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Hi Girls,
Here we are starting to celebrate summer in all it’s glory. -
Hi Adele,
Well you do have one crazy week ahead. I hope they get that back splash in at Lowe’s for you. I know that you do not want to wait til July to get your redo completed. When you get something like that done you want to be able to see the finished product right away.
I’ll be over for the opening of the pool. I have tried so hard to get Greg to put in a pool but he will just not go for it. I thought when we rented the house in Florida with the pool and he saw how much everyone enjoyed it that maybe that might be the swaying point but no luck. Whenever, I bring up the subject he points to the koi pond and tells me-there’s my pool-and I tell him that I don’t want to be swimming with the fishes. lol The problem is he doesn’t want an above ground pool and the others are so much more expensive. I would be happy with anything-above ground-in ground.
Did your big group all drive out to Vegas? That would be a long drive from the east coast. Vegas is a place unlike no other. Talk about a place that never sleeps!
I guess I have read so much during my life and I have always been curious to see many of the places that I have read about. I wish we could have traveled more while we were younger as now I no longer have the ability to walk all over the place to see the things that i would like to see. You don’t think about those things when you are young. You think you will be able to do whatever you want forever.
Hope you got all the things in the cabinets covered and that you found the plumber. Just think, after all is said and done you will have a pretty new kitchen and it will all be worth it.
Gail -
Hi Dianne,
Your Memorial Day picnic sounded good and I’ll bet Kay really appreciated it.
Gee I wonder who was trying to sneak on your lap when you were typing. lol
Love the picture of you and Jewell.
Hi,Colleen! Yes. I just started making necklaces and bracelets last year. Am working on another one now. I also make hats and scarves and things for the home like wall hangings and table runners. I was thinking of having a booth somewhere, but am planning on for now selling to friends and relatives and my already existing customers from my other business. I am actually doing a before and after makeover contest where 3 winners will each get a necklace. My mom is crafty too and makes wreaths for all seasons and she makes quilts and a whole bunch of other stuff. Hope your weather is good. It rained here this morning
Quack at you later ~ Christine
Hi Colleen,
Have you ever had a crawfish boil-I’ll bet that you have. You could do that instead of a clambake. My parents used to do that when we would visit them in Louisiana as you could get fresh crawdads there. Wow! That was a long time ago. How does life just fly by?
I don’t think we will go to the Christmas party for ONP anymore. Greg does not want to do it as he wants to give other people the chance to go so I will go along with whatever he wants to do. It’s time to step back and let the next generation take over.
Colleen, you have plenty of style. You just like more conservative choices. But I wouldn’t worry about not being able to match the colors correctly. Fashion is a personal statement and you should be able to put whatever you want together. I have always liked bright colors and kind of boho things like fringe and embroidery. Plus at this point no one looks at what a fat old person is wearing anyway so I will just do what I please and if people want to snicker let them have at it. That’s what’s so liberating about being older is that you really don’t care what others think.
I know what you mean about not being able to do anything without electricity-no water-although each toilet has one flush-no heat or AC-no refrigerator or freezer-microwave-I have an electric oven so that doesn’t work-my cooktop is gas with an electronic ignition-no lights if it’s night. Electricity affects just about everything if you are without for any length of time. We had ours go off for just a minute when it rained yesterday but then it went right back on. At least the garden got a nice good soaking yesterday as the ground was pretty dry.
Gail -
Hi Gail
The rip down is complete. It looks pretty ugly in here. I have been vacuuming, and windex’ing since they left. That fine miserable construction dust really gets everywhere. I made one error- I should have covered everything on the tables we took off the counters, and from the front of the inside of the cabinets. I only covered the utensils, and coffee pots. So, now everything will need to be washed before I put it back.
This is what stopped my progress last night. I was putting away dishes, and grabbed the new kitchen gadget I got form the Q- the 2 piece strawberry set- you know, the one with the cool strawberry slicer, and huller. First, I have to say, they work great. So, I grad the slicer, and because I grabbed it without realizing how close the blades are to the gadget, I cut my finger real bad. Blood was everywhere, and would not stop. I tried everything. Even with 2 band aides on, and a paper towel around that, the blood was dripping off me like it was a faucet. Bobby and Gary were yelling of course, the kitchen sink looked like a murder occurred, and I did not want to spend 4 hours in the ER, so I just kept changing the Kleenex and paper towels and pressing so hard my fingers were going numb. It took a long time, but it started to slow down, so I knew it would stop. I had been moving things, and cleaning all day, and had not yet showered, so I did not want to go out, and the time factor is always an issue at the ER. The cut is only about 3/4 of an inch long, but pretty deep. The band aid on it today is sufficient, wrapped tight so the skin will go back together. I better get some of those butterfly band aids. I may have to re-think giving Steph one of those- I bought one for her for her birthday. Way too dangerous with little fingers around.
So, with all that, I forgot to get the sheets to cover the tables….LOL
We took a plane to Vegas. I remember one of our friends who was a nurse said this on the way home….”I am not getting on that plane with all you crazy people unless you are all heavily medicated.” It was a hoot and a half- one of those no room to move flights, called the red eye flight.
Vegas was a trip. I am not a gambler, so I had a cap of 20.00 a day to lose, and when I did, I was done. I spent a lot of time in the Malls, and they were fabulous. I brought Steph home a Barbie showgirl- with the huge head piece. I do not remember the other gifts I got- just that one. We saw Phil Collins in concert. Some of the others went to the Cyce De Solei, or the 2 famous magicians- (do not remember their names). Either way, everyone was happy with the shows they saw. We could not believe the buffets they offered. They had everything on them- from prime rib, to lobster, to breakfast. We walked, and walked and walked. Everything looks close, but, then you head out, and realize it is a mile away. Back then, I had no issues walking at all. good times!
The sun is shining here- yahoo! Install day is Friday for the counters, and I have still not heard back from Lowes, on the tile delivery,who are making me pretty ticked off.
Hope you are digging for the pool……they are a lot of work. Gary hates the pool, due to all the work to get it right when you open it.
Adele -
Hi Christine!
It is a lot better today- thank you!
I am just so glad I could avoid the ER.
Adele -
Hi Christine,
So glad that you took me up on the invitation to join us. Feel free to read everyone’s posts to each other and comment on whatever you see fit. We all do that. I don’t know what area of the country that you are from but right now we have Illinois, Missouri, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Oregon Represented. So we have the north south east and west chatting.
Do you have any plans for the summer that you want to share? We just have our normal trips to Kansas City and Northern Wisconsin planned right now. Last fall we went to Orlando to Disney with the kids and grandkids. I’m hoping this fall to take a trip to New Mexico to visit our son if he doesn’t come in this summer. Anyway, just chat about anything that you want to. We also have a place to chat about books. I was going to start a new discussion for recipes a few weeks back but there was some trouble with posting pictures and after they fixed it I sort of forgot about it. I will have to start that one up again soon.
Thanks Gail
I’m from Illinois. I have no idea what plans I have for the Summer yet. My dad just had a brain tumor removed back in February. He got done with radiation a few weeks back. He’s off chemo pills for now. Then will go back on for a little bit. The Dr said he should be fine after that. It was a fast growing tumor. He’ll have to go back for an MRI and blood test every month for a while. Other wise everything looks good, thank God. I hurt my foot on a trip to the park with my boyfriend a couple weeks ago and have to soak it 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks, and that is getting annoying Lol! So right now, no plans for Summer except my half brother and his family are coming in a few weeks from Washington state to visit. That is all the plans for now. Quack Quack ~ Christine
Hey Adele,
Just in case you didn’t realize it this is not the Christine from the UK. This is a different Christine who signed up recently and I asked if she would like to join us. So don’t start asking about Patch and Stewart or she will think you’re nuts. Of course after chatting with us for awhile she’ll figure that out on her own. lol You know I’m kidding-you’re the best. (just a little nutty)lol
Anyway, lets all give Christine a warm welcome!
Gail -
InactiveJune 1, 2016 at 7:34 pmPost count: 643Girls I am about to scream but it would do no good. This is the 2nd day in a row our power went out. Both days over dinner time. So I come home from work and cannot cook anything. Last night I had a tossed salad and tonight a lettuce and tomato sandwich could not make bacon for a BLT so it was missing the B. So I will survive but it is annoying.
Welcome Christine.
Adele are you on blood thinner or aspirin therapy as they make bleeding worse. I take low dose aspirin everyday as strokes run in the Family & when I had a cut it bled a lot. Hope your finger heal up quickly.
Gail, glad to see that you have started us a “summer” page. LOL We are such “women of the world” that we just must change with the seasons. I just cannot thank you all enough for your sweet, down to earth, common sense advise on our worry about Joey and Lisa. I have to keep reminding myself that Jerry and I did the very best we could to raise good men, and with Gods help they will do as their hearts and heads tell them and all will be okay eventually. I hurt when I see them hurt, and I know you all do too when someone in the family is going through troubling times, but as is said “this too shall pass”. I just need someone to give me a nudge every day it seems like, to help me keep things in perspective. I am so sorry to hear that you cut yourself, Adele, I hope it is better. One of Jerry’s brothers was a hemophiliac so it was really serious when he got hurt. And since they were boys (7 of them, no girls) you know there was lots of rough and tumble things going on. Jerry does some pretty serious bleeding when he gets hurt too. He came in from the barn one day when we were younger, and there was so much blood I didn’t know what in the world he had done. The lid of the tractor had fell on his head and cut it open, and all he says is; I need you to sew this up for me; I left the tractor running. LOL I said, Jerry I can’t you have got to go to the ER and he said I don’t have time for that mess, YOU are a nurse for pete’s sake. ha ha Well, he was right that I did do sutures at work, but I didn’t have anything to take care of that big cut here at home; so after much protesting on his part, he finally gave in and fussed from the moment we left until days later. ha ha I bet Colleen has experienced some of the same kinds of incidents. They grow them tough out here in the country ha ha and somehow I bet they grow them tough in you all’s neck of the woods too. The hospital did send me a suture removal kit home because he was fussing so much, and they knew I took them out all the time, so he at least didn’t have to go back. You can just imagine how hard it was for me to take out stitches with 3 little boys heads all right up there watching the whole process. ha ha
Your kitchen is going to be beautiful when all is finished. I am so happy for you. Isn’t it exciting just to know that it will be all bright and shiny and new when they are finished? I have been busy taking some things out of my closet as well to make room for my new Quacker. Of course, no Quacker is leaving. I look at some of the things I have bought over the years, and think to myself, what in the world was I ever thinking? Do you all have any trouble putting outfits together? It just seems so right on TV, but then not so right when I try to match things up or make an outfit. I have my comfy things that are my old standbys, and it is usually the Quacker jeans or capris and then I change up my tops a lot. Colleen, what two piece set did you get? would you believe that I have not ever watched anything but the main QVC channel. And I can’t even say why. Right now David is trying to sell that meat and cheese thingy that keeps your food sealed. If I had one of those, I think I would mainly use it for meats to keep them from getting freezer burned. Well, I canceled my order for the Smash burgers. I chickened out; since several people said they found bone in theirs and they didn’t taste too good. My luck, I probably missed a good order of burgers. Dianne, did you order them? I was thinking you said you had. Hope yours turned out good. I must be hungry, because his Top Secret recipe book that he is showing now has some really good looking food on there.
Sue, sorry you are having the “lights out” things. We have gone through that several times in the last few weeks. We had our electricity pole fall down during one of the storms and it fell across our drive; so no one could come down our drive for about 10 hours. Now that was a mess. We were stuck inside and our son and his wife was living with us at the time; and they had to go to a hotel for the night. We had the electric wires across our drive and our road; so of course I worried about our puppy dogs getting close to them. But they closed off the whole road and worked like crazy to repair it. Two nights in a row right at dinner time is pretty frustrating. I love the BLT but no bacon. I love a good BLT. But must admit; I need all 3 ingredients to get the “full effect” ha ha
Gail, we are reading Experiencing Heaven, it is 3 stories in one book of 3 people who were in terrible accidents, and what they remember of seeing heaven while people were working on them to help them to survive. It is very interesting. So far; we are really enjoying it. The book really makes you stop and think; and is so comforting. The other book we read was Worth Dying For, written by Rorke Denver, a Navy Seal, It was written from the perspective of being someone who had to make life and death decisions, and included all about the families these men left behind to do their duty and the lives they had to face in their loved ones absence. It was excellent; Jerry really enjoyed it.
Better go for now, girls. Hope all is going well for everyone. You all are such good friends. Hugs, Barbara -
Hi Ladies,
I found you!!!! Hooooooray!!!!!! It’s cooler today with high clouds. We may get some sprinkles overnight, but from
Friday on it’ll get hot & hotter over the weekend. NOT LOOKING forward to that!!!!! Sorry my keyboard got stuck there
for a bit. Not much going on here.
I’m doing this on my tablet & i’m not used to it. My computer is down temporarily. So, you have a good day. Good luck
Talk to ya later.
Dianne -
Hi Dianne,
I don’t like to post with my tablet either. I always hit the wrong letters.
Pretty flowers.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
It’s practically a necessity to start a new topic each month since the discussions no longer have pages. After a month it’s a long scroll down to the bottom.
Once again, we are all here for each other when we need support getting through something in our lives. I am actually happy for Joey-hard as this all may be-since it will give him the opportunity to eventually meet someone who he will love and share his life with and maybe even add to the grand baby count! Right now focus on the happy event that is coming towards the end of the summer.
How far away do Neal and Sarah live now. Hopefully it is just a short drive. I’ll bet there will be some babysitting in your future.
Our friends have one of those food savers and he uses it all the time. He finds it to be very economical. He goes to Costco and buys a lot of things in bulk and packs and freezes them. They have a summer home up north and he buys all his meat for the summer and freezes it in the food saver bags and takes it up with them. I think you have to be very organized to plan all that out.
Sounds like you and Jerry are reading some good books. I have read some of those near death experience visions of heaven books. They are quite interesting and comforting. If you guys haven’t read it yet may I suggest Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand for a future read. It’s a good book that men and women seem to enjoy equally.
Gail -
Sue, I hope the power stays on. That is so frustrating.
Gail -
Hi Christine,
We have a second Christine from the UK who is a long time poster here so it could get confusing. lol
I’m sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope that he has a total recovery. We are very good with praying for each other’s needs here so I will say prayers for his recovery and I’m sure the other ladies will too.
Sorry about your foot. All that soaking would get tiresome after a while. I see that you are young from your picture so it must be hard to manage if you are working. We are all older and retired and around the same age except for Christine who is somewhat younger. We will probably be boring for a young person to talk to.
Do you have a lot of Quacker clothes or are you a new Quacker. Once again it seems to be something that appeals to mostly older women-so you must be part of the new generation of Quackers. lol
I have been with Quacker from the very first time that they were on the air. That’s over 20 years. Lots of sequins and rhinestones have been bought.
Do you have any pets? We are great animal lovers here. We used to have dogs and cats but my husband became allergic to cats so now we have dogs and after having three who are all in my profile picture we only have one still living. He’s the black and white one and he just celebrated his 17th birthday last Saturday. Wow!
Gail -
Hi,Gail! Yes,I am a new Quacker Lol! I just bought my 2nd top and it’s at the post office now! Yay! I’ve been a fan of Quacker ever since I first saw it on tv. I bought my first top last year. There are quite a few others that I’d love to get. As I was telling the other Christine yesterday, I missed out on one, and have been kicking myself ever since! I don’t mind talking to older women. I have lots of friends because of my business, and a lot of them are older than me. I am in direct sales and sell skin care and cosmetics. I have done that for 7 years now. I also am thinking of starting up a 2nd business. I love to knitt. I make lots of things, but I am really thinking about making necklaces, bracelets, headbands, and other things as a second job as I love it so much
We have 3 cats,1 dog,1 turtle, and 3 horses. My dad is doing better. It was definitely a faith testing experience. Thanks for your prayers. God has blessed us so much through this. Right now I am having a bad toothache and am dreading going to the dentist.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten the same snooty hygienist…. Well,Quack at you later
Hi Adele,
I hope the finger is okay today. Keep it bandaged up- a butterfly bandage is a good idea. Do you have Urgent Care places that you could have gone to where the wait would be shorter? Who would have thought that little gadget would be so sharp. So it works good for slicing strawberries and fingers. I think I will just stick to my knife for the time being.
Even though you have a mess know I know it will end up being worth it to have those nice new counters and back splash. It will be beautiful!
They do have fantastic stores in Vegas although most of them have prices that are for looking and not buying. The shows and the food are great though. You are so right-the distances between places are so deceptive. It looks closer than it really is. Maybe because the hotels are so massive. When we went there were some moving walkways like they have in airports between some of the hotels.
I am not getting a pool. I was just saying that I wanted one. lol I know everyone always says that they are hard to take care of. I would just make Greg my pool boy! lol
Gail -
Hi Gail,
My bil father use to boil crawfish and they would have a big dinner. We never did eat them that I can remember. We do not live close to anywhere that you can get fresh lobster or anything else. That is one reason I would love to go to the east coast where you can get that fresh.
Well you will not believe that I ordered from Quacker. I ordered the tsv with the skort and the vest. I even got it in red. I am not sure that I will keep it when it gets here but I did order it. I am getting daring. The only two colors that will go with it though is blue and black. So do not know if I made a mistake or not. I will have to see if it covers my knees at all. I hope that it does.
We are lucky with our stove it is gas. So we can use that no matter if we have electric or not. We also have a large supply of paper plates. I really need to get some plastic silver ware so then we would not have that to wash either. We go buy bottled water to wash the pans in and that is always a pain. We also get some to drink. It also helps to keep those things that you can brush your teeth with that does not need water. They do not do as good a job as your tooth brush but at least it cleans your teeth. We have had it go out for a week and once a little over a week. It was nice though they gave away free bottled water at the fire stations so we would have water. They also let us take showers at the Civic Centere. That is a long drive though.
We have been getting enough rain to last most of the summer. That would be nice but probably by July we will be wanting rain really bad. We have gotten into this weather pattern and cannot seem to get out of it. It is cooler today though that is one good thing.
I got my doctors appointments mixed up the other day. I went to the back doctor and the girl at the desk tells me that my appointment was for today. That was aggravating. She said that she would try to work me in but they were pretty busy so told her I would come back today. When we got there they were paving the parking lot and there was no where to park. So had to drive around to find a space. I think some of the patients canceled their appointments because of the parking. I do not blame them.
A pool would really be nice. Ron will not get one either. The kids have offered to buy the pool (above ground) if he would let them put it in our yard. He still told them no. I am with you it would be nice to have one and you can go out especially when you are feeling sore and just float in the water. That really does help when your back is sore or anything else. Ron should understand he is starting to have back pain. He tries to do too much during the day and he is not as young as he use to be.
I hope that you get to go to New Mexico. I hear that it is really pretty there. My nephew lives there in Farmington N.M. His kids love it there. They use to live in California and he does not want to move back there. I just hope that you get to see Brent. I know that you are starting to miss him. It is hard when the kids move away. What has Piper been up to here lately? We have not heard a good Piper story for awhile. She is so cute and so full of life. You must be so proud of her. How are Kendal and Lachlan? Did they ever find out what was going on with Kendal? I am still praying for her.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Please forgive me for not properly welcoming you to our chat. I thought you were our Christine from England.
So happy you have joined the Quacky sparkly ladies. Your life and wardrobe will never be the same again.
Welcome, welcome!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I hope that your finger is okay now. That is so irritating to hurt yourself like that when you are busy doing things. I can imagine what a mess it is with all that dust around. That will be a job cleaning all of that up. At least Steph will be there to help you and I am sure Bobby will help you also. You have a lot of help around there.
That would be scary to know that Gary falls out of bed. It was a good thing that you woke up and hollered at him. You need some type of alarm that will go off if he is going to get out of bed. I bet that does make for a bad nights sleep if you worry about Gary. You may have to get the bed with the bars on the side like they have in the hospital.
Have you had any luck with Lowes and the back splash? I sure hope they get that in soon. That would be aggravating to have to wait a couple of months to get that put in and have to put up with that mess again. I know that it will not be as big a mess but it will still be a mess and trouble. Have they started on your sprinkler system? You just have so much going on this week. Next week you are going to want to just curl up and read a book or really start baking again.
The only time that I have been to Vegas is when a kid and we had to stand outside the casino while my mom and dad went in. There was 4 of us at that time so they did not have to worry about us. They did not have a play area for the kids back then. We were going to California to visit my sister and her husband. I think she had her first baby then. That was one long trip. We did get to see a lot of the scenery.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hey Gailster
I can see Greg as the pool boy. LOL Gary is the Angry Pool Boy, which kind of takes the fin out of being a pool boy.
So, it is quiet here today. Not much to do. My only task for today is changing the sheets, and putting up the new shower curtain. Gary says I am cranky today, and I think he is correct. I am tired. I am glad there is one day of rest, before the counters go in tomorrow, as I will be washing until the cows come home, as they say. I have The Chew on- did not really watch much this week.
Hey- did you see AGT? Ok. Remember the regurgitater from last year? They beat it. I nearly had to run to the bathroom watching the guy hang from his sinuses. OMG- they let him through. My reaction was the same a Mel B’s.
On the other hand, that little 11 (I think she was 11) year old girl made me cry with her singing. The New York Met better sign her up, quick.
the older woman who almost stripped was hysterical, and I cannot believe they let them through. Good Lord! I loved the end where they all got in the tub of bubbles. They were having so much fun.
You know, my friend asked why I did not go to urgent care too. I totally forgot they were there- we have one next to where I went for PT. Had I remembered, it would have been a lot less messy here. the cut has almost completely sealed itself- it is a kind of wide scar, but it is sealing up. Just a little sore, so I am glad it did not get infected. I still cannot believe I did that.
At least tomorrow, I can get the appliances back on the counter, and make hot coffee again. It is only in the 50’s today, and the ice coffee was just not making it in Massachusetts today….LOL I should have just gone downstairs to see Tillie for coffee. I had to shut the windows again.
Now, I have another job- it looks like my pretty bird bath is not holding the water- must have a crack. I need to get one, as my birds are complaining….LOL It has lasted a while, so that is good. I honestly do not remember when I got it- was a few years before I retired, for sure. this will be my 3rd in this house.
Vegas was pretty. I kept looking for the “ladies of the night”, who are supposed to be all over there. I could not spot one. Nobody looked really trashy. So Gary says to me….every time you see a young woman with an older man, that is a hooker. Ok, I said.
Hope your sun is shining!
Adele -
Hi Christine,
Welcome to the group. You will be a quacker addict like the rest of us before long. We all have closets full of Quacker but we have been at it a lot longer then you have. You really have to be quick about ordering some things are you miss out. Sometimes it takes me awhile to make up my mind and I miss out on a lot because of that. The clothes are just so bright and cheerful and that is what I like about them. What attracted you to the Quacker clothing?
Your mom must be a really good gardener. That is nice that people want to tour her garden. She should start charging admission. That would help with buying new plants every year.
That was really good news to hear that your dad is going to be okay. They are doing a lot better with cancer then they use to be. Thank God for that. If we keep praying maybe one day they will find a cure that that horrible disease.
I use to live in Illinois also. We moved back to Missouri about 20 years ago. We lived in Rockford it was a really nice town. From what I understand now it is not as nice as it use to be. That is really a shame. I guess they are right you cannot go back home and find it the same.
I will be praying for your dad also. I do not like the dentist either. Hope they get that tooth fixed soon.
Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne
So glad you found us. Gail is real good about starting a new one each month, as they get so long.
Love the flowers. The bush in front of the house is beginning to bloom. We are real late here with flowers this year. I did not even see my tulips pop up at all. I do not have a lot, just a few, but nothing this year.
Read my post to Gail for all the news- it is a quieter day for me too. That is good, as I hear I am “cranky”….LOL
My finger is better, thank God. I really was tempted to do a stitch myself. Gary freaked when I said that. So glad I did not attempt that one. I bet I scared everyone from getting that cool strawberry tool. It really is good. The huller is fantastic- just stay far away from the bale des on the slicer.
Hope your sun is shining! Back to the 50’s and overcast here.
Adele -
Hi Gail,
Did you watch QVC plus last night. They did the same thing that they did the other day. They showed things twice again. I wonder what is going on. They should have plenty of things to show. I hope that they find more or it will get boring. Hope next week they have more of a selection.
Colleen -
Hi,Colleen! I live in Machesney Park. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. If not, it used to be known as North Park. My mom’s family have been here for years. In fact,we share 4 acres with my mom’s sister. It’s our families land. My grandparents used to raise Concord Grapes for juice,jams, and jellies. One day, when Scott and I get married, I’d like to start raising grapes. We were talking about moving to Branson once we’re married. I bet it’s nice by you. I go to Rockford once a week for my meeting. Or to go to the Dr. My brother was in the ER last night. He had numbness and a terrible headache. Turns out it was just a migraine. Thank God. I love Quacker because I love sparkle. I also love embroidery. I am a knitter, so I can appreciate how much work goes into something like that. Just got my top today! So excited! I’ve got about 5 skirts I can wear with it
Talk to you later! ~Christine
hi Barbara
That is a funny story. thank God yo ate a nurse, or he would have stitched himself up, and taken then back out again too. Gary puts duct tape on a cut- can you imagine? I would end up with a raging infection. I kept washing the cut out, until I was sure it was germ free- not a happy thing to do, I may add.
I am glad we were all able to add some comfort to your thoughts. It is very hard to watch one of our kids suffer, or a pet. Very hard when you cannot fix something, and make it better. Our just being there for them does make it better.
I will be so happy when it is all done. Of course, I will take a pic for you girls. Tomorrow the counters will be in, and Saturday the water hooked back up. I heard the tiles for the back splash have been delivered to the store, so I will be getting a call to book that install. At least that is not as disruptive- only have to clear off the counters. I am hoping it can be done next week.
It is cloudy here and back in the 50’s. Would have been a good day to bake a loaf of bread.
We have another new Quacker here- Christine. I will have to ask her which state she is from. I thought she was England Christine.
Hope your sun is shining!
Adele -
Barbara….forgot to say. Sometimes I will order a color in a shirt I am not sure about, to see if it will match perfectly with my pants. If it is not working at all, I will send it back. I have not had to do that too much, as they are pretty good with their color shades matching tings.
Adele -
Hi Sue
that is awful about your electricity. Especially when you just got home form work, and are tired enough. I hope that is the last time it happens.
I am not on any blood thinners, as of yet. But, I do take the occasional Motrin, Alleve, for the pain, and I know they are just as bad for bleeding. I forgot about that affect on the cut. I bet that made it worst, and I am so glad it eventually stopped. It was going on for about an hour. Gary was getting angry, as well as Bobby that I did not want to go in my Carole Hochman jammies, un-showered….LOL
I hope you are all set with the power. Did you have severe storms that caused it?
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
Ron has figured out a way to take care of his cuts. He uses super glue. I cannot believe when he does that. I always worry about infection. So far so good. So he will never go to the er. he thinks that he can take care of things himself. If he ever gets hurt I will have to call the girls and tell them to come down here and help me get their dad to the hospital. We would have to take him kicking and screaming.lol
They had some sets on the morning show with Leah Williams. I bought the set that was khaki with the palm tree on it. They had them with cherries and a few other things cannot remember now. The one with the palm tree caught my eye so I got that one. I think that Gail ordered the one with the cherry. Do not feel alone about not being able to match clothes. I cannot do it either. I get so frustrated so mostly I stick to the basic colors. I have a lot of dark indigo and light denim at least you can match any top with them. I did get a pair of the light grey dj. and they are really cute. I think that I like them better then white. They are just really cute.
I wondered about the smash burgers. Will have to wait and see what others on here think of them. I know that Sue said the Kansas city steak hot dogs are really salty. I cannot eat them that would drive my bp up really high.
That must have been a mess when that electric pole fell across your drive. At least they came right away to fix it. You were lucky that the puppies stayed away from it. That is a mess to go without electric for any amount of time.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Sue,
I know what you mean about no electric. Ours went off the other day. It is just so aggravating and there is nothing that we can do about it. We do have a generator so that helps if it is out for any length of time. It is just hard to hook it up and get everything plugged into it. So we usually wait to see if it is going to out for a long time or not. Hope that they get the electric fix so it does not keep going out like that.
Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Christine
We will all add your dad to our prayer list. They do so much more with tumors today, and the chemo is better than years before. I hope all will be good, that they got everything, and he will continue to be cancer free for the rest of his life. We all believe in the power of prayer, from coast to coast.
I think we have another Quacker in Illinois. Not sure which one. I need to keep a map of the country, and have everyone’s name on it….LOL
I am in Massachusetts.
That sounds like a wonderful plan to continue your family tradition, and raise grapes. I bet you would love that. Returning to what our grandparents did, is a very comforting, and rewarding vocation. I hope you will be able to do that. We would enjoy hearing your progress too. It is so interesting to hear what people do in the different parts of the country. Best of luck on that goal.
What does your boyfriend do? Would he enjoy that too, or would he continue in his profession?
I hope you are having good weather, and the sun is shining in your area.
Adele. -
Gailster….LOL….how did you know I thought it was English Christine? LOL I am so transparent.
Adele -
Hey Colleen
I heard they do have some glue type thing they actually sell for cuts at the drug stores. At least that would be more sanitary. Men. they will drive us nurs, God bless them. Plus, they never seem to get an infection. We are careful, and we get them.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
Got a call form Lowes this morning, saying the salesperson was correct, and that the tiles were on their way, and she gave me the tracking number. So, I check, and guess what? They were delivered to their store at 10:30 this morning. I called back , and asked for a date to install, as the tiles are there. The person who answered said they were double checking the order, to make sure everything was included in the delivery. So, I hope to get them in in the next week or so, if I am lucky.
We do have a bar on his side. The crazy man was holding onto the baron one side, as he was going over. I told him he ahs to stop that sitting there, as if I did not wake up, he would have broken his neck worst than before, as last time we had carpeting. Gary said he has to do that, because in the middle of the night his shoulder bothers him. So, I said how is that going to feel when you break it after a fall??? The man is going to make me crazy.
They did not start on the sprinkler system yet. But the lawn is all marked off by Dig Safe- little flags are everywhere. they must have come before I got up this morning. At least that is more progress. So, I guess they start tomorrow. I hope.
So, I iron the new shower curtain, put it up, and it is hanging a foot on the floor. I will have to get one of the guys to move up the shower rod- thank God it is not screwed in. I guess I am destined not to finish any project around here today.
Hope your day is good!
Adele -
Hope you all are having a good day in your parts of our world. Nice to meet you, Christine. You will absolutely love all the goodies from Quacker. We have all been shopping for years with them; and talk about some satisfied customers! I know I have a closet full and still go for more pretties. They are such good quality clothes, not to mention how long they last. I have pieces from 20 years ago; and I just love them; and they still look great today. I have a white short sleeved cotton button up shirt with Americana decorations and lots and lots of sparkly fireworks on it; and I wear it every 4th of July.
Gail, I am glad that we are finally getting to some closure with Joey and Lisa too. I know now that poor Lisa has been in denial for some time; and I really believe that she has had a really hard time just letting it all go; so she and Joey can go on with their lives. One of Joeys’ biggest faults is that he really doesn’t want to hurt her feelings, and has had such a hard time making a break. This has been like a soap opera, not to make light of it by any means, but I will be so grateful to put this time in the past. You are so right; there are too many wonderful things happening now, and all we can really do is offer to help her move, and that is really about it. My “understanding” of her living in Paw Paw’s house and Joey living with his childhood friend is quickly coming to an end. Wish us luck.
Colleen; I am not at all surprised that Ron uses super glue for his cuts. What I am surprised is that Jerry hasn’t thought of that yet ha ha. But do you know what? We actually use a glue like product instead of stitches at the hospital; called Liquid Stitch. Very expensive; but really helps when you have to do stitches on a child. And Adele, the old duct tape has been used here too. Men are so ingenious. Now, if they could only figure out how to take out the trash!
Where is Mary Beth Roe on the Q, haven’t seen her in forever. I have heard they all make really good salaries for being hosts; so mabey she is on a nice long vacation. Hope all is well. I read somewhere that Valerie Parr Hill had lost her Dad recently. Sorry to hear that. I think she is so good at decorating. By the way; so any of you wear those Vionic shoes? I have a pair of flip flops that I just slip on when I am going outside to feed or water the puppies, and they seem like they cost a lot. Do they help your feet? I wear Skeechers, and just love them. I am definitely more into comfort and cannot wear anything with a heel anymore.
Collen, funny you should mention that sea food thing where you throw everything out on newspaper on the table. Neal is having a crawfish boil when out son comes up from New Mexico. Neal gets his crawfish from some man here who gets them fresh daily from Louisiana and then he adds shrimp, and potatoes, corn, and I think something else and the seasoning packet that comes with the crawfish. They sit out there and peel and eat those things for hours and can barely move when they finally quit eating LOL I am really looking forward to having all of our sons and families together. I am just planning on sitting back in my chair and having Jerry just sit back in his chair, and letting all the young ones run the show. I would invite you and Ron, and you and I could just have a great time visiting, and Ron and Jerry could just spend HOURS looking at all of Jerrys junk, and mabey Ron could talk Jerry out of it and you all could take more junk home with you! ha ha
The writing on this thing is tiny, and I can hardly see it. Is it just Mine? Take care everyone. Praying for all my Quacker ladies who are facing life’s challenges. From the HOT state of Tennessee, Barbara
Hi Barbara
Divorces and separations go form good to ad, vey quickly. Especially when you son is on someone’s couch. Has Lisa made any mention of looking for a place? What about her parents’ home? Have they tried to help her at all? One would think they would have called by now. You can never figure people out.
You raised a very caring, wonderful son. It speaks a lot to his character that it took him so long to make the break, because he did not want to hurt her. Very sad for him, that he had to make that choice, and that it took so long. I hope they both are able to move on, and find happiness with someone else.
The printing is the same size for me. Look on the right of your screen, and click on that button that give syou the size of the print- you may have it on less than 100%. I have mine on 125%. Some days, I do 150%.
Hope it is not so hot, and that some of your warmth comes up here.
Adele -
InactiveJune 2, 2016 at 6:22 pmPost count: 643Barbara, Mary Beth was in a car accident. She is doing concussion therapy and other therapy, also has a problem with her eye I think. She is working hard to get back but it takes time. She has updates on her facebook page from time to time.
HI Ladies,
OMG. I just learned of Mary Beth’s accident. How terrible!!! I was wondering why she wasn’t on any of the
jewelry shows, I just figured she was on before I turned it on. QVC hosts are sure having a run of bad luck this yr.
Jacquie just returned from a medical leave, Albany hurt herself recently, Shawney Sue has been sick & now I hear about MB. Even the guys aren’t immune.Dan Hughes posted his experience with a mama goose & her gosslings.
It was so funny I almost peed my pants!!! He was trying to sneak up on her to take a picture when she caught him, &she took out after him. He took off running & screaming as she was biting him. She caught him right where it hurt
the most!!!! I wish you could read it for yourself. His version is sooooo much better than mine.
We have a weekly farmers market every summer & today was the opening day. They set it up across the street in the church parking lot.
I’m sorry you hurt yourself,Adele. Ouch!!! I know all about dust & construction!!! Colleen knows all about it. It’s a long story. Last yr we had a constrution crew come in & replace the old bathtubs, install ceiling fans, new heating system,
& other things. They moved us to another floor so we wouldn’t be in the way. When we moved back a month later there was a layer of fine powdery dust Everywhere!!!! When we complained it took them 5 days to get a cleaning crew up here to clean it up. The construction crew was supposed to clean up before we moved back. I found trash all over my apt. It was a nightmare, esp for those with breathing issues, like Kay. So, if you or anyone in your family has bad lungs be forewarned.
I’ll get off my soapbox now. Take care everyone.
Dianne -
Hi Dianne,
That is a funny story about Dan Hughes. I can just picture him trying to run away from the goose. lol
Gail -
Good Morning Adele,
I hope that you got a good night’s rest and are in a better mood so that Gary and Bobby are not cowering in fear. You will have a lot of cleaning to do from all the construction dust. I hope that you can entice some of the minions to come over and help.
I can’t believe that it’s only in the 50’s by you. Where is your summer?
We watched AGT the night after it aired and fortunately it was recorded. We were eating dinner when the act with the guy with the scissors in his nose came up and we sort of knew that something gross was coming so i asked Greg if he wanted me to fast forward through it and he said yes so we did. I really don’t like those acts at all. They are just gross! I don’t consider that talent.
The 13 year old opera singer kind of reminded me of Jackie Evancho-like you can’t believe such a mature sound is coming from such a little person. I can’t believe they let the Elvis couple through either. Nice hair dye job on that guy. I liked the guy with the starey eyes who wouldn’t talk. At first I thought he was going to be really dumb and then he ended up being funny. Or how about the 6 year old comic-there’s no way he writes his own material-I’ll bet he didn’t even understand the jokes himself.
I don’t know how I knew that you thought it was UK Christine. Perhaps I am psychic.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I hope Joey is back in his little house by the time your son comes from NM. Then you can be surrounded by all three boys. A rare treat for you guys. I know Joey does not want to hurt Lisa after all the history they have together but sometimes you just have to do what is best for yourself and know that you cannot do it without hurting someone else.
I have tried the Vionic shoes and did not like them at all. They rub my foot in a funny place and I believe Colleen had a similar experience. I do need a shoe with a good arch support because of my flat feet-especially now with all those torn and stretched tendons in my left ankle but I still prefer my Birkenstocks for the support. I wish they hadn’t left the Q as they offered such cute patterns on there that you just can’t get anywhere else. Fortunately I bought a lot of pairs when they were on so I have a good supply and they last for a long time. I like the Skechers too although they don’t have as much support but those go walks are so light on the feet. I agree where footware is concerned comfort is king.
Gail -
Hi Christine,
Do you sell something like Mary Kay? Would you make knitted jewelry? That sounds interesting. I guess during the summer months you could try getting some booths at craft fairs and seeing how things sold.
What would you and your boyfriend do if you moved to Branson? It is a fun town to visit with all the shows and entertainment. Lot’s of things going on there.
I hope that you got that toothache taken care of. Tooth pain is the worst! Ouch!
You have lots of pets. We always had cats until my husband got allergic. We also had turtles too when the kids were little. I love turtles-had them myself as a kid. Do you have horses that you actually ride or what I call pasture horses. Horses that no one ever uses-they just stay in the pasture and graze. My brother raises and trains cutting horses.
Hope that your leg is feeling better and that you have a nice weekend.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
We have been to NM several times before when Brent lived there. It’s pretty in parts although the town that he lives in isn’t that great. He’s in the east central part and I like it better up in the Santa Fe-Taos region. It will just be nice if we get to visit him-it’s been a year now.
I thought the same thing about the Chic’s show-they showed about six items in the first half hour and then in the second half hour they showed the same items all over again. What is up with that?
I have that skort set in the red too. We will be twinsies. There are lots of things you can wear with it-red white or blue for one. I don’t think it will cover your knees-maybe hit right at the top of them. It’s such a cute set. I’m glad you are giving it a try.
Greg has been going to therapy for his back. He said he likes the electric shock thing. Do they do that to you too? However, he always thinks that he will be better right away and I have to remind him that it takes time to get better. Fortunately the therapist tells him the same thing and he likes the guy so hopefully he will listen to him.
The kids are good. I haven’t babysat for the last two weeks so that’s why I have fewer Piper stories. Kendall is enjoying her summer vacation. Jenny says she is outside playing from morning until it gets dark at night. That’s something nice to hear when we worry about kids being addicted to their electronic devices in this day and age. She has been feeling pretty good. The ultrasounds didn’t show any abnormalities so they are still leaning toward the diagnosis of the stomach migraines. Thank you so much for the prayers. We all want our grand kids to be healthy.
Greg had a short week this week. Monday was a holiday and today he is at the ONP golf outing. He drives the other three guys in so he had to take the pick up in order to fit four sets of clubs. Good thing we have one with the seats in the back. One of the guys that golfs has a bad leg. I wonder how he got into the truck. That may have been interesting. He should have taken the step stool that I use. It’s a nice day so I’m sure they’ll have a good time.
Gail -
hi Gail!
The noise level in here today is deafening. A lot of finish work for counters. I love the color. I cannot touch them for 3 hours, so I think it best to just wait until tomorrow to put anything back on the counters. I do not want to chance anything happening.
Wait until I tell you this. So,, last night when Frankie and Gary got back with their paperwork, I felt a pain in my belly. In about 20 minutes, I was in the bathroom for the rest of the night. I was so sick. I have no idea what happened. I hardly ate- all I had was a corn muffin from DD with coffee in the am, some cherries and a couple of slices of cold cuts when I was starving (trying to watch those carbs…LOL), and water. That was it. Nothing that would have upset the belly, or had any contamination with shellfish. So, Gary questioned what I ate, and I added, that unless DD now carries lobster sandwiches, I could not figure out what happened. the boob says, oh yes, they do make those now, and got me all riled up. Then he started to laugh. This man has a funny bone at the weirdest times.
I loved that young girl. Mel B sent her through to the finals, and I was sad we will not hear her again, until then. I cannot watch that gross guy again. I had to keep shutting my eyes. You were lucky you recorded it.
Hey- how is Greg feeling? Have you heard form Brent lately?
I bet you are having Piper withdrawals!!
Just heard Jhonny is working tomorrow. That stinks. I was looking forward to their being here all day tomorrow.
It is still cool here- in the low 60’s today, so far. Goo God. I will be going straight to air conditioning.
Hope your day is sunny and bright….psychic Gailster….LOL
Adele -
Hi Dianne!
love your Temptations picture. You arrange things so nicely, and make them look pretty. We all enjoy your talents.
read my post to Gail for my latest ailment….LOL I cannot believe I got sick last night. Gary thinks it is all the stress of the craziness here this week.
They are almost done with the counters- got her around 10am. It is almost 12.
I hope you are having nice weather. Ours is not great- still overcast, and very cool.
This should be the last day of construction dust. Not too bad, as while one man was doing some minor cutting, the other had the vacuum right under his hand. I thought that was considerate.
that is a funny story about Dan. Where can you view the video? I would love to see it. I honestly think I miss a lot by not viewing all the sites on here.
Hope you have something nice planned for this weekend, and that your weather cooperates.
Adele -
Sue and Barbara
That is awful about Mary Beth. I hope her recovery goes well. She will be in my prayers.
Adele -
InactiveJune 3, 2016 at 6:59 pmPost count: 643Mary Beth Roe QVC
May 30 at 7:43am .
“Hi friends who I love and miss.
Wanted to keep in touch with you…. I’m still doing physical therapy for my neck, back, left knee and right ankle at one of the area’s best rehab places in the state, if not the country. Also continuing concussion therapy and making improvements, a little each week. Still having some trouble with my right eye that was hit in the accident, but again, I have one of our area’s top opthomologists taking care of me.But all of this is nothing compared to what our men and women in uniform go through both during and after they serve our country. With that, I’m even more in awe of their sacrifice and dedication to fighting for our freedom. We are SO grateful!!
God bless America and you! MB!”This is her latest post on Facebook.
Hi Gail,
Greg must be getting the same thing that I am getting when I go into the back docs. It does really feel good when it is working but you do have to give it time. I can see where he is getting impatient he has things that he wants to do and it is hard with his back hurting. Hope he just hangs in there with the therapist. They will do him some good.
One of my cousins died this week. It is hard to believe that we have lost three cousins in that family in just a short time. She was a lot older then I am but she was close to my oldest sister. When we were kids we would all get together at my grandmas and we would have a good time. I do not see how my grandparents put up with us. We were always welcome and we could do a lot more there then if we were at our own homes. The only thing was anything that we messed up we all had to clean up before we went home. We did that gladly. It is hard to believe that she is gone. She had cancer so did her two brothers that died before her. There is only five of them left now.
That is nice that Kendall is playing outside and not just sitting in the house. So many kids do that now. It is nice that they live in a neighborhood with a lot of kids in it. It will give them something to do all summer. It is so much better then when they sit around and talk about how bored they are. My oldest granddaughter got a job at the movie theater this summer. She is so excited. She will finally be making money of her own. Now if she would just go and get her driver license she would be all set.
I really hope that they get more things to show on Chics Night in next week. This is the second time that they showed things twice and it does get boring. They can only say so much about the clothes. I was surprised that they did not show the sets like we bought. They are new and people would like to have seen those since they only showed them on the morning show that day.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Sounds like they are making progress with the counters. Now if you can just get the back splash on it will be nice. It is sure taking Lowes a long time to get that ready for you. They must not be very dependable.
That is a shame that Steph and her family will not be able to come over to see you Saturday. That is a bad thing about working for the post office you never know when they will schedule to work. That is like that for any job that works on week-ends. It will be nice when Johnny get a regular schedule. Is he hired on permanent now? Seems like he should be as much as he works.
Men are just so stubborn. They do not listen to what we tell them and they end up hurting themselves. You may have to put those socks on him that when he gets up an alarm goes off. They put them on my mom when she was in the hospital. Maybe that would wake him up and he would not fall off the bed. That are you might have to get a mattress to set next to his side of the bed in case he falls he will not hurt himself.
I am having trouble with this site tonight. I posted something to Gail and it finally posted but would not delete from here. I do not know how to put it. I would look and it was still here where I wrote it but it also was up above where it sent. This is really strange. I will see what happens with this one. I wrote what is going on in Gails post so read that. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
You are really good at your hand work. You make jewelry also? I agree with Gail you should go to fairs and sell your things people will buy it. You are really good at it. I use to embroidery a long time ago but not as good as you do it. I always had to go by a pattern on the material.
Branson is a nice place. There is a lot going on there. We like to go and see some of the shows there and they have some good places to shop. They have a five and dime that has just about everything. It has some things from when we were younger and cannot find anymore. You are too young to remember some of the things that I am talking about.
That would be a good thing to get into. Planting grapes. They have a lot of places around here where they plant grapes and they have winery’s and they sell the grapes at road side stands. We do not have land that would be good for growing grapes. We do have a few vines but they do not produce that many grapes and when they do the birds get them before we do. It is nice that you live on some land. We would not know what to do if we had to live in town and just have a yard.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
I hope you and Ron are having a good time this weekend. I am still cleaning….LOL With the back splash off, that dusty, white stuff on the wall keeps falling off. I wanted to vacuum it, but Gary said any time I tough it, it will just get worst.
I am bummed they cannot come today. Jhonny is not permanent yet. Right now, he is a fill in for a man who is out of work, so he at least has the same route every day- he likes that. He thinks it will be a year more to get a permanent job.
I realized I was not signed in again, and had to sign in. Maybe that is what happened to you too.
I left a message for the back splash installer this morning, as they gave me his number. I will not wait until he calls me, he will be my fisrt call as soon as my eyes are open on Monday.
the sun is shining here, but, not for long. It will be raining all day tomorrow. Yuck.
Adele -
Hi Sue.
Thanks for posting the message from Mary Beth. I hope she gets a little better, every day. Such an awful thing to happen to a nice person.
Hope your day is going well, too.
Adele -
hey Colleen
I am so sorry about you cousin. It is awful when we lose people in our own generation. please accept my heartfelt condolences.
love you!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
That is a mess. I hope that they come soon and get the back splash so you do not have that mess for a long time. Sounds like the plumber and the counter people have their act together and got things done there. Now if they would just finish and you can get your kitchen back to normal and you cna go on with your daily life.
I was cleaning house today and will have to do more tomorrow. It is a pain not being able to do all of it in one day. It is hard to get old and not much fun. It beats the alternative though. I just feel bad about complaining about it. I do not have the mess that you have. I just have the everyday household mess and have to clean it up all the time. That is a never ending job that dishes and laundry. We really do need a maid that would do all of that and then a cook that would cook all the meals. Well the cook would not work out for you the way you like to cook. The maid would be nice though. It would be so nice to have the money for all of that. I guess we were all just born good looking and not rich.lol I cannot remember who use to say that.
It rained here this morning but the sun came out this afternoon. It was really nice but now it is getting humid. Hope that it does not mean we are going to get more rain. It will be nice if we would just have a nice few days.
Thank you Adele for the condolences. It is hard to have your cousins die. Guess that it just makes you think that we are getting older and it could be us next. My mom told us that we have to stick around as long as she does. We have to do what she tells us.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
I really like your necklaces. You really do a good job. What did you sell before you started selling your jewelry. People are getting into homemade things again. They are a lot better made and they are a lot prettier then the ones made in a factory. You must take after you mom. You and her both are good gardeners and crafters. You should open a stand at a craft fair or at any kind of a fair. You would do well.
Enjoy the rest of your week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
I hope that Lisa moves soon. It is hard when she is living in your sons house and he is sleeping on a friends couch. I will be praying for you and and your family and that you solve this problem quickly. She really needs to move and get out on her own. It is a shame she does not have any family around to help her out.
It would be nice to have the crawfish and the rest of the meal but you lost me when you said that Ron could take some of Jerry’s junk home with him. That is one thing that we do not need. lol It would be nice to just sit in your yard and laugh and talk. It is going to be so nice for you and Jerry to have all of your kids home for awhile. It has not happened for a long time has it? It is hard when one of the kids live so far away. I am really excited for you. Sorry about the junk but Jerry can keep his but will gladly give you some of Ron’s.
Ron is a man before his time. Super glue has been a main staple in our medicine cabinet for a long time. I am not sure that it is as sanitary as what they use in the hospital but he still uses it. he has not used duct tape like Gary has. He is a little more daring then Ron. I will not tell him that though or Ron will be using that next. That is odd how they can think up all this crazy junk but cannot take out the trash.
Have you noticed that they are delivering the Quacker stuff a lot faster then they use to? I cannot believe that I have gotten all the things that I ordered from them already. It is really nice though. I tried the lock and lock bowls and I really like them. I am thinking of getting rid of the bowls that I have and changing over to lock and lock. They seal so much better then the ones that I have. We bought some of the hefty bowls and they do not work as well as they say they would.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I like the pictures of the flowers that you posted. That is a funny story about Dan Hughes. He is such a funny man anyway. It was sad when he lost his wife. I am glad that he stayed on QVC. I thought that he may leave and go on to something else. He is such a good host. It is such a mess with all the hosts on that channel having problems. I had no idea that Mary Beth was in an accident. She is always such a cheerful person I hope recovers soon.
That is nice that you have that farmers market across the street from where you live. It makes it very convenient for the people that live in your building to get fresh veggies. It is a good time of year for some of the veggies to come in.They have some people that are selling honey at the farmers market right now. I love fresh honey.
I like you bowls that you have on here they are really pretty. Temptations always has such pretty designs on their dishes. I only own one set from the temptations line. I just have so many dishes just do not have room for anymore. I did try the lock and lock and I just love them. Am thinking of getting rid of the Hefty storage bowls that I bought and just getting lock and lock to replace them. The hefty bowls have a lock on the sides of the bowls but they do not always work like they should. I really like the lock and lock.
I remember when you went thru all of that mess when you had to move out of your apartment. You really had a mess when you got back home. It was nice when they got it all cleaned up. Hope you do not have to go thru that again.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Sue,
Thanks for the update on Mary Beth. I had heard that she was rear ended. Do you know if that is correct? They must have hit her pretty hard for her to be out for this long. Makes you wonder if there was texting or talking on the phone involved. I hope that she is able to make a full recovery. I have watched her for so many years and she really is a special person.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I hope that you are over your stomach troubles. Maybe you are just upset over all the construction and upheaval in your kitchen. Tell Gary his joke about the lobster was not funny. lol
I was signed out too the other day. I wonder if after a certain amount of time they sign you out automatically or something because that happens to me here every once in awhile.
That sucks that Steph won’t make it over to help. Your minions are getting to be too busy with other stuff. You may have to get a new set. lol
Greg is doing pretty good. I think he has some days better than others. I know it takes time. He must have gotten the back really irritated this time. Haven’t heard from Brent in a little while but sometimes I figure no news is good news and that he is busy with work.
I was having a little Piper withdrawel but we saw her yesterday. She was doing a little improv and showing us happy faces, sad faces, excited faces, scared faces etc. When we arrived she was in her underwear because her shirt and pants were supposedly wet-I think from watermelon juice. lol Jenny and Adam were resting when we arrived after running the 5K that morning. We never made it to the parade as I got a call from the vet that morning about Rocky’s heart tests and we had to start him on three medications so we wanted to stay home for a while to keep an eye on him. Of course he’s on lasix which makes him pee a lot so one can’t be away from home for too many hours or we will come home to a flood. Anyway, we did get over to Jenny’s for a few hours for their barbecue so we did get to see the kids although Kendall was busy playing with her neighbors. Oh to be young and have the energy to run a 5K, watch your kids at a parade, come home and have a barbecue and clean it up and then go out to the bars with your friends that same night.
Greg went to Dick’s sporting goods yesterday and got himself one of those inversion tables after a golfing buddy said he uses it all the time for his sciatica and he hasn’t had to go back to the chiropractor in years. He also got me a stationary bike that I had been wanting. I hadn’t been using the treadmill at all as I hated having to put on the boot to use it and walking with the boot is not as smooth as walking without it so I had to be extra careful not to trip. I thought the bike would be easier on the ankle and at least would get my legs moving a little more plus he will use the bike too as he says he uses it at the therapy place and he is trying to lose a few pounds to keep the diabetes in check and not have to go on meds. I hate riding real bikes out side around here as you never know when someone’s dog will come out and chase you and I am not that fast of a peddler-plus I get tired and hot really fast. So with the stationary bike I can do five minutes and slowly work my way up to more time.
If you get a chance check out the new arrivals on the Q site. There is a new QF short sleeve shirt with three designs, seahorse, flamingo, and flag but they are all made with embroidered seashells inside the design. Really cute.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. It is so hard when people that we ran and played with when we were growing up pass away. It makes us feel the fragility of life. I have lost some cousins over the last few years also and it just makes you think about your dwindling family. I like your mother’s idea of staying around as long as she has. She’s smart!
How nice that your granddaughter got a job at the movies. She must be excited-is that Brooklyn or Kylie? I forget which is older. It will be nice if she would get the license and be able to take herself places. Usually the country kids get a license as soon as they turn 16-I know our kids did. It was so nice when I didn’t have to drive to town sometimes 3 or 4 times a day for school or sports or meetings or picking up or dropping off friends. It’s practically a necessity out here.
You know what I do with my old sets of storage bowls. I save them and when the kids want to take leftovers home I use those and then I don’t care if I never get them back and just use the lock and lock for our own stuff. I have also given them lock and lock as gifts-very nice and not too expensive.
I have to split up my housework too. Usually upstairs one day and downstairs another. I used to be able to do it all in no time but not anymore.
I’m wondering if you got your Dans mixed up. Dan Hughes got chased by the goose-Dan Wheeler lost his wife. At least he’s the only one as far as I know. I’m sure if someone else knows different they will let me know-I hope.
Guess what, Colleen, Friday evening I look out the back window and there is a calf running around in our back yard. Now I know our neighbor has a steer/calf in his pasture so I figure it must be his but I don’t know his name or phone number as he is kind of new around here. And I don’t want to walk over there and tell him as it’s not a small calf-so i figured Greg should be close to home from the golf outing so i call him to tell him to watch out for the calf when he drives up the road. So he goes over next door when he gets home 15 minutes later but no ones home. Meanwhile the calf goes back in his pasture on his own but Greg finds a fence rail down so he gets a hammer and fixes the fence. I am so glad that the darn thing didn’t go smash the garden as you well know that those hooves will just churn up the ground. The guy behind us used to have steers that would get into our yard and Greg would just about have a coronary as if the ground was wet they would just chop it up. Plus now we have the putting green which could be demolished by livestock out there. Anyway, you know from the buffalo what kind of damage can be done. The calf was kind of cute though as sometimes it would just take off and run in a circle and kick up it’s heels. lol
It’s a little over cast today. Not sure if it’s going to rain or not. Greg’s out golfing so hope it holds off til they are done at least.
Gail -
Hi Christine
How nice to be form a crafty, talented family. It is such a great thing to see what you made be loved by others. Does your Mom have a craft business as well, or only sells to friends?
You two could suggest some designs to Quacker !
Adele -
Hi,Adele! No,my mom doesn’t have her own business. She has sold some things, though. I’m going to try and introduce both her and my stuff to my consultant friends who might be interested.
She needs a little push! Lol! I do have a few suggestions for Quacker Lol! Quack Quack! Christine
Hi Colleen
Your mom is a hoot! I think as they keep getting older, and they see us get older, they get nervous thinking we may go before them. It would kill my Mom, as well as yours.
I will be calling the backsplash installer at the crack of dawn tomorrow. So, Gary and I jimmied up ths contraption at the back of the sink, so the wall will not be getting constantly wet- we put aluminum foil at the back of the faucet, and under the windowsill, and taped it off…LOL
Well, this is what I think we all need. Once we become Medicare eligible, the service should come with a full time Butler. A housekeeperis just not enough. Mr Butler oculd set our dauily social schedule, arrange for the cleaning to be done, answer the door, and be in charge of the cooking staff. Would that not be terrific?? That is it- we need a Butler.
It is raining here, on and off all day long. yuck.
Amanda came over with JJ to plant the 2 rose bushes,a nd get the lavender replaced where it looks awful, and it is nto getting any drier out there.
Adele -
Hey, Christine….where are the pics of your necklaces? Colleen mentioned them, and I do not see them.
Adele -
Hi Gail
Thank God the stomach stopped, as with all the guys in here I did not know it would have been embarrassing to constantly go to the bathroom. It must have been something in the dinner I thought. Then, Rissy said she had the same thing a few nights ago, so it must have been a virus of sorts. When she was here, she got the plastic off under the cabinets, and Windex’d the shelf paper for me. I literally washed dishes until 10pm last night. I did the final load in the dishwasher this morning.
Amanda came by with JJ to plant, and the weather is not cooperating at all. this is her only day off to help, so I am screwed. She just took JJ to Barnes and Nobles , and they will be back shortly. when Jhonny gets home, they rest of the crew may be heading over. Nothing is planned for dinner, as bobby is exhausted- this is his very busy time. So, Amanda said she was willing to get us burgers form the new Wallburger’s restaurant, which is in the strip Mall her work is at. I have been dying to go there, as I so hope to get a glimpse of one of the Wallburger boys!
I hope that new equipment helps Greg’s back get better. nothing worst than being miserable all the time. I should shut up, but, my back has been able to tolerate all the crazy stuff I have been doing. I hope I do not jinx it.
I love your Piper stories. You never know what kind of theatre act she will perform for you!
OMG- how is Rocky???? I hate when something is worng with an animal. They cannot tell you how they feel. I hope the meds make him feel better. I now how much you love your puppy.
I think that is good news on Brent too. If he were not happy, and busy, you would have heard. No news is good news. I hope he is happy, and remains happy.
It is raining here, and we are to get more, rain later in the week. The remnants of some storms are coming this way.
Hope your day is going well, and Greg and Rocky are better. Thank God you are ok !!
Adele -
Good Lord ladies…..buffalo, cows, and calves running wild???? Reminds me of a song…..where the buffalo roam, and the skies are not cloudy all day…..
My bunnies do not cause that much damage. I have to have a chat with the birds, though. they have been pooping on my front window. Not pretty. Also on the deck furniture- what is up with that?? We had some mutual respect. I fed them and made sure they had water, and they did not poop where I look, or sit.
Adele, your whacky Quacker -
Hey Christine- I bet you could come up with some pretty butterfly designs Gail would love! She has bought every one Quacker has.
Adele -
Oh yes- it is crazy time here, on a good day. I never know who is coming, and who will be eating, and lately with all the mess, there has been no bakling, or dinner fixing. Sandwiches and take out. The shopping has been minimal, and limited to dairy, fruit, salad fixings, and of course, since it is summer….ice cream….LOL
Adele -
Hey- has anyone heard from Dianne this weekend?????
Maybe she is busy having fun. That is what I hope! No fun here- just rain and cleaning. if the rest of the kids visit, that will be fun.
Adele -
Hey Adele,
You should be here now-you would be in hysterics. So Greg gets this inversion table thing for his back all put together and he is trying it out and he has me in there guiding his feet so he just doesn’t go back over too fast until he gets the thing adjusted to his height and weight. It’s like the blind leading the blind and meanwhile Rocky is just laying in his dog bed watching us like we are both nuts and he’s just hoping this weird thing doesn’t tip over and fall on him. Who needs to go to the carnival-we have it right here in our family room! lol Meanwhile he says it feels good on his back but it makes him dizzy and a little sick to his stomach. Now he’s telling me it’s my turn and I’m saying no way-I’ll stick to the stationary bike. This is what happens when you take medical advice from your golfing buddies. lol I’m afraid he’s going to tip over and break some bones. Holy crap!!!
As for Rocky he has heart problems now and has been put on medications to make his heart work more efficiently and also the lasix to keep fluids from building up. After all he is 17 years old which is probably somewhat equivalent to a person in their 90’s-and probably most people around that age have some sort of weakening of the heart muscle. We just want to keep him happy as long as we can and we realize that at this time every day is a blessing. But he still gets around good and although he doesn’t like to snuggle as he once did he still enjoys a good back scratch and a scratch behind the ears-he still has a good quality of life and is a happy little boy. (although he did try to take the vets nose off when he went to draw blood) When the dogs get older they don’t have the tolerance to be messed with that they once did and you can’t really blame them. Anyway, hopefully he will do well on the meds.
So I just wanted to tell you about the crazy happenings at our house today.
Gail -
LOL Gailster!
You should have had that one on video. You two could have made the next You Tube sensation.
So, did it work, on making him feel better, or just dizzy? Men are so strange.
Poor Rocky was probably thinking….they are going to put me in there. I hope the meds do make him feel better. I would guess it is the same as with us- do not like all the doctor visits, and the prodding and poking.
Well, it is still raining- actually pouring right now. Amanda could not get the roses, or lavender planted. This is ridiculous. Jhonny and Gary could not get the pool opened, so Jhonny and Steph stayed home so he could relax more, as we had JJ- he came with Amanda. It is supposed to be 80 tomorrow, when the guys are all back at work. Go figure.
So, my next job is to clean Mr. Fishie. his bowl has not been cleaned since the kitchen craziness began on Wednesday. He ha snever gone that long without his bowl being cleaned.
Hope your night goes well, and you do not try anything else dangerous with Greg.
Adele -
Hi Christine
that top is very pretty, as are the necklaces. I could not get the pics to go bigger, so I cannot tell what they are made of. Very pretty colors!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
It is Kylie that got the job at the movies. She will be a senior this year. She works in the lobby which means she can be taking tickets are sweeping the floor or anything. She just started Saturday and they will probably find a good spot for her and she will be happy. She likes it because she makes money. Now if she would just get her drivers license. I think that her dad is stopping her. He is afraid for her to start driving. She is not a bad kid so they should not worry about her.
I should probably do that with these bowls. I have already used just about all of my old tupper ware bowls. It was just really disappointing when the hefty bowls did not work like they were supposed to. I am so glad that you ladies told me about the lock and lock. Didn’t know if we should try them or not. All of you had such good luck with them that they are worth the price. You are right they are not very expensive.
I can just see you and Greg on that thing in the living room with Greg upside down and you guiding it. It is funny that he went all the way down on it before testing it to see if it would bother him. Men are so funny some times. I do not blame you for not getting on it. That is funny and good advice. Do not take health tips from a golf buddy.
I did get my Dans mixed up. I do not know why I thought it was Dan Hughes and not Dan Wheeler. That was me that got the two mixed up. I do not know why I thought that it was his wife.
Isn’t it fun to look out your window and see cows in your yard. Even if it is a calf. They can make as big a mess as a cow. It is not fun finding their little piles in the yard and have to clean it up. You sure do not want to step in it. Well if it keeps coming into the yard one day you can shoot it and have beef steaks. lol That was nice that Greg went over and fixed the fence. That man should appreciate it. Hope he thanks him.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I would be calling that back splash installer every half hour if it was me. They should have had that in and up when they said that they would. They know they have you because you have already picked out the counter tops and they are already in. You almost have to go with that back splash to match your counter.
You have the right idea. Butler would be great. Just as long as they all go home at the end of the day and do not come back until morning. It would not be worth it if they are under foot all night long. We do need our privacy.lol They can all leave after the dishes are done and everything is done around the house. Then we can just sit back and relax and not worry about them until the next morning.
Gails Piper is so cute. She is going to be something else when she grows up. She will be a blast and can you see her when she goes to college. She is such a little ham right now. She should go into acting she will be good at it.
It is nice that you got to see JJ today. It is a good thing that Aizen was not there because there were not any Nona cookies. He would have been disappointed again. Grand kids are such a joy and so much fun to have around.
Our moms would be upset if they lost one of us first. I have three older sisters and a brother that is 5 years younger then I am. If something happened to my brother she would not be able to take it.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
Right now we could use some of those cool temps & rain!!!! We are having a mini heat wave, breaking/shattering records here. It’s been
in the upper 90s, almost 100 Sat, & today!!! It’s supposed to cool down tomorrow & back to normal temps the rest of the week. Thank goodness!!!
Luckily the humidity was in the 30s. I don’t like it when it gets this hot. I have a small AC but it can’t keep up. This evening about dinner time I stood up, & it felt like an oven!! between the AC & the ceiling fan they couldn’t keep it cool. Concrete holds the heat in summer but not so much in winter. The sun beats down on the roof & we benefit from it…if you like heat!!Adele, you haven’t heard anything like we did last yr. The drilling thru concrete is Unbearable!! I’m surprised all of us has any hearing left. At least yours is only a few days. They should’ve moved us out while all this was going on. It went on for almost a yr. I’m just glad it’s over now.
Are you sure the cherries weren’t the culprit that upset your stomach? My mom always told me not to eat very many cherries as they give you a belly ache. Maybe she was right.Have any of you heard of Current Catalog? I’m one of their best customers. I get their stickers, cards, all sorts of things. I love it. Gail, they have a ton of things with butterflies. They have a butterfly wreath in their catalog. I saw several things with butterflies.
I have a pair of Vionic flip flops & they aren’t that comfortable. The arch support is too high. I got a pair of Birkies several yrs ago & I still have them. They have a patriotic pattern on the straps. I still wear them & get compliments on them.
I wish I could take credit for the pic of the bowls. I got that set for the holidays last yr. I wanted a set of bowls & they fit the bill.I was a naughty girl this weekend. I ordered a set of dinnerware from Temptations. It the 16 piece Figural Floral set in Roses. If you go to QVC & type in
H204924 & click on the Rose set you’ll see why I couldn’t resist. I ordered them on Sat. & good thing I did cuz they sold out on ITKWD. I always check to see what’s coming up on his shows.
I just heard we did hit 100 today. We had the Starlight Parade last night. It’s precursor to the big Grand Floral Parade next Sat. They also have a junior
parade mid week for the kids. I’ve seen when parades were in pouring rain. It looks like next week will be in the 70s with clouds. Better than temps like today!!!
I’m sending a pic of the mama goose & her family Dan took after his experience with a mama goose. LOL. I wish I could relay it as he wrote it. But my memory’s is as long as a minute. But you got the gist of it.
Have a good week every body & I hope Adele you get your back splash taken care of soon.
dianne -
I get the Current catalog. I used to buy paper and cards from them. I will have to check out the catalog as I really don’t look at it much anymore.
I hope that your weather cools off soon.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
It’s nice when the teenagers get a summer job and earn some money for themselves. I think it’s a good lesson in responsibility. I know it’s hard when the kids start driving as teenagers-it is kind of a leap of faith to let them go but by the same token it was nice not to have to drive them everywhere. I hope that Kylie’s dad will eventually realize that she is going to grow up no matter what he does. It’s hard to let go and watch them grow but by the same token that’s what we want for them too. It’s hard being a parent sometimes.
Greg looked it up on the internet and it says it’s common to feel dizzy when you start using the table. We’ll see what happens. Maybe he will use it or maybe it will be another thing that ends up in the basement. It was kind of like a comedy act around here today. lol
Gail -
Hi Adele,
So how are the Wallburgers? The one that is married to Jenny McCarthy lives in this area of the country.
I’m sorry that you guys didn’t get anything planted but at least you got to see Amanda and JJ. The weather has just been conspiring against you.
We used to feed the birds all the time and they always pooped on the deck where the birdfeeders were. After a bunch of years we kind of got worn out buying the food and filling the feeders as they could empty them in a day easily. So now that we don’t have the feeders there is not as much bird poop on the deck. Except from our wayward cardinal. If in Italian legend a bird pecking on your window means that something needs to be brought to your attention we must be very dense as we obviously have not figured out what the message is for 3 plus years. lol What does it mean when the bird is flinging himself against your window? That he is a bird brain and what he sees is not another bird but his own reflection? Duh! Cardinals are pretty but like the legendary Hollywood starlet-not many brains.
That inversion table is like something that they might have had in a medieval torture chamber. lol I guess it’s a toss up between feeling dizzy and having your back feel better. Maybe he should practice being upside down by doing some somersaults before he gets on there. That would be interesting. Poor guy is just trying to get relief from his back pain and I’m making fun of him. Bad Gail!
I hope you get those back splash guys over there first thing. Bug them until they get it done.
Gail -
Hi Gail
We never go t the Wahlburger burgers yesterday. It was pouring here, and I do not blame anyone for not wanting to go back out. SO, we ordered burgers in form the local take out…and gave a generous tip! That is on my list of places to go with the girls, as soon as JJ gets out of school.
I would say the universe is trying to get a message across that you have not been listening to….LOL As soon as you figure it out, the crazy bird may stop. Who knows? Just be glad it is not a black bird, as if that bird comes to the window, it means a death is coming. That is never good. Some Italians will not even have any bird decorations- no pictures with a bird in it, etc. They have a lot of superstitions with birds, I guess.
poor Greg. The only thing that makes my back feel better, is ice and some aspirin based product- like Alleve , Motrin,etc. Once it starts, it takes a while to stop, and as you know a lot of times it means I have to get that series of 3 shots in my back to stop it.
I did enjoy JJ and Amanda here yesterday. Today, Steph, Jhonny and Aizen will be here, as their car is going into the shop. Steph is going to plant my things today, and they think the two of them will be bale to get the pool cover off. Well, she came dressed in a very pretty long black sundress…..LOL Not. Gary is driving Jhonny back here from taking his car in a minute- hence the second to answer emails.
hope you are having a good day, and that Greg feels better.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
Oh yes, a butler would be great. With support staff too. We can all dream! I have been telling all my older biddies we all need a butler.
Steph, Aizen and Jhonny are here, as their car is in the shop, and he has the day off. My car is being used for the business today, so they just went to Panera to get soup, using Uncle Bobby’s car….LOL I am making some corn on the cob for Aizen, as he love sit. I was shucking the corn for supper, and he was “yum, yumming”- could not make him wait all day for corn.
Steph is going to help plant the 2 rose bushes and the lavender later- after they eat. I will be happy to just get that done today.
No call back yet form the installers. I am trying not to call, and sound nasty, but, it is getting hard. I am going to call again around 4, if I get no answer.
So far, it is sunny. They are predicting thunderstorms for tomorrow, definitely, and maybe this afternoon. It is in the low 80’s today.
I hope your weather is good today.
Adele -
OMG Dianne!
I would have cried with all that noise, and for so long. they should have relocated all of you. that must have been torture.
No news on the backsplash yet. We did put up aluminum foil and taped it behind the sink, so the wall will not get wet, as it is that unfinished stuff that keeps coming off, when touched. I have everything else pushed a little away form the wall, so that is the best I can do for now. I just do not like the idea of dusty stuff getting into the food. yuck.
Wow- summer has arrived in your town. Today is sunny, and in the low 80’s. that is good for now! I have to be very grateful when it is good around here.
I do get the Current catalog too- great stuff! Reasonable prices. I love that! I do a lot of internet shopping, as I cannot stand in line for long at all, in a store. Just when we are retired, we get limitations…life throws us curves, but we are lucky to have so many internet Quacker friends- we are blessed!
You got that pretty set of dishes!! I saw those. They are gorgeous. I loved them in every color.
I love the pictures you post. that story was real funny with the geese. Animals can be very funny, for sure!
Hope your weather is cooler!!!
Adele -
InactiveJune 6, 2016 at 6:13 pmPost count: 643I am posting this from facebook. A fellow Quacker is in need of our prayers.
Follow-up on Jean Heilman from Karen Schmehl:
things are not good so far. She was transferred down here to LVHC in Allentown because they are a trauma center. She is in trauma ICU and I have not been able to see her yet because they are doing so many tests all day. She was broadsided on the drivers side as she pulled out of her road. her injuries that we know so far are: c2 fracture in neck(no paralysis), both knees fractured, lower right leg has two broken bones, bilateral rib fractures. The broken tibula was an open fracture and ripped an artery which they were able to repair. It took one hour to cut her out of the car. at 4AM she was “not acting appropriately” and had to be put on a ventilator. Her blood pressure had dropped and she was in Afib. They called and asked me to approve transfusions. I am still waiting to hear when I can go in. Thank you Cathy more than I can say!!! Thank all for their prayers
Thank you Sue, for posting this here.
My prayers are with Jean and her family. This is such an horrific accident ,and has caused so much damage. I pray this poor Quacker is not in pain, and able to heal from all these injuries.
We never know when we get behind the wheel of a car, if we will come back in one piece. She has been in my thoughts and prayers since I read this on Facebook.
Sue, do you know Jean personally? Does she have other issues that will impact her recovery? I sincerely hope not. Such a terrible shame.
Adele -
Amen to that. The more prayers the better. This is so very sad. That poor thing.
Adele -
InactiveJune 6, 2016 at 9:54 pmPost count: 643Adele she was on the cruise but I don’t know her well. I just hate when someone is suffering and know prayers help. I am sure she will have a slow painful recovery. Just hope she can recover. I know she had knee replacement and now that is messed up too. So I am sure she will have surgeries in her future if they get her stabilized. We older folks don’t bounce back like when we were young. Thanks for the prayers for her.
Hi Gail,
You would think that they would want to have her driving herself to and from work. It sure would save a lot on gas if they would take her to get her license. They want her to take drivers ed. but they never get her signed up in time. Next year I may have to go to school and help her get signed up. We had this little ford that I wish we would have kept for her. Ron said that we cannot do that because then we would have to do that for the other grands and that would be expensive. So I know that he is right so I have not said anything else about it.
I had to watch Aliza and Owen today. It was not too bad Aliza slept most of the time. Owen decided that he was going to make lunch. So he got the gold fish crackers out and he mashed them up, then he got carrots out of the fridge and cut them up. He mixed that all together and added salt and pepper and that was lunch. He told me that it was good because it had vegetables in it. I had to laugh you cannot fight with logic like that. At least he was thinking healthy.lol
That is funny about the inveration table ending up in the basement. Our exercise equipment ends up in the back bedroom and then goes to the church auction. So we do not hang on to it for very long. It is funny how fast that stuff is out of here. We are not good at exercising.
The one that is married to Jenny McCarthy is Donnie Walhburg. The kids use to be big New Kids fans and so they kind of keep track of where they are now. Donnie is a pretty good actor.
I cannot believe that the dumb cardinal is still hanging around and banging into your window. Did he stick around all winter? You may have to catch him and take him off somewhere. You will have to wait until he knocks himself out before you can catch him though. I wonder if the conservationist could tell you something to help stop the bird from running into your windows. It might be worth checking into.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Still no word from the guy that is doing the back splash. I would be getting upset about that. I do not have much patience with stuff like that. I am still looking for someone to lay the tile in my bathroom. Our nephew is hard to get a hold of. You have to go thru his dad and he divorced Ron’s sister so a call from one of us is not always answered. I can understand that. It would be hard to talk to your x’s family.
Aizen has you number. He know that yum gets to you all the time. That is so cute. That was nice that he got his corn early so he did not have to wait for very long. It is hard not to do that stuff for the kids. They are so little and they do not understand this whole waiting thing. They are hungry now.
I hope that your rose bushes were planted today before it starts to rain again. It was raining here tonight. I cannot believe that they had just said that we had a chance of rain and storms here and it started raining. Our forecast comes out of St. Louis so is not always right for us here. They got it this time though. Just did not tell the people out of town that it would hit them first.
Watched Aliza and Owen today. They are so cute. Aliza is really growing. I cannot believe how fast she is growing. We had not seen her for three weeks so she has grown a lot. You know how it is when they are that little. She is giggling now. That is so cute. I love to hear a baby laugh.Owen fixed me lunch today. I wrote about that in Gails if you want to read it.
I am glad that Steph and Johnny came over and are helping you with a few things. Hope that you get your pool open. That will be nice to have now that the weather is getting so hot.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Sue,
Thanks for posting. I will be praying for her.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
How goes the back splash wars?
Did Steph get everything planted? I hope so. When does JJ get out of school? They were out here May 26th. Kind of early as they had no snow days this year.
I’m with Aizen-yum yum for corn on the cob. Haven’t had any so far this summer at our house.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I think in Illinois kids have to take drivers ed before they can get their license and they are also supposed to have a certain amount of hours driving in the car with their parents or other licensed driver- I can’t remember the number 30? 50?-It’s been so long that I can’t remember exactly.
I love Owen’s version of lunch. I think you have a future chef on your hands. The baby’s do grow so fast when you don’t see them for a few weeks. I love when they start giggling. It’s so infectious.
I am off baby sitting duty for the month of June as Adam has the month off. I’m kind of enjoying it.
Oh that’s right-Donnie is his name. I think they are living in Jenny’s home town of Saint Charles Illinois now.
Unfortunately cardinals don’t migrate-they stay here year round. I don’t know if any wildlife specialist could tell us any different information other than what we have already read online. The bird really just needs a better brain.
Gail -
Hi Sue.
I saw on Facebook that the poor thing is gone. How terrible sad. My prayers are with her family, and all who knew her. Even if only for a little but, like you. So very sad, and unnecessary to lose a life due to a preson’s driving skills.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
Big success yesterday. The rose bushes got planted, and Aizen found 2 worms. He was quite amazed at what he saw. I should have had the camera out with me. Steph also got the old lavender ripped out, and the new ones in. I got 8 plants of lavender, so they will grow together faster, as the rest of the border is mature. She did a really good job.
So when we came in, and Frankie and Gary got back, Jhonny and Frankie got the cover off, washed , and folded. You had to see Aizen’s face when he saw the pool water- very disgusted look. I told him not to worry, Nana will clean the pool for him.
We had the Q hot dogs, finally! They were a huge success, even Jhonny and I liked them, and neither of us like hot dogs much. So, I will be ordering more shortly. After dinner, I had a couple of the cookies left over from the Communion, that I kept in the fridge for Aizen. You had to see him, Nan cookies, yum, with such a huge smile- it was hysterical. I need my kitchen back to normal. They called today, and said June 24th- not!! I told them that was not going to work, and they will call me back to see what they can do. This is ridiculous.
I read the post to Gail. So glad you had a good time with your grands yesterday too. You must have missed holding Aliza, as she seemed like she slept almost the entire time you were there. At least you got to see her, and get a kittle hugging in.
isn’t it awful that poor lady was killed from that car accident? Jean was her name- did you ever meet her? So awful to die like that. What an awful shame.
Hope your sun is shining. It is on and off rain here- thunderstorms expected all afternoon.
Adele -
hi Gail
Read my post to Colleen for all the scoop. The planting got done, and the pool opened. Then we BBQ’d the new hot dogs- they were a big success, so I will be ordering more today. They were good on the grill, as I think Sue, or Dianne suggested. Not sure which one.
So, the backsplash was due to be done on June 24th. Not. they are supposed to call back to try to get it in earlier. Do you believe this??? I need my kitchen back. The dust/sheet rock keeps coming off. not good for cooking, or baking.
It is on and off rain/storms today, which is good for the plantings. Nothing great on the Chew today.
Marissa stopped by with Pena for a few minutes, and Hetaher is coming by this afternoon, so no floor washing today…LOL
Hope your sun is shining- hope Barbara is not getting flooded.
Adele -
Hey girls- forgot to say, JJ taught me Origami yesterday. He gets out of school on the 17th, and I do not want to be tied down with backsplash then.
Adele -
InactiveJune 7, 2016 at 6:34 pmPost count: 643Thank you Adele for letting the girls know that Jean passed away from her injuries. I know everyone appreciated the prayers. I am glad she was able to go to the last live audience show. Did you see the photo Cathy posted of her from that show? I guess maybe this was for the best given her extensive injuries.
It is cooler here today and only be in the 60’s tomorrow and going into the 40’s overnight. Ninety to forty why do we always get extremes. It is either hot or cold. At least today was pleasant and Thursday is to be nice. I also hope it stops raining so they can bring logs in to the mill. One of the drivers said they would need to buy timber that could be brought out by boat.
Hi Sue.
So sorry to have to give everyone that news. I did see that picture, and how they added nice graphics, and Patrick’s picture to the front of the shot. Or, was he already in that shot? Either way, how nice that her friend did that, and that she did such a nice job. I feel awful for her friend, and hope she has other good friends living close by, for support. Such an awful thing. You just never know when you leave your home, if you will be returning in the same way you left. I agree with you. Her injuries were extensive for an older, sparkly Quacker like us. It would have changed her life dramatically, and had she recovered, she may never have been able to live in her home again. Such a tragedy. My heart goes out to all who knew her, and those who cared, without knowing her.
It sounds like your weather is like ours- form 60 to 90 in a minute, and then back again. It was in the 80’s here, and very humid. It is gong into the low 60’s tomorrow. We are about to have thunderstorms. Tomorrow, there are thunderstorms coming, and more scattered showers.
I hope they get the lumber in to your work place, so things will be good. What kind of mill is it? Sounds like a very interesting place to work.
Hope you have a good night- AGT is on. Do you watch that? That little girl last week was fabulous. So much talent all across this great land.
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I’m sorry to hear about the passing of a fellow Quacker. I didn’t see a photo on this page. Did I miss it? Saying a prayer for her family.
Well the clouds are rolling in tonight…hooooooray!!! That means the heat wave is over & cooler temps are ahead. Showers are in our future.
It looks like a cloudy, cool & maybe damp day for the Grand Floral Parade on Sat..no surprise there. I think the bands, horse riders, etc probably
prefer cool days. Just not soaking wet.
Did ya catch the QF show today? It was on in the morning here. Again a lot of cute tops, & no money. There’s going to be other shows later in the week.Oh, did ya know that Phillip Watson was in the hospital? I got a post in my FB Newsfeed. He said he was in for nine days & was glad to be alive.
He had a heart valve replaced & a stent put in. I didn’t learn about it till I saw the post. He’s sooo darn cute. I love to watch his gardening shows.
Let’s send prayers for his full recovery. He was feeling pretty weak. I’ll check his FB page & see if there’s any updates.I had open heart surgery in 1982. I was born with a hole in the heart & instead of it closing like it normally would, it grew bigger. the heart surgeon that
developed the procedure did the surgery. When I was asked who I wanted to do it, my response was Dr. Starr. They patched up the hole & here I am.
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have made it to age 50 if I hadn’t had the surgery done.
I can hear the wheels turning. Why didn’t my parents have it done when I was a child. Well, the Dr’s said I wouldn’t make it thru the surgery at that
age. I was 32 when I had it done, so by that time the procedure was perfected. The Lord knew when it was the right time. His timing is Perfect.I’m putting up my tropical pics for the summer. If I can’t get there in life, I can sit here & daydream of being there. Sigh. Besides they’re gorgeous
I’m enclosing pics of my set of dishes, I took it off the computer. Also a pic of my shelves in the living room. You’d never guess I LOVE roses, LOL!!!Adele, did they come & fix the back splash yet? I’d be ALLLLLLLLLLLL over them if not. Your sooooo right it was torture with all that noise. It’s BLESSEDLY QUIET now. And you’re right they should have moved us all out while that went on. It could’ve been done in half the time. the crew
wasn’t happy they had to share the elevators, & put up with us!!!
Well, I guess that’s all for now.
dianne -
Sorry to hear about the passing of our fellow Quacker. Prayers to her family and other loved ones. So very sad.
Hi Adele,
Aren’t kids funny? Aizen was excited because he found 2
worms but disgusted by dirty pool water. Brent just put up a pool and sent me a picture of him floating in it. He was very excited about that and I was jealous. lol
You tell those back splash people that you need your kitchen back to bake cookies for Aizen! How can they even imagine that someone would want their counters and back splash done with a three week gap in between. Poor planning.
Speaking of being mad. Greg is beside himself. Greg noticed this morning that his ball washer. (golf term ladies) was knocked over and one of his golf flags was knocked down and one was broken and he walked over to his green and found it full of hoof prints. Well he is livid! And just sick about it. He has put so many hours and time and money into that putting green and now it’s like starting all over. He went next door but I doubt the guy was home as I think I remember hearing him leave for work really early normally. Anyway, the calves must have gotten out again as I don’t think the guy with the steers behind us puts his out in the pasture that they can escape from anymore. There’s nothing that can be done now but that guy is going to have to check his fences and make sure they are in good repair. Poor Greg-I feel awful for him.
So JJ is into origami now. I hope that you were a good student. I remember the boys used to make those stars-I forget what they are called now-it seems like it was something to do with ninjas or something.
Gail -
Hi Dianne,
I think the photo that they are talking about was on a Quacker Facebook site. It’s a closed site so you probably wouldn’t be able to see it unless you are a member.
I agree, I think the parade participants always prefer cooler weather. Especially those in heavy band uniforms. I always feel bad if people are marching in 90 degree weather.
I read about Philip Watson the other day on the Q boards. What a surprise as he looks so healthy and in good shape. I guess sometimes that doesn’t make a difference.
It is a good idea to have the surgeon that developed the technique do the surgery. I would imagine that they know how to do it best. My Mom did the same thing when she needed a repair for an aortic aneurysm. She flew to Houston to have the man who developed the procedure do the surgery.
I see that you love roses. The new dishes are quite lovely. It must make everything that you eat off of them taste extra special.
Gail -
Hey Gail
Poor Greg. As if the back is not enough. So, you have livestock on both sides of you? I had no idea they do so much damage on grass. Not to mention a golf range. Those are very fragile.
Can we talk about the ball washer??? I knew you could visualize our reactions, and added what it was, before we all cause an earthquake of laughter.
I ended up calling the store manger of Lowes this morning. I even tired to get another Lowes to do the install, but they use the same person for both stores. So, I called the manager, who agreed this was ridiculous. I got a call back from him in less than 30 minutes, saying I would get a call from the tile guys, and they will do their best to push this up. The tile person called back, a few minutes later, and said I will have a day by tonight, and it would be some before the end of next week. Well, at least tat is a week earlier.
I have to do a post to all of you, as Jhonny is very sick, and we need prayers.
Hope the hooves are off your property……..
Adele -
Hello all Quacker Buddies
We need some prayers across the land for Jhonny today. He was not feeling well when here, and we all thought it was allergies. It is an abscess on his tonsils, they are saying is worst than Strep. He went to the ER yesterday, and they tried to drain it- yuck. He went to the specialist today, and he drained it more, and now says they are afraid it may require surgery. the fear is, if this travels, and the throat is the gateway to your kings, and entire body, he may get a lot worst. I am afraid he may go septic, as that is always a fear of mine with any infection.
Steph is beside herself, and stuck because she has not gone for her license (how many times have you ladies heard me rant about this) ….an issue I will handle after this is all over. So, poor Jhonny is now on his way to the Post Office, as he is afraid for his job. he wants them to see he is really sick, and not faking, and give them the notes from the doctors. he is still a temporary employee, and he is so afraid for his job. He has not called in sick once, since he started there last Fall.
I have no idea why they did not call me to drive him. Independent, I would guess.
I told Steph I will take the kids, and get her to where she needs to be, so she can be with him. I will have to summon the Minnions to assist. I have eaten 3 Lindt balls so far, and the count will climb.
Please say a prayer that this will be a minor glitch in life, and not get more complicated.
Thank you, fellow Quackers!
Adele -
Prayers are flying toward Massachusetts right now. Praying for a speedy recovery and that the PO is kind about him having to take time off. -
Hi Dianne
I have another minute so I can write back to you. I am waiting to hear form Steph.
I am so glad you did wait until the procedure was perfected, as we may not have ever know you. God does work in wondrous ways, and we have to trust Him.
Yes, that lady is on the Cruising site on Facebook. lot of our Quackers do not post here, but they read what we are saying. She seems to had had a lot of Quackers living near here- what a nice thing that was for her. She had a best friend, who is also a Quacker, from what I can tell, as I am very, very new to that site. A lot of those ladies know each other from the cruises, and live shows. I am happy to share any news of a Quacker needing prayers, and support. Such a shame the poor thing had to die. Very sad, for all who knew her, and her family.
read my post to Gail for the up-date on the back splash issue. It is to be done before a week the end of next week. I hope I get a date at the beginning of the week.
I love your pictures, and the saying. That was one of Jenn Bice’s favorites. She said that a lot. God, we all miss her words, and encouragement!! We have to keep supporting each other, like she did us. The Quacker way, I call it. What a legacy she left behind, of friendship, acceptance, and support.
hope your weather is good!
Adele -
Thank you for the prayers, ladies. I am waiting to hear form Steph.
Adele -
Ladies I would like to ask for prayers for my boyfriend Scott. He is out of a job right now and desperately needs one so we can get married. He quit the last job due to his back problems. Also,he lives with his mom,grandma and brother. He helps his mom take care of his grandma and she pays him for it, but not enough. His mom’s ex husband is no longer going to be giving her money to make her house payment, so they will need to move. Please pray for these situations. I am truly hoping that they can get a really good price for their house, then maybe find a nice house a bit cheaper. Please pray for them ladies. It is stressing me out just as much as it is Scott. I don’t think he realizes that. Men…. Thank you ladies! ~ Christine
Hello Christine
Of course we will pray for your boyfriend, and his family. What state are you in? Is the housing market getting better there, or not? That makes such a huge difference.
I have one suggestion before they list the house. A lot of people do the “Zillow” thing. If the information there is not correct, it can screw up a sale. I have seen that happen to a few people, and then they have to back track. If they know of an error now, they can put a disclaimer in the listing description.
I pray they will sell quickly, and buy something better for all. here is another suggestion. Are you Catholic? Well, if you are, or even if you are not, go on a religious(Catholic) website, and get the little statue of St. Joseph, to sell a house. You say the prayer daily, and bury St Joseph, upside down, and facing away from the house- just in front of the house. he has worked miracles for a lot of people. You need to believe St Joseph will help you, as I am sure you would.
We would all enjoy seeing your progress toward a wedding, whether big, or small, and the pictures of all the events! I would be your day to sparkle and shine in white, and we will all be rooting for you.
Love, Adele -
A Jhonny up-date
So, I got dressed in my Quacker 2 piece set real fats, to take Steph and Jhonny to the hospital for surgery. Then, Jhonny changed his mind, as he said he felt better, and did not want to risk surgery if the antibiotics work- he has 2 heavy duty ones.
They lanced his tonsil twice. I cannot imagine the discomfort from that. Jhonny said the doctor was more concerned that he could not eat, and his throat would close. So far, he can breathe, and drink, but, not talk. He writes to Steph. She is a wreck. She wants him to have the surgery, but is afraid if she forces him, and something happens, she will never forgive herself. So, right now, we are all waiting.
To keep busy, I vacuumed, and ate 3 cookies, and an ice cream bar. That was my lunch for stress today. Worked it off with the vacuum….LOLPlease keep the prayers coming, as I hope he is correct that he is feeling a little better. But, he is not opening his mouth at all, so how does he know??
Adele -
Adele, thanks for the prayers for Scott and his family. I am praying for Johnny. Why are men so stubborn???? I hope he doesn’t have to have surgery either. But, he should listen to the Dr’s opinion. We are in Illinois. I think the housing market is good for selling a house. Hope they can figure it all out soon. Christine
InactiveJune 8, 2016 at 6:29 pmPost count: 643Adele I will pray for Johnny. I think he should have his tonsils out but it would probably be better if he can wait until the infection is gone ( if the antibiotics work) because of the infection going through his blood stream. They say it is harder on an adult to have their tonsils out. I had mine done as a child as I was always sick. So I had no problems when I had mine out. The downside for me was that is when I started putting on weight. I was always rail thin before as I could not eat when I was sick all the time. Any way sending prayers his way. Post it on facebook as those girls will pray too.
Christine I will also pray for Scott and his family. I will also pray for your stress level to go down.
Thank you so much Sue! He is a really great guy. It is only because of God that he is in my life. I can understand how stressed he is. And am doing my best to praise him to sucesss, and lift him up. Thanks for all your prayers girls. Christine
Hello Ladies,
My prayers are going out for Johnny. Wish he would have went and had that surgery. He would feel so much better if he would have let them take his tonsils out. I will be praying for you Scott and his family. Jobs are not that easy to find anymore. Hope he finds one that will not hurt his back. It is hard to work with a bad back. I will also be praying for Jean the quacker that we lost. That is just so sad. Sue did you know from being on one of the cruises? How sad for her family and her friend.
Gail that is terrible that the cow ruined Greg’s golf green. I would be ready to shoot me a cow and have a lot of steaks for dinner. It is amazing how much damage those animals can do. They do not care what they run into either. They also like to eat your plants. Found that out with the buffalo. We do not have that many cows that come in the yard but use to be Biskit would keep them run off. We will see how it goes now with just Austin. You would not think that the cardinal has a brain left as often that he has run into your window. Hope that you find something that works.
Adele, I am so sorry to hear that Johnny is so sick. They should give him time off if he has a doctors excuse. It is terrible that he is worried about his job. He really needs to have that taken care of. Hope that the back splash guys will get to your house like they said and get the put on. It was a good idea to talk to the manager of Lowes. He seems to have gotten things done for you. They need to get that done so you can make cookies for Aizen. He will be wanting more pretty soon. That is funny about him getting all excited about finding worms. Boys are funny they like things that are weird.lol I never did meet Jean. I am not on face book. A lot of those girls do not post on here. So do not know any of them. Sue is the only one and she has been on here longer then I have. She is such a nice person.
Dianne, I do not know who Philip Watson. Does he do one of the flower shows on QVC? I am not good with names.I really like you rose dishes. Those are really pretty. I agree with Gail that would make a meal taste better eating off of them. I have a great nephew that was born with a hole in his heart. He had not had any trouble with it until he wanted to play basket ball a couple of years ago. The doctor told him that he could not because of his heart. That was such a blow to him. He was going to play anyway but the coach told him no. If the doctor did not give him the okay he would have to take him off the players list. It was really sad but better for him.
Sue thank you for keeping us updated on all of the quackers. That is a shame that she died from that wreck. But like you said it was probably better then having to live with all the pain she would have to live with. We just have to trust in God and his decisions.
Well that is about all from here. I guess I better close for now. I hope that all of you have a good night.
Colleen -
I will be praying that Scott finds a new job quickly. I hope that his Mom can sell her house and relocate to a more reasonably priced place as soon as possible. -
Hi Adele,
I hope Jhonny is doing better today. I’m wondering if he should still get the tonsils removed after he is feeling better. As someone who has suffered lifelong battles with tonsillitis that is the first place that I have trouble when I get sick. My brother and sister both had theirs out as children but when it got around to me they weren’t doing it as much anymore and I’m probably the one who should have had it done. Anyway, first and foremost I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and he is feeling better.
I knew I had to explain the ball washer thing right away-it is just funny saying it even when you know what it is. lol Those golfers!
Anyway, Greg finally talked to the guy next door yesterday evening and he just happens to have a Dad who works at a local golf course so he is sending him some pictures of the green and seeing what he suggests to try and fix it. I feel so bad for Greg as he has put many hours into making and manicuring it and he even has a special mower to cut the grass on the green. it would be like if you finished a piece of needlepoint and someone came in and cut it up with a scissors. The hooves of livestock can just churn up the grass and especially on a piece like the green which is probably watered everyday just about.
I hope the installers will come early next week and just get the job done so you can get back to normal.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Greg suggested the same thing about how the neighbors should make it up to him by giving him some steaks. lol It used to be that maybe the dogs barking inside the house would scare animals off but Rocky is deaf and doesn’t hear anything and even his bark is very soft now.
Phillip Watson is the blond guy that sells Cottage Farms.
How is Kiley liking the job? I wonder if she will get to see some of the films for free now. That would be a bonus.
We missed the first tball game with both Lachlan and Piper playing on the same team. That will be interesting.
I was thinking were you ever able to find a new gastro doctor now that you found a new family doctor that you like? I remember about 15 years ago we kept finding doctors that we liked and then they kept on moving away. That was so frustrating! Thank goodness that the one we have now has stuck around for awhile.
Well it looks like we might be getting some rain today. I need to get to the grocery store this afternoon as we are running out of food here. I hope it will not be pouring when I leave the store-it seems like that always happens.
Gail -
Hi GAil
Thank you for the prayers. His throat stopped swelling, and the surgery was not needed. I also hope he will follow up t with the doctor, to make sure this does not happen to him again. Steph was frightened yesterday. It got real crazy here for a couple of hours, and I am glad that it had a good ending. I have not heard from them yet for today. They may be resting. Actually, they should be resting!
I did not know you needed a special mower for a golf range. Poor Greg. It is a lot of work to do something like that. Did the neighbor secure his cattle, and fix any holes in the fence? That is a lot of damage, from one romp through the lawn. They certainly do a lot of damage, in a very short amount of time. One would never think of that.
Still no word on the installers- promised an answer by tonight. This is ridiculous.
It is freezing here- in the low 50’s. I am going to bake some Snickerdoodle cookie, if the butter ever gets to room temp. Also making a blueberry buckle for dinner, with the Kansas City hot dogs- what a combination….LOL
hope your weather is good- tonight will be in the low 40’s here!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
Thank you for your prayers for Jhonny. It looks like he is out of the woods, for now. I just hope it stays that way, and that he doe s a follow up with that doctor to make sure.
Read my post to Gail for more info. The backsplash still has no date, and they promised I would hear by end of day today- that is what they said yesterday too.
It is so cold here today my butter is not coming to room temp, nor the eggs. I am going to bake 2 things- a blueberry buckle for dinner, and Snickerdoole cookies. That is how cold it is- I have to bake…LOL
how has your stomach been? Did you ever get to a specialist, or are you still waiting for that appointment? I hope you are feeling better.
Adele -
Thank you, Sue. I will post it on Facebook, the more prayers, the better. I just felt bad adding that, when Jean’s death was so awful.
I hope they do take them out after the infection is gone too. I feel once this happens, it will happen again. I have not heard from them yet today, but, I am going to bake cookies, just in case they are needed. I am waiting for the butter to soften. Imagine- it is that cold here that the butter is still cold. It is in the low 50’s today.
By the way, did I tell you we loved those hot dogs? Were you the one who said not to boil them, but to grill them? So right! I re-ordered them, that is how much of a hit they were. So, tonight we are having hot dogs, and a blueberry buckle I am making- also to heat up the house. Do you believe this in June??
Hope your day is going well!
Adele -
hi Christine!
that is so good that your housing market is good there. It will make a sale much faster. I will be praying for all of you.
thank you for the prayers for Jhonny. they worked, as his throat stopped swelling. My granddaughter was so terribly scared yesterday. She even said she would kill herself, if he died. I reminded her that her children would be raised by me, and her mother, so she may want to stick around for a while, as she knows how crazy we all are. I tried to make her laugh. She was so terrible upset. This was her first real brush with the ” life can change in one second ” thing, and that is a huge slap in the face of reality.
read my other posts for all the scoop in Massachusetts.
hope your day is going well!
Adele -
Hi,girls! Thanks so much for all the prayers for Scott and his family. He’s still a little stressed out about not working, and I keep telling him that he just hasn’t found the job God wants him to have yet. I truly appreciate all your prayers! His mom is beside herself with the way her ex is treating her. I think she needs to collect her social security, that would help with some bills at least. Hope all of you have a good day! It’s cooler and rainy today:-( Quack at you all later! Christine
Hi Christine
What are his talents? What does he love to do, and is very good at? Would he be able to get a job in that filed, as that is the best of all. If you love what you do, you never feel like you are going to work. That is truly a gift, if you can do that.
Hope all is good today.
I finished the floor swiffering, and have the Snickerdoodles baked. the blueberry buckle is served warm, so that I will put in the oven when Gary is grilling the hot dogs. It smells nice in here, and I love that. Figured I would take advantage of the cool weather.
Adele -
Hi Adele. He actually has an associates degree in science. He knows how to give the hymlec maneuver and CPR. I think he should see if can learn how to be an EMT. I think he’d be very good in the medical profession. Other than that his last job was as a custodian at his church. He’s done quite a few jobs,including working at a car lot. I think he’s qualified to do a lot of things. You’re right,if you love what you do, you never have to work another day in your life! I hear they a lot in my profession in direct sales. Thanks for praying Adele! Christine
So sorry that I have been out of pocket for several days, ladies. You all have been going through so much. I was just so sorry to hear of our dear sister in heart quacker, passing. It is a reminder to us all that each and every moment is a true gift from God; that he gives us another day on his beautiful earth that he created for us. I pray for all those who knew and loved and are missing her; as I also pray for each and every one of you dear ladies and the things that it seems each of us are going through in our lives. Sometimes I really think that these “tribulations” are reminders to us that we are not in charge and that only by the grace of God will we make it through whatever is happening in our and our loved ones lives. We are strong, but we are weak; all at the same time. Prayers for you all.
Christine, I hope your boyfriend is able to find work really soon. Isn’t it a shame that so many people want to work, and others will not work for anything? I agree with Gail about planting the saint statue in the yard to help to sell the house. I truly believe that it can help. I have looked at homes on the website Zillow too; and it is so interesting. It really gives you an idea of what homes are selling for in an area, and you can see inside without actually going to each one.
What a terrible scare Adele, for the swollen throat and infection. It must have been so very painful. I know you all were so worried. It is a shame to say; but there are so many people who do call in sick that are not that it makes it so bad for the really sick ones. I am so sorry and hope he is feeling better. Did the doctor say anything about gargling with salt water? That is old fashioned, but germs cannot live in salt and it really helps. His tonsils must be so very infected. How is he doing?
We have had so much go on here that honestly, I just am too exhausted to write it all down now. We are okay; so don’t worry, but Jerry and I are just about basket cases at this point in our lives. But counting our blessings at the same time. So forgive me; I will try my very best to write more tomorrow; but I just must go and lie down for now. Hugs to you all. Barbara -
Hi Barbara,
I hope that you’ll come back and let us in on what is going on with you. I imagine it must be something with the Joey/Lisa situation. I hope that is leading towards a resolution and that Joey is sticking to his guns so that they can both move on.
With all the coming and going of the kids do you guys end up taking care of all their dogs too? I think Ellie was Neal’s and Ruby was Lisa’s and Joey has -is it- Dodger? So what happens to all the dogs when everyone moves around? Just wondering.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I can’t believe that you are still having such cool weather. Where is your summer hiding. Everyone will have to wear a wet suit to go in the pool.
I hope that Jhonny is feeling better today. Poor Steph must have been over wrought to say what she did. That was kind of scary. It’s a good thing that you were there to point out the thing about raising her kids. It’s always a wake up call when you have your first experience of how life can turn on a dime. Anyway, I hope things are getting back to normal. Now if you could only get that kitchen back to normal.
It is interesting that there is a special mower to mow a green. I guess the grass there is made so as not to interfere with the motion of the ball. Just like everything else each game has it’s own subtleties that you don’t think about unless you play yourself or know someone who does.
We are supposed to be getting a couple days of 90 degrees-I’ll send some your way.
Gail -
Hi Christine
I bet he would make a great EMT. I hope he finds the best job for him, and that you will both be happy, and comfortable the rest of your lives.
Adele -
hi Gail
So, finally today, I am supposed to hear back on which day, at end of week, will be the install day. Any bets they will not call back???
It is cool again today. Not as bad as yesterday, so I am going to hose off all the green on the deck, so we can at least sit outside. Gary is at PT, and then he has a late afternoon doctor appointment, with his GP for his annual.
Sunday, we are going out to dinner with Ron and Joyce. I hope it does not get cancelled again. It is supposed to rain Sunday. Oh well! I bet your heat will be here in a few days. The pool is still not ready, either. Because we waited so long to take the cover off, the water is harder to get clean. All that pollen gets in, and the algae is miserable to clear out.
Hope you are having a good day!
Today is the anniversary of Jeanne’s passing. Saw it on Facebook. Very sad. Nobody could ever completely take her place. Angel is great, but, that life experience Jeanne shared was the best. What a legacy she left behind. One of acceptance, caring, and sparkling through all of life’s challenges.
Adele -
Hi Barbara!
Thank you for the prayer for Jhonny. he is doing better, but very sore. I think he went back to work, either today, or tomorrow. I hope he does no get worst. You just worry about these germs today. I am not sure if they told him to gargle with the salt water- I will tell him.
We are all praying for you, and your family. I hope you will get through this soon, so everyone can begin to heal and move forward. You are always in my prayers.
Adele -
Hi, ladies! Thanks to everyone for their prayers for Scott! God has already answered one prayer: he is out looking for work today. I don’t think he has went out looming in a while. I prayed to God for him to start looking again, as I was afraid he was giving up. So I’m very thankful he texted me today to say we wouldn’t be able to talk as long since he was going out to look for work
It is HOT HOT HOT here in Illinois today! Adele, can’t understand your weather! Lol! My asthma is bugging me a bit today,probably because of the humidity. Watched Quacker today on QVC, and Angel mentioned that today is the anniversary of Jeanne’s passing. Hope everyone is having a good day, and all our prayers for various things are answered. Quack Quack ~Christine
Hi Ladies,
I am wondering if we should start a prayer list again on a separate discussion. The list gets buried in all the other post and they are hard to find. That way we can post the progress on the people that we have asked for prayers. It is so much easier then going back and looking all of them up. What do all of you think? Let me know and I will start the discussion if you want me to or someone else can.
Thanks Colleen -
Hi Christine!
Well now we are getting severe storms tomorrow late afternoon tomorrow. It was pretty today, with no humidity, but cool- high 60’s.
I missed the Quacker show! I will have to see what they had on there.
that is a good note to end with today- that all the Quacker prayers are being answered.
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
Glad to see you on here not matter if you write a lot or a short message. It is hard when you have children having problems. We just have to stand back and wait for them to ask for our help or advice. All we can do is pray and turn everything over to God. He will take care of it. Maybe not in the time that we would like but he will take care of it.
Gail had a good question. Do you have all the animals that belong to the kids? You must have a yard full of dogs and cat or house full. It is nice to have a big yard for them to roam in. My daughter leaves her dogs with us and they come back from vacation and the dogs have tics. She acted really surprised. We laughed we live in the country dear get a clue. We only have so many guineas to take care of the tics and if the dogs go out into the woods there is nothing we can do about it. Kids.
The gargling with salt water is what we use to have to do when we had a sore throat. We always had our kids do that also. I do not know if they recommend that anymore or not. They should it seemed to work.
Just take care of yourself and Jerry. You two are the most important people in that group. If you let all of this get you down then you will get sick and that is not good. You are in my prayers.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
Well it must be time for sickness on here. My son-in-law has been sick. He had to miss two days of work and you know how that is they can only miss so many days. So yesterday he decided to go back to work. Well while he was at work my daughter gets a call from the hospital saying that they gave him the wrong prescription and they called in a new one for her to pick up. So she calls me and I take her into the pharmacy and while we are there she gets a call from where her husbands works. He got sick at work and was running a high temp. So they wanted to send him to the hospital by ambulance. Well she said that they could not afford that because he had been to the emergency room twice this week. So she goes into panic mode and is having a fit. She would not listen to me and calm down.My oldest daughter lives close to where he husband works so I told her to call her sister. No she won’t do anything. So I called her and she called me back and I told her and she went and got my sil from work and met my other daughter so they could come home. He took the new medicine and he started feeling better right away. The fever broke and he was not feeling as sick. He had a uti and that was the problem. I could not believe that they gave him the wrong script. It was a good thing that someone caught it and gave him the right one. That is scary.
That would be cute to see Lachlan and Piper playing on the same t-ball team. I wonder if Lachlan give Piper advice while they are playing. I can just see it now him telling her what to do and her not listening to a word he said. lol Hope that they both have a great time playing t-ball.
How are things coming with Greg’s golf green? I hope that they help him out with getting it fixed again. They should it was their cows that did the damage. It would be nice if they did give Greg some steaks. He has to put up with their cows coming in the yard and making a mess. People just do not realize if you wanted cows in your yard you would have some of your own. Buffalo people do not realize that either. So if their animals come into you yard you are just out of luck.
Do not have a gastro yet. She ran all those other tests and she could not do any more at that time. So next time I go in she will have the tests done that I need to go to the gastro. Obama care is just so great NOT!!!! So just put up with being sick and having to put up with the stomach pains. I see her in another couple of weeks. Then they will start on that.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Colleen, I read your post to Gail. I have stomach problems also. I have GERD and am prone to gastric ulcers. I am on Nexium, as that helps with both. With an ulcer, it feels like you’ve got a blow torch in your stomach and your appetite is real low. I even would get backaches and an upset stomach. Not fun. Luckily the Nexium has prevented more. Hope yours can get solved ~ Christine
Hi Adele,
When the guy said that you would hear at the end of the week did you start laughing. I would have and told that is a good joke. You have been waiting to hear from them for two weeks so why would you believe that one. You are being a lot more patient then I would be. By the time that I got done they would be ticked off.
I am glad to hear that Johnny is doing better. i hope that he goes for a follow up and makes sure that he does not need anything else done for his tonsils. He sure does not want to go thru that again. Steph panicked just like my daughter did. I wrote all about it in Gail’s post. Read about it there it is too much write again. This was all the hospitals fault though.
Just be glad that you still have cool weather. It is really hot here again and the threat of more storms next week. Then it will cool down a little. It will be in the 80’s instead of the 90’s. What a cool down. It is going to be in the upper 80’s so do not think that we will have to turn the air off. lol
Well at least you are going to be able to do some baking for awhile. Aizen will be yum yumming again over Nona’s cookies. The hot dogs sound like they were a hit at your house. We will have to try them. I wish that I could remember the name of the other hot dogs that they had. I really wanted to try them. They were the long hot dogs and they looked very good.So now I have two new things to try. They also had some sugar free candy on there and I ordered that but it is on wait list. It really looked good. The hulless popcorn looks good also. I am in a snacky mood tonight. Might be because I ate a couple of butter finger candy bars. They were the little ones. though. I usually do not eat candy with sugar but I just was hungry for them tonight.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and we will continue to pray for Johnny.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
This group is really good about praying for each other and their families. This is such a good group of women. We are here for each other. I am glad that Scott is looking for a job. If he studied science in college has he ever thought of working for conservation department. They have all different types of jobs there are maybe doing research. That might be two different fields to look into.An emt is a good job also. He sounds qualified for any of those jobs.
It is hot here also. I hope that you are in air conditioning. It is hard not to be when you have asthma. Just take care and keep your inhaler close by. I know others that have asthma and it seems like the summer month’s are hardest on them.
Have a good night will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Hope that Jhonny is doing well today. I won’t even ask about the back splash.
I hope that you get to go out to dinner tomorrow. If I haven’t been out in a while I start getting antsy to do something.
I’ve been home all week watching over Rocky. They put him on heart meds last week-one made him like a zombie-now last night we found out from bloodwork that the other made his kidney numbers go way up so he has been taken off of that and maybe we have to put him back on the zombie meds. Have to call the vet back this morning. I know in the big scheme of things compared to people being sick and dying the life a dog sounds trivial but he has been part of our lives for 17 years and even though we know we will lose him eventually(probably sooner than later) it still breaks your heart knowing what might be coming. After all 17 years is a lot longer than a lot of marriages last. Anyway, after last week it was just fun to go over to Jenny’s yesterday and hear the laughter( and whining) of the kids. Piper had just woken from a nap so she was in rare form-talking even more than usual. If words were money that child would be a multimillionaire. lol Being around the kids is life affirming and I needed that.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
That is a good idea if you want to start a separate page for prayer requests and updates. That way they won’t be mixed in with all the other posts and will be easier to find.
It’s a good thing that you were with your daughter when she got that phone call. At least you kept a cool head and figured out a solution. I’m glad that your SIL is doing better now too. That’s horrible that the hospital mixed up the perscription.
I had that happen once from WalMart and didn’t discover it until the morning that we were packing to leave on a trip. That was kind of a mess.
That’s sad that you can’t get everything done at the doctor’s when you need it because of Obamacare. I guess it’s good for the people who had nothing but not so good for many of us who are just kind of stuck in the middle. That’s a good thing about Greg still working is we still have our Blue Cross from work. Not looking forward to eventually losing that when he retires but hopefully then medicare with a supplement will work for us.
I will say the guy next door was really good about trying to do right by Greg. He got him some tools for fixing the divots, plus he gave him some passes to a couple of local golf courses. So he is trying to make it right. I guess it’s a young couple next door. You can’t fix all the work that Greg put in but it’s nice to see that he’s trying to make things right. Then of course my big hearted husband is telling the guy that we are neighbors and that if he needs to borrow any tools or help with anything to just ask us. Of course Greg probably has every tool known to man-if only he could find where he put them. lol
Gail -
Glad to hear that Scott is out looking for work. I hope that he finds something soon. -
hi Colleen
That is a great idea.
Here is the up-date on Jhonny. He is better, and has gone back to see the doctor, who said surgery is no longer the plan. He can talk, but when he does, he starts coughing, which then hurts, so he is not talking much right now. His boss told him to stay out until Tuesday of next week, which would have been his day off, so he goes back to work on Wednesday. He is doing a lot of resting, and texting.
Please continue adding a prayer for him, so he continues to improve.So, today it is gloomy, and started raining a bit ago. Severe thundersotrms are in the works for later, but it is cool, so I am not sure if that will happen.
Gary has been out with the pool on and off, trying to get the algae under control- real bad this year, because we opened late. The water should be ready in a couple of days. I made blueberry muffins for breakfast, as those are Gary’s favorite, as he hates working on the pool. Kind of a reward, I would say.
Hope your sun is shining, and the weather is good!
Adele -
Good Lord Colleen!
that was scary with the wrong script. What if he was allergic to it?
So glad he is feeling better. A UTI makes you feel so sick. I will add him to my prayer list.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I got the hull less popcorn, and it was good. Even Gary liked it. It was very buttery, and I love buttery popcorn. A tad bit salty, but, still less than some other brands.
Get this……got a call back from the tile guys. I am on for Friday of next week. Only 5 more days until the install. At least there is an end in sight. Oh, I was getting ready to let them have it, but, then I realized these men would be in the house, doing the work. I did not want angry men putting in the tile, as God knows what would have happened. I want a perfect job…..LOL
I read the post and saw how your daughter reacted- just like Steph. I think it is not only the husband being sick, but the cost attached to it too. I saw you summoned your Minnions to help with transports- good idea! Thank God we both have Minnions.
I do not like 90’s weather, either. It is so cool her, most of the windows are closed again. Plus, the rain- thunderstorms predicted for later. So far, I have made blueberry muffins, and cleaned one bathroom- one to go. But, you made me hungry for a popcorn snack. I amy have some before I finish the last bathroom….LOL
hope your weather gets cooler, and mine warmer. Also hope your stomach is feeling good today.
Adele -
Hi GAil
Read my posts to Colleen for all the news. Jhonny is better, bit not great as he cannot talk much without starting to cough, which then hurts him. he did see the doctor again yesterday, and no surgery needed. that is good news, for now. He will be back at work next week, on Wednesday.
Of course Rocky’s health is important to all of us. He is your baby. I did not realize he was not doing well on the meds. That is awful. I hope he can get a little better. It is so hard with an animal, as they cannot tell you how they feel. I am sure you are worried to death. I will add a Rocky prayer to my list.
I also hope we can get-out tomorrow. But, Ron has been trying to get his garden done, and with the weather today, he is not able to do anything. So, I would not be surprise if they cancel. I already told Gary, we will still go out for dinner, as we need a break.
I hope your weather is good, and that Rocky is feeling better!
PS backsplash day is Friday- only 5 more days to go, before install day. -
Hi Adele,
Thanks for letting me know that the popcorn is good. I am going to order it this week.I really like popcorn and have been looking for a good type to eat. This will be nice if it does not stick in your teeth. I hate when it does that.
I am glad to hear that Johnny is feeling better. That makes it rough if he coughs every time that he talks. I can imagine how sore that it makes his throat. That is nice that his boss gave him the time off. That is a good sign that he likes him. I do not think that he has to worry about his job. It would be nice if they would hire him on permanently so he would not have to worry about it. That was good that he went back to the doctor and found out that he does not have to have surgery now.
That was scary that they gave my sil the wrong medicine. It was no wonder he did not feel better then he did after taking it. The new medicine really worked so much better. He is feeling a lot better and is up and about right now. I guess he will go back to work on Monday and try it again. It does make you nervous when you know that they gave him the wrong medicine the first time. What if they did that with a child. We only have one hospital here now they closed the other one. So we are stuck with this one.
That was a nice reward for Gary for working on the pool. Your weather sounds too cool for this time of the year. At least when you have the rain the storms will not be as bad. Hope that Gary did not get rained on trying to get the pool straightened out.
Finally they have set a date for putting the back splash up. They should have done it the day they said that they would. It will look really nice when you get it all up and you do not have to worry about it anymore. You will be able to take the foil off the back of the sink. That was a good idea that was a good way to keep it from getting wet.
Thanks for the prayers for my sil. They are appreciated.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
That is nice that the neighbor is trying to make things right with Greg. He sounds like a nice guy. He did not offer him any steaks though. That would have made the deal even better.lol Hope that they get that fixed up so Greg can use it again.
I can imagine what a mess that would be to get the wrong prescription before going on a trip. Hope that you got that fixed before you had to leave. It would have been really bad if you had left before you noticed it. You would have really been in a mess. They should be more careful with scripts.
There are still people that do not have insurance. My daughters insurance is too expensive for them so they had to put the kids on medicaid. My daughter is not covered at all. The only people that it really helped are the people that are not working. I just hope that we get someone in office that will change this thing and make it better. My sil is covered because of his job. This is just a mess and it is costing a fortune.
They closed the other hospital that we had down here. So now we only have the one and they are not doing such a good job. It is scary that you take you child to the emergency room and they could give you the wrong medicine for them. They may not come thru it as easy as an adult. We were just lucky that Andy did not have a reaction to the medicine.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
My problem is from a gall bladder surgery that I had years ago. I have to take protonix for it and it sometimes does not help.Think that I have been taking it for too long. I will probably have to have them clean out the bile duct again. That usually helps for awhile. Your stomach problems sound a lot worse then mine.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
I am so glad your sil is feeling better too. All our prayers worked, for your sil and Jhonny.
It is warmer here today- about 78, and windy. It is really a perfect, beautiful day. It is rare you get a winner like this! I was outside helping Gary with the pool. It looks like we finally got ahead of the algae- the water is the correct color. We had to order a new leaf vac, as this one is not doing so good. But, it was good enough to get most of the leaves out of the pool today. It is so windy, that I have to get in the shower when Gary is done to get all the pollen off me. You should see all the stuff flying through the air up here. Looks like snow.
Gary was thrilled with his muffins. Bobby wanted to know when I was going to make the ice cream. I got the Kitchen Aid ice cream maker. You cannot just make it. You have to cook the mixture, first, and then it has to be in the fridge for at least 8 hours. Maybe I will do the mixture tonight, so we can have it tomorrow with dinner. Have you ever made ice cream?
I hope you like the popcorn- it is good. Have you ever ordered the steaks from Kansas City steaks? They sent me a coupon, and I am not sure if they are good, or not.
Did you see the Quacker show? I got the new turquoise shirt with lighthouses on it, so did Tillie. I also got the cardigan in turquoise. I need to behave….LOL
Hope your day is sunny and bright, and not too hot.
Adele -
Hey Gail
how is Rocky?
How is Greg doing with the lawn at his golf range?
I hope both are improving.hello everyone else……..how are you all???? Anybody get the new Quacker shirt?
Adele -
Hi,everyone! I posted an update on the prayer requests forum. Thanks to you all for your prayers for Scott. He was out today looking for work.
I didn’t get the new Quacker shirt, but I did see it. Very cute!
It is rather cool today, only around 73° but it’s nicer than 93°!!! At least we don’t have to have the air on which is good for my asthma. My insurance company is only paying for 1 month supply for my Nexium. It cost about 214.00 regular!!! I’m getting a new insurance company starting in July, so not too worried about the other one not covering it,as I’ll have the other before I’ll need a refill. Glad they are disbanding as they have been useless as far as drug coverage goes. Quack at you all later ~ Christine
Hi Christine
I will have to find the prayer page Colleen did. Going to look now.
It was at least in the 70’s here today-yahoo!!
I hope your asthma doe snot kick up, any time soon. It is miserable when it does. Prayers sent your way.
Adele -
Hi Christine
I did not know air conditioning bothered asthma. I do know extreme cold air does, as when we used to go snowmobiling, a couple of friends used their inhalers when it was very cold. Even I had a dry cough when it was that cold- I am talking way up near the Canadian border…..can we say freezing like you cannot believe? LOL
Down here in winter, it is the same when it is very cold. But, nothing like up there. I cannot believe I did that all those years. No wonder my back is so bad!
I hope you are feeling good today. It is beautiful here today. Sunny, and just warm enough- going to be in the 70’s, I think. No humidity- perfect weather.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I am adding a prayer request for you on the prayer page!!
I hope today finds you better.
Adele -
Hey,Ladies! I have a question for all of you: do you find that the Quacker clothes are a little bit larger than other brands? I have 2 tops both in medium. As that’s the size I normally wear, that’s what I ordered. Both I feel are a bit large. I’m not “drowning” in them, but I am on the deep end of the pool,if you know what I mean! Lol! I think next time, I should order a small. But, I’m so afraid the small will be too small. My bra size is a 36C. It’s only because of that, I believe that the mediums work at all! What do you think? ~ Christine
Hi Christine
I have found they do run generously. I would try a size smaller. If you are afraid you will lose the size you want, you can order both sizes, an then send back the one that does not fit. Some times the tops go so fast, when everyone loves that design. If it has any lycra, go with the medium. Any time they add stretchy material, they are very clingy.Adele
InactiveJune 13, 2016 at 6:01 pmPost count: 643Ladies I know awhile back you were wondering what the circle with a number at the top of the page meant. I think I have the answer. Today I had a friend request and when I accepted the number went from 1 to 0. So I think it is telling you that you have notifications and how many.
Hi Adele,
I am glad that you finally have your pool straightened out. The kids will be excited when they get to swim in it. That is if it ever stops raining and staying cool. This weather is crazy. We are in hot weather here. It has been in the 90’s here and not showing any signs of cooling off. They said that we will have a cool down on Thursday and that is going to be in the upper 80’s. That is not much of a cool down. It was supposed to rain here today but the clouds came and went without a drop falling on the ground. So now they are saying that it will come later tonight. So we will see.
I have never made ice cream before. I did not know that you had to cook it first. The only ice cream that we ever make is snow ice cream. The kids use to really like that when they were kids. We do not make it anymore though. The only thing is you have to put a bowl out there to catch the snow. You sure do not want to get it off the ground.lol Your ice cream must be really good you are getting requests for it. Everything that you make must be really good. Aizen will have something else to yum about.
I ordered the hamburgers from them and they were terrible. They shrank up to nothing. On the show they show them so thick after they are cooked. I guess if you want them well done that they shrink up you have to eat them rare. I do not like to see any pink in my meat when I am eating it. I have not idea about their steaks because I have never tried anything from them again since that happened. I have often thought about ordering the chicken they have on their. It is not Kansas City Steak though. I cannot remember what the brand name is. They always look so good. Some of it is stuffed and others are just breaded. Wish that I could remember the name of that company.
I did watch the Quacker show. They had a lot of cute things on it. I did not order anything though. I really like that stripped top with the lace over the sequins but keep putting off buying it. It has been around for a long time. It will probably be discontinued before too long. They have had it for a couple of years. I love it in the purple. I ordered a pair of the light grey dj. They are really pretty. I like them a lot better then the white and you can wear them year round. I am thinking of getting a pair in capris.
Well that is all from here. Thanks for putting me on the prayer list. I do not know why that keeps coming up on my page and not on the discussion page. Guess I did something wrong.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
I agree with Adele. Sometimes you have to go down a size in tops in quacker. It just depends on how much room you want. I like my shirts a little roomy so stick with my size. The ones that cling you can stick with your size or go up a size. I just stick with my size. It is hard to pick the right size that you want at first. You will get use to the way they size things though.
Colleen -
InactiveJune 14, 2016 at 8:23 amPost count: 643The only thing I heard from Mary Beth about her health is the last I posted. She did have a photo of her daughter ready for prom.
I read on Jacque’s facebook page this morning that she was in a car accident yesterday afternoon on her way to work. She said her back and neck are sore and she is putting ice on and taking Tylonol, Her car cannot be driven. So hope she will be okay. Prayers for her will help.
Carolyn is also off for follow up surgery on her breast reconstruction. She says she is fine still cancer free and is now home healing.
Don’t know whats with all the QVC hosts being hurt or sick lately.
Hi Sue,
Thanks for the info. I went back and deleted all my notifications and now I am at 0 too. Now that I think of it on the Q boards there is a number if someone has hearted you or referred to you in post a so it makes sense. I don’t post on those boards that often though so I didn’t make the connection.
I hope that Jacque will be okay. She has just returned back to the Q after being off ill for quite awhile.
How are you feeling? Is the dizziness better? Do you ever hear from Debra anymore?
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Were you able to get out to dinner Sunday night? I hope so.
Greg spent all day Saturday in the heat working on the green so he is hopeful that with some work he can fix it.
I told him if I had a pool I could have floated around in it and watched my “pool boy” working on the green. lol
He still feels like I should take my float and put it in the koi pond. Not gonna happen.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I hope that you are feeling better today.
I hope that Andy is feeling better too. That was a bad mix up with the meds.
I have taken the same things for so many years that I would recognize if I got the wrong thing but if it’s a new prescription how would one know.
Is Andy married to your daughter Amanda? That would make them Andy and Mandy-I’m probably not the first person to say that and they probably hate it but I just could not help myself. Everyone knows I like to play with words and sometimes write poems. lol Please forgive me for being such a dork. lol
I’m surprised that your daughter has no insurance. I thought that when you sent in your tax returns now you had to send in a form that proved that you have some type of insurance or pay a penalty. Maybe I have misunderstood it as I don’t do the taxes but I thought that’s what that form was for. Anyway, what good is the new law to her if she still can’t afford it-I thought the purpose was to make insurance available and affordable to all. If it’s not working they better get it fixed. That’s sad.
Greg’s off to therapy and to the doctor today to get his blood sugar levels checked out again. He won’t have much actual time at work. I see my rheumatologist tomorrow so this must be the week for check ups at our house. I hope we both pass. lol
Gail -
Thank you, Sue!
We were all wondering what it was about.
Here is a pic of me picking up my new mailbox today.
Adele -
Hi colleen
I had a busy day today, but a good one. Nancy and I went to the nursery, and I picked up a new bird bath, as mine cracked. then, we went to this gift shop, of a woman who made me a new green eyed tree frog, that I had ordered. I had one of hers before, and it got hit by kids with the baseball bats. I have had 2 more since, and I hated them, I just found out she painted the original one I had, and was thrilled she would do another for me. I posted the pic on Sue’s response. After that, Nancy and I met our buddy Gerald, at Bertucci’s for a quick lunch. It was a good day, all around.
Thank you for the heads up on the burgers.
Well, it is good and bad about the ice cream. I had the mixer stir it for a lot longer, and it just would not get very hard, not even to the consistency of soft serve. It was more like having a frappe. It was delicious, no doubt about it. So, I am thinking I did not cook it enough. So the next time, I will cook it a little more, and whip up the eggs a little more, and see what happens. We put the left over in the freezer, and that will definitely make it hard- we will try some tonight.
Then, I go the ingredients for mint ice cream- mint chips, and mint oil- that will be next….LOL
It was beautiful here again today. Perfect weather. In the high 70’s, and no humidity. Cannot ask for anything better than that.
hope your day was good, and that your stomach is feeling better.
Adel -
Hi Sue
thanks for the up-date on all the hosts. That is just awful. They all seem to have had some very hard luck lately.
Prayers sent to all of them. We need our hosts in good health!Sue- how are you feeling? I hope you are good. My dizziness seems o to be confined to when I turn to the right in bed- very weird. When all this kitchen commotion is over, I will have to call the doctor.
Adele -
Hi Gail
We were not bale to get out to dinner last weekend. Ron and Joyce had an unsuccessful yard sale, and had a lot of clean up to do. Plus, Ron did not finish his yard work, so we all thought it a better idea to just wait. that also gave me and Gary a chance to finish getting the pool ready.
OMG, Gail- so how deep is said koi pool???? I would have loved to see Greg’s face when you told him you could float around and watch your pool boy…LOL LOL
Adele -
Hey Colleen and Gail
I hope Andy is feeling better.
that is funny, Galsier- Mandy and Andy.
Adele -
Thank you, Christinie!
I just gave you a nick-name….LOL
Adele -
Hey Christinie
I seem to have a knack for picking the names people already have…LOL
Adele -
Hi Sue,
Thanks for the updates on all the hosts. I had heard that Carolyn was out but did not hear why. It will be nice when all the surgery is over for her. Will have to pray for her.
If you are interested we did start a new prayer list. It is under discussions so if you are interested and want to add anyone please do. If you do not want to say why they need prayer that is fine. Are if you do not want to add a name that is fine also. Just put for a friend or family.
Jacque is lucky that she was not hurt any worse then that. We will have to put all of them on the prayer list. Shawn is another one that I have not seen for awhile. Maybe I am just missing her when she is on air.
Thanks for all the information.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
Yes Mandy and Andy are married. We have all teased them about their names for a long time. So now she wants to be called Amanda but I am her mom and have been calling her Mandy all of her life. If one of them has to change their name let it be Andy that is not his first name anyway. His name is Christopher. They could have called him Chris. Kids they just do not listen.lol
It is cheaper to pay the fine then it is to pay for the insurance. This did not work out as well as they said it would. It is just sad and I do not like it at all. I got a letter wanting me to let them know that I have insurance besides medicare. I took it into the Social Security office and they took care of it for me. It is crazy.
You are lucky that you can get Greg to go to the doctor. Ron will not make an appointment or switch doctors. He is still going to that quack that I was going to. So now I have to work on that. Are you having trouble with your arthritis or is this just a regular exam? Hope that it is just your normal exam and not some type of problem. I hope that you both check out okay.
We were lucky that Andy did not have any bad effects from that medicine. This was an antibiotic so it would not be a normal pill that he would take. So he did not know.
Sounds like the hosts on QVC are having their troubles. I hope that no one else gets sick or is in an accident.
I wore my new outfit today and it is comfortable. I had to watch Aliza today and it was nice to be able to bend and pick things up that she dropped. She really liked the palm trees on the top and the pants. She tried to grab them but found out that they did not come off. She was having a bad day today. She is teething and she was really hurting today. It breaks your heart that you cannot help them just give them the medicine and if that does ot work there is nothing else. When her mom came home though she did smile. She looked at me like I could go home now because her mom was there. She did start fussing again before I left so it wasn’t just me. Even though I am getting old and do not know as much about babies anymore. That is funny even though that is a problem she still has me babysit.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I like you new mail box. The frog is really cute. It would not pay to get one of those here. They would smash before it was on the pole a week. It has been getting better though. They did catch one bunch of kids doing it and they filed charges. I never did hear what happened but I imagine it scared them enough that they did not do it again. But there is the new generation of mail box bashers.lol
Sounds like you and Nancy had a good afternoon. How nice that the three of you got to have lunch together. It is nice to get out and have lunch with friends. I have not done that for awhile. Will have to do it again soon. They go every Tuesday and Thursday and you just show up if you want to go.
That is aggravating when you work so hard to make something and it does not turn out the way you want it to. It must have been good though sounds like they ate it. The mint sounds really good. Did the mixed come with the ice cream maker or do they give you a book of ideas on what kinds that you can make? The kids are not here often enough for me to buy and ice cream maker for them. I guess we could take it to their housed when we go there.
That is a shame that you and Gary did not get to go out to dinner with your friends the other evening. That is so aggravating when you get a yard sale all set up and then do not have a good sale. It seems like you put in all that work for nothing. It is hard to know when it is a good time to have a sale anymore. People are picky about the weather now when they go yard saleing. They do not go out if it is too hot or if it is raining or if it is too cold. We live to far out in the country to have a yard sale.
It is so hot here. It has been in the 90’s and no sign of it cooling down. Oh well it is the start of the summer. We have not found anymore of those worms on our trees thank heavens. That is all we need to have. Those stupid things killing our trees.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
I’m way behind so forgive me if I leave something out. We’re having some really weird weather this week. Today was thunderstorms with hail here, & snow up in the mts above 4800 ft. It won’t last long. Mother Nature is playing tricks on us right now. I can’t remember getting snow in the mts this time of yr. But the temps are goin up in the next few days. By Sunday it’s supposed to be 80 or better. We go from one extreme to another.
I hope all of you are okay. I hear the heat is on back there.
I saw on my FB page Albany’s coming back soon, Jacquie will be back on Friday, altho I have my doubts. After an accident like that she’ll be sore & in pain for awhile. Whiplash is quite painful. the damage can go undetected for some time. I think Shawn is on vacation with her hubby.I got my dishes & they are GORGEOUS!!!! I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful they are. I’m soo glad I got them. They’re almost too pretty to use!!
I’ll take pics of them & post em. They can doctor the pics so they look prettier than they really are, but these are beautiful.
That prayer page is a wonderful idea. Right now we all need prayer. I’ll have to find it. I haven’t gone to it yet. My sciatica is bad this week. It’s left me not wanting to do anything.
I guess that’s all I have for now.
Hope you’re all fine.
talk to ya later.
dianne -
P.S. Gary Goben had a post on FB tonight. There’s a pic of a frog, & it says What kind of shoe does a frog wear?
An open toad shoe. -
Hi Dianne,
I’m so happy that the dishes were better than expected. That’s a pleasant surprise. Looking forward to the pictures.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
The koi pond is actually pretty big. I will have to get actual statistics from Greg. However, it’s probably as big as a small swimming pool. It’s not just a little circle like you sometimes see.
I like your frog mailbox. It reminds me of when Kim was alive and she was afraid of frogs and her daughters used to love to come here and find frogs or toads in the pond and chase her with them. I’m just imaging all the nice boxes that our mailman could try and stuff in that mailbox. I just love when he shoves a box in so tightly that you need a piece of heavy equipment to pull it back out. lol
It’s getting closer to backsplash day.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
How the heck did they get Andy from Christopher? That’s a big stretch. I guess I can’t blame her for wanting to be called Amanda so no one else makes silly jokes like I did. I just couldn’t help myself. It’s funny because Jenny prefers that name to being called Jennifer-although we did call her Lolly when she was little because that’s how Brent said her name.
I can’t believe it’s cheaper to pay the fine than to have the insurance. Something is not right with that picture. How is that helping people? They need to overhaul that and get it right.
Greg is getting an MRI next week for his back. Also he got a referral to an ear eye nose and throat guy for his vertigo when he goes on that inversion table. I suggested it may be an inner ear problem since he does have hearing loss and i guess you can get these crystal things in your inner ear which can sometimes cause vertigo. He was never good about going to the doctor when he was younger but now he will go when he needs to-and of course now that we are older there seems to be more reasons to go. I can’t believe Ron is still going to that quack-maybe he doesn’t want to go to the new one because she is a woman. Good thing that doesn’t bother Greg. And after all turnabout is fair play-when we were kids and young women most of the doctors that we had to go to were men. It is nice now that we have a choice in most instances.
My grands always liked the sparkly clothes too just like Aliza. That’s funny that she was done with you when her Mom came home. I figure that even though we may not be up to date on all the modern child rearing practices our daughters still figure that grandma is best. After all we managed to raise them all right. lol
Gail -
Hi Colleen
that is awful about those worms killing your trees. they take so long to grow, and at our ages, we wonder if we will ever see them mature. At least, that is how I think…LOL
It was a nice day. I have to tell you this is what Bobby said when he saw the mailbox….”Oh yeah, that will not last more than a month out there.” About 2 months ago, all the mailboxes on the street got whacked, and last weekend, Bobby’s car, as well as a lot on the street, were egg’d. They got any car not in the driveway. Bobby saw them the night of the mailbox incident, and they drove off, so they did not get ours that night. What is it, with suburb and country kids hitting mailboxes?? Eggs, at this time of year- seriously??
Today is in the 80’s and more humid, so the air went on this morning. First time in over a week.
Thank you for the compliments on the mailbox- I am dying for them to install it!! I have to wait until the back splash commotion is over.
Hope you are having a good day!
How is your belly feeling?
Adele -
hi Gail!
Yes it is…..just one more day after today, and we are there. I will start moving a few things off the counter today, and the rest tomorrow night.
that is funny that poor Kim was afraid of frogs. Hetaher collects them. I even got her a beautiful frog lamp- the base was a frog dancing, holding the lampshade, that was a glass green leaf. I have one too.
So, you could float in said koi pond, while giving the pool boy a once over…LOL
Hey- saw the pool boy is going for an MRI. Does he get dizzy when he lays down? that has been me lately. I need to further look into that, after this kitchen is all back together.
Hope your day is going well!
Adele -
hi Dianne!
I love that little joke about the frog shoes.
So, shall we nickname you….Princess Di???
Adele -
hey Dianne….aka Princess Di (I have been into giving everyone a nick name this week)
I cant wait to see how nicely you will arrange your new dishes. So glad you love them.
I have a suggestion for the sciatica- ice on your back. Since the sciatica comes form the spine, if you can get the swelling down there, it gets better. Where does your pain go? If it is down the back of the leg, the very lower back. If it radiates to the front, the middle of the back is usually the culprit. Ice for 10 minutes, about 3 to 4 times a day. I hope this will help yo, as sciatica is so very painful.
Adele -
Hello Ladies. This has been another very busy week. Some really good times with our son from New Mexico being here. Words cannot describe how happy I have been just to walk by him and give him a big hug. His wife will fly in tomorrow. She and Neals wife are not really friendly to one another, but that is a young person thing that they will just have to work through on their own. Neal’s job gave him a surprise baby shower on Monday and invited us. I know quite a few of them since we worked so closely with the air ambulance. The look on his face when he walked into the breakroom was priceless. He turned instantly red and said “what is going on here?” when he looked over and saw his Dad, Me, Bud, and Joey. It was a wonderful time for us all and they received some great things for the baby. They had prepared pot luck dishes and everything, It was so sweet of them. The crew who flew me when I had my stroke were all there, and I hugged them so much too. Plus, two of the nurses I had hired for my unit now work for the Wing; so it was sort of like old home week too.
Joey and Lisa are apart now. He stayed away from the little house for 4 weeks, and then we went through the very hard time of her following him over to the sheriffs home where he was staying. Many, many, many tears have been cried, but in my heart I know it is for the best for both of them. It has been like losing a family member. They had dinner together the night before she moved out for good, and Joey said it was hard, but he wants them to stay friends if at all possible. But he knows that she will find someone else as it should be, and he told her that he only wants what it right now that they both know the real love has gone. So very very sad.
Jerry is not been doing too well with his Mom this week. She went through a couple of days of doing just great, and then just out of the blue began to talk about how she needed to start packing up things in case she had to move; that she knows that is what everyone thinks she should be doing. Jerry told her MaMa, this is your home and as long as you are doing as well as you have been that you don’t have to move out of here. I think she may be having little TIA”s with slower blood flow to the brain; so we got her an appointment to the doctor just to check it out. Jerry has just been pushing himself so hard that I am worrying about him.
I apologize if I have missed some event in you all’s life that I should be mentioning; but I honestly have not even had time to read your posts. So please forgive me if I have. I think of you all so often; and wish life was a little less hectic these days, but you know, it is what is it and we just have to pray for the strength to face the day.
Take care everyone, will try to catch up more soon. Hugs across the miles, Barbara -
Hi Barbara
So good to hear form you, and sad for all you are going through.
First, let me say we are all in your corner, and prayers have been sent to you, and all your family, every day.
I hope that the doctor will have news on how Jerry’s mom has been doing and that is fixable. He has enjoyed all their shopping excursions, and doing things with her, it would be a shame if she lost that level of mobility.
Also very sad about Joey and Lisa. Is he back in the little house, or is she still there? I hope things have progressed toward her moving.
The baby shower at Neal’s office must have been fabulous for allof you. Not only did you see how much he is loved by all, but, you got a chance to see your old friends. How fabulous is that! It is getting closer and closer to your new Itty Bitty’s arrival. We will all be waiting to see the pictures, and hear how thrilled you are to be a grandmother.
I am happy your son and DIL are here visiting- I think she is to arrive today? What a greta family time, for all of you. I bet Joey is gla dhis brother is here, so he has another person to talk to about all going in in his life.
We will all bewaiitng to hear about all your family stories, in only the way Missy Barbara can tell them!
hope you are having a good night.
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
You have a some really great things happening and some things that are not too great. Just be happy that your son is home and that Joey is back in his own home and all of that is over with. That is so great that your son is there and spending some time with you by himself. You both needed it. The baby shower for Neil sounded really nice. Was his wife there for that or did she have to work? I bet that was a big surprise when he saw all of you walking in the room. Hope they got a picture of that. It will be something that all of you will cherish. That was so nice that they invited you and Jerry and the boys to come and join them. It shows how much they think of you also. They worked with you and wanted you to be there.
It is hard to break up with someone that you have been so close to. It is like you and Jerry are breaking up with Lisa also. She has been so close for so long. It was nice that Joey did have that meal with her to say good bye. I do hope that both of them find someone to love and be happy with. It is time for them to move on.
We will put Jerry’s mom on the prayer list. We started another one and if you get time and want to add anyone else it is in the discussion section under general quacker chatter. Just says prayer list. Will add Joey and Lisa on there also.
That is sad that Jerry’s mom thinks that she has to move. I wonder if one of his brothers are calling her and saying things to her. That is sad if they are. Jerry and you are taking such good care of her and she seems to be doing so well. I hope that things check out with her at the doctors. One blessing is that Jerry has got to spend so much time with her and got to know her again.
Do not worry about catching up with us. You can do that when things slow down. By then all of our news will be different. So you can just start from there. It will not be too much longer and itty bitty will be here and you will be busy spoiling him. You will have so much fun.
Well that is about all from here. Have fun with your sons.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
They have started putting concrete around the mail boxes around here. We have not gone that far but it may be a good idea. Ron thinks that if we do that and the kids get hurt the parents will sue us for it. I do not see how they could but you never know.
Bobby has such a negative attitude.lol This is going to be the one to make it. It was lucky that he went outside and saw the car it is a shame that he could not get the license plate number. . That is a mess to get off. They usually do not do that unless it is Halloween. The police patrol around here that night so they do not do that as much. They need to find things for these kids to do other then drive around and cause trouble. Maybe not let them take the car as often. It is a shame that the parents do not pay more attention to their kids.
Finally the time has come for the back splash. I hope they do a good job and get it done fast. It will be nice for you to be able to get back to normal and not have all that stuff to worry about. It is going to be so pretty when it is all done.
It is really hot here and the rain went around us. So there is no telling when we will get more rain. I guess that it is good that we got all of that earlier in the spring.
That is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
I have no idea where the name Andy came from. I have never asked. There is no telling what he would tell us thinking that he is funny. It is funny how kids think that their nickname is better then their given name. Jenny is cute though and so is Lolly. They thought that Aliza would not have a nickname because her name is so short. We find ourselves calling her Liza and the kids at school may start calling her Liz. I do not think that there is a name out there that they cannot think of a nickname for.
I hope that things go well for Greg with the MRI. They have done two on my one for the back and then one for the neck. They were checking to make sure that there was no damage to the neck. I wonder if they will do that to Greg also. My back problem was from an incident at work. That might be why they did the neck also. It is good that you can get Greg to go to the doctor. At least he is finding out what is going on with his health. The place where I go to see the doctor has male doctors there also. He does not have to go to the one that I am going to. She won’t care if he goes to her or not. The nurse told me that they are getting a lot of new patients now also. They have some from the doctors at the hospital that closed and there are a lot of people that are leaving the place where I was going to see the doctor.
It is funny that my daughter thinks that I am old and do not know the modern methods of caring for a baby but she asked me to babysit on the 25th of this month. They are going out with a bunch of friends on the train to Herman Mo. They have some good wineries there and they want to go to one of them. She is celebrating her 40th birthday soon. Won’t be long and she will be the older generation.lol
Danyielle said that Aliza was cranky all night. She was really hurting. She was better today though. Just wish that tooth would come thru and she can be out of pain. Have you worn the outfit with the cherry on it yet? I wore mine with the palm tree and it is so comfortable. You are really going to like it.
Well that is about it from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
What was wrong with Albany? They are going to run out of hosts soon. Some of them better start coming back or they will be in trouble on the q.lol I am so glad that you like your new dishes. Cannot wait to see a picture of them. I am glad that you are pleased with them.
Our rain has finally stopped and it is just hot and humid here. I will be glad when it cools down a little bit. I have got a feeling that we are going to see some days in the 100’s this year. That will be so hot.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
hi Colleen
Oh yes, he is , as he has been so ticked off at the little punks who have been ruining the mailboxes, and egging cars all over Town. I have never seen eggs thrown other than at Halloween, either. So, what are they going to do on Halloween? So, now Bobby wants me to get another outside camera, pointing to the street. I will call, to see how much more that will cost. We have 2 outside cameras now- one in the front and one in the back- I have them programmed to take a pic, every time a door opens, and between the 2 cameras, they see all 3 doors.
So, the installer for the back splash, has called to ask if they can come at 7:00am. Hell ya, I said! You can come at 3am, for all I care, lets get it done! So, I will be up at 6am tomorrow, in great anticipation of getting the kitchen back. But, there will be “after work” to do. The hood fan for the stove has to go back up, the new shades up, and I have to make the window valances.
I decided I really do not like the kitchen light, near the stove. So, I decided to call my electrician to put in 3 recessed lights- one where the flush mount light is, and 2 more- one on either side of the cabinets, where the stove is. I already have recessed lights on the ceiling over the area where I do the baking/mixing, and at the end of the kitchen, where I do my sewing. I figured that way, if I ever decide to get a new chandelier over the table, I do not have to match the remaining one in the ceiling. That one, is also very hard to clean, and I have to have someone change the bulbs, as it is way out of my reach, for sure. The electrician is coming next week. He doe snot make a lot of mess, as they hold a bag under the hole they are making, so the debris falls into the bag. Still, I will not put up the new valance I am doing, until all is done. The shades can go up ,though.
I will be so happy tomorrow, when the back splash is all done. I will be doing the “happy dance” that In the Kitchen with Dave does.
I hope your weather gets a little cooler, so you will not be so uncomfortable. It is hot here, but not too bad- low 80’s, and the humidity is coming back- yuck. We got spoiled, as we had 3 perfect days I am so grateful for!
We have not had any rain in a while, and they keep saying we are 3 and more inches short of the monthly amount we usually get. My new bird bath has to be filled daily….LOL (the old one broke over the winter) At least the birds have some water.
hope you are having a good day.
Adele -
Hi Christine!
I love that pic of you and your kitty.
I hope your stomach is feeling better. A lot of people have been having belly aches lately. Mine went nuts the other night, and my girlfriend had one too. I think there is some little bug going around.
I am swiffering the floors, and taking a little break, before I do the last one….LOL
Hope your weather is good.Adele
Hey Christinie– so right. Things are always going around. I just hope they stay away from us Quackers!!
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
Just thought I’d pop in & say Hi. Not much to talk about. All they had on the Q was jewelry today, so boring. I think there is a bug going
around. all I wanted to do today was sleep. It’s been pretty chilly out here for this time of yr. We’ve had showers off & on yesterday & today. I even had to turn the heat on it’s been so chilly. It’s supposed to warm up over the weekend. Then the heat is on!!
Colleen, Albany hurt her leg at home last month. she said she took a tumble. She’s been in a cast & had to stay off her feet. she’d post on her FB page
she was spending $$$ watching the Q from home. LOL. What’s a girl to do??, she said. She should be returning soon, I hope.Adele, by the time you read this your back splash should be in, I hope. I hope they do a good job the first time & don’t have to come back. You’ll have to take pics of it so we can see it.
Speaking of pics, I took pics of my new dishes & will include them. One is of the dinner plate & salad plate, the mug, bowl looking down into it & side view.
The pattern isn’t flat they’re embossed so you can really feel the pattern. GORGEOUS!!!!
I don’t know why I’m getting this red line under my words. ????
I’ll talk to ya later.
dianne -
Hi Adele,
I am doing the happy dance for you I am so glad that they came this morning and put that in. Do you like how it looks? The new lighting that you are going to get sounds really nice also. Your kitchen is going to look so much different when you get everything done. That is nice that the electrician is careful about getting things all over the place and making a mess. You were lucky to find him.
That may help if you have a camera pointing out there. Hopefully it would catch the ones that are smashing the mailboxes. It is a federal offense if they hit them because it is dealing with the US mail. I am not sure if you have to have mail in it or not. It has been awhile since we have had to deal with that. I just hope that they catch them.
I do not know how they figure that out about rainfall shortages. We get so much rain that rivers are up and the low water bridges are covered with water and then they say we did not get enough. I wonder if they know what they are talking about. According to our weather men we are supposed to have a dry summer. We will see. They have predicted rain a couple of times this week but we did not get any. So this time they may be right.
Do you have plans for Father’s day? Ours have kind of fizzled out. None of the kids are coming but that is just how it is this year. We are supposed to meet Danyielle (my oldest) for lunch tomorrow so she can celebrate with her dad. Mandy the middle daughter wants us to come over after we go out to eat and have dessert with them and Melissa the youngest is staying at the base. Her husband has been out in the field and will just be getting home tomorrow or Saturday. So he will be to tired to make the trip and this way the kids will get to spend time with him. So our day will be just like any other day.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I love you new dishes. You are right. TV did not do them justice. The bowls are so cute. I like the way that they look like a rose opened up and then the sides have so much detail on them. Those are just really pretty.
If Albany is doing all that shopping at home while she is off she will have to come back to work soon.lol It will be nice to have all of them back again. It is just unreal that so many are out because of sickness or injuries. I hope that they all get better and stay that way for a long time. I wonder how many kids Albany has. They are always talking about she has a houseful.
I did not watch the q today either. The jewelry shows are not all that interesting to me either. I like the fashion days and food shows. I really do not need to be watching the food shows. I bought some of the popcorn that they had on the other day. I like that it does not have any hulls. I just hope that it tastes as good as it look. I tried to order some sugar free candy but they did not the kind I wanted so I am on wait list. I hope that it comes soon. I do not know why they do not sell more sugar free candy or anything sugar free. They always seem to sell out but they just do not do it.
How is your back doing now? Hope that it is feeling better. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
Your cat is so cute. Animals seem to figure out when there if something with us. They are a lot smarter then people give them credit for. Hope that Scott finds a job soon. Jobs are scarce here also. He has to just hang in there.
Have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Dianne
So good to hear from you. I love the dishes! I hope you enjoy them with your neighbor friend for a nice meal together.
Well, here is the back splash up-date…..they were to be here at 7am, so I got up at 6 to get dressed. they called at 7, saying they would be late because the guy cut his hand last night and needed stitches. So, here I am all dressed, and tired for nothing….LOL
I am dying for this to be over.
I hope your weather is good this weekend, so you can enjoy some outside time.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
The back splash is going in today….LOL read the post to Dianne for the drama of the morning- I was dressed and ready and they called saying they will be an hour and a half late, due to the guy cutting his hand, and needing stitches. the crazy begins!!
I hope you do go to lunch Saturday, and then to you other daughter’s for dessert. That will be nice for Ron and you.
Our plans are still up in the air. We have to see when Jhonny will be home from work, and then have to be done before 5 to go to church. I could not get any other date for my dad’s annual memorial Mass at Church. his birthday is in May, and that is when I do it but, this year they were all booked, and Fathers Day at 6pm, was the best available. I think the family wants to smack me for that one….LOL
We are planning either a brunch, or an early BBQ- we will see…LOL
So, here I sit in my Quacker finest, waiting….again.
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
How wonderful for you to have your boys all around you. I’ll bet you all are having lots of fun.
The baby shower sounds like a big surprise and a good time for both you and Neal. They must think very highly of him and that makes you feel good too.
I hope things will check out all right with Jerry’s Mom. It’s good that they have had this opportunity to reconnect and that they are enjoying each other so much. Jerry may be over tired but it’s a good kind of overtired when you are helping someone you love.
It is always sad when a relationship ends and I know at one time Lisa was like a DIL to you so it is sad for you too-seeing the dreams ended. However, this will be like a new life for Joey and an opportunity to find new love and happiness. Love seems to come when you least expect it and when you are not looking.
Have a wonderful time making new memories with your family.
Gail -
Hi Dianne,
The pictures of the dishes are pretty. They remind me of something that would have been from the Victorian Age. Kind of antique looking. Especially in the rose pattern.
I knew something had happened to Albany but I didn’t know exactly what. Thanks for telling us. I’m with Colleen-how many kids does she have. She always talks about having a houseful and it seems like she has mentioned exchange students or something so it’s hard to keep track.
I like the jewelry days even though I seldom buy anymore-but I have collected many pieces over the years. I used to love the old Kirk’s Folly shows. They were like the Quacker Factory of jewelry. lol Years ago QVC was always on for background but i have been with them so long that I seldom watch live anymore. I DVR the shows that I want to see and just flick through them or check out what was previously on air on line. I guess I have watched for so long that nothing seems new anymore. I used to like all the kitchen shows but I have enough equipment that even those have lost their draw. I guess i am QVC’d out. lol
Hope your weather warms up a bit. We should not have to have heat on in June.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Out of the Carole Hochman and into the Quacker and no one shows up. How rude!
Naturally the guy would have to have stitches on your time. At least he didn’t get injured at your house. I guess if you look hard enough you can find a bright side to almost everything.
I know you will get that backsplash in by hook or crook today. Even if you have to go stage a sit in at Lowe’s. You are a woman with a purpose.
No Greg did not get vertigo from laying down. He got it when he tried to use that inversion table for his back. He has an appointment with an Eye Ear Nose and Throat guy. They think it might be ear crystals which I have never heard of but I guess there is a fix for it.
Of course the insurance for the MRI already has called as they want to make sure they get their out of pocket money up front before they do anything more. It was kind of nice in the old days when you could forget that medicine was a business and that it actually seemed like it was for the purpose of helping people. Of course all businesses are like that anymore-self serve check out lines-self serve gas pumping. Pretty soon we will go to a restaurant and cook our own meals(actually I have been to a steak house where you do that) Sometimes I wish I lived in Oregon or New Jersey just so I wouldn’t have to pump my own gas. Remember the days when they used to pump your gas, wash your windows and check your oil? That’s not even something that’s on our kid’s radar as they have never experienced that.
I hope by the end of the day you have a new backsplash. Hooray!
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I guess they are doing the MRI to see actually where the sciatic nerve is being pressed in case they decide to give him shots. His biggest complaint is that sometimes his foot is numb and that sometimes his leg hurts badly. I hope they can do something so he gets more relief. I know cortisone will take that inflammation right down-but they didn’t want to give him oral prednisone because that can drive up your blood sugar and he has been having some high readings sometimes now. I have been trying to feed him more vegetables and less carbs to try and get that back under control. It’s a lot easier in the summer when there are more fresh vegetables available.
Yes pretty soon Danyielle will be the next generation. lol Is she struggling with this birthday. Personally I thought 30 was harder than 40. Jenny just turned 34 and Brent will be 35 at the end of the month so they both have a little way to go.
I hope Aliza gets that tooth in soon. Poor things don’t know why they hurt-they just know it hurts.
I have not worn the cherry outfit yet. They were showing them on Fashionably Early this morning and I think I may go back and get the one that you ordered as i am liking that khaki color. I am always looking for lighter colors that are less hot when you are outdoors in summer but I don’t like white as i always just get it dirty immediately-so khaki is a good substitute but it is still light-that’s why I like the things in heather grey too-light but not white.
Gail -
Hi Everyone! Today the “young ones” are out and about doing their thing. Our granddaughter and our son’s wife are here; arrived yesterday. They have gone to some hair salon to have I think some strands of purple put in her hair. She is cute as a button, and so smart. She is crazy about our son; so I know he has made a really good Father. Bless his heart; it is about 95 here today; and he and Neal are moving tables and chairs for the young people outdoor party scheduled for tomorrow evening. I know they must be burning up. Down here, the humidity is so awful, and it feels like you are standing in a sauna everytime you go outside. We have two ceiling fans on our patio for our puppy dogs, and they just lay under them during the day. How is Rocky doing, Gail? Hope he is feeling better now. Does he have little steps that he uses to get up on things or is he happy with a bed on the ground?
Yes, Joey is living back out at the little house. He has not heard from Lisa since she left, but she did text Buddy’s wife and say she would like to have lunch with her while they are here; so I think mabey they are doing that today or tomorrow. It is some better now that we don’t have to see her drive by our house everyday now. That was just a constant reminder that things were changing. Joey is quiet and doesn’t say much about it. I think it will ease with the passing of time. He has to work all weekend; so he could only spend the last two days with the family. But you know; I feel that may be for the best right now; since things are so new.
Jerry had a really long talk with his Mom, and things seem to be going better now. I do think her other sons are trying to get her to leave her home, and not for the right reasons. She is doing so well, and that is the direction we want her to keep going in. I made Jerry come home early today from his Moms so he could get some rest. He is back in the bedroom with Auto Kitty and they have a movie in and are both sleeping. The boys have all told him that they want to take him out for Fathers Day, and he is busy trying to make a nice Fathers day for them LOL I told him, Jerry, just let the boys decide what they want to do since all 3 of them are actually here for the first time in many many years, and they will know what will be fun.
Hope your kitchen redo will be completed today for you Adele. It sounds absolutely beautiful. Is there going to be an Aizen cookie corner? The family is so fortunate to have such a good baker as you are. I just drool when you put up a photo of your latest goodie. I am making a banana pudding tonight. Everyone loves those around here. I was going to do strawberry shortcake, but went with the pudding since I already have everything I need.
Hope all have a wonderful weekend. Wish a Happy Father’s Day to each and everyone one of the loves of your life; whether they be human baby or fur baby Daddys. Love certainly does make this world go around, and there is lots of it on our site. Thank you again for all your support and prayers during our difficult times. It strengthens me to know how much you all care; and I hope my prayers and good thoughts will help you all as well. Barbara -
R.I.P. Rocky
5/28/1999 – 6/17/2016
We are heartbroken. -
Hi Gail,
I am so sorry to hear about Rocky. The poor little guy. The house will seem empty without him there. Well at least he will be running and playing with all the other dogs that we have all lost lately. He may like running with Biskit and with Lucky. He will get to see the other two dogs that you had sorry cannot remember their names. He will be running and playing with the others.
That is bad that it it hurting Gregs foot and leg also. I hope that they set him up for the shots right away. They do help and he will feel a lot better. That is not good when the foot goes numb. The cortisone will make the sugar spiked but it only will last for three days with the shot. The pills are worse you have to take them longer. I cannot remember how it worked. But it went high and then it came back down. So if it goes up do not be alarmed. It will come back down.
She is not struggling with this birthday as much as she did her 30th. I think that she has the baby and does not think about it as much. She has too many other things on her mind. She is a mess. She will learn that it will not be long and Owen will think that she is really old and she will remember telling me that. He will think that until he gets out of high school and then she will not be that old for awhile. Then it starts again.lol At least that is how it went with her when she was younger.
You will like the khaki set. I really like mine. I have not watched the morning show yet have it on the dvr. I will watch it after I get off here. The Chics night in show was better this time around. They did not keep showing things over and over again. That was nice but they did show a lot of things that they have shown before. I guess they need some new designs to show on Wednesday’s.
Well that is about all from here. I am so sorry about Rocky.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
This would happen on a day that they are supposed to put in your back splash. I hope that they made if over there and it is in and your counter work is not complete. It anything was going to happen it would happen when they are supposed to come to your house. They need a keeper.
I have never heard that they are booked up for saying a mass. I thought they would say them for more then one person at a time. That is how they do it here. I guess it is how you request it. Do all of you go to Mass together that day? That is really nice if you do. It was not your fault that you could not get the date that you wanted. They need to be upset with the priest.lol
You would think that I am pregnant. I am craving pickles. Ron and got me some and I am eating my third one tonight. They are the claussin pickles and they are so good. We have not had them in awhile and they just sounded so good. So now we will probably have to go and get some more. They have them on sale at the store. Ron will not be able to get near me with the garlic breathe that I have from the pickles.
Your plans for Father’s day sound really good also. Ron and I are going out tomorrow and that way we will not have to fight the crowds. On Father’s day it is so hard to get a table. Since it is just the two of us it will not be bad. Sunday we will still go over to our daughters.
I feel so bad for Gail losing Rocky today. That is going to be really hard on her for awhile.
well that is about all from here have a good night.
Colleen -
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so heartbreaking to lose a pet you’ve had for so long. It truly is a great loss. He’s crossed over the
Rainbow Bridge & is out of pain. He’s running, & playing in the fields. Treasure the memories of your precious pet.
RIP Rocky.
dianne -
Thank you all so much for your prayers and kind words of condolence. You are all my Quacker sisters. I hope Abby and Belle were waiting as Rocky crossed over the bridge and now they can all be together again. Our “Three Musketeers.” It’s hard making the decision to let them go but a little voice tells us that it’s time and the medical tests back that up. Thanks for the butterflies. I always associate them with our pets who have passed. I expect to see a beautiful one flying by to give me a message sometime soon. Our hearts are heavy but we have 17 years of beautiful memories and that will now have to be enough.
Thank you all for your love and support. It means much more than you can know and it lightens the burden of grief.
Gail -
We have this plaque in our house. It’s so true.
Let me try this again as it won’t post the whole thing without cutting part of it off. Our old method of posting pictures was so much better.
InactiveJune 18, 2016 at 10:32 amPost count: 643Gail I am so very sorry to read your sweet Rocky has gone to rainbow bridge. I know how your heart is breaking. I have been through it many times as have the other ladies so we do understand your pain.
Hey Gailster
I am so terribly sorry that Rocky has left you. I knew this day was approaching, and I am sure all of us on here are sorry for your loss. As you began to tell us he was not dong well, I feared opening a post, to realize the inevitable. I am so sorry that it was today. You must be devastated, as well as Greg.
I wish there was something we could do to make you feel better. Losing a beloved pet is so awful.
Well, here is the drama of the day. The back splash is in, and it will come back out. Although this was a very nice young man, he came over 2 hours late, and took a lot of phone calls outside, while he was here. He did share with me that his Uncle way dying, and I felt terrible for him. But the tiles in a few areas, are not lined up, and look awful. Plus, a few of them are broken. I did not see this until after he left, when I got closer to the tiles, as from the other side of the kitchen . Plus, I was so busy cleaning up the mess on the bottom cabinets, counters, and floor, and then washed the floor, I was pretty tired at end of day. He told me to Windex the tiles again, in 4 hours, which I did, with the help of Minnion Marissa.
So, I labored over what to do for a while yesterday- he was actually dome with this job in about 3 hours. I honestly think he did the grout way too fats, and that is what made the tiles all move. After much harassment from Gary, and Bobby, I called. I was reluctant to call, as I knew full well what a demo of tiles would entail. I am sickened by this entire project. The install manger did stop by yesterday, while the kid was doing the install for a “Quality check”. I did find that odd, I may say. that same person came this morning, and took all pics of the tiles, and apologized. I told her I did not want this kid fired, and did not want that on my head. Gary told her about all the calls he received, as I was not going to say anything about that. She said she was glad he told her, as the next person may not be as nice as I was bout this. So, I added, I am nice now, but, I have to tell you, when they come back to do the rip out and install, I will not be as nice, as I am not going to clean all that mess. I expect the entire kitchen to be taped off, an the doorways taped off so no dust gets into the rest of the house- this one is on them, and I am not cleaning everything in my cabinets again.
So, I attached pics from the good side of the kitchen- notice the hood fan is not yet back in it’s little place. I do love the tiles- love them, actually. I am just sick at the thought of what this will entail, to fix it all. It must have been an omen, when all this became a disaster, and I should have listened to my heart, and cancelled the entire job.
Even so, all this is still nothing to the loss of you puppy. there is just no comparison to that at all. I would bet you would rather have this dilemma, than deal with your loss. Hands down. I am so sorry, Gail that poor Rocky is gone.
Hope your day is ok. Also hope that Greg gets the results of the MRI soon, and that it is the crystals, as that is fixable.
Adele -
Hi Barbara
I am so glad all your boys are here for Father’s Day. What a treat for Jerry, even though he is so tired. He has been running back and forth for months, and I am sure he is not complaining. But, he must he exhausted. I hope his Mom is able to come to your place for the celebrations tonight, and tomorrow- that would be wonderful for the boys too.
I bet you are relieved that Lisa ha smoved out, and Joey is back. I am so glad that happened, for all of you.
Please read my post to Gail, for all the miserable details of the install. Not great, but I do love the tiles. I attached pics of them, from the side that was done right.
Please tell Jerry to have wonderful Father’s Day! I hope the humidity is less for your celebrations!!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
Please read my post to Gail for the gory details on the mess over here. I posted pics of the good side of the install, but, the hood fan is not in yet. I positioned the napkin holder in front of the broken tile….LOL This re-do will never end. So, I cannot put up the new shades, or make the window topper until it is all completed. Oh well. there are much worst things going in in this world than a back splash issue, and I need to be grateful for that.
By the way, that poor baby in Orlando. I am heartsick over the pain that family must be feeling. Also the massacre in Orlando. Why does this keep happening? It is so awful.
Please tell Ron to have a greta Father’s Day!! I bet by now, you are out to dinner together- hope you enjoy your meal.
It got cool here today, and is supposed to get humid and hotter tomorrow. The kids want to get in the pool, so that will be good.
I am amking chocolate chip cookies tomorrow, for all the men, and Aizen, of course.
For got to say in my post to Gail- the guy pulledout the stove, and it stopped working. So he relized it got un-plugged, and just leaned over the counter to plug it back in. Well,with all the disaster of yesterday, I was afraid to put the stove on, as I feared he screwed that up too. I am so glad I did not. I had Bobby pull it out, and sure enough, it was barely plugged in- the plug was hanging off. I am so lucky I did nto use that stove until Bobby fixed it. We could have had a real disaster here. I am grateful we did not.
Hope your day is going well, and that tomorrow is good too!
Adele -
Well said, Dianne. very nice words of comfort to our good buddy the Gailster.
Gail- I also hope Greg’s foot and leg feel better- read that in Colleen’s post.
Hope everyone has a great Father’s Day.
Adele -
Hey again, Gailster
Just read that lovely tribute to rocky, and the thanks to all of us. Very nicely done, as always!! You have a nice way with words. We are all in your corner, and you are in our prayers every day.
Do you think you will get another puppy? My friend Nancy first said no, and then within a couple of weeks, she had her new puppy. She has a Havanese, and adores her. She is really cute. Her puppy is now sad, because Nancy’s kitty just died. they first hated each other, but, then became good friends. So terribly sad.
Adele -
Hey Sue
Very nice words of comfort to Gail. We are all so lucky to have each other, when things like this happen. So awful to lose a dear family member.
Hope your day is going well, and your weather is good.
Adele -
Hi again, Sue- forgot to ask- you have never mentioned if you are married, or have children- or I just did not read that one. You could have said it years ago, before I came on here. So, I wish you, and yours a Good Father’s Day too!
Adele -
Happy Father’s Day to Ron, Gary, Jerry, and Greg. Happy Father’s Day to Christine’s Dad. Remembering our Dad’s who are no longer with us. Happy Father’s Day to our grandkid’s dads. Our son’s, brother’s, uncles and nephews, step dad’s and foster dad’s and father’s in law. Hope I didn’t forget anyone. I’ll bet there are lots of barbecues going on in honor of Dad’s today. Sneaky clever way to get them to cook their own meal. lol
Thanks to everyone for the condolences. The house seems so empty now.
Gail -
Happy Fathers Day to all!
Gail could not have said it any better- thanks Gail, for including all fathers, everywhere.
I hope everyone has a great day, and is able to get some smiles along the way….especially you, Gail.
I mixed the cinnamon ice cream mixture for later today, and am waiting for the eggs to get to room temperature, as chocolate chip cookies have been requested.
Quack Quack, everyone!
Love, Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I hope all of you had a great day celebrating with your families for Father’s day. I hope the weather co operated for the barbeques. Wish I could’ve
been there for the bar-b-q, lol. Just kidding.
Adele, I feel for you with the backsplash. I had a gut feeling something would go wrong. We went thru he– last yr with all the construction going on
here. I can’t tell you how many times things had to be redone cuz they weren’t done right the first time. Sometimes I think the residents could have
done a much better job planning the moves, & everything else. They shouldn’t have had a beginner do the job. Clearly he was a beginner. And there
should have been 2 on the job. I hope they get it all done right this time!!! And they need to clean up their mess. The crew here was supposed to
clean up after themselves but they left us a big mess to clean up when we moved back. I was still finding stuff they left behind weeks afterwards.
I don’t mind being called Di, or DD. Just leave off the Princess part, please.. I’m clearly not a Princess!!LOL. Jewell’s the Queen, btw. lol.
Happy First Day of Summer!!!! They were predicting temps in the upper 80s or low 90s for the first couple days, but they’ve backed off that & calling
for 80 Monday & Tues, then cooler with possible showers later in the week.I’ve been decorating the apt in tropical décor. I have the walls plastered with calendar pics of the tropical islands, beaches, palm trees, you name it.
I’ll take pics of all of it when I get it all put together. I moved some things around. I took some pain pills before I started. It wasn’t heavy things, just clumsy. I have shells scattered about, along with my Temptations.
Cinnamon ice cream mixture?? What’s up with that? Clearly I’m not a baker or cook. I would love to live closer so I could sample all your goodies.
I admire anyone who can cook or bake outside of a box mix. I make chocolate chip cookies & brownies in the winter months but not during the summer
months. Since it was soo cool this weekend I made a batch of brownies last night. Probably the last for the rest of the summer.Well, I guess that’s all for now.
talk to ya later on.
dianne -
Hi again,
Can somebody explain why my post looks the way it does? I didn’t write it that way. I don’t understand why it came out the way it did.
d -
Hi,Everyone! Thanks for your prayers for Scott and dad! They really need it! My oldest brother and his family are in from Washington state, so it was a busy day! Hope you all had a great Father’s day! Adele: saw an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond the other night where they were trying to get a new stove in and everything and wrong! Instantly thought of you and the tile fiasco! Lol! Hope you get that settled soon! Gail: still praying for you girl. Hope you had a good day regardless. Diane: have no idea why your posts look like that. Colleen: hope you feel better soon! And I hope everyone else is good! Quack Quack! ~ Christine
Hi All,
I have to agree with Adele, Gail did a good job with the Happy Father’s day wishes. I wish the same for all the husbands and fathers. I hope that everyone had a great day.
Well we had an interesting week-end. First we decided to go out to dinner Saturday because it would not be too crowded. So we go in the restaurant and the air is broken and it is so hot in there we could not stay there and eat. So we just got our order to go. Ended up eating at home which is not want Ron wanted to do but it was just too hot to eat in there. So then today my daughter had to move so they have a mess at their house so I ended up cooking here. So Ron ends up helping me because I am trying to make a decent meal for everyone. Well after we get done eating they stay for a little while and then leave without helping with the clean up. So it was interesting to say the least. Ron did not have to help me clean things up though. So his father’s day week-end did not work out like he wanted at all. So I guess there is always next year.lol
Hi Christine, We are glad to pray for Scot and for your dad. We are a good bunch of prayer warriors. Thanks for the prayers that you say for all of us also.
Hi Dianne, After all you went thru when they redid the apartments where you live you understand all about the mess they make. That was terrible. You could have come to anyone of our houses for bbq. You would be welcome. It is a shame that we do not all live closer.Can you imagine the good time that we would have. Your apartment will look so cute after you get it all decorated. You will feel like you are on a tropical island. Where is the cabana boy?
Hi Adele, the kitchen looks really nice. It is a shame that they messed up the back splash. I so not blame Gary for telling the supervisor that the guy was on the phone all the time. He was supposed to be taking care of your kitchen and doing a good job. Instead he made a mess. Hope that they do it right when they come back. You were lucky that you did not use the stove. That guy must have been an idiot. I can just see Aizen when he eats the cookies. He will be smiling and saying yum. That is just so cute. Sounds like you are going to have a nice day. Will Heather be coming over? I guess that all of the grands will be there.
Hi Gail, I like the plaque that you found. That is really cute. The saying on that says it all. Hope things are a little better there now. I know that you miss Rocky and will for a long time. Did you hear from Brent today? I hope that you get to see him this summer. It would be really nice if you did. Did Jenny and her family come over today for FD? I agree it is nice when the guys bbq and all we have to do is make the sides and stay in out of the heat.lol I bet if Piper was there she put on a good show. She is so cute.
Hi Barbara, I hope that you all had a great day today. I know it had to be nice to have all of the boys home to help celebrate. That does not happen often I am sure with the oldest living so far away.Just sit back and enjoy yourself and let the boys take care of everything today.
Well that is about all from here. I hope that all of you have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne!
I can smell those brownies from here. Anything chocolate is good for me, too. there is not one cookie left over here. They all took some home and I saved the last one for Gary this afternoon. Even Marissa stopped by this morning for a few. Marissa came by yesterday for breakfast, and the cookies were not done yet.
Well, the cinnamon ice cream did not go over well. Only me and Tillie ate some. I had that ice cream at this very nice restaurant near Cape Cod- it was in the Fall, with hot apple pie. It was delicious. Maybe they would have liked it with the pie better. Some didn’t try it, and those that had a spoon, said it had an aftertaste- well yes, the cinnamon….LOL Oh well- some days you win, and some you lose.
I bet your place looks like a tropical garden. I hope you did not hurt yourself moving things around. I hd a quieter day for a change. I just clenae dup a little more form yesterday, and then paid bills- wonderful activity for a Monday.
It is 90 out here, and starting to get more humid. Yuck. I hope your weather is better!!!
Adele -
hi again, Dianne
I wrote mine first, to see if mine came out funny, and it did not. So, I do not know why yours did that. This site does some funny things, every once in a while.
Adele -
hi Christine
That was funny. I bet I looked like Raymond’s mother….LOL Lowes called, and said the owner of the company (tile installer) will be here, with the guy who did the job to see what they can do. I will let you girls know what they say. I am hoping it will not create a cleaning nightmare, as I go for a shot in my knee tomorrow late afternoon.
Hope you are good, and that your boyfriend is able to find work soon. Also hope your mom is good, and your Dad.
Adele -
Hi,Adele. I hope so too. Scott hurt his back today. So he texted me and said he took some Advil and is lying on a heating pad. Poor guy doesn’t need more problems! Mom has a DR’s appointment tomorrow. The bleeding started again ? She may have another infection. Went today for a test. Dad is doing pretty good. It was a good day yesterday with Jason and Kelly and the boys here. Charles even showed up for lunch with his family which surprised all of us. He even gave him a gift which surprised him! I think dad is still upset by how he’s treating him. I know I am. Dad takes chemo pills 5 days a month for 6 months and goes for a blood test every week. Keep praying for us. We need it! Quack Quack Adele ~ Christineie?
Hi Colleen
Good Lord! Your dinner sounds like my install fiasco. I bet Ron was real disappointed. It was good the kids came by for dinner, but, I feel for you with the clean up. this house looks like a bomb hit, when everyone is here. They help clean up, but nothing ever goes back exactly where it belongs, so I go room to room to straighten up, just like you do.
I like the term you used for us- “prayer warriors”- what a nice thing to come up with. I like that. Well, the prayer warriors over here, never made it to the Mass for my Dad. I knew they were all tired, so I did not push. this is the first time we missed the Mass, but, I kept hearing my Dad’s voice in my ear saying taking care of the living was more important than visiting the dead. It is what it is, as they say. It was a poor decision to take that time for his Mass. Plus, I can do another one, if everyone wants to attend later.
Aizen ate those chocolate chip cookies , and loved them. He did nto do his yum yum,but had a great smile on his face, and that made everything worthwhile.
Heather came over later in the evening, so we had company all day long. So, all in all it was a good day for Jhonny and Gary- Bobby did the BBQ, of course.
Tomorrow is JJ’s last day of school, and we are going out to lunch, and then I have a doctor appointment for a shot in my knee. Woohaa!
Hope you are having a goo day, and that you are feeling better.
Adele -
Hi Christinie!!
Of course I will continue to pray for all of you. I hope your Dad beats the cancer for good. I hope your boyfriend’s back feels better today. I will say a special prayer for your mom’s health. I sincerely hope she will get better fast.
It sounds like Fathers Day was good at your house. Every family has it’s issues, for sure. With lots of people, there are always some hurt feelings on what someone does, or does not do. I have always said I wished I had a magic wand that could take all family disagreements away, and make peace in every home. A special Quaker, sparkly wand!
Hope your day is going well.
Adele -
InactiveJune 20, 2016 at 7:25 pmPost count: 643Just a quick note to let you know Mary Beth is coming back next week. She said her first show back was Wed the 28th so I am not sure if she meant Tue the 28th or Wed the 29th. It is good she is well enough to come back.
hi Sue!
Thanks for the wonderful up-date. I know we all love happy news- or prayers were answered.
Hope you are good, too, and enjoying the first day of summer.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I cannot believe that JJ is just getting out of school. Our kids have been out since May 24th I think. It was right in there. They have to for a lot longer then our kids. Ours will go back in August though and that may be a lot earlier then your grands go back. It is nice when they are out for the summer. Have a good time at lunch with him.
I wish that I had come up with the prayer warriors name but someone else did. I cannot remember who it was but it was not me I just stole it from them. That is what we are though. We pray for everyone.
How nice that the owner is coming back with the guy that put the tile in. Hopefully they will get it right this time and not have to take it all out again. That kid sounds like he needed a supervisor there with him to start with. It is just a shame that it happened after you waited so long to have it installed. They should have done a better job.
It is nice that the mass was said for your dad. Like you said maybe you can all make it for the next mass that is said for him. It sure did make them all think of him and all probably said a prayer for him. That is what is important. Everyone who was at church that day said a prayer also.
It is nice that everyone like the chocolate chip cookies. You always make enough for everyone to take some home with them. You must make a lot of cookies. I imagine that Aizen ate a lot of them. He will not have to ask for Nona’s cookies for a couple of days. That was nice that you saved one for Gary. Bobby is a good cook. You are lucky that he likes to cook and will do it for everyone. I am glad that Johnny and Gary had a nice day and that everyone came by. It sounds like a really nice day for all.
Not much going on here. I have to go to babysit Aliza tomorrow. So it will be a long day especially if she is cutting teeth. We will survive though. Ron is going with me so that will be nice. I do not like driving in St. Louis. The high way is too busy for me.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
Everyone will stay on the prayer list until you say that everything is okay for them. We will all pray for everyone. So do not worry about that. I am glad that your dad had a good day while your brother and his family were there from Washington.
Your cat is so cute. I loved the picture of him peeking around the curtain. Cats do some really cute things. Dogs do to though. Mine are outside dogs so they do not do as many cute things as a dog that is inside.
Have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Sue,
Thanks for the news on Mary Beth. I look forward to seeing her again and hope she is 100% recovered.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Hey, the Clausen Pickle factory is over in the next town from us-and the Kikkoman soy sauce place is a town over in the other direction. Just a little local color. lol
Your Father’s Day was kind of a mess. What a bad time for the AC to go out in a restaurant. I’m sorry that everyone left you and Ron with the mess.
The place that had the Easter and Mother’s Day brunch in town was having a Father’s Day barbecue brunch from eleven til four. We decided to go around three and then that would substitute for our dinner and we would just have a snack later if we got hungry. I didn’t make reservations this time as there was just the two of us. Well we walk into the place at three and see nothing is going on-so we ask the girl there and she says they had a bunch of people around noon and then things just got so slow that they shut the whole thing down. I wonder what would have happened if we had reservations for ten of us at three. So we ended up going home and Greg barbecued pork chops which is probably what he would have rather done anyway. Brent did call him on Father’s Day so that was good.
You are right. Dianne needs a cabana boy in her tropical paradise. Remember when we used to have our imaginary cabana boy serving us umbrella drinks when Debbie used to come on the board? And how i was always sitting on the bench swinging my feet-I’ll bet Adele could do that too since she is short.
I’m glad that Ron is driving with you to babysit. I don’t ever drive when we go into Chicago either. Let Greg drive-he grew up there-I grew up out in the sticks. lol
Greg is getting his MRI this morning so I asked him last night if he was nervous-he goes no-but now that you asked me I feel like I should be. Then I felt bad. I was just asking him because I am claustrophobic so the thought of doing that sets me into panic attack mode. Then this afternoon he goes to the ear doctor to see if he has those crystals. I wonder if he does and they break them up if that will improve his selective hearing. lol
Then tonight we need to go to the Tball game and see the kids as we have missed the first two games. Plus they are leaving to go to The Dells tomorrow for a few days. They asked us to go too but I knew Greg wouldn’t be able to get away from work. However he did get out of the trip to Houston-they finally consented to doing the meeting on a conference call instead-he was ecstatic.
I hope Aliza is all smiles today. Give her a big squeeze from us.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I’m so sorry that the tile back splash was messed up. What is it with these tile guys? We had the same problem with the guy who did the tile when we built our house. Except his problem was that he was hyper and he just wasn’t careful enough but we had to have him come back and fix some of his work too. Do you have a time when this is going to get done yet?
I noticed that you have an electric stove. I have an electric oven but a gas cook top. I have never cooked on electric except when I cooked at my Mom’s in Florida. It takes a little getting used to-at least it did for me as you don’t have the same quick change of temperature.
Maybe the cinnamon ice cream does need to be paired with the apple pie to get the full effect. A lot of people don’t like cinnamon flavor on it’s own. I need to get over to Dairy Queen and sample their new funnel cakes with ice cream.
It’s just an experiment to make sure that they are edible. lol Just doing some market research.
I can’t believe that JJ is just getting out either. Our kids have been out since May 26th. Of course they will go back practically mid August-way before Labor Day. I’ll bet JJ doesn’t go back until after Labor Day.
Glad to hear Aizen got his yummy cookies. He is so cute!
Well,Adele, if Diane doesn’t want to be a princess I will gladly take the title-or you can call me Queen, or Empress or Your Highness-and remember to curtsy when you address me. lol I figure I need a title to go along with being high maintenance. lol
Enjoy your lunch with JJ and I hope the knee shot is quick and painless.
Gail -
Just lost all I had written to you all; so will try again. We had an absolutely wonderful week with our sons and their families. We laughed so much. Jerry and I would just listen to them all telling their stories and laughing together. Joey would say, “I don’t thing Mom and Dad know about that” and they would just grin and tell something else. All the daughter in laws got along too; which really was nice. My DIL from NM made dinner one night; Mexican food; the real thing, and it was delicious. Everyday was filled with something to do or somewhere to go. One day; our son took Sarah and me out to the military base, and we had to go in his truck; since he has all the stickers he needs on it. Well, he has this really big truck, and for a few minutes there, I thought I would not be able to get up in it. My right leg just would not work right; so when I changed to my left leg to step up on the running board and grabbed the handle I was able to lift myself up inside. Buddy was afraid for me; but I told him that it might take me a little longer; but I really felt I could make it work. We had a great time at the base; but I got tired and actually went into the restroom where they have like a sitting area in there and rested a few minutes while Sarah shopped. Buddy kept saying to me, Mama, you doing okay? I said that I was but that I just wasn’t able to walk as much as I used to. There were a few nights that Jerry and I just literally fell into bed, but we rested good and was able to go again the next day. I was so glad that the boys got to spend time together too. I made sure that Jerry and I gave them their time alone just to be brothers again.
Sarah looks like a balloon about to pop. She said she feels good; just has “restless legs” at night. She doesn’t have too much longer to go. Mid August is our due date. She stays hot all the time; but it has really been hot here lately. Her feet and legs are swelling; but not too badly. Buddy was born the end of August; so she said she feels for me. They have told us they have picked out the name of Collin Andrew. I am glad they did go with Neals’ middle name for the babys middle name. Haven’t found out where the Collin came from. THey went and had some special 4D ultrasound pictures made of him (twice, the first time he kept putting his arms in front of his face LOL) and although they said you would be able to really see him good; I just couldn’t. So we are anxious to see him when he gets here. He kicked Sarah so hard at the base that it scared buddy. Her belly just jumped out and you could see his foot or hand just lifting her tummy up.
I so hope you all are feeling better. Just seems like so much has been going on these past few months health wise, and just family things. Adele, how is your BIL? Does he know his brother at all now? That is just so sad. DId you get your shot? Hope that has given you relief. Gail, how is Greg’s back? I remember going through the MRI and I am so claustrophobic, but I just prayed the whole way and kept saying to myself, they put little children in this thing, and here I am a grown up, a nurse, and still afraid of it. This is just a machine that might just save my life. That is what I try to tell myself now, still scared, but somehow it helps me. Dianne, I hope things are going better in your family too. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind right now as well. Colleen, how is your tummy? You have really suffered with this. I just wish they could once and for all fix what is causing you to have these problems. Is Ron doing okay? We worry so much about the ones we love. Jerry told me the sweetest thing I believe he has ever said to me just the other day. It was a regular day, and just out of the blue while we were discussing whether we would have popcorn or make breakfast for dinner that night, he said “I just want you to know that the luckiest day of my life was the day I met you, and that even though we don’t agree on everything and probably never will, that you have always been my best friend, and I won’t be able to live without you with me” Coming from a not so great romantic, those were some very powerful sentimental words that I know for him to say, he really meant. I think all these years together and watching our children grow into men, and now with families of their own, just touched his heart and made him see how truly blessed we are. It touched me and I will always remember it. Not to say I won’t continue to be a back seat driver ha ha but it was really sweet of him.
Very hot and humid here today. Heard of some really stormy weather up where some of you are; so hope all is safe.
Take care everyone, my prayers are with you all. Hugs from afar, Barbara -
Hi Barbara,
It sounds like you had a wonderful day with the boys and their wives. How nice that your dil made Mexican for you one night.How much longer are they staying?Hope that they can stay a few more days. That was nice that the boys got to get together and have a nice talk. It is fun to listen to the kids talk about things that they did when they were younger. Some of the things that they did not think that we knew and we did. We do not tell them though it is fun to listen to how they got away with it. Then there are somethings we wish we did not find out about.
It is hard to get in and out of some of these trucks. You did a good job getting in there. I bet that you surprised them when you just climbed in. You just learn how to improvise when you have to. It is fun to go on the base and look around. They have a px and that I would like to go into. They say that the food is a lot cheaper in there then what we pay. That is how it should be though. They do not make that much and they deserve to get some perks. They do risk their lives for us. That is so sweet that he worried about you. You have really good sons.
Poor Sarah being pregnant during the hottest months of the year. Of course this summer has been hotter then last summer. Well at least here it is. It is going to be so exciting when the baby comes. Your heart will just melt when you see him. That is a cute name. How nice that she named him after your son. It makes it easier if the middle name is the same as the dad’s and then they do not have to do the junior thing. That can get so confusing.
My stomach is doing better. It just happens off and on and then for awhile it will stop and then it starts up again.I am just hoping that they do not have to open the ducts again or put the stents in again.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
I did not realize that the claussen factory was in Illinois. The soy company is there also. Now I would love to go to the factory for the claussen pickles and see if you can pick some up there. We really love them.
That was strange that they closed down the buffet. You would not think they would do that. Well at least you had a nice day anyway. How nice that Greg bbq and you guys spent the day together. You had a nice day after you got home and did something else. I guess this was the year that plans got changed. It was nice that one of the kids came over and had dinner with their dad. I was glad of that.
Yes I remember the cabana boy and laying on the beach with our drinks with umbrellas. Debbie was so much fun. I do not remember how we got started on the pole dancing and flying in Debbie’s jet. It is so hot right now I do not know that any of us would want to lay on the beach for any amount of time it is so hot. I guess if the cabana boy used those big fans and fanned us it would not be as bad. We all need a vacation.lol
We had a good day with Aliza. She was in such a good mood and she laughed and giggled. We got in the floor and played with her and she liked that. She does not like it if you leave the room and do not take her with you. She may be a little spoiled. They got her a jack in the box but instead of Jack it has minnie mouse in it. She really likes that. When it popped up she would just laugh. She is so cute.
I hope that Greg’s MRI went well today. I do not like to go into that machine if it is closed in. If it is open on both ends that is not as bad. It is not good but not as bad. I hope that they found out what was going on with his back. That is painful if it is pressing on a nerve. It must be one of the disc. Seeing that is about all that it could be. They are supposed to have a new surgery for back problems it is laser. I do not know anyone that has had it so not brave enough to have it done. If they can take care of it with therapy then I am all for it.
That was good news that the trip was cancelled. it will be nice to take care of it on a conference call. It is too hot to travel right now anyway. Even on the plane it will be uncomfortable. I do not know why I am saying that I do not fly.
The kids will have so much fun at the Dells. It is a shame that you and Greg cannot go along. Work always comes first.
Well that is about all from here have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
I’m so happy that you all are having such a good time together. You guys deserve a happy, relaxed, fun time after everything that has been going on. I can imagine what it is like after seeing Adam and his two brothers together-sometimes they get to talking about the crazy things that they did too and you can just see how much they enjoy each other.
I know what you mean about the high truck. I have to use a step stool with Brent’s SUV and with Greg’s truck. I used to be able to manage the truck but since my ankle went bad I have a hard time without the stool. I’m glad I don’t have to get into it very often.
I think they picked a nice name for the baby. Andrew is Greg’s middle name too.
What a sweet thing for Jerry to say to you. I think we all feel about the same way about our spouses but it sure is nice to hear it sometimes. I know Greg waited about 40 years to tell me that he thought I was pretty when he first met me. lol You know a girl likes to hear that more than once every 40 years. lol
Enjoy the rest of your time together as a family. The next big excitement will be the birth of little Collin. I can’t wait to hear about your feelings when you first set eyes on him. It’s funny, people have been doing this for thousands of years, yet when it’s your own there is such a magical quality to the event.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
You know i never hear of anyone going to the pickle factory so they must not have any kind of outlet or anything-probably because you can’t sell food items like that as I am sure they are regulated. Just like at the Dean’s factory-when something is almost expired or something they just let the workers take the stuff home-so every once in a while Adam will bring home Milk or chocolate milk or ice cream. The soy factory is actually in Wisconsin. You can smell it in the air when you drive by it. I always passed by on the way to the dog groomers.
You know I don’t remember how we started with Debbie’s helicopter. I remember the pole dancing thing started because Sue said that whenever I spoke of our pole barn-it made her think of me being out there pole dancing. lol
I’m so glad that Aliza was cheerful yesterday. That makes the day go so much easier. Did you find the jack in the box for her?
The MRI went okay but of course we don’t have the results yet. Greg said he just closed his eyes before he went in and said if he didn’t look he wouldn’t think about being inside that box. Of course he’s not claustrophobic to begin with like I am. Then he went to the ear doctor to see if he had rocks in his head. lol They said they don’t think he has the crystals but they gave him an exercise to do in case he has it anyway. I personally think he gets dizzy when he tries to go upside down because he is older and not used to going upside down. He says well I used to do gymnastics and went upside down all the time and it never bothered me-and i say yes and that was 45 years ago-most of us can’t do what we did when we were 20 or 25 anymore but he just doesn’t seem to get it.
Well, we went to see the Tball game yesterday. Piper was playing in a skirt. lol Mostly she just wanted her Mom or Dad to pick her up. Jenny and her SIL Kelly are both coaching the team this year. it’s like herding cats!
I am baby sitting our grand dogs for the next few days while Jenny and Adam and the kids go to the Dells. Jenny was going to have her friend Kerstin from work stay at her house and watch the dogs but Jenny is all worked up about the bad storms that are supposed to come through today. So she told Kerstin she didn’t have to do it in case she was afraid of being there alone during the storms-so she was going to just have Kelly and Aaron go over and let them out and feed them instead but then she was worried about the dogs being alone if there were storms so I said she could just drop them off with us and we would watch them while they were gone. It’s no problem since i don’t have to worry about them bothering Rocky anymore. I think she was kind of hoping that I would offer when she was telling me about it-but was afraid to come out and ask in case it would upset me. They are both small middle aged dogs so they aren’t much bother. Mimi is a French Bulldog who just wants to be glued to your side and Callie is a little Westie. She actually lived here for about six months before Jenny moved out and got her own place after she graduated college.
Well, I gotta go get busy.
Gail -
Hi Colleen!
Yesterday was a crazy day, and it made this morning amusing. So, after we went to Friendly’s, Steph asked if they could use the pool, as she had JJ’s best friend for the rest of the day due to his Mom’s work. no problem, I say, accept maybe think of another adult to take with yo, because 3 kids in a pool is a lot, and I was going for a shot in my knee. She takes her bestie Samantha with us. So, in the car, should I have been stopped, I would have had several moving violations- JJ in front. Sam in the middle in back, as the seat belt would not work there (it has not worked since we got the Jeep, and nobody can seem to figure out why) , and Steph held Aizen on her lap. Thank God the school is about 4 blocks from my house, once all the boys were loaded in, making me an illegal “restraint” driver. JJ was thrilled to be in front, and was quite happy with all the room, and gadgets. We took the back road to Friendly’s, which is a street across form his school, and no highway involved. I cannot tell you how anxious I was until we all got home- yet another reason fro Steph to get the dam license!! Her friend does not have a car, so she had to ride with us too. Friendly’s is about a half mile form the school, and house- longest ride of my life!!!
Well, back tot he house, and I was off to the doctor. Jhonny finished up a little early, so he was in the pool by 5:30, and all was good. Shot went good too, and I was back with ice on my leg. They stayed until (9:30, and we were pretty tired by then. So when Sears called to confirm the appointment today for the stove re-calibration, this is what Gary heard…..will be there at 10, you are the first appointment. So, I say- if the initial appointment was 8 to 10, why would be 10, if we are first? No, he is convinced we are at 10. I yell from my side of the bed- what time is it? And it is 7:45, and I jump ( as fast as the old body will go) out of bed, and he is still in bed, saying no need to hurry, as the doorbell rings- it is Sears- promptly at 8. So he yells out the window that he will be down in a second.
Sears leaves, and then Comcast arrives. Those pesky kids are in for a treat, as I am adding another camera to the security system, so I will get the license plates, should they dare to whack my new mailbox, that is going in on Friday. So, we will now be able to see them entire driveway, and cul de sac….LOL Did I tell you the egg’s cars last weekend??? Their reign of terror will be soon over.
So, I have a headache, and have done enough already for all day long….LOL the only thing I am doing later, is mixing the mixture for orange sherbet, which has to be in the fridge for 8 hours, then put it in the ice cream maker, and another 4 hours in the freezer. It will be ready the next time the kids are here.
I am glad Ron is going with you today to babysit, so it will keep you company for the ride. I hope you have a ball with Itty Bitty Aliza!
Adele -
Hi Barbara
You sound like you had the best week of all. So thrilled that the boys had a great time together, and the DIL’s all got along. You could not ask for or a better time. The authentic Mexican food sounds great- nothing like the real thing.
We are all waiting to see the picture of the new Itty Bitty, with a new name. They picked a nice name. I bet she is very uncomfortable, especially with the heat you are having.
I did have the shot yesterday, and am signed up for the orthovisc series of 3 shots, starting in mid July. I had them a year ago, and they lasted this long. My hope is, that I will never have to have that knee replaced. We will see.
No, my BIL doe snot know anyone anymore. he recognizes his wife, and kids, sometimes, with a smile. he rarely says a word, and is in a wheelchair now, and eating pureed food. I have a feeling he will not last much longer. From your experience- what do you think?
So glad to hear of your good times with your family, and the very nice thing Jerry said to you. With husband’s who are not romantic, we have to keep these wonderful moments in the front of our thoughts!!! You must have cried, when he said that, as I know I would have.
Hope your weather is a little cooler.
Adele -
How did the MRI go?
I hope it went well!Colleen- glad to hear Aliza was in a great mood. It is so hard when they are teething!
Adele -
hey Gailster
Read my post to Colleen for the up-dates, and scoop on my illegal nerve wrecking trip from the school to Friendly’s, via the back road in Saugus- like a criminal hiding from the police.
JJ goes back to school, we think at the end of August, just before Labor Day, or just after- Steph did not have the exact date yesterday. They all had a good day, so that was good. I did have the shot, and that went ok too.
You will have to let me know how the ice dream research ends up. We do not want to go out and eat yucky ice cream- we are so lucky to have you test it out for us…LOL
hey- how much of a mess was it, when they had to get them back out for the re-do? It was the installer from Lowes- he does not work for them, a contracted company. I am so not looking forward to that mess.
Did Greg hear anything yet on the MRI?
Hope you are having a good time with the puppy babysitting!!
Adele -
Another blistering hot day here today. All of the out of state children have gone to Florida to visit Buddy’s wife’s family. They are having a big ceremony on the base at Eglin in Ft.Walton of Friday commemorating the 20th anniversary of the attack on the base where our son was living in the middle east. It was a horrible day, many lives lost; gratefully ours returned injured buy alive. He will be one of the speakers at the ceremony. They are having a special dinner the night before for the survivors, families of those who lived and those who did not. It is very sad for Buddy, and yet good for him to rejoin those close to him. So he will be staying in Florida for a couple of weeks, and then they are driving back to NM. I asked him to please take some time to rest somewhere during all the things planned. He and his MIL and FIL enjoy playing golf; and he brought his clubs; so hopefully they will have some nice early morning time to spend on the course.
I shudder each time I think of all you are going through with your renovations, Adele, but it will just one day magically come together and you will be so happy. We replaced all of our carpet in the family room and down the hallway a couple of years ago with tile. It has a 4 inch strip of decorative tile all around and then in the very middle; that kind of looks like it is a rug. (got the idea from a magazine). Well, about half way through they tell us that the tile is on “back order” and here we sit, with weeks to wait, not to mention we also had wiring all under the tiles and on the now bare places that is on a heating mechanism that heats under the tile during the winter and warms it to your feet. They told us that we could not step on ANYTHING or it would mess it all up. Jerry was furious, me too. Also, after it was finally finished, here comes’s the contractor with a piece of paper and he starts explaining to us that we were not charged correctly, that we owed 2000 more for the little decorative tiles and that even though it wasn’t explained to us as a separate order; that it was and we owed for it. I went into a nuclear meltdown, and Jerry just let me rant and rave and the contractor kept trying to show me how it was explained to us but just not written so we would understand it, blah blah blah. Ended up, we paid around 1300 dollars more, and I told him I would never do business with his company again. I love how it looks, but would have not agreed to what it ended up costing us. Jerry checked several contractors before we paid, and the man was correct, and Jerry is someone who pays what he owes. So all in all; things could be worse; so just grin and bear it and enjoy when it is done. It sounds beautiful.
Glad Greg did good with his MRI. Hope you get good results. Glad the shot went well too Adele.
I remember when Debbie used to say she would just get a helicopter to stop by all of our homes and pick us up. Remember Gail, when we had you to design a reading room that we would all just snuggle up in comfortable chairs and have a whole library of books to read? Wasn’t our pool boy named Pablo and he would bring us pretty colored drinks with little umbrella’s and fan us to keep us cool, Colleen? Yes, you are so right, we do need a vacation. I hope she is doing good, and happily planting her flowers and enjoying her Belle. Do you remember how she would keep the spare bag of sparkles that she would get with her Quacker clothes and makes vests for her puppy dog Belle? She is a great seamstress.
Better close for now and put that laundry in the dryer. Hope everyone is enjoying their day. Take care. Barbara -
Hi Barbara,
It is really hot here also. I do not think that we have had a break in the hot weather in two weeks. I hope that we get one soon. It has just been so hot. It got almost to 100 here today and that is just too hot.
That will be kind of a mixed day for Buddy. It will be nice to see his buddies but sad to think of what happened that day. It will be hard for him to make a speech but I am sure that he will give a really good one. It is nice that his family can be with him. I cannot imagine what he went thru that day. We really do need to honor our soldiers and do more for them then what we do. That would be good if he golfs a few times while he is there. Maybe they will do some other fun things while they are there.
What a mess with the tiles. I cannot imagine how you cannot walk on a floor for that long. They should have made sure that they had all that they needed before they started the job. That was not the smartest thing for them to do. I can see why you were so upset. I would have been like you and ranted and raved for a long time.
We had such good times back then. Remember all the birthday parties that we had. The cakes that Debbie would post and all of us being there sitting on the bench and Gail was swinging her legs because she was short. The drinks that we would have and all the fun. Those were the best imaginary parties that I have ever been to. I hope that Debbie is doing well also. She is really missed on the board. We had some good times that is for sure. Adele would have fun also and so would Dianne. Kind of miss Pablo. lol He was a good cabana boy. He was so attentive to all of us.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele
I am glad that you made it to the restaurant and home without getting stopped.Sounds like you had a car full and you had a nice time. That was nice that Johnny got to come over and be in the pool with the kids. What a fun day though. Glad that you got to go to lunch and you enjoyed that.
At least the shot went well and you have ice on it to keep it from hurting. Well at least calm the pain down a little. Having the shot is better then having a knee replacement. I do not know if I would let them do a knee replacement until it was absolutely necessary. When they have to start doing replacement surgery that is a mess. The only thing that I am missing is my gall bladder. That is the way that I would like to keep it.
Did sears leave before they did the job or was that when they were finished and then the comcast guys came? I hope that you catch the kids that are bashing all the mail boxes and egging the cars. They need to be punished for doing that. They should realize that it cost money to replace all of that and they should have to pay for the mailboxes. They should also have to come and wash all the cars that they egged. If they had to do that it would be a good punishment for them. I cannot imagine why they do stuff like that. What fun could that be. They need to be stopped and not get away with it.
The orange sherbet sounds really good. What time will it be ready? I hope that they like this better then the cinnamon ice cream. Both sound really good to me.
We did have a good day with Aliza. She was in such a good mood. Usually she is teething and she is so crabby. I guess her gums were not hurting as bad as usual. It was fun to hear her giggle and smile a lot. She does let you know when it is time for her nap. She even let me rock her and she went to sleep in my arms. I love when they do that. So I laid her in her crib and she was still sleeping when we left. It was a nice day with her.
Well that is about all from here. Hope they come soon to fix your tile in the kitchen. So you can have it all done and you kitchen will be finished.
Have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
I forgot about Sue starting the pole dancing thing. She use to post more then. I guess that a lot of people posted more then. It would be nice if some of them would come back. I guess times are changing and their lives have changed and they do not have enough time to post on here. Sure miss Debbie and hope that she is doing okay. Maybe when Sue retires she will join us more often.
I bet the kids are happy when their dad brings home the ice cream and the chocolate milk. Kids seem to like the chocolate milk more then the white milk. I know that at school they sell out on the chocolate milk way before the white. I guess the chocolate craving starts when we are kids and just keeps on into our adult hood.
I do not know who found her the jack in the box. It was not me. I am still looking for the thing that I want. It is hard to find them anymore. I wonder if they quit making them. There were four or five things that would pop up when you pushed a certain button. You could get all different things to pop up. Some were Disney characters or animals it just depended what on what you wanted. I am still looking. I did get her a top though. It said if Mom says no call 1-800 grandma. It was really cute it was a tank top. It will be nice on these hot days.
I agree with you Gail. Going upside down at our age is not a good thing. It would take some getting use to. They always take their time giving you the results of any test that they do. It would be nice if they would let you know right away. They let you sit and worry and think the worse til they finally call. Hope they find that it is something that therapy will take care of.
I cannot believe that Piper was wearing a skirt. She is going to be a fashion diva. She is so cute. Did she ever play or just stay with her dad or her mom? That is nice that Jenny and her sil are coaching the team. I cannot imagine trying to get these kids to play t ball. Especially if they have kids Pipers age and Lachlans age. There is a little bit of a difference there. I bet it was fun to watch.
That is nice that you are going to babysit the dogs for Jenny. They sound like cute dogs. The one that lived with you while Jenny was in college will probably remember being there. He will feel very comfortable. the other will know you and Greg and will not mind being there either. You will enjoy having the dogs there for awhile.Jenny will not worry about them knowing that they are with you and Greg. She really is scared of storms. It must be really hard on her if it storms and she is home by herself with the kids. I hope that they have a good time on their trip.
well that is all from here. Have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Glad the knee shot went well. So was this cortisone and then you go back later to get the three shots with the stuff that cushions it? I think it’s synvisc-but there may be a different kind now too. I think we all want to put off those joint replacements for as long as possible.
Hey! I just remembered it’s our anniversary! I’m getting to be like a man and I almost forgot. I guess there’s been a lot going on around here lately. 43 years.
Last night Greg had on a pair of shorts that he never wore before. Well he discovered that every time he stood up his pants would fall down. So he kept on doing that all night long and thought it was extremely funny. I got bored with the whole thing after the second time and then it just started to downright annoy me. lol Why don’t men try things on before they buy them? He has more stuff that doesn’t fit him because he never tries anything on! Oh well. Maybe I was just jealous because believe me i have never owned a pair of pants that would just fall right down.
Don’t have the MRI results back yet. I feel bad for him because whatever is going on makes his leg and his foot hurt. Sometimes really badly too-or sometimes his foot is numb. I have a feeling he is going to need shots in the back because he must have some sort of swelling that is pressing on a nerve. At least that’s what Dr. Gail thinks. lol
That driving adventure was really a scary one. You probably would have gotten a bunch of tickets for that one. Steff needs to get that license and get the appropriate children’s seats in her car so everyone will be safe.
You know when Crazy Dave messed up our tile work we weren’t living in our house yet as it happened when it was being built. He managed to do the kitchen and fireplace okay but he messed up the kid’s and the master baths and had to redo parts of them. Do you know when they are coming to redo the tile yet?
I was laughing as Gary’s messages sound similar to the ones that I get from Greg.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I’m so glad that you had such a lovely visit. I’ll bet it felt all too short. I’m sure Buddy will give a wonderful speech and will be glad to reconnect with old friends and sad to think about the ones who were lost. I’m sure if he and his inlaws can get on the golf course he will be more than happy. Has he thought of having a second career after he retires as he is still so young. Maybe he will do something which will bring him closer to where you live.
I do remember Debbie making sparkly coats for her Bell. Was the cabana boy Pablo or Paolo? Who cares! We’ll have one of each!!! lol
We do have a What Are You Reading page on this site too-with pictures of libraries. Actually right now I am making our upper balcony in our house into a mini-library.
I don’t blame you for being mad about the contractor doing half the job and them running out of materials that were on back order. You would think they would check that all materials were there before they started. Plus I can’t believe that there was a section of your house that you couldn’t use during that time. What if you had to walk through there to get to the bathroom or bedroom? It seems like there are always contractor nightmares.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I had forgotten how Debbie found all those pictures of delicious looking cakes to post. That’s when everything didn’t have to be posted as an attachment and you could copy and paste. The old system was much better for that stuff. The attachments always get cut off-or least they do part of the time.
I love the saying on the tank that you got Aliza-that’s funny.
You know my Mom used to love chocolate milk and Jenny and Greg do too. You always have to mix chocolate milk for her kids but for some reason I am not a big fan. I will drink it but I prefer regular milk and wouldn’t go out of my way to get the chocolate. I am definitely in the minority on that one.
Piper did bat and she played a little bit even though she would have rather gone to the playground. There is a treat after the game so you have to tell them if they don’t finish the game they don’t get their treat. lol You are right there is a big difference between the three year olds and the six year olds. Some of the kids look so tiny.
We were lucky yesterday and the storms passed south of us. Last time there was a big storm we were at Jenny’s so I think she was glad of that. She has done some therapy to try and help with her fears so she won’t project that on the kids either. She is better than she used to be-so that’s good. It’s one of those things like your fear of flying -you can’t help how you feel but you can find tools to help with it and help deal with it.
Greg showed me on Facebook yesterday that Piper had won a thousand ticket jackpot at the arcade. Maybe I should bring her with me on our next trip to the gambling boat. lol
I’m sure they are having lots of fun and Piper will have many stories to tell. They have all five kids as Gabby and Enya went too. The hotel has a big indoor waterpark too so even if it rains they can still swim.
Gail -
Hey Missy Barbara!
Well, I had a melt down with Lowes this morning. After the mess on last Friday, I was to get an answer on how they will repair the mess on Monday- nothing. Called Tuesday, and told they will have an answer on Wednesday. Nope. Told I would hear today. I called again at noon, a respectable amount of time for them to get back to me- no answer. The lady I dealt with was still off, and this other woman tells me the manager, and owner of the installation is coming her tomorrow am. SO, I say, nobody asked, nor told me, any such thing. Plus, she had no time for the visit, and added that the owner of the install needed to give them a time- all set with him, I say. So, I say, I am all done, and want the full price refunded, and asked if she was aware that they also ruined the new sink. (the new sink is all scratched up form the idiot mixing the glue and grout in his huge bucket in the sink) She says she did see all the pictures of the install, and that the installer needed to come up with a plan. So, I say- your policy, not mine. Plus, you tell me the same guy who did this, will fix it- NOT- already saw his work, and I am getting someone else to do the repair. She must have called the manager who has been out for a few days, and called back saying the manager wants to come tomorrow. I again say-she already has the pictures, and let me make myself clear- I am all done- full refund for this mess, is what I will accept. Gary says I should just keep the appliances in front of the ruined side, and be done with it, as the mess to fix this will be unbelievable.
So, the chase is on. I will threaten tomorrow that legal fees will be added, plus the price of a new sink, installed, and “pain and suffering”, as I am making everyone here crazy. Let’ s see what idiotic thing they come up with tomorrow. I am so done.
Barbara- I would have lost my mind with that floor install, and probably made the evening news….LOL.
My blood pressure must be way up there, as I am pretty hot, and flushed. You know, this is just not right. When something like this happens, it should be a priority to fix, and not go on the back burner. It is just not right. If we did this to any of our customers, we would be out of business.
The weather here is great, but I have the air on, as I am very hot….LOL
That is so nice that your son is giving the talk down in Florida at the base. Will it be on the news???
Adele -
Hi Gail,
I am just the opposite. I liked chocolate milk but not the white. It made me sick so did not drink it. My mom use to say it was all in my head so I could have the chocolate milk. She could be right. Still to this day cannot drink white milk. All of the kids liked it and still drink it. So at least I did not pass it on to them.
It is a shame that it is so hard to post things like that now. I guess this site has improved but it is hard to figure out how. I guess if we knew more about computers it would be easier. I give up it will never be that easy for me. I am not good with anything that you have to know and understand technology. I have trouble with the thing that makes Aliza’s bottles.
Well at least she got a treat. She is so funny but I guess like a lot of the three yr olds they would rather be doing something else after they have played for about 10minutes. It is hard to keep their minds on the game. Well at least she had fun and maybe enjoy it better next time. Those days are over for our grands and will not come around again until Aliza gets older.
The storms are passing us by also. We could use some rain right now. Everything is getting so dry. Even the grass is turning brown. It is so much different then last year. We have chances of rain all week long so hope one day we do get some rain. It was good that you were at Jenny’s the other night when it stormed. It is hard on her being so scared of a storm. At least it is easier if you are afraid of flying because you do not have to do it. There is no way you can avoid a storm.
That was cool that Piper won so many tickets. She was probably really excited. Sounds like they are having a really good time on their vacation. The motel that they are staying at sounds really nice. It is good that they have a water park inside the kids will be able to swim any time you do not have to worry about them getting too much sun. Piper will have all kinds of stories to tell you and Greg. She will keep you entertained. That was nice that all the kids went. They are all having a great time I am sure.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great day.
p.s. I hope that he gets the results of the MRI soon. It is a pain having to wait. -
Happy Anniversary to Gail and Greg!!
Hope you have a great story to share with us about your wonderful day!!
Adele and Gary -
Hi Colleen!
Check my post to Barbara on the news form the install commotion. It would suffice to say, I am all set with them today.
I was so glad we got home safe. I really do not like taking chance sin a car, even if we are close by. You never knw what can happen. I was a wreck until we were in the driveway.
So good you had such a nice day with Aliza. I love how cute they are when they are infants. It goes by way to quick.
I had just finished making the sherbet, and Jhonny stopped by with Aizen. So, I packed up some for them in a lock n lock, and sent him home with directions to put it in the freezer, and wait 3 hours until it got harder. he came over to get his Fathers Day gift form Tillie, that came in the mail that day, so that was good that I had the sherbet ready for transport.
The sherbet was a success- no complaints on that one….LOL The next one I will try is the mint chip. But, we have to go to my SIL’s for her granddaughter’s graduation party Saturday, so not sure when I will make more ice cream- maybe Sunday.
It is nice here today- sun is shining, and warm. I have the air on, as I am very hot- think my blood pressure is on boil mode.
Hope you are all good, and you weather is good. I hope nobody had any injuries, or damage from hose awful storms yesterday. I said a prayer for everyone!!
Adele -
Hey Gailster
I was a wreck for that drive, even though ti was short. I do not like to take chances. It is not my driving, but the other nuts on the road I worry about. I just cannot impress upon that girl that she needs her license. It is so aggravating.
I hope you two have a great anniversary celebration planned. 43 years is a long time. So, Greg gives messages like Gary? What is up with that?
Oh yes, both Sears and Comcast were here at the same time. the only good part was, I was done with all appointments by 9:30.
OMG- those shorts must have been hysterical. Very true- it would be aggravating, as we do not have pants that fall off of us- what is up with that??? You should have made a video of him, and put it on You Tube- not that I know how to do that. that would have stopped him. On the other hand, maybe he was trying to be sexy for your anniversary????
I have a good one for you……Gary’s favorite pair of PJ bottoms are so worn out that they will not longer stay up well, and they are annoying him. I finally disposed of the favorite shirts that went with those. That pair is next in line for the dump. Mind you, Tillie just got him 3 more pairs, and 6 shirts to go with. Plus, he has 3 more pairs in the closet. They will not make it out of the next laundry basket. I may have to have a funeral for them. What is up with men and their house clothes? Seriously, if I dressed like that, what would he think?
I hope you are all safe, and had no damage from those storms yesterday.
Adele -
forgot to say- the shot was a regular cortisone one. the series of 3 are scheduled for July- Orhtovisc, they are called.
I bet Greg will need the series of 3 shots in his back too- sounds like it to Dr. Adele.
Adele -
Congrats to Piper on her winning ticket. We should all have her get our lottery tickets when the pot is real big, and we play!!
Adele -
Hi,Everyone! So glad we stayed safe from those storms! I am terrified of stoms! It kinda passed over us, and down by Scott, it split before it reached him! Lol! I told him my prayers were answered! Lol! He said there was a tornado a couple of counties away in La Salle County, but not sure if it did any damage. Thanks for your prayers Adele! You did EXACTLY what I would have done with the installers. I shudder to think what my mom would’ve done! Lol! I think that they think that just because we’re women, we will just roll over and take it. Colleen, praying for your tummy. I now what it’s like and it stinks. I just got some temporary fillings put in my teeth. He did them for free because of what’s going on with dad. However, I thought he was going to also fix 2 of my front teeth that have been broken and need cosmetic bonding put on them. He told me he’d do them. The hygienist said that they can’t do it with temporary fillings. What difference does that make???? The bonding will go over the filling regardless! I wasn’t talking fillings. She didn’t even know what I meant! I meant the bonding that fixes cracked teeth or teeth that have been shortened do to wear, like mine. He did it for my 2 front teeth! So I outta know what I’m talking about! Ugh… Anyway. Hope you all have a good day. ~Christine
Hi Christine
I am thrilled the storms did not come your way. I hope nobody was killed, or seriously harmed in any way. I have not seen the news yet, so I am not sure. The storms that seem to be developing have been real nasty ones. Global warming I guess.
I hope you will be able to get all your teeth fixed. that was nice that the dentist did not charge you, because of your dad. You do not see a lot of kind acts like that anymore.
So, tonight Gary and Frankie (when they come back form their routes) will put the hood fan back up, as there is no tile mess on that side. I will be glad when I have a light over the stove again. I picked out a new kitchen light today. The electrician is swamped, so he has not come to install the 2 recessed lights, so I thought while he is here, he may as well do that one too. next week, I will make the 2 window toppers for the kitchen, and then they will look nicer than the old ones I have up now. I love to sew, and it is always fun to see how it looks when it is done. Do you sew?
Adele -
Hi,Adele! I can sew a little. Converted a pair of pants to capri’s once. Mom makes quilts and she’s made curtains,too. I told her once that I hope to make a hand made patch work quilt with her. So we’ll see lol! Hope you get everything worked out! ~ Christineie ?
Thank you, Christinie!!
We have not heard much form Sue or Dianne this week. I hope they are ok, and were not affected by any of the storms.
Sue- hope you are good, and doing well.
Dianne- Also hope you are good, and no storms have come your way too.
It would be great to knw if Debbie is doing well. I do not think any of you have heard form her in a while.
Hi Ladies,
Just a quick note to let ya know I’m still alive. My sciatica has been bothering me a lot this week. No we aren’t affected by those storms. We are having
showers today & tomorrow (Fri), but they’re Nothing compared to what you’re having. It’s actually refreshing. You’d be wearing a light sweater out here.
But it’s gonna warm up over the weekend, & by the 4th we could see upper 80s to low 90s. It usually rains or is somewhat chilly for the 4th.
I haven’t read all the posts so forgive me if I don’t answer them right now. I hope you’re all okay & safe. I’ll try to post some of my pics of my décor, wish me luck.
dianne -
Hi Dianne,
I am sorry to hear that your sciatica is acting up again. Do have something to take for it or some type of rub that will help ease the pain some? I have back problems and they are really hard to deal with at times. I go to the pain clinic though and I have therapy so it helps some. Trying to avoid surgery.
I love the way you have the table set with your new dishes. It is so pretty with the vase of flowers on there. That set is a lot prettier then it looks on tv. Your tropical pictures make a person feel like they are on the beach and laying on the beach. Wouldn’t that be nice right now. Our weather is really hot here. So anywhere there is a beach looks good to us right now. You are really good at decorating. You should have been an interior decorator. You are really good.
Can you see the fire works from your apartment? We usually go into town to watch them but this year we are supposed to go to my daughters. It will be nice. They live on the army base and we are going to watch the fire works there. They say that they usually have a really good display. It will be fun to be with the grand kids also. There are two of them and they are at the age where they really like fire works. They are 10 and 5.
Do not worry about reading all the posts. You can catch up anytime or just join in where we are now.
Take care of your back and we will talk to you later
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I cannot believe all the trouble that you are having with those people. They should have laid the tile the right way the first time around. Isn’t it funny when you want to have them come back they couldn’t everyone was on vacation. Now that you want your money back they can make it to your house. I do not blame you for being mad they have really did not do the job they should have. What makes them think that the guy that laid the tile is going to be able to make things right. Is he going to give you your money back? That is terrible that you will have to find someone else to do the job. I will never go to Lowes for anything like that. They are not very reputable. We should all start spreading the word and make other people aware. So they can watch out for them.
I hope that Aizen can wait 3 hours before eating the sherbet. I bet he wanted it as soon as they got home. He is so cute. Did Steph ever get his hair cut? I bet he looks cute if she did. Hope that JJ is enjoying his time off from school. It will be nice if they come over and spend a lot of time with you while he is out of school.
Hope that your sil granddaughter has a nice day for her graduation. That is such an exciting day for all kids that age. We have a grand graduating next year. It will be fun to see her get her diploma. She has decided that she wants to be a doctor. I hope that she succeeds in her dreams. She is a smart kid. Do you know what your sil granddaughter wants to do after she graduates? They all have such big plans after they get out of high school.
The mint chip sounds really good. That should be a hit also. I bet all the kids enjoy coming around for the ice cream. I would not be able to get my grands to go home if I made ice cream.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
p.s. Do not let that place get your blood pressure up too high. You do not want to have problems with that on top of everything else. -
Thanks for the anniversary wishes. We stayed home and had frozen pizza. We will probably go out this weekend. Plus he always gives me a card saying to visit my favorite jewelry store in KC and pick something out there. I am easy.
I don’t know what is going on with my computer now but I am not getting any notifications from this site now-so I thought no one had written anything yesterday until I decided to come over and check this morning. It’s always something! -
Hi Dianne
Love your pictures.
Do not worry that you have not answered. We all just want to know you are ok. You can write when you feel better. Saying a prayer for you to feel better.
Adele -
Hi Colleen,
That is funny that you cannot figure out the thing to warm Aliza’s bottle. I know exactly what you mean. Half the time I couldn’t figure out the baby monitor. You know it’s nice that they have the baby seat that snaps in and out of the car seat but those dang things are heavy! You need to be a body builder to carry them for any length of time. lol
Well Greg got the results of the MRI-basically he has a bulging dish and pressure on the cord from both sides. I forgot the fancy name for it. Anyway, they are sending him to a pain doctor next. So he didn’t know what that was so I had to explain it to him. Obviously he doesn’t pay attention since Brent used to go to one for his back. I think he was hoping for something that could actually be “cured”. I think that was either being hopeful or naive-as I have seen too many people with back problems that are chronic and probably things get worse as we age. We’ll see what they say at the pain clinic.
So the first night they were here Jenny’s dogs were barking like crazy and looking out the back window at around dusk. Well Greg and I saw nothing but they were just fixated out that window until it became too dark to see outside. Well last night they started the same thing and I spied a raccoon either trying to come on the deck or coming out from under it. I finally knocked on the window and he trotted off. So now I wonder if it lives under the deck-it wouldn’t be the first time. Ah! The fun of country living!
Gail -
Hey Gailster!
We will be waiting to hear what pretty bauble you have purchased for your anniversary. Pick something sparkly!!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I am so sorry that what should have been an exciting renovation is turning into a nightmare. What is wrong with places anymore that nobody can seem to get things right the first time. I can’t believe he scratched the new sink too. That is awful. I don’t blame you for being livid. However, please do not make yourself sick over it. I hope that you can find someone there who understands your complaints, is sympathetic and gets the job done right in a timely manner. How frustrating!
Could you imagine if Greg and Gary were taking messages for each other? They would be going in circles. I always have to have him quadruple check dates of things as he never gets it right until about the third time.
So I told him that I told the Quacker ladies about his shorts. And he says why did you do that-now they are going to get all excited. I told him I doubted that very much. lol Then I said that’s what you get for never trying on clothes. So then he tells me he never bought those shorts and he has no idea where they came from. he says maybe they are Brent’s. I go no they’re not Brent’s-he wouldn’t wear shorts like that. So then I go how in the world did you get someone else’s shorts. Good thing he’s not the jealous type or he would think maybe I had some guy that left them here. lol Although if i were having an affair surely I would be smart enough not to have my lover leave his shorts in my husband’s closet. lol So now we not only have shorts that don’t fit but we have the mystery of where they came from. The plot thickens!!! Da Da Da Da!
Gail -
Hi Coleen!
I have to ask Steph how they liked it. Did not talk to her yesterday.
She did not get Aizen’s hair cut, as the barber said he did not have anymore time, and she would have to wait for other people to be done first. That does not work with a 2 year old, so she left.
It is going to be in the high 80’s for the pool graduation party tomorrow. I hope there is a breeze!
That is funny that you could not figure out how to warm the bottle….LOL
I am supposed to get a call back from Lowes, on whether or not they will refund me for the shoddy job. Gary does not think they will refund me. If not, I will threaten it will be a lot more, as I will add legal fees, and the price of a new sink, with the install of the sink. Did I tell you he scratched the entire inside of the new sink with his buckets??
Hope your day is going well.
Adele -
OMG Gail, I am peeing myself!!
So, is there a man hiding under the bed, who fits in those shorts? Greg certainly has a great sense of humor. Can he sned some of that over here for Gary?
Can you imagine listening to a story, after Gary would tell it to Greg?
So today’s dilemma is seeing if Lowes will refund my money, as I am all done with them. Seriously? Wiating a week to even have the owner of the install company to see this?
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Good luck with Lowes. Give em hell!
Greg does have a great sense of humor. I know I’ve mentioned before that a sense of humor was highly prized in my family. So that’s how Greg originally passed the boyfriend test-he made them laugh and they were impressed by the myriad things he carried in his trunk-like who just happens to have a microphone when someone needs one. So between those two things my family decided he was a good person to keep around.
Yes, Greg and Gary should start a business taking messages. And then we could write a funny book about the chaos that ensues. lol
I will gladly send some of his humor over to Gary. One needs a lot of laughter in their life to make it richer.
Is anyone one else not getting notifications in their regular e-mail in box?
I was getting them and then yesterday they stopped coming in for some reason. I thought no one was writing on the board and then i came over here and checked this morning and everyone had posted. So I want to know if it’s just me and my computer or is it everyone. If it’s just me I then have figure out what I did now. It’s always something.
Gail -
Hi Ladies,
Just a quick note to let ya know Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel is running a Jesse Stone mini marathon today. It starts this
afternoon. And Columbo is playing all day Sat.
Have a great day
dianne -
the computer issue is you- I have been getting the notices. But, I was out of commission for the last few hours as the Geek Squad was doing their thing on my computer again- my printer keeps stopping from printing, due to the Windows 10 thing. It is fixed now.
Gary would never have passed your family’s interviews….LOL
So, now they are saying I will get a call later form the store manager. they are proposing the owner of the company himself do the repair, with the install manager supervising, with everything taped off in the kitchen so I will not have to clean one thing.Dianne- I will be out on Saturday, as we have to go to a graduation party. I will be crying, because I will miss the Jesse Stone marathon, and getting back fast, so I can see some at night….LOL
I read this as if the Jesse Stone marathon was tomorrow- woohaa, I know what I will be watching when I am done with my swiffering, and closet purge.
Thank you, DD!! -
Hi Adele,
Whew!! For just a minute there I was afraid you’d miss Jesse Stone.
dd -
Ooooops, it starts at 4 pm your time, I believe. Check it out.
dd -
I hope I didn’t throw ya a curve ball, it starts 1pm out here, so I thought it’d be 4pm your time. Be sure to check it out. It could be on
right now your time.
dd -
DD…..LOL LOL I guess I am a little stressed out today.
So, I am in the bathroom, TRYING to get these new hooks on the shower curtain. It got ugly. Gary hates the ones we have now, because they come off when he moves the shower curtain. These, I cannot get around the shower rod. I left the bathroom, with the shower curtain on the floor, yelling, “this is why people do not buy those anymore, Gary”.
Adele -
Hey DD
I hope I am done with the floor swiffering, and the dam shower curtain…LOL
Adele, who is losing her mind today. -
Hi Adele,
I hope you got the shower curtain taken care of. And I hope I didn’t cause you to miss out on Jesse Stone. I think I’ve seen em all at least 3 or 4 times.
Have you ever seen the shower curtains that don’t need hooks or anything. They sell them on the Q. You might want to look them up. Linen & things I think.
Enjoy Tom. He should calm ya down. Get your mind off things, for abit anyway.
dd -
Hi Adele,
I hope you got to see your heartthrob today/tonight. He’s still on here. I hope it made you feel better. Have a great weekend.
dd -
Hi Adele,
What happened now with the back splash? Are they still coming over and taping everything off? When will that occur. At this point I’m sure you just want it to be over.
I hope you got to see Jesse Stone even though I have no idea who that is. I’m assuming it’s a Tom Selleck character.
Have you ever seen those hookless shower curtains that they sell on QVC? I use that in the one bath that we have that doesn’t have a shower stall. I have had them for ages and ages and they are nice and easy to put up and take down. Check them out.
Hope that you have something fun and relaxing to do this weekend.
Gail -
Hey Dianne
I finally go t the shower curtain back up. Gary had to hook them on the rod for me- I just did not have the strength to clip them on, while on the rod. Then, he did one backwards, and I cannot tell you how hard that was to get it back off again….LOL
I did get to watch a couple of the segments last night. You never get tired of watching Tom. He has such a nice way about him.
I love the picture of the owls- how cute are they!!Gail
No answer on the back splash. According to the woman who cam e her to take the pics, they were asking me to reconsider their fixing it, and she, herself, will be present for the entire fixing. I still said not sure, as I am rather done with all of them. She said that her manager was to call me before he left the store yesterday, with a proposal. Of course, I did not hear back from him. I called this morning to say this was one of the reasons I am done- nobody follows through with their promises, so why should I believe anything they say??? I am now to get a call back Monday am.I am going to check out the hookless shower curtains right now, ladies!!!
We are off to a graduation pool party. I will not be in a bathing suit….LOL
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I hope all of you are having a great weekend. I’ve got clear blue skies & warming up out here. You wouldn’t believe 24 hrs ago we had grey skies & showers, & chilly.
Can you believe next weekend is the 4th of July??? where is this yr going???!! That means Christmas in July on the Q. I wonder if it’ll go on all month or just the end of the month. From now on it’ll be Christmas stuff out the wazoo.Adele, did you check out the hook less shower curtains? I think they’d be great for anyone. and the mesh insert where you can see out but no one can
see you. And what about the back splash? I’d threaten a lawsuit if they don’t fix what they ruined.Thank you for the prayers everyone. they’re appreciated. I haven’t talked to my friend so I don’t have an update on his condition.
I’m sending a few pics to cheer ya up.
dd -
Hi Dianne,
I like the pictures of the owls. They are so cute. Christine Brailsford really likes owls also. She has a quacker shirt with owls on it. She went to an owl sanctuary one year.
It does seem like this year is going by so fast. Where does the time go. I guess we do not have as much to do now that we are older and so time goes faster. We have more time to think about it. Are you doing anything for the 4th? It will be fun if you and your neighbor have another picnic. You seemed to have such a good time when you had the last one.
I got the Insider magazine and they did not seem to have as much Christmas stuff this time around. They usually have so many things that you cannot make a decision of what you want. I just hope that the shows that they have are better then they looked in the magazine.
How is your back? I hope that you are getting some relief for you pain. Just take care of yourself.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I hope that you had a good time at the graduation. It is such a fun time for the kids that are graduating. Don’t those kids look too young to be getting out of high school? It seems the older I get the younger other people are looking. Were we ever that young? It just does not seem like we were.
The thing that I am talking about is not a bottle warmer. It has the formula in it and the water. So that way the bottle is always made right. You are supposed to be able to just put it on the machine and it makes the bottle up and you take it off and all you have to do is shake it up to mix. Well I put the bottle on the machine and pushed the button. The water comes out and the formula comes out but the water does not fill the bottle like it is supposed to. So I tried pushing the button again and nothing. So I take the bottle off and get some formula out of the cabinet. Just when I get it out more of the formula starts to come out of the machine. So now that is all over the counter. So I just went ahead and made the bottle by myself and hoped that it was right. I think that my daughter and her boyfriend think it is funny when that stuff happens to me. They both know that I could never figure the thing out so I just leave it alone. Now she will walk over and fix the next bottle for Aliza and the stupid thing works like it should. It is aggravating.
it is just horrible that they are treating you this way about the shoddy work that they did. They should refund the money and not complain. This is all their fault. You have cooperated with them more then anyone else would have. Will just hang in there my friend. Do not let them get away with anything.
I love the Jesse Stone series. I wish they would make a new one. There have to be more stories because that one kid came back to the force to work with Jesse and I look for that woman to come back also. Need to look on the internet and see how many books were written in the series. There are still a lot of stories that they could do on that. It is good to see Tom back on the air.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
I do not like the monitors either. They work a certain way and I do not touch them. I tried to turn it off once and do not know what I did to it. Kevin told me he would just fix it no problem. I get the feeling that under his breath he was saying do not touch anything. lol So I have taken his hint and do not touch a thing. They are neat though. You can see the baby laying in the crib and know what is going on with them.
We went out to lunch with Danyielle and Aliza the other day. It was nice we just went to burger king. I fed Aliza ice cream. It was funny. I put the spoon up to her mouth and she kind of tasted it first and then she really wanted more. She would just stick her tongue out there trying to find more on her lips. So I went to give her another taste and she went for the spoon. We had to move her hand so she did not get it all over her. She would just stick that little tongue out trying to get it on the spoon before I got it to her mouth. Could not give her that much because we were afraid that it might bother her stomach if we gave her too much. She was so excited to get that. We sat there for a long time and then she got tired so we had to leave. It is fun to watch them when they get their first bite of something. She has also tried yogurt and really likes that also. I wanted to let her taste the french fries but they were really salty. So thought better do that. She would just lick the salt off and that would be all she would taste. It would not be good for her.
That is where I go for my back. It is the pain clinic. They do the therapy there and that is where I get the shots in the back and in my hip. I think that he will like going there. They are really good and they understand the pain that you go thru. They are really good about explaining everything that is going on with your back. I do not think that I have ever heard of one person going for surgery for their back that they did not have to go back again. That is why I am trying to avoid it. I just hope that he has some good doctors like I have at the pain clinic I go to.
That was good that you figured out what they were barking at. That would drive you crazy if you never figured it out. I hope that they are not living under your deck. Have you just seen one? Raccoons can be destructive. You do not have dogs outside though but they will eat the dog food. Possums will also and possums like going into the dog house also. Ron has had to chase a few of them. Do you have a lot of turkey’s around where you are? We have a lot around here this year. That may be why we have so many fox around this year. We have a fox that has killed all but two of our guineas. He must have got shot or something because he has not been around. He must have gotten into someones chicken coup. People around here do not act kindly to anything that starts killing their farm animals.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
HOOK LESS SHOWER CURTAIN ALERT!!!! They’re on right now ladies. White sale day on the Q!!!
Hi Dianne
Love the pictures you find, and post. I love owls. My Stephanie collects owls. She loves them, but, not the ones with the big scary eyes…..LOL
I did look at the hook less shower curtains. But, for me, it would be even worst, as you have to get it on the rod, and then get the rod back on the wall. The weight of the rod with the curtain and liner would be too hard to get back up. My hands have no strength in them at all. I have a lot of trouble doing things that need strength. So, I usually do my needlepoint, so they keep as limber as possible. But, with all the craziness going on, I have not done any needlepoint in a month. I need to get back to it, as I have to finish Aizen’s Christmas stocking I started last year.
thank you for thinking of me- you are a sweetie, DD!!
I hope to have news on the bac splash commotion tomorrow. The manager and person I was dealing with, will be in then.
Hope your day is good. It is nice here today. The kids came over for a little BBQ. Tomorrow is supposed to get humid.
Adele -
Dianne- for got to ask how your back has been- sorry I forgot about that!! I hope you are better. It is miserable to be in pain all the time.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
We had a good time yesterday. It is always nice to see them. Too bad they live so far away- it is 1 hour and 15 minutes, with no traffic- more with traffic.
It was a nice day, so sitting outside all day was not bad. We went to dinner on the way home, because Gary, of course, did not like anything they had to eat, accept the cake, of course…..LOL
I am hoping we will have some resolution on the back splash issue. I am really leaning toward my money back, as I am afraid of the mess they will create, and then more issues, as how can they take tiles off, and not ruin the wall underneath???
OMg- you should have a video of that bottle fiasco. People would have been rolling in the aisles. What a mess you had to clean up. I totally agree- make the bottle the old fashioned way. This new technology is for the young kids. Pretty soon, they will invent a robot to change the babies diapers….LOL
I love the Jesse Stone movies too. I think there are a series of books on those- pretty sure, as someone said they read some of them. But, then of course, the readable versions do not have Tom Selleck, and that is half the fun….LOL
Hope you had a good weekend. Steph and the kids were here this afternoon. Always good to see Aizen and JJ!!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Glad that you had a good time at the graduation. Did you get into the pool? That is nice that the day was not too hot. Poor Gary cannot eat many places since he is picky. It is hard to imagine that he could not find one thing to eat there. It was nice if you were still hungry though. You got to go out to eat and did not have to cook something when you got home. Men can be difficult sometimes.lol
They should work with you on this. You have really been good about them not coming when they were supposed to and that guy taking all those calls. It will be interesting to hear how they are going to take the old tiles off. I hope that you come to a place where you can both agree. If you let them redo the job I would make sure that they take money off. It is not your fault that the guy did a bad job.
When they come up with the robot to change diapers I will really be in trouble. I cannot even work a bottle maker do not talk about controlling a robot. I can just picture that dumb thing chasing me all around the house. I would have to figure out a way to get the thing in the garage and not let it back into the house.lol It would be embarrassing to have that on a video and all the formula all over the counter. They would all be saying look at that dumb old lady.lol
If you read the books after watching the movies you can picture Tom the whole time you read. That would make it even easier to read. When I read I always have a picture in my mind what the characters look like. It is not good though when they make the movies. They never look like you think they should.
That was nice that Steph and her family came over today. It is always so much fun to see the grands. Hope that you had lots of cookies.lol The boys would be wanting some.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
The whole point of the hookless shower curtains is you don’t have to take the rod down at all. I just keep the rod up and slip the holes on right over the rod. The holes are split just for that reason. You don’t have to take the rod down at all. Maybe you didn’t see a demonstration-try watching the video-it really is as easy as 1-2-3.
Gail -
InactiveJune 27, 2016 at 6:32 pmPost count: 643If you girls want to read about Mary Beth’s accident she posted a blog on QVC. It was much worse than I had heard. You can read about the accident and her recovery.
Hi Sue
Nice to hear from you again. Thank you for keeping us in the loop. Such an awful thing to happen to a nice lady.
Hope you are good, and your weather is also good. Here it is warm, and getting muggy- thunderstorms expected, but, nothing real bad. We do need the rain up here!
Adele -
No, ladies, I did not see the demonstration. That is to funny that I thought you had to take the rod down and that made it easier…..LOL LOL
I needed a good chuckle today- I am at odds with the assistant store manager at Lowes. to pooped to explain it all, but, I wrote an email that will go down in history.
Love my Quacker buddies!
Adele -
hi Colleen
Well, everyone was disappointed as I had no cookies. I was too tired form the graduation to bake Sunday morning. But, Aizen loves cherries. You had to see his face. he was making this funny “oh, oh” type of face. I guess they have not purchased cherries for him, or theirs were not as sweet. It is fun to see him enjoy a new thing.
Gary is very difficult where foo dis involved. It is hard to impossible to go to any new place, as he will reject everything. Picky men are a pain, for sure!
Amanda came over today, as it was her 21st birthday yesterday. She made it clear she was celebrating with friends. They went to Rhode Island to a beach yesterday- Newport, and she had a drink that was made of cocoa. She did not drive, of course, and told the waitress to make it weak, as she wanted to enjoy the cocoa. She is too funny, for sure. The night before, she spent with her cousins, and Aunt, who she doe snot see as much. So, she had a good time. She was all red form the sun, and very tired, form all the celebrating. So, I told her….”too bad you missed your birthday party- we had it yesterday.” LOL
So, Wednesday I am going to Barnes and Nobles with Steph, the kids, and Amanda. We are all looking forward to that. I will have to meet them there, as I am also going to see Joyce for lunch that day. Let the party begin!!
I wrote an email to the store manager at Lowes today. It was a doozy.
Hope your day is good!
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I just got done with a post & lost it. That makes me soooo mad, cuz I can’t remember all of what I wrote.
Oh Adele, I can only imagine what you said in your email to the manager of Lowe’s!! I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of that!!! LOL
It must’ve been smoking hot!!!
I couldn’t figure out why you thought you had to remove the curtain rod in the bath to put on those hook less curtains. they just pop over the rod & it’s
just that simple. I’ve never removed the rod, ever. I hope you realize how easy they really are to put on. Oh, I saw an ad for Christmas in July already.
It starts this Friday.
They’re running a mini series of Gourmet holiday this week. They’ve had so much meat, sea food & goodies for the grill. I had to give up the Smash
burgers for the dishes. I’m pretty sure they’ll be back next month or so for the Christmas holidays & Labor day.
I don’t know what I’m doing for the 4th yet; maybe nothing. I can see the fireworks all over the area from where I live. I’m on the 12th floor & have
a terrific view looking East. I can see the fireworks going off all over town.
In honor of the 4th I’m sending pics of our National bird. They are sooo majestic!!!Have a great week
dd -
Thanks, Sue, for updating us on Mary Beth. I read the blog and that was a bad accident. I’m so glad that she is recovering.
Hi All,
Yes, Adele, I was wondering why you were making the installation of the shower curtain so much more difficult than it needed to be. Then I figured out that you must not have watched the video as they really go up 1-2-3.
Tell Amanda happy bday. 21 is an important one.
Have fun at B and N-one of my favorite stores.
That Gary-it’s bad when you can’t find one single thing that you like to eat at a barbecue. it must be so frustrating for you.
Colleen, that is fun to watch babies when they taste something new. They make such great faces!
Greg can’t get an appointment with the pain doctor until the 11th-so he has a bit of a wait.
We only saw one racoon-but we think we may have a skunk living in the back field. We used to not have many animals hanging around as we ran the dogs through the fields almost every day and that kept most of the animals away. That’s why I know Greg would like a bigger dog again some day. Maybe when he’s home more so he can take over the exercising.
That’s terrible that the fox ate the guineas. Doesn’t Austin chase them off? I know Adam’s Dad always likes to keep a larger dog out at his farm to guard the livestock and the chickens and ducks.We have tons of turkeys around here. One morning I woke up and I swear there were 100 of them walking through the yard. We used to see pheasants a lot too but know we hardly ever see them anymore.
I wrote asking Tiago if he could figure out why I am not getting anymore notifications in my Yahoo mail. He asked if anyone else was having that problem-I told him Adele was getting them but I didn’t know about the rest of you. Please let me know. I have a feeling it’s just me-and God only knows what key I pressed that I shouldn’t have. I miss not having them there as it is so easy to check on my phone or tablet when they come right to my inbox. I hope Tiago has some ideas.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
You always have something sweet for the kids. That is funny that Aizen makes a certain face when he tries something new. I cannot wait to start feeding Aliza new things. I think that they should have started her on baby food by now. She will soon be 6 months. She is drinking more formula then she was and that usually means that they are hungry and need to start eating food. We always fed the girls mashed potatoes. They always like them and we would mix them with the mixer and not just use the potato masher. The mixer gets more of the lumps out. She was really good again today. Her mouth was hurting her but she did not cry the whole time we were there. That is always a plus.
Tell Amanda happy birthday for me. Gail is right 21 is an important age. My Amanda is a lot older. lol She is pushing 40. She turned 37 this year. It is so hard to believe that my kids are getting to that age. They should still be in their early 20’s.lol Where does the time go.
That letter had to be a good one that you sent. I hope that they are all thinking about what happened and are ready to refund your money. You should not have to wait for them to decide what they are going to do. They should be doing what you want them to do. It is your house that they messed up. You did the right thing by sending a letter.
You have a really good day planned for Wednesday. I hope that all of you have a good time. I have not been to Barnes and Noble in a long time. Hope you find some really neat things to bring home with you. Hope that the girls do also.
Well that is about all from here. Enjoy your lunch with Joyce.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
I have not been having any trouble with getting the notice when an something is posted on here. I know that they do not all come at one time like they use to. Sometimes I will get two or three different ones not like they were before when they were all together. I know at one time I was not getting all of the messages just one or two. That is working better now. I hope that this is making sense.
Aliza was in such a good mood today. Owen was home and he played with her for awhile. He put her on a blanket and make sure ti was fixed so she could not roll off of it and pulled her around the living room. She just giggled and smiled. She actually stayed up for 2 and 1/2 hours and when she finally got tired she went right to sleep when I put her in her crib. She was still sleeping when I left. When I came in and put her down for her first nap she slept on a blanket on the floor. When I went up to check on her she had rolled over to where the dresser was. When I came in the room she was laying on her tummy and she had the biggest grin on her face. She sure was proud of herself for getting that far. That is why the second nap she was in the crib. lol
The pain clinic must be good if it is taking that long for Greg to get in to see the doctor. I just hope that he likes the doctors there. They really do a good job I think. I know that I am glad that my doctor sent me to a pain clinic.
Now we have not seen a skunk in the yard so far. They are probably in the woods though. We have found out that Biskit was keeping all the animals out of the yard. Austin will bark but if they look like they are going to come after him he runs and hides. That is why Ron is looking for a new do. Your would think that Austin would keep the animals away because of the breed that he is. He is getting really lazy and does not like to run unless chased. He watches the rabbits get into the garden and the fox running around getting the guineas. We still have two left and we are hoping that the fox does not get them. I really believe that someone has killed it. They do not like it when they come around and kill their chickens. You really do have a lot of turkeys. We have not seen that many but we have seen quit a few. I have never seen them all walking across the yard at one time. I wonder if they go to the pond and get water.
Has anyone asked Tiago if he can get the watch qvc thing from following us down the page and getting in the way. It would be nice if he would make that stationary so it does not get in the way.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
What beautiful picture of the eagles. You always find the best pictures to post on here. They are beautiful birds. They are so much fun to watch when they are in flight.
That is nice that you can see all the fire works from your window. Where we live you cannot see any of them. So we have to go into town. That is really high up there the 12th floor. From the sounds of it they have a lot of fire works displays around town. They have a really big display in St. Louis but you can hardly find a place to park there are just too many people. That is something that we would try to do when we were younger but not now.
I ordered the rum cakes that they had on the food shows. They looked so good and it reminds me of the cakes that my mom would make. She use to make fruit cakes and she had to pour rum over them to keep them moist. You would open the cabinet and it would smell like rum really strong. The fruit cakes were really good though. I have never tasted one like it again.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Sue,
Thank you for letting us know about the blog on the qvc site. That was a really bad accident. I am surprised that Mary Beth will be able to come back so soon. She did have an angel sitting next to her that day. All of that caused by a drunk driver. That is awful. When will some people learn.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
Well, everything changed this morning. I got an email back form the store manager, and a call form the woman I have been dealing with. The owner of the install company, the man who did the job, and the woman form Lowes will be here Thursday to fix the tiles, and clean up their mess. I will be glad when it is all over, and I can get back to normal around here.
In light of the tiles on Thursday, I cannot go to Barnes and Noble son Wednesday, after my lunch with Joyce. I will not have enough time to enjoy myself, as I have to get everything moved for the tile people- again. So, they may go without me, or we will all go next week. They wanted to come back here, and use the pool, but I cannot do that, as everything will be all over the place again- no place for small children, for sure.
You will have so much fun with Aliza eating new things she likes. I hope she gets as excited as Aizen does. Who knows? He may end up being a Chef some day.
It is gloomy and very humid here today. So, I made cinnamon bread this morning, and did the custard base for the mint chip ice cream. You know me- need to bake when I get upset….LOL
Hope your day is going well!
Adele -
Hey Gail
I hope they figure out what is wrong with your not getting the emails.
That is too bad that Greg has to wait so long for a doctor appointment. Maybe he is right, and you need a bigger dog to protect the yard from the scoundrels.
Colleen- that is awful that the fox eats the guineas. Seems you have a lot of scoundrels in your yard too.
Dianne- love your pictures! Eagles are so beautiful. I have seem a couple way up in NH, and none around here.
They are coming Thursday to fix the tile mess. I just hope it works out ok. You never know, with these things, especially since it was done wrong to begin with.
hope everyone is good- Christine and Sue too!!
Adele -
Hi,everyone! I know I haven’t written in awhile. I was going to post this picture last night, then forgot! Lol! I’ve also been busy. Mom doesn’t have a UTI. But, she’s still having pains. She’ll have to have a hysterectomy eventually to staple the bladder back up. Dad is doing better. He went for a blood test today. He has to go every week to check to see how he’s handling the chemo, which he only tasks 5 times a month. I’m doing ok. Asthma was kinda iffy from the air conditioning. No need for it today, as it is FINALLY cooler out! Scott is doing a prayer and fast for a few days. He felt lead by the lord to do that. Hopefully he’ll feel inspired when he’s done. Adele, glad to hear you’re getting some answers. I bet your email was a real loo loo! Lol! Praying for all of you! Hope your tummy and back problems get better soon! Quack Quack! ~Christine
Hi Dianne
So glad to hear your dad is better. I hope your poor Mom does not have to go for surgery, and that she feels a bit better.
I hope Scott can find a job, and be happy with what he finds, and is good at it. It is good when you like your job, and do not feel so burdened by going to work every day.
Gloomy and very humid here today!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
You have me confused with someone else. My parents have passed loooong ago. I have no idea who Scott is either. In light of what you’ve
been going thru with the backsplash it’s understandable you could get confused.
I wish I could send our weather out to you guys. It’s absolutely perfect!!! Clouds rolled in over night this morning cooling it off & it was so nice
They’ve burned off & it’ll be in the low 80s the rest of the week. The holiday weekend will be overcast but no rain. Perfect for me. You’d probably need
a sweater out here.
Well, I guesss that’s all for now.
Good luck with the tiles.
ps. This would be me in your circumstances. They would NOT want to deal with me LOL -
Dianne and Christine
OMG. I look like a loony toon. You are both so right. With all the commotion going on here, I am getting you two confused. I so hope it will be all done by next week.
I had to reschedule my trip to Barnes and Nobles with the kids tomorrow, as I have to get right back here, to move things around. We also have to get as much furniture as we can out of the kitchen, as the less here to cover, the better. When I went nuts last week, and purged my linen closet, I saved some old tablecloths to cover the furniture at the end of the kitchen that would be too hard to move. It is going to be nuts for a day or so.Dianne- where did they move all the people when they did your place? Did they put you up in a hotel?
So, it was gloomy all day long, and no rian. At least if it is going to e gloomy, we shoul dhave some rain. We are in a bit of a drought up here.
Hope you two are good!!!
Adele -
Hope everyone is having a good afternoon. It is blazing hot here today. I just got back from the grocery store, and I don’t know which I dislike more, going up and down those long lines at the store, or getting everything out of the car and putting it all away when I get home. I know this is such a little thing to complain about; but it just wears me out. Jerry and I had popcorn for supper again last night; and Neal called while we were eating it; and he fussed at us for not “eating something nutritious”. I tried to explain to him that some nights we just really don’t care what we have, but most of the time we do eat something nutritious. Jerry (not ME) has lost about 25 pounds over the last six months or so; but he was beginning to get a belly and carrying the extra weight seemed to make his back hurt him worse; so he has really been more careful with his meals. I think that is why Neal believes we are just locking ourselves up in this cave and turning into old folks ha ha. So we looked in the pantry and the refrig today and made us a list; so while Jerry was at one store with his Mom I was at the grocery store buying for us. So tonight; we are having fresh corn, and a little meat pie casserole thing that is nothing more than a glorified pot pie, but I just use a crust I make and fill it with veggies and 2 cooked and cut up chicken breasts and a gravy inside. Oh, I also made 4 apple turnovers; since I know Joey will stop by after he gets off work in the morning and I will make him a meal along with ours.
Speaking of Joey; things SEEM to be okay. Would you believe poor Bandit the bloodhound of Lisa’s, got snake bit. He is doing fine; he just has a big swollen area about the size of a childs football on his side. We believe he actually got bit while swimming in our pond. He gets out in the pond everyday I guess to cool off. Joey had the vet come by, and he gave him steroids, and fluids, and antibiotics, and said to watch him and try to not let him be too active. But Joey texted Lisa and let her know, and told her that if she wanted to come see the puppy, she could, but just to call first to make sure he is home. She stayed about 3 hours and asked Joey would he like to go to dinner, but Joey said he told her that he didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but that he had other plans. He said it is awkward, but he is hoping she will meet someone who will make her happy. It is truly over for them.
I have another baby shower the Saturday after the 4th. It will be at Sarah’s Mothers house. It is a brunch. One of my neighbors is going with me. We got the baby a car seat. I had to go ahead and tell them, since it wouldn’t let me order it on their registry, and I wanted to make sure to get the kind they wanted. They both seemed pleased. We also got them a diaper pail things where it has bags inside and the bag snaps together when it needs to be emptied. I’m trying to learn. If you think you had problems with the shower curtain, Adele, you should see Jerry and me with this baby things. We are definitely fish out of water. The one thing I don’t seem to need written instructions on is how to look quacktabulous in all my Quacker clothes! I will be wearing Quacker to the baby shower and sparkling and shining all the way. Hearing you all talk about your grands just makes me so excited about seeing our little one soon. Sarah says she is feeling good; just hot most of the time.
Do you all have special plans for the 4th? I’m not too sure what we are doing yet. I just feel like something simple this year; especially as hot as it is. Do you all have pools? I bet the kids love it if you do.
I am so sorry to hear of so many people needing our prayers that are going through so much in their lives. It makes me so very grateful for all of our blessings, and reminds me not to take anything in life for granted. I pray that all those who are going through sickness, pain, trials in life, that the good Lord will help them. I also feel so bad for all the little animals that are going through so much pain and suffering. It breaks my heart.
Take care all, and have a wonderful week. Thank goodness the diaper pail was just delivered so now have to watch for the car seat. Hugs Barbara -
Hi Barbara
So nice to hear you are all good, but hot down there. It is 7:18, and Gary and I have still not had our dinner- a sandwich. We were waiting for the electrician to come by as we are adding a couple more recessed lights in the kitchen, and 2 in the office. As we all know, the lights need to be brighter for us old folks. It will look like the sun has risen in here, when they are all in.
That poor puppy! Those snakes are awful in your neck of the woods. At least it is not a alligator. I find it very interesting to see what everyone has in their yards, in all the different parts of this country.
We have no pland yet for the 4th, as the back splash is boing done over on Thursday, and I am afraid I will need to do more cleaning. They are to tape off the cabinets, and entire kitchen, but as we all know, that construction debris goes everywhere. I am really hoping for the best.
We do have a lot fo prayer requests, and that is so sad. I hate to see people suffer. I wish everyone could be pain and disease free.
We will be dying to see a picture of your new Itty Bitty. They are lucky they are having so many showers. It also shows how much they are loved. How nice of all their frineds and family. I hope they get everything they need, as they are such a nice couple.
I am so glad to hear Joey is doing good, and moving on. You must be so pleased he is ok. Thank God all our pryaers are being answered.
Hope it gets cooler down there!
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
Sometimes it is better to let them know what you are getting them as they may have one already. That is one bad thing about the registry everyone gets the same list. Sometimes the things get marked off the list if someone orders one of the items and sometimes not. So i just always told the girls what I was going to order and they seem to know if someone had ordered it yet or not.
It has been hot here also. We are supposed to have a cool down tonight. I hope that they are right and it happens. It is going to get down to sixty. That will be really nice since it has been up in the upper 90’s for over a week. We have not had much rain lately. Before it would not stop raining and now we cannot get a drop. I guess we are never happy.
The younger kids do not realize that we have different tastes as we get older. Wait until they get older and they start eating the same things. A lot of times if we eat lunch we do not eat dinner. We just snack. It is funny that he is telling you what to eat. I guess the roles have reversed. We use to tell them what to eat and they did not like it. So now they are telling us.lol I agree with you shopping is getting to be a chore. Sometimes I do not like picking out the food that we have to buy. If Ron would go all the time and I could stay home it would be really nice. There is no telling what we would have to eat if he did all the shopping. We would have a lot of head cheese. Not much else.lol
Sounds like Joey has made up his mind and is not going to change it about Lisa. It must make him feel a lot better. I wonder if she will ever take her dog with her. It would be nice if she did. That way she would not have an excuse to go see Joey. That is horrible when the dogs get snake bit. We were lucky with Biskit when she got bit. We just soaked her paw in ice water to keep the swelling and gave her benadril. She did not move around much and she got better. We do not think that she got bitten as bad as some dogs have. She never did get that close to a snake again. She did warn Ron when there was one around though.
How nice to have Joey coming to house for meals again. I know that you really missed that. It is really nice that he has his house back again. I hope that he finds a really nice girl to settle down with. It would be really good for him.
Just wait Barbara. When the little one comes you are going to just love having a baby around. Then you can give the baby his first taste of ice cream. I think that all babies like ice cream. Cannot wait to hear what a good time that you are having being grandma. The best thing is you can spoil them and then send them home to their mom and dad.lol It is nice that they live close to you.
We are going to our youngest daughters for the 4th. She lives on post and we will get to see the fire works display there. They say that they have a fantastic display there do it will be fun. We will be able to see the grands also. We do not see them as often. That will change when their dad goes overseas though. Melissa comes home a lot when he is gone. They are going to move into a house this summer off the post. It is harder for people to get on post to visit. They have a lot of new rules.
Well that is all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Finally they are going to come there and get the job done right. That letter really got them moving. I hope that they do a really good job this time around. With the owner and the manger of Lowes they should get it right.
Well that is not right that you have to give up your day with the grands and stay at home and work. Well at least you will be able to go to lunch with Joyce. They should really give you a break on the price on the tiles since they have messed up your day. I cannot believe that you have to go thru moving all that stuff again and covering everything again. They should help put everything back into the kitchen after all of this. Well at least you can go to Barnes and Noble on another day. That is just aggravating.
Aizen may become a chef the way he likes to eat. We are getting all of the grands set up for their lives. Gail’s Piper is going to be an actress and Aizen a chef and we will have to wait awhile to figure out what Aliza will be. lol She is too little to figure out what she will be later in life. It is fun to think of things that we think that our grands will do when they grow up. They are all so cute. I just hope that they will have all the choices in life that we had when we were younger. That really worries me.
We do have a lot of scoundrels in our yard. The bad thing about a fox is they are so sneaky. They can be really quite also. That is how they are getting the guineas. Chickens are louder and would let you know that something is in their pen or coup. Guineas shut down at night. They do not move hardly at night. I do not know what it is about them. During the day they move pretty fast and can get away. But at night they are helpless.
You always make the best things. The cinnamon bread sounds really good. I bet everyone will love the mint chip ice cream. You will have to let us know how it turns out. It makes me want to get an ice cream maker.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
Glad that you dad is doing better. Sorry to hear that your mom will have to have a hysterectomy. I would put that off for as long as I could also. Sorry that your asthma is bothering you. Hope that you get some relief soon.
I sure hope that Scott finds a job soon It is hard to not have a job when you want to work. Jobs are just not that plentiful right now. I know that they aren’t in our area.
well have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I like the picture of the tiger. That is how Adele may have to be when they finally get there to fix her back splash. THey sure have given her a bad deal on that one. THey should give her a break on what she had to pay on that job.
Your weather sounds really nice there. It is supposed to cool down here tonight and for the next couple of days. Hope that it is not too hot on the 4th. We are going to bbq at my daughters and we will spend a lot of time out side.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies, there is a quacker show on tonight at 1 AM central time with all clearance items. Just thought that I would let all of you know. It will be on QVC plus here in the early morning 4: Am. Not sure what time that will be your time Dianne.
Colleen -
Thank you Colleen! I am praying so hard for everyone! Hope you are feeling better! Mom stopped at a gas station tonight, on her way to pick me up from my Mary Kay meeting, and she didn’t have her foot on the gas or anything, and the car lept gear and sped up onto the walkway, and hit the Ice box! My brother said what might be wrong with it, but I can’t remember! She’s ok. The police had to come, but I guess they were nice about it. The manager was nice about it, too! Ugh! What a month! Have a good night! Christine
Hi Colleen
Well, the weather here is real gloomy, very humid, and rain or thunderstorms at any moment. So, when I got up, my back was aching. In light of all I had to do, I figured not a good idea to stress my back out more in a restaurant. So, I cancelled with Joyce for today, and she understood. Actually, she thought I should cancel when we spoke yesterday, with all going n here. I took 2 Alleve’s, and I will be very careful with moving things today. Frankie and the rest of the crew will help me, and today, I need to wait until they can help.
I hope we will live long enough to see what talents our grands will have. I have always felt strongly a child’s talents need to be encouraged. You never know who will be the next doctor, artist actor, or author.
those poor guineas! I love foxes, as they are so pretty. Around here, they do not have anything much to eat in my yard. We have seen one or two, since we have been here. Not many around here, I think.
still not sure what we will do on the Fourth. So much depends on tomorrow’s commotion. Yuck.
There are a lot of nights we have something simple too- cereal, breakfast for dinner, or soup. You just cannot do a huge meal every night at our ages. Monday night Bobby did steak on the grille, with roasted peppers, and sautéed mushrooms for the steak, and rice. I have some left over peppers, and mushrooms that I am using for salad toppings. I like all kinds of vegies on my salads.
hope your weather is better than mine.
Adele -
Thanks, colleen.
I looked at the Q site to see what we missed last night…LOL
Adele -
Hi Christine
Does your mom have a Jeep? They have a recall on for that happening in the park gear. I hope she is ok!!
Adele -
Hi,Adele! No, she has a Chevy Trailblazer. She’s ok. It has happened only one before. The engine starts revving, and then it takes off! It only goes maybe a few feet if that, but it’s scary! Sorry to hear you hurt your back! Will be praying for you! ~ Christine
Hi Christine
It is the lust weather, I think, that is making the back ache- I hope.
I am glad your Mom is ok.
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
Adele I’m sorry to hear you hurt your back. I hope you feel better real soon. I think Lowe’s shouldn’t charge you a dime!!! It’s all
their fault, not yours. You didn’t do anything, it was that inexperienced kid that messed it up!!!!When we had the construction, they relocated 2 floors of residents to other bldgs. Then they remodeled those apts as “hotel rooms”. They
were furnished apts, including furniture, appliances, cookware, dishes, etc. then they moved us down to those apts for the duration of the
construction. We took what we needed when we moved, including any valuables, clothes, toiletries, whatever we’d need for the month
we’d be out of our apt. they switched out the key lock so that we didn’t have another key. We were not allowed to come up here during
the construction to get anything we may have left behind. We were given a $100 gift card in case we needed to get whatever we left behind.
Me? I took more than I needed, but I’d rather take more than I needed than not have it, & wished I had it. Luckily I took my A/C with me!!
When we were interviewed before the move I had a laundry list of questions for them. I should’ve been in charge cuz I came up with things,
ideas they hadn’t thought of. Like towels, wash cloths, dish towels, & cloths, that type of things. I made out a list of things to take & I swear
I took half of my stuff. LOL. Looking back they should’ve moved us out, but they said no. A lot of people were stressed out, breathed in the
dust they caused & never mind the NOISE they caused. The construction crew weren’t any happier, either. They weren’t used to working in
a bldg. with residents still in the bldg. They didn’t like sharing the elevators with us.
We’re just glad it’s all over now!!!!Christine, I hope your mom is going to be ok. It sometimes takes a week or so for injuries to show up. Don’t let her sign off on anything for a
while. Maybe it’s the cruise control. It causes the vehicle to lurch forward. I’d have it checked out.OK ladies, I’ve got to get off here. My computer is driving me nuts!!!
Have a good evening
dd -
Hi Dianne
that was some move. You were right to take more, so you would be comfortable. I hope you loved your newly renovated place!
I have attached a couple of pics of the tiles- hope you can see the wavy lines.
My back is better tonight. the Alleve, and taking it more easy today helped. Plus, the weather cleared after the thunderstorms of this afternoon.
I hope you are good today.
I do not think I will be able to post tomorrow. I hope it works out better than I think it I will.
Adele -
Glad your back is feeling better Adele! Hope everything gets fixed soon with the tile! They definitely don’t look right! My brother fixed my mom’s car. Can’t remember what he said was wrong with it! Have a good night everyone! ~ Christine
Hi Christine
Glad your Mom is ok. Also good your brother was able to fix her car!!
Shutting off the laptop…….have a Quacky night, and good Quacky day tomorrow. Say a little prayer I do not lose my mind with the team coming tomorrow.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
My back is the same way when it is raining out. It is weird that it happens that way. It is like that when it is really cold also. I have to take it easy on those days. I am glad that your are being careful when moving thing. You are lucky to have Frankie around to help when you need him. You are very lucky.
I am so sorry that you had to cancel your lunch date today. You and Joyce have such a good time when you are out together. Maybe after all of this is over you two will be able to go to lunch and you will be able to go to Barnes and Nobel with the grands. I imagine that the stress from all of this is bothering your back also. Stress can do some weird things to all of us.
It is nice that Bobby will cook for you and then you do not have to all the time. It is hard to fix a big meal every night. When Ron was working we had big meals all the time but then when he retired we stopped. There are times when I cannot eat anything and I just cook for him. He usually will tell me not to cook anything he will find something to snack on. He is a good guy.We are all lucky that we found such good men to marry.
I am like you anything is good in a salad. Any veggie that we have on hand. Right now we have a lot of zucchini we have to eat. I may freeze some of it and make some bread or bars with some of it. I love this time of the year. All the fresh veggies come in and we can just go to the garden and pick what we want. We tried a new type of tomato this year. It is called a purple tomato, or an Amish tomato they have different names for it. They are really good and they are really juicy. I wonder what they would taste like if we made sauce out of them. May have to give it a try.
Well that is about all from here. Good luck tomorrow. Those tiles are really wavy. You can really see it with the close ups.
Colleen -
Hi Christine,
I am glad that you and your mom was not hurt in the accident. I hope that they figure out why it jumps out of gear. You both were lucky that it did not go further then it did. You got a good policeman. At least he understood what happened,. Sorry I read that wrong I thought that you were in the car with her. You have to be so careful with cars these days. They are constantly are sending out call backs to fix on thing or another. Your poor mom is having a rough month and the rest of the family also. Hope next month will be a bit calmer.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
Well, the missed lunch is working out well. We are now meeting Ronnie and Joyce for a quick dinner tonight. That gives the guys a chance to see each other too.
We are all very lucky with the men we married. We are blessed, with our husbands, children, and grands. I say a thank you prayer, every day, for the people in my life.
I am happy with the decision Lowes, and the owner of the install business reached today. They really did a thorough evaluation, even putting new squares of tiles over the ones that are not straight. He had a word for what the tiles did- something like wiggled. Honestly, I cannot remember the term. he was willing to pull them all out in that area, but could not guarantee they would be crooked in another spot. as they are only a half inch wide, there is little play when they are going on an entire wall. He showed us pics of another one like that, and it did the same thing. that woman had them all taken down, and picked another tile. I do not want that. I love these tiles, and they match the light fixture, and little light I have on the counter too. So, he did fix that white line on the top, with a colored grout that made it look great- no more white line on top of the counters. Lowes is giving me a large credit for the job, and I agreed I will live with it. The microwave and coffee pot, will permanently be in that area, and then nobody will see it, as it is below the appliances.
Honestly, I feel ok about that, as having them demo all those tiny tiles out, and redoing the entire thing was making me shake.
Hope your day went well!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I hope that you have a nice time out tonight with Joyce and Ronnie. That did work out well. At least you will be able to relax now that you have the back splash all worked out. You can just sit and relax and have a cocktail or a mock tail.lol You are probably ready for a good stiff drink.
They probably used some big word and all it meant is that they wiggled. It seems like they all do that. They have all these fancy words for things and they do not mean much. it was good that they all came and did not treat you like that manager did. They sound like they wanted you to be pleased with the work which they did not sound like they cared at first. Well now you can move on and get your light put in and your window treatments done. Cannot wait to see the kitchen when it is done. I hope that you will post a picture.
I went to the doctor today. She gave me some medicine for my stomach and told me to take them whenever my stomach started to give me trouble. I also found out that I had an ear infection. I new that my ear was hurting at night but it was not that bad so when I told her she looked in my ear and said that it was red. I thought that maybe that I had wax in my ear but she said that it was clean and no wax. So now I am putting some ear drops in my ear and hoping that it will be better soon. All this stuff happens at once. She is a good doctor and hope that she does not move out of the area.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi colleen
I am glad you found out about your ear, before it became a big infection, as they are miserable. This doctor sounds a lot better than your old one. I hope that med for your stomach makes a difference in how you feel.
I am also glad, and so ready to move on. The being stuck in nowhere land was making me nuts. They really gave me all the options, and he was very honest about what he could, and could not promise, if he ripped it all out and started over. so, I am really the only one who know sit is all wavy behind the microwave. Bobby thinks I am nuts, and should have ripped it all out, and started over. I was not ready for another wavy section, possibly where you could really see it. I did not want to change to a different tile, either. the credit for the tiles is so much, that I can now do the one remaining floor in here, in wood- the living room. They are having 24 months free financing this weekend, and that makes the payment, with the credits for this project, do-able. Then, I will not have rugs to vacuum anymore- only Gary’s office. It is too hard to vacuum a rug, and just to Swiffer the living room would be worth it’s weight in gold!! So, it is a win, win solution that way I see it.
I have to say, that Lowes was very understanding, and accommodating. the only person I had no use for, was that assistant manager. I have heard that none of the employees like dealing with her, either.
It is a beautiful day here today, and I am hoping to get the new shades up. Frankie is coming to work with Gary, and get the mailbox in too. Progress!!!
I hope you are having a good day too.
Dinner with Ron and Joyce was great- we had a lot of laughs, and that was good. A great start to the holiday weekend.
Plus, it is Christmas sin July, and Hallmark has Christmas movies too!!
Adele -
Thank goodness they got your kitchen all straightened out Adele. I know you must be so relieved. It was only right of them to give you some credit for all the time and hassle you have been through with this project. I remember when they were laying the family room tile, there was a rectangle of small decorative tile placed in the middle that would give the look of a rug being there, but was all tile. Well, these guys that put that down put it down crooked, and it looked like someone had just thrown down a rug and didn’t go to the trouble to straighten it out. I was so upset; since they had convinced Jerry that nothing could be done. Well, I marched right in and said, “are any of you guys married?” then said “well, you tell me what YOUR wife would say if you told her this mess that was costing her all this money would stay looking like this, and convince me that she would say, oh, okay, lets just live with it like this” and I stormed out of the room leaving them and Jerry with their jaws hitting the floor. I normally don’t cause a scene, but there was no way I could have ever been okay with that, so miraculously about 3 hours later, they had it straightened out. Guess at least one of them was married LOL
I’m sorry Christine and Dianne, that I haven’t been able to talk with you all much since I haven’t gotten on our site much here lately. Where do you all call home? I am from Tennessee, if I haven’t already told you that. We have a new grandbaby on the way; our other granddaughter is grown. So we are pretty excited around here, and lots of showers and things going on. Nice to meet you though. I love the pictures. I think I am kind of like the upside down owl. We live out in the country; so we have a BIG owl that calls to us at night from out back in the woods. Sorry to hear of your sickness in the family and accident. That is one of the really sweet things I find with this group of ladies; we pray for each other and support one another.
Neal. Joey and Sarah are all working nights on the 4th; so we are going to have a cookout Sunday. I already have a request for potato salad, Jerry wants broccoli salad, and both the boys want baked beans. Sarah has put in a request for banana pudding so I guess that means baby in waiting has a sweet gums since he doesn’t have any teeth yet ha ha. Neal told her the other day when she said she didn’t like broccoli that his son would like broccoli and beans and country food; but I thought to myself, we’ll see. None of the boys were picky eaters; so we were really lucky there. Tonight is pizza night for Jerry and me. We both have errands today; going in opposite directions. We have a pizza place here where it’s pickup only and the pizza is made fresh to your order, but you bring it home and cook it yourself. It is really good. You pick out what kind of crust and toppings you want. They also sell cookie dough, and I have been tempted to try it.
Gail, Joey and I were going through some old photos the other day, reminiscing, and we found some of our furry friends that have gone on. I know this is hard on you all and after all the years that have passed on the ones we saw in the pictures, it was still there, our heart hurt, but am still happy that they are doing better now. As Jeanne said, as long as we keep them in our memory they are not really gone. Still, we miss them so much. It’s still so hard for me to believe that Jeanne is no longer with us here on earth. But I know she must be so proud that Angel and Patrick have done such a good job keeping her Quacker clothes sparkling on. There must be a lot of us that need something shiny and sparkly in our life. I know I do for sure. Hope you are doing better.
Colleen, one good thing I can say that has happened since Jerry has been so busy with his Mom is that he doesn’t have time to be looking for any junk to put out in the pasture. Is Ron still buying tractors? Jerry still has time to fuss that Joey hasn’t cut as much with the bush hog (that thing that is behind the tractor that cuts about a ten foot section at a time) but other than that, he hasn’t spent any more money on some useless piece of something that according to him, will be needed “someday” I am so glad you have found a good doctor, and I hope she stays there a long time. They are so hard to find. We have been with the same doctor for years, and to be honest, he is not all that great, but we are so afraid to change because we could do so much worse. Who would have ever thought it would come to this?
Guess I better close for now and get my day going. I have to go to the post office and send back a pair of Skeechers to the Q. I started to keep them; but they just make my big toe hurt just enough to be annoying, and I just hate to pay good money for something, but I also don’t like to pay for return shipping. But I know that I really won’t get the wear out of them I should; because my other pair of Skeechers I just love. They are so comfortable. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Barbara -
Hi Barbara!
So glad to hear you have plans with the kids for this weekend. You will be cooking all day tomorrow. I loved baked beans. As summer is here, I need to make a batch too. they are so yummy. At the graduation party last weekend, they had some too, and they were so good.
I am not sure what we will be making this weekend. I do know the basil is ready and have the makings for the pesto with linguini. It is a big favorite around here. I will probably make something with blueberries, and I still have the custard in the fridge for the mint chip ice cream- it is nice and clod now….LOL
That was one funny story about your floor tiles. What I cannot get, is why there is no pride in the work performed anymore. Seriously? Well, they gave me so much of a credit that I am going to Lowes this weekend to book a new wood floor for the living room- at 24 months free financing, of course.
it sounds like your DIL’s pregnancy is going very well. that is fabulous, for all of you. Nothing worst than feeling miserable when you are carrying an Itty Bitty. As it gets closer, I bet you are all so excited. Is Jerry’s Mom thrilled to see another generation? I bet she is so happy about that.
So far, for the Christmas in July, I got those fabulous bags for gift wrapping, and the sets of Lenox ornaments- those are to give away to the women in our customers offices. I hope they have those sets of 3 cookies in the tins they had last year- those went over very well, and we could give them to the men too. We got a lot of comments on those form everyone.
Hope you are having a good evening!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I really like this new doctor. She checks on things right away. I am glad of that. It is a shame that I did not find here before we started going to that other quack. Ron is still going to him. I am trying to get him to switch.
Well at least that whole mess is over with and you can move on. Sometimes we have to do things our way and not worry about what they kids think we should have done. I know that Bobby just wants what is best but it is not always possible to do it their way. That is nice that you now have enough to get the wood floor. That will be really pretty also. It will look so nice. Wood floors really make a difference in how a house looks. It is nicer the the rugs sometimes. Hope it all turns out the way you want.
That is nice that you had a good time with Joyce and Ronnie. Must have been nice to go out without having to worry about all the things that was going on in the kitchen. You did not have that on your mind.
Maybe they will let that assistant manager go. She does not sound like a type of person that they would want working in their store. She is not people friendly and that can do a lot of damage to a stores business. She sure was snotty to you.
You and Barbara make me laugh. You are both fighters.You sent that e-mail and it must have really worked because they came right after you sent it. And Barbara went in there and told them what she thought and they fixed it for her. I can see both of you doing that. That is what it takes to get things done now days.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
I love what you told the tile guys. You must have made a point that hit home. Even if they were not married they know how their moms would have acted if they did that at her house. That is funny. I can just see their mouths hitting the floor. Good for you Barbara.
Your dinner on Sunday sounds really good. How nice that Sarah put in a request for banana pudding. She is feeling more like part of the family now. The broccoli salad sounds really good. It is nice that they are all coming over. The pizza sounds really good. We just had left overs. I did a lot of sleeping today. Guess getting over this ear infection. So not much cooking going on here.
It is fun to go thru the old photos. Even if it has pictures of our pets that are no longer with us. We have a picture of our oldest grand daughter with Lucky and her puppies sitting on the porch and the puppies were climbing all over her. She was three and she was just laughing. Lucky just sat there and watched her with the puppies. I guess she was making sure that they did not get hurt. She was protective of Kylie when she was little so she was probably watching out for all of them. That is my favorite picture.
Ron is still buying tractors and lawn mowers. He just bought a lawn tractor and now is going to this guys house to buy some more lawn mowers. I told him that he is bad at buying that stuff like I am at buying clothes. He disagreed but all you have to do is look in our back yard. He has started putting things back in the woods so it cannot be seen from the road. Really I think that he is hiding it from me.lol It would be nice if Ron would find something else to do besides buy this junk. Ron would love to have a bush hog. He has been looking for one but cannot find one that he will pay for. He does not want a new one just one that he finds that someone wants to throw away or they have put in some type of sale.
Wish that I would have found that doctor a long time ago. It was such a waste of time and money to go to that other doctor. I really miss the first doctor we had. He was so good and he left. We would still be going to him if they took our insurance. Well that is water under the bridge. This new doctor is just one that I went to because the one I wanted was not taking any new patients. They are in the same office so she must be as good as he is.
Angel and Patrick are really good hosts. I imagine that Jeanne is smiling down at them for the good job they are doing. They are good representatives for the company. It is a shame they do not make a shirt for Patrick to wear with some sparkle and shine.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night. Have fun Sunday with the kids.
Colleen -
I’m back. Starting a new discussion for July. See you all there.
Hi,everyone! It’s good to meet you Barbara! I live in Illinois. We have a Great Horned Owl out here. You can hear him hoo hoping at night! Lol! We also used to have Screech Owls,too. Nice out today! Hope it continues into the 4th! We may cook out for the 4th. Mom bought some Johnsonville pork grillers last night at Wal-Mart. They are like hamburgers only they are pork. One box is regular and the other is Swiss cheese and mushrooms? Not sure where we are going to watch fireworks. Last year we went to Rockford. So many places around here to watch them. Scott is doing good. Still looking for a job. Dad is doing good, too. Hope you all have a good day! Glad everything with the tiles is getting solved Adele! ~Christine
Hi Christine
Don’t forget to go over to the new July page Gail started.Dianne- don’t forget to get over to the July page too!!
Happy 4th everyone!
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