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Hi all. I’m back on board. Hope you all had a good week.
Sorry about the missing J on the first July. This attachment stuff just does not always work well. I liked it better when you could use one big picture to cover the whole space. Maybe there’s a way of doing it and I just don’t know how. I really liked the old way better but i guess I will have to learn to deal with this. I already redid it twice trying to make everything fit in. Anyway, hopefully everyone gets my intentions.
Well we got home from Kansas City yesterday. I always think of that song from the Music Man about how everything’s up to date in Kansas City. We stayed at a different hotel this time from where we usually stay as we waited too long to make a reservation at our usual place because of Rocky being sick. Anyway we stayed just across the street and I actually may like this place better. The suite had two bathrooms which was really convenient as it allowed us both to get ready at the same time-plus we had access to the concierge floor with breakfast and snacks and drinks throughout the day. So it was quite nice.
I did some shopping while Greg golfed. I took two pieces of jewelry to be reset from my favorite jewelry store there so it will be awhile until they are done and I can actually see how they turn out. That is my anniversary present. We went to our favorite barbecue restaurant and one night took a trip out to the Casino to lose some money. lol One day we went to this Steamship museum to view the artifacts from an old paddle wheeler that had sunk in the Missouri River in 1846 or something like that. It was really interesting-of course I am a museum geek-but Greg really liked it too. Last year we went to their WWI Museum which was quite impressive. Every year we try to check out one of the area’s sights. We have seen a lot of interesting things.I still want to go to the house that was used for a hospital during a Civil War battle. It was so odd to go on a trip with out dropping an animal at the pet sitter’s. In fact on the way home I was crying in the car because it felt so funny not to be picking Rocky up. Poor Greg didn’t know what to do.
Adele, I’m glad that you got your fiasco straightened out to your satisfaction. Enjoy the new kitchen. I want to get our back splash redone. I hope that we have better luck.
Colleen, that’s funny that Ron is hiding the tractors in the woods. How are Mike and Frank going to find his place to come and pick if he is hiding the stuff.
Barbara, baby time is getting closer and closer. Your barbecue is sounding good. I never made banana pudding. How do you do it?
I don’t know what our plans are for the weekend. I have to get off here as we are going car shopping for Greg. The Audi is still burning oil even after that sensor was fixed so he thinks he better trade it in for something different before this gets to be a huge problem.
Gotta go shower and dress.
Gail -
Hi Colleen
Can you imagine if Missy Barbara and I both went to Lowes at the same time. That would be a video to shoot, for sure! Tomorrow, before everyone comes for the 4th, we are going to Lowes to get some samples, so I can decide on a color. then I have to get back here to make the Pesto and Linguini. Bobby is doing a BBQ.
the kids were here today, and are about to try the mint chip ice cream I made. We were all sitting outside all day, after I came back from getting my hair trimmed. I needed a trim bad. It was just Steph and the boys today, as Jhonny is working, and working overtime too.
I hope Ron gets good treatment at the old doctor’s office. I am so glad you have a doctor who is good for you. How is your stomach feeling this weekend?
I hope you are enjoying the weekend, and have something special to do with your kids too.
Adele -
Hi Gailster
I would love to have those pretty decorations at my Forth of July. You and Dianne find the best graphics.
We missed you! Glad you had a great time. the idea of 2 bathrooms for hotel accommodations is the best one ever. You will have to tell us how your jewelry pieces turned out.
Sounds like the two of you had a very successful Anniversary celebration. How is Greg’s back doing?
I certainly hope your backsplash goes a lot better than mine did. If you like the little mosaic pieces, you will have to do them as an accept or else it will end up the same as here. I have seen a lot of people do them in the middle of the backsplash, or in a square above the stove. I just love them- period. They remind me of stained glass, and I have a lot of Tiffany lamps- love them.
Hope your weekend is going well, and you are resting up form your trip.
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I found you!!! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! I hope the weather’s co operating & you’re all safe. Well, this dumb thing went & did it again.
I had some attachments all ready to send & they vanished. Don’t know what I did, but they’re gone. I’ll try to find em again.I find most of my pictures on News feed on Face Book. I just keep browsing & find a lot of cute things on posts people put up.
Did anyone watch any of the Christmas in July on Friday? I could easily go broke in no time at all watching it!!! I don’t even need
Christmas to do that!!!
Adele, I hope it all went well with the back splash. I haven’t read all of the posts but I’ll catch up this weekend.
Have a great weekend with your families & I’ll talk to ya later on.dd
Hi Gail,
Sounds like you had a nice trip. Hope that they get your jewelry done soon. The museums that you have been to sound really interesting. I love looking at the old steam ships. They really have a lot of history. The place where you stayed must have been gorgeous. Did you have a hot tub in your room? Those are always nice. We ate at restaurant that was in the river in Kimswick. It was fun to eat on the old paddle boat. It was one of the big ones so I guess they are still called a boat.
I like all the pictures that you posted on the top of the page. They are really nice pictures. You are doing good to get those posted. I would have never got that far. I just wish that I could do things like that.
I am sorry that you miss Rocky so much still. It is hard to lose a pet like that when you are use to having him around. It will get easier as time passes. You are such a good pet mom.
That would really be interesting to go thru that house that was a hospital during the Civil War. They will have all types of interesting things in there. Maybe next time you will be able to go thru there. Just keep it on your list of things to do.
Watched the CIJ shows and did not buy much. Was not that impressed. I did order one of Valireas wreaths. it will not come until the 28 of November. There just was not much to pick form this time around. Maybe later they will have more things on there. I did order some of the candy and apples that I give away for Christmas. It is nice to have them ordered and not have to worry about them. Sometimes I think that is the only reason that the pain clinic has me keep coming back. They like the apples.lol
We are going to Melissa’s for the 4th. I have a couple of desserts that I am bringing and may make some salads. We will have to take a cooler so will be able to take some things that we may want to eat. She has kidney stones again and was not feeling to good the other day. So will do what I can because she will not feel like cooking that much. It is a good thing that Stephen is bbqing. That poor kid has had trouble with kidney stones since she was in high school. I wish they would come up with away to keep her from getting them over and over.
If I ever hear that Mike and Frank are in our area I am going to put out a big sign to stop here selling things cheap. I will have to put the sign where Ron cannot find it. Will have to call them and tell them to come here but Ron will not know til they get here. I can just see Ron’s face when they get here and they want to buy things.lol
Well that is about all from here. Glad that you made it back safely.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
If you and Barbara were at Lowes together I would want to be there. That would be something to see. Lowes would never be the same again. You two would inspire all the customers to fight for their rights.
Hope you find the right coloring for your floor. Are you going with a light color or a dark color? I like the light wood. Your house is going to look like a new place. It is going to be so pretty.
You are going to have some good food for the fourth. The pesto and linguini will be really good. Will all the kids be there for the 4th? That sounds like a good day. We will just be with my younger daughter and her family on the 4th. The other girls are not going to be able to make it. It will be nice though we will be able to spend some one on one time with the grands. We do not get to see them that often. It will be nice to be with them for awhile.
It has rained all day here and supposed to rain all night also. We will have more rain tomorrow. I am ready for it all to end it has to be gone by the 4th. We want to have a good day with the kids.
How did they like the mint ice cream? I bet it was a big hit. That just sounds so good. It was nice that Steph and the boys came over and stayed for awhile. It is a shame that Johnny had to work. The over time really helps though.Any young couple with kids need the extra money.
Well that is about all from here. We are living the boring life this week-end not much going on here. My stomach has not been really bad this week-end but will take the pills with me to make sure that it will not start acting up.
Have a good rest of the week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I love the pictures that you posted. They are so pretty. The old house with the decorations on it is really cute. I watched Christmas in July but did not buy much.They just did not have a whole lot that I wanted. The grands are getting too old for most of the toys that they have on there. So will have to look elsewhere if they do not get more things in.
How is your back? I have not heard you say much about it so thought that I would check up on you and be sure that you are okay. If you wrote it in another post I must have missed it. That is not unusual for me.
A lot of things have been vanishing on here. It is aggravating. I know that I have posted on here and submit it and it is gone. I wonder where they all go to. They must be out there in cyber space floating around.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good week-end.
Colleen -
Happy fourth july to all my quacker friends in the usa, thinking of you all on this day and i hope your day is going well there, hugs to you all
christine brailsford -
Thanks to you Christine. Hope that you are finally getting some relief for that painful heel. Hope you and Stewart are having a good weekend.
Gail -
Hi Dianne,
I like your pictures. We are having beautiful weather here for the weekend. We just got back into town so I don’t think we have many plans for the weekend.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
It’s funny. Greg’s back doesn’t hurt at all-it’s his leg and his foot. So I guess the disc must be pressing on a nerve that controls pain and feeling in those areas. He doesn’t go to the pain clinic until the 11th-I hope that they can help him.
Even though I think those small mosaic tiles are beautiful Greg wants to stay away from them as he thinks that they will go out of fashion in the next few years and he is probably right. Kitchen styles seem to change every ten years or so and the mosaics have been in style for the last three or four years. Plus now that I know that they have a tendency to move I think I would stay away. We’re trying to find something that looks more classic and timeless-maybe stone-plus it’s pretty neutral. I do love the look of those mosaics though. I too have about four or five of those Tiffany lamps from when the Q used to sell them. I miss those shows although at least now I am not tempted to buy more with no place to put them. Speaking of that-I have a lamp that looks like it has these mosaic kitchen tiles on them. It’s my favorite reading lamp. It’s red and gold which is sort of an unusual combination but it works on the lamp.
I imagine it will be quite awhile until my jewelry gets done. Last year I had them reset a stone from a diamond pendant that my mother had into a (guess what?) butterfly pinky ring and it took several months to get it. However, he did keep my three stone wedding ring to measure how high he is resetting my Mom’s solitaire so I can wear them next to each other so I hope I will at least get that back soon. I really didn’t want to leave it behind but he said he absolutely needed it to make things fit together right so I acquiesced. When I came back that evening to pick up my one band he was telling me that Eisenhower’s granddaughter came in after me and actually bought a ring that I had been trying on. He says she’s a client of many years. He has people coming in from all across the country. He is a design genius and has a great eye for color. he would make a great Quacker designer.
I am having such fun this weekend picking my Americana duds. I’m so glad the Olympics are coming up-I will be decked out in my Americana for them too. Go USA!
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
No the hotel room did not have a hot tub. We probably wouldn’t have used one even if it was there. We have a jacuzzi in our master bath which we hardly ever use. We need to redesign it so it’s easier for me to get in and out of. We thought we made it easy to get in and out of but that was 20 years ago now and I have more limitations.
I used to give those apples to the Aides where Greg’s Mom went to daycare and they loved them there too. They are good. I have had them for the family too.
We were traveling when the CIJ shows were on so I didn’t see them. But I did look online to see what they had. I did order a candle impressions angel as I have the spring and fall ones that are similar. They had a choice of cardinal or snowflake. The cardinal was sold out so i got the snowflake. After all our cardinal troubles I wouldn’t have picked that anyway-I don’t need a reminder-I have a real live cardinal bugging me every day.
I think we are going to Jenny’s later today for a barbecue and to show them Greg’s new SUV. Plus her SIL two doors away is bringing home a new puppy and of course I would like to sneak a peek at him or her. It’s a Bichon /Cavalier cross so I’ll bet it’s adorable.
I feel for Melissa with those kidney stones. Both Greg and Brent have had them. Brent was pretty young too maybe really early 20’s when he had his the first time as I remember driving him to the emergency room as he must have been living at home at the time. They would make Greg throw up too because it hurt so bad. So I understand that Melissa might need to rest. At least her kids are a little older. She will probably be really glad that you are there. Are you going to spend the night there or come back home. I know it is a bit of a drive.
I hope everyone has a happy and a safe 4th!
Gail -
Hi Gail,
I was a little disappointed in the selections that they had for CIJ. I usually find gifts for my sil but this time they did not have anything. I always order something for my sister from qvc but have to wait until closer to Christmas as I have it delivered to her house. That way I do not have to worry my mom with it. She is the one who keeps that stuff at her house until my sister decides to come and pick it up. We never know when that will be.lol
I kind of figured that you would not get the cardinal. I figure that you have had enough. Is your cardinal still banging into the window? That poor bird must now have a brain left. Maybe that is why they call scattered brained people bird brains. Will have to look that up and see. We have not had many cardinals around here this year. Ron said that he saw one on our banister on the deck but it never did come back again.
How nice that Greg got a new SUV. I bet it is a nice one. What kind did he get? It is nice that you are going to Jenny’s for a bbq today. Hope that you had a great time there. The puppy sounds adorable. You may fall in love with it. Puppies are so much fun to see. They are so playful and most kids love them. All of the kids will be wanting to play with him.
It will be interesting to see what Piper was up to at the bbq. I am sure that she will perform some how or way to entertain all of you.lol It is nice when the kids do the cooking and we do not have to.
We may spend the night. I am not sure yet. We will probably stay at a motel if we stay. Do not want to stay there and make more work for her. She said that she was feeling a little better today. So she has all this food planned to cook. She is all excited that we are coming to their house. It is a pain to get on base so no one usually goes there they have to go to other peoples houses. That is one reason they are moving off post. It will be easier on all of them.
Well not much else going on here. Have a great night and a good 4th.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
I hope all of you have a great 4th of July. I’m having an indoor shindig with Kay. We got some steaks, I’m making potato salad, &
made a berry cobbler today. (Yes I was baking in July!!). So have a good time with your families.
dd -
Hi Colleen
I brought home a lot of samples for colors. I am trying to figure out the difference between the bamboo, and oak debate. I just want to be sure the color on the wood goes all the way through, so you do not get scratches you see like a neon light. My other floors are Bruce flooring (wood), and they do not carry that brand anymore.
Everyone was very happy with the ice cream- those who love mint chip. I will do regular vanilla next week- everyone loves that one.
The kids were here 2 days in a row, and it was fun to see them have a good time. Since the bird feeders are full, they got to see those adorable little yellow birds. They are so pretty. Jhonny showed the kids the babies in one of the bird houses. We have one bird house that has plastic on one side, so when you open up that side, you can see inside, without disturbing the babies. I wish I could find more of those bird houses.
We laid low today. I cleaned the bathrooms, and Bobby grilled the rest of the meat for just the 4 of us. Tonight we will watch the show on TV at the Esplanade in Boston. I bet I will be asleep half way through. Honestly, I have no idea why I am so tired today. Rain is coming, and maybe that is why.
The weather has been good for all weekend long. Amanda and Marissa have been working all weekend, so we did not see them
I am so happy your stomach is feeling better!!!!.
Adele -
Thank you, Christine from England!!
We hope you are having a good weekend too.
Hi Gail!
I hope Greg’s back does not get worst before his appointment. these things are so sensitive, and annoying. I hope he likes his doctor.
By any chance, do you have any hand son knowledge about the great bamboo floor debate? I looked on line, and I did see a lot of negative reviews on scratching. So, if it is so hard, why the scratches??? They discontinued the Bruce wood floors I have in he rets of the house. So, I am trying to make the best decision for the traffic in there.
Wearing the 2 rings together will be nice. I know what they mean about the height of the setting not banging into the other ones, as the stones would get loose, and you definitely do not want that to happen. he sounds like a great jewelry, and I know you will be pleased when you pick up your pieces.
So, did your mom love butterflies too? When we were sitting out the other day, there was a butterfly flying all around Gary.
I bet you and Greg are resting up form your wonderful weekend trip. You may fall asleep before the fireworks come on. Do you watch the Boston ones, on the Esplanade? We do.
You have not said in a while- how has your foot been lately?
Hope your Fourth has been a good one!
Adele -
Forgot to say is in not funny that we all love Tiffany lighting? It must be another Quacker thing!!
Hey- this is the second time I got this error message, saying I was too long writing it- # 502 error. HAs anyone received that message?
Adele -
hi Dianne
I love the sound of your berry cobbler. It looks as pretty as it testes, I bet.
I hope you and your friend Kay have a great time. I ma ashamed to say I did not bake this holiday weekend….LOL
Love the flag and picture of Snoopy- you are so good to post those prett oictures.
Have a great Fourth!
Adele -
Hi Colleen,
I’ll bet they will have more CIJ shows around the 25th like they normally do. I used to like when we used to get the paper schedules for a whole month in our packages so you could really see what was coming up. They probably still show that in the insider-you get that don’t you? Do they still have a paper copy or is it all online now? I used to get it years ago but dropped it when we got Dish.
Yes the cardinal is still banging his head on the window. Not quite as much as in the spring.
Boy we really need some rain. The garden needs more water. Greg had to replant peppers since many of them died off.
The puppy was darling. She looks like a stuffed animal. The kids named her Jemma. I would bet her feet never even hit the ground that first day as everyone wanted to hold her. She gave both Greg and I a face full of kisses. Very cute combination – Bichon Frise and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
I’m glad that Melissa is feeling better and is excited that you are coming. It must be frustrating when no one wants to visit because of base security. That does make it tough-but they need to stay safe too. That will be nice if they move off base and it will be easier to visit. How were the fireworks? We rarely go see them anymore. Although we do go if we are up north on the 4th. More because then it is a group of us going.
Well, my babysitting vacation is over next week. Adam went back to work after a month off. That must make it hard to go back after that much time off. When school starts only Piper will be there when I first get there as Lachlan and Kendall will both be in school full time this year. I wonder how Lachlan will make the adjustment.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I hope I can see what I am typing as one of those occular migraines just started and it makes everything look all squiggly.
I got one of those 502 messages yesterday when I was trying to get on the site. I never got my email notifications back. Tiago looked into it and said he could see nothing on this end so it has to be something that I did. Interestingly enough my daily Zulily emails also stopped at the same time so I have no idea what’s up or what I can do. When I’m home it’s okay as I can go to my laptop but now if I want to check for Quacker activity on my phone I can’t just find them in my email but have to go to the Quacker site through the internet and get on and see them there. So many more steps-it’s a pain in the butt! However, no one knows what I did so no one knows how to fix it. whoa! Everything is quite squiggly. How annoying!
I don’t have any personal experience with bamboo floors so i have no recommendations. We have wood floors in the kitchen which need to be refinished in the worst way. We had cork in the basement but since it got flooded we are probably going to replace it with the ceramic that looks like wood as it is very easy maintenance in a place that no longer gets that much use so ease is the key factor. What color wood floor are you thinking of? When we redo our kitchen we are going to pull up the carpeting in the dining room and add the wood to there too-mostly for future resale purposes-as no one seems to like carpet in the dining room although it was never a problem for us as our kids were teenagers by the time we built this house and we have a separate eat in nook in the kitchen anyway.
No my Mom was not butterfly crazy like me. I think it all started years ago with an antique tray with bright blue butterflies under glass.
Oh good-I can see again with the squiggles gone.
We don’t usually watch the fireworks on the TV shows. Nothing compares to being there in person and it just happens too late or there are too many crowds now to go see them in person-unless we are up north.
Years ago Greg used to do a display in our yard and all the neighbors would bring their kids and lawn chairs and come over to our house to watch them. But times have changed and we don’t do that anymore either.
My ankle is okay. It will never be fixed as they will not repair the tendons on someone with RA-the only thing they could do is surgically fuse the ankle bone. So how it feels is up to me. If I am doing a lot of walking I will put on the brace and if I don’t do it I suffer the consequences. So how it feels is totally under my control and if it hurts from doing too much without the brace it is basically my fault and I should know better. Most of the time it hurts a little just because of all the torn tendons but it is something that I have just learned to live with. That’s why I don’t mention it-it’s just the status quo-no better(although not as painful as at first) and no worse(and hopefully it can’t get any worse.)lol
Hope you had a good 4th. It was nice that you saw JJ and Aizen twice. That’s a special treat.
Gail -
Hi Gail
I am glad your headache stopped. That sounds miserable. It is good that you can somewhat manage the pain in the ankle. Still stinks that you have to.
Did you get a puppy, or is that puppy the kids’ ? I saw a reference to a cute one in your email to Colleen. If you did, we need a pic of the cute little furry thing!!
It was good having the kids here. Yesterday was quiet here, and I finally got the bathrooms cleaned. Just as well to do them after little boys are here….LOL. So, today, I am swiffering and vacuuming t get up all the little boy debris. Tomorrow, we are going to Barnes and Nobles to get JJ’s summer reading books, with Amanda and Steph too. I love that store. it is supposed to be gross here tomorrow- high 90’s, with humidity. The humidity is already here today. It was raining this morning, and has stopped, but is overcast. Just as well, as I can imagine how hot it would be with the sun out.
I am thinking of a kind of maple/light cherry color. It is in between the wood in the rest of the house, and the darker cathedral ceiling in there. the room has a wood cathedral ceiling, with 2 sky lights, and the windows in there (10 of them, for God’s sake) have the same color trim. We left the woodwork in that room the color it was,and did not paint it white- due to the ceiling. I think it would look weird with white trim on the windows,a nd doors, and natural on the ceiling. The ceiling is kind of a cherry color.
Eveyrone is complaining about the change. they are all moaning and groaning saying the rug is so comfy in there. So, I will look for a large area rug that has very low pile, to minimize the bouncing, and protect it a bit from the wear an tear of in and out- that is where the patio door is to the deck. A very low pile is not too bad to vacuum, and I can do it with the cordless one, which is a lot less stress on the back. I was thinking of a runner in summer, and an area one in winter. I am on a search. LOL
hope your day is going well.
This is my last project. I will be so done after this. the only room that needs floor attention after this is the office. As Gary still uses it as an office, it doe snot make sens to change it to wood any time soon. -
So glad to see that everyone had a good 4th of July. Ours went great. Jerry and I were tired at the end of the day, but to me it was a good tired, because everyone seemed to enjoy each other and we all ate to our hearts content. Sarah said she is feeling good, and her feet and ankles are not very swelled up at all. But she has had a few nights off work, and she said they usually swell up on her when she does several nights in a row. She said she puts her feet up on a stool when she is charting, and that seems to help. There is also a recliner and a rocker in each childs room so she is able to put her feet up at times when she is holding one of the children at the hospital. We have a baby shower this weekend, and then that is all until his arrival. She doesn’t seem nervous or anything about the delivery; so I think they will do fine. Neal on the other hand, seems nervous. It has been so surreal to me to watch the transformation in him that I have seen in the last few months. It is almost as if he has gone from grown son to something new and different. I can’t even put a word to describe it, but there is definitely something new about him. Mabey it is just me seeing him as a real adult, and not just as our son, but as a husband and soon to be Daddy. What a strange feeling. Am I losing it girls?
Yes, to have me and Adele in action at Lowe’s at one time would be quite a sight and sound. ha ha. But even Quackers can only be nice for so loing, and then it is time to make our needs known. Once my “button” is pushed, there is no going back. But thankfully, it takes a LOT to push that button. Now, if you asked Mr. Jerry he might just tell you differently.LOL
So sorry, Gail, for your sad feelings on your way home. We have our little friends that are part of our lives, and when it changes, we have to have time to adjust to how to handle our feelings and our new life. I found one of Oz’s leashes the other day, and cried for 30 minutes. It scared Jerry, because he just walked in right in the middle of my cry, and he didn’t know what was wrong, and I just couldn’t get out what it was for a few minutes. He wanted to put the leash away, and I let him put it in a different spot, but told him that he must not give it away. It somehow comforts me to know that it is there, just in case we need it for one of our other fellows.
Something funny happened. Hope I haven’t already told you all, if I have just look over me. Fed Ex delivered the baby car seat we got for the kids, and it weighed so much. I had to go get a dolly to bring it in the garage, because one of our doggies was eyeing it up and down like he was going to hike his leg on it if I didn’t put it away. Jerry wasn’t home to help me, so I had to struggle with that thing until I got it in the garage. The puppy dog had his eye on me the whole time. Everytime Neal comes over the doggie will make a bee line for Neals front tire and lift his leg on it. That makes Neal holler at him and it almost looks like he is smiling at Neal at he scampers off. But Neal and Sarah seem really pleased with the car seat so we are happy they like it.
Gotta go, Jerry just called and he needs help with some knitting yarn that he and his Mom are at the store getting. Who in the world would have made me believe those two would be at that store today? I just never know what they are up to. LOL Barbara -
OMG Barbara!
That is so funny. I cannot imagine Gary in a knitting/yarn store with his mother , discussing yarn. That is so sweet that Jerry is so helpful to her. What a great son. He will have all these fabulous memories some day when she is gone, and that will comfort him and your whole family. What nice stories he will tell at the holiday table. I sincerely hope she stays well, so she can hold and snuggle your new Itty Bitty. Get those pictures of all the generations, as they are priceless. You will have to make sure the two of you are in your Quacker finery, of course.
That is so good that Sarah is not so swollen. She is wise to put her feet up, every time she gets a moment to do so. Her training is helping her, for sure.
Of course you are not wrong in how you are beginning to see Neal is a new light. he is transforming from husband to father, a noble profession, and the most valuable one in this world. With you and Jerry for parents, he will not only make a great father, but achieve that “Dad” status not every man can aspire to. The stories you will share with us will be wonderful.
What happened to Gail on her way home/ I think I missed something again. I know it must be about her poor puppy. It is so awful to lose a pet. Especially when all the kids are gone. It leaves such a hole in your heart. I can certainly get why you do not want to let that leash go, even though it makes you sad. You must have scared poor Jerry. I know Gary would have freaked if he found me in tears, and did not know why.
So….when will we be going to Lowes and Home Depot together?? I have a good one for you. So, I get this 10% off coupon in the mail today, on my next Lowes project. I tell the nice kid I am dealing with at Lowes, and he says he is not sure I can use it, and whether or not it has any exclusions to flooring. He then adds only the store manager can make that call if it has an exclusion, as to whether or not he will allow it t be used. So, I laugh, and say….I do not think that will be a problem. LOL LOL. I could also say my friend Barbara will be calling. Or worst yet, we would visit the store together.
Tomorrow I am going to Barnes and Nobles with JJ, Aizen, Steph and Amanda. It will be in the high 90’s, with humidity- yuck! The pool will be here to cool off in, if needed, thank God.
Hope your weather is ok. I heard on the news there are more storms coming across the country. I pray nobody is harmed.
Adele -
By the way, ladies, I love Tiffany lamps; we own 4. I have two in the family room that have dragonfly decorations on them; and then one in two of the bedrooms that have floral pieces. One of them has dangles hanging from the bottom of the lamp. Looks kind of like a lamp from a “house of ill repute”. I absolutely LOVE it. I remember how I would save and save when we were younger and beginning to decorate with one nice piece at a time. It really was quite a while ago when I first started to collect things from the Q. Do you all remember the lady with the teddy bears, and lots of pieces of Jim Shore items? I have some of the original Diamonique pieces of jewelry. They still look nice. Do you remember the hostess who was also named Lisa and she did most of the Diamonique jewelry shows? I know her husband became very ill; and she had to leave the show (I remember now, her name is Lisa Mason) and she came back recently for just a few days, but left again. I hope her husband is okay. She made it quite clear that she loves him very much. I have not seen much on the Christmas shows that has caught my attention.
We are going out to dinner with our neighbors tomorrow night. Just a small restaurant close by. It will be nice to get out with them.
Sounds like you all are having great times with your children and grands. That is funny that Ron is hiding his tractors now. This is one good things about his spending so much time with his Mom; it cuts into his junk buying time ha ha But she would be glad to go with him. I am just hoping she keeps him busy with other jobs. They got the yarn skein today. He was wanting to know how did he pick the “good kind” and I told him that she just wants something to help keep her hands busy and it doesn’t matter all that much. Those two can really think of some things to do. I hope at least one of our sons will enjoy being with us as time goes by. She is about 5 feet tall and Jerry is a little over six feet. It is cute seeing them together. Hope all will have a good night. Talk later. Barbara -
Hi Ladies,
I had a wonderful holiday weekend. I went down to Kay’s Monday afternoon & we grilled the steaks on a stove top grill she had. I made the potato
salad, cobbler, & corn on the cob. We were stuffed when we got done.
On Friday, I took the bus out to WalMart (Wally’s), & while I was shopping I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned & it turned out to be my niece’s hubby.
They were there cuz her mom had to use the rest room. ( Her mother & I both worked for Arlene & we became good friends. Hallie, her daughter refers to me as her “aunt Dianne”, & her mom’s best friend. they’re not blood relation.). Confused?? Sometimes so am I!!! So we shopped around for awhile & made plans to meet the next day (Sat,). We met up Sat. at one of the large malls down close to where they live. We left there & we went shopping in
places I hadn’t been to in yrs. It gave me a chance to spend time with them as I don’t get to see them very often. It was a lot of fun getting out of this place for longer than a few minutes. The weather was great all weekend. A marine layer of clouds would come in over night & then the sun would burn em off mid morning, so it wasn’t blistering hot. It was perfect!! And it’s been that way all weekend. It was a bit cooler than expected on the 4th, but that’s okay. it was better than 95 or 100!!! Jewell got upset when the fireworks started going off. It was kids or adults in the neighborhood setting em off even tho it’s illegal now. I had to put her in the bathroom & shut her in there for the duration. Poor baby!! She’s fine today.About CIJ I’m thinking they didn’t show a lot of good stuff since it was a holiday weekend. So I figure they’ll have other shows later on with the good stuff. They’ll have shows all thru July I’m sure. Just be patient. What’s the Insider? Never heard of it.
Hi Gail,
We ended up staying the night at a motel Monday night. The fire works did not get over with until late. They really do put on a good show. The grands came back to the motel with us and spent the night with us. I am glad that they wanted to so their mom and dad has some alone time together before he leaves. So we all met this morning for breakfast. It was really nice that we could sit and talk for a long time. We were there for almost two hours. I think the kids were getting restless. Kaylee kept getting up and coming over to me and tapping me on the arm. She was standing behind and I guess she thought that I would not figure out who was doing it. She was the only one not in her chair so it was not hard to figure out. She has a crush on a boy. She chases him all over the place. He is older then her and does not want to be bothered with her. I told her she should not be chasing him she should make him chase her. She just gave me and look and told me that he will not chase her. So I gave up on it.
I still get the paper copy of the Insider. I told them that I cannot read the one they put on the internet. The printing is too small and they print on colors that make it difficult for me to read it. If you make it larger it takes forever to look at it and it is hard to keep on the computer for very long. So anyway they started sending me the paper one again. I just hope that they keep doing it. They do have the schedule in there. It makes it nice so you can look things up. They are having Christmas shows off and on the whole month. It is weird how they are doing it this year. So far it has been mostly clearance stuff.
I guess they changed their minds about moving off post. It is going to be easier on her if she stays where she is. Ethan would have to change schools and she really did not want to make him do that. If they move next year they will have to take him out then. They are going to transfer Stephen to a different post so they have no idea where they will send him. I hope that it is not too far away. It would be hard on us if they do. I do not like this at all. Well at least we have them for another year and a half. They will finish out this year here and then he will have to stay a year after he gets back. At least that is how it use to be.
I will have to babysit on Monday. I wish she would find someone else to babysit. It is such a long drive to get there. I will have to keep doing it though until Mandy can do it full time. Hopefully this winter she will take over. That will be good for Piper to have you for awhile to her self. She will love that I am sure. Lachlan will probably do well in school. He seems to be better at adjusting to different situations. He did not have trouble going to pre school did he? He will be going to school with his cousins maybe he will be okay.
I am glad that your migraine is gone. Two of the girls use to get those and they were miserable. They were not the ocular though. That would be horrible seeing squiggly lines that would really make you dizzy.
I hope that Greg is doing better. It will not be long and he will go to the pain clinic. That must be really painful if the nerve that is being laid on has to do with his leg and foot. Hope that they do something right away.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
I know exactly how you feel. That happened to me last week with the pics. I forgot to sign off earlier. Ooooppps. It’s done that to me when I first
started. I don’t know what I did but things vanish I can’t figure out why. So I guess I’m not alone.dd
Hi Barbara!
OMG- I find that hysterical that we all love Tiffany lamps. Of course we do, as they sparkle and shine. Why not??
I do remember that host named Lisa. All of a sudden she was gone, and I did not know why. Very sad.
So, what will Jerry’s mom be making? There was a time when Tillie was making scarfs for everyone, even friends. She was keeping the yard store in business.
I hope you have a great time with your friends at dinner tonight. Hope you eat something yummy. Up here, it seems the food is just not as good as it used to be when you are out. Who knows- maybe it is me….LOL Do you have a favorite restaurant? What is your favorite food, when out?
the kids are in the pool, and I am not going out there to sweat- way too hot, and humid for me.
Have a good one!
Adele -
hi Colleen and Dianne
I hate when that happens as you cannot remember everything you said, and then you don’t want to do it again.
Adele -
Hi Dianne!
What a great Forth you had. I bet the food was fabulous. Great weather too, so you were lucky all the way around. Then, to meet your friends/relatives at Walmart, and then get to spend the time with them, even more fabulous. So, what did you buy? I bet it was something summery.
You know, we see so many people at Walmart, they may as well set up a lounge for meeting old friends…LOL that is one thing about Walmart, the bathrooms are always clean, and right here at the beginning of the store. they really do care about their customers.Have you ever seen that new show on TV about a store like Walmart? I think it is called Cloud 9- not too sure. I tell you, I was crying, I was laughing so hard. It will be back this Fall.
Did you see AGT last night? The 90 year old woman who danced a strip was hysterical. I called my mom and she missed the number as she was in the bathroom. I could not believe she didn’t see her. That show is good, as you see all kinds of things- some great, some awful, and some hysterical. It has something for everyone, for sure.
Hope your day is going well.
Adele -
Christine- do not forget to check the box on the bottom of the page!!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Well I am trying this again. It all disappeared last night and I was too tired to do it again. Hopefully it will not disappear this time. I hope that I can remember all that I said last night.
I am glad that they liked the mint chip ice cream. What’s not to like. The vanilla sounds really good also. It will taste fantastic also you are so good at baking or making anything. Wish that I had your talent. My grands would never go home. My daughter is coming home for a few days with the kids. It is going to be hard on her while her husband is away. At least it will not be as long as it was the last time he has to go overseas. It is hard on the whole family when these men have to be deployed.
I bet the kids will be excited to see the baby birds in the bird house. That is so neat that they can see the inside and not disturb the birds. Wish we had one of those bird houses. We have a lot of birds around here. I would like to get one that the humming birds would go into. They are so small and cute. We have a lot of wasps this year though. Wish we could find a way to get rid of them.Guess there is no way though.
It must have been nice to have a quite day and you and Gary could relax. We went to my daughters for the 4th. The base really put on a good fire works display. It lasted for a long time. We all had such a good time. The grands were fun to be around. They went to the motel with us that night and stayed with us. It gave their parents time to be alone for awhile. They need that time before he leaves. We had such a good time they bbq in the afternoon and then we all just sat and talked and played games. They had this cute game where you throw a ball and it hits on a trampoline and then bounces into another board that has pocket with a score on it. They had a ball playing it. We hated to come home but we had to the next morning. We all went out to breakfast that morning and sat and talked there for a couple of hours. It was hard to be the one that said that we had to go. We really like our sil.
I hope that you decided on a flooring that you wanted before the free interest ran out. I hope that you enjoy the new flooring. How are things coming along in the kitchen? Is everything done yet. After you get done with all that you are doing your house will not need anymore work done it will be beautiful. You are good at decorating. I think that you are good at anything that you do.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Adele: I did that earlier then it got unchecked! ?I meant to post some pics of a new necklace and belt I made, but was so tired today. Only got 5 hours of sleep because of the storms last night? Will post them later! Quack Quack Hug Hug ~Christine
Hi Barbara,
I am glad that you had a good 4th. I know that we did. Have you ever gone to the base with your son on the 4th? They really do a great fireworks display. I am so glad that we went we really enjoyed it. It was well worth it. We also got to see the soldiers marching back to their barracks. It was interesting to watch. They also were doing their chanting thing that they do. We have seen it on tv but never in person. The last time we were at the base Ron was in the service and they were graduating. That was a good day but not as good as the 4th.
Your are not losing it Barbara. It is hard to think of your kids as parents. There are still times when I look at them and I see them running around as kids. It is a hard transition. But after the second on you do not feel as bad. It is like they are not your babies anymore they are dad’s or mom’s and they are all grown up. Never too old to not need our advice though.lol
I can just picture you trying to put that big box on a dolly. It is a shame that the fed x man did not put it in there for you. You really disappointed the poor dog. He needed to hike his leg up on something. lol Well at least you got it into the garage.
I do not think that I would know what to say if Ron called me about yarn. I think that I would fall over laughing. It is nice that he is helping his mom though. It does make you feel good to know that he is doing all of that for her. Is he going to take up knitting up also? Just think that he is giving up collecting junk and that is a plus right there.
I hope that you enjoy yourself with your neighbors when you go out to dinner. That sounds like a good time. We have not gone out to dinner for awhile but we did go out to breakfast Tuesday morning.
Well that is about all from here have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I am glad that you and Kay had a good 4th. Your meal sounds really good. It is nice that she had a thing to grill the steaks in the house. Those are nice to have. You can use them all year round.
It is aggravating when you lose a post that you put on here. It is like where does it go does anyone get to see that post? If people read some of the things that I put on here they would think boy that lady is really weird. lol Oh well we just have to try again and hope that it posts.
It is nice that you ran into your family at Wal-Mart. Some times friends are more like family then family. The girl Hallie must really think a lot of you if she calls you aunt. You really must have had a good day with them. How nice for you to get out of the house for awhile. It is nice to go someplace that you do not ordinarily go. It is always nice to do that. Did you find a lot of interesting things? I love to go shopping even if it is just window shopping. Hope that you had a nice lunch out.
I agree seniors do rule. We are just sure what we rule anymore.lol If we were sure we would soon forget. That is how my mind is working here lately. It just seems like the older I get the faster time goes by. Seems like it was not too long ago we had our daughters at home and we were young. Where did all the time go.
I like the 4th of July pictures that you posted. They are really cute. Wish I could figure out how to do that. I am not good on the computer at all. I have tried different things and it never works out the way that I want it to. I should probably take a computer class.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Yes it does suck that I have to deal with this ankle but as we age we learn to deal with limitations. I am just glad that I am mobile. The occular migraines are not painful like the regular migraines-you just see funny squiggly lines for about 20 minutes and cannot read or drive during that time. You would have to pull over if you were driving. If you google them they have some good pictures of what it looks like to people that have them. I never got them until about 10 years ago and they are supposed to be harmless-just a minor nuisance. Every once in a while I will get a headache from them later in the day but this is normal too. Kind of a weird malady.
I hope that you got to Barnes and Noble. I love to browse in there as I am a reader and a book store or a library is like nirvana. lol
The puppy is not ours. It belongs to Jenny’s SIL and family. Her kids have been begging for a puppy for years and now that her youngest is three she decided to go for it. The puppy is half Cavilier and half Bichon and is adorable. It looks like a stuffed animal.
Do you have hard wood in your kitchen now? Are you looking for something to match it or will it be all new in kitchen and family room? I know it’s fashionable now to have hard wood in your living areas but I still kind of like the carpeting for the warmth of it in the winter months. It’s all a matter of taste and what you find easiest to maintain. I hope that you can find something that you like that goes with the rest of the room.
Gail -
I’m still not getting notifications in my e-mail. Tiago said he looked around and everything seemed to be all right on the site so it must be something that I did. I sure wish i could figure it out and get those in my regular e-mail again as it makes it so much easier to check on my phone and tablet when they show up right in my inbox. -
Hi Dianne,
Glad that you and Kay had a wonderful 4th. You are a good friend.
I hope that you had lots of fun on your shopping excursion with your family/friends. What kinds of places did you go to shop?
It’s always nice to get out and about and do something different.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I’m glad that Sarah is doing well and is not feeling too swollen and suffering from the heat.
I think it’s normal that you are seeing Neal differently. He is about to become a father and everything that you have done to raise him is coming full circle. Your job is complete and he is becoming a part of the next future generation. It’s time for you to relax and rest on your laurels and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. I know that you will be an awesome grandmother. What will you be called? I am Gigi. Thank goodness that you saved the new car seat from your wayward leg lifter. lol It’s a good thing that you had his number on that one and got the car seat to safety.
I know what you mean about Oz’s old leash. I have not been able to part with Rocky’s old bed yet even though it is old and all the fur part is worn off the cover. I just had to put it into the spare bedroom for the time being until i can bring myself to get rid of it. Yesterday I was crying as I wrote the check for his final vet bill. I think this one has been particularly hard as he was the last of my Three Musketeers and I honestly don’t know if there will be more dogs in our lives anymore. I’m not sure if I can take on the challenge again. Especially since Greg would like another big dog and they are so energetic. I don’t know if i have the stamina to tackle that again. Right now I’m just kind of enjoying having no responsibilities other than to myself even though it is quiet in the house without any dogs. We’ll see what the future brings.
I remember Lisa Mason and people way back before her too. Before the lady sold the Boyd’s Bears there was the creator of the company Gary Lowenthal who was hysterical and always did his best to embarrass poor Mary Beth who they used to put on with him to try and keep him under control. I loved those shows.
Greg has gone to buy yarn with his Mom when she lived with us. He actually has told me that he knows how to crochet although I’ve never seen any handywork from him. lol Greg’s Mom too made lots of scarves for everyone and she made afgans too until she could no longer follow the patterns and they all turned out to have weird shapes. I still have those too. I use them for dog blankets.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I’m glad that you stayed overnight instead of coming home so late. Plus that was nice that you kept the kids for the night and all went to breakfast the next morning. I love going out for breakfast.
When will Stephen be deployed? It’s a good idea to stay on base while he is gone-at least Melissa will have the other wives around then for company. Also I would not want to move Ethan to a new school either when he is doing so well where he is now. Kaylee will start kindergarten this year too-won’t she? Is she looking forward to it?
I hope that Mandy will take over babysitting so you don’t have to keep driving to Saint Louis. Especially when winter comes around. That is a long drive round trip for you.
I can’t wait for Greg to go to the pain doctor Monday. I know sometimes his foot and leg hurt so bad. I don’t know how he gets anything done. I hope they can help him quickly. I feel so bad for him.
Gail -
Hi Dianne,
I think that you asked about the Insider. It was a magazine that QVC used to send out by subscription that had the schedule for the month. It also has early access to about 5 or so TSV’s. It has a few articles and then it shows items that are on sale. Kind of like a cross between a magazine and a catalog. At least that’s the way it was when I got it years ago. I don’t think you can subscribe to it anymore but I am not sure. But those who used to get it can still get it in print or digital form. It used to cost but I’m not sure if it does anymore or not. Colleen still gets it so she would know for sure.
Gail -
Hi Christine
I have sometimes become un-checked, and not signed in, and have no idea how that happens.
I hope you have no damage from the storms!
Adele -
Hi Colleen!
Thank you for the nice compliments. I really love to make things look pretty, and I love a lot of color accents. That is one reason I love the Tiffany lamps. Yo can put one n a corner, and bring sparkle and shine into the room. I ma very lucky to have good friend sin the lighting business. I got my dining room lamp from them, at their cost, and saved a bundle….and I love it.
It is good on the one hand that your daughter will be spending some time at your house, and awful for the reason. It is very hard on military families. We were one. My Dad was gone almost all summer, training the ROTC students in the south- Georgia, I think. He had a winter in Alaska that I remember, which was hard, because my Mom did not drive. We were lucky to live next door to my Nonna, and Aunts and Uncle. Still, that is nothing compared to the deployments of today. I cannot imagine how much you all worry about his safety. we will all be praying for his safe return. So not fair.
It sounds like you all had a great Fourth. Even though you dot make ice cream (which is easy…LOL) your kids love spending time with you and Ron!!!
We are all lucky our kids like to spend time with us. Family is the best to have around.
Hope your weather is good, and you are not having storms. We will get some rain and thunder today, but, nothing really bad.
Adele -
hey Gail!
So far, I am getting them. I think Christine is having an issue too.
the new site is not as good as the old one.
Adele -
Hi Gail
No, we do not have wood in the kitchen. I think it gets way too much traffic for wood, and people who have done it, their floor looks pretty bad in a very short time. We are doing the living room. The kitchen is in between the dining and living room, so the color doe snot have to match exactly, which is good. Everyone here is concerned about the cold in winter. But, they do not vacuum the rug….LOL I will get an area rug- one of the wool ones, as they have pile that is easily vacuumed. I ordered a runner for the summer already- from the patio door, in, to take some of the abuse of the in and out of summer.
That sounds like an adorable puppy. Puppy’s are so cute. Will this one be very big, or stay smaller? At least you can visit the puppy.
those migraines do not sound good at all. I hope the attacks are not frequent, as that would be awful.
We did get to Barnes and Nobles. then, they came back here, and went in the pool. it was very hot yesterday- cooler today, but the humidity is awful out there. We are supposed to get storms this afternoon, but not bad ones.
hope your day is going well. -
I think Christine is not getting the e-mails because she hasn’t been on this discussion yet and checked the box. Once she checked the box she should be fine. Mine is a totally different issue. And no one knows how to solve it.
Gail,I have posted on here. I checked the box and then somehow it got unchecked. I’ve rechecked it now, and it seems to be fine. Dad went to see the chemo Dr today, and she says she wants him to stay on 5 pills a month until February. She says that would be best, although they originally said November. Scott hurt his back the other day. So they both could use a lot of prayer. Christine
Hi Gail and Christine!
I am glad you are on now, Christine. I hop it does not happen again.
Gail- hope they figure thisout quick. By any chance, do you have Windows 10 yet? I do, and for me, it created problems with my printer. they have a lot of issues with Windows 10, and the Geek Squad told me they are trying to roll out up-dates that will help with all the glitches.
Hope everyone is good tonight!
Adele -
Of course we will add a prayer for your Dad, and Scott. How did he hurt his back? Back’s are a lot more fragile than people think.
I hope your Dad will be cancer free when this is all done.
hope your night is good!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
The compliments were well deserved. You are a very talented person. I have never had a Tiffany lamp. My grandmother had them but I think that when she passed away my brother got them. So that was that. They are pretty though. I did not get any when they were on QVC. I can remember them though. Wish they would bring some of those things back.
They are not being deployed for that long anymore. I think they can only stay for 8 months now not a year like before. I was thinking about my mom the other day. When my dad left he was gone for I cannot remember how many years. Mom did not know where he was at. That was during ww 2 that must have been so hard on the families back then. I did not know if your dad was in the service during the war or not. I think that my parents are probably older then your parents were at the time. It was a sad time for everyone.
It is nice to have Melissa and the kids here but by the time they leave we will get on each others nerves. I will get on her nerves just as much as she will get on mine. It is not good to have to strong headed women in the same house for any amount of time. She is 30 and still thinks that she knows it all. lol I know that I know it all.lol
If you have a rug on the floor you will probably be okay. Just as long as you have a warm spot to walk on. I like wood floors also. They are easier to care for and you can just clean them yourself and not have to hire someone to come over to do it.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
Stephen has already been deployed. He left on Wednesday morning. He is probably in Korea already. I was glad that Melissa came here for awhile. We will get on each others nerves before too long. She has her way of doing things and I have mine. So we are going to clash.
I think that Melissa will need to be around all the army wives also. It makes it nice when they are all together and can keep each other company. I think that she will be safer then she would be living off base also. At least no one can get on base without being checked on. I just feel it will be safer for her. She will not have to move all her animals either.
That has to be hard on both of you. You know that he is in pain and there is nothing you can do for him and he is just in pain. Men always seem to go to work when they are hurting. I guess it is easier for them to work then to sit at home. They also have a sense of responsibility. I hope that things work out for him at the pain clinic.
Have you had any luck finding out why you are not getting your messages? For awhile I would get one of the messages from here but none of the rest. I have no idea why that happened but it is okay now. This site is really hard to figure out. The other one was so simple.
How are your grand kids enjoying the summer? I hope that Kendall is having a good summer. She probably has a lot of friends in the neighborhood. It is fun for them when they have other kids to play with. Do they get to go to the pool a lot during the summer? I guess that you have started your babysitting duties again. I have to go on Monday.
Not much else going on here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
OMG!!!! What is happening to this country?? Just 4 days ago we were celebrating our country’s birthday. Today it’s coming apart at the seams!!!
Talk about a terrorist attack in Dallas!! It reminds me of the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. Snipers on roofs (I heard) killing police. We had peaceful
protests too, but nothing like that!!! We need lots of prayers for our country. The downfall will come from within.We have rain here. Feels refreshing though. Odd for July. July is our hottest/driest month of the yr. It’s gonna be around for a few days.
Not much else to talk about. I’ll go back & read your posts later on.dd
Oh my gosh! I never heard about the attacks until this morning. This is getting to be a sad scary world. We need the pictures of flowers and butterflies. Thank you for that.
Gail -
I will keep your dad and Scott in my prayers.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
What were you guys doing at Barnes and Nobel? Since you like to cook do you have a cookbook collection? I do-I used to browse them all the time trying new things. Now I don’t do it as much as I have gotten lazier about both cooking and housework in my older years. I still like to look at them though but just the thought of going to the store and getting the ingredients wears me out. lol Plus I am running out of cookbook storage space.
I have not upgraded to Windows 10 yet-even though they keep asking. I am avoiding it until I absolutely have to. They tricked Greg and did his automatically-at first he didn’t like it but then he ended up thinking it was okay. Now I’m wondering if it has something to do with my computer stopping working one day and Greg did something to it to get it started again. I wish I could remember the exact dates to see if they coincide.
The puppy will remain small probably about 15-18 pounds or so. Smaller dogs are easier than larger ones as they can get the needed exercise in a much smaller space.
Our kitchen floor is wood and it does take a beating. We need it refinished so badly and when we do that we will put wood in the dining room and get new carpet in the family room and living room since they all flow together. Can you believe that Greg was surprised that after twenty years I said we need new carpet? What’s wrong with that man? I know we keep it very clean as we have our own carpet cleaner that he uses on it but really-20 years!!!
Do you ever get in the pool or do the kids just use it? I would be out there on a float with a soda and a book all the time. I loved when we rented the house with the pool in Florida-but remember my dear husband wants me to swim in his pond. lol
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I didn’t know that Stephen was going to Korea this time. At least it will be a shorter deployment.
It’s nice that Melissa is coming to stay. She will have to do it now before the kids start school again in the fall. I know what you mean about clashing. I used to love to have my Mom come to visit from Florida but after a couple of weeks I was glad to see her go too. I loved my Mom but she was very strong willed and opinionated. I have come to the conclusion that in many cases adult children and their parents should not live together as each needs their own independence. That is just me. It seems to work perfectly fine for Adele and she has three generations together. She is probably more tolerant than me.
Kendall is really enjoying summer. She is outdoor from sun up til sunset. Her hair and eyelashes are all bleached blonde. They do go to the pool and to a summer reading club at the library. I tell you Jenny is my hero with all she does at home and at work. She is like super woman. I never had to do that as I stayed home once we had kids. I was lucky.
You and Ron must be enjoying having Ethan and Kaylee there. Does Ethan like to do things with Ron? I have to start babysitting again on Monday. I have gotten spoiled with all the time off.
Gail -
Hi Gail
We were getting JJ’s summer reading books. The teacher made the list this way….the book has to have something to do with Massachusetts. I could scream. He is not upset by it at all, as he loves to read. Hard to find books at his age level, for Massachusetts. I think “The Perfect Storm” would be great, but way too old for him. Steph did get 2, and will get another on line. they did give a couple of suggestions, but, I did not see that list.
I cannot get into the pool. The last step onto the deck is high, and I am afraid it will kill me back. We did try many other things, but, too risky for me- like those stairs that go over the edge, and into the pool- you have to turn around on top, and I am too scared to do that too.
It may be because you do not have Windows 10 that you are having trouble- check that out to see if it can be the reason. They force us to up-grade, or we will not be compatible to the other websites. I hate that. I am not that computer literate, so who knows.
I think small dogs are adorable. If I were ever to get a dog, I would get teacup puppy. The one with those cute ears that looks like Gizmo.
Gary would never say we needed a new anything. I hope this is my last up-grade, as it is so annoying to move everything, and have everything upside down for a while until it is all back together again.
So, I decided on oak, not bamboo. The install man came today, and I asked him what kind of wood he would put in his house, and he said he just did another oak floor, in the last floor he had to convert to wood. I figure if the install people do not get bamboo, that is a good sign it is not perfected yet. I still have a few days to decide, as once the measure order is complete, they will call me for the final decision. I hope I will be happy….LOL I just will be so glad I don’t have to stress out the back with vacuuming higher pile- way too hard to push. I will get a low pile wool area rug for the winter, so our feet will not be on the plain wood. I have one under the dining room table, and it easy to vacuum.
Hope your night is going well! It is supposed to rain here all weekend.
Adele -
I cannot agree with you more. I am horrified at what is going on. The attacks in Texas as frightening, for everyone, no matter what color you are. The police need to be there for all of us. if they are afraid to come to help, what will come of all of us?
I totally understand people (everyone, no matter the color or religion) being very upset about those two black men who were killed by police. That was inexcusable. One in front of a 4 year old child. That poor baby will never feel safe in this world. But, the answer is not killing police in another state, not in any state. The bad police officers need to be found out, and dismissed from service. Most police officers are not like that, and good officers who protect all of us, no matter the color, or religion. This was an awful mistake. Horrible.
I listened to the story on TV, and this is what I think. When that poor man said he had a gun, they reacted, and never heard his second sentence that he had a license. Would that have happened if he first said….”I am a licensed gun owner, and have my weapon on me?” We can all second guess, and be Monday morning quarterbacks. We cannot bring him back, and that is just plain awful. But, violence against people, any people is not the solution. It does so much more harm. I bet none of the people at that rally would have attended, had they known it was not going to be a peaceful demonstration. They are all scarred for life- every one of those poor people who were in Dallas last night. This is awful and they all need our prayers.
This whole country needs our prayers. I hope that the violence stops, and the community leaders get together to try to solve the racial profiling problem in this country. When will we get to the point of just describing someone by the color of their eyes or hair, and not their skin? I am going to pray that we all see people as people and not their race, or religion. We are all human beings, and citizens of this great country. that should be the way we are seen by others. Period.
I hope we all pray for peace.
Love all you guys!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
thank you for the nice words.
Read my post to Dianne, as I said a lot about how I feel about what is going on in this country right now. Awful, just awful. My heart breaks for everyone.
that is too bad that you do not have a lamp form your grandmother’s house. You would have so enjoyed the beautiful colors. I love them. I even got a couple for Tillie for a birthday or Christmas present- she loves them too.
My Dad was in WWII- he served in France and Germany. He remained in Germany after the war, and that is where he met my Mom. They married in 1948, and came back here. They had me in 1950. He stayed in the Army until he retired. Then, he taught in high school- ROTC. He also taught ROTC at Harvard University after the war. He had to request active duty when my German grandfather was dying, as my Mom took me to Germany to see him before he died- I was bout 8. It took over ayear for him to come to Germany- we lived with my grandfather while he was still in the US. I did attend the Army schools,though, and not the German ones. We stayed in Germany until I was 13, on base, of course. That was the last time my Mom was in her country of origin.
I hope you and Melissa have a good itme, and do not get into any arguments. That will not be easy to do, and I so know that!!!
I hope you are having a good night, and are you are all safe in your community.
Adele -
Christine- that is awful. I hope he is feeling better soon. he has not had any good luck at all lately.
Adele -
Adele,Scott is doing better. He was having spasms but they are gone now. He tried to get on disability before, but they denied him for some reason. Hopefully he’ll get a job soon. Diane, those are beautiful pics! I love butterflies! That is awful about what happened in Dallas. I am down today. Think I have an ear infection. Have a headache and my left ear hurts. Plus, been sneezing and coughing. Had to use my inhaler right away this morning. May have to call the Dr,as coughing can be serious when you have asthma. Hope you all have a good night! Christine
Hi Gail,
He was supposed to go a few weeks ago but they put him in some type of school for awhile. He has passed his class and is now qualified to be a staff sergeant. So that was exciting news. I really am glad that he made it. He will have to wait until he gets home to be promoted. He is really doing well.
We all have our own way of doing things so it is hard when someone else comes and stays and wants to do things their way. So it is okay for awhile but I am like you it can only go on for so long and then I get upset. I think that Ron is just as bad maybe worse. It is just hard on everyone.
I agree with you it is hard to do all of that running with the kids and still go to work. I do not know if I could do that. That is so nice that they have the reading club at the library. My older grand kids use to go to that here but they are too old for it now. I am not sure if they have that at the other schools that my other grands go to. I am not even sure that they have it in the library close to us. Which is a shame.
Well I have inherited another grand child. My 14 yr. old grand came back with Melissa and is spending the night. So it will be interesting. I do not know where everyone is going to sleep. I guess they will all work it out.
Well that is about all from here. It is really sad that all of this is happening in the world. I just wish that there was something to stop it all. We just need to learn to get along.
well have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
It is sad that all of this trouble is happening again. It is hard to understand why things happen but I guess the word gun must have spooked that cop. They do not know what anyone is going to do anymore. I do not think it matter if they are black or white. It is hard right now. I just keep praying that this will all be settled soon.
My dad was in Japan. He was there after they dropped the bomb. He was involved in the clean up there. He had to watch for snipers and things like that. I do not know if there were any left but that was part of what he did.There is not telling what all he saw there and he would never talk about it. Do not know if my mom knew or not. She would never say anything. Because that is the way that he wanted it. I cannot imagine what all of that must have been like. Your dad is probably the same way. He saw a lot but did not talk about it after he got home. How sad that your mom never got to go home again. It would be hard to have to live so far from home and not be able to go back. How neat that you mom and dad met while he was in Germany. It was probably hard on her when she first come to the states. She had a very interesting life.
We are fine here. We live too far out for anything much to start here. We do have a lot of nephews on the police force though. One of them is the chief of police in the town next to ours. He never seems to be worried though. Hope that things are safe in your area. You would think with all the terrorists that we have that we would be concentrating on them and not on this stuff. It is just sad.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I like the pictures that you posted. They are so bright and cheerful. We all need that right now. There is not telling what is going to happen next. I wish that there was a way to stop all of this nonsense. All we can do is pray for help from the Lord. That is just so sad.
Your weather sounds pretty nice there. It is hot and humid here. We really need a break in the weather. Hope that it comes soon. I think that last summer spoiled us. It would be really hot a couple of days and then it would cool down for awhile. That will not happen again for a long time.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
I have nothing to say tonight. Enjoy the pics.
dd -
Hi Dianne
those are beautiful uplifting photos, which we all need. Thank you.Christine
I hope your ear feels better, and you are not coughing as much today. the humidity is just as bad as the dampness in winter for asthma. I hope you are ok.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I am sure we will all add a prayer for your nephews on the police force. I cannot imagine being a police officer today, and the anxiety added to an already stressful job.
I am glad you are far form any area that is in trouble. I feel so bad for the mothers and fathers who have children in those areas. How scared they must all be.
My Dad never spoke of what he saw, either. War is terrible on everyone. I wonder if we will ever see peace in our lifetime.
it is raining here today, and cool, but humid. So, today I am making the base for vanilla ice cream, and will make it tomorrow. I am also making a blueberry cobbler. Other than that, not much going on here. You feel too achy on a day like today to do anything big.
Hope you are all good.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I know that when we had that trouble in Ferguson the parents could not send their kids to school. It was too dangerous for them to wait for the bus. It is just sad what they are doing here. I wish everyone would just behave and get along with each other. Do not take it out on other people because of what a few have done.
There is a lot of crazy things going on here. We have to freeze a lot of peaches today. I cannot believe all the peaches that he brought home. It is going to take me all night to do this. Your blue berry cobbler sounds really good and with home made ice cream that will really be good. Your grands will be glad to get that today.
Well I guess I better go. I have a lot to do. They are all gone now so need to clean the house and get the peaches done. Have a great day will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Happy Saturday everyone! We had a baby shower brunch today at Sarah’s Mothers home. It was actually her Aunt that gave the shower. She got so many nice things. I am just amazed at all the cute and useful things they have now. Most of it was things that had to be explained to me about what is was and how to use it. So I know I have a lot to learn. But me and Jerry and Itty Bitty will learn together. But I am sorry to say that there had to be some drama involved with the shower. One of Neal and Sarahs friends who is the DIL of our neighbors down the road, and close friends of ours for years, said she didn’t get an invitation; so she refused to come. That made our neighbor who was going with me to the shower, all upset, and she let me know that if Sarah asked why her DIL didn’t come, that she was going to tell her why. All of this got dropped on me about 15 minutes prior to picking her up to leave to go to the shower. I was trying so hard to brush over the situation, but it was not to be had. So when we walked in the door, Sarah’s Mom hugged me and I introduced her to my neighbor, and as fate would have it, her Mom said “oh, you are Stephanie’s Mom, is she coming along later?”, to which my neighbor bristled and said, “no, I am her MIL, and she will not be coming since she did NOT receive an invitation” I was embarrassed, and caught smack dab in the middle of an uncomfortable situation. Sarah’s Mom said Sarah, Stephanie didn’t get her invitation, and of course Sarah said, I can’t imagine what happened to it, because I definitely sent one, let me call her. My neighbor said no, that she will not come now. I had been there less than 5 minutes, and already in a mess. But, I just commented on how cute all the packages were, and how nice Sarah looked, and asked if they had coffee, and went from there. We left early, at my neighbors request, and I could tell Sarah was hurt and not knowing what to do, but we mustered through. I spoke to them later, and I hope I was able to make them feel better. She said she could tell our neighbor was upset, and I just wish there had not been bad feelings on this special day.
My legs have really been aching, behind my knees. I could barely sleep last night. Not sure what this is about but it is feeling a little better now.
I wore my pretty quacker shirt with an anchor on the front of it today. It was so pretty and very sparkly. I just kept telling myself to pull myself up and this was going to be okay.
Hope you all had a good day. There has been so much going on in our country that it just makes me so sad. I pray that we will find peace and love one another, and realize how life is such a precious gift, and just to think before we react. My Dad was a captain for 35 years with the police department and then when he retired he became chief of police at a town close to Memphis. So my life has been around policemen. I know there is good and there are bad, just like in every job I have ever seen or known about. We hear so much about the bad, and so little about the good in all jobs. I pray for peace.
Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend. I am very tired. I think I am needing a B12 infusion. Hope everyone is doing good. Hugs, Barbara -
Hi Barbara,
I know what you mean about all the new stuff that they have for babies now. Did she get on of those things that make the baby bottle for her. It puts in the water and the formula and all you have to do is shake it up. You do not have to heat the bottles anymore either. My daughter got one of those and she has a camera that they have in the bedroom and you can see everything the baby is doing. I cannot figure that thing out either. So I just leave it on and the whole time that I am there. I tried once to turn it off and I messed it up. Kevin had to fix it again. So it is like mom do not touch anything we will take care of it when we get home.lol
That was not right to bring all of that on you. If the woman was that upset she should have stayed home and let you go and enjoy yourself. You should not have had to leave because of her. Things do get lost in the mail and I am sure if Sarah calls her and explains it will be okay. She should have known that something happened since they asked about her. That is one of those things where you just move on and enjoy yourself. They will have to work that out themselves.
I know what you mean Barbara. There is just trouble all the time. People need to settle down and just take care of their own business. God loves all of us just the same and so we should act accordingly. All we can do is pray.
Well that is all from today have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
I hope your weekend was relaxing & uneventful. Mine was pretty quiet, as usual. We’ve had some pretty cool weather for July. It didn’t even get up
to 70. We got showers overnight & the days were fairly dry. But summer’s on the way back they say.
I went to the store Sat. morning, & on the way home, I spotted a police SUV parked just up the street, on my way home. As I passed by I turned to
see if it was occupied. I saw 2 officers inside, so I went over & thanked them for their service & I said I was so sorry for their losses. They thanked
me & I went on my way. It was a perfect opportunity to do that.
Sat. would’ve been my mom’s 100th birthday. It’ll be 30 yrs this Nov. that she passed. Sure miss her.Oh, did you know that QF will be on tomorrow (Mon.) & Tues. Be sure to check your local listings. According to my guide it’s on 3 PM ET Monday,
4PM ET Tues. Enjoy.Tara, from Temp-tations, got married Sat. They shared some photos on FB. I’ll send a couple pics along with the rest. It’s a little light after what was
a horrific week. Seeing some happiness is uplifting.
I guess that’s all I have for now.
Have a great week.
dd -
Hi Colleen
It is very troubling. I see people as people, no matter what. Prejudice is such a useless feeling, and damaging. I hope our grands all grow up seeing people as people.
Where did Ron get all the peaches? What will you make with them? Peach cobbler, and jelly? I bet your hands are tired.
Hope the rest of your weekend went well.
Adele -
Hi Dianne,
How wonderful of you to go thank the police for their service. I’m sure they don’t hear that enough.
Did you and your Mom live together? My Dad will be gone 34 years in November and Mom 22 years in December. Our friends on here with living parents and inlaws are very very lucky.
I saw some pictures on the Q board of Tara’s wedding. A lot of people (including me) at first thought the groom was her father. I wonder what the age difference is? Or else she looks younger and he looks older. There was also some pictures of Susan Graver’s daughter’s wedding on her blog. She looked lovely too.
Hot here today. In the 90’s.
Gail -
Hi Dianne
What a nice thing you did for those police officers. I hope everyone takes a moment to say thinks, when they see them in their neighborhoods. You are such a good person.
I am sorry about your Mom. She has been gone for a long time, and that must be hard. My Mom is the only one I have left, as I am an only child. I know my time with her is limited, and I tell the kids that all the time, so they will realize tomorrow is no guarantee.
When I watched the In the Kitchen with Dave show yesterday, they showed a couple of pics of Tara’s wedding. What a beautiful dress, and the cake is spectacular.
I love the pics of the sayings you posted. Words to live by, and butterflies for Gail!
Thank you for continuing to post such beautiful things. You are our cheerleader.
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
Yes there are a lot of new fangled things for the bringing up baby crowd. If you have not been around people having babies for awhile you miss all the new stuff. Now you are in the loop again and will have to learn how to use some of these new things.
I’m sorry that there was some conflict at the shower. They could have made things a lot easier on everyone if someone would have called earlier in the week and said something like “I’m sure my invitation got lost in the mail as my MIL already got hers.” Or something like that instead of waiting until the very day to create conflict. Mistakes happen-learn to go with the flow instead of getting all insulted. Some people just don’t like to make life easy.
When I was little and I used to get those pains behind the knees they called them growing pains. Maybe you are getting taller. lol
Please go and get that B12 shot before you get too run down.
Gail -
Hi Barbara
I am so sorry you had to go through that mess. Poor Sarah must have felt awful. You know, there are so many times something is lost in the mail. Last December, we sent a payment to a man who did some work for us, and it never arrived. he had asked for one of those Visa credit cards , instead of a check. We were mortified, and felt he thought we were lying about sending it. We eventually sent another, after 3 weeks of hoping it would find it’s way. Well, 6 weeks later, it arrived back here, with a ” 7cents postage due” note on it. I had sent the Visa gift card, in a thank you card with a nice note on it and between the cards, it was over the postage amount. I took a picture of the envelope and sent it to him, so he knew we were not slime balls.
So, I guess I am saying, I would not be surprised, if the invitation comes weeks later, as it could be lost in the mail. I sincerely hope it does, so the bad feelings will go away. Who knows- maybe she forgot to put a stamp on that one, and it will be returned to the sender!! I hope it turns up.
You did the right thing. There is not much you cold have said, or added, to her blurting that out as you entered. You are a perfect lady, and I know your kind words after you got home were well received.
Your knees may have arthritis, as the back is where a lot of people get pain. I am getting the series of 3 shots in my knee again, starting Wednesday. You may want to look into them, as those new Orthovisc shots work. they put a cushion between the bones, and stop further damage, if you get them soon enough. I had them a year ago, and they lasted that long before the discomfort started again.
I did not know your Dad was a police officer. This conflict must be especially painful for you to watch, as I know you must have a lot of friends who are police officers. There are a lot more good than bad, and like everything else, only the bad get mentioned. My heart goes out to all of them, and all the people who lost their loved ones through these tragic circumstances. We will all have to pray for peace in our neighborhoods.
Hope you are feeling better today, and glad Sarah go such pretty things at her shower.
Adele -
Hi Colleen,
That is good that Stephen got a promotion. I’m happy for that.
I’m sure the kids all found a place to sleep. When our kids had all there friends over they would just bring sleeping bags and sleep on the floor. Could you imagine if we had to do that now? We could get down there but not get back up. Plus the floor gets harder the older that you get. lol
Where did Ron get all the peaches? I hope he helped you freeze them or whatever you did with them. You will have to make some peach cobbler to go with Adele’s blueberry cobbler. Gosh I used to make peach cobbler a lot when the kids were home. I used to make a lot more homemade things back then. I kind of miss doing it but just thinking of the extra shopping to get the ingredients wears me out now. lol If only they would deliver ingredients like they do a pizza. lol
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I didn’t know that Tillie was originally from Germany. So she also experienced the war first hand but in a different way than the soldiers. I know there was a lot of bombing of Germany but I don’t know where she lived at the time-if she was in a rural area she might have been away from all that.
My Dad was also in France and Germany. He also never talked about his experiences. He has a bunch of medals and I have no idea what they were for. We found out going through things after my mother died that he was in the Battle of the Bulge. We never even knew. There is a book by Tom Brokaw called The Greatest Generation that talks about how all the men came back from the war and just went back to their jobs and there family lives without ever thinking that they did anything extraordinary. They just did what they had to do to serve their country. It’s an interesting book.
Speaking of books. Is that reading list required by the schools or does the teacher just suggest doing it to keep there skills up over the summer? I would think that he could find some children’s historical fiction books that take place in Massachusetts. One of my favorites from my childhood was called The Witch of Blackbird Pond. However I can’t remember where it took place-it might be Massachusetts.
I don’t think my problem is not having Windows 10. I think something got changed in my settings somewhere but who knows how or what. I guess I will just have to get used to things how they are since no one seems to be able to help.
It’s too bad you can’t get in the pool. I would figure out some way-even if I had to rent a crane for the summer to get me in and out. lol
I think it’s a good idea to go with the oak. You can’t go wrong with that as they have been using that for flooring forever.
It’s going to be hot around here the next few days. Maybe I’ll have to put a float in the pond and swim with the fish and the frogs. lol Not!
Gail -
Hi Gail
OMG- my Dad was in the Battle of the Bulge too. Was your dad Army- mine was in the Artillery Division. Would that not be a hoot if they knew each other? Can’t ask him now…LOL
Oh yes- Tillie saw a lot that should never have been seen. The women were prayed upon, and a lot of them raped. She lived in Stuttgart- a major city in Germany. They lived in the outer section. My grandfather was a furniture maker, and had a factory. It was bombed once, and he was able to re-build, but then it was hit a second time, and there was no coming back from that. She has a lot of anxieties, and fears left over from that experience. One is to never question authority, and gets extremely anxious of police. It was not just Jewish people (although predominantly Jewish) in the concentration camps, it was anyone who did not obey orders, or said anything about the infamous leader. My Aunt was almost arrested, as well as the entire family. My Aunt was ordered to give out food vouchers, and when she saw a mother with a lot of children, she gave them a little more, out of kindness. They found out, and went tot he house to arrest her, and the family. My grandfather had to call in all favors, and give away a lot of furniture to have her life spared. My Mom said she never saw him so angry in all her life, and he went after my Aunt when they left, telling her she almost cost the entire family their lives. Tillie said she was never so afraid in all her life. They were lucky my grandfather had things to give away to appease the military. Had he not, I would not be here today. She talks about that every once in a while. She cannot watch anything at all, related to WWII. Had they been Jewish, that would not have been possible. Very awful times.
That list is the 4th grade reading list, made up by the teacher, and 3 books are required. He is now reading the one on the Salem Witch Trials. not an easy subject to find age appropriate books. All have to have something to do with Mass.
Today, I am sewing the valances for the kitchen. Took a break to check emails….LOL
Hope your day is going well- it is going to be over 90 and humid the rest of this week. All weekend was cool, but humid, and dreary.
Adele -
InactiveJuly 11, 2016 at 5:27 pmPost count: 643Colleen I don’t know if you remember Diane Grego from the old Quacker Factory site. Any way she could use some prayers. She fell on her way to church, on some cracked sidewalk, on her face. Her lip and nose are cut and swollen. She will be sore for a while.
Hello ladies. Just finished watching the quacker show and I ordered the yellow shirt with the birds all across the front of it. I knew Gail would have her eyes on the butterfly one. Lots of pretty today. Angel really looked pretty. She seems so happy and I think she is doing a great job as host. She has certainly lost a lot of weight. I heard her say on another show that she goes to the gym I think everyday. I am so glad she has found the perfect fellow for her to be happy with.
The shower drama has quietened down some. I told Sarah and Neal to just let some time pass and then to respond to it with the other couple if they feel that is the right way to handle the situation. Sarah said she had racked her brain trying to remember for absolutely sure that she had sent the invitation, but she really feels that she did. I told her that I always like to resolve things face to face and since they have been such close friends with this other couple for years, that I felt it deserved a face to face conversation. But for them to decide what if anything they felt would be best to do. My neighbor called last night with some other neighborhood news, and she seemed fine; so of course, I didn’t mention anything about the children. I felt she was past the incident, and I certainly do not want this to influence our good friendships. In fact; I asked them if they wanted to go out for dinner one evening this week, and both she and her husband did; so we will get together later on. I had to learn through my job that tact was a skill (at least to me) and that not having a “knee jerk’ reaction was always the better way to approach any situation. Just like with the tile, it took several incidents for me to explode, but some things just seem to call for an okay, enough is enough reaction. I just didn’t want to lose their friendship over what I feel is a mistake that created some hurt feelings. So I am glad that we are okay, and I hope it will get better for the kids too.
My father was in D Day on Normandy Beach, and spent several months in a hospital in France from injuries. My Mother didn’t hear from here all through that time, and really felt he had not survived. But she finally was notified where he was; and then he was eventually sent back to the States, and then back overseas again. One of my nurses’ Dad was on the Enola Gay, and when I attended his services when he passed away; there was a letter he had written that was to be opened at his services, and he told his wife and children for the first time of all that went on during that day, and how there were several of the men who all held their hand on the bomber door at the same moment; so no one man would be responsible for the actual dropping of the bomb. I was so amazed. None of them; including his wife; knew until that moment the letter from him was read, that he took place in that crucial moment in our country’s history. Isn’t life amazing?
Jerry’s Mom is doing so good. She is still gaining weight. She is proud of her little belly bulge. LOL This week is Jerrys birthday. I got his some bare naked boxers from Deluth trading company (his absolute favorite) and some cologne from Lansky Brothers, where Elvis Presley had his clothing made. They have had a store here in Memphis at the famous Peabody Hotel for years. This was Elvis’ favorite cologne, and it is Jerrys also. It is pricey, but lasts forever. And it really does smell amazing. I am going to make him a pecan pie. He wants that instead of a cake. Joey put in a request for a chocolate cake, because he said you can’t put candles on a pie LOL I think he just wants chocolate cake. ha ha
Neal called to tell us Sarah is dilated 1 cm. I said, son, this is your little beginning of the countdown; so it’s time to get things ready and out of the boxes. He is excited, and worried that Sarah and baby will be fine. He was so happy with all the nice shower gifts. He just keeps saying, “do you think we have enough diapers?” So I am going to pick him up some more just to take that worry off his mind.
Have a wonderful day everyone. It is muggy here today; but time for me to make a dog food run again. Now that Lisa’s bloodhound has found our automated feeder he keeps his head stuck in there. I can’t not let him eat too. Jerry said it would cost less to feed a pony. LOL Hugs, Barbara -
Hi Barbara
I am glad you found a way to deal with the issue of the invitation, and totally agree it could ruin your friendship. I hope that invitation eventually gets there. I hope Sarah doe snot stress over it, as I am sure she did. It is lost somewhere.
I watched the show too, while I was sewing the curtains. Tillie got the v neck shirt in red. I did not get anything, as believe it or not, I have every shirt in that collection, accept the yellow one you got….LOL
I am attaching a pic of the curtains I made today. Still no news on when the electrician is coming to putting the new light.
Wow- all our fathers were in WWII. Amazing. So good they all came home.
You picked out nice gifts for Jerry, and I bet he will be thrilled with them. he and his Mom are having such a good time. It is so nice to hear about their trips and activities. He is a good son, and she is lucky to have him.
I hope you all have a great time out for dinner- is it a birthday celebration for Jerry?
I get the same requests here, when they want a different thing for a birthday party- Gary always wants a cake to put candles into….or doe she just want another cake???
Hope your day is going well- we will be sweating our buns off from Wednesday on, up here.
Itty Bitty is beginning the trip home!! Yahoo!!
Adele -
Hi Sue!
Of course we will all say a prayer for her. I hope she recovers with little incident. That is awful.
Adele -
Adele, your curtains look beautiful! Diane, love the pics! I love butterflies also! Am praying for that poor Quacker who is hurting. I am down with an ear infection, so won’t be on much. My regular Dr couldn’t see me, so had to go to convenient care and waited 2 hours! Scott is doing better. But is down with a headache today. I’ve been real dizzy also, and headachey from my ear infection. Quack at you later! Christine
Hi Christine!
I hope you are feeling better soon. Ear infections make you feel so miserable- prayers sent your way!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Well there I was all set to write e-mails and off went the power. It was off for over three hours. When I called they said it would be done by 3:19. Thank goodness it didn’t take that long as 90 degrees without air is not a good thing. I just would have gone over to Jenny’s if it was out all afternoon and probably taken a change of clothes and showered there too.
I know my Dad was in the army but I think he was in the infantry. Isn’t it amazing we all had Dad’s in WWII but in all different areas. Colleen’s in Japan and Barbara’s on the beach at Normandy and our Dad’s marching through France and Germany. My Dad had one really good buddy that he met in the army. I think he lived in Colorado and they remained in touch throughout their lives.
Your family was very lucky that your grandfather had goods to buy off the authorities. Did your Mom leave all her family behind when she moved here? How did she and your Dad meet? I’ll bet it was difficult for her to leave everyone and come here to live. She obviously had a sister- did she have any brothers who were conscripted into the German Army? I know I’m asking lots of questions but the stories of how and why people come here is always interesting to me. Plus I find that era of history interesting as it is hard to imagine how horrible it all was and it speaks to the endurance of the human spirit as many people survived unimaginable horrors.
I watched the Quacker show yesterday but didn’t get anything as anything that i thought was cute i already had. I think there is another show on today. I think we are probably done seeing any new Quacker summer things. I imagine soon they will be pulling out the fall. The summer flies by so fast.
Your curtains look wonderful. You are a great seamstress. It must feel good finally getting things put back together. I am lucky. If I wanted a new light fixture I would just have Greg put it in. He does all the stuff like that around here. Where is the fixture going?
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
When I see movies of the beach being stormed at Normandy I am always amazed that anyone made it up the beach without being injured. Your Mom must have been frantic not hearing anything for so long. I remember my Mom talking about sometimes getting letters but a lot of the stuff in them was blacked out so as not to give away any positions or anything else to the enemy. What those men saw and did I can only imagine.
The story about the man being on the Enola Gay and no one ever knowing is amazing. Imagine carrying that with you all your life without ever telling anyone-not even your wife.
There is a beautiful song called 1000 Cranes written by a couple that we know about the dropping of the bomb and WWII. On the old site I would post a video but I can’t do that here. Look it up on YouTube. It’s a very moving song by the group Small Potatoes.
That’s funny that Neal wonders if they have enough diapers. I think Jenny used Amazon Prime and had them delivered in bulk. Very convenient not to be running out for diapers all the time. I think she did it for the wipes too.
I didn’t know Lisa had a bloodhound. Why did I think someone had a coonhound or is there one of those too? Isn’t it funny how you inherit everyone else’s pets? That’s because you have such a good heart.
I’m glad the invitation fiasco is blowing over. Life is too short to have to worry about those things.
I’m so glad that Jerry’s Mom is feeling so well. She must be stopping around your house for dinner sometime.
I’m with Joey-let’s have birthday pie and cake!
Gail -
Hi Gail
The fixture is over the kitchen table. It is very similar to the one I have, but the globes are similar to the backsplash- small squares of glass pieces. I know you must have seen these somewhere, as they are very popular right now- Ill take a pic, of course.
I would die if the electricity went our t here this week- 90’s with humidity. So I just made the vanilla ice cream. I made the base on Saturday, and just did not get around to putting it together. It also seems to do better if it stays in the fridge for a couple of days to “gel”, so to speak. Next I have to vacuum the kitchen as I keep seeing those tiny pieces of string from all the fabric yesterday. I am making a fast little corn bread for supper. I must be nuts putting the oven on for today.
Tillie has an older brother, who was in the military, as the men had no choice. The story goes that he was very angry with my grandfather for letting his baby sister “marry the enemy and move where they cannot see if she is safe”. He was always very protective of her. She also has 3 other sisters. her oldest sister and brother are from my grandfather’s first marriage. His wife died of cancer, and my grandmother raised all the children, as hers. I never met my grandmother- she died of a heart problem. I only met my grandfather, when he was bed ridden, also from cancer. He lived about a year, after we got to Germany. We stayed another 4 years, and then my Dad retired form the military, and we went home.
My parents met after the war. My Dad managed a huge American club in Heidelberg, where a lot of American celebrities performed. My Mom said it took up an entire city block, with many different rooms for different activities/entertainments. it was kind of like the casinos of today, I guess. They always had a big ban playing for dancing in one of the rooms. My parents loved to dance. We have an old picture of my Dad greeting Lana Turner- signed by, her I think- not too sure about the signature- she may have signed something else for him- piece of paper, maybe?? memory is fuzzy as I have not seen that pic in a while…LOL They got engaged, and married in a huge Catholic Cathedral in Heidelberg. My Mom had to sign papers for the pries that she promised to raise any child in the Catholic religion. Funny huh?
My family was very lucky he had things to trade. It was awful times for the people, as well as any person who was Jewish- way worst for them. Unspeakable horror. Trump reminds me of a dictator, and that spooks the hell out of me.
hope your day is going well!
Adele -
Hello to All. I couldn’t help but laugh when I read that you all didn’t buy anything from the show yesterday; because you already have everything that was on. It’s not that we have a problem or anything, it’s just that quacker needs to hurry and make some new things LOL I know it will be soon time for Fall things to be showing up on the shows; so I am looking for sale items right now. It is still so hot here that I know we are a long way from cooler weather in this area; and I can really find some nice things that are at a much better price. I have gotten some really nice fleece items as well, since some of the things I saw last winter were too expensive for me; but now are marked down too. It really helps. I have started to buy things for Jerrys Mom too. She likes things that keep her warmer; even in the summer. I always remind Jerry that her ability to regulate her body temperature is not quite as good as it used to be, and to make sure she isn’t too heavily clothed in the summer, but to expect her to still wear long sleeves, and sometimes a sweater if it is cloudy or rainy.
Yes, Neal is excited about the baby. He called on his way home from work (our new routine for checking up with us) and said that he got busy and unloaded some boxed up items last night; since today was trash day. They have a really cute apartment. I have prayed that Sarah and Neal will be good, loving parents. You all know why I have some reservations, but it’s like I tried to explain to Jerry the other night after we had been to their apartment and Neal did all the cooking and serving and clean up. I think I said that I wanted so badly to go into the kitchen and help him, but he said that he had it so I just stayed sitting with Sarah, but Jerry went in there. I told Jerry that we know that we have tried OUR best to do the right things in raising the boys, and that we HAVE to admit that we made our own mistakes, but that if Neal is okay with the way things are; then we should be too. We can’t make things happen just because we want things to be the way we would like to see them be. It’s just like we would give anything for things to have gone another way for Joey and Lisa, but they just didn’t, and we may never know why, that we just have to have faith that everything will be okay. After all that he looks at me any goes “hum” and didn’t say anything else.
By the way; it will be pie and cake tomorrow. Joey gave a very good argument in his way of looking at it; so I had to agree ha ha. I am in the mood for celebrating just about anything now, so I say, let the party begin. I am actually just going to go out with him by myself tomorrow night, and we will go with our neighbors later this week. I feel we need an evening alone.
By the way, Adele, do you sift your flour when you are making a cake? I have to admit, I am a short cutter, and don’t most of the time. Do you think it makes a real difference? Just wondering. Mabey I should be asking Aizen since I think he is our chef in training. LOL
Take care, gotta do some laundry and find us another book for our night time reading. Just loving that. It has become a habit we are both enjoying. Take care, Barbara -
Hi Ladies,
Thought that I would stop by and let you all know that I am still alive. Just so busy around here with the grands and my daughter that have not had much time to write. This is the first minute that I have been able to come on here without all of them sitting here trying to read what I am writing.lol Not that it matters but it is hard with them all milling around and talking.
Hope to be able to talk to everyone tomorrow.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
Have fun with the grands. Thanks for letting us know that you are good. Enjoy your time together. You’ll probably be tired when everyone leaves and will need some time to recuperate.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I guess we do have a little bit of a Quacker obsession. lol I have been finding some nice things on clearance lately too. Like you-we will be wearing summer clothes into October so I am really not ready to see some of the sweaters and long pants and long sleeves that they are showing already.
Jenny usually calls me on her way home from work too. It must be a young person thing.
I know what you mean about making things how you wish they would be for your kids. But unfortunately that ends up being a lesson in futility, as they grow up and make their own lives and their own choices-not always the lives that we have wished for them. So we have learned just to try and roll with the punches and accept their choices as long as they are happy with them. You know Barbara, I have observed that quite a few of the younger generation have relationships where the woman doesn’t cook or do some other things around the house and these couples seem to make it work okay. It seems odd to me that you wouldn’t at least split the responsibilities if you are both working but it seems like it is a new world order. Plus, look at all the years that the women went to work and still did all the domestic duties themselves and no one thought anything about it. My advice(even though you never asked for it-lol) is if Neal is happy just try to let the things that bother you flow like water off a duck’s back. I guess that might be Quacker advice. lol
I’m like you I don’t sift flour either as I am a lazy baker. I know that you are supposed to. We’ll have to ask our master baker Adele to weigh in on this one. I hope that we haven’t shocked her by saying that we don’t sift and that she won’t be rolling her eyes and shaking her finger at us. lol
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I remember my Mom saying that the reason that Hitler rose to power was because he came into power when there was a big depression and he created jobs and put a lot of people back to work. Unfortunately that progressed from getting people jobs to building a massive war machine and killing millions of people. I always wondered if the “everyday” people in Germany had any idea what was really going on as there wasn’t mass media in the 1930’s and 1940’s like there is today and I imagine some areas were still quite rural. It was a horrible time in history and I hope with the passing of the years that people don’t forget what a man like Hitler was capable of-that would be very bad. Have you ever read Night by Elie Wiesel who just passed away recently. It’s about his time in Auschwitz. I have never been able to finish it as it makes me cry so hard-just like Schindler’s List-it was a good movie but I just could never finish watching it as it made me so sad to see the randomness with which people’s lives were taken.
That must have been a pretty interesting job that your Dad had managing the American Club. I would think that he would have met lots of people. I imagine it was scary for your Mom leaving everyone and everything that she knew to come to the US. People will do things for love that they wouldn’t ordinarily do-that’s for sure. I can understand why her family would feel some trepidation-although it was interesting that her brother would still consider your Dad “the enemy.” Your Mom was pretty brave to make that leap of faith.
I take it that she was not Catholic if she had to sign the papers to bring her children up Catholic. They church made everyone do that-in fact I think you still have to do that today-although maybe it is an oral promise rather than a written document now. Sometimes the Church’s rules are so kooky. Like my one SIL was married and divorced before she married Greg’s brother. Well ordinarily you can’t get married in the church if you are divorced but because she then converted to Catholicism that first marriage didn’t count against her so to speak. Isn’t that silly?!
Speaking of ice cream Greg and I have now sampled those DQ funnel cake sundaes and they do pass muster-in fact they have passed muster several times. lol
He went to the pain doctor Monday and she put him on a course of steroids and some kind of nerve pill which so far the pharmacy keeps telling us they have not gotten the orders for yet. How hard can it be to fax in a prescription and get it filled-there is a disconnect somewhere. So we will see how this works. She says the back does not actually look that bad from the MRI so it’s hard to understand why it is causing him so much pain. She thinks maybe he is doing something to aggravate it and unfortunately that thing may be golf. I dearly hope that he doesn’t have to give that up and I’m sure he does too.
Did I tell you we were going to all go out in the boat last weekend and there was a toxic algae bloom on the lake so we decided to postpone that as we don’t want anyone to get sick. That really kind of sucks as Greg was going to go fishing and you don’t want to take any fish from the lake while that is going on even if you catch and release like he does.
Glad the electric is back on as it is hot again today.
Piper played TBall again yesterday with a skirt on. The girl knows how to dress for a ball game. I’m surprised it’s not a tutu. lol We went to dinner afterwards and the restaurant had her favorite mac and cheese so she was delighted!
Gail -
Hi Gail
No, according to my Mom, they did not know what was going on. They were all in fear of being arrested, for anything. However, they did not know arrested also meant you were killed. They thought the concentration camps were work camps, and once there, you did not get out.
That is how he came into power. He built the highways after WW I, and got a lot of people back to work. He got crazier and crazier, as time went on.
I have not read any books on WWII, or the atrocities that occurred. I did read the Diary of Anne Frank, and that still haunts me. I also cannot read any book on child abuse- saw enough in my job, and cannot shake the horror of the written word. What I saw and heard for almost 40 years still ha an affect on me. Kind of like PTSD. I get teary eyed when there is a news item on any abuse of a child, or adult, and angry. Very angry.
My Dad’s job after the war, while still in the Army, was very interesting. I think the name of the club was The Stardust Club. I should Google it, to see if it is on the web. I think it may have been a club for the armed service stationed in Europe after the war was over- not sure about that, either.
It was scary for Tillie. She went from a German, quiet household to very loud, everyone in everyone’s business, crazy Italians. The food was hard for her to adjust to. My Nonna , Aunts and Uncles were hysterical. My Nonna rented the house they had in Dorchester, just before my Dad married, and bought the big house in East Boston, which had 3 more lots of land with it. Well. They all had to love in one apartment in that house, until the rest was built. so, when my Mom married my Dad, she came back to a 3 bedroom home, with them, my Nonna, 2 Aunts, my Uncle and Aunt, and their 2 kids, and a couple of dogs- all in one place. They had to live like that for a while, as the house I grew up in, was being built next door, and my Uncle’s apartment, was boing done on the first floor of that house- it was a huge Victorian house. My Mom said it was both crazy, and hysterical, as they all had a lot of fun every night, when everyone got home from work. My Mom and Aunt (married to my Uncle) helped my Nonna cook, and clean. The rest of them worked. Plus, she hardly spoke any English, let alone Italian. All my Aunts and uncle were born here. My Nonna was pregnant with her first child, when she and my Nonnu came to this country. He was a barber, and she was a seamstress. After my grandparents came, 2 of my Nonna’s brothers came to this country, and later married American women, of Italian descent, of course….LOL
How did your grandparents come here, and where did they settle? Are you in the same state?
I am glad Greg’s back is not too bad. There must be a nerve stuck in the area he has trouble with. Did they give him Neurontin? That is a nerve pill Gary takes for the neuropathy, and was also given to me when the back squashed the nerve prior to my last surgery. It works to clam the nerves, but, it can make you sleepy. It is no a pain pill- different.
That is awful about the green slime. Does that happen a lot in the heat? Is your pond ok?
OMG- I have a hysterical visual of her playing all in a skirt. God bless her, she makes her own rules, and makes her own way in life. I hope her enthusiasm never dies!!
It is gross here- just came back from my shot, and I have ice on the knee. it is 95, and humid.
Adele -
Hey Gail and Barbara!!
No sifting for me- threw that thing out years ago. This is what I do- I always mix my dry ingredients in a plastic bowl, and then give them a stir with either a whisk, or a spatula, depending on my mood. that is good enough, and a lot less mess….LOL LOL
Even Martha Stewart says it is ok to whisk you dry ingredients, instead of sifting!
Hey Colleen!
Glad you had a second to tell us you were ok. We all get worried when one of us disappears. Have a great time. I bet you will have funny stories for us!
Adele -
hey Barbara!
Do not fret about Neal cooking. You have no idea how many men are cooking now, instead of the women, and doing a better job. Look at Bobby- he cooks better than me. I know a lot of couples where the man is the cook, and they are both thrilled with that. Even when I was working, I was surprised at how many of the husbands do the cooking now. It is quite the rage. Hey- whoever makes the best meal, is the one to cook. Some women just hate to cook. does Sarah bake? I feel baking is an entirely different skill- creative and exact. You canto fool around with the amounts, or nothing comes out right. that is why Bobby doe snot like to bake. He just creates what he wants, with no regard to amounts- he wings it a lot of times. Sunday, Hetaher and Dave came for a BBQ, and Bobby made basil risotto, with my fresh basil form the yard. I tell you, I would never have thought of that combination, and it was the best ever. He just chopped up some basil like you would parsley, and what a taste! Even Gary, who hates everything, ate it- 2 helpings.
I have to confess. this morning, I re-thought the Quacker shows, and got the 2 piece star short sleeve jacket with the tank in the new purple color. now, I have 4 of the colors in that set. Seriously? My nose does not even go outside when it is hot and humid. Tillie, on the other hand, had quite a good time again- 3 shirts, and 2 pants….LOL
hope your day is good , and not too hot, or stormy.
Adele -
Missy Barb….for got to say- you may be on to something. Aizen could be a baker some day- a pastry chef in waiting.
Adele -
Hi Gail, Adele, Barbara, Dianne and Christine,
I am going to try and get caught up with everyone. If I miss something I am sorry because it has been awhile. The kids all went to my other daughters house for the night. They are going home tomorrow. So they will come here and get their things and the dogs. You talk about wanting things to quite down that is us. My older granddaughters came and stayed also. So we had a house full. Got the house back to shape but will still have things to do tomorrow when they leave.
My mom and brother and sil had some excitement at their house. I do not know if you heard about the guy that shot a policeman because he gave him a ticket. Well after he shot this guy he took off in his car. He pulled up in front of my brother’s house and got out of his car and ran between their house and their neighbors. He dropped his gun in their back yard. So they had police all over the place. My mom and sil were there by themselves at first and they started to go outside and the cops told them to stay in the house. The danger may not be over. So they called my brother and he came home. By then there were police all over the place. I think that they caught him though. My brother has a camera in his back yard and they took it to see what they could see in the yard. My brother just told them that he uses it to see what animals they have in their yard that is eating their flowers and veggies so it would only show his feet. The police said that it did not matter so they took it. After they looked at it for a minute the police told him that they could take the chip out and could leave the camera there with him. Have not heard anything else since then. They live right in a big subdivision. It is not supposed to happen in a place like that.
Your are right Adele men are better cooks sometimes. They take a lot of time and are not afraid to try different things in their food. I guess they are more daring. I think that Barbara has something there about Aizen. He may turn out to be a baker. He should be really good if he takes after his Nonna. That is interesting about your mom. I know that their was a lot of fear in Germany at that time. Hitler really turned out to be insane. It is sad all the lives that were taken by his special group of men. They must not have any conscious at all. The men that just served in the army just thought they were fighting for their country. They were out in the field and not anywhere near the concentration camps. Those are the men that I felt sorry for. They did their best but they did not know what was really going on. I am a history buff and read up on all different things that happen in history. It is interesting to see where we come from and if we are not careful how a mad man can take over a county or a mad woman.
Hi Gail, I do read books like Schindler list and others like it. It shows that there were some people that helped all that they could. It was terrible that he had to run as a war criminal. I wonder if they found out the truth about him or if he died being branded as a criminal. That man and his wife did all they could for the Jewish people. There were a lot more people that were like that they just do not get the recognition that they should get. I guess they were too afraid to come out in the open because of what could have been done to them. Some of the people were still scared after the war first ended.
Hi Barbara, I am like the rest of the girls. I have most of the things that they have on sale right now on Quacker. I guess almost all of us do. I imagine that it took you awhile to find something that you did not already have. I had to laugh when I looked in my closet the other day I have a pair of tan capris and a pair of pink ones. I cannot remember when I got them and if they came with a top or not. It was just surprising to find them. I did wear the tan capris but have not worn the pink yet. ( they are dream jeannes.) That is bad when you do not remember when you got them. I may have gotten them this year who knows. I have been a little more daring this year then others. Jerry’s mom and mine sound alike. She is looking for fleece pants with a band around the bottom. She does not like the wind blowing up her leg. lol. I had to laugh at her when she says that. I do not know what to call them sweat pants or jogging pants. The mens still have the band on the bottom but the women’s do not. So it is hard to find her what she wants. I agree with the others it is normal for the guy to cook now. Since the women work and the men have started to take over in the kitchen. If is nice that he is good at it. My one x sil use to cook most of their meals. He was not bad.
I like your curtains Adele. It is hard to believe all the things our father’s and mother’s went thru during the war. I am just glad that they do not have to go thru as much now. They are not gone as long as the men were back then. I guess that the weapons were more powerful then what they had back then.
Well that is about all from here. If I missed someone I am sorry. I am just so far behind. I will look again tomorrow and see what else I have missed.
have a good night all.
Colleen -
Wow Colleen
That is all I can say about what happened in your Mom and brother’s yard. They must have been scared to death. I have not heard about that one yet. Ether I missed that news report, or it has not been shown up here yet. Some times it takes a few days to go National. thank God none of them got hurt.
It is true that men can be very good cooks. It is interesting that they enjoy it, too.
Sounds like you all have had a great time together. I bet after they leave, you and Ron will take a lot of naps. It I is great to have them, and nice to have the house quiet after they leave.
It is gross here- in the 90’s and humid. Yuck!
Hope you have a good day.
Adele -
Hi Colleen,
Wow, that was some story about the guy running from the police and dropping the gun in the backyard. I hope they weren’t all too afraid. And I hope they caught the man too. The fact that he shot a policeman will only add to all the stress that this country is going through right now. I have not heard about it here yet but I usually watch local news which does not always carry all the national stories.
You have had a houseful of people and will probably enjoy the peace and quiet for awhile after everyone goes home. Much as we love it-it does wear us out.
It’s good to know that you are a history buff when we are needing to have questions answered on those topics. I knew you read a lot more nonfiction than I do. I have read about other people who hid people and such during the war. I’m sure a lot of people helped who we know nothing about. It is an interesting era but I just have a hard time reading things about it for some reason. I want to know more but I get too emotional sometimes.
That’s funny how you don’t remember buying the pink and the tan pants. I forget things and have bought stuff twice. It reminds me of Greg’s two pairs of mysterious green shorts that he has no idea of where they came from. The first pair had a stretched out waistband and kept on falling down to his ankles. He threw them in the wash and I threw them in the trash. lol
I will keep my eyes open for pants with a banded bottom. They used to make sweatpants like that all the time. You’d think someone is still making them. Would it be okay if they had elastic on the bottom-I wonder?
I hope that things are getting back to normal at your house and you and Ron are getting some rest.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Well it took three days but Greg finally got the other pills. It’s not neurontin-(I know that’s misspelled)-it’s some pill that they use for seizures too-can’t remember the name now-never heard of it before. He does say that from taking the steroids his leg no longer hurts but his foot is still numb.
This is the first time we have heard of the toxic slime on the lake. It was news to us. Our pond is totally fine as it has a waterfall and the water is filtered through a bog filled with gravel and plants.
Actually my grandparents were all born here and my great grandparents all came from Poland as children-so we are third generation Americans. I have very little info about my great grandparents-I think only one was still alive when I was a child. The only thing I know is rumor has it that my great grandmother who was my grandfather’s mother was the daughter of a Polish Count from the wrong side of the blanket. lol I just love that term. And also I have that grandmother’s upper lip-her name was Sabina and I heard many times growing up that I had Sabina’s lips-don’t know if that’s good or bad. lol
Greg’s grandparents all came from Lithuania. Except I’m not sure about his maternal Grandmother. I know his maternal grandfather came over art 18 with little money and not speaking the language. What amazed me was that he died at 90 something and he still didn’t speak the language. Needless to say I had few conversations with him. So different from my grandfather who was so proud when my brother was born that he was a third generation American. I know Greg’s paternal grandparents came over after they were married as his Dad’s older brother and sister were born in Lithuania-they were twins Stan and Ann although Ann did not survive past 2 or 3 so she was not with them when they immigrated. Greg’s paternal grandfather was hit by a car and died when his Dad was about 16 so his Dad had to quit school and support his younger brother and mother at that time as the older brother was already married with a child of his own-plus the older brother was the black sheep. lol So Greg’s Dad took care of his mother and sent his younger brother through the seminary to become a priest. Anyway, I know very little background about my great grandparents and once again there’s no one to ask. How I wish I would have thought of asking more questions when everyone was alive, but those are things we just don’t think of when we are younger.
Gail -
Hi Gail
that is like Gary’s family. He knew his grandparents, who came from some part of Russia. They were tailors. he has no idea what part of Russia, or anything else about them. I think if he had a sister, they would know as we girls seem more curious about our backgrounds.
I would love to do a DNA test on both of us. I keep saying that, and still have not.
Each of our stories are so unique. It is amazing how all our relatives got here. I know my Italian ones came in through Ellis Island. I have some very old papers, that I cannot read, because they are in Italian. Documents I cannot decipher. I kept them, somewhere in the house.
I am glad Greg feels somewhat better. Pain is not fun.
I have to get into the recliner to put ice on the knee again….off I go- had the first orthovisc shot yesterday, 2 more to go.
Hope your day is going well.
Adele -
I am so glad that Gail and I have not let you down, Adele, with our “no sift” method of baking ha ha. For Jerrys’ birthday cake, I did the homemade chocolate frosting and decorated it around the top and sides with whipped cream. Yum Yum. I think it kind of won the contest over the pie, but everyone took home some of both; which caused Mr. Jerry to say, “well, this is supposed to be my birthday, so how come most of the cake AND pie are gone out the door to our kids houses?” There was plenty left for us; and I know he was just teasing, but since I love to bake, I always tend to make extra so everyone gets all they want. We have been eating more healthy since all the wonderful fruits and vegetables are in now so it is a wonder that we didn’t have a sugar rush after dessert. Jerry has really been watching his weight these last few months, and he has lost about 40 pounds, and I guess I have managed to find where he lost it LOL He only eats one meal a day, and I just can’t do that. He drinks coffee all the time, and I am a one cup a day person. He said sipping on it really curbs his appetite. The weight he was carrying in his stomach was causing his back to hurt even worse; and I truly believe that is the main reason he cut back so much on his food. He loves vegetables, and he could make a meal out of fresh broccoli or asparagus or whatever; just grilled or baked. Speaking of that; do any of you all know how to take vegetables; like carrots, peppers, broccoli, squash, etc. and roast it in the oven? Is it as simple as olive oil and seasonings and just cook until tender? Been wondering how to add some variety to all these fresh vegetables, even tomatoes?
I really agree with you, Gail, that times have changed, and that as long as Neal and Sarah are happy, then we should accept the things and ways they chose to live their life and be happy for them. Jerry is grouchy, there I said it. ha ha But, seriously, he is from the “old school” and still thinks of the man coming home from work, and he takes care of the car, the yard, the plumbing, you know, and the lady does the ironing, laundry, cooking, (except for the grilling outside) and even though he does all of the above except ironing, and would even do that if he absolutely HAD to, it is just hard for him to see Sarah just sit when he has this “history” of her not helping, even after I had the stroke, and couldn’t do things, she didn’t step up and do what he thinks a lady should just know to do without being asked. Does that make sense? I went through a time of it bothering me (you all know of my fussing) but I am more accepting of life as it is now, and really so much more aware than I think I have ever been that each person must chose his or her own path. I love them both, and still have feelings for Lisa; even though I don’t see her she has still left a mark on my heart, and of poor Joey, and all the pain and other things a person goes through during a break up. I think Jerry is a little “hormonal” right now, and he has been for about 45 years. Just a passing phase, I say. I love to see him hug our boys and tell them every time he sees or talks with them how proud he is of them and how he loves them. He is a manly man, but he has a heart of gold. I got lucky.
I am going to a neighborhood watch meeting with my neighbor tonight, and her husband is going to come visit with Jerry. We have them once a month at one of our churches close by and its only for people who live within our neighborhood. The local sheriff department sends an officer, and he or she updates us on local break ins or crimes, and if someone who has committed a crime has been seen in the area and such. I was glad when they put this group together. We usually bring snacks and drinks, and the church just accepts donations for their needy families for providing a venue for us to meet at. That was something about the man running through your Moms yard Colleen. This world is just gone crazy. I remember how we used to play outside at night in the summertime and didn’t worry about things. No one locked their doors and there were no alarm systems. How this world has changed.
Do any of you all crochet or knit? I saw where you all were talking about your family trees, and that reminded me of how my grandmother taught me how to crochet and embroidery when I was little, and told me her Mother had taught her. I know so little of my heritage. My mothers parents came from Poland and Germany, but my Mom’s mother died when Mom was 3 months old, and her Dad was a logger and he died when my Mother was about 7; he had diabetes, but so little was known about it and he was way back in the woods and I think probably dropped his blood sugar with no one to help him. All I know of the story was my mrothers oldest brother (7 children, Mom the youngest) well, they lived in the country, and the lady who was watching the children left them alone on the day Moms father was to get home from logging, and did not know he had died. So those children lived alone in country for 3 days with the 7 yr old caring for them all, and then when he ran out of food for my Mom, he took all his brothers and sisters and started walking with them carrying my mother, for over 4 miles to the nearest people, and told them that their daddy had not come home and he had no more food for the baby. Can you imagine? They took them in and got to the sheriff (by horse and wagon back then) and one of their daddys sisters took all 7 of them into her home and raised them, because they had no living mother or daddy then. So my Mom really didn’t know her mother or her father. All she had was a few pictures. I remember once seeing a big picture of my maternal grandmother, and I was shocked, I look JUST like her. It was like looking at a picture of myself.
Well, I know you all must be tired of all my story telling by now; but just love talking to you all. Hope everyone is doing well today. Dianne, Christine, and Sue, sorry for all the rambling, hope some of my story has brought you all some thoughts too, and would love your input on any of my questions too. Sure hope things are going well in your life today. Take care, everyone, and glad your shot went well, Adele. Your ice cream story has gotten me in the mood to make some homemade ice cream too. Take care, Barbara
Hi,Barbara and everyone! I hardly ever use a sifter either lol! I also knit. In fact the jewelry that I make is knitted. Go to my wall to see the pics if you want. It’s funny that you say that you look like your grandmother. My mom has told me many times how much I look like her mother! Everyone, please pray for Scott. He is very down right now. He is very stressed and depressed. Please keep him in your prayers. He would like to find work by the end of the month. My ear infection is getting better. Although was dizzy again this morning and have a bad headache, so may lay down in a little bit. Scott had to take his mom’s car in for an emissions test. We don’t have that here, but it’s law where they are. Do any of you have to do that? Anyway, it didn’t pass, so now they need to find out why. That also is annoying him. My older brother may have broken his foot, and my 82 year old aunt sprained her knee. So need lots of prayers my way! Take care all! Quack Quack Hug Hug ~Christine
Hi Barbara,
I bake veggies a lot. I just put a little olive oil on them and some sea salt. Just let them bake to how you like them. We do it with carrots a lot we use the baby carrots. They are small and easy to bake. We also bake zucchini. You just put some butter on it or olive oil and put some bread crumbs on it and let it bake for awhile and then add cheese of your choice on top. I also put cheese on the broccoli. The only thing that I have not baked in the oven is a tomato. I have heard of people doing it though. It usually looks good but have never tried it. I think that you can bake just about anything. I also like to grill veggies. They are really good that way also.
That is nice that you have a neighborhood watch. Wish we had one here. I do not know what they would call it though. We do watch for strangers going up and down our road really slow like they are looking for something. We all keep an eye on people like that. we have no way of knowing of criminals being in our area though.
We use to play outside all the time also. We never had to worry about anyone bothering us. it is sad that it is not safe for the kids today to just go to school. I do not know what is happening to this world.
My mom’s side of the family came from Germany and my dads came from Ireland. So we had a mix there. My mom’s mom was a fantastic cook but my grandma on my dad’s side was terrible. That was one place you only took a cookie if she got it out of a package. She always cooked like that and it never improved. I understand why my dad married my mom she is a good cook. My mom’s family came over from Germany but it was her grandparents and they had a farm. My mom lived on a farm until the depression and then my grandpa got a job as a guard at McDonnell Douglas. It is funny because my aunt and uncle worked there and I worked there after I got out of high school. I do not know much about my dads family he never talked about them that much. I know that one of my great aunts was married to a boot legger. She finally got tired of him and threw him out of the house. Talk about an Irish temper. She had one. My mom’s parents use to drive a horse and buggy but my dads family always lived in St. Louis. So never heard of them having to ride in a buggy. I am planning on doing some checking on my dad’s family and find out more about them. Cannot do it though until my mom is gone for some reason she does not want us doing that. She thinks that we should let it alone because my dad did not want to talk about it. Your poor mom and her sisters and brothers. That must have been really rough on them to be left alone. It is a shame that no one came back and told them that their father was gone. How did they find him.? That is just so sad.
Your story was very interesting. I am glad that you told it. My story is really boring. The only interesting person in the family was the boot legger and my aunt got rid of him. He never came back because she told him not to. She must have been really powerful when she said it.lol
Well that is all from here. Have a good night.
p.s. Tell Jerry that I said Happy Birthday -
Hi Gail,
I have not heard much more about the incident either. I am wondering if they are trying to keep it low key. This guy was definitely guilty because the police man did not have his gun out. I will have to call my brother tomorrow and see if they heard anymore about it. It happen in Ballwin that is a municipality in St. Louis.
That is so funny about Gary and his green shorts. It is probably good that you threw them away. If he is like Ron he would have worn them again because he could not find anything else to wear. Men they are funny sometimes. I am glad that the medicine is helping with his leg. Hope that it helps with his foot soon. When does he go back to the doctor? He should mention that his foot is still numb. That is not good. Are they going to give him any of the shots in the back? I wonder if they do that if it will help.
That is so sad that your aunt did not survive to come to the states. We all have such different stories and everyone came from different parts of the world. I wrote about my family in Barbara’s post. There is not a whole lot to tell. My mom is funny about talking about things. I am going to have to sit her down and get some info from her. I know some of it but not all of it I am sure.
The pants can have elastic on the bottom. Just something so the wind does not whip up her leg. They are hard to find may have to buy her mens sweat pants. I do not know why they changed them like they did.
I have reordered some tops that I had that I cannot wear anymore. Some of the Quacker clothes stay around for a long time and others just disappear. I got me another top with the flower pots on it but had to get it in the blue because they did not have the yellow. Really wish I could have gotten the yellow. I bought the yellow top with the butterflies around the collar. That one is really cute. Now it is on clearance. Makes you think that you should not buy right away but wait for awhile. I know this whole line is boring and do not know why I got started on it. Another one of those senior moments.
Well that is about all from here. Everyone is gone now and it is so quite here that it is scary. You keep expecting to see one of the kids to come running in to talk to me. lol
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I am not sure that it will go on the National News. I wonder if they are trying to just let it be low key. It may not be the right time to air it. It happen in a municipality in St. Louis and the name is Ballwin. So if you see it that is where it happened. He did drive a little way to get to my brother’s. I have to call my brother tomorrow and see if all is going well.
You have a very interesting family story. Mine is not so interesting. I wrote about it on my post to Barbara. Your mom was a brave woman. She really had to give up a lot to come and live here. Does she any type of German accent? You and Gary both had a very interesting family story. Our families came from all over the place. It is good that they found America to move to.
Every one went home today. I was a little relieved that they all left. My daughter took her two dogs and the kids and left. She will be back because she does not want to have to stay there all the time by herself. I know that it is hard on her with the kids. At least she has other wives to talk to and know what she is going thru. I do not see how your mom did it. Did they get stationed very many places that the family could not go with them? Times were a lot different back then. Now there are few places where they let the families go with their husbands. They do not go to Germany anymore either. It is really weird how they do it now.
It is really hot here also. we have had some rain but not a lot. Are any of the storms headed your way? It seems like you have been getting a lot of rain there. We can use some but do not need any storms.
How are Aizen and JJ doing? Have not heard much about them lately. Either that or I have missed out on what you have written about them. Aliza went on vacation with her parents for a week. So have not seen her for awhile. I bet she has grown. When they are little like that they grow fast.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
It’s interesting. You are German/Irish and Adele is German/Italian. Our country really is a melting pot. I’m surprised that my great-grandparents, grandparents and parents were all 100% Polish without any mingling of nationalities until my generation. However Poland and Lithuania are right next to each other and there has been much mingling of the cultures over the centuries-with Poland having Lithuanian rulers and vice versa. I remember that from reading the book Poland by James Michner many years ago. I really should reread that sometime and have Greg read it-I’ll bet he would find it interesting. Michner wrote a lot of really interesting historical based novels-they were always really long though. I’m not sure if I can read such long books any more. My attention span is not as good as it used to be-geriatric onset ADD. lol
Greg only has to go back for shots in the back if the oral medicine does not help him. So we’ll see what happens.
You are right. Sometimes Quacker has something in their line for years in all sorts and colors and designs and then other times they put something out once and you never see it again.
The bad thing about waiting for something to go on clearance is sometimes it is no longer in your color or size when it gets to there. But it does tick me off when something is new and I buy it and three weeks later it is in clearance. It’s kind of hard to know which will stick around and which will go quickly. I know I was able to get some short sleeve shirts on clearance this summer and I liked that.
Enjoy the peace and quiet now that everyone has gone back home. I imagine Melissa and the kids will be back more until the kids go back to school. Where did little Aliza go on her first vacation? I hope she had fun and took some photos. lol
Have a great weekend.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I thought your story was very interesting. In fact it was pretty amazing. How brave of your uncle to set out with all the kids to look for help. That must have been so scary for all of them wondering what happened to their father. Did this all take place in Tennessee too? Isn’t it wonderful that you look like your grandmother who you never met. Maybe your new grandson will look like Jerry.
Speaking of Jerry-that is quite an accomplishment to lose 40 pounds. I can’t even lose 5. He must be very disciplined. Plus I think men lose easier than women for some reason. I know it is better for the back. I don’t have a bad back and I do have lower back pain and I know that it has to be from my big belly. I often think I swallowed a beach ball somewhere along the line.
Your concern about Sarah not pitching in does make sense. You would think that she would want to help her spouse. A lot of young couples cook and clean up together which is nice. Maybe she was waited on in her family and therefore thinks that other people will always do everything for her. Anyway, I hope eventually she will learn to do her share as marriage should be a partnership with each chipping in to do their share without overburdening one of the members.
I do know how to knit although I have never made anything but scarves and blankets and hats and slippers. I have never made a sweater or anything like that. When I was in college one of the girls on our floor used to knit the most exquisite Nordic sweaters-they were very complicated and beautiful.
Tell Jerry happy belated birthday and have a nice weekend.
Gail -
Hi Christine,
I hope that you are feeling better today. We don’t have emissions testing where we are either. I’m sure eventually everywhere will have it.
Prayers coming your way for all your intentions.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I hope the orthovisc shots will make your knee feel better. My friend has those too-although I’m not sure if it is orthovisc or synvisc-trying to stave off the knee replacement for as long as possible.
I think you are right-woman are much better about learning family things than the guys. If I want to know something about Greg’s family that he doesn’t remember I usually ask his sister as she will know. I always laugh about how Greg can play golf with a guy for years and not know if he has a wife or kids or anything. Woman talk about family and feelings and men talk about events.
I just heard this morning that Mick Jagger is having another baby at 72. I’m just shaking my head. lol
Did you see AGT? I wish they would have kept the rubiks cube guy and let the Estonian contortionist guy go-plus Howie really kind of wasted his golden button putting the 90 year old stripper through. You know these people will never make it when the audience starts voting. I just hope they don’t put any of the gross acts through. I can’t even watch those on TV so why would I pay good money in Vegas to see that.
I can’t believe that there has been another terrorist attack in France. How is the world going to stop these horrible atrocities? How can you stop these individual radicals? I just heard that many of the dead might be children and teenagers. How awful!
My sister is planning on going to France in November and now I am worried about that. I’m getting to the point where I don’t want to go anywhere anymore but yet I don’t want to stop living life either. What a sad scary world. Why does there have to be so much hate?
I hope we all have a happy peaceful weekend and I am praying for all those affected by the tragedy.
Gail -
Such a sad day for so many. I pray for peace in our hearts and in our lives. I’ve never experienced anything like we are going through now.
Yes, it was quite amazing how my Uncle managed to carry my Mom who was just 7 months old (I think I may have said years) all that distance and he was just a child himself. Can you imagine how it must have been to have gone 3 days with just coal oil lamps and wood stove and all the darkness in the country where they were before he decided to walk with the children and find help? They lived in Arkansas, about an hour from Little Rock. But back then it was so sparsely populated; just country folk miles apart from one another with well water and very harsh living conditions. I know my Mom always loved him so much, and how badly it hurt her when he passed away. One of their brothers, who was a couple of years older than Mom but the youngest boy of the family, grew up and joined the Navy when he was 18, He was sent to Pensacola Florida and I was told that back then during war time, they just made some into pilots and that is what he became. Anyway, Mom was very close to him, and she said that one day he left out on some training mission out of Pensacola and just never came back. His plane was never found; so they weren’t ever told what happened to him. That really hurt my mother too. I know more stories from her side of the family than my Dad’s. She also told me that 2 of her uncles were hung from this big tree for stealing horses. She actually showed me the tree when I was a child. My Dad’s mother was not friendly at all. She didn’t bake or hold us in her lap. I remember how we used to have to just sit on the sofa at her house and were not allowed to touch anything. Funny how you remember things like that. But her husband was the one who wanted to name me Elma and he was one of the first policemen in Memphis. He was so kind, but she was not. ha ha
Jerry’s Mom has lost her keys; so he just called me all frustrated. They have been searching for over 2 hours, and no luck. I told him to just sit down and forget about it for now, and since he has a set that worse comes to worse, we will just have another set made. He is tired today, so I hope he gives up on the search and comes home soon.
Hope your family is doing much better, Christine. I’m so sorry to hear of their sickness and worries. I feel that being down and out and worried is as bad as being physically ill sometimes. It’s like what do we say or do to help someone know that times will be better when they are so discouraged? I always hope I say or do the right thing.
I am going to try some oven baked vegetables this weekend. It sounds so yummy. Yes, Jerry has done very well losing weight. We learned YEARS ago not to try to lose weight at the same time; because he seemed to be able to drop weight without giving up anything, and here I would be giving up what seemed like everything, and he would lose 5 pounds, and I might lose 1 ha ha. I knew his tummy was getting smaller, but my tummy is still standing right out there for me to see. But I know in my heart that I will not ever be small, and I have accepted that and just eat whatever I am hungry for. I have a feeling I will be trying the funnel cake treats at Dairy Queen this weekend with my baked vegetables, now that I know they have Gails seal of approval.
Take care, everyone, and be careful and hope you all have fun this weekend. Hugs, Barbara -
Hi Gail,
It is unusual to find families that are all the same nationalities anymore. I can remember when they use to just marry if they were the same and the same religion. That does not happen anymore either. It is strange how times have changed over the years. Not sure if it is for the better or not. I guess time will tell. The only reason I say that is Ron and I are different religions and it really confused the kids. They usually went to church with me but now they do not go that often.
I have never read a book by Michner. I may have to find one and read it. I also like to read a book by authors from different countries. It is interesting to see the different styles of writing.
I have bought a lot more of the short sleeve tops this year also. It has been so hot this summer. I have decided if my arms flap in the wind they just flap. People do not have to look. If they do I hope they are standing back far enough that they do not get slapped in the face by my arm flab. I have tried to exercise to get rid of it but it does not work so I gave up. I have flab in different places and that is not leaving either. It just doesn’t flap in the wind.
I hope that they medicine will work out for Greg. Has he started to get feeling in his foot again? I know that has to be irritating not to have feeling in your foot. I will add him to my prayer list.
Aliza went to Colorado. She took her mom and dad and brother with her. I thought it was nice of her to let them go along. I guess she needed them to drive to the airport and to get her on the plane. lol Kevin’s sister lives there so they went there to visit. It will be interesting to hear about what all they did on their trip. I do not know if they ski this time of year or not. I am not sure if there is snow in the mountains there or not. Will have to ask Danyielle when she gets back.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
Your uncle must have been a brave little boy. It had to be hard on him to carry your mom and take the rest of the kids to safety. I can imagine how dark it was there and they were in the house by themselves. That had to be scary for all of them. They were lucky that he had his act together and knew what to do. That is really sad that you uncle just disappeared. That would be hard. You would always wonder what happened to him and why it happened. The government should have told your mom something. They had to have some ideas.
That is terrible when you lose your keys. They are always hard to find. Hope that they find them soon so she does not worry about them and Jerry will not worry either.
The funnel cake with the ice cream is just the right thing to go with baked veggies. I like you choice of treats. I always have to laugh at the commercial of that guy going to Dairy Queen in that bumper car with his sun. I never realized that they would go on the road. lol Some of the commercials that they come up are something else anymore.
Well I hope that Jerry gets home and rests for awhile and you will not have to worry about him. Have a good night and enjoy the rest of your week-end
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
How sad that your uncle’s plane was lost and him along with it. It’s almost worse not to know what happened at all as there is no finality and one would always wonder what happened. It makes me think of the stories that I have heard of mother’s losing all of their sons during WWII. I just heard or read of someone recently who lost either 4 or 5 sons-I wish I could remember where I heard or read that story. How terribly sad.
So Colleen has bootleggers in her family tree and you have horse thieves. That was a pretty stiff penalty to pay for stealing a horse. I guess they were very valuable back then. I’m glad that things have changed in that regard.
I think for some reason most of us know more about our Mom’s side of the family than we do our Dad’s. It goes back to my theory about the different things that men and women talk about with each other.
I was lucky as both sets of my grandparents were very kind. My Dad’s parents were a bit more “old country” than my Mom’s. Also we lived with my Mom’s parents for a while so I was quite attached to my grandmother. She was my playmate. My Dad’s Mom was an excellent cook who could make the simplest things taste delicious.
I hope Jerry found his Mom’s keys. It is frustrating when we can’t remember where we put things. It happens to us all the time.
There are many other things at DQ that I will volunteer to taste test for you all if need be. I haven’t yet tried the brownie or the cookie sundaes-just sayin’. I will say that I highly endorse their ice cream cakes too.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Yes years ago people tended to only marry their same ethnicity or religion. I actually think Greg’s Mom would have preferred if her kids had married other Lithuanians-but by the time it got to Greg his older brothers had already married people who weren’t so they kind of paved the way. Personally, I think it’s better that everyone intermingles now. It shows that we are all humans and more alike as people than the things that some might want to use to separate us like race or religion. I hope it fosters greater understanding which we need a lot of in this world right now.
You would probably like the James Michener books as if I remember correctly they were all based on history and then he just adds fictional characters to the mix. I wonder if all of his books are still in print as it has been a while since he passed away. I know I read Hawaii and Poland and several others. I think there might have been one about Israel. I can’t quite remember as it was long ago that I read them. probably in the 70’s and 80’s. I just remember that they are all long books and some take a while to get into them but they all ended up being quite interesting.
Greg says the steroids have actually made him golf better-he says they made him play like he did 15 yeas ago. Unfortunately you want to be on them for as short a period as possible as they have some bad side effects too. I think he just had a weeks time on them and now is tapered off. I think the foot is still numb but a little better. I hope the pills do the trick and he doesn’t need the shot. When I was first diagnosed with RA I was on prednisone for about a year and half. it does take it’s toll as I gained a lot of my weight then and by the time i finally got off I had that steroid ” moon face” which i was really glad to get rid of. Unfortunately, I never got rid of the excess weight. Between quitting smoking, taking prednisone and slowing down I gained a ton of weight as I aged. There’s twice as much of me to love now! lol
Well Aliza picked a beautiful place to take her family on vacation. I wonder where in Colorado they traveled to. It will be her first plane ride. That was nice of her to go to Colorado to meet her aunt. There might be snow on the mountaintops in the upper elevations but there wouldn’t be skiing in July. I know most people love the mountains but they just make me so nervous to drive through. Greg would be looking at the scenery and I would practically be on the floor of the car telling him to keep his eyes on the road. lol You can tell I am from a flat state. Even the people of Wisconsin call us from Illinois flatlanders. lol
I want to wish you a Happy Birthday a day early. I hope that you get a dinner out and have a wonderful, wonderful day.
Gail -
Hi everyone!
Just want you to know I am ok.
My email went down for the past 2 days. It was a Comcast problem. When I wrote one, it disappeared, and I could not get on line, either. it was going in and out. I hope it is all fixed, and tomorrow, will answer, and read all the posts. I have missed a lot, and I will try to catch up!!
JJ spent the night, the electrician come at 7am yesterday, and is done, and I am exhausted- just got back form visiting my BIL.
Love you guys!!
Adele -
I have to agree with Gail’s theory that men just do not talk about personal things like women do; and that is why we know more of our Mother’s side of family history than we do of our Dads. Jerry can sit and talk with a man for over an hour and they will just really be talking and talking, and later I will say, what all is going on with so and so? and Jerry will say “oh, nothing much” and when I try to pry for more info, he really doesn’t remember anything of interest of their whole conversation. ha ha. I will say, “how is his wife?” Jerry will say “I guess okay” you all know exactly what I mean. Yes, they found his Moms keys right after he went and sat down and they just made some popcorn and watched a movie. I told him, you are too frustrated right now, and they will show up. Sure enough, he called me back and said they were behind a little porcelain doll on her dresser in the bedroom. I have actually put my keys in the refrigerator years ago. I was in a big hurry to put up the frozen foods, and guess I just sat them down there when I was putting some milk away. Jerry got up feeling dizzy two mornings ago. But I believe it was because HE had forgotten to take his morning meds for two days; because he was in a hurry to meet a locksmith at his Moms and rushed out the door both mornings. Once I gave him a big talking to; and sat him down to hear why he is pushing himself too much, and he cannot see about her if he doesn’t see about himself first; he has done much better. Jerry is too good for his own good. The way his older and younger brother have treated him and their Mom has really hurt Jerry and also made him furious at the same time, and you all know how that can just make a person physically sick if they are not careful.
It’s funny you all were talking about how most people used to marry within their own religion. My dad was Protestant and my mom was Catholic. Well, Mom said that led to several interesting conversations about should they marry and if they did, what about children and so on. My Mom said that our Dad just put this foot down on how he would stay Protestant and that any of their children would be Protestant; unless we chose to be Catholic. So I went to both churches; in fact; to a lot of churches as a child, since many of our friends were of different faiths. I really enjoyed learning about all the different faiths, and still to this day feel it made me a better person to want to be part of their faiths.
Poor Sarah took a fall and broke a bone in the top of her right foot this week. She is okay, and so is Itty Bit. Neal was walking her out to her car for her to leave for work, and there are about three sets of these wide blocks of concrete steps down to the parking area and Neal said he was right by her and she just started to go sideways and he grabbed for her but was only able to catch hold of part of her uniform. It really scared him, I could tell, but he stayed calm and helped her up and got her inside, and called the baby doctor first, and then one of their ortho doctor friends from his work They have her wearing a boot for two weeks, and off work. We are so glad they are okay, but poor Neal has so much on him. Sarah can’t drive with the boot, but she can take it off when showering or sleeping. I told him to stop on his way home from work (we are between work and their apartment) and I will fix a casserole and a dessert for them. Jerry said he would grill them something too.
Happy Birthday, Colleen. Hope you and Ron have a wonderful date night. I feel like we really need to celebrate our birthdays and be proud of our years on this beautiful earth. I loved your comment about wearing more short sleeves now. ME TOO! I used to not wear short sleeves, but I got hot, and the 3/4 sleeves just seemed to annoy me because it was too warm on me, and it didn’t feel right to try to push them up some but the Quacker short sleeves come to my elbow and I just love that length.
I can tell you girls that the brownie and ice cream at DQ tastes great too. We stopped there one evening after doing some shopping at Walmart, and had planned on getting some “protein” but after much studying of the menu and both of us looking at each other with this “I think I am just getting ice cream” look, Jerry went for a strawberry sundae and me the brownie. I guess the hot weather just made us want something cool even more.
I bet all your little grands are having a good summer. I remember how much I loved summer time as a child. The heat didn’t seem to bother us back then. Is it not too hot for Greg to be playing golf? I know our oldest son plays, even when its hot; so I guess golfers don’t mind so much. Hope his foot and leg are doing better.
Better go for now, girls. Since Neal and Sarah already have dinner for tonight; we are just doing a cheese, meat, veggie and cracker tray for dinner. Nothing hot or heavy for us tonight. But you can bet there will be something cold and yummy later on LOL Barbara -
Hi Gail,
I thought that Aliza did pick a nice place to vacation. Maybe next year she can take me with her. We can drive to a nice place.lol She has a cousin there also. She is about 2 so they have fun. The little girl does all kinds of things to try and make her laugh. They were here for Fathers Day this year. So Aliza got to meet her then. They come home at least twice a year. The one time that kind of surprised me was they came home for Halloween. I have never heard of coming home for that. I would think that they would want to come home for Christmas. I guess that it is so pretty there that they do not want to leave. I have no idea what her husband does that they moved there. They did pick a pretty state to live in.
Sometimes it pays to be one of the youngest. Your older siblings have made most of the mistakes so when you get to that age they are not as strict. I was the youngest girl and then my brother came along. So we were always the babies. it was kind of bad sometimes but most of the time we got away with more. It is funny but my family went to school and college. Ron’s dad could not read. He had to quit school and help support his family. So Ron and I came from two different worlds. I always lived in the suburbs and he always lived in the country. They did make sure that Ron went to school and stayed in til he graduated High school. I think that he was the only one in his family that did graduate.
I will look on line for his books and will also go to some used book stores. Sometimes they will have books like that in those stores. We use to have one in our area but have not been by when they were open here lately. I hope they have not closed it. it is nice that they have book stores like that so they can pass books on to more people.
Predisone is a good drug for when you need it but not a good drug for the after effects. I have had to take it a couple of times. It does make you sugar go really high. So you have to be careful of it. I am glad that Greg is doing better. Hope that he does not have to take the shots. I do not like shots of any kind. I know that they help but sometimes it is aggravating to get one.
I think that Barbara is right men do lose weight faster then women. I wonder why that is. We really need to lose weight faster then them. It is another one of those unfair things that happen to women. We have to struggle and men just eat what they want.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great day.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
Sounds like we were the only two that had some bad eggs in our families. They did not hang my uncle though. I really do not know what happened to him. After my aunt threw him out she never mentioned his name again. It was funny. That would be terrible to be hung. Did they have families?
Jerry needs to take care of himself. If he doesn’t you will be taking care of him and his mom and you do not need that.Men do not think about their health. They do things that will hurt them and think nothing of it until they get really sick. He has been really good to his mom. It is nice that she has you and Jerry to take care of her. At least she knows that she can stay in her home as long as the two of you are in charge. It is lucky that Jerry took over and his brothers did not. They probably would have her in a nursing home by now.
OMG poor Sarah. I hope that she will be okay. It is a good thing that they are making her stay home for a couple of weeks and let that foot heal. I am glad that itty bitty is okay also. Poor Neal he probably felt really bad that he could not stop her from falling. It is hard to stop someone when they are about to fall. Sometimes it is better to let them fall then to try and stop it you can end up hurting them. I hope that he foot heals soon.
You girls are making me hungry for ice cream. Those sundaes sound so good. The funnel cake one sounds really good. I cannot have one though but would love to try it. Maybe I will cheat one day and have one and just not eat a lot that day. Or make Ron get one and eat part of his. That would work. I still have to make dinner. I have no idea what to fix. Maybe we should just have popcorn that would be good.
So how are you doing with the junk that Jerry brings home? Has he completely stopped now that he is taking care of his mom. I thought that maybe Ron had slowed down but no such luck.He brought home a gum ball machine that does not work. It was one of the big ones that you see in a store or restaurant. He keeps buying gum balls thinking he is going to find the right size to stay in the glass case. Well when he puts one in there if falls right back out. So now we have that sitting in our sun room. At least he did not get the stand that it should be sitting on. That would really take up room. Where is Mike and Frank from pickers when I need them. They would probably not buy it either.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
I haven’t been on here this past week since I didn’t have anything to say. There’s been entirely TOOO MUCH blood shed this week/week & half!!!
It’s out of control & everybody needs to get down on their knees & pray for God’s Protection!!! It seems Every day or so there’s more killing. It HAS GOT TO STOP. I’m sorry for yelling, but I’m fed up to the eyeballs with all the horrible news I turn on every day!! That’s why I always have QVC on most of the time. they don’t break in with special reports of more violence. My bank account suffers for it.
Did anyone watch the CIJ weekend? I did, & saw lots of things I wanted but couldn’t afford. Besides not needing anymore decorations!! LOL.
I did pre-order some food items for Nov. & Dec. Chocolate makes up the majority of it. LOL. Chocolate is my favorite food group.
We’ve been having a spring like summer this month. Mostly cloudy days with cool temps. We get a marine layer of clouds that comes down the Columbia
river from the Pacific ocean & keeps things cool. But after last yr, not many are complaining. Warmer temps are on the way tho. So summer isn’t over yet.Happy Birthday, Colleen. I hope you had a wonderful day.
I hope you all have a great week.
dd -
Wow. What a story about your Mom, and how they survived alone. It was a miracle they survived. What a wonderful woman who took them all in.
Same thing happens here- they all take so much left overs, we hardly have any goodies, left….LOL
That is awful. about Sarah’s foot. Poor Neal probably feels awful he could not break her fall. I hope he is not torturing himself about it, as thank God he was there, it could have been a lot worst.
Oh yes- back then it was an eye for an eye in the wild west. It was awful, and very scary way back when. Also awful they never found your Uncle. Back then, there was no technology to find lost planes.
Happy birthday!! I hope you had a great night with Ron, and got to go someplace wonderful for both of you.
I am like you. With all this craziness, I end up buying myself a present. This has to stop. it scares the life out of me, when people go after the police. If they are not here to help everyone, nobody will be safe anywhere. Every day there is more bad news. not good. We have to pray hard.
I hope your weather is good.
It was that way back then- everyone was supposed to marry in their nationality, and religion. Look how far we have come in that area.
I would be sick to my stomach, if anyone I know was travelling anywhere. Not only France, but 3 officers killed down south- just heard about that.
the shots do help. I had them last year, and feel the twinges that mean I am due again.
I am glad Greg is feeling better with the prednisone- It makes you fell like you do not have any arthritis at all.
I have been watching AGT. The gross acts make me sick-yuck!! I also do not believe he did the golden button for the 90 year old stripper. I was sad the rubic’s cube man did nto make it through- he was great.
-The internet looks like it is fixed. Finally- it was 2 days of a mess, on and then off.
JJ slept over on Friday night, with the electrician here at 7am on Staurday. He had a lot to watch, and he was so good. It was fun to have him here. So, when they were done,he looks at them, thanks them, and tells them they did a good job. I was hysterical.
So, the electrician had his nephew working with him, who lives on the other side of our cul de sac. He was happy to meet us, as he said his bedroom faced our house, and every holiday season he was thrilled to look out to see out decorations. he said every year he would wonder what we wuld do next. that was back in the day when we were both very mobile. Our entire lawn was covered with moving holiday creatures, tons of lights, and trees that went from one color to another, that lined the property line. We really did it up big. Then Gary got sick, and we did less and less. We would start getting the display ready the day after Halloween. It got fired up on Thanksgiving night. Those were the days. We even had an annual holiday party with over 50 peope int his house. It got so hot from all the body heat, we had to hsut the heat off, and open the windows- imagine???? What fun we had. Oh well. Ido have to tellyou, it wa sso nice to realize small children were lookingout their bedroom windows, and enjoying the sight. That made me feel real good. Gary too.
Well, I hope I did nto miss anything- if I did, please tell me….LOL I hope I responded to everyone’s life evnts, and happenings!!!!
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
I’m glad that Sarah, baby and Neal are okay after her fall. I’ll bet that scared them both. I will pray that she has a speedy recovery as she has a big day in her life coming up.
Yes, I remember as a kid playing from morning until night during the summer months. Those long glorious summer days-full of possibilities.
Greg and his buddy’s usually have an early morning tee time when they play. Yesterday it was pouring rain when they went to golf-so they all went home regrouped and waited for the rain to stop and then they all went to a local nine hole course to golf instead. They will get that game in any way that they can.
Gail -
Hi Dianne,
Yes, chocolate is an important food group. The CIJ shows were nice. I did get a couple of things-not that I need anymore decorations but I kind of fell in love with the deer with the candles. I like to watch the Valerie shows as she always has everything decorated so beautifully.
It is sad what is happening in this country. Unfortunately I have no answers except to keep praying.
I hope that your summer comes back this week.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
This will be short as I am under the weather today. I used to have a prescription nasal spray for my post nasal drip but it hasn’t bothered me the last few years so I let the prescription lapse and now I am having a bout of it. When I had the nasal spray I could use it when I felt the symptoms coming on. Without it my chest gets congested and my throat gets sore and I often run a fever so that’s where I am today. I had to tell Jenny I couldn’t babysit and she had a job interview after work too and i didn’t want to mess that up for her. Fortunately, it’s summer so she will try to get Enya or Gabby to sit for her. I feel bad when i have to cancel but i just couldn’t do it today.
One of Greg’s golfing buddies got layed off work so we are hiring him to pull up the basement floor and lay the new tile down there. It works out well for both of us. We give him some work and it keeps Greg from trying to do it himself-as i have been nagging him to hire someone to do the work so he doesn’t irritate his back more.
I think a lot of people from our parents and grandparents generation had to drop out of school in order to work. Especially during the depression. It is sad that Ron’s Dad never had the opportunity to learn how to read. Could you imagine not being able to read for pleasure? I remember Greg had a man that he did business with in Arkansas who started several very successful businesses and he never learned how to read but he was a genius with figures. I don’t know how he did it but he was quite a character and had all sorts of stories to tell about his early life.
I’m going to get off now and nap some more.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
That’s hysterical that JJ complimented the electrician. Maybe he will be our future political peace keeper.
How nice to know that you made a child happy with your outdoor Christmas decor. It’s hard to let go when we realize that can no longer do all that.
When we first moved to this house i decorated all throughout for every season and holiday. Now I kind of do the minimum and much of the decor sits in boxes. I just don’t have the energy for it anymore.
Gotta go rest up. Am under the weather today. Here I was so proud of myself for not getting sick all winter. lol
Gail -
What is wrong? A head or belly thing? I hope you are feeling better.
that did make me feel good that children were enjoying what we did. I do wish we could continue, but, it is way too much work.
Hope your day is getting brighter!
Adele -
Hi Dianne
I totally agree. Chocolate is a very important food group. I hope you are feeling better today. All this bad news gets us all down.Gail
That is great that you are able to hire that man, so Greg doe snot try to get the tiles up. That would have killed his back.Colleen
You are totally welcome for the wishes. Sorry mine were late!Adele
Your wishes weren’t late. I believe Colleen’s birthday is actually today. I just wished her a day early as I wasn’t sure if i would be on today with the way that I am feeling.
I have a sore throat,cough and fever. Poop!
Gail -
That is awful. Nothing worst than a summer flu/cold. I hope you are feeling better by tomorrow.
Soup is what the doctor is ordering- hope it is not too hot over there- 90″s, with humidity, and thunderstorms approaching fast.
Adele -
Very hot and muggy here today. I have the ceiling fans on the patio turned on for the outside doggies; and they are just laying under both of them sleeping. These are truly the “dog days of summer” here. I cannot imagine how hard it is on people who have to work outdoors. I know our son in the military who is on the flight line a lot told us that you drink lots of water, keep your hat on, and take frequent times that they go under the pavilions for some shade. He said you just kind of get used to it. To have a son about to retire and his being so young just feels so strange to me; but I know that he will go to work as a contractor for the military or something like that. He really planned well, and we are proud. I know you all know what I mean because you all have such good children and grands. I am sitting here drinking a big glass of lemonade and it tastes so good. Jerry and I are eating light this evening. Neal would be fussing if he knew we were just having raw veggies, dip, crackers and cheese. But it sounds good on this hot day, and is really good for us. I just can’t eat heavy meals in this heat. I heard where you all are having some rough storms. Be safe. It is just so hard for me to imagine weather in the 60’s and 70’s this time of year, but I have to remember that this is a big nation, and try to think outside my little corner of the map.
Neal called on his way home from work. He said he is doing sandwiches and peaches for their dinner tonight. Sarah is wearing this boot to her knee. They went to her parents for dinner last night, and are coming over here on Wednesday. She has to wear the boot for two weeks. Do you still have to wear yours Gail? By the way, I am so sorry you are feeling under the weather. A summer cold is just awful. Glad Greg’s back is doing better. Got to try to keep our men folk healthy. But Neal really did feel badly about not being able to catch Sarah when she fell. I told him that he just couldn’t reach her fast enough, and thankfully everything is okay.
Are any of you getting good watermelons this season? Ours here are not sweet. I would really love to find a good one.
Dianne, I think chocolate is a food group all of itself. I ordered some of those Landies Pretzels covered in chocolate last Christmas, and they come individually wrapped. Well, thought I better taste them before tucking one in our neighbors mailboxes and passing out to the postman and such, and would you believe it was so good that I kept the whole box for us, and between the boys and Jerry and I, we all managed to eat all 18 of them! By the way, they were on again yesterday I think, and I ordered more for this holiday season. ha ha They are pretty big too. It is kind of salty but also very sweet and good too. So those get my vote. You live in such a gorgeous area. My husband loved to travel there when he was driving across country. He always said he wanted to take me there sometime and show me how beautiful it is.
Take care everyone, and feel better Gail and anyone else who is down right now. Time to slave over the veggies and dip and let’s not forget I have to open the cracker wrapper. Barbara -
Hi Gail,
I hope that you get plenty of rest and get over this really quick. I know that it was hard for you not to watch the grand kids today. It is hard to tell you kids that you cannot do it. I am the same way with Danyielle.
That was really nice that you and Greg hired his golfing buddy to do the floor for you. That will give him some money and really help him out. This is a hard time of the year to get laid off. I guess that no time is a good time.
I cannot imagine what it would be like not to be able to read street signs or anything else. I guess that is why they always lived in the country. His mom could read though so she did all the reading. His dad was good at math also. I guess when they have low skills in one thing they are better at something else. It is just sad. It was hard for some people to understand that he could not read. That is what made things hard.
Well I think that I will stop for now. You take it easy for a couple of days. Hopefully you will be better soon.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
You did really good. I think that you covered everything. That is funny about JJ. I bet that he made the electrician smile when he said that. So now you have your lighting in and what do you have left to get done. Have they started on the floor in the living room yet? Your house is going to look like a different place. I am glad that the kitchen is done though.
It is sad when you cannot put all the decorations up anymore. That happens to all of us. We do not put as much up anymore either. We use to have candy canes that lined the drive way. We do not do that anymore and do not put anything in the yard. I think that all we do is put the lights on the banister on the deck. Ron would not do that but they are battery operated and he does not have to deal with them except when he first puts them up and turns them on. We have given a lot of things to the kids. I did have a big ball with Santa and Rudolf in it but he would not plug it in because he had to go outside to do it. So I gave it to my daughter. He did the same with the reindeer that we had. We used them one year. He put them all really close to the house so it was not worth getting them out. Ron is a pain when it comes to stuff like that. Now if it was a lawn mower it would be out there all winter long. Maybe that is what I need to do. Get a lawn mower and put a blow Santa behind it and put lights all over it. That he would like.lol
That is a pain when the internet goes out. Our computer is still acting up but we are looking for a new modem. It is not as bad now that we have the air on it is right by the computer and so it blows on the back of the computer all the time keeping it cool. I am wondering if we put a fan back there if that would help. It will be interesting if we have to get a new computer. We may never get it set up right. lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
It is nice that you are having Neal and Sarah over for dinner Wednesday. They will really appreciate it. If Neal says anything to you about your meal you can tell him it was not worse then his sandwiches and peaches.lol As my grandson Owen says at least you had veggies.
My sil is in the Army. I do not see how they can go out in the field and have to have that pack on and all that junk. It does not matter how hot it is they still have to go with full packs. He is in Korea right now so he will not be doing that again until they get back home. That is great that your son is going to be able to retire soon. He had to have worked hard to get to that point. My sil has 12 more years to go before he can retire that is if he wants to retire at 20 years.
We have not bought a water melon yet. They just have not looked all that great. Hope that they have some good ones soon. I know what you mean about the Landies pretzels. We did the same thing. We bought a box and was going to give them out and we gave them to each other. I love the white chocolate. Wish they had more of them in the box. They are just so good. They rank right up there with the Mrs Prindables apples. They are delicious. I am not supposed to eat sweets but cannot help myself when it come to those two items. At least the apples we give away as gifts to the girls at the docs at the pain clinic.
Sometimes it is too hard to catch someone when they are falling. He did the best he could so he should not feel bad. At least the baby is fine and Sarah will be okay soon so it was not too bad. Poor Neal.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
You just holler all you want to. We all understand how you feel. It is terrible that we cannot turn on the tv and hear nothing but terrible things on there. I am like you I would rather not watch it at all. I have been buying a lot from qvc also. Need to stop and save some money. It is scary to think about traveling anywhere. I guess that we cannot give in to that though. We need to go on with life.
I agree also. Chocolate is a separate food group. It is the best food that we can get. You should try the Landies pretzels they are so good. You will be glad that you got them. I ordered some food items also for the holidays.We get a few things from the q because it makes it easier when I have to cook a big dinner.
I love the pictures that you posted. They are very calming. Wish that the world was back to normal and all this nonsense would stop. I do not understand what is wrong with people.
You can just come on here and holler and get mad anytime that you want we all do it. This is a good place to do that. We all do it and we understand when someone else wants to do it also.
Well that is all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
The wood is being delivered this Thursday. It has to stay in the room for 2 to 3 days, so it will shrink before they lay it down. So, I think they will do the install next week- have not heard on the date yet. I will be glad when it is all finished. I don’t think I have to do anything else in here, accept change the office floor to wood, after Gary completely retires.
Tomorrow I go for shot # 2. One more to go.
So, today is the first day in a long time, I am making a sit down dinner. Meatloaf with baked potato. It is time to get back to normal around here.
It is a shame we all cannot decorate outside like we used to. It was fun, and Aizen never got to see any of it. Oh well. It is time for the next generation to start the outside decorations….LOL
Hope your day is going well, and that your belly is feeling good. Is the house all quiet, and lonely, now that they are all gone?
I hope our internet stays good. I think a lot has to do with the Windows 10 thing.
Adele -
Hi Barbara
We escaped a lot of the storms yesterday. They went to the north, and south of us- we were right in the middle of the mess. We did get a quick downpour, but, that was it. we are in a bit of a drought up here.
It was so gross yesterday- 90’s and very humid. We were lucky we did not get the brunt of the storms.
I hope Sarah’s foot heals well, and that she has no lasting damage. Feet have so many bones in them. How is the pregnancy progressing? I guess you I will get all the scoop when they come to dinner Wednesday.
Funny you should mention watermelons. We had 2, and both of them were awful. You could not even eat one of them, so we have not purchased another in a while. Shame, as we love watermelon. Our cherries have been great, though- huge and very sweet.
hope your weather gets cooler. Totally agree- you cannot eat big meals when it is hot.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I hope that the shots are helping your knee. You only have two more shots to go. They are nice because they help but a pain to have to go and get them. I have not been back to the doctor that gives me the shots for awhile. Need to go back and have him look at my back. No more shots there though.
I did not realize that the wood had to sit for that long but it makes sense. I know that you will be so glad when all this stuff is done. You will have your house back and it is going to be so pretty when they get done. Were you as happy with the lighting as JJ? That is so cute that he complimented the electricians. He is going to be the diplomat. Cannot wait to see what Aliza is going to be. Or what we think that she will be. We have an actress, a chef and a diplomat so far. Kaylee is going to be a lawyer. She likes to argue about everything and she always wants to win. She is like my dad. He was like that and was hard to beat. When he passed away a couple of guys that he came up against told my mom that.
The doc gave me some pills to take if I get sick to my stomach. So at least that is better then it was. Hope that you back is doing better. Have you had anymore trouble with it. I know that you have twisted it a couple of times. It really is quite around here. The kids will be coming back in a few days they have to bring my other granddaughter home again. It will be interesting to see how it went while she was up there.
Your dinner sounds really good. Everyone will be glad that you are cooking again. It is nice that you have your kitchen to be able to cook in again.
well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
So how’s everybody? I’ve calmed down now. Anyone watching the conventions? I hate politics so I’m not. We really don’t have a choice
this time.
I’m sending along some scenic photos I found on Facebook. they’re of parts of Oregon. It really is a gorgeous place. So many places to visit,
hike, have a picnic, just enjoy the view. The weather isn’t as bad as it’s made out to be. We just whine a lot!! You guys would double over laughing
when we whine. Esp when it comes to the humidity, etc. It’s supposed to start warming up tomorrow & be more summer like the rest of the month.
well that’s all I have for now.
talk to ya later.
dd -
Hi Dianne,
I do not like to wear the convention. We already know who will be running for president and we just have to deiced who is the lesser of the two evils. I do like the man that is running for vice president on the republican side. That is about all I can say about all of that. My husband watches it constantly. He drives me crazy. I just do other things to keep from watching it. We have two tvs and he will watch in the bedroom so I do not have to. It is really nice of him.
Oregon is a beautiful place. We need to go there and look around. It would be a nice get away and then we would not have to listen to all the politics. We have so many places that we want to go see but with the guineas and the dog it is hard to get away. It is hard to find someone that wants to take care of the guineas they are a lot of work.
I do love the pictures that you post on here they are beautiful I think that we all complain about where we live. We get use ot weather being a certain way and we want it that way all the time. Either it is too cold or too hot or to much rain or not enough. We people are hard to please. lol
Well that is about all from here have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen!
The shot went well yesterday. Why are you not considering the shots for your back anymore? I have to say, with all this craziness, and extra cleaning, the back has been pretty good. I should shut up, so I do not jinx myself.
I do love the lights. Especially the recessed ones. I put them on either side of the stove, and now when you prep for meals, everything is lit up like Christmas….LOL
The wood just got delivered outside. the department manager and the install manager are on their way to bring it up the stairs. Lowes trucks only deliver “curbside”, and I told them we cannot bring all those boxes upstairs, as we are not able to. When I did the other floors, 4 years ago, the same thing happened, and the manger of flooring brought them all up.
Our grands are all so very amusing. They all have their little quirks, and personalities.
that is great that they gave you some pills for your belly. I hope they continue working.
Have you seen AGT??? I have no idea who they can choose, as so many are fabulous. Too bad they do not have a second and third prize.
I bet you will have a great time when the kids all return.
have a good one!
Adele -
Hi Dianne!
I am glad you are felling better about everything. These are scary times.
I have watched the convention at 10 the past 2 nights. What a circus. God help us all, as I cannot imagine what the rest of the months until the election in November will bring.
Love your pretty, uplifting pictures- keep them coming.
It is going to be in the low 90’s here today, and the miserable high humidity is back. Yuck. As I had the shot in my knee, I will not be going out anyway. Have to do the ice every once in a while today too.
Have you been watching AGT? A few of the acts last night made me cry. I wish they could choose a lot more than one.
Hope your day is going well.
Adele -
Hi All,
I’m back from my sick bed finally. My temperature is actually normal this morning and for that I am grateful. I don’t know if this was a flu or from my post nasal drip but i do know next time i see my doctor i will ask her for a refill on my nasal spray just in case. I hadn’t been bothered the last few years so i let that prescription lapse and I probably could have used it. Anyway, i finally remembered it helps to take mucinex so i started taking some of that and that helped the chest congestion. I am still coughing like crazy though. Anyway, I feel a lot better with the fever gone. I slept all day on Tuesday-fortunately i changed my dentist appointment when they called to remind me on Monday. No way that I could have gone-plus who would want their hands in my mouth? So i did them a service by cancelling . lol
I’m not really watching the convention. I watch the Today show every morning so i get updated when i watch that. That’s really all I need. I do wonder why it takes them a week to nominate a president. I wonder if it’s more of a big party.
Adele, glad to know that you are 2/3 through with the knee shots and the floors are getting put in soon.
Colleen, I hope the stomach pills help your problem.
That’s funny that you said Kaylee will be a lawyer because she loves to argue and has to win. Brent was exactly the same way and i swear he would have made a great lawyer.
We have had several watermelons. Some were really good and other’s mediocre. You just never know what you will get. I do like watermelon when it is really hot out as it is hydrating too. The local farm stand is opening with the marai corn tomorrow. I cannot wait. if you would ever taste this corn you would never want to eat anything else. I wish that I could just teleport you all some through the air so that you could try it.
I don’t have anything exciting going on as i have spent the last four days in bed. Now i have to catch up on all my housework that i just let go and I was already behind just from feeling lazy. Greg did cook our dinners so that was good.
Hope everyone is well.
Gail -
Hey Gailster!
So happy you are feeling much better. It is miserable to have a cold/flu in the summer. Wow- Greg did the meals for the two of you- he is a keeper. Gary can do breakfast, which means hit the button on the Keurig, and push down the bagel in the toaster….LOL. He does that every day.
I have only watched the 10pm convention part- it is all I can stand. But, Stephen Colbert has been absolutely hysterical. You should google the Monday night show….or, maybe not, as you will laugh so much you may start a coughing fit.
Have you seen AGT? As I said to Dianne, a few made me cry last night.
I only have one more shot to go- yahoo!!
I hope you get better every day. You are in our prayers.
Adele -
Hi everyone. Hot again here today. I feel so sorry for my puppy dogs out in the heat, but they really like being able to run and play outside when it comes evening time. Joeys house is about 300 or so feet behind ours and we called him the other night to see if he knew what the doggies were running and barking about. He went out and checked and said he say several deer and he thought that was what they were seeing. Colleen and I live in the wilderness, with all kinds of critters and such. Sometimes I get to thinking I would like to go back to the city with less land to have to manage, but I really love where we are. It is close enough to town to do groceries and such, but then drive a few miles and we are back in the country. I was born and raised in the city and so was Jerry, but it was his dream to live in the country. Of course, back then, we didn’t know the limitations that would be put of us now. I guess when you are young you just don’t think about these things.
I had written you all a nice long newsy update yesterday, and it all just went away. It was mostly just complaining about all kinds of things; so it is better that you all didn’t get it LOL
So glad you are better, Gail. A summer cold is just awful. Take care and don’t get in this heat too much.
This will have to be short today. Got to run to town and pick up some things for Mom Smith. Our dinner was good yesterday. We ate later than usual; since Neal was running late with having to go pick up Sarah. But Jerry really enjoyed it, and so did Joey this morning when he got off work. Take care and have a great evening. Pizza for us tonight. LOL Barbara -
Hi Barbara!
it is way too hot to cook anything. We are in a heat wave up here. It is in the 90’s, with humidity. It will be like this all weekend. So, I made a batch of brownies, for tomorrow, as our friends are coming for a visit. We will be having pizza- even too hot out there to BBQ. They will be happy to be here, as their house is not air conditioned. They only have one in their bedroom window.
We are happy to hear from you, no matter what. Especially if you are upset. We are here to pull each other up by our bra straps, as Jeanne used to say. It was her birthday yesterday. I saw that on Facebook.
Have you been watching AGT? Love it this season- so many good acts. Then, there is the public humiliation on TV, which is another source of amusement.
I agree. If I had a choice to go into the city or stay in the country, the country would win every time.
hope you are cool, and comfy!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I am glad that the shot went well for you. The reason that I am not considering any more shots is the last time my sugar shot up really high and then it just bottomed out really fast. It even scared Ron. He thought that I was going to go into a diabetic coma. So decided that it was not worth the risk. It is just some weird thing that happened to me. It does not happen to a lot of people. The doctor told me that. He said that I could have another one and it would not happen but I am still a little nervous about it.
The lights sound really nice. That is good that you have all the lighting that you need now in the kitchen. It is nice to have the bright lights in the kitchen when you are cooking. It sure makes things better.
That is horrible that they would not bring the wood up into the house. You would think that they would make an exception knowing that you two cannot do it yourselves. Well at least someone is going to come over and do it for you. I am sure that your kids would have had a fit if you and Gary tried to bring that in yourselves. I really think less and less of Lowes the more that I hear about them.
I have been Christmas shopping on the q this week. I have three gifts bought now. I have three of the grand kids done now and just three more to go. Itty bitty will be easy to buy for she needs everything. The other two will be hard to buy for . Especially Ethan. He is so smart and you have to find things that fit his mentality. I will get him some books he loves to read but do not know what else to get him. This will take a lot of thinking. I just hope that I am done before Thanks giving so I can spend time with the family and not worry about going out shopping this year. My youngest daughter wants pots and pans for Christmas so that is what they will get from us. The other two I have no idea what to get them or their spouses. That is why I have to start early.
Well that is about all from here. Hope you have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
I am so glad that you are feeling better. It is terrible to get sick this time of the year. It is just so hot outside and miserable and too hot to be sick. I hope that the doctor refills your prescription. You have a really good doctor so he or she will.
We do not have much going on here either. It is just too hot to do anything. We have to go to the grocery store tomorrow and that will be our big adventure of the week. Well we did go out to dinner for my birthday. This place we went to was something else. It was really nice. We ordered all you can eat plate. It was the same price as the other plates so we decided to go that route. Well most places they bring so much out on your plate and if you want more you have to ask. This place brought out a big platter of food and all kinds of side to go with it. There was no way that we could eat all of it. So they brought a box so we could take it home with us. We ate on it for two days. I could not believe it. On the platter it was fish, chicken, shrimp and hush puppies. The food was really good also. So that is a place that we will go back to.
Since we have not been doing much I have been shopping. I have bought 3 gifts for the grands and only have three left. That makes it really nice to have that done. I am hoping to be done before Thanks giving so even if I do go shopping with Danyielle I will not be a rush to buy things. I can just watch her and push the cart. That will be nice for a change. I do not want to be in a rush anymore. Then I can get some of the bargains for me and Ron and not for everyone else. lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night. Take care of yourself. How great that Greg did the cooking. Is his back better?
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
I agree with Adele it is good to have you come on here and chat. Sometimes it makes you feel better just to write everything down that is bothering us and then if it goes away that is not big deal. We do not care if you were telling us everything that was going on we all do that. It is an outlet for us and we all understand. We all go thru this stuff.
My dog is the same way. He does not like it in the house. He wants to see what is going on outside. He does not like to chase things anymore he just likes to see what it is. He may bark if it gets too close to him but that is about it. Austin has decided that he does not want to do anything but lay around and be lazy. He has been doing this even in the cool weather. He is a mess. He has two dog houses one is his summer house and the other is his winter house.lol
That is about all anyone can stand to eat right now. It is just so hot here. It is supposed to cool down into the 80″s next week. I cannot believe that we are calling it a cool down. It will still be hot. Oh well it beats what we have had this week.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
Just a quick note, nothing to write about tonight, but I thought I’d send along some pics to cool every body off.dd
Hi Barbara,
I am the opposite. I always lived in the country except when I was really little and then for a few years in my early 20’s I lived in Chicago. If I hadn’t done that I probably never would have met Greg. I would like to stay where we are now but I wish we had built a house all on one level instead of a two story. Also now that all the kids are gone I wish the house was a bit smaller. It’s a lot to upkeep and I just don’t have the energy for it anymore so a lot of things fall by the wayside. But Greg loves the land and the pond and his putting green and garden so I imagine I will have to keep climbing the stairs.
I hope we all get a little break from the high temperatures soon. I think they are everywhere right now.
Keep those puppies cool.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Austin is a fancy dog-he has a summer home and a winter home. lol It seems like you mentioned that Ron was looking for another puppy again-or was I imagining that?
That was nice that the restaurant let you take home the all that you can eat plate. A lot of places wouldn’t have given you all that much to begin with but made you ask for refills. However, so many places give you way too much food. It’s good to take it home for the next day. I feel bad if we are going out to dinner before a play or concert in the summer and I can’t finish and have to leave it behind. It’s different in the winter the food would still be okay in the car in the cold but in the summer it would go bad out there.
You did good during CIJ getting all those gifts. I got some flameless candles and a set of those little trees from Mr. Christmas. No gifts except for me. lol I saw I think it was from Kringle Express a set of 5 little trees with different colored balls on them and thought of you because you always buy something like that for your SIL’s that you can split up. I thought those trees were really cute.
Greg’s back is better-although it’s not his back that hurts-it’s his leg. His leg feels better-not sure about the foot right now. The prednisone really helps. I’m hoping once he gets this irritation calmed down that he won’t have anymore trouble as they said his back is not bad at all according to the MRI.
Hope that you are keeping cool.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I think a lot of places have a “drop off” policy where they will only take the materials so far. I imagine if you offered the delivery guys some extra money they would take it up into the house for you. Just a thought. It will be nice to get that all over and done with. Doesn’t it always end up taking longer than we expect?
I have been watching AGT. I wish they hadn’t passed that mother and son dance team through. There’s something kind of creepy about that. I told Greg that night that she needs to find a different partner. Also I wish they hadn’t passed the chain saw guy through-that is creepy in a different way. lol I’m glad they didn’t pass the nipple pulling guy through.
The second night there were some tearjerking stories. I loved when Louie put through that little girl through and she was jumping up and down with her Mom and screaming he hugged me-he hugged me-that was just as important as the fact that she got put through. lol I’m sure you teared up about the boy who was singing for his Mom who put him up for adoption. Being an adoptive Mom myself I always think how hard it must be for those women to give the baby away and how that is the ultimate act of love-sacrificing your own feelings to give your child a better life. I know he probably feels the rejection like all adoptees do especially as he has siblings whom she kept-that’s always a tough one for adoptees. But he has two loving parents who probably are giving him many opportunities that she couldn’t-I think he will realize that when he is a little older. Also I hope people saw that it is better for a child to be with two loving parents no matter if they are same sex or not. A family is a family is a family(to paraphrase Lyn Manuel Miranda lol)(lest I get blamed for plagiarizing lol) no matter how it’s configured and it’s much better for a child than being in the foster system no matter how well intentioned and how good that system is-there’s nothing like a permanent place to call home for a kids stability. I am sometimes amazed at the strength and the drive of some of these kids who have gone through some hard hard times. Okay, off the soapbox. I know you worked in the foster system and I hope that I didn’t step on your toes. I was just always under the impression that the goal was to get children with parents whether it be back to their biological or with adoptive. We know someone who adopted a baby through the foster system but that must be pretty uncommon as I would imagine it is usually older kids in the system. Anyway, I was betting that the stories about the kids were the ones that were tugging at your heartstrings. I don’t think that boy with the two Dad’s got put through either and I thought he was good and so did Greg.
Oh Greg is definitely a keeper. This time was kind of easy as I had some easy meals planned that didn’t take a lot of work to begin with. Luckily I caught him before he put miracle whip in the cucumbers and sour cream-that’s because he doesn’t listen to me when i tell him how to do things. Does anyone else have this problem. I swear he tunes me out half way through the explanation. i start talking and halfway through his ears close-it’s a known medical phenomena. lol Except-duh-it’s called cucumbers and sour cream-not cucumbers and miracle whip. lol
When I had mono he had to everything for about 6 to 8 weeks-cook-clean shop-do laundry-everything. I felt so bad as he would come home from working all day and then have to take care of me but i literally couldn’t do anything. I was like a wet dishrag. Just taking a shower and changing my pajamas was an effort every day. I really could not do more-plus I was like a cat and slept 20 hours out of the day. He definitely can cook and clean and I’ll bet any guy can if he has to-although I know Gary has physical limitations so that is a different story.
Well, I have been long winded enough.
Celine Dion is singing on the Today show this morning. I really love her. if I ever go back to Vegas I would like to see her show.
Gosh the Olympics will be starting in two weeks. Don’t forget to wear your Americana and support the USA.
Gail -
hi Colleen
I have not found anything to get for the kids for Christmas from the shows yet. The only thing I found were the set of ornaments for the women customers.
I am still waiting for new things to be shown. I do not want those drones, and that is the only new thing I saw for JJ’s age.
I know how you feel about Lowes, but, they did send the managers to get the wood in. So, I am happy with them again. They did a great job with the floors in the rest of the house, with no issues or problems. So, I am praying nothing happens with the floor.
Lighting has become brighter and brighter for us as we age. Pretty soon it will look like the sun has risen in this house.
I am waiting for Ron and Joyce to call to say they are on their way. We are ordering pizza. It will be nice to socialize, and not have to goo out in the heat!
Hope your night is going well too.
PS…everyone was here today for the pool- they all went home. We are getting storms soon. -
OMG Dianne!!
I never thought winter could look so good. I can feel the cold come off the pages….LOL
Hope you are cool! It is gross here today, and we are getting warnings of thunderstorms forming.Have a good one!
Adele -
Hi Gail!
Well, you certainly said it all about adoption. It takes special courage and selflessness to give up your baby for adoption. But, the kids always feel like they are “less than”, no matter how kind the story you tell of why they were given a new chance in life. They always feel something was wrong with them that they were not good enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough to have been kept by their bio moms. As they get older, they can understand more, and with good supports from their adoptive families, they realize how lucky they were. I am certain that is the kind of parents you and Greg were, and continue to be.
I was very disappointed with who they let through too. I did not like the mother and son dancers. It was creepy. I loved the adoptive young man with the 2 Dads. So what if he hit a few wrong notes- he was incredibly emotional, and gave you chills with his words. I HATE the gross guy with the saw. YUCK. Like you, I loved the little girl who got hugged too. There is so much good talent this year, and then there are the creepy acts- like the nipple guy.
I cannot imagine having mono. It sucks the life right out of you. So glad you are feeling better today.
I went to the doctor this morning, for the dizzy stuff. he checked my carotid arteries, and they are good. he is convinced it is vertigo, so I made an appointment with my ear and nose doctor, at his suggestion. So, I also did not get to see Celine Dion. I love her- so sorry I missed her!
Gotta go- Ron and Joyce are on their way- talk tomorrow!
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
here are some pics of the Southern Oregon coast. Isn’t it gorgeous?? And getting to the coast from here, we drive thru some of the most
gorgeous forests!! It’s like driving into a post card. I’ve got to get you guys out here. You may not leave. No humidity, no tornadoes, bad thunderstorms (we have them occasionally, but they don’t last very long).Well that’s about it from here for tonight.
dd -
Hi Adele,
I bought my two oldest grands tablets and my one grandson that robotic dinosaur the one that chases the ball. It will get him off his tablet for awhile everyday. I still have to buy for the baby. I will have to go out and look and find something for her. It is hard to buy things for the kids off of the q here lately. I just hope that they are all happy with what I got for them.
It is the same here. We need more light so we can read anything. It is getting worse every year. Poor Ron is having trouble seeing now also. He is wearing those glasses that you can buy at the Dollar store. In fact we have a container full of them. If there is a run on those reading glasses we are all set. We have enough to last us for the rest of our lives.lol For awhile Ron was getting all the solar lights that he could find. It looked like a landing strip at the airport. We kept teasing him that planes were going to start landing in our yard. It was funny. He has stopped doing that now and just gets the lights that he puts on the buildings so if someone or something comes around at night the light will come on. So that is not as bad.
Sounds like you have a nice evening planned. Pizza was a good idea. Is it going to be delivered or will you have to turn on the oven. I am getting really lazy here lately when it comes to cooking. If we can pick something up I am all for it. They will not deliver where we live. We are too far out of town.
That must have been a fun day having everyone there to play in the pool. It is fun having all the kids there. You are lucky to have a pool for the kids to swim in. Ron will not get one.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
You are right about putting kids in foster homes. They usually do not come up for adoption unless they can prove that the parents cannot take care of them. Then they go up for adoption. I think that it takes a lot to prove that now. It does take courage to give your child up for adoption. These kids need to understand that it was not an easy decision for their parents. I can see where it would be hard to explain to them that their mom loved them she just could not take care of them. You and Greg are really good parents. Any child would have been lucky to have you two for parents. Kids just need a home and a stable environment to live in. A place where they know that they are loved no matter what.
I did not see those trees that you are talking about. The ones with the balls on them. When were they on? I wonder if they sold out. I will have to look on qvc and see if I can find them. That may be the gift that I need for my sils. It is hard this year to find things for them. I may have to get them a tin of popcorn.lol
That disk must be laying on the nerve that goes to the leg. That is miserable when it hurts like that. I hope that it gets better soon. How is Kendall doing? I hope that she is not having anymore stomach problems. That is terrible that she has to go thru that. She seems to be such a sweet little girl.
Not much going on here. It is just too hot to do much. We did go grocery shopping and got that done for the week. Do not know what else we will do this week-end. Probably sit in the air conditioning and stay cool. It almost takes your breath away when you go outside. It is just so humid.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
Thank you for posting the winter pictures. They are really pretty and they make you think of cold weather for awhile. Until you opened the door and you feel all the heat.lol We really appreciate all the winter scenes that you have posted and all the pretty scenery that you have posted on here. It make the day better.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
I looked for those little trees online but they must have sold out. H20533 is similar but the trees that I saw had round glass type ball ornaments like those that you would put on a regular tree but tiny.
I must say that the Q doesn’t have much variety in gifts for kids. And many things are recycled from year to year which is not good for long time watchers as we have seen it all by this time. I’m sure your grand daughters will like the tablets- what kid wouldn’t? Plus Owen will like the dinosaur. I think that’s something new this year. Now I just wait until closer to the season and shop online for the kids as they seem to change their mind about things that they like from now until Christmas. It’s nice to get it done early but it’s just not something that I am able to do anymore. So you will be all done and be able to put your feet up while the rest of us are dashing around(at least dashing through the internet) lol
I can’t believe that Ron is just like Greg. He too has hundreds of pairs of WalMart reading glasses laying around yet he is still always looking for just the right ones. Plus he will not get rid of the old ones that are no longer strong enough so we have those damn glasses everywhere. Half of which are useless. And then we wonder why we have so much clutter. I swear i will clean something all up neatly and within three weeks it is full of stuff again. Junk must multiply while we sleep. I have trying to pare down and so far I have not made much of a dent in all our stuff. It seems like something else always comes up to get me off track with my projects. lol
I do like the solar lights and also went crazy with them a few years back. We used to have them all around the pond which looked nice and I bought some new ones for out there but for some reason Greg hasn’t put them up yet. I don’t know what he is waiting for.
I think you hit the nail right on the head. I’m sure the nerve to Greg’s leg and foot is what is being pinched by the disc. Hopefully things will continue to improve.
Kendall has been fine this summer which kind of indicates that perhaps the stomach problems are stress related to school. After this year she will have to change schools too as the middle grades are in a different location. So different from when I was in school and all grades 1 through 8 were in the same building. Of course that was a small Catholic school. Speaking of that-our Catholic grade school in town had to close down this year. Not enough students or money to keep it going. Sad to see.
Kendall was showing me her new backpack and lunchbox that she got from Justice-I’m sure your grandaughters probably shopped there at one time too. It seems to be a popular store for the young girls-I don’t know if it is nationwide but i kind of think it might be.
I think Kendall might be our fashion designer or stylist as she has kind of a boho way of putting things together that always comes out cute. I love the way that we are imaging our grands futures. Hopefully they will all be happy and well adjusted no matter what path that they choose.
Too hot to do much of anything today.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
As you can imagine I have read a lot and given much thought to the whole adoptive situation for many years. I think one of the worst things for the kids is that the first act in their lives was a rejection by their own mother and despite the reasons it’s a difficult thing to get over and sometimes causes the kids to compensate in many different ways. As they get older they understand her reasons but it is much harder to control how they feel about the rejection. We can know something in our minds but still struggle with feeling it in our hearts. We come from a unique family where 5 of the 8 cousins on Greg’s side of the family are adopted. But each kid has had their struggles. I think the biggest mistake was that in the early 80’s it wasn’t really recommended to have the child and parents see a therapist. The idea then was that it was nurture over nature. The theories have changed and now some sort of counseling or meetings are recommended and I think that would have helped a lot in our particular case. I think it would have helped during the teenage years when all kids struggle with identity anyway.
Mono sucks! That’s all I can say. Especially for an older person. Plus I got sick mid October and we didn’t get an actual diagnosis until December when I was beginning to feel better. It’s not something that first springs to mind for someone in their 60’s. Fortunately, I didn’t have any problems with my spleen bursting while they were trying to figure out what was wrong as that is sometimes a big problem. That could have been a disaster. Jenny was the one that kept saying she thought it was mono. I should have listened to her right away and mentioned that to the doctor. They thought it was everything else but that. Seems so simple in retrospect.
Last night we went to Jenny’s but i probably should have stayed home. I freaked out all the kids when I had a coughing fit during dinner. They thought that I was strangling and I scared them. Then i started feeling feverish again by the time we got home and spent another night coughing and sweating. Yuck! I think if I am not feeling much better by Monday i will have to try to get into the doctors. I know she will be booked up but i can probably get into the nurse practitioner which is fine for something like this. I just hate going in if it’s just a virus that no one can do anything about anyway.
Maybe you have those ear crystals that Greg was checked for. I hope it’s something simple. At least it is not your artery as that would be a whole different story. I think for the crystals they give you like head exercises or something.
What did you think about the husband and wife team where he sang and she danced. I couldn’t figure out if they were serious and if people were laughing with them or at them. I hope it was all an act and they really didn’t think that they were good. Otherwise someone needs a serious reality check. lol At least they didn’t get passed on. It sometimes amazes me what some people think is talent. lol
Greg is out golfing a scramble today. I walked out to the mailbox and practically passed out. I don’t know how he can be out in this heat but he loves it. Not me. I like 72 degrees. lol
Hope you had a good time with your company last night.
Gail -
Hi Dianne
Well, you should see it here now. We are about to be blasted by a huge thunderstorm, so I hope I can finish answering the emails….LOL
Love the pics!
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I hope you’re all well & safe.I heard there really bad storms, & blistering heat out your way. Our cool July is about to come to an end.
We’re heating up too. Upper 80s to mid 90s by next weekend.
Nothing on the Q today. Nothing on tv, period. I’m playing my dvds of I Love Lucy, just to have something on.
Did I tell you I pre-ordered Philosophy for Sept.? It’s Baby philosophy??? It’s a big seller when they have it. I’ve watched the Philosophy on the
Q for quite sometime, but didn’t know if it was any good. You ladies told me how good it was for you so I thought I’d give it a try. They make it
look so good. That & Josie Maran.
I really wanted to order one of those flocked Christmas trees last week, but didn’t wanna take any chances. I ordered one of their trees last yr
& was not happy with it!! I got a 5′ tree with the lights & ended up sending it back. I loved the lights, but you could see right thru the tree. If I get a new one this yr I’ll just go to Wally’s & see what they have. Believe it or not, I used to go out to the tree farms & cut my own. Or buy from a local
tree farmer’s stand. Loved the scent of the fresh tree. I miss that too. I spose I could buy a real one, but I’m too old to put it up on my own.
I also pre ordered some holiday treats. I’ve tried the Landies pretzels, & wasn’t impressed. They tasted stale to me. Has anyone tried Cheryl’s cookies?
I pre ordered a set of them. I’ve never tried em yet.
Oh, I was gonna comment on something you ladies were talking about a while back. And that was about your hubbies. I know you’ve all been
married for decades, but coming from a single lady, I have to say you have some pretty great guys there. There’s a reason I’m single. I grew up
in a domestic violent home. So, unless he is verbally abusive, physically abusive, KEEP EM AROUND. We all have our faults, but there’s a huge
difference between that & being violent. Most of the guys I’ve met over the yrs don’t have the brains God gave a rock. I was married briefly in the
70’s but he was a mama’s boy & she ended up paying for his divorce. We were only married less than a yr & half.
I won’t say I missed out on anything since I had some incredible experiences over the yrs that probably wouldn’t have happened had I been married.
So, I say you’re verrrrry lucky.
Well, I’ll get off my soap box now. Have a great rest of your weekend. Stay safe!!!dd
Hi Gail,
I am very disappointed in the q this year. They do not have a lot of new things and it is harder to find a gift for anyone this year. I was lucky to find the gifts that I did. I wish that I would have seen those trees before they sold out. I will just have to keep looking. I always have to look for sets of three. The trees that they had that had the lights the lights on them were different sizes so did not get them. They all have to be similar so I do not have to choose who gets what.
I wonder if Ron and Greg think that they are going to run out of those glasses and that is why they buy so many. I cannot imagine what the big attraction is to them. Oh well what ever makes them happy. At least it is something small and they do not take up a whole lot of room.lol
The solar lights do look really good around water. That would be really pretty around the pond. I bet that is pretty when there is snow on the ground and on the pond to have those lights shinning on it. That would make a good Christmas card.
That is going to be hard on Kendall to go to a new school. Will most of her classmates be going to the same school? Maybe that will help her a little. It does sound like the stress is school related. It is a shame that she cannot get use to going there or they cannot find out what she finds so stressful. That has to be hard on Jenny and Adam to know that she is getting that stressed at school that it is making her sick. I hope that she grows out of it.
They have the Justice stores around here also. We have been there when the girls were little. Kendall must have good taste. It is fun to guess at what the kids will be when they grow up. It will be fun to see if we are right or how far off we are. Like you hope that they all will be happy in no matter what they do. They all deserve to have good lives.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I hope that you like the philosophy as much as we all do. It really leaves your skin feeling soft. I had it on auto delivery for awhile but it has finally run out. We have to try a different scent this time around. Mine came with the lotion and body spray. They all smell really good.
QVC seems to get boring after they have all the Christmas shows and then they go back to the other shows. It is so much fun to see all the Christmas decorations up and all the trees. The hosts probably get sick of it by the time Christmas comes around. It is fun for the customers though.
I bought my tree from qvc a few years ago and still have it. We really are pleased with it. I really want to get one now that the electric is in the pole. That sure will cut down on a lot of plugging in and mess. They say that the tree falls into place when you open it. I guess it just depends on which tree you buy. Think that the one we have is a Santas Best am not sure though.
That is sad that you did not find a good guy when you got married. Yes we all did get lucky and find really good guys to marry. I am glad that you had a good life and enjoyed it being single. Everyone has to do the best they can with their lives and I do not blame you for not wanting to live with a mama’s boy who would have never been a good husband. What will happen to him when his mamma is gone. You sure would not have wanted to replace her.
Well that is about all from here. I love the pictures that you posted. They are so pretty. The pictures with the animals and the horse and buggy are so pretty. That would have been so much fun to ride in a buggy like that in the snow.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
How’s everyone? I hope you’re all fine & safe. Summer’s returning here. Maybe you’ll cool down now.I looked up the philosophy I pre ordered. It’s Baby Grace, set of 3 bottles. Baby Grace shampoo, bath /shower gel; olive oil body scrub;
& body lotion. Apparently they can’t keep it in stock so it must be good.
I’m glad you all enjoy the pics I post. If I duplicate, ignore it.
Not much else going on today.
talk to ya later on.
dd -
Oooops, I forgot something. How many of you remember the old Rambler cars from the 50s? As a kid it was my favorite car. I always thought
it’d be my first car. Alas, it wasn’t, lol -
Hi Dianne,
I remember the old Ramblers. They were a nice car for the time. I always wanted a corvette but ended up with a ford falcon. It was funny when you drove if you had to go up a hill and you had the wind shield wipers on you had to turn them off or the car would not make it up the hill. I bought that car right out of high school. My mom and dad could not believe that I would buy a ford. They always drove Chrysler products.
The pictures are so pretty it does not matter if you duplicate them. They always make me smile. The water and the snow are always so pretty in the pictures. We will all appreciate whatever you want to post on here. Anything to brighten up the days. We are supposed to cool down tomorrow. We will have thunderstorms so that will be a lot of fun. Hope that it turns out to just be rain and not bad storms. Do not want the electric to go off here.
Philosophy is a very popular brand on the q. I like just about every scent that they have. I am thinking about getting the scents that they have on there now. They all will smell really good. I think that they are the bigger bottles and are just the body wash.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
my email went nuts after the storm passed, and I was not on yesterday, as everyone was here again in the pool. Yesterday I made chocolate chip cookies, and pest with linguini for dinner. Bobby did sausages and chicken on the grill to go with it. Everyone had a good time. Aizen saw the cookie tin as soon as he got up here, sat up on the table with me, and himself 2 good size cookies. LOL.
We did have the pizza delivered, and that was good, as it was gross around here. It still is. More storms for today, they say.
Gary and Tillie have a lot of those store bought glasses, even some from the Q. I cannto see at all, so mine are prescription with all the bells and whistles.
I have to Swiffer the floors after everyone was here yesterday. That is all I will do today. It is too hot, even the air cannot keep up, and it gets a little stuffy in here in late afternoon.
Hope your weather is better than ours!
Adele. -
Gail and Colleen- what is this dinosaur thing? Would it be good for Aizen? I have not seen one thing for the kids yet.
Adele -
hey Gail!
You are right on with your thinking about adoption. The idea of no contact, ever was the worst for the child. They never got a chance to ask their questions as to why, and felt they were less than. That was good that you had more adopted children in the family, so the kids felt they were not the only ones.
I hope you are feeling better. Your coughing must have felt awful. The kids get so scared when the grown ups get sick. I thin one reason is that when someone dies, they begin telling them they are sick. So, when someone says they are sick, they freak thinking we will die. The last time I went in for back surgery, JJ asked me if I was going to die. kids think, and process things in such a strange way.
I am adding a prayer for your cough. I hoe it gets better soon.
Oh yes- that couple was beyond weird. I am in shock as to who they let through this time. I do not like the gross, weird acts. Tomorrow will be the start of the people voting. Do you vote?
It is so gross here, and we are getting more thunderstorms today. I am not sticking my nose out there today, for sure!
Adele -
Hi Dianne,
Yes, those of us on here with husbands are very lucky as we all seemed to have found very good men. We like to complain about the silly things that they do but we know that it’s all in good fun and we wouldn’t trade them for the world. Actually one of the first things that attracted me to my husband was that he seemed so mentally healthy-unlike so many of the guys back in the late 60’s or early 70’s who seemed to be a bunch of whiny babies-blaming all their deficiencies on everyone else but themselves. That’s why back then I preferred dating men older than me as they weren’t so childish. However, Greg is actually younger than me but only by about 8 months.
I do love the Philosophy brand. However, since the company was sold the perfumes no longer have the staying power that they once had. The same is true of the Tova perfume and I have worn that for 20+ years. I think the new companies change the formulas to save money.
I have tried Cheryl’s cookies. They are good but very very sweet. of course the kids love them! Mrs. Prindable’s apples are really good. I prefer the ones with the nuts on the outside rather than the candies and those are a little harder to find.
I’m so sorry that you came from a family of domestic violence. I’m sure that has had some lasting effects on your life. My Dad was sometimes not an easy man to live with as he sometimes had a temper but he was never ever violent.
As to your ex-it sounds like you were very wise to leave the relationship. It’s much much better to be single and happy than married and miserable. My sister has been divorced for ages and ages and she has such a full life. She has many good women friends and she is very active and travels all the time, ballroom dances, takes courses, does charity work and has an extremely full life.
I do remember the Ramblers. It seems there were tons of those in that salmon color. I remember that the front seats of them tilted all the way back. Weird huh? In case you needed to sleep in your car or what.
My first car was a Chevy Vega. And I actually never had my very own car until after I got married. When I lived at home I used my Mom’s car and when I went to college i didn’t need one and when i lived in Chicago I took public transportation or used a cab if it was late at night.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
All the kids from Kendall’s school will go when they change schools. They have one school from Kindergarten to third grade. Then they have a middle school and then they have a junior high. So each time they change schools the whole grade will go too. I too hope that she will grow out of school making her nervous. I kind of think she will as her friends become more and more important in her life.
That’s funny that you wanted a Corvette but ended up with a Falcon. That’s when the reality of what we want collides with what we can afford.
I think one of my new Philosophy favorites is Fresh Cream. It kind of smells like whipped cream-it makes you want to lick your own arm when you have it on. lol I also love-i think it’s called Beach Party-it’s like pina colada meets sunscreen. Very summery!
I haven’t been getting better so I was going to make a Drs. appointment today. Greg pointed out that if I did that i would probably have to wait another 2 or 3 days to be seen so he talked me into going to immediate care yesterday. He drove me over after he came back from golf yesterday. i have a lower respiratory infection and am on a zpak, prednisone, inhaler and codeine cough medicine to help me sleep through the night. So I hope that I will be on the mend. I probably should have gone in sooner but you hate to go in and then they tell you it’s a virus and all you can do is rest and drink fluids and take Tylenol and let it run it’s course. It’s hard for me to tell the difference between what will need intervention and what won’t. i hate wasting the doctor’s and my time if there’s nothing to be done anyway. Anyway, I hope that i will be better soon. I’m tired of being sick. It’s been more than a week now and it’s bothering me that so many thing need to be done but I just don’t have the strength to do them yet. What can i say-I’m a mess!
Gail -
Hi Dianne!
You are so right, Our hubby’s are keepers. You know, for women who are all so far away form each other, and live different lifestyles, we are blessed to have good men. We do make a lot of fun of them, and you should hear what Gary and Bobby say about me around here. Our senses of humor keep us all going, every single day.
I am sorry you had to experience living with DV. That is an awful experience for the entire family. It leaves you with a lot of hurt and anxieties. My daughter’s first husband, father of Rissy and Amanda was abusive. Not pretty. She lived with him, on and off for a few years. Every time he went off, she and the kids came home. They lived here, way more than they lived with him.
I never tired the Philospphy. But, we gave out the Cheryls cookies to customers last year, and they were a huge success. They had a tiny tin of 3 cookies, and the end cost was 5.00 or so, a piece, which made it worthwhile for gifts. I am hoping they will do a small gift this year too, as I will be ordering them again.
We love your pictures!!
There is a lot on clearance today for Quacker Factory. they are all half price- fabulous values.
Adele -
Hey Dianne!
I do remember the Ramblers- everybody had one. they were good cars. Gone are those good old days, for sure.Now, a car is the price of a house back then.
We will be having thunderstorms again today- it is all over the news. Yuck.
Adele -
Hey Gail
I am so glad you finally got meds to help you with the infection. You did the right thing to go to the urgent care, as another day makes it worst. We will all be praying you get better quick. These colds/respiratory things are very stubborn to get rid of lately. Don’t forget the chicken soup.
Love ya, Gailster!
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
Adele, that dinosaur is called “Miposaur Robotic Dinosaur “w/ charge pack. Item #T34195, in the toys. It’s $69.72, & is for ages 8 & up. I saw the presentation with Rick. I’m not sure who was the bigger kid. It looks like an adult should be around. Maybe that’s just me. There’s a video of the
presentation on the site. It was on the Christmas in July weekend last week.Everything was 50% off on the Q today. Alas they always do these specials when I can’t afford it. Did any of you get anything new today?
I love the old cars from when I was growing up. My dad bought a 1960 Mercury Monterey, it was a land yaught, big car!!! Black body, white top, with
red interior. To the day he died he regretted trading it in for a newer model. I even remember the license plate!!! I just love the old cars, homes, you
name it.
I’m sorry to hear about your daughter’s issues with DV!! I hope she’s out of it & happy now. It wasn’t my ex that was violent, it was my father.I have a question. How is the homeless situation where you live?? It’s a BIG problem here. HUGE problem. And with the rent sky rocketing it’s only
gonna get worse. IT’s getting really nasty with a group of homeless people. The city is kicking them out of an area where people live & like to hike.
They assault people, kids, bikers, do drugs & who knows what else. It’s awful!!! And the thing is, these homeless people won’t go to shelters, or places where they’d be safe.
Well, that’s about it for now
Have a great week
dd -
Hi Gail,
They do the same thing at the schools around here also. I think that it is a dumb idea to keep moving the kids all around. That is a lot of schools to have to go to and then change to a different school when they go to high school. By the time they figure out where all the class rooms are they are moving to a new school. That is hard especially on a child that gets stressed out at school.
That falcon was a lot different then a corvette. We use to tease my mom about buying all of cars for our graduation but she just laughed at us. There were 4 of us girls and three of us graduated pretty close together. So it would have been a little hard to get that many cars all at once. We all graduated a year or two apart. They would have felt like they needed to buy a car lot.
We have the same type of Philosophy. It does smell really good, I got mine when they sold the big bottles and had it on auto delivery. So I still have enough that I do not need any right now. Will need more by the time that Christmas comes. I love the lotion that came with the set.
That was good that Greg took you to immediate care. As sick as you are you did not need to wait for a day or two to be seen. That is good that you are on the right medicine now and are on the mend. Just take it easy and do not worry about things that need to be done. They will still be there when you feel better and feel like doing them. Or if you are like me that day has not come yet.lol
We went up and watched Aliza and Owen today. It was nice to be with them for awhile. Aliza had a sore mouth today so she was a little crabby but after she took a nap she was not as bad when she woke up. She stayed up for a long time today and played with her toys. So that was good. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter everyday.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
That is funny that Aizen spotted the cookies right away. He is going to be your little cookie monster. Sounds like you had a great day yesterday with all the kids there and Bobby grilling the meat for dinner. Your dinner sounded really good. It is nice to have them all there playing in the pool and having a fun day together.
I have prescription glasses also. So all the glasses we have laying around are his. It is nice because he never loses all of them. He is something else when it comes to buying glasses. He does carry them outside with him and leaves them out there and we have to go looking for them. Why I do not know he has plenty more in the house in this little container. That is nice that Tillie does not have to wear glasses. She seems to be in pretty good health.
We were supposed to get some rain and then a cool down. It did not happen though. It is still really hot here and do not know if it is going to rain tonight or not. We really do need the rain right now. Not any storms but just the rain. Sounds like you have been getting hit pretty hard there with the storms. Hope that they go away soon.
That was a good idea to buy a pizza instead of making one. It is just too hot to have the oven on. We got some Chinese food for dinner tonight. We went to St. Louis to babysit for the kids so it was late when we got back. Did not want to have to cook when we got home. I think that we keep that place in business. We always stop there if we do not want to eat late and just want a quick meal.
I hope that you got to relax today and not worry about doing too much. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
Thanks for finding that number for that toy. I forgot to look it up to give to Adele. They said that it was for kids 8 and up so that is why I bought it for my grand son. Hope they are right about it. IF not I guess I will have to send it back.
I did not order anything today either. I have too many easy pays on my Christmas gifts that I bought so did not buy anything this time around. Most of the clearance things on Quacker has been around for awhile and I already have it. So it is a good thing that is what they had on the QVC site.
We have homeless around here but we do not see them as much as they do in the city. I think that they have places where they can go and they go there. I am not sure if they are on drugs or not just never see them. We have them begging for money by parking lots like Wal-Mart but when we see them we just buy them some food to eat. You do not know what they will do with the money.They say to be careful of that. Not sure if those people are homeless or not.
I love the pictures that you posted. That water looks so inviting. The snow does also. It is just too hot here. We need to cool down for a little while. We did not get the cooler weather like they said we would for today. So will have to wait until tomorrow and see if we get it then.
That is about all from here. Have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Dianne and Colleen!
thank you so much- I will be looking this up as soon as I am done answering my Quacker friends. I just have to be careful that Aizen cannot hurt himself with anything I get for JJ- it is hard to do that with the age difference right now. In a couple of years it will be ok.
Thank you for your kind words, Dianne- she is no longer in any relationships that are violent, and that is a great thing. Her current boyfriend is a really nice guy, and very good to her. he cares for her a lot. He was in love with her when they were kids, and they just recently re-connected. he is an old friend of Bobby’s- my son, her brother, of course….LOL
There are homeless in Boston. Boston does a lot to try to help them. It is a good city to live in, and near. I have found a lot of the homeless are people with major mental health issues. Since they released a lot of them into the communities, instead of having them in group homes, it has created a mess- that happened many years ago. We really need to do a lot more to recognize, and help people with mental health issues. So terribly sad.
Thank you for the idea for JJ . He loves dinosaurs. he actually wants to be a paleontologist. I think that is so cute.
So, today it was so hot that Gary came home very sick, from being out for only a couple of hours. I made him get water, and a banana, for potassium. he also had an ice cream to try to cool off. My friend’s daughter got sick in the church at a funeral- it is real bad around here. This heat is starting to get to everyone. So, tonight for dinner, hubby refused to do the burgers on the grill…..LOL So, I had to broil them inside the house. god help me, as I have to go out tomorrow to go to the doctor for the last shot in my knee. I hope this weather gets cooler soon.
I hope your weather, and Dianne’s is better than here!
Adele -
hello again, Dianne
I forgot to say……it looks like your homeless problem is a little different than over here. Ours seems to be more from mental health. Yours looks like it is the housing issue, and poverty, as well. That is a whole other issue, and compounded by so many different issues.
I think we all need to say a prayer for the homeless in your area, and that their issues do not affect you. Please stay safe!!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I think that JJ will like that toy. It is really cute. They can roll the ball to the dinosaur and it will go after it. It was just a really cute toy. I just hope that my grandson likes it.
Poor Gary. He must not be able to handle the heat now. It is miserable here also. We did finally get some rain. We are supposed to get more tomorrow. We really need it though. It is not as hot as it was last week but hope that it really cools down for a couple of days. This heat has really been extreme. I cannot remember it being this hot since I was a kid. It was really hot but we did not have air conditioning we just had to stand the heat. People did have window air conditioners but when it gets this hot they do not work as well. Even some of the smaller stores did not have air. It sure has changed since then.
Ron told me that the people that are asking for money are not necessarily homeless. He thinks that some are just wanting money for liquor and things like that. So we just give them food. I thought that they were homeless. Guess that I was wrong. Sorry about that.
Hope things go well for you when you get your shot. It will be nice to have it over with. It is nice to get them because you need them but it is a pain to have to keep going to the doctor. I have had the three shots in the hip so cannot have anymore for awhile. Thank heaven.
Not a whole lot going on here. I have to go to the back doctor tomorrow and have a treatment. I have not been for awhile so it will not be too bad. That is another place that gets tiresome going to all the time. I guess that I am just in a grumpy mood.
Well that is about all from here. Hope that Gary is better and does not get sick again tomorrow. He might be better off staying home and letting your daughter and his helper make all the calls. Have a good night and try to stay cool.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I think every area has homeless. Out in the country where we live they are not as visible but they are there. My daughter used to work with a local homeless agency. As Adele said many have mental health problems or substance abuse problems. Some are chronic and then there are the poor people who really have just fallen on hard times and just need a leg up in the world.
I know it is a much more serious problem in more heavily populated areas.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Little Aliza is getting to be a little doll. She must be so cute! I feel bad as I had to stay home from babysitting for the last two weeks.
It must be getting closer to the time when Barbara gets to be a grandmother. Is the baby due mid August? She must be getting so excited. It will be a fun time to share with her.
I think they have the schools separated like that because it is the most economical way of doing it. It’s not like when we were younger and all grades could be put into one school. There are just too many students now to do that.
I have definitely been taking it easy although I did manage to cook dinner the last two nights-so Greg is free from that chore now. I feel better the fever is gone. Mostly it’s still a lot of coughing. I hope that will be gone by the weekend. At least I can take that cough medicine at night at get some rest now though.
We are in for a little cool down for a couple of days.
We had to miss the last t-ball game of the season but it ended up that Jenny and the kids didn’t go anyway as Kendall got sick right before the game. I do enjoy those Tuesdays as we all go out to eat afterwards. She said they are enjoying their participation medals. Now they will think they are in the Olympics. lol
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I hope that Gary is feeling better today. That heat can really do a number on you. I learned that a couple of years ago when i almost got heat stroke. So now I am really careful to keep hydrated and almost always carry a water bottle of some sort with me.
I wear the prescription glasses too or contacts. So most of the time I don’t need those reading glasses although sometimes I do need to put them on over contacts if it is dark or fine print. So I do have a few pair but nothing like the amount that Greg has. Mine are from the Q as they have sets with pretty patterns. You can’t get those at WalMart.
I don’t vote on AGT. I think maybe I used to in the beginning-I know that I did for American Idol when it first started. Now they all have these twitter save votes and all that and I just don’t care as much anymore. I’m sure I would vote if I actually knew someone who was on but that’s a totally different story. I wonder who will get voted through tonight. I’m not sure how many will be going forward. It will be interesting.
Gail -
Hi Gail,
it is about time for Barbara to become a grandma. She is going to be so excited when she sees this baby for the first time. I can remember what it was like when we had our first grand baby. It was so exciting. I can imagine you remember your experience also. It is the next best thing to having your own. For us it was different with each first child for each girl. I hope that one of them has another but it does not look like that is going to happen.
It is hard when you cannot babysit and cannot see them for awhile. You feel like you let them down. They must really miss you when you cannot come to be with them. Do you ever call them and just talk to them for awhile? That is fun to do. They come up with some interesting things when they are on the phone.
It is good that you are taking it easy. You need to be taking care of yourself and rest until you get rid of that infection. I would love to see Ron cook meals for a couple of days.lol He has done that when I am sick. Just does not happen that often. You really need to take it easy and get rid of your cough and get back to feeling better.
That is so cute that they got participation medals . I can imagine how proud they were. Do they give out the little trophies anymore? It has been awhile since we have been to a t ball game. The little ones are a lot of fun to watch. Some of them could care less what is going on. They like looking at the grass and the sky and if a butterfly should happen to pass by they are happy about that also. It is more fun watching the kids then the professionals.
Well not much else going on here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
Sometimes when I am on the phone with Jenny she will put one of the kids on. They usually don’t have a lot to say. They will say one thing and then move on. However, I can almost always hear Piper chatting in the background. That child never stops talking.
I am feeling better. Just so tired of coughing and coughing. Basically, I’m tired of being sick. I’m sick of being sick! lol
It’s been quiet on here. Haven’t heard much from Adele or Barbara.
The guy has started on the basement floor. However, Greg and I need to go pick out tiles for the floor before he can go much farther. We had cork in the main room and carpet in the bedroom. The music room had pergo for the acoustic purposes. Somehow the music room floor escaped the water so that can just stay as it is. I think that we have pretty much decided to get that ceramic that looks like wood and lay that down there this time. We will put it in the bedroom too and I will just put area rugs at the side and the foot of the bed to warm it up a bit.
I’m sure Ron would cook for you if he realized that’s the only way that he was going to get any dinner. lol Actually, Greg likes to cook but he is typically a man and wants to barbecue without worrying about what other sides need to be made to eat along with the meat. He always says, “oh, I’ll just barbecue something” and i keep telling him you have to put something else on the table besides just meat. lol I guess that’s just another difference between men and women.
I don’t think the kids got a trophy-just a medal. They are happy with anything that they get. I think they mainly play just for the snack at the end of the game when they are that little.
Can you guys believe Mr. Cardinal is still out there pounding on the window. If we cover that window he just goes to the one next to it and on and on. All that stuff that we put out there in the spring did absolutely nothing. And what’s really bad is cardinals do not migrate so he is out there all year round. I keep telling him he needs to go to Saint Louis-the team needs him there.
Well that’s about all from here this morning.
Hope everyone is well.
Gail -
Hi Colleen
The last shot went well. It was so hot yesterday, my hair looked bizarre, between the hot wind and the humidity. I only went to and from the car twice- I looked like a witch…LOL We had cereal for dinner- too hot to put anything on, plus the shot in the knee. I hope it is cooler today, as I will just make the frozen already cooked Purdue chicken fingers, with a salad, and bread ( not made by me…LOL) It is just too hot.
We are supposed to get a lot of rain tomorrow, and it is supposed to be cooler, but humid still. I guess we will see.
I have been doing needlepoint the past 2 days. I have to finish Aizen’s Christmas stocking, before I freak out about it.
I did order the dinosaur for JJ, and the talking blue one for Aizen. So, usually I out a little gift on everyone’s plate on Thanksgiving- usually an ornament that reminds me of them. Well, this year I decided to be funny, and cheap. I got those sets of Poopouri, that came in little gift boxes. I am going to tell them to use the when the “dinner kicks in”….LOL I think it is going to be real funny.
I hope it is cooler for you!
Adele -
Hey Colleen- forgot to say I hope the doctor visit goes well for you back. It seems we schedule our lives around doctor appointments lately.
Hey Gail
I hope you are feeling much better. I did not realize you were close to heat stroke too- you must have felt just awful.
I make Gary have a glass of orange juice when it is above 90 now, and that did seem to help him yesterday. Also made sure he ate a banana when he came home too. this weather is wreaking havoc on all of us. I am very lucky I get to stay home. Even going to the doctor for the last shot yesterday was a gross experience. I had the air in the car on high, and recycle, and never had to turn it down. That says something, for sure.
You must be having “grands withdrawals”, as you have not seen them in 2 weeks. I hope you can get back there this week to babysit.
I am also wondering if Barbara’s Itty Bitty has come into the world yet. She may be so excited, and busy, she has not had a second to tell us.
I was so glad they voted off the 90 year old stripper/dancer. It would have been awful had she taken away a slot form the other very talented acts. You do have to give her a lot of credit. So, I called Tillie and asked if she was going on the show next year…..LOL
I hope your weather is getting cooler. I have not even been on the deck to watch the birds- way too hot. I have not even seen the bunnies in the yard.
We are supposed to get a lot of rain tomorrow. We really need it.
Adele -
Hey everyone!!
After reading all the other posts, I forgot a couple of things…..
Forgot to say in my notes to everyone that it has been a little nuts here. Yesterday, I had a shot, and had Hetaher and Dave here for a while. Then Tommy stopped by, and them Marissa and Pena did a BJ’s run for us. It was like a revolving door all day long. I did get ice on the knee, while I was chit chatting with everyone.
Today, it is very quiet. needlepoint is on my schedule today!!
Gail- glad your floor is started. Monday the floor goes in here- they said it is a 2 day job. I need to gout with Nancy so very badly- I am hoping to fit a visit in next week.
Hope everyone is good, and cool. Keep cool Quackers!!
Adele -
Hello to All. This will be short, but I know you all must be wondering where I am. Well, Jerrys Mom fell this weekend while hurrying to the bathroom. She broke her nose; but thank God nothing else. Jerry had just spoken to her on the phone and was on his way to pick her up. She didn’t come to the door, so he went in and found her, and she said what had happened. He called an ambulance, went to the hospital, and they checked her over really well, then sent her home. We brought her to our house, and she stayed with us for three days. She slept a lot but after 3 days was still in lots of pain when she would try to walk. So we called an ambulance and back we went to the hospital, and thats where she has been with us staying with her. We are still trying to figure out why she is in such pain when she takes a step. So prayers please. Also, no baby yet but not long now. I keep hoping we can have his Mom all settled in somewhere before the baby makes his appearance, but we will handle whatever we need to. Have to go, girls. Just wanted you all to know we are doing the best we can, and will come back on as soon as I can. Take care, and since I don’t have time to read all you posts, I am so hoping you all are okay. Good wishes coming your ways. Barbara
Hi Gail,
When Kaylee and Ethan call me they tell us a lot of things that they do not talk about when we are all together. Kaylee usually tells me about her boyfriends. She told me one time she had a crush on a boy in her neighborhood. I told her she was too young to have a crush and she told me that it was her crush and she could have one. We just laughed at her when she said that. Owen mostly calls when he is selling something for school. He will talk for awhile though. The two older girls use to talk a lot but they spent a lot of time with us. They lived with us at different times.
That was funny. You were just talking about not hearing from Barbara or Adele lately and then they both posted on here today. Sounds like Barbara has had her hands full with her mother in law. Her poor mil has been going thru a lot here lately. She is lucky to have Barbara and Jerry around to take care of her.
The floor that you picked out for the basement sounds really nice. It will last for a long time. I do not think that if you have a leak again that it will have to be taken up and replaced. Seems like it would be harder to ruin. The rugs will be nice. It was good that it did not get into the music room That could have been a real mess if it did.
Ron likes to grill when it is not too hot. He is getting picky about the weather when he grills. We have not grilled that much this summer. It has just been too hot. He needs a building or a roof to go over his head so he does not have a lot of sun on his head.
That cardinal really likes your house. Maybe you should make him a bird house with a mirror in it and he will stay in there. We need something here that is persistent about something. Our Cardinals are doing terrible. The manager is not as good as he use to be. Do not know what is going on with him. We definitely will not be in the play offs this year. They traded a lot of our good players. Maybe next year. How are the Cubs doing? I heard that for awhile they were doing really good.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I am glad that everything went well with you when you went to the doctor. I imagine that everyone’s hair looked the same way. When it is hot and windy there is no hope for your hair at all. It is like that here also. We are still hot and humid. We did not get the cool weather they said that we would get. We are getting some rain. IT has not been bad storms though. Thank God for that. I got my hair cut today because I could not stand it anymore. It was getting too long and hot.
That will be nice when you get Aizen’s stocking done. They will both like the dinosaurs that you got them. I still have two more grands to buy for and itty bitty. She will be easy to buy for though.She needs everything and any toy you get her it will be new and different to her. One bad thing her birthday will be 18 days after Christmas and we will have to get her present at the same time we get her Christmas present. It is hard when they have a birthday so close to Christmas.
I like your idea about giving the poopouri. That will be funny. It will be funny to hear what they all think when they get that. Every one will get a good laugh out of it.
The back doctor went well. I have to come back next week. I feel like it is my home away from home. If they had a comfortable bed in there I could stay there. Another one of the girls that work there is leaving. Every time you go there, there is new help. It seems so odd because when I first started going there it was all the same people. Now you never know who will be there.
You do need a revolving door at your house some days. You had a lot of company in and out. It will be nice when they get your floor in. Hope it does not take more then the two days. Maybe you will be able to go out with Nancy. Sounds like you need to get out.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
I will be praying for Jerry’s mom. That poor woman has really been having her problems. I wonder if she was having trouble walking when she fell. She is just having all kinds of health issues since all that happened. It is good that she has you and Jerry and she has a place to go when she needs someone. You two have really been good to her.
It seems like all works out when you need it to. It is going to be so exciting when the baby comes. You are going to be so excited. Cannot wait to hear from you after the baby comes. You will be gushing then. It is just such a joy to see and hold the baby for the first time.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
We will be praying for Jerry’s Mom. I hope that they find out what the problem is soon and that it is an easy fix. Can’t wait to hear about when the baby comes. What a wonderful day that will be. Hang in there.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Well, that was funny about about Kaylee and her crush. I imagine there will be many more in her life as time goes on. Yes, we have the dreaded selling stuff for school around here too. I have bought many things that I don’t really need. lol
Greg grills all year long. the grill is right outside the patio door so he can just step onto the deck and put the stuff on and come back into the house if he wants. Sometimes he stays out there and sometimes he comes back in between times when he has to turn things or whatever he does. I really don’t pay much attention. In the summer we probably grill at least three times a week. That and the fresh veggies makes a perfect easy dinner.
The Cubs are doing good so far this year. I hope they can keep it up as it is such a long season. As a long time Cubs fan I am afraid to get too excited unless they are still doing good late in the season.
I am looking forward to the Olympics coming up. Especially the gymnastics but I like the swimming and diving and equestrian events too. Plus the opening and closing ceremonies are always fun to watch.
I am feeling better but I still have a cough. I wish that would finally go away too.
Have a great weekend.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Glad the knee shot went well-even if the hair looked like a scarecrow. lol When it’s that hot outdoors I just pin mine up in a barrette on the back of my head. That’s how I wore it the whole time that we were at Disney last fall. it was too hot to have it down on my neck.
It sounds like you’ve been getting lots of company. I imagine the kids want to use the pool as much as possible in this heat. That’s a good way to get everyone to stop in for a chat.
So what did Tillie say when you asked her if she was signing up for AGT next year? She’s probably down stairs twirling her tassels right now. By the way did you notice on her first audition she had her tassels fastened on with those little tiny safety pins that sometimes hold the tags on new clothes. For some reason I noticed that and it struck me funny. Didn’t look very professional. lol
Oh gosh no I didn’t have heat stroke when I got sick. That was a totally different time when that happened. We were out at a zoo that time.
I hope that your heat is going away a bit and I also hope that you get that lunch with Nancy soon.
Have a great weekend.
Gail -
Hi Ladies,
I hope you’re all okay. I read one post about one husband came home sick from the heat. I hope he’s okay. That sounds like heat exhaustion,
or heat stroke. Both are dangerous!!! Keep hydrated in that heat. I gotta get you out here, lol. We’re having a mini heat wave (2 days), & then
it’ll cool down this weekend.
Kay & I have been having problems with our refrigerators the past few day. Hers died, & they replaced it with one they refurbished, it broke
down too. So she’s on her third one. So far so good. The maintenance gal came & checked in to mine. We made sure all the vents weren’t
covered up. A couple weeks ago I went to get some ice cream, & found it almost melted. It was almost milkshake consistency.
Well, I wrote an email to the upper upper management a couple days ago, talking about the refrigerators, among other things. Imagine my
surprise when I checked my email & found a reply to my email!!! He wants to meet with me this Tues. afternoon. This is the CEO of Home Forward.
I’ll let ya know how that meeting goes.Today is the finale of Christmas in July on the Q. I HAVE GOT TO WIN A LOTTERY!!!! So many things I want, but no $$$$$. Sigh. but they’ll have more in the next few months.
Jewell’s getting a hair cut Monday. She’ll feel a lot better.
I’m sending along some more pics to cool you down. Enjoy.
Have a great week end, stay cool!!!
dd -
Hi Gail,
That is nice that Greg will grill all year long. Ron could move the grill up on the deck in the winter and we could use it but he won’t. I guess that is why. If he moves it I may want him to grill in the winter time. Smart thinking on his part. It would be nice to have one of those small grills that can sit on the deck and it not that much work to move around.
That will be another fun experience to see who the girls date and marry. I may not be around for the two youngest but the two oldest should get married while I am here. It would be nice if I could live as long as my mom. She has seen one of her great grands get married. My sisters grands are all out of high school and two of them are out of college. They range in all different age groups. She has the older group and then the little ones that are 6 and 4. So that is a wide range.
I am not sure what events we will watch this year. The Olympics are so good and they have a lot of events. I just worry about all of the athletes that we send over there. I guess that the kids do not think about it at all. They just think about the competition. I guess when we were young we were fearless also. We just never thought anything could happen to us. It has to be that way when you are young are no one would ever do anything.
Have you been watching all of the shows today? They have been all cij shows. They have some cute things but not sure that I have found anything that I want. Have to make up my mind pretty soon or the shows will be over and so will the prices.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
This is a terrible time of the year to have trouble with your fridge. I hope that they get it straightened out. I hope that the meeting with the ceo of the housing goes well for you. Just stick to your guns and do not let them talk you out of anything. It is nice that he is going to come and talk to you. That would be aggravating to find that your ice cream had melted. That is terrible.
Jewell looks so cute after she gets her hair cut. I like the pictures that you posted of her the last time she got one. She is such a pretty cat. How long have you had her?
Did you hear Rick say that everything is on easy pay that was on the show today? It is nice but do not have that much money to buy it. This is just a bad time of the month for me. Just bought Christmas for three of the grand kids and so have to slow down with buying things. Oh well they will have things that will be just as nice later.
Love the pictures that you posted. That little old man is so funny. He is right we are not that old. lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good week-end
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I hope your meeting with the CEO goes well and that everyone gets their refrigerators running properly again.
It’s good that he is concerned enough to meet with you. And we do want all our appliances running properly. I think I would make a list to take to the meeting so I would not forget anything that I wanted to talk about.
We have cooled off here in Illinois for a little while but it will be hot again next week. We did get some much needed rain which was good. Also my husband figured out why our daughter was getting water in her basement so hopefully that is fixed now and they can continue with fixing up a family room for the kids down there.
Have a great weekend.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
It will be fun to watch the grands grow up. I hope we are all around a long time to see that. My MIL lived into her 90’s and saw some of her grandkids get married and have children of their own. That was a thrill for her.
I don’t think all of those athletes think much about traveling to Brazil. After all most have already competed all around the world. It must be the thrill of a lifetime for these young people to compete. I know the Today show sends people to report and one of the women from there, Savannah Guthrie, is not able to go this time because she is pregnant and there is the fear of the zika virus there. I heard the other morning that they are finding cases in Florida now too. I feel sad that all the young child bearing age women have to worry about that now too-as there are already enough things to think about when you are pregnant.
I did copy many of the CIJ shows and just flicked through them later. Nothing really caught my eye except of course Valerie’s butterflies. However, I didn’t get any. I just admired them from afar. I did get a couple of things from the shows last week and that’s enough for now. They will be showing stuff from now on out until the end of the year so there will be plenty more to see.
Greg is going out golfing in a little bit. He’s been getting in two a weekend now. Nine holes on Saturday and 18 holes on Sunday.
I have an appointment to go back to the doctor Monday morning. I am still coughing so much and am still a bit raspy in my throat. I wonder if the infection is totally gone. I never really liked zpaks-I prefer the full ten days of antibiotics. I feel sorry for the people around me having to listen to me cough all the time.
We did go over to Jenny’s last night and saw the kids so that was good. Boy they are so tan and blond from being outdoors all summer. Seeing them reminds me of when we were kids and we just ran and rode bikes and swam and played all summer long. There will never be a time in your life like that again. So many good memories.
Gail -
Hi Barbara!
Do not worry about reading the post- we are all good here.
I hope by today, they have found out why Jerry’s Mom is in so much pain. That is awful. Thank God Jerry was on his way over.
Of course all of us will add a prayer for her. and the rest of you too!
Prayers coming your way.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
That is funny about your back doctor. I wonder why they cannot keep their help anymore. Are they all nice there, or is one of them difficult to work with- that maybe the issue- who knows!
I am glad your back is not acting up too much. I nearly scared myself last week, when I pulled the scissors out of the dish drainer, and felt a bad pull in my back. I had them in there to dry, after I cut all the basil, and they got stuck. I was so afraid it was my back. It must have been just a muscle pull, as it went away quick. I did ice fast, and the Alleve to stop any swelling, It was ok by the next day.
It does seem like there is a revolving door over here. We cannot even sleep past 8am. Every single morning, someone calls. yesterday it was a customer, and today it was the furniture repair people. The new kitchen table came, and one bolt is stripped, plus there is one area that has a “bubble” on the top. They will fix both things. But, did they really need to call at 8am today, to say they were coming on the 12th? LOL We are betting who will call tomorrow.
Today, Gary and I went for our annual at the dermatologist, and then we went out for a very late breakfast at Bickford’s. Do you have any Bickford’s near you? Gary was thrilled, because they had a buffet. I just ordered off the menu, and was fine with that. It was good to get out for fun, besides a doctor visit. After the floor is done, we hope to get back to our routine of going out early Friday for breakfast, and then do any errands that need to be done. Of course, my early is a respectable retiree’s 11am brunch….LOL
I have to call Nancy, as she has been a little sad. I have to get out this week to see her. Her son had another bout with cancer- this time on his foot- they got it all, but he is scared, and so is she. This is her adopted son, who doe snot share the same gene pool. Nancy has lost her husband to a hearty attack, her bio son to cancer, she had breast cancer, and she lost one baby at birth, and one miscarriage. She has been through a lot. She is a trooper.
It is hot here. Guess what??? we are in a drought, and are supposed to have rain on Sunday and Monday- the only Monday I need it to be dry so they can cut the wood outside. I cannot win for losing, as they say. I am praying for rain on just Sunday.
We have the same thing here for birthdays. Aizen is 3 days after Christmas, and Rissy is about 2 weeks after Christmas, and then there is me on Jan 22ond….LOL It is nto easy to celebrate so close to the holiday.
Hope you are cooler.
Adele -
Hey Gailster!
Oh yes, Tillie said she could dance. So Tillie, who does not go out unless she is perfect, and is afraid to talk in public, and the shiest person you have ever seen, will dance on AGT?????? Seriously?? That woman inspired her, and I thought it was a hoot. I did notice the tassels looked a little weird the first time. I bet they fixed them for her. god bless her huts bah.
Oh- I thought you just recently had the heat stroke. Now, I make Gary have a glass of OJ on a day it will hit 90. So far, that has worked. This year has been awful. I have not even gone out on the deck. Why sit outside to get all sweaty? Yuck! Hence, I have begun the needlepoint again. Hey, the new table that is 2 inches higher, and not well received by everyone here, is fabulous for me on the computer, and doing the needlepoint. It is closer to my old eyes, and easier on the back too, as I sit up even straighter….LOL When I ordered the table, I had no idea it was 2inches taller. I should have measured. All I cared about was it was 109 inches long, and had no leaves-one piece. Gary is getting used to it. he hates change, and I am always changing something in here.
how is the floor coming? Don’t forget to take a picture for us!!! How far along is it?
So, today we went to our annual dermatologist, and then went for a late brunch after. It was good to go out for fun, for a change. After the floor is done, I will be glad I can get back to normal, and not be moving things all the time in here. So far, all the lamps are out, and all the crystal and decorations. I paid them to move the furniture, but, Bobby has to disconnect the surround system, and TV form the console under it. We will be watching TV in “my room” for a few nights.
hope you are feeling good again. I cannot believe that bird is still at it. he needs a helmet.
Adele -
Hi Dianne!
Love the cool pics….literally….LOL
It was my hubby. I now make him have a glass of OJ when it gets above 90, and have his usual banana when he comes home in the afternoon. So far, it has been ok. It is now in the high80’s, with humidity. the humidity is almost the same number as the temperature. Totally gross.
I hope they get you a nice new fridge. It will cost less in electricity too. You will have to let us know how the meeting goes- we will all say a prayer for you to get a good one!
I have not had good luck with this year CIJ sales. I only have one present for each of the boys, and the “poo pouri” for everyone’s seat at the Thanksgiving table. I am hoping for raucous laughter on that one. I usually get everyone an ornament, but after the tears, how can you pick one that is different from all the others?? the only other thing I have is the sets of Lenox ornaments for the women customers. I have still not seen any of Cheryls cookies that would come out to about 5.00 a gift. I am hoping they will come out with one, as they were great for all the men gifts.
Stay cool!
Adele -
Gail- what was wrong with your daughter’s basement????
Adele -
OMG, ladies!!
I just checked the sales from yesterday, and saw those cool outside trees that you can program to different colors. I got one for the front door, and one for the back deck.
I got the big nutcracker statues they had a couple of weeks ago. So, this year we will have the door flanked by 2 nutcrackers, and the lit tree on the side of the walkway, near the front door. I am getting rid of the garland that was getting too hard to put up, and the 2 topiary’s I no longer like. Of course, we will still have the wreath on the door!
I am so excited!!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
They did show those trees that you were talking about in their ads for CIJ. They do not have them though. They would have been cute to give my sils but I waited too late. I do not know how I missed them. They had some Angels but they did not have faces. The ones with the faces are a lot prettier. The dresses that they had on were really pretty it is just a shame they did not have a face. I think that they were by Valarie but they just did not have faces. It seemed like most of the things that she had this time around was way too big for a lot of peoples homes. They would take up a lot of space so did not by anything from her. I did order one of her wreaths this year. I have always ordered them for the girls but never for us so this year I did it.
That zika virus is really scary for pregnant women and people with small children. My daughter said something about it could really make a child sick also. I really do not have much information on it. I guess we should find out what we can about it. We heard that it had come to Florida but not heard about any other state. Hope that they find a spray that will take care of the mosquitoes. There is supposed to be a certain that you use that will kill them.The bracelots that they cell will not work on them.
The biggest items that I bought was the presents for the grands for Christmas. Ethan wants one of the hover boards. I have been looking for one that is not $300.00 dollars. I have checked Amazon and saw the one on the Q but they were too high. Will just have to keep looking and see if I can find one that is not that expensive. They said that they did a lot of improving on them this time around. So they are safe now. So now it is a worry if you get the ones that they fixed or the old ones that were not as good. May have to wait a couple of years before we can get one and by then he will be too old for one.
There should be something that they can do for that cold.You have been coughing for a long time. That has to be making you tired. Maybe they will give you the antibiotics this time since the zpac did not work. That is unusual that they do not work though.
What was leaking on Jenny’s floor? I am glad that they found it so they can continue working on her basement. That play room that they are doing down there sounds really nice.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
The girls that were working at the back doctors have gone to bigger and better things. Two of them went to be RNs and one of them had a baby and they found cancer when she was pregnant. So her and her husband thought it would be better if she stayed home with the kids and not work anymore. They are all really nice there but it is hard to get use to the new girls. They are not as good as the old girls were and they do not stay because of it. I think that some people complain about them. They do not bother me they do try to do their best and that is all you can ask of them. They will not be as good as the other girls were because they are just starting. They will catch on and be just as good. It just takes time. I really do like it if they leave the heating pad on my back a little longer then they are supposed to. It feels pretty good. You can always take the thing off if you do not want it on you anymore.
That is scary if you feel any type of pain in your back. It is hard to tell for sure what it is. You were smart to ice it and take Alleve. You probably stopped it form hurting for a couple of days. You can never know what will pull your back out that is for sure.
You need to turn your phone off from 11 at night until 11 in the morning. That should stop a lot of people from calling. Sometimes if people call too early in the morning we just do not answer the phone. If there is something wrong with my mom my brother calls my cell phone so do not have to worry about that. The kids do not call us early either they do not get up the early. The only one that does is Danyielle because she has Aliza. If they could get Aliza to sleep in they would also. Babies just do not want to cooperate.
We do not have a BIckfords around here. We do not have that many places that serve breakfast now. There use to be a lot of places but most of them closed. The fast food restaurants do still have their breakfast but those are not always good. We have to go into Festus or Arnold if we want to find a place.
That is so sad that Nancy is going thru so much right now. You should add her to the prayer list. We will say a prayer for her.Hopefully her son will be okay. Cancer is a cruel illness. There is a lot of it going around right now. Everyone you talk to knows someone that has cancer in their family. I do not understand why it is so strong right now.
If your weather reports are like ours there is no telling if you will get rain are not. We have had rain a few times this week but only one day that it was pretty steady. It is still hot though. We did not cool down like they said that we would. I was looking forward to a couple of days that were not so hot and humid. Guess not any time soon.
What are you doing to Tillie. Inspiring her to go on that show and dance. Did you get her some tassels? You are so funny and so it Tillie. You must have a lot of fun around your house. You have such a good personality. It is sad that you have to go to Wal Mart to find Gary a sense of humor. lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
Those hover boards are expensive and I think I would wait and see to make sure that they have all the bugs out. All I know was last year they had all kinds of videos of people falling off of them. But that was mostly adults-I’ll bet the kids can balance just fine on them.
Jenny is getting Lachlan a Wii U for his birthday. She said she normally would never get him something so expensive except he has been asking for one for two years and she feels a little bad about him being the only boy in a sea of four sisters. So I went in on the gift with her to make it a little easier on her pocketbook. I’d rather go in on that which will be something he loves and uses rather than get something that he will play with for a week and then forget about. Heck I have a regular Wii and I use it. It’s fun.
If last year is any indication there will be more Christmas shows in August and maybe you will find something then. You have plenty of time to get it all done. Even though the weather is hot I still like summer better than winter. Especially the extra hours of daylight. winter has too much darkness.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Please tell me how you like those trees. Did you get four foot or seven foot. I have had my eye on one of them to keep out in the corner of our front porch all year round as it shows that they have fall colors, spring colors, red while and blue and Christmas. So let me know how yours is when you get it. They have had a good price on them for CIJ too.
We do not have Bickford’s around here. Are they like Denny’s or something?
Tell Tillie to get those tassels swinging to practice for her audition. lol I would like a video. lol That reminds me i was looking at the new arrivals on the Q site and there was a two piece top from Susan Graver and there were ties hanging down with tassels attached. All I could think about when looking at it was swinging those tassels around. lol
That’s interesting that the table is two inches higher. Jenny has one of those pub tables. Her’s is okay as I can get onto the chairs. But sometimes if people have stools at a counter I can’t get up on them as they are too high for my short legs and fat body. Or if you go into a restaurant with high pub tables or into a bar. It’s such a struggle for me to get up and it’s embarrassing too. If I ruled the world I would outlaw them. lol But those damn pub tables are all over now-I guess it’s all the rage. Not for the vertically challenged!
Yes, I think about how I want new carpeting and then I think about the family room and the living room both have the big TV armoires. Big heavy and full of stuff. They would be a nightmare to move. Plus the living room has a piano which is at least on wheels but still pretty heavy.
Jenny started getting water in her basement. They originally never had a problem with it. They called someone and he said they had to do all this stuff to fix it and it would cost $10,000 dollars. Well that was not an option. they have a neighbor who is a plumber and he said they needed another sump pump-so they dug a trench and put the new pump in and there was still water. Greg thought maybe they needed to build up the area around the foundation with dirt sloped away from the house and that still wasn’t the problem. So finally Greg went over there and had Adam run the water softener to see how the pump handled that and he discovered that the ball that would tell the pump to kick in didn’t work so all they needed was a new one of those. Also the plumber had said they needed a new pump in that pit too-which Jenny had already bought. Anyway, it was a simple fix and now the basement is dry with everything working right. Imagine if they had paid $10000 to have all that work done and it still flooded!!! Greg is a good guy to have around as he can usually figure out why things aren’t working and how to fix them. I know he has saved us thousands of dollars over the years in repairs.
Let me know how those trees work out.
Gail -
Starting new discussion page for August. See you all there. Don’t forget to check the box.
Gail -
Hi Colleen
I am so glad I did not do any damage to the back.
I hope the new girls at your doctor’s office learn quickly, so you will not have any errors with appointments, etc.
I will add a prayer request for my buddy Nancy- that is a good idea- thank you!
I think I have to get myself to Joannes Fabrics to get Tillie some tassels….LOL
So, we are in a drought, and it rained yesterday, plus more for today and tomorrow. Just in time to affect the wood cutting outside…LOL Honesty, I just cannot win for losing, as they say. The nice man is here, the sun WAS shining this morning, and now it is getting dark.Hey Gail
I had to get the 7 foot ones, as the 4 foot white ones were all gone. I did think about getting the brown one, and keeping it on the deck all year long. But, then I realized we would all be navigating around it to water the windows boxes, kids coming in from the pool, etc, so I decided not to. If I out it on the patio downstairs, we will not see it at night. I wish I could think of a place to put an all year round one, that would not be in the way of summer activity. I may not take it all the way out of the box, and just check it out. But, I will tell you what I think.
Bickford’s is like Denny’s. We have a Denny’s 2 towns away from us. They are good too. We usually go to the International House of Pancakes, or the local place near us that is winning all the awards for “Best breakfast”, in the surrounding towns. I will be glad to get back to our out for breakfast routine on Fridays again. This is my last home improvement, and I could not be happier to be done.
Get the Susan Graver tassel top!! You and Tillie can compete. Hey…..did you hear this morning the Shark guy married the DWTS dancer he fell in love with yesterday? Heard it on the morning show. of course, I cannot remember their names….LOL
the table is not pub height. It is just a little bit taller than a regular one- 2 inches. So, the Lowes guy comes in this morning, and says…”Wow, I have never seen a table that big.”
That is fabulous that Greg figured it out before Jenny spent more money. Do you believe the quality of things? How can they sell pumps with defective parts??? It seems everything has to be checked, and re-checked these days. She is lucky to have a Dad who knows so much. I hope the water problem is solved, permanently.
Hope your day is bright, and less humid- not here….LOL Humid, and cloudy, so far.
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