Lately it is harder for me to read. My eyes get tired quick- same with the needlepoint. I hate that! I love to needlepoint- same way I love baking. I have to get moving on Aizen stocking……..help!!

      Back from the shot- all went well. Just a little sore in my back.

      I hope we hear good new on Brent today.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail and Colleen
      That sounds like it was a perfect birthday. You got to watch your favorite sports, and did no have to do any cooking or cleaning. I love that dinner too- potato pancakes- yum yum!
      Colleen- the Church dinner sounds fabulous. If I loved there, I would not have to cook at all. I would just bring a dessert. I did not realize the shower was yesterday- I am hoping everything turned out great. I hope it did, as I do not see a post from you today.
      Gail- great success at the ONP event. The more kids that get chosen, the bigger a success. Think of how many little faces will be happy on Christmas, all because of you, and your friends. What a great way to start the holiday season.
      I am still a little loopy from the anesthesia from the shot today. Think they gave me a tiny bit too much. So, I hope what I am writing today is making sense…..LOL LOL
      Shot went ok- a little sore, nothing big. Just waiting for the woozy to go away. Rissy thought it was so funny, she was texting everyone to say how funny I was when I was drunk. She thikks I shoud start drinking…LOL LOL
      Hope everyone is having a great day. I think I heard some of you may have had snow?????
      DWTS tonight!!

    • Debbie Striblng
      Post count: 5

      Quack quack everyone on this fine Autumn Day! Happy birthday To you…. How is everyone doing?

      I am happy to report I am alive, sitting here nursing a cold with Scott…ugh, both of us! We are just now getting the first rains, it’s been high 80’s for weeks, summer never ended. Spent my summer away from my PC because somehow that behavior of typing caused my good old ear issue grief, symptoms increased as PC time increased, I know how odd. I’ve missed everyone! Now to see all the excitement going on in the new community! How is everyone getting along so far with the changes, it looks so crisp and professional!

      Of course I’d not needed my password for eons so it took me weeks to figure out my sign in issues….sheesh.

      In many ways this summer was great, even with the high temps we had some very odd days of cool downs that felt like a miracle, and my ear issue let me be upright until coming back in August for weeks, it’s just left again thankfully but I did get to enjoy my garden, pretty flowers and veggies. I even saw a miracle, that Cottage Farms Pink Muhey Grass both Gail and I bought from Q that seemed a waste, they finally put on their show! Enjoyed that!

    • Debbie Striblng
      Post count: 5

      I so’oooooo missed everyone. I truly mean that, I had not realized fully what a funk one can get into when ones health brings challenges. I love you Girl’s, just for who you are and how you are, I mean this.

      Thank you James and Quacker for working so dillengetly so we all can have such a fun place to gather and form such close friendships. That’s why I came here to begin with so many years ago now, and that holds true today. Thank you Everyone!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Debbie,
      It is so good to hear from you. We have really missed you being on here. We have not laughed as much since you have been gone. I hope that this stays in control for a long long time. I would miss chatting with everyone if I got sick like that also. We have all become such close friends.
      I cannot believe that your grass finally started to grow and be pink. That is funny that it took it so long. There may be hope for Gail’s also. We will see if she says anything about it. Our veggie garden was strange this year also. We have more green peppers in the fall then we had all summer long. We have even picked a few tomatoes off the vines. Ron had tilled the garden under and the tomatoes started to grow again. So he will have to til it all under again before we have the first snow. It is nice to have fresh veggies this late in the year.
      That is a good picture of you. I like the picture of your dog also. He has taken my position there. I was sideways for such a long time until we came here and they had me standing up right. Really I think that I looked better sideways.
      I am going to be a grandma again. IT is going to be another little girl. I cannot wait. We can spoil this one now. The others are getting too old to spoil like we did. We have them spoiled and rotten and we need one to start on.lol
      That is the only exciting news that I have. Our buffalo have not visited in awhile and no other animal has come in the yard. We have a coyote that is howling at night and driving our dogs crazy. Wish someone would catch it or it would move on so we can sleep at night without all the racket. We have had some red fox around. In fact there are some baby foxes running around and we hope that they will move on also. It is not a good area for chickens or guineas right now.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and I hope that you can stay on here with us for awhile

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      That little girl will be so excited to get that American girl doll. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could be a fly on the wall to watch her eyes when she opens that box and sees that doll. That is the fun of it. Kaylee was so excited when she got her doll and just the look of amazement was worth the whole thing. It is so much fun to give a child something that they really want. All of you are doing such a good thing for these kids. I am glad that it all went so well. I hope that you can post the pictures on here. Maybe if you ask James he can help you with it. Cynthia sounds like she may know what to do also.
      He has not been parading a goat around the yard but he is really rooting for the mets. I have no idea why he is doing this. I can make him some potato soup and see if that will stop him. I can give it a try. He may take it the wrong way though and think that he is in the dog house again or the potato soup house.lol I may have to tell him that you are fixing a big pot of soup for him and will send it if he does not stop rooting for the Mets. He is a pain. I am rooting for the Cubs. They do need to win. How are the bears doing this year? I do not evern pay attention to the Rams. They never play that well so who cares.
      The baby shower is on Halloween. So we still have a little time left. I still have no idea what I am going to get for the baby besides diapers. Maybe I will get a gift card. That might be the best thing to do. She can get what she needs and not have to worry about having too much of one thing. When the baby is born I will buy her a few things also.
      That is just so sad that it happened to Brent right now. I guess that it is better now though and not later on in the relationship. He is such a good man he should not feel bad about this happening. It is just the way things go sometimes. She may not have been an easy person to live with. She also had all those kids. It would be nice if he would come home. He could start over again and maybe he would find a girl in the area to go out with. Find a new job and new friends and that may make a difference. I just hope that he finds what he is looking for. He is in my prayers.
      You and Greg won some really nice things. The Halloween basket for the kids sounds really nice. It is a shame that you did not win the basket of games but it is nice that someone that you knew won. She will make good use of it. I cannot believe that Halloween is getting so close. We have so much that we need to do to get ready for the whole thing. The shower and the trunk or treat. They want everyone to decorate their cars for the event. I may hang some of my ghosts and my skeleton and play that door bell. That will be fun unless it is too cold then I will be inside and giving it away in the church. I am going to wear my ghost shirt with the vest. That will be festive enough.
      I am so glad that Debbie is back. Hope that she can stick around for a long time.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Gail it is so nice that you did not have to cook or clean up afterwards. Greg is a keeper. Glad that you had such a good birthday.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      It is a good thing that you like to bake. I does seem to take a lot of stress away from you. I am like Gail, there is nothing like a good book to keep me from thinking about things. Baking is not my strong suit anymore. I really need to start baking again. I do bake pies for the holidays and I need to make cookies. I have to start that again. It has not been that long ago that i use to bake cookies for Christmas.
      The shower is not until Halloween day. I wish that it was over with but it is not. I will not stay too long because I will have to get home before the traffic gets bad from all the little ones out roaming around. They start at 5pm here so they are not out when it is really dark. Then we have the older kids that are out and getting into mischief. Those kids need to stay home.
      I am glad that the shot went well. Rissy does not know that if you drink it may be worse then the shot.lol Kids they are always such a help with things like that. She had to take pictures. Hope she does not put them on face book. That would get her in big trouble here. lol
      We did not have any snow here it must have been further up north. Did you have any snow? It has been really cold here but that is about it. The cold I can stand but it is too early for the snow. I hope it holds off until after the holidays here. it seems to rain a lot of years on Halloween. The kids still go out though.
      Well that is about all from here. It is so nice that Debbie is back.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Debbie,
      Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Take care of that cold! I hope the plugged ear and the dizziness will subside so that you can come back and play with us more often. We missed you.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Debbie
      How great to hear from you. Love the pictures of the garden, and puppy.
      It is awful when our ailments get in the way of what we want to do. We have all been saying prayers for you, and are happy to hear you are ok.
      I will send you a friend request, if I have not done so already…..LOL
      Who can remember everything these days?
      I hope you will be able to post once in a while, and are getting ready for Halloween!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Well it looks like Brent will be coming back here in another six weeks or so. He wants to work through the peanut harvest to save up a little cushion money to make the trip back home so that’s all right. I kind of think perhaps he wanted to come back but was just waiting for us to say it in order to save a little pride and not come running back home with his tail between his legs. This way it sounds like it’s our idea instead of his-when that might be what he wanted all along. I guess when someone is feeling so down and out it’s important to save a little bit of pride. I’m sure if he had really wanted to go on and move to Vegas and take that job he would have-so maybe it was not enough of a sure thing. I would like to see him come back and get a job and take online classes and finish his degree. Jenny worked full time and went to night school and took online classes and that’s how she got hers so it’s quite doable. this time when he moves in it will be different. Last time it was just because Kim had died and he needed to have a support system around him. This time will hopefully be more thought out so we can give him a sense of direction. Suggest career alternatives, more schooling and most importantly figure out someway to get him on a budget and wipe out his debt so that he is not always living on the edge scrounging for money. He needs to achieve financial independence with a back up plan. So Greg and I need to use these next 6 weeks to formulate a path to steer him down so at least he won’t always be struggling financially. that’s where his largest issues are. Once that’s taken care of the personal issues should follow. I don’t think any woman will want to take on a guy in his thirties with a lot of debt so first things first. I’m thinking that had a lot to do with the failure of this last relationship so that finally needs to be addressed. We’ve tiptoed around it all for many years and tried to ignore it hoping it would go away but now difficult as it is; it needs to be addressed if we are going to help him to move forward with his life. Money can’t buy happiness perhaps but it’s a fact of life that you need it to put a roof over your head and food on the table and we won’t be around to bail him out forever. I would like to go to my grave(not any time soon-mind you) knowing that he can take care of himself.
      How is the back today. That’s funny that you were loopy from the anesthetic and amusing to your granddaughter. You’re lucky she didn’t take a video and post it online or send it to AFV.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Gail and Colleen, and everyone……
      I was so woozy yesterday, I think I missed a lot….LOL LOL
      That is fabulous that you are giving that little girl an American Girl Doll. The girls here used to get an accessory a year, with some new clothes for theirs, and it was so much fun watching them open the pretty little packages. I wish you could see her face when she does.
      Good Lord! it looks like potato soup time again…….
      Somehow I got mixed up, and thought the baby shower was Sunday. I must have been more medicated than I thought. Good God…..what else did I write to anyone/everyone?????
      I am good today, but still a little tired. I never had that anesthesiologist before, and do not think I want a shot on a Monday again. Too funny!
      Hope everyone is good today.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi colleen
      I figured out when I read the post to Gail. that the shower is still on Halloween….LOL I was really out of it yesterday. I have to apologize, in case I got things wrong, or offended anyone!!!
      I bet your cookies tasted great, and looked fabulous. To me baking is therapy. reading is getting harder, as my eyes get tired fast with smaller print. I have to take my glasses off to read, lately. I cannot see anything far away. It seems my eye doctor cannot get my prescriptions right enough. I am changing doctors- Gary found a new one he really likes, and I am going to try them.
      Rissy was so funny yesterday. She got such a kick out of me. I should have realized that I should not have written responses/posts yesterday…….LOL
      Will Ron go with you to the shower, so you can have company on the ride home? that could keep him from having potato soup for a while, and get back in good graces with you until Christmas!
      On Sunday, we got a burst of snow flurries- only once. It got warmer today- in the 60’s.
      Good Lord….as I am typing, I realize I have a headache. I think I am going to take it easy today, and spend a lot of time in the recliner. I am just making baked potato, and meatloaf for dinner, so that is pretty easy, and all I will do today.
      My fun breakfast with Nancy got moved to next week, and I think that is a good idea for me, since I still feel out of it. I will behave, and not do any housework this week, I guess.
      Hope you have a good day!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I knew that the shower was Halloween as we had talked about it so I have no idea why I thought it was last Saturday. My brain is all muddled up I guess. Too much knowledge in there. lol
      I saw that they have a trunk or treat at Kendall’s school this year. Does it cost you to bring your car in. I couldn’t figure out if it cost the people who attend 10 dollars or the people who bring their cars in but there was a 10 dollar fee for something.
      I have wished that we could be a fly on the wall every year when our Secret Santa kid opens their gifts. It must be such a relief for the parents who must be so financially strapped having a child with a life threatening illness to have all of their children’s wish lists fulfilled; the ill child and all of their siblings. Every year it makes me so grateful for our healthy kids and grandkids.
      The Cubs are back in Chicago tonight. I sure hope that will help them to get some wins.
      I did post some pictures on the front page-they are probably on page 2 or 3 by now. Cynthia did walk me through the process of shrinking down the file but I just haven’t gone and done it yet. So in the meantime you can see them on the front page of Quacker Social.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      I think that is great news he is coming back. Heather has come home about 4 times that I can count- with different amounts of children. She delivered Marissa, from here, on one of her return homes. So, I know how you feel. I, like you, think a return home is to re-group, form a plan, and get your life together, while being in a safe, supportive environment. there are times when they need that. It is a great way t start going to school at night. I will be praying he gets the debt resolved, and finds a school he will succeed in. Who knows, with school going, a new job, and girlfriend can come out of it too. (when he is ready)
      I went to college after I was divorced. It is very do-able. I was lucky to have the support of my Dad, who drove. My mother, Tillie, does not drive. My Dad picked up the kids after school Tillie made dinner, and he got them tucked into bed by the time I got home. It was a HUGE help. God rest his soul, he did the transports to the dentist, dance school, and ball practice too. He was the best Dad ever. I was really blessed.
      I know all of us on here, will be saying a prayer for Brent every night. All our prayers, for all of us, work.
      I am so happy to hear from Debbie again. Her picture looks great!
      Hope your day is going well.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      That is really good news that Brent is coming home. I bet you are so happy that he will not be so far away. Your plan to help him get back on his feet sounds really good. With you there to help him he will not have a a hard time getting all of that done. I hope that he finishes getting his degree. It is so important these days to have one. He is lucky to have you and Greg there to help him with all of this.
      Ron said to tell you that he got a shirt that says I root for the Cardinals and anybody that plays against the Cubs. He is being a trouble maker. I told him that you were going to send him some potato soup and he laughed. I do hope that the Cubs win tonight. They deserve to win no matter what Ron says. I think that he is just mad because they beat the Cardinals.
      They do not charge us anything for going there to give out candy. I do not think that there is a charge to anyone. It is all because of where we live and the kids have a hard time trick or treating here because the houses are so far apart. They started having it at the school in town a couple of years ago and they do not charge either. I wonder why they are doing that. It does not make sense to charge the people that are passing out candy to pay ten dollars. I guess that every place does it different.
      I will have to look for the pictures. I did not see them when I got on here. I do not think that I will ever be able to post pictures on here. It was hard enough on the other site. Maybe when I have a few minutes I will try to figure it out. That was nice of Cynthia to help you to post the pictures.
      I cannot imagine how relieved that the parents are to have a nice Christmas for all of the kids. It is nice to do such a nice thing for the whole family. The onp does a lot of good work for those kids. It is great that you and Greg participate and all of the other people that join in.
      Have a good night and good luck to the Cubs.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      You did not say anything to offend anyone. We all feel a little woozy at times.lol No you did fine and we all knew what you were talking about. So do not worry about that.
      I am trying to talk him into it and he can pick me up when I am ready to come home. He can go to his hardware stores that he likes to shop at. I do not like to go with him there are only so many tools that a person can look at. He wants me to look at all these power tools and they hold not interest for me. Like I know what he is talking about. So it is like him going clothes shopping with me. He could care less what I get and he lets me know it. So I feel the same way when we go to the hardware stores so do not take offense when he says that.
      I read so many chapters at a time and then quit and rest my eyes for awhile. If I do not do that my eyes get really tired. Even if I read a book in a day and a night I still have to take breaks. I could read a lot more if it wasn’t for that. So maybe baking would be a good thing for me to do. Then I would not have to worry about resting my eyes. It will not be long and we will be baking and cooking a lot. The holidays are coming.
      Do not worry about what you wrote. You did not hurt anyones feeling are say anything wrong. It did not offend me that you had the wrong day for the shower. It was no big deal. I do that when I am invited somewhere and forget to go. So it is no big deal.
      That is no surprise that you have a head ache after having one of those shots. The do cause some strange things. You should relax today and maybe tomorrow also. I do believe in taking it easy after going thru something like that. I think that I am going to give in and have the shot in my hip. I hope that it works and the pain goes away. I also have to find away to get my energy back again. I am so tired all of the time and have no reason to be. I am sure that this will all go away and I will feel fine again.
      That is all from here. Will talk to you later.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Pictures… My Blue’s Clue’s child Conga Blue, Ghosts, My cat Star, (she died a few years ago) Gift’s for my mom’s last birthday, Halloween Staircase, Front Door,Yard

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia
      Nice pictures! Love the Halloween decorations. Sorry about your Mom. It is awful when we become parentless.
      I hope your day is going well, and that it is a little cooler over there.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I can always count on my Quacker friends for support and kind words. Thank you, and everyone!
      Well, it was raining here a little this morning, and I was sore, so I decided to only make dinner. The headache did go away, finally. I am making that chicken and dumpling thing. It is good, and is very good as leftovers. It is a day long process- bake the chicken and cut it up in the am. I also mix all the spices, etc, that get put in at a time, in little Lock n Lock containers. I measure everything out while the chicken bakes, and then I just have to put it together in the afternoon. Much easier for me. The sauce part cooks for 15 minutes, which is not bad- the rest I put together at the table, and then it gets baked. You should google the recipe on the King Arthur website. What I like is that you can increase the size of the font, and make it very easy to read, while you do it. That is one of the things I like about King Arthur Flour’s website. If you join, they send you recipes of the week every Sunday, and sometime during the week- bread, goodies, and dinners.
      This aging affects so many aspects of our lives. We all learn to adapt as we go along.
      I think you should try the shot in the hip. Gary did it for about 3 years, before he got the surgery. They did work. You know, when you are in pain, it sucks a lot of energy out of you. When I had diverticulitis, it was bad. I came home form work in the end, and just went right to bed. I waited way too long to have that piece of the bowel removed. Since I had it done I have been pain free, and can eat nuts and seeds again, as I have no more diverticula. Belly pain is exhausting, and I know you have been dealing with it for a long time. Did you get an appointment yet with the gastro doctor?
      Hope you are having a good day!

      • Debbie Striblng
        Post count: 5

        King Arthur flour…..ooh, went there quickly….looks like a great baking site. Mostly I don’t bake, but at times I do….mostly dream of all Costco goodies I see and resist. Could go for a yeasty anything right now…what’s baking today Adele? Sniff, sniff…something punkin’ spice maybe? LOL tis the season!

    • Debbie Striblng
      Post count: 5

      Quack, I got lost, then found a few things today. I need to find out how iPad moves to the bottom of the page as that is beyond laborious scrolling down.

      Adele, you are quite funny and safely among friends, every time I pass by that Bundt pound cake I feel blessed not to live next door. Boy can you bake cute things! I’d be over begging every time you turned on the oven as the smells wafted my way!

      Colleen, congratulations on the new granddaughter, how exciting! When is his baby coming? Good to hear Ron is still up for potato soup, nice that hasn’t changed. I hope to be around More often, read more, say less. My iPad driving me nuts right now because it keeps reading the TV and not what I’m saying, maybe that means is up to loud or I’m cranky take your pick. Sheesh!

      Gail, Gail, where are they picking peanuts Peanuts, you would not believe what iPad chose to put instead of peanuts, I thought he was in Colorado no make that New Mexico? I only know Jimmy Carter is for the peanut state somewhere, can you tell that my head cold is got everything plugged up.

      Cynthia, you really decorate cute for Halloween, is it up for this year, did you buy the TSV Bliss lights? I want them, but next years design.

      Christine….sorry to hear your appointment was hard, how’s your puppy doing? Heel pain is for the birds! Hope it’s better soon….
      Be well everyone!

      back when I can make more sense. It’s time for dinner. Chicken noodle some thing.be well and be afraid, upright, the upright…..ack! Be well and be a bright color upright, the upright! Ack! ?

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Debbie!
      We all missed your humor so much! Love the attachment. I am the one on the right. I hope you will be well enough to continue posting!
      Hey- Quacker is on tomorrow. I hope we can all see something we do not already own, in several colors.
      Do not feel bad about your dinner- it was so busy here today, that I ended up with cereal. I had all the ingredients pre- measured for the chicken and dumplings, and had to put everything in the fridge to do tomorrow.
      I would love to have all of you next door to me. I would bake us something every single day!
      I hope your evening is good.

      • Debbie Striblng
        Post count: 5

        You Adele are so sweet….did you see this very cute loaf pan…
        Snooping King Arthur’s

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Debbie
      I di see that pan. I ended up getting the pumpkin tiny cakes pan, and have been having a ball with it!
      Funny you should mention pumpkin baking – I have 2 recipes I want to try over the weekend- with my cute new pumpkin muffin/tiny cakes pan. One came on the pans, and one form King Arthur, of course!
      Nothing baked today- it was a little warmer, and everyone was coming and going today, which is nice too.
      Hope you have a good evening- I love the funny shows on Wed nights. Ill be shutting off the laptop soon, so I can chuckle away!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      The chicken dinner that you are fixing sounds really good. I will look that up and write it down so I can try it. I have got to figure out a way to put all my recipes on here in a separate folder so I can find them when I want them. I probably will have to have my daughters show me how. I just go back and forth looking for them. Wish my printer worked I would print them out.
      I am glad that you got rid of your head ache. That can ruin your night when your head hurts like that. Two of my kids use to get migraines and they would be miserable. They would have to go lay down in a dark quiet room until they went away. They still get them once in awhile. Do you get those are they just regular headaches? One thing you have to say you have to have a good sense of humor the more we age. Cause if you don’t it will drive you crazy. My poor mom called me today and was all upset because her blood pressure was a 150/ she did not remember what the bottom number was. So she tried to call her doctor and he was not in today and she will have to wait until tomorrow for him to come back. I think that she is worrying over nothing that happens sometimes. So will wait and see what the doctor says. She thinks that he will want her to come in but I do not think so. He will probably just up her BP meds and that will be it. She checks that too often and then she panics. I sure wish she would move closer to one of us. We could keep an eye on her. It is hard to know what to do with her.
      No appointment yet. These docs are slower then molasses. We are going by the office tomorrow and see what is going on. Hopefully they will tell us something and we can go see this gastro and get this over with. This is really a pain in the you know what.
      That pan that Debbie posted is the one that I saw on the King Arther site. I thought that was really cute. I am thinking about getting on and making some type of bread in it. That would be nice for Thanks giving. I thought if nothing else I can get that self rising bread from the freezer section. Sometimes that is really good.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Debbie,
      We are all a little confused on here. That is why we are all friends. lol When it comes to the new tech I am not worth a dime. By the time I get things figured out they change things again. So I give up. I will let my grand kids and daughters show me how to do things they all think that I need to take a class in computers.
      The new baby will be January 12th. We hope that it will be on time. She will have it naturally so it will depend on when the baby wants to make an appearance. I hope she is not as stubborn as her mom was. She took for ever to be born. Debbie it is probably the tv being up too loud. It cannot be you. That is what I would say. I still blame everything else if things go wrong.lol I doubt that you are cranky. I am sorry to hear that you have a cold. I hope that you get better soon.
      Have you bought a lot of Quacker lately. They are supposed to have a show on tomorrow. It will be fun to watch. I will have to dvd it because we have things to do tomorrow and then the next one comes on in the middle of the night so that will be on the dvd also. I have found that a good nap is better then sitting up and watching tv. In fact if I do not have my nap everyday I get cranky. I am like my grand kids.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All,
      This is how I feel today.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All,
      Well Colleen, I hope that Ron is happy now! Tell him I’ll be dropping off a five gallon bucket of potato soup any minute now. It was sad-the Mets just played better. But I laugh when all the announcers say the Mets haven’t been in a world series since 2000-well the Cubs haven’t been in a world series since 1945-so give me a break!
      I hope that you get into that gastro doctor soon-being sick is not fun. Also it’s a good idea to try the hip shot. It may last for a long time and just think how good it will feel to get some relief from the pain. I can attest that chronic pain is not fun.
      Hi Adele, hope that you are feeling better. Did you see the bread dumplings on The Chew yesterday? I wrote down the recipe as that sounded interesting to try during the winter. I make a drop dumpling with flour and egg but this was a little different. Yesterday I tried a crock pot recipe for new England clam chowder (or as you probably say Chow-Da lol) – we had BLT’s with that. Greg liked the soup and he likes clam chowder more than me so I guess it’s a keeper.
      Debbie, good idea to write with the voice feature on the IPad so that you don’t have to type. I can only imagine how the IPad interpreted the word peanut. lol That autocorrect makes you say funny things sometimes. Brent is in New Mexico where they do have a peanut harvest-somehow associated with the USDA-don’t ask me how peanuts got associated with dairy. Actually Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer from Georgia, I believe. And if memory serves me Georgia is know for peaches and maybe pecans.
      The scrolling down is weird-I have no idea why we don’t have pages. I will be starting a new page soon for November.
      You Girls are not going to believe it but Mr. Cardinal is back flying into the window again this morning. Thus the term bird brain.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Ron said to tell you that there is always next year. He also said to tell you he heard that there was a shortage of Kleenex in Illinois and wants to know if you have enough or he will send you some. He is a real smart ass. Excuse my language but there is other way to put it. That was sad that they lost. You could hear the silence. They all were so upset. At least the Cubs came closer then the Cardinals.
      Well I am getting the run around from the new doctor now. I have to go back to my primary care doctor to get the referral. So tomorrow I have to call the other doctor and see if they can get this straightened out. I am thinking about calling that docs office and make an appointment and have them try and get a referral from the primary care doctor. This is so aggravating. I think that they are hesitating because this doctor that I am trying to get an appointment is not in there area and is not associated with there group. I am ready to scream.
      I saw the bread dumplings and they looked really good. I would have to get rid of all that broth though. They made a good recipe today with chicken thighs and tomatoes. It looked really good . Did you watch it today? They always make some interesting things. It is funny that Micheal use chicken thighs all the time and Mario used chicken breasts. They say that the thighs have a lot better taste then the breast. I bet that they do they are not as dry. Your clam chowder sounds really good. I love clam chowder. I am going to have to make a stop at your house or since you are bringing the potato soup over you can bring some with you. lol Maybe Adele can bring some of her bread and Debbie and Barbara and Cynthia can all come over for a bite.
      Every time that I see a Cardinal I think of you and that crazy bird that flies into your windows. I have to laugh when people say that it reminds them of a member of their family that has passed on. I do not think that I had any relatives that would fly into the windows all the time how about you. lol Most Cardinals that I have seen are not the brightest birds that I have ever seen. We are being invaded by box elder bugs now. I will be glad when it gets cold so I can get rid of the. I will put lemon joy all over the places that they come in. They mostly come in where there is a window.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      On the King Arthur site, you can set up a recipe box for yourself, so that makes their recipes easy to find, if you cannot print them out.
      The chicken and dumplings has become a fan favorite around here.
      I do not get migraine headaches, which is great. It may have been from the shot. I am glad it disappeared.
      I think it would be a great idea to do a loaf for Thanksgiving. they have simple white bread recipes that are do not require any special ingredients. You cold make t it the day before, and let it rise overnight to bake it.
      I am still on the waitlist for those pie savers from Lock n Lock. I have a funny feeling I will not get them by Thanksgiving. So, I found one on Amazon form Prepworks….I think that was the name….LOL I still hope they get the Lock and Lock sock back in.
      You must be so worried about your mom. I hope all is well with her. It is hard that she is far away.
      I hope you have good news from your doctor appointment today- crossing my fingers!!!!
      Have a good day.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Gailster…………sorry your team lost. There is always next year, as they say. It is awful to get close, and then lose!
      PS….eat some chocolate!!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      OMG GAil!!
      that crazy bird! I heard somewhere that if your house is painted light blue, the birds will do that- is your house blue, by any chance? I have no idea where I heard that one…..LOL
      I did see that recipe. the funny thing is, Tillie is German, and she makes potato dumplings. We actually get the mix from the German store. So, I thought that was quite odd, as I have never heard her speak of bread dumplings.
      It is chilly here today. It was 70 yesterday, so that makes today feel even cooler.
      Oh yes….we do call it chow-dah.

      Debbie- my daughter uses that voice thing, and she ends up screaming into it. It can ruin friendships, with the words it interprets. Watch out!!

      Hope everyone’s day is sunny and bright!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Colleen…..I will be right there. I will bring the cinnamon bread…..LOL LOL

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      No our house is a pale creamy yellow with teal shutters and accents. But that is all on the front and the cardinal attacks the window in the back.
      Unfortunately “there’s always next year” has been the Cubs mantra for far too long. Its funny that you mentioned that about the chocolate though. I had gone to the dentist on Tuesday and they decided that they could no longer try and save that molar-there was an infection and too much bone loss so they will be pulling it next week. I had to go to Wal Mart after my appointment and I was so depressed about the news on my tooth that I came home with three bags of Halloween candy and we don’t even get trick or treaters so guess who will eat them?! This has been a tense week for a variety of reasons and the candy was just speaking to me.
      I’m thinking that the bread dumplings and the potato dumplings might be quite similar in texture. Hey! How about making it with potato bread! lol

      • Cynthia Shay
        Post count: 65

        PS: I just found a couple holes in two eye teeth myself….After all the dental stuff I had done in 2002, I thought everything was a done deal. And one of my front teeth in the back has a chip. And i have NO dental insurance now. That is one thing Medicare does NOT cover. And ARRP is lousy for insurance. You end up paying anyway, I had porcelain put in all my teeth in 2002 when I still had dental, and made sure everything was done. Who’d think the eye teeth would have a problem. I keep feeling a hole in the back of the right side. And to fix THAT one tooth is $1300.00 And my husband has to get yet another hernia repair and he is always at the gym in perfect shape. We had THREE deaths this month now…..With the death of his dad and two cousins, I have had it. At least there is no one left now. Except neighbors….. this has been a bad year. And I just heard one of the lead singers for the rock group Three Dog Night died. He was 74 and the band was supposed to be touring this month. I guess we all think we are going to live forever…….


    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Tell Ron that I don’t need any Kleenex. Boy for a former Illinoisian he has a bad attitude! lol He should just remember that the crazy bird bashing it’s head against my back window has the same name as his baseball team. Yes if that bird represents someone’s deceased loved one it must have been a person who was demented! I know a lot of people have that association but all I can think of is crazy dodo bird.
      I hope you can get this whole doctor referral thing straightened out. My lord what happened to the whole doctor’s creed of trying to help people. Unfortunately medicine has now turned away from helping and turned into a big business trying to be the most profitable at the expense of the people that they are supposed to be serving. The doctors are now all at the mercy of the insurance companies. This runaround is getting to be ridiculous.
      If it is just baked or fired chicken I like the dark meat best. But if I am making something with a sauce I think the breasts hold up better as they are denser-but I personally like the taste of the dark meat better on a chicken. It works out perfectly for us as I like the legs and thighs and Greg likes the breasts. a match made in chicken parts heaven! lol

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      that is the answer to our problems….we have been responding to talking chocolate. When I eat my talking chocolate it says…….”Quacker doesn’t have a 4x”.
      Of course you were depressed about the tooth. Who wants to lose one? Then you add in the cost for the pull, and the new denture- yuck. I know a lot of people will just leave a space, so that is a possibility. What are you thinking of doing? Unfortunately, our ages have been affecting everything.
      I am also sure you have been worrying yourself to death by chocolate, with Brent not home yet. How long is the peanut harvest?
      Potato bread would be good with any dumpling…..LOL It is good on it’s own too.
      Tonight is Tom Selleck night- yahoo!!! Bring out our husband’s cowl neck cardigans….oh, yeah… Gary does not get his until our anniversary….LOL LOL
      Hope you have a good night.
      P.S. We are also guilty of buying, and eating the Halloween candy. So, I say to Bobby that someone needs to get to BJ’s to get a huge bag, and he asks why we need one for the (literally) 4 sets of kids that come to the house. My answer..,,,,,,”If you have to ask that question, do not come looking for the leftover Reese’s.”

      • Cynthia Shay
        Post count: 65

        My husband will not bring home anything chocolate until last minute.. He’s not human. He never eats anything sugar. Must be a female thing. I always loved M&M’s plain in the freezer. I could eat a whole large bag alone. He’s easy to cook for though. BROILED fish, broccolli andPLAIN baked potatoes. Or Penne pasta with a light red sauce and baked meatballs. And chicken almost everynight BROILED. No change in 35 years. But I did find a recipie for the chicken. I cut up chicken breast in pieces, add four cut up potatoes and a pound a fresh green beans and I add fresh garlic,oregano, salt pepper,parsley and paparika and then add a packet of dry Italian dressing with a few pieces of Country Crock butter. I bake it on 200 for five hours so we can do something in the afternoon and when it’s done, it is so moist it just melts in your mouth. Here’s the last cake we got for my mom’s last “29th” birthday before she died. She was 80. Fred had the last word…………

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Ron is being a pain isn’t he. He is sleeping right now so will tell him later when he gets up. He had a rough day. I did not think about the cardinal hitting your window maybe it is one of the old cardinals come back and went to the wrong state. lol It would be just like the cardinals to do that.
      If a doctor tries to do the right thing he is asked to stop or move to another clinic. That is the shame of it all. They use to send out surveys at our doctors offices but they are not doing that right now. I guess they do not want to hear what the patients have to say about them. Or maybe they only send them to the people that will say what they want to hear. I would love to get one. I would tell them exactly what I think of the whole group. If they took their computers away they could not function. I better not start on this it really makes me mad.
      You and Greg are like us. Ron likes the white meat and I like the dark. So when we buy fried chicken none of it goes to waste. It is hard to find a store that sells just thighs around here. They usually just sell the breast. That is strange the breast and the legs sell a lot around here. I guess little kids like the legs and the adults like the breast. Well some do. I think that little ones like the legs because they can hold them in their hands and not have to use a fork. Oh to be little again and do what feels comfortable to you.
      I would be eating all the candy I could find if they told me that I had to have a tooth pulled. Especially after all the time you have put in trying to save it. I guess the older we get the harder it is to keep our teeth. They are falling apart like the rest of us.
      It is a dark dreary day today. It is a typical fall day. We are supposed to get some rain tonight and tomorrow and possibly Sunday. Is that front heading your way? I have not heard where it is going. It is going to cool off again and that is good. We will not have to have the air or the fans and it is not cold enough to turn on the heat. This is my kind of weather.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good evening.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      The cinnamon bread sound really good. I will make some type of dessert. Maybe a pie or something if we have enough room to eat anything else after all the soup and bread. Maybe a good glass of wine would be nice. We could send Ron off somewhere else of if all the men come we could send them to my bil house he lives close. They can talk to him and bother my sil. We can have a good time laughing and eating. We can let them eat before they leave though.
      Have a good evening.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      I like the pictures of your house all decorated with the Halloween decor. You really went all out decorating. I bet all the kids liked to see it all and came there every year. I hope that the sale that you had was a success. I think I read it right that you have to have another one. A lot of people love yard sales.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Hi Colleen,

      We used to decorate the first week of September and we would buy puzzles, stickers, pencils, toy paks for about 100 kids. All the kids under 10 got them, And last minute we would buy M&M’s and Hershey bars. I kept the worst picture of myself on the refrigerator door and we had a long mirror by the front door entrance so I would always be reminded not to eat anything. I had managed to get my weight down to 112 pounds and was wearing a zero for about four years before the weight creeped by up to about 130. It took ten years to get back to 150 and a size 10. After menopause I went as high as 170 and a size 12. But this year I lost about 25 pounds for no reason and then weighed myself last weekend and I’m back to 140 and a size 8. But I have the middle age waist now No more 25 inches. It’s about a 32 now, and all my weight sits in my chest . I’m gigantic. I wear a 44DDD. One is bigger than the other now that I had breast cancer. The smaller one is a 40DD. Here’s a picture when both were a 44 and i was wearing a size 5. This picture was taken about six years ago. My candy of choice are those orange pumpkins. They are poison. But I always get a couple bags. I cut my hair right after.


    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      I have been losing weight also. I am in a medium in Quacker clothes. I never thought that would happen. I hate to say what my weight was back then. I gained a lot of weight when i had children. I guess some of it was water weight and the rest was from eating too much or not eating the right things. That is a good picture of you and your husband. You both look very happy in that picture.
      I love all kinds of candy but because of the diabetes I cannot have any. Well I do sneak a piece or two when I just cannot resist. 100 kids is a lot of kids on Halloween. We do not have any where we live now. Your treats sound good. That was a good idea to give out toys instead of just candy. Last year we gave out granola bars. The kids really loved them we were surprised. We had candy but they chose the bars instead. We gave all of them away and then the candy. We go to a church that has trunk or treat for Halloween. That is the only way that we get to see the kids. Two of our grand kids that live close to us are too old to go out and the others live too far away to come down here. It is not as much fun because they do not have any houses to go to. They live in neighborhoods that have a lot of kids and houses.
      It seems like the older we get the harder it is too lose inches. I have to pedal to try and get my legs in shape. It is sad that we spread out when we get older and everything starts to drop. Gravity plays mean tricks on us as we age.
      well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      That is funny, Colleen
      So, we would let them eat before going…..LOL LOL

      I have attached the picture of the pumpkin muffins I made this morning. My therapy for the day.
      JJ is here, while his parents go to the store. He is doing Lego’s on the table ,and I am answering emails.
      It is dreary and dark here today. Cold too. Very winter like.
      Hope your day is brighter!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Cynthia
      Love the picture. That was great that you lost the weight. Middle age, makes everything look different. No matter what size we were to start with. Do not feel bad, you look great! We are way more important than how we look. It is how we treat people, and our attitudes about life. Our inner selves are what really matters. That you were able to beat cancer, is the most important thing. That is a miracle, and we are all glad you are still here on this earth.
      Hope you are having a good day!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia
      Your Mom looks great. What a pretty woman. I am sorry you had to lose her. Great cake!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Cynthia, you have had a terrible time lately with losing so many relatives at once. It seems you lose people in bunches. That happened on our family too. So sorry for all your losses.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Thank goodness I have finally found my way back. My computer has been on the blink again. I got this message about how I had free Windows 10 to install last week; so listening to Mr. Jerry, I said okay, and thats where all the fun began. It has been days and days since I have even been able to get on this thing. So I hope you all will get this, but who knows? ha ha I tried to catch up on all of your news, but I’m sure I have missed some. I am glad to hear that Brent will be coming home, Gail. I know that this has been a difficult decision for him; but home is really where he is safe and can have time to really think about what to do next. It is so good that you and Greg will be helping him with setting up his budget to give him some insight on how to manage his life. You brought up the point that worries me as well, about how at his age a woman will be thinking about his finances and such. I worry about Joey about this as well. He had been on his own so to speak for all these years, and he is still unsettled with Lisa; no definite plans made yet; and I really feel he should “settle down” at this stage of life before too much more time passes. But yet; I would rather see him unmarried than to marry for the wrong reasons. Just keep hoping they will work things out and be happy with one another. I just feel in my heart that Lisa will not ever chose Joey over her own family; and I think they all do not support him and will always be an issue for them. I know when Jerry and I first met; that my parents did not like him. I was so in love, and I kept trying to point out to them all the good things I saw about him, to no avail, and then finally I remember saying to them that I loved Jerry and I hoped that someday they would too. I must say; it took a few years; but they finally decided his strong back was an asset for them. Felt kind of bad for him that they called on him for so much and not my brother, but thats just how it was and he didn’t seem to mind.
      Sorry for your losses Cynthia. It does seem to come in groups, doesn’t it? Hope some of the pain has eased. Your house looks beautiful. We don’t get any little trick or treaters way back here in the boonies. It is so dark and way off the road. We have these trees that line our drive way, that have grown so much over the years. I really love it. We planted all these trees on our land by hand when the boys were little. We have planted well over 1000 trees. Hard to believe now that we were able to do so much back when we were young. Guess that is one reason I would hate to give this place up since there is so much history everywhere I look here. Jerry and I are still taking our little walks everyday Gail. I do mean little, but I feel better when we are done. I think it helps Jerry too. I just let him go on and on talking about this tree and that bush and the dogs just are running and whooping it up. Its like a funny farm around here ha ha.
      Glad you are doing better Adele with you shot. I wish Jerry could find something to give him some relief. He took a series of shots years ago and this did help some at the time. He is just past that stage now. I just feel like he and I are still very fortunate to still be here and count each day as a blessing from above.
      You know Gail and Colleen, I haven’t ever gotten into watching sports. Paw Paw loved to watch the Cardinals play baseball. Joey and Lisa used to go watch the games with him out at his house. i can’t help but think about you Gail when Quacker tries to sell a cardinal shirt of some kind. I can’t help but think about your favorite bird that keeps coming to visit you every year. He must be kind of goofy from hitting his head so much. They always say on the Q about how the cardinal reminds them of a loved one; and then I think about how it must remind you of you whacky head hitter bird ha ha
      So glad Debbie is some better. I just want her to feel better; even if she is not able to come on here very often. She is just the best, and I really miss her terribly, but want her to do what is best for her health. We are all in agreement I know.
      The mums are so pretty now. I put out a couple of them still in their little bucket things down inside concrete flower pots on the patio. That makes it so easy for me to take care of them and then just pull the whole little plastic pot out when the growning season is over. I just love the yellow ones in one pot and the red ones on another. Looks so pretty.
      Pot roast for us today. Love those one pot meals. Just add all the vegetables around the roast and then in the oven until it is all done but making the gravy. Warm up some rolls and dinner!
      Had some out of town family stop by yesterday. My SIL and her daughter who live in Missouri came by on their way to help the youngest daughter move up there. She has had lots of problems with being with the wrong kinds of people and ever since her Dad died she really went down a bad path. So hopefully, they will be able to help her and get her life going in the right direction. I really loved seeing my SIL. I have missed her so much since she moved away; but knew in my heart that it was the right thing for her to do to be close to her oldest daughter. She has really taken care of her Mom and I am really proud of her.
      Well, I know you all must be tired by now of all my family news, but the way this thing is acting, I don’t know if it will let me on again ha ha I hope all of you are okay. Take care of yourselves. Oh, by the way Colleen, I think my right arm is a size medium. ha ha I am one of those “full figured” girls. You and Cynthia would be completely hidden behind me LOL Take care everyone! Barbara

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara!
      I am the other full figured one here….LOL I could hide a lot of trick or treater’s behind me, but, they would have to be short….LOL
      We all need to say a prayer today, for all our lost relatives who need to find their way. Some are in more trouble than we realize, and only prayers can help. I am saying, and sending them to all those we know who need a helping hand. So many people fight demons every day. It is heartbreaking.
      My other wish is for all our children to fins a good person, who loves them, so we can see them happy before we leave this earth.
      I am not much for sports, either. I watch the big games with Gary, as he watches all the girlie shows with me.
      Is jerry thinking of surgery for his back? You know, if mine did not have 2 curves, I would be golden after the surgery I had.
      I did the Windows 10 a while back. I had to re-do a lot of things, before I got it right. Still not so sure I have it all.
      It is nice that your family finally accepted your hubby. Some times people do not realize how good a person is, and they lose so much when that happens.
      Wishing everyone a good Sunday!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Your pumpkin muffins look really good. The grands are really going to enjoy them. We are going to just give out store bought candy. I am not as good as you are at giving out really good treats. Your grand are lucky to have you as a grandma. I am the boring grandma.
      I use to be really big also. When I started having trouble with my stomach is when the weight started coming off. I have to be so careful of what I eat so that is how I am losing weight. I do not recommend this to anyone. I just have to watch everything and that is not fun. All I have to worry about is if they ever get this straightened out that I will gain all the weight back. I have been trying to get rid of all my big clothes in hopes that will help. Right now I have to buy a lot of new clothes. I guess that is why Ron is not complaining because I have to get some smaller sizes. The others were getting big enough that I look like I am wearing someone else clothes. So I am not bragging. I would rather be fat and happy then skinny and sick.
      We have not been doing much around here. It has been cool here and the sun has not been shinning. So you do not feel like doing too much. It is good weather for napping.lol Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      You are like me. If one thing happens to this thing and I am done for. We are just lucky that my brother is a computer whiz and he can tell us what to do over the phone. If we need an up grade he will come and do it for us so we do not mess the computer up. That is the only reason he does it because he thinks that I will mess it up so bad that it will not work and he will have to find me another one. lol
      My parents were not sure about Ron either. I had to sneak around and meet him to go out with him. Then when he went away in the service and he came home he came and knocked at the door and asked for me and my dad liked him after that. He said that it took a lot of courage for him to do that. That was something for my dad. He and Ron were good friends after that. They even played golf together. Which is something else. I guess that they find out that we know the men that we love and they just have to come around to love them also. We did pick out the right guys. What would we do without them.
      If that cardinal is a loved one of Gail’s it will have to be a crazy one. Either it is crazy or it really wants to come in the house. I cannot believe that a cardinal is a loved one but I guess we all believe in different things. It is funny what people believe in.
      We have mums growing in our yard. We do not bring them in during the winter. They just come back up every year. I do not know why but we have a bunch of them and have had them for a few years and they are really pretty. They are the only flowers that come up in the fall and beginning of the winter. At least we have color until then. Wish I could find a flower that will grow in the winter months.
      Your roast sounds really good. We are going to have to have one when it gets cooler. Ron fixed those two pork roasts and we got kind so sick of it. He made them and bbq the one and made pulled pork and we ate that until we got really tired of it.
      I hope that things work out for your sil and her family. It is hard when one of your kids go wrong. It is hard to see and even harder to get them on the right path again. I hope things work out for them and remember them in my prayers.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All,
      Adele, I am full figured too. Didn’t start out that way-I was short and tiny and then the years and inactivity and eating too much took their toll and now I am a beach ball with four sticks. lol It is what it is Now if I was 6 foot 6 I would be in proportion! lol Thus the three bags of candy. The tooth is a lower molar and the one above it was removed last year. I thought originally to get implants but each one is sooo expensive and sooo involved that I will skip it as these are teeth that can’t be seen. I’m just depressed because that’s three teeth now-there’s nothing wrong with the teeth-it’s gum disease-and much as I take excellent care of my teeth and gums the hereditary factor plays largely into it and both parents had gum disease also. So sometimes I’m afraid that we are fighting a losing battle. And of course the dentists want to blame the arthritis drugs-and I go what do you want me to do stop taking them and be in constant pain and also have other systems involved then too? I don’t think so…
      My SIL is all moved in with her fiancée now. They have a vacation booked in Puerta Vallerta in two weeks so she is afraid about what the hurricane may have done to the area. I think it went next to it but missed it so hopefully they will be okay.
      Barbara, Greg has been having trouble since he installed windows 10 too-so he told me not to do it on mine which crashed anyway the other week and we had to reboot the whole thing to it’s original settings. someone else put in windows 10 and his whole computer crashed and he had no files backed up so had to spend a lot of money to take it in and get the files back.
      I guess I’m the only one who watches sports-as I know Debbie doesn’t either. I guess maybe because I had a lot of boyfriends that played sports growing up so I used to go to a lot of games and Brent played sports so I just am in the habit of watching. I’ll bet that you guys watch figure skating and gymnastics on the Olympics-so you probably watch some sports. Greg will watch a tiddly winks championship if it is on ESPN and his brother is even worse. Speaking of sports Jenny and Adam are running a half marathon this Saturday in Chicago. Hope it’s neither too hot nor too cold but just like the porridge is just right!
      It’s funny but my family liked Greg right away-even my Dad. Perhaps because of his sense of humor which I know I have mentioned before was a commodity highly prized in our family. Now there was a former finacee that my Dad couldn’t stand and probably some others too. Fortunately many of the people that I dated he never even met as once I left for college I never lived at home again until the few months before I got married. Also I was probably a little older than you guys too when I got married. Colleen, I didn’t know that Ron played golf-does he still?
      Poor Greg got stuck making dinner again last night I was trying to get some cleaning done and he was getting hungry so he took matters into his own hands. I guess he was afraid that he wouldn’t eat since I haven’t had much of an appetite the last week-we have a bunch of personal family things swirling around and it just takes my appetite away but the poor guy still wants to be fed so he took matters into his own hands. lol
      My friend Mr. Cardinal is back tapping on the window this morning. Maybe he is some ghostly figure getting ready for Halloween. It’s funny at first you feel sorry for him because you think he is hurting himself and then after days and weeks you just think “what a stupid bird.” Go Away!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I am sorry to hear about your tooth. I do not blame you for not wanting to get the implants. They are nice but if you cannot see them it is not worth it. This is the pits to have gum disease and the medicine that you take for the arthritis does not help it. You are smart to keep taking the medicine. I would rather not be in pain and have to have a tooth pulled. The tooth can be pulled but there is nothing that they can do for the arthritis. It is hard to decide what to do anymore.
      that is good news that your sil is moved in with her fiance. That must have taken a lot off her mind. She needed to get moved in and get all that over with. It is hard to be unsettled. This is not the time of year to go on a cruise. Do they take you to a different destination if there is a hurricane on the place you want to go? I know that they can take different routes to get where you are going but do not know what they would do if the place you were going was in the hurricane. I would think that they would cancel the cruise if Purerta Vallerta was hit by the hurricane. I do not know much about cruised though. So I could be wrong about it. I hope that have a wonderful time. They both will need it after all the moving and things that they have been doing.
      Greg and Ron are alike. Ron would watch any sport that comes on. That is why he has a tv in the bedroom. I do not mind watching once in awhile but cannot watch a whole game. It makes me nervous wondering if our team is going to win or lose. Now I like to go see the kids play or go to a game at the high school. They are a lot different. Those kids play for the fun of it especially the young kids. They just want to get out on the field. When they first start it is fun to watch them because there is no telling what they will do.
      Ron use to play golf. He played when we first got here but the guy that he played with moved and he did not have anyone to golf with. So he has not golfed in a long time. My dad and brother use to love to play golf. I think that my brother still does. I do not know why Ron does not go play a round of golf with him but I guess they live too far apart. Well and my brother still works and does not have a lot of time.
      I hope that Jenny and Adam do well in the marathon. No matter what place that they come in at all that matters is that they finish. It is hard to run like that I would think. Hopefully the weather will be just right for them.
      Wish that Ron would cook dinner. He did a couple of times when I was feeling really bad but has not since. I guess that he thinks that I should do it now. So if I am not feeling well he eats snack food. The man never learns.lol
      Well maybe the bird will either knock himself out are find a better window to run into. Good luck with your bird.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      you are not the boring grandmother. Your grands love you enough to spend a whole week with you and Ron!
      It is no way to lose weight. I went the other way- had to buy one size up….LOL I did sell a lot on Ebay. I had quite a good time doing it. You should try that- Quacker goes really fast. My shirts were sod within one week- some sold before I finished loading what I was selling that week. I am going to have a Christmas sale on Ebay too, as soon as they come out of hiding…..LOL
      It is chilly here too. We are getting the remnants of the hurricane that is in Texas. All rain is coming, and a lot of it. But, not anywhere the amount Texas got.
      Thank you for the compliment on the muffins. You should have seen Aizen eating one- he loves baked goods. Aizen, Jhonny, and JJ tasted the left over chicken and dumplings. They want to come for dinner when I make it again, hopefully this week. I guess that recipe was a huge hit. I am glad. I am especially glad Gary like sit. Aizen kept saying, “pot pie, pot pie.” Steph said he loves pot pie. What a funny kid he is.
      I will be doing the little ghosts for Halloween, for the grands. I hope I can get them to look more like a ghost this time. That is on my agenda for Friday. All the crew love those cookies. they are a simple meringue- all egg whites, and some sugar. They just tale a long time to bake on a low temp.
      I hope you get that appointment soon for your stomach. Having all that pain is no fun at all.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      My Dad had gum disease- his gums receded, and he lost all his teeth. Like you, I do the floss, and the Sonicaire water pic thing. I also use a Sonicare toothbrush. I seems as we get older, they just keep going. I hope you do not lose any more.
      I hope the family is ok. I will pray for all of you.
      That is great news about you SIL. I so love the good news we share, from time to time. It gives us all hope things can improve. We all need hope. Some day, it is hard to find.
      I guess we all had issues with Windows 10.
      My Dad never got a chance to approve of Gary. He died on Dec 23rd, 1988. I was only 38 years old. I miss him, like it was yesterday. He was my best friend. He stood in the window, when I left for work, and when I came home at night, and waved. That is a huge reason we sold the property- I could not walk up the walkway without sobbing. That is when Tillie move din with me, instead of us being in 2 separate houses.
      Hope your day is a little better.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Your grand sons are so cute. Azien is at the age where he does all kinds of cute things. Pot pies are really good and that chicken and dumplings must taste like pot pie. I will have to look that recipe up and make it one night. Does it make a lot? You are talking about the recipe from King Arthur aren’t you are is this a different one? I have not made chicken and dumplings for a long time. Ron has been wanting some that I have to roll out and put in with the chicken. So guess that is what I will make someday soon.
      i am not good with e-bay. Do not understand how it all works. Will have to ask one of my girls to help me with it. I have a lot of the wardrobers that they use to sell. I have the green with the pineapple and the one with the cherry and the lily and one more but cannot remember what it is. The striped tops look like new because I think that stripes make me look like a blimp. I just hope that I do not gain all that weight back again. I have a feeling that is what is going to happen. I am really going to have to watch what I eat.
      The ghost cookies sound really cute. I have never baked like that before. They sound really good. You are such a good baker you could open you own bakery. I bet that you would sell a lot of things. Except you would have to keep the kids away or they will eat it all. lol You are lucky to have your family all so close to you. Seems like everyone is having to worry about family things here lately. I hope that it is nothing serious and it can all be fixed in no time. We will have to pray for everyone and their families.
      It is a little warmer here today and we are supposed to have more rain. They keep telling us that but the rain never comes. We need a little rain here. For awhile we were getting all we needed and now it has stopped and it is dry here. We have had some fires in the woods around here. Luckily they have been seen in time and they put them out before they get out of hand. They have been on the other side of the road so far and none on our side. We all watch when we drive down the road which helps also. We have not heard how that fire started. We have a lot of wooded area around here. Luckily a lot of the people around here have had their woods thinned out and gotten rid of all the dead timber. We did that a couple of years ago. I am not sure how long you are supposed to wait until you do it again. We did plant some new trees to replace the old ones that were cut down.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      It is on King Arthur site. The recipe is titled, “Turkey and Dumplings”. You can do it with either. It makes a full pan of one of the Temptations 9 x 13 bakers. You have to cover it when you bake it, so the lid with the pan is great! I just got that pan- the pumpkin one, and I love it. It bakes everything better. I am thrilled with the Temptations line.
      I hope you do not gain the weight back too. It is much healthier. I have given up. I have decided, this is me. It would take a miracle to lose it all at this point. Or, an illness I would not want. So, like Jeanne Bice said…..I decorate it!
      OMG…..I will be praying that no fires come your way! That is scary. Do you usually get fire danger in your area?
      It is cooler here, and will be 70 tomorrow, and then back down again. I swear, we will all be sick!
      Love ya!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All,
      Adele, I am like you I have given up ever losing the weight. I am like Popeye-I yam what I yam! lol We both lost our Dad’s early-I lost mine in 1982-the same year that Jenny was born. Also I see that you lost your Dad around Christmas-I lost my Mom around Christmas in a different year-her funeral was on Christmas Eve. I know for me the next few Christmases were difficult-but our kids were about junior high age then and looking forward to Christmas so that helped a lot. I will have to go back and check out that turkey and dumpling recipe since it is such a big hit. I guess I will probably be eating soup tonight after the tooth extraction.
      Colleen, my SIL and finacee are not going to Puerta Vallerta on a cruise. I know a cruise ship will change the itinerary if a hurricane is in progress. they are just worried that the hurricane may have done damage to the resort that they will be staying at. I have not heard back from her yet with the info.
      I think Jenny and Adam aren’t worried about what place they come in in the half marathon. I think they just want to do it to say they did it. It’s on Halloween in Chicago so I wonder if people will wear costumes. Just think about all the Halloween candy that they can eat after running thirteen miles. lol
      I have a lot of those wardrobers too. I didn’t used to wear stripes but now I don’t worry about it-nothing can make me look bigger than I already am so I no longer worry about it. I wear whatever I want. The Quacker clothes last a long time. I have some from so many years ago.

    • Barbara Smith
      Post count: 418

      Gail, hope all goes well for you at the dentist. I also had the option of going the implant route with this latest abcessed tooth I had; but when I saw the cost and knew where it was that you wouldn’t be able to see it at all; I said no. So now I have a rather large gap between my two back teeth and I guess this is how it will stay. Take care of yourself. Having a tooth pulled is surgery; and some forget that. I had a pretty bad abcess that just showed up one Saturday morning when I got up. I am like you; I see so many things changing about my body. Sure is hard to accept sometimes; but then I think I am fortunate to be here to see the changes. Jerry was talked into an implant; but his was in the front. He had his tooth knocked out by one of his brothers as a child when they were playing; and had to have a false tooth with this plastic like thing that fit in the top of his mouth. He wore that for years. He went through so much with his implant; so many surgeries and bone grafts. I just don’t see how he did it. I really felt for him. I would have just accepted that false tooth; but he had worn it for so long I guess he was just tired of it.
      Colleen; I am glad you have found your slim self; but just wish it wasn’t due to feeling sick. But on the up side NEW WARDROBE! You will really be styling in your new Quacker now. Have you been able to get the appointment with the gastroenterologist yet? I sure hope so. I know you must just want some answers and to feel better. Those stomach issues are something else.
      It is cloudy and rainy here today. We are due for rain all week; even on Halloween. All the kids are off this weekend; so I don’t really know yet what their plans are. Neal and Sarah went to a concert last night at this old theatre that has been converted into an auditorium and they had a really good time. Both of them looked so nice. I have to tell you all this; when I got up this morning to come get some juice to take my medicine about 8; Sarah was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher from where she had fixed them both breakfast before Neal went to work. She is off today. She and I talked a few minutes, and she just kept on putting things away. So MABEY, she is warming up a little to being here. It was a step in the right direction anyway.
      What are all your little grands going to be for Halloween this year? I imagine Piper as a little flower like a Sweet Pea and Aizen as a tree. Bet they will all look so cute. We dress Auto Kitty and all the puppies up in costumes. It makes him so mad; but the doggies love it. Ruby just sits so nicely and lets Lisa put her dress on her. Last year she was wonder woman. This year; Auto Kitty is Superman. ha ha Scrappy loves to play dress up. He lets us polish his nails and everything. He has no shame, he is loud of proud! Dodger has some kind of thing on his collar that flashes like a beacon. Joey told Lisa that you couldn’t lose him because he is constantly baying ha ha. I am going by the Goodwill store today and see if they have any old blankets that I can pick up for their dog houses. Sometimes I find them at Big Lots just as cheap. This rainy day has gotten me sleepy and needing a nap. Hope you all are doing okay. Take care my friends. Nap time! Barbara

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail, and everyone…..
      If you look up the recipe for the dumplings, check out the “Easy Cinnamon Bread”. That is a huge hit over here. We have it for breakfast, not even with butter on it. I made it yesterday, and when Jhonny came to work, like his son Aizen he came up the stairs and said, “yum, yum, I smell cinnamon bagels.” LOL (Jhonny is working for us because Frankie, our driver, is on vacation this week.)
      I have visions of a marathon with all in costumes- very funny.
      I am counting the days until Halloween- I hope you girls can post some pics!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Barbara!
      I do not know what the boys will be, as Steph keeps it a secret. I do know, it is a “family” costume. They will all be dressed in the same type of thing, I guess.
      We are getting rain tomorrow, into Thursday. Halloween is supposed to be rain free.
      That is really good news about Sarah. It looks like she is coming around. how nice for yo, your son, and family! I LOVE good news, and when things work out well! It encourages us all, when things do not go so well. There is hope after all. We all have to keep praying, and hoping. It works.
      I hope you had a good nap. that is where I am going- off to the recliner!
      have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I will look it up later. I am not sure what I can eat right now. I was sick again today. I think that I would rather have the weight on then to be sick like this all the time. That is what made me buy Quacker for the first time. She really made a lot of sense. So I have been decorating ever since then. I figure at my age I can wear what I want and if people do not like it they do not have to look. So if it was not for this I would still be a larger size and happy about it.
      We usually do not have a lot of fires around here. We have careless kids who go out into the woods and make fires and do not make sure that they are put out when they are done. We just have to catch who ever it is. They like to hang out here in the evenings and all get together. They know that no police or anyone is going to come around and see them. That is why we have all start doing it. We have rain here all day here today so the chance of fire is nil.
      I do not have that many temptations dishes. I have one set but it does not have the lids. I need to get some more. I do like they way they clean so easy. I use them a lot on holidays. Mine are the orange color. Should have gotten a different color,.
      Will look that up also. We like cinnamon bread.That would be nice if you do not need butter on it. Most cinnamon bread is a little dry and need to butter to get it moist. King Arthur has some really good recipes on it. So you now know where Aizen gets his love of baked goods. He is like his father. That is nice that he is working for you while your driver is on vacation. I guess that he is still looking for a job. I hope he finds one soon.
      Well that is about all from here. Have good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      It is good that they are flying but hope that the place where are staying will let them know if they can come or if there is too much damage. That is such a shame that had to happen when they had all their plans made. I do not know why I thought they were going on a cruise. I guess that cruising is on my mind.
      I hope that you tooth extraction went well today and you are not having any pain. It is hard to give up another tooth. I know that you have been trying so hard to keep yours. We all have to keep fighting to keep what we have. I do not know about anyone else but right now I feel like I am falling apart. Every time we turn around something is going bad. I feel like a used car.lol
      I hope that they do well in the marathon. That would be fun to see if they all were wearing costumes. Are Jenny and Adam going to wear one? They might be hard to run in. I wonder what costume you could wear that you can run in. I guess wonder woman or something like that.
      It would be nice to be able to eat all the candy that you want. I remember the days. I hope that they have a good time.
      I was looking at some of my Quacker and I have one top that has the green tag. I had never noticed it before everyone started talking about the tags. I must have been a quacker a lot longer then I thought. Unless I got it on clearance and it was a hold over from when they were green.
      Are the kids getting excited about Halloween? Owen is going to be a wear wolf, That will be really cute. Kaylee is going to be a cat but that is the only two that I know what they are going to be. I think that the older kids are gong to Halloween parties.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      Jhonny is in the beginning stages of looking. One of our customers told us yesterday that the local hospital is looking for a night person, doing what Jhonny did- testing the blood/specimens. I am not sure what the job is called. he does not take the samples, he is the one testing them. I called Jhonnny as soon as Gary told me, and he is going to check it out. The hospital is 5 minutes away, and that would be fabulous for him, all the way around.
      You would love this cinnamon bread one- you only let the dough “rest” for an hour, and then put in the pan, and bake. You would need the cinnamon chips- I get them from King Arthur on-line.
      I am so sorry your stomach hurts again. That is awful to have a belly ache. I know, because I had one for years with the divitulitis. So glad that is over. I think I remember you were going to the doctor today. If so, I hope you get some answers. This is not fun at all, and my prayers are with you.
      I have Quacker on right now- they are on until 2, here.
      Hope you feel better today.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025


      I hope your tooth came out with no incident.

      Also hope you are home, watching Angel with all the holiday tops. I already got the new grey and black long sleeve shirts- grey with snowman, and black with sled.

      I am making the “Ghosts” today. I hope they come out ok, and look like ghosts, as I am adding the eyes today. Kids coming for dinner tomorrow, so I need some Halloween dessert ready for Aizne to go “yum, yum.”

      Hope you are good!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I saw another top with Angels on it and it was black. I do not know if this is the one you were talking about but here is the number.A238705 They had it is all sizes. I hope this is the one that you are looking for.I am wanting to get the angel shirt with the three angels on it the only color it comes in is plum. It is pretty though.
      I hope that Johnny gets that job it is so close to home. Is his job a lab tech? I cannot remember what else they call them. I may have it wrong. The lab tech may be the person that draws the blood. I will say a prayer that he gets the job. This is a hard time to be without work.
      Well they are supposed to call and try and get me an appointment with the gastro that I found. They are supposed to call me back today or tomorrow. As soon as they get it set up.
      The cinnamon bread sounds easy to make. I have not been looking things up on that site and I need to. There a couple of things that we would like to try.
      I cannot wait until Friday to see what costumes that they have to wear on the chew. Clinton Kelly was having a fit because of what they had picked out for him and so was Michael. Micheal was not as bad as Clinton he just said that what they want him to be is not going to be pretty. So they have my curiosity peaked. This should be really funny. Clinton kept saying that his was not meant for day time tv. I do not think that it will be that bad but will have to wait and see. Carla and Mario are both happy with theirs.
      I have to record Quacker today. I was not home when it came on so glad that I had that all set up. There is supposed to be two on today isn’t there? I cannot remember.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good evening.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I guess you could call his job a lab tech, accept he does not draw the blood. I hope it is a good lead for him, as that close to home would be great with the boys.
      I did finally get that black shirt with the angels on it- that one had 3/4 sleeves. I got the gray and black new ones today, with long sleeves- one had a snowman, the other a sled. Tillie got the grey one, and green velvet pants.
      that plum shirt was really pretty. I saw that one.
      I had to record the Chew today. I will watch it tomorrow, before the next one. I hope.
      I hope you hear soon on the doctor appointment. If they do not call, call them, and start to be the squeaky wheel, so they will not put you on the back burner.
      Hope you have a good night!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Barbara,
      Well I am getting closer to getting the appointment set up. My doctors office has to set it up so waiting for them. We went to his office and talked to his nurse and she acted like she was going to get it done. I hope so.
      I have been buying a lot of quacker here lately. My tops are all too big and have to size down. It is a mess. This is the wrong time to be losing weight and having to by new clothes. Now after Christmas I may just have myself a good time buying what I want. I love shopping. At least I am not going thru one of those not in the mood to shop things. That would be bad.
      Our weather has been cool here also. We had rain all day and evening yesterday and it was cloudy all day today. I do not know if it rained early this morning or not. We did need the rain just not too much of it. That is usually how it is you get too much or not enough. Missouri weather is like this all the time.
      That is really something that she was loading the dishwasher. Maybe she is warming up to being there. Now it would be nice if she would cook dinner one night. Or maybe she will come in the kitchen and help you cook. She must have not had to do anything when she lived at home. That is not good for a kid to be raised that way. They do not know how to do things when they get out on their own. That makes it hard for them.
      My 5 yr old granddaughter is going to be a cat, my 7 year old grandson is going to be a wear wolf do not know what the rest of them are going to be. They had not made up their minds. I think that the two older ones have parties to go to on Halloween. They are too old to go out trick or treating. They are at the age where people do not like to give them candy. It is hard for them to give it up though. Who doesn’t want free candy and all that you can eat,.lol There are times when I have thought of going out and getting candy. Say it is for one of my sick children. I think people would catch on I looked to old to have little ones living at home.lol
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good evening.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hello all!

      I did the Halloween Ghosts yesterday. here they are, with their weirdo eyes, and in their Halowwen muffin papaers……LOL LOL

      Have a Quacky Halloween!!

      Love you guys!

      • Cynthia Shay
        Post count: 65

        Hi Adele,

        Those ghosts are cute. We’re all set for Halloween. I found a large box of stuff from last year I forgot about. I have over 100 cellophaned Halloween bags filled with 50 stickers, two pencils, a plastic puzzle, and a small can of Play Dough for kids. We always make up bags and I had them left over from last year. All I have to do now is but two Jumbo bags of M&M’s to hand out. It went from 102 last week to 81 this week and Saturday night it’s supposed to be 61. See, every year it does this. Did any of you guys see the newest Quacker Factory top with the embroidered snowflakes? I think I’m going to get it in Lime Green and wear it with Teal blue pants. I have a pair of shoes in those two colors from the 70’s and they would look cute.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      here is the other one….I hope!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I love the ghost cookies. They are really cute. The grands are really going to like them. Aizen will be taking them home with him. His dad may do that also. You have a lot of cookies monsters in your family. lol
      I am so glad that you got your black shirt. When I found it I thought of you right away. I hope that it is as pretty as it was in the picture. There are a couple of things that I would like to have. I am just waiting. I probably be sorry for not ordering it right away. They have some really cute things this time around for Christmas. They have a sweat shirt with a santa on it with his bag. That would be a fun one to wear. My granddaughter Kayle loves Santa. So I know that she will like it when I wear it. I will have to think about it. I like the black top with the sleigh on it also. There is just too many things that I like. I need more things then Christmas.
      I record the Chew everyday so I can watch it after Ron goes to bed. Then I do not have to listen to his comments. He likes to make me crazy when I am watching something like that. He likes to make fun of how they act on there. Did you see the show yesterday? Daphne left a message for them and said that they named the baby John John. I think that is a cute name. They had some other name for him but they will call him John John. By the time he goes to school the kids will call him John. He will probably prefer that. It will be fun to see him. I think that she said she was going to bring him to the show. She did not say when though.
      I am going to drive them crazy calling until they get me the appointment. I will call them tomorrow and see what is going on with it. If not I will offer to call his office myself. Then they can send the referral there.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night. I hope that Gail is okay. She has not been on here for a couple of days.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi All,
      Cynthia, I’m glad that the weather has finally broken so that you can wear your Quacker for Halloween.
      Barbara, maybe there will be some progress with Sarah now that she emptied the dishwasher. Maybe after their vacation she was feeling more grateful for you guys and all that you do. this Halloween Piper is being Snow White even though she thinks that she is Belle-Lachlan is the Transformer the Bee and Kendall is someone from Monster High. I like watching all the morning shows today and seeing everyone’s costumes. The Today show people are all Peanuts characters. I love Peanuts! Wonder who The View and the Chew will be?
      Adele, love your little ghost cookies. They are so cute. I’m sure the grands will love them. You are the baking queen! The tooth extraction went as well as it could when you are losing a tooth. He said that there was still a lot of infection in there even after me being on the antibiotic for a week. I still have some pills to go so hopefully that clears it all up without incident. My jaw still feels a little sore-it seems like it’s been longer than when I had the upper removed so I hope that doesn’t mean anything bad. How I wish now that I could get back those wisdom teeth that they removed because there was no room in my mouth and those 4 first bicuspids they took out when I got my braces. Years ago when you got braces and there was not enough room in your mouth for all your teeth they just pulled some out. They no longer do that now. They start young and stretch your palate but I guess they didn’t know about doing that back then. Hope that JHonny will find a job in short order.
      Colleen, you better get into that gastro before you shrink away to nothing. It’s nice to lose some weight but not to lose it because you are sick and cannot eat. My mother was like that for so many years when she had an ulcer-many food made her ill and she just hardly could eat at all. Then she had surgery and felt so much better and cold eat normally again. I hope that you don’t need surgery but I hope that you can feel better and not sick so much. Have fun with the trunk and treat tomorrow.
      Greg and I are going over to Rockford to Toys r Us to finish off our little girls wish list and then probably go out to dinner. It seems like we haven’t been out in a long time.
      Mr. Cardinal is out banging on the window this morning.
      How did you guys like the Quacker shows? They had some cute things. I got the OTO with the zippers and both sweatshirts. I was just going to get the HO HO one but then when I saw the duck in the Santa sack I had to have that one too. I’ll be sorry to put away all the Halloween after tomorrow but look forward to getting out my vast collection of Christmas stuff. Every year I pull out something that I had forgotten about so it’s like brand new. Plus, in the meantime I have some harvest and Thanksgiving things that I can wear with leaves and regular pumpkins and some things with sunflowers. I will have to check out that angel shirt that Colleen gave the number for. Love Angel things. I have lots of Angel candles and statues around my house. I figure one can never have too much help from the Angels.

      • Cynthia Shay
        Post count: 65

        Well, as USUAL, it was warm until this week, and tomorrow the birds start falling off the trees. I managed to wear three sweaters. The other 15 will have to wait until next year. Living in the desert i the worst for fall. No color changes and forget wearing all the cool Quacker stuff until November. I try to buy stuff that I can wear year round, that was why I was so glad A267230 and the black in !217155 were light weight. Both are really nice and I highly recommend them. I posted a couple pics of the latest stuff I got. A270589 in Lime and A 336047 in the yellow and Lime shoes. Tomorrow is hair color time, and then to the store to get those two jumbo bags of M&M’s. The toy bags are going to be great. And I’m making a beef stew with cornbread for dinner. Have a Creepy Halloween everyone. I have ten horror movies picked out and ready to watch.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Cynthia
      that outfit sounds adorable. You should post a pic of your cute shoes! I live vicariously, through everyone else’s cute shoes, because I cannot wear them anymore. I have to wear New Balance, and occasionally, I can wear a pair of Clarks.
      what a nice idea of doing those bags for the kids. That takes a lot of time,a nd I am sure they love to go to your house. We just give out candy. The ghosts are for our kids, and, of ocurse, the big kids…..LOL
      You must be thrilled the 100 degree weather is over for now.
      Happy Halloween!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen!
      you drive them as crazy as you want, until you get the help you need for your stomach. We are all praying for you.
      That is hysterical about Ron, and The Chew. I did see it yesterday. It gets so busy around here, with the kids coming and going, that I have to record it, and sometimes get to watch it later in the day, when everyone is gone. I saw Daphne- she looked exhausted. A new baby, with a little one is tiring for sure. I really like her. Actually, I love everyone on the Chew.
      Tillie and I got the new corduroy pants- I was thrilled, because I love corduroy. I also got the black sweatshirt. Tillie got the grey one.
      The angel shirt I got, was as pretty, if not more, than on TV. I love that line, with the 3 designs, and the sweetheart neckline. I also got the one with the 3 Christmas stockings on it- from the same line, I think. I had to get the pants in the regular size, because the shorts were all gone. Tillie had to get regular too- now we both need to do hems. I even have to hem the shorts, so it did nto matter to me. Tillie is perfect in the shorts-she is taller than I am.
      Happy Halloween!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      Is that duck on the sweatshirt I got, or Tillie’s? I ah will have to go back, and peek.
      By the way…..saw the Peanuts stuff, and ordered the singing Snoopy. That one is for me, if I can keep it here.
      that poor cardinal. I think we should send a “well check” from the local Dog officer on that crazy bird!! he needs to be hospitalized to protect himself, from himself…..LOL
      I got the cords, the sweatshirt on black, and Tillie got the cords, the sweatshirt in grey, and 2 other shirts form one of the collections. I kept telling her I think she bought at leastone of them last year, and she disagreed with me…..we will see, when she pulls out her holiday stuff.
      OMG- I hope you are all watching the Chew- they are in hysterical costumes.
      I hope your mouth feels better by tomorrow, so you can steal some goodies from your stash for the kids! Teeth are such an ongoing issue. Dental should be included in everyone’s insurance. I bet we will see that someday.
      Happy Halloween!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Sorry that you are having trouble with that tooth they pulled. I hope that they get rid of all the infection. I did not know that they would pull a tooth if it was infected. Learn something new everyday.
      That is funny that Piper is going as Snow White and she thinks that she is Belle. She is such a cutie. The other kids are going to be cute. Are you going over to their house on Halloween? We will have fun at the trunk or treat we usually do. They have a lot of kids that go there. I will stay until it slows down and then I will go home. I am going to have to leave some candy at home for Ron. The poor guy has been trying to open the bag of candy all evening and I have had to stop him. He was upset because I did not get any candy for the house. I could not believe it. He usually says that chocolate breaks his face out.lol I keep telling him that he is not a teenager. I really think that the man is going thru his second child hood.
      Your poor mom. Ulcers can be really rough. I am glad that is not what my problem is. I will have to have another ercp and that should take care of it. They have done those in the past and it has helped. I do not know how long this will go on. I am really tired of going thru this. I just hope that the weight does not come back on once I feel better. I am almost at my goal weight for me. That does not mean it is the goal weight that the charts say you should way.
      Hope you and Greg enjoy your day out tomorrow. You two have been really busy here lately. It will be nice to get out for awhile alone and not have to worry or think about anything. Enjoy your dinner out.
      What is wrong with that cardinal. He must really like your windows. He has to be hurting now. He has been doing that for a long time now. Hopefully next year he will find a new place to bang into. I wonder what it is about your house that he likes. That is weird that he just keeps coming back for more. You may have to find someone to take him away. A bird psychiatrist. lol
      I ordered the Santa shirt with the duck in the bag. Mine is on wait list though. I always wait too late to order,. I like the shirts that you ordered. They are really cute. I liked the ho ho ho shirt also and the one with the sleigh. They had so many cute tops on the show yesterday. I really wanted the one with the three angels on it but waited too long to order and it was gone. They were not even putting it on wait list. So maybe next year.
      Well that is about all. Enjoy your day out with Greg tomorrow.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      Thanks for the prayers. I can use them. No appointment yet but hope to get one soon. Will just keep bugging them until I get some results. I do not know why this doctor is so slow about doing things.
      The chew was funny yesterday. Daphne did look really tired. I am surprised she does not have help with the kids. I guess she wants to do it all on her own and I do not blame her. I like all of them on the chew also. They are all funny. The costumes today were really funny. Micheal and Clinton really got some bad costumes. It was funny that they both had to be woman and Mario got to be Trump. They were showing the pictures of some of the other costumes that they have worn thru the years. It seems like Micheal and Clinton get to wear the girl costumes. They were having a good time. I could not believe that Mario found a way to use that popcorn in the dish he made. I would have never thought of that. I thought that he might just throw the popcorn to the audience. He didn’t thought. That would have been funny. The audience had really cute costumes on also.It was just a fun show to watch. I am glad that they are going to focus on Thanks-giving next month and not go right into Christmas. It is refreshing to have someone celebrating Thanks giving.
      Have you been watching Hallmark this evening? They already have the Christmas shows on. I can not believe that they have them on so early. I wonder why they do not do Thanks-giving movies. They would be just as good. They would not have to show them as long. I need to quit complaining. I really like the Christmas movies but they are doing it a little bit early this year.
      Well have a good time with the grands tomorrow night. Hope you get a lot of trick treators I hope that there will be a lot at the church tomorrow night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Cynthia,
      You have lots of scary movie watching set to go today. I am not a big fan of horror movies-especially the really gory ones. I prefer more psychological suspense. What will you be watching? Those shoes are so cute. However, I like Adele have to go with the comfy shoes what with the flat feet and the tendonitis. I hope that you get lots of kids coming to your house tonight and can wear some cute Quacker while you give out the treats.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      The Grey shirt is the one with the Santa and the duck-the black is the HoHoHo. I had ordered the black early and that’s why I had to go back and get the gray when I saw the duck. Believe me Tillie is not the only one who has ordered the same thing twice. Especially with the seasonal stuff that you just don’t remember it all from year to year.
      It does suck not to have any dental coverage. I think Greg has spent thousands and thousands over the years at his old dentist (Dr. Demento) for root canals some of which I often wonder if he even needed. Anyway, I finally got him to ditch that dentist a couple of years ago and I think he is better off now.
      I love Peanuts! I ordered the holiday throw for myself. The Today show people were all dressed as Peanuts characters-Matt Lauer was Lucy-he always dresses as a woman. When I turned on the Chew I had no idea who Clinton and Michael were supposed to be until they said they were Miley and Taylor-I would have never guessed. Mario made a good Trump. I liked that he still wore his Crocs though. We have an ongoing argument here about the Peanuts Christmas movie as Greg doesn’t like it-so I tell everyone that he’s un-American and won’t let me watch it. Actually I have it on DVD and I make him suffer through it. How can you not like Peanuts?!!! Snoopy and Woodstock are adorable. He must be part Scrooge.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I was on an antibiotic for a week before they pulled the tooth-that’s why he was surprised that there was still an infection there and that it had never bothered me at all. I told him I guess I am a tough old broad. lol
      That’s funny that Ron thinks that the candy will break out his face. Next thing you know he’s going to be inviting you to the sock hop. Speaking of that-did any of you have a Sadie Hawkins Dance in high school-it was themed from Lil Abner and the girls asked the guys. Of course some of you went to all girls schools so I guess that might be a moot point.
      Well Jenny and Adam are running in that half marathon in downtown Chicago today and there is 100% rain predicted. Just what she didn’t want. Usually we help her take the kids out trick or treating but since it’s on a Saturday Adam will be home and Enya is there too so they don’t need us. I will miss seeing the little kids but I won’t miss being out in the rain.
      Now Colleen, what is an ERCP-is that the same thing that you had last time where you had to go into the hospital. I hope that you get yourself fixed up soon. It’s no fun feeling sick all the time plus the holidays are coming so you want to feel good and be able to fully enjoy those. I forgot that the shower is today too. Have fun doing that and at the trunk or treat. Happy Halloween everyone!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Gail
      I scoped out the duck shirt- still thinking about it, as I like my Christmas things to be black, red, green, and do not have much to match the light grey.
      OMG- I did not see the peanuts throw- will have to check that one out !
      Gary also hates Peanuts. When I watched the Great Pumpkin, he left the room……LOL
      I got he biggest kick out of all the costumes on the Chew, and the other morning shows.
      I am in my dark grey spider web shirt, with my black butterfly crops. I am ready !!
      Happy Halloween!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Cynthia!
      I love, love, love those shoes!!!
      Happy Halloween! I hope you have a fabulous night with adorable trick or treaters!

      • Cynthia Shay
        Post count: 65

        I like them too Adele..I have a couple other pairs from QVC hat I got the end of summer. I’ll post them. We had about 80 kids come by. I’ll have to post pics.It was nice out today to About 75.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen!
      the kids are coming at 4, as that is the time I assigned for pizza- ordering out.
      I love the Thanksgiving shows, as they have some great vegie ideas. I copied a couple form last year, and because of my back (had the surgery right after Halloween) I was not able to do any special things. I hope I can this year, as I love vegie dishes.
      Aizen and JJ loved the chicken and dumplings. I guess that will be a staple here for winter dinners.
      I seriously hope you will get an appointment next week. This is just not fair. You will stay in my prayers. I hope you have some resolution before Thanksgiving. That is something we can all be grateful for.
      I hope you have a Quacky Halloween!

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      By the way, these shoes are real comfortable. They are made like the Mushroom shoes from the 70’s. Real soft and cushiony. I like the suspense Horror. The movies where you don’t see what’s coming.
      I have Ten dvd’s picked out. (1) The Changelling from 1980 , (2) Ghost Story, (3) Salem’s Lot (4) Silver Bullet, (5) The Return Of Dracula 1959 ,(6) The Mummy 1959 (7) The Awakening with Charleton Heston another great mummy movie 1980 (8) The original THE HAUNTING from 1959 .That movie is the gold standard in Hollywood as well as motion picture science for great suspense. Universities everywhere point out this picture for suspense without seeing anything, and (10) The Mephisto Waltz with Alan Alda from 1980.


    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      This is funny that the guys do not like Charlie Brown. My brother was crazy about Snoopy and the whole gang. Every once in awhile we get him something with the Charlie Brown gang or just snoopy. I did order that singing Snoopy but as usual it is on back order. One year I ordered him some snoopy boxer shorts. Everyone got a good laugh when they saw them. I do not know if he still has them or if he threw them away. He may just keep them as a joke and one year I may get them back.lol
      I do not know how you stood that tooth if you had infection in it. That must have really hurt when he pulled it. That makes my mouth hurt thinking about it. I hope that it heals soon and the infection goes away.
      We went to the shower and it was really nice. Kevin’s mom is a really nice person. I felt bad that none of our family came but they did have a lot to do. I am glad that my mom did not come the steps were pretty steep going to the basement. It was fixed up really nice and everything so that was nice. She got a lot of nice gifts but did not get any diapers. I was really surprised. I was glad that we did not get her anything but blankets will wait and see when the baby is born and get what she needs. She did not get very many blankets either. I was really surprised since the baby is going to be born in January.
      An ercp is when they take that scope and go down thru the throat and clean that out. They open the bile duct and get rid of any scar tissue. This one you do not stay in the hospital unless you get sick then you have to stay in the hospital. The one where I had to stay in the hospital they put stints in the bile duct to keep it open. They leave it in for three days and then take it out. So I had to stay in the hospital then.
      We use to have the Sadie Hawkins dance. That was the dance that was the most fun. A lot of times everybody went with friends and we had more fun. We went with guys that were just friends and not boyfriends so we could act crazy and dance with who we wanted. I guess we were just weird. Most of the guys that we were going with were in the Army and were over seas. So that is why we did it so different then the other times. If any of that makes sense.
      I hope that it did not rain on the marathoners. We were supposed to have rain today but it didn’t it rained last night. So that was all we got. We will see if it rains tomorrow night. I do not know. Ron turned the furnace on and now our weather is going to be in the 70’s next week. Hope the kids had fun going out trick or treating
      That is about all from here. Have a good night.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      It will be fun to have the kids over for Pizza. They are going to love the ghost cookies. Do they go trick or treating in your neighbor hood. We ended up not going to the trick or trunk this year. We were both tired and just stayed home. When we went to the baby shower there was a wreck on the highway. We sat there for 30 minutes before we could move. I could not believe that we sat there that long. We were too far from an exit to get off the highway. So we had to sit there. So we were late getting to the shower and it just all went down hill from there. The shower was really nice. She got a lot of nice gifts.
      I hope that they give me some new ideas for Thanks giving dinner. I want to try a new veggie dish. The same old thing gets boring. I am so tired of green bean casserole. We have been having that since I was a kid. So it is time to move on. I guess we just keep doing it because it is an all time favorite. The kids were getting to where they wanted it for Christmas also. That was a little too much.
      That is really good that Aizen and JJ like the chicken and dumplings. It is good for them. My grandson Owen really likes them also. He was all excited after we took him to the chicken and dumpling dinner at the church. So when we go to cracker barrel he wants them there also. We got him started. I do not know if his mom makes them or not. She probably does not because she is worried about her weight. She sure is not like me. lol
      I am about to give up on getting in to see that doctor. I may just call that doctor myself and see if he will get the referral from my doctor. That may cut out the middle man and I can get in to see him. It is not fun fighting with these doctors all the time. I guess that is how it is going to be until they get rid of this obama care. That was the dumbest thing that they ever passed without our consent. We should have been able to vote on that.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a Happy Halloween.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Cynthia,
      How do you walk in those shoes. I would fall on my face if I wore those heels. They are cute shoes though. I am like Adele I love to look but have to be happy for the people that can wear them. I cannot.
      I like that top also. I liked it in the blue I think it was. That is a pretty shirt. I guess you can wear sandals all year long. We are done with them for the winter now. We are into tennis shoes and boots.
      You had a lot of trick or treaters. That must be fun to see all the kids all dressed up. We do not get any at our house. We live too far out in the country and there is not as many houses here. No street lights either so the road is dark. It is just an old country road.
      Hope you had a Happy Halloween.

      • Cynthia Shay
        Post count: 65

        The shoes are a low kitten heel


    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Started a new discussion for November so I’m over there now.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      I think that is a great idea- call the doctor yourself, and then get the referral. That is the best news I have heard all day!
      I am trying to get some of my houses away- putting them back, is words than taking them out….LOL I had a goal of getting them all away today. That is not going to happen. So far, I have the ones in the living room done, and a few on the dining room table, and moved the Thanksgiving ones (ones with pumpkins, and no Halloween stuff) around between the kitchen and living room. I have 3 houses that can be left out I until Christmas.
      I am glad you made it to the shower! Glad you were not the one in the accident- thank God! Which Quacker did you wear yesterday? Do you pick the same shirt I have on????” She made her decision the same way I did- the one that was new, and not worn…..LOL LOL We both had the dark grey spider web, with the spider in the web.
      So did Danielle get upset about the shower? I hope not, because you were so worried about it.
      I have never made a green bean casserole…..how funny is that?
      Aizen stayed home with his mother last night. Only JJ came with his Papi. I was a little disappointed, and sent pizza back home with them. Oh well. Heather was here too, and Rissy came was working a double again last night, and then she and her friends (about 5 of them) stayed in Boston for the night, and rented a room in a hotel in Boston, as she was working again this morning- she works in Boston.
      I hope we get goodnews about yo having an appointment by tomorrow night.
      Happy Fall!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Cynthia……are you up and moving from your Halloween scary movie marathon yet? That was quite a selection…..did you sleep, or were you up all night?
      Hope you had fun!

      PS….glad the shoes are comfy. I would hate for you to be uncomfortable- life is too short.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Cynthia- I love those shoes!
      We had 2 groups of kids, for a grand total of 8…..LOL Then add my grandkids, of which only JJ actually trick or treated. Aizen stayed home with Steph. I did miss him. Rissy cam by with Hetaher, and Amanda was working- read the post to Colleen for that news.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hey Adele-We’re over on the new page for November.

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