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Good Morning Everyone. I thought that I would start the Month off with a new discussion page. All through the months I will try to list something for which I am grateful Please come join me.
Hi All,
Getting ready to go out to breakfast so this will be short. will post more later about goings on. Hope everyone had a good Halloween and enjoyed their extra hour of sleep. Today I am grateful for my wonderful husband.
GuestNovember 15, 2015 at 5:32 pmPost count: 58Hello Fair the Weller’s…or something like that…..a Hearty Quack Quack to go along with that. I am thankful today not to be too lost on here or so I think, I’ll see later when this actually shows up on the page somewhere. So much to learn! I’ve no clue where to go and imagine this will drop down to the end of the conversation somewhere?
So sad, beyond shocked to hear about Barbara’s MIL, boy that is unsettling to hear at 89 some drugged up guy did all those things to her in her own home, did you ever find out if he was a neighbor and had been watching for that opportunity? Crazy… this world has become beyond crazy!
Gail it’s amazing to hear that Rocky is now 16, that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt what a great Dog Mom you are. We’ve been feeding Bell more veggies than ever before and she too is happily watching her bowl for goodies. Now Gail, what happened to Fruity? Did you send him packing out West too? I hope to here that Brent’s on his way home for Thanksgiving as hard as this time of year has become.
Adele, I snooped at King Arthur’s Flour site and found my all time favorite serving spoons there, used them for years, knew they were a rice spoon, the large spoon with that shorter handle is so wonderful to use daily, you don’t have long handles doing nothing but get in the way, and that’s super for throwing in the dish washer, they use them as Flour Scoops even though they are called Rice Scoop or Wok Scoop….Bed Bath and Beyond had them in white so I ordered more…just sayin in case anyone wishes for great serving spoons and not some ergonomic monstrosity that huge in ones hand but so hard to store and wash….so Thank’s Adele for that new site to me. One of the girls in Garden Club made a recipe of theirs, Apple Bars, but I missed that meeting…darn!
Colleen, I hope all is well soon with you along with Gail and the dentist….thank’s for the Birthday Wishes, I did no celebrating really, the weather got cold and rainy and I felt like snuggling like a bug in a rug, the thrill was visiting with my eldest nephew and going for take home Pizza! He’s worked so hard to save enough for a down payment and is buying his first starter home at the mere age of 24! He’ll know Dec 22 if he’s moving! He’s been camped out with a buddy saving rent money since breaking up with his girlfriend and that’s getting old I hear. Love hearing those stories that remind me of my youth. Oh, Colleen, I tuned into see Donald Trump over the past days, he really did a nice impression with his heavy make up of a Wise Old Owl, especially since they used white out around his eyes and he had a tuft of eyebrow looking a wee bit Owl’ish, I had to laugh. Then so we’d know what all the skits would be about on Saturday Night Live next week we tuned in last night to watch the Democratic Debate….I can only imagine the fodder today when the one fellow referred to Trump as a Circus Barker….they all give SNL so much good stuff to work with! Not that anyone does not love our Donald Trump, and I’m sure he’d love living in the White House. Ah, Election run up time can be so fun, and we’ve a year to go, won’t that be Special? As wives we best be hatching a good plan to get through this with those of our men who cannot resist the drama, the shock and awe of politician’s at their finest. I dread the coming months but I know we get half as much Political Advertising as you do on the East Coast and Mid West. They used to announce who won before we were finished voting, rather odd but true.
I hope that Christine gets along with that heel, healing, it’s all in the shoes which I imagine she realizes by now, very painful those heel things. I found the cutest and best arch supportive shoes on Q lately, bought a new pair of Clark’s Whistle boots and a pair of Alegria Tennis Shoes in Black that I can wear this winter without socks, in my effort to try to dress cooler I’m ditching socks and so far these work.
I bought that new Quacker long sleeve shirt with the zippers along the shoulder line, it’s rather nicely done, nice weight fabric, and not to large in the shoulders, I find that any OTO at a $40 price calls my name over the past months and all have been winners. I need to get on the stick and get better at checking emails for those live QVC PLUS events as I see Angel had a two hour show lately and I miss Angel. I hope she’s having a grand time as her wedding is so close, the 17th wasn’t it? I wonder if we’ll see Lisa Robertson sometime soon on air as come December 20th she’s been gone a year and I imagine any contract holding her from a new great job will be over then. I can’t imagine her not popping up somewhere really great.
Cyntihia, we just began wearing our jeans again, it’s just turned colder over the past two weeks in Southern Oregon, last night brought leaves down covering everything in bright yellow, it was quite the site to awaken too. We’ve dark dark clouds moving over and the winds are up, a great Sunday to stay in and lounge.
I hope this finds everyone on their way towards good health and staying upright.
Here’s my Community Service Announcement that I need to Heed….Tis the season to start decorating for the holiday’s or we’ll all be behind once again! I need to drag my tree out and decorate it and PRONTO….holiday’s are coming like a speeding train! I’m not ready in the least and I have to get a move on!!!!
Love to Everyone and Stay Upright and out of the muck!
Debbie -
Hi All,
Happy thanksgiving to you all there,
I hope you are all are doing ok there, sorry not b een on here for a while, but so much has been going on, patch was fixed 15 days ago and he also had a dew claw taken off that had started to come off but got caught in hes fir, we had to get him done as he run off twice, the last time got realy scary, he got out of hes harness, crossed a busy road, jumped over a cemetary wall and just would not come back, stewart was with him that time and stewart went to walk away and patch went up to him, luckily stewart had the slip lead with him and put that around hes neck and brought him home, we phoned the vets the following day and they told us to bring him in 2 days later, which we did, hes over it now, just got to let things settle, but hes turning into a young puppy again,hes nipping again etc, we are going to get him a lead thing that goes over hes nose, stops him pulling so much, i think they are called halti collars, will get one next time we go out shopping, ive had physio on my heel, went four times and last week she told me she wont see me untill january 4th now, my heel is so painfull, dispite putting ice on it, ive got some sketchers training shoes with memory foam insoles and gel in them, but my heel still is realy sore, so ive made a drs appointment for december 10th to see what else can be done, may have to be referred onto a consultant or someone, its turned realy cold here now, there was a frost here this morning too, patch is just a puppy i know, he wil be a y ear old on december 31st, how this year has flown by, sorry about not mailing, but things have been so busy around here, my oven went the other week, the fan element in my main oven went, i was able to order the part and stewarts dad put the part in for us, luckily i could still use the top oven , but all is fixed now, we are having fish and chips tonight, again sorry for not getting in touch before now, hope you all have a lovely thanksgiving day, thinking of you all there hugs to you all christine
You have some good movies picked out. I have read Salem’s Lot-scary book. I also read the Mephisto Waltz years ago-don’t even remember the plot anymore. I love the originals of The Mummy, Frankenstein and Dracula-such classics. I am not familiar with the Haunting. I will have to check that one out. Cute, cute shoes that you have. it must be nice to wear sandals all year round. I hate having to stop wearing the sandals and get out the shoes and socks and boots. Of course when I wear my ankle brace I have to wear regular shoes with that. But that’s only on days when I am doing a lot of walking.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I hope the doctor gets you in this week and you get fixed up for the holidays. This is getting dragged out like poor Christine and her heel.
I’m glad that the shower turned out nice. What did they serve for refreshments? I’m always interested in the kinds of things people serve for different occasions. I’m glad that your Mom didn’t come if the stairs were really steep-that would have been scary getting her up and down them. I’m surprised that no one gave diapers either. Maybe they didn’t give many blankets because the thing nowadays is not to have a blanket in the baby’s bed. They just dress them in warm sleepers. Isn’t it funny how things keep changing with how to best care for your baby. when our kids were babies you put them on their stomachs-now you put them on their backs but then you have to worry about the backs of their heads getting flat and they have to have tummy time while they are awake-it’s a wonder that the cave men survived without all the experts to tell them what to do.
Well it poured rain and was only in the mid forties for that half marathon yesterday. Jenny was freezing by the time that they were all done. Now today is beautiful with clear skies.
We got our shopping done yesterday for our little ONP girl and we got everything on her list. I had Kendall give me suggestions as they are the same age and they liked a lot of the same things so I thanked Kendall for helping me out with suggestions and that made her feel good and she was proud for helping. After we got done shopping we went to JMK Nippon Japanese restaurant for dinner. That’s one of those places with the hibachi grills. However you can sit on the restaurant side or the hibachi side and since it was just the two of us we sat on the restaurant side.
Today is Adam’s oldest daughter’s 16 birthday so they are all going out to the farm later for a bonfire. She’s looking forward to getting her license. Does your oldest granddaughter drive yet? She must be close to 16 too.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Hope your kids liked the ghosts. I think next on your agenda should be those s’mores cupcakes that they keep on showing on the King Arthur site. They look so good but I know that I will never take the time to bake them.
Actually that light gray sweatshirt could go with just about any color. Black, red, darker gray, blue jeans. Except I know that you like to wear the same color top and bottom-but I think those terry crops with the zipper did come in the gray at one time. I wear different color tops and bottoms and sometimes I wear the same-just depends on my mood. I figure when you are shaped like a beach ball with arms and legs wearing all one color is not going to elongate me in any case so I wear whatever combo that appeals to me on that particular day. I’m one wild and crazy girl!!!
Yes, the peanuts throw came in three different patterns. One with all the peanuts characters, one that was like a comic strip and the one I got that had Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Yesterday I was all ready for Halloween too with my Quacker. I had a different spiderweb shirt from a few years back with clear rhinestones on the spider and the web and Kirk’s Folly Halloween earrings. Now I am pulling out my general fall themed Quaker clothes with leaves and just regular pumpkins-not Jack O’ Lanterns and a few with apples.
Do you have Pier 1 by you. I know how much you like cute dishes and I went in there yesterday looking for a holiday themed wine glass for a gift and they have the cutest winter and holiday dishes and glassware. I really wanted one of everything-even though I don’t have enough room to hold what I already own. It’s a good thing Greg was with me to keep me on task. I have the hardest time not ordering that lock and lock TSV that they have every year with the cute gift bags but I have no one to give them to as I don’t really make home made gifts. I did think of you when those were on though because I figured you could use them as your table gifts and put something inside them since you bake so much. By the way-how is Aizen’s stocking coming along?
We met Jenny and family for breakfast this morning. I look across the table and there is Piper with her spoon and one of those little jelly containers eating the jelly for the toast with a spoon. That just cracked me up. Then she wanted to order some coffee. And she and Lachlan each ordered a cup of soup for breakfast. Crazy kids! lol
Now we know that if we need to punish Greg or Gary we just have to run Peanuts movies on a loop. I guess that means neither of us will have a date for the new movie coming out. Maybe it’s a thing about guys whose first name begins with G not liking Peanuts. it’s downright un-American!!!
P.S. I just heard an advertisement for peanuts come on in the other room before football and Greg is groaning like Frankenstein’s monster watching it. lol -
Another nice day out today. About 80 degrees but the night drop to 60 now. I love this time of year. Still wearing shorts Probably won’t be wearing jeans until Thanksgiving.I’m going in the Jacuzzi today.
One thing that’s nice is you don’t have to have separate wardrobes for summer and winter-and no heavy coats and boots hats and gloves. I like the change of seasons just not the extreme cold and snow. We changed clocks last night so now it is almost dark already too and it is 5 o’clock.
Hello everyone. Want to tell you all what has been going on with us this week. This has been a terrible week; but before you all think the worst we are okay. On Monday; about two in the afternoon Jerrys Mother was attacked by a man who was waiting outside for her to let out her dog and threw her back inside her house. He stabbed her 8 times. Her face and hands had lots of cuts on them that were to the bone; and she had 4 stabs to her belly region. She managed after he left (he stole her purse, jewelry, phone, and car) she then got up (I am sure he thought she dead) and walked all the way down the block to a neighbor who called 911 and got her some help. Of course; this has been all the news this week. She is 89 years old; lives alone. The stabs missed her stomach and intestines; which was miraculous, but did slice her liver, her spleen and gall bladder; which they took out her gall bladder and sewed up her liver and her spleen. They called in a plastic surgeon for her face. She was taken to the unit where I used to be manager of; and when they found out she is Jerrys Mom they just went out of their way to see about her. She is doing just great. It is just unbelieveable. We just knew the first three days that she would not survive; but she has really rallied around. Jerry has been with her every day and just got home a little while ago and said she is walking to the bathroom with the help of an aide and is tolerating a clear liquid diet. So to say the least; this has been quite a week. I feel like he was watching her and just waiting for the right moment. The police did catch him two days later driving in her car. He has claimed that someone else did the stabbing that he was just the driver. So considering the way this could have turned out; we are so lucky. I will definitely keep you all posted on how she is doing and what the plans are for her now.
Gail, hope your mouth is feeling better. That abcess I had they pulled the tooth after 3 days of anitbiotics and staying off the blood thinners. My face was still very swollen, and after he pulled the tooth he pressed on my face for a long time to push out that infection. I am so glad that he had me very numbed up; and he kept me on antibiotics for 10 days afterwards. I feel for you. Just take care and it will get better. I am not going for another tooth to fill in the spot either. I understand more and more everyday why my SIL just went ahead and had all her teeth pulled and a set of false teeth made. She said she just got so tired of one tooth at a time going bad; or breaking off and then back to the dentist.
I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw you describe yourself as a ball with arms and legs sticking out. I feel like a weeble myself that would just wobble like the tire man on TV with all his rolls of fluff. I am of the same thought; I just wear whatever I like and hope it doesn’t offend anyone; but if I like it then it is fine with me. I used to have to be so particular when I worked, the business type attire for certain meetings; then the scrubs for other times. I always said if I was able to just choose the I would wear what makes me feel good. Wore my pumpkin faces sweater one day to the hospital. Got a few smiles. That just makes my day. I was especially worried that day and needed a little pick me up.
Adele, sounds like I have done just like you did in thinking for sure that someone was coming and then plans change and I am left with too much food and not enough people to eat it. I do lots of sending things home with people. I have cut down a lot more than you in the cooking department. But I love to have someone really enjoy a meal I have made. Neal has already asked me if I am doing chocolate pies for Thanksgiving? I said good Lord willing I sure plan on keeping that tradition. I so love Thanksgiving. Adele, you are not alone because I haven’t ever made a green bean casserole either. Someone in the family always brings one. How is your back doing now?
Colleen, please do just go ahead and make your own appointment with the stomach doctor. You have been through this procedure before and you better than they know what it felt like before you had it done before. Jerry and I have to see someone about our insurance coverage. It is so hard to choose which plan to go with. And it seems like each one has something that is does right and lots it does wrong, and you don’t seem to find out unitil its too late what that is. Sure hope you can get to feeling better before the holidays. They really need to take care of you. Sending prayers for everyone.
Cynthia, I wish I could wear those cute shoes, but since my balance isn’t all that great, I go more for flats or skeechers. I just found a pair of slip on Clarks in the closet that I forgot I had. I have done really good at keeping my spending down on things since I discovered so many items that still had tags LOL Take care, everyone. Hugs, Barbara -
Oh my goodness, Barbara! What an awful thing to have happen to Jerry’s mother. That is just terrible. I’m glad to hear that she is doing well after all that and I will definitely keep her in my prayers. I know when you are older these traumas are more difficult to recover from but she sounds like she has been blessed. However, I don’t know if psychologically I would want to go back to the same living situation. I would be afraid to be alone again. I am so glad that they caught the jerk and I hope that he gets the book thrown at him-preying on the elderly like that-what a horrible cowardly person!!! You have certainly had a traumatic week.
I get my stitches out tomorrow. My regular dentist won’t be in the office but his associate will take them out and then right after me Greg has an appointment. I’m just finishing my antibiotic today so I hope the infection will be cleared up.
Can’t believe that neither you nor Adele haven’t ever made a green bean casserole-a staple of the holiday table since the 50’s I think. lol I think because it’s so easy and quick to put together. However, I guess now people are looking for healthier alternatives for their holiday vegetables. I make it basically because it is about the one vegetable that I can put on the table that the whole family will eat. I also liked to make a 7 layer salad for holidays but Brent and Kim would never eat that.
I hope that your MIL will continue to improve and today I am grateful that she is doing so well.
Hugs to your family,
Gail -
Congratulations to the Kansas City Royals the new World Series Champions. Although it would have been so much better if it were the Cubs.
Hi Cynthia….that term Kitten heel is so funny!
AdeleHello everyone…..found you!!!
Adele -
Hi Gail
I looked for the Peanuts throw, and did not see a holiday themed one. Did you get it form QVC? I would love to get one too.
Oh yes- all the pumpkin/leaf designs are out. I am still working on putting away all the Dept 56 village stuff. It takes longer to put them away. I had to stop yesterday, because I was getting real sore. I made a lot of headway today, and have at least 2/3 of the table gone. I hope to be completely done by tomorrow.
that is so funny about Piper. Did you know Marissa does not eat breakfast things? When we go out, she has meat and potatos….LOL So, I get it that they ordered soup.
We do have a Pier 1. It is dangerous for me to go in there- I can order on line…..LOL LOL
Hope your day is going well!
Adele -
OMG Barbara!
I do not think any of us were expecting that news. How absolutely horrible. We are living in a scary world. not only will they charge him with the (4, I think) crimes he committed against your mother, but they will add abuse of an elderly person. Not that it makes it any better. for sure, I know all of us, on here, will be praying for your MIL. Poor Jerry. What a horrid thing to happen to his Mom.
How is she doing today? I hope you will say a little better. Will she need a rehab, before they send her home? Then the natural next question- will she be able to live alone after this? The PTSD will miserable for her to deal with, in addition to her physical injuries. I am just at a loss as to what to say, accept I am so very sorry for the poor dear.
I hope they throw the book at him. I have not seen anything about it on the news up here- I will tell you if I do.
You know, we never know what will happen to any of us, on any given day. Every day is a gift. I am sure she had a hoard of Angels watching over her, to have the where with all to be able to walk to get help.On the more positive side- is your chocolate pie a baked, or refrigerated pie? Or, a pudding kind? Gary loves chocolate pie. I have made one, from time to time, with a whip cream kind of top layer. Then, he bought one from BJ’s one year, and it was just as good as home made, so he got one the next couple of years…..LOL I have not made the official list of pies for this year. I do know they will include a custard, and a pumpkin. I usually make 4. Chocolate is on the maybe list, as well as some other…….maybe apple?? we will need a family vote. LAst year I did nto make a pumpkin, because Amanda and I made these delicious pumpkin bars. We will see.
I will venture to bet I know your family will be very thankful your MIL is at the table. We all will be. Please stay safe. All of you!!!
Love Adele -
Counting my blessings today. I am grateful for all the family being well; including Jerrys Mom continueing to do better. Her youngest son is convinced that she has dementia so he is having tests run on her to prove this. He told Jerry yesterday that he plans to take her home with him after her discharge (sell her house and possessions, I guess). I know that she has loved her independence; but now things have changed so much. I really feel she would be happier in one of those senior living centers where she could have company with the other residents, but he has made it very clear to Jerry that he is the one making the decisions, and Jerry is not ready to make any waves at this point. His oldest brother will be coming down from Nashville tomorrow to see her and have lunch with us. He has been sick with a really awful cold since this first began; and so he has had to stay away to keep her from catching something. I know he will come down and see what is what; and not mince words with how he feels about things. Jerrys Mom has made a little friend two doors down that she has visited with, and really seems to enjoy the visits. That is why I feel she would do so much better in a senior citizen home but who knows? I am just grateful she is doing so well. She is tolerating eating and has advanced to a soft diet. So that is progress.
Gail, how did things go at the dentist? Hope you are feeling lots better. How are your little puppy dogs doing? I went out before all this started and bought some blankets at Big Lots for ours. They have just snuggled in and I have noticed that Dodger comes up here every morning and claims his spot. His floppy lip gets hung up on one of his teeth, and it looks like an Elvis look. I just love him to death. He is so big but gentle.
Woke up at 1:30 am this morning and layed awake until about 3; then finally fell back asleep. One of my friends told me that I have to let go of things that I worry about during the day; and just try to clear my mind. Didn’t work for me.
All the kids ate dinner with us last night. Lisa just seemed so miserable. I felt sorry for her. I engaged her in conversation several times and so did Jerry; but you could just feel the tension in the air. I just don’t feel she is a happy person and wish she could just decide what she really wants in life; as well as Joey. Spinning their wheels and going no where. Breaks my heart. Will talk more later. Hope all is well with everyone. Barbara -
Hi Gail,
They had some different things for this shower. They had baked chicken legs and wings, potato salad, lettuce salad, some dip, and that sandwich. They had food that I would have never would have thought of bringing things like that. We had finger food at all of the showers that I have ever went to. I guess people do things different in different areas. all of the food was bought and not homemade. So that was different.
That is a shame that it rained while they were running the marathon. I hope that they do not get sick from being in the damp and cold. Was it nice out for the kids to go out and get their candy? It always seems to rain on Halloween. It did not rain here but it was cold and cloudy. They kept saying that we were going to have rain but it never happened.
That is nice that Kendall helped you pick out the gifts for the little girl that you are buying for. She will be an onp volunteer in training. That is nice that you got all the things that the little girl had on her list. She will be so excited when she opens her gifts. That is just a wonderful thing that you are doing and all the volunteers that do this. You really make it nice for them and they have one day that they do not have to think about their illness and the family can just relax and watch their kids have fun.
The restaurant that you ate at sounds really nice. Chinese is one of my favorites foods. We usually go over by where they cook the food in front of you. Ron does not like them tossing food at you. A lot of people think that it is fun and they are doing it in fun. You are either supposed to catch it in your mouth or hand. Ron just does not get the concept. My daughter got sort of mad at him when he got upset. I thought they both were funny. So needless to say we do not go and eat Chinese with her anymore.
That is funny about Piper eating the jelly. It must have been pretty good. That was nice that you and your daughter and family got to go to breakfast. It is nice to be with the family to go out to breakfast. That is funny that Lachlan and Piper wanted soup for breakfast. They must really like soup. Sounds like you had an interesting breakfast.
That is funny that Gary and Greg do not like Peanuts.
have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your mil. I hope that she come thru the surgery okay. They should throw that man in jail and throw away the key. I wonder how long he had been watching her. That is terrible what is becoming of the people in this country. They have no compassion. Please keep us posted.
I think that people who are in the hospital would like to see the Quacker tops then those scrubs. The quacker is a lot happier and makes people smile. When we worked at the nursing home we had to wear white uniforms and that was boring. Even when all the other homes were having their staff wear scrubs that were all different colors they made us wear white. It was very discouraging. The white always got stained and you had to be careful of what you wore underneath it.
It is a pain trying to pick out an insurance that will do everything that you need. Then you have to make sure that they take your doctor. I also have to make sure that they take my chiropractor. There are a lot of insurance that will not take them. I am not sure that they would take this if I was not going thru the pain clinic. It was so much better when our insurance was thru where my husband worked. We had a lot better coverage. Not sure that it is true anymore since this obama care.
I hope that Jerry is doing okay. It must be really hard on him with his mom in the hospital. They do make them walk around a lot sooner then they use to. It is a good thing that they do that. I know when my mom was sick and in the hospital they would make her get up two or three times a day. It was good because she would have stayed in bed all the time.
Well that is about all from here. Take care and Your mil and you all will be in my prayers.
Colleen -
Today I am thankful for healthy children and grandchildren.
Hi Adele,
I did get the throw from the Q. The item number is H207151 but I checked and all three different patterns are on wait list. I will sit on the couch and use it this winter just to annoy Greg the Grinch. You know I hadn’t been in Pier 1 in a while and I was just blown away by all the cute things-especially the Christmas stuff. But I’m trying not to add anything to my already bulging cabinets or my Christmas decorations-so I just went in got what I wanted for my gift and left. But the temptation of online is still there. However the stuff does look a lot cuter in person than it does online so that’s a good thing.
Hope you finished putting away the Halloween village. You are very efficient. If it was me it would probably stay up until the Christmas stuff comes out. I was very lazy this year and did no Halloween decorating what so ever. Since it’s just the two of us so much of the time it hardly seems worth it anymore. When we first moved into this house I decorated for every holiday and for Christmas there was something for just about every room. But there were a lot more people coming and going then and now it just seems like a lot of work for not much payback plus it’s not so easy to bring the things up from the basement and put them away anymore. I can understand now why my Mom had her little tabletop tree once she was alone.
Gail -
Maybe Jerry’s Mom will have an opinion on where she wants to go next and if she prefers a senior home maybe her son will listen and comply. I cannot think no matter how independent that she is that she would want to go back home alone. I hope she continues to progress.
Maybe you will have to learn how to meditate for those nights when you are wide awake and staring at the ceiling at 3 A.M. I think we all have some experience with that. That’s probably why we need to nap in the afternoons.
I get my stitches out this afternoon right before Greg gets his teeth cleaned-it’s like dueling Norusis’s at the dentist’s office this afternoon. Rocky is still doing pretty good for 16. We have taken to cooking him up some chicken and some ground beef to add to his dog food because for awhile there he wasn’t that interested in eating much-so this keeps him looking in his bowl. He doesn’t like to eat by himself in the mudroom anymore though-that’s where all the dogs used to eat together-so I brought his bowl out into the family room so that he can be by us while he eats. it must be hard for him as he always was used to having other dogs around and now he’s the only one. It’s almost a year since Belle died. Sometimes I still cry for her and Abby.
I remember how close you used to feel to Lisa before her accident. it’s odd how much things have changed since then. Like she had some sort of personality change. It has to be hard to watch and wonder where all this is headed and not wanting your son to be hurt in the process.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I think most of the showers that I’ve gone to have had finger foods too. It’s so much easier to serve and eat those types of things.
Jenny and Adam didn’t catch cold but Jenny says every muscle in her body aches. I give them a lot of credit for running that distance. It’s more than I could ever do.
By the time the kids went out trick or treating later in the day the rain had stopped and it actually even got a few degrees warmer. They’re still little so they last for an hour at most and then are ready to go home.
We have gone to the grill side in the Japanese restaurant when we were with other people. But since it was just the two of us we sat on the table side rather than be seated at a grill with 8 strangers and plus this way we could sit across from each other and talk which you wouldn’t do on the grill side with a bunch of other people at the table.
Did your grandkids get to trick or treat? I hope so-I always remember looking forward to that when I was a kid.
We are having weather in the 70’s until the weekend when it will go back to 50’s. This getting dark so early is for the birds-the crazy cardinals in fact! lol I really do not like the long nights of winter.
Gail -
Hi All,
Today I am grateful that even though my ankle will never be fixed at least it hurts a lot less than it used to. Not much happening around here it seems. Everyone is being very quiet. I got my stitches out yesterday and she said it looks like it is healing well so that’s a good thing. The stitches were starting to get irritating so my mouth feels better without them. Hopefully this will be the end of the tooth/gum problems for a long, long, long, long time. Rocky gets a haircut tomorrow so he will have a busy day. He is always tired when he comes home from the groomers. We have had some beautiful Indian Summer days recently. Someone said only 50 days until Christmas. Plus it’s only three weeks until Thanksgiving-gosh-where does the time go? Santa is coming to the mall this Friday so the Season will be in full swing. My crazy cardinal is out knocking at the window. I hope everyone is okay-just too busy to check in. Colleen, hope you got that appointment and it will be sometime soon.
Gail -
Hi Gail,
There is not much going on around here. It is kind of boring. I mostly have been fighting with Ron trying to keep him from watching news. He watches that and I have to listen how all politicians lie and they are no good. He does not either party are any party that has someone running for president. I have been trying to keep him from watching but it does not work all the time.
That is great that Jenny and Adam ran in the marathon. It must be something to see with all those people running and no one quits. They seem not to care where they finish they are just doing it to prove that they can.
Our kids all went out trick or treating. The older girls just went to family and then came home. After that one went to a friends house and spent the night. Kylie stayed home to watch spooky movies with her mom. She was going to go to a party but decided not to go. There was some movies that she wanted to see so she stayed home. She is a strange kid sometimes. lol The other kids had a good time running all over the place.
I wonder if the time change will effect the cardinal. He needs something to stop him for a while. His brain must be turning into mush by now. I wonder if they have a brain? Seems like they would not bang into windows if they did.
Well the doctors office said that they got a hold of the gastro.and his nurse will call and make the appointment with me themselves. I have not heard from them yet so if I do not I will call them on Friday. I am not sure when they got a hold of those people. I am just really getting tired of all of this.
I cannot believe that Thanks giving is so close. I have to get the turkey this week so we have it and do not have to worry about getting it. I am not sure if they will have enough pumpkin or not. If not I will buy frozen pumpkin pies. I may not bake any pies this year. Ron will have to burn the boxes and I will let the kids think that I made them. I will just transfer them into my dishes and they will never know the difference. It will be better then doing all that cooking.
I am thankful for my mom. We are so blessed to still have her here.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
Good luck to Jerry’s brother. If his mom is like mine she is not moving out of her house for love or money. We have tried and she always says that she is not ready yet. That is nice that his mom found a friend in the hospital. Maybe when they get to go home they will remain friends. Hope that she is feeling better now.
That is nice that Jerry”s oldest brother is coming home. He may but the younger one in his place. Jerry and his older brother get along really good don’t they? I think that I remember you saying that before. He probably does not care if he makes waves or not. He is going to do what he thinks is best and get Jerry’s input. That is how it should be. The younger brother does not know what is best. We do not any of us know for sure. It is always good to have brothers and sisters to help to make decisions.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day and will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
I’m lucky that Greg doesn’t listen to the political shows and if he does watch a debate he doesn’t get all hot and bothered about it. You have a long way to go as the election is not for another year. None of the politicians are perfect but we are lucky that we live in a country where we can choose who our leader will be. Thank goodness we don’t live in a country where the ruler is the guy who just comes in and takes over by force-or a country where women have no rights-or a Communist country with no free enterprise. Things could be a lot worse. Of course I don’t believe anyone agrees with all of every politician’s policies so we have to pick and chose and elect the person with the ideas closest to our own. No matter how flawed our political system might be-we still live in the best country around and we never give up trying to make it better. Look at all the people from around the world who want to come here either to live or to go to college. Maybe you should tell Ron to run for public office himself if he is not satisfied with what the politicians are doing-that way he could work for the things that he wants changed. Plus then he would be too busy to watch all those shows and drive you nuts. lol there’s a method to my madness. I do understand though it’s annoying when someone watches all those shows and gets themselves all upset about everything and then you have to listen to them complain when it’s not your fault and you can’t do anything about it. I guess a lot of men like to vent that way. I think it would just drive up my blood pressure to get so worked up about something that I have no control over. You’ll have to get yourself a good pair of noise cancelling headphones as it is a long time until next November and there will be a lot of political shows working up to the election. Maybe you should get those channels dropped from your satellite. lol
Have you started to watch any of the Hallmark movies yet? I just have not been in the mood to watch them yet. Also it just seems that this year QVC does not have as much cute stuff as they used to and doesn’t have as many good gift ideas. Or maybe I have just watched it for so long now that it all seems the same. Thank goodness for online shopping though as I no longer have the energy to go out and get everything that I want.
I don’t think the time change affects the cardinal. It has affected Rocky though. He gets dinner at six and now at five he’s up and looking in his bowl because even though the clock says it’s 5 his stomach says it’s 6. It will take him a couple weeks to readjust.
It sounds like you are making progress with the doctor finally. That’s a good idea about buying the pies instead of making them. Especially if you are not feeling well and have to do the whole dinner yourself this year. Maybe Ron will help you and you can always use paper plates and plastic utensils to save on work.
Have you heard in the news about the police officer that shot himself and tried to make it look like a homicide because he had been embezzling and was about to get caught. It’s been on the national news. That town is about a half hour away from here. What a strange turn of events. And to think of all the man hours that were spent searching for the killers and that this guy got a hero’s funeral. People do crazy things that’s for sure.
Did you hear that the Q host Dan Wheeler’s wife passed away? I guess she had some sort of cancer that she has been battling for a few years. I am not on Facebook but you can rad the hosts Facebook pages without signing up and he posted some really heart wrenching things about her passing. It made me cry for his sorrow. I read that he posted photos from her funeral but I did not look at those. That seemed too personal but I guess because he is a public figure of sorts that he wished to do that. I say whatever will help you feel better in the time of such extreme sadness.
Gail -
Hi everyone.
Now I know why I have not been getting emails- I had to check the box at the bottom of this!
Gail- I am on waitlist for 2 of the throws. What is up with me always being on the waitlist?????LOL I got a notice I will never get the adorable pumpkin oval baker. glad I figured that out the day they had them on in other patterns, and got one, just in case.
How is your tooth?????
My last shot is tomorrow, and I am glad about that. It really cuts into your schedule.
All the Halloween is away, the vacuuming is done- it looked like little snow balls on the floor form the Styrofoam everywhere from packaging. Washed the kitchen floor, and will do the bathrooms today, so my back can rest from the shot. I have been a crazy cleaning person, as I do not want to bend a lot for the first few days. Put out only one box of Thanksgiving Annalee dolls. I left out the Dept 56 houses that are Fall/pumpkin related, and moved the around, so there is something in every room for Turkey Day!
Colleen-have you been watching the Chew? Loved that recipe for scalloped potato with the sausage, but, I think it is too much of a chance to make as they may not like it. So far, I have not written down any Thanksgiving recipe they have done this week. Have you been watching the Christmas movies? We do on the weekend, but not during the week as much.
Cynthia- I bet you forgot to check the little box on the bottom, as I do not see any messages from you.
Debbie- hope you are good, as I do not see you either.
Barbara- I am with you. Your MIL is a social person, and she will miss her little friends. But, she may grow to like living with her son and grands coming around….do they visit that family a lot? I hope they do,, as your MIL would love the comings and goings. she, and all of you, are in my prayers. I still cannot believe she had the where with all to get herself help. What a miracle that was! You know, I have heard a lot that a when an elderly person ahs surgery, they end up with some form of dementia. I am sure you know a lot more than I do, as you are all in the medical field. I am so happy she is improving every day. When will she come out?
Today, I am grateful that everyone in this family is in several stages of healing. I pray it continues!
Love you guys!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I did the same thing and forgot to check the box at first. On the other site once you checked once that you wanted to be notified of any follow up postings it just happened. However if someone started a new discussion you had to respond at least once before you started getting notices. I guess each site is different.
My mouth feels better without the stitches. I think that they were getting irritating and just catching food and stuff back there.
I have done no fall decorating. I am getting so lazy. I have this really cute village too that I really like and it can go from September through November as it has pumpkins, turkeys, corn stalks all the fall stuff-not specifically a certain holiday. I just have not been motivated and usually I am looking forward to bringing out my cute stuff for each season.
I saw bits and pieces of The Chew this week but not all of one show. I tuned in yesterday just to catch the last bit of the gravy making. I must admit that I have never made homemade gravy I am ashamed to say. Somehow I can’t remember if my mother ever made it or not-maybe because we were all big stuffing fans and I just don’t remember if we had mashed potatoes and gravy or not. Speaking of stuffing I am still thinking about those bacon wrapped stuffing balls from last year’s Chew-I think I will have to go to the website and get that recipe and break down and make them sometime as I have been fascinated ever since I heard about them.
I have not gotten into the Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel yet this year. Sometimes I am into them from the first of November on but this year I am not interested yet. it doesn’t really matter as they will all be shown 100 times by the time that Christmas comes around.
Don’t have any plans yet for the weekend. I’m trying to find something interesting to do. Besides housework. lol I hope that you get your throws. Mine just came the other day and is really cute. I think the new movie may start today. Maybe if Jenny is taking her kids I will go with them as Mr. Grinch won’t go. lol although I’d bet that he would go with the grandkids.
Gail -
Hi Gail
I hope I get them too!
Back form my shot- not as tired this time, which is good. I have ice on the back right now, and will get in the recliner, once the ice is off.
The bacon wrapped stuffing was huge hit over here. You just make whatever stuffing you usually do, and wrap each ball in half a piece of bacon, in the oven for 20 minutes…..I think at 350. Hope I have the baking time right. We just use the Bells stuffing mix in the box, but I use unsalted butter preparing it, as there is so much salt in the mix. It worked great with the bacon- they ate every one.
I am glad your moth feels better. It will take time to heal. Have you noticed it takes much longer, now that we are older?
I bet you do not have the decorating spirit because of all the issues- mouth, foot, etc. Kind of takes the fun out of everything when you hurt. Same here, as I only got out one box of Annalee’s- I have 3 more, plus the big pumpkin I made in ceramics years ago. He is so big, I put him on the floor. If I did not already have the Dept. 56 village pieces with just pumpkins out for Halloween, they may have stayed in their boxes as well.
that village of yours sounds adorable. You still have time, if you feel better, or get into the spirit. before Turkey day. Then again, in less than 3 weeks we do Christmas. Today I wore my green shirt, with the leaves on it. One of the nurses asked if someone made it for me. Yes, someone did….Jeanne Bice! God, I miss her. I could use a therapy session with her about now. I miss her funny stories, and her great attitude when things go horribly wrong.
Love all my Quacker Friends!!!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
You are right this is the best country and we need to fight to keep it that way. Not find fault in our elected officials but write to them or e-mail them and tell them what we think. I can just see Ron in political office. We would all be writing to him and telling him enough is enough.lol There are somethings right now that are going on with the military that worry me. I will be glad when we get a new president.
I have been watching the Christmas movies. I watched a Christmas Carol last night but was very disappointed that they cut so much out of the movie but showed all types of commercials. It was hard to watch they had so many commercials. So when they show an old movie I will dvr it and then I can skip over them and just watch the movie. They are showing a lot of reruns of movies that they had last year. They are supposed to have all types of new movies on this year but they will be old by the time the season is over. They are supposed to show a new one every Saturday. I am with you on QVC,. They do not have as much on there this year. It seems like a lot of things that they have are from last year. Even Mr. Christmas has got the same things this year. I was hoping that they would have some new stuff. I thought they were more expensive this year. I may be wrong but it just seemed like it was. I am glad that I am giving out gift cards this year. Maybe I am just not in the mood to shop for everyone this year. I still have to find some long sleeve tops for my mom. That is all she wants for Christmas.
I went a little crazy and bought some of the Honora pearls. I got them when they had the sets with the necklace, bracelets and earrings. I cannot wear the earrings because they are for pierced ears. I got them in the lavender. They are pretty but now I am wondering if I will ever wear them. I do not know who I can give them to. I thought about giving it to my mom but am not sure that she wants anymore jewelry. She is getting rid of stuff now. That is probably one item that I should not have bought. They are really pretty though.
I bought some of the sides off of qvc also. I got the mac and cheese and the sweet potatoes. That way I will not have to fix all of that. The little ones will probably like the mac and cheese. It is nice that all I have to do is pop them in the oven and fix them. I will put them in a regular dish like I did it myself. Make them think that I really worked hard fixing dinner. I am thinking of getting the ready made mash potatoes also. They ate them last year and did not know the difference. Either that or my mashed potatoes taste so bad that they were just glad that I did not make them. Everything else I will have to fix myself. There is going to be a lot of store bought food this year the ready made type. They do not like to help so this is what they will get. Ron will help me. He is really good about that.
That goofy cardinal. You would think that he would be so sore by now that he would move on. He must really want to come into your house. What ever he sees he wants it really really bad.lol Poor Rocky it must be hard on him. People have a hard time with the time change no telling what it does to our animals.
I heard about Dan Wheelers wife. Someone said that he was talking about getting a cup of coffee and it was the first time he has done that by himself in 37 years. I cannot remember if he has ever said anything about having kids. I hope that he does because he is going to need someone to help him thru this time.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
It is good to see you back again. I did not know that you had to check that box every time that you get on here. This sure is different from the other site. It will just take a little time to get use to this.
I have been watching the Chew. They have had some really good recipes on there. The way Micheal Symon made his gravy was a lot of work. I do not go thru all of that when I make gravy. I do not want butter in my gravy there is enough fat in the turkey drippings. We have gravy with every meal where there is a meat that you can meat gravy with. My mom always made some and I make mine like she makes hers. I am with you on the scalloped potatoes. That made a lot and if no one likes it but us we would way too much left over. It is better to make things that you do not need all those ingredients in it. Especially if you are making it for Thanks giving. There are too many other things that we make that it would be too much to add to the meal. I bought a lot of premade things for my dinner this year. It should be interesting. I wonder if the kids will notice.
I have been watching the Christmas movies. They always seem to cheer me up. Some of them they showed so much last year that I do not watch them. Ron will not watch them until closer to Christmas. So the ones that he does not want to watch I dvr. Then I can watch them when I feel like it. That is what I do with the Chew and the qvc shows that I want to see. Well then if I do not want to listen to them talk about an item I can just fast forward and move on. They have really started to talk a lot about an item. Especially about the TSV then they have to show it twice. One time is enough,.
Did you see the dessert that Carla made out of left over Halloween candy? That was interesting. It looked kind of good. I do not have that much candy left after my granddaughters came over a couple of times. THey ate all they could while they were here and then they took some home. They were filling their pockets. We thought it was funny. I told them they could get a bag and put it in there. I do not know when they felt they could not just get a bag and put candy in there. They have always done that. Except for the m&m’s that Ron likes and will not let them take all of them with them. He has a candy dispenser he puts them in. He is going thru his second child hood. lol He said that he likes to have some candy here for when the other kids come over. Really he wants to eat some also.
Today I am thankful that all of my children and grand children.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I’ll probably just wait and not do fall decorating since it will be time to decorate for Christmas before we know it. It’s good to hear that those stuffing balls were a big hit. I keep thinking how can one go wrong-stuffing and bacon together??? Both are so good.
I’ve had people ask me also if I had made a Quacker piece. Really when you look at the workmanship they are the equivalent of what they would be charging 2 or 3 times the price for in a little boutique store. We used to have a store around here called Fit For A Queen which carried only plus sizes and my Quacker stuff could stand up to anything that I found there. Plus when I shopped there I usually went to the sale racks as the regular stuff was quite pricey. If you had to buy something for a special occasion that was the place to go as their dressy clothes were really nice in the plus sizes and not just all matronly and old looking like the dressy stuff for plusses is in other stores. Unfortunately they closed up shop a couple years ago. I still miss them for when I wanted something different not from the Q. However, with QVC clothes you never see yourself coming and going. I never see anyone around here in Q stuff although there must be some around.
I know what you mean about missing Jeanne. I think we all miss her stories and sense of humor and positive attitude. I think we all felt like someday we might have the opportunity to sit down and have a cup of coffee with her and just laugh and chat.
I think you’re the only one who watches Grey’s so I have to ask you this as it has bothered me since Derrick died-now keep in mind that I have not seen the last two episodes so try not to do spoilers. Here’s what bothers me-they always acted like Derrick and Meredith had this world’s greatest love story and for the most part I always think about them arguing and fighting and deciding if they really wanted to be together and if they wanted the same things out of life. Just because they kind of finally found an agreement right before he died we’re supposed to forget everything that came before. I still always remember years ago when she did the choose me-pick me thing. Maybe it’s just that I always found her to be kind of a whiner rather than the strong women that she is cracked up to be. But maybe that is just how I interpret her. Sometimes I just wanted to tell her to suck it up and grow up. Another thing is about Alex-I just finished watching the episode about the two babies and how he worked so hard to save them both and kept thinking about how he has changed and really matured from his original character. I like the direction that he is going and who would have thought that he would end up in pediatrics. Plus I wonder what is in store for Jackson and April-it seemed out of character for her to just go off and leave him like that. Okay, just had to have that discussion. Kim was the only other person in the family that watched Grey’s so I used to have those conversations with her.
Hope that you have a good weekend and that your back won’t be too sore after the shot.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Yes, the Hallmark Channel has lots of commercials too. I guess they are showing the new movies on the weekends. But if they are having 24 hours of Christmas movies for two months it would be too expensive to have all new movies so they have to repeat them. I usually end up watching them all several times over by the time the season is over. They are good to watch when I get out of bed in the middle of the night wide awake. I wish I could watch them on the TV in the bedroom and just stay in bed but it bothers Greg if I put the TV on in there. It wouldn’t bother me at all if he wanted to watch TV all night-in fact I like to sleep with a TV on even though they say it’s not good for your sleep patterns. When he is out of town I always leave the TV on in the bedroom.
Speaking of TV it seems like the last couple of days everything that we watched had tons of commercials for all different drugs. I would think that this would be annoying for doctors as now people are probably coming into their offices and asking for these different drugs that they see on TV. I swear they cover every body part and every body function! lol
Does your Mom want Quacker tops with long sleeves or just regular tops? Any of those things should be pretty easy to find on the Q. If you want just plain tops most of the lines have their essentials tops which are usually just plain and even Quacker has some things with just a little rhinestones around the collar. It should be pretty easy to find some nice tops for her. What colors does she like?
That last set of pearls from Honora were really pretty. I would keep them if I were you and just wear them whenever you feel like it. Pearls are so classic that they go with everything and that lavender color is pretty. After all Mrs. Cleaver always wore pearls with her Apron around the house-why shouldn’t you? I have several sets from Honora so I didn’t get that last TSV but I loved all the colors that it came in-it was hard to resist. I have also given some sets as gifts over the years. I didn’t know that you didn’t have pierced ears-it just seems like everyone back in the 60’s had them so I just kind of assume that everyone does-but I’m sure that is not the case. Do your daughters have pierced ears-or your granddaughters? Maybe one of them would wear the earrings? Anyway, I’m of the opinion that life is too short-if you like something wear it! What was the old poem-something like when I am old I will wear purple…?
I have bought that mac and cheese and the sweet potato casserole before. I served the mac and cheese because Greg and I don’t really like it but the kids and the grandkids do and it went over really well. In fact thanks for reminding me-I think I will order one for Christmas dinner that the kids can have. That’s a good idea to get some premade foods to make Thanksgiving easier on you. I don’t think the dinner matters as much as everyone being gathered all together for the holiday. That’s what counts.
I think Dan Wheeler has two daughters and a couple of grandkids so hopefully they all live close and can be around to support him. It will be a difficult holiday season for him with all the first times without his wife. I wish the best for him but I have seen for myself that only time will really help to heel the wound. It’s not something that happens overnight. I wish him peace.
Gail -
Today I am grateful for each passing birthday.
I was just thinking about the mashed potatoes. I think it is Ore-Ida-I will double check. They have russet potatoes cut up in a microwavable bag. You microwave them in the bag and then just pour them into a bowl and add milk and whatever else and mash. Or I use an electric hand mixer for the ease of it. They taste just like regular mashed potatoes and are so easy and good. I try to always keep a couple of bags in my freezer for whenever the need arises.
Adele, I saw this K180095 and immediately thought of you. We’ll see if I can find the picture now. -
Hi Gail,
Thanks for the tip on the mashed potatoes. I will check in the grocery and see if I can find them. I am doing easy this year with all the stomach that I have had I do not want to do a lot of cooking. Knowing my luck I will do all of that and not be able to eat. That is what usually happens so this way I will not feel so bad because I cannot eat. I am a good whiner though.
I have tried suggesting that everyone bring a dish but my oldest daughter tells me that I should give up doing the holidays and let them do it. They never really volunteer but that is what they say they want. So now she will not come every Christmas so it will always be here. I guess that she forgot all that she said. lol
I am taping a couple of the Christmas shows tonight. So I will not have to watch the commercials. They show the same ones over and over. They do have some cute ones but not as many as they think that they do. There are a lot of times I do not know what they are advertising. The one that I really do not like are the ones for toilet paper. I am not sure what brand it is but they are stupid. I could turn the tv on in the bedroom and Ron will never know the difference with his bad ear. He is a mess. I do not like those commercials they talk about all this medicine and then they tell you all the side effects that they have. I t is almost like if you want to live you do not want to take this pill.I know that they do that to keep from getting sued. But it is ridiculous. I do not see why people would want that particular drug after all the gloom and doom that they tell afterwards.
She does like quacker tops. She said that she just wants plain but a little bling would not be bad. I did look on the quacker site and about all they had was 3/4 length and she wants them to be long. So have been looking at the sets that they have. Will keep looking because we do not have to have hers until after Christmas. We go to her house on the 27th of December this year. I have also looked at Denim and co. They have some really cute things also. She said that she does not want them to be long either. I told her that she was being picky. She was just laughing. I will keep looking. She likes just about any color. The one that she will wear and never would before is red. She said that my dad did not like red and I noticed that she started wearing it after he was gone. She is a character.
One of the girls does have pierced ears. The grand daughters let their wholes close so they are not pierced anymore. Brook said that she was tired of having to keep earrings in her ears. She thought they catch on things and she did not like that. So I will just hang on to them until someone says that they would like to have them.
I am glad to hear that the kids liked that mac and cheese. Did you have the potatoes also? Were they good? I am just glad to have a couple of dishes already in the freezer. I will take them out and cook them before I do the turkey and put them in the microwave in my dishes. Or maybe not. I bought some disposable pans to do some dishes in. So there will not be as many dishes to wash. I think that this year I am going to skip shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I do not feel like fighting the crowds, Since I have all the gifts that I am going to by and just need gift cards.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail and Colleen, and everyone!
Where do you get those microwaveable potato bags? Are they good? Keep in mind the picky eaters I have- Bobby the Food Critic….LOL Boy, would that make it easy for the mashed!
Those pans, and cookie cutters are quite cute…….hmmmmmmmmmm
I have picked out the pies, and sides, and they can vote on a couple….mashed or cheesy potato, roasted root vegies, or butternut squash the old fashioned way- mashed. Crème breule pie, or pumpkin. Just found a recipe for the Crème Breule, which is pretty easy. It is vanilla custard, and then you put fine brown sugar on top, and put it in the broiler to caramelize. We will see what they vote for.
I think I told you girls I wanted to do an old fashioned Mincemeat pie. You have to make the mincemeat mixture 2 weeks before the pie, so that will be done this week. They will either love it, or hate it. Who knows??
Hope you are all getting your plans made, so we can enjoy the holiday, and eat enough to buy a size up in Quacker…..LOL LOL
Adele -
Hello all.
Today I am grateful that all the people who were at the table last year, are still with us this year.
Colleen- glad you got a treat for yourself with the beautiful pearls. You deserve it!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I missed the thing Carla Hall did with the leftover candy. How did I do that?????
That is a good idea to record it, and cut out all the commercials. Bobby does that with shows he watches.
I am better. I had a tough time with this shot on Friday. The cortisone on the spine makes me pee a lot, the first day. I go every 10 to 15 minutes, which is very aggravating. I honestly thing I dehydrate, as I get what I call the cortisone/ spine headache, which is brutal. So, I started to drink a lot more water, and the headache got considerably better. I also get very hot, like I have a fever, but, I do not have a fever. So, day 1 can be a little tough. My doctor said a lot of people have that reaction, that they pee a lot after a cortisone shot. That is pretty funny, don’t you think?
The shots have made a noticeable difference. But, I have to remind myself I have a bad back, and not do anything stupid. It is still hard to stand for any length of time. I do not think that will ever go away. I am just glad it feels better, and that nerve has not moved to make me miserable again.
So, I can say that yesterday I was grateful for the nerve in my back staying where it belongs!!!
Hope you have a good day yesterday, and have a good one today.
Adele -
Hi Gail
You are so right. I think we all wished we could have tea with Jeanne. We would have laughed, and cried, at the same time. You felt like she was your friend, when you watched her. I am sorry I never had the chance to talk to her on the Q. I have tried a couple of times to talk to Angel, but have not made it on. I always watch to see if any of you talk to her- it would be so funny to hear your voices! I bet we would all cry!
I am going to do those bacon/ stuffing things again.
I agree- our Quacker clothes look like they came forma boutique. people are shocked when I say it is form QVC.
Speaking of them, I am so scared I will not get those lock n lock pie takers, I got a couple form Prepworks from Amazon. I hope they come off waitlist and get delivered before Thanksgiving.
Well…..Meredith is still whining. They hired the doctor who killed Derek- that is becoming quite interesting. She is involved with Callie. I love how they are developing Alex’s character too. I am hoping that Jackson and April get back together too. There seems to be more hope of that, with the last episode. That poor little boys hands made me cry. There were a few times I wanted to smack April for leaving her husband the second time. You just knew that was a deal breaker. he tolerated it the first time, but not the second. Whose husband would??
My back is a lot better- read the post to Colleen for my miserable Friday…..LOL You have to get through the crap, before you can feel good.
hey……I saw this great book, and bought 2 of them- one for me, and one for JJ. It is an illustrated book on the poem, “Walking through the Woods” by Walk Whitman. My all time favorite saying is “there were two paths in the wood, and I, chose the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.” I live by that sentence, and hope JJ will find comfort in it, all through his little life too.
Hope your day is going well!
Adele -
Today I am thankful for a well and healthy family. We are doing better here. Jerrys Mom is making progress. She is beginning to take on more solid food, is in the Rehab part of the hospital, working with PT twice a day, sleeping good at night from all that; so all in all, we are great. Jerry said her mind is good. One of the brothers is trying to have a doctor say she suffers from dementia, but Jerry said she is clear on things and I think he is just trying to get everything turned over to him; so he can sell her house. She wants to go back home. She has lived in the same home since Jerry was 3 and it is all she knows. I just think she needs someone to come in about 3 times a week to check on her; and for meal on wheels to come bring her food so she doesn’t have to worry about any cooking and she would have visitors to keep her company. Jerry asked if I would consider having her move in with us; and I of course said she could; but I just really think she wants to go to her own home. But, we will see it turns out; all I know is we are very very blessed to still have her here with us.
I found of one of my SIL’s had a stroke in August. Her husband, Jerrys youngest brother that keeps telling Jerry he is “in charge” of their Mom, didn’t tell anyone about this. I was so upset when I found out. She was in the hospital for a week, and is still doing PT. I told her that she has always been there for me; and to promise me that she will have her son call us the next time she needs us for anything. She of course claims to be fine; but I just feel so bad that she went through this all alone. She said she didn’t hear from anyone. She and her husband are not in the best of places. She is another good cooker. She had us over for a Thanksgiving dinner one year; and it was delicious. I ate until I almost popped. She had about 5 different types of pies and I think I had some of each.LOL Sarah asked me if I knew how to make a Pecan Pie? I said I did so she asked me if I would bake one for her this Thanksgiving? So I will add this to chocolate; since Neal told her that he was looking forward to chocolate and “not to give MaMa any new ideas” Sounds like they are both looking forward to a good dinner. I am looking for some easy appetizers to add this year. I saw bacon wrapped around Ritz crackers and baked until the bacon was done. Bet this is yummy. There is a dip that goes with it. Sure hope your tummy is doing better, Colleen. This is not the time of year to have those types of problems, if you can help it. I can really relate to you saying you’ve lost weight because of not feeling good. That was the same as me; but it takes me looking back now to realize that the loss of appetite that I was having was probably related to being sick and I just didn’t know at the time. I know you all will have wonderful menus for the big day. Bet between us all there is going to be quite a spread. I have used those frozen potato cubes for mashed potatoes, and it saves so much time, and i can’t tell any difference, and I know the others can’t either; because no one says a word. ha ha
Has anyone heard from Debbie or Sue or Christine? Hope they are all doing okay. Miss them.
I, like you all, would have loved to have met Jeanne. Her home was absolutely beautiful. It looked just like her. And I always loved all the Christmas trees she had all over her home. Each one had a different theme. I know it must have taken a professional decorator to do her home, but I would have loved to have sat at her kitchen table, and just visited with her.
We are cool and crisp here today. Jerrys Ginko trees are a bright yellow and so beautiful. He has maples scattered about to. This is definitely my favorite time of the year. We are having any easy dinner tonight, just tacos with all the fixings. Jerry has already diced up tomatoes and onion and peppers for a salsa. Must admit, it is smelling good.
Will close for now. Hope all of you are doing well. Our garage door openener broke yesterday; so we have to have that replaced tomorrow. We heard a loud pop, and at first thought that someone had hit the garage but finally when we went to open the garage, and it wouldn’t we knew what it was. Neal has gotten someone to come out and fix it for us. So for now, we can’t get out of the garage. Guess that changes our plans for the opera for this evening LOL Talk soon. Barbara -
Hi Barbara
today, I am grateful for friends. My Quacker friends, and local friends. I am meeting Nancy for an early dinner. The anniversary of her son’s death was last week- 20 years. She had an especially hard time this year, The 20 year mark was very hard.
I am so glad your MIL is progressing. I know we were all worried about her, and added her to our daily prayers. I agree with you. She wants to go back home. the second best choice is to stay with you. Jerry would be thrilled, and I know you would be so gracious with her, and make sure she was as happy as a clam!
I am doing the bacon wrapped stuffing balls again- they were a huge hit. We have never done horderves, because the meal is so huge, and these folks are always late to the table. I have to tell them to be here an hour early, or they are late. Unfortunately, they figured it out, so it is getting harder to get them here. Steph showed up 45 minutes late for dinner last year, and the food they ate was getting cold. Because they got us into a snit about their time, we decided to begin without them- hopefully, it taught them a lesson for this year…..LOL
So, here is our pie list for this year: Mincemeat, apple, custard, chocolate, and then one up for a group vote is either Crème Breule or Pumpkin. So, 5 pies for 13 people…..LOL You can have more than one pie, so tell your son not to worry.
I bought that new electric potato peeler, so I do not think I will get away with frozen potato’s. They are dying to see how it works.
For sides, so far we are having mashed potato, corn, roasted root vegies, stuffing, homemade cranberry sauce (a Martha Stewart recipe that makes the house smell divine while it cooks!) and another vote on cheesy potato, or butternut squash.
I have to do the mincemeat mixture this week- it takes 2 to 3 weeks to sit and get ready. This is the first time I am doing it- has real meat in it. Cooks for a while- recipe on King Arthur, if you are curious. Bobby and Gary think I am nuts. Amanda, my holiday baking assistant, is excited for the new venture. I hope it is well received…..LOL
That is awful about your SIL. The poor thing. You would have been such a good support to her. What is with her husband? I hope she stays healthy. Another one to pray for!
I hear from Christine on email. She is good. her foot is in some kind of a cast thing, and she goes back to the PT person today, I think. Her dog is getting rambunctious, and will be fixed in January. In the UK, they wait until the dog is a year old. I hope she is able to solve the foot problem, and the poor thing has been really suffering with it. She finally has a person who is helping with that, and there is a little progress. The health care in the UK is awful.
Hope your day is going well, and you are getting your shopping list ready for the baking bonanza!
It is finally cooler here – the boiler man just left- just ahd the system cleaned for the winter. we are “hunkering down”.
Adele -
Hi Colleen,
I see what you mean. Even though your girls say they don’t want you to make the holiday meals no one else is stepping up and volunteering so it all falls on you anyway. Maybe instead of asking them to bring a dish to pass next year you should just assign them something to bring. Or give them a list of things you need and let them chose. Jenny does Thanksgiving so I just go there and bring what she asks me to.
I’ll bet the toilet paper commercial you’re thinking of is that “going commando” one. It is stupid. Who wants to walk around without underwear anyway no matter how good your toilet paper is? They’re trying to create a need for something which doesn’t exist except maybe for Hollywood starlets. I could care less about panty lines and no one wants to look at my big butt anyway.
We always comment on the long lists of side effects on those drug commercials too. Although if you read the info that comes with your prescriptions it says all that awful stuff too. It’s just that taking the medicine makes us feel better so we take the chance on not getting the side effects.
I’m so used to wearing earrings I barely notice that they are there anymore. I especially like them if I have my hair pulled back as it sort of breaks up the lines. Jenny has her ears pierced but doesn’t wear earrings too often. I know when our kids were little I didn’t wear them or only wore studs that they couldn’t pull on. Kendall had hers pierced but one of them ripped so she had to take her’s out.
I did have the sweet potato casserole from the Q. it’s been awhile but I remembered it as being good. I’m glad that you talked about it though because I went and ordered the set with the mac and cheese and the sweet potato for Christmas.
I don’t blame you for not wanting to go out on black Friday if you don’t need to this year. Plus it’s not much fun if you are not feeling well. I hope that you get the stomach problem addressed before the holidays roll around so you can enjoy all the good food that comes with the season. I know I will do as much shopping as I can online this year. It’s so much easier on the ankle.
Gail -
I think the potatoes are from Ore-Ida and it says something like cut up Idaho potatoes. You might need a few bags for a large group but I doubt they’ll be able to tell the difference. They aren’t like the potato flakes that have that artificial flavor. They are real frozen potatoes that you can cook up in the microwave and just take out put in a bowl and mash. since I discovered them I always try to keep a couple bags in the freezer for last minute things.
I hope that the back is doing better today.
My poor SIL. She and her finacee went to Puerta Vallerta and three hours after they got there she fell in the shower and broke her wrist. I hope they manage to have a good time in spite of that. I know they so looked forward to this trip and of course travel is not cheap. I guess they will have to do more eating and drinking than sunning and surfing. I know now that I am older I am a lot more aware of slippery tubs and showers than I was at a younger age.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I’m glad to hear that your MIL is progressing. If she cannot be dissuaded from going back home maybe you can have someone from an agency come in a few hours a day to help her out. We used an Agency called Home Instead when we couldn’t be home with my MIL. I think they might be a national company. If not I’m sure that most areas must have something similar.
When Sarah asked for the pecan pie you should have invited her to come into the kitchen with you and help you make it so in future she can make them for herself. Also while she’s at it she could learn how to make that chocolate pie for Neal so he can have it when they no longer live with you. I know that is a nefarious plan. what can I say-I am an evil genius. lol
Gail -
Today I am grateful for something frivolous. The DVR so that I can skip commercials.
Hi Gail, Adele and Barbara.
Well things have been crazy here lately. I had to go to the back doctor and they want me to come back on Wednesday and get the shot in my hip. I hope that it will work out okay. I have to see the back doctor and the another doc to give me the shot. I am not really excited about that. I may have to have two shots. They said that they would not do both the same day. They will be in different spots. I told them that i was not sure about having two of them. They said they will know more after they do an x-ray. They want to make sure that I did not hurt it in some way. It never ends.
The commando one is one of them that drive me crazy and the other one is the toy boat sitting on the side of the tub. He cannot peddle fast enough to get his son out of there. So I just turn that one off and the commando one off also. They are just stupid and not worth watching. I do not worry about panty lines either. If they are dumb enough to look it is not my fault. They have to like big bottoms.
I am glad to hear that the sweet potatoes are good. Now I know that it will not be a waste of money. It is nice to know that I did not waste my money. I buy the apples for the doctors office every year. They really like it and they are always glad to see them when I bring them in. I am trying a couple of other things also. I got the spring rolls for snacks for Christmas while waiting for dinner to be done. We will also have cheese and sausage to snack on. I am doing better with the snack food them I am the dinner.lol
Adele I have had that shot in the back also. One time he missed the spot he was supposed to put it in and I got a really bad cramp in my back. He moved it and the pain went away. So that was the last time I had one. It wasn’t his fault things like that happen. He did correct it right away and so it did not cramp for long. This is going to sound weird but my hair got a little bit of curl to it after having that shot. That is all that we can figure out that could have done it. I had not done anything else different.
That dessert that Carla was ice cream and pretzels and candy in it. It looked really good but I will never make it so did not write the recipe down. If I want one of their recipes I have to look on the web site. Some times they do not give all the ingredients they put in. They start talking to the guest that they have on the show and just add it and do not say anything. Either that or I just miss it so I get it from there so I get it right.
It is hard when you are having a good day and you feel like doing a lot of things that your back is still not in the best shape. I do that and they have to work on my back again. Then I have to go thru the whole speech not to do that again.
Barbara, I am glad that your mil is doing better. My mom is in her 90’s and she will not move in with any of us. We have all tried. So we let her alone and will wait until she is ready. Jerry’s brother may find that she does not want to leave her home yet. It will all work out though.
I agree with Gail now is the time to teach Sara how to make pies. She may appreciate it. I wonder if her mom ever took the time to teach her to cook. Some people would rather just do it and not have people hanging around with them in the kitchen.
I am sorry to hear about your sil. I hope that she is doing better now. Men do not think about things like that when they happen. Do they have kids? Hopefully he called them and let them know. I can understand how you feel though. That is rough when you did not know and did not even call. She probably knew what happened though.
I am hoping that I get an appointment with the gastro soon. I will have to call him soon. I am having trouble with my hip so am dealing with that right now also. Even if the doc can give me something to help with my stomach until he can do the ERCP that would be great. I do not know what is wrong with doctors now days.
Well that is about all from here. Oh I hear from Christine also. She had the plaster taken off her foot today. They told her to put ice on it and to roll a ball with her foot.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
I’m sorry that your hip is bothering you now. I hope the shot will help. I’ll tell you this getting older is not for the faint of heart. I wish we could know while we are young to appreciate our healthy bodies while we have them. I miss being able to move with ease and without pain. That is funny how you got a shot in the back and it made your hair curl. Who knew that could be a side effect? lol
Did they put some sort of cast on Christine’s foot? I forgot-was it a heel spur that she had?
I have bought those Mrs. Prindables apples too. They are really good. I have sliced them up and served them with desserts some years. I’ve also given them as gifts.
As I said before I don’t cook Thanksgiving dinner so I just bring over whatever Jenny wants me to make. Brent won’t be back for Thanksgiving yet but hopefully he will be back by Christmas. I do worry about him being alone for Thanksgiving and for the anniversary of Kim’s passing. Maybe he will be able to work a shift or something on those days to keep himself occupied. I was hoping he would be back by Christmas decorating time so Greg wouldn’t have to bring everything up for me on his own as I just can no longer do it myself. But I guess he said he will be back around the 18th so hopefully all the decorations will be done by then. The time is approaching so quickly now.
I hope that you get into the gastro doctor soon too so that you can enjoy all the good Holiday eats that are coming up.
Today I am grateful that our little Rocky is still with us. Each day with him is a gift.
Gail -
Hello everyone
Today I am grateful we are all alive, and preparing for Thanksgiving.
Hi Colleen
I am glad you are doing the shot in your hip. Gary had those before he got his hip replaced, and they worked for a long time. It will make such a difference in your life. A lot of doctors do not tell their patients to take it easy for 48 hours, and ice the spot at least 3 times a day, for 15 minutes each time. My doctor told me that, and I have done better with the shots than anyone else has. So, my friend, I would say to be a good girl for 2 days, and ice away!!!!
Are they going to pout you partially out for the back shot? I honestly think it is too much to be totally awake. You can move, and then the needle goes in a wrong spot. That is why I have them put me partially out. I fear when you get that jab, you move, or wince, which you really cannot control. It is a knee jerk reaction. Maybe talk to your doctor about that. We all want you in the best shape possible- we love you!!!
I am going to the dentist today for a cleaning, and to look at this spot on my gum line- it gets worst if I eat something acidic. Also after, going to see my back doctor for a check, since the shots are done. I think he will be happy.
Went to dinner last night with Nancy and Irene- had fun. We went to Applebee’s. I ended up with “comfort food”- their mac/cheese, with 2 chicken fingers. It is really good, and I was in the mood for mac/cheese.
It is going to pour later today- hope it doe snot until I am back. Last apt. is at 1:30.
Hope you are feeling better, and already have the shot inyour hip done.
Adele -
Barbara and Gail……….
Can you film that pie making session?????
LOL LOL We have to keep our senses of humor. It gets us through all the family stuff.
I told you that the devil made me do it!
Your poor SIL. She has been having a difficult time, even when she tries to do something nice for herself. You know, there are never any shower mats when you go away, and showers are very slippery. Of course, we would not think of that if we were a lot younger.
I am going o have to get those potato’s. That is even better than the frozen fries! we usually have a bag of those on hand for a quicky thing with the frozen chicken fingers.
my back feels better, and I am thrilled. But, I have to remember not to do the things I am not supposed to do. that is hard. I keep trying to pretend I can do everything. Going to the doctor today, for a check on the back, since the shots are done.
hope you have a good day!
It is going to pour here later on.
Adele -
Hey everyone!
Today I am grateful to have really good doctors, who care about us.
I am also grateful we are not having a snowstorm around here yet!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
You know I don’t think I have ever had mincemeat pie. First of all you don’t see it around and secondly it never sounded like something that I would like. I kind of think of it as being British. I wonder if Christine makes it.
I hope you are recovered from the back shot.
I was snooping on the Q this morning and saw this cute like chip and dip set for the holidays. The dish looked like a scarf and the dip bowl looked like a mitten. How cute was that?!
That damn bird has been out beating at the window since 7 this morning. I feel like hiring a bird wrangler if there was such a thing to relocate him to somewhere that has no homes. I wonder when cardinal hunting season is? lol
Last week Jenny’s SIL hit a deer with her daughter and her daughter’s friend in their car. Thank goodness no one was hurt but the deer did die. You have to be so careful around here during November as that is mating season and the deer are chasing each other all around right now. They just run out into the road. You always have to be on the alert for them but even more so now.
We are supposed to have rain and lots of winds tonight so I think it may be a wild evening. Have to babysit again today as Jenny’s MIL is out of town this month.
Gail -
As today is Veteran’s Day I am thankful for all the sacrifices that have been made by our Veterans of the past present and the future. I hope all our servicemen and women who are presently deployed will return safely home to their families and I will pray every night for their safe return. This year I would like to especially point out two groups of service men and women. First of all I want to thank all the people who served during WWII. They truly were the “Greatest Generation” who went off to war and then came back to their families and quietly went back to work and raised their families without expecting anything for all the horrors that they endured. They just wanted to get back to normalcy and to continue to make our country a strong power in this world. They did their duty with no expectation of reward or praise. We are getting to a point in time when all these veterans of this war will be gone. I want them to know that we will never forget what they did for their country. Secondly I want to thank the veterans of the Vietnam era who would be my contemporaries just like the WWII vets were my parents generation. I have been thinking about the Vietnam Vets after talking to many of the people at the Vietnam Vet memorial that we visited in Orlando last month. These guys did not come home to a heroes’ welcome but to a country deeply divided by the war. After talking to these men I realized that they felt that no one wanted to hear about their service or about what they went through. Many never talked about serving until 30+ years after the fact. So I want to publicly thank them on this forum. Even though the war was not supported by all the citizens these men and women did what their country asked them to do as many were drafted to fight in that war. They did not shirk their duty but did what being a citizen of this country required of them. Their pain was no less important than the suffering of the people in other wars. Interestingly enough the Vietnam War Museum that we visited in Orlando was called the Corporal Larry E Smedley Vietnam War Museum. He was KIA and given the congressional medal of honor posthumously. I think it’s an interesting coincidence that he and Angel have the same last name. In any case for two very diverse reasons I wanted to single out the veterans of those two wars particularly this year. But I want to thank all the military and their families for their many sacrifices.
Hi Gail,
She showed me the picture of her plaster. It was just the bottom of the foot it was not a full cast. I had never seen anything like it but then I have never had trouble with the bottom of my foot. It was interesting.
This shot is different then the one that I had in my back. It is like the ones that you get in your knee. It was cortisone and not the predisone. It is weird the different types of shots that they give you for different parts of the body. It was not as bad as the one that you get in the back. It has started to kick in already. She just told me to put ice on it off and on all day. It does get a little sore from where she put the shot in. I have to go back Friday and have it checked out to see if it is working right. It will be nice when this whole thing is over with. They did not take the x-ray today thought it would be better to wait and see if the shot works first. Then we will worry about another shot if needed. I am a coward.lol
I hope that Brent will do okay this Thanksgiving. Does he have friends close by? Maybe if he does not work he can go to someones house for dinner and not be alone. If he is with people that did not know Kim it may be easier for him. I will be praying that he makes it okay thru this holiday and will be home with you for Christmas. Sometimes we have to worry about our kids as they get older and it seems like it is more then when they were younger. Who knew that it would be that hard.
I am glad that all of my decorations are on the same floor as I am. They are in two closets and can be gotten out really easy. So we now have two closets that cannot be used for anything else but decorations. Pretty soon I will have to build a room on just for decorations lol I can see Ron doing that. He would not be happy.
It will be fun to watch the cookie exchange show next Wednesday. Those shows are a lot of fun. They may have some interesting recipes for Adele to try.lol She loves to bake and sh may bake some of them and let us know how they taste. I am hoping that she will. Wish I liked to bake as much as she does. She has a lot of family that comes around all the time. Mine only comes when it is something special except for Mandy. She lives closer and comes around a lot. More then her sisters. I am glad that she does. The girls usually come with her. Just once in awhile the girls do not come but not that often.
To day I am grateful for all my friends here on this site.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I am glad that this is over with. I did not have the x-ray will wait and see if this shot takes care of it if not then will have the xray. I really am a coward. The shot itself did not hurt that much. Just when she stuck that needle in that was the most painful. So now I have to wait and see if it works. That is the fun part. They did tell me to ice it for a couple of days and to see if it is still sore. I have to go back on Friday for them to check it. I hope that everything is okay. When they gave me a shot in the back I was completely awake. It did not bother me except when they put it in the wrong spot. He told me to just hold still and he fixed it right away. So it was not been that bad.
I hope that you have a good time out with your friends. It is so much fun going out to dinner with friends. Just indulge and have fun. It is good to eat whatever we want once in awhile. In fact I do it a lot here lately. Ron is aggravating me again. The man does not know when to stop. lol
I cannot wait for the Quacker shows to come on today. They are qvc plus unless Ron shot them off so I cannot see them He does that sometimes. But I will get even with him when he wants to tape a game or a movie that he wants to see. He will pay. lol
That is about all from here. I wrote some on Gail’s if you want to read it.
Have a good evening. We are getting rain right now. It is supposed to really cool down soon. We have noticed that it is about 20 degrees cooler then it was this morning. Hopefully the storms that they predicted will not bother us.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
I have to agree with you on both groups of veterans. They both went thru a lot but none were treated worse then the men from Vietnam. They are at least getting the credit they are due now. I have to give a lot of praise to the guys that are in the service now. They go thru a lot in this police action. They have so many new rules then what they use to. Like they cannot shoot unless the enemy shots first. That is difficult for these men. Just think what this world would be like if they thought that way when we fought Hitler and the Vietnamese. we would have a lot more people dead then we already do.
I will get off my soap box and honor the men and women that served so bravely to keep us free and the ones who are fighting now to keep us free.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
I am glad you finally had the shot in your back. I hope it works for you. They do work for me. Do not forget to ice, ice, ice!
I did have a good time with the girls. it is so m nice to go out with your girlfriends, and chat the night away. Thank you.
Oh, oh….is it potato soup time again? Just before Thanksgiving????
I cannot find the extra QVC channels up here. I missed those shows- were they good?
I am still waiting for the lock n lock pie takers. Only 2 weeks to go! Even if they come in after the holiday, I will be glad. Also have to Snoopy throws on waitlist- for the kids, and one for me. Time is running out.
Tomorrow Amanda will be here to do the filling for that genuine Mincemeat pie- got the recipe from King Arthur. the filling has to be made at least 2 weeks before the pie is made. The smell in here will be fabulous tomorrow. I hope we like it, as it is a lot of steps. I like a baking challenge. Hopefully, this will be a good one. I had to get this Maple Liqueur to add tot he filling. Bobby has been saying this will be a 100.00 pie……LOL LOL
It rained here all day. Yuck!
Tomorrow is supposed to be better. Hope you do not put Ron in a pot of potato soup!!!
Adele -
hi Colleen and Gail, Barbara, Cynthia, Debbie, and everyone…..
I am embarrassed to say I have one closet totally dedicated to decorations. the rest of my closets (4, including the upstairs coat closet) have decorations piled high on the top if each closet. How bad is that?? Then add the ones in the laundry room that Bobby gets up here each year to do the trees with. LOL LOL I really need to re-evaluate my crazed decoration. But, I do not want to stop until Aizen is old enough to remember it.
I hope Brent is ok for the holidays, and finds friends to have dinner with, so he will not be alone.
Oh yes, girls, I will be there, with pen in hand to copy cookie recipes that look good. Does anyone know what day the show is on?
Good God! I have to get some time to go on the main page, and wish everyone well coming onto the Quacker site! It has been a little nuts around here, and time seems to just get away from you.
Love you guys!!!
My dad was a II veteran, and a lifer. His career was in the Army until the early 1960’s.
Today I am also grateful for all the men and women in the services, and for the freedom they are granting to all if us. -
Ditto, Gail
Well said. We should be down on pour knees every day to thank our Veterans for all they did, and do.
Amen to that one!
Adele -
OMG Gail
Thank God Jenny’s SIL, and kids did not get hurt. They must have been traumatized by the deer dying. They are such pretty animals. But, they do a lot of damage to people in cars.
I will have to remember to ask Christine if she makes mincemeat. She may, you never know.
That bird needs an intervention. I think we are all shocked he is still alive. I wonder if anyone else has ever had that type of experience with a bird? Poor, sick birdie. One of these days he will not be there anymore, and you will know he hit the window for the last time. How long do they live, anyway?
We got rain and wind today, and supposed to get more wind than rain tomorrow and Friday.
Hope your weather is better tomorrow.
Prayers sent your way for Brent. This is such a hard time for him. I hate it when our kids are hurting.
Adele -
Really raining here tonight. But today I am eternally grateful for our oldest son living through that horrible bombing while he was stationed overseas, and for God bringing him back to us. I pray for him and all those who serve, and a so grateful for their sacrifice. Colleen, how are you feeling? Keep your chin up; I really think you are finally being able to go in the right direction. So glad your family is okay after hitting the deer. We have lots here too. I am praying for your son. I know this is such a hard time for him. We worry so much about our children no matter what their age, they are still those sweet babies we cradled those many years ago, no matter their age or station in life.
Sounds as if everyone is busy preparing for Thanksgiving. Everything sounds yummy. Please don,t work too hard. I a going to have Sarah help me with the pies. I so wish I could feel she likes me. Mabel I just worry too much. I am going to bake some apples in the crock pot tomorrow. Saw the recipe on line. Have any of you tried this?
Jerry and I need a “just the two of us” night out. I have this eerie feeling that Neal and Sarah would really like some alone time. And it would be good.for us too. Seems all we do is go visit his Mom or go to a doctors appointment. I would love dinner and a movie. Take care everyone. Sending hugs and prayers to each of our special needs. By the way, Gail, how is little Rocky doing? Barbara -
Adele I forgot to say that mincemeat pie is a real Thanksgiving staple here in the South. I have made a few, but my crew did not prefer them over the chocolate, and Jerry, Paq Paw and I were the only ones to finish a whole pie, and like you have said there is a lot of prep involved. My Mom made one every year though along with a pumpkin pie. Bet yours turns out good. Happy baking everyone! Barbara
Hi All,
Colleen, I’m glad that the hip shot wasn’t too bad. I’ve had one in the knee and it wasn’t awful. I think a lot depends on the skill of the shot giver. Just like a lot depends on the skill of the blood drawer. Even though I am an easy poke sometimes I still have bruises and other time it’s like nothing was ever done. I have a favorite phlebotomist when I have my bloodwork done at the hospital and I am always glad to see if she is on duty when I go in there. I remember my rheumatologist telling me one time that he took special efforts and practiced, practiced, practiced to make the shot giving easy on the patient. I forgot-do they show the recipes during the cookie exchange or are they on a blog or something or on Facebook? I agree with you- I wish I was as enthusiastic baker as Adele is. I’ll bet it always smells good at her house. Three quarters of our basement is finished off with a bedroom, bathroom, TV room and music room. The other quarter is not finished as that is where the water heater-furnaces etc. are. Also Greg has his woodshop for guitar building in that part and I have one wall covered in plastic bins of seasonal decorations. Half of which I no longer use-either because some things are old or because I no longer have the energy to decorate that much anymore. Someday I will have to weed it all down and throw things away and give things away.
Adele, that’s funny about the $100.00 pie. That’s what I always say about the fish Greg brings back from his Canada trip. They can only bring two fish back so each fish dinner is about $700.00. I don’t know if you have cable or satellite TV. If you have Dish Net QVC+ is channel 255. There wasn’t anything new on last nights show anyway. Clearance things and stuff we have seen before. I suppose after the Cookie Exchange there will be no Quacker shows for awhile between Angel’s wedding and the Christmas shopping season. Am I thinking right? Is her wedding a week from tomorrow? I’m thinking it’s on a Friday for some reason. I think the cookie exchange program is on Wednesday so that’s cutting it right down to the nitty gritty. By the way Greg once looked up the lifespan of a cardinal and it’s a few years but some live a lot longer-like 8 years or something. There was a guy recently that writes articles in our local newspaper that wrote an article about birds banging at his window too. But most of them stop after mating season is over so ours must be a really macho cardinal. I always have to laugh when Quacker is selling an item with a cardinal on it and they talk about their beauty or the peacefulness of the scene with the cardinals on the snowy branches of the trees. All I can think of is the constant banging of the bird. I do have some shirts with cardinals all bought before our persistent visitor came along.
Barbara, you mentioned that you wished that you could feel like Sarah liked you which made me wonder what if she feels the same way-what if she feels like you don’t like her and the misunderstanding is keeping both of you from feeling closer. Granted not everyone likes everyone else but she could be feeling the same as you. I pray that someday both of you will feel comfortable with each other and can just relax and have fun. Sometimes these things happen gradually as you get to know each other and I hope that happens for the two of you. I will keep hoping and praying. Maybe the pie making will be a start. Hey, if you want dinner and a movie-just plan it. If I want to do something like that I just make the arrangements and tell Greg that’s what I have planned. If I waited for him we would just stay home and I would cook all the time and he would watch sports on TV. Like this Saturday I bought tickets for a local theater production of White Christmas so we will go out to dinner and then go see the play. He likes to get out and do things it’s just that he never plans that as I have always been the one to do it. Unless someone is coming around that he knows that I wouldn’t normally think of going to see. Like when we have seen Gordon Lightfoot or Doc Watson when he was alive. Anyway, it’s always nice to get out for the evening and do something different. Rocky is doing fine. We have gotten to the point where I used to be really strict about what he ate but now his teeth aren’t too good so I feed him softer stuff and cook him some chicken to add to his dog food to keep him interested. He kind of enjoys being super spoiled but I figure he has given us so much love and pleasure over the years we should make his senior years as comfortable as possible. His sitter and groomer just combined on a Christmas gift for him The sitter sewed him a pillow and the groomer got a pad to put inside it that you can heat in the microwave so I can put it on his bed to keep him warm. How sweet was that!
Gail -
Hi Barabara
Just finished the mincemeat portion of the pie- now it goes in the fridge for the next 2 weeks “to gel”, as they say. Boy, doe sit smell good in here. It was worth it, just for that smell. It wa snot bad at all, as it is boiled, and it was not sticking to the pan, so I did not have to get up every few seconds.
I bet Sarah does like you. Maybe she feels guilty showing it. Does she have a good relationship with her mother? That could be at the bottom of this.
It poured here yesterday, and it is very dark, gloomy, and looks like rain today. It is supposed to clear up, get very windy, and colder. Good baking weather…..LOL I am making that chicken and dumplings again tonight- buy, is that a big hit here. I do chicken breasts baked in the oven with potato’s one night, and then use the leftover chicken for the dumplings one a couple of night later. That eliminates making the meat in the am for the meal, and has been working out real well. I am doing that about every 2 weeks.
I have never done apples in the crock pot- sounds good!
I vote for dinner and a movie- before the Thanksgiving baking craze! Go see that new holiday movie- I bet it is a hoot. You all need a break from each other.
Today I am grateful for that we have a lot to be grateful for on Thanksgiving.
Hope your day is getting sunnier!
Adele -
Hi Gail
That is so nice that his groomer and sitter have presents for Rocky! He must be loved.
the Maple liqueur alone was 25.00. I have to add that I do love the taste of it. I am thinking I will put some in my annual Egg nog drink. I usually put Amaretto in it, as I hate the taste of hard booze, and rum. So, her I was last night, waiting for dinner to finish, and tasted the liqueur…..added some milk to it, and think I made up a new drink…..LOL LOL Greta smell too. the funny thing is, as soon as I have a taste, my face gets red and hot. It only takes about an ounce. I have no tolerance for any drinking, I guess. I can only do a tiny amount.
I do not see that cardinal living for 8 years. He is already suffering from brain injury, and I bet he thinks it is still mating season..
We have Comcast- cable. Glad I did not miss anything that I would have ended up on another waitlist for!!! Still waiting for the Snoopy throws, and pie takers.
OMG….it smells so good in here. Yankee Candle should make a mincemeat pie candle.
Love all you guys!!!!
Adele -
Hello my Quacky Quacker girlfriends! Today I am grateful for a roof over our heads and a good family to love us and for us to love them. I lay awake most of the night last night. Got to thinking about Adele and her mincemeat pie and had to send her a note ha ha. I do my pie shells baking the day before Thanksgiving. One reason I love cream filled pies. I never seem to have enough oven space on the big day. Do any of you all own one of those convection ovens that sit on your counter top? Have considered buying one many times in the past. Does it help you all? My baked apples in the crockpot came out just perfect. The house smells so good. Just love the smells of Fall. We are having a simple dinner of pizza tonight. Made homemade stew yesterday and cornbread with brownies. Joey had to work last night so he had his this morning. He stops by here early in the morning after he gets off and goes straight to the fridge for his little bag of goodies we have left for him. He wrote me the sweetest note this morning. Said he didn’t know how he got so lucky to have us for his parents. He and Lisa are still together. I thought he was going to tear up the other day when he was talking to us about how hard it has been lately. You know its like he said, she sustained that head injury when she had her wreck, and he said she has never been quite the same since. He said he loves her, and wants to be with her, but that she is so easy to fly off the handle and he is very easy going and doesn’t like conflict. He broke down and told Jerry and me one day when we were asking him some questions about the things he did over in the bad part of the world when he was stationed there, and he said his troop was ambushed one day while he and his best friend were just riding along talking and he passed away in Joeys arms. Joey said he prayed to make it out and if he did he would not ever take the preciousness of life for granted again. It broke our hearts. That was the first time we ever had heard of this and I think it explains why he is trying so hard to help her and make this work for them both. Say a little prayer for them.I know he loves her; and she was going to the doctor to talk to him about these outbursts she has.
You know Gail, it is easy to get caught up in our side of an issue and not look at it from the others persons perspective. She and Neal seem happy together; and I can only imagine how hard it must be for a newly married couple, who are trying to find their own way in life, to be living with one set of parents. I certainly don’t agree with everything about how Jerry feels and I know he doesn’t me either, so how must they feel? You made a very valid point, and I am going to try to keep this in mind as we go along. I think every couple has lots of things going on in their minds that only they as a couple can really know, so I WILL try to just be myself and encourage her to be herself. Here’s hoping for us both.
Sunny and cool here today. I hope all my shot lady friends are doing better today. I agree with you, Gail, that it is really the skill of the person behind the needle that has a lot to do with your discomfort during any needle procedure. Jerry and I have to go for our doctor appointment tomorrow. I, like you, hope my favorite phlebotomist will be on duty. Jerry has these big veins, and mine are located WAY under my layers of fluff. So keep your fingers crossed for me. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see her there and cringe if I don’t.
Jerrys Mom is doing better each day. She is still in the Rehab portion of the hospital. She is to be released next week. I think she will be shocked if her son doesn’t take her to her home. Jerry is worried but he knows that the younger is doing what he feels is best. She is showing some signs of Sundowners (where they become a little confused at night time) and it really has worried Jerry, because he knows the youngest brother is trying to have her declared as having Alzheimers. Lots going on there, but I pray that things will work out for her for the best. I just feel that we don’t give our elderly parents the respect and honor they deserve sometimes. Your Mothers are so fortunate to have you all in their lives. You all are so sweet to see about them as you do. Take care, Barbara -
Hi Adele,
I got the shot in the back a long time ago. I had a shot in my hip Wednesday. I am done with the back shots. They were a little painful and had a lot of trouble with my blood sugar after wards. I am a whiner and that is a fact..
That is funny that you said that . We had potato soup tonight for dinner. He even helped me make it. He cut up the potatoes and onions and celery. It turned out pretty good. We have a lot left over. So will be having it for the rest of the week and the week-end. Maybe ever into Monday.lol I guess he has figured out what was going on so he decided to eat the soup and enjoy it.
It is on channel 255 where we live. They use to have a guide where you could find the show in your area. They also showed the show on the internet. So you can watch it on there. I really enjoy watching the shows. I cannot believe that Angel has so many shows right before her wedding. You would think that she would be so busy getting ready for her wedding that she would not have the time. It probably makes the time go by faster when she has to work. So I guess that there are good points and bad points.
Have fun with your grand daughter baking pies. The mince meat sounds really good. Does it taste like a pecan pie? My daughter wants a pecan pie this year. So will have to make that one. They are a lot of work also. I may just buy one. I am not making any of the pies just heating them in the oven. I am taking the lazy way this year.
I do not plan on stopping with the decorations. I love it and as long as I can put them out I will buy more. There are times that I say that I cannot buy another thing and then the first thing you know I have two or three more santas.
The cookie exchange show is on the 18th of this month. I cannot remember what time. It will be fun though. I know that the 18th is next Wednesday cause that is the day I get paid
My dad and grandfather were both veterans. Ron is also. Now we have my sil and he is the one that worries me the most.
Have a good evening.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
We had a cardinal that use to bang his head on our window. He finally left and never came back. We did not have one that was as persistent as the one you have. I wonder if he is giving you address out and other cardinals are coming to bang on your window when he is tired. lol You may have to tag their leg so you can tell if it is the right one. He cannot keep this up for much longer. He has to be a little loopy by now.
I think that they will have the recipes on the qvc site so people can see them. They have to remember that not all people go on face book. So if I have to miss out on the recipes then that is how it will be. I am not going on face book to get recipes. They may put them on this site under recipes. We will just have to look for them. The mince mint pie sounds like it smells like my moms fruit cake. She had to put bourbon over her cake to keep it moist. It is funny because I do not remember it tasting like liquor. Her fruit cakes always tasted really good. She lost the recipe so now no one remembers how to make it. Wish that I could find it. Boy I really got off the subject. Went from cookies to fruit cake.
Your basement sounds really nice. Wish we had a basement. It would be nice to have that extra room. Then all of my decorations could be stored down there. We would just need an elevator to bring things up from the basement. I wonder if Ron would build me a basement with an elevator.lol I doubt it he would not want to do all that work. Unless I told him he could make him a room to fix his lawn mowers and other items. That would not work out.
That is so funny about the fish. That is an expensive dinner for fish. I guess it is fun of catching the fish to bring home to eat. They seem to really have a good time when they go. So that makes it all worth it.
How nice of the groomer and sitter to make that pillow for Rocky. he will have some warm nights now. He will have warm bones. You have some nice people that take care of your dogs. Now that he is alone they all want to make him happy. It is nice that you are making the chicken for him to put in his food. That will give him some variety. It must be hard on him not being able to eat food that is not soft.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
It is so good that Joey finally talked to you and Jerry about Lisa. It is nice that he told you about his buddy and died in his arms. That is one of the reasons that he is such a good nurse. He has a lot of compassion. He also gets a lot of that from you and Jerry. You taught your boys well. I am glad that Lisa is going to see a doctor about her outbursts. They may be able to do something for her to stop it or a medicine that will help her control it.
I think that you and Sara will do just fine. Making the pies together will be a lot of fun for the two of you. There is nothing that can start a conversation then baking together. Especially if something funny happens while you are making the pies. It is hard to live with your in laws. It sounds to me like you are really trying and it will work out just give it time.
I am glad that your mil is doing better. I hope that Jerrys brother thinks about this before he does this. He may really be sorry that he did it afterwards. The wards that put those people in when they have Alzheimer’s is terrible. The people in there scream and do things that they would never think of doing if they were well. I did not think that sun downers was a form of Alzheimer. It is just a condition that some people get after a traumatic episode or they just get it. They are usually fine during the day. I have not studied enough about it to know what the cause is. I should look it up. I do not have a lot of other things to do.
The lady that did my shot was really good. She was very careful that she hit the right spot. So she only had to do it once. She made me laugh and then said to be still. She was saying that it was not nice to make me laugh and then tell me to stop. It all worked out though. It is done and over with.
It is cold and windy here today also. Last night I thought it was going to blow some of the trees down. We were lucky that it did not. It is windy today and is supposed to be tomorrow. Not as bad though. This weather is crazy. One day it is warm and the next it is freezing. I will be glad when it gets cold and stays cold until spring. I like when the weather does what it is supposed to do. Do not like surprises in the wearher.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Dearest Barbara
First. You need to get the oven I have. It is a double oven. The top one is a little smaller, and naturally, that means the bottom is not as big as a one oven stove. Still, I fit in a 32 pound turkey in the bottom oven. I LOVE it! I do my vegies and rolls in the top one, and the meats in the bottom. I have a convection bake, convection roast, and even a bread mode. I have never been happier with any other stove I have had. The meats come out fantastic, as well as all the baking goods. Mine is a Sears Elite. But, I know it was made by Electrolux, because when a part broke, that was the box it was delivered in….LOL It has made the holidays, and dinners so much easier.
there is a huge story to Mr 32 pond turkey. Here it is:
Years ago, possibly the first one Gary and I were married, I asked Bobby to go get the fresh turkey we had on order- he got too busy. Gary was also busy. So on the night before Thanksgiving at about 4pm, Gary picked up the bird. He comes into the house, and I am setting the Thanksgiving table upstairs. So, I say, how big is the turkey….because I know him. If he sees it is too expensive, he would get a smaller one. He yells up…32. (Cost was around 70.00) I say, “Not the price, the weight.” He yells- that is the weight. It was the only one they had left.” I was wild! Who the hell wants to get up at 4am to get that sucker done, and how will he fit in my pan? I had to cut off the legs and wings. He barely fit in the pan, let alone the oven. From that day on, the boys realized when I say to get the turkey on a Tuesday, I mean get the turkey on a Tuesday. After all, even though you order it, it is still a first come first come basis. I know this, because at times they made an error, or I changed my mind, and got a different size than I ordered. We still laugh about that one!
Don’t you just love Gail’s insights into in-laws? I love that we all have such different perspectives, It helps when we are puzzled about life.
Yes, we do take care of our elders. But, every day is not a day at the beach. take yesterday. Tillie wanted her Isotoner slippers. Macy’s carries them only during the holidays. She finds them in a country catalog for 29.99, 27.99, if you get 2. I search Macy,.as and find the same ones on sale for about 17.99, with coupons. No. She says they have to be different, because it is not the same description as the magazine. I explain they are the same, as they would not make the terry dotted ones in 2 different styles. Nope. She gets mad, and goes downstairs, saying if I did not want to help her, then she doe snot need them. So, tonight, she comes back up for dinner saying did I want to order the slippers tonight? I just ordered the ones in the expensive catalog. After, she adds….aren’t you going to get them from Macy’s too, so I can see if they are the same? I just gave her a look. They are now coming from 2 stores. ‘
There are day I wonder why I have not gone nuts!!!
I did the filling for the pie, and had everyone who came in, give it a stir- once clockwise, fro good luck in the New Year…as directed in the recipe. I could not believe the fabulous smell in here.
This year’s final votes on the pies are: mincemeat, custard, crème Brule, and chocolate cream. I cheat a little on Thanksgiving. I get the prepared pie dough -rolled up. I use them for the bottoms, and then do the cutouts for the edges, and top, if it has a top. You would never know it was not mine. When you are doing so much, you need to cut yourself some slack….LOL I was so bad, that I bought the prepared graham one too, for the chocolate pie. hey….it is all about the filling, and the look. Ill post the pics, so we can all chuckle.
It is so good that your son is starting to open up about the horrible things he saw over there. It is awful what these men have to endure to keep us safe. We all need to say extra prayers for all our servicemen, and women. I know Colleen’s son, or SIL is over there too. I pray he comes back in one piece, and ok. We owe them all our lives.
God bless you, everyone!!!
Adele -
Hi Colleen and Barbara
I think I forgot to mention that I also think it is great that Lisa is going to talk to her doctor about the outbursts. head injuries do so much damage. People have no idea. It changes personalities. Thank God your son is in that line of work so he understands.
Hope your day is going well!
Adele -
Gail and Colleen…………………..LOL LOL I wonder if the cardinal is sending out invitations to your house, as well as Christmas cards???? Maybe he thinks he lives there, and you have locked him out.
I loved Colleen’s comment about the wacky cardinal!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I do not know why I thought it was in your back. Now that you say it, I remember it was your hip that was giving you the trouble. A brain cramp, I guess….LOL
Mincemeat is loaded with raisins, currants, maple syrup, brown sugar, spices, and some beef. The beef gets boiled for 2 hours in apple cider, then you take it out and chop it in the blender, so it becomes tiny pieces. You put everything back in the cider, and boil it down. Also has almonds, and that Maple liqueur. It is very fragrant- fabulous smell. You would have to love raisins, cider and maple flavors, with spice. I do. I love the spices of Fall. You can get he recipe on King Arthur Flour’s site. You can also cheat by buying the pie filling, which doe snot have any meat in it. This is the real old fashioned English recipe. I should ask Christine if she makes it, or likes it. I hope I remember.
I signed up for the emails on the wedding yesterday, juts in case I am not already on the list. I bet she is stressed! She will be a beautiful bride. I cannot wait to see the gown!
I will be watching the cookie exchange, along with all of you. Last year, I think I did the citrus cookie they made- it was tasty. I think I got that from Quacker…..LOL.
Hope your day is bright- the sun us shining here.
So, potato soup is on the menu through the weekend…Ron best behave!
Adele -
Gail Norusis
GuestNovember 13, 2015 at 11:08 amPost count: 58Hi All,
Colleen, I suppose two days before her wedding all the plans are in place and maybe having the shows will keep Angel from being nervous before her wedding. I know I was really nervous before mine. It was just such a huge decision but I guess it was the right one as we are still married 42 years later. lol
I was never a big fruitcake fan. It seems like people either love it or hate it. It’s funny that you mentioned about an elevator. When Greg’s Mom first moved in here we thought we would let her live in the rooms in the basement so she could have some privacy as she would have her own bedroom, bathroom and living room down there and it could be like a little apartment. But there was a problem with her going up and down the stairs so we discussed putting in a elevator. However she wanted no part of that arrangement. All our other bedrooms are on the second floor so we ended up having to convert our office into a bedroom and add a closet to that. Fortunately when we built our house we changed the powder room to a full bath with a shower and that was just outside the door of the den so she had a full bathroom on the first floor-otherwise I’m not sure what we would have done. Anyway, now I would be grateful for that elevator. lol
Barbara, I hope that things will work out for your MIL and she will be able to live where she wishes. I wonder if the trauma from the assault could be bringing forward symptoms of dementia. It seems that I read somewhere that a physical trauma can sometimes hasten the progression. I imagine that there will be some tough decisions coming up.
I know because I am fat when an unfamiliar blood drawer looks at me they think they will have a bad time and then I see them drawing a breath of relief when I show them my veins. Poor Joey has a lot on his plate. I’ve often heard that people have personality changes after traumatic brain injuries. there is no simple answer for him as I’m sure he knows. By the same token does he want to spend the rest of his life walking on eggshells never knowing what might set her off. He has to make that decision and it’s a tough one when you love someone so much and remember what they used t be like. I remember you and she were quite close before the accident and it has changed your relationship too. I hope that things work out for Joey and that he will have a happy life ahead of him-he sounds like such a sweet caring person. I’m glad I could give you some perspective oh Sarah. I remember my parents moved away two weeks after I got married. My parents gave Greg the choice to call them by their first names or Mom and Dad. Of course he chose Gene and Lori as no one wants to call someone else Mom and Dad. With his family there was no choice-it was Mom and Dad or Mom and Dad. Well my parents had just moved hundreds of miles away and no one could replace them so of course I did the thing where I made sure I talked to them face on all the time so I wouldn’t have to call them anything. Eventually over time I finally got to know them and learned to love them too and then felt comfortable calling them Mom and Dad. I guess what I’m trying to say is just because you love one family member and feel comfortable with them that doesn’t mean that when you marry that person you automatically love all their other family members too. That comes with time and getting to know them and getting to appreciate the wonderful family that made your spouse the great man or woman that he/she is today. As they said in the movie What About Bob that Brent and I watched a million times together-baby steps. lol
I have a double oven. That’s one thing I really wanted when we built this house. both ovens are full sized and I really love it. The only problem is for some weird reason the upper one is self cleaning and the lower one isn’t-I have no idea why-but due to that the upper one is the one that gets the daily use.
Adele, I found a way to get rid of the cardinal. A windy day! it’s been so windy around here the last couple of days and he hasn’t been around. I guess it makes for hard flying. I’ll have to put a wind machine on the deck to keep him away. lol
You gave me such a chuckle. I’m picturing you in the kitchen like Julia Child. One drop of the liqueur for the mincemeat-one big sip for the cook. lol you could write a blog-tipsy in the Kitchen. I guess you would be what was called in the old days a cheap date. lol I’m with Colleen-what does mincemeat pie taste like? Could it use a dollop of whipped cream on top?
PS If I disappear it’s because I hard a hard time getting on the site today for some reason. Internet Explorer doesn’t want to take me here and when I get the e-mails in my mail the link will not take me here either. It’s been that way on my computer ever since they changed the site but it was never a problem before as I just came on another way but that doesn’t work now either. And what’s up with the name and e-mail and the I’m not a robot thing. Perhaps trying to make the site more secure. Well It will be really secure if I can’t even get on it. So if I disappear complain for me. -
Anyone else having a problem with internet explorer not letting them on this site. I finally got on by clicking in the link at the bottom of a QF e-mail. What’s up with this-I will have to put Greg on it when he gets home and if he can’t figure it out i will have to message James.
Hi Gail
So far today, no problem getting in. I have problems, from time to time. I wonder if that is what happened to Cynthia.
I liked the Maple Liqueur so much, I added the Eggnog to the shopping list, so I can see if it tastes h the eggnog than the Amaretto. I am a wicked cheap date! It only takes an ounce for me to feel the affects- hot face, red face….LOL Hey- do your teeth get numb if you have a drink? If I have an entire drink (nothing heavy duty, mind you, something like a Frozen mudslide) I realize I do not feel my teeth. What is up with that???? I have wondered if it could be an allergy to alcohol…..LOL LOL I have no tolerance, whatsoever.
you finally found a way to save that bird from himself- that is real funny!
It is hard to describe the taste. I would say fruity- the dried fruit kind of flavor, with spice. You should try it- you may like it. The smell is out of this world. I like spice smells, and usually buy candles with spice notes.
I will alert the media, should you disappear, of course!!!!
Hope you are having a great, sunny day!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Well, with much fiddling from Greg and listening to him complain about my lack of a mouse I’m finally back on here through normal channels. It was the weirdest thing. Internet Explorer would let me go to any website in the world but this one. Now who in the world can explain that. Greg said it was a secret program that he put on my computer to keep me from coming here. ha ha I told him if he wanted to do that why would he put it here where there’s no shopping just talking-he should put it on the Q. Men are weird. When my friend and I go shopping when we are up north they always make a big deal if we come home with several shopping bags (half the time no one buys anything) like we are out there spending thousands of dollars instead of little souvenir trinkets for the grand kids. Some time we should surprise them and really get something expensive and give them something to make a big deal about. lol
I must admit that I have never had my teeth get numb from a drink. In the old days I could party and drink quite a bit if I wished to. Now if we are out to dinner I might have a cocktail before and a glass of wine with dinner and that’s about it-or a glass of wine with dinner at home is about it. I used to sometimes have a beer with pizza but I don’t like the taste of beer at all anymore. I’d prefer a nice glass of pino grigio. Speaking of wine I found the cutest stemless wineglasses for the groomer and pet sitter for Christmas gifts. I may have to go back and get some for myself. I hate when that happens. lol when the QVC hosts say buy one get one for me sometimes they are so right.
Sometimes spice smells are too strong for me. I’m much more a vanilla or fruity citrus type of girl. Isn’t it funny how different smells appeal to each of us. Although the smell of anything baking in a kitchen is usually delicious. Here’s another confession to go along with the fact that I have never made homemade gravy(the turkey type not the spaghetti type) I have never made a homemade pie crust except the graham cracker kind for my cheesecake. All that rolling and cutting butter in and all that seemed so time consuming. I guess I’m just a short cut baker. lol
I can’t believe what happened in Paris. My heart is just sick for all those people just simply going about their day who had their lives taken so suddenly. I am really frightened for the future of this world when all these senseless murders happen month after month. What do these things accomplish-and why do innocent people have to die to prove someone elses point. It makes me just sick at heart.
Today I am grateful that all our families are safe and healthy and I will pray that they continue to be so.
Gail -
Hi Gail and Adele and Barbara,
It is terrible what happened to those poor people in Paris. I hope that they find the people that have done this. I agree this world sure is getting dangerous to live in. It is sad that you cannot go out with out worrying about getting shot or blown up. All we can do is pray for a better world and for the families that lost their loved ones in Paris.
Gail you are so lucky that you had the room to fix up for your mil. I guess she felt she would be too far from the family being down there. She must have had some fears about staying down there. We need to do like the Amish. THey have those houses for their parents to live in on their property and they move in when they get too old to live by themselves. I think that they give their house to the oldest and they take that over and the parents live in the small house. They all still work together and eat and everything together,. It is an interesting way of life. They are smarter then we think.
Adele I like Gails idea of one drink for the mince meat and one for me. That would make me a happy cook. Either happy or too happy to finish cooking. lol Your pies sound delicious. I am buying my pies at the store. I am not making anything from scratch this year. I think that I am going to have to have that other shot in my hip. So it will be simple things this year. I am having a hard time figuring out what all I am going to have this year for dinner. I will have the basic things but the extra I am not sure of. I did get some dishes from qvc and they will be nice to have. Then I will have of think of some type of salad or something like that. Maybe a mushroom salad would be good. I do not know all the kids like that. It will be interesting to find out if Christine makes mincemeat pies. I have not heard her say that she has. She is a good cook. She is always cooking such good meals. They would starve if they had to eat here all the time.
Gail I think that the people that draw blood are afraid that if you are over 40 they are going to have trouble drawing blood. They are just a pain in the neck. I have to have mine drawn every 6 months and go thru that every time. So I show them like you do where the best veins are so they can draw blood. They have to go thru the vein in my left arm they blew the one in my right arm. They did that a long time ago. So we just have to put up with it.
Nothing else going on here. Have not been feeling well so if I do not answer for a day or two do not worry. That is what is going on. Take care and will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
I did not know that about the Amish people. That actually makes a lot of sense. Sometimes I wish that Jenny and her family could have our big home with all this space and we could just still live on the property in a smaller place. However, I doubt that the local zoning laws would allow anything like that so it’s just kind of a fantasy. I love our house because we chose every single detail in it but sometimes it seems like a lot of house for two people. Plus now it’s getting to the point where it is going to be 20 years old so we will be needing to refresh some things to keep it a little more up to date.
Christine does sound like a good cook. She is always cooking something up for her and Stewart.
I have to get bloodwork done every three months and they usually just end up taking whatever arm is on the side that they like best or on the side of that little elbow rest dealy.
Colleen, I really feel bad that you have been unwell. I hope they get on the ball and get you that referral so that you will be dancing a jig by Christmas. it will be hard cooking Thanksgiving dinner when you are not feeling well so you should take all the shortcuts that you need to. Does the stomach problem make it hurt or make you feel sick to your stomach? In either case-it’s not a fun way to feel so I hope that you can get it taken care of soon.
Last night we went out to dinner and to see the musical White Christmas. It’s a local theater group so it’s kind of amateur but we enjoy just going to support the theater and for a night out without a lot of travel. it’s in a town with a quant little square and some cute and charming shops so it’s always an enjoyable night out. The restaurant where we went used to not take reservations but they moved to a different spot on the square and they were very busy last night. We did manage to get a table in the bar and have some dinner before the play. The play is cute. It’s a bit different from the movie but the same general story line-they just change some things up a bit for the stage production but the songs are all there. We were talking to another couple while we were waiting for our table and they were going to the play too. They were about our age and the guy told us he had never been to a play before. Greg and I were kind of astounded as we having been doing things like this since we were kids. However, now that I think about it I imagine that there are tons of kids who are never exposed to the arts either because it’s not affordable or because they grow up in families that place no importance on those types of things. That’s really sad. Anyway, I hope he enjoyed the play.
Colleen, I hope that you get that referral and are on the road to wellness soon.
Gail -
Hi Colleen!
What happened in Paris is awful. That there were 4 at once is very concerning. Those poor people, and their families. I know how devastated we all were in Boston. I do not know which was worst. They killed less people here, but they maimed a lot more. So many people are without an arm, leg, or both. their lives are forever different and come with many challenges. This is just not a way to live.
I honestly feel we cannot play “nice war”. There is always collateral damage. The entire world needs to re-think their strategy of fighting Isis. Never a good decision to make, but, it needs to be done.
Christine said her MIL makes mincemeat pie for Christmas. I did ask if they use meat in it, and have not heard yet. She does cook a lot of tasty sounding meals, across the pond!
In the Kitchen with Dave is on- love his show! I have never bought any of the sides they sell. It would be a lot easier, for sure!
I made a new muffin this morning- called French Morning Muffins- a simple vanilla based muffin, with a little nutmeg, and dipped in sugar and cinnamon. It was a hit. only 2 left, and there are only 4 people in here- made 10…..LOL got the recipe for m a new cookbook – “Farmers Almanac Comfort Food.”
It is sunny here, and getting chilly!
Adele -
Hi Gail and Colleen, and Barbara
Today, I am also grateful for everyone being safe- family, and friends. I hope they stay that way.
I can help you with the homemade crust. I NEVER roll it out- I pout it in the pie dish, and pat it all around. I, like you, am the worst dough roller you ever saw! I stopped rolling years ago. However, on Thanksgiving, I use the pre- rolled ones, most of the time.
That musical White Christmas must have fin- just in time to get you in the holiday mood.
I agree- the Amish way of life seems so simple, good, and pure. It always looks like they have no stress at all. But, they do m not wear Quacker. I could not live without my sparkle and shine!
I have to Swiffer the floors today. Yuck. Then, I am off to the shower! Going to get more of Aizen’s stocking done. I as so behind in it. It will not be ready for Thanksgiving.. I hope it is done before Christmas Eve!!!
Hope everyone has a good day. Stay safe!
Forgot to say…..Colleen, I am praying your stomach is feeling better, as well as your hip. Good luck on shot #2. I hope you get a good doctor doing it.
Adele -
Hi Debbie
So good to hear from you!
I am glad you like the King Arthur site- they are fantastic. They will send you a “recipe of the week” every Sunday, and you will get notice of all their sales. If you join their club, for 40.00 a year, all deliveries are free- no matter what you spend. I have done so many of their recipes, and their ingredients are top notch. I also use the “Bakers Hotline”, if I have any questions on anything- they are so nice to talk to. It is a great site for anyone who likes, or loves, to bake.
What happened to Barbara’s MIl was awful. I hope she is getting better every day, and she is happy where she will be living.
We are praying for each other, and our relatives, every day. I guess we could call it “Quacky Praying”….LOL
I am getting ready to decorate. The outside will be done by this weekend- the garland around the door, the lighted wreaths on the fence, and the topiaries on each side of the door. We want to get that done, before it gets cold out there.
OMG….60Minutes is doing a piece on Paris. It makes you sick! Gary heard someone broke into an Army or other military facility in Western Massachusetts and stole guns today. They broke in through a roof. That is not good.
Praying for all of you, and anyone who is a victim of violence.
Adele -
Hi Gail,
The only reason I know so much about the Amish is went to Amish country for many years. Just my mom and I. One year my oldest sister went with us. We went on tours in a couple of Amish homes. They also told us about the houses in the front or the back of the main house. It was fun to see how they ran their washing machines. Since they do not have electric in their home. It was like a pedal thing on the bottom of the machine and they would pedal it and make the machine work. It was interesting.
They checked my blood every three months until I got this new doctor. He is such a quack. I do not know what I am going to do if I do not get a new doctor. I really want to go back to my old doctor but have to call to see if they are going to take my insurance this time around.
I love the move White Christmas it would be fun to see the play. They are never the same on stage as in a movie. They do not have all the different sets and all the room that they have for a movie. It is amazing how they do get all of it on that stage. The only play that I have seen that it did not work out right was Little Women. They did not have anything that would work out and make it more like the movie. They did not have the second floor where Jo did all of her writing. They sat on steps when they were supposed to be in her room. I was a little disappointed. The actors and actresses did the best that they could and they all played a good part. It was just the stage that was all wrong. This was at the Fox Theater. I guess that is another reason we were so disappointed. You night out sounds like a lot of fun. Ron has never gone to the fox with me to see a play or a musical. He will not go to the college either. I have taken the girls with me though.
I am getting use to not feeling well. I do have stomach pain sometimes and sometimes it is just nausea. I have to try and get a hold of that doctor again on Monday. I hope that he is there this time.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I was trying to find where Debbie posted. I must be blind because I could not find it. I am glad that she got on here again though.
I agree we cannot play a nice war with these guys. They are mean and do not care about people. They do anything they can to hurt the innocent and stay away from people that can fight back. I am just really tired of all of this. I worry about my daughter and her family living on base. They have so many things that happen on the base also. I am always so glad to hear from her. My sil is home from over seas. He has been home for awhile a couple of years now. They were going to send them back again but changed their minds. There is no telling when they will be sent back again. I hate to think of our kids being too far away from us. You never know what will happen. They have made it harder for us to get on base now when we want to visit. We have to get a special pass to get on the base.
it was cloudy here all day long. It has been chilly here for a long time. I prefer the cold weather to the warm right now. If it goes up and down it is a good time for everyone to get sick. I am not ready for snow yet though.
Your muffins sound really good. Sometime the things that are made simple are the best. I like anything that is made with vanilla or almond. Almond cookies are really good. I have had a couple of different kinds made with it.
That really is a problem with the Amish no sparkle or shine. That could really make them depressed. They need a little bright colors in their live and to sparkle. They do not know what they are missing. I do not think I could live like they do. They have no electric, so no radio or tv. I do not know if they read the paper or not. That would be interesting to find out. They usually do not bother with things outside their little world.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
That is interesting that the Amish had a washing machine that you worked with a foot pedal. I like the ideas of simple values but not so much the giving up of modern conveniences. Not only would there be no TV, there would be no internet and no listening to music. They must all go to bed early with no electricity in use. I guess not having any electricity keeps the kids away from the influences of the outside world that would come in through media outlets. I’m just the opposite. I like to take advantage of all the modern conveniences. I figure if God gave someone the brains to think something up to help with everyday life than I should accommodate them by using it. Now you got me to thinking-they must not have running water in their homes then-do they use outhouses? Also they must have their own schools. I do remember seeing the horse and buggies but not for a long time now. In fact now that I think about it I saw a bunch of people last summer that looked and dressed like the Amish but they were all at a gas station and there wasn’t a horse and buggy in sight. I wish I would have watched to see what sort of a vehicle they got into. Now I wonder what kind of denomination they could have been.
I used to love the book and the movie Little Women when I was a kid. My girlfriends and I used to pretend we were the different characters.
Even though you are getting used to being sick-just imagine how good it will feel when you get something done with the stomach and you feel better. You will wonder why it took so long to do something about it. You’ll go “ah this is what I’m supposed to feel like.” I hate feeling sick to my stomach and feel bad that the doctors can’t get on the stick and help you. Are you able to take something to help it feel better in the meantime. I remember years ago when my mom always had an upset stomach from her ulcer she was constantly drinking baking soda and water-I wonder if people even do that anymore. I guess it was kind of like a home remedy alka seltzer-which I have never been able to take. Just tying to swallow that stuff makes me sick! lol
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I normally use the frozen pie crusts because I normally would make a cream pie that doesn’t need a top. They must have been around for a long tie as I remember my mother using them also.
I do enjoy going out to see some holiday shows and concerts this time of year. In two weeks we are seeing another play called Plaid Tidings and then right before Christmas we go to a Christmas Guitar night-that is not so much Christmas music it’s more the time of year that they always have it. Speaking of Christmas shows-Kendall’s brownie troop is going to see the Nutcracker- one of the girls told her mother that they were going to see “Walnut” lol Obviously she doesn’t know anything about the ballet but that just cracked me up-she knew the title had something to do with nuts. lol Gosh-kids say funny things. I think there may be a TV program in that. lol
You know, Adele, if we all lived around you-you would have to bake twice as much as we would all be dropping in to sample your newest creation. This coming up season must be like the Super Bowl for all the people that love baking. On your mark-get set- Bake!!!
Gail -
Hi Debbie,
Yes Fruity is with Brent in NM. Can’t wait to see her again-not. He won’t be back here until December so I have a little more Fruityless time left.
Because of my flat feet I thought those Alegria shoes would be good for my feet like Birkenstocks but they rub me in a funny place so have never been able to wear them for long.
I got that OTO with the shoulder zippers too. I really like it a lot-it may be one of those that I go back for more colors. For days when I’m feeling subdued (when is that you might ask?) it’s just a touch of sparkle.
I believe Angel’s wedding is this Friday coming up which is the 20th maybe. It’s almost here. I hope that she has a great day.
You’re right it is coming up to a year since Lisa R. left. I suppose if she had some sort of non compete clause in her contract maybe she will pop up someplace else now. or maybe she will do something totally different.
You are right-it’s time to start decorating although I know we won’t yet so we will end up being behind as usual. Mostly I like to make sure that shopping for the grandkids gets done and then everything else can fall into place after that and so far I have done nothing for the grandkids. I have to seriously make a list and get things going for them.
Is it just me or has anyone else been disappointed in the Q’s holiday programming? it seems other years I could find gifts and decorations and this year it’s just blah to me. Or maybe I have been watching so long that I have just seen it all. Like today’s TSV-who is going to buy two Clarisonics-unless you have two daughters or something to gift them too. It just doesn’t make sense. At this point I don’t know how they can even compete with something like an Amazon or even Ebay which has just about everything.
Today I am grateful that you are feeling better and I hope that it continues.
GuestNovember 16, 2015 at 1:09 pmPost count: 58Hello, hello anyone home? I think I found everyone again, sort of. My last post went to the end of the page due to my hitting reply on the last post. Must be what everyone’s doing? Seems if you reply to Gail’s first post they stack up top of the page and not at the bottom?
Ah, I bet Fruity is busy beating up other unsuspecting doggies, and I bet they are tougher in New Mexico than in Illinois too so he better watch himself, oh what a Christmas present that will be when he arrives again, maybe he’ll run off last minute with some cute Dominatrix Poodle and you’ll be saved!
What color did you get in Zipper Shirt, I got the gray, it’s darker and my second in that color from Quacker and I like it. Just washed it and I might try to wear it today. I’ve been buying lace sleeved shirts off Q thinking I’d be cooler. I need cotton pull on pants I believe and give up my heavy Dreamjeanne’s sometimes…but Quacker rise is way to high in lots of pants for me, who else to try, any ideas?
Anyone buy any of Issac Mizrahi’s (or Mazarati as Jeanne used to call him) try his 24/7 pants?
I’m grateful you are all still here chatting away and are as welcoming as ever of course, you get what I mean. Sweet!
Hugs and much love,
Debbie from the Great State of Needing a Mommy again! Sheesh!
Hi Colleen
Debbie’s post is way, way. back. I do not know how that happened- I read it from my email, and then scrolled back to find it.
I will do a special prayer for your kids who are in the service, and hope nobody gets sent to, or near Syria or Iraq. You and Ron, would be a wreck. We would all worry with you. We have so much technology. I hope we use it, instead of “boots on the ground”, as they say. too many people have died because of these lunatics. the President is on TV right now, and I missed the beginning, so I do not know if something else happened in the last hour. I hope not.
Where is the base that your daughter is at? I hope it is in the US. I forgot where she went- I think I do remember it was here, not abroad. I hope I am remembering it right.
I could not live without TV. It is my main entertainment. Can you imagine a world without Tom Selleck?? LOL Hey…..Gary wore his Tom Selleck sweater Saturday night, and I did not notice, as it is the same color as the sweater he wears every night…..LOL He was very upset I did to notice, and has not put it back on since then. I guess if he were the cook, I would be eating potato soup for a while.
I hope you are having a good Monday, and that your hip is feeling better, and your belly!
Adele -
OMG, Gail, you did make me have a belly laugh……..get ready, bake!!! LOL LOL
We would have so much fun, if we were all closer. No housework would ever get done, and it would be laugh, laugh, laugh.
You should see my kitchen table- the new pie takers, and washed and ready. the recipes, are on top of them, and the cookbooks, with the recipes I will use for next week. Thank God this table is big enough for me to put the things I need on the end, and still the 4 of us fit on the table to eat, with no problem. It always has the 2 leaves in it.
This week, I have to wash the serving bowls, and the crystal glasses we use for the holidays- the colored ones. I love colored crystal, as it makes the table so festive looking. Tillie said we should use them every Sunday, and she is right. I think after the holidays, we will, and then they will not need to be washed before Thanksgiving! I also changed out the everyday dishes. For the holiday season, I use the Charter club, from Macy’s holiday china that has ribbons ion the design. I even have some Christmas glasses. Last year, I bought more Christmas everyday glasses, and the pattern came off in the dishwasher before the end of the holiday season. I have 6 left of my old ones, that I got over 20 years ago, and they still have the designs on them……although they are showing some wear. you just cannot find glasses for the holiday that you can use every day, and the Christmas pattern will not die in the dishwasher. I really do love the holiday decorations. It just makes the cold, bleak winter days seem so much more sparkly.
That is so funny about Kendall and the Walnut play!! They are going to love the Nutcracker. We used to go to the Boston Ballet every year for the nutcracker when Heather was little, and then with Steph, when she was about 4. We took Amanda when she was old enough too, and then my issues with my knees started, an we did not go into Boston anymore. Then, we started to go to the annual play Scrooge is in…..I have a brain cramp, and cannot remember the name of the play!! It is done by a fabulous group at the North Shore Theatre, a theatre in the round, and the cast is fantastic. We used to take the entire family, a week before Christmas, and go to brunch before the play. Then the kids got older, and teenagers are just not as interested. They will be again, when they have their own family, I hope. Gary loved that, and made it clear he would not ever t go to the ballet for the Nutcracker.
Holidays are upon us….fun, fun, fun!!!
Hope your day is going well!
GuestNovember 16, 2015 at 12:55 pmPost count: 58Good Morning Quacker’lacker’s, how’s the baking going?
Question….when you come on to reply are you all hitting the reply button from the very last post on the page? Or What? I came yesterday and posted not knowing where it would show up once published and I went in to reply via Gail’s first post and saw mine posted up top first one under hers….and I see Adele’s been a busy beaver and posted this morning and it’s at the end of all the prior posts….so giving that a try today….but what are we doing that makes the most sense to find easily and so there’s some order to things? As if I’m all orderly, do forgive.
Trying to come on and not be so wordy and see how my wee heady does on that. I need a schedule and when one gets to feeling crappy that seems to go out the window. I think I need a mommy right now, I need help dressing deciding how to stay cool in boots and jeans this time of year when I’d rather be in my light weight crop pants. I need cotton pants for sure. Maybe if I bought one of those Beer Can Crochet hats I could get away with wearing crop pants in winter and no one would notice, maybe a nice pink variegated yarn with some nice old Schlitz can’s to boot? Would anyone ever look down or would they just simply move away! Walk on! I watch those Royal’s on E and she just gets to tell people what to do that Queen, crack’s me up when she demands they Walk Away! At times I”m thinking I’d like to try that out on the hubby, walk away now….and leave the cooking to me…lol. He broke a dish this week which never happens so it must of been his turn in life.
OK I’m off to figure out what to wear today as I have a rare lunch date with my Garden Club friend Sonya from Kalispel, Montana. She joined a year ago and we are just starting to get together on our own so that’s my great news. She’s OK knowing I have pesky issues and need to confirm the day of so it’s official, I feel well enough to be out and about. I have my Trader Joes add too and I’m going to go buy some of their goodies to try, they had me at Rosemary Garlic Monkey Bread and Organic Carrot’s of Many Colors….oooh living it up in Oregon!
Love you all, be well….
GuestNovember 16, 2015 at 1:12 pmPost count: 58Oh OH….I posted by replying to Gail’s reply about good old Fruity….and I see it posted mine below Gail’s a few back….ah live and learn…..slowly but surely….That’s the Ticket! ;O) No one is doing it that way I bet?
Man, they have that I am not a Robot covered! I had to do multiple choice to prove I am human, well sort of…..lol.
Debbie-go to the very bottom of the page where it says Reply to: it’s November the month of blah blah blah and post in that big box there. When you hit submit under there be sure to check the box about being notified of replies to this discussion. You have to check that box every month when I change the discussion page. Hope this helps. The 24/7 pants are like a polished cotton-they are probably much lighter than the DJ’s.
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 16, 2015 at 3:34 pmPost count: 58hi Debbie
LOL LOL LOL What in the world did you do? I and to write in my name and email to respond to you. This is just too funny! I got the I am not a robot thing too.
Gail is correct- you need to check the box at the bottom, and you will receive email notification’s pf all posts. Just remember, when Gail starts a new page, you have to check the box on the bottom again.
We miss hearing from you, so I hope you figure it all outHope you have a good time out- which Quacker did you decide to wear?
Adele -
Hello to All. Cool and rainy here tonight. Jerry just got home from visiting with his Mom at the Rehab part of the hospital. She is to be released on Wednesday and for right now she says she is going to her youngest sons home. His wife is the one who just had a stroke in August. I hope she will be able to do alright with all this. He has not been very good to her lately; so I am very concerned about my SIL and how this is all going to turn out. But we take each day as it comes, and hope for the best. I know it will eventually dawn on Jerrys Mom that she is no longer at her own home, and then we will see what happens. Jerry had a great idea, I thought, but we are definitely keeping it to ourselves for now. Since his youngest brother and his wife are going through such troubled times right now; that he could just move in with his Mother at her home; and that way she would feel more comfortable and safe, and mabey he and his wife would have time to work things out between the two of them. I know that she is trying to recover from the stroke and that this will only cause more stress on her right now. So much to think about; but in this case; since we have been told to stay out then that is what Jerry has decided to do. I feel so sorry for him. His brothers are not showing him the respect that he has certainly earned.
Today I am grateful that Joey and Lisa seem to be happier with each other. They came by for dinner; and it was like seeing the “old Lisa”. She seemed more relaxed and really engaged in the conversation. Hope this is a good sign.
Jerry and I went out to dinner last night. Neal and Sarah went to her parents for dinner. It is still strange for me not to ask our son what his plans are; but see him more and more everyday as a grown man; and not the little boy I used to carry around on my hip. He was such a sweet child; full of fun and pranks. I really think it has been more of my reluctance to let go of the past that has kept me from taking hold of the future and celebrate all the new things in life. Bottom line; I just don’t think I was ready to give up on my youth; and hand it over to a new generation. Am I making any sense?
I got in the baking mood today; and went ahead and did two chocolate cream pies. (test run for the T day ha ha) And may I just say; they tasted great! Seal of approval all around.
I am now searching recipes for appetizers. Any good ideas that have worked for you all in the past? I was thinking of having Lisa bring her hot wing dip again; but think that would be a little heavy with all that turkey. Just something easy to munch on while we smell all the other goodies baking away.
Doctors visit went good. We had the last appointments of the day; so we got out in just an hour and a half LOL And my prayers were answered; since the phlebotomist was on duty that is good; so only two sticks. She apologized so much for it taking twice; but that is a victory where I am concerned.
Debbie, I am SO HAPPY that you feel well enough to come visit on here. That is a great Thanksgiving blessing. Now to just get Colleen to feeling better so she can enjoy her holidays. Whoo Hoo!
Glad your King Arthur flour goodies came in on time for the big day. Wish we could be there to do taste testing. I guess I burned myself out on apple recipes; although I did find what sounded like a tasty applesauce cupcake recipe. Sure bet it would be moist made with the applesauce. It had cream cheese icing on them. How can you beat that?
We have an appointment with the insurance advisor tomorrow. We have been waiting weeks for it so that is why Jerry can’t pick his Mom up at the hospital. Probably better this is how it worked out anyway.
Take care everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful week. Would you believe that I haven’t bought the first Christmas gift yet? And for some reason; it doesn’t even seem to stress me in the least. I have taken on Jerrys way of looking at things. He doesn’t even seem to realize that it is right around the corner, and he usually comes up with good ideas at the last minute; so I am just going to wait and see what tomorrow brings. Hugs to all, Barbara -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 17, 2015 at 9:55 amPost count: 58Hi Barbara
So glad you are well. So sorry about your MIL. I think we would all agree, she would be more comfortable in her own home. It would be great if Jerry’s brother could see that. But, you can never tell what a person’s motivation is. You are all in my prayers.
Any horderves I would do, only add to the fat and calories….LOL Actually, we never do any, just go right to the meal. Mostly because they are always late to the table around here….and they only live 5 minutes away! However. last year, with the stuffing that would not fit in the bird, I did those bacon wrapped stuffing bites. They were a huge hit, and I am going to do them again.
It is hard to come to terms with our new/old bodies, and our limitations. I am still shocked at the woman I see in the mirror. She is just not me, and I do not know how she got there. I only recognize her sparkly clothes! Everyone here reminds me I have no business doing the things I do, but, I keep trying. Having to change our standards for clean, to a little less than we like, is not easy. At least we can still bake and (occasionally) cook. Today I am making chicken soup. This time, I am making dumplings to go in the soup. Got that recipe from one of my Yankee Magazine cookbooks ( the dumplings). Just want to do something different than noodles in it. I wanted to have leftover soup to freeze, for dinner next week, when the Bake-a thon begins. On my schedule are 4 pies, cranberry chutney, butter rolls ( a recipe you can do the day before by letting them rise a little, then finish rising the next day), corn bread in my cute little pumpkin pan, and a broccoli/cauliflower dish form the Chew. Good God. When I put it all down, I think I am nuts.
I am glad Lisa and Joey are doing better. A nice Thanksgiving present for you! Also thrilled your doctor’s visit went better than expected. I love good news!
I think your rain is coming her tomorrow…..LOL
it is sunny here, and very chilly, but, not freezing. Also good news.
Hope your Thanksgiving prep is going well.
Today I am grateful for all the men and women who protect everyone every single day, all over the world.
Adele -
Just a quick note as I have lots to do.
Debbie, how is your friend Vicki doing? I’m glad that you have met others through the garden club. I have that same gray shirt with the zippers. Great minds think alike. That outfit surely would be complete topped by a nice crochet beer can hat.
Adele, you are inspiring me to put away my herbs and (what else) butterfly dishes and take out my snowman dishes this year. Haven’t done that in a long time. You really go all out for the holiday table. You should take a picture as I’m sure it will be set up ahead of time.
Barbara, I think at some point we all want to keep our kids little but then we realize that we are just their temporary custodians and our real job is to help them grow to happy healthy contributing members of society so that life can go on and we can share in that legacy through the next generation. I hope that Joey and Lisa will find some peace in their relationship-they have been together a long time and hopefully their love will get them through this twist in the road too. I pray that your MIL will continue to do well and a living situation can be figured out that will make everyone happy.
Yesterday I was doing a load of laundry. I have a front loading machine and I noticed the last few times I ran it the sound was quite loud and I figured it needed to be balanced again. So yesterday about 40 minutes before i was supposed to babysit I was in my bathroom and the laundry room is right on the other side and i thought i better check the wash because it’s so loud. Well I walk in there and it smells like burning and there’s smoke coming from the machine. So i stop it really fast-open it and smoke comes out so I grab the clothes and pull them out and pull the plug on the machine. Needless to say I didn’t want to leave the house right away after that as i was afraid the machine would burst into flames. So i had to call Adam and and tell him last minute that I couldn’t leave the house. Fortunately his brothers wife Kelly doesn’t work on Mondays and they are only three doors away so he was able to take the kids there. I guess I’m the only sitter this week as the other Grandma is in Washington and her friend just had her adenoids out so i will be busy. Plus my computer restarted and it won’t let me on the website again so I have to come on by clicking on a link at the bottom of a Quacker email. This is really starting to tick me off. I’ve had so many “puter” problems later. So now I have washer and puter problems. As Rosanne Roseanna Danna used to say “it’s always something.”
Gail -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 17, 2015 at 12:06 pmPost count: 58OMG Gail!
Thank God you looked before you left, and it did not cause a fire. Look on the site where you bought it, and see if anyone made comments about that being a defect with that washer.
How old is the washer? What brand is it? We have an LG front loader- got it last year. Just want to know if I have to watch for that, too.
I use the Christmas dishes every day, because I want to enjoy the season to the fullest, especially since I cannot go out like I used to, to get onto the spirit of the holiday. On Thanksgiving, I use my regular china, the Lenox Autumn pattern. with the colored crystal glasses. You should take out your snowman dishes, so you can enjoy them. Tis the season!
I have my soup on the stove, and just in time. My Amanda Minnion called, saying she was not coming over to help today, as she is sick. She sounds awful. I am going to send some soup home with Heather for her. I hope she is well by next week.Debbie- how did the garden Club go? Did you all have fun? I always wanted to join the Garden Club. Maybe I will look into that this spring.
I hope you come on soon to tell us how you are again, and that your computer lets you in! Since you said that, I have been getting that message to put in my name, and prove I am not a robot….LOL LOLAdele
Hi Adele,
We have an LG front loader also. It’s about three or so years old maybe four. I’m not sure. I really love mine and would get another in a minute. Much easier for me to take the clothes in and out of. I am short so if the washer is a top loader I practically have to stand on my head to reach the clothes in the bottom. I know it’s not a problem for most people but I bet that you can sympathize. I’m trying to think of a good easy appetizer for Barbara. I used to love to make appetizers when we entertained more but now we just meet people at a restaurant so I don’t make much anymore. I will see if I can come up with any ideas. Jenny works for an appliance store so she has someone coming out to look at my machine tomorrow. Hopefully it can be fixed all on the same day so I can be up and washing again. I am always washing something it seems and this washer has a great hand was cycle for all my Quacker.
Gail -
Hi Gail,
If you just miss a day you really miss a lot. I have a lot of reading to do. The Amish do have running water. I am not sure how it is done but not with electricity. It may be a gas engine. They can use gas for the water and the refrigerator. It is funny to see. They cannot use gas run vehicles though. They can ride in a car if someone else is driving. It is really confusing and would be confusing to the kids I would think. They do have lamps that are run on gas but have to conserve what they use. It is just interesting. I need to read some of the books that I have on them again. It has been awhile since we have been there and I have forgotten some of what I knew. The group that you saw were probably Mennonites. They dress like the Amish and have some of their beliefs. They do have electric in their homes though and drive cars and can use gas engines, They also go to schools with regular kids. That did not sound right but you know what I mean. The Amish cannot they have to go to their special school.
I do take medicine for my stomach but it does not always help. If I ever find a doctor that takes my insurance I will ask for something that will help between taking the protonix. I have waited all this time for this doctor to call and give me the appointment and I finally got a hold of them and they do not take my insurance. Now I got their name from the insurance company. So that was very aggravating. I called the insurance company and told them about it and she just said oh I will look for another one. So here we go again,.I am looking for another insurance company.
I bet you are excited about Fruity coming home.lol It will be great to have Brent though. I guess if Brent comes with the dog that is not too bad. Maybe fruity will run away on the trip back to Illinois. Or like someone said maybe he will run off with a poodle that catches his eye. Where is Lady when you need her. I guess the Tramp is keeping her busy.
I hope that Kendall enjoys seeing Walnut.lol It will be fun for them to see the Nut Cracker. They have a local group that does that around here. They do it every year. It is funny because they have the older girls who move on and the younger ones take their place. They do it without any problems. I have not seen the Nut Cracker in a long time.
Gail have you ever tried the pie crust that comes in the fridge section. There are two of them in a box and they are rolled up. You just take them out of the box and put one crust on the bottom and the other on the top. it works out really good. If you ever decide to make a pie that needs a top that is a good way to go.
Well that is about all from here.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I still have not found Debbie’s post so will just answer the ones that are on here. I am not good at this anyway. I may not have the patience to do much looking right now. I will try again later.
My daughter and her family are stationed at Ft. Lenard Wood. They are here in Mo. Ron was stationed there when he first went into the Army. We had both been there but times were not as bad back then. He took basic training there. They sent him to Korea instead of Vietnam though. He was a medic so was glad that he was sent over there. He could not hear out of his one ear so they would not send him to Vietnam. They had enough trouble going on over there.
Shame on you for not noticing Gary’s Tom Sellek sweater. lol That is funny. I would miss Tom Sellek also. That show is so good. Did they ever say anything else about Donny’s wife on the show? She still had that bullet in her and never did hear if they pursued it any further or not. They cannot just leave it like that. Sometimes we miss it. We just forget it is on. I need to set it up so it tapes it every time it comes on. So if we forget and watch something else then we can still see it.
You do a lot of baking. I cannot imagine all the dishes that you have on the table. It must be a big table if you can still eat at one end of it. We do not use my crystal anymore. I guess we quit when we had all the little grand kids. They seem to drop things. Maybe when they all grow up we will use it again. We do not drink wine with dinner that much anymore either. It is because of all the meds that I am on right now. That really ruins the holidays. I like a glass of wine with a meal. You have to do so much to work it in it is not worth it.
Gail was really lucky that she smelt that burning before she left the house. That could have been terrible. It is not fun to have the washing machine to go out. I have the same on my washing machine so I do not have to hand wash my Quacker. Do you wash yours in the machine? I have a top loader though, Ron will help me take it out if my back is hurting.
I love the movie about Scrooge and the play. Have not see the play for a long time. It was a college group that did the play. I have not seen it at the Fox that is where the paid actors and actresses are at. Sometime the college kids do a much better job. They work at it harder. They want to impress people. Well at least they want to impress their parents and family.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night. Hope that you are not getting all the rain that we have had. It has been raining for two days.
Colleen -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 17, 2015 at 6:52 pmPost count: 58Hi Gail
I hope that is not a defect with these washers. That was scary. Oh yes- that is why I got the front loader, and the drawer underneath- due to Tillie, and my need to be able to reach in easily. I found it quite amusing that the laundry detergents do not fit into the drawer.
I hope it gets fixed fast for you. being without a washer is a pain.hey girls….did anyone get to see the Chew today? The entire segment was the news report of the plane coming into Logan, with the unruly passenger. I was htrilled it was not bomb related, but I missed the whole Chew. I will have to Google the Chew to see what they did today.
Colleen- how is your stomach doing? Did you have your shot yet that was scheduled for this week?
Hope everyone is busy getting ready……..
Adele -
Hi Debbie,
It is good to have you back. This site is harder to figure out then the old site. It took all of us awhile to figure it out. There are still somethings that I do not know how to do. I would love to change that picture that I have on here and put up a picture of my dogs. That would be a much better picture.
You could start a new fad. You could wear your crops and sandals and just get the ones that tie up your leg. I think they call it Egyptian style. Do you ever watch the Chew? They have a guy on there that always wears shorts and crocks. He is a chef. This has become his style and no one says anything. Just wear it like you own it and people will think that they are missing out on a new style. You could wear your boots with your crops. That would still be cooler. You could do like the kids are doing and wear the jeans with holes in them. My teenage grand daughters do that all the time and so does my youngest daughter.
It is good that you have made a new friend that understands your problems. Hope that you had a good lunch today. It is nice to just go out and eat lunch with a friend and not have to worry about anything. We are all just glad to hear from you no matter if it is short or a long post.
I am on here someday’s and then not others. That old stomach problem is back. It really does not like to stay away for very long. I need to find something to keep it under control.
Has your dog been eating anymore of your money? That is so funny that he did that and you pieced it back together again. He is a character. We have the two dogs now and the one I would gladly get rid of. He was supposed to be a puppy and it turned out he was 4 or 5 years old. Ron took him anyway since he thinks he cannot leave a dog homeless. So now we have him and he is a pain in the neck. He gets into things and runs off. We both kind of are use to him though and would not take him to a shelter. We are suckers that is our problem and those people knew it when they brought the dog over. We have had to train him not to kill our guineas. It has taken a long time. We have fox around and a coyote that comes in the yard. They both like to eat the guineas also. So we have to really watch at night and keep them locked up. They are fast at night and can run away from everything. At night they are lifeless. They do not run or fight back. It is really weird.
Well not that was boring. Talk about someone needing to get a life. How are you niece and nephew doing? Will they come by for Thanksgiving or just for Christmas. They must be getting a lot older by now. They will need to get their cereal. I am going to be a grandma again. The baby is a girl and will be born in January. I cannot wait.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 17, 2015 at 7:09 pmPost count: 58Hi Colleen
They never mentioned the bullet in Donny’s wife again. Kind of left that one alone. they have been focusing on her PTSD. They are doing a nice job with that- making people realize how much damage those things do to a person. Not just the physical ones, the mental damage.
What those poor people in France must be going through. This has to end. I heard on the world news that France and Russia bombed the heck out of them today. I hope they got the masterminds, and did some damage to their supplies, and weapons. So, is Ron glued to all the news reports?
I am glad your daughter is in this country. That is good news, and I love good news!
Did you see DWTS last night? I was so happy the hero, Alex, got all 10’s. It was so important to what happened in France this week, that he got the 10’s. I was crying. Can you imagine how many people those 3 young men saved? God bless their courage.
I mentioned in my other post that I was not able to see the Chew because of the news on the plane coming into Logan. I am going to look on their site, to see what I missed.
Hope you are feeling better!
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
It is better that your mil moved in with the younger brother. What makes them think that she will not know that she is not at home? Does she have dementia? It seems like she will recognize her own home. This may not go over too well at first. I think that you and Jerry have a good idea for her to go home and your bil stay with her there. She would be a lot more comfortable. This will be hard on your sil since she just had a stroke.
That is good news about Lisa and Joey. Maybe it is doing her good to see this doctor that she is seeing. Head injuries can be really difficult. I am just happy that you had a nice evening with her and Joey. She must really care about him it is just spells that she goes thru. I will keep them in my prayers and your mil.
Your chocolate pies sound really good. Your probably did not have to do a test run. The kids would have liked you pies no matter when you baked.them. Are all the kids going to be at your house for Thanksgiving? That will be nice. Only two of mine will be there so we will be a few short. It is not easy sharing my oldest daughter with this guys family. I guess I would feel different if they were married. I am not being very nice right now. I guess I have been spoiled all these years with all the kids coming home for holidays.
I hope that you had a nice night out with Jerry. It is nice that you could get away for awhile just the two of you. Hope that you had a good meal. We are going out to eat tomorrow. We might just get something and bring it home. Right now it is better for us to do it that way.
It is raining really hard here right now. We have been getting rain for the last couple of days. We have had 3 inches already and it is still raining. I am glad that we live on a hill. This water would be standing in our road if not. We will only have one way to get out of here tomorrow because of the low water bridges. They will all be running over. We will not get any mail either. Our mailman is selective about when he runs.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi All,
Whoops, I almost missed the Quacker show-good thing it was recording-i was thinking it was at two my time but it was noon my time instead. Well, the news on the wash machine is not good. It will cost almost as much to fix as it will to get a new one. I loved that machine too and it is not that old.
Adele, he said these machines do have that problem with the drum coming loose-but he said the newer top loaders are having problems with the loose bearings so it’s kind of a crap shoot. He said he would buy an extended warranty (which of course we never do) because the problems seem to come about four years in. So I guess I will be getting a new wash machine for Christmas this year.
Scrooge or a Christmas Carol is one of my absolute Christmas favorite stories. I love the idea that it is never too late to be redeemed. There is something so uplifting about someone so set in their ways seeing the error of the life that he has lived and doing something about it. I guess that is the eternal optimist in me.
Colleen, we are lucky That Jenny and Adam always come for Christmas. Since his ex lives with his parents he really doesn’t like to go to their house for things very often. But I have always told the kids that it didn’t matter to us if we saw them on the actual day as long as we saw them sometime around the holiday. I do that because Greg’s Mom insisted that it wasn’t right unless we came on the actual holiday and that always bothered me.
Well, I need to go scramble up some lunch and watch the rest of the program-talk later. I’m sure that some new items will be coming my way.
Gail -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 18, 2015 at 7:46 pmPost count: 58Hi Gail
I got the contract on mine. But, I do not think it goes out 5 years. It may only be 3. I will have to renew it, no matter what! I did read that, and got spoke to the repair man who cmae for my last machine about it. he was pretty confident they worked that glitch out. I guess not. Got mine from Best Buy, in the summer of 2014.
OMG…the play was A Christmas Carol. It is so funny when we forget the name of something! Did you ever see the one on TV with that older, actor, who is mostly a dramatic actor….OMG, I cannot remember his name right now. I may have to google it later. I remember….George C Scott! He was a fabulous Scrooge. I have that movie.
My other all time favorite one is White Christmas. We used to watch it the night of Thanksgiving.
Hope you watch the comedies tonight- they look hysterical!
Adele -
Happy almost turkey day to all my favorite Quacker buddies! We had bad storms all night, and now it has turned from the 70’s yesterday to then down in the 40’s after the storms. Our lights had begun to flicker early yesterday with all the strong winds, so I called the power company and they came out and checked our lines, and I honestly believe that is the reason we kept our power on during all the storms last night. Sure was grateful for that. Our closest neighbor lost power, and Neals doggie Ellie barked all the time the power company was out here working on their lines. I know Sarah got very little rest, since she is such a light sleeper. I was awake anyway; you know how my sleep habits go. I think of you girls when I am up roaming around during the night; or playing some little game on my I Pad. I told Sarah she should try some soft ear plugs or one of those sound machines; but for some reason she just won’t. Mabey thats an idea for a Christmas present! I did break down and buy a couple of gifts for my DIL’s. It is some little flip flop shoes that you wear when you have a pedicure; fancier than the ones you get at the nail salon. I was thinking of those pedi things on the Q for them; but didn’t want to offend them. I just love mine and had one for years. What are some good ideas you all have since you all have daughters and grand daughters. I can usually think of boy or men gifts; but am not as good as for my DIL’s and grand daughter. I gave them all sets of PJ’s and slippers last year. Please give me some ideas.
We are doing Thanksgiving on Friday this year because of Joey having to work on Wednesday and Thrusday night. I just want us all to be together. Sarah is going up in Tennessee with her Mom and Dad on Thursday to her grand parents. So I guess all she will want for Friday is the pecan pie ha ha. Joey,s birthday is on the 29th. He has asked us to please contribute to his “computer” fund if anyone can; since he is saving for one. He of course said if anyone is unable to that all he really wants is a German Chocolate cake and since we are having our dinner on Friday, he would like to have his birthday cake the following week; since he plans to still be doing turkey sandwiches and leftover dressing for a few days afterward ha ha. He is such a sweet boy. He would gladly give anyone the shirt off his back. He gave Lisa a kiss the other night when she came in the door from work when they were up here to eat dinner with all of us. They both seemed so relaxed that evening. Jerry and I both noticed it, and commented on this after they left. I keep hoping and praying they will find peace in their lives. It was two years ago the middle of next month when she had that horrible accident and we almost lost her.
Colleen, have you gotten your doctors appointment yet? Hope so. How are you feeling? If you don’t mind my asking; is the Protonix for your belly burning or do they feel it will help your bile duct problem? Is it stones that block your bile duct or do they know? Did they put a stint in your bile duct? Do you feel like you are in the doctors office with all these nosy questions? So sorry if I am asking so many questions, just trying to help if I can.
I am so grateful today for another day that I have been given on this beautiful earth. The leaves were so pretty today. I surely don’t take life for granted.
Jerrys Mom was released from the hospital today. It has really been nothing short of a miracle the recovery she has made. Of course, she is still all bruised and sore; but she has done so well. I just wish she could go back to her own home that she has lived in for all these years. But mabey she will be able to soon.
Gotta go for now and eat a little supper. Some one said the other day that they are watching their figure; watching it get bigger. LOL Angel surely looked pretty and very happy today. Its hard to believe that it is almost time for her marriage. I bet that will be a big event. Sounds like everyone at the Q will be there. Bet her dress will be so pretty. She has really lost a lot of weight. I’m happy for her. Wish they would have let her talk a little more on the cookie show today; but Jane has to fill us in on her cat and her ballerina. Guess she is just proud. Talk soon. Barbara -
Hi Adele,
I love a Christmas Carol and have probably seen every version of it including Scrooged with Bill Murray. I like White Christmas and Holiday Inn is another great old one and that is the movie that the song White Christmas actually originated in-not the movie of the same name. I love that little piece of trivia.
I don’t watch Blue Bloods so I don’t know about Tom Selleck’s turtleneck. Is that supposed to be Gary’s sexy outfit? If it is you must have bruised his ego by not noticing. I guess Greg’s sexy outfit would be his Elf costume with his gold tights and red wig. lol Speaking of that-Elf is another of our Christmas tradition regulars along with Christmas Vacation. I like to put on Christmas movies when I am wrapping gifts or writing cards. Yes, I am a dinosaur and still send out cards.
As for The Nutcracker I amazingly enough have never gone to see it but one of the local productions is on my radar and I do want to get tickets but I’m not sure if we can fit it in this year or not. Greg would go see it without a problem. Tell Gary that the male ballerinas are like finally tuned athletes-really-they are quite muscular from the dance and from lifting the ballerinas. Tell him to think of it like a sport. lol
I’m watching the Today show and right now the weather is saying we may be getting a foot of snow Friday night into Saturday. Already?!!! There goes trying to get outdoor decorations done this weekend. Oh well-it all seems to come together in the end. I’m finally starting to feel a bit more holidayish with Thanksgiving a week away. I do enjoy the day with no pressure of gifts and decorating-just people getting together to count their blessings.
Today, I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and someone that I love to share it with me.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I’m glad that Jerry’s mom is out of the hospital. It is a miracle the way in which she has recuperated. I hope eventually something can be worked out where she can go back home.
I think all of us in the midsection of the country have been having lots of wind and rains lately. Except the difference is we’re supposed to get snow Friday night into Saturday. Two years ago was a tough time for both our families as Kim died at the end of November two years ago and a few weeks later Lisa had her accident.
It’s funny that you have an easier time selecting gifts for the men in your family than the women-I am just the opposite-I always found it easier to find gifts for Jenny and Kim than for Brent and Adam-and Greg just gets what he wants for himself anyway. A lot depends on what each girl’s particular interests are. But I know Jenny likes special girly stuff-philosophy shower gels-nail polish sets-makeup sets or nice hair products that she wouldn’t normally buy herself. She is not really a jewelry or perfume person but she does like cute handbags. A lot of the younger people like those Clarasonics or some kind of activity tracker like the fit bit type things-they come in a variety of price ranges. If they are readers maybe something from Barnes and Noble. I once gave Jenny a pair of those cute Lamo sequined boots that they have on the Q. Hope that these ideas help you out. If you go to Ulta.com they have lots of cute makeup, nail and hair care sets. One year I got Jenny and Kim lighted makeup mirrors from there. I like to get people pampering things that they wouldn’t get themselves.
Gail -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 19, 2015 at 9:49 amPost count: 58Hi Gail
You really made me laugh with the turtleneck thing. Tom Selleck’s sweater is a cowl neck cardigan. Gary has a big neck, and he is bent over from his degenerative back disease, so he would look extremely funny in a turtleneck, and not one bit sexy…….. Oh yes, he was so put out, I have not seen that sweater on him since that day.
That said, I am going to follow you on what I am grateful for today. Today, I am grateful for my husband, who stands beside me, no matter what, and is the butt of a lot of my jokes. I think we all forget the most important person in our lives, and that they get us through a lot of tough times. As strong women, as I know all us Quackers are, we are no day at the beach to live with on a d good day…..LOL LOL
Oh dear- we are getting your rain from a few days ago tonight. Does that mean your snow is coming our way next???? I better get the guys to get up the garland, and the 2 remaining wreaths on the fence!!
Tonight, I am just making 2 loaves of sourdough bread. either one of the boys will get some fresh cold cut, or it will be egg salad.
I, like you, send out Christmas cards. I did not send any our t last year, because of the surgery, and I could not sit and write for that long. We send out way over 100 cards. I try not to forget anyone. What I find sad, is that every year, there is another person who is gone, and will no longer receive a card. Anther thing to be grateful for today, is those who are still with us.
Happy decorating, and prep work, my Quacky friends!!
I got the black Christmas tree shirt, the grey sweatshirt with the duckie in the sled, and one more I forgot….LOL At least, I think I got 3. I will have to check.
Quack Quack!
Adele -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 19, 2015 at 10:03 amPost count: 58Hi Barbara
How nice that Lisa got a little kiss in front of all of you. The 2 year mark is a biggie. When I taught the classes on loss, I told people it takes 2 full years for a healthy adult to begin to get over a loss. As I have always also said, who defines an emotionally healthy adult, when we all have our baggage that comes with? Hopefully, you are all on the mend.
today, I would say all your Quacky friends are grateful Lisa is still at your holiday table no matter what day it is, girlfriend!
On the holiday, I give the girls their favorite moisturizer form Clinique in their stockings, and sometimes one of those cute sets of 4 lip glosses, or eye liners. Last year, I got them one of those new face cleaning machines, so this year, I got them all a new brush head. I got only one machine, and they all got their own brush heads, as there is no need to get 3, if they are all in the same house. They also love to snuggle , so a soft furry throw is another biggie. (I am on waitlist for the Peanuts ones) All me girls love Coach bags, so all summer long, when I get the sale emails form Coach, I find a good deal for each of them, in a color that is their favorite. Kitchen gadgets are a biggie for Steph and Heather, as they have their own kitchens- from the In the Kitchen with Dave show, of course!.
The king Arthur site has a great German chocolate cake recipe. I copied it, but have not made it yet.
I have not been able to find the cookie recipes. HAs anyone found them? Where are they?????
I hope you stay warm, with your lights on! You must have an :in: with the light company, because up here, if anyone called saying their lights were flicking, they would do nothing. How did you get them to come out?
Stay warm!
Adele -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 19, 2015 at 12:03 pmPost count: 58Barbara…….I meant we are grateful no matter what day she is at your table, because you do not know what day you will all celebrate the holiday. I re-read it, and it did not sound right!
Adele -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 19, 2015 at 12:11 pmPost count: 58Forgot to say, I am so happy Jerry’s Mom is coming out of the rehab. Where is my brain today?????? Let me know if anyone finds it.
Adele -
Hey Adele,
I think I found your brain. It was up visiting mine in the state of confusion. If it makes you feel better I understood what you were saying to Barbara the first time. So true about what is a normal healthy functioning human adult. We all have our quirks. There’s a great song by one of our favorite groups Small Potatoes called They’re Not Normal Like Us-which we quote all the time when discussing someone else’s peculiar quirks. I used to be able to post videos on the old site but can no longer on this one so check them out singing it on YouTube. He is a very talented guitarist and they are both great songwriters-while you are there check out their song A Thousand Cranes too-it will make you cry. Unfortunately Jacque the girl has MS and is getting less mobile-my heart breaks for the day when she can no longer perform. I knew you would have some good answers for girl gifts with all the girls in your family-I’ll bet Colleen will have some good ideas too. -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 19, 2015 at 2:31 pmPost count: 58Hi Gailster!
Thank God someone found my brain!
I will have to look for that song, if I do not forget…..LOL
I just got Gary a Christmas sweater at Kohl’s. I cannot wait to make him wear it. I love to annoy that man. He had to wear the American Flag sweater to Marissa’s graduation, and out to dinner on Labor Day. Now, I have one for the holidays to annoy him with.
I think Colleen is having her shot today. That may be why we have not heard any good suggestions for girls; gifts yet.
It is getting gloomy here- thank you for sharing your weather.
AdelePS……bread is doing it’s second rise. That is all the boys are getting today. Either one of them will spring for fresh cold cuts, or they get egg salad.
I bought Greg a sweater from Tipsy Elves last year for Christmas wearing. That’s the company that was on Shark Tank. I’m sure Colleen will get on eventually with some girl ideas. How sad was that-she waited all that time for the referral to the gastro doc and then they wouldn’t take her insurance. Don’t get me started on the insurance companies-they make me crazy. Hey! Don’t forget to break out the turkey hat for Gary to wear on Thanksgiving. With that on he’ll be giving Tom Selleck a run for his money. For some reason I can’t picture a man in a cowl neck-I’ve only ever seen them for women.
Gail -
This gave me a chuckle.
Hey Adele-I just realized that your post count is zero. How did that happen?
I am thankful that all of us on here though we have a bad back, bad knees bad hips and are sick with something can all still walk and come on here and chat. We can still get out maybe not as much as we use to but we can still get out.
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 19, 2015 at 8:06 pmPost count: 58Amen to Colleen’s grateful statement for today. It says more than the words used to describe it. We are blessed. We have limits, but we deal width them, and are able to move on, and do what needs to be done for our families, and friends.
AdeleGail- the post count could be because I now have add my name, and email, and do the “I am not a robot thing”. Is everyone else having to do that?? If not, we may have to tell the nice man who handles the site, and find out why.
The cowl neck is on a cardigan, so it is not as big as they usually are. I tried to get Gary a sweater from Tipsy Elves, and they did not have any in his size. I should check it again this year!
I did not read about Colleen and the insurance fiasco yet- canto find her post on it. That is more than awful. It is inhuman.
I love the bird chilling in the sink!Adele
Hi Barbara,
They have put the stints in the bile duct and have cleaned them out two or three times. They have also put a stint in the drain to the pancreas. They just need to clean the bile duct out again. They have to do that every once in awhile. But the doctor that I have is slow on the uptake. So am looking for another doctor and it is not easy to find a good one. The really good ones have moved out of the area. I just need something to help with the nausea and getting sick. The protonix is for the acid reflux. It does help with the food trying to come back up. It just is not strong to help all the time. I do not know for sure how much of it we can take. I take two a day right now. When I could go to a gastro he would give me something else to help with all the sickness. I hope that I have not grossed everyone out.
That is so nice that Lisa and Joey did kiss. Maybe they have finally come to some sort of agreement. They now are realizing all of the problems and maybe Lisa is grateful that Joey and all of you are standing by her. I will keep praying for them all.
As for my daughters I buy them gift cards. They do not always like what I buy for them. Sometimes I will ask that what they want for Christmas and that really makes it easy. They will usually tell people what they want. Girls are better about that then the guys. But I am just the opposite of you. I have all girls so know what to buy them better the guys. My sils usually tell me what they want. My daughters tell them that if they don’t there is no telling what they will get. So they tell me now. This year it is all gift cards. My girls and the grand kids like to read. So that is another idea. I know that I am not much help . Gail and Adele will probably be better at it.
That is good news that Jerry’s mom got to come home. She will at least be home for Thanksgiving. I hope that things will work out for her. Was it at night when she got attacked? I wonder if that is part of the reason that she has sundowners. I am just really curious what is going on with her. She really went thru a lot of trauma.
I still have not gotten an appointment with a gastro. It is not going to happen. They said it is scar tissue that has blocked the bile duct.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail and Adele,
Gail I like the way that you let your turkey chill. That is a funny picture. If I knew how to set a turkey up like that I would do that when my daughter and her family come to see us on Wednesday. They are staying for the holiday and then they will go home on Friday night. Since I have to have another shot in my hip on Wednesday Melissa is going to come and stay and help fix Thanksgiving dinner. She will do most of the stirring and putting things in the oven and they are going to help to put up the Christmas decorations. She really wants to go thru my decoration and take a few that she wants. She is not kidding me.lol She is being really good about helping out. I really appreciate her doing this.
My brain goes on mini vacations all the time. I quit looking for it it usually comes home when it is ready. I will have to worry when it decides not to come back. Then I will have to send out for you girls to help me find my brain. lol
I did not know that the Tom Selleck sweater was Gary’s sexy look. That must have been a real let down if you did not notice him. That is funny. I have not found out what Ron’s sexy look is yet. At our age I think that we have lost it. We neither one look sexy at any time. We just do not want all the young ladies and men banging down our door. So we stay old and plain looking.lol Now that was a day dream. The only young people that come to our house are our grands. They always make us feel good about ourselves.
I bought two pairs of dream jeannes and two tops this time. I bought a Christmas top that had a picture going across the top and it said that I am a morning person on Christmas morning. That is as exciting as I get. I got the jeans with the sparkle on the bottom of the leg and a pair of the straight leg jeans and that was it. I forgot I bought a velvet shirt. I am not sure if it was on the show though. Maybe I got that before the show. See my brain is gone again.
This is the first time that I have heard of the tipsy elves shirts. That must really look cute. It is really nice that he will wear that elf suit for the ONP. I could not see Ron wearing one of those. That is coming up soon isn’t it. I hope that it works out really well for all the kids. That is such a great idea. All of you are so nice to do that for those families. They really appreciate it I am sure. How nice for them to have one really nice Christmas. That is one that they will never forget.
I love all those movies also. I have seen most of the Christmas Carol movies. I like the older ones that are in black and white. I like the one with Alister Sims and I can never remember the one that was in the first one. I know that in the first one it was a famous acting family that played Bob Cratchet and his wife and there one daughter was on there also. I cannot remember their names know. I think that it was June Lockhart. I am not sure though. I love White Christmas and Holiday Inn. They just do not make that good anymore.
Well girls that is about all from here. Oh I forget to tell Barb that most girls like shower gels and lotion.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
I love those DJ with the sparkle on the bottom. They are so pretty and festive and go with everything because of the multicolored sparkles. We will all be so pretty in our Christmas finery. I wore my turkey shirt yesterday as I figured the kids would like it.
I’m so glad Melissa will be there to help you-especially if you are having a shot on Wednesday. You will need to rest that hip. And she will help you decorate too. What a bonus!
Every year I like to give Jenny a new decoration for their home so eventually they will have a nice collection of things from us.
If you watch Shark Tank Tipsy Elves was a company that was on there a couple years back and has done very well ever since. They make the “ugly” Christmas sweaters and some of them are kind of “naughty” too. Check out their website if you want to see what they are all about. The sweater that I got for Greg just had elves on it. He doesn’t mind dressing up in the Elf costume. I think he’s used to it-when he was a kid his mother was always dressing him in costumes and putting him in shows. I have some old pictures of that somewhere. Someday I will see if I can scan them and post some. They are priceless.
Reginald Owen was in the earliest Christmas Carol in 1938. Maybe that’s who you were thinking of. Have you seen the Muppets Christmas Carol? I like that one too. I think I will have to look at a list and see if I have really seen them all-that should be interesting.
We are supposed to be getting a lot of snow tonight. It seems awfully early for that. I guess we will have to shop for a new wash machine too as John said it will be about $700 to fix mine so it is hardly worth fixing it at that price. Merry Christmas to me-I guess that will be my gift.
Gail -
Today I am grateful for all the beautiful Quacker clothes that I have in my closet. And I am grateful for all the wonderful Quacker friends I’ve made because of those clothes.
Adele, I have not been getting the I am not a robot thing. Maybe it’s because I usually end up just staying signed in. -
adele shanbar
GuestNovember 20, 2015 at 10:03 amPost count: 58Hello all
Is anyone else getting the “I am not a robot thing”? If not, I need to contact the Q to fix it for me.
Colleen- it is wonderful when the Minnions help us, when we need it. Last year, it was me, and this year, it is you. We are taking turns. We really have good daughters, and grands. The Minnions are at Colleen’s this year- watch out for the “Minnion Fart Blaster”……LOL Maybe Walmart is still selling them, Colleen.
I looked at the site for the sweaters, and there are no “big men” ones. I went back into Kohl’s and got a Christmas Minnion t-shirt for all the guys to wear- I can hear them complaining now!
You are going to look quite spiffy for the holidays- are you wearing a Christmas shirt, or a turkey one? I will be in my turkey shirt. So….the stuffed turkey, will be wearing a turkey…..LOL
I hope your shot goes well, and that it will make it easier for you to enjoy Thanksgiving.
I am so sorry about your gastro doctor appointment, and the insurance issue. I take Omeprazole ( generic for something) for reflux- maybe that one could help you. I take it in the morning, and one before bed at night.Today, I am grateful for my children, grandchildren, mother, and husband…..I think that gets everyone in there. I am also grateful to be able to provide a dinner for Thanksgiving, with help from all of them.
Hope everyone is not snowed in! It poured here through the night, and the sun is now out.
Adele -
I’m not getting the robot thing but I usually stay signed in. If you don’t try signing in when you first come over and see how that works. They are still working the kinks out as seen in that e-mail that we received.
I wore my turkey shirt yesterday-I have a cornucopia one too or I might wear my leaf with the vest or my short sleeve fall tee with the hoodie. I won’t bring the Christmas out until the following day and then it will be a free for all trying to get all 20 years worth of Christmas tops in-good thing we celebrate until Epiphany on Jan 6th. lol What can I say-I’m a Christmas Quacker piggie.
No snow yet but they still say it’s acomin’. I’ll bet pretty soon Angel will be a married woman. It’s been so long I can’t even remember how exciting it was. I wish we could all be a fly on the wall but then turn back to a person afterwards because my Christmas Quacker wouldn’t fit on a fly. I wish her much future happiness.
Gail -
Hi Gail
I did not get it just now. Maybe I was not signed in, and did not know it
I can’t wait to see the pics of Angel’s gown, and wedding! Oh yes….flies are way too small for the clothes that cover our nasty bits!
I cannot decide if I will wear my new turkey or cornucopia shirt, either. Maybe we could have a wardrobe change for dessert. Maybe we need to change a few times a day on a holiday, to get in as many as we can. We can have our breakfast shirt, followed by the lunch shirt, onto the dinner shirt, the cleaning up shirt, and ending with the watching TV shirt. That takes care of 4 a day. With that schedule, we should have had them all on by New Year’s Eve. We can really confuse them. They will wonder what day it is, and if they fell asleep….LOL LOLMy Heather Minnion was here most of the day. She dusted the entire house for me, and got all the crystal in the kitchen, so I could just load it in the dishwasher. I know you are not supposed to, but, I do them in the dishwasher. Doing them 3 times a year will not kill them. I told my friend Joyce to do her sin the dishwasher, and she said the gold will come off her dishes. I told her to give herself a break- by the time we die, with putting them in the dishwasher only a couple of times a year, who cares! It is better to have a little finish off, than we die doing all the dishes.
After Heather was done, we called Tillie upstairs, and we all had a cup of tea. We have not had the time to do that in a while. Heather went to meet Marissa after she left here, after she got out of work.
Glad you did not get blasted with snow yet!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
We have been hearing that snow is coming your way. That is odd that it is coming this early. Our weatherman has really been confusing with his prediction of the weather for winter. I think what he is doing is a lot of double talk and that way no one will know if he was right or not. This should be interesting to see if he is right or not.
I do not have any turkey shirts. I tried to get the turnkey shirt but it sold out before I got my order in. I did not get any of the pumpkins or the cornucopia. So will have to keep trying to get some of them for next year. I am like you and Adele I have enough Christmas shirts to dress everyone in the family. I will have to watch and see if a turkey shirt pops up on qvc internet. I will have to look up Quacker Factory.
Well it has been a long day here today. Last night I was up really late because I could not sleep. I was on the computer and I heard this loud noise and then I smelled smoke. I woke Ron up and we started investigating and we found three of our plug ins were burning. So Ron pulled them out got that taken care of and then he went today to get some new ones to put in. It burned the plug to my dish washer so we have to get a new one. Ron will get that tomorrow and will replace it and then I can use it again. Hopefully it did not burn my dish washer up. So needless to say I could not sleep all night. So I did a lot of sleeping today. Still am nervous and walking around smelling to be sure I do not smell anything else burning. We are going to get an electrician to come in after the holiday and have him check the wiring for us and see if we have a bigger problem then we think. It would have to happen right now. We have had that problem before though and Ron has replace a lot of our out lets. If it is not one thing it is 50 others.
I am sorry that you are going to have to replace your washing machine. This is not a good time to have to replace that either. I do not have the front load washing machine mine is a top loader. I do like them though. Danyielle has one and she really likes hers.
That may be the one that I am thinking of. Do your remember if If the Lockhart family was in that one? I like Reginald Owen he was good also. I have seen the Muppet one but it has been awhile ago. They did one with Mickey Mouse too didn’t they. It seems like I remember them doing that. They sure have had enough of them.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I really feel good that she is going to come and help. She is a good daughter and she can surprise me sometimes. They all are at times it is just finding a time when they are all like that at one time. We are lucky that we have our kids to help when we need them. How nice that Marissa came over and helped you dust. That was nice that you had tea with Tillie. She must have really enjoyed that. I like to drink hot tea but cannot stand to drink hot coffee. Never could stand it. I have tried different kids but it still tastes like coffee. We did drink some kind of fancy coffee thing at Star Bucks but it still tasted like coffee. My daughters keep telling me that I will like the coffee there.So they took me there to try one and it tasted a little sweeter but still tasted like coffee.
Well I bought all my frozen pies and have them in our freezer. It is going to be all frozen pre made things this year. I do not want to have to do a lot of cooking and Melissa to have to make all this stuff. I do not think that she has ever made a pie before. So will not make her do it this time. She is the one that put cinnamon in our chicken and dumplings. She picked up the wrong bottle. We all laughed at her. We ate them even though she did that. it will be fun to see how things go this holiday.
It is interesting that you are a robot. I have never got that message. It is nice that they are keeping us informed about what is going on with this site. It is going to take them awhile to get all the kinks out of it. It will be a really good site when they get it fixed.
I will just wear a sparkly shirt for Thanksgiving. I have done this every year so far. I usually wear one of my Christmas shirts the day after. With the kids being her to decorate I can wear one of my shirts. I usually wear one when I go shopping on black Friday. Will not be going this year. I will miss it but it cannot be helped.
Well that is about all from here. Read the post to Gail. It will tell all about the incident we had here last night. It is too much to write it again.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
That message finally stopped. I took Gail’s suggestion, and signed in again. Maybe I was signed out, and did no know it.
We are both lucky to have daughters, and grands to help. that will be my thankful message for tomorrow.
That is scary with the electrical sockets. Is your house really old? I read that to Gary, as it was freaking me out. (I read him all the things that happen to all of us, when they worry me, and when it is good news, or really funny) He said the older houses did not have the electrical wires in this “romex” stuff, and that could be the reason. Poor Ron. That is a lot of work, just before Thanksgiving. I hope it did not short out your dishwasher.
That is really funny about your Marissa and the cinnamon. They are all so funny, when they try to cook on their own. Did I ever tell you the first tie Heather did turkey, she made it with garlic, and it was so gross, none of us could eat it? It was really funny. she thought she could cook turkey like chicken.
I hope you get the electrical problem fixed by tomorrow, so you can sleep.
Prayers sent your way- for the electrical, and your hip.
It is getting chillier tomorrow, but, no snow yet.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I’m glad that I could help-I hope that your robot problem is solved. That is a good idea about changing shirts for every meal. Maybe I could get everything in then but it would generate a lot of laundry as every meal I would probably drip something on the shirt. it’s just that it’s hard to part with any Quacker so i have Christmas stuff from way back. The only things that I will willingly part with are the cotton shirts from years back. Number one they don’t stretch and somehow my midsection has gotten bigger lol and I never wore them as much because of the buttons at the cuffs. I like sleeves that can be pushed up like with knits. They were never practical because whenever I went to rinse a dish or a glass you had to unbutton the cuff and roll it up so I found I never got as much wear out of them. I am much more a t shirt girl than a white collared blouse girl. Plus I never wore the button covers-just not my thing.
I must say I never put my china in the dishwasher-it was my grandmothers so it is probably 100 years old. When my Mom lived in Louisiana she used it all the time when they entertained and put it in the dishwasher and a lot of the gold has worn off. The worst part was they had been living in an apartment for a couple of years before they moved and at that point the china was packed away in their storage room. When they moved to Louisiana the movers offered to unpack it and repack it for the move and Mom told them not to bother. Well needless to say when they arrived and Mom unpacked all but three of the dinner plates were broken. We were never able to replace them as the area that they were made in Germany was heavily bombed during the war and all the porcelain factories were demolished. So we have similar but not matching dinner plates. The only other people that I know that had the same China were my grandmother’s three sisters. So I hope that after they were gone and their daughters were gone that the granddaughters kept the china and didn’t just sell it off in a garage sale. I always check in antique stores- I figure eventually i will run across that pattern somewhere and maybe they will have dinner plates.In any case I haven’t used it myself in quite awhile. Used to use it for holidays but kind of stopped with the grandkids around-I would put the replacement pieces in the dishwasher but at this point in time I would still handwash the original pieces. The set has a beautiful soup tureen and a vegetable bowl that always reminded me of Aladdin’s lamp for some reason.
Well we’ve had a foot of snow so far and it’s still coming down but not as hard. Getting home from Jenny’s last night when it was coming down hard and fast was not a treat. When we got there the kids were all excited because it was snowing and they kept opening the patio door to look at it. When we came in Piper, of course, was running around naked-since she doesn’t wear a diaper she likes to be prepared in case she has to pee lol. Anyway, she says Gigi come look at the “no” with me-so I go by the patio door and she opens it and says-ohhh it’s freezing out there- so needless to say I stated the obvious. We did get her back in underpants until she spilled her water on them at dinner and then off they came until it was time to put on her pajamas. I hope she makes friends with clothes before she starts school. lol
I was hoping that Greg and I could go shopping for a new wash machine today but I guess it depends on the weather now as the roads were really bad last night. I took my throw rugs to Jenny’s last night and washed them there so when I clean the downstairs this weekend and wash the kitchen floor at least the throw rugs will be clean. The rest of the stuff-sheets towels clothing can wait as we have enough of those.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Yikes! I’m glad that nothing burned and that you and Ron are safe. I was going to say didn’t that happen before-it seems like I remember you talking about it happening a couple of years ago. It is a good idea to have someone come out and check your electrical system. I hope your dishwasher will be okay. I would hate for you to have to go out and buy a new appliance too.
Don’t worry about the frozen pies-no one will care as long as you are all together with your family. It’s not the food that brings us together it’s the day of giving Thanks with our family and friends. Every year we do what we can and some years it’s more and some years it’s less-we are just grateful to gather with loved ones. I heard yesterday that Patti LaBelle has a sweet potato pie that is just flying off the shelves at WalMart. And I know that the sides that you are serving will be good as I have had them myself. You will have fun that day and help with decorating the following day. Unfortunately my main minion will be in NM until right before Christmas so this year it will be mainly up to me to get things decorated. Greg will have to do the hauling for me.
Boy you are good! Because I am such a nerdy geek I had to check out June Lockhart in A Christmas Carol; well lo and behold she was Bob Cratchit’s daughter Belinda in the 1938 Reginald Owens version and Bob Cratchit was played by Gene Lockhart and Mrs. Cratchit was played by Kathleen Lockhart. I want you on my Trivial Pursuit team! Love that game. Gosh we haven’t had a good game night since the grandkids arrived. Pretty soon we can play some simple games with them again. That will be fun.
There was Mickey’s Christmas Carol-I think we may have it on VHS and there was a Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol too. everyone wants to get in on the action. And another musical one with Albert Finney. Does anyone else remember him from the movie Tom Jones? I must have seen that movie 100 times. I always thought he was so cute back then and of course a bit of a rouge-the 18th century version of the bad boy. lolGail
Today I am grateful that we have a pick up truck with a snow plow on it.
Click on the above pictures and then you can look at them full sized. I hate the way these stupid pictures attach.
This just in from Piper playing out in the snow. “Mmmmmm the “no” is good-it tastes like mac and cheese.”
Hi Gail
That Piper is hysterical. You would think, since it is colder and was snowing, her little bum would get cold and she would cover up. She is just to funny. Is she always hot? Maybe that is why she wants everything off. Aizen’s little hands are always hot, which amazes me. The others were always cold. Aizen hates anything that is not comfortable, and refuses to wear a hat. You cannot get him cords- will not wear them, or dungarees. he pulls anything off that is not soft and snuggly. Absolutely no hats, gloves, or bulky coats- he cries in coats, and we are in New England!
I hope you can get out today, and get your washer. I am like you- I wear everything on my chest. Thank God our shirts have the decorations in the right places, to hide any would be stains.
Since my Mom is German, I am curious- take a pic of the dishes. Tillie has one set that has gold around it, and used that one everyday. She has her wedding china, that is marked on the underside ” made in US occupied territory”, or something like that- that one is Rosenthal- octagon shape, with raised roses on the edges. That is awful that you lost the plates. There is a site called replacement China, I think, that you can get just about any pattern you can imagine- try that one.
Isn’t Angel’s gown fabulous???? I peeked at the site last night, and saw 2 pictures- one of her with Dennis Basso. Such a beautiful bride!Today, I am grateful for my Minnion granddaughters, and my daughter, Heather, who are all helping to clean, bake, and cut vegies. I am also grateful for bobby, who does all the shopping, putting the turkey in the oven, taking him out, and carving him….. and cleaning downstairs for Tillie. At our ages, it takes a village to do the holidays.
Quack Quack to all my good friends!
Adele -
Gail….that child is going to win an Oscar some day! LOL LOL Apparently there is comfort snow out your way!
Colleen- disguise the pies, and they will never know they were store bought. On the other hand, who cares? It is about the people, not where the food came from on Thanksgiving. they are all grateful you are at the table, and still her to love.
Love all you guys!!
Hope Barbara and Debbie are not snowed in too.
Hi Adele,
Yes, I was saying last night that I think I was finally getting a thespian in the family. You should have seen her standing naked on a step stool in the middle of the family room singing a mash up of Let it Go and Twinkle Twinkle-just like Evita standing on the balcony singing to the masses. lol
Believe me my mother checked all the china replacement sites. There are many similar patterns but I have never seen one exactly the same. I also have my grandmothers gold plate stainless silverware-my Mom used that a lot too and put it in the dishwasher so much of the plating is gone. It has more sentimental value than anything else although the tureen was once appraised at several hundred dollars.
Angel did look stunning-I love that one picture of her sort of kicking her foot back-it looks so joyous. She sure is lucky her wedding wasn’t in northern Illinois. It is still snowing and doesn’t look to let up-Greg plowed here and plowed at the apartment and that’s about all the farther that we will be going today. He’s now going to take the dryer apart because just like he likes to second guess the directions from the GPS he thinks that every repairman in the world is out to rip him off. I told him to have at it if it will make him stop obsessing about it-i figure it’s no great loss anyway if he can’t get it back together since the thing is broken anyway. Men!!! Sometimes they are exasperating. I told him to go take it apart and get the bee out of his bonnet.
I doubt Barbara or Debbie are snowed in. Barbara is pretty far south-they would more likely get ice and Debbie is in an area that has little snow which usually melts quickly. You and I are probably in the snowiest areas. I don’t think Colleen got snow out of this one-it was hanging pretty far north.
Gail -
Hi Gail
Tillie was just up for dinner, and I showed her the pics of Angel, and then went on Angel’s Facebook page and showed her the rest. She looks so beautiful. The venue looks fabulous too. All in all, it looks like the wedding was a huge success.
So, today I made brownies, and a pound cake, and got the bathrooms cleaned. I have no idea what got into me. I think it was all the thought of the baking to come, and I felt like doing something for the weekend too. Who knows, maybe I was feeling the snow you were getting, and the need to bake rose up out of me.
Is Greg still in the laundry room? What is it that men have to double check everything? At least it must have kept him busy in the snow.
How old is Piper now? Does she go to any pre-school yet, or is she still home? She would entertain the entire class wither songs and dancing.
I hope colleen, Barbara and Debbie are good. We have not heard from some of them in a few days.
Well, I have to clean the fishies, and then I am off to the chair for the night.
Adele -
Hi Gail,
That Piper is something else. She is going to get really cold without any clothes on. That is funny that she calls snow no. She is just so cute. She is going to be quite a performer. Maybe Jenny will have to keep her in pajamas all the time. She seems to like to wear them. That is just so funny that she does not like to wear clothes.
Ron did get everything going again. He put a new plug on the dish washer and luckily that was all that was wrong with it. He put in a stronger plug in. So hopefully that will help. We are hoping that this will take care of things until after the holidays. It was hard to sleep last night. It was still a little scary. It will be better now that he has things working and I do not have to worry as much. Hope that Greg has luck fixing the dryer. Ron would do the same thing and mess the thing up worse then it was. He is like Greg he as to try it though. For awhile Ron liked to buy rebuilt things. Finally he discovered that we could have bought a couple of new washing machines for what we paid for the used ones. HE is kind of a slow learner. I kept telling him. He was buying some one else problem. But what did I know.lol
Remembering all of that stuff just shows how old that I am getting,. The only reason that I knew that was they showed it on TMC and that guy gave out all that information. For some reason it just stuck in my mind. Was that the first one made? I cannot remember if that was what he said about it or not. I have a dvd with Alistair Simms and wish I could find the one with Reginald Owens. I really like that one also. I remember the one with Albert Finney it was okay. I just like the older ones and all the new ones do not compare with the old. I saw the one with Mr. Magoo also. I never was that big of a Magoo fan. He was just a little too strange.
I cannot believe all the snow you have gotten there. It makes me miss Rockford. We had snow flurries here but that was it. It melted before it hit the ground. So we were lucky. We do not get as much snow as you and Adele get. You two are in the right place for a lot of snow.
Thanks for posting the pictures of Angel and Glen’s wedding. I cannot get of face book and that is the only way that you can see the pictures. I did e-mail Patrick and asked if he could post some for us that do not do face book. He has not responded yet but he is busy right now. So will see what happens. Her dress was beautiful She did make a beautiful bride. They both looked really happy. Hope to see more pictures.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
We do not know why it is happening. Our place is not that old. Some body just did a bad wiring job. Ron did get the dish washer working again. He put a new plug on the dish washer and a new and stronger out let where we plug it in. I did a load of dishes tonight and it worked okay. We are hoping that we can wait until after Christmas to have the electrician in to check it out. Wish we knew one in our area. We will find one though. We have a friend that knows all sort of repair people.
I am not going to worry about anything that we make for Thanksgiving this year. If it turns out and we can eat it that will be just fine. We have a twenty pound turkey that we have to bake so Ron and I will do that. We are use to doing that all the time. I will have to teach my daughter how to do both kinds of dressing. We put the raisin dressing in the turkey and the sage in a separate pan. It works out a lot better that way. The rest will take care of itself. The green bean casserole is easy to fix and mashed potatoes will be done already. Thank heaven for pre made food. lol Everyone else will be busy baking and cooking away and I am taking the lazy way out this year. Oh well next year they will get all the home made things.
It is really cold here. We did not get any snow just some flurries and they melted right away. I do not think that they even touched the ground. Gail really did get a lot of snow. We had rain first before we got any snow flurries. That is why it melted so fast.
That is funny about Heather and the garlic turkey. It is a good thing that our kids have a good sense of humor. Melissa laughed with us over the cinnamon in the dumplings. She blamed it all on her dad. So it all worked out well. He let her get away with it. I was surprised that he did not say something to correct her. It was just a fun day I guess.
That is funny that Azien does not like winter clothes either. He will have to run around in his pjs. also. Him and Piper. They will be the first two people that go to their prom in pajamas. So they can be comfortable. lol They will both probably change by that time. I just wonder sometime what our grands will be like when they are grown. I bet they will be characters.
Well that is about all from here. Didn’t Angel make a beautiful bride. I hope that they post more pictures on here so the ones who do not do face book can see them. I was glad that Gail posted some of them.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
I hope your electrical troubles are over. It’s good that houses have smoke alarms all over them now too. That makes it easier to sleep.
Well the dryer is in pieces and Greg discovered that this one part is cracked so he developed a plan last night that he would temporarily go out and buy a really cheap used machine order the new part and fix the machine himself. For some reason he is really ticking me off about this-he just has such a bug up his butt about the cost of fixing the machine and it’s like he wants to prove somebody wrong. I realize that the machine isn’t that old but sometimes things do break and he’s making me feel like it’s my fault or something even though he hasn’t said as much. All I know is that if it was something of his that he uses almost daily it would either be fixed by now or he would have a new one. I don’t know why but this whole situation is turning into a battle ground. Pretty soon he will be eating potato soup. In any case how does he plan on getting the used washing machine upstairs by himself as our laundry is on the second floor? Although technically he could leave it on the first floor as our mudroom is set up to be used as a laundry room too-we just always have had it upstairs as it’s easier not to be carrying clothes and sheets and towels up and down the stairs. But I won’t remind him and I doubt that he would remember that. I finally just told him to do whatever he wanted to do because he was already walking that path anyway but don’t buy the used dryer i will just go to the laundromat if need be. Of course i have so many clothes i wouldn’t need to wash for quite awhile and we have lots of extra sheets and towels so we could go for awhile without washing except maybe we would run out of space to put the dirty stuff. lol The thing I am worried about now is when he puts the washer back together i wonder if he will be able to get the seal as tight as it was originally. It’s a front loader and that seal is all important. I can just picture him starting it up and water pouring all over the floor upstairs. It could end up being a lot more expensive than buying a new washer or paying an expert to fix it. He also mentioned when we were talking about getting a new one that i should get a top loader as it would be cheaper because then you wouldn’t have to buy a new pedestal. No one else is short and they don’t seem to understand that if I get a large capacity washer like I like that will accommodate big blankets and such i am practically standing on my head and falling into the washer to get things out of the bottom. In any case that’s where everything stands right now-who knows what today may bring.
So I looked it up-there were three other Christmas Carol movies before the 1938 Reginald Owens one-1901, 1910 and 1935. I was never a big Mr. Magoo fan either. I always felt kind of bad for him and didn’t find him particularly funny.
Colleen you don’t have to be on Facebook to see the pages of the people from QVC they are all public pages. Just type in the persons name and Facebook QVC and you can see all the hosts pages-you just cannot write on the pages without being signed up but you can read anything. I think I heard or read somewhere that there will be a video of the wedding on here by the 27th. I was wondering because I think I saw some Quacker shows on my DVR for next week who would be hosting them. I thought Angel was going a cruise for her honeymoon and I thought Patrick was going too-am I crazy or imagining things. Anyway-I wonder if she will be back already-that would be kind of a short cruise-or if someone else would host the shows or if they would just do them without her. Maybe James should go on and host them. lol I guess we’ll find out as they are on my schedule for Wednesday.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Read my post to Colleen about the latest in the great washing machine wars.
I’m with Aizen I only like to wear things that are comfy too. I would be pulling off the overalls or anything scratchy. Heck the last time i wore spanx i went in the bathroom and shed them halfway through the evening. lol
Piper will be three in December. Her birthday is easy to remember 12-21-12. That was the day the world was supposed to end according to the Aztec calendar but instead a future star was born that day. lol She doesn’t go to preschool. She will probably go next year which will be good as Lachlan will be in school full time then. Jenny kept him back this year as she didn’t think he was mature enough yet. In any case her aunt is the preschool teacher so she wouldn’t be surprised by any of her antics. Now that i think about it I wonder when Jenny is having her birthday party for Piper this year. It’s so hard to get it in with it being 4 days before Christmas-everyone is so busy doing other things.
Now here you have me scratching my head,Adele. On your last post to me I swear you said that you were off to clean the fishies before watching TV-are you giving baths to your goldfish? what does that mean? Are you cleaning fish to cook for dinner? What’s going on at your house? Have you been drinking that liqueur again? do I need to get my eyes checked? Do I have battle fatigue from the washing machine wars? None of the above-all of the above? Please enlighten me.
Hope that you have a good day and that none of the snow has been sent your way. Hey! I’m a poet too!
Gail -
Hi Colleen
I am glad you came on, so we will not worry about you. Every time someone is not on, we think something is wrong. How have you been feeling- your stomach, and you hip?
You never know with wiring. If people do their own wiring, you never know. You had to see some of the things Gary did around here. Then, we up-graded to 200 amp, and since then, I have not let him touch any electrical. So far, it has worked…..LOL
I hope Ron’s friend can fix your dishwasher. Not a good time of year to need a new one. We will all say a prayer for a good outcome for you.
OMG….I love raisins in my stuffing. My Nonna pout them in her stuffing, and in her meatloaf. Everyone else here hates it. This year, I am doing some of those stuffing/bacon wrapped ones, with the raisins. I will bet there will not be one person who complains at your house, and they will all leave stuffed. do not worry about pies not homemade. Today the store bought ones are just as good and sometimes even better. We all have to do what we can, on each holiday. Juts remember- you are the most important thing at the table and not the food. I wish I lived closer, I would make your for you!
It is getting cold here tonight, and we may end up with a little flurries. Nothing that will accumulate.
Maybe Aizen and Piper will attend a Prom together, in their jammies…would that not be funny? I also wonder what they will be like as adults. I hope I will live to see JJ graduate from high school.
Have to go Swiffer the floors!
Adele -
LOL LOL LOL I am cleaning the little fish tanks for the . the creatures have lived 1 1/2 years more than I thought they would. I brought them home form Enzo’s graduation party almost 2 years ago, and never thought they would live this long. I had to get another bowl because they are getting so big. They were in a bowl that had a divider. They are funny fish. One is more social. He acmes to the top of the bowl so I can pet him. He will stay there until I touch him. Gary sometimes sits to watch me clean their bowls, because he is fascinated that a tiny fish has a relationship with me. It is really funny. If I don’t pay attention to him, while I clean his tank, he will sit there, dead still in the water, just looking at me. the other fish is not as friendly. he could care less.
Good Lord, Gailster. That man better watch his “p’s and q’s”, like my dad used to say, or he will not only have to eat potato soup, he will run out of clean bloomers. What is up with men????? Gary has no idea what a new appliance costs, as he would die. I hide those things from him or I would never hear the end of it. He got wind of what the fridge cost, and nearly had a coronary. He NEVER goes appliance shopping with me, or I would end up with a 59.00 machine that does not work. I had to argue with both him and Bobby on the value of the front loader, and pedestal. (Bobby did want a front loader) It is for safety, and everyone’s back. Bobby kept saying I was wasting my money on a pedestal- he is 6 ft 2 in tall. I am about 5 ft 2, or a little less…since we are elderly.
Unless Greg has mobility issues, or is short, he will not get it. I would be getting just as mad as you are by now. Grant it, these new appliances are pricey. They also have computers that are huge repair issues, but it is the way of the world now. The drums are also known to have issues. Not much we can do. Your floor is a concern, if he doe snot get the seal right. So is the floor below it, and the ceiling. I hope he sees the light soon, or it may get ugly over there.
Aizen’s birthday is Dec 30th. Last year was his first and we all made sure we saved things for his birthday, and wrapped them in birthday paper. It is very hard when they are born close to Christmas.
Aizen will not be in any pre school. JJ was not and I am sure Steph will keep him home too. It is good for socialization, but you cannot tell the parents what to do. They have minds of their own. Plus, Jhonny has still not found a job. he is on the list for the Post Office, and applied to the local hospital. nothing yet.
Hope your day is going good, and that hubby has realized this is a bigger job than he can handle.
Adele -
Hi Gail,
If you really want to get to Greg. Do your laundry and not his. When you go to Jenny’s just wash some of your things and let him know that they are washed. I did that to Ron and that really got to him. That one was over the computer. I had his clothes piled all the way up to the light switch. That and potato soup will do the trick. I have to laugh about that now. I do not know if that would work again. I am going to have to think up some new things to do to him.
I just hope that he gets the washer fixed soon and does not come home with a top loader. Right now Ron is helping me with the laundry. He has been doing that since the doctor told him that my hip is not in good shape and I need to be careful and not make it worse. So things are going good right now. Just wait until after they give me the shot and things will go back to normal. I will be joining you with my head down in the washing machine and having a step stool there so I can get out. lol Men do have a tendency to get the things that they have fixed right away or purchase a new one. They need to remember if the washing machine is not working it effects them also. They will not have clean clothes after awhile.
Thank you for letting me know that. I will try and get on that page after I get done on here. She made a beautiful bride. You could really tell that she lost weight in that wedding dress. Dennis Basso did a really good job on that dress. She had a lot of the people from qvc that helped her get ready for that wedding. Mally did her make up and I cannot remember who the stylist was that did her hair. She was talking about it somewhere I cannot remember where I read it.
You are not crazy she did say that she was going on a cruise. Patrick has said that he is also going on a cruise. Maybe her cruise is not right away. She said something that they had it planned before they planned the wedding. They decided to combine the two. She did say something about she would be back next Wednesday for a show. We will have to wait and see. Maybe she will talk about it more then. That was nice that she shared her pictures of the wedding with all the quackers.
How much snow did you end up with? We have not heard much else about the snow I guess because we did not get any. I imagine that they have the roads in town cleared by now but on the roads out by where you are , are still snow covered. You would think that they would want to clean the roads for the people that live out in the country also. Especially now at the holidays. You never know what they are thinking though.
I am not going to be able to go shopping on black Friday this year. I am really disappointed. I may end up going to one store close to our house and look around for a gift for my mom. They opened a new women’s clothing store so will go in there and get my mom a couple of tops. I will be in withdrawal on Friday when I cannot shop. Ron may insist that I go for about an hour if I get too cranky.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I go Wednesday for my shot in the hip. I am not looking forward to it. Better to have it over with though. With my daughter coming here Wednesday it will make things a lot easier and will not have to worry about getting things done. It will also be fun to cook with her. We have not done that in a long time. Usually when she gets here just about everything is done. She will help with some things when she gets here but she has a long drive to get here. So they are staying for two nights and three days. It will be nice to have her here that long.
Ron has everything fixed and working fine. He did the dish washer right away which surprised me. I guess with me getting the shot he knew that the dishes would not get done so it was better to get it going again right away. We were lucky nothing was wrong with it. It just burned the plug. So he got that fixed and now we are good to go. I will get some of my cooking done before I go to the doctor Wednesday and put it in the fridge so we do not have to worry about it. I can make the candied sweet potatoes and just heat them up on Thursday and make the corn bread for the dressing. Then that will be done. The raisin dressing has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. I hope that the girls will keep it going when I am gone.
It has been cold here for a few days. It really has gotten cold here this week-end. We have been using a lot of covers at night. It is nice to snuggle up in the blankets at night. At least we do not have any snow yet. They are saying that we will not have snow until January and February. We have had a lot of snow on the ground around Valentines day here, We have also had snow on Easter. It is interesting around here every year.
You have been doing a lot of baking and still have a lot to do. Your pies sound like they are going to be really good. I will be bake to baking pies next year when my hip is better. Then I will make the pecan pies that my daughter wants.
I get really mad at Ron when he does things like Greg is doing. He was like that about getting a new computer and getting wi fi. He is old fashioned and does not want to pay for any of that. I am just lucky that I have a brother that works with computers and helps me out when I need him. If it was not for him I would not have this computer I have now. He is a good guy.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Awwww-you have pet fish who love you. That is so cute. That reminds me of Greg’s koi. They come right up for their food-you could probably hand feed some of them. They used to come right up to Belle who would be down there trying to steal their food. Greg usually will go appliance shopping with me so he knows the costs of those-it’s the monthly bills that he has no idea about. He has no idea how much day to day life costs; electricity, heat, cable groceries all the necessities.
Our kids never went to preschool as i was a stay at home Mom and didn’t really see the need. However preschool is different now as they are already learning letters and numbers but we played learning games at home so they weren’t behind when they went to school. What grade is JJ in now-I want to say maybe 4th?
It is hard when the kids birthdays are so close to Christmas but we like you make sure Piper has her own separate celebration. My SIL’s birthday is Dec. 26th and Greg’s Mom always made sure she had a separate birthday when she was growing up. Speaking of that when she got back from Mexico she went to an orthopod here in the states for the wrist that she broke on vacation. He said it was set a little crooked but that even if they did surgery to fix that it might still be crooked so she may want to just leave it alone. She said he did put on a sturdier cast and gave her stronger pain meds.
Gosh Greg felt like he was getting a cold and now I feel like I may be coming down with something too. I hope not. But my throat is scratchy and I feel like I’m getting a chill and Jenny really needs me to sit this week as her MIL is still in Washington visiting her daughter, SIL and grandkids there.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I think we ended up with about 15 inches of snow total. I think the roads are clear out here now but all it takes is a windy day and the snow will blow right back into the roads again. I’m sure it does the same thing out by you too.
Well Greg has decided that he wants to fix the machine himself so he has the parts ordered so we’ll find out how all this plays out. I like this machine and will be happy if he gets it working again-he just didn’t want to pay someone else $700 to fix it. And I think the problem with getting another machine was he hated paying the extra money for a new pedestal for another front loader as the one from the LG would not fit a different brand. If I had to I would get another top loader but there are three reasons that I like the front loader. The easier access, the hand wash cycle- with the hand wash cycle on my top loader sometimes you would pull the clothes out when they were done and parts of them wouldn’t even be wet-and I think clothes last longer and don’t seem to fade as much in the front loader-the top loader seems to beat the heck out of them with all that agitation. I wonder what Adele thinks on that subject as she has a front loader too. I did tell him not to go buy that used machine for 50 dollars or whatever. But I did say how are you going to get it upstairs yourself and he said I’m not so he must have remembered that we have a laundry hookup on the first floor too. I told him I would just go to the laundromat (like that’s gonna happen) Plus-there was no way that i was going to lug heavy baskets of wet clothes up the stairs to dry them. And then we’d have a machine that we used for a week or so and no where to get rid of it-it would just be buying someone else’s junk. That was a funny idea about only washing his clothes-I think that would probably just make him mad though and i know in his roundabout way he is trying to help and he did empty the dishwasher yesterday (which he never does-even if there is no silverware) and he did wash the floor which he usually does for me.
Well i got my questions answered as Angel was on the morning show today. She doesn’t leave on the cruise until Saturday and she has three shows on Wednesday. So that’s nice-they will be home for Thanksgiving and then go on vacation. Personally-I wouldn’t want to be traveling anywhere-and especially out of country right now.
Maybe if you feel good you could just go out for a little on Black Friday and then come home if you think you would really miss it. Last year I did just about everything online or with the Q and will probably do the same this year. I don’t miss the actual going out and shopping but i do miss walking through the stores and browsing and soaking in the holiday ambiance. Maybe if the weather is good i will just go somewhere and walk around someday. That’s another reason I like to either get things early or shop online-you never know once December hits if the weather will let you get out or not.
Gail -
Mr. Bird is at it again but I think I have it figured out. Maybe it’s that red bird from Angry Birds playing the game. he sees one of those green pigs in our window.
Hi Gail
That poor, crazy bird. He may not make it to Thanksgiving.
I am attaching the Mincemeat Pie, and the cranberry sauce. On to Gary’s chocolate pie.
Adele -
Hello girls!
I also vote for the front loader for the same reasons- how easily you get the clothes out of the machine and how gentle they are on your clothes. Absolutely thrilled with my front loader.
AdeleToday I am grateful I can bake on my own this year. God only knows what next year will bring.
Hi Gail
I hope you both do not get that awful cold that is going around. You need to stay healthy for all your Peeps!
My fish are nuts. They bang on their bowls to get attention, when I forget to feed them in the morning, or just for the heck of it.
My kids went to day care, because of the divorce, and my working. Then, my second job after I was divorced was at their day care center, which made it a little easier on them.
JJ is in the 3rd grade. he missed the cut off for school by 9 days, so he is a year older than some of the others in his class. He is still one of the smallest ones, though.
I will have to remember to watch the Quacker shows Wednesday! I did not realize they would be on- thank God you found out!
Your poos SIL. I hope she doe snot have any trouble with that wrist in the future.
the Chew is on and I ma taking a break to watch it, before I get the p other pie for today done.
Adele -
Hi Colleen!
I am glad you will be getting the shot before Thanksgiving so your hip will feel better.
That is great that it was a simple fix for the dishwasher, as a holiday without one would be awful. Our husbands do try, and sometimes they get it right, and some times we want to cry. I think Gail is ready to cry right now. They all take turns making us nuts. Gary is technologically challenged, as I say. He does not know how to turn on a computer, cannot text, or anything else. He has no idea how to do anything with technology, accept work the remote.
You are going to have such a good time with your daughter. How nice she is staying for a few days, and helping for the holiday. She will remember this one forever. Heather lives close by, so she rarely spends the night, especially since she has a new boyfriend. He has been around for about 4 or 5 months. He has never had a Thanksgiving dinner, as he is from some part of Russia. His family has been here for a few years, but, they never celebrated this holiday, nor Christmas like we do. I think he is going to be shell shocked this holiday season. Here is a funny one……he was asking Heather what all the is Black Friday stuff is about. He tells her a lot of stories of how they survived the war in Russia and came to this country. He is a painter.
well…better go and get the last pie started…for today. Two more tomorrow, and then Wed the vegie prep, set the table, etc.
When is your dayghter coming?
Adele -
Coleen- Amen to that thankful statement!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Melissa will come on Wednesday. She has to wait until her son is out of school. He does not go on Wednesday. She may be here before we go to the doctor it depends on if her husband gets the day off or not. She will call me tonight or tomorrow and let me know. We are hoping that he is not on duty it will make it a long drive for them after he gets home. The schools do the days off different then the regular schools. Most of these guys take leave around this time and Christmas. So they figure the days at school to go along with furlows.
I hope that Greg will get Gail a new machine before Christmas. She will have extra laundry with Brent being home. Ron is stubborn like that also. I guess we all three have husbands like that. Mine has done some dumb things and I think you were talking about Gary blowing out a bunch of lights. I do not remember if you were talking about that or if it was someone else. My mind is going. It must be on another mini vacation again. What would we do without them.
Your pie and the cranberries look so good. It is a shame we cannot just reach in here and take a bite. I am waiting to see the creme brule pie that you are making. I have never made one and it sounds really good. I probably spelt it wrong. You are busy making all of this good food and I am doing nothing. It feels kind of funny not doing any cooking ahead of time.
I am surprised that they did not pick up on the holidays here. Her boyfriend sounds like they did not adapt to the states like a lot of others have. He may really get to like the holidays and celebrating after he spends time with your family. Then when he tastes you good cooking he will want to come every year.
I have been cleaning today. So nothing exciting going on here. Ron is in the living room taking a nap. He is always taking a nap. He was working on lawn mowers today and that really tires him out. He has a lot of lawn mowers right now and will have until spring. I hope he sells all of this stuff out and will not bring anymore home. This place is starting to look like an old lawn mower retirement home.
Well that is about all from here. Will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
That is a lot of snow. I am glad that we do not have any right now. It would make it hard on Melissa traveling. Mandy lives right here close to us. She is the only one. Her girls are older now and do not want to spend as much time with us as they use to. They do come for the holidays though. Hopefully you will not have any windy days between now and Thanksgiving.
Our washing machine does not spin as much as the old ones did. I wash all of my hand wash things in it and have not had any problems. All of my quacker is washed in it. That is terrible that you have to buy a new pedestal with every machine. I guess that is how they are making more money. They never have one thing fits all anymore. That is funny that he unloaded the dish washer for you. I guess that will make up for it if he cannot get the washer fixed or if you end up with water all over the upstairs floor. Men do have their own ways of doing things. It is a good thing that we love them. I guess they could say the same thing about us sometimes. Ron is as stubborn as I am. He waited a long time before he decided to get the wi fi. or fast speed internet. I am just glad that we do not have dial up anymore.
I watched that this morning also. Angel was all smiles today. It is nice that they will be home for Thanksgiving. I agree with you about leaving the country. I would rather stay here where I know what is going on and not have to worry as much.We have not traveled as much as I thought we would after we retired. I guess with the guineas it is hard to leave them. Not a lot of people want to come here and take care of them. My neighbor would but you have to come here twice a day to let them out and then put them back in. They usually go in on their own but you have to close the door. They do not move at night. So if something got into the coup they would not fight back. They are a strange bird.
I would think that it would be too cold for that dumb cardinal to be running into the window still. I guess that cardinals do not go south for the winter. It is a shame that you cannot catch him and take him away from there and let him go. Knowing that bird he would sit on the roof of the car and go back with you.lol That poor bird cannot last much longer. I think of that poor bird every time they show a shirt with a cardinal on it.
All I need to go buy is a couple of tops for my mom. SO may try and do that at the store that they opened. I have not been in it yet. The name of it is Cato. I do not know if they are up your way or not. They are supposed to have good prices. So we will see. If I go out that will be the only place we will go. I would not step one foot into Wal Mart for all the money they make on black Friday. That place is always a mess. You have to hang on to your cart or people will take things out of it. I just do not have the patience.
Well that is about all from here will talk to you later. Have a good evening.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
Oh yes, our hubby’s are all alike. You remember it correctly- Gary almost burned down the hose with the outside Christmas lights. he hooked them up to a 220 line, instead of a 110 line. A holiday that almost wasn’t! I also hope Greg sees the light, and gets the Gailster a new machine, before he eats potato soup for Thanksgiving.
I hope your Melissa can come early. the more time she has with you, the better it will be for all of you. It is hard when she is so far away. I know we all have our fingers crossed for that.
Thank you for the compliments. The house smells so good with the cranberries!
Well. the chocolate pie did not make the photo album. Here is what happened. I made the chocolate cream, and it was ready to put into the PREPARED, Store bought graham cracker crust. I pulled off the plastic wrap, and the whole crust fell apart. It took me a couple of seconds to recover from the shock. I just stood there, with the hot mixture in my hand. You see, the mixture has to be put into the shell, and immediately covered with plastic wrap, right on it, or it will start to form a skin. So, I covered the pudding with wrap, melted 2 tablespoons of butter and mixed up the crust again, and formed it back into the pan. It looks real messy, and I have a feeling it will fall apart again when I try to cut it…..LOL LOL
So, I told Bobby what happened when eh came home, and he howled. He said the other ones were all cracked, and this was the only one that was not, so he bought it. Well, it disintegrated on contact. Lesson learned. A graham cracker crust is easy, and next year I will try not to cut any more corners.
I told Gary the story when he came home, and added this line, which may become my one liner for my annual “Thanksgiving speech” at the table,” It is not about the screw ups, it is how you make the save.” After I said that, I liked my line so much, I wrote it down, so I do no forget it. Feel free to use it with your family too. It may become my most famous line ever.
Got to go watch DWTS……..
Love ya!
Adele -
Hello to All, I sent you all such a long note a few days ago. And it asked me if I was a robot. Then it seemed like it downloaded to you all; but I don,t see it anywhere on here. Sorry that it did that. I had so much to talk to you about. Will try to remember things I said. Jerry went to his brothers to see their Mom. She wants to go home. Jerry tried to talk him into letting her go home with home health; and he told Jerry that he has health decision papers, and that he will make those decisions. Hurt him, but this is not his first time to deal with his stubbornness. Would you believe this same brother lived with us for over 3 years when he was 19? We didn’t charge him a dime, since he had just broken up with his girlfriend and needed help. Jerry has tried too hard all his life, but I do understand why. It has all been out of love and wanting so badly to hold together the family he was born into. I feel so badly for his Mom.
We are all doing well. Sarah had a little bout of food poisoning from a wedding they attended. We think it came from the artichoke dip, since that is the only thing she ate differently than Neal. She and Lisa are doing shopping on Friday, so this is a good sign. Sarah will be going about 150 miles away Thursday to her grands for the day. Neal is working One of his employees has someone very sick in their family, so he is going to take their place. Joey has to work 7P to 7A both Wednesday and Thursday night, so we are having our dinner on Saturday. All that matters is us all being together anyway. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Don,t work too hard. Sounds like everyone is planning a great meal. Adele, I agree with you about the graham cracker crust being easy to make by hand. Have you ever tried a Key Lime pie? That is our oldest sons favorite. Helovesthe sharp taste of the limes combined with sweetened condensed milk.
Colleen, how are you feeling? Hope you are doing better. Just sit back and enjoy the holiday. This is your year to take it easy. I know your girls will help out. They sound so good. I know you all are proud. In fact; all of us are so blessed to have such sweet children and grand children.
Gotta go and take my night time meds. Doesn’t that sound like fun! Take care. Good luck Gail with the washer. As my old saying goes, a little something is better than a whole lot of nothing! Hugs, Barbara -
Hi All,
Still feeling under the weather. The glands in my neck are so swollen-it hurts to turn my head and swallow. Couldn’t babysit on Monday as i was running a fever so Jenny had to come home early as all her other sitters are not available either. I went over yesterday as the fever was down some-we put Lachalan on the computer as that would keep hm busy and put on a Scooby Doo movie for Piper to try to keep her interested. She still wanted to play Minnie Mouse dolls but i told her I was sick so we had to do it sitting on the couch-she also wanted to play a game where I chase her but I told her i couldn’t do that. All in all they were pretty good and I rested on the couch most of the time. When Kendall came home from school she had a snack and then put on her snow gear and went into the yard to play. It made me remember when our own kids were young and if I was feeling sick how happy I was to put them to bed at night and finally get some rest. Some times were tough back then with no family around to help out. I have an appointment with the ortho doctor today which I kind of wish that i would have cancelled as I still had a temp last night and don’t feel that great. I will have to hit the grocery store on my way home to get the ingredients for my green bean casserole, jello salad and seven layer salad to take to Jenny’s. It will probably be crowded by then. I just want to get in and get out and come home. Hope everyone else is feeling well. Colleen, hope the shot goes well. Adele, I love your new line about the save. Barbara, it does not matter what day you celebrate as long as you can be together. Greg has a cold now too-I’ll bet he brought the germs home from when he had a doctor’s appointment last week-sometimes I think the doctor’s offices are the germiest with all those families coughing all over everywhere.
Today I am grateful for a nice soothing cup of hot tea. -
Hi Gail, Colleen, Barbara, and all…..
Gail….I knew something was worn, because you did not post yesterday. I am afraid for Colleen too. Have not heard anything from her. I hope the shot for her went well- think it is today.
I hope you get better fast, and that Greg does not get worst. there is nothing worst than being sick on a holiday.
The way you managed taking care of the grands yesterday was funny. I hope you can get to the doctor, and do the shopping without getting worst. Prayers coming your may, my friend!Today, I am grateful to be able to do the things I wanted to do for this holiday.
Colleen- I hope you have just been too busy to post, and that nothing is wrong.
Barbara- I hope you are still up-right, and also that nothing is wrong at your place. I know you had those flickering lights, and I hope when you got them to come, that was all you needed.
Girls- I am posting the pics of yesterday’s pies. today Amanda is coming to help, and I am extremely grateful for that, because the back is hurting. I did a little too much the last couple of days, and the Minnions were all busy with work, and Marissa with work and school.
Amanda will be doing the rest of the prep with me- getting out the last serving pieces, set the table, and get all the vegies, rolls, and corn bread prepped to bake tomorrow. the entire kitchen table will be full of the lock n lock bowls, and the ingredients…..LOL My intention is to just grab the bowl, and put it together tomorrow am. We even peel the potato’s and put them in cold water- one will be cut, and one bowl not, for the mashed and cheesy potato’s.
I hope you all get help to make things easier. I know Colleen’s daughter will be there today, and I am so happy she will have that special time with her. Barbara, maybe your DIL will really rise to the occasion this year. You never know.
Families being families, at this moment, Steph, and the kids will not be here tomorrow. We had a bit of a disagreement, and we are both still mad at each other. I am refusing to give in, so I have to eat my words…..choose your battles, nothing is worth continuing an argument, and life is too short for this crap. I know, as well as we all do, that once the words are out of your mouth, they cannot be put back. It was mostly over her not showing up for Halloween. I have not spoken to her since the day after Halloween. All the others are so mad at her for it, they are not getting in the middle. This has taken on a life of it’s own. I did reach out to Jhonny, and said I understood they were not coming, and he did no answer, so I let it be. Do not want to put him in the middle. I also sent her and Jhonny, the text’s with the pics of the pies. No response. It is what it is, as I always say. She has inherited my stubborn streak.
Happy prep day, everyone!
Adele -
Hi Barbara
I am so glad you are ok. I got that message for a while, and Gail told me to sign in again. I did, and then all was fine.That is great that the Sarah and Lisa are going shopping together. Another step in the right direction, so you will not have to worry about them. I am so happy for you about that.
I fell so bad for Gerry’s mother. I hope his brother is not motivated by her retirement check. I am sorry, but, that is what I always think of, when someone does what an elderly person does not want. I sincerely hope his motivation is to keep her safe, and not money. My heart goes out to Gerry. his Mom is in my prayers every night, and I hope she continues to get better.
What a nice thing d for your son to do to help pout the family with the sick member. It doe snot matter what day you celebrate, as long as you are all together. You raised good people, and should be proud, that they sacrifice their needs to help those in need. What better way to show thankfulness on this holiday.
I hope you have a great day, whatever day you celebrate.
Adele -
Just a quick word to say how thankful I am that I have met all of you and that we have become long distance friends and pen pals. Sometimes hearing from you all is just what I need that day.
Barbara, now you will have a couple extra days to prepare the feast-so that’s a good thing.
Colleen, I hope that your shot went well and that you are enjoying visiting with Melissa, Stephan and the kids and Amanda and her family. I hope Melissa is being a big help with the dinner prep.
Adele, I’m sorry Stephanie is being a poop again. What is wrong with that girl. Doesn’t she want to spend the day with family-at least do it for the sake of the kids. Heck-I would do it for the desserts. lol You wouldn’t have to invite me twice.
Adele, don’t worry if someone doesn’t come on for a few days. Sometimes we just get busy. Or I know for myself sometimes I just get in the mood not to want to talk for a little bit. Now if it would go into a few weeks then I would worry but we all need to drop out for a little while from time to time.
Well gotta get busy making my dishes. I still don’t feel the best but i will pull it together enough to do a little cooking and help with the cleanup. Poor Jenny busted the glass in her refrigerator door the other day. Hope that she has it back together.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Quacker friends.
Gail -
Happy Turkey Day to all my Wonderful Quacker friends. Hope you all are having the best of days with your families. Jerry and I are sitting here alone. He just called over to his youngest brothers house. He has not heard a word from anyone since he took their Mom to his house last week. He said she was in the bathroom but “doing just wonderful” whatever that is supposed to mean. He also told Jerry that his other brother and his wife were there too. What a surprise. I am being sarcastic now. She NEVER spent a holiday anywhere except her Mothers home for over 30 years until her death last year; when she and her husband (one of Jerrys brothers) managed to get her Mom to make him executor to her will and they spent all of her money, which was a sizeable amount. She had 6 brothers and sisters, and guess what ? now they don’t speak. So now all of a sudden, she and jerrys brother are over at the house where Jerrys Mom is living. So now we know what is really going on. It is all coming down to money and having her checks put into their accounts; which is what Jerrys Mom has told him that they are doing while she was in the hospital. This SIL doesn’t cook; has no children. She is the one that she and her husband live separately; since he get paid extra for living and working out of town. Now he is building some sort of huge company in Texas. He comes back here once every two to three months. Adele, I am so afraid to say; but your suspicions of taking advantage of the elderly is the case; and it is really hurting Jerry, but he knows that between the lot of them that they will accomplish whatever plans they have already made between each other. Don’t people understand that money is just money, but love and feelings for family are eternal? What in the world get into people?
Speaking of people, don’t really know where all of ours are today. Guess Neal is at work, Joey is asleep, Sarah is with her grandparents and parents (by the way, her Mom doesn’t cook either, they are taking the grandparents out to dinner today, and Lisa is “resting”. So I am feeling a little down; just sitting here looking at Jerry and the cat is asleep in a box, and we are having breakfast for dinner later today. I haven’t heard from any of the boys today. Our oldest son in New Mexico doesn’t call us much now. I know I really stirred up something with that family photo thing at Neals wedding. Everytime I think of how his wife refused to even speak to us after we didn’t have our picture made that day just makes me want to say to her “how do you think you can treat me like this and be so disrespectful to your husbands Mother?” I would not have ever treated her like this, but yet she feels that she can treat me like that and our son stands by her. Very hurtful. Sorry girls. I can really relate to your little rift with your daughter Adele. Have to stand your ground sometimes.
Your pies look delicious, would love a slice or two ha ha. Will do my pies tomorrow. That will put me ahead of the game. I saw a recipe for Brussels spouts in the oven with sliced carrots and olive oil, balsamic vinegar I think. I believe I will try that. I am used to making the same side every year, and want to add something new this year. I know my crew will fuss, but Jerry and I will like it. What side do you all make? I am like Debbie; I love the next day turkey sandwich the next day.
Hope you all are enjoying your day and I know you should sleep well tonight from the turkey and from the exhaustion of the day. Hope you are doing good with you shot Colleen. That is so sweet of your daughters to be a big help for you. Just sit back and be taken care of by others today, you all deserve it. Hugs, Barbara -
Hi Gail, and everyone!
Hope everyone had a fabulous day. We did, in spite of those not here. I am grateful for all those who helped all of us, put on our holiday meals.
Although Steph did not come, she had the kids call me this evening. I told JJ I missed him, and asked if he had turkey or chicken. he told me nothing yet, because they were on their way. So, I figure they were going to Jhonny’s family. I felt good about that, as I knew they were celebrating with someone. I asked JJ what he was going to say he was grateful for at the table, and he said he had to think about that one. He is so funny.
I hope Colleen’s shot went well, and that she is having a ball with her daughter, watching her do all the work, while relaxing, for a change.
I hope Barbara is resting for their big day over the weekend.
Also hope that Gail is feeling much better, and on the mend.
My hope for Debbie, is that she is upright, and feeling fit as a fiddle.
Well girls….we are all here, all grateful, and all have wonderful families, no matter who is mad at whom.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Adele -
Hi Christine!
So glad to hear form you. I am glad Patch is doing better, and that your stove is all fixed.
I hope you find some relief from your foot. It is so uncomfortable to have a foot problem, because it supports all of you. I feel so bad for all you are going through, and not finding a good solution to feel better.
Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. We all hope you have a great weekend, and stay warm. Winter is upon us, for sure.
Adele -
Hi Barbara
I am sorry my suspicion was correct. I hate to be right, when it is not good. Si many people take advantage of parents who are older, and near the end. You are so right- it tears families apart. What is it about inheritance that makes everyone so greedy? I have seen so many families never talk again, once the parents are gone- all over property, and money. Their parents are rolling in their graves.
I am so sorry for poor Jerry. he must feel awful, and there is nothing he can do about it. At least his mother knows how much he loves her, and that he would never put his needs above hers, and always wants the best for her. I do not understand people. Greed is an awful thing. Lucky they are all together today, as they deserve each other…..accept for jerry’s Mom. I hope they at least made her a nice dinner.
Steph is my granddaughter, Heather is my only daughter. The rest of them…Amanda and Marissa (Rissy) are granddaughters- all are Heather’s daughters. It is hard to keep all the names straight. She at least had the kids call, and I got to talk to JJ. That is a start. Maybe she is realizing how angry I was, and that she needs to be the one to come around this time. I think they were on their way to Jhonny’s parents’ for dinner, and that is good. I would have felt a lot worst, if I thought the kids were alone on Thanksgiving. Last year, JJ spent the night with Heather (his grandmother), and w they put the tree up for me, as it was only a couple of weeks out from the back surgery.
Well. here is a funny one for you. I hated the mincemeat pie. LOL LOL It was not the flavor I remembered. Maybe the one I had did not have any meat. Either way, that was the end of my search for the perfect mincemeat pie. Amanda did have some, but I noticed she did not eat a lot if it either. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It did look good, though…..LOL LOL
For sides I did the spicy cauliflower and broccoli recipe from the Chew- that was a huge hit. Also did cheesy potato, homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potato’s, stuffing, and the stuffing wrapped in bacon horderves that the Chew did last year. Of course, can corn for Gary, homemade rolls, and cornbread done in the cute little pumpkin pan!
I am exhausted. So tired, that I feel sick. Maybe too much fats today,,,,,Thanksgiving meals can kill people’s gall bladders.
Do not feel sad. You will have a wonderful dinner story to tell us after you all have your meal this weekend. We will all be waiting to hear how tired you are, and how stuffed you feel.
We love, you Barbara. You and Jerry are a wonderful couple great parents, and wonderful neighbors. Anyone at your holiday table is blessed to be invited. Prayers sent your way, for a great day!
Love, Adele -
Hi Gail, Adele and Barbara,
I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Ours was really good. I had the shot on Wednesday and found out after I had it that I could not do much on Thanksgiving. So the cooking was up to Melissa, Stephen and Ron. They did a really good job fixing everything. If I did anything they had to bring it to me and I had to sit down and do things. So they decided that it would be easier to do it themselves. Melissa worked on the meal all day. She did such a good job and her husband really helped her out. Ron was doing really well himself. He knows how I fix the stuffing and told Melissa how to do that. He would bring the things into me and ask if they had enough seasoning in the sage dressing or enough raisin in the other dressing. So I made sure that everything was going to be okay and then they took it into the kitchen and cooked it. It was a nice day.
Adele your pies look delicious. I would have come just for them like Gail said. You just cannot please Steph all the time. She needs to lighten up a little. Your are her grandma and she should know that she should treat you with respect. No matter what happens she should not let this go on for so long. You cannot be the one to apologize every time that she gets mad. She should know that by now. She will come back soon so do not worry.
Gail I hope that you are feeling better today and got to enjoy the day with Jenny and the kids. Hope that Greg is feeling better also. You have to quit getting sick on the holidays. It is not fun. You were very creative with the way that you did the babysitting the other day. The grand kids were very cooperative also. Not many would have been that good for anybody. It is nice to have Melissa here and her family. I hope that we get the decorations up tomorrow because I want to get that done. Then I will not have to worry about it. So you still have all your snow. It is warmer here today am hoping that the warmer weather went your way so you do not have to put up with all the cold.
Barbara, That is so sad that Jerry’s brothers act like that. How did he ever get into that family? He is nothing like them. There is nothing he can do about it so might as well let them do what they want and not get involved. Just hope that they are taking good care of her. I wonder why they did not have their mom call Jerry back. That is a little odd. Sorry that you day was such a downer. It will be nice when all of you are together for your Thanksgiving dinner. It will be nice that everyone will be there then. Sounds like things are getting better with Lisa and Sara. That is good news and sounds good for you and Jerry also. It is nice that all of the kids are getting along and doing things together. We had two different types of dressing, corn, candied sweet potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberries sauce, mac and cheese,and I think that was all. Your brussel sprouts that you are going to fix sound really good. I hope that everyone likes them. You will have to let us know how they turn out. We had four different kinds of pie so everyone had what they wanted. I did have a little help fro Sarah Lee with the pies and the mac and cheese and sweet potato casserole was from QVC. So we had a little help with the dinner.
Well that is about all from here. Hope you have a good day tomorrow and will talk to all of you tomorrow.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
Look how blessed and loved you are! Your entire family pitched in to make Thanksgiving a success. If you are anything like me, and I know you are, you probably silently cried (when nobody was looking), at being happy they did it all, and sad you could not. That is what family is for.
I am guessing Ron is off the bad boy list, and will have no porta soup for a while, for all he did yesterday……LOL
I am glad you are having a good time with Melissa. How long is she staying? I hope a while, so you can still have her around for a bit.
Heather is coming over today, to help get the tree up. I know fixing all the branches is way above my capabilities. Sooner or later, I will have to go to one of those 4 foot trees, and out it on a table. the only reason I have not, is that I have so many hand made ornaments that I want to keep using.
You had a wide variety of dishes, and I bet nobody left hungry.Hey everyone! JJ called last night, to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I was glad Steph had him call. It made my day.
Of all the pies I did, the biggest hit was the Crème Brule- even more popular than the custard, which has been the all time favorite, until now. As of now, everything is put away, and I just have to get all the Thanksgiving decorations onto the dining room table, to out them in their boxes. That is my last job for today. Tomorrow I will try to get them all away in the closet, and then we start on the Christmas ones coming out. I have to go slow today, as I was extremely tired yesterday. I was a little worried, to be honest. But, after the night’s sleep, and going slow this morning, I am good. Even with all the help, it was still a little too much on my back. I have to keep remembering my limitations. that is not easy. It always makes me feel like I am crippled, and I do not like that. Still, I have to e for all my Minnions, and that I am still able to do what I did, and I am.
Love all you guys!Hey- did you see the wedding video? I loved it. Tillie will see it later, when she comes upstairs for dinner.
Adele -
Quiet and rainy here tonight. Jerry is watching his favorite movie, Avatar, and the cat is sleeping in a qvc box again, Neal and Sarah are upstairs after all the shopping today. He made her mad at him yesterday. Her Mom had done some kind of brunch for the grandparents, and Neal must not have been in the mood for “quiche” at 2 pm, since he said it was “awful” unquote. So I have gotten busy and made that pecan pie that she asked me to do; even though Jerry fussed at me and said if she wants a so and so pie; she can make it herself ha ha. Guess he is not in the thankful mood yet; so I will have to remind him of our blessings this evening and to not take things so personally. Jerry is going to call his Mom back on Monday after the others have all left to go back to work. I have a suspicious feeling that no one told her that Jerry had called her. Joey and Lisa stopped by this afternoon on their way to some store. So they are off and running too. I have baked the two shells for my cream pies for tomorrow, and of course, her pecan pie. We made a big pan of cornbread for our stuffing, and Jerry has chopped up some onions and celery and put in zip lock bags for tomorrow. We have actually gotten quite a bit done, of yes, did the cranberry sauce too and got that in the fridge. Bet you all are kind of sick of turkey by now. You know, Adele, I was so tired the other night too that it kind of scared me too. I felt so drained that I didn’t even feel like getting up to go to the bathroom. But after some sleep; I felt better. I just got to thinking (which I have come to the conclusion that it is not really good for me to think too much about something) but anyway; I was thinking about what all my poor body has been through; the cancer, stroke, thyroid, fibromyalgia, you know and it made me kind of scared and grateful all at the same time; if you know what I mean. Was really a weird feeling. Ever happen to you all?
I am so glad you all had a good Thanksgiving with your families. That is what it is all about, isn’t it? I know we will have too much food tomorrow; but who cares? That is just part of the day.
Wonder what exotic island Angel went to on her honeymoon? Bet they are having a wonderful time. Take care everyone. Hugs to all my special friends. Barbara -
Hi Adele,
It was hard to sit there while they were doing all the cooking but it had to be that way. It did show Melissa how much work it is to make a big dinner for the whole family. She has never made one for all of us. She is doing good. It was nice that her husband helped also. That one I did not expect. He is a nice person though. Ron kept helping because he did not want me doing anything the doctor said not to. So that made it nice also. Now tomorrow I have to start wearing that dumb back brace. I hope that it helps like they say it will.
I am glad that Steph had JJ call and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I bet that he missed being with you yesterday and said a lot about it. It is nice that they went to Johnnys parents house though. The kids got to be with family.
I was a little upset that I was not in there cooking. That is really hard to do. You want to jump up and do all of that stuff and get it done. Melissa did so good though that she really did not need me and that made me feel bad also. I have to say that I would recommend those side dishes from qvc they were really good and all of the family liked them. So they may show up for Christmas also. It was nice and easy to just put them in the oven and they were done. Not a lot of prep time for that.
That is so nice that Heather is coming to help you with the tree. You will have that all done before you know it. I will have to put my thanksgiving decorations away tomorrow. They are on the table. So will put them back in the box and that will make room for all the other things that I need to get out. I hope to get it done tomorrow and then will not have to worry about them anymore. Melissa helped to plan the Christmas meal today. It will be interesting they want a lot of salads. That will be fine though. Ron wanted potato salad and baked beans. Melissa told him that we were not having a bbq we were having a dinner. It was funny. He got a funny look on his face and just did not say anything else. He is a character.
I have not seen the video of the wedding yet. Will look at it later. I will have to get off here in a few minutes. I missed going shopping today. It has become a Holiday event and is hart do get use to not going. Hopefully next year I will be able to go.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
We have had a lot of rain here also. If we lived on flat ground we would probably float away. It is supposed to rain like this for a couple of days. That is a lot of rain. I guess that some areas are getting snow and ice. Guess we should be glad that it is not us.
Sometimes we have to do things that our husbands think that we should not. Sara will probably be happy to get the pecan pie and it will taste good. Quiche is more of a woman’s meal then a mans. Ron does not like to eat quiche when we go out either. Does Jerry. Maybe that is why he was feeling bad towards Sara. lol Your Thanksgiving dinner will be perfect. It will be nice that everyone will be there. Hope that all of you enjoy your meal.
Barbara you have survived a lot and that shows what a strong woman that you are. You can handle what ever comes your way. You are doing good with your family and seem to keep them all together. You really help Jerry with his family. It would be hard for him to put up with them if it was not for you. I hope that he will be able to speak to his mom tomorrow. At least he will hear first hand that she is okay.
We do not get sick of turkey that fast. That is one of my favorite meals. We will sometimes fix one during the summer months. It is good for sandwiches and for soup. Melissa has gone home already and tomorrow my oldest daughter and her family will come for turkey sandwiches. It will be nice to see her. She could not come yesterday she went to her boyfriends mom’s for dinner. Trying to accept this new problem with the new guy in her life. He is the father of her baby. So he will be around for along time. Being tired can do some crazy things to you. I am glad that you could sleep and felt better afterward. Sometimes sleep is the best medicine.
Well that is about all from here. Talk to you later. Have a good day tomorrow.
Colleen -
Hi All,
Adele, so glad that JJ got to call on Thanksgiving and that they were at least going out to be with Jhonny’s family for dinner. Is he Jamaican? If so I wonder if they combine traditional American with Jamaican specialties. That’s what I love about this country is each region or family puts it’s own special twist on a holiday. Up north we use white bread for stuffing in the south they use corn bread. I must admit Kim used to make the southern cornbread stuffing and there was always tons leftover as it just didn’t taste right to our “northern” palates. Greg’s family used to stuff the turkey with meatloaf. They are the only people that I know who ever did that. No one else has ever heard of it so I don’t know if it was just his family or if it was a Lithuanian thing. I’m so sorry that after all that work that you didn’t care for the mincemeat pie. It sure looked pretty! I saw the video. They did a great job on it and I wrote a note to James with a compliment about it. The whole time I kept thinking that Glen looked like he would much rather be home in his jeans and a sweatshirt watching a ball game-he looked kind of stiff and uncomfortable. lol
Colleen, it sounds like you had plenty of good help with dinner. I’m so glad that everyone was there to help. It’s nice knowing that if they really wanted to your girls could take right over from you and do everything seamlessly. I can so sympathize with you not wanting to wear the back brace. Do the back problem and the hip problem have a common thread-are they related? Putting on any kind of brace is a chore in itself. At least that’s what I find. Our snow is gone. It rained and rained on Thanksgiving so it washed all the snow away. I hope you got a lot of decorating done with Melissa being there. How are Ethan and Kaylee doing? Was it awhile since you saw them? I will be serving that same mac and cheese and maybe the sweet potato casserole at Christmas. I’m glad you liked them. We always thought they were pretty darn good.
Barbara, you will be busy celebrating your Thanksgiving today. I know that you will all have a good time just being together. It is odd that they didn’t want to let Jerry’s Mom come to the phone. Why children think they they are “owed” their parents money and possessions is beyond me. Their parents worked hard to get what they have and if anything the children owe the parents for raising them up in this world. I have seen so much greed where inheritances are concerned-ripping whole families apart. No material object is worth not having a relationship with my brother and sister-just not the same thing at all. I will never understand what people are thinking when they do that. In any case the main thing I hope that Jerry’s Mom is being treated well. He may have to go over there himself and check things out. Since there is nothing that you can really do about the situation just enjoy your special day with your family.
We had a nice Thanksgiving. Poor Greg was feeling sick to his stomach that day on the way to Jenny’s. But he must have gotten over it because he did seem to eat a good dinner and drink a couple of beers during the football game. He scared me though because he said he was having pains across his stomach too. He thinks it was part of his cold but I didn’t have anything like that so I think it was something he ate at work or while he was out of town. Anyway, it was a good day. Gabby and Enya were there and Adam’s Dad. And Adam’s brother Aaron and his wife Kelly and their four kids all were there so it was a full house. Lot’s of kids running around playing and laughing and screaming. I can understand about the being tired thing. When i get sick all I want to do is rest and I really wasn’t able to do that much last week as i had to babysit, shop for groceries, drive an hour to the doctors and prepare some food for Thanksgiving. So on Friday I slept in late and just kind of did nothing all day. I think my body needed that as I feel much better today. We usually go over to Jenny’s on Friday nights and I was really looking forward to going over and eating leftovers but Greg was tired from working on the wash machine all day so we stayed home. I was really tasting those leftovers too but he wanted Chinese food of all things so that’s what we ended up having although i would have much rather gone over for the leftovers. Jenny and the kids were at the movies to see The Good Dragon so they would have gotten home a little later than usual and Greg just wanted to rest. He worked all week with his cold too so he was tired. The difference is he never gets a fever and with me as soon as I catch something I get that darn fever right away. I wonder if it’s because i take an immunosuppresive so my body has to work harder fighting off the germs. If that makes any sense.
Guess, what he got the parts and fixed the washing machine and so far it seems to be working. Although I was concerned for awhile as he forgot to reconnect the wire that tells the machine how far to fill up so he had a half of tub of water that he had to get rid of. Adele, you know what I mean-in those energy efficient front loaders you never get more than a few inches of water in it and he had the drum half full before he realized what was wrong. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well while I try to whittle down the huge piles of laundry this weekend. One thing I know is that I will never leave the house with the machine still going again.
Well, I got a lot of online shopping done this past week and I have the majority done. Now I just have to wait for all the boxes to pour in. Especially with the little kids-it seems like all their stuff comes in big boxes. QVC has extremely uninteresting programming for the holidays. I think they are going to be losing a lot of their older costumers like me-their items have no variety anymore. How many years can you give a set of flashlights?
Today is two years since we got that awful call in the middle of the night that Kim had died. Brent did end up going home with his friend for Thanksgiving so we were happy about that. I hope this year is a bit less painful for him. I can’t imagine how her parents must feel also. Maybe some prayers for all of them would be in order.
On a brighter note we are going to see a musical called Plaid Tidings tonight. We have seen the companion show Forever Plaid which has music from the 50’s-so I think this show might have the older Christmas music. It should be fun. Especially since all the towns around here lit their Christmas trees on Friday so everything should be all decorated. Now, if the two of us can keep from coughing all show long-we’ll have to bring lots of cough drops with us.
Time to crack out the Christmas tops! Hooray!!!
Gail -
Hi Gail
Jhonny is Dominican. His family always does things late at night. Dinner starts around 8 or 9 on a holiday, and they are up most of the night socializing. They are up to midnight on Christmas Eve, or after. Steph, Jhonny and the kids do not get home until way after midnight on Christmas Eve form their house. they are here until around 8, and then head over there. What is funny is the at his mother always makes lasagna on a holiday, and Steph like hers more than anyone else’s. I find that really amusing.
That is awful that today is the anniversary of Kim’s death. It gave me chills, when I read that sentence. What a horrible thing to go through, for all of you. She will be in your hearts forever. I am glad Brent was with a friend. Brent will be home soon. I bet a big celebration is being planned.
I hope Greg is not sick. That incident must have scared you. I hope the washer is all set, and you do not have to worry about it, every time it is on. After a coupe of washings, you should know if there is anything else wrong. I have my fingers crossed! I cannot believe he was able to fix it. Up here, only an LG repairman can fix one, it is a whole other repair specialty. Thank God I still have the contract on mine.
the video was real good. I showed it to Tillie last night, when she came up. She was thrilled to see it. What a nice thing they did for all us Quackers. Good idea to thank James. Where doyou write a note of thanks to him on this site- I think it is a good idea for all of us to do that. Appreciation is always a good thing.Colleen…..what is this about a brace? I think I missed something again.
Hey girls- Jhonny came over today, with JJ and Aizen for a visit. We were all thrilled. JJ got all A’s on his report card, and Aizen blew me a kiss goodbye. You should have seen his face when the tree came on. The tree is up, but no decorations on it yet.
I got all the Thanksgiving things away, and a couple of boxes of Christmas stuff out- one set of Annalee dolls, and a few more smaller ones. My intention is to get one closet of stuff out a day……LOL Then decorate the tree. I am just glad it looks like the house is all decorated from outside, as the tree is up and lit. I still have to get the window candles out I got from the Q 2 years ago- the ones that time themselves, and are on batteries- love them!!
Adele -
Hi Colleen and Barbara, and Gail, and everyone……
just read your post, and got the news on the back brace. I hope it makes you feel better. Gary has a brace, and he was wearing it for a while, and then stopped completely.That was so nice that your daughter helped plan the next dinner too. So, what salads are they talking about?
I just had the scare of my life. I was yelling to Garry in the living room, on Greg fixing Gail’s machine, and got no answer. I yelled louder, and still no answer. I went in the living room, and turned on the overhead light- Gary hates it on, as it is so bright. Still no answer. I had to poke at him, hard to roust him. I thought he died. he NEVER sleeps that soundly. I kept asking if he was alright, and he said he was, just has not been sleeping well at night, because of his shoulder. My heart is still racing. I will be watching him carefully.
you know, I know that day will come, when one is us cannot wake the other. Just not quite ready for that today. I could not take another person dying on me, just before Christmas. My Dad died on Dec 23rd. I was reminded once more, that life is special, and a gift. Every single day, every single moment. I still have the chills.
Forgot everything else I was going to write, accept the kids came by with Jhonny today- red the post to Gail and you.for the details.
Adele -
Barbara- read my post to Colleen, Gail and you for the Gary scare. Oh yes, we all think foo what we have been through, and how much closer we are tot he end. It scares the hell put of all of us. we have so much more we want to do. we just need more time, and more good health.
I agree with what Colleen said. You have been though so much, you are brave, strong, and one of the best women we know. You are holding them all together, and doing your best to make all their arguments disappear……because you, more than anyone else, knows the value of life.
God bless you, and Jerry. I hope he can have a nice talk with his Mom on Monday- hope top hear good news on that one.
I am closing to get in the living room to keep an eye on that man. Maybe he, like us, was just exhausted. Either way, I am a little nervous, and would feel better if I am closer to watch his every move.
Love you!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
That would have scared me to death if that happened here. I am glad that Gary is okay though. You cannot help getting scared like that when they do not answer you. I hope that he does not do that to you again. That really gets you praying and the heart beating really fast. Thank God that he is alright.
Here are the salads that I am making. Ambrosia salad, mushroom salad, cranberry salad, and broccoli and cauliflower salad. That is besides the green bean bundles and the corn. They want stuffed mushrooms and sausage balls for appetizers. That is going to be a lot of cooking and one heck of a lot of salads. I may cut back on a few of them. She is funny sometimes when she plans a meal. She still does not do well with balancing it all out. We will do what she wants though she will learn.
When I was at the back doctor last he asked me if I had a brace. I told him no and he asked if I remember why I do not have one. He said that I should have got one a long time ago..So they contacted my insurance and they gave me a brace that day. I am supposed to wear it if I am going to be on my feet for any amount of time. Suppose to wear it when cleaning the house. So will see if it helps and if not I will give it back to him.lol I had to try it on while I was at his office so they could make sure that it fit. It had nothing to do with my hip though. That is something all together different. I am not sure if you ask me that or if someone asked me. My brain is still on a mini vacation. It is getting more like a permanent vacation. lol
That is just so nice that Johnny came over with the boys today. They were probably so glad to see you. He seems to be a very nice man. I wonder if Steph knew that he was going to do that or if he just decided to do that on his own. The kids always like to see the decorations put up. Melissa did not get to do as much as she thought she would. They helped to get the tree up and that was about it. They had to go to dinner at her x father in laws house so they had to leave. We were getting a lot of rain and they were a little worried about driving in that rain. There are a lot of curvy roads from here to their place so they did not want to be on the road very late. So my oldest daughter and my middle daughter came over today and their kids helped to put up the decorations. They put out all my Santas. My granddaughter got tired of putting them out but Owen would not quit until they had them all up. He was funny. I asked if he wanted to stop for awhile when Kylie did but he said no he wanted to finish. So we finished.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
That is a new one stuffing a turkey with meatloaf. I wonder what the point of that was. That is almost like getting two meals in one.lol Everyone does stuff their turkeys different. We use white bread in our stuffing but Ron’s family used corn bread. That is why I make the two dressings. I do not like not having my mom’s dressing on Thanksgiving and Ron wants his mom’s dressing. So it is easier to just fix both. The girls like both types so it all works out in the end. We never have a lot left over.
It is kind of good to know but then it is also kind of scary. It won’t be long and they will not need me to fix Thanksgiving dinner for them anymore. I guess that I am having a hard time letting go. They will need to do that one day guess they are not going to wait for me to be ready for it. It is as it should be.
The back problem and the hip problem are two separate things. The hip is in the joints like arthritis the back is discs. He just figures out that he did not give me a back brace after coming there for so long. We had never talked about it until last Wednesday. So now I will try it and if it does not work I will give it back to him. They tried it on me there and showed me how to put it on. It is not hard to put on but will be a pain to remember to wear it. It is not something that I wear all the time. You do not wear it when sitting down or sleeping just when you are going to be on your feet for long periods of time or when cleaning the house. Just one of those things that drive you crazy.
Glad that you could enjoy your Thanksgiving. Sorry to hear that Greg was not feeling good though. Sounds like he ate something that did not agree with him. That was nice that all of the kids were there and Adams brother and his wife. Sounds like you had a nice time and the kids had fun also. Where was Adam’s mom? Was she sick or did she go to the other daughters house in Washington? I think that I have the right person. It is nice that Adam’s dad had a place to go for the holiday.
Ethan and Kaylee are doing fine. They fight like brother and sister. Kaylee does everything she can to get Ethan in trouble and he gets mad. She is a little character. She was talking to Danyielle on the phone and said a couple of things and then she threw the phone down and said I am done talking now. She does not say good-bye or anything she just throws the phone down. Ethan picked it up really fast and started talking. I do not know why she does not like to talk on the phone. She never has. Ethan loves to talk on the phone when he is in the mood. If he is playing a game or watching tv then he will not talk for long. He will tell you he has to go though and give the phone to his mom,. They are both growing and changing like they do as they get older.
Who likes Chinese instead of turkey? When you wrote you made me think of the Christmas story when the dogs ate their turkey and they had to go to the Chinese restaurant and eat there. They sang the Christmas songs with their Chinese accent and got the man and woman laughing. That is Ron’s favorite movie. They show it just about all night on one of the channels on the satellite. I get tired of watching it after awhile. He can watch it two or three times.
Some people just do not realize how lucky they are to have their parents still alive. They should treasure the time that they have with their mom and not worry about what money she has. One day she will be gone and they will really miss her. I know that we really miss my dad. We are lucky that we have my mom still. I have been after her to write down all the family stories and the history of our family. I know that she had one uncle that died really young. He was her favorite. I do not remember why he died but she needs to write all of that down. Then we can pass the stories on to our children. It is important for them to know the history of the family.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night will talk to you later.
glad to hear that your washer is working again. -
Hi Colleen
I am glad you got all your decorations up. I am tackling another closet today, to get those out. After that, I have 2 more to do. This year, I am going to get it all out, and then purge, as there was a lot last year that I did not get out at all.
Gary is good. Thank God. Here is a funny. I was taking to him a few minutes ago, and I thought he was in the office, and he did not answer. So, I yelled his name real loud, and I hear this faint voice in the bathroom off our bedroom saying….”can’t I even go to the bathroom this morning, without you calling me?” LOL I guess it is going to take a copal of days to get over that scare.
We are getting your rain tomorrow, with snow flurries Monday am, but no accumulation.
What is in the cranberry salad- that sounds interesting. You do have a lot of salads, but the kids like them, so that is good.
I hope the back brace makes your back feel better. Anything that makes us better is good.
Steph did know they came over. I am figuring this is the first step toward a “I am sorry”. This time, I did not give in. it made me so mad she did not come here for Halloween with the kids, and that just Jhonny came with JJ, and so late too. All because her makeup did not come out right. She is bog on the family costume. It is not about her, it is about the kids. I think I am still a little ticked off, which is not like me. I usually get on with it, and fix the family rift, as it is really just not worth it. Life is too short. she must have really hit a nerve this time. Honestly, I thin it is because I put so much effort into decorating, and it is not easy with my back to do it all. THAT is what really got to me. It was the feeling of ….why did I do all of this?
Jhonny is a really good Dad, and is very attached to all of us here. He is like my own grandson, and that is how I introduce him, which is funny, because he is a few shades darker than the rest of us…..LOL You have to see the funny look I get when I say that. I never say this is my granddaughter’s fiancé, I say, this is my grandson. We really love him, and are proud he is in our family. He is a good man. Did I tell you he is starting with the Post Office on Monday, in training? He will be temporary, until a position opens, and they decide he is worthy for permanent. I hope he gets permanent, as he is a good worker, and a great kid. The benefits would be great for them, especially the great health insurance.
Well….off to decorating I go.
Hope you have a good day.
Adele -
OMG! I am so glad Gary is all right. That must have scared the poop out of you. But now you are so worried and watching him so closely that the poor man has to hide in the bathroom for some peace and quiet. I thought maybe he was so amazed that Greg fixed the machine that he was speechless. Greg is kind of a Renaissance man and knows something about everything. He has probably saved us thousands of dollars over the years by fixing things around the house. He fixed up the whole basement-carpentery, electrical, plumbing everything. He really learned things working at his grandfather’s knee-he was a blacksmith and very inventive in making things to help around the house. The new part for the machine was only about $75-it was the labor that was $700 and that just got Greg’s goat up-it would have been different if the machine was old and needed replacement because it didn’t work well anymore. So he is happy because we saved money and I am happy to still have the machine that I like.
Congratulations to JJ for getting all A’s. That must have made everyone happy. I am glad to hear that Jhonny has the temporary job with the postal services. Those jobs are well known for their good benefits-i hope that he can get on permanently. When you were telling the story about introducing him as your grandson that reminded me of a story myself. When we were kids in order to differentiate our grannies and granddaddies we called one set white because of my grandmother’s white hair and the other set green because of that grandmother’s favorite green sweater. So we would be talking about going to white grannies house when we were kids and sometimes we would get the funniest looks from people who were probably wondering if they have to say one granny is specifically white I wonder what color the other one is. This of course was back in the 50’s when it was a different world. I guess they were really surprised when I told them the other granny was green! lol An alien maybe?
Adele, I guess i learned awhile back that no on else seemed to really care about the decorations but me-so that is why I finally learned to do them to please myself and if I don’t feel like doing them that’s all right too because no one else seems to care either way. So just do what you like for yourself-then you will never be disappointed. I have those battery operated candles on timers all over my house-I love them. Plus then I don’t have to worry about the fire hazard if I forget to blow one out. I do miss the smells from burning candles but now I use those fragrance warmers in an electric pot for a substitute.
I think if you go to members and type in Quacker Factory you can write a thank you to James there. you can write it as a public message or if you are friends you can write it privately. So glad that Gary was just sleeping soundly. He was probably tired from all the Thanksgiving festivities too.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
It is hard to let go of doing some of those things that we always did for our families. I guess it’s because as long as we are hosting the holidays and such we feel like we are still needed and we are important contributing members. No one likes to feel like they are being put out to pasture and that they are irrelevant. It’s hard to learn to embrace the changes that growing older brings. But by the same token I find that with having given over Thanksgiving to Jenny I can just relax and enjoy the day more too-basically she just took it over when she got married as Adam wanted to have a holiday at their home because of Gabby and Enya-so i couldn’t see any point in resisting and starting trouble with the newly married couple so it was a pretty easy transition. I usually make two or three dishes to bring over anyway so I feel like I am doing my part-and the kids are happier in their own home playing with their cousins so it works well for everyone. It’s just a short drive so that is no problem either. I guess once we have that empty nest we start feeling less and less needed and hosting the holidays is one of our last things that we can still do for our kids and their families. But like you say eventually everything needs to change-just like with our mothers and grandmothers before us. Please try to get as many family stories from your Mom as possible. There is so much I missed getting. I think at least once a month I have a question about something that only my Mom would have known the answer to. There were so many stories she still needed to impart.
Adam’s Mom had been in Washington with her daughter SIL and grandkids this past month. She is coming back this week as there is a family wedding coming up. So that is good that she can take back her babysitting day and I can have more time for Christmas preparation.
Yes,Greg wanting Chinese food the day after Thanksgiving reminded me of the Christmas story too. I really wanted those leftovers so bad but I knew he was tired from working on the washer and from being sick all week too. I still think about those leftovers. I think I will make a turkey breast for us some night for dinner but it won’t be quite the same without all the good sides. Now I guess that i have to start thinking of my Christmas meal.
The musical that we saw last night was really good. It was called Plaid Tidings. It had good music and it was funny too. Great combination. Because these guys were a singing group from the late 50’s early 60’s there were a lot of cultural references to back then-Ed Sullivan-Perry Como. Well this will make you feel old-there was some line in the play about Ernest Borgnine and I could distinctly hear the guy behind me say “who’s Ernest Borgnine?” Well that’s gonna make me feel old. lol Anyway. we had a lovely dinner beforehand at our favorite restaurant 1776 and the down town where the theater is was all lit up for Christmas so it was a nice evening. I love live entertainment-whether professional or amateur-there’s always a feeling of anticipation before the curtain goes up. Nothing quite like it.
By the way-girls, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade I came to the sad realization that I will never be a Rockette-I am too short. lol (and fat and old to boot). Just for one day I’d like to walk around on a tall girls legs and smell the air from that rarefied height and be able to reach all the shelves in the kitchen.
Gail -
OMG Gail, I am still laughing about you with the new long legs. You could get a set of stilts….LOL LOL
Gary scared the be-Jesus out of me…..very close to poop, I may add. You know, that moment when you think, “oh oh, I am here, and this is it”. A million things run through your mind on one second, one of them being I need to call 911 fast, as I try out my rusty CPR. My heart was pounding so loud, I could have lifted a car, all by myself. Glad it was just a scare.
I have to tell you, when I read the part about visiting the white granny, I laughed so hard the table shook.
Greg is hysterical. If Gary tried that, and try he would, there would have been a much bigger disaster to follow. He would have never noticed the water too high, because the man never sees the washer in motion. Gary was really good at fixing things when he was younger. As he aged, and the arthritis took over, he really does not have the ability in his hands, and strength like he used to, which is such a shame. It bothers him, a lot.
I read the post to Colleen- I have always wanted to get my DNA tested. I would love to know what is in me. Although Tillie is German, she is really 1/4 French. One of her grandparents was French. I am curious about what we do not know. It is a shame we lose things as the generations go by. Tillie said the French grandfather went to Germany because of his religion, and changed his name. She has no idea what his real name was, and that is a shame. I even asked her if they had it in her old Bible, which has a family tree in it, and she said no- that real last name is lost forever. Life is so funny, isn’t it?
Hope your day was good- I got all my Quacker Christmas purged, and ready to sell on Ebay. I recently bought one top twice, and am glad it is still in the plastic, so I can send that one back. We are just too funny, when we forget we already had that one. Also got one more room/closet of decorations out. Two more to go.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
You have a lot of decorations. I have a lot but not that many. I have more then I have room for and that is not good. We still have to clear the sun room out so I can put the Santa tree up and get it decorated. It is the last thing that we put up every year. We have a sleeping santa that snores that the kids all really like so have to get that out.
That is funny. Ron is the same way if I check on him. Ron does some dumb things is why I have to check on him though. He is lucky that you are checking on him. It just shows that you do not want anything to happen to him. you should tell him that. He probably has not thought of that. Most men do not think like we do.
Cranberry salad is cranberries with jello, cream cheese, nuts celery and you pour it in a mold and let it set for a day and then get it out of the mold. If it works out right it will come out okay if not it breaks into pieces and you have to put it together like that is what you meant to do. lol
She must like Halloween. She will probably come over the next time with the kids. Johnny sounds like he really likes you also. It was nice that he brought the boys over and let them see you and spend some time with you. Do you do something with your family on Christmas day also or just Christmas eve. We have everyone here on Christmas day. Everyone lives off from us so it is hard for them to come over on Christmas eve. So we have always had it on Christmas Day. Once in awhile the one of the kids will spend the night with their family and the grands will be here for Christmas morning. That is a lot of fun. We get to see them open their presents from Santa.
That is really good news that Johnny got a job. Hope he is put on permanent soon and will have all the good benefits that they get there. They make good money also. They also get a lot of days off which makes it nice. Postal jobs are hard to get down here. There are not a lot of jobs and so people are always going there for a job. The wait list is really long.
Have fun decorating. Hope you get a lot done but be careful of your back. You do not want to get it hurting again.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
You are right about the holidays but it is so hard to let them do things and just sit and watch. It will be better if I can do things to help. I will not feel so helpless. It was nice when Danyielle came over with Kevin and Owen Saturday. At least we got to spend the day with all of them. Just wish Melissa and Stephen were still here with us. They had to go home so we understand that.
She really spends a lot of time in Washington. It is a shame that she does not come home for the holidays. Will she be home for Christmas? That would be a hard decision to leave the rest of the family to be with the one daughter. I do not know if I could do that. All the families do things different though. We really enjoy being together. Sure am glad that I do not have to make that decision.
It will be so nice when Brent gets home. That was good news that he spent Thanksgiving with a friend. At least he was not alone. It will be good when he is home and with the family again. Have you started decorating yet or just getting started? I hope that made sense. We are half way there and still need to do more. May have to have the grands over again to help me do the sun room. That is the hardest room to do. We have a plug in there that needs to be changed also. We have changed so many of those stupid plugs. It will be nice to have the electrician come and check things out. Just hope we do not have to rewire the house.
Maybe you should just go over to Jenny’s with a empty bowl or two and get some left overs to bring home for you to eat. She will probably be glad to get rid of some by now. After eating left overs for a couple of days I think everyone is ready for someone to come over and take some. That still makes me smile thinking of the Chinese food. I do not know why it strikes me as being so funny. I guess that movie is stuck in my brain.
Sounds like you really had a good evening. I have never heard of Plaid Tidings. It sounds really good. Earnest Borgnine has not been gone that long has he? That would make a person feel old. Those kids do not know what they have missed if they did not know him. It is funny that they knew who Perry Como was and Ed Sullivan but did not know Earnest Borgnine. I guess they still talk about Perry and Ed. Your dinner out sounded really nice also. It is fun to go out to dinner and to a play. I am like you it does not matter if they are professional or amateurs a live musical or play is the best. Just wish that I could get Ron to go. But he will not no matter what I say to him. It is time for the Nut Cracker to be shown again. I need to get tickets and take a couple of the grands with me to see it. It is an amateur group that does that here. I think once in awhile they will get a person that is well known but not every year. I have not heard this year who will be coming or if anyone will. It is always a good performance.
Gail that is funny. I do not think that you would like being that tall. Then you would have to worry about what shoes you wear and all of that. You do not want to be taller then Greg. I have a couple of nieces that are really tall and they wish that they were short. The one got a scholar ship to college for basketball. She is 6ft Guess she is too tall to be a rockette.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
Yes when Gail (Adam’s mother-yes her name is Gail too and so was the name of his first MIL) goes to Washington to see her daughter (Ericka) she usually stays for 3 or 4 weeks. I guess she doesn’t mind being away for Thanksgiving that much-Adam doesn’t come over for the holiday-son Nathan often goes to his wife’s families place or he was in the restaurant industry and so is she so I think sometimes they work-her other son Aaron and his wife Kelly go to Kelly’s Moms and Kelly’s Dads houses separately as they are divorced and they would stop by Gail’s house if she were home and then go on to Jenny’s. So the whole family would not be gathered all together at Gail’s house anyway so I guess she figures she may as well go to her daughters for the holiday. Adam and Jenny really do not go spend much time at his parents house since Adam’s ex wife lives there-it’s not the most comfortable experience for he and Jenny. It’s quite a complicated situation. Ericka’s husband Nathan (yes-another Nathan) is from Harvard so they both usually will come back in the summer around Milk Day and Ericka will usually stay here for a couple of weeks. Nathan usually can’t stay as long because he is a surgeon in the Army so he usually only gets a week off and then he goes home and back to duty and Ericka stays and visits with her parents longer. I suppose since that’s her only daughter she is probably a little closer to her than she is to the boys so she probably misses her alot-and all three boys live in Harvard so they are close and she sees them more often.
We have not started decorating yet but i have started getting out the holiday glasses and cups for everyday use. I hope to get a lot done this upcoming weekend. We have just about all the weekends in December free this year as we are not working at the ONP event. There are so many other volunteers that want to go on that day and can’t because there is not enough for them to do so we decided to stay home this year after doing it for 6 or so years and let other people get a chance to volunteer that day. I am a little sad but we’ve seen it and it’s time to step back and give other volunteers a chance to go.
I guess by now the leftovers are all eaten-plus it’s now 5 days later so they would not taste as good as the day after.
Amazingly i have never seen the Nutcracker (better known as Walnut) live. Maybe next year I will get tickets and include it in our holiday viewing.
I wouldn’t care if I were taller than Greg. I am just so envious when I see these women with these incredible long legs. It would be nice to be able to reach stuff off the top shelf at the grocery store. I’ve had to leave things behind before because I couldn’t reach them. Oh well-those women can’t sit on a chair and swing their legs like me and instead of their pants being too long they are probably too short. This is one of those things I have to accept because I cannot change.
Hope your decorating is going good.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Somehow stilts are not as nice as long beautiful shapely legs. lol Glad that you like the story about my colorful grandparents-talking about them did garner a lot of strange looks over the years. Greg is lucky still to be in pretty good shape and still do a lot of things. Actually, the man has ants in his pants is much happier with a project.
I would imagine that France was much like Poland where my family comes from. The Germans were always marching in and out and conquering parts of France and Poland-so some years it would be Poland and other years it would be Germany and I imagine France also being adjacent would have much the same type of history. The scuttlebutt in our family has always been that my great grandmother came from the wrong side of the blanket from someone’s liaison with Polish royalty. Who knows-all I know is the great grandmother in question also led sort of a mysterous life in this country as Sabina (they claim that I have her upper lip-have never seen her picture so i have no idea)mysteriously disappeared for several years and then just as mysteriously reappeared and offered no explanations. Interesting story-too bad there’s no way to follow that one anymore.
What Quacker are you selling on EBay-stuff that you no longer wear or stuff you no longer like? It seems like the Quacker on EBay sells for pretty reasonable prices-is it all used or is some new? I wonder if some people collect the really old stuff. How long have you been buying Quacker. I have stuff from the very beginning-I guess they are Quacktiques.
Can’t believe it’s already the last day of November. Time really seems to fly during the holiday season.
Gail -
Hi Gail
Wouldn’t it be great if we could find all these family mysteries out. That is a fascinating story. One wonders who she left behind when she disappeared! That is why I have always wanted my DNA tested- curious what it will tell.
I am selling my tops that are a size smaller. I am openly giving up on the weight loss issue. I have 2 older sweaters- the pretty pink one with the snowman on it, and the black one with the tree, where the tree’s garland is off from the shirt, and moves around when you move. Plus, a lot of regular shirts, various ones. One that is older that has a lot of embellishments- it is aqua, with beautiful snowmen on it, and a tree. The older shirts have a lot more sequin detail. In the Fall, I sold quite a few, and they went real fast. I will let you know my progress. I have to purge, as with the new ones I bought, there is no more room…..LOL LOL I bought at least 8 Christmas shirts this year, that I just could not resist.
It took me quite a while to load all the pics, and describe everything. I have to go through my Annalee collection to. I have way too much, and my tastes have changed over the years. Annalee dolls go very fast on Ebay too.
Hope you had a good day- it got really gloomy here, and will rain/snow for a few days.
Adele -
hey Colleen and Gail….when is Brent due back?
Gail, you have never seen the Nutcracker? You would love it, for sure.
Colleen- I think you said you saw it, or am I imagining that?I hope Barbara’s holiday celebration went well. I bet she is pooped!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
So, when I check with Jhonny on how his first day in training went, he was waiting for AAA. he went in the wrong gate, and when he drove out, there were spikes that went through his tires. he followed the GPS directions. I guess he will be late getting home tonight. He was also told there are a record number of people retiring from the Post Office, so it should be about a year, and he would be permanent. I so hope that works out for them.
I have a lot more decorating to do. I am doing it, closet by closet. You seem like you are doing room by room…..LOL It will take me 2 weeks to get it all done, I bet. GAry could not find my garland that goes on the stair railings. Good God. I hope I do not have to buy it again.
That cranberry salad sounds good.
Did you hear about the Holiday Baking Show? It is on tonight, and I am looking forward to seeing it. Hope I like it.
Hope your night is good….gotta go, and make our sandwiches for supper…..LOL LOL
Adele -
Good Morning all my fine feathered Quacker Friends. It’s December so i have started a new Page for us. See you there.
I will be right there- everyone do not forget to check the bottom, so you willget the notices!!
Adele -
Hi Colleen- I think my last answer did not post. We do both Christmas, and Christmas Eve here. On the Eve we order form a local Italian place that does catering. they are great, and it makes it easier on me. ON Christmas we always have a prime rib, with mashed potato, and some vegies of choice. Have no idea which one I will do this year.
Read my post to Gail on the other page, for the day’s up-date.
Off to the boxes, I go…to purge and put out more stuff.
Adele -
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