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Here we are in another month. I hope we will finally be getting some appropriate spring weather.
Hi Everybody,
Adele, I remember those naughty nighty parties. I think I went to one and as far as I can remember the stuff wasn’t really that risque-especially by today’s standards. I can’t take a picture of my craft yet as she was missing one of my letters so it isn’t quite complete. The stuff is really cute. Jenny, her MIL and two SIL’s all made the same menu board for the kitchen. So I was saying all the Crone women made the same thing. I know previously Jenny had made a cute board that has little clothes pins to hold photos or kids artwork. It’s actually a pretty nice party idea and I thought all the things that everyone made turned out really cute. I asked Kelly about the crepe paper dresses and she said there is no inner lining but they probably use several layers sewn together. The rules are really strict-if I can figure out how to get them over here i will post them. If you use buttons or snaps they have to be wrapped in the paper etc.
Colleen, I drink diet soda too-probably more than I should but that’s really what I like to drink and a person can’t give up everything.
Did you catch that Quacker program on Q+ yesterday-with all the presentations previously recorded with a different host each time. I thought that was kind of a bizarre show. I wouldn’t even have recorded it but it was set to record automatically.
Gosh we had no AC at all in the house we lived in for our first 20 years. Now I wonder how we ever stood that. I think later on we may have put window units in each of the bedrooms but for many years we had no AC anywhere. I do remember that without AC it was so humid indoors the crackers and cookies and things like that would get soft instead of remaining crisp.
I have a few pairs of sneakers with those bungees. I think mine are from Skechers. I like them because they slip right on-but with my brace I have to wear the ones with the ties. So I have bungees and ties both.
I think they sell both cherry and vanilla coke in bottles but they don’t taste the same as the old soda fountain ones. They taste more artificial-at least to me.
Speaking of pizza and coke we just found out that today the owners of our favorite pizza place are retiring. Red’s pizza is an institution in this town. They have been here for 50 years and they have the best pizza with a nice thin crust that compares to none. Red and Bonnie have to be the two hardest working people I know-especially Bonnie who still worked in the kitchen and waited tables when she was there and she has to be 70. Red worked the bar so his job was a bit easier but i think he’s been sick so they decided to finally retire. Someone else is taking over and promises that things will remain the same but it will never be quite the same without Red and Bonnie. We have gone there before we had kids, with our kids and with our kids and grandkids so they have seen three generations of us. I hope they have lots of time together to enjoy a happy retirement.
Barbara, I am getting the giggles thinking of Adele trying to do a southern accent with her Boston accent. I would pay money to hear that! By the way, Barbara, do you say “fixing to” instead of “going to”? Brent used to love to tease Kim when she said that-personally I found it charming.
Wow! That is quite some story about your BIL. What a wonderful man he must have been to have such a great attitude after all that suffering. It’s funny I was just thinking about when the polio vaccine came out and talking about it with Greg. Did everyone else also get it in the form of a sugar cube? I remember we had to go down to City Hall and line up and wait to get the sugar cube and Greg remembers doing something similar in Chicago. Do you all remember doing something like that? I’m thinking I was maybe about seven when they came out with the vaccine.
Barbara, I think Adele might be the closest to New York City. I have traveled the northern, southern, southwestern, and some of the western states but never gone east for some reason. I would like to see NY and DC but I no longer like all the crowds so we probably won’t make the trip. All the years that Greg’s brother lived in Virginia when he was in the CIA and I never made it out there. If there was a family thing Greg usually went alone as it was too expensive to fly all of us out there. We still have a nephew in the area so maybe we will get out to visit him sometime as I would at least like to see the Smithsonian and Williamsburg. There’s so much history in that area of the country and we all know that I am a museum geek. As to safety-all cities seem to have their good and bad parts-you have to do some research before you go. I try to stick to upscale areas when visiting a new city.
Thank you all for asking about Kendall. She doesn’t have the results from the ultrasound back yet but Jenny said she went through it pretty easily so that’s good. She hasn’t had any of the bad stomach aches for a couple of weeks now-so we’ll see what happens next. I am eternally grateful for all your queries and prayers. You Quacker ladies are absolutely the best!
Hugs and Love,
Gail -
Hi Barbara!
I have to say, there is no better insult, than a Southern insult. It is said with such dignity, finesse, and with the most lady like manners, there is absolutely no comparison. I laughed so hard, and then read it to Gary. Of course, then I had to tell him, and he said he will come with next time. I don’t think so, as Gary will say something, and we will never be able to go back, plus you may see it on the evening news.
Did you ever watch “The Closer”? I used to love when Kyra Sedgwick would say, in her best Southern accent….”thank you SO much.”
That is a funny and sad story about your BIL. I wish people could be kinder to those with disabilities. Honestly, if you are thin, and disabled, you are treated better than heavy and disabled. You are totally correct- once you open your mouth, and they realize you are a gracious, kind person, they look at you differently. But, they should look at everyone that way. It is the kind thing to do. We need more kindness in this world.
I have been to NYC 2 times- both times going through to go somewhere else. NY looks pretty on TV. My friends recently went for a weekend, and were horrified- the smell is gross- urine and pollution. They stayed in a high end hotel, as they will only stay in 5 star hotels. Once you left the hotel the smell was there. They will not be going back. They used to go every couple of years, and the last visit was the worst. It could have been because it was summertime. They used to go for the holiday season. Upper state NY is beautiful. So, I do not know what to tell you. the restaurants are fabulous, as well as the shopping, and theatre. So, I guess it has it’s good and bad points.
Soup is good any time of year. It is my favorite. I am dying for grill weather to be here, as we have been doing way too much take out on weekends. I just ordered those Kansas City hot dogs, in great anticipation of a BBQ for Mothers Day. At least on the weekend you can do a quick grilled burger, with a salad, and you are done.
Have you ever ordered those hot dogs? I am picky about hot dogs, and can never seem to find any I like a lot. There was one brand at BJ’s a few years ago that I loved- not as much salt, all beef, and more taste. They did not have them last year. Gary loves those Pearl hot dogs, and I hate the taste of those- too much garlic. that is quite odd, as Gary SAYS he hates garlic.
So, the Whoopie Pies were a huge success. Of course, you have those first time errors. I made them smaller, which was not a problem. But, I was afraid I would not have enough filling for all of them, so I was a little cheap with the filling. Of course, I had a lot left over…LOL So, I out it in a little lock n lock, and told people to use it as a dip with their pies. Rissy came by, and took 4 with her. Steph, Jhonny and the kids came ate some, and took some home, with some “dip”. They did not stay for dinner because they did not want Chinese, and that was what Bobby was ordering. Aizen was t so tired, he fell asleep on Jhonny, so I did not get a long visit with him. I did get to stroke his tiny little hand, every once in a while, as he slept next to me. they had just come form a children’s birthday party, and Jhonny was just home from work- complete with his USPS uniform on. A good day, I would say.
I am glad you have not been close to any of those tornados. I pray all my Quacker friends are spared every time I hear of them.
it is going to rain here shortly- very gloomy, and chilly, and will rain into tomorrow.
hope your weather is good.
Adele -
Hi Gailster!
read my post to Barbara for all the news….LOL Getting too lazy to write it again.
I just cannot imagine sewing a crepe paper anything. those ladies have to have a tremendous amount of patience to get it right. You would hear a lot of bad words….in a Southern/Boston style , were I to try that. LOL My Southern accent would be amusing, with the Boston addition.
I am glad Kendall did well going through the test. I hope they find the reason, and it has a simple solution. We will all keep praying for the best results.
those boards sound so adorable. I love homemade crafts. When the girls were little, we did a lot of crafts for the holidays. Little boys are not as interested in those. Who knows. Maybe Aizen will like them more. He was so cute yesterday. he kept saying…birthday party, birthday party. I asked him whose party it was, and he said “a baby”. JJ then added the child was 4. So, I looked at his little cute face and said “that baby was a lot bigger than you, buddy.”
Atone point, Steoph was downstairs with Tillie, looking at old pictures, and Aizen wanted to go down. I told him to wait until someone goes with him, so he will not fall. All of a sudden he was in the corner with little silent tears. I thought he wanted his Mummy. So Jhonny gets him, and he laughed at me, and said….:did you say no to him- that is all it takes for him to cry” It broke my heart. Then, he fell asleep on his Papi. So, every once in a while I touched his cute little hand. Guilt! LOL
I remember the days before air conditioning. A lot of sleepless, miserable nights. And, we lived less than a mile from the coast in Boston. Air conditioning was a wonderful invention.,
Hope your day is bright and sunny- not here!
Adele -
InactiveMay 1, 2016 at 3:55 pmPost count: 643Adele I bought those hot dogs and I could not eat them way to salty. I got a refund. I hope yours are better as some people really like them. I am sensitive to salt since I had surgery on my ear. It left me with not being able to taste salt and when it came back I really cannot take anything that is too salty. So they may be okay for you.
I have been to New York City twice. It was fine when I was there but it has been a while. More crime now. But if you are not alone and stay in the better areas you should be fine.
We are having gloomy wet weather too. And it is cold the past 3 days have only been in the 40s for high temp. This week it is to rain almost every day and I think be in the 50s. I had to put my heat back on as it is so cool and damp. -
Happy Sunday to All. It has been a very warm one here; in fact; Jerry had to put on the air conditioner. Boy, did I hate to see that coming; since our utility bills run so high with that thing on. But he just had to cool down; was having a male “hot flash” and when he gets like this it is much better to go ahead and let him get cooled down. He and I went over and picked up his Mom today, and we went to the drug store and then ended up eating dinner out. We really enjoyed ourselves. She seems to have such a good time when we are out together. And I am really glad to say that she is doing so much better. I am anxious to see how much weight she has gained when we go back for her check up.
Yes, Gail, I say “fixing to” as well. And then there is “gonna” and so many others that only people who take about an hour to say about 30 minutes worth of vernacular would understand. ha ha The first time I heard a recording of my voice when I was doing a presentation for one of the university nursing students; I was so embarrassed. My voice was like molasses in the winter time. One of my dear friends is from NY and she speaks very quickly and some people think she is sarcastic; but she isn’t; she just has a sharp wit and personality. It is funny how we have our own accents, and most of us can’t hide the area of the country we are coming from.
I am so ready for grilling out too. I would love something off the grill; with some great potato salad and a tart lemon ice box pie for dessert. It has been years since I make homemade ice cream. Boy, was that ever a special treat. Down here we have coke floats. It was such a special treat to have one when I was a child. We would go to a special soda fountain where you sat up at the counter and they were made in tall milkshake glasses. I remember how we used to go around to gather up soda bottles and turn them in at the grocery store. They would give us money for them, and that’s how we had extra spending money. It was a different day and time back then. Everyone in the neighborhood knew each other’s children, and they would not hesitate to tell your parents if you were up to no good. Ha ha
Better make this short. The man of the house is asking me if it isn’t about time for me to read to him? So I guess he must be getting sleepy. ha ha You all take care, and hope you all are doing good. Take care. Barbara -
Hi Barbara,
It sounds like Jerry’s Mom is really enjoying all the love and attention that she is getting from Jerry. I’m glad they have this developing relationship and I’m sure both will benefit from it.
It sounds like Jerry is really enjoying the reading sessions if he’s reminding you that it’s time for reading. Now if only you could find a book about a man who had a railroad car in his backyard and then decided to get rid of it. lol
We grill here all year long. There have been times when we shoveled a path through the snow to the grill. Although it wasn’t a long path as the grill sits on the deck just outside the back door.
Everything sounds so nice, even an insult, when it is delivered in a southern drawl. I’m sure your voice and way of speaking is wonderful.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Poor little Aizen crying because you told him to wait to go downstairs. It does bruise your heart to hear them cry. It always makes me feel bad too. I like that he was calling a 4 year old a baby. I guess he thinks that he is a big guy. lol What a little sweetie!
I have never had the hot dogs from KC steaks. You don’t like Nathan’s? I remember my old boyfriend from NY talking about Nathan’s hot dogs years ago. Then eventually they became available here and I don’t really like them at all-too garlicky for me. That’s just like the great polish sausage debate. Now I love polish sausage but it ends up that what I really love is my grandmother’s homemade polish sausage. The commercial polish sausage is way more garlicky than she ever made it-so i don’t even buy it. The closest that I have found was Greg’s grandfathers sausage. There is a place around here that makes a bratwurst that is as close as I have found to my grandmother’s sausage so that’s what I buy to use instead.
It was in the 40’s all weekend here too. But today we will be 60 so that’s an improvement. Anyone have any plans for Mother’s Day? I think we are going to brunch again.
Gail -
Hi Gail
It did break my heat when I realized I made him cry. I guess I can never, ever, say no to that little munchkin. You had to see Jhonny laugh…he said…”oh no, you said no to him, that is why he is crying, not because he misses his mother.” He said nay time they tell him no, he gets tears in his cute little eyes.
I hope I like those hot dogs. I do not like Nathan’s either. I have no idea what the ones at J’s were called. they were very different, and had a much milder taste, with not so much salt.
I love the authentic German sausages. We have a German store 2 towns away. It is called Karl’s Sausage Kitchen, in Peabody Ma. They were in Saugus, right down the street for centuries, and then moved. Since they moved, we have not been there as much.
it is pouring here, and chilly. Gross out there today.
We are hoping to have a BBQ on Sunday. I have been asked to make Pesto Sauce with linguini, for Steph. I am amking a strawberry cake, with whip cream froting for Tillie- same one I did last year.
Hope your sun is shining!
Adele -
Hi Barbara
How nice that hubby is waiting for his reading time. Look what a nice thing you started. So, what are you reading now? I think Gail’s idea of a man with a train in his backyard, who is going to sell it is a good idea. Maybe you should write a short story about that. You could be a famous author in your retirement.
We have not put the air on, as we still have the heat on….LOL It is pouring today, and very chilly.
Tomorrow I am making Gary’s favorite- American Chop Suey. He loves that meal. I use only red and yellow peppers in it, because I hate green peppers.
How nice that Jerry’s Mom is doing so well, and came to the house. I bet she has gained weight, as she is well looked after with you and Jerry. I am hoping she will decide to come stay with you, before winter sets in. that would be so nice, for all of you.
How is the expectant mom doing?
What are you going to do Sunday- we are hoping for a BBQ.
Adele -
hi Sue!
Thanks for the low down on the hot dogs. That means Gary will love them, and I will hate them….LOL If I have something with a lot of salt, I blow up like a balloon- my hands and legs.
I just cannot seem to find a hot dog I can live with.
We still have the heat on too. It poured here today, and it is supposed to rain, on and off all week long. I hope this gets done before the weekend, so we can have our first BBQ.
What kind of surgery did you have? I hope you feel better.
It is always good to hear from you!!!
Adele -
Hi Ladies. This has been a busy day. Jerry had a drug store and grocery day with Mom, and I went in the opposite direction to drop off mail, get food for the puppies, and then came on back home and prepared dinner since Neal had called and asked if he could stop by IF I might be cooking tonight. Poor boy is trying and managing so many different things. And Sarah is really busy at work. He said her feet are beginning to swell; so I know she is beginning the “heavy” part of carrying the baby now. Some one hurt her feelings at work by asking her if she is having twins? That made her think she is getting too big, and I tried to tell her that they probably just was teasing and trying to make her laugh. That didn’t seem to work so I just let it pass. She has always had a very large chest and bottom. and I know she is sensitive about her weight; so I always tell her how nice she looks when they are dressed up to go out; because they do. She has continued to go to an exercise class during her pregnancy; so I know she is probably just going to have a big boy. But to me and Jerry; he will always be our “itty bitty” They are both really looking forward to their trip. Sorta wish I had something on the horizon myself; but when I think of packing and then unpacking; I am happy to just go outside and walk around a while, or go into town and get my hair done LOL
Our son from New Mexico called tonight too. He said that he will be coming in June right after he completes a certification in Oklahoma. His wife will be joining him here a few days later and then we will be having the baby shower at Sarah’s Moms house that weekend. My DIL;s sister is also pregnant and due in July so she has two babies due this summer. Her sister is expecting a little boy too. She said that she and I will be going shopping while she is here at the Navy base for the babies. I am excited about that. I have to get in touch with Sarah’s Mom to find out what I can do for the shower. I know this sounds petty; but it seems like Sarah’s Mom likes to “be in charge” and she doesn’t call and include me on any plans or anything (same as their wedding). Jerry tells me that I should just ignore everything, but I really don’t know what to do. What do you all think? I felt left out when it came to the wedding. I wasn’t even asked if there was anything about the wedding decorations or food or anything that Neal’s side of the family would like to include. Just gave me a funny feeling.
Well, since I am complaining; I need to go. By the way, Gail, would you believe that Jerry’s favorite book as a child was “The Boxcar Children” about a family of poor children who had lost their parents who ended up living inside a railroad boxcar. Do you think this was an omen? ha ha I should have listened more carefully when he told me that years before he bought his first railroad car. ha ha
Hope you all have a wonderful evening. Hope all the grands are doing well. I just have to ask, How is Aizen’s tree doing? He is going to be our horticulturist. Or mabey a Ranger in one of the national parks. And I can just see the baby in a crepe paper dress. They must line them and then sew the crepe paper to the lining. Is little Ellie cooing and gooing yet, Colleen? Don’t they just smell so good? I have to ask, what do you all think about the baby powder controversy? I used baby powder on all our boys. And yes, Gail, I remember the sugar cube with the polio vaccine on it. Before that came along, we had “shot day” at school, and we had to line up and they gave us a big shot of that polio vaccine. So I was over the moon happy when they came out with the sugar cube. Barbara -
Hi Barbara,
I did buy a mattress from Big Lots. We really like it. We have had it now for a few years and it is still in good shape. I think that it is a pillow top if I remember right. They have some good prices on their mattresses. Have you looked at them yet? We are hoping to get a sleep number bed. It is hard for me to sleep laying flat in the bed. I have acid reflux and there is not enough pillows to help me lay right. So we thought that the sleep number bed would be better. We will put the other bed in on of the other bedrooms. Do not want to get rid of that mattress.
We used baby powder also. It did not do anything to my girls. I thought that Johnson and Johnson put out a warning a long time ago about it may be harmful. It was after the kids were all grown and did not use baby powder any longer. They are always suing over something. It is getting ridiculous. They make you afraid to use anything. It would be nice if they would stop.
Aliza is cooing and smiling. She is so cute. I had to take care of her today and we had a nice time. Ron went with me it was our anniversary and we went out to dinner after her dad came home to take over. So all day long I kept thinking please do not burp up anything today. She did very good and she didn’t. She is getting to where she is trying to hold on to things and while you are feeding her she will grab your fingers and make it hard to keep the bottle in her mouth. She does smell good. I love the smell of babies. I am supposed to go back up there Thursday and watch her again. She is cutting teeth and she gets a little crabby sometimes. Will be glad when that phase is over. Just wait until that new baby comes. You are going to be so excited.
I have never looked at the baby shower from the grooms side of the family. I just called the mom and told her that we were going to have a baby shower and asked if she would give me a list from their side of the family. She asked if she could help and I let her. So you can call and ask if there is anything that you can bring. Mention some type of snack that you like to make like a dip or finger food. If she accepts that is fine if not then you have done all that you can do and let it go. You can only do so much. You can just go and enjoy the shower and not have to do anything..
How nice that you will be able to spend a few days with your son from NM. You and Jerry will have him all to yourselves and that will be nice. You can catch up on things and reconnect. It is hard when your kids move so far away. How nice that you DIL asked you to go shopping with her at the Navy base. Sounds like you two will have a nice time also. You may get to know her better also. When you do not see them that often it is hard to stay connected. June is going to be an exciting month for you.
My daughter Amanda loves that book The Box Children. I had not heard anyone talk about that in a long time. It was a good book. It is funny how long that book has been around and how many children loved it. Look at the difference in their ages.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I did like Barbara’s comment to make to that girl at the docs. I forgot all about that Bless your little heart. That is really a smart remark but it does not come off that way. A southern lady know how to insult someone and not let them know that is what they are doing. I am waiting to see if Gail has a good one or not. So far Barbara has the best one.
Poor little Aizen. You made him cry. His mean dad laughed at the whole thing. Shame on him.lol It does break you heart in two to see one of the grands cry because of something that you said. Even if it is for their own good. The little ones especially. They can get such a hurt look on their face. Been there done that. Felt the same way you did. I bet that Gail has been there also. It is just a hard thing to go thru. Guess that Grandma’s are not supposed to say no. Next time tell his dad to tell him for you. Then he will be at fault and it will make you look good.lol
The hot dogs that you are talking about were they the long ones that the girl was cooking on the grill? I wanted to order them but I think that they sold out. I did not see the Kansas city ones. Unless those are the ones that you are talking about. You will have to let us know what you think. Sue did not like them because of the salt. I did not know that they would return the money if you did not like the food. I wonder if you send back what you did not use. That would be hard to do. I will have to ask Sue.
I watched Aliza today and she was so cute. She just smiles when you pick her up. But now she is teething and so she smiles for awhile and then the tears come. We put some teething lotion on her gums and that helped her some but she was fighting sleep also. She is at that bad age where her teeth are coming in and she is fighting sleep. Her mom was the same way. They have a baby swing for her and she falls asleep in there pretty quickly. Her mom was the same way when she was a baby but then she realized that every time she was in the swing she would fall asleep and she started to where she would cry and fight me trying to stay out of the swing. She would arch her back so it would be hard to put her in it. She was funny.
The Whoopi pies sound really good. I have never made them before. I think where we live they were called moon pies like they were for Barbara. I am not sure if they sell them around here anymore. Will have to look in the store and find out. Maybe they still sell them where Barbara lives. Things sure do change fast. I can remember paying only a quarter for one of them. There is not telling how much thy are now.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
it is always so nice when you start a new page. We do not have to keep scrolling down to find the last post. The pictures at the top are really cute. I love the tulips and all the different colors. Wish that it was in my garden but it isn’t. I have one color and that is it. Ron pulled all the other ones.
How did you day go babysitting? Mine went pretty good. Aliza is so cute and she is so pretty. She is teething and she is crabby at times and then at other times she will be fine. She still smiles when she first wakes and after you feed her. Then I guess she starts to hurt. She is also at the age where she is fighting sleep. That is not fun either. She is finally sleeping thru the night. That makes it nice for Danyielle. She is not getting up during the middle of the night. How are your grands doing? Have they heard anything back on the tests on Kendall? I hope that they get the results soon. How are Piper and Lachlan? Lachlan is in pre school isn’t he. Kaylee is so ready to go to school. She is going to have a hard time with her attitude. They have been having to really crack down on her. Has Piper put on anymore fashion shows lately? She is such a cutie.
That is sad that the Pizza place is being sold to different people. I agree with you they are never the same after new people buy them out. The atmosphere changes and the people change that go in there. It is really sad. We have had a lot of places that have just closed around here. That worries me because that is not good when they start closing. They had good food and they still close.
That Quacker show was weird. I wonder why they did not just have Patrick do the show instead of doing that. Did you see where they do not have a Quacker show listed for Wednesday night? I would think that they would have Chics Night in. Will have to look on the schedule on here and see if they are having a show or not. They are having a show on the regular qvc this week so wonder if the changed the one on Q+. I thought they had that fixed but I guess not. Wonder what the problem is.
Danyielle use to go to New York for Jewelry shows. She would set up displays for the company she worked for,. She liked it but she was there under different circumstances. They all probably stayed together and did not have any trouble. I do not know how much site seeing they did. Will have to ask her Thursday when I see her. I hear people say that you have to be careful leaving you valuables in your hotel room. They are supposed to have a lot of break ins.
Is it getting cold where you are? It was cold today and we had to wear coats. If you go anywhere tonight you would have to wear a coat. It is supposed to get down in the 40″s. We are going backwards. It was warmer when it was supposed to be winter.
Well I hope that you have a good night and will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Sue,
Do they take food back if you do not like it? I bought the Germack with the chocolate in it and did not like it. I found someone to take it because I did not know that they would refund you money. I do not order it anymore that was the only thing that I thought that you could do. Next time it happens I will call them.
How are things going? We are cold here also. This is really crazy weather. Wish that it would warm up.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
It’s finally sunny and 70 and beautiful. I hope that this is a trend.
I made a strawberry cake with whipped cream frosting once-it was a recipe from Taste of Home. It was really good-a little time consuming. I love Taste of Home recipes as they all come from home cooks just like us. I think many of my standard recipes are from them.
What exactly is American chop suey? My MIL always referred to that too. I think I may remember that Chicago take outs had something like that but out here they don’t differentiate. My mother made chop suey when I was kid-it was probably the American style but I never really liked it-however I don’t remember green pepper being in it-just celery which I don’t care for cooked. That’s interesting that you eat red and yellow peppers but not green. Perhaps the red and yellow taste a little milder. Isn’t funny how the red and yellow are more expensive than the green?
Is Sunday Tillie’s birthday-i think i remember that because Greg’s is the following day.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
Is it Sarah’s sister or Buddy’s wife’s sister who is having the baby? If it was Sarah’s sister that would be nice to have cousins so close in age. Jenny’s kids are lucky to have cousins close in age and 4 who live just two doors away so that they can play together.
As to the shower and wedding stuff. Jenny’s MIL threw a shower and never really consulted me and there was a shower at our house thrown by her girlfriend even though my SIL and I did most of the prep and Jenny’s MIl came as a guest and that’s just how we did it. No one felt left out-at least I didn’t and I’m pretty sure she didn’t either. As to the wedding we did all the planning and made all the arrangements-other than Jenny and Adam choosing the cake and the menu (with input from me) I made the rest of the arrangements-this was a party that Greg and I were hosting (and paying for-lol) -so I just figured the planning of it was up to us and everyone else was just supposed to come and relax and have a good time. Anyway, that’s the way I looked at it and I don’t believe Adam’s parents expected to be involved in the planning-I always think of the old saying-too many cooks spoil the broth. Sometimes too many planners can make things contentious. As to the baby shower-I would just call Sarah’s Mom and ask her if she would like you to bring anything and see what she says. If she says she doesn’t need anything just go and have a good time and just keep thinking about that precious little bundle who will be making his entrance in another few months. That’s what it’s really all about.
That’s interesting that Jerry loved the Boxcar Children books-so did Brent. However I had no idea that series was that old. (no offense Jerry) I thought those books were more contemporary. I guess well written books are timeless.
The dresses aren’t lined in a different material-only crepe paper is allowed-if I can figure out how to transfer over the rules I will. They are very stringent.
Years ago my next door neighbor who had an elderly aunt that got ovarian cancer told me about the baby powder connection. That really stuck in my head for some reason and I used powder on the kids very sparingly. Of course for boys it would be a moot point anyway. I think the problem comes from women who use it lifelong for purposes of feminine hygiene. Notice how properly I stated that? lol I don’t think Jenny ever used baby powder. Now they have Desitin which really seems to keep them dryer anyway if they have a little irritation.
We are having a beautiful day here. Hope that you are too.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
You don’t have to scroll all the way down if you go to discussions and General Quacker Chatter and click on the time of the last one of us that posted. Or you can use the link at the bottom of the post that you get in your regular e-mail.
I just drove by a house the other day that had tulips in all colors blooming in front of it. I wanted to stop and take a picture. It was so pretty! i always said that if I was rich I would have fresh flowers all over my house everyday. And have someone come in and change the sheets daily and launder them.
You have two babysitting jobs this week. How nice that Aliza is sleeping through the night already. Jenny slept through the night really early and the pediatrician told me it was too soon and I had to wake her up and feed her. I told him that if he wanted that he needed to come over and do it himself. lol It was nice to have a baby who slept good after Brent who seemed to never sleep. I was tired! That teething can be miserable for the babies. At least she’s in a good mood and wants to play when she first wakes up.
Kendall was home from school again yesterday as she was crying at school because her stomach and throat hurt but she seemed perfectly fine when I got there. I think those bad stomach aches are real but i also think that sometimes she fakes it-and i wonder what happens on those days at school to make her not want to be there. It’s weird because she does well in school and she has lots of friends-so maybe sometimes she just gets really homesick or something. We have no test results back yet.
Yesterday when I went there Kendall and Piper put on a fashion show for me while the karaoke machine played music. Then it was like being in an internet cafe. Kendall was on the computer with headphones, Lachlan was on his tablet with headphones, and Piper and I played Dr. panda on her tablet. All we needed was to be sipping mocha lattes. lol
My DVR shows that Chic’s night in is being recorded Wednesday night. I see it’s with Alberti so it should be a live show. I like Alberti. He’s a good host.
It has been cold here. We still have heat running but today it’s sunny and 70. Hooray!
Gail -
Lets see if i can get these contest rules downloaded. This is an experiment I’m not sure what will happen.
Let’s try again.
I couldn’t get the document to download just the link to the rules.
Gail………….OMG.no GLITTER!!!! How can this be????
Adele -
Ask Kendal an open ended question, like……so, what is happening at school when your tummy hurts? If she looks upset, tell her you will not even get angry at what she tells you, and want to make sure she feels safe in school.
I have my money on she may be being bullied. The smart kids always seem to be targets.
Adele -
Hi Gail
Yes, Tillie’s birthday is Sunday. Every once in a while, it falls on Mothers Day. I have a dozen roses coming, for her, and a small rose centerpiece for the table. Steph made a pretty thing for her chair, and favors for everyone. But, a lot will not be here, due to work schedules. Rissy is working until closing that day, and so is Amanda. they will stop by after work. the rest will be here for dinner. if we are lucky Rissy may be out in time for cake- not sure about Amanda. They will also stop by on Saturday. I guess it will be a 2 day celebration, so I better make something other than the cake…LOL
American Chop Suey is made like this:
Saute one big onions, 3 peppers, and some garlic in oil. After they get soft, add some tomato paste- stir it in quick. I also added some Harissa paste- becoming a favorite of mine to “joosh” it I up.
Add 2 to 3 lbs hamburg- continue frying/saute
Add some salt and pepper- keep stiring.
Pour in 3 big cans of Pastene Kitchen ready tomato’s, and about a half can of water (Of one of the cans of tomato)- stir, until it boils. Boil on low for about 1 to 2 hours- your preference.
if you like, put in about 3 tsp of the Beef base. I use that instead of the cans of chicken or beef stock, as I recently read they are a rip off, and have no real beef or chicken in them- just seasonings. the beef and chicken bases are much better.
After done, boil up 2 lbs of either elbows, ir any other small pasta you like- combine, and eat.
the green peppers come up on me- hate them! Most people make this with green peppers- yuck!
Adele -
Hey girls
it is also being said that NY has a huge bed bug problem.
I think all major cities have issues in their hotels now. It is becoming a big problem. My friends leve their suitcases packed, and in plastic bags in the tubs when they travel. Yuck!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I do like Barbara’s answer. It really made me chuckle.
that is a great idea on Aizen- have Jhonny say no, and then I am the good one….LOL I will make sure I do that for Sunday!
Read my post to Gail for the recipe for American Chop Suey, and the news on Tillie’s birthday.
‘I am betting Gary will love the hot doge, because there is not a hot dog in the world, he has not liked. I am way more picky about them,. because I want them to taste like meat, and not salt. I am glad Sue told me not to boil them, as they do not taste good like that at all. They are the Kansas City ones. I did not see the long ones they had on the other day. I wonder if those are better???
Some of our kids did not like the swing, either- they also arched their backs when you tried to put them in there. I wonder why. I do not remember who did, and did not like it….LOL
Aliza sounds so cute. You must be thrilled to have her all to yourself on Mondays. How cool is that! I hate when they teeth. The poor little things. They look so sad when their gums hurt.
Did I tell you Aizen did his first poopie on the toilet? I got to hear the whole thing, as I was on the phone with Steph- he went running to tell his Papi to come see his poopie on the toilet. I laughed so hard- how cute is that? of course, I may have already told you girls. Forgive me if I did…LOL
It stinks here- cold, rainy and dreary. I may never get to the nursery to get another one of the Hydrangea trees I love! Nancy wanted to go with me, and we do not want to go in the rain.
hope your sun stay out.
What did you think of the 2 voted off DWTS last night?
Adele -
Hi BArbara
I am upset about the controversy over the baby powder. I used it on Hetaher, and she has cervical cancer that they are constantly watching. At her last exam, she did not have any lesions to worry about. I would feel awful if I caused that.
I have to say, the mother of the dad/groom, gets no say in anything. this is how I rolled with it….just tell me what to bring, what to wear, and what time to be there, all with a smile on my face. Her Mom is in total control. It stinks, but there is little you can do. You are a gracious, and kind woman. You DIL is very lucky to have you as a Nana to her children.
Oh yes- any pregnant mother is sensitive to her weight gain. that poor thing. Why are people so insensitive when they make comments about weight gain in pregnancy? Steph is as big as minute, and she was VERY upset by the comments made to her. At one point, she was trying to lose weight!
I cannot wait to hear the cute things you will get from your Itty Bitty. that will be the best tri out ever. I love the smell of the little ones. there is nothing like a new Itty Bitty to make the whole family smile.
that is hysterical about Greg’s favorite book….LOL LOL Now you know why you have a train car on your property.
Hope your weather is good!
Adele -
InactiveMay 3, 2016 at 5:59 pmPost count: 643Adele, We can get a good hot dog here but I think it is only sold in Pa. They are made in Lancaster County. Look up John F Martin Meats. They are not loaded with salt or seasonings. Just good quality meat. I looked to see if they shipped but does not look like it. Such a shame as I think you would like those. All their meat is top notch.
Colleen, QVC does not want you to return food just call them and they say throw it out and they will return your money. I would think people would really rip them off doing this. I was not looking for a refund when I called just wanted to tell them these were not the quality I expect from Kansas City. And she said I will do a refund for you and just to throw them away. It seems like a waste when people are going hungry. -
Hi Sue!
Thank you for the info on the meat company. I am going to look them up. You never know. because I am in a different state, not too far from you. I may be able to find them somewhere up here.
I know everyone said the Q’s sides are fabulous. Those all say are the best, ever- like the mac and cheese. I have been meaning to get some, as that is one of my favorite things. Have you ever had any?
We got those cookies in the little tins for some of our customers at Christmas time, and we got rave reviews on those.
Hope your weather is way better than mine!
Thanks Sue!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
I think that Adele may be on to something. If she is being bullied that would make her sick and want to come home. That is terrible to go thru that when she is so young. I hope that it is not it but it would be worth talking to her about. Maybe she will open up to you. I hope that someone figures it out soon. That is terrible that they do not have the results yet. They need to hurry up and read the tests and get back to Jenny and let her know.
That would be so cool to have fresh flowers in the house all the time and have them out in the yard also. It is even better to have someone there to pick them for you and put them in the vases. Washing the sheets and doing all the house work is even better. We all needed to be born rich and live in luxury.lol
That pediatrician must have been out of his mind. Why would you wake the baby up when they were sleeping. If they are hungry they will wake up on their own you would not have to wake them. Every child is different and why make them all the same. You gave him the best answer that I could have thought of. Bet he did not volunteer to do that.
That is so cute that they put on the fashion with music. I bet it was cute. It was nice that Piper let Kendall join in on the fashion show. She is just so cute they both are. That sounds like what it is like with the grands here. They all bring their tablets or ds game thing and they play on it the whole time. Or they would if their moms did not make them go outside for awhile. They always tell them they have a lot of yard to play in here and they need to enjoy it while they can. One thing we do not allow here is not games or phones at the dinner table. The only one is Stephen because if he get a call or text from the base he has to answer it right away. It does not happen that often though. He has only had to leave one time and he came back the next day. So Melissa and the kids just stayed here that night.
Our weather here has been cold at night. This is the weirdest weather that we have ever had. It will be nice when it warms up a little. In the 70’s is a good temperature not much higher then that. Well at least not for awhile.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
p.s. Do you think that maybe she is getting bored at school? Ethan use to get that way and want to come home. He has done so much better since he went to the excelled classes. -
Hi Adele,
We grill hotdogs a lot. They taste really good that way and they do not have a salty taste. I think that everything tastes better on the grill. Ron sometimes burns some he likes them that way. I prefer mine just done and not any more then that. Hope that you like the hot dogs.
Thanks for the recipe. Will have to try that when we are in the mood for Chinese food. I have never made anything Chinese with ground beef but tacos. So this will be different and good. They are always saying on the chew to boil the chicken bones and get the flavor from that. I think that Clinton Kelly even puts it is the slow cooker. I wonder if they have the way to do that on the site. I have never tried it.
The party for Tille sounds really nice. It will be nice to have a two day party for her. She will really enjoy that . Jeanne Bice always said that you should celebrate your birthday for the whole month. She had a point there. It would be nice if we could. It seems like when the kids get older and have jobs it is harder to get everyone together. They all have different work schedules. So you just have to do the best that you can. Tillie will like it no matter what you do for her,
That is funny that he made his papi come and see what he did. I guess they get really excited when they do that for the first time. That is a real accomplishment. He is doing really well at potty training. That is so nice when they no longer have to wear diapers. That was one day that I always looked forward to.
It is cold here also. We are not getting any rain now but it is still cold. We did see the sun today but did not help much. Ron was going to plant some things in the garden but changed his mind. It is in the 40’s at night and plants will not grow when it is that cool. So will wait til it gets warmer and the ground is warmer. Glad that he knows all of that cause I have no idea when you should plant and when you shouldn’t.
Well that is about all from here. Hope that you see the sun soon and can get your tree.
Colleen -
Hi Sue,
You are right about throwing the food away. It is a shame that you cannot find some one to give them to. They may enjoy them. Thank you for telling me that. It is nice to know. I did not think that they would do that. QVC is a pretty good company.
Thanks again
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I believe the link between cancer and baby powder is only been proven for ovarian cancer so I don’t think that anything that you did has to do with her current situation. Years ago nobody knew about the hazards of talc and i think the cancers are linked to woman who used it all during their lives for feminine hygiene rather than just for the short time while they were babies. So please do not feel guilty.
My gut feeling is that Kendall is not being bullied. I think we would know. She is very sensitive so i wonder if it’s linked to her giving a wrong answer or something like that and then feeling embarrassed. Or maybe she just gets homesick-I know that can be a problem for certain kids.
I am like Colleen-that’s the first time that I have seen a recipe for chop suey using hamburger and pasta. Thanks for giving it to us. It sounds good. It sounds similar to what Greg calls goulash which has hamberger, onion, green pepper, shell pasta and tomato soup.
It’s nice that you will have a weekend celebration for Tillie’s birthday and that she will get to see everyone.
I wonder how many weeks are left on DWTS? Three maybe? I’m beginning to really like Paige the UFC fighter. I would like to see Mark win again-I also like Lindsey and Wanya. Most of all I like the sparkles and sequins. lol and Bruno.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Do you have any plans for Mother’s Day. I think we are just going to brunch again at the same place where we went for Easter. Greg’s birthday is Monday so we will kill two birds with one celebration.
It’s still pretty cool here. Greg usually plants around his birthday because the last frost is usually around there. However, the guy is still working on repairing his rototiller and I’m not sure when that will be done. I swear he’s had it for two months. It’s supposed to be 80 on Friday but then go back down again. This has been a weird spring
Have fun baby sitting Aliza again tomorrow. How long does it take you to drive to Danyielle’s? It takes about 15 minutes to get to Jenny’s.
Gail -
Hi colleen
It is not a Chinese dish. LOL It is American Chop Suey, which is really macaroni, and tomato sauce, with hamburg in it. I made an error yesterday- you really should not add the beef base- nobody liked it as much yesterday. they said it was good, but the beef base gave it a slightly different taste.
I hope Tillie enjoys herself, as you only turn 90 once, and a lot of people never see that number.
The hot doge have not arrived yet. I am sure I will grill them, because of everyone’s comments on tasting better on the grill. I hope I have an answer on them for Mothers day…LOL
it is still gloomy here, with rain on and off, and cold. This is ridiculous. It makes you feel so blah.
What are your plans for Mothers day?
I hope they find out what is wrong with Kendall. I know Gail must be so worried.
I am making chocolate cookies today, for my friend’s visit to Tillie tomorrow.I hope you have something yummy for today too.
Adele -
Hi Gail
Bruno is a scream to watch, for sure. He is so animated. I like the football player too- the one with the huge smile.
I am glad you had more info on the powder issue. I was feeling guilty. Thank you.
Poor Kendall is so sensitive. School can be so upsetting when a child is sensitive. I hope they get the answer on her testing soon.
I think Greg’s Goulash is the same as our American Chop Suey. I did one thing they did not like as much with the recipe yesterday, so, if you do it, do not add the beef base. They did not like it as much.
I am making cookies this afternoon for my old friend Maxine’s visit tomorrow- she is coming to see Tillie for her 90th. Maxine is the one who just lost her partner, Bill. I went to that funeral a few weeks ago. So sad.
Believe it or not, it is still cool, and rainy- lots of dreary looking sky. What is up with that? They are saying we may have bright skies on Sunday. By then, we will all think we are ducks.
At least the house will smell good from the cookies today. That always makes you feel good- baking.
Hope your sun is out!
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I lost ya for awhile. It’s gonna take me awhile to catch up. We had a few nice warm days, but the clouds are back. It’s supposed to clear out soon & go back to the 70’s & low 80’s.
I call it weather whiplash. I hope all of you are fine. I’ve heard about some bad storms back there.
I don’t have much to talk about. I live a verrrrrrrry boring life. Like I told ya before if ya don’t hear from me don’t be concerned. I just don’t have much to say.
I’ll talk to ya later.
dianne -
Hi Dianne,
You probably missed when we changed monthly discussions and you stopped getting alerts. I usually start a new discussion every month so look for us on a new page if you haven’t seen any postings for awhile. None of us live a very exciting life. We just chat about our daily lives or menus or TV shows or whatever pops into our heads.
The pictures of the mountains are very impressive. That’s something we surely don’t have around here.
We have the same whiplash weather-cold-hot cold-hot. Pretty soon it will just change straight from winter to summer.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I thought American chop suey was going to be a Chinese dish too. Especially since the carry out restaurants in Chicago do have something called that. It’s just chop suey without all the Chinese vegetables.
My neighbor told me years ago about the baby powder connection-it has to be 35 years ago. Her aunt had ovarian cancer and she said the doctor told them back then not to use baby powder over years and years as a little bit of that talc could get up there and possibly cause ovarian cancer. I always remembered that and even found it kind of hard to believe at the time but apparently the medical community knew something way back then but the talcum powder companies were just not telling anyone.
How nice of your friend to come over and visit Tillie for her birthday. You are the best hostess always baking things for people. This will be a big weekend for Tillie. I hope she doesn’t get too tired from all the activity. Is she getting some new Quacker for a present? I hope so. Nothing makes your day like some new Quacker.
It sounds like Steph is kind of the crafty one making the things for the party. I think the young people get all sorts of good ideas of things to make from Pinterest and all the ideas on Youtube. I just never think of looking at those things like the young people do. They do show a lot of good ideas though.
It looks like the northeast is still getting rain. At least we have sun today.
Gail -
Hi Dianne
it is still nice to hear from you. We do not mind if you do not have a lot to add, we just hearing from you.
It is still raining here. I fee like I am living in you state….LOL
Hope you are having a good day, and you sun is shining!
Adele -
Hi Gail
That is awful that so many people are in danger, all because of powder.
That is amusing that your part of the country calls the Chop Suey something else.
Steph likes to craft. She made all the favors for her friend’s wedding, and baby shower.
My friend’s visit was nice for Tillie today. They chatted about old times, and people, and she had a good time, and a lot of laughs.
I hope she does not get exhausted too….LOL
Of course she is getting new Quacker- I got her 3 tops she wanted. So, she should be sparkling along.
Hope you are having a good day, with sun!!!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
We are going to Danyielles for dinner. Ron was wanting us to go out but got voted down. I agree with him it would be easier the all of us cooking. They were talking about bbq but it is supposed to rain on Sunday so that will probably be out. We should all just bring a dish to pass and that be it. If we end up with all salads then that is what we have. It is fun that way. If the guys do not like it they can go to the store and get some chicken or something if they feel the need. I am just being really laid back about the whole thing. What ever they do will be fine with me. Do you have other plans if the brunch does not work out? Will all of you come back to your house ot go to Jenny’s. The place that you went to before sounded really nice. They had a nice meal for Easter.
That is a good idea to celebrate both occasions on the same day. It makes it a lot easier on you. lol I am for combining things. Anyway that I can avoid cooking two meals. I am all for it. Danyielle should have went with her dad and we should have all gone out to eat. That would have saved time and trouble. She has the baby and she is working and has a lot on her plate right now. They none of them listen to us they wait until the day comes and they wish they would have listened.lol
Ron is waiting to plant some things because the ground is still too cool. We usually have plants in the ground and they are starting to grow by now. It has been nice here though for the last few day. Just not warm enough. We are getting storms so we must be getting some warmer weather here also. That is how it has been working around here. It gets warm and then it rains and it gets chilly again. Hope that is gets warmer soon. Have you been eating any asparagus? We have had to or three cooking of it. I have some in the fridge but need to pick more before we can cook it.
It takes me about an hour and a half depends on the traffic. Today it was not too bad. Monday and Thursday are not so bad but the rest of the week is a mess. She was not too bad today. She got a little tummy ache and fussed for awhile but then she settled down and she was fine after that. You could tell a big difference in her when her mom walk into the house. It was funny I was giving her a bottle when Danyielle came in and she was talking to me and Aliza was trying to find her. She kept moving her head but Danyielle was behind us and she could not see because we were on the couch and all she could see was me and the back of the couch. She did not want to lose the bottle either. It was funny to watch and hard to keep the bottle in her mouth.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night,
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I thought that the chop suey may have had the Chinese veggies in it. That is the first time that I have heard of American chop suey. We will have to give it a try. We need to put or recipes on a page on here where we can find them when we want them. We give each other recipes and then they get lost in the different chats that we do. Then we cannot find them again. Something different then the quacker recipes. So what does everyone think about doing that.
Adele you cannot feel bad about all that stuff the they decide causes cancer. They may say that then one day out of the blue they will say that it was wrong. You do what you think is the right thing to do we all did. We just pray to God that everything will be alright. That is all we can do. They are constantly finding something that is not good for us or the baby. They also said that if you fed a baby too early they would get cancer of the stomach. Now if that were true we would all have stomach cancer. Then they say that if a baby is a big baby they will be heavy when they get older. Well that is not true either. Just depends on what their eating habits are. We were talking about this the other day. All the things that they have said that would hurt us and then they turn around and say that it won’t.
That was nice that your friend came to visit Tillie. Sounds like she had a good time talking about old times. You are right not many make it to 90. Thank the Lord that our mom’s have. They both still have their right minds and are not feeble. They are both active and can still walk around. That is a plus right there. We are so lucky to have them. I hope that she has a great birthday and she enjoys the week-end with everyone dropping in. She will probably rest if she starts to feel tired.
We are going to my daughters for dinner. The whole thing is on the post that I wrote to Gail. Our electric went off last night for no reason. We have not idea why it did. We called the electric company to find out what was going on and I just kept getting disconnected. Our neighbor called and all he got was a recording. So we none of us know what the problem was. It did come back on after an hour or so but it still would have been nice to know what happened.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
Glad that you dropped by. Like Adele said it is good to hear from you even if you just drop in and say hi. I do not have an exciting life either. Mostly we just sit around here and stare at each other.lol For awhile my big excitement was talking about my back doctor and what he would tell my to do. Like when I would clean my bathroom to get down on my hands and knees. My next question was how do I get up off my hands and knees when I am done. Just things like that. So anything you talk about is interesting. They listened to me when I was going thru all of that. We also got some good laughs.
Glad that you are okay. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
We are having a good weather weekend-so that will be nice.
How has Gary been doing? Good I hope.
The goulash was a recipe I got from Greg’s family as he likes it so much. I’m kind of neutral about it but I make it a lot because he likes it.
How is the prep for the strawberry cake going? I’m going to have to bake the strawberry cake that I make sometime again. It was quite tasty.
I’m glad that Tillie is getting some sparkle for her birthday. That’s so cool that you and your Mom both like Quacker. Does Heather like Quacker at all? I know Jenny would never wear it-she is a much more classic dresser-like her aunt. So I’m hoping one of the grandaughters-or both-will like sparkle. Maybe it skips a generation.
That’s nice that you have a crafter in your family. I was telling Jenny how impressed I was with her lady that does the crafting parties. This is an independent business that she created on her own-but i think she could actually make a big thing of it and franchise it. She should go on Shark Tank. She must be doing well with it as she had to hire two employees to keep up with her bookings.
Hope your weather will get better.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
We are going to the same place that we went to for Easter. It is so convenient and we all enjoyed it. We are not going until noon though-that gives Greg time to golf in the morning. Although sometimes the other guys can’t go on Mother’s Day either so we will see. They never make their golfing plans until the last minute. I don’t know if people will come over here later or not. I know Greg has a lot of outdoor work to do on nice days at this time of year-and it’s more difficult for him this year working the longer hours again. It will probably be awhile until he can go back to part time again as the new guy just started at the beginning of April. It will be nice that you won’t have to do anything for Mother’s Day no matter how it ends up. Just relax and enjoy.
That’s funny that Aliza was trying to locate Danyielle when she heard her voice. How cute is that!
We had asparagus a couple of times last week. It will start to come in good now.
I think it’s a good idea to start a separate recipe page so we have them all together in one spot. That way we don’t have to search through all the past postings to find something. I will set it up if you want me to. I remember I made one before but maybe that was on the old site. I remember that I did it because i remember posting pictures of kitchens. We could use the recipe section on this site-not the Chic’s night in one-there is a separate one way down at the bottom of the discussions page-or I could make a separate one under General Quacker Chatter-whatever everyone wants to do is okay by me.
Have a great weekend.
Gail -
hi Gail
Funny you asked- I am prepping for the cake tomorrow. I have the strawberries washed, and drying, so I can dip them in the boiled jelly to coat them. I learned last year they have to be done the day before, so any “leakage” from the dip will stop. Last year it looked like there were little “puddles” around each strawberry- live and learn! I will see if this works better. Tomorrow, I make the cake. I will post a pic of it, of course.
the sun is out for a brief moment. It is going to rain again. It has already started to cloud up again. It was nice to see it , even for a few minutes.
Heather is not a Quacker. I did get the girls a top that has all glitter on the top of it- the one that was sequins, in red. I have to admit, I have not seen it on them….LOL I keep trying to make them Quackers. I hope some day they will all wear sparkles for my funeral….LOL
It is so much fin to see someone make something. I actually prefer a homemade gift. It means so much to me, when they take the time to do something. Rissy made us a few little dishes, and a mug when she was in high school. She took a pottery class. She liked it. She has no time for that now. Steph likes to do little things with the boys. But, as they grow, I bet they will not be interested as they are boys. Who knows!
Gary is doing ok. the only thing he still cannot do, is put on a jacket or a sweater. I still have to help him with that. That is not too bad. It has been almost 3 months, since he had the surgery. time certainly does fly by.
I hope your weather stays good, as it comes here in a few days. LOL
Have fun at the Brunch.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I think you are I right. We can het the Gailster to do a separate recipe page. I can put on my easy summer recipes. After all, who feels like cooking when it is hot?
We are very lucky to have our Moms for another Mothers Day. Who knows about next year, at their ages. We are blessed. Especially since they are still spunky…LOL
Thank you for the nice words on not feeling guilty. You are so right- every time you turn around it is something else they warn you about.
I hope your electricity stays on. Not fun if you are in the dark, and have no shows to watch at night. Speaking of that……Blue Bloods tonight- it may be the season finale- not quite sure.
I am getting the strawberries dipped, and ready for Tillie’s cake tomorrow. Tomorrow, I do the cake. Ill post a pic- hope it comes out ok.
I think it is so funny that we have different names for foods, and different things we eat, all across the land. Customs are so regional. I love hearing the different things we all do. Plus, we can try to make them ourselves.
the sun came out for about an hour. It is clouding up again, and will rain again later. I swear, I am going to grow gills.
Hope your weather is good!
Adele -
Hey Colleen
It is so nice to hear the up-dates on Aliza. How big is she now? Isn’t it amazing how the babies react to their Mom’s voices?
Adele -
Hello to All. It is just an absolutely gorgeous day here today. It is about 70 degrees with a nice breeze blowing. The birds are chirping and the squirrels are just chomping away on the hickory nuts. The dogs are laying out in the grass sleeping like babies; so the squirrels are surely taking advantage of it ha ha. Jerry has spent the day with his Mom. She is having such a great time with him. They went to Walgreen drug store, and had this big discussion on what shampoo would make her hair the softest (and not be wasting money of course). It was so funny to hear. You would think that Jerry had become NIck Chavez and has opened a salon in Beverly Hills! I had to just walk away when they both called the saleslady over for her opinion. She wanted to sit out by the pond today; so we took some lawn chairs out there and I was constantly looking on the ground for any creepy crawleys, and she was telling me stories of how when she was a little girl, that she was responsible for going out to the spring to get the milk they had stored in the cold water. She has told me the story before, but I just love to hear of the “old days” and how they did things. The people back then used just whatever was available, and when it got dark, they would light a coal oil lantern and read or play checkers. And they would be so tired that bedtime was really early and she said they had no trouble falling asleep since they had to get back up way before dawn to milk the cow, gather eggs, and cook breakfast way before daylight. She said her Mother made their lunches in tin buckets that they took to the field with them. What a hard life. But I think it certainly made her a strong woman. Speaking of women; I hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day. You all sound like such great mothers, and grandmothers, and puppy/kitty Mommies. You all have spread your love so far, and your love and kindnesses have spread far and wide. It is a real honor to know each of you; and I hope each of you have your own special day to enjoy
Neal called tonight and asked if he bought steaks; would his Dad mind grilling them for my day? I asked, but also had to add that poor Joey is working nights all weekend; so he would not be able to be here; so he asked me if I would mind if he went to a family style restaurant that we all really like and picked up some dinner plates to go and they come over and eat with us? That actually sounds fine to me; since Jerrys Mom will be here as well, and she will really enjoy seeing the kids ; plus he can pick up one for Joey and Lisa as well. I really enjoy us just being together; and I got the feeling (even though he didn’t say so) that he and Sarah will go to her Mom’s on Sunday. I went to Walmart today, and picked up more diapers for the baby. I know that is something they can certainly use. Gosh, there are so many cute things. I would really appreciate it if you all know of something that you have for a baby that has really been helpful to you all if you would let me know what it is. I am so new at all this baby things, that I have a lot of catching up to do, and had much rather buy them something that they can really use, than something that looks good, but really isn’t very helpful.Jerry and I both had our doctors checkups this week. There is a lot of changes at his office. Many people have been let go. It is sad. I did get my B12 shot; and it does seem to make me feel better today. Sure hope I don’t have to end up getting it IV this time. Gonna think positive thoughts on this one. Poor Jerry has really been having a lot of trouble with his back. I feel so bad for him being in pain all the time. I think it is harder for a man to accept his limitations than for me too. I will push myself (too much some times) but I know that I am going to pay for it if I do; and I find that I am less and less opting to push myself when I know if I just stop for a while, and then start again, and I do okay. Some days are just better than others, and I know that it must be the same for you all too.
Adele, I know Tillie will really be happy for your cake. It just looks so delicious. Jerrys Mom is getting a chocolate cake from me. That is her absolute favorite. She isn’t big as a minute; but we actually have to watch her with a chocolate cake; she will eat so much of it that we are afraid she will make herself sick. And just good homemade buttery chocolate frosting is her favorite for the cake. She has a real sweet tooth. ha ha
I’m sitting here is my Quacker tee shirt. It’s a grey V-necked short sleeved one with sparkles up and down the V in the front. It is so comfy. I have another one just like it but in red. Don’t you all think the Quacker clothes are just so comfortable? Do you all ever wish they would have a model on the Q that is in the 1, 2, or 3X size? Sometimes they say the model is in a large, and honestly, not trying to be mean or anything, but they look bigger than a large to me. It’s almost like if you are bigger than that you don’t have someone in your size to show you how they look. I really do like to see how someone who is a larger size actually looks in the clothes; because everything will look good to me on a small person. And I REALLY don’t like to pay return charges. Don’t even get me started on that one.
Dianne,, do you live in a mountainous region or closer to the coast? It is so beautiful on your pictures. My husband was a truck driver, and he drove up I-5 (I think) and he was always telling me how beautiful it is in Oregon. He did say there were lots of big trees where he went too, and beautiful rivers.
Colleen, how old are babies when they begin to roll over on their own? I will need to know; since itty bitty could roll off of whatever he is laying on if I am not watching carefully. And when should we expect that first tooth? I know that is painful for it to break through. But I think it is so cute to see that one little tooth. Makes me laugh.
Better go for now, and see what we are going to do for dinner. I really think it will be soup and sandwich this evening. Then I make chocolate chip cookies for our “treat”. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Lots of garage and estate sales in this area. One of my neighbors called and asked if I would like to go with her for awhile tomorrow? So that sounds like fun, and the weather should be good. Adele, you must be just waterlogged by now. I am so sorry. Has to make your bones ache with all that rain. I know it does ours when it is rainy here. Take care everyone. Hugs, Barbara
Hi Gail,
That would be great if you could start a discussion so we can find the recipes to try. By the time I am ready to try one it s gone are is hard to find. I think it was on the last site that they had were we had recipes. it was nice to have. Sounds like Adele is all for it also. I told Christine also have not heard back from her yet. I am sure that she will post some on there also.
Maybe they will come over and help Greg and help him. That would be nice also. It will be nice when he gets that new guy trained and he can take over more of the responsibilities. You can spend more time with him that way. That would be nice if he could golf on Father’s day and not Mother’s day.lol He is supposed to spoil you and spend the day with you.lol If we were staying here tomorrow Ron would be doing the same thing. Working in the yard or working in his veggie garden. Well he went all out for Mother’s day this year. He went two different yard sales and bought me some santas to set around and he bought me a watch that needs a new battery. I think that we need to go back to the gas station rose. lol At least it is not a vacuum cleaner. They do say that it is the thought that counts.
I would start a separate one. I am not sure if they post all the recipes that you send in. I tried once before it may have been on the old site and it never posted. I am not sure how they do it. it may be different on this site.
I cannot believe how boring it is around here. We do absolutely nothing. Ron got me up to go to the grocery store at 7AM. We went to Wal-Mart it is the only store that is open that early. They are open 24 hours here. One thing I do have to say there was not any people in line in front of us when we went to check out. In fact there was not a lot of people in the store. He is really getting old.lol He wanted to stop on the way home and get something for lunch and I had to laugh. None of the places he wanted to stop was serving lunch yet. So he went to another grocery store and bought some left over chicken in the fridge section. He got a lot done in the garden though. So I guess that is one thing in our favor.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
p.s. our computer is acting up and my brother said that we may need a new fan or a new modem. So if I disappear for awhile you will know that is why. Ron is going to try to fix it.lol -
Hi Adele,
We would have a hard time doing things on here if it was not for Gail. At least I would. I have no idea how to set up a new page and could never post pictures like all of you do. I am going to have to learn how to do these things. You probably know how to do this stuff also. Anyway it will be nice to be able to post our recipes where we can find them and be able to try all this new stuff.
It was so weird that the electric went off. We did not have any storms in the area so that could not be why it went out. All we can think of it must have been a transformer that went out. At least it did not take long for them to fix it. They need a better system so we can find out what is going on and so we know if we need to go to the store and get some water. We have well water and it runs on a electric pump. All of us around here have electric pumps. So it is a mess. We should have had them put a regular pump on our well so we could get water when we do not have electric.
Your cake sounds so good. You always make such desserts and they make my mouth water when I see the pictures. Did you pass on any of your baking skills to your grands or your daughter. Bobby did pick up your talent for cooking. Does he bake? It would be nice if they pick it up.
My daughters will never wear sparkles but Kaylee will. She is my 5 yr, old grand. She loves to sparkle and shine. She even wears shoes that sparkle. She always tells me that I cannot have her shoes. I tease her about taking them and wearing them. That will never happen. lol She is just funny I will have to work on Aliza. I wonder if the have sparkly clothes for babies They are never too young to start. The three of us could compare our clothes.and figure whose clothes sparkle the most. The girls may not let me buy clothes for them.lol if you notice they have a lot of clothes in the stores that sparkle. Not like our Quacker but they do have some sparkle.
Not a whole lot going on here. I cannot wait to start posting recipes on the new discussions.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
I wish that I could tell you how old they are when they start teething and turning. They start squirming before they start to turn. Every baby does this in their own time. Aliza is turning from her tummy to her back but she will not turn from her back to her tummy. We have not idea when she is going to figure that one out. She is just starting to cut teeth. They just chew and slobber all over everything. You will remember the signs when you see them. It is something that we seem to never to forget. You will be surprised what you will remember once the baby gets here. You just automatically do things. So do not worry about anything. You will do fine. All babies like the baby swings. They are so much better then the ones we had when our kids were little. They have a nice padded seat and they lay back more. So if they arch their back you can still put them in there and they cannot get out as easily. Not until they get older and start squirming and that you will not know until you see them doing it. Aliza has started and she is 3 month’s. So just watch them and you will know.
I cannot imagine living thru those times. Could you imagine carrying water into the house from the outside well. Are going to the well house to get the milk. I guess we really spoiled now. Everything is right there for us and there is not a lot of work to getting it. You just have to go to the store.
It is nice that Neal is going to do something for you for Mothers day. It will be nice that Joey will be able to be there also. It is a shame that he is working nights over the week-end. I bet he would rather be there with you and Jerry celebrating you day. At least he will be able to be there during the day for dinner with Neal on Saturday,. It is nice that you will all be together.
That had to be funny seeing Jerry and his mom picking out shampoo. It is amazing what they can do if they are doing it for their mom’s That sounded so nice sitting out by the pond on a nice day. That is one mistake that we made not putting a pond on this place. We have spring water on here but do not do anything with it. Your place sounds so nice and peaceful.
That is not good when they have to let a lot of people go at the doctors. Did they replace any of them with new people? It seems like ti is cheaper to replace people with new people. They do not get have as many benefits. This Obama care is not worth a dime. We do not get the care that we use to and it does not cover everyone.
Well that is about all from here. I need to get off here before I start to complain about everything that bothers me.lol You have a good night and enjoy your Mothers day with your kids. We are so glad that you joined us on here. This is the nicest group of people that I have ever chatted with. Where could we find a group that have gone thru similar things we have gone thru and care enough to listen to each other. We have a good group of ladies in this group.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
I had a recipe discussion all set up to go but it will only let me post one picture for some reason-and with the way this is set up one picture doesn’t look right for the beginning of a discussion so I will try again later. I don’t understand what’s up with this. Maybe someone is playing with the site again so i will try again later on.
Gail -
Hello girls!
The cake is on the oven. the strawberries are in the fridge, all coated with the dip/gel. Did I tell you girls I had been doing the hard way with coating fruit? There is this huge process to making a fruit coating/ gel/whatever they call it. then, I read on the King Arthur site that the easy way to do it, with no fuss at all, it to boil a jar of strawberry or raspberry jam. Bring it to a good boil for a couple of seconds- less, maybe a minute. Cool it a few minutes- not much. If it starts to get a gel coating on top- out it back on the hot burner, and stir again- fast. then, dip in the fruit- done!
I put the fruit on a cooling rack and in the fridge overnight, (with a cookie sheet under it, of course) so any leakage will not be on the finished cake.
Adele -
Here are the strawberries!
Adele -
the strawberries disappeared- trying again!
Hi Colleen
that is awful with no electricity, as you cannot flush a toilet with no water. I bet you have a few gallons on hand, just in case.
I would love the girls to sparkle and shine. the best I can hope for, is they will wear sparkly clothes to my funeral….LOL
Well. I just posted a pic of my strawberries- twice- the picture did not load into the post. So, we may have to wait until tomorrow to see any cake pics. The cake is in the oven. Frosting will be next- whip cream of course!
So Tillie asked me this morning what kid of cake I am making. Seriously??? She loves strawberry shortcake, why would I make her anything else??? Maybe she was just making sure I did not forget.
Bobby loves to cook, not so much bake. As baking is an exact science, he doe snot like it as much. he likes to be creative, and add more or less of what he likes. You cannot do that with cake, or a lot of cookies, or they will not come out right at all. Once, he had me add chocolate chips to my famous blueberry muffin recipe because he likes chocolate more than fruit. They came out real dry. Told him you cannot do that, as fruit is juicy, and wet- chocolate dry. I had to find a separate recipe for the chocolate chip muffins. he is too funny.
Hope your weather is good- still raining here!!!!
Adele -
Hey Miss Barbara!
I love that story Jerry’s Mom told. How fascinating to hear how they lived back then. I used to love to hear my Nonna’s stories of the old country- Italy. Jerry is so good with her. Imagine how cute everyone thought their conversation was, who were within ear shot. These are the good memories you will all remember some day- hopefully not too soon!
So, tonight you are doing the same thing we are doing. Marissa and Enzo are coming over tonight to see me and Tillie, as she is working form opening to closing at the store. We are having take out too, because after all the baking, I definitely do not want to do any more cleaning. I am so happy all the boys will be there with you tonight.
We have everyone coming in shifts this year. Tomorrow morning, Amanda is coming, also before work for her- at 9:00am. Bobby is making breakfast. Then, Steph. Jhonny and the boys will be here in the afternoon, after Jhonny is home from work. The USPS delivers packages on Sunday’s, so he usually gets home pretty early. We are hoping they will be here by 2:00pm.
What I found to be the best thing for an Itty Bitty, is the long sleeve onesies- undershirts. It is great to keep them warm, even in the summer form the air conditioning. In winter, it gives them 2 layers on their tiny little arms. We used those on all the babies in this house.
From my experience, I would say a baby rolls over around 6 months. Some a little earlier, some a little later. Some Itty Bitty’s have a tooth when they are born. But, that is rare. Teething starts pretty early for a lot of babies. It did for the girls, way before they even rolled over. Funny thing is, the boys started later- no idea why- closer tot heir first birthday. All of them are so very different. The only thing that is pretty standard, is they all usually walk by age 1. Again there, some go earlier than others, and some are a little later too.
I love your chocolate cake, with the yummy chocolate cream frosting!! Yum, yum, as Aizen says. Tillie;s cake is in the fridge downstairs, as that new cake taker I have, when fully opened, cannot fit in the fridge up here, without removing a shelf, and making a mess for storage, in an already packed fridge. Mind you, it is a French door one too, and huge. Because eof the strawberrie son top, I had to open the top of the cake taker all the way.
I have to tell you Barbara, I think I have grown gills on my neck….LOL LOL
I am going to try again to load a pic of the strawberries, and the cake. I was not able to load one earlier today, so I hope it works.
Have a great night, and day tomorrow too!!!
Adele -
No picture again- I will try one more time!
Adele -
I wrote a note to James about the photos not loading. We’ll see what happens.
Hi Ladies,
Happy Mother’s Day to all. I’m sure you all will be with your families on Sunday so I don’t expect to hear from ya till Monday. Enjoy your day!!
Colleen, I have some items from ITKWD that I thought I’d share. they’re all from the show & I have 2 of them. I’m listing the item number, but I
can’t include a photo. sorry
Temp-tations Oven MItts-K42822-FL; K42824-OW–$19.58 for a set of twoCooking Buddy-K42231-$19.98—works great for taking large things out of the oven & for a large trivet. Choice of patterns & colors.
Kuhn Rikon ultimate can opener–K18779-$19.96. It has all the openers you need. opens all size bottles, cans.
5 in one can opener–K43097-$19.98. Not as many bottle openers as one above. Mark Charles demonstrates with David. One time David got too close & got sprayed
by a soda pop. Ooooppppppppppsssss!!! LOL. I crack up when those 2 are on. Esp when David has trivia for MC.Barbara, I live right between the mountains & the coast. Portland has 2 rivers. The Columbia River divides Oregon & Washington; the Willamette (pronounced Will-am-it).
I believe it’s the only river that flows South to North. I’m about 90 minutes from the Oregon coast & about the same from the mts. Oregon is a gorgeous state. Our only
National Park is Crater lake. I LOVE it there. I’m gonna try to send some of my pics of it. Its the most beautiful blue you’ve ever seen. It’s down in Southern Oregon.
I could go on & on & on about Oregon. We get teased about being behind the times, but that’s okay. Also about how much rain we get, but we need it.For a minute I thought I lost this, but I was able to retrieve it. I get really upset when that happens. I have to start over & can’t remember what I said before.
I’m gonna try to send some pics of Crater Lake that I took yrs ago. It hasn’t been doctored in any way. That truly is the color of the lake.talk to ya all on Monday. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!!
dianne -
I’ve tried several times to forward pics, but nothing comes thru. sorry. -
I have a note in to James about our inability to post pictures. I suppose we will just have to wait until the work week begins before the problem can be addressed.
Happy mothers day to all you quackers! I hope you all enjoy being spoilt this mothers day, I want to wish one mom a special mothers day, colleen, she is my adopted mom, she means the world to me, she really does, happy mother day mom, thinking of you all today, we had our mothers day in England back in March, I hope you are all ok there, as some of you know Im going to be seen this Friday, the 13th at a hospital now for my foot, the steroid injection I had in March did not work at all, my foot is so painfull, Im limping on it so much now and the pain is getting worse, so I went back to my dr early April and he said he would refer me onto a consultant at the hospital, turns out I could choose where I wanted to go, had the choice of around 5 hospitals, so I chose a private hospital not far from where we live, they take on national health patients, you can choose to pay yourself for treatments,operations, but they cost hundreds of pounds, so Im going under the national health system, my local authority pays for it all, my appointment is 9am Friday, had to book an early appointment as stewarts is working the late shift that day, 1pm-10pm, I just hope they can do something for me, will let you know how it goes anyway, its really getting me down , being in pain 24 hrs a day for over a year now, the only footwear i can wear are sketchers, as they have the memory foam insoles in them!, stewart and i have both had bad colds, but I’m over mine now and stewart is nearly over he’s cold now, patch is doing ok, but he can be a little rascal at times, he’s now nearly 16 months old, I cannot walk him because of my foot problem, stewart walks him though, I’ve still continued to do what i need to do here though, washing, ironing etc, baking too, I’ve baked patch some cookies which are a hit with him!, I’m training him up, he can do basic commands, sit, paw, he can go under and around my legs, he lies down now, will sit and wait at the back door, he can sit and i place a treat down, I count to 10 then he can have it! he also will sit and wait , i tell him leave the treat and he will leave it, then i tell him he can have it, i bought him a kong wobbler, which i put he’s lillys kitchen dog cereal in there and he has to move the wobbler with he’s paw to get the cereal out of it , also bought him a bigger kong extreme, he loves getting the treats out of it though!, we go to wales on the 16th may for a weeks holiday, got a lodge for a week, taking patch with us, we used to take charlie to this lodge place when we had him, we could not get the lodge last year, so had to go to another lodge park instead last year, but i did not like it much, not very safe for patch, but this one is wonderfull for dogs, patch will love it, i know i will not be able to walk too far, but its away from here, and i will get to see my dad too, he lives not far from where we are staying, not much happening here lately, its a lovely hot day today here, we have had our fair share of rain though this last few months, anyway i just wanted to wish you all a happy mothers day and to let you know I’m thinking of you all, especially my special adopted mom colleen, happy mothers day to you all there all the best christine
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the problems you guys had over the weekend on our website.
We had to do some upgrades on our website over the weekend.
Everything should be working now.
Please let us know if you have any more problems.
Best Regards,
Tiago -
Thank you, Tiago.
Now I can add my pics!!
Adele -
Hi Christine!
Thank you for the good wishes.
You are a fabulous wife to Stewart, making sure he is well cared for every single day.
We are all praying for you to have a successful surgery, and be pain free!
Love, Adele -
Hello ladies
I am adding some pics from Tillie’s birthday, and Mothers Day.
Stephanie did this “display at the end of the kitchen for her- it had some curtain thingie, she hung from the ceiling, and added some things- a candle, picture of her wedding, the roses I sent to her, and some soaps she did for favors. It was adorable, and Tillie was so happy with all she did to make it a special day.
Adele -
Hi girls!
Hope everyone had a great day. here are the 2 pics I tried to load of the strawberries, and the cake.
Happy Mothers Day to all my Quacker friends!
AdelePS….notice Tillie did not have her Quacker on. It was because she had to wear the new cardigan Steph got her, with the coordinating tank. She told me she feels more comfy in her Quacker clothes, and was quite distressed she missed the show yesterday….LOL
Hi Ladies,
I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother’s Day with your families. Is it me or is this type lighter? I can barely see what I’m typing.
I hear there are some really bad storms out there. I hope you’re all okay. Today was overcast for most of the day & in the 60s,
but we’re in for another warm up.
Those berries look luscious!!! Our strawberry season should be starting next month. I grew up in a small town about 100 miles SE
of Portland, & every June we had a Strawberry Festival. We bragged about having the World’s Largest Strawberry shortcake. The
local bakery made it every year & it was in the annual parade. It was covered of course, then after the parade, they handed out slices of
it. Being a small town there was plenty for all. There was a small carnival, too. then in July the next town over, Albany, had their annual
summer festival. It was called the Timber Carnival. Timber was the local industry until the technology industry came in. It put a lot of
people out of work. Logging was a big thing back in the day. Lumber mills were everywhere, esp in the smaller towns.I miss the small town atmosphere I grew up with. There were no drugs, & all the gun violence there is today. I sure miss that. Life was
soo much better back then. Life was simpler. sigh.Well, I’m gonna try & send my pics of Crater Lake again.
Have a great week ladies.
dianne -
Hi Dianne,
You are right the print is a lot lighter on here. I wonder what is going on. They will probably fix that also. They have been working on this site again. It will be really nice when they get finished setting it all up. I am glad that they know how to do this. I would never have a clue.
That lake is beautiful. I do not think that I have ever seen such blue waiter. It looks so pretty with the mountains in the background. You do live in a pretty state. We do not have clear water like that anywhere near here that is for sure.
We had a really nice Mothers day here. We went to my daughters for dinner and then today I had to go and babysit for my 3 month yr.old granddaughter. I have been really tired here and plan on sleeping in tomorrow. I just hope that the storms will let us. If it thunders really loud it always wakes me up and then I am up until the storm has passed. This is supposed to happen off and on all week long. I am ready to go somewhere for vacation. Know our luck it would be storming there also.
I will look up the kitchen gadgets that you gave me the number of. They all sound like they would be a big help to me. I really need something. I use rubber bands and sometimes they slip off the lid and then I need to find something else. If I cannot open something i have to have Ron do it or ask my neighbor. They are friends and she can open things better then I can. It is good to have a friend like that. She may be happy that I found something to help.lol
We will be getting fresh strawberries here soon and blueberries. I love them both. I love to make blueberry pancakes. They are so good. I always use fresh blueberries when I make them. They have a better taste and they are not dry at all. We have made banana pancakes also. They taste really good. Do you ever watch the Chew. It comes on in the afternoon around noon here. They always have good recipes well not always. Most of the time though. They come up with some good ideas though. That cake that Adele made looked so good. We have to go to her house and eat some of her goodies.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night. Will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I wish that I could just reach in the picture and get a piece of that cake. That really looks good. You are so good at baking things no wonder you had trouble getting rid of all the therapists.lol Your kids and grands are lucky to have you around to do all the baking. You even take requests. I have not gone that far in a long time.
Those were really good pictures of you and Tillie and the grands with Tillie. She really looked like she was having a good day. She had a big smile on her face. Sounds like you and Tillie both had a good day.
My brother told me a couple of things to do to the computer and it is running better. Ron still has to either change the fan or put in a new modem. But we will wait until it starts acting up again. It has been doing really good for the last couple of days.
I think that your storms have come in our directions. It is thundering again and hopefully no lightening. We have to get off the computer when it lightening. We have different things hit by it. We have lost I do not know how many phones in storms.
What did you get for Mother’s day? I hope that Tillie liked her tops. Did you get Quacker from the kids? If they are like mine they refuse to buy me any. That is okay we can buy our own we do not need them.lol I am a real smart alec tonight. I am just tired. After being out all day yesterday and then babysitting for Aliza I am really tired out. She can really wear me out. She wants to be help all the time and if you are not holding you better be right there in her face keeping her company. The only time that you can be away from her is if she is sleeping.. She is just a little spoiled. Not much though.lol
Well that is about all from here. I better go before it starts up again. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Everyone,
Yup! What’s up with this printing now. We need dark, clear print for these aging eyes.
Thank you Tiago for fixing the attachment issue so promptly. You had us all stumped for a bit there.
Christine, thanks for the Mother’s Day wishes. I certainly hope the new doctor will find a way to fix that foot of yours. That has been going on for way too long.
Dianne, Crater Lake looks spectacular-such a beautiful blue! We have a Milk Days festival in our town. It’s called the milk capital of the world even though it isn’t anymore as all the dairies have moved out to California. But it is the longest running festival in the state of Illinois. It’s like a big reunion weekend with many people that have moved away coming back to visit relatives. There are bed races for adults and big wheel races for the kids- A parade, carnival and many other activities over the long weekend.
Colleen, How was dinner at Danyielle’s-were you able to barbecue? Sounds like Aliza has you wrapped around her little finger. You had a busy weekend with all the traveling back and forth so I hope that you get a nice rest today.
Adele, what a luscious looking cake! Tillie looks so happy and pretty in her new birthday outfit. I like the picture of you and her looking at each other. Sounds like the party was a success. Is that Steph with the long,long hair-I had hair like that many moons ago too. How pretty it is.
We ended up going to brunch at noon so that Greg could get his golf game in. Then we came back home for a few hours and rested and then we went over to Jenny’s for a cook out. She had steak and potatoes and we brought some baked beans and asparagus and I ran into DQ and picked up an ice cream cake and had them write Happy Birthday Greg on it really quickly-so we combined Mother’s Day which was Sunday and Greg’s birthday which was Monday. So we had a nice relaxing day Brent called on Sunday to wish me Happy Mother’s Day and Greg Happy Birthday so we had all our bases covered. Unfortunately the weather went from 70’s over the weekend to 50’s and rainy again. We didn’t have a really bad winter but this has been a chilly spring. I have a feeling we will hit June and just jump right up to 90 degrees.
I heard this morning that Memphis is supposed to be due for some bad storms so I hope Barbara will be safe.
Gail -
hi Gail
That is Steph with my Mom, and JJ. I forgot to add a couple of Aizen and Jhonny- I attached them here. Check out the cake, all over his face. He loves his sweets- definitely got that from me.
Everyone did have a good time. Amanda came y last night, after work, as she never made it in the am on Mothers day- she got called into work earlier than planned.
it sounds like you all had a good day too. I love ice cream cakes. That is the cake I request for my birthday. Jhonny loves them too. It must be that we are both Aquarians.
Greg is the day after Tillie’s birthday. A Taurus. I have 2 of those here- Bobby and Tillie.
Our weather is a little warmer- on the low 60’s. It will be like that all week. We are all thrilled up here, that the sun is shining.
I just got back form my annual doctor appointment, and then went to brunch with Rissy. here is the funny part- I am meeting Nancy and our other friend Sue later- this just got arranged…..LOL So, no dinner for Gary here tonight, unless I ring it home with me.
I was worried about all of you, and now Barbara. Those tornados and storms looked horrifying on TV. I was saying a prayer for anyone in their path. I hope everyone is safe, and will stay safe.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I hope the storms passed over you, and did no damage. It looked so scary on TV, that I said a prayer for anyone in their path. These have been such powerful and nasty storms. Up here, Home Depot s doing a seminar on what you need in a hurricane, and how to prepare. So, did I miss the huge warnings of hurricanes on their way, or a severe hurricane season?
I hope you did not lose power, or any of your phones again.
I posted a couple of pics of Aizen eating the cake, and Jhonny with him. I forgot to add them yesterday.
Aliza sounds so darn cute. They are infants for such a little while. I love when you get to hold and snuggle them, and they let you. Pretty soon, she will be in the “I need to explore all my world stage”. I miss being able to rock Aizen to sleep. That time is long gone!
I got my red, white and blue baking dish form Temptations yesterday. Now, I have to find a place to keep it. I really love how Temptations bakes, and cooks. I cannot believe I did not know about them before they came out with those pumpkins in the Fall, and we all know how much I love pumpkins.
How did you like DWTS? I was surprised who got voted off. But, it was a hard call, as all of them are good.
hope the weather is better, and you have no damage!!!
Adele -
hi Dianne!
those pictures are absolutely spectacular. What a beautify area of the country you love in.
Oh yes- the print is light, until you save it. We must all be getting lines form squinting.
That Town you loved in sounds real nice. Things are not like they used to be. the drugs and gun violence is through the roof, everywhere. It scares me as to what kind of world the boys will grow up in.
keep those beautiful pictures coming! We all love them.
The strawberries taste even sweeter with the dip on them. they look a lot darker in the pic on the cake, though. Even though I dipped them the day before, they still leaked a little dip on the cake. I told hubby that maybe I should wait until we serve the cake to put the berries on top. They still ate it….LOL
Hope your week is going well, and you are storm free.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I saw those red white and blue temptations dishes and really liked them. I have been a little leery of temptations ever since I heard about them breaking in the oven on people. Now you never know if they put a cold dish directly in there or what the circumstances were. Also I have no space between, temptations, lock and lock and Polish stoneware. I’m glad that someone I know got that Americana dish though-then I can live through you vicariously. It did tempt me but then I looked at my packed cabinets and resisted.
I don’t blame Aizen for loving the cake. At this point in my life I too am of the”life is short eat dessert first” way of thinking. It looks like Aizen has a “man bun”-how hip is that?! He’s already a fashion plate.
I have two Taurus’ also-Jenny and Greg. Brent is a Cancer and then I am all alone in the fall-a Libra.
You had the perfect day yesterday(other than the physical) out to lunch and dinner. I didn’t have to cook diner either as Greg had rehearsal and he and Tim go out and get something during rehearsal. He’s been getting this garlic steak and then he comes home all garlicky smelling. I know he won’t be bitten by a vampire on the nights that he has that.
I guess from this point on everyone that goes home on DWTS will be someone pretty good. I think the winner will probably be Niall or Ginger but I am still liking Paige a lot. I just find the juxtaposition between the tough fighter and the sensitive, smooth dancer kind of interesting. I enjoyed the judges dances-they should keep that and get rid of that switch up.
Hope that you are having sunny skies.
Gail -
Hi Gail,
We had a nice time at Danyielle’s. She ended up buying sandwiches and chips and a salad. It was really nice. There was no clean up and no work for anyone. So we just had a nice visit. Poor Aliza did not get any sleep though. She was too busy looking around and watching everyone. She did let us hold her though. She saw me and she thought oh no Mom is leaving. When she figured out that mom was not going anywhere she was fine. She even wanted me to hold her. It was funny.
You had a really nice day also. No cooking for you. First the brunch and then the bbq. Sounds like you had two good meals. Did Piper do any entertaining on Sunday? She had everyone there and she will have a lot of attention. She is so cute.
This writing is so light and hard to see. I may have to get a magnifying glass to see what I am writing. lol I wonder why it is so light now. Guess we will have to let them know. I wonder if they are still working on the site. I will write to Tiago after I get done on here.
These storms are really just moving around. We have had them here and they are supposed to stick around for awhile. I hope that they are wrong. It would be nice if it gets warmer and stays warm. This going back and forth is getting tiresome. I guess we should expect the rain it is spring. I just hope that it just gets done soon and we can just relax for awhile.
The Milk days festival that they have there sounds like a lot of fun. Is that the one where you go to different bbqs? You have a lot of fun on that day.Wish that we had a festival like that. We do have a festival in September for labor day. That is about the only one. You would think that they would have one for Memorial day also. They need to do something to honor the veterans. They just do not think of things like that. At least not down here.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
That is such a cute picture of Azien and Johnny. He does like cake that is for sure. He does like his cake. He is so cute. They say the older we get the more we like our sweets and salty things. That our taste buds are not as strong as they are when are young. So we can taste sweet things and salty things better then anything else.
We did not get the bad storms here. They were loud and some wind but not like they had in other places. It is scary when it gets really windy at night and you cannot really see what is going on outside. In the day time at least you can see what is going on and if the storm is getting really bad. Yesterday it rained in the morning but now at night. It is not storming now but is supposed to later on. It is clouding up again. It is really tiresome when we have all these days of rain. I know what you are going thru when all that rain was in your area.
Girls are a little different. My five year old will let me rock her once in awhile. she will crawl up in my lap and we will talk about when she was a baby and she will sit there for a long time. My other grand daughters use to do the same thing. Now they are older and do not want to come over here do not talk about sitting in my lap. lol They have other plans and they do not include their old grand parents. They use to come over here a lot but now that they are older they do not want to be here as much they are too busy.
Your new Temptations dish sounds really nice. You have a lot of that. I just have the one set and use it a lot. I cannot believe that it broke on someone when they put it in the oven. It must have been from the freezer to the oven which never works out at all. Even if they say that it will. You cannot take something from freezing to hot and not have a problem. I have broken glass pitchers like that when making tea. I always do something now so it will not break.
I did not know that walking up and down steps could be so tiring. My daughter has a two stories house. Of course the rooms are all upstairs. So have to carry the baby up and down the stairs. So will have to work something else out. She may have to sleep in the living room and that will be that. My back gives me trouble and that is such a pain to have to worry about that all the time.
It is going to be hard to pick the ones to go home next week. They said that they are going to vote two couples off the show. It was a shock that Jodi got voted off the show. She has been doing so good. I thought that maybe the singer from Boyz to men would get voted off. He has not been doing as well as the others. He is good though. It is just hard to pick this time around. They do have some really good dancers on there now. I think that they have had good dancers thru out the whole show. I am not sure who I want to win. It is hard to pick. We will see next week who goes home.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good day.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
Thank you- he is a cutie. He makes me smile, just thinking about his little self. You should post a pic of Aliza.
Wow- Tiago must have fixed the type problem, as it is a lot bolder now….LOL
I used my new Temptations pan tonight. I had this idea, and it worked. I put the left over chicken cutlets Bobby cooked on Monday on one side, and the left over home fries on the other side in the pan. I put a couple of pats of butter on top of the chicken and potato, put the cover on the pan, and into the oven at 350 for about 25 minutes on 350. I have to say, I think I invented a new way to do leftovers- it tasted like they were just done- not dried out at all. We had that, with a simple salad, and I made the beet salad I love. Of course, Gary did not eat the beet salad. So the Temptations , covered, do a great job with leftovers!! I was quite happy with myself today.
I finally got to wash the kitchen floor today. believe it or not, I was interrupted 3 times, but, I was determined to get it done. Even the painter who is painting our fence came in- walked right on the wet part, even though I was saying it was wet, so I had to do it over on that spot. He felt awful. I laughed.
You are so right. The girls will let you snuggle them all their lives. Not the boys. They are too busy.
Here is an idea on Aliza. How about asking your daughter to leave a couple of outfits, and diapers downstairs, so you do not have to go up and down while you babysit? Sooner or later, you are going to trigger an uncomfortable event with your back, if you keep carrying her up and down all the time. I know your daughter would understand. We just have to remind them some days.
I am so glad you did not get those bad storms. Every time I see them in the Midwest, I get scared for you and Gail, and our other Quackers.
Well, I have to go clean the fish, before I get in my chair for the night. He does not like dirty water. I spoiled him too.
Adele -
hi Gail
Oh yes, the man bun. Only thing is, everyone thinks he is a girl. He does shave beautiful curly thick hair. JJ has wavy thick hair.
I am not sure who I am rooting for on DWTS either. Like Colleen, I think they are all good. there is not one who really stands out, they are all good.
The Temptations one I got was the 4th in that series that started with the pumpkin Bundt pan, witht he tray, and little 4 dishes. The next one was a holiday none, then an Easter one, and now this one. This one is a 9×12 baker, with tray and lid. I used it tonight, because I have no idea where to put it yet….LOL LOL read my post to Colleen for tonight’s leftover Temptations success.
That is funny- we have 2 Taurus’, and a Cancer too- Amanda is the Cancer.
We did have a beautiful day, and another one today. We are about to get punished, as the weather man said some rain is on it’s way. I may never get my herbs bought, or planted out there.
Tomorrwo I go meet with the Lowes decorator to discuss the backsplash. I picked the tiles. They are glass mosaic, in a warmer color- a little peachy/warm beige. I hope they look good. She may have other suggestions too- who knows! Next week the other company comes to plan the counter tops out. the faucet arrived today- I love it. Gary had a coronary over the price….LOL
Hope your day, and week are going well.
hey- did piper give you a Mothers Day concert?
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
Ahhhh, I see we got the black lettering back. I don’t have to go get new glasses after all. For just a bit I thought it was me!!!
So, I hope everyone’s fine & safe. I saw some of the tornadoes on the news, even tho it was in Colorado.
If you want to get away from that dangerous weather, come out here. I know we’re known for rain all the time, but we have
NOTHING compared to what you guys get out there. We don’t have the humidity, or the dangerous tornadoes. thank God!!!!
When we have humidity, it’s in the 40s or 50s, maybe 60s, and you would howl laughing at us when we start whining about
“the humidity”. In the summer the humidity goes down to the 20s or lower. I know we complain about the rain, but it’s a good
thing to keep us green.For all of you who have issues opening jars, cans, bottles, I gave Colleen a list of things that are on QVC. I found the Temptations
oven mitts are great for opening jars, etc. They’re thick inside, & come up half way up the arm, protecting your arms. they have silicon
on both sides so it doesn’t matter which hand you put em on. The Q also has can openers that have every bottle opener you could
I gave in today & pre ordered the today’s TSV for the Smash Burgers. I’ll get them the end of June. Have any of you had them? I’ve
never had them before. The food always looks sooooo gooood on TV. Some how it never looks that good when I try it.Oh, did you girls get an email from QF about a live audience show the 25th? I’m not sure about the time of the show right now.
Well, I’ll go for now.
dianne -
Hello everyone. Gosh, this is so much better for me to be able to see what I am typing to you all. My poor eyesight needs a check up; and I need to set up an appointment soon. There has just been so much going on that I keep forgetting to do that. You know; I have to make a list of my “to do” things or I will definitely forget things. I keep a pad on the refrigerator door to write things down for groceries; but I also have to just write down “everyday” things as well. Instead of just saying I am forgetful; I just call it being in sensory overload LOL It has been really stormy here almost every day. Neal and Sarah are to leave for Florida this weekend, and both of them have been sick with a sinus infection. Neal broke down and saw a doctor this morning, and he gave him a big shot of antibiotic and other meds that should make him feel much better. I worry about all “3” of them; but know that they are smart and ultimately will do their own thing. I asked him to please go ahead and go to the doctor early this week; since Sarah had already been sick and gotten treated, but he put it off and it just got worse and worse. I so hope they have a wonderful time on their trip. I told Neal today that this is itty bitty’s first vacation. ha ha Neal just laughed. Guess they never get too old for us not to worry, do they?
It looks like you all had wonderful birthday and Mothers Day celebrations. Tillie looks so pretty; just as I imagined. And let’s all just go ahead and admit we could fall face first into that strawberry cake! I love reading your stories. Dianne, your photos are BEAUTIFUL. You live in such a pretty area of the country. You are so right about rather face a hurricane than a tornado. Both Colleen and I know that it is really scary during the day, but even more so at night when you can’t see where it is coming from. Colleen, would you believe that Jerry actually told me one day that we could dig this huge hole in the ground and bury that boxcar and make a storm shelter out of it? He and Ron are masters of thinking of things to do with their valuable junk ha ha
Christine, I am so sorry that you are having so much problems with your health. I hope and pray that you will be doing better soon. I will always remember the sweet note you wrote to me right after I had my stroke, and how that touched me that someone so far away could be praying for my recovery and sending good thoughts my way. We on this website really do pull one another up as best we can when someone is down. Gail, do you know what ever happened to the lady from Nevada that used to come on here and had such a beautiful home that she would send us pictures of especially during the holidays? Since I have been on this site, quite a few people have come and gone; but it has always been a highlight of my day to just sit and visit over the miles with you all.
You all know that I just couldn’t pass up those seersucker Quacker capri’s. They are so comfy and cool for this area. I got them in a yellow seersucker. Debbie used to laugh everytime Quacker would offer something in that fabric; because she knew I would be all over it. ha ha. By the way Gail, how is Brent doing now? Is he going to come home soon or will it be a while?
How is Aizen’s tree doing? Jerry is so proud of him for planting a tree. Jerry is such a tree fanatic and just thinks anyone who plants a tree is just great. He loves to walk all over out here and talk about all the trees he and the boys have planted. He has quite a few that he and the boys actually dug up from other places and transplanted here. So there are lots of memories attached to most of his trees.
Well, it is pizza night here. I just simply don’t feel like cooking anything. I made a big pot of homemade soup the other day, and Jerry and me and Joey and Lisa ate so much. It just hit the spot; with all the rainy weather. So tonight, I am slacking ha ha
Dianne, I ordered the hamburgers too. I thought that it would be good to have one at a time and be able to keep them in the freezer until we need them. I agree with you, everything looks so good on the TV. But we will see how these taste.
Bye for now, everyone. Hope you all have a good evening. Pet all your 4 legged babies, and hug all your two legged ones for me. Barbara -
Hi Barbara,
Well this writing is better and even darker than before. That’s the nice thing about this site-because there are so few of us they usually can get to our requests in short order.
I hope Neal and Sarah are feeling better and will have a good time on their vacation.
You know making the box car into a storm shelter is actually a pretty good idea if you guys don’t have a basement. I never thought about it but I think Colleen doesn’t have a basement so I wonder where they go when there are tornado warnings. We have the basement and I am grateful for that. We have had some close calls over the years but thankfully we have been spared. A couple years back a tornado touched down and hit a few houses right on the end of the street where we used to live-which is only about two miles from where we are now. We live in the country so can’t hear the tornado sirens but I know if they go off Jenny will call and check to make sure that we go in the basement.
I’m not sure when we will see Brent again. He started a different job so I’m sure he won’t have any time off in the near future. Greg and I don’t mind going to NM but I’m not sure how soon Greg will have more free time since he is training someone new again at work.
You asked about things that our kids found useful for their babies. Jenny had this cradle type thing that I gave her that she used for all her kids. I looked for a picture of it but couldn’t find it so I wonder if it now has a newer incarnation. Anyway she loved that thing-it was like a portable cradle but it was made out of material. She had the baby in it up in their room at night and she moved it downstairs during the day so I could put the baby in it rather than having to go up and down the stairs. I will ask her if she remembers the name of it. I know she liked it so well that we went in together and gave it to a few of her friends for gifts also. I know they even brought it here sometimes to put the baby in if they were going to be here all day.
I like the story about Jerry and his Mom discussing shampoos. Poor Greg, being bald, would have had nothing to add to that conversation. lol
We are still having cool weather here. This weekend it will only be in the 50’s.
Gail -
Hi Dianne
I am glad you do not get those kinds of storms. So, now I will not have to worry about you….LOL I am sitting her with gloomy skies, and watching the pollen flow through the air. It is to rain soon. That will hold the pollen down.
I have never ordered food before. the hot dogs were the first. We were not having good weather the day they were delivered, so I took your advice (or was it Colleen’s??) and put a tiny bit of butter in the pan, and fried them. Did not boil them, as advised. they certainly had a lot more meat in them, you could taste that. They were salty, but it was hard to tell if they were less salty than supermarket ones. I honestly felt they were, but it is hard to compare if you do not have the 2 in front of you. they did taste a lot more like real beef, so that was good. We have not cleaned the BBQ yet, a nd I am waiting to see how they taste BBQ’d. Gary liked them, but he loves hot dogs. I am the picky one when it comes to them. Let us know how you like the burgers.
I have that can opener from the Q, and I love it. I have the matching jar opener, and it is fabulous for weak hands. I have not bought the gloves from Temptation yet.
OMG- I would be thrilled to have that kind of humidity! That is just too funny. We get 90 to 100 humidity and it is bad. Makes me feel sick.
hope you are having a good day!
Adele -
Hi Colleen,
That is funny that Aliza saw you on Mother’s Day and thought her Mom was leaving. How quickly those little minds learn things! I find that so fascinating.
As to the cuddling-Piper will cuddle but Kendall has never been a cuddler-even her Mom can’t get a kiss or a hug. She’s just very hands off. Lachlan will still cuddle with Jenny but I suppose that won’t last much longer.
Piper didn’t do a fashion show on Mother’s Day. However Greg had ordered some new golf shirts that came in the mail this week and he said he’s going to bring them to Jenny’s and model them for Piper. lol
Milk Day’s is the time that we go to all the barbecues. There is one at Jenny’s inlaws where we watch the parade, one at Greg’s golfing buddies house and usually one at Jenny’s. You can eat your way from one side of town to the other on that day.
When I was a kid Memorial Day kind of signified the beginning of summer. My Dad always marched in the parade-and every year it was a guessing game to see if he could fit back into his uniform or not. Fortunately in later years he was a fire commissioner so he rode in a car and didn’t have to worry about fitting into the uniform. After the parade and a ceremony in the park honoring the veterans and a 21 gun salute (the sound of that always scared me)-there was a big picnic in the park with my parents and their friends and family and school was usually over for the year by then-so it was the beginning of a long summer of reading and playing and swimming. Those really were the good old days-childhood summers.
Gail -
hi Barbara
That is a riot about Jerry wanting to bury the train, and use it for a shelter. He may be on to something. LOL Those storms you all get are scary. I am always hoping and praying you are all good.
Today it is very gloomy here, and will rain. the temp went back to the low 60’s. We were spoiled the last few days. Aizen’s tree still has nothing on it. I see tiny leaves starting to grow. The lilacs are almost all the way out. I love them, and cannot wait to cut some and bring them inside. I loved Aizen tree so much, do not know if you remember, I planted 3 more, after his got squashed in the storms of 2014. I want one more for the back yard, and the nursery said they do not have them in yet. We are very behind in plantings this year, because of the cold. Very weird weather we are having. Do you have any Hydrangea trees on your property? They are so beautiful when they flower.
Let us know how the burgers taste. I did like the hot dogs, but I had to fry them, as it was not BBQ weather. I am waiting to see how they do on the BBQ. Gary loved them. One of you told me not to boil them, so I did not. We have not had them since, as we are waiting to se how they are on the BBQ. They do taste a lot more beefy, I have to say.
That is funny the 3 of them are going on their first vaca. You have such a great sense of humor.
Thank you for your comment on Tillie. I will tell her, as she is feeling old and ugly lately. I think she is nuts. the woman looks better than me….LOL
Hey- I used the booby cart in Lowes yesterday, and everyone was very nice. Not one nasty look. I smiled, and Quacked all through the store. I told this to Gary when I got home, as he went through Home Depot and came back nearly dead. he refuses to use them because people “look at fat people ” when they ride a cart. I told him he just needs to smile at everyone, and greet them as you pass by.
I am like you- I love to see everyone pictures, decorations, and comments on their part of the country. You should post some pics too- one of the train….LOL Dianne can give you decorating advice!! I et she would light it up for Memorial Day, for sure!
I hope the kids’ trip to Florida goes well. I am going to post my pics of my kitchen now, for all of you to see. I am doing the counters and backsplash over, and will post a pic of them done. So far, I have picked the backsplash, faucet, and counter color. Going with Quartz for the counter top. I am between 2 places for the counter tops. the backsplash is a definite, so far. As usual, I am getting the 18 to 24 months free financing- my only way to roll!! I love doing projects that way.
Hope all is well, and Itty Bitty’s mummy is doing good.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Wow! You are finally getting your kitchen redo! We will probably talk about it for another two years before it finally gets done. We are still having the quartz vs. granite argument and I am not willing to give in on this one. Which did you decide on? Are you getting a new sink? I like the farm sinks but will probably choose something else as I think those will be a passing fancy. Anyway, I know I have a lot of time to plan all this before it comes into fruition.
You had me really thinking when I read your note to Colleen on having to clean the fish. Coming from a family of fishermen I naturally thought about cleaning fish that someone has caught to prepare them for cooking. I was thinking-boy Adele is brave-you won’t catch me gutting fish-and then I realized you meant you had to clean the bowl of the betta. lol I thought boy you’re being a real outdoors woman. lol
No concert from Piper on Mother’s Day. However, when I was there on Monday we were making up songs about unicorns, and butterflies and rainbows. I must say-that child is exhausting-she literally never stops talking. lol She’s going to be in for a shock when she goes to school and discovers that you can’t chatter all day long. She did tell me one day that she just loves to talk. lol Echos of my own childhood where I always got in trouble for talking in school-of course that was the days of the nuns when you couldn’t even talk in the lunchroom-what was up with that anyway?
We are in for a cool weekend only in the 50’s-How can I wear my sandals without freezing my feet? I’m tired of shoes and socks.
I took Rocky to be groomed yesterday. He usually goes every 8 weeks but I hadn’t taken him since the first of the year and boy was he shaggy. His hair covered up his eyes-and he looked ten pounds heavier with all that fur. Now I can see his cute little face again.
Gail -
OMG Gail- that is hysterical. It is my Beta fish.
You will not believe this. I now have a crazy Robin that has been slamming himself on the patio door every afternoon. He started on the kitchen window, and moved to the patio door. He is doing his thing right now. Just went into the living room, and as soon as he sees me, he stops.
I used your research to begin the process, and decided on the Quartz, after looking, and talking to the counter people. Here is my take on the Farmers sink- which I also liked. You need extra support from the bottom, under the sink. So, I would lose storage under there, that I could reach easily. Plus, I have that fake looking drawer under the sink area, and it will not totally cover it. So, it was not an option for me.
So, what are you two arguing over- Quartz vs Granite, or more than that? The Quartz will not stain, and needs no maintenance- I am all about that, for sure! Counters, backsplash and sink are the items being replaced here. I picked a fabulous new faucet- love it- it has been delivered already. I also got new shades, and am making a new topper. I decided to make it after the project is done, so it will not get dusty from the work. that will go up last.
That was some concert- all the things you like. Piper is a scream. She is going to have a hard time with being quiet. I hope she gets a great Kindergarten teacher, who will love her imagination, and artistic ways. I hate when a child gets squished into a round peg. She would be great in one of those free spirit schools. gee- do they even have those anymore??
it is very cool here again, and very overcast. needless to say, with the rain coming, I did not get my herbs for the deck yet, as I cannot plant them in the rain this weekend. This is ridiculous. You would be wearing a jacket here, and definitely no sandals. Possibly Uggs. LOL
Post of pic of Rocky, with his new hairdo. How has he been since he is home? Is he happier when he comes back from the groomer?
hope your weather is better than mine.
Adele -
Hey Barbara,
I asked Jenny and the name of the cradle was a Fisher Price Rock and Play. She had the basic model which I am attaching a picture of here-but now they have fancier models that play music and such too. -
Gail, thank you so much for the baby gift idea. Now I am looking on Amazon for one. I can just imagine how our Itty Bitty is going to love it. I have already bought this sweet little “country boy” outfit of little bib overalls and a plaid shirt with some little silt sock like things that look like boots. We used to dress all of the boys like that as they were growing up since they wanted to look like their “farmer” daddy. I have a little one piece sailor suit that all three boys had their pictures taken wearing it on each one’s first birthday. I have saved it all these years wrapped in tissue paper, and hope Neal and Sarah will let me make the baby’s first birthday picture in it, too. That would surely make me happy.
I a so proud of you, Adele, for hopping right on that cart and quacking and smiling and ready for anyone to have the nerve to give you one of those smirky looks. Poor Jerry needs to ride a cart so badly, and I have made up my mind that I will ride one at a park I have talked him into going with me, and have him ride it when no one can see him so his back can rest. My poor ego has “left the building” as they used to say when Elvis Presley left his concerts. LOL
Better go for tonight. Jerry just brought me a tray with crackers, cheese, cold cuts and other goodies. (Kerry’s version of a home cooked meal) Looks yummy! Barbara -
Hi Everybody,
This is really nice. We can see what we type. Barbara do not think that it was your eyes only we all had problems reading what we were typing. We have been getting stormy weather around here also. The other night we had a lot of hail. It did not seem like it was ever going to stop. That was the longest we have ever seen it hail for that long. It was a good thing that it was not baseball size hail or we would not be able to drive our cars.
I do not think that I will tell Ron about Jerry burying the railroad cars it may inspire him. I can see it all now. He buying a railroad car and having it hauled to the house and burying it in the back. That would be interesting. They are always thinking.lol
Gail, Aliza is really funny. Today she decided that she wanted to lay in her bedroom instead of down stairs She did not want me to leave her there but she laid there and cooed at the ceiling and jabbered at me. So we sat up there without much to do. All of her toys are downstairs. Guess she was tired of playing with them. She is cutting teeth and she is really working that tongue over the gums. I feel so sorry for her but this too will pass.
I wonder what Piper would do if Greg did model his new golf shirts. Wonder if she would go and get some clothes to model with him. That would be so funny. She is such a cutie. I cannot wait for Aliza to get a little bigger so she will be crawling and talking a little. If she is like her mom she will talk your arm off.
That is nice that they continue with the parade and the 21 gun salute. I do not like when they shot the guns off either. It is spooky and it does make you want to cry. I do not see how the veterans can stand to hear it either after being in the war with all those guns. Guess it is in honor of those who have died. The Milk Days sound like so much fun. You really could just eat your way thru town. Hope that you have as much fun again this year.
Adele I use those carts all the time. It is a lot easier on my back then walking. When we go to Rural King I use it because the store is so big and if I want to keep up with Ron I have to do that. It use to bother me but not anymore. I even run into things but people are understanding about that also. This one man came up to me and Ron when we were checking out and asked if I was getting better at driving that thing and I told him no. He just laughed and said at least you are honest about it. I thought just don’t step in front of me. lol
Are you redoing your kitchen? I am not even going to think of another project to do around here. Ron still not laid the tile in the bathroom I do not think he is ever going to. I could not get a hold of his nephew but hope he calls me back soon.
All birds must be dumb you would think that after they almost knock themselves out they would quit banging into the windows. They don’t though. I am glad that our Cardinal. went away.
Well that is about all from here for now. I am so tired from babysitting and driving. That really is a long drive when you have to do it that often. I spent the night last night because she needed me yesterday and then again this morning. So next Monday I am taking the day off.
I hope that everyone has a good week-end.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara!
What a nice treat to watch TV. Our cutie Tom Selleck is done for the season. I had to endure 2 episodes of Hawaii 5 O. I love the characters, but sometimes the story lines are a little far fetched.
I certainly did sparkle and shine through Lowes. I was quite proud of myself, and smiled at everyone I saw. A smile does a lot to break the ice.
I made the Late Summer Berry Torte for breakfast, and Gary was thrilled. We have not had it since the Fall, as blueberries have been in short demand, until just recently. They were selling those tiny containers ( about 1/3 the size of a pint) , in which you would have needed 3 to do the torte, and the cost would have topped well over 10.00, and possibly 15.00. Just does not make it worth it. The frozen ones are just not as good on the torte- they are fine for the muffins.
Gail’s idea on the portable cradle is a great one. When the baby gets bigger, you can get one of those portable Pack and Play’s. I just put the high chair back in the attic, as Aizen does not like to sit in it anymore.
it is sunny here today, but will rain later, and the temp will drop back into the low 60’s. So, tomorrow, I am doing a turkey breast for dinner.
Hope your sun is shining too!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I am only doing new counters, backsplash, and sink. That should make everything look like new. I hope when it is in that the cabinets still look good…LOL If not, I may think about painting them. My counters are the old fashioned ones, with the backsplash to match- they look really dated, and the sink has a lot of dings in it, and some stains I just cannot get out anymore. It seems the finish on the sink has worn away, which happens with the ceramic. It is about 28 years old. the counters are original, and 36 years old. It is definitely time to do them. I am getting 24 months free financing from the counter company. Although Lowes is doing the measure now, I will wait to put the backsplash in, until they have a 0 % financing offer, unless it is really reasonable. I hate paying interest. The charge for labor on the backsplash is 299.00, which is not bad. The tiles will not cost too much, so it may be doable with that other 5% financing offer they have. I have to see what the bottom line is, before I do it.
I have to see if the Robin comes back again today. I feel like he is related to Gail’s bird….LOL
hope you have a good Saturday, and no more storms.
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I hope everyone’s weekend is going great. Well our short heat wave is over. It was in the upper 80s yesterday, today it’s barely 60. Our
natural AC came in over night. It was gray & gloomy all day.
There’s a QF show tomorrow after ITKWD. I think it’s a 2 hr show, but I’m not sure. It’s been mostly beauty products today. I don’t watch
those kinds of shows. Wouldn’t do me any good anyway!!! Lol.
Say, I was on my FB page today, & I came across a post about Carolyn Gracie. Apparently someone made some kind of remark or some
thing & people were coming to her defense. I didn’t know what was said or when it was said, but for so many to come to her defense it
must’ve been nasty. I don’t understand why people feel they need to do that. I say, if ya can’t say something nice, keep your mouth shut!!
And if ya don’t like what’s on, change the channel. when Lisa Robertson was on one time she was doing a segment on purses. A caller
basically called her out on air. Everybody just looked at each other, like did that just happen??
Well, have a great Sunday & enjoy QF.
talk to ya later.
dianne -
Hi Dianne,
I do not like when they say unkind things on here or fb. I do not go on face book. She is a really nice lady and she has really gone thru a lot here lately. She just went thru the cancer operation on her breast and she was a strong person thru that. It was nice that she came back to QVC. She sure did have reason not too. They seem to be good to their people when they are sick or if something happens and they need time off. I really like Carolyn Gracie.
I did not know that there was a QF. show tomorrow. I will have to set my dvr to tape it. We have to go to a birthday party for our grandson tomorrow. It is going to be at a pizza place so it will be a noisy place to be. They did say that the game room is separate from the dining room So we will not have to worry about all the kids running around in there. You can tell you are getting old when kids start to get on your nerves when they are running all over the place and there is nothing that you can do. You cannot tell them to calm down or sit down for awhile. Their parents may not understand.lol
I did not know that someone did that to Lisa Robertson either. She is such a nice person. It was kind of sad when she left. I hope that she is happy now and has found a job that she will like. She always seem to be so classy. She knew all about jewelry though.
Well that is about all from here. I am glad of one thing. No one on this site says anything bad about anybody. That is why I stay on here.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
That is a good deal on the financing charge. I love the 0 finance. I hope that you find what you want and can get it all done. It will brighten the kitchen up. We need to do more then just the bathroom floor. We need to get new rugs and change a few things around. I am not to eager to buy the stuff though it will not fit under the bed. That is where the tile if for the bathroom.lol
Do you have any big plans for the week-end. We are going to a birthday party for Ethan.It will be okay. They are having it at a pizza place that has a game room. So it will be noisy in the game room. They have a separate room for the games then where you eat. Hope that it makes a difference. At least we will get to see all the grand kids. That makes it worth going.
The storms are over with until Friday. It is going to rain Mon. and Tues. it will just be rain though. It is going to be too cold for bad storms. Now Friday we will have to see. It is supposed to warm up then. That is when we get the storms. I cannot believe how cold it is here. It is going to get down to 39 degrees tonight. That is really cold for this time of year. Hope it does not hurt our garden.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good Sunday.
Colleen -
P.S. the QF show will be on 4-6 EDT, 1-3 PDT. Enjoy.
Hi Dianne,
I’m not on Facebook but I do read the QVC forums and there is also a lot of complaining about certain hosts on there. Although now they have moderators on there who will remove posts or even whole topics if things get out of hand. I really feel that some people just like to complain about everything and anything. I feel like you do-if you don’t like it just change the channel but there is no cause to say unkind things about people. Plus Carolyn Gracie seems like such a nice down to earth woman who has just had a very tough past year. I don’t understand the need to be uncharitable towards someone in that way. I always remember what my mother said “if you can’t say anything nice about anyone-don’t say anything at all.” Or-“try walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.”
Fortunately on this site we have all gotten along and we make sure that we are here to support each other.
We actually had a frost this morning and a few snow flurries yesterday. In May! It’s a good thing our rototiller is still being repaired otherwise we would have had the garden in. At least it’s sunny today-even though the heat is still running.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
If you get that little cradle I hope that they like it. I know Jenny used it a lot for all three kids.
I think that would be so cute if you can get a picture of the baby on his first birthday in the same little sailor outfit that his Daddy wore. That would be the most precious picture. I still had the first teddy bear and the first doll that Brent and Jenny were given by my parents when they were born that I gave to each of them when they got married.
How nice of Jerry to bring a try of cheese and crackers for your dinner. When we have pizza or finger foods we sit in our easy chairs and eat too. I enjoy that. I could eat like that all the time but I know that after working all day Greg enjoys a sit down bigger meal still.
Gail -
InactiveMay 15, 2016 at 10:16 amPost count: 643I will tell you the post to Carolyn was nasty. The poster told her that QVC should put her in the proper size clothes. That her clothing was always too tight and it was a big turn off. I am not sure what all she said except to tight and things like that. A lot of people came to Carolyn’s defense. No one agreed with the OP. Carolyn did reply also and was not nasty just said something to the effect that after all she had been through she was comfortable in her own skin.
There is a Quacker Factory show today. Also a TSV on the 25th with a 2 hr. live audience show.
Dianne did you like the meatballs? I did not see if you said how you liked them. I ask because I found them in a store locally and bought a bag. A lot cheaper than QVC. The bag I got was just over a pound and a half for $4.99 but it is the same brand.
We have had 3 weeks off rain everyday. Now today is very cold and windy. We are going into the 30’s tonight. Places to the West are to have snow and the upper tier counties frost. I think it is just to get in the middle 30’s here. Seems like no spring for us. Although they are saying 60’s later next week. I will believe it when I see it.
Hi Adele,
Oh my gosh. I can’t believe that you have a robin bashing against your window. I hope it doesn’t hang around for the next three years like our cardinal.
Speaking of birds-a bird had built a nest and laid eggs right on the swing set at Jenny’s house. The kids were all excited to see the babies and when Jenny got home from work on Friday the babies were gone. They were there in the morning and gone by afternoon. She doesn’t know what happened but figures some animal got them. The nest was in such a wide open spot that it was probably easy for any kind of predator to scoop in and get the babies. At least if a nest is in a tree it is hidden a little bit in the branches. It was sad.
The argument is quartz vs. granite. I want the quartz as you don’t have to do that resealing stuff as I know it will never get done. For some strange reason Greg likes granite better. I figure why not get the stuff that is easier to maintain-and it is not porous so it is actually better for a kitchen for that reason-just for the sake of sanitation.
Now Piper has a new thing. When she sings and dances at the very end she stops and bows her head down and then we have to clap and cheer-I also like to shout encore-encore. Oh she was so hysterical on Friday night-i wished I had a movie camera with me-although I guess I could have used my phone. She put on quite the show. I will have to write down the words to some of these songs so that I can quote them as my memory is not good anymore. lol
They still do have Montessori schools if that’s what you were thinking. Although I’m not sure how “free spirited” they are anymore. Jenny’s MIL was telling me about the school that her grandkids go to in Washington state-I wish I could remember the name as I wanted to research them. They have to learn all kinds of stuff besides regular academics like sewing, crocheting, playing a stringed instrument etc. It sounded like what years ago was considered a “classical” education except the boys also have to learn the sewing and such too. I wanted to read more about these schools so I will have to ask her the name again when I see her next. I don’t know if they have them all over or just on the west coast.
Years ago I worked as an aide in an open classroom. It was a program to see if the kids in that atmosphere were more creative than kids in regular classrooms. It was a big open room with “pods” for 4th, 5th and 6th graders. They had their core subjects and then they could sign up for electives. We aides even got to think of and run some of the elective classes. There were three teachers-two aides and there was a different student teacher each semester. It was definitely an interesting experience. I’m not really sure if the students ended up being more creative that year or not-it’s hard to test for creativity although I remember that they did.
Poor Greg is having such a hard time with his back right now. He has sciatica and he did something to aggravate it and has been to the chiropractor three times this week. The biggest problem is that he can’t sleep at night. I think he’s going back to the doctor again this week to see what she says. I know back problems can be so chronic and sometimes there’s not much to be done about them either so I feel bad for him. He just doesn’t know quite where to put himself.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
That Aliza sounds so cute. I think she already has you wrapped around her finger. That’s funny that she wanted to stay in her bed when you were there. Was there someplace for you to sit down in her room. I hope so.
I am getting a babysitting vacation for the month of June as Adam will be on vacation most of the month.
It frosted here last night and yesterday there were snow flurries. This is May!
We are not doing much of anything this weekend. Greg’s back has been bothering him and I just have chores to do.
Have fun on your day off from baby sitting tomorrow.
Gail -
hey Gail
Tell Greg to ice his back, not the sciatica. I know that you know it comes from the back. Take an anti-inflammatory like a heavy duty Motrin too- between the Motrin, and the ice, the swelling may go down, and then the pain stops.
The bird did not come today, so maybe he realized he was hurting himself.
OMG- Piper is hysterical. she is learning that she is to have applause at the end of her performances. You have to record her, so we can see!!
that is one of the reasons I am going with the Quartz. Thank God Gary has absolutely no interest in what I do in her, accept for the price. He goes nuts when he hears what something cost, because he thinks everything costs $9.99. Anything over 10.00 is a waste to him.
The back splash person is coming tomorrow- no price will be discussed, so I am safe. they call later with a price. The counter person is Tuesday. This is what I told him……..”sit there and say nothing. Not one word. Do not embarrass me, or I will add an additional up-grade of the last 2 carpeted floors to wood.” I think I scared the be Jesus out of him. We will see if he does keep quiet.
This is hwo the man thinks. So, he tells me 2 colors of his boxer briefs (the same brand, mind you) irritate his leg. So, I say throw those out, and I will get you more. No, he says, they cost money. So, I say….do you think for one second I would wear a bra or pair of undies that bother me? He agees. Still will not throw them out. The man is nuts. I worked a second job when I was still in school at Filenes- a bog department store. I was called the “bra lady”. I used to tell my customers that life was too short to be uncomfortable in your underwear, as everyone thinks they wear a 34B. I nevr ever sized a woman who wore that size. I even offered to cut the sizes out, so their husbands would not see.
Once this poor woman came down from the evening wear directly sent to see me for her unsdergarments. She wanted a long lo ine bra, and girdle to make the dress fit, as we did not have the larger size. I put her in what she requested, and she put on the dress. I calmly asked where she was going, and she said a wedding. Then, I asked if she was planning on sitting down at any time during said wedding. She was adamant on getting the dress, with all the hardware to go with. I honestly thought her husband was going to come into the store to demand to see what idiot sold his wife all that crap.
The stories I could tell. It was the mist fun job I ever had. I was more of a social worker to the women, than a saleslady. I think that is why I was so popular, as a part time person.
Oh yes- it was Montessori I was talking about. What a neat school they have out in Washington!! I love the school s that encourage creativity. They seem to forget that if the next generation does not write, dance, sing, or act, it will become a very dull world.
Well….that was enough writing for one night….LOL
Adele -
Hi Dianne
Thanks for the heads up- I got the new tanks in a few colors, and the 2 piece set in blue. I am thrilled they did more tanks for under cardigans- I asked that a few years ago, after the one tank they did was not offered in any more colors.
Hope you got something nice too.
Adele -
Hey Colleen
I am pooped form writing the big one to Gail….please read it for all the info of the day.
We had turkey breast with Stove Top stuffing and corn for dinner, with watermelon for dessert. It is cold here too, and the oven on was a great idea. I saw it was going to get cold, so I went for the turkey breast, and a warm kitchen….LOL I hope it is the last roast I will do this season….bring on the BBQ!!
tomorrow I am making the turkey and dumplings in the oven- the recipe from King Arthur I did over the winter. That is the other reason I did the turkey breast, as I wanted the left over meat for the dish tomorrow.
I hope you have a great time at the party!! Give that baby, and all the grands a hug from all of us.
I love those 0 percent financing offers- it is the only way to go, as far as I am concerned.
Adele -
hi Sue
Where was that nasty post? What a shame! I cannot believe someone was so nasty. what is wrong with people? That is not the Quacker way. We all support each other, no matter the size we are, nor if our clothes are a little snug. Shame on her. I am glad other people came to her defense.
We are sparkly, happy Quackers, and we do not shame each other, we support each other. That is my rant for the day.
Our weather is very chilly here, and windy too- like yours. See my post to Gail and Colleen, for the dinner I chose for tonight, and tomorrow to warm up the house, without putting the heat back on!!
I hope your weather gets better too. I have not even purchased my herbs for the window boxes on the deck. I hope it is good enough to do it next week, or I will never have enough basil to do a Pesto.
Hope your sun is shining, and it is at least 65!!!!
PS….how were the burgers? I think you got them too, not sure. I know Dianne got them, but, honesty, I thought you may have purchased them previously. -
Hi Sue,
I cannot believe that someone had the nerve to say that to Carolyn after all the problems that she has had. She is such a nice person and does not deserve that. It is a shame that they do not monitor those things and kick those people off the site. That was really unkind.
The cold weather must be hitting every state. It is cold here also. This is such odd weather for here in May. We have our veggie garden planted already and are hoping that it does not kill our plants. That would be a mess. We would have to start all over again. The plants are really high this year so do not want to have to buy a bunch of plants it is too late for seeds.
Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
Piper is just so cute. That is funny that she now bows when she is done performing. She is getting to be a regular actress at 3. I think that is how old she is. It will be fun to hear some of the songs that she was singing. One thing about her she is not shy. How is Kendall doing? Hope that she is doing fine. What is Lachlan up to. I he tired of being the only boy in the family? He is surrounded by girls.lol
Aliza does have me wrapped around her finger. She does have a rocking in her room. We did read a book and she liked it for about two seconds and then she was done. Today when we saw her and we were getting ready to leave I was talking to her and told her I loved her and she got a really big smile on her face. My hear just melted then.
This is awfully late for you to have snow. This is the craziest weather. It is cold here but no snow. I sure hope that we do not get any. You can blame all of this on Ron. He kept saying that there would be snow late this year. So we will blame him for saying that he jinxed the weather. lol I blame him for everything. He just laughs.
Enjoy your time off from babysitting. I think that Amanda is going to babysit every other week so I am not having to drive up there all the time. That will be nice. I will miss Aliza though.
I agree with Adele. Greg should put some ice on his back. It really does help and the Motrin will help to take away the pain. The back doc. that I got to swears by using ice for pain. He says that it lessons it and it has worked for me.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
It is better to discuss cost without the men in the room. They seem to go a little crazy when they hear prices. Ron would be saying I can do it cheaper then that. He does not mention that he will never get it done. So he really aggravates me.
That is funny about the woman in the dress with all the underwear trying to slim her down. She must have been really uncomfortable that night. You tried to stop her from doing it she just would not listen. People are just so funny. You were meant to be a social worker. You are good listening to peoples problems and coming up with solutions. It is funny that poor woman did not listen.
The counter top sounds really nice. I hope that you get it all done and Gary does not know about all of it. Not till it is over with. He will take it better after it is done. He will see how nice it is and then he will not be as objective about the price. Men just do not understand that we need new things in the house. We do not want that in the house if it is getting to look old and the sink being chipped. Men do not pay that much attention.
Your turkey with dressing sounded really good. We had pizza at the party and salad. They had a lot of different food there but we settled for that. The kids had a really good time. It was nice the dinning area was separate from the game room. So there was not all the noise. Some guy came and made a balloon animal for Kaylee. He made a rabbit and she told me it looked like a deer in a raft. It was funny. No matter how we tried to tell her it looked like a rabbit she would say no it looks like a deer.
You will have to read what I wrote to Gail about Aliza. It gets boring in I talk about one of the kids all the time. So wrote about Aliza in Gail’s and Kaylee in yours.
Well that is about all from here. Oh that post about Carolyn was on FB. Dianne was the first to write about it.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
The pizza birthday party sounded like fun and I’ll bet the kids had a good time. I love those little baby smiles and laughs-there is nothing else like it in the world. That’s funny that Kaylee couldn’t see the bunny and thought the animal was a deer.
Kendall and Lachlan are fine. I think Lachlan is so used to being surrounded by girls that he doesn’t even think about it much. Plus his cousin Finn lives two doors down and he plays with him and he and Kendall play with the neighbor boy Tony so he does get to be around boys sometime. lol
I will blame the cold spring on Ron-it’s as good an excuse as any.
That’s good that Amanda will trade off baby sitting with you. That is a long drive back and forth especially if there is traffic. I still have a couple weeks of babysitting left until Adam is off of work.
Wow! I’m glad that we are not traveling anywhere right now. The lines going through security at O’Hare Airport are huge. I guess there is a big TSA shortage. I wonder what is going on. Greg says they need more people at his work too and are having a hard time hiring or getting people from the temp service. I thought there was a lot of people still looking for work.
I hope the temps will warm up this week. It’s hard to believe we are still running heat. A lot of times we have the air on by now. Well I suppose we will go from 30 to 90 when the weather decides to change.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Greg has been icing and taking Advil since the Chiro told him to do that but when he gets in bed he’s miserable. I told him to try sleeping in his recliner last night. Not sure how that worked yet as he is in the shower.
Even if I recorded a video of Piper I can’t post it here. We used to be able to post videos but we can’t anymore-although they can post Quacker videos.
Greg is like Gary about prices too except if it’s something he wants like a car, or boat or tools etc. He’s just out of touch with what stuff really costs. Probably because I have paid all the bills for the last 40 plus years. I keep telling him he should raise the rents at the apartments as everything else there goes up every year and we haven’t raised rents in ten years-I’ll bet. It definitely is not a big money making deal over there and he has to spend the time on maintaining it. If the real estate market ever gets strong again I think we should sell it.
That’s funny that Gary won’t throw out the uncomfortable underwear-they probably just sit in the drawer anyway. A lot of time I have to point out to Greg that he needs to throw out the ones where the elastic is tearing. Men!
Hey-I remember Jacquie Gonzales talking about being a bra fitter too. I have often heard that most women are wearing the wrong size bra-I probably am too. I’ve often thought that I should go in for a fitting just for the heck of it. I can’t believe that woman loved that dress so much that she bought it anyway even though it was not the right size and then wanted to stuff herself into it by wearing the corset etc.-that would just not be worth it to me at this stage in my life comfort is king. I won’t even wear spanx anymore and those are a lot more comfortable than the old fashioned girdles that we used to have to wear yeas ago just to hold our nylons up. Remember that? Here we were all skinny little high school girls wearing these big old heavy girdles so we could attach nylons to the garters-although I guess we sometimes used garter belts too-now those are only used as lingerie. It’s funny they were talking about that stuff on The View the other week and only Whoopie and Joy remembered that stuff as the rest are too young and then when Whoopie started talking about attaching sanitary napkins to a belt they really had no idea what she was talking about. It’s funny that just a generation later women don’t know about that. Do you all remember that? Also when you went into the drug store to buy sanitary napkins they box was wrapped in a paper bag and it might not have even been on the shelf-it may have been behind the counter. Can you imagine! Talk about public shaming-it was something that concerned all women of a certain age but yet it was literally kept under wraps. What a difference from today when all that stuff is advertised on TV in addition to Cialis and Viagra-at least now the men are getting equal time-whether they like it or not. lol Can someone please tell me what two people sitting on a beach in claw foot tubs has to do with erectile dysfunction? lol Is there something that I don’t know? I keep on telling Greg that we should put two tubs like that out facing our pond. lol
I checked and the name of that school that Jenny’s niece and nephew go to in Washington is called The Waldorf School. I see they have one in Pennsylvania so I’ll bet they have them in Mass. too.
Your turkey sounded good. I just did that a couple of weeks ago and it hit the spot. We had Chinese take out yesterday and hot dogs on the grill on Saturday. I don’t know what’s going on-we used to go out a lot more for dinner on the weekend. I am slacking off. lol Can’t believe I didn’t get anything from the Quacker show yesterday. I really am slacking off! lol Wonder what the TSV will be?
Gail -
Hi Sue,
I see posters on the QVC site have said similar things about Caroline only over there they have moderators that poof the post and probably Carolyn would never see it anyway. Some people just are not happy unless they are tearing someone else down. I guess they don’t feel very good about themselves so they pick on someone else when they can do it anonymously. Poor Carolyn-she doesn’t need that kind of grief. I’m glad that everyone came to her defense-that shows that there are more good people than bad in this world.
Gail -
Hi Colleen
Kaylee is funny. I wonder why she saw a deer. Is it not amusing how different people se different things? That is why everyone is their own special person.
Well, the backsplash guy was here, and Gary already said he did not like him, nor like how he was talking. I told him we are not having him over for dinner, we are hiring him for a service….LOL
OMG- Aliza is such a cutie. Of course she gave you a special smile. She is starting to recognize you as her special Nana. Get the pocketbook ready for the special presents….LOL Every time you see something, you will say….Aliza will love this.
It is freezing here today. I may have to cave and put the heat on for a minute to get the chill out. I am trying to hold tight until tomorrow, when it will get warmer. Maybe I need to bake something.
Hope your weather is better. I cannot believe Gail got snow!!!!
Adele -
Hi Sue and Colleen
What was wrong with Carolyn? I hope it was not too serious. I hate for people to suffer with any illness, or loss in their lives, and then the mean people line up to have their say when a person is down.
I hope the Q blocked that person.
Sue- I hope today is warmer for you. You may need to bake something too, to make the house cozy.
Adele -
OMG Gailster
What a walk down memory lane. I did see that View when they were talking about the old fashioned pads. These kids have no idea how lucky they are. I remember the long line bras, and the girdles with the nylons. I also remember how uncomfortable they were, and I was a size 8 back then.
poor Greg. I know what he means. In bed can be the worst, as there is no comfortable position. I hope he gets better. the ice always works for me. But, when it gets too far gone, my ortho guy does a quick prescription of Prednisone. Most of the time, that works, and it knocks it out. Did his doctor every try that? If it doe snot work, then he could e on his way to the series of 3 shots in the back I had. They do work. I so feel for anyone who has back issues. it is a life long struggle to make sure you do not do anything to aggravate the back, and cause a flare up. Most of the time it is a simple bend or move, and wham.
Too bad you cannot post a video. Get a cute pic of her, so we can all see how adorable she is. We would all love that.
We say the same thing- what the hell does a couple in separate claw tubs, I may add, have to do with being able to have sex with your spouse???? Who writes these things. Have you noticed every woman advertising the Viagra is way too young to experience that? What is that message all about? LOL I wonder how many divorces those commercials have caused.
Being a landlord stinks for sure. I vote with you to sell when the market improves.
Hope the snow is gone!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
That is so weird that people are not taking the jobs when they are to be found. I cannot understand that. Hopefully Greg will be able to find some people soon. I did not know that the airport was having a hard time getting help. I can remember that was the place all of the young kids wanted to work. When we graduated from high school they went there first to get a job. It seemed to be glamorous. Guess all of that has changed.
We are holding out on turning the heat on. We have been wearing winter clothes and covering up with blankets. Ron will be able to hold out longer then I will. This rain makes it even worse. It is so damp and cold. That is what is making it worse here.
I can remember the days when we wore all that stuff to look better. The pads also. Those stupid belts to hold them on.I can remember being embarrassed having to go to the store and buying pads. My mom use to order them from a catalog so we just got them delivered and never had to go to the store anymore. There were 4 girls at our house so it must have gotten expensive to keep buying all that stuff. Those girdles were so uncomfortable and we had to wear them or not look right. You are right though we were all young and skinny and did not really need them. I sure was glad when they stop wearing that junk. I am so glad to hear other people say that about those commercials for Viagra. I cannot when they are saying about being in the mood and having to stop to take a pill or something to that effect and they are showing people sitting in the movie theater. Does that mean that they are going to do it right there in the seats? They go too far with that stuff. Those young girls that are talking about it and they are by themselves does not make sense either. I guess that I am getting too old to understand what this is all about. Do not really want to hear about it either. Poor people having such a hard time.lol
Ron fixed hamburgers for dinner today. They were really good. He put sauerkraut and cheese on them I skipped the sauerkraut and just had the melted cheese. They were really good and filling. He can cook when he wants to.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Kaylee does dance to a different drummer. She is funny. She did not tell that guy that made the balloon bunny that it did not look right. She just was really shy and did not say much of anything.
That is funny. You really came up with the right answer for Gary not liking the back drop guy. If he does a good job that is all that matters. I hope that he had the back drops that you wanted. Does the counter guy come tomorrow? It will be nice when you get it all done. Hope they can do it quickly and you are not without a kitchen for awhile.
Carolyn Gracie had breast cancer. That is why she was off the air for so long. I guess it was last summer. I cannot remember if she had just one removed or both removed. I think that she dresses really nice and the woman that made the comment should keep her comments to herself. I do not understand why people treat each other that way. It is a good site to stay away from. Life is too short to make fun of or tell other people how they should dress or how they should look. Take care of your self and let other people alone.
I wrote my view on all the undergarments we use to wear on my post to Gail. She really did bring back a lot of memories. It had to be a man that invented all the girdles that we wore and all that other stuff. A woman would not come up with that kind of stuff and make every other woman uncomfortable. Can you imagine wearing a corset? Those things must have been very tight and uncomfortable. Ladies fainted from wearing them. They could not get their breath. Glad that we did not have to wear those things.
I am already looking for some toys for Aliza. She is getting bored with her other toys. I will take some to her when I watch her next Monday. She needs something to play with.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
My little ones loved those Hallmark stuffies that move, and sing. Other companies make them too. Aizen loved the duck for last Easter so much I left him out all year, and he is still out.
Gary says that about all sales people. If he doe snot like them he does not want to buy from them. I could care less. I am all about the price and free financing offers.
the counter people came today. It will take 3 weeks, total, to get the counter in and on. It is a one day process to get it installed. They say you will have breakfast in your kitchen, and then be able to do dinner the same day, so that is great. the backsplash will be booked for the following week.
We are very lucky we did not live in that era. No wonder the women would always faint- they could not breathe.
I do not like mean people either. I see no need in being unkind to anyone. That she had cancer, and was treated so nasty was even worst. Shame on that person. I hope the Q permanently blocked them. There is no space for mean people here.
So Hetaher was here for dinner, and she helped clean up, and broke the top to my pumpkin baker. I had to buy another one today, as you know how much I love pumpkins, and I will give her the baker, with the stand when my new one comes. I am lucky they still had one. LOL
it is chilly here again today.
I think Steph and Amanda are visiting tomorrow, with Aizen and JJ. If Steph doe snot come, Amanda may get JJ after school, so he can spend some time here- that will be fun.
Adele -
Hello fellow Quacks! We are “kinda” tired here today. This has been a very busy week so far; and Jerry has really been having a lot of pain with his back. It is just so hard for me to imagine that he goes through pain all the time, but I know he does, and some days it is just worse than others. I feel so badly for him. It’s like the doctors have just said “oh, well, can’t do anything else so you just have to live like this for the rest of your life”. His brother (the one who tried to take all their Mom’s money and didn’t pay her bills) actually reported us to the agency who makes sure an elderly person is being cared for; and said that Jerry was not taking care of their Mom. It was such a mess; but of course, his Mom told them that Jerry was so good to her and if it hadn’t been for him that she would not be alive. I felt so sorry for Jerry for him to have to go through that. They were only doing their job; and I know they have to be sure, but it is just one more way of knowing how low his brother will sink to try to get control over her finances and her life again. She is absolutely thriving now with all the time she and Jerry are together. They went all through her home, and saw how neat and clean it is, and his Mom explained what all had happened, and how she wants to stay where she is for as long as she possibly can. Jerry had all her doctors office visits listed, and how he and his Mom have worked together to keep someone from breaking in on her again. The lady said that the brother had said his Mother was “crazy” and not able to make any decisions on her own, and she said she could see what was trying to be done by the brother, and she was closing the “investigation”. She hugged Jerrys Mom, and thanked Jerry for making sure his Mom was taken care of. Can you imagine that money can drive someone to do these things to their Mother and brother? He was so exhausted after the two days of questioning and looking that I was afraid for his health. A person can just take so much.
On a much lighter note; we heard from the vacationers last night. They are having a great time. They had professional photos made yesterday on the same spot on the beach where they were married, of baby on the way photos. I am not really sure what they will look like, but knowing Sarah; they will be spectacular. I know this is a young person thing, where it shows the mama and daddy and mabey the daddy kissing the mama’s tummy. I know we never had that when ours were on the way. We kept the tummy under the big maternity tops and nowadays; the young ladies show their tummy under tight tops or wear bikini’s LOL Neal said the bed is very hard; and he is really disappointed in that. He said it hurts Sarah’s back too. But he said the view is absolutely beautiful. They rented a condo on the beach in Destin. He said he was going to speak to the owner about how hard the bed is. You do really want to sink into something soft after a busy vacation day. They are having dinner at a beautiful restaurant (seafood) right on the beach tonight with another young couple they know that lives in the area. So I know they are having fun today. I asked Neal if itty bitty was smiling for his photos or did he sleep through it? He laughed and said he was awake because he kept kicking.
Adele, I am absolutely THRILLED to know that you can help me with something I have struggled with ever since my first bra buying day _ how to know what to buy and how to know what size to purchase. How could I have guessed that a world of info was right in front of me? Can you please help me? I took out a tape measure this morning so I could tell you what it said, so here goes. I measured around my body right where my bra band is and it is 40 inches and then around where my breasts stick out the most with my current bra on and it measured 47 inches. The days are long gone when my breasts stood up there; now they just hang south and I very much need a bra that will lift up what is left of them. I have never been able to tolerate a bra with wires, it has always just dug into me. I did have a bra fitting one day; years ago; got talked into buying what the lady said would be perferct, and it hurt me (wire kind) and dug into my sides; so spent like 60 for a bra that didn’t get worn. I would be happy to pay for a good bra if it would just help me not look like an old lady and gave me some boob back where it used to be. Now isn’t this just a grand mental picture for you about now? Just think, Gail and Colleen, If Adele could help me with my “boobie” problems; I might not need a tub with claw feet. LOL Course even if we had a tub with claw feet, neither Jerry or I would be able to get ourselves out of it without someone to help lift us up and out. Everytime I see that beautiful girl just lounging on that bed advertising for Viagra to men; I can’t help but think, there some man goes, thinking if he just pops a pill he will get a woman half his age, and guess what? unless she thinks he has money saved up; she won’t care how many blue pills he takes, she will be off to find the rich man who needs to take a pill. ha ha Life can surely be funny too. We used to keep our personal things so personal, and now; it seems everything is just out there and common knowledge for everyone. Not sure I feel that is the right way for things to be; but no one asked me what I thought ha ha’
Sue, how is your puppy dog? Been a while since you talked about him. Hope all is well. We love them so much too. Are they still keeping you really busy on your job? I know they really depend on you.
Dianne, thanks for the heads up on the Quacker show time. I would think you get the TSV earlier than we do due to time zone differences. Do you know what the Quacker TSV will be? I ordered the Americana bicycle shirt in grey with the bicycles and fireworks in red, white, and blue. Did you get anything? I plan to wear mine especially on Memorial Day. I ordered the smashburgers too. Hope they are good. Just wanted to take out two at a time for me and Jerry. I LOVE a good hamburger. Hope these are good. They surely looked good. I always order the Germack (spelling) for Jerry. He loves it. He likes the cranberry and all kinds of nuts. I have to watch him; he will eat too much at one time ha ha. He also like the Kind bars; but they are just too expensive. I get them in single bars for him at the grocery store. That’s all the food I have tried from the Q. Please let me know how you like yours.
Will close for now. Love your all’s stories of your children and the grands. Miss Piper is our own DWTS grand, and Aizen will be our next horticulturist/food critic, Miss Eliza has mastered the art of melting hearts, Mr. Lachlan is going to be our ladies “heartbreaker” with all his experience with girls, and our artistic Miss Lachlan knew calling a deer a bunny does not make a deer a bunny. I could go on and on. We all have such great families, and are so blessed with our husbands, children, grands, and fur babies. So now if Ms. Adele can just help me “rise” to the occasion with my boobs; mabey it will take some of the attention off of my tire that I seem to have picked up at the Walmart automotive department that has managed to find its way around my middle. LOL Hugs to all and have a wonderful evening. Barbara -
InactiveMay 17, 2016 at 6:32 pmPost count: 643Hi Barbara, Maybe the tire came with auto kitty. But I know what you are saying about the boob and bras.
Cuddles is fine. She was to the Vet needed 3 teeth pulled. But he checked her out good and said everything is good just age related things we all have. She was not happy to have the teeth pulled. I am afraid she is going to think they will cause her pain when she goes to the Vet’s office. It is hard to explain sometimes it hurts to be better in the future.
I am busy at work trying to get things done because I am retiring the end of August. I know they don’t want me to go but it is time. The boss says I just don’t know who I can get. I do hope he can find someone good. Young people just don’t seem to work as hard as our generation. They are just there for the paycheck. -
Hi Adele,
I agree with you. If the people will give me a good price and get the job done quickly and it looks good I am happy. I do not have to talk to them or visit with them at all. If they are doing a good job my offer them a cup of coffee or a soda or water to drink. It depends on the weather. I hope that it all works out and your kitchen looks wonderful.
That was nice that Heather came over and ate and helped clean up. It was all good until she broke your pumpkin dish. That was good that you could get it replaced. It is spring so maybe they do not sell that many this time of year. It is probably different in the fall.They are having a lock and lock tsv. I am thinking of buying them. I need storage dishes. If the girls take food home with them they always forget to bring the dish back. So I am keeping the new ones and giving the old ones to the girls if they take food home. The only one that is good about bringing anything back is my oldest daughter. She does not want any extra dishes in her kitchen.
It is so cold here that I am wearing winter pjs again. Ron got one of the heaters out and we have been using it during the day to warm the house up. I also fixed some sweet potatoes in the oven. So we kept the house warm like that for awhile. It does not keep the whole house warm but the room that we use the most. It is such a pain to turn the furnace on again and then turn it off. We have to light the pilot light on the furnace and it is hard to get to. So we will just keep wearing our winter clothes and using a lot of blankets. Who would think that it would be this cold in the spring.
It will be nice if both of the girls come with the kids. JJ will be glad to spend some time with you. It is hard on the kids when they have to go to school and their little brother or sister get to spend time with you and they don’t. When my oldest grands were little they felt that way. They felt that they should get to spend time here if the other on was here.
Enjoy your time with the kids and I will talk to you later.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
What a mean thing for Jerry’s brother to do. He must be really desperate for money. Then to tell them that his mom is crazy. Did he not know that they would figure that one out when they got there? They could also see that Jerry was being good to his mom and doing the things that she needed to be done. That was just mean. You sure did get the best man out of that group.
My daughter Danyielle had those pictures taken when she was pregnant with her son. She did not have it done with the second child. They are not bad it just shows their tummies a lot and it is hard to get use to. I like the tops that we wore and worry that the tight tops will squeeze the baby. That is not right though because all the babies seem to be coming out okay. You will have to let me know what you think when you see them.
It seems like everything starts going south as we get older. We had gone to the zoo and some woman older then we are was running around with out a bra and my daughter looked at me and said mom if you do that we will not go anywhere with you. lol I do not think that I could let mine flap in the wind. I want a bra to at least make it look like I have some. That woman was a brave person and is a free spirit. God Love her she should do what she wants.
I am thinking that the TSV for May is going to be a pair of shorts. Not sure though. She just made a comment that made me think that it would be shorts. That will let my knees show and I have elephant legs so do not want that. I will stick with the longer capris and things like that that will cover my knees. They do not put that stuff in the Insider Magazine anymore. I guess we give out all the information to other quacker and they do not like that. We are just nice people and like to share.lol
I have tried a lot of their different food on QVC. They have some good stuff. I tried those sausages that Frankie Avalon sells and they are really good. There is a lot that I have tried. To many for me to list on here. We tried the hamburgers from Kansas City Steaks and did not like them They shrank up to almost nothing. It was really bad. So do not buy anything from them now. Most of the other things that I have tried has been good. I do not like the chocolate in the Germack. It has a funny taste and none of the kids liked it. So it all has to do with what we like and dislike. I know that they sell a lot of the Kansas City Steak items so a lot of people like them.
I have the same problem that you have. If I could get into the tub with the claws it would be a long time before I could get back out. Ron would have to get a crane and lift me out.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Gary is funny-what difference does it make if he likes the salesman or not? Maybe that is his passive/aggressive way of getting you not to spend the money. I guess he hasn’t learned that doesn’t work yet. lol
The doctor did talk to Greg about getting some prednisone but they want to avoid that if possible because in some people it brings up blood sugar which he does not need. So he has muscle relaxers, pain pills and therapy to see how that works. He seems to be a bit better.
I noticed that the woman in the one commercial is young too. Like those old guys could even get a woman like her anyway-unless they had lots of money. lol Here’s what I want to know-what kind of a world do we live in where it’s more important to put the research money into getting an old guy an erection than it is to cure breast cancer. You know a guy had to have been in charge of that research. Plus many of the older wives probably were just as happy without the viagra. Just sayin.
Okay that’s enough of that.
Hope that you got to visit with JJ. I think our kids only have a week and a half of school left-how about you?
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I hope that you found some new toys for Aliza. They have so many cute toys for babies now.
We are lucky and can just switch the thermostat from heat to AC. You must be really freezing without heat. We had a frost again this morning. However, we are supposed to see some 70’s soon so that will be nice.
I wouldn’t put the sauerkraut on the hamburger either. For some reason though here lately I think I could eat a hamburger every other day. I guess our tastes change as we age-sometimes now I would rather have hamburger than steak and I never thought that would happen.
Talking about corsets-have you seen those waist trainers that some women wear nowadays. I think Kim Kardashian might use one-they are like torture devices. I saw a woman on Dr. Oz (don’t normally watch his show as I don’t really like him) who had it like cinched down to 17 inches and she actually looked terrible-so out of proportion because her chest was really big. I think what those people need is a good psychiatrist to deal with their distorted body images. I actually find it sad-to me she looked like a sideshow “freak.” What strange things people do to themselves in the name of “beauty.” If only they could come to terms with the fact that true beauty comes from within.
Gail -
Congratulations on your upcoming retirement. I’m sure they will miss you at work but I’ll bet that you won’t miss having to go out on days when the weather is bad.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
I’m glad things worked out well for Jerry and his Mom. I imagine the case worker has to deal with a lot of similar situations so she has a feeling when someone has staked a false claim. It saddens me when I think of how greedy family members can get. We have a similar situation on Greg’s side of the family and sometimes I wonder how this woman sleeps at night after alienating everyone-and as far as I am concerned she is the one most hurt by the whole situation.
Yes, back in the old days we wore maternity tops and now everyone shows off their bellies. Times have changed that’s for sure.
I’m glad that I’m not the only one who’s boobs no longer stand at attention. How does this happen? One day they’re facing forward and the next they are pointing at our toes. lol I never could tolerate an underwire either-another thing probably invented by a man. lol How can one put wires next to their rib cage and expect them not to poke.
That bike shirt is really cute. It looks so festive! I can’t wait to wear my Quacker Americana.
Gail -
Hi Gail
I totally agree. There are some nasty diseases, like Alzehimers, and ALS, plus cancer that need the research. What is up with that?
Google this Massachusetts story. First man with penis transplant, at Mass general Hospital. I have to say, when they feature the interview, some of the things the man said made me laugh. he was brutally honest, and wants to write a letter of thanks to the donor family. Somehow, writing a letter for that organ, does touch my funny bone. I just cannot imagine how and what he would say, nor how the recipient will take it. Gary got annoyed with me, and told me to stop laughing this is very important to a man…that, and the look on Gary’s face, (mind you Gary cannot say the word penis, he will say….down there, my you know what, etc) made me laugh harder.
JJ is coming after school, with Amanda. Steph may stay home- I think she is working on favors for a shower.
Hope your day is as amusing as mine.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I am so happy I was able to get another pumpkin baking dish. I am giving her the one that no longer has a cover.
You have no idea how many lock n locks I buy every year. I even give them a set each for the holidays, with different colors, so I will not mix them up. Steph will bring her lock n lock’s to dinner to take home. The rest of them take them, and I rarely see them come back here. It is a constant source of amusement here. I must have stock in Lock n Locks!!
I am not even going to plant tomatos- decided today for sure. I will never have enough time for them to mature. I am just going to do the herbs, as they grow fast. It is still very cool here. On Friday, it is supposed to be in the 70’s, and it is all the talk on TV.
I do the same thing- I always offer a cup of coffee or a glass of water, as I always appreciate that when I was on the road all the time. so many people never ever said would you like a glass of water, on a hot day.
I took out my frozen left over American Chop Suey as it is one of JJ’s favorites.
Hope your day is warmer!!! Tillie has the heat on downstairs. I just cannot get myself to put it on up here.
Adele -
Hi Sue!!!
I am so happy you are joining the retired group. Congratulations. I bet your boss will not find anyone like you. The work ethic dies with our generation.
We retirees up here have some rules…..Here is the biggie- no appointments before the respectable time of 11:00am, as there is nothing worth rushing for anymore.
I am so glad you will be bale to look out the window, and say- no, not having to go out in this weather today.
I hope your kitty is feeling better. I bet you are correct- the next time you have to go to the Vet, she will start to shake. My cats did that too.
Hope your weather is good, and getting warmer.
Adele -
Hi Sue!!!
I am so happy you are joining the retired group. Congratulations. I bet your boss will not find anyone like you. The work ethic dies with our generation.
We retirees up here have some rules…..Here is the biggie- no appointments before the respectable time of 11:00am, as there is nothing worth rushing for anymore.
I am so glad you will be bale to look out the window, and say- no, not having to go out in this weather today.
I hope your kitty is feeling better. I bet you are correct- the next time you have to go to the Vet, she will start to shake. My cats did that too.
Hope your weather is good, and getting warmer.
Adele -
Hi Barbara
What an adorable visual story on all our cute little grands. You have a great way with words.
First, I have to say how awful for Jerry to have gone through that investigation. Shame on his brother for doing that to you, and his Mom. I am continually surprised at how low people will stoop to get money from an ailing parent.
I’m Massachusetts, if someone files a report on abuse that is completely unfounded, and done out of malice, they can be prosecuted. AT least that law was in affect when I was still working. Maybe he needs some push back, as I say. Or, maybe it is best left alone. Either way, I would give the local police a heads up on this report, and the findings, as those kind of people do not stop. He may call them saying she is being abused, and it is best they know what is gong on, before they get a call- hopefully they never will. Just a suggestion, for your piece of mind.
On to the boobies. According to your measurement, you would be a 40H. But, a lot of people cannot tolerate that cup size- try it, and if it is not good for you, go one down in cup size, and one up in band size, until you are comfy. Like: 42G, then 44F. Another consideration is how short you are. If you are short wasted, look for a bra that has less construction in between the breasts- that piece in between the boobies can be very high/long, with a larger cup size. If it is too high, it will stick out when you sit down, and annoy you. Back in the day, Vanity Fair made this fabulous bra that had very strong strings in between the breast, and was great for shorter women- it criss crossed, and was made out of strong string/ribbon- best way I can describe it. So there was actually no fabric there, and it fit a lot of women very comfortably, who were short and had big boobs. Absolutely do an underwire for support. Do you have a Lady Grace near you? They are fabulous, but, their prices are not.
I hope that helped….LOL Advice from the old, retired, Bra Lady. LOL Let there be comfort in all our bloomers!!!
Adele -
InactiveMay 18, 2016 at 7:00 pmPost count: 643Adele Cuddles is a dog not a kitty. See my profile pic that’s her. I think Barbara ask about her because Cuddles and one of her doggies were both bitten by rattlesnakes. Barbara’s dog lost an eye. Cuddles was very sick for a while but completely recovered thanks to excellent Vets. But it was a hit on the wallet.
I like your no appointments before 11 AM. My mom would have said the day is half over by then. I do tend to like to get things done early so I don’t have a chunk out of the middle of the day.
I will not miss going out in bad weather in the Winter. I do like my job and if my legs were not so bad I may have worked longer. But I am full retirement age and to make a difference you must work until 70. Not up to that. I would probably drop dead my last day if I stayed until 70. -
Hi Ladies,
You guys are hilarious!!! I almost fell off the couch reading all your posts. Being a single lady I found it especially funny, about the ads on TV for Viagra, etc. I just turn them off or change the channel. I’m right with you on the bra situation. I can’t find one to fit me, either. My budget won’t allow me to spend a lot of money so I have to do with what I can afford, which isn’t much. Have any of you bought Breezies from QVC? I’ve never bought one off TV. they always look like they’d be small. Of course the models are tiny like we were once upon a time.
Barbara, I’m so sorry to hear about your issues at home. It would seem to me that the investigator should file some kind of charges. Or at least take her report to the DA for the false reporting from your BIL. You can be arrested & charged for filing a false police report out here. I’m not sure if it’s a felony or a misdomeaner (?). I worked as a live in caregiver for elderly ladies & some families were wonderful & some were not. But I never heard of something like this.OK, I’m gonna try to answer your questions, if I leave someone out don’t be offended. I should take notes, really. Yes, I do get the TSV at 9 PM out here.
I don’t know yet what the QF TSV will be, but I’ll be get a notification pretty soon I would imagine. As for the food, I tried the KC steak burgers a couple yrs ago & didn’t like them either. They shrank up, I’d have to cut the outside edge so they’d lie flat in the skillet & they seemed to be bloody. I got the classic, the Vadallia onion & the bacon cheese & didn’t care for them. Loved the seasoning that came with tho. I use it all the time on roast, home made hamburgers,or steaks. Doesn’t take much either. I hope the Smash burgers are better!!!
I really enjoyed the meatballs. The sauce was delicious. I looked for frozen meatballs in the local grocery store, but didn’t find any. Maybe another store has them. Do you remember which store it was?
I so wanted to order the Lock & Lock TSV, but I gotta watch the budget. Loved the new colors of lavender, watermelon, (lemon), & glacier blue. Blue is my fave color anyway.
I hear ya about the appointments not until later in the AM. I worked “swing shift” for many yrs at Hewlett Packard, (2:30-10:30pm), so I didn’t get up till 9 am or so. That way I was awake all shift, & had some daylight hrs to do errands, etc. I’m still on swing shift. My body got so used to it I’m still up at midnight some nights. Used to watch Johnny Carson when I’d get home from work, he was soooooo funny! He was funniest when he was “dying” on stage. When the jokes wouldn’t go over & the audience was silent, & he’d break out in a dance. Not a morning person at all!!!
I hope everyone is fine & in no danger from storms.
talk to ya later.
dianne -
Hi Gail,
I have been looking on the internet for some baby toys and have not found anything for her age group yet. They have a lot of rattles and things like that but she has that stuff. She is getting bored with that stuff. She needs something else. I am looking for the things where you push on it and it pops up. It has different animals under each door. I do not remember what they call them. I am going to go to Wal-Mart tomorrow and see if I can find one there.
I did see those waist trainers. The girls that they show on tv wearing them look really strange. Does it really make you waist that small? That would not be worth it. It would not work for me I would have this little waist and big hips and boobs sticking out. It would definitely make a person look like a freak. You are right they do need help. Why would you want to do that to yourself. It is terrible that they do those type of things to make girls want to make themselves thinner. Just enjoy life because it is too short to worry about things like that.
You are lucky that you can turn your furnace from heat to air. I wish Ron would check into central air again. It was so nice when we had it. He listens to his bil and does some dumb things because he suggests it. We have a window air conditioner and he has central air so who was the smart one.lol
Do you have any plans for the week-end? I think that we are going to stay home and just relax. We have been driving to St. Louis for the past two week-ends and we are kind of tired of all the driving. I will have to drive up there on Monday. Cannot wait to see Aliza though. I missed her this week.
Your idea of giving the money for research for cancer or something like that would be a better way to spend the money that they are spending on those viagra commercials is a good idea. You are right about the old men and the young women.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I ordered some of the lock and lock. Everyone seems to like it so decided to get some of it. I like the lid with the handle. That will be nice to have. Now I will have to clear out a space in the cabinet for them. I always need storage bowls though. I have some tupper ware bowls and they are really old and I need to get rid of them. Did you ever get those? They were good but the lids did not stay on after awhile. They lost some thing when you washed them in the dish washer.
Our garden is not growing very fast either. I was a little disappointed that it is so cold and things are not growing like they should. We have a longer period of hot weather here then I think that you do. Sometimes in October we will still have some hot weather. I know that we will have warm weather ins September. Usually it does not start to get cool here until around Halloween or the day we schedule the hay ride.
Gary is so funny. Some men do not like to talk about their private parts. They would be in trouble if they were woman. We have to talk about that stuff all the time. We have to go to a doctor for a pap smear and that is not a fun or comfortable thing to go thru. Men do not know how easy they have it. I would have laughed about the guy having a penis transplant also. That is just so strange.
We still do not have our heat on here either. We just use our winter clothes and lots of blankets. It is just too much trouble to turn the heat back on. If we had it all to do over I do not think that we would have gas heat. We would have gone with electric.
How did your day go with JJ and Aizen? Hope that all of you had a great time.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I have bought bras from Breezies and do not like them. The wires are uncomfortable and they came out of the bra and so were not a good fit after that. So did not order them after that. I do buy the Genie bras. They are really nice and are comfortable. I like that you do not have to hook them in the back. They are more like a sports bra. You can get them at Wal-Mart also and they are two in a box. They come in two different colors but not the pastels here. I am not sure if they do in other places or not.
I am a night person also. I am up late at night and like to sleep in. The late appointments are nice now. When I worked it was always early in the morning. I still liked to sleep in on my days off. It was so nice when I retired and did not have to worry about going to work or getting home. Still enjoy it.
It is so cold here today. I will be glad when it warms up. What is your weather like there? Do you get really cold weather there where you are? I do not know why I always think that you do. You have really nice weather there usually if I am right.
I ordered the lock and lock bowls tonight. I need storage bowls an the colors are so pretty. I got the lavender ones. My old tupperware needed to be replaced. So am doing it slowly. Will have to get the cabinet cleaned out a little to make room.
Not a whole lot going on here. We are just taking it easy here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen,
The kids used to like those pop up toys. I remember I gave one to Kendall that was a Sesame Street one and I think all three kids played with it. Our WalMart is a very small one even though it’s a super WalMart and the toy section is pretty bad so I usually end up ordering online from WalMart just for the variety. Wally usually has better prices on the same toys than Toy’s r Us.
One thing that I think all mothers can do to help their daughters with body image is not to be complaining about what they feel are their own figure flaws in front of their daughters all the time. I know when I was younger (and smaller) I still had what would be considered a “pear” shape. But when the kids were little they never heard me complain about anything that I didn’t like about my physical appearance-I kept that to myself. I think it’s important for kids to grow up thinking that we are all beautiful “just the way we are.” Also I hate when perfectly lovely woman with perfectly fine bodies put themselves down about something that doesn’t even exist. It’s not setting a good example-plus it just ticks me off and I want to just slap them. lol Boy, I’m mean-aren’t I? But it’s just something that really bothers me. The other day on the Today Show-the anchor-Savannah Guthrie-who is tall and thin-said something bad about her figure-and it just made me cringe-plus she has a baby daughter and I’m sure she would never want her daughter to hear her say things like that-if she just thought about it. Okay-I’m done.
That’s funny that Ron’s BIL talked him into using a window air unit but he has central air. Maybe he should take his own advice. lol
Some friends of ours had tickets to a Corky Siegel concert this weekend so we will probably go out to diner before the concert and to the concert with them. I’m not that crazy about blues but the guy that has the tickets is a big fan. Plus Corky has been around forever-heck I used to go see him in Chicago when he used to play all the time at a little bar under the El tracks on Belmont Avenue about three blocks from my apartment. Anyway, just going out with friends and hearing live music is fun.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I think we all have a bit of a Lock n Lock addiction. I am particularly drawn to the ones that have a design on them. (of course-as it does seem very Quackery). I am on a wait list for the set of two pitchers that they had yesterday. I had two at one time but right now we are using one for dry dog food and the other has disappeared…hmmm.
Poor Gary-he must have had a repressed childhood if he can’t even say “penis”-can he use slang terms for “it.” Gosh, I’m afraid the conversations around here sometimes could have him turning beet red. lol I do understand that it would be important to a man-but can also understand where the guy talking about writing a letter to the donor’s family would be enough to tickle your funny bone. It’s kind of like dark humor-like getting the giggles at a funeral-like the old Chuckles the clown Mary Tyler Moore episode. Poor Gary really does need to get a sense of humor. (don’t tell him I said that). I think Greg told me about the penis transplant the other day-I don’t remember what we said but I imagine we had some sort of conversation about it. Personally, if it was me I think I’d rather just have it be private-not public-if that is even possible in this day and age. To me it is beyond understanding why the younger generation thinks anyone cares where they are, what they’re doing and what they are eating at all times of the day and night. Nobody cares what i am doing or thinking or wearing all day long and i know that. Maybe this is why people think the younger generations are so self involved. I don’t know.
I think we are finally getting some warmer weather. I will be breaking out my Quacker Americana this weekend. Hooray!!!
Here I have been commenting on all the four hour lines to go through security at O’Hare airport and saying how glad I was that we weren’t going anywhere by air anytime soon and then poor Greg comes home and tells me he has to go to Houston sometime in the next several weeks. We’re hoping that he can get a flight out of Milwaukee instead of having to go to Chicago.
I hope that you had fun with JJ-how nice that you had one of his favorite meals on hand. Will he be out of school soon? Our kids are out next week. Yesterday, Lachlan’s preschool class went to tour the kindergarten rooms for next year and Piper was in line with him (wearing her red cowboy boots-of course) because she thought that she would be going too. lol She will probably love it next year when she has me alone for an hour before Kendall and Lachlan come home from school. she dominates the conversation now anyway-and poor Lachlan can’t get a word in edgewise. As she says, “I just love to talk.” lol
Gail -
Hi Dianne,
Love the picture of Jewell-that’s her name right? I like her cat perch too.
I’m with you-not a morning person.
You are right-we just talk about anything and everything here. I imagine sometimes James’ and Tiago’s ears might be burning if they ever happen upon something that we have written.
I have bought Breezies bras. I like the wild rose style without the underwire.
We are finally getting some nicer weather. 70 today. Now if we could only get the rototiller back to prepare the garden. Otherwise we won’t have any fresh veggies til September at this rate. Nothing is better than garden tomatoes and cukes and fresh corn on the cob. Hooray for summer.
Gail -
OMG Gail
that Piper is so cute. I bet everyone says she takes after her Nana. How was her reaction when she found out she was not going to school? Did Lachlan like the class; and teacher? I hope so, as a good teacher is so important to these children starting out in school.
Oh yes- Gary is repressed. On one day, when we were first married and we were discussing the need to say the correct words for body parts, he asked why we had to talk dirty to the kids. OMG. That is what saves the kids from abuse. If they know the proper terms, they are less likely to be harmed as a perp knows they have been spoken to, and less likely to keep a secret. When I made that clear to Steph, and JJ was about 3 at the time, he would come up to me and whisper the word “penis” in my ear, thinking it was a naughty word. Do I have to say how hard I laughed? Now, if only I could get Gary to be comfortable in his own skin.
When we were talking/laughing about the transplant, I told him he is going to be 68, and it is about time to be able to say the correct words without turning all shades of red. I have to say, my training took all the shame out of the proper words, and then add I had to give seminars on preventing sexual abuse. The session I did on having everyone write down all the naughty words for body parts, and name them out loud, was an attempt to break the ice, and add some lighter mood to the already heavy topic, was pretty amusing to see people’s reaction to discussing normal sexuality. You had to discuss normal to be able to recognize abnormal. I came home exhausted from those sessions.
I do not think I saw the pitchers yesterday. Another item I lost out on!!!
the kids were a blast yesterday. I was shamed by Aizen who looked at me and said, “Nana cookies?” That will not happen again. There will be Nana cookies at all visits from here out. Fruit did not go over as well yesterday….LOL
It is sunny here, and still cool. Supposed to be warm tomorrow- I cannot wait!!!
Adele -
Hey girls
I am right there with not teaching our daughters and grands not to body shame. Everyone is beautiful in their own skin.
I think the very thin people who say they are fat, do so for the rest of us to tell them how thin they are. Seriously??
Adele -
Hi Sue
I think I got your puppy mixed up with Dianne’s kitty.
I so know what, and how you feel. I had my knee replaced a few months after I retired, and then a second back surgery. It is not easy when we have difficulty getting around, and have to work full time.
You will love looking at the bad weather through your windows, instead of being out in it. That is the number one benefit of retirement. Another biggie for me, was doing things on my time, not when I had to. On days you feel bad, you do not have to do anything at all. I am so happy for you to have this wonderful benefit.
Will you stay in touch with your old work friends? I see some of mine every other week- my best friend Nancy, actually. Some I see every few months, when they arrange a dinner out. It is good not to lose contact with people who are like family.
Hope your weather is good!
Adele -
Hi Dianne
Love the kitty pics- keep them coming!
I do buy Breezies. I love that they carry the larger band sizes, and boy, are they comfortable. My friend Marie told me about them, because I was complaining they did not have the pretty colors in my size. Every time I see a new, pretty color in my favorite styles, I get it. I honestly feel we should all be comfortable in our undies, and feel pretty too. Just like our pretty Quacker clothes, we should have pretty bras too.
I wear Jockey underwear, briefs, of course….LOL I have noticed the colors of the season will be reflected in their new undies too. So, sometimes I can match a color pattern, or get almost the same color as my bra.
the other line I love form the Q is Carole Hochman. I get the 3 piece pajamas. they look like loungewear, and I wear them in the house when I am cooking, cleaning, and working, or just hanging around, and do not want to get my Quacker dirty. I wear everything on my chest- form cooking to cleaning, to eating. Here is a hysterical visual for you. You have to remember I am short- 5 ft 2 inches at the most. So, when I sit at the table to eat, and the tank to my PJ’s shows a tiny bit of cleavage, there is an occasional crumb, or splash of soup, getting lost down there…..LOL LOL. You have to see everyone’s face when that happens. I can make people laugh, just eating.
hope your day is going great!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
Read my other posts for the news of the day……
Had a ball at the visit with the kids yesterday. Auntie Amanda took JJ to Barnes and Nobles, and then to Panera for his favorite cheddar broccoli soup, so he was not here as long as Aizen was. They were on a “date”.
Well, all I have to say is this……Imagine my husband on the table spread eagle, having a Pap smear with the nurses coming in and out of the room, like they usually do. It would make the evening news.
I also had Tupperware. I have been getting rid of them to make room for all my Lock n Lock. they are so much easier to close, and I love the handle son them too. I am like Gail- love the ones with decorations. Hey- we are Quackers, of course we love the decorations! Even the color of the new counters has some sparkle- the countertop is Silestone, and the color is Luna- look it up on the internet. It has some tiny bits of sparkle, of course.
Hope your day is going well. I have had a revolving door here today. The guy who is painting the fence was here at 8am. After Gary and Frankie left, Hetaher came by, then Marissa and Pena came too. I have still not swiffered my furniture. I am doomed to have dust in this house, I guess. I am hoping not to have any company tomorrow….LOL I will have to dust the whole house in one day, instead of splitting it up into 2 days.
The sun is shining- yahoo! I am getting a Q delivery today, per UPS. My new Quacker tanks, and the terry set in blue and pink. I hope the pink one matches the new zipper crops. that is what I got it for. I have to be good for the rest of the summer…..LOL My easy pays are becoming a mortgage payment.
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
How’s everybody? I hope all is fine with all of you. It’s a wet day here. A bit chilly too. I hope you’re all safe.
Another plane down due to terrorism. I’m glad I don’t fly anymore. Not that I did a lot of flying before, but it’s
just too dangerous nowadays. the last time I went anywhere was in 2000. I went to Disneyland & NYC. I got
pics of the twin towers as the tour bus drove between them. I could’ve gotten off & went in, but I didn’t.Oh Adele, your visuals were hysterical to say the least. I guess I’m gonna have to fix you up with some
bibs so you don’t have food dropping down your front. If you took me out to eat, you’d never take me any
where again! lol You’d be saying “I’m not with her”.
Did you receive the tanks? How do they look? I hope you like them all. You sound like me & my easy pays.
I have to get my current ones paid off before ordering more. I would love to get some of Carol Hockman’s sets,
but I’m a bigger size on top than the bottom. sigh. I love her floral PJ sets.Colleen, do the Genie bras give you support? QVC had them a yr or so ago, but they didn’t look like they’d
have much support.That pic of Jewell was just after her experience with grooming. If ya look closely she’s giving me the evil eye.
She was NOT happy with me.
Well, Tues. was Oregon’s primary. I knew Bernie Sanders would win. He was here in March, I think it was, & the whole
arena was full. I don’t know if you saw it, but a little bird got inside the bldg., & it landed on his podium during his speech.
It made the national news. It was cute. The bird stole the show.
Well, I guess that’s all for now.talk to ya later.
dianne -
Hi Gail,
Piper is just too cute. That is funny that she got right in line with the kids to see the kindergarten class. Hope that she took it okay when she found out that she would not be going. It may be worth it to stay home if she gets to spend more time with you alone. She will enjoy having you all to herself. She can talk and have fashion shows and no one to want you attention.lol
My kids all liked the pop toys too. So it should be something that she will enjoy. I wonder what it is about having something pop up at them that makes them laugh. I will find one. I am going looking tomorrow. I am meeting Danyielle and Amanda for lunch tomorrow. So we can do some shopping then. I will look at Wal Mart and then at the Dollar store. They will have one somewhere.
We never talked about body shapes either when the kids were young. The only time that anything was said is when they thought they were too fat and I would talk to them then. Just told them if they were worried about it just not to eat so much bread or potatoes. They did not need to diet. Well the thought of giving up bread would mean not eating hamburgers that ended the problem. They were none of them fat. Did Jenny go thru that in high school?
The concert sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe he will sing some songs that are not blue grass. They do that sometimes. It will be nice to go out and eat and then go to the concert. Are your friends going out to eat with you? Sounds like a fun evening.
Does Greg like to fly? It is scary to fly right now but it can happen in a mall or at a sporting event. If terrorists are going to attack you can be anywhere. They are not particular about where they strike.
Well that is about all from here. Hope that you have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
Poor Aizen did not get any cookies at your house. I know that made you feel really bad. It does not hurt for them to have to eat fruit once in awhile. They think that it does but it doesn’t. My grands would die of shock if they came here and I had a fresh batch of cookies baked. lol I am glad that you got to spend some time with both the boys.
No man would put up with that. They would run out the door and never come back. Some men do not like to have their prostate checked. Ron won’t let them check his. So the pap smear would never happen. They would never have a baby either. They could not stand what we had to go thru. There would be a lot less kids in the world.
Your counters are going to be really pretty. Everyone should have a little sparkle in their kitchen. You will be so happy with it when it is done. You will have to post a picture of it. I do not have any of the lock and lock. I just heard you talk about it and Gail maybe Dianne also. So thought that I would give it a try. There are a lot of things that I have not tried on QVC. Ron will be so excited when he sees the UPS truck come and drop off the lock and lock.
All I did today was laundry. I have a lot to do. Will finish it up tomorrow. Ron has a lot of things that he wears to work on his lawn mowers and they are too dirty to wash with the other clothes. So will get them done tomorrow. Will have to do it tomorrow when I get home. I have to go to the back doctor and after that my two daughters are meeting me for lunch. I will stay in town and do some shopping before they get there. Mandy said that she may come there early and shop with me. It will be nice.
It is not fun when you dribble something hot on yourself and do not want to make a big deal out of it. I think that it happens to all of us as we get older. I do the same. It seems like our boobs have turned into shelves to hold the food we drop. We will have to tuck a napkin in our shirts to keep it from happening. We will look like the old red necks with our napkin in our tops. lol
Well that is about all from here. I agree that our grands should know about their bodies. They need to feel comfortable. I have one grand daughter that is really shy and am not sure what she would do if someone tried to kidnap her. She may turn out to be the one that would scream the loudest.
have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I like the support that the Genie bras give. That is about all that I wear. They are just really comfortable to me. They do not support you as well as they get older but that is any bra. You can just throw them in the dryer also. That is another thing that I like about them.
Your cat is so pretty. She looks so much different now that she has her hair cut. She looks really cute. It kind reminds me of that little dog that they gave that hair cut to. She has more hair on her head then her body. That is really cute.
I did not see it where the bird landed on the podium while Bernie Sanders was giving a speech. I bet that it was funny. How did they get if off the stage and out of the building? That would have been interesting.
I had heard that another plane had crashed but did not hear that it was terrorists. I must have missed that part. I never fly. Never have it scares me to death to get that high off the ground. I have been that way since I was little. So if it is a place that we cannot drive to then I am not going. I do not go on cruises either. I am just a coward. If you drive you can see so much more scenery.
I will be glad to get my lock and lock. I had never ordered any before. The things that I have I got from Costco and I have tupperware. I am slowly getting rid of the tupperware. It is old and needs to be thrown away. I hope that I like it as much as everyone else seems to.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I don’t think Piper really understood that she won’t be going to school there. But she will be at preschool next year. I don’t know if they know who Lachlan’s teachers will be next year. I’m assuming that he will go to the dual language classes like Kendall so if that’s the case he will have two teachers-one for Spanish and one for English.
Maybe some day Gary will feel comfortable enough to come over and whisper “penis” in your ear. lol Talk about sweet nothings! The poor man-how we abuse him. lol
Every time you talk about your old job it reminds me of how similar your work background is to my sister’s. She too dealt with a lot of child abuse cases. Did you have that doll that they sometimes use when talking to the kids when abuse is suspected? She never talked a lot about her cases but I imagine she sometimes heard and saw things that made it hard to sleep at night. How anyone can hurt a child in any way is beyond me. Those people are sick!
Poor little Aizen. No cookies at Nana’s. You should keep a stock of candy or something on hand just for these types of emergencies.
I agree sometimes the skinny people will complain about being fat just to have you say that they are perfect. However, I won’t play into that. I’m more likely to point out that if they are fat that must make me a whale. Fortunately, at this stage of my life most women don’t do stuff like that anymore. Sometimes, I will say something first about being fat to deflect the negativity of people towards heavy people. Believe me-I never imagined that I would be a 1x-I’m not sure how I got here either as I don’t sit around eating bon bons all day long. However, I expect to be treated with kindness and respect and I’m going to live my life and be happy no matter what my size because I deserve it. Now I sound like Al Franken from SNL doing my morning affirmations. lol
I like those Carole Hochman PJ’s too-although in the summer I wear the ones that have the Bermuda shorts.
Talking about dribbling on our chests you won’t believe what I did. I have so many shirts (Greg does too) with one spot of grease on them which didn’t come out in the wash and I am tired of having some of my pretty Quacker ruined because I can no longer keep my food in my mouth. So I went on Amazon and ordered two adult bibs. One for me and one for Greg. I’ve tried sticking a paper towel or a dish towel into the neck of my shirt but they keep falling off-sometimes i would wear an apron just to keep my shirt clean while eating. So I just got these bibs instead. Greg will not wear his but i wore mine the other night-I would much rather do that than have a favorite shirt ruined. Especially with summer coming-we eat a lot of corn on the cob and I always drip butter on my shirt and that doesn’t come out a lot of times if you don’t pretreat – and half the time I forget so I will stop the problem where it starts. lol
Boy Adele you are going to have a hard time keeping those easy pays in check with a Quacker TSV coming up next week.
Gail -
Hi Danielle,
I heard about the Egypt Air flight crashing too-but I thought that it hasn’t been determined what caused it yet-although they are leaning towards a terrorist attack-no one has come forward to claim responsibility. What a crazy world!
I have those Genie bras but I only wear them around the house as to me they don’t seem very supportive. But they are comfortable but they do kind of smash you down instead of support-especially if you take the cup thingies (technical term) out. You are supposed to step into them and pull them up which is hard for me as all my weight is in my stomach and butt-I have tried putting it over my head but then you have to have eight arms like an octopus in order to pull it down. So it is comfortable but by the time that I get into it I am sweating so much that I need another shower. lol
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I’m sure Piper will like having me to herself next year-although right now she totally monopolizes my time and doesn’t like if I want to do something with Lachlan. She doesn’t want anyone interfering with her Gigi time. lol
How nice that you will shop and have lunch with two of your daughters today. That is a good day. I hope that you find a good toy for Aliza.
I must say Jenny never complained about weight or size in high school. I hope that means that I gave her a healthy body image. Of course she had nothing to complain about anyway. And now working full time and having three kids keeps her in great shape. lol She never sits down!
The guy that we are seeing Saturday sings blues-not blue grass-I actually don’t mind blue grass. He is kind of famous for playing the harmonica. I’m sure it will be fine. The people we are going with wanted us to meet at their house and drive with them to the restaurant and concert-but I told Greg I would rather drive ourselves as I think they will want to go somewhere after the concert and I want to be able to leave when we want to without seeming like a party pooper. I don’t like to leave Rocky for hours and hours. So he is supposed to call the guy today and tell him that we will meet them at the restaurant. I just don’t like feeling like someone else is in charge of when I get home. I know that sounds stupid but I like controlling my own fate when I can.
I don’t think Greg is crazy about flying-I think he dislikes it less than I do but sometimes situations occur where you just have to fly. Especially for business. You can’t take a week off of work to drive to a meeting in Texas. Or sometimes we have things to go to cross country but Greg just can’t be away from work long enough for us to drive there so we have to fly. Neither of us really like it-as it is now a huge pain in the butt-but sometimes you have to do it to get somewhere within a limited amount of time.
Has anyone been to the Q site. They are having lots of contests to win things in honor of their 30th anniversary. I think there is something to sign up for every day. Gosh, I can’t believe that I have been shopping at the Q for almost all of those 30 years. Wow!
Gail -
Does anyone know what having that little thing at the top of the page that says-howdy so and so is for. There’s a blue circle right in front of it with a number one. At one time it had a number two-I have tried clicking on it and nothing happens-I’m just wondering what the significance of it is.
Hi Dianne
What a pretty fabric on your chair. I am a big fan of florals, and they are showing all plain fabrics in chairs and couches now- yuck!
the tanks arrived- FABULOUS!!!!! I cannot say how much I love them. Of course, they are comfy too. Just enough sparkle for every occasion. I am thrilled, and ashamed to say I bought all the colors….LOL So hubby says this…..when are you planning on wearing all those, since you wear your Carole Hochman around the house all day. LOL LOL Who cares?? I have enough colors to go with all my zipper crops.
The 2 piece set with the French terry hoodie arrived- wow, is that a nice comfy, soft fabric. You have to get one, before they are all out. Even if I wanted another, my size is all sold out. I got the blue and pink- was going to send the pink back if it did not match the new raspberry crop, but I love the fabric too much to send it back. Of course it matches my other pink crops. This may be my go to set for the summer, and I can use the tanks under it, for more wearabliity. I have to be good for the rest of the summer. I will only get one more thing- any new color do for the zipper crops. I love that I do not have to hem them- they are perfect for my short legs as long pants.
The Carols Hochman jammies are very generous, and you may find they work with you ion top, and bottom. Try one- you will love them. I do.
It is warmer here today- yahoo!!!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I did feel guilty about no cookies. Shame on me. He asks for nan cookies at home too. I am spoiling yet another generation.
I have to put my napkin up to my chin, when I take in a spoon of soup, or anything that has a sauce. I call it my shelf too…LOL Dianne uses a bib. I forgot to ask her if she makes them herself- hope she reads this post, so I will get an answer…LOL
My tanks came, and the terry hoodie with the shirt- love them!!
I had another breakfast visit from Marissa and Pena(Enzo’s Mom) they got the bagels Gary loves for breakfast. So here is my dusting progress….the Swiffer is on the kitchen table…LOL It is just too nice to dust.
It is warm here, and I finally have the windows open. Hope it is warm there too.
Adele -
Hi GAil
I just clicked on it, and it seems it is a fast way to get to your page, and messages.
I didn’t notice it, until you saw it…LOL
Adele -
OMG Gailster!!!
An old friend of mine bought me one of those bibs. We nearly peed ourselves. I actually hold mine with the left hand, and eat with the right, and still I get things on me too.
My goal in life is to make Gary comfortable with his body. Any bets as to whether that will happen? Not.
I get so many funny stories out of my husband. I told him I could have been a comic, just with his antics alone, I would have been a star on SNL, for sure.
I owe Aizen a batch of cookies all to himself. Oh, he did have chocolate here, as there is always a little ceramic basket on the table, in case of a chocolate emergency. His favorite is the strawberry cream Lindt ball- JJ’s is the white peppermint Lindt ball. Aizen also goes to the food cabinet and knows his favorite Hostess Donettes are in there. We are a terrile influence on this child’s eating habits. But, I have to say, he really likes regular food too- he eats almost every vegetable given to him, and corn is his favorite. Strawberries are his favorite fruit.
Speaking of corn- that is the worst for drippage.
Do you have any idea what the TSV will be? Am I going to be tempted? I have to purge my closet again, as I am sure the pole is going to crack witht he weightof all my Quacker. I hope they have a new color in my zipper crops.
We were out on the deck today- first time this year. So, I put the dusting on hold, as it is going to rain tomorrow, and Sunday, I think. It was so nice to be out there.
Marissa stopped by too- to show us what she got at the big Kohl’s sale. She did good. She was here this morning, with Pena, for breakfast too. I love when she pops by.
Hope your sun is shining too!
how is Greg’s back???
Adele -
Hello Ladies! Cloudy day here today, but about 65 degrees and a little breezy. All the puppy dogs are just sleeping away on the thick grass enjoying the nice weather. I am thinking of joining them lol I remember years ago when I was very sick, I asked Jerry to help me throw down a quilt on the grass and just to let me lay down out there and let the fresh air and sun shine on me. He did, and I lay there with him for about two hours, and it just felt so heavenly. I bet our neighbors thought we were nuts, but I didn’t care. Something just said to me “go outside and be in the fresh air, you will feel so much better if you do” and I really did. I was in the midst of heavy chemo treatments at the time. So later on, when one of my patients would tell me that they would give “anything” to just be able to go outside for a little while, I would do everything possible to get permission from the docs, the family, the administrators, you name it, and take them on to the atrium, ventilator, IV’s, monitors, and all ha ha. I even got an okay to allow a man’s little doggie to visit him on the atrium one day. He had been our patient for months, and he never was able to get out of the hospital. I will always remember the look on his face when they brought in his little doggie. It was a very special moment for us all.
Neal, Sarah, and itty bitty made it home today. They had a wonderful babycation. Neal called me last night and said “MaMa, I am standing here on the beach breathing in a deep breath of salt air just for you right now” and I could hear him breathing deeply. Made me cry. Course, everything seems to make me cry nowadays. I am SO sentimental. Just so grateful for all the little things in life that are really the big things. And I sure do count you all as a blessing for me. Thank you all for being such good ladies.
Adele, here is an embarrassing, probably goofy question. First of all, I didn’t even know that bras came in anything but sizes A,B,C,D; so now that you have taught me differently, where do I look? And here is another question, this one I know will show you why my boobies are around my spare tire middle – when I measure for my size, do I put the tape measure right up under my breasts for the band size, and then with my old bra on, do I measure around where the biggest part of my breast stick out? Because, they are hanging down, even with my bra on. Okay, I can hear the laughter from here, but I feel that I can look so much better if I can just get the “girls” to not hang down droopy, but not be like two triangles sticking straight out either. Now, aren’t you all glad you have me to ask such inspiring questions? Thank you in advance for helping me.
Gail, I am on a roll now with baby things. Can’t remember what half of this stuff is called, but it has slowed down my Q shopping for the time being. Heaven help us at Christmas time. I am so anxious to meet him. We have a baby shower the a few weeks at Neals job, that they have invited us to. Neal doesn’t know about it, they wanted it to be a surprise for him, but Sarah knows. She said she is having such a hard time keeping it a secret from him. Sarah’s Mom has strept throat right now; so she has got to stay away from her. Her mother is a school crossing guard and her Dad was a deputy sheriff. I am really glad that Sarah was away this week while her Mom was getting sick. I don’t mean that in a bad way, just glad she was away from all the germs.
Sue, congratulations on your retirement. It is really a new and exciting phase of life. It took me a while to adjust but like everyone here says, “don’t schedule me for anything before noon” because I really enjoy not having to be up and going early in the day. My biological clock was set for 5 am for years; and I never even had to set a clock, but now if I am up at 5 it is because I can’t sleep and Auto Kitty and I am just up and roaming around the house. I love the quiet time, and it we are up at sunrise, I love to watch the sun come up and know that I can just waltz right back in that bedroom and snuggle under again, or play on the computer. I didn’t ever take naps either, but Colleen and I have mastered the fine art of a “quickie” in the afternoon snooze department. Gosh, I just enjoy the freedom retirement gives. Yes, we don’t have quite the nice financial times we did at one time, but what we do have now is “our time” to spend doing as much or nothing at all if that’s what WE want. So very happy for you. I know you will be missed.
You have a very pretty kitty, Dianne. They do tend to let you know if you haven’t gotten their permission to do whatever. I brushed Auto Kitty this morning, and even though he purred and purred, he was giving me the evil eye. LOL He knows when I pick up the brush I am going to brush him, and sometimes he runs under the bed and won’t come out even for his kitty treats. But this morning, I had him right on the right spot on his kitty stand, and he tolerated it, but was pouty for a while afterwards. Our puppies try so hard to do anything that pleases you, but our kitty gives us permission to live here with him. But we really love him and he knows it.
Adele, I bet you have done some “make up” baking for Aizen. I remember baking a chocolate cake once when my SIL and her two children were here, and when it was done (the little ones had helped me with the whole process) and I was about to cut them a slice, their Mom said she would do it; it would give them too much sugar; so she gave them each a sliver. That little fellow said “this is a REALLY small piece” just broke my heart; so I packed him up some and sent it home with them. I told Jerry that I wish I had known about the sugar rule, and should have had sense enough to ask first. I guess because our boys always ate vegetables and meat so well that I didn’t think about ruining their appetite or sugar overload, but their Mom was a tiny little thing, and she felt it was not good for them, and she was probably right. But looks like you could make a little exception if someone had baked a cake for everyone to enjoy. I love how your family always gathers in the kitchen. I associate many good memories around the aroma on food, and good times had in the kitchen with friends and family. Guess we all just have to do and enjoy things in moderation to be healthy.
My Quacker bicycle tee came, and it is so cute. I love it. I was so tempted with the two piece sets too. I did order one for Jerry’s Mom. I am turning her into Denim and CO. and Quacker too. She just loves the comfort of both. And the sparkle. I join all of you in being a Lock and Lock person too. I love the ones that have handles on the lids. It is just so convenient for potato salad and such. I have the pitchers already. Love them. I keep rice, cereal, sugar, flour, you name it in those. And they are so nice for our iced tea and lemonade and juices. I also have a 9×13 Temptations sheet pan for my cakes. I also use it for casseroles and ham and such. Now I am making myself hungry.
Do you all have any special plans for Memorial Day? A lot will depend on everyone’s work schedule around here. I just don’t like to do a cook out unless everyone can be here. So will have to check with all about their schedules.
Guess I better go for now. Yesterday was Neals 33rd birthday. We are getting together this Wednesday to celebrate. Today is our anniversary. Jerry is at his Mom’s right now; but we are planning on going out to dinner a little later on today. I am looking forward to some time together just to sit in a restaurant and relax and have a nice meal together. I have rested up all day today; just in case he wants to chase me around tonight. ha ha Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Barbara -
Hi Gail,
We had a really nice time shopping and having lunch. Aliza was such a good girl. I was pushing her around the store and she was just smiling. Even when I would run into one of the racks. She stilled smiled at me. She was probably thinking this poor woman cannot push this thing where is my mom.lol
She was so good in the restaurant also. I have one of the clown noses that they sell at Walgreens and I put that on and she had the biggest grin on her face. The waitress even smiled. She had not smiled the whole time that we were there.
I hope that you enjoy the concert. I got that confused. I do not know where I got blue grass from. I have not listened to very many blues singers. So do not know if I like it or not. It will be nice to go out to dinner and to the concert.
Two of the girls do not have to worry about weight either. I do have the one daughter that is like I am. She can look at a piece of cake and gain 20 pounds. She is really comfortable in her skin though. So I guess that I did something right with her. The other two just do not gain like that. They take after Ron’s family. It is hard to lose weight and if I was not sick I would not be in the size that I am in now. If my stomach ever stops hurting I will probably gain all my weight back.
We usually do not ride with other people. They may not want to do what we want to do so there is no point in riding together. I do not blame you for wanting to go home and check on Rocky. It is hard on him to be home by himself. I guess as we get older we do not want to have to do what other people want to do. If I want to go home I want to go now and not have to discuss it with anyone else.
My brother does not like to fly anymore either. It is too much of a hassle. He has to for business also. I just do not like to fly no matter what. I am glad that I never had a job where I was required to fly anywhere. I would have to quit. It is stupid to be afraid of something like that but I just cannot help it.
That is a long time to be shopping with one company. You really have been with them for a long time. You have seen a lot of changes on the channel. Are you entering the contest that they are having right now. They are giving away a gift and money I guess. I have been entering you can enter every day.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
That is so cute that Aizen calls them Nan cookies. Even when he is at home. He will be excited when he comes next time and the cookies are there. We have to spoil our grands. We cannot spoil our kids anymore.
I am glad that you like your tanks and the shirt and jacket. I was going to order that but didn’t. Which color did you get in the jacket? I tried to order the American shirt that they had but by the time I tried it was sold out. I tried to get Patrick to tell me or give me a hint of what the tsv is going to be. I thought that it was going to be shorts but he said no but the shorts will match back to the tsv. So it is going to be a pair of something. So it must be a jacket and a top.At first I thought maybe it would be dream jeannes but the short would not match with that. So there will be a pair of short on the show. Wish that I could have got more out of him but that was it.
Life is too short to worry about dusting. It is nice when we can just go outside and enjoy the fresh air. We sure have not had a lot of days when we could do that. We are going to have a lot of rain next week so we will be stuck in the house again. When is this rain going to stop. Hope that none of that is headed your way.
That was really nice that Marissa and Penna came over for breakfast. It was really nice that they brought bagels.I bet Gary was happy to see them coming with the bagels. That is nice that they both come over.
I went shopping with my daughters and the one talk me into buying these pants. They are those tight things cannot remember what they call them. I will never wear them out of the house. I bought three items and so the pants were free. We went to Penny’s and it was really a good sale there also. My one daughter is the bargain queen. She knows where all the good sales are and she tries to get everyone to go with her. I just have to watch her and not let her talk me into buying things that I will never wear. I may have to give it to one of the other kids.lol
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
It would be nice to just go out and lay in the grass. It has been a long time since we have done that. It would be hard to get up off the ground now. If I get in the floor I have to make sure that there is something to grab onto to get up. I do have to say it is easier since they gave me the shots in my hip. So I guess that a lot of it was from my hip hurting.
That was a sweet thing that Neal did. Calling to let you know that he was breathing in some ocean air for you. That would have made me cry also. Sounds like they had a good trip. It is lucky that Sarah was not around her mom. She does not need to get that sick while pregnant. Hope that her mom is better by the time they get home and they go to see her.
I have never heard of the sizes of bra’s that Adele had told you either. The only ones that I have even seen is a A B C D. I do not know where to go and find those sizes. Maybe that is why our bras do not fit right. We really do learn a lot on here. I have never gone to a store where they measure you to help you find the right size bra. I would be too embarrassed.
We will be bbqing here for Memorial day. We do even if it is just the two of us. It is hard to get use to just fixing enough potato salad for the two of us but have done it before. We like to bbq fresh veggies. Will try and get some from the store next week. I hope that we have some asparagus to cook on the grill. We had some tonight that came out of the garden and are hoping that we will have enough to fix again.
Happy Anniversary. How many years? Ron and I just celebrated our 46th year the 2nd of this month. Time just goes by so fast. I cannot believe that it has been that long. This year is really going fast. I guess that Easter being so early this year really threw me off. It just seems like it was here and gone before we knew it.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara
It is always so much fun to hear your stories. What a wonderful nurse you were to those poor things dealing with cancer. You gave them some time n the outdoors, and with their pets. I bet their families were extremely grateful for all you did.
Our memorial Day looks like a bust, as rain as predicted. So, we are not planning on a BBQ. I do have to bake a load of cookies for the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, as it is Enzo’s sisters First Communion party. They ar eusing my cookies as part of the table centerpieces. Requested are the Italina Anise cookies, and the Medellines. So, Friday I will be knee high in flour and sugar. Of ocurse, I will have to save soe for Aizen….LOL If he come sover this week, I hope I get a day’s notice, as I HAVE to make cookies.
This is how you measure- you do keep your bra on. Measure where the band is, and then the largest part of the boobies. Add 2 inches for the band. Here is how cup size goes- if the number is the same, cup size A. From there on, every inch difference is one more cup size. For example…..40 and 44: the band becomes 42, and cup- B. If you are less than a measurement of 32, you add 4 inches to the band…..I do nto think any of us have to worry about that….LOL
What a nice thing for NEal’s work to do a shower for him. I bet he is well liked, and has a lot fo work friends. You will have such a good time at the shower!!
Glad the family of 2 1/2 are all back safe and a sound. I can see your tears form here, when he called saying he was breathing in the ocean for you. What a good son. He had a great teacher, and his wife should be glad for that. How a man treats his mother, is how he will treat his wife.
So, tonight I am making popovers for supper, as my new Temptations muffin pans arrived, and that is what I wanted them for. Tillie has a very old ceramic opoover pan, and no other pan can make the popovers as well. We ar ehaving nothing with our popovers. Just them. Am I bad, or what? If they are still hungry, they can ahave an ice cream. Or, order out. I love apple sauce with the popovers, or butter.
It is gloomy here today. I am proud to say I finally finished the swiffering of the furniture. I hate to do the furniture. But, between yesterday and today, got it all done. Yeah!
Hope your night goes well….I have visions of you out on a balnkie in the sun, sprakling away!!!
Adele -
OMG—-please do not mind at all the typos- I got that stupid red line while I was typing!!
Adele -
Hi Colleen!
Those pants are the leggings the girls wear. You could wear a longer shirt over them, and wear them out. You would look fine in that.
Aizen is funny. He loves food that tastes good. I love his expressions when he eats something he likes.
Look at my post to Barbara for the news of the day…finally go the yucky dusting done.
I got the blue and pink jacket colors. I went back to get another one, and they were all out of my size. if I do not peek before a new one comes on, and order, sometimes I miss it altogether. that French terry is so comfy- absolutely love it!!
Gary loves his bagels. We freeze them, and he one every morning, with his 2 eggs. I have 1/2 bagel every day, with an egg.
I have to go and get the popovers going, so I will chat later, before the natives get restless. Can you imagine popovers for Sunday dinner? It is all about trying the new Temptations muffin pans.
We are getting the rain- for Memorial Day weekend. Yuck.
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
Did you guys get an email from QF? I got one today. It’s a set of 2 short sleeve tops with 2 different necklines & designs. They’re just under $40.
The date is the 25th. They come in 6 colors. That doesn’t seem like much when it’s a set of 2. I could be wrong. Just doesn’t seem like that’s very many considering how many of us there are out here.
It’s been a chilly day with on & off showers all day. Doesn’t look like summer’s around the corner here.
I made a batch of brownies today in my new Temptations baker. It’s the one I set out for my Easter décor.
Thank you for the compliments on Jewell. They do think they own the home. We’re their servants. They just don’t pay the rent or mortgage.
Barbara those are some wonderful stories about how you would take your patients out for fresh air. As a caregiver I know how important that is
for their morale. I just don’t understand why anyone would object to it. I think it was wonderful you laid out in the grass when you were ill. It makes such a difference in your attitude. Who cares what the neighbors think. Maybe they should do the same thing. It might do them some good as well. It’s well documented that animals are healing to the sick. But as a nurse I’m sure you know that.Oh, did you guys catch the Jesse Stone marathon on Hallmark movies & mysteries channel today? I wonder if he’ll make another one?
I’m starting to decorate for the summer months. I put out beach stuff, sea shells, etc. I put up tropical scenes from calendars all around the apt, like I
do for the holidays. they cheer me up. I have some plates of sea life from artist Christian Lassen. I love his work. I don’t have any paintings like I do of T. Kinkade. I do have plates, & I put them up in the shelves. I’ll take pics when I get it all out.
I forget who was getting the new Xfinity set up? Have you figured it out yet. I see commercials all the time for the remote you speak into.
Adele, thank you for the compliment on my chair. I had that specially made yrs ago. I wanted a stuffed rocking chair & I found this little place that did
that sort of thing. I love the old Victorian pattern of roses so I got it. It could use a good washing, but how does one go about doing that??lol
I love the old Victorian homes, etc. Anything Victorian.
Well, those brownies are calling me so I better go answer the call. Lol.
talk to you later.
dianne -
Hi Adele,
I ordered the Quacker tsv tonight. It is so cute and every time that I wait I do not get what I want. I got the blue and the red. The blue has a picture of the flag on it. I have missed out on a lot of the Americana stuff. For some reason it has really caught my eye this year. These tops are really cute. Did you get the e-mail showing the tops yet? Ron is going to have a fit because I am ordering so much. I do not say anything when he buys all his trucks and junk. At least this stuff will be worn and not just stuck in the back yard taking up space.
I bet you see that look on Aizens face every time that he eats at your house. You had some sweet things at your house for Aizen. You had chocolate and you had donuts. I can see all the cookies that you will have for him the next time he comes to your house. He will be really excited or on a sugar high. Probably both. lol How nice that they asked you to bake cookies for the first communion. They will make a beautiful center piece for the table and they will be eaten quickly. You will be happy that day getting to bake. That is your comfort zone. I need to bake some pies for the 4th of July. We are going to our youngest daughters for dinner and to see the fire works. They are supposed to be really pretty. They live on post so they have the fire works show there. This will be the first time we have been there to see them. Ron is not too happy about going home so late at night but he will have to adjust.lol
What do you put in your pop overs? I always have them with fruit in them. I take it these must be different then the ones that I am thinking of. I have never baked any just have gotten them at other peoples houses or bought them already made at the store. Did you watch the Chew the other day when Daphne made those shrimp sandwiches? I want to try them they looked so good. I just do not know about using the rice flower. I have never used it before. Hope that I can get a small bag of it. Do not know when I would use it again.
Not much else going on here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
I got the e-mail also. I did order the red and blue set. I want to wear the blue one for the 4th. It looks like it will be really comfortable. I am usually careful about buying short sleeve tops because of my arms flapping in the wind. It will be hot though so will try to wear them and just let them wave. Are you going to get a set? Which one did you like?
We did watch the Jesse Stone marathon today. I hope that they make another one. I figure that they will because that one guy came back at the end of the last one they made. The guy that they call suit. He was working on a fishing boat with his dad after he got shot. I wonder if the girl that use to work at the desk will come back also. it will be interesting to see.
Your apartment is going to look so cute when you get done decorating it for the summer. Cannot wait to see the pictures of it when you are done. You are very good at decorating. I like just about anything done by Thomas Kinkade. We lost a good artist when we lost him. I have one of his drawings up on the living room wall. They sold them on QVC so it is not one of his expensive paintings.
It is Adele that got the X finity. She has not said anymore about it though. I hope that they figured it all out by now. It will be nice to have if all you have to do is to speak into it or speak to it to get it to work. We have to have satellite where we live. We are in the country so we cannot get any type of cable. We have a hard time getting wi fi out here also. It will be nice when they can give us the same kind of service that people get in town. I guess it is the price that we have to pay for our privacy.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne and Colleen
We have finally earned the Xfinity 1 system, and love it. You talk to the remote. Even when we are watching a show, I can say “red sox score”, and the score will appear so Gary knows how they are doing. It is pretty cool. I love the feature that you can record as many shows as you want, if they are at the same time. the old system would just record one.OMG….I missed the Jesse Stone marathon!!!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I am allergic to shrimp, so that one is out for me. I used to love shellfish, until I realized it was getting me sicker and sicker. If I get any by accident, it is really bad- feel like I am having a heart attack, intense, and gross sweating, like you are in the shower, and water is pouring off you, and intense bathroom issues, with excruciating pain- all at once. The last time was at a wedding, with the Caesar salad. The salad at a more high end restaurant has anchovies in the dressing, and I had no clue. Anchovies have the same reaction with me as shellfish do.
I think I have that top already- the one with the flag on front- short sleeve? I have it in red and black.
I have to make a few extra cookies for Aizen Friday….LOL
I eat the popovers with applesauce, and sprinkle a little confectionary sugar on them. I like a little butter on them too- Gary does only butter, of course.
I have been really bad with ordering too. they have had such great things lately, you just cannot help it….LOL I think I can wear one top a day, all summer, and still not wear the same one twice. We are bad.
the sun is shining- yahoo!!!
Adele -
Hi Dianne
I missed the Jesse stone marathon, and you know how much I love Tom Selleck. Oh well.
Don’t you love the temptations bakers? I have become their biggest fan. How were the brownies? I can smell them from here.
that is one beautiful chair. I have found Sears to be the best in cleaning upholstery and rugs. If you do use them- here is a heads up. Make your appointment for the first of the day, that way they are using very clean water on your things. I found out they do not change the water during the day.. Since I knew that, I made my appointments the first of the day. They make your things look like new, and are worth the cost. For one chair,it is not bad, but, I do not remember what the price was. They usually have specials for so many for 99.00, or less.
I can’t wait to see your pretty Patriotic decorations. This weekend is the start of summer even though the weather is not….LOL
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
You were a special nurse getting your patients outside into the fresh air. I’ll bet each and every one remembers your kindness to them. And I know how much that man must have appreciated seeing his dog again.
I’m glad that you are having so much fun baby shopping. They have so many new wonderful things for parents and babies now.
After we adopted Brent, Greg’s co-workers gave him a shower too. It was such a wonderful gesture from them. I’m sure Neal will be delighted and surprised.
I can’t believe that our weather was warmer than yours. We are in the 80’s.
Right now our only plans for Memorial weekend are meeting a couple for dinner on Sunday night. Other than that I’m not sure what we will do.
I think it’s neat that you are introducing your MIL to Quacker and D and Co. They are comfy and that’s all that we need at this stage in our lives.
Happy anniversary-a little late-how many years is it. I think Colleen may be our longest married member of the group. I hope that Jerry chased you around the house a little since you were all rested up for that. lol
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Don’t be jealous but summer has finally hit here. We are going to be 80 degrees most of the week. Saw the wet and cool weather in Maryland for the Preakness and I figure your weather might be similar to there.
Popovers for dinner is a different idea. I always thought of them as a side dish-like having rolls with dinner. I like that in the UK popovers are Yorkshire pudding making it sound like something completely different from what it is. lol Yprkshire pudding sounds like it should be dessert.
The x-finity sounds neat. I’m sure the score checking would come in handy here too-also the ability to copy several programs at once.
Greg’s back is a little better. He has been going to PT and it’s kind of a slow and steady progress but at least he’s getting some sleep by taking a pain pill before he goes to bed.
Gail -
Hi Dianne,
I love the sea life plates. I’ll bet your house will look like a summer beach house.
I always admire the Victorian homes too but wouldn’t want to actually own one as they are so hard to maintain. They look beautiful when they are all painted up but it has to be hard to keep it all up. At this point in our lives easier to maintain is better.
The brownies sounded good. Gosh I used to make them a lot as they were a favorite of our daughter and my husband and now I make them very seldom. Although in general I don’t bake as much as I used to.
Hope your weather gets better. We are finally getting summer here.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I didn’t get the TSV e-mail yet so can you share the item # so that I can check it out please? I think I saw an add with the navy one that you ordered and I like that the flag is just on the shoulder.
I’m glad that you had a good time shopping. I’ll bet Aliza liked your red nose. It sounds like you got some leggings maybe. You have to wear a long shirt over them-they can be pretty comfy as long as the material is not that really thin stuff.
We went to a new restaurant Saturday night and it was really good so we will have to add it to our list of places to go. We actually ate outdoors as it was a lovely evening. Not too hot or buggy. The concert was good. It’s hard to explain exactly what it is. He plays harmonica and piano-but he has violins, viola and cello and a female singer and a percussionist. It’s called The Chamber Blues Band and it’s almost like a pairing of classical and blues for some of the songs. It was quite good and we enjoyed it.
They had a cousin who is a classical guitarist who was playing in a place just down the street from the concert. They wanted to go over there later on but Greg’s back/leg was bothering him so we went home instead. So it’s a good thing that we had our own car.
I have been entering the Q contest when I remember to do so. Maybe one of us will finally win something.
Yesterday, we finally put the boat in the water. This is a new marina for us and they actually put it in and tied it up for us. We didn’t go for a ride though as Greg was tired and wanted to go home. I’m not sure if I will even be able to get in anymore as this dock seems to be a bit harder to get around on. That’s why pontoon boats are nice as you can step directly onto them from the dock. Ours is a ski/fishing boat and you have to step down into it which can be a challenge and the bad ankle doesn’t help. We’ll see how this works. Now Greg is looking for a shore station for the boat so you can crank it up and it doesn’t have to sit in the water all the time and get the hull full of algae and snails and such.
If I forgot to wish you Happy Anniversary before let me wish you a belated one now. Four years until 50 for you guys. What a milestone!
Gail -
OMG….Happy Anniversary to Colleen and Ron!! I missed this notice- so sorry.
So, if you ate outside up here, you would need your gloves on. It was awrm for awhile and then it got real cool again- had to shut all the windows.
Adele -
Hi Gail
The popovers are supposed to go with something, but, I did not want to make anything else…LOL Tillie always served them with a nice bowl of soup. I had finished all the dam dusting, and was just not in the mood for more cooking. I just had to try my new temptations muffin tin, and could not wait- you know that only child thing.
I have to make enough cookie son Friday for a party of 80. Oh dear…what was I thinking?? I like helping out, and making dessert, so no complaints. I just freaked when I heard the number, as I would feel terrible if someone did not get at least 2 cookies. So, I may make the Anise cookies a little smaller, so they feed more people. It is for Enzo’s sisters First Communion bash.
I am glad Greg’s back has been a little better. Any progress to the positive side is great. It is just a shame that it takes so long. being in pain gets old quick.
Hey- how has your foot been? You have not said anything in a bit, so I hope it is better.
I am jealous. We had a brief 3 to 4 hours of almost 80. At about 4 the weather changed, and it got real chilly, and overcast- going to rain, I think. HAd to shut most, and almost all of the windows.
Last night for DWTS. I do not know who I will root for. I love Ginger. I also love that one young man who is deaf. Can you imagine dancing to no music, and doing it well? The human spirit is a wonderful thing. He is an inspiration to so many. The wrestler is so good too. Who knows who will win tonight! I hope I do not fall asleep. I did the 10 living room windows today-insides only, as that green stuff is still in the air. then I vacuumed behind the furniture, as the painter was back today (he finished the fence and shed) and was doing the touch ups in here where we changed the curtain rods, so it was the perfect time to do it. Then, I cleaned the 2 bathrooms. I must have lost my mind today, when the weather was warmer for a brief second. I hope my back does not make me pay dearly.
Rissy went to Home Depot for me today, and got all the herbs for the window boxes on the deck- another job to do. Not tomorrow as it will rain.
I am going out with Nancy tomorrow for an early dinner. We have not been out in 2 weeks- shame on us!
I am praying your nice weather comes here next.
hope your day is going well, and Greg is better each day.
Adele -
Hello everyone…..
Who are you rooting for tonight on DWTS???
Adele -
Hello Barbara- did I miss another anniversary? So sorry- hope you had a wonder day.
thank God I read Gail’s posts, or I would have missed 2 anniversaries.
Adele -
Thank you for the anniversary good wishes. We had a really nice day going for a peaceful long ride and then to dinner at a small restaurant that we hadn’t been to before, but turned out very good. We had checked on Jerry’s Mom before we left; and made sure she was all prepared for dinner (she eats really early), and then off we went; two young at heart folks who have traveled many roads together. It was 45 years for us; so you have us beat; Colleen. It was fun reflecting on times past and hopefully time to come for us. We have truly been blessed in our lives.
Adele, (my personal bra special lady) guess what? This is going to be a big one for you; so you might want to sit down. Guess who had a date with ”””””” wait for it————none other than Tom Selleck. I was very young and he came into town for some kind of show and we met. My Dad was working security at his show (Dad was a Detective and back then they could “moonlight” doing security for famous people; and he asked for my name and if he could call me. It was very innocent; since I was so young; 17; and the only reason Dad agreed was because it was at a very public setting where he was giving a talk of some kind, and Dad was there too. But now that I think of all the things about it; it really wasn’t a “date” only got to hold his hand when he offered it to me as I walked up steps, held the door for me and such. But I have his photo; signed “with love Tom” Just think, Adele, you could be speaking to Ms. Selleck; instead of Ms. Smith LOL I still think he is extremely handsome. Speaking of Mr. Smith; we were seeing each other at the time; holding hands at church during prayer and stealing quick kisses during time between Sunday School and church. He was VERY mad at my little “trist” with my famous fellow. I think that is why I have to watch the show “alone” but he has finally given into “Quigley Down Under” LOL So what do you think of that?
Dianne, I love your art work. Pictures of the sea are so calming to me; as well as the many cottages and garden scenes of Thomas Kincaid. You are a very talented decorator I bet. I don’t have a decorating bone in my body. Mabey that means I am “excinctric” decorator. ha ha
Baby, baby, baby; I am up to my nose in baby. Please keep your suggestions coming. I ordered one of those Lug things today in blue camo for Neal for his diaper bag. I think he will need one for his things for baby. I really think he will like it better than a girly one, but there again, I am just guessing. What do you all think?
Got to go for now. I have turned into the lazy housewife, cook today. We are just raiding the refrigerator, and so far; I have come up with some eggs I boiled for deviled eggs, and now I am mixing them up to make some egg salad sandwiches for us. We are also having fresh broccoli and dip on the side. How is that for a meal? Take care, ladies. Barbara -
Hi Ladies,
Happy Belated Anniversary to both Colleen & Barbara. I knew I forgot something last night when I signed off. Did you guys get married in junior high?
LOL. That’s a loooong time to be married. CONGRATS TO ALL!!! I didn’t make it a year and a half. Long story.you’ve all seen DWTS tonight so you know Ginger Zee was injured in rehearsal. I hope she’ll be okay. The final is tomorrow night. It’s a 2 hr special.
Adele, I apologize for not alerting you sooner about the Jesse Stone marathon. Did you know Viola Davis, star of “How to get away with murder”, was in the early JS movies? She was Molly, the female detective. Check around your area for the DVDs of the movies. I’ve seen em in the grocery stores around here.
Barbara I wish I could take credit for the art work, but I can’t. I found a lot of the pics on Pinterest. I’m gonna try to forward some pics of my of my apt I
took a couple yrs ago. Wish me luck.
I wish I could order a couple of those tops, but I don’t have a second income coming in so it’s hard for me unless they have 5 or 6 easy pays. I gotta pay off what I have now. Heavy sigh. the TSV starts tomorrow night, & they have several shows all day long.
cant find my pics so will have to look for them.
dianne -
Hi Ladies,
Happy Belated Anniversary to both Colleen & Barbara. I knew I forgot something last night when I signed off. Did you guys get married in junior high?
LOL. That’s a loooong time to be married. CONGRATS TO ALL!!! I didn’t make it a year and a half. Long story.you’ve all seen DWTS tonight so you know Ginger Zee was injured in rehearsal. I hope she’ll be okay. The final is tomorrow night. It’s a 2 hr special.
Adele, I apologize for not alerting you sooner about the Jesse Stone marathon. Did you know Viola Davis, star of “How to get away with murder”, was in the early JS movies? She was Molly, the female detective. Check around your area for the DVDs of the movies. I’ve seen em in the grocery stores around here.
Barbara I wish I could take credit for the art work, but I can’t. I found a lot of the pics on Pinterest. I’m gonna try to forward some pics of my of my apt I
took a couple yrs ago. Wish me luck.
I wish I could order a couple of those tops, but I don’t have a second income coming in so it’s hard for me unless they have 5 or 6 easy pays. I gotta pay off what I have now. Heavy sigh. the TSV starts tomorrow night, & they have several shows all day long.
cant find my pics so will have to look for them.
I found some of em. -
Hi again,
I just figured out if I click on the pic it opens it up to the full picture. I thought it just showed the partial pic. I told ya I’m not good at this yet. but I’m learning, slowwwwwly but surely.
dianne -
Hi Adele.
That would be terrible to be allergic to shell fish. That is about the only type of fish that I like. I tried some talipia and it was terrible. Everyone kept telling me that it was the fish to try. So I did and did not like it at all. I think this all comes from having to eat fish all the time on Fridays. Even when they changed it my mom still made us eat fish on Friday. Once in a while she would fix lobster tails that were really good. That is how I got hooked on them.
I had no idea that anchovies were considered a shell fish. That would be horrible to have a problem and not have anything with you to take care of it. Did you have to go to the hospital? That would be terrible. I am so glad that you came thru it alright. That is scary.
I will look up the number when I get done on here and send it to you. I will have to back on the QVC site to find it.. So will do that as soon as I get done on here and send it to you. Thought that I had it written down but do not. I ordered it from the e-mail that I received. I will be right back will check it now.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
i am back here is the number for the tops. A276853 they have different colors and on each top one of them has a different design on the shoulder. I just love the tops. Am glad that I got mine ordered and do not have to worry about getting the one with the flag. This one the shirts are red and blue and the blue one has the flag on it. I was hoping that it would be on the red but it is cute so it does not matter. One of the sets has a butterfly on it. So Gail will probably be getting that one. She really likes butterflies.
80 people that is a lot to bake cookies for. You will make it though you are such a good baker and you enjoy it so much. That was an honor that they asked you to bake them. It really says a lot about you talent in the kitchen. We could all take lessons from you.Aizen will be happy if he gets some of them. He would really be upset with you if you gave them all away. Did you ever think of opening a bakery? You would have made good money at that,
I think that I got your post confused with Gails. She wanted to know the number. Well you have it too if you want to look at it. my mind is going fast.
How is Gary doing now? Does he still go to therapy? I hope that his shoulder is doing a lot better then it was. At least he is back at work and that gives you a little time at home alone. I really miss my alone time. Now with Ron home all the time he is really a pain. We both need to get out for awhile.
Well that is about all from here have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
Here is the number for the TSV A276853. There are two tops and one has a design on the shoulder. They have one with a butterfly and it is grey and I think that the shirt that goes with it is yellow. I am not sure though. I sent the number to Adele thinking that she was the one that asked for it then read yours and found out that I have the wrong person.My brain was on a mini vacation.lol
How nice that you found a new restaurant. It is always nice when you find one so you can change places to go eat. It gets boring eating at the same one all the time. The concert sounded really good. I have never heard of a blues band having a cello and a violin. They usually just have guitars, harmonicas, piano and that is about it. I really do not know that much about it though.Sounds like you had a really nice evening. Sorry to hear that Greg’s back started hurting him. Hope that he is feeling better today. At least he made it thru dinner and the concert before he had to get home. It was smart to take your own car. That would have been hard if you had been in the same car. I am just glad that you both enjoyed yourselves. How nice to be able to eat outside.
It would be nice if one of us won one of the contests. It would be fun to win either one. The Quacker one seems impossible to win. We just have to keep trying though. I already have five items picked out that I want. Now that is wishful thinking. lol
The new Marina that you found sounds really nice. Maybe if you put a foot stool in it first and them stepped onto it and you would be able to get into the boat. Hope you figure out a way to get into it. I would be nice to go out in the boat this summer with Greg and the kids. It is nice that they do all that for you. That is a lot of the work. Do you water ski? We have never tried it. A lot of people say that it is fun. Think it too late in life for us to be doing that.
It does not seem like that it has been that long. I cannot believe that in 4 years it will be fifty. Where did the time go. It does not seem like it has been that long. Wonder if it does for Ron. No he is always saying that time has gone by so fast. When you look back does it seem like you should be a grandma. Look at all the grand kids that we have. Where does time go.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
Time really goes by fast. Sounds like you had a nice anniversary. How nice to go for a drive and to just stop at at a restaurant that you have never been to before. It is nice to do something different on days like that. You do not have long before it will be 50 years for you either. We were all lucky that we ended up with such good guys that stuck with us.
We will have to start calling you Ms. Selleck. You have really met some celebrates. You held hands with Tom Selleck and got a ride from Tommy Lee Jones to your car. Jerry will have to watch you.lol That is just so cool that you met Tom and he held you hand. I wonder how old he was when you met him. It is funny that your dad was right there and watching you two.
The blue camo is just fine. You are doing a lot of shopping for the baby. There is one thing that I wish that we had here for the baby and that is a play pen. So when they want to put her down for a nap here we would have something for her to lay down on. I know that she could lay on the floor but with all the other kids it is hard for her to be on the floor. One thing that all babies need is a bib on it with Grandma loves you. I found a whole set of bibs with different things that pertain to grandma. So of course I bought them. My daughter just laughed. Before she looked at the card she said this is from mom.
That sounds like a good meal to me. The less that I have to cook the better. Ron never complains and I do not imagine that Jerry does either. THey are just lucky that we cook for them.lol
Well that is all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
Thank-you for the anniversary wishes. Mostly the statement about us being teenagers. I was 19 when I got married but soon turned 20 so that does not count for much, I am sure that Barbara was really young.
I did watch dwts tonight and was a little disappointed that they did not end it tonight. We have to watch again tomorrow night to find out who won.They always seem to drag it out. I really hope that Ginger and Val win. I do like Page and Mark and Niles and Peta but Ginger is the one that I like best. They all dance so good. I would not want to be the judges and have to vote. The only thing that got to me was the dance that Peta and Niles did. I guess I am not into modern dance. It did not make sense to me. It was interesting and he did do all of the moves the right way but there is just something about that type of dancing.
I think that you did a really good job decorating. You just have a knack for it not everyone does. I can look at a picture and it would not turn out like that. I am not good at it. You really did well. You could have been an interior decorator.
I order some things when I shouldn’t. I just need some new things and I pay for them out of my check so he cannot say much.He does but he really shouldn’t. I just ignore him. Every time I see the recliners on the q I think of you. Did you ever get to order yours? I hope that one day that you can. You have wanted one for a long time. I do like the chair that you have with the roses. That is really pretty.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
The way that the pictures attach on this site is less than ideal. They posted much better on the old site. Plus I can only attach pictures from my phone-the ones from my camera have too high a resolution so it is sometimes frustrating. Your home looks very beachy and summery right now. How lovely!
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
We will be married 43 years June 23 so both you and Colleen beat me.
I loved the story about Tom Selleck. Poor Adele will probably be so jealous. I guess Jerry was also-but he won you in the end!
I think the blue camo Lug bag will be great for a baby bag for Neal. I know Jenny’s husband had a separate baby bag from her’s I think his was either black or camo too. Actually, I think the whole idea is so cute-when we had our babies our husband’s never considered having their own diaper bags-lol it just kind of gives me a chuckle. Actually I always said if Greg had been in charge I’m afraid that he would have set the baby carrier on the top of the car and driven off. The man can’t even keep track of his reading or sunglasses-surely he would have lost one of the babies somewhere. lol So what other things have you gotten for the baby? What will you be called-the grands call me Gigi.
Gail -
Hi Adele,
I hope that you are over your heart palpitations and jealousy from Barbara’s story. I didn’t even know who Jesse Stone was-lol There is only so much TV that a person can watch.
I have no idea who will win DWTS-it could be any one of them. I like them all but I like Paige and Mark just a little bit better.
Tonight is the finale of DWTS and The Voice so my DVR will be working overtime. lol And of course they are both from 8 til 10.
Wow! You really are going to be baking up a storm come Friday. You will have to take the rest of the weekend off after all that.
Enjoy your diner with your friend tonight. It’s always so nice to get out with a friend.
My ankle is about the same. It will never be better unless I have the surgery to fuse my ankle which i don’t really want to do. They will not do surgery to fix the tendons on someone with RA even if it is well controlled so the only choice would be fusing the bones of the ankle. So I just wear the brace when I have to walk a lot and as long as I don’t have a lot of pain I will count my blessings.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Thank you for the item #. I got an e-mail this morning but it didn’t have the number and it just shows you one shirt when you click on it. So I checked out the designs with the number you gave me but didn’t order yet as I’m not sure if that is the TSV price or not right now. So I will wait until tonight I am eying the butterfly(of course) and the flag set.
I guess the reason that the guy had violins and such is because it is supposed to be blues and chamber music combined. If it was the old site I could post a sample video. I miss that.
I did used to water ski as a kid but i haven’t done that in many many years. I won’t even go on the tube that Greg pulls for the kids anymore. Now I am just a passenger in the boat and that’s fine with me.
Time does really go by so quickly. I feel it goes quicker now than when I was 40 or 50. You were younger getting married at 19-I was 24-which back then was a big difference. While you were a married woman I was in college going through my “rebellious” stage. lol
There is just something so comfortable being in a long time marriage-it’s like living with your best friend-at least for me. We all took a leap of faith 40+ years ago. We picked good, honest reliable men. We were lucky.
Gail -
Hi Gail
I am still grieving for the day of Tom Selleck that I was robbed of. My life will never be the same.
Boy, is tonight’s decision going to be tough. Tillie feels they should give it to the deaf young man. I tried to explain to her that they cannot use that as a decision maker, as it would be unfair to the others.
Good Lord- did you see the Carmichaels last night? we recorded it, and watched it at 9. I thought I would die laughing. I cannot believe they discussed that on TV. I was almost as hysterical as I was with the transplant last week. Even Gary laughed, so you know it was a good one. I will not give the topic away, in case you did not see it.
Did you see the list of all I did yesterday? Well, that came back to haunt me, and ruined tonight. My knee went out a couple of times this morning, and I am afraid to go down the stairs today, so I will not be going out tonight. They are going out again on Thursday with one of our old colleagues who is retired. I am hoping to make it out for that fun night, so I am going to be real good today. That knee is getting a shot, or the series of 3 shots- appointment is next week with the knee doctor. He is the one who did my surgery on the other knee.
It really stinks when we have to work around a issue we will have for the rest of our lives- your foot, and my back. The only god thing is, we learn to adapt, and still move forward. That is the way we roll, as we say.
Well, I saw the TSV- called the Q and got the item number. I had to order what I wanted, as by the time I get up tomorrow, my size will be gone, unless I stay up late tonight. At midnight, they will have a special price that you cannot get today. So, the plan is to stay up to midnight, and re-order the tops for the cheaper price, and then cancel the first order. So, I will either have to pay a higher price or get the better price- who knows! I do not want to miss out, as I love the short sleeve tops for summer. The designs are so adorable, and they have one to match the khaki crops!
It is raining her again today. I will not complain, as it at least gets the pollen under control. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 80’s- it is not even 60 out there today. Gotta love New England!
hope your sun is shining.
Adele -
OMG…..I have to find that post of Barbara’s to see what the deal is with Tom Selleck- I though Gail was talking about the Sunday shows.!! I think I missed it, as I read bottom to top, in my emails….LOL
Adele -
Hi Colleen
Read my post to Gail for all the info on the tops- got them, but they will be cheaper after midnight. I had not seen your post yet, when I read the email, so I called the Q for the number….LOL
I would have loved to open a bakery when I was younger. Can you imagine doing what you love for a job? How cool would that be. Now, if someone wanted to open a bakery called “Nana Adele’s”, I would be more than happy to be the CEO, and head chef, giving out the secret family recipes and supervising.
Gary’s shoulder is doing well. His legs are not. He is so bent over, he is hurting his legs walking, and he will just not listen to use the cane 24/7. He needs a smack. He is having a hard time walking, and is getting real tired. When he comes up the stairs, he literally throws himself into the chair, the catch his breathe. It is good that he is going out to see customers, but, I wish he would use the cane, as it would make such a difference. It is a man thing. So, I asked him how he will feel when he HAS to use a walker?? Men just think of their egos more than their comfort.
Do not worry- I get posts confused all the time. I get our grands confused too. here is a funny- Steph told me this morning that Aizen was crying to come to Nan’s house last night at 9:30. He must have been tired, and needed some Nana love. How funny is he- they kept telling him it was too late to go see Nana.
It is cold here, andraining- supposed to be 80 tomorrow….LOL
Hope your weathe ris a lot better,
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I am nit sure if anchovies are considered a shellfish, but for me, they are in the category of never can eat, ever. I don’t like them, anyway, so that’s not a problem. I honestly did not know the high end restaurants or good chefs use them in the Caesar dressing. I used to get Caesar all the time, when out, and now I dare not, as you never know who uses it, and who does not.
They did not take me to the hospital, as I would have been mortified. As it was, I felt like I ruined everyone’s time at my table, and it was a good friend’s son’s wedding. I felt awful about it- we just left when it was safe to go, and I was able to get out of the bathroom.
Thank you for getting the number- you ordered them already too, which is good , so we do not lose our sizes. they are adorable. Where am I going to put them all???
We should take a vote on who we think will win tonight. I would love Ginger Zee to win, but I honestly think the wrestler girl is going to get it, unless the people vote for the young man who is deaf. So, I guess I cannot even come up with a winner myself…LOL
Adele -
Hi Dianne!!
I love your decorations, and that you included your pretty Temptations in your displays. How pretty, and summery it looks. I hope your weather is cooperating with your decorations.
Do not worry about Tom Selleck- they will do it again, some time this summer, I know they will. OMG- I forgot she used to be on the show. She is such a good actress. She is fabulous in How to Get Away with Murder. I bet she will get an Emmy for it.
I have never been able to send a pic from Facebook to this site, so I have no idea how to do it from Pintrest. I am not on Pintrest.
hope your day is going well, and your weather is good! Spring is such a happy season, when the weather cooperates.
Adele -
Barbara, Barbara, Barbara……..How was this information kept from us for so long????
Good God. I am bowing at your feet, as we speak….wait, I have to get back up to type. OMG OMG OMG. I am speechless!! So, did you make the evening news, or the local paper? No pictures? I am feeling deprived of a great Barbara picture with THE MAN. So, did he do that sigh he does back then, that makes me weak in the knees? I am trying to teach Gary to do it, in his cheap copy of a Tom Selleck cardigan I got for him. I am still looking for the original Tom sweater.
I will have to sit on the couch for the rest of the day- I am speechless, and knee-less.
Sounds like you two had a great anniversary. Funny how we all talk about all those good times together, when we were young, now that we have been married so long. I remember the day after we got married, I said this to Gary,”Do you see that the colors are brighter today, the sun is shining brighter, and everything looks so much prettier now that we will be together forever?” I was so happy I did not have to spend another day away from him. I wonder how that is working out for him now? I think Gary could muster up one of those Selleck sighs.
On the diaper bags. That is a real tough one. They are so different from what we used to have, it has become a real individual choice. Steph was real picky about hers, so I am not sure what to tell you. Lets see what the rest of the girls have to say.
I am a big fan of egg salad for supper, as well as cereal. We all need a break. Now that is it summer, we can chase it down with an ice cream for dessert.
Hope your day is sunny, and bright!
PS…..I am still beside myself over my heartthrob. Who can say that they have broken bread with THE MAN?? you are my new hero. -
I’m not on Facebook but here’s what I was thinking about getting a picture from there to here. Couldn’t you save it to your picture files and then bring it over to here as an attachment. I know Greg is on Facebook and I see that he saves the picture whenever Jenny posts one of the kids. Just a thought-I have no idea if that is a possibility.
Gail -
Hi Gail!
I am going to try that right now, while I am waiting to hear what we will do for dinner. No cooking, as I was going out. We may have to do take out, or the standard eggs for a quick meal.
Adele -
Hey girls!
I figured out, with Gail’s help, how to load a pic from Facebook.
Below is an old picture of me, and my old Uniteers. I am in the middle below, and Nancy is in the middle standing. This was in the late 80’s, or early 90’s. Look how good you look before back issues that contribute to weight gain, and that old wonderful thing called age!
How funny is this! we were at one of our favorite restaurants for some celebration.
Adele -
Hi everyone. Adele, if Tom had seen you first he would have asked you for a date instead of me. You are beautiful; like all my Quacker ladies are. I have changed so much over the years. I weighed the whole amount of 118 when I was in my teens; and I thought I was big then. LOL Now my weight far exceeds that; and it is just a number to me. I call myself 120 pounds of woman inside lots of fluff. ha ha Don’t think too much of my “date” since my Dad was there to see EVERYTHING that went on. I did have pictures, but my Mom kept them and my oldest brother just threw them away one day when he was cleaning out the attic. Now for your swoon; he was so very handsome; and a perfect gentleman. I had already been dating Jerry, and he was very upset that I went but I was so in love with Jerry that he really didn’t have anything to worry about; as if he would have anyway. ha ha. To tell the truth; I think my Dad secretly admired him so much that HE was hoping I would fall for him and leave poor Jerry in the dust. But it was a very exciting time; even if brief. And just for the record; I still think he is so very handsome.
I wish I knew how to download photos onto this thing too; but I just don’t. I have to buy a new camera before the baby gets here; and I want to put some pictures for you all. Anyone know of a point and shoot camera that is under 500 that makes good pictures and is Easy TO USE? I only have a couple of weeks until the first shower. Sarah finally put in at Babys R Us; so now I know what they registered for. That will help me. She came by to visit today. She is really sticking out there now, and I think that looks so cute. She said that Neal loves to feel the baby move. The first time he felt him she said that Neal jumped like he had been hit. LOL
Gail, did you find out what that Howdy means at the top of this page? I can’t seem to see anything different if I click on it. Oh, by the way, I love my Quacker bicycle shirt with the short sleeves. There was a beautiful one with butterflies all down the side of it that I wanted so badly, but didn’t have it in my size. Do you know what a lady at the store had the nerve to say to me the other day? She said I just love your shirt (red Quacker with a sparkly ice cream cone in the middle of it) then she said, do you have to go to the big women sized store for that or could someone small like me get one? I said, actually Dear, I have this especially made at Memphis Tent and Awning Store where my husband works and they just use the awning machine to cut one big enough to fit someone my size, so I’m sorry, you can’t have one. Then I smiled (Adele) and sparkled away. Hurt my feelings, but I thought you just can’t help those who have no decency to know right from wrong.
Hope all is well for you all. Stormy here tonight. Said the possibility of golf sized hail. Hope not. Take care everyone. Barbara -
Hi Ladies,
Well it’s almost time for the TSV on the Q. There were several tops I’d LOVE to have, but….
DWTS is probably over where you are. I can always check the internet to see who won.Adele, aren’t you the one who has the remote you talk to? If so, you can have your own marathon of Tom Selleck, can’t ya? Just tell it to bring up
Tom Selleck or Jesse Stone movies & see what happens. I don’t know anything about it except what I see on the tv ad. Looks pretty easy in the ad.
And it’d be commercial free, wouldn’t it? Just a thought.Thank you for the kind words about my décor. that was my first set of Temptations in Oceanfetti. LOVE, love, love it.!! That’s why I want a set of
dishes in it. I’m obsessed with it. It reminds me of tropical colors. And in the winter we need tropical colors yr around.
We might have a dry holiday weekend. the latter part anyway. Sat. showers, Sun. & Mon. sunny & warmer. I looked up the forecast for the next few weeks & we could actually have a summer. Last yr was the hottest on record, so I expect a more moderate one this yr. Oregon doesn’t have 2 hot
summers in a row. We’re lucky if we have two or three days in a row of sunny warm/hot days.Well, that’s about all I have for today.
talk to ya later.
dianne -
Hi Dianne,
That oceanfetti is really pretty. I can see why you like it so much. I too am drawn to turquoise and it’s varying shades of blue. Summer has finally hit here. Upper 80’s and high humidity.
Gail -
OMG Barbara…..I almost had to change my undies, I laughed so dam hard. There is no insult like a Fine Southern Lady insult. You must have left her with her mouth wide open. I wear a 3X, so she would have been just as rude to me. I weighed 129 when I was young. the picture I posted yesterday from Facebook is 70 pounds less than I am now. I gained that 70 pounds when my arthritis started to kick in, and my movements got less and less. You know, people all think a heavy person eats and eats all day long. I have 2 meals a day. We eat breakfast very late- between 10 and 11, due to Gary’s working in the office. Every morning, unless I baked a corn bread, muffins, or a fruit tart, I have a half of a bagel, with vegie cream cheese, one egg, a nd an orange or orange juice, with coffee, of course- sometimes my cappuccino- yum, yum. In the late afternoon, I get a snack, usually cottage cheese with pineapple- love that one, or unsweetened Greek yogurt, or ricotta, and some fruit. If it is a stressful day, I may have 2 Lindt balls, as chocolate is my stress go to thing. For dinner, I try to make sure the vegies are the biggest on my plate, followed by the protein, and then the carbs the lowest, and still I can gain so easily if I indulge in an ice cream, or a goodie I have baked. My indulge is a piece. It is really in how much you move, and, since we all have issues, that is the killer.
This week I was so proud of myself on Monday, and did so much, and it was so good to do it, all in one day. The next 2 days, today included, I am immobile. My knee is killing me, and I could not get down the stairs to go see my friends Tuesday night. It is what it is, as they say. I have a shot for the knee scheduled for next week, as I knew it was time again. Even when we have a real good day, we have to act like we do not, or we pay dearly.
Thank you so much for the lovely compliment. I et he would have had both of us out to dinner- you on the left arm and me on the right, as he would hot have been able to make up his mind. Safety in numbers, our Dad’s would have thought. You are a beautiful person, Barbara, in spirit, mind, and your outer sparkly self! We all love you, as if we have known you all our lives.
I have not purchased a camera in years. Mine is a Sony, and huge- one like the pros have. I had the kids buy me Best Buy gift certificates one year, and then put in the rest as a gift to myself, as I loved taking pictures. Now, with the quality of pics from everyone’s phones, I only pull it out for special occasions. One thing I will say- make sure the camera has that stabilizer feature, so your pics do not come out blurry. Other than that, you are good to go.
Well, I stayed up until midnight last night to get the shirts at the special price. They were about 9.00 less, and I was so excited, I am embarrassed to say, I got 2 sets, I was so excited. Then, this morning, I saw they have another new color in my perfect to fit Adele zipper crops- navy- got that too. I guess I need to start wearing my short sleeve shirts, and my dark indigo crops in the house every day, instead of my Carole Hochman jammies. I can hardly wait to see Gary’s face when the packages arrive. Lets hope they come in one Q bag, instead of 4…LOL God, I hope there is nothing on all the shows today, that I do not already own….LOL Did you see they even had a khaki colored shirt, for the new khaki colored zipper crops? I am all about the monocratic color dressing, as it gives you one easy line, and I honestly feel it makes you look better, especially when you are short and generously built. Hey….how is that for a new description???
Love you Barbara. You are an inspiration to all of us, you and Jerry. There are few couples who love each other as much as you do, and for so many, wonderful, happy years. You go Missy! (like that- I think it is a Southern use of language….Missy Barbara)
Love, Adele -
Hi Barbara,
I have not figured out the point of the howdy thing other than if you click on it you can go directly to your page. The thing that baffles me is the number inside the blue circle. I wonder if that indicates the number of people online at this site. Maybe I will have to break down and ask James.
I cannot believe that young woman asked you that. I think I would have just stood there with my jaw on the floor. Good for you to come up with a snappy comeback. How rude was that! Her Momma needs to teach her some manners!
I bought a point and shoot camera to take on the trip to Disney last year. I had some other larger cameras but I wanted a small very portable one. I think it takes great pictures and is very easy to operate. They still have it on the Q item # E227751 and it’s $200.00. The only bad thing is the pictures have a high resolution so if you want to post here you can’t post it as an attachment but you can post the pictures on your home page. Cynthia once explained to me how to post them as an attachment as there is a way to to lower the resolution but I never did quite figure it out. But you can post on your own page and people can look at them there.
Gail -
Hi Dianne!
We all love to see what decorations you come up with. What a great idea to include the pretty Oceanfetti Temptations. You may have come up with something- I do not have to find a place for all my Temptations- I can include them in my decorations. Great idea, girlfriend!
I hope you are ale to get one of the pretty short sleeve sets. the price is fabulous, as well as the styles. You could not get a better price on the one day sales at Macy’s. Quacker is on right now for 2 hours. Tillie has already called me, to order 2 sets for her, and I tried to get through to talk on the air. It was too early. I wanted to give a shout out to all my Quacker friends, so you could hear my Boston accent.
I do have the talking remote. What is wrong with me??? I can just ask for any Tom Selleck show I want- thanks for reminding me. What is up with that? I forget I have that ability. It is really cool.
It is supposed to be around 80 today, but is still very cool out there right now, as we got some hazy fog early this morning. We will see. We are to have higher temps, then rain on Sunday or Monday. We are like you for weather- you never know what you will have. It does make it interesting.
We love that you have joined us on here, and hope you keep posting about your decorations, and pretty kitty.
Love ya!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I don’t watch The Carmichael’s so you will have to tell me what they were discussing. It must have been good if even Gary laughed.
I thought that maybe you had overdone it when you listed all the chores that you had done. I have to space things out now-or I just get too tired. Plus I am much more flexible about cleaning than I used to be. Lot’s of stuff I just gloss over. Give it a “lick and a promise.”
I do like the term generously built. Now when you called Barbara “Missy” I think of it as a Chinese term. lol Maybe that’s just me.
Here’s what happened last night. I fell asleep on the couch quite early. So I woke up at midnight and saw the end of the Quacker show. I had not seen the Voice or DWTS but they were recorded. I went into the living room to order my TSV off my laptop and left the TV on in the next room. Well the Quacker recording ended and I guess it switched over to the ending of some news program which just then happened to announce the winner of DWTS. So I knew the ending before I watched it Bummer. Gotta go and order this butterfly tee. See ya.
Gail -
hey Gailster!
I knew when I saw that tee, if was yours. Which color did you got, or did you do an Adele?
Well, here is the Carmichael deal. the first scene was the family coming home form Church, and the Reverend admitted he watched porn on his computer. the Mom was changing churches, and beside herself. That led to her husband admitting he watched it, and the rest is history. It was hysterical. The scene between the Dad and the son talking about sex was beyond hysterical. You really have to watch it for a good chuckle.
So what do you think about the winner? I was thrilled as it is so nice to see someone with a disability winning against people who have none. plus, he is very, very good. the ending with all his family on stage, so excited was nice to see too.
We are all going broke today- Tillie included!!
Love ya!
Adele -
Hi Adele,
If you have a DVR you could record those movies & you’d have them to watch at your leisure & not depend on the Hallmark channel. Speaking of which,
maybe telling the remote “Hallmark Mysteries” would work too. Just sayin’.
Thank you for the kind remarks about my decorating. I try to use my temptations in my décor. It’s too pretty to hide in a cupboard. I use a utensil holder as a flower vase. I have it in the red FL & I put my artificial flowers in it. Right now I have a bouquet of red & whited rose buds in it. I use the little glass trivets
as coasters on my end table. I find all sorts of uses for it, besides baking.
the weather is cool here. Overcast, but dry. No big downpours. the holiday weekend is still up in the air.the last show of the QF TSV is on with the live audience. Soooo many things I’d love to have. The short set, the skort, the tops, I gotta win the lottery!!!
I’m gonna try to add some more pics. I tried last night but nothing came thru. Wish me luck.
talk to you guys later.
dianne -
P.S. Don’t forget to click on the photo to enlarge them. The tropical are from calendars & I plaster my walls with them, as you can see.
d. -
Hi Dianne,
I also like your pictures.They do make you feel like you are on an island basking in the sun. Like the picture of Tom also. That must have been when he was younger. He is still good looking.
I love the picture of your cat. Looks like she is going to jump right thru the camera and sit on my computer table. She is really pretty.Sorry I cannot remember her name I am really bad with names.
That would be nice to talk to the remote and have it do what you want. it would be fun to watch whatever you want anytime. We cannot get it though so no need to think about it. They have the hopper now and it is supposed to let you tape 16 shows at the same time. That would be nice but maybe not worth the money we would have to pay for it. That is always something to think about but do we want to give up something else so we can watch tv.
Your weather sounds really nice. We had storms last night and yesterday today we had sunshine and heat really muggy. It is cool tonight so do not know if we will have more storms tonight or not. We will have to wait and see. We have had so much rain this spring it would be nice if the sun would shine for a week and dry some of it up. That would give our garden time to grow a little also.
I have to go back and watch the Quacker shows that I missed. I always dvr them and watch them later. I watched some of the show that Patrick was on but just could not keep my eyes open and fell asleep.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night
Colleen -
Hi Barbara,
You are so funny. You really put that girl in her place. I hate when people act like that. Just because she is thin does not make her a model. People do not teach their kids like we were taught. If our mom’s heard us say something like that we would have been in trouble. Even if we were adults. Kids need to be taught respect again. At home and when they are out. I just love your answer. Adele is right you are an inspiration to us all.
It is nice when they register at a store and let people know what they want or need for the baby. It sure makes it easier to go shopping. My daughter with this last one register at some place I have never heard of. I guess Kevin’s mom had so they all knew how to find the place on the internet. I just told her that if she wanted me to shop for her she better find a place that I can find or even heard of. So I gave her things that I know that she would need. Bibs are always one thing that they need no matter what. That and blankets. One to put in the crib and receiving blankets. I guess that is what they call them still.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
We all looked good at one time. Then something happens and we put on the pounds.lol You still look good. I am so glad that they have models that are our size showing clothes. It makes it nice and that Quacker took the time to make clothes that are sparkly and in bright colors. I always hated to have to pick thru the drab colors that they use to have for large women. That are they would have big flowers all over them and that made me look even bigger. Even those did not have pretty colors. All of you are pretty on the outside and even prettier on the inside. That is where it counts. Well I am done preaching now.lol
I wanted Ginger to win also. I am not disappointed that Niles won he was good also. It was a hard decision to make picking out the person that should lose. Page was good also. I like what Len said about all of them being winners. They were all good dancers.It was hard to pick out who should go home all during the show. They were all good. Is Peta engaged to Max? I thought something was said about it. Something about it being hard for Max to pick since Val was a finalist and he fiance was a finalist. So it had to be Peta she was the only professional dancer in the finals. Did I hear right? They would make a cute couple. Now no more dancing until September. That is a long time.
You should not feel bad about having a reaction to the anchovies. You had no idea that they were in the salad. They all probably went back and had a good time after they found out that you were alright. You cant help it they put the dumb things in that salad. Will have to find a recipe for a Cesar salad and find out if it is normal to put them in there. Maybe it is different at different places. It would be interesting to find out.
That could be a project for you and Bobby. He could do all the work and you could run the whole thing.You could teach him how to bake or have one of the grands to do the baking. Then they would all be working together. That could be a good thing or it could be trouble.lol The things we could have done when we were younger but cannot now.
I ordered mine from the ad that they sent. I think that I paid the price that they were today. I may have to go back and look it up. Hope that I did not over pay. Did you get the khaki top? I just got the red and blue and that was all. I did order the shorts to wear around the house but they are on back order. So there is no telling if I will get them or not. I have enough capri and one like that to make it thru the summer. Unless they come out with a really cute pair. Then I may have to order another pair.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
p.s. That is funny about Aizen. You are right he needed hugs from his Nana. -
Hi Gail,
Did you get the TSV with the butterfly on it? That was really cute. I have a pair of jeans that I got from Quacker a long time ago with flags all over them. Do you remember them? I am going to have to dig them out and see what they look like with the blue top with the flag. It may be too many flags. I thought about them today.
It is so hard to believe that these kids today cannot find men like we did. Maybe they just get married too quickly and do not really know the guy before they marry them. I went back to college after I was married. Would not recommend it to anyone. It is harder and we had the kids. You also lose your study habits and it is harder to pass your classes.
The concert sounds like it was really good. That was an odd combination of music. They must have been really good or they could not have pulled it off. It is amazing how they can combine different types of music and sound really good.
I am going to have to look and see if I paid too much for the TSV. I thought the ad said that we could order early for the cheaper price. Will have to look again and make sure that I did not over pay. Knowing me I probably did. I do not do the right thing all the time and it costs me more. I still have to watch all of the Quacker shows that I taped. I tried to watch the one that Patrick was on but fell sound asleep. I saw the TSV and one other item but cannot remember what it was now. Next thing Ron was waking me up to get ready for the doctor. Need to get new tooth picks.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
I can’t believe this. I just spent an hour or more writing a letter & when I went to submit it, along with pics, it said I wasn’t logged in!!! I thought I was.Well, QF is over for now. I wonder if they’ll have another TSV later this summer. Are all of you broke or in debt? They had so many cute things this time. I loved the tops, short sets, skorts, couldn’t make up my mind which ones I liked the most. I really enjoyed the live audience show. Jayne Brown sure was entertaining, cracking jokes & puns. Last night was dancing, today the puns.
OK, am I to understand you gals aren’t on Pinterest? That surprizes me with all you bakers & foodies. A woman started it as a recipe exchange site. Now it’s expanded to everything from apples to zebras, (A-Z). I have several faves on there. Cats, tigers, tropical places, Christmas, Victorian, vintage Christmas, Thomas Kinkade, seasons, so many I can’t even think of them all. It isn’t like FB where you have contact with people. At least I don’t. You just “pin” your favorite things.
The pic of Tom was from Magnum, PI. I used to watch that show. Handsome devil, huh? I’m surprised they don’t have it on one of the channels that show those old shows.
I’m gonna try to send some more pics. I tried earlier but they didn’t go thru. Wish me luck!!
dianne -
Hi Dianne,
That is a good idea to use your Temptations in your home decor.
I am on Pinterest but for some reason I don’t go there that much. At first they would send me all these ideas but since I wasn’t very active now they just sort of ignore me. I will have to check it out again now that you have reminded me. I guess there’s only so many hours in the day to play around online and I know sometimes once I start browsing around the time just gets away from me. I am a big reader so I can lose myself in some of the online bookstores or a place like Goodreads.
We are hot and muggy and stormy here.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I did get the set of shirts with the butterfly and also the red and navy set. I always like red and navy in the summer. I am so glad that they have lots more short sleeve tees this summer. In the heat the 3/4 sleeves are too long-especially on me. I will wear them too but I prefer the short sleeves for summer. I do like the longer sleeves if I am in the car for a long time though as my arms seem to get cold the way the AC vents are in Greg’s car. I don’t think I remember the flag jeans-that must have been from before the Dream Jeannes when she did a lot of pants with the different little things on them-all that preppy stuff.
I don’t know if younger people get married too quickly or what. Maybe they just go in with the attitude that if it doesn’t work they will divorce. However, I don’t think it’s just younger people. It seems like most of the people that I went to high school with are divorced. I would say there is me and about ten other people in their original marriages. Sometimes I think part of it is the luck of finding a good person the first time. Even in my family my brother and sister are both divorced-now on Greg’s side everyone is married to their first spouse except his sister but that’s only because she was widowed and he really was the love of her life.
I didn’t know that you had gone back to school after you married. That must have been hard with a husband and kids. However, it also seems that the more mature students are more driven too.
Peta is engaged to Max. They have a separate dance show that they do in theaters and I think he proposed during one of those if I remember correctly. I imagine their first dance at their wedding will be a good one! lol
Gail -
Hi Adele,
Yes, I actually ordered the butterfly shirt in the pink and the seafoam. I was waiting for that shirt as I had seen it on one of those teases where they show the pencil drawings of future designs-and it was embedded in my brain. lol That two piece set with the beach chair with the clouds on the tank was so cute but I don’t wear two pieces like that in the summer so I didn’t get it. I’m hoping they do something else with that cloud design as a background sometime. I suppose I should ask Patrick or someone to pass that request on to a design team member.
Before I forget everyone remember to go on this site and enter the new Americana contest that they are having. The sign up period is short so don’t forget. They are giving a lot of neat Americana themed things away-perfect for this summer.
I am fine with Niall winning. I think my attitude toward him changed when he made that remark about Val being his biggest competition. It made him sound so conceited. Jenny watched him on America’s Top Model and she said he didn’t seem that way on there. So maybe it was just one of those things that people say that they wish that they could take back-so I need to give him the benefit of the doubt. It doesn’t take away from the fact that he did an amazing job dancing without being able to hear the music. It’s probably also a testament to Peta’s teaching ability.
Speaking of disabilities and dance that reminds me about my sister. She has been ballroom dancing for 25+ years. Now that she is retired she got involved with this group that teaches dance to children with disabilities in this case mostly kids with Down’s Syndrome. I wish I could post the video-it is so sweet.
You know I was just thinking. This will be 50 years since I graduated high school. There has been a reunion every ten years and maybe even some in between but I have received nothing about a 50th. That would be weird-or maybe no one is volunteering to organize it anymore. Speaking of school, today is the last day of school in Harvard. We all love to tell people that our kids are Harvard graduates. lol They don’t have to know it’s Harvard, Illinois. lol
I hope that you will get some good weather for the weekend.
Gail -
InactiveMay 26, 2016 at 11:35 amPost count: 643I am glad someone else heard the remark Nyle made. It just turned me off . I just cannot stand cocky people. He did a good job especially with his disability but that attitude is unacceptable to me. I was very disappointed he won. I think it should have been Paige. They did have some good dancers this year.
Hi Dianne!
What a pretty way to decorate. Love the Tom Selleck one….LOL
As predicted, we went from heat on, to air on. The humidly level today is 65. It is hazy here, with a warning on the ozone already. The temp is in the 80’s. I planted my herbs on the deck window boxes, and will have to get out there sooner or later, to water them.
Tomorrow will be hotter, and I will have the oven on 400 for the cookies. Thank God for air conditioning. The temp on Saturday will be near 90, and Gary is already worried that the place for the First communion has air conditioning. I hope so too, or all the cookies will get stale fast.
Love the pic of your funny kitty with her tongue out. That is a great shot!
I used to use a vase for a utensil holder too, until I got so many utensils I needed 2. Then, I found a real big one from a kitchen catalog, so they all now fit.
I would love to go to one of the live shows. Gary said it would take quite a long time to drive to Penn. I believe I recall some of the girls on here met at a live show- not sure which ones did, though.
Are you going anywhere for memorial Day, or spending time with your neighbor? She sounded like a nice lady. All we have planne dis to attend the First Communion party, so far.
Hope your sun is shining.
Adele -
Hi Sue-
I must have missed the remark he said. I will check for the other posts to see what it was.
Adele -
Hi Gail
Oh, that is what he said. I must have dozed off during that comment, or missed it altogether. I agree. people sometimes say things they wish they could take back, and then, sometimes they do not. You never know. Plus with the translating form sign language , it could have had a different inflection/meaning. Who knows. He did seem like a nice enough young man. Was this remark picked up by the media, or did they let it slide?
I entered the contest yesterday, a s yesterday was all about the Quack. of course you got the butterfly shorts- I would have expected nothing less.
So, when Gary left yesterday, I was watching Quacker, and when he came home, I was still watching. So, he says……has this been on all day, and how many times did Tillie call you to order something for her? LOL LOL
I was so excited when I saw they came in with another color of my favorite zipper crops- my fingers could not hit the button fast enough.
That is so nice that your sister is teaching disabled children to dance. I bet they, and their parents are thrilled, beyond words. that would be a wonderful thing to watch on a video. Too bad we cannot see it.
Don’t you love Dianne’s pics? I love the idea of decorating with your Temptations. I knew I should have ordered more in red white and blue. Did they have a red, white and blue tray???? I got the berry one.
We are moving along toward the new counters. The laser measure man was here. Rip out is Wednesday, and install is Friday. The sink will not be re-connected until Saturday, as they want to wait one day before the water runs over any caulking. Sooooooo…..no cooking for Adele next week…LOL After all, I have to prep the kitchen by moving a lot of things Tuesday night, and covering the things in the bottom cabinet, to prevent any dust there. I hope that works, or I will have to wash everything. I intend to cover with plastic bags, and duct tape the edges, and sides, so nothing falls in. I would love a simple removing of the plastic, and then done. Any bets I am wrong on that one??
I will be glad when it is all done- and I can post a pic for you girls.
Hope your day is sunny, and bright- mine is humid-yuck.
Adele -
Hey Gail
Forgot to say- it will be 50 years for me next year- I graduated in 1967. My old school no longer exists, so there is nobody to do any reunions. Sad.
you should go to yours, or start one, if nobody else does, and sparkle through it!
Adele -
Hey ladies
I am not on Pinetrest, or Tweet. Facebook is stressful enough to keep up with. So many notices.
Adele -
Hey Dianne
I do not even want to view what my easy pays are. Last month, they went on for 2 pages.
Adele -
Hi Colleen
We are all pretty on the outside and inside- you are good to remind us of that. It is a very important thing to remember.
If you ordered your tops before midnight, you did not get the right price. I hope you can cancel and reorder, like I did. I was afraid I would not get my sizes. I did order the khaki one, and the red navy, turquoise, and peach. I was really , really bad. Also got the navy zipper crops, and had to re order the dark indigo ones, and mine are no longer dark….LOL Can you imagine how many times they have been washed to get lighter? They are my go to pair, when I am in a rush, and hung on the back of my bedroom door.
I did know Peta was engaged to Val. But, has anyone heard if the guy from Shark Tank is still dating what’s her name from DWTS- she was his partner last season??
Next week AGT starts again, with Simon. That should be interesting, for sure.
Aizen sure is a funny kid, and wants to visit at the oddest times. Our kids are still in school. I think the last day is next Tuesday, as it is a half day.
hope your sun is shining!
Adele -
Hey everyone!!
I forgot to ask if everyone is ok form all those terrible storms. Every time I see a notice of tornados, I say a prayer that nobody is harmed. Just the thought of one hitting a home is awful. You lose everything that is non-replaceable, like the pictures of your relatives who are no longer alive. If you are caught in one, God forbid, I think being alive after it is over is the best news of all.
A prayer for all our Quackers, all over this country to stay safe.
Adele -
Hey Adele,
I believe Shark Tank Robert is engaged to Kym Johnson. She has a big honkin’ diamond too.
I think the media did pick up a little on the remark by Nyle as Jenny who does not watch DWTS had heard something about it. Also, Len once made reference to it in something he said.
Looking forward to seeing Simon again on AGT. I never thought I would like Howard Stern as I just knew him from his radio persona-but he was entirely different on AGT. I think deep down he must be a softy as he and his wife are big into cat rescue. Love Howie Mandel-he is so mischievous-he makes me laugh. We were lucky enough to see him do stand up in Vegas. We also saw Joan Rivers do her act at a local theater. I’m so glad that we went.
Hot and muggy here too.
Gail -
Hi Gail!
I am glad they are engaged. I thought they made such a cute couple. He was absolutely enthralled with her as they danced, it was adorable to watch him fall in love with her.
my favorite is Howie too. he is so funny, and all his eccentricities are hysterical. The rest of the crew make him crazy. I enjoyed watching that show, and I am glad it will be on next week.
I have no idea how I missed all that commotion…….it was probably because of how hectic it is over here right now. I am trying to get Lowes to do the install of the back splash the following week, of the 6th, so this can be done.
I think I said to someone that next week was end of school here. Not. It is only May. OMG- my brain must be on overload.
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I hope I didn’t step on someone’s toes. I didn’t mean to. Sorry if I did. I don’t do Instagram, Twitter, or skype. I wouldn’t know how.
I hope you’re all safe from those storms I’m seeing on the news. We were barely 60 today. Showers tomorrow, but the holiday looking
good, then a BIG warm up!!! We’ll be up in the mid to upper 80s by this time next week. Hopefully it’ll be nice for the annual Rose
Festival. Usually it’s wet & chilly. It starts next weekend, I think. It runs from the end of May to around the second week of June. It varies,
depending on when May ends & June begins.
It’s time for me to put up my tropical pics & beach stuff. I usually do it right after Memorial Day. I’m planning to have a “picnic” over at
my neighbors. We’re gonna get some picnic goodies at the store & have our own little outing. Even tho she can’t go outside. I may take
some of my pics over & tape some on her walls just for setting the mood, so to speak.Well, that’s all I have for now.
I hope all of you are safe, & I hope you all have a safe holiday weekend.
dianne -
Hi Dianne,
I don’t think you stepped on anyone’s toes-I’m not even sure what you’re referring too. I don’t do twitter, Facebook, instagram or that stuff either. No one really cares what I am doing every minute of the day or what I am eating in a restaurant or whatever the posts are on those things. Plus my mind only has so much space in it for technology. lol I would do Skype (I would have to learn) with a loved one cross country. I guess we should think about doing it with our son in NM if he has a computer. Our friends Skype with their grandson in California all the time. It is nice for things like that.
I like your idea for the indoor picnic. I’m sure your friend will really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Fortunately we have missed all the storms around here.
Your rose festival sounds beautiful. A little different than our Milk Days festival during the same time period.
P.S. Love the butterflies. Of course! lol -
Hi Adele,
Debbie from Oregon, Debra from Indiana and Nancy from Penn (I think) all met up and went to a live show together a few years back. I still have the copy of that show on my DVR as Greg was supposed to figure out a way to transfer that onto DVD so I could give each of them a copy and he never has. Hope springs eternal! lol I think Sue might have driven over for a live show at another time if I remember correctly-she might have met up with some people from the cruise. She can tell you about it as she comes on here sometimes.
I imagine that you are up to your elbows in flour right now. Good thing the kitchen tear down wasn’t at the same time. You are an angel to bake all those cookies for the communion.
I don’t think my sister is actually teaching the dancing-I think she is part of some board or committee and has been doing some fundraising for the program.
Somehow I’m thinking your plan of the simple removal of the plastic protecting the stuff in the cabinets might end up being more complicated than you envisioned. Isn’t that always how it is? The best layed plans…
It’s funny how you thought it was so sweet about Robert falling in love with Kym on national TV and I kept wondering about how his exwife was feeling if he was the one who initiated the divorce. Seeing her husband fall for someone else on TV. Perhaps you are a romantic and I am a cynic. lol
It will be June next week-so when do your kids get out? Ours got out yesterday. A bit earlier than usual because they used no snow days last year. That must be a first.
Hope that you are not so tired from all the baking that you still will be able to enjoy the long weekend. I am still trying to find the little flags and pinwheels that i bought and put in a “safe” place. lol
Gail -
Hi Ladies,
I knew I forgot something. Have any of you used Philosophy? My skin is so dry, & nothing seems to work. that’s why I’m asking. I know it’s
expensive, but I was just wondering if it really works. Any suggestions would be appreciated.I guess the Rose Festival is beginning this weekend!!! I don’t remember it starting this early. but it sounds like we’ll have some really nice
weather for it. It’s chilly today. Not even 60!
There was veterinary clinic here this week for our pets. I took Jewell down & they just fawned all over her. She wouldn’t come out of the carrier,
so we had to take the top off. She wasn’t sure where she was, it didn’t smell like a vet’s office. It was in our community room. They tried & tried to
get a good pic of her, but she knew what they were doing so she’d look away every time!!! She ain’t so dumb.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Take care.
dianne -
Hi Dianne,
I love philosophy. I have the body was and the body cream. It is really nice and does make my skin nice and smooth. I have really dry skin and it does moisturize it so I will keep buying it. I bought it on Auto delivery and was glad that I did. My girls like it also. They use it whenever they are over here. Hope that this helps you.
The Rose festival sounds like a lot of fun. Are you going to it? We do not have very many festivals here where we live. It has been raining and storming here anyway and we would not be able to go to anything.We have to big picnics every year one is the 4th of July picnic and they have craft stands and rides and they have the fire works at night. The other is the Labor day picnic. We go to that one also it is like the 4th of July but no fire works. They Labor Day one lasts for three days where the one for the 4th is just one day.They do absolutely nothing for Memorial day. That is really kind of sad. They should have a parade for that down here. I guess if you want to go to a parade you have to go to St. Louis and I am not sure if they still have it or not.
You did not step on my toes. I do not do any of that either. I do not do FB either. I am doing good to just get on here and open this site and e-mails in my e-mail box. Anything else would really mess me up.
How nice of you to do that for your neighbor. She will really enjoy that. You are such a nice person and always do nice things for people. Have a great time.
I love your pictures of the butterflies they are really cute. The memorial day pictures are cute also. You really find some cute things to post.
Well that is about all from here. We having storms and rain here all week and I have to wait til it is late to get on here. Last night I just gave up and did not do much on here. We are supposed to have a couple of days without rain and then it is back again. We are going to be water logged.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
You got a couple of sets that are really cute. I just got the red and blue. I will have to wait and see if they look okay on me and my arms do not flap in the wind. It may not matter and they are going to just have to flap. On the fourth we are spending the day with Melissa and family and we will be outside a lot so it will be hot. Just will have to take a jacket to watch the fire works. You will look so cute in both sets.
The flag jeans were a long time ago. The were just really cute and I could not resist. Then they got a little tight on me so put them in the closet and have not seen them since. I will have to look for them and see if they fit me better now. It would be nice if they do. I know that they are still in good shape because they are Quacker.
There is just all types of match making on dwts. lol That is nice that they are finding someone to be with and spend their lives with. I wonder if she will be in the show with Val and Max this summer? She probably will be. Did I misunderstand or is Max coming back next year as one of the professional dancers again. It would be nice if he did. He is a good dancer and I miss him on the show. Miss Derek also. Hope he comes back at some point.
Thank you for reminding us to sign up for the new contest for Quacker. Are they still doing the shopping spree one or did they stop that one? That would have been nice if one of us would have won that one. I had my five things all picked out.Which most of them I went ahead and ordered. I knew that my winning was pretty slim.lol
Do you have any big plans for the week-end? We are not doing much. Ron wants to go back to that highway sale and wants me to go with him. It rained all day and was not much opened today when he went with his bil. So tomorrow if his bil does not go with him I will go. I cannot remember how long it is but it goes for a long ways. He will want to stop at almost all of them so will have to take my cane with me. So if my knee starts to give me trouble I will have it. On Monday we are going to bbq and it will just be me and Ron. Do not want to do a lot of cooking and that is what happens if the kids come. None of them even acted like they wanted to come here on Monday anyway.
It would be nice if it would stop raining here. We have had rain and storms all week. They say that we are supposed to have a break tomorrow thru Monday and then more rain and storms starting late Monday night and most of next week. We are going to have to build an arc if it keeps raining like this.lol
Well that is about all from here have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
It is going to be so pretty when they get your kitchen done. Cannot wait to see the pictures. That will be such a shame if you had to order in all that week. No cooking for a week and not dishes how sad. lol. I bet you cannot wait and not have to do all that all week long. It is always nice to have a break from cooking and doing dishes.
I did not order any more dream jeannes at all. I did get a pair of the grey dj last week because they are so cute. You are really going to like all of your purchases. I hope that Tillie got to order a few things also.I got my lock and lock today and it is really nice. I am glad that I ordered it. I thought that Ron would be upset but he liked them also.He liked that the big bowl had a handle so he was not upset at all. Not like I care or would send them back if he was upset. I just like to give him the impression that it makes a difference. Makes him feel better. So when he sees the other packages come in he will not say much. He really shouldn’t after all the junk that we have sitting in our back yard that he has bought. He just goes to junk yards or yard sales and finds this stuff. At least mine is new. My anniversary present was bought at a yard sale. He is so thoughtful at least it was not a vacuum cleaner.lol He is a really good man but is having trouble still being retired.
We have had rain and storms here all week. We have not had any damage though.There are so many that are flooded and tornado damage. I just feel so bad for them. I wish that the rain would go away for a little while but we are going to get more after Monday. I think it is going to start again Monday night.
We have just been getting all kinds of bad news here lately. Maybe that is why he is in such a bad mood. One of our good friends was rushed to the hospital Wednesday. He had a bowel blockage and they had to operate today he also has prostate cancer. Then my bil. has cancer and it is spreading all over his body. He cannot do as much as he use to do. They use to go to yard sales and all kinds of things together. He went today but got tired and sick and they came home early. His friend that is in the hospital are always doing goofy things together and they are the couple that we usually go out to eat with. So I do understand why he is feeling so low. I guess things are not going to well for his friends and bil and it is really bothering him.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Happy 17th Birthday, Rocky! We love you!
Hi Dianne,
How nice of them to have a vet clinic right at your building. It’s so much easier on the animals.
I have used Philosophy products for years and years. I use the purity made simple to clean my face and the hope in a jar to moisturize. I use some other products too and some of the shower gels and the fragrances. I don’t know anything different but i think it works well. Have you tried any of the oil of Olay products? I think they are pretty good and are less costly. Hope that you find something that will do the trick.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
I’m sorry that’s Ron’s friend and BIL are having so many problems right now. I’m sure Ron is upset by all that. You’ll have to be extra nice to him-but not too nice otherwise he will get suspicious. lol
I really like the lock and locks too. They are so much easier to snap open and closed than some of the other plastic containers. And actually they are really pretty economical as I think you get a lot for your money with them.
I wouldn’t worry about your arms flapping in the breeze. It’s just too hot in the summer not to wear short sleeves. Now I no longer wear tanks but as long as my upper arm is covered I like to be as comfortable as possible in the summer.
You know I thought I heard that Peta was going on tour with Maks and Val but I could be imagining things too. It would be nice if Maks and Derek would come back sometime but I think that right now they are busy with other projects so maybe they are moving on. You can’t blame them especially if it is something that would further their careers.
I don’t know if that shopping spree contest is still on. I thought it would go on for a year like the previous contest but I don’t really know for sure. I never notice any announcements-but I really don’t look for them either. lol
We were supposed to do something today but Greg’s back is hurting again so we will probably just go over to Jenny’s later as Adam is working today and we didn’t go over last night. Tomorrow we are meeting friends for dinner and Monday we don’t have any plans. Maybe just laze around.
I wonder if Adele got all those cookies baked. That was a big order! She is probably tired today. I hope that she didn’t overdo it.
Have a safe and fun weekend.
Gail -
Hello everyone!!!
For the sake of time, as I need to get dressed shortly, I went through all the posts, and wrote down my responses….LOL
I certainly was knee deep in dough and frosting yesterday. I made almost 200 cookies. the hardest part was keeping Bobby away from they- you had to hear my warnings.
So far today, Marissa has been by twice to pick things up for the party. I forgot to put the cookie sin the cute little cupcake papers, so I just gave her the papers, to make them look pretty on the tables.
It is hot here. We are supposed to have storms on Monday- some tropical thing may form to be a hurricane, or not- either way, it is bringing up a lot of rain, so that may impact the pool opening.
Dianne- I have not yet taken out my Patriotic Annalee dolls- you are way ahead of me! Between the kitchen commotion, and the party, I am behind. I love your pictures. How nice to bring some decorations yo your neighbor who cannot go out. That is so sweet, and Quacker-like.
I have never used Philosphy, so I have no opinion on that line. Of course you did not offend anyone- how could you?? You are a sweetie- please do not ever feel like that, as we all have our opinions, and we all respect them. We do not get upset, at all, unless someone was being really nasty, as that is just not the Quacker way.
Sue- you went to a live show? How was it?? Would it be worth the 6 hour drive for me, to consider it one of these days? What are your plans fo rthis weekend?
Girls, I have made a list of things I need to do, before I have no kitchen water for 4 days. I have to wash all my fruit, make iced coffee to last for the 4 days, etc. The issue is, I am also having a shot in the knee of Tuesday- God help me!!
Gail- I did not know that Robert was married before- was he newly divorced when he fell in love with her?
Dianne- that Rose Festival sounds very nice, and I think on for weeks- is that right? That is pretty cool.
Colleen- that is awful about Ron’s BIL, and friend. I can see how upset he would be. It makes us all realize life is very short, and we are getting older. I will say a prayer for them. That is nice that you will go with him to the highway sales. Are those like yard sales? Are they a holiday thing?
My TSv tops came, and you should have seen Gary’s face….LOL Especially when I told him those are not the last envelopes coming.
I hope the storms stop in your neck of the woods. Those are frightening. I am glad you are all ok.
Gail- Happy Birthday to Rocky. Wow- that is getting up there for a puppy. I think with all the good care you give your dogs, they live long, happy lives.
I hope you have some fun this weekend- I cannot remember if you said anything about plans. I remember Colleen is doing the highway sales, and Dianne is going to e with her neighbor. I do not think Barbara has said anything yet, either. I hope she is ok, as I did not see any post from her.
Dianne- for got to say your kitty must have been the Star of the Day at the clinic. She is so pretty, I bet they all fell in love with her! That sis funny that she would not let them take a pic.
Well….I have to get myself dressed. I am not sure which Patriotic Quacker top I will wear- the tank, with a cardigan, a 2 piece set, or the new one with the burst of stars across the front…..what to do, what to do…..so many pretty tops, and so little time, as they say. I think I should do a a change, every time I go to pee….LOL LOL
Have a great day, girls!!
Happy memorial Day to all! Love you guys!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
Did you see the new outfit that they have for Quacker? It is another set. It is a top with capris. I ordered the khaki one with the palm tree. I cannot believe that I did that. I usually take my time and think about it but for some reason that outfit was calling my name. I hope that I like it as much when I see it. It is not like me to order on an impulse. It will be really cute though.
I really liked the lock and lock and am glad that all of you talked about it and loved it so much. It one nice thing on here we can find out about a product. If you ask there will be at least one person that has used it or knows someone that has.
It would be nice to have more short sleeve shirts. It is going to be really hot this summer. Ron still has not put the air conditioner in the window. I keep telling him that if we had the central air all we would have to do is turn it on. He says that we will be okay for awhile. So will have to call my sil and see if he will come over and put the thing in the window. Will have to do it when Ron is somewhere around so he can hear me. That way he will put it in to keep them from having to come over to put it in.
I wonder if they all go on tour if Peta will decide to go with Max and not come back. Max and Val are supposed to be at the fox sometime this summer. I cannot remember the date. If I can get Danyielle to go with me I may try and get tickets. They may be hard to get now. Are they going to be anywhere around where you are? It would be interesting to see them do a show away from DWTS. I guess it is nice that when one of the dancers that are on every season leaves and gives one of the other dancers a chance to be on the show.
I may e-mail Patrick are Angel and ask them. They are pretty good about getting back to us when we write. I am like you I thought that they said that it would be on all year. We missed out again.lol
I am sorry to hear about Greg’s back. Has he gone to the doctor about it? They may give him some muscle relaxers and that really helps sometimes. I know that the doctor always tells me to put an ice pack on my back for 20 minutes. 20 on and 20 off. It does help to relax it a little and at least the pain is not as bad for awhile. I hope that his pain goes away soon.
Adele must have gotten all the cookies done. She has a picture of them on here. She is so good about baking and she gets it done fast. She is such a nice person. Everyone on here is. I am glad that I have had the privilege to meet all of you.
Well that is about all from here. I will go back and find the number for that new set. There were different ones in there but cannot remember them all. It is really cute though.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
The high way sale is yard sales. Everyone that live on that road has a yard sale so that is a lot of sales. Ron’s bil ended up going with him so I did not go. I did not want to stop him from going. He does not feel like it that often. I am just glad that he and Ron like to do things like that and Ron will take him. So just stayed and burned up all day. We still do not have air in the house.
You really baked a lot of cookies. You must have been happy when they were all done. They look really good. That was so nice of you to bake all of them for the communion. Are you going to the party afterwards? I love to go to the First Communions. The kids all look so cute and they have their hands folded just right and the dresses the girls wear are so cute. It is just nice to watch them all receive communion for the first time.
Is this rain ever going to stop. We did get a break today and hopefully will still be clear until Monday night. It is so nice to see the sun. The garden will probably start growing since we are having all the sunshine. The rain right now is not helping the garden at all. We need to save some of the rain water for the dry spell. Then we can water the garden with that.
I got my tops today also. I cannot believe that they came that quickly. They did not think that we would have them in time for Memorial Day. That really was a surprise. I did get them at the TSV price. Did you get the e-mail from Quacker with the new outfit that they have? Here is the number for it A278295. It is a pair of capris and a top. I ordered the khaki with the palm tree. This was an impulse buy. Usually do not do this. They had different styles but that is the one that was calling my name. lol
I forgot to wish Rocky a Happy Birthday. I will have to do that after I am done here.
How is your back after doing all that baking. I hope that you are okay. Aizen will be getting his cookies soon. He will be so happy. Has he been wanting to come and see you late at night anymore? He is such a cutie. We all have really cute grand kids. We will not get to see them this week-end. They are at Six Flags today and probably having a ball. Glad that it is them and not us. It is hot and muggy so would not want to have to spend the day there at all.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I think Robert was separated but not actually divorced yet when he met Kym on the show. What I don’t know is who actually wanted the separation him, his wife or both. In any case I hope all three will find themselves in a happy place in their lives.
I must say I’ll bet your cookies must have looked just lovely on the tables for the communion-all set out in those frilly little cupcake holders. I hope maybe you took a picture there. You are really an angel for doing all that. I think at this point in time that would be beyond my capabilities.
I think Rocky has lived so long because he is half shitzu and they are a very long lived breed. Poor Belle and Abby got cancer and only lived until 12. Cancer is so prevalent in so many dogs. I hope in the future they find better ways of treating it.
You and Colleen were lucky to get your tops early. That’s okay-I will wear the Americana all summer long. Yesterday I wore a bumblebee Americana one.
That’s funny about changing your top every time you pee. It’s like me with the Christmas tops. Changing them for breakfast , lunch and dinner for the month of December. lol
Last night Piper was in rare form-standing on the ottoman going on and on about the story of how they play dungeons and knights and save the princess. I asked her some question about what she was saying and says-“I’m making it up!” The child is such a ham that she just cracks me up-so different from her mother and her older sister. She really loves all eyes on her. lol I love to see kids who are so unselfconscious-I wish we could take some of that ability with us as adults. Just doing our own thing and not caring what anyone else thinks.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
Thanks for the item number. I saw those outfits on AM Style-I think. They all just looked so summery. I’m glad one called your name-they were all very cute. I am going to get the cherry one, I think. I do like red but I liked all the colors in that set-each was pretty in it’s own way. I like the palm tree one that you ordered too. And the pink looked pretty on Angel and Leah was wearing the black hibiscus top. We will all be looking very summery and very patriotic.
It is true about getting advice about products from each other. it’s good to hear from someone else’s personal experience with something. Speaking of which that TSV that they had a couple of days ago with the hat and the cooling cloths. I got those cloths last year to take to Disney. Well as far as I’m concerned I could have taken any piece of material and wetted it and it would have done just as much good-which is none. Now I’m not sure if this was the same brand but if it was-they do nothing unless i did something wrong although i followed the directions to wet it and snap it and it had no cooling qualities over and above being a wet cloth-in my opinion.
I hope you get your AC in soon. I am so spoiled as soon as it hit 80 on it went.
A couple years ago they had the DWTS summer tour at the Coronado in Rockford. I will have to check and see if Maks and Val are coming there. I just discovered a new dinner theater close to us. I think they just opened the beginning of May. It’s close to where we have our boat and I noticed when we took the boat up that the Pancake house that used to be in that building for years and years was now gone and the place was all remodeled. So I noted the name and looked it up online and saw that they have made it into a dinner theater. I looked at the pictures and they did an extensive remodel and it looks beautiful inside. Anyway, I’m going to order some tickets so that we can try it out sometime and see how it is. It will be nice having something like that close by if they can make a go of it. That area has a lot of tourists in the summer so I hope that they will be able to succeed.
Greg did go to the doctor for his back and she did give him a muscle relaxer that’s not supposed to make you groggy. i don’t know if he has been taking them or not. He has been going to physical therapy and was doing better. I guess the pain goes down his leg. I will try and remember to tell him to ice again if he has another problem.
I too am so glad that I met everyone on here. Gosh I think it’s been six years now. You all have become so special to me and such a big part of my life. I always look forward to hearing what everyone is up to and we have such fun chatting about everything and anything. Thank you all for being my friends.
We are meeting friends for dinner tonight so that should be fun. They will be leaving to go to their home up north for the summer soon-so we won’t see them until we go up in August-so we thought we would get together before then and do something.
We had a storm come through last night. I’ll bet Jenny was glad that we came over as she doesn’t like storms so it probably helped with us being over there. The opening day of the pool was yesterday so she took the kids there-she said it wasn’t as crowded as she thought it would be but maybe people were doing other things on the long weekend. Adam is supposed to til the garden for Greg this afternoon but right now it’s starting to get overcast. I hope that it doesn’t rain and he can get it done other wise we may never have a garden. Greg is out golfing right now and won’t be home until afternoon.
Next Friday is the ONP golf outing and Greg usually gets teamed with some former sports player on his foursome so that is lots of fun for him. Plus he has to squeeze in that trip to Houston somewhere this week too. He is going to be one very busy and very tired man. He tried getting out of the trip but they said no way-it’s big a customer and so you can’t really tell them no.
Hope you’re barbecuing up something good.
Gail -
Lest we forget…
Happy memorial Day to everyone.
Gail is right to remind us, it is not about the parties,it is about all the service men, andwomen, who are gone. As an Army Brat, I know very well how much our servicemen (I wish there were a term for men and women together) do for us every day. The families who lost loved ones, give the ultimate sacrifice.
it is due to their dedication and service, that we have the freedom to do what we want. God bless our men and women, who fight for us every day, and I pray they are kept safe from harm.
Love you guys!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
The cookies were a great hit yesterday. That made me feel good. It was nice to contribute to such a good family’s celebration. The girls are Enzo’s twin sisters. They look nothing alike- they have to be fraternal.
We did not get home until 8:30 last night. Did a quick stop at Home Depot to get a couple of rose bushes, and some lavender, as my lavender around the deck is not looking o good at all this year. I have no idea why- the cone flowers may be strangling them. I will have to get one of my Minnions to plant them.
I am glad your BIL was able to go out with Ron to the highway sales. I hope he was ok, when they came back.
OMG- you have to get the kids to get those air conditioners in while he is out. I do the same thing here, as Gary has no place doing things like that now. I hope it stops raining, so you can at least BBQ.
I am not sure what we will do for the rest of the weekend. We were trying to get the pool open, but, it is very cool, and cloudy here, and tomorrow we are getting the remnants of that tropical storm n the East coast.
I am exhausted today. I think I will only Swiffer the floors today. That is my big goal for today. My back did good, doing all the cookies, as I sit to do a lot of the work. I am happy it did not act up.
that is too bad that the kids are all different places this weekend, and you do not get to see the grands. Amanda stopped by after work yesterday, before we went to the Communion. I have not seen Steph or the boys yet- I will have to call today, to see what is up. On Friday, they were getting a haircut for JJ, and she was hoping Aizen would let them cut his hair- I have not heard yet on the outcome.
I hope your sun came out. I think we just got your cloudy skies….LOL
Adele -
Well said, Adele.
Hi Gail
There was a comment in Colleen’s post about Greg’s back- is it getting worst? I hope not.
You know, I was thinking. Do you think that all the chemicals they have for the dogs is contributing to all the cancers- like the flea collars, dips, tick preventions, etc? Then add everyone’s chemicals on their lawns. Not that there is any solution, as the bug infestations, and worms, would not be good either. No solution, if it were the problem. Just wondering, as so many people’s dogs have had cancer, it feels like an epidemic.
I hope Robert’s wife was able to move on, and be happy too. Have you ever seen a pic of her? Also wonder if they will make mention, should he and Kym get married.
your Piper is so cute. I swear, she will be an actress some day.
I am going to get my pic form Facebook, and post it here- wait until you see how chubby I look, but I look happy in my sparkly clothes. I told Gary I should have stood up. I also said….well, if that doe snot make n me be extra good with the WW points, I do not know what will…LOL LOL I have to laugh at my chubby bits! I did sing with the Dj for one song- he came over with the microphone, and I went for it. I really do miss being bale to get up and make a fool of myself on the dance floor- those were the good old days!! Now, I sit and boogie to the music in my chair, and still manage to have a good time.
I hope the sun is shining for your weekend and that you have a good time out for dinner with your friends.
Adele -
Hello Quacker Buddies.
Like Gail. Colleen, Barbara, Dianne, Sue, and all who have not posted in a while, I am so very glad to have you all as friends. My Quacker buddies!!Here we are at the Communion party, with Enzo’s twin sisters. They are so adorable, and do not look like twins at all.
I love the shirt I chose to wear! I also have it in black.
InactiveMay 29, 2016 at 1:05 pmPost count: 643I first hope everyone has a nice Memorial weekend. Please remember our fallen hero’s and their families. I saw a very special tribute as I was driving by the VFW yesterday. There was a small group of Veterans in front of the Memorial paying respect to those that gave all. There is always a service at the VFW after the parade but this is the first I saw this more private tribute.
Please excuse any mistakes I may make as I am not feeling real well today. During the night when I got up to go to the bathroom I was very dizzy. It seems a little better now but am just taking it easy. I don’t want to fall on my bad leg again and spend Memorial Day in the ER like last year. We are having a heatwave after just being freezing with hail. We have been in the 90’s for the past 3 days. Today was to be mid 80’s and cloudy but the sun is shining bright so we may go to 90 again. It is to rain tonight and Monday. My AC is not in yet. Luke will do it for me but we just went winter to summer very quickly. But I should get use to it as no AC at work.
Adele I did enjoy going to the live show. But I knew a lot of the people from the cruise already so it was catching up with them. We had a big dinner after the show so it was good to talk to everyone and meet a few people I had not met before such as Patrick’s mother and Kerin the model and her mother at the dinner. It is very hard to get tickets. You have to be online the minute they become available as they are gone in about 15 minutes. I thought I would not get to go as the tickets were gone. But one of my buddies from the cruise on Facebook had an extra she gave to me. That is one of the good things about Facebook if you need a ticket most likely someone will have an extra or for some reason cannot go so will see you get a ticket. One warning I found the stairs you need to go down to watch the show difficult as there is no railing. A nice lady helped me. So I do not know if you have trouble with stairs with you back so thought I would mention. But I am glad I got to experience it. Really loved catching up with everyone.
You girls would make lots more Quacker friends if you were on Facebook.
Hi Sue
Thanks for the info on the live shows. you are right. I would not be able to do those stairs at all.
I hope you get your ac in quick. You know, if I am in the heat, I feel sick- dizzy and nauseous. Drink water until you feel like you are going to swim away, until the air is in. Plus, orange juice helps too. (me, anyway) Even though you are not sweating, you still lose potassium fast in the heat. Don’t you hate this getting older thing?
Please have that checked out, as it could be so many things. I just did research on it, as at night, when I go to bed, get up from bed, and turn to the right at any time during the night, I get a wave of dizziness. The doctor gave me a pill for vertigo, but, the pill made me dizzy in the day, and did not stop the night dizziness. needless to say, I stopped taking the pill, after trying it twice (thought it was my imagination). I have to check in with my doctor, as soon as I get a minute, as he wanted to do an ultrasound on my neck(for the carotid arteries), and possibly an MRI, if they cannot find out what it is. he said, most of the time it is a virus, and goes away on it’s own- it has been about 2 months. So, I really do have to move forward with testing- hate this!
I am on Facebook, with friends and family. Is there a special place to go for Quackers? I am friends with April and I think Patrick- have to check that out. You can friend me on facebook, and I will accept, of course!
I hope you are feeling better. Our weather is awful today, and it is to get worst tonight, and tomorrow.
Adele -
InactiveMay 29, 2016 at 3:52 pmPost count: 643Adele I sent a friend request on Facebook so when you accept I can add you to the Cruising Quackers and Quackers for Quacker Factory groups. They are closed group but any member can add you. I like it that way as it keeps the undesirables out.
My dizziness could be any number of things. I have had problems with it before. I had surgery on both ears and sometimes it comes from that and some of my medicine is labeled may cause dizziness. It could be from the heat. I have been drinking a lot because the last time the doctor said I was a little dehydrated. I was just thinking today when did I become the older generation. In my mind I don’t think I am old but my body says not so fast.
Hi Sue
thank you! I accepted the friendship.
I was wondering if it is a problem with my ears, as my Mom, Tillie has vertigo from her ears. They tested her, and found the little hairs in her ears were disappearing and that causes her vertigo.
Do you get the dizziness a lot? I hope not!! It is awful, as you get afraid to move so you will not fall.
I am waiting for Heather and her boyfriend, Dave to come over for a very small BBQ. Our BBQ is on its last leg, and Bobby and I ordered a newer one from Lowes today. We are hoping it will last through the cooking of today. One thing about them, no matter what you pay for them they just do not last, so not worth spending a lot, unless you have a garage to put one in during the winter.
I finished swiffering the floors- yahoo!! All that green come sin the windows this time of year from the tree pollen. So gross.
Hope your weather is better this afternoon. I swear, it is so chilly, the heat could come back on up here. They are predicting nasty rain, and thunderstorms tonight, into Monday. I have a couple of rose bushes to get planted, and a few lavender plants- they may have to wait, as my Minnions are all working, and it will rain tomorrow when Amanda is off. She volunteered to plant with me- that means I direct, and she does the work….LOL
Adele -
First of all, let me say how very grateful we are for all the service people who serve and how heavy our heart is for those who have lost a lost one. Our son has made us very proud and he has lost many friends, really you would call them brothers and sisters in arms, over these many years he has been in the service. So if any of you all have family members past or present who have been in the military; we are thankful for their service; their sacrifices.
We have been pretty busy these last few days. Jerry and I went out to dinner Friday night with our neighbors down the road from us, and it was supposed to be just the four of us; but about 10 others that they knew came too. Just one of those domino effect things where one person invites themselves too (which was fine) and then he tells someone, and they want to come too; so we ended up meeting a lot of new people, and had a really good time. Jerry does not do well with a crowd of people he doesn’t know; but one of the younger ones is a truck driver, and I kind of think all truck drivers; past and present; are good talkers; so they got along great. They had plenty of stories. I was sort of stuck at the end of the long table with several people I just met for the first time; but I really enjoyed meeting them and we all seemed to just get along well. So, all in all, it was a really good night. Jerry wanted to stop and get an ice cream sundae on the way home; so we did. I was so full that I didn’t have room for one. So you know I ate a big dinner LOL
By the way; Happy Late Birthday, Mr. Rocky! He is such a sweet boy, and I know you gave him a special day, Gail. Did he get some extra treats? Tell him for me that he is a youngster compared to Ozs’ age. Love our senior citizen puppies and kitties. Speaking of kitties; Auto Kitty had a tummy ache. I honestly think he ate too much that day. He has decided to be Jerrys Kitty in the evening now; while Jerry is checking things on his computer. Auto sits on the arm of his chair and stays there with Jerry until he comes to bed. This is new for him. But he is always in the same room with the both of us if we are in the room together. I hope Gregs back and Garys back are both doing better. How is Garys brother doing Adele? I know this is so hard on the family. So I’m sending good thoughts and prayers to all my friends going through difficult times. Hope your dizziness is better, Debra. That is such a hard thing to be experiencing. You know I noticed one day when there was a show on the Q and it showed all those steps. I just can’t do steps anymore, and I am even afraid of escalators. My balance just won’t ever be the same again; I believe. I really try, but things have just changed; but I am so grateful for what is back; that I have NO complaints.
No cookouts for us this day. We have no one coming over; and our children are either working or at someone’s party. I agree with Colleen; little Piper is going to be on stage. Wouldn’t it be cute to have a mini DWTS show with little children dancing all around? It just comes so naturally to them; and is so sweet and pure.
Jerry and I have started a new book. I am really enjoying our “story time” I think it is good for both of us. We both got to reminiscing the other night; and we BOTH got kind of tearful; and then Jerry just looked at me and said, “enough of this its time for me and you to make some new memories; lets check in to taking a trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina” Sounds like a good plan to me. Guess we could load up Mom Smith and off the three of us go.
Take care everyone. Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend with friends and family doing whatever makes you happy. Hugs, Barbara -
Hi Adele,
Greg’s back isn’t worse-it was just acting up again. And I guess the pain goes down his leg from the disc pressing in his back. He actually didn’t finish 18 holes yesterday but he is out there trying again this morning. The man loves his golf!
You know I don’t know why dogs are getting so much cancer. In our particular case I doubt it is from pesticides as we live in the country so our yard is “au natural.” Plus the flea preventative that I use is an oral one. I think some breeds are prone to cancer so that would kind of be in their DNA. Abby was half Golden Retriever and they have so much cancer that they are sometimes called “the cancer dog.” It’s a shame too as Goldens are so smart and sweet. It might be environmental or nutritional-who knows. Just like who knows why when we were kids no one had peanut allergies or no kids were autistic-although maybe there were autistic kids back then and they were just called trouble makers or something else. Maybe they just didn’t have a diagnosis for autism back then-I don’t really know. I think a lot of the allergies have to come from something in the environment-I wonder if they will ever figure it out.
I think you and Gary look like a very handsome happy couple in your picture and definitely the most patriotic people in the room. I don’t really see the outside(except for the festive shirts) I just see two beautiful caring kind people who look very happy to me. What more could you want.
We had a wonderful dinner in a nice little French restaurant with out friends last night. The food was excellent and we had a great time talking and laughing. Instead of patriotic I wore-wait for it-butterflies!!! What a shocker! I had a butterfly top and even some crop pants with a butterfly down by the ankle.
You are right-Enzo’s sisters must be fraternal twins as they look nothing alike. They did look pretty in their white dresses. Now you have to excuse my ignorance. Did the rules of when you make your first communion change? It seems like I was 7 and in second grade back when I made mine. Enzo’s sisters look older than that so i must have missed something over time. Do you know when things changed? It was probably 30 years ago or something and I totally missed it. I should have asked my friend Nan last night as she is not a lapsed Catholic like we are. She would know about any and all changes.
I hope that you got your barbecue done before the grill gave out. We have a garage and a barn but we still keep our grill out on the deck all year long because we use it in the winter too. You are right though cheap or expensive does not make much difference as they do not last being out in the elements all year long.
Enjoy your day and rest up from all that cookie baking.
Gail -
Hi Sue,
I hope the dizziness is gone today. That really is an awful feeling.
I hope that you get that AC unit in soon too. Hot weather will be coming. And it will be nice after working in no AC to come home to cooler temps.
I hope the rest of your long weekend will go well.
Gail -
Hi Barbara,
Sounds like you guys had a lively dinner. I would have to be really full to pass up a sundae. lol
Thanks for the birthday greeting for Rocky. We did have a special day for him with lots of treats. He is such a sweet little guy. Every day with him is a gift.
So what is the new bedtime reading? You know whenever anyone mentions “book” my ears go up like a dogs. lol
I’m so glad that Jerry pointed out that now it’s your time to look forward and do things without having the responsibilities of work and family. That’s what retirement should be-a joyous new beginning to think about not what was but what will be. It seems I have read many books set in the Outer Banks so it must be beautiful. I picture you and Jerry and his Mom lazing away the day on the beach and then going out for a delicious seafood dinner in the evenings.
Have a peaceful, happy day.
Gail -
Hi Barbara
That sure was a lot of people at dinner. I bet it was hard to hear everyone, with all the noise. Gary is like Jerry. he would not have liked that many people at dinner, mostly because he has trouble hearing with all the noise, and that annoys him. But, I am like you, the more the merrier. I like meeting new people too. You never know what you have in common, until you chat with someone new!
Gary brother is getting a little worst. he is now in a wheelchair, and eating only pureed foods.
I think it is a great idea, for the 3 of you to go on a little vacation. What a nice treat that would e for Jerry’s Mom. Such a great idea. Creating memories should continue forever.
Heather and her boyfriend came yesterday for our first, very small BBQ. Today, Steph, Jhonny and the boys are coming, and we will do take out, as it is raining here. Thank God I have a few left over cookies for Aizen…LOL I would not let anyone eat them, as I am too tired to make more today! he loves the anise cookie with the frosting and sprinkles. He “yum yums” at this one.
Well, I cannot go for the shot in my knee tomorrow, as the Jeep is acting up. Gary checked the water, and it is fine- it was overheating. It is either the thermostat, water pump, or God knows what else. The Jeep already had an appointment to have the ER brake fixed, so it will all be done on Wednesday. I need prayers that I can get another appointment pretty fast- this one took 2 months to get.
Hope your day is good, and relaxing.
Adele -
hi Gail
I feel the same way. they will never figure out what makes all the allergies, and cancers. But, every time I see a new “engineered” fruit or vegie, I wonder if we are doing the right thing. On TV this morning with Kathy Lee an Hoda, they had white strawberries that were just developed. Although they were saying they were very sweet, they just looked strange to me. Strawberries are so pretty in their natural color of red. I am all for making things better, just not with chemicals. I recently heard that even the chicken has gluten in it, from the things they give them to get plumper meat. Good God- those poor people with gluten allergies.
Everyone around here is nuts about their lawns, and have a fertilizer service coming. I had them once, and they killed 4 trees that were very young. Never called one again. I do have fertilized every once in a while but I do not want the bunnies to get sick. My neighbors probably hate my lawn. We have such cute little bunnies on the lawn, and so many beautiful birds. Who knows- maybe that is why they hang out at my house.
Sounds like you had a great time at the restaurant. As it was French, what did you get?
I hope Greg’s back is feeling better. He loves the golfing so much, and it must have killed him not to finish the game.
Enzo’s sisters are older- they are in the 5th grade, and 11. I am not sure why it took so long for their Communions. The smaller one has a problem with her kidneys, and that could have been some of the reason. She was sick a lot, and had frequent hospital appointments. She is doing a lot better now.
Thank you for the nice compliment about our smiling happy faces. That is all that really matters in life, is that you are healthy, and happy. How can we not be happy in our fine Quacker duds?
Of course you wore butterflies! You need a Patriotic butterfly!! I think they had one- am I correct??
We did get the food grilled, so that was good. Lowes said the grill will be ready in 4 days, as it is being put together. With all going on her in the next few days, I did not want to have the boys out the grill together. Plus, I feel with any propane item, I would rather a pro do it. Gary and Bobby are not pros in gas, at least not that kind…LOL
Steph, Jhonny and the boys are coming for take out today. Steph said she will help out by getting the stuff out of the bottom cabinets, and covering the rest with plastic for us, before they go home tonight. I figured I would get the front items out, and then cover the rest, in the great hope I do not have to wash everything. We are setting up the folding table, so all the things can go on there, and then cover that too. I will be glad when everything is hooked up , and back in it’s place. After all this, you may change your mind on doing your counters over. I was looking at them yesterday, and said to myself…..I hope this is all worth it.
Oh….I have cookies left for Aizen, so I do not have to make any today- yahoo! I warned them not to touch them, and they are stored in the fridge so they will not get stale, in a tin.
Have a good day!!
Adele -
Hi Sue!
I also hope you feel better today. Our weather up here is very cool, and raining. I think you are having the same, as this system is coming up from the south. Hope the cooler weather makes you feel better.
Have a good day!
Adele -
InactiveMay 30, 2016 at 6:44 pmPost count: 643I am feeling better today. I get that once in a while but it had been some time since I had an attack.
We were hot again today. We were to get rain but only got a bit late this afternoon. They said it is a weak cold front that will lower the humidity. It does feel cooler now.. I have the windows open and the fan on and I am comfortable now not dripping wet. I do not want it to get to cold as my legs do not like that. -
Hi Ladies. We are having a quiet day here today. Neal called a little earlier, and to be honest, I was sort of hoping he was calling to invite “the old folks at home” over to their apartment for a cookout; but alas; he was calling to check on how to do the crock pot cocktail wieners and sauce that Sarah is taking to a party at the hospital tonight that the nurses are pot lucking during their shift. I invited him over for some hotdogs and baked beans that Jerry and I are having. He said he already had an invite to some friends but thanks; so me and the Mr. will be quietly munching away by ourselves today. I have to admit to you ladies that I feel a little lonely and wish the boys would think about inviting us over; but I know that their lives are so busy that it is not fresh on their minds. They are really good boys, and I know their hearts are in the right place. Are your husbands too proud to ask for help with projects? Mine surely is; but he says he “can do it himself” even when I know that it hurts him. I really believe with all my heart that since the boys do not see how if affects their Dad to do some things, that they are just not aware of how badly it hurts him, and to listen to him, he is “just fine, don’t make such a big deal out of nothing” I just think that women are able to somehow admit and adapt to their limitations, but it is harder for a man too. What do you all think?
Sue, you know I can’t think straight when I called you Debra when I was talking about your vertigo. Hopefully, she is not having the same dizzy problems as you have been having. Is it any better? Does it seem to happen more when you are lying down or just come on you at any time? Take care. That is one problem that we have to get attended to right away; it is such a terrible feeling when all is spinning around you and yet you know that it is not really.
All of you who have been on a cruise; would you tell me about it? Jerry is SO afraid of being out on the water like that; and since I’ve never been on one myself, I can only tell him so much that I have read about them. This is his main concern; sea sickness and what happens when it comes a storm? Do you have to leave the ship each time it comes to a new port? Thanks in advance for any info.
Adele, I just put on some cinnamon rolls, and my gosh, my mouth is watering. Just the smell of them is so good. Poor little Joey is going through some rough waters. He is separated from Lisa (for about 3 weeks now) and living with a sheriff friend of his since childhood. Lisa is still living out in Paw Paws house. Talk about a strange situation for us; but we are doing the best we can. We are still good to her, and when she hurt her arm that day before we went to the hospital, I sat down with her for a few minutes and hugged her and told her that I know it would be her natural inclination to think that since Joey is our son that he has shared with us what is going on between them, but that what he told us was that he was going on vacation, would be gone several days but did not say where, that he and Lisa were separating and he would be moving into his own place when he returned from his trip. I told her that Jerry and I would help her any way we could; but Joey is our son, and we must stand by his decisions. So now we are in a sort of limbo here with her still living out back. I took her some packages today that had been delivered to our house from Amazon, and she was walking around the pond, and just thanked me for bringing them to her. But Joey does call us and let us know that he is doing okay, and he said that he will help her if she asks him too to find her a decent place to live and help her to move. He said he told her that he will always love her in a special way for all the time they have spent together, but that both of them know they do not love each other in the way a man and woman should love one another to be together forever. He said he wished her nothing but happiness for the rest of her life, and for any time he may have hurt her in the past or now, that he is sorry, and he knows in his heart that she is sorry for the hurt she has caused him. It is so, so very sad, but it is time for this to end. Joey told us that they are only hurting one another by staying together. So please remember them in your prayers. I would so appreciate that. So the cinnamon rolls are part of a “care package” for Joey along with toiletries and such that I know he needs, but his money is really on a budget. I am so glad that he did get away for a few days to help to clear his head a little, and just to let him experience some peace among the turmoil. Oh, the heartache when one of our children is hurting.
Thanks for listening. Sorry for all of that but needed to talk to someone.
Am I the only one who missed seeing any Black Hills Gold shows today on the Q? Hasn’t that been a Memorial Day tradition for years and years? I bought one ring years ago of the grape leaves in tricolor gold that looks as pretty today as it did then. In fact; I wear it as my wedding band (you know how Jerry loves his trees) But even though that is the only piece I had I really enjoyed watching the show. Adele, there was a butterfly shirt that was patriotic. I just knew Gail would get that one. I got the patriotic anchor one in yellow with the solid blue sparkle one. Neal and Sarah’s theme at their wedding was “love anchors our lives to each other” so their was lots of anchors all over the decorations at the beach. I have another quacker shirt in black that has a beautiful anchor on the front of it that is much larger. I save it for really special times. I am wearing it to the baby shower. I got the baby a little one piece outfit that has anchors all over it, and also a white one that looks like someone has just kissed it all over, and it says “MiMi has been here”. It is so cute.
Well, girls, guess I better close for now. You all are such good friends. Isn’t is amazing how we can really feel the joy and the pain of each other, and it has all come about through this venue. It is so very true, God works in mysterious ways. Barbara -
Hi Gail,
I missed posting on here just one day and I am really far behind. I hope to get caught up with everyone. Your dinner at the french restaurant sounds really good. It is nice to go out with friends and also nice to go out to dinner with just the two of you. It is nice that you had a nice restaurant to go to. The new dinner theater will be really nice. You are right about going right away you never know how long they will stay open. Have you ever gone to a Mystery Dinner? Those are fun. You eat and after they give you a paper with a pencil to figure out who the guilty person is that is in the play. After they collected the answers the guilty person stepped out and they would say how many people got it right. It was a lot of fun. Would love to go to another one but they do not do that as often as they use to. I guess it is hard to get the people to be in the play.
I tried one set of those bands and you put them in the freezer and I agree with you they did not work.As soon as they warmed up that was it and it did not take them long. I got them when Ron was going to the race way with a buddy of his. They said that they did not work too well. You would think that they would improve by now. Oh well live and learn.
Gregs back must be getting bad if he could not finish a round of golf. It really makes it hard when that pain goes down the leg. Sometimes you just have to stop walking and rest for a second or two. I hope that something starts to help him with that. There is not telling what brings it on again. It could be the way he turned or the way he picked something up. There are just so many ways that you can start the pain in your back again. Maybe they will do therapy again and it will help him. They put these things on my back when I got to the back doctor they stimulate the stems in your back. I guess the stems to the nerves. It really does help a lot. I wonder if they have tried that on him yet. They put those on and put a heating pad on my back and that really feels good.
It was nice that you were there at Jenny’s while it was raining. Sometimes storms really scare me also. It is not as bad as it use to be but guess when you get older you figure you are going to die of something so if it is from a storm so be it. I am getting really cynical now. We are going to have storms here tonight and tomorrow. Of course it is going to storm tomorrow I have to drive to St. Louis to babysit Aliza.
I hope that Jenny and the kids had fun at the pool. That was nice that it was not really crowded. The kids had a lot more room to swim and play in the water. Sometimes the pools get so crowded around here it is hard to move.
Does Greg know who he will be teamed up with yet?That really sounds like a good time for him. Do the wives ever go and watch them play or do you just stay home where it is cool and comfortable? I am for staying home where it is cool and comfortable.
Did you do anything today? We did bbq and did not have anyone over. It was kind of nice just the two of us for once. Sometimes it is nice not to have to cook a big meal and just sit and enjoy the day. On the 4th we are going to Melissa’s for a bbq. They have a really good fireworks display at the base and they have been wanting us to come for a long time. So we decided this is the year. He will be going over seas again soon so we wanted to spend some time with them. They are so good about coming here for everything so it is time we all went to their place for once.
I agree with Adele. It is no surprise that you wore the butter fly outfit. You looked really cute I bet. You should go for it and get the red cherry out fit. That was cut and you will look good in red especially since you have light hair if I remember right. I have been going after a lot of things that I would not have worn since I have been on here with you ladies.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
I love the picture of you and Gary. You both look so happy. I bet you look like that just about all the time. You seem to be a happy person. Like your patriotic out fits also. If the kids do not go to a Catholic school don’t the parents decide when they think their children are ready to make their First Communion? I know that they did that here for awhile but do not know if they still do. It looked like a nice party and everyone was enjoying themselves. The girls were standing there with you and Gary. They knew where to stand next to the person that makes all the good cookies. I bet there was not many left when the party was over. May not have been any at all. They looked so good.
Ron did finally put the air conditioner in. All it took was a threat that I would call the kids to come over. So it is finally nice in here and not so hot that we are burning up. It just takes him awhile to figure these things out. We need to get the central air fixed and get rid of the widow unit. Men just do not think. It would save him so much work every year.
We just cut a bunch of worms out of our weeping willow tree. I do not like those things and get so aggravated when they get into our trees. We call them bag worms here and they can do a lot of damage to your trees if you do not catch them before they do. Now I will feel those things crawling all over me tonight. Hope that they do not kill our tree. It is just starting to really grow and do not want anything to happen to it. Those are the prettiest trees. We have three of them. One by the deck and one out in the woods and the third on the end of the cleared part of the land. My grandma use to have one when I was a kid and always loved that tree. She those and holly bushes. She had a green thumb and could get anything to grow.
Do you sometimes wonder if all the allergies come from doctors telling people not to feed their kids all this stuff until they get a certain age. Like peanut butter. They never told us not to feed our kids that and they none of them have a problem with nuts and now they cannot eat any until they get older and they did not build up a immunity to it as a young child. They were saying that people use so many antibiotics that our systems do not have the resistance that we use to have. In some ways I can see that. No one goes out with out their hand sanitizer. When you go into the store they have santizer hanging there so you can wipe off the cart handle before you use it. It is just something to think about. It just always makes me wonder.
It was nice that Ron and his bil did go to the yard sales. Ron does a lot with him. He will stay out as long as he can stand and then when he says or starts to look tired Ron will tell him it is time to go home. Makes it sound like it is his idea. I think that really helps his bil also. That way he does not feel like he is ruining it for Ron. Ron is a really good guy and I know that I complain about him sometimes but he really is a good man.
Sounds like you are having people in and out all week-end. That is always fun. Glad that Steph and her family are coming over and helping you with getting the kitchen cleared out. Take out sounds really good. We had bbq today and it was good. I made a salad that I got off of the Chics Night In. If you go to be creative there is a recipe for a fruit salad. They called it something else but it is the one they had on the last show. It has blueberries and strawberries in it. I changed the recipe a little because of not wanting to use anything with a lot of sugar. If you look up the recipe you will know what I mean. You do not put any sugar on the fruit and Ron thought that it was sweet enough for him.
It will be so nice to have them in to start on our kitchen. It is going to look so good when you get it done. Bet you are getting excited to have it done. Can’t wait to see the pictures.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Sue,
I am sorry to hear that you have been dizzy. I hope that you can figure out what is causing it and can do something to stop it. Just be careful not to get dizzy and fall. You sure do not want to do that. It is hard to age. You feel young on the inside but the body keeps telling us no you are not that young anymore.
Hope when you are retired that you can spend more time on here. It would be nice to have you on here chatting with us.
Colleen -
Hey Barbara!
That is a very sad story. It stinks when we cannot fix something for our kids. if only we had that magic wand that the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella has. My heart goes out to all of you, and my prayers. What a wonderful way you spoke to Lisa. I am sure your words were very comforting to her, and you still set the priority of being there for your son, without hurting her feelings- very nicely done. I would say she is probably looking for a place to live. It is nice that you did not give her a deadline.
Was this a mutual decision, or was it Joey’s? If it was his, she may still hold out some hope for reconciliation, and that would be so normal to hope for. This will be a long road. I can tell you this. My son is still grieving his divorce. We all think he still loves her, even though it was the right thing to do, because they just could not live together. they were so different in how they lived, from their sense of responsibility, and work ethic, to their housekeeping standards. He still sees her family, and her, every once in a while. Her parents remained close with him as well as her sister. They even asked Bobby to be her partner at her sister’s wedding, as she was shaving a hard time with it. He refused, as he thought that could end up being a huge disaster.
I wish I had an easy answer for you, but, as you can see, we are still dealing with Bobby’s hurt feelings, 7 years later. I hope yours has some closure a lot quicker, and that Joey is able to move on, with no hard feelings that haunt him. Prayers sent your way!!
All men seem to be the same in that area. It is their pride that gets in the way, and then they hurt themselves more. I have had to take a very hard line with Gary, on not doing anything to hurt himself more, and we get into disagreements on it. His pride is hurt. the last time we talked about it, I made quite a few jokes at how different I function, and look since we got married. Honestly, I do not think it helped much, as that male pride is worst than our losing our great looks as we age. We deal a lot better than they do. They feel they have to be the strong ones, the providers, the fixers. I try to tell him his roe has changed, and now he needs to teach the young’uns how to do things, so they will know how when we are gone some day. That did not help, either…LOL Basically, we have to protect those crazy men from themselves, before they out themselves in wheelchairs. That is my big threat for Gary lately…”do you want to hurt something so bad you end up in a wheelchair- how will that make you feel about yourself, you crazy man, you have to protect what we have left!” I say that so much lately, it should be on a recording.
Actually. last night I told him I want to have a Forth of July party. He wanted to know why, and this is what I said, “Last 4th I had the pleasure of sitting in a McDonalds parking lot by myself, after visiting you in the hospital in kidney failure, crying into my McFlurry, and watching the fireworks at the same time. So,I think this 4th needs a party as you are still here, and not on dyalysis.” If no party, then I know a great spot to watch the fireworks….LOL I have to keep my sense of humor,eventhough he has still not purchased his at Walmart.
I missed the gold show too, as I was doing some prep for the kitchen disaster today. The kids were not able to conme, as they got forced into a birthday party, they were trying to avoid. Plus, I had to purge my closet and bench again to make room for my new Quacker. I told them we will catch up next weekend, and they can help me put everything back, and hey can help open the pool. It was too rainy to open it this weekend.
Never ever feel we do nto want to hear what you are afraid of, or worry about. That is why we are all here too. We support each other. It is what Quackers do. We care for eachother, like sisters. We are Quacker family girls, and all have crazy husbands.
The last cruise I went on was when I was very yung- just before I married. My girlfriend and I went to Bermuda. Now, remember, I am an only child. I called my Dad from the ship to shore radio the Captain had, and asked him to come get me in a helicopter. We ran into a storm, and I was so very sick I wanted off now. he reminded me I wa sin the middle of the ocean, and he could nto get to me. I cried, and then told him he needed to send me more money, because I ran out. That, he did. See how crazy I am? I would not tell Jerry this story, if you want to go on a cruise. When I got back, my Dad told me I made my mother frantic. It was my first time away from them. and my last. Remember, Tillie lives here with me. I am still near her. LOL
I hope that story put a smile on your face. it made me smile, just to remember it. God, my Dad was a saint! He was always so calm, when I went nuts on him. I miss that man. He left me almost 28 years ago- what was he thinking?? I bet he looks down from Heaven every once in a while and smacks my head.
Take care Barbara. It will get better, I promise. It just takes time. We need a magic wand. Maybe the Q can come up with one.
Love you!!!
Adele, your crazy, crazy Quacker buddy. -
Hi Sue!
So very glad you are feeling better. Our prayers are being answered. We will keep on it.
It stunk here today- the humidity was 93, and I had to put the air back on, even though it was cool. I hope your air conditioner gets in quick, so you can be comfy in the humidity too. Have you noticed, as we age, we cannot tolerate it at all?’
We are getting more storms in a couple of hours- they are in the western part of our state. They are not going to be too bad, but will bring in a cold front. Then, tomorrow, it will be back in the 80’s. Gotta love New England. Still better than the awful storms in the Midwest. Isay a prayer for those poor peole when I see it on the news.
Thank you for friending me on Facebook!!!
Love ya!
PS…read my post to Barbara, as I have a funny cruise story on that one. -
Hi Barbara,
That was a large crowd for dinner. It must have been a lot of fun though.It is nice to meet new people. That was nice that there was a guy there that drives a truck and Jerry had someone to talk to. It is fun to have something like that happen unexpectedly. Ron would be like Jerry. He does not hear well and it is hard for him with large crowds. Guess they will have to learn to adjust.lol
We were by ourselves today also. It was not too bad. We bbqed and had a nice day. Sometimes it is nice to be by ourselves. I am not sure what the kids did today but they were busy and there is not much that we can do about that. I guess when we were young we were the same way with our parents. It just takes time to get use to it.
I am sorry to hear about Joey and Lisa. That must be a strange to have Joey move and Lisa in the house. I hope that she moves out so Joey can have his house back again. I am glad that you are being nice to her but you would be because you are such a nice person and always have been. She really needs to figure out what she wants and not keep leaving and coming back. Joey probably needed to get away for awhile and has found a nice place to stay for awhile. We will be praying for him and for you and Jerry. It is going to be hard with her there and Joey gone. Just hang in there my friend this will work itself out soon. It is hard to see one of our children hurting. It is a shame that they waited so long to figure all of this out. They were both hurting over staying together.
They have changed so much on qvc not it is hard to know what they will show. I am glad that they are doing more quacker shows though. They never use to have that many. Do you watch the Chics night in with Angel on Wednesday nights? I like to watch that show it just seems like they are just so relaxed and have such a good time. I like to see what quackatizers that they make also. They have some good ones that is for sure.
Going on that trip sounds like a good idea. You need to get away for awhile and Jerry’s mom will enjoy it also. It would be nice to be on the beach and just being lazy for a few days. I hope that you go for it and just have a good time.
Is your son still in the service or has her retired? My son-in -law is still in there and will be for a few more years. He is just starting out and hope that it gets better for them. They do not have the same insurance now that they use to have and that is a shame. They deserve it more then our congressmen and the president. They fight for this country and keep us safe and they deserve to have everything that they need. I get so angry so better quit talking about this subject. You are right we have to be thankful to them for all they do for us and keep us free.
I agree with Jerry. Go out and make some new memories. Go places and do things that you have not done for awhile. The trip is really a good idea. Hope that the three of you go and have a great time.
Well that is all from here. Have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
We don’t use stuff in our yard but there is a farm field on one side of us and whatever they use to kill the weeds in the field has killed a whole row of our old fashioned lilac bushes that we transplanted from our old house. Those were my favorites too as I think the old fashioned lilacs both smell and look better than the newer varieties.
I actually went kind of conservative and had a mini chateaubriand,Greg had mussels, Tim had three different kinds of tuna and Nan had salmon in a puff pastry. Tim is really good friends with this man who is a French Chef so he is really into the French foods plus he took some classes in French cooking also.
I do have the patriotic butterfly shirt. I also have a short set from last year with a patriotic heart, star and butterfly across the front of the shirt. I wore that yesterday. You know this will be a good summer for our patriotic stuff as we also have the summer Olympics coming up and we can wear our shirts and root for the USA.
Greg likes to get the grills put together already now too. He is finally beginning to understand the value of letting someone else do some of the work. I never thought I would see that happen. It’s not even so much a matter of pride with him although there is some of that involved I’m sure-it’s just that he thought he should do everything while I’m of the opinion that sometimes if you can afford it let someone else do it and you will have more time for the things that you really like to do.
Thank goodness that you have some cookies left for Aizen. I think he is turning into a little mini cookie monster like Uncle Bobby. lol It’s probably because your cookies are so darn good.
Speaking of grills Greg just mentioned that if I saw a Grill Daddy to pick one up for him. I guess it’s a steam cleaner for your grill grates. Has anyone tried one of those?
Gail -
By the way, Adele, I loved your cruise story. You wanted your Dad to send a helicopter!!! lol lol lol That just cracked me up. By the way I don’t think any cruise lines will be asking you for an endorsement any time soon. lol You really don’t like to venture far from home,do you?
Gail -
Hi Colleen
I am glad you got the air conditioner in. I get so sick form the humidity and heat, and would not be able to stand it. The central makes such a huge difference as you do not have to listen to all that noise. I hope he gets it fixed soon.
Steph did not make it yesterday, because Jhonny’s mother guilted them into going to a birthday party they were trying to avoid. I told them not to worry, hey can help with putting everything back on Saturday, and then help with the pool opening. They were very happy about that. Plus, the boys will have a better time with their little cousins at the party.
I hope you can save your trees. Those tress are beautiful. Funny how we love the things our grandparents had. for me, it was the lilac bushes. My Nonna had them line the entire left side of her property. I have them on the right side of ours…LOL
It was a very busy weekend, and it is going to be a crazy week here. Everything is going at the same time. We saved some money for a sprinkler system, as neither of us can go up and down the stairs to water things all summer long. The price was not bad at all, actually less than I thought. I booked the system in March, and guess when they are coming- Thursday and Friday. So, here is the week schedule of craziness:
Tuesday- counters and backsplash ripped out.
Wednesday- nothing. Literally nothing, as nothing in the kitchen will work.
Thursday- sprinkler system
Friday- new counters in, and more sprinkler system
Saturday- plumber comes to connect sink, open pool
Sunday- sleep all day.
God help me. I will be glad when it is all over, and everything is back in it’s place. then, I get a call form Lowes on the backsplash- they are saying the tiles will not be in until July 21st. Not, I said- they have been reserved and are supposed to be delivered this week, to install next week. THAT is still up in the air.
Hope your week has more fun than mine. It will be nice when all is done.
Thank you for the nice comment on our Patriotic picture!! Quack on!!
Adele -
Hi Gail
Read my posts to Colleen and Barbara for the updated whacky news of the week. I think I am getting a headache already, as the counter install guys said to get the plumber here early to disconnect tomorrow, and I cannot get the plumber on the phone…..yikes. This plumber is the one from the counter company- you would think they work together???? So, her is the first issue of the week.
That is awful hat they killed your lilacs. That is why I had them stop here with the fertilizing, because they killed 3 or 4 trees that were lining the property edge. My crazy neighbors who feel a non green, perfect lawn is a crime, still have the services. I am hoping the sprinkler system waters enough to keep the lawn green- we will see, as I am usually having a new shade of grass by every July- burned orange….LOL
I knew you had that shirt! The Q probably calls you before it goes for sale so you can get one.
I would have no idea what to order at a French restaurant. Gary would not find one thing on the menu for his basic, weird tastes.
How is Greg’s back this week? Doe she feel worst when the weather is bad? How has your weather been?? The sun is out today- yahoo!
better go…. lots to do today. I have to wash all the fruit, and salad, make the ice coffee for the rest of the week, and get everything on the folding tables that I can.
Adele -
Gailster….I was dead serious. Picture the face of the Captain’s as I was saying….Daddy, please come get me- send a helicopter- I don’t feel good.
I can still see his expression. they must have been telling that story for years- so glad I added amusement to the crew’s lives. LOLMy next big trip was years later to Las Vegas, with a huge bunch of friends. That was not bad at all. But, I had Gary with me- I was 46. I really only did trips I could drive to, and get home from, should I have been “unhappy”…LOL LOL God forbid the little chubby Princess was “unhappy”. Not.
Your whacky Quacker Buddy
Adele -
Hi Barbara,
We were here by ourselves for Memorial Day too. I’m sure Jenny would have come over if we invited her but it was kind of nice to have a peaceful day where I was just curled up with a book and Greg was working on the garden. As time goes by you will get used to the quiet and may even come to enjoy it. When our kids grew up I looked at it as a time for Greg and I to reconnect and do things together again. When the kids are growing up everything seems to revolve around them and it was nice to reconnect and rediscover what drew us together in the first place and then continue to grow from there in our new circumstances in life. We missed that. Maybe we were a little different though because we were married 8 years before any kids came along and so we looked forward to having those times to ourselves again.
I will definitely say some prayers for Joey and Lisa as they transition into this new phase of their lives. It’s hard to move on when the love is gone as no one likes to leave behind the familiar. However, I am glad that the decision has been made for them to move on separately and to have the opportunity to find a lasting love with someone else. I know that you are hurting for the both of them. It is so sad to have your heart broken-you feel like no one else has ever suffered that pain as much as you-however-we all also know that we do get over it and sometimes the best thing is waiting right around the corner and we will find it when we are not looking and when we least expect it. And don’t be sorry for needing to share your pain and confusion. We are all here to help and to lend an ear. I just feel that the future will hold someone special for Joey. All you can do is be there to love and to listen.
I have never been on a cruise but i do know that they have some pretty good meds for motion sickness now. I don’t think that you have to leave the boat when they stop at ports of call-I guess it depends on if there is something at that port that you want to see or do. As to what happens with storms at sea, I’m not really sure. If you are interested in cruising but don’t want to go out mid ocean there are cruises up the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, or through the Panama canal or the Alaskan cruises sound beautiful. I always look at those European river cruises and they look so nice. Greg’s business partner did one in Russia a couple of years ago and just did one in Europe recently and he said the food was absolutely gourmet. Of course they have been all over the world just like our friends Tim and Nan. I always dreamed of traveling to all the places that I had read about in books but I wish I could have done it while we were young and I had the stamina. I am not a very good traveler anymore-so I guess I will have to content myself with seeing the parts of the country that I have not yet seen when Greg retires. Who knows I might show up on everyone’s door step in several more years. lol
Greg is getting better about getting help with projects that he can no longer take on. He used to have to do everything and he is finally realizing that he just can’t.
I think last year they said that they would no longer be having Black Hills gold shows at all on QVC. It’s sad to see the old vendors fall by the wayside. I have some pieces-not all from the Q and I think they actually get prettier with wear. I have a ring with some little diamonds that go across it diagonally that i got from Greg and I wear on my right hand ring finger next to a small Black Hills Gold rose ring on my pinky. Wearing pinky rings on both hands has kind of been my signature since I was about 20 years old so i have done it for a long time. Anyway, I wear those two rings a lot and i think they are prettier now than when they were new. The rose pinky ring has been replaced with a (wait for it) butterfly ring that i had made up last year with a diamond from a pendant of my Mom’s-so that ring now has a really special place in my heart because it’s like carrying a piece of my Mom with me.
Anyway, Barbara, this is a year of transitions for your family-just remember there are wonderful things in your future. When you are feeling a little sad and confused just put on the song “It’s a Wonderful World” and you will brighten your day.
Gail -
Hi Colleen,
We have been to some of those mystery dinners. They were really popular for a while and then they just kind of fizzled out. Who knows-maybe they will come back again.
Well Greg did golf again yesterday and he finished so that was good. He is still going to therapy and doing exercises at home so hopefully he is getting better. I know it takes time. And it is hard to know what might reaggravate it again. I spoke too soon. I found out that there are no ex pro ball players golfing this year. I guess because they have to pay them and ONP wants to save that money this year. Anyway, Greg will be going with his normal foursome in any case-except one guy is sending a substitute as he can’t attend since his wife is having shoulder replacement surgery tomorrow and she will need him at home on Friday. That’s the people that we went to dinner and a concert with a couple of weeks ago. None of the wives go and watch as it would be pretty boring for non golfers-some go to the dinner afterwards but I just stay home as it is a distance away and I can stay home and get some things accomplished around here-or just stay in and read and watch TV and play around on my tablet-who knows.
We stayed home yesterday too and barbecued chicken and had fresh asparagus and watermelon. Sounds like a good summer meal to me plus we have quite a few pieces of chicken left for lunches this week.
I did go back and get the cherry outfit. It was too cute to resist. I’m glad that we’re making you think about trying new things. I think you will look very cute in the beige with the palm trees. Now the next thing is we have to break you away from the neutral colors and get you to wear a pair of bright pink DJ’s. lol Like that’s gonna happen…right. It’s fun to break out of our comfort zones every once in a while. I’ll tell you one thing-it usually surprises the heck out of our husbands when we do that.
I hope that you enjoyed your time with Aliza today and that you didn’t have to drive in the rain.
Gail -
Hi Ladies,
I tried to send you an email last night, but once again I lost it.
So, I hope all of you had a good holiday. I took a picnic lunch over to Kay’s & we had a picnic at her place. I made potato salad, took hot dogs and buns, baked beans and chips. We had a good time.
The weather was beautiful yesterday, mid 70s, perfect for me. But today it’s gonna get up to the upper 80s, maybe 90. Then it’ll cool off for the next couple of days, then it’ll get even hotter for the weekend. We could hit 100 Sat. We don’t get that hot this early. That more like mid July. Good thing I have my A/C!!! It’s gonna be running all day and night.
I have a friend who goes on cruises once or twice a yr. A friend of her books these cruises when the ship is returning. I think they’re cheaper. My friend would Never pay full price!!! They have Dramamine for motion sickness. Although my friend tells me those ships are so big you don’t feel the waves. As for storms, they steer clear of them. I don’t think you have to disembark unless you’re planning a tour or you’re staying overnight at your port of call. In which case that would be included in the price. If it’s just for the day you can stay on the ship.
As for safety, they have everything covered. They hav safety drills when you go aboard. Just kick back & relax. And don’t forget the FOOD!!!! OMG, the buffet is to DIE FOR!!!! I think it’s open 24 hrs a day.
But whatever you do, DON’T watch Titanic!!!!! Lol.
Is it Sue who is having dizzy spells? Are you on any new meds? My cardiologist put me on a new med and I’d be sitting here & the room would be spinning. He cut me back to once a day at bedtime and it stopped.
Yesterday when I was trying to write my post I had someone up here on my lap wanting/demanding some attention. Any guesses ladies??
Well, I guess that’s all for now.
I’m gonna try this again. -
Hi Adele,
That will be a mess if Lowes does not get your splash board in on time. They should have it since it was ordered so long ago. They do not always do things the way they are supposed to and that is aggravating. I would stick to my guns and keep fighting for your back splash. You might get an even better deal if the do not deliver. I would not let them get away with it.
You are right the kids will have a good time at the birthday party. They will still miss you though. Aizen will want his cookies and he may want to be at your house late at night again.lol Hope that you found someone to help you with getting the kitchen ready. That is terrible about the plumber. They should have had that all worked out. They are not very dependable.
That is so funny about the cruise. Your poor mom and dad probably were worried about you. The captain must have laughed also. He was probably thinking that if there is a storm a helicopter could not come anyway. I hope that you had a good time for the rest of the cruise after the storm quieted down. I have never been on a cruise and probably never will go. I do like to hear about other people that have gone on one though.
You have quit a schedule for the week. Hope that it all works out like it is supposed to. That is nice to have a sprinkler. I would not worry about what the neighbors think of your lawn. You have the pretty trees and flowers and they do not. All they have is green grass that has to be cut all the time. The different color of grass is pretty in late summer. The brown and the pale green looks really nice. It shows that the seasons have changed and fall is around the corner.
You and Gail are so good with words. I like what both of you said to Barbara about his kids. It is true and I wish I could have thought of those things to say. They were the right words and not like mine. Just a bunch of jumbled words.
Well that is about all from here. Have a good week and hope everything goes as planned.
Colleen -
Hi Gail,
Your meal sounded really good that you had on Memorial day. We did not have any asparagus picked to put on the grill. I like my asparagus like that Ron not so much. I also like corn on the cob on the grill but he doesn’t so we just boil it. You know what sounds really good is a lobster and claim boil. With the potatoes and the corn and all laid out on the table for everyone to eat. That just looks so good. They showed a clam bake on the Chew today and that is what me think of it. We will have to go east one year so we can try that.
That is disappointing that the ex ball players do not come and play for free. It is going for such a good cause you would think with all the money they have made from playing sports that they could volunteer one day to play golf. If there are families that deserve this special Christmas it is the kids that the ONP sponsor. Will you and Greg do the Christmas party this year? I know you did not last year to give others a chance. I just wondered if you missed it so much that you decided to go back. You and Greg do a lot for that group. Staying home and reading a good book sound better then sitting in the sun watching the guys play golf. That was nice that Greg made it thru another game of golf.
I am glad that you went back and got the cherry outfit. You will really like it. I ended up cancelling the shorts that I had on back order. They probably would not come anyway so I just cancelled. I think about ordering the bright colors but it just scares me that I will not match them correctly and look terrible. So I guess that I will wait a little longer. You and Adele have a good sense of style. As you can tell I do not. lol
I ended up not going today. Our electric went off again. We are not sure if there was a storm and we slept thru it or what happened. When we called to report it they said that there was 15,000 other customers out also. They finally got it back on so we could do things again. You do not realize what you can and cannot do when the electric goes out. We do not have water when it goes out so if I sweep the floor in the kitchen cannot mop it because there is no water. It is just a pain. They never did say what happened. One good thing is we got those clocks that set themselves to the right time when the electric goes off. So we do not have to set all of our clocks.
Well that is about all from here have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Dianne,
That is a good picture of you and your kitty. She is just so pretty. I like the picture that you have next to the one of you and your kitty.
Your picnic sounds like a lot of fun. I am glad that you could do that with your neighbor. It was nice for both of you. Your lunch sounded really good. I forgot to make baked beans with our bbq. You made me hungry for them.
Sounds like you are having weather like we are having. We just have showers between the heat. It is not going to cool down here though. It is summer and it is going to stay hot. At least now that we have sun and rain the garden will do better. We need to plant an herb garden and get that growing. We have dill and mint already planted in the garden. It is so good to have around. I love the mint in my tea. It gives it a good taste. My grandma use to grow it at her house and my mom took a cutting and planted it at her house. She would take a cutting every time that she moved. So then she gave us some. So it has been in the family for a long time. Mint is a hearty plant.
I have never been on a cruise and probably never will go. The way I fall it would be my luck that I would fall over board. lol They would sail off and I would be there with the sharks.
Well that is about all from here have a good night.
Colleen -
Hi Ladies,
Now that its a new month you migbt lose me again. I’ll figure it out eventually. Lol
Happy June!!! ??????? -
Started a new topic for June. See you all there.
Hello girls
I will go to the new page today!
Adele -
Hi Dianne do not distress- here is what you do:
first go to the discussions page,
then go to General Quacker chatter
then scroll to the June topic started by Gail. do not forget to check the box on the bottom to be notified of posts.
See you there- pretty picture!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
Do not feel that way about your writings. Your words are always very kind, and comforting. You are a caring soul, and that comes across load and clear, no matter what words you use. We all love you!!!
Read my post to Gail on the June page for all the crazy that happened here last night. I swear, I am a danger to myself. I cut my finger real bad- details on the June page. You know how it is, you do not want to write the same thing again…LOL Finger is good today. I just hope there will not be any infection- trying real hard to make sure there is not.
The plumber got here an hour before the counter destroyers, so that was great. He was a really nice guy. I was happy about that, for sure.
I am pooped, as I could not sleep last night. this is what happened. Do you remember when I said Gary sits on the side of the bed, in the middle of the night, before he goes to the bathroom, and then one night he fell asleep, fell and broke his neck in 3 places?? Well, I swear an Angel woke me up and there he was, hunched over, on the side of the bed, and moving down- boy did I yell to wake him up. I am surprised Bobby and Tillie did not hear me. So the rest of the night, I could not get back to sleep. I was up showering at 6:30. That man is going to make me insane.
Hope Ron is behaving.
Adele -
Hi Dianne!
You had a very nice holiday, and I bet your neighbor was thrilled you shared it with her. You are a great person to have as a neighbor- we would all love living near you.
I bet that beautiful kitty hit a button, and “poof” all you wrote disappeared. Love the pic of the 2 of you- is that a Quacker top? Love the design. Very pretty.
It is Sue that has been real dizzy. I have been getting dizzy when I lay down or get up form bed, but it is getting better. Now it seems to be only when I turn on my right side, and get into bed. Very weird. I guess my doctor may be right- maybe it is a virus, and is going away. If not, I will have s to call him again. My meds are the same, accept for the one he gave me to take before bed, (for the dizzy thing) and that made the dizzy worst, so I stopped it.
Don’t forget to get to the June discussion.
Adele -
Dianne- I for got to say- a day on a cruise ship that is docked n port is the best idea of all. You can pick the weather, and never run into any storm. What a great idea. Did you go this year, or last, with your friends on the boat?
Hope you are cool!
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