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    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Everyone,
      Here we are in April! April fool! lol
      I always used to play some kind of April Fool’s Day trick on the kids when they were little. lol
      Something Silly.
      Colleen, I’m glad that Brook and Kylie were with you when you fainted. I have heard of that happening with diabetics. Some carry pieces of hard candy with them. I’m glad you did not fall and hurt yourself.
      I’m not sure if our grands have had spring break or not yet. I will have to ask.
      Adele, I hope Gary is feeling better. Will the girls help you bake?
      Nothing much happening around here. It got cold again and will warm up for the weekend.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      Gary had no results from X-ray yet. I feel no news is good news. If it were bad we would hear immediately
      I posted pics on March site. You’ll get a kick out of them
      Hope everyone is good.
      Hope Miss Colleen remains upright
      Hope we hear from DD and Sue. We’re getting a nasty rain storm. I bet Sue had it today.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Yep we had rain all day. I only went out to put the garbage bin out for morning. They are saying we may wake up to snow. It sure has been cold & frosty in the mornings. It is to warm up next week so will see.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Forgot to say I had my hearing aid adjusted yesterday so no more squealing. Got all my groceries. They were giving out free paper towels. She ask if I wanted some so I said yes. I think they want to get people to buy their brand. Anyway a 2 roll pack that sells for 1.99 for free. I do not turn down freebies.

      Adele I do not post everyday does not mean anything is wrong just nothing to say.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Sue
      Glad all is ok.
      Wow. They are not saying snow for us tonight. All rain and lots of it
      It was nice up here today accept for the wind.
      Are you baking something for Easter? The weather is supposed to be ok. Chilly but sunny. I miss the old days when everyone dressed up in their Easter best with a hat and white gloves and patent leather shoes. Lol
      Hope you have a good night

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Forgot to say. Glad you got the hearing aid adjusted. It is so hard when those malfunction and give you the dueling noises. I have two friends who have hearing aids and a mother who needs to wear hers. She never puts it in. But she does use the headphones I got her for her TV.
      Maybe there is a message there. She wants to hear. TV and not the rest of us. Lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Glad that you got the hearing aides fixed. Greg has hearing aids but he never uses them. Consequently I have to repeat almost everything that i say.
      That’s probably why Greg won’t wear his hearing aides. he’d rather not hear me. lol
      But you also know the frustration of having to repeat everything. I know it’s bad for him because he can’t hear but i get tired of repeating things too. It’s a double edged sword.
      Were they xraying Gary for pnuemonia? I’m kind of surprised they didn’t give him an inhaler along with the antibiotics.
      I love the pictures. The chocolates look so cute. I like those Americana looking vases or whatever they are too.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail
      Not only do I have to repeat everything I say I have to yell it
      We still have not heard in the X-ray. I figure it has to be clear or we would give heard by now. They are looking gif one pneumonia. Can they see bronchitis or pleurisy from an X-ray???
      Hope your day is going well. It’s raining up here

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I don’t know if they can see those other things on xray or not.
      I know what you mean. sometimes I just get tired of having to speak with a raised voice and just won’t say anything. It’s kind of sad.
      Very chilly this morning but going to warm up.
      Hope that Gary is feeling better.
      I just love all of your pretty Easter baskets. I hope the bunny brings you something too.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster and everyone
      Gary got the results. X-ray is clear. But he is still feeling miserable. He slept until 9:30 today. That’s very unusual for him
      So far I have done the ricotta pie and mini cheesecakes. Pics attached
      Thanks for the compliments on the baskets. Steph actually put them together for me.
      Hope everyone is baking something nice!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Glad the xrays are clear. Maybe he just needs a few days of good rest.
      Glad the chest was clear. He doesn’t need pneumonia on top of everything else and that really knocks you out. At least it did me when I had it.
      do you make your own crust for the pie too? I have never made a real pie crust.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Everybody,
      I hope all of you have a Happy Easter ! I am having getting on the Quacker site here lately. Some weird stuff comes up and I have to try two or three times to get on here. So if you do not hear from me that is why.
      Hope Gary gets better soon. I have been trying to stay upright. I have been lucky every time it happens some one has been with me.
      Have a great day and stay safe.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gail Colleen DD Sue
      Happy Easter to everyone.
      I finally finished baking. Pics attached
      Gary is a little better But that cough just won’t quit. I wonder if it is because his kidney is so bad that it impacts his healing
      I hope you all have a good Easter
      I also hope Tillie comes upstairs tomorrow. She has been very tired lately. I guess that is normal for 95. She will be 95 in May
      Please stay safe. I hope to get pics of the Easter bunny from the window to share with all of you

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy Easter!!

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Would you please say a prayer for a friend of mine since high school? She & her family all have Corvid & she is scared. So far her granddaughter who lives with them does not have it.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I will say a prayer for them. That is so sad the whole family has covid.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Everyone,
      Sue, I will definitely say a prayer for your friend and her family.
      I hope everyone had a nice Easter.
      The weather here was lovely. In fact it was upper 70’s and sitting outdoors at Jenny’s with no shade it was downright hot. I never really thought it would be that hot so I didn’t wear sunscreen and consequently got a nice sunburn on my arms. Ouch! But we were able to see the grands and bring them Easter baskets. We had pickup from a little local diner which we ate outdoors. So all in all it was a nice day. Brent called in the evening and we had a nice chat. He is enjoying Colorado and is happy with the move.
      Poor Greg has to have some dental work done today so even though he will get the day off work it won’t be for a fun reason.
      The kids were hoping that the Harvard pool would be open this summer. I have not heard anything about that yet so time will tell whether they will consider that safe. Of course their aunt and uncle who live two doors away have a pool so I imagine they will go there too over the summer.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Gail I am so glad you got to see Jenny & the kids. I know it is very hard to put safety first. It makes no difference if you are Family if one gets it they can give it to everyone else. The vaccines seem to be working as now younger people are being hospitalized as the elder people get vaccinated.

      We had a beautiful day yesterday but not as warm as you. We were in the 60’s. But I was happy with that. I did have a painful day as I woke up with more pain in my shoulder. I could barely lift my arm to eat & it was hard wrestling the ham around. I made some ham salad for sandwiches today. I want to boil the bone tomorrow & make split pea soup.

      Are you getting more annoying calls now? You had said they stopped. I have been getting 12 or more a day. I don’t answer but am tired of it. I had 3 calls before 10AM. They seem to get bad around meal times when I am trying to cook or eat.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Omg Sue
      Of course we will all say prayers for your friend snd her family. How are they doing ?
      Hope you had a good Easter. How was your ham? Well be eating ham all week. Bobby said he’ll make an omelette tomorrow
      I Joe all is ok with you. I got the date for my in home covid shot. I was very happy about that
      Aizen returned to in person school. He cried a little. He said he missed his mummy. He hated the bagel they gave him for lunch. He said they stood outside for recess and are not allowed to use the playground. Covid school has no fun things. Understandable. Just sad
      Hope your day went well.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Omg Sue
      Of course we will all say prayers for your friend snd her family. How are they doing ?
      Hope you had a good Easter. How was your ham? Well be eating ham all week. Bobby said he’ll make an omelette tomorrow
      I Joe all is ok with you. I got the date for my in home covid shot. I was very happy about that
      Aizen returned to in person school. He cried a little. He said he missed his mummy. He hated the bagel they gave him for lunch. He said they stood outside for recess and are not allowed to use the playground. Covid school has no fun things. Understandable. Just sad
      Hope your day went well.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey everyone
      Sue I love pea soup. Do yummy. Take a pic to show us his good it looks
      It is hard to do anything with a bad shoulder. Please be careful. I manage to do things in some funky and to lessen the stress on the shoulder. I hope yours gets better

      Gail. So glad you got to see the kids and talk to Brent. Glad he likes his new place and state.
      Our neighbor brought their little dog over for a visit yesterday. Tillie was so thrilled to pat the puppy. It’s a little black curly haired dog. Looks like a poodle/bizhon type. They got him from a rescue from a puppy mill. He is the sweetest thing
      The Easter bunny stopped by. Aizen gif in my bedroom. Lol. Santino had a good time. Bunny stayed for a few minutes. It was nice to see my old co-worker. She ad fully vaccinated and masked. I did not hug her. Covid makes such an impact on our behavior.
      Hope your day today went well. I did very little. Just cleaned up a little Still have to put away the minimal decorations I had out…. they were the new Hallmark stuffies.
      Hope all is well with all of you

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I’m ALIVE!!! I started a post night before last & was more than half way thru when my computer went black. Not sure what happened, so I shut it down. Then this morning I turned it on & behold it went back to where I left off. So I finished it, sent it hitting submit, & the post disappeared & I had to sign back in!!!Needless to say I was furious!! So here I am again. Let’s see if I get it sent off this time.
      I hope everyone had a lovely Easter. I fixed an Easter dinner for Critt & myself. Otherwise it was an uneventful day. I haven’t been up to much, just staying put so I don’t get exposed to any of these variants.
      I still haven’t seen that $1,400 yet. I’m beginning to think it went to someone else.
      I hope the bad weather has finally stopped out there. We had a lovely Easter weekend,& has been all week so far. The rain won’t stay away for long. But I’ll take what I can get at this point. Seeing the sun
      is good for the soul. The trees are all blooming & causing an allergy alert for tree pollen.
      Easter came so soon, I guess I’ll have to start taking my decorations down. I’ll keep some of it out tho..My window clings started falling off the window, so I guess that’s a sign. LOL. It takes me so long to get it put up, I may wait till the end of the month.
      Critt is doing fine. He gave a remote control mouse for Snowball. It runs straight & backs up in a half circle. It’s hilarious to watch her. When I’m not playing with the remote, she approaches it, paws at it, sniffs it, then I hit the remote & she jumps all fours off the floor, then she tries to get traction on the slick floor. She slips & slides across the apt, with her hind quarters going out from under her when she rounds a corner. It’s hilarious to watch her. then she watches to see what it’s going to do.
      Colleen, that must’ve been really scary to pass out in the store. I think most stores have policies to call for help,911 in case of injury. I hope you’re doing fine now.
      Adele, how is Gary doing? Is he taking prescription cough syrup? It usually works better than OTC cough syrup.. It has a stronger suppresant. Codine, I believe. I’ve taken it yrs ago. I don’t remember where I heard this but I heard pineapple juice is good for coughing, I guess it cuts the mucus, not sure.
      Well, I guess that’s all for now.
      take care, stay safe
      dd & snowball

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey DD
      You can go to “where’s my money.com”and find out where you stimulus money is. I hope that helps
      Gary’s cough is finally better. He is still coughing. He’s taking Claritin D and some pill to stop the coughing plus cough syrup
      He had his second vac Monday and felt exhausted yesterday. He goes fir the ore ops today and surgery Monday for the blockages in the kidney
      Please say a prayer
      That’s hysterical about Snowball. Critt is such a good friend. I’m glad you ate together. It’s nice to have company
      This site has been aggravating. I have to sign in every time I post
      The weather has been sunny and in the 50’s up here I hope yours is nice too
      Did you get the vac ? I’m scheduled for 4/21 in home. The J&J one
      Please stay safe

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey DD
      You can go to “where’s my money.com”and find out where you stimulus money is. I hope that helps
      Gary’s cough is finally better. He is still coughing. He’s taking Claritin D and some pill to stop the coughing plus cough syrup
      He had his second vac Monday and felt exhausted yesterday. He goes fir the ore ops today and surgery Monday for the blockages in the kidney
      Please say a prayer
      That’s hysterical about Snowball. Critt is such a good friend. I’m glad you ate together. It’s nice to have company
      This site has been aggravating. I have to sign in every time I post
      The weather has been sunny and in the 50’s up here I hope yours is nice too
      Did you get the vac ? I’m scheduled for 4/21 in home. The J&J one
      Please stay safe

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Everyone,
      Sue, I love split pea soup. I never make it though because Greg doesn’t like it. My Mom always used to make it after Easter with the ham bone.
      We are getting annoying calls again since the first of the year. I have a phone where i can block the numbers but then they just call from a different number. They always seem to call when I want to take a nap. Did the doctor say what was wrong with your shoulder? Rotator cuff-busitis?
      It was nice seeing Jenny and the kids and it was good that the weather cooperated so that we could be outdoors. We figure there’s no use letting our guard down now after all the months we have spent keeping safe. It is not worth it. We are getting our second shots next week so two weeks after that for Jenny’s birthday we can see them unmasked and indoors so it’s just a little longer. They say after you are fully vaccinated you can pick one other family that you can visit unmasked even if they are not inoculated as long as there is no one there high risk-so it’s a no brainer for us who that will be. We should be able to visit our friends up north this summer as they are vaccinated too so I am really looking forward to that.
      Do you read the GH thread on the Q boards? It seems like all everyone does is complain about the writing and the storylines. It makes me wonder why people continue to watch if they don’t like anything. It’s the same with the Days of Our Lives thread. I have watched both-not religiously-but off and on for years-so I have missed big chunks of time. Right now I am back to watching both but if I miss a day here or there it’s no big thing. I don’t really expect the soaps to be that great-watching is just sort of an escape seeing the lives of familiar characters and some of the goofy things that they do. I don’t take it all that seriously.
      So Aizen hid from the Easter bunny. lol I hope that he is getting more used to being back in school. What grade is he in now?
      I hope that Gary is doing better. I didn’t realize that he was going back for a kidney operation. Are they getting stones out or maybe putting in a stent?
      That was nice that your friend brought her dog over and Tillie loved it. I used to bring our Rocky to see my MIL in the nursing home as he was her favorite. Everyone always wanted to give him treats so I used to have to break up the treats in small pieces so he didn’t get too much.
      glad to hear you are getting your shot. They arranged for the health department to go to Greg’s work on Saturday and give the J and J shots to their employees-so far a lot are signed up so that is good. They have tried so hard to make things as safe as possible for their employees-not all businesses are quite as careful from what I hear.
      DD, Good to hear from you. I leave my Easter stuff up through April as the pastel colors are pretty and spring like and then in May i will bring out the more summery and red white and blue stuff. I figure there are no rules and i can change seasonal things as I want.
      Nothing is more annoying than getting kicked off the sight right as you post. It’s happened to me. I think whenever they tinker with the site we have to sign in again. Glad to hear that you and Critt shared Easter.
      Colleen, you get a gold star! You were right. Nick came in as a performer! As soon as Niecy said she was making the decision I guessed it must be Nick and the first thing I said to Greg was Colleen was right. lol I will be so glad when he takes over again-she talks like she is reading what she says from a first grade reader-it’s kind of annoying-At least to me. lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Whoops! I posted those pictures already. here’s some different ones.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      Gary has two stents in right now. One on top snd one on bottom to bypass the kidney so it will heal. A stent can stay in for a limited time in a kidney because it gets dirty and needs to be removed. The removal usually happens in the doctors office.
      This time they will use a laser to pulverize the blockages, suck them out and insert another stent At least that is the plan
      I am hoping he will either come home, or stay only one night
      The woman who did his preops remembered him from his heart attack. She asked him how his wife and daughter were. It sucks when you are reminded Heather is gone when you are not expecting it. Gary said she felt so bad for asking. But it’s nice to know Heather left impressions on people.
      I have my virtual appointment with my arthritis dr also on Monday. I have visions of me trying to talk and people calling to find out how Gary is. Lol. I tried to change my apt but she was booked until the end of the month and I have already waited so long to hear about all the blood work
      Bobby has an appointment for the shot. His is a few days before mine. So we will have three of our five generations vaccinated. Two more to go. Lol
      The Aizen was very sad the first day of school He cried quietly going into the building and said a Chinese man sent him to the wrong room. Then he said he hated his lunch and it tasted terrible. Recess was just standing social distanced as they are not allowed to use the playground. So he was not a happy camper lol. He was fine yesterday Steph said. He has adjusted to his new normal…. covid school.
      JJ went home. I have not cooked since he left. It is very quiet here today. Gary is in N H and nobody is with me. I am unsupervised and have nothing bad to get into. Maybe I will look for a couple of lanterns for the deck. I already have every simple cotton cardigan in every color that Isaac sells. I even got more velvet ones for next year on clearance. His cardigans are so comfy and snuggly I have the pink velvet one on today
      The ghost of Heather screams loudly on days like this. I see her everywhere. In all the places she used to sit.
      We’ve been having a squirrel problem. They are through our trash bin and now when Bobby opens it he gets his hands cut. So, the hired killer went to war with them. I bought two more owl nesting boxes so we can attract a natural predator to the yard. Stephanie rescued two of them and relocated them to her side of town. Bobby freaked because apparently it is illegal to relocate a wild animal for reasons of disease. Yeah… it got ugly. Lol. I have not seen any squirrels all week. I watched them scamper up snd down the mountain. The word must have gotten around the squirrel population that we no longer feed them, and are dangerous to their survival. I will no longer be putting out suet feeders this summer as they attract them.
      It seems like a lot has been removed from my daily sight of enjoyment…. a daughter, squirrels, JJ. I hope the chipmunks and bunnies will still come around!
      According to the hired killer, we have an extensive vole population. They have dug up our yard and my neighbor’s too. He went to war with the voles over the winter. One side of our yard looks like the movie Caddy Shack. Lol. All tunnels everywhere
      Hope your day is going well. I can hear myself think! Lol

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      My phone does not block numbers but the numbers are all different anyway.They never leave a message. I just have to delete the numbers or my call log would fill up with them, I like the numbers I use in there because then when I want to call one of them all I need to do is pull up that number & pick up the receiver & it calls that number & I do not need to put all the numbers in.
      The doctor really did not say what was wrong with my shoulder. He just moved it around & gave me the shot. I was shocked it only helped for a week. The pills are not helping much either.
      I hope we won’t bore the girls that don’t know what we are talking about.. I use to read & enjoy the GH thread on QVC. It use to be a fun & caring group but it has changed. I don’t know if you read it before. But since the poster calling herself stevieb came she sees herself as the self appointed expert & she hates just about everything on TV but especially the soaps. If I hated it so bad I know where the off switch is & I would not watch. Her goal seems to be to get all the soaps cancelled. I enjoy watching & know it is not award winning TV but it is fun to watch something & not take it so serious. These people pick it apart as it is not true to life. Sure a lot of it is over the top but how boring would it be to watch people do their jobs or take care of their children. That would be boring as it is what people do everyday. I really hate that they are now attacking the actor/actress as we never did that the character but not the person playing the part. This poster hates children, teens & veteran actors like Laura, Robert etc. I really do not know what would satisfy her. It seems the others agree with her to keep the peace or something. We always had some things we did not like but not everything. My biggest grip is the amount of time it takes to wrap up a story. Just today we found out about Alexis mothers watch & that has been mentioned off & on for many years.So no I do not enjoy reading there anymore so don’t go there anymore.
      We have had a pretty week but it is to rain tomorrow & only get into the 50’s.
      I hope it is nice next week as I go for my second shot.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Sue
      That’s awful about that poster. If you don’t like the soaps , why participate in a post about them ? I used to watch Days of our Lives when my kids were little and I was home. I should watch it again. I bet I could pick up in a few episodes of what’s happening.
      Tonight that new show Rebel starts. I’m going to watch it we can chat about that one if we all like it
      Steph stopped by with the kids to get some of JJs things. Marissa stopped by too Marissa left quicker cause she had to make dinner as Enzo gets home early. Jhonny works later do Steph stayed a bit more. It was a nice visit
      I have a funny Aizen story. It speaks to the 1st graders having a tough time leaving their mummy’s. He tells me this story:
      One of the little boys stabbed him self eith a pencil trying to get sent home from school. Aizen said…. “That didn’t work , Nana because they have his number. The teacher had the nurse put a bandaids on it snd told him to sit back down snd dont do that again”. I almost died laughing.
      These poor kids are traumatized by not going to school and then going to school. Covid has done a lot to everyone. The isolation. Not leaving the house. Doing everything on line. All of it. Some can be funny but then it’s not funny at the same time. It’s sad. The poor little boy would hurt himself to be back home with his mummy.
      Aizen stoped getting weepy going back to school by day 3. It may have helped that his mummy makes his lunch and snack. A little bit of home at school may help. Plus just brother is back home cause it’s quiet when Aizen us in school and JJ can get his work done. Lol
      Hope I didn’t bore your other the long winded school story. I just finds kids so amusing. Especially when I don’t have to set the limits on them. It’s their parents jobs!
      Have a good night. Watch Rebel!!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      HI Sue,
      I am surprised that the shot lasted for such a short period of time too. That’s such a shame. I know if it’s a rotator cuff there’s not much that can be done. It seems like Greg had some exercises but it took a long time for his to get better-but it does eventually so that’s good news.
      We get our second shots next week too-you must have gotten Moderna like us. Did you have any problem with the first shot. Greg had none and I just had a tiny little rash right on the site of the shot.
      Oh I know what you mean about stevieb-I remember her from posting in other places and she is generally very negative. I was sorry to see it when she came over to GH and started posting as I remembered her name from other threads as I found her to be negative, overbearing and sometimes argumentative. At least the Days thread is safe from her as she tried watching but became disenchanted very quickly. The person that I am sorry that i missed knowing very well was Preds as everyone seemed to genuinely love her.
      Anyway, I totally agree with everything that you said about the soaps. They are supposed to be a little “out there” and not like daily life(which would be boring) I wonder if it takes so long to wrap up story lines as they are on daily. It seems like weekly shows have to wrap things up more quickly since their time is more limited. I am like you and just want to watch to enjoy and not pick everything apart. I still read the GH thread. I have hopes that stevieb will eventually get bored and move on. If she does I will let you know. In the meantime if you see something you want to comment on you can comment to me here. I just like to watch for the entertainment value. I did think they did a good job with Alexis’ anniversary show yesterday.
      You know I learned something about you the other day that I never knew before. It took me ten years. lol Greg was looking at Facebook and there was something on there about two things that you could give up forever and you mentioned the beer and the soda. I never knew that you don’t drink soda. I must say I have a diet soda habit and I know it’s not good for me. I try to drink more water but i just like the flavor and the carbonation of soda. Do you just drink mainly water? Or wine or whiskey? lol Joking.
      I’m excited for our second shots next week.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I’m sure you could probably drop back into watching Days and catch right up. Some characters have been on forever. The storylines can sometimes be “out there”. lol Were you watching years ago when Marlana was possessed by the devil. That was one of the silliest ones.
      I’m glad that Aizen is feeling more comfortable at school. It’s probably a lot harder for the younger kids to go back. Jenny’s kids didn’t seem to mind. They seem to go with the flow pretty easily.
      It was nice that the lady at the hospital remembered Heather. It makes you feel good that she was remembered.
      You could have gotten in trouble with yard art yesterday as they had an all day gardening day. I did order a gnome for the porch and was real tempted by a koi to put by the pond. I am still thinking about that one hoping it goes on sale sometime. Ricky mentioned wanting a wind chime so I sent one over to Jenny’s house. I love wind chimes. I know some people hate them. I have several and we live out in the country so no one else can hear them but us so we aren’t bothering anyone.
      I am glad that Bobby has his shot appointment. I know Jenny will get the shot eventually. I’m not sure about Brent as he is kind of stubborn about that kind of stuff. I am hoping to convince him. The more people that get it worldwide the better off we will all be.
      There is always a fight between the squirrels and the bird feeders. It’s a challenge.
      Do you have voles in the yard or moles. I didn’t know that voles made tunnels too. That’s funny that your yard looks like Caddy
      Shack. As long as Bobby doesn’t turn into the Bill Murray character. lol
      Can’t you check your blood test results online. I am signed up and when I have blood work done and the results are in I get an email notification and I can look it up on line. I usually see the results before the doctor’s office looks at them. You should check and see if you have the opportunity to do that. I love it as i can see all test results.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      I forgot to say this. When Gary’s shoulder went the shore worked in the beginning and then did not work at all in the end
      When my shoulder was real bad, the shot worked for maybe a day or two. So I stopped getting them at that point.
      If it is the rotator cuff, it will heal itself eventually. Mine took a year to heal. Now, I baby the shoulder as much as possible Most days it will be a mild pain. But some days it hurts bad, and then gets better again. I have to keep it covered. If the shoulder gets any chill, it starts to ache more
      I hope that helped you a little

      It is voles that we have. I never knew they dug up a lawn like that. The things you learn! Lol
      Aizen has adjusted to the new way of school. It took almost the whole week. None of the kids like covid school. All the work and no fun.
      I am glad I did not turn on QVC or I would have a payment to equal the mortgage. Lol. I still have one of the velvet jackets on cause we get a sea breeze every afternoon. It will be 70 or above tomorrow. Then it goes back down to the 50’s for next week
      After I was feeling so bad yesterday, here comes Marissa and Steph and the boys for a little visit Neither stayed too long. But it was enough to cheer me up. They were mostly in the yard so the kids could play and run around. Aizen stated inside with me more and we had a nice chat. JJ needed some of his clothes that were here. They will get the rest of his stuff piece by piece.
      Tillie misses JJ. She was very happy to see him. She keeps saying…… I miss that kid…
      I knew we had him on borrowed time. I hoped he would stay until school was over for the summer. I was lucky we had him as long as we did. I have not cooked all week. He would always ask…. what’s for dinner tonight Nana?…. It made me cook. Lol
      Tonight we will do take out. Tillie likes that too. lol. We usually do take out on Friday
      That was nice that Greg got his employees vaccinated. What a great boss!
      You’ll have to take pics of the stuff you got for outside. I need a couple of lighted things to put out. I love those. I love the solar ones.
      Hope you have a good weekend.
      Glad Jenny’s kids are doing well with being back in school
      Glad you got to see them over Easter. I’ll be glad when people hug and kiss me again!!

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      Let’s see if I can get this post off before it disappears again. I hope this finds everyone doing fine. Adele, I hope Gary is getting better & the cough is gone by now. It seems like it;s been an awfully long time that he’s had it. Did they do an X ray of his lungs? I hope it’s gone by now!
      Not much to write about really. It’s been a nice week weather wise. We’ve had some really lovely sunny days out here. I hear we could get a taste of summer next week. From Wed. thru the rest of the week it’s gonna be in the 70s, maybe upper 70s. I can’t wait!!! I took out my spring/summer tops this week & can’t wait to finally wear something lighter than heavy tops, & coats, & boots!!! Not ready for hot summer days just yet, shorts & tank tops. ‘
      Gail I love you memes. Esp the one about Blockbuster!! We have the one & only one left in Bend, Or.
      I tried going to the site to find my stimulus $ & according to the site, I don’t exist!!! It doesn’t recognize
      my ss# or zip code!! So I don’t know. It shuts me down after 2 or 3 tries. then I have to wait for 24 hrs till I can try again.
      I’ve been watching the trial of the police officer. I’ll be surprized if the jury lets him walk. the prosecution has had some (pardon the phrase) blockbuster medical experts testifying. So unless the defense can come up with some blockbuster testimony next week, I think he’ll see jail time.
      Sue, I wouldn’t argue or give those people any recognition on FB or any of the threads. It’s a waste of time & energy. All it does is feed their nastiness. And it brings you down to their level, & it’s not worth your mental & physical health. All that negativity wears you down.
      Did any of you know Antonella has cancer? I see her posts on FB occasionally & it started out as a lump on her arm. IT was removed, but then she found out she has breast cancer & leukemia. I believe she’s started chemo & maybe radiation.
      It doesn’t sound good for her.
      Well, I guess that’s all for now. Have a great weekend.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD
      I think Sue may have said something about Antonella being sick a while back. It’s awful to hear that. She is the nicest person, and was my favorite host. I will say a prayer for her
      This weekend will be nice and next week back into the 50’s. That’s ok. I don’t care as long as it is sunny. We do need some rain. I just feel so awful when it rains. Hurts all my joints
      I also love the memes and I always forget to say that! Thank you for reminding me
      I hope you have a good weekend and get outside to enjoy the sun!!!
      I agree. Mean spirited people do not deserve anyone’s time. Why can’t people be nice?

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD
      I think Sue may have said something about Antonella being sick a while back. It’s awful to hear that. She is the nicest person, and was my favorite host. I will say a prayer for her
      This weekend will be nice and next week back into the 50’s. That’s ok. I don’t care as long as it is sunny. We do need some rain. I just feel so awful when it rains. Hurts all my joints
      I also love the memes and I always forget to say that! Thank you for reminding me
      I hope you have a good weekend and get outside to enjoy the sun!!!
      I agree. Mean spirited people do not deserve anyone’s time. Why can’t people be nice?

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Adele I don’t know if I wrote about Antonella before. I know DD did but I did see it on Facebook, It sounds to me like she is getting worse. Her last post I saw said she had to go for chemo, radiation & medication. But they told her it could show up anywhere in her body & if it spreads there is nothing more they can do. I hope I have that right. DD please correct me if I am wrong.

      Gail did you see GH on Friday? I wonder who will get the drink with the drugs meant for Finn. People on Facebook think Gregory but I am thinking Chase & it will tie in with the who’s the daddy. I could be wrong but those are my thoughts.
      If you want to hear about when I watched Days it was way back in the beginning with Tom, Alice Mickey & Marie. I am sure none of them are on anymore so I would have no clue who anyone is now. I suppose decendants of the ones I remember.
      You know GH has been on 58 years so I think it must be hard coming up with new stories as it is a daily show.

      We are dark & dreary with rain showers. I hope we get nice again next week. I go for my 2nd shot & hope it is not raining. I had the Phizer shot. I had no choice that is what they were giving but am fine with that. I just perfered not to get J & J. But some only want that one I guess they don’t like shots so only want the one. One lady said J & J is the one her doctor told her to get. But there is so much bad info out there. A nurse around here is telling people the shot will kill you & that no one has died from Corvid that it was all something else. People think being a nurse means they know. I do not know what they get out of spreading this stuff around. But I would hate having a nurse like that.

      Got to go hang up the rest of my clothes as they are done washing.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Omg Sue
      That’s awful about that nurse spreading lies. You’re right People will believe her
      Here’s a funny. I took the day off from work for the big GH wedding. Remember that? Back then we had no DVD’s.
      I also took the day off for Princess Diana’s wedding. 😝 I guess I’m a sucker for big weddings. I can still remember that huge train on her gown as she walked into the Cathedral. Good times!
      I think you have it right about Antonella. Not to worry…. I have been screwing a lot up since Heather died. I swear my brain is fried. Do you feel that way after your brother died? Grief does so much to us. So much stress. The brain can only hold so much
      It’s 73 up here today
      I got another gout attack last night. Real bad in both feet. Called my dr on Er line. I did a food log for her aAlso took a pic of the feet for her to see the day before the attack as the ankles were all red and swollen. So I am ready for my video chat
      Forgot to say….. my test results from a month ago have not been posted. Dr won’t post them until they speak to you first
      Gary not feeling good today. Worries me. Seems no symptoms of heart attack so I guess we’re ok. Cant wait for the surgery to be over
      How is your shoulder? I iced mine a lot and that helped me
      Hope you are ok. Did you watch Rebel? I liked it

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      HI Ladies,
      Sue, no correction necessary about Antonella. I saw that on her FB page but I haven’t seen a new update lately. It doesn’t sound good for her. I think she has a YouTube sight too. I think she put her recipes on there. So sad. I miss her on the Q. She loved the jewelry.
      I spent today taking down the Easter decor & the apt looks empty. I still have the spring flowers & things still out. Towards Memorial Day I change over to summer & put up my tropical pics & beach stuff.
      Nothing else to talk about so I’ll sign off for tonight.
      Stay safe, stay well.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Everybody,
      Adele I am glad that Gary’s cough is better but sorry he was not feeling very well. I hope they take those stents out soon. I have stents in before when they did that surgery on the bile duct. I got really sick to my stomach when I had them in. I felt a lot better when they took them out. I hope they do his surgery soon. Did you have a good Easter? I may have missed where you wrote what you did. We had a pretty good day. Melissa was the only one that did not get to come. It was fun watching the kids hunt the eggs and the adults also. I am glad that Aizan is getting use to going to school. It has to be hard on the kids not being able to play together makes it hard on the kids.
      Gail, It is so nice that you got to spend time with the grand kids and Jenny. It must have been fun for all of you. It was nice here Easter also. It was really warm in the sun here. It was funny when she voted the bull dog off the show and it was Nick. I just had a feeling that he was going to come on the show as a masked singer. It was funny. How does Jenny like her new job? I hope that she is working from home now. I use to watch GH all the time also. The other one I watched is off the air. I liked the Luke and Laura line. It was the most exciting time on the show.
      I am glad that you and Critt got to spend the day together for Easter. It is good that you two are friends and can spend time together. That is so sad about Antonella. I never did understand why they let her go at QVC. She was a lot better then some the new ones they have. They got rid of a lot of the good hosts. I am so glad that you and Gail are posting things on here. Your pictures are all so pretty and Gail’s memes are really good also,
      Well that is about all from here. Have a great night and stay safe.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Ho D D
      Not much happening here. Judy waiting for tomorrow. Gary’s very nervous about surgery. Trying to keep him calm.
      Very gloomy here today
      Have a good Sunday

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Ho D D
      Not much happening here. Judy waiting for tomorrow. Gary’s very nervous about surgery. Trying to keep him calm.
      Very gloomy here today
      Have a good Sunday

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen
      Please read above. Not much news today. Just getting ready for tomorrow. Have a lot to do for business Have you prepare for Gary not to be here for three days just in case
      Very gloomy here
      Please say prayers for Gary
      Ps. Read up fir Easter updates or maybe in March thread

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Jenny likes the new job. She is still learning and I don’t think will start from home for another couple of weeks. She has a little office all set up for herself in her bedroom so when the kids are home she can shut the door and work in there.
      I liked the old days on the soaps when they would go out on capers and such. It made things a bit more exciting. However, they no longer have the budget for those kinds of things as most soaps are just hanging on by a string. Eventually they will probably all go off the air.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Sue,
      You are a much better guesser than I am so I think you are probably right. Chase will get the stuff in the drink and then it will circle back to who’s his Daddy. When they were doing that I was thinking obviously the people in that family aren’t afraid of each other’s germs. lol Especially in these times of covid. I wasn’t really sure exactly why Peter wanted to drug Finn-or whatever was in that vial-was it drugs or poison? Was it to get back at Anna?
      You are right when a show has been on 58 years it’s hard to think of a new story line.
      If you remember Mickey from Days you probably remember Maggie who he was married to later in life. She is still on although she has been off lately visiting a dying daughter. She is married on the show to Victor Kiriakis who is played by John Aniston who is Jennifer’s father. he is getting up there in age. Speaking of being up there you probably remember Doug and Julie then too-Doug(Bill Hayes) is really up there but looks great for his age. He’s not on often but he’s still on.
      Yes, there are crazy people who are covid deniers-and the sad thing is some people believe them.
      When you said you had to go hang up your clothes were you hanging them outside on a line?

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi DD,
      It’s so funny that you mentioned that Blockbuster as I heard two other references to that last remaining one in the last week. Aren’t coincidences like that weird?
      I just watched a new video by Antonella on YouTube and she said they are on the boat now in either North or South Carolina and she starts chemo in May so they will be sailing up to somewhere else for that. She will have to have a port put in for the chemo and said she will lose her hair. After the chemo she will have radiation and pills. That poor woman has the burdens of five people right now. So many people are praying for her.
      She had always been one of my favorites on the q as she was more relatable than some of the younger ones.
      I pray she has a miraculous recovery.
      It looks like you have a thimble collection on your shelves-is that what that is.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I will pray for Gary and for a quick recovery.
      You have had a heck of a time with gout this year. Your poor feet.
      We are back into the 50’s too so I am back to long sleeves and my Cuddle duds cardigans.
      Years ago I went crazy with the solar lights out here. since then I have had to pace myself. lol
      Right now my favorite things are some lighted willow trees that i bought on the Q. First I bought one for the back deck and the next year I liked it so much I bought one for the front porch. They have to be plugged in and can be put on a timer or dusk to dawn or whatever. I love them. I think they only get them around CIJ although they are more a year round decoration to me.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      I just had to let you know my dear friend & classmate passed away from Corvid yesterday. Thank you for the prayers for her & her family. I guess God had other plans for her. I am very upset right now.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Adele,
      I will say a prayer for Gary. Hope his surgery goes well and he will not have to stay in the hospital for very long. I will be praying for you also. I know this will be hard on you waiting for him to come home.
      Have a good night and stay safe.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      That is nice that Jenny will be able to have an office in her room. It will give her some privacy and she will be able to get her work done.
      You are right about the soaps. They use to have story lines that were easy and fun to follow. I wish that they could do that again. I guess people’s taste has changed and they do not like to watch soaps like we use to.
      I really enjoy all the memes that you post. They are so funny and we still need a good laugh.
      Have a good night and stay safe.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I am sorry to hear about your friend. I hope that the rest of the family will be okay.
      Stay safe.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That is so sad. I will continue to pray for the family.
      Stay safe.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      I am so sorry about your friend. That is awful. Please do something nice for yourself. Prayers sent

      Thank you everyone for the prayers and wishes for Gary
      He is on the way home. All came out well. Now he has to pass all the debris, which they say is not painful. He goes back in Friday to have the stent they put in today removed

      I hope everyone is good and safe
      Glad Jenny likes the new job!!

      Luv u all

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Thank you ladies. Her family needs prayers. Hopefully the rest are improving. I think her son is okay as he posted the news but he said he felt as if a part of his body was amputated. She will be missed. This one really got to me. We were both going to go to school to be nurses. She went I did not. So she was a nurse for 30 years. She has been retired for a while or I would have thought she contacted it at work. But that is why this stuff is so bad it spreads quickly & I know as a former nurse she did everything to protect herself & family. When she was still able to post she said she felt worse than she ever felt in her life. So I am starting to wonder if this can ever be brought under control.
      I go for my 2nd shot tomorrow. Glad it was not today as our road was closed because of a bad accident. I don’t know what happened but I could have seen why if it were last night. We had quite a storm. And it just poured down rain.You would not have been able to see to drive. It did knock my tv out for a short time. I am not sure how long as I turned it off when it was storming & when I turned it back on it was back. The neighbor said we got a couple inches of rain in a short time. One thing the grass is nice & green.I just am wanting some sun as we had dark rainy days for 4 days now & it sounds like the same tomorrow. But he did say it may clear towards evening tomorrow. We had more rain today but not the heavy downpour like yesterday.

      Gail you ask about hanging my clothes. I no longer have anywhere to hang them out & have no dryer so they go on drying racks.

      I remember Doug & Julie from Days. Didn’t they sing at one time too?

      I don’t know if I answered all your questions. I just was so out of it last night I could not think straight.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Sue
      It is awful to lose a good friend. I know personally as I have lost so many in the last few years. What I miss the most is their voices..,, their laughs. You always have pics of people but no sound of their voice. I hate the feeling if silenced voices

      I also hate the word unresponsive. Every time I hear it I am reminded of the hopelessness of that phrase

      I am so sorry you lost your friend. A lifetime relationship is an awful thing to lose. It just cannot be replaced. You are never ready for that awful loss

      I hope your weather improved. We did not get the rain just gloomy skies. We need it bad as we are having a drought up this way

      Hope you are ok today. I’m so sorry
      Luv u

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Sue,
      I hope that your second shot went well. We are getting our second tomorrow. Yeah! Looking forward to finally getting my hair done after more than a year.
      It’s sad that they had to stop giving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. That’s what they gave at Greg’s work this past weekend. That will slow down the distribution but it’s best to be safe. It will also give people another reason not to get vaccinated. Maybe they should just stick to Pfizer and Moderna even though they are two shots and are harder to store. It seems we have the most data from them.
      I wish you had a dryer-it would make things easier for you.
      Sometimes Doug still does sing on Days-not sure about Julie. Of course he was a singer before he was an actor. He was on the old Your Show of Shows with Cid Caesar.
      Do you ever regret not going to nursing school? We have such kind people here-people who worked with the elderly, people that worked with the foster system and nurses and people who wanted to be nurses. I guess I am the weird one as I wanted to be an archeologist. But my mother thought being a teacher was so much better and back in the 60’s most women in college studied teaching or nursing or secretarial stuff-things were so much more limited for us. I love that now girls can be anything-athletes, rocket scientists, doctors, lawyers.
      I hope everyone else in your friends family will recover from this virus. It is an awful thing that has been foisted on our world.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      Did you hear that they are supposed to come out with some new storage war shows on the 20th of this month? I heard about it the other day. They did not say what people are coming back or who the auctioneers are going to be. It will be interesting to see who comes back and if it changes any.
      It will be fun to watch the masked singer on Wednesday. I wonder who will be voted off the show. It will be nice to see Nick back again. He looked like he came thru the virus okay. It was good to see him back.
      Sounds like a lot of us are getting our second shots this week. I get mine on Friday. I will be glad to get it over with. I am so glad that I did not get the one shot type. They say it is causing blood clots. I have not heard that about the other two they are giving.
      Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and stay safe.
      p.s. Have you heard anymore about Antonella. I saw an old tape of a quacker show and she was hosting. It almost made me cry thinking about what she is going thru.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I had not heard that about Storage Wars. I will look for it. They have not had any new ones for a long time.
      All those shows like Pawn Stars and American Pickers and Impractical Jokers have had a hard time during Covid as they have not been able to film like they did before. I wonder if Frank will ever be able to be on the show again after his back surgery. It seems like maybe he will not be able to climb around on the piles of junk like he used to anymore.
      It will be weird watching the Olympics this summer with little or no fans allowed.
      I’m glad we didn’t get the Johnson and Johnson too although the occurances of the blood clots were very rare. They were all in women so it makes you wonder if female hormones had something to do with it. I hope it does not deter people from getting vaccines of the other two. The more vaccinated the better off we are for returning to “normal.”
      I haven’t seen anything more about Antonella other than what I posted a few days back after I watched her April 11th video on You Tube. She is going through something very scary. I hope she has lots of support.
      I am glad to see Nick back too. It’s so scary that that some get very sick from Covid, some die and some are barely affected at all and some are sick for months afterward. What a horrible disease. I still would love to know if it just started up on it’s own or if it leaked from a lab. I don’t imagine we’ll ever know for certain. Even if the government finds out for sure I don’t think they would ever tell us.
      Luke Bryant who is a judge on American Idol has Covid now too. You wonder since all these shows are supposed to have strict covid protocols how he got it.
      Stay safe. Fingers crossed for no reactions to the second shot.
      I wonder how Sue got along with hers.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey everyone
      Hope all are ok
      My shot is cancelled for now as I was getting the J&J They are reviewing what they will do and call to reschedule.
      My arthritis dr wants to wait until two weeks after my shot to start a regiment to stop the gout attacks. She’s did I need to develop the antibodies to fight the virus first.
      I swear I will never get the shot scheduled. Something always gets in the way ! Lol
      The sun is shining. Yahoo!!
      Ps. Making simple burgers and salad for dinner. I’m having the Impossible burger they are having real beef. Lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I wrote you a note yesterday but it’s not here. I wonder if I forgot to hit submit. I’ve done that before. lol
      I hope that you can get a shot soon. Hopefully the Pfizer or Moderna. The sooner you get those the sooner you can address the gout.
      We had our second shots yesterday.
      Like Greg says the only thing we go out for anymore are doctor and dentist appointments.
      It’s chilly here again. 20’s and 30’s at night and 50 during the day.
      It looks like it will be that way for awhile.
      We had delivery for dinner last night. Wasn’t in the mood to cook.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      I feel like that every night. Lol. Take out gas been my go to the lady week. If you figure out the cost of meat for 5 people and the extras, you Judy about break even getting three meals. ( Nobby snd Amanda are too picky they usually get their own meals )
      Well this us good news…… Gary’s doctor said his heart is fine. He said it was because if the exertion of his walking into to hospital and getting to where he needed to be and that he was out of shape. That was great news. I was a wreck thinking he was not long for thus world
      Our weather is the same. 50’s snd we are getting a rain/snow mix today into tomorrow. Yuck
      I’m starting on ornaments I want to do for the girls for Mother’s Day 🤓😩. I hope I can finish 6 before then. I’m doing them gif Amanda too to recognize her as a beloved Auntie
      Luv u

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Gail, How was your 2nd shot? My arm got very sore for a day & I was tired but thought that was from not sleeping well. After the shot I could not lay on either side. One arm hurt from the shot & the other is the one that has been bothering me. But my left arm is good now. So I really had no side effects. When I had my shot & was leaving they told me thank you for getting vaccinated.
      I think J & J is Adele’s only option if she won’t go out to get it because that is the only one they do not have to keep in the freezer. I am glad I did not get that one but I guess only a small amount had the side effects. It is also not as effective as the 2 shot ones. People are complaining as they may need a new shot every year but that is the same as the flu shot.

      We are in a dark rainy rut. It is also chilly. I am so ready for warm & sunny to get here. I made blueberry muffins yesterday & I don’t know if I was just hungry for them or what but I can’t stay away from them. If I say so they are very good. I am going to give some to my neighbor when I get a hold of him because I want to get his newspaper with my friend’s obit. He told me before if I wanted anything let him know & he would give me his paper when he was done with it.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Sue
      We’re getting rain and snow tonight. We need it bad We’re in a drought
      I hope you are able to get your friends obit. It’s nice to keep them. I read them every once in a while.
      Gary’s very nervous about getting the stent out tomorrow. He had it done before in a doctors office so he knows it’s going to hurt. He has trouble with needles, let alone pulling out a stent. He has been very cranky in anticipation. I’ll be glad when it’s over. So will he
      How are you feeling? How has your shoulder been? I figure not good with the weather today. Tillie was achy and so was I today. The grass needs the rain but we don’t. Lol
      I hope you have a good night.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Sue
      We’re getting rain and snow tonight. We need it bad We’re in a drought
      I hope you are able to get your friends obit. It’s nice to keep them. I read them every once in a while.
      Gary’s very nervous about getting the stent out tomorrow. He had it done before in a doctors office so he knows it’s going to hurt. He has trouble with needles, let alone pulling out a stent. He has been very cranky in anticipation. I’ll be glad when it’s over. So will he
      How are you feeling? How has your shoulder been? I figure not good with the weather today. Tillie was achy and so was I today. The grass needs the rain but we don’t. Lol
      I hope you have a good night.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Sue,
      Your blueberry muffins sound good. I hope that you find your neighbor so that you can get the obituary.
      As to the side effects from the second shot my arm was more sore than the first time. I was very very tired and spent most of the day in bed actually sleeping. I had a chill all day and was a little bit achy. All in all not too bad-especially since I am not a working person so could afford to spend the day just resting. I don’t mind if we have to get a yearly booster. It’s a small price to pay to stay healthy as far as I am concerned. And like I have stated previously I consider it kind of a civic duty to get vaccinated to try and eradicate this virus.
      From things I have read on the q boards a lot of people still won’t get vaccinated. Some stated they have not known anyone who got really sick or died so it’s kind of like they don’t believe it’s real still. I don’t know why the over half million people who have died doesn’t scare them but I guess some people will not believe unless it touches them personally-and then it may be too late. I would rather be safe than sorry.
      We are having sun today. It’s not that warm but at least the sun is shining.
      One more reference to that poster on the Q boards stevieb-I have noticed that all her responses no matter what the topic seem negative. It makes you wonder if there is anything in the world that she likes. It reminds me of something my mother used to tell me was that if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all. Pretty good advice at times.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      You will have to show us the Mother’s Day ornaments. That is coming up sooner than we think.
      It’s hard to believe that we have not been to a restaurant since February of 2020. Since going out to eat was one of our main forms of entertainment.
      I didn’t realize that Bobby and Amanda were picky eaters. That always makes cooking hard.
      I hope that you get more rain than snow.
      I’m glad that Gary’s heart is okay and hope the stent removal goes quickly and easily.
      Could you imagine being married to someone for 73 years like Queen Elizabeth? it must be awful to lose someone after all those years. The Queen must be feeling that part of herself is missing. I wonder if she will ever step down from her position. I doubt it.
      Did you find any pretty things for your yard. It seems all the things that i ordered are to be shipped later this month. By the time they come I will have forgotten about them and then it will be a surprise. lol

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Ladies,
      Well Ron heard about the J&J shots causing blood clots so he will not have that one and then he read on yahoo mail page about 5,600 people have died from the other shots. They said that they had the covid shots and they got covid anyway and died from it. So that was a great thing to put on the internet so now I will have to argue with him and try to get him to go and get the shots. I had my second shot today and my arm is a little sore but not too bad. I will wait and see how it feels in the morning. I cannot say too much in front of Ron on how it feels because he will use that for another excuse.
      Adele, How did it go with Gary with taking the stent out. I hope that it went easy and he is doing ok. How are you doing? I hope you are feeling okay and not having a lot of trouble with gout. I hope that it stops acting up. It does cost a lot for groceries when you have extra people living in the house. We went thru that when Melissa lived here with the two kids. They are at the age where all they want to do is eat. Kaylee loves candy and ate almost a whole box when she was here. Ron went to get a piece and it was gone. I hope that you get more rain then snow. I cannot believe the weather is getting cold again. I hope this cold spell goes fast.
      Gail, I set the dvr to tape Storage Wars when they come on. There is going to be two of them. One at 8pm and the other is at 8:30pm. It will be fun to watch if it is not all new people and new auctioneers. I really like Dan and his wife. Cannot think of her name it will come to me after I get off of here. How are you grands doing now that they are back in school. I know mine were excited to get back in the class room and seeing all their friends. I hope that they keep the kids safe.
      Well that is about all from here. I hope everyone has a great night and stay safe.

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      I hope this finds everyone doing fine. Sorry I haven’t been on here lately, but not much to talk about except for weather.
      Colleen, did Ron hear all the deaths from blood clots were women? Younger women (younger than us), premenapausal (sp). Yeah. I haven’t heard of any men dying from the shot. I think men will look to find ANY excuse to not get the shot. BIG BABIES!!! I’ve had both shots, Diane’s had both shots, I know others who’ve had both shots with no reactions to them. My arm was sore, but that’s normal for me with the regular flu shot. It may’ve been more intense, but I lived through it. I wonder if that many people actually died. I don’t believe most of what I read on the internet. I’m actually tired of the nightly news with all the bad stuff night after night after night.
      Sue, I’m so sorry you lost your friend & classmate. It’s so hard to lose people we’ve known for most of our lives. Family or friends.
      What infuriates me are these IDIOTS in Congress & Senate refuse to comply with wearing a mask. I shouldn’t say this but I hope they get it!! I do!! All these morons who think they’re above getting it, too.
      Did anyone see any of the funeral of Prince Phillip this morning? I caught a few minutes of it. The local stations would show some of it, then switch back to local stuff. I hate it when that happens. I know they have to break away for commercials, but that’s ridiculous. With him gone now, I wonder how long the Queen will be around. She’s getting up there in yrs! I noticed no one was walking with her. I was surprized Prince Charles wasn’t with her. She sat alone in the church. I guess it’s their way of doing things, but she looks frail to me. I just hope she doesn’t have an accident. Can you imagine the world without her? I know she has nothing to do with us, but she’s been in the spotlight for so many decades.
      How’s the weather back there? did I hear right there was SNOW on the way? In April??!! We get it in the mts but not down here. Right now we’re under a RED FLAG warning for high fire danger for a few days. It’s the same senario we had last summer that started those fires. Hot dry air, East winds & hot days. Those East winds were what blew down power lines, starting the fires. We’ve had a few brush fires, but were put out quickly. We reached 82 today. Very unusual for this early in the yr!! It’s supposed to cool down, but no rain in sight. April’s our wettest month of the spring normally. I actually had to bring out the fans.
      Well, that’s about all for tonight.
      Take care, stay safe & stay well!

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD
      So glad to hear from you no matter what you say!!
      I think we all get frustrated with people who won’t wear masks get the vaccine and put us at risk
      My vaccine got cancelled because it was the J&J shot. Tillie snd Gary had both. Bobby got his first. The younger ones can get them as of Monday. I not sure if they all will get them. It’s a mistake for the younger ones to think they don’t need them. I’m hoping they will all sign up
      Yes it snowed up here. We got mostly rain
      It’s in the50’s up here
      Gary got the stent out Friday. He spiked a fever the last two nights even though they gave him an antibiotic for one day to get the stent out. Called Er line and person on call not helpful. He feels ok this am. He’s going to call his pcp to tell him what happened. He was tested for covid before surgery again last week. He is so tired of being sick
      I hope you are good. How is Critt??! How’s the pretty kitty??
      I think we are all done with the bad news. I hate to hear people are dying and getting killed. I start to cry.
      Luv u

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi Colleen Gail Due and DD
      Please read post to DD got most of my news
      I also think the Queen will not be around long. It seems when a couple had been together for generations that the remaining spouse goes soon after. So touching snd dad at the same time
      Gary has been spiking a fever. That has to be addressed tomorrow when all doctors are in. He is very tired of not feeling well
      I have not found anything for the yard yet. Some things are cute but made of the same material the ducks were that did not make it through the winter. So I am reluctant to buy them. Things are so expensive snd then you see one to three stars in the reviews. Do I have not ordered anything yet
      It is sunny up here but cool. I like the sun. Lol
      The closer we get to Mothers Day the more anxious I am getting. It’s going to be hard on the girls and all of us
      I will take pics of the ornaments I am working on
      I fit got to say…… Sue… take a pic if your goodies that you bake so we can all enjoy them!!
      Hope everyone is ok

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Everyone,
      I hope that you all are okay.
      Sue, did you get any snow? We got a few flakes yesterday and that was it. It’s still pretty chilly though. I made beef vegetable soup with noodles last night.
      How is Gary’s fever? Yes, this first Mother’s Day will be tough. Maybe you can try to concentrate more on it being a celebration of Tillie? I think she also maybe has a birthday in early May too or am I imagining things? It wouldn’t be the first time I got it all wrong. lol
      This year Mother’s Day and Greg’s birthday coincide so we can celebrate both day’s together.
      DD, I watched all of Prince Phillip’s funeral as I thought it will be considered an historic event. They said the queen was seated by herself because of covid protocols. It really was sad looking and really underlined that not only is she herself getting older but lost her companion of 73 years. Queen or no queen that is a heartbreaking loss.
      Colleen, I hope that you can change Ron’s mind about getting the shot. He can always decline the J and J if they end up putting it back out there and opt for a different one. How did your second one go? The second was a bit harder than the first-mostly the tiredness but well worth it.
      Tell him getting one is being a good citizen as he is helping our country to try and make this virus go away.
      I copied the new Storage Wars but haven’t watched yet so don’t know who is on. If it’s all new people or what. Remember Barry? Greg and i always liked him. Thanks for giving me the heads up on that or I might have missed it.
      We just heard yesterday that there was a covid case in the school that Piper goes to-so we’ll see what will happen.
      It’s so weird because a town one over from us has had kids in school all year with no problems. I wonder how they managed?
      We also heard that this year the Milk Day parade will be in October but the carnival that goes with it will be in June like normal. It makes absolutely no sense.
      We’re still trying to decide whether we will go to a wedding that we are invited to in early July.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      Isn’t Greg’s very close to hers?
      Gary still has a fever and is feeling pretty miserable. The urologists office finally gave him an antibiotic yesterday. He had to bring in another sample. They were giving us the run around since Saturday. I even made a chart of his fever for them.
      I can’t work with a doctor who does not believe us. So we fired the urologist and told our PCP who was not happy with what he heard either. So aGary is going back to the urologist practice he was in before, even though his urologist left. He has been assigned another one from them.
      This infection really took hold. It went on too long without treatment. I told them my husband has only one kidney that works at 80%,and he can’t loose more.
      I am busy needlepointing away. Lol. I’m making two for each of the girls, one for Tillie cause she already has a Madonna. I need to make one more because the kits were different. One had metallic thread for gold and silver and the one I already made had only silver metallic thread. So, to prevent any bad feelings on who got the one with only one metallic thread, I’m giving that one to my neighbor The Bunster. Lol
      I’ll take a pic and post it. But they are not stretched back out and glued together yet. But you can see what I mean. Lol
      It is cool up here and rain showers. It was 73 yesterday!!
      Have a good day

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      I hope this finds everyone doing fine. Not a whole lot to write about. Our early taste of summer is about to come to an end. By the weekend we’ll be lucky to get out of the 50s, rain is coming back.We need it tho.
      Did the hubbies get the second shot? If they had the one shot they can’t get the J&J shot.. They can’t give it out if you’ve had one of the others already. I heard we’ve hit the 200 million mark today.
      I’ve been watching the trial of the cop who killed George Floyd. when I heard they came in with the verdict so quickly I figured it was a Guilty verdict. I was glad to see they did. I didn’t get up at the crack of dawn to watch it tho. I probably missed out on some of the experts, but I was able to catch up later on.

      Some of my spring decor I have on the walls are starting to come down on their own, so I guess it’s time to change up. I got out my tropical stuff to go thru.
      Like I said I don’t have much to write about, so I’ll close for now.
      OH for anyone who’s on FB, Antonella put out a new update a few days ago.
      I also read where there are 3 new hosts starting soon, if not already. My question is why??!! I know Antonella, Stacy
      Stoffer, & Gabriell were let go, why I don’t know. I can’t stand the gal on ITKWD on Wed. And I wonder where Mary de Angeles is lately. I haven’t seen her for a week or so. Anybody know?
      OK I’m done.
      take care, stay safe & stay well.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi DD,
      I love the picture of the dog and cats! lol
      We went from seeing snowflakes yesterday to it going to be 79 next Tuesday. it’s just that crazy time of year.
      Greg got his second shot last week when I did. One more week and we can hug Jenny and the grands-just in time for Jenny’s birthday. I see her birthday is on the first Saturday in May-meaning Derby Day again this year. She was actually born on a Derby Day and i always joked it was one of the first times that i missed watching the Kentucky Derby since I was about seven. lol My Dad used to take me to the track in the summer when I was a kid. Don’t know why my brother and sister didn’t go-being older than me maybe they were busy with their friends. Anyway, it was nice having my Dad to myself for the day and those are fond memories.
      Well, I read things on the QVC boards about why people were let go and it seems to be maybe their sales were down-at least that’s what people seem to think. That combined with the fact that a new hire comes cheaper than someone who has been there for 10 or 15 years. I don’t know-and I guess we will never know the real reasons-it’s all speculation-but we have to remember that QVC is a business and the goal is to make money and if they feel someone is deadweight they will be dropped-that’s just the way things are.
      I don’t know anything about Mary DeAngelis as I never watch the Q live. I tape the shows that I am interested in and then just flick through them quickly. So different from the old days when the Q was on constantly in my house. On line shopping has changed all that-plus the fact that watching the Q isn’t as much fun as at was years ago when the products were more unique and it felt more like a family operation.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      I hope that Gary is feeling better.
      Yes, Greg’s birthday is the 9th so he has to share Mother’s Day with his birthday. Poor baby! lol
      You are a good advocate for Gary with the doctor’s. It did seem like it took long for them to start him on another antibiotic. You would think with someone with low kidney function they would err on the side of caution. Good idea to change doctors-some just are not compatible.
      The ornaments are so pretty. Isn’t it funny how we have to make things equal for the kids. I remember when they were little I always made sure each kid had the same amount of gifts at Christmas and I still find myself doing that with the grands.
      Did you get Tillie any new Quacker for her birthday? I found a new butterfly shirt this morning.
      When I get my new gnome I will take a picture of him for you.


    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hi DD and Gail snd all
      I’ll attach a pic of Bobby’s cake. Well have another one on Sunday when the kids come over to celebrate Bobby has no presents yet cause the Carhart shirts he needs for work have been out of stock since Christmas. He needs new boots too snd his size is out of stock
      That’s awful about the hosts because everyone’s sales are down due to covid snd stock issue
      Gary snd Tillie are done with shots. Bobby is scheduled for shot two. I am still not scheduled. I hope to hear from them this week
      DD how has Crit been doing?
      Sue. How are all your people doing? How are you? I know your weekend was not great as our weather is the same as yours. It makes you do achy
      Colleen. I hope all your people are ok
      Amanda is off work with pay for two weeks because someone there gas covid. She has been staying at her boyfriends since the news broke Please say a prayer gif all of them
      Hope everyone is ok and safe
      Ps. Tillie has been up for dinner twice this weekend. That was real nice

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Adele,
      Yes, because we now have a world economy many materials have slowed-so it’s not a surprise that Bobby’s things are backordered. That’s why the U.S. is concerned about getting people all across the world vaccinated.
      They are having a huge surge in India right now with the virus. I heard this morning that one out of three generic medicines are made there and if the covid cases there continue to rise there may be problems getting meds. Also they are afraid with all the cases there new variants will arise that are not affected by our present vaccines. So pray for India.
      I already have a problem with one of my meds that keeps going on back order-they had to change it to a different form for me to get a supply.
      I also heard that there will be a shortage of rental cars this summer. When the pandemic hit many rental car companies sold off some of their inventory because people weren’t traveling. Now this summer in our country travel is starting to pick up and there is a dearth of cars and not as many to buy as not as many cars are being produced because there is a scarcity of certain parts. So if things like that don’t prove that all economies are interconnected nothing does.
      I like the tropical ornament-it makes me think of vacations.
      I’m glad Tillie came up a lot this weekend. How did she fare with the side effects from the shot?
      Now we need to get you yours so that you are protected.
      I’m glad Amanda will be getting the time off with pay-she is fortunate.
      Things around here seem to be opening back up but we have not ventured out yet. We will take it slow and cautious.
      Lucky Bobby gets two cakes!
      Nothing new here. Greg is out golfing as it’s league day. It’s so windy I don’t even know how they can hit the ball.
      It seems like we haven’t heard from Colleen in a while. Hopefully she will show up soon.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Gailster
      I heard from Colleen on email. She has been having trouble signing into the site. They are ok at her house
      Yes I heard all of that too. On the rental cars, that issue has affected our business. A few of our customers have the rental cars contracts and their businesses have slowed down a lot
      Steph is going to love that ornament. Lol
      They are safely home. Flight back had a lot of turbulence due to the wind. Aizen said he no longer likes plane rides because they make him nauseous. He was so funny. They came in masked for a minute and the little guy was so hungry he had a brownie then two pieces of cake snd a piece of pizza. Lol. He showed us his pics he took from the window in the plane snd took a video of his hotel room to shut me too. His little self had such a good time Now I pray nobody gets sick in the next week. I’m hoping they will be ok as everything was outside that they were at. They stayed fully masked everywhere even in the plane. I hope all will be ok
      Bobby was mad I let them in the house because he is afraid someone will get me sick. I will get a call in the next two days giving me a date for the shot….. called them yesterday
      Steph hit me an adorable trivet. Pic attached
      Hope all is good at your place!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Glad things are good with Colleen. She’s usually on regularly so I wondered. I wonder how things are for her friend in England Christine. She has a lot of medical problems so she probably had to be very careful with covid.
      Greg bumped into our well with the pickup truck while hauling brush-what a dork! So we had to have the well guy out to check it out. He has to replace some of the pipe. Anyway, he was saying over Christmas he succumbed to peer pressure and had his kids and grands over to his house and one of his kids ended up with covid and everyone who was seated close to her that day got it too and those farther away didn’t. Weird huh?
      Yes, Disney and kids just go together and it is really a fun place. Since they were outdoors and masked I think things will be good. Better if the adults were vaccinated but I think you said Steph wouldn’t get the vaccine. I hope she changes her mind. She’s protecting herself and her kids who can’t get vaccinated yet as they are too young.
      As long as they were masked on the plane they should be good. I read somewhere that the air in the plane is better circulated than the air in most places and I think they may have added extra purification since covid.
      Hopefully you will get your shot appointment soon. Today is the last day of our two weeks after our second shot.
      The trivet is so cute. Love the Mickey’s!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi All,
      Well it let me on here for now. Every time I try to get those memes to open it stops me and says that this not a secure site. This site has always been secure until this start happening. I do not know who to e-mail to find out what is going on.
      Everything around here is crazy. Brook is going to have another baby. She is hoping that this one will be a girl. We are hoping she goes on birth control after this one.
      Sounds like everyone has gotten their second shot. I am waiting for the day that we can all go out without a mask. Most people down here are not wearing masks so I do not know if it means that they have had their shots are they just tired of wearing them. I just wish they would come to the end of this and soon.
      I would be so upset with Ron if he ran into our well. We just had to put a new pump in and if he did something like that and we had to replace it or more pipes I would be ready to shoot him. Well not shoot him but tell him good about it. I hope everything is okay with your pump. Have you gone to see Jenny and the kids yet? I bet you were so happy to hug them again. There are no other feelings like that when hug after a long time.
      Adele are the kids home now? I bet that they had a good time. It is nice that people are getting out more and will start having a fun again. People are not meant to be confined. It is good that Tillie is coming up for meals more now. She needs to be there around all of you. I hope they schedule your shots soon.
      Well that is all from here. I will talk to all of you next time I can get on here. Take care of yourselves and be safe.

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      Just a quick note to let ya know I’m still alive. I don’t know what you’ve heard about Oregon, but the governor is placing 15 counties on the extreme list due to more cases of the virus & more deaths. It means the restaurants will have to limit seating to outdoors only & no indoor seating. People want her executive powers to be revoked. I guess they don’t care if people get the virus/variants, spreading it to those who haven’t been vaccinated yet, & more dying of it. I still wear a mask when I go to the store. Just as a precaution.
      Well, that’s about all for now. where did April go?
      Stay well, stay safe.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I wonder if the problem is somewhere in your security system. Maybe some of the settings were changed. I know I am always changing things inadvertently on my computer. Most of the memes i have taken from the QVC discussion that posts memes or sometimes it’s something that Greg has sent me probably from Facebook. Or maybe it’s your browser. You can always ask Tiago and maybe he can help.
      I don’t think things will be back to normal anytime soon but I think the more people that get vaccinated the better off we will be-so for those people who are reluctant-I hope they change their minds for the greater good-although that seems to be a lost concept these days-It seems like everyone is for themselves with no regard for the other guy.
      I couldn’t really get too mad at Greg for driving into the well as when he came in a told me I know he felt really foolish as he knew he had done a dumb thing-so I didn’t want to make him feel worse than he already did. Hopefully it won’t be too expensive of a fix.
      We will probably see Jenny this weekend for her birthday. Hugs for all! lol I doubt we will get one from Kendall. lol
      I hope that Brook will get her girl this time-she’s going to be very very busy. Is this the same Dad? I might be crazy I thought you said that he had moved on and maybe had a child with someone else? Or i could be imagining things. It wouldn’t be the first time that I got things mixed up.
      The Kentucky Derby is back to the first Saturday in May this weekend. last year was so weird with the Triple Crown races being run out of order and on different dates. I hope we are turning the corner on all this. I know things are really bad in India right now.
      Stay safe.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey everyone
      The kids are back. They had a great time. So far nobody is sick. Thank God
      No date for shot yet. I called Monday and they said I will get a call in 48 hours. I’ll call again tomorrow. Lol
      Sorry about the well In NH when we had a well there we put a big Boulder in front of it so that would not happen. Could you do that?
      That is awful in Oregon. I hope the numbers start going the other way so things will get better. This covid thing is just seagulls and will be with us forever. I wish people would just get the shot
      I’ve been suffering with my foot. Now it’s the right one this week. Awful pain at the big toe joint and ankle. It is what it is😩
      Colleen congrats on the new baby. You won’t believe this. Amanda is pregnant She had first ultrasound yesterday. She is 6 weeks. Due date is Dec 21. She has not told many people. She wants to wait until she us 23 weeks befor she even tells Tillie. Just in case
      I hope everyone is ok. I hope Sue is good too cause we are having lousy weather

      Luv u guys

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi DD,
      I did hear about Oregon. It was on national news this morning. She’s just trying to keep the state safe but people are tired of the restrictions and don’t want to listen. We are all tired but we also want to be safe so sometimes we just have to do stuff for the greater good but so many people are so selfish and just don’t want to do it. It makes me sad for the human race.
      I’m glad to hear from you.
      That one butterfly looks like it’s an Americana butterfly-it looks red white and blue. How cool is that?
      Oops, forgot the memes on the above post so you will get a double dose. lol

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      HI All,
      Well I am still having the same problem as usual. When I write on here it is really small print. I wonder if when you get the message is it that way for you? Have any of you had problems with this site. I am so tired of all of this. Grayson was here today and he is starting to say GG. I was so excited he says it really cute. He would sit in my lap and give me hugs and for awhile he would put his cheek on mine and watch cartoons. He likes Puppy Patrol and Mickey Mouse.
      How is Sonny doing? Have you got to spend any time with him lately. I am glad that the kids had a good time. It would be fun to go but it takes a lot of walking and with those masks on it is not much fun. Grayson is really starting to say a lot of words. I asked if he wanted to come to my house for breakfast and he repeated breakfast and told me yes. He likes the word breakfast and bagel. He doesn’t eat bagels but he does like to say the word.
      Glad that you are back DD. Are people wearing masks or have they quit. There are a lot of people around here that are not wearing masks. So far though the covid cases have not gone up. Thank God for that. Maybe a lot more people got their shots then I know of. They are giving them to younger people also. I guess they started earlier for young people down here. How is Critt doing? It is good that you have a friend there to talk to.
      Gail have you been watching storage wars? It is starting out slow and the lockers are not that interesting. I hope it gets better and more people show up. I am glad that Dave did not come back I do not care for him. Renee has been back for the last two or three shows but his wife does not come with him. I will watch for awhile and see if the lockers get better. It will be fun to watch The Masked Singer. I cannot wait to see who all of the stars are. The black swan sounds like an older singer but I am not sure. Have you seen your kids yet? I hope that you had a really good time when you all get together. The grand kids will be glad to see you and give you big hug. Kendall will probably give you a big hug also. It has been too long since she has seen you.
      Well that is all from here. I hope this goes thru. Have a great night and stay safe.

    • Dianne Danielson
      Post count: 1034

      Hi Ladies,
      Well, Happy May Day, everybody. Can you believe it’s May already? Looks like rain for the weekend. We need it but we won’t be getting a soaker by any means.
      Gail, I so enjoy the memes you add to your posts. Some I get a big kick & laugh out of them. Ohhh, I keep forgetting, you mentioned my thimble collection (ages ago!), yes I do have one. I started it back in the 80s, but I got just so far & it ended. I’m not sure why now, but I can’t find them like I used to. They’d be in the souvinier section, but I don’t see them anymore. I see magnets, mugs, stuff like that.
      The strangest thing happened today. I was sitting here watching TV when I heard Snowball let out a couple loud cries, like she woke from a bad dream or something. She was curled up behind the rocking chair sleeping like a log the last I looked at her. I called out to her & she came trotting out & I picked her up & held her for awhile. Then she laid across my lap & stayed there for quite awhile for her. Normally she gets down pretty quickly.
      Not much else going on here. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
      Take care, stay safe, & stay well.

    • adele shanbar
      Post count: 5025

      Hey Colleen
      I am ok as the sun is shining! Thank God
      I get the J&J shot tomorrow. Finally.
      Marissa stays away when she goes somewhere just to be sure she dies not transfer anything to me. So I don’t see her that much. I talk to her every day She will be here Mothers Day with Enzo snd Santino. She is busy with school. When the baby naps she does her homework
      It’s been nuts here because Frankie had an accident Thursday. He is ok. Not his fault. A young girl backed into him. Gary thinks the work can us totaled. We’re hoping it’s not and we can just get it fixed
      Steph got home to a mess. Her cat pooped all over the house because the neighbor (who is also her Aunt on her fathers side) who took care of the cat did not clean the litter box. Her cat pooped on the floor, on her new couch, everywhere.
      It was a mess to clean up. It caused a lot of stress between her and Jhonny

      Hey DD
      I get such a kick out of the memes too. I also live your pretty pictures.
      I wonder what was your with your kitty. Does she seem to be in any pain? I hope not Maybe it was just a bad dream
      It’s going to be 70 up here today. But the rest of the week is supposed to be unsettled. We had so much rain that everything is finally starting to get green
      I hope all is ok at your place
      Please say a prayer I don’t get any blood clots with the shot. I’m not the age group but, I have such bad luck all the time😩
      Have a good day!!!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I’m late this month-starting a new discussion for May-see you all there. Sue, chime in sometime-it will be nice to hear from you.

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