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    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I know some of us here like to read so here is a discussion where we can post what we are reading and comment on our feelings about the book. We can recommend books that we thing others might enjoy. We can also talk about new books that might be coming out that we are looking forward to reading.
      Happy reading to All!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Recently I read Antiques Maul by Barbara Allen which is a book in a mystery series about a woman and her mother who have a booth in an antique store. It’s light reading for those who like cozy murder mysteries.
      I read Blessings of Mossy Creek which is a book in a series about the goings on in a small town in Georgia. Each chapter tells a different story about someone who lives in the town. It’s a sweet and charming series.
      Then I read The Girls of Mischief Bay by Susan Mallery. I guess this is probably considered “chick lit”. It was an enjoyable story about three women at different points in their lives and their relationships. I liked all three women but probably related to the older one the most.
      Right now I am reading Finders Keepers by Stephen King-one of my favorite authors. It is the second installment in the Mr. Mercedes trilogy. I am really enjoying it-he is one author who always grabs my interest right from the very beginning.
      Happy reading Everyone!

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Sorry about writing thing instead of think in the first posting. By the time I realized it was there it was too late to edit. Call it creative license! lol

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      OMG Gail!!!!!

      THE BEST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ IS “MARY’S MOSAIC” Holy crap, you girls will NEVER look at our nation the same way EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is all about the mysterious death of one the the CIA’s top leaders and informants’s wife,Mary Pinchot Myers. I think we are all about the same age where we knew about his affairs with her, Marilyn, Monroe and Judith Campbell. This book goes into detail on EVERYTHING in the FBI,CIA, Kennedy, Castro, etc. They never solved the murder, but have evidence who did it but it’s been hushed up until now because the 50 year moratoruim has passed on Kennedy’s personal information. Here is a link about Mary:


      You HAVE to read this book. It by Peter Janney: Mary’s MOSAIC

      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        Hi Cynthia,
        I will definitely check this book out and put it on my to be read list. It certainly sounds interesting. Ah! The peccadillos of the rich and famous.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      I’m not receiving any post notices. I stopped getting them a few days ago

    • The Quacker Factory
      Post count: 328

      Hey girls. Sorry to be clogging up your wonderful thread here, but we have been noticing some complaints about members not getting notifications when people are responding to their forums. A few other things to try:

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      We also just updated our mail server to hopefully make these send better.

      Let me know how it works out for you!


    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I hope that I am on the right site for reading. I just finished Dancing in the Low Country. It is a really good book. It is about a woman that is getting up in age and she keeps thinking about the past. It makes me think most of us that as we get older we think about things that happened in the past. The author is James Villa. This is a new author for me. There are parts in it that are a little racy but if you can get past that you are okay. It does explain a lot of the reasons for somethings that happen in the story.
      I am now reading the Yule tide Twins. It is really good am almost done with is now. It is really interesting.
      Have fun reading.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail and Cynthia,
      I just finished another book. It is Yuletide Twins by Renee Andrews. It was such a good book it only took me two nights to read it. It is about a young woman that is expecting twins and the father tells her to get rid of them so she leaves. She goes to visit a friend from college and he helps her out. It is a really good book.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      You are sure reading up a storm! The last book that I finished was Finders Keepers by Stephen King which was the second book in a planned trilogy. He is one of my favorite authors which is kind of funny because I don’t really like scary movies but I do like science fiction and fantasy. I am a very eclectic reader. Dancing in the Low Country sounds good. Dorothea Benton Frank and Ann Rivers Siddons write a lot of books that are set in the low country that are good. I don’t mind if things get a little racy-that is a part of life too after all. Was the Yuletide twins a Christmas themed book? I like to start reading some of those in November-they are like Hallmark movies in print. I was just reading about some of the upcoming Hallmark holiday movies on the Cozy mystery blog. Sounds like there will be some good ones coming up. Believe it or not I haven’t read anything in two weeks. I didn’t read at all on vacation-we were just too busy. and last week I was catching up on laundry and chores and some magazines and cookbooks that I had. So this weekend I will pick a new book and begin anew. Usually I read on the plane ride but this time I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      It was kind of a Christmas book. There was a lot more to the story though. It does happen at Christmas time though. I cannot get into Steven Kings books. I should try them again. I am finding that some books that were not interesting to me at one time are more interesting now. I am starting to read Montana Standoff by Sharon Dunn. The books that I am reading now are not very long. This is the time of year for light reading.
      You were having too much fun with the family to read. You will be getting into it again. I just went thru a spell where I was not reading and now I am at it again. Hope you find a book that will be an adventure.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      I usually do lighter reading when it starts getting closer to the holidays just because life gets busier then and light books are easier to get into and finish. I know Stephen King is not for everyone but for me almost all of his books just catch my interest almost immediately. I remember the first one I read was Salem’s Lot-I don’t even remember what it was about but I knew that it was really scary. A lot of his books center around the idea of good vs. evil-it’s a pretty consistent theme. If you ever do try him I would suggest one of my all time favorite books called The Stand-it is a big book though-there is one other that I have not read yet but everyone rates it very highly and Greg has already read it and says he thinks he liked it better than The Stand and that is called 11/22/63 I think it’s about someone going back in time and altering what happened on the day JFK was assassinated.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I heard about a book by James Patterson. It is called Murder House. I have never read any of his books but that one looked interesting. Have you read anything by him? I might try that book 11/22/63 that sounds really interesting. It may be the first Stephen King book that I like. I have read other books about Salem during the witch hunts. I am guessing that is what the book was about. I could be wrong. Some of those are good and some are crazy. So that will be two books to add to my list. Right now I will try and get thru the new book that I am reading. I have to let my eyes rest for a day before I start reading another book. Well anyway that is two books that sound really good.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I think I’ve read books by James Patterson. He is quite prolific. I know Greg has read some by him more recently than I have. He writes a pretty good easily read book. Actually Salem’s Lot was about vampires if I remember correctly-the kids were little when I read that so it was a long time ago. Did you ever read The Christmas Box set of books? Those were such a sweet old fashioned type of story. He has written some other series since then that I would like to read too-I want to say his name is Richard Paul Evans but not sure if that’s correct. I have so many books on my list that I want to read -I will have to live to be 300 to get to them all. Jenny reads all of the Nicholas Sparks books-I’ve read some of the earlier ones-The Notebook-Message in a Bottle… Reading is an area where I really miss my Mom-she was a prolific reader and always had a new book to talk about or recommend.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I have not read the. Christmas Box set of books. I will have to look for them. That is a long time to live to read books.lol You are going to have to up the number of books that you are going to read next year. You may want to go up to 100 if you want to get all of those books read. It is hard to get all the books that sound really good. read. I guess we have to pick out the ones that are the best and forget the rest.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I just finished Montana Standoff by Sharon Dunn. That was another good book. It only took me a day and one night to read it. You could hardly put it down. There always seemed to be something happening all the time. You had to read on to find out what would happen next. Not sure what I will be reading next. I guess I am making up for lost time from when I did not read any books for awhile.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Just finished The Runaway Princess by Hester Browne. I believe that she is a British author. It’s a story about a young woman in London who meets a man at a party who ends up being a prince of some small fictional country kind of like Monaco. Of course she doesn’t know at first that he is a prince and the book is about the confusion that ensues until they can get all their differences ironed out and live happily ever after. It was just the bit of light reading that I needed.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi all,
      I just finished Murder in Foggy Bottom by Margaret Truman. It is a really good book and it kept you in suspense. The only problem with it was they had too many characters and it was hard to keep track who everyone was. She mentioned people in the second chapter and then did not talk about them til almost the middle of the book So that gets a little confusing but was worth reading. I would recommend it to all of you.

      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        Hi Colleen,
        I knew that Margaret Truman had written some mysteries but didn’t know if they were any good. I will have to check out her books. I think she has a whole series of mysteries.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      She has a series of books of mysteries that happen in Washington D.C. That is where this one that I read too place. You just have to remember all the characters in the book. There are a lot of them.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I just finished Trick or Treat Murder by Leslie Meier. Obviously a cozy mystery set around Halloween. She writes a series of mysteries mostly centered around different holidays. This was just a short easy read in the spirit of the season.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Newest book. Already read the one about Tom Cruise a few years ago on the subject. Sick cult if you ask me.

      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        I’ve been seeing her making the rounds of the talk shows speaking about her book. It sounds interesting. I always thought Scientology was an odd “religion.” After all it was started by a guy-L Ron Hubbard who was originally a science fiction author. It wouldn’t be any different than if you or I went out and started our own religion. It doesn’t seem like a very spiritual religion. Nichole Kidman and Katy Homes were wise to get as far away from Tom and the religion as possible. Funny how they never spoke out against the whole situation-it makes you wonder if Tom made them sign some sort of prenup saying they couldn’t talk about him or the religion if the marriages dissolved. It does make you wonder about the religion and it’s followers as it all seems so hush hush and secretive. People sure do weird things!

        • Cynthia Shay
          Post count: 65

          Hi Gail,

          He did. He made sure all three ex-wives signed a waiver. The only one that spoke out a bit was the ex-girlfriend Penelope Cruz. He wanted to marry her and she said no way Jose because of the religion. She said what this religion does is feed off of rich wealthy patrons, find out all their “secrets” and help them with their various careers, and once money starts coming in, they hold these past indiscretions above the person’s head. Penelope said The church of Scientology has people that follow you around 24/7, and they waterboard you in private rooms if they think someone is getting away from the church. I still to this day think Tom is gay. You NEVER hear or see anything about his private life. And these ‘marriages” are all set up. Look what he did in the 80’s with Mimi Rogers. She never talks ever. Yet all of a sudden she had a career in Hollywood. Same with Nicole Kidman. NO ONE knew who the hell she was, and then all of a sudden she is an “A” lister. REALLY? And no one ever heard of Penelope Cruz either and the MINUTE she hooked up with Tom Cruise, she has A -listing rating, and is making all these movies. Katie Holmes was the annomoly…she HAD a career in TV. And he thought SHE was going to be an easy push over. uh-uh. She was he only one that walked away on HER terms. But she is NOT talking…she wanted to get her daughter as far away as possible. John Travolta is another one. I really think he IS gay. Remember him with 45 year old Diana Hyland? His ONLY girifriend in the 70’s? And she convienently died from cancer, and he was always ‘available’ but not really’ hooked-up’ with anyone…until the woman he married now. And she is always in the background. There has been rumor SHE is lesbian. My father worked in Hollywood all through the 50’s 60’s and 70’s, and he knew all the homosexual and lesbians that were married to EACH other to keep things on the “Q-T” He told me about Richard Chamberlain, Vince Edwards, Rock Hudson,Tyrone Power, Charles Laughton, Johnny Mathas, Judy Carne, (yes) the guy that ran MGM was homosexual,as were the stage directors, and most of the pretty boys. A couple Mickey Mouse Club boys, Even the notorious blonde bomb shell Kim Novack swung both ways. There are a few more right now in Hollywood that refuse to come out. And one woman is REALLY a man. I found out when I had this person as a client in the hospital in the late 90’s. I could write a book on what I saw, never mind my dad.


    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Boy, Cynthia, between what you know and what your Dad told you-you really could write a book. I must say actors, musicians and other artistic types seem to lead rather unconventional lives. It must have been troubling in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s to have to live a lie in order to keep the public going to your movies. Especially when these things were not a secret among the Hollywood crowd anyway. I think now most people could care less about an actors sexuality-I know it doesn’t bother me one way or the other. To me it’s only a matter of if I enjoy that persons body of work or not. Although, personally, I must say I never cared for Tom Cruise and don’t watch his movies. I think I’m the only person in America who has never seen Top Gun. And after he jumped all over Brooke Shield’s for taking anti-depressants because of post partum depression I just concluded that he is an idiot and if that’s the kind of bull that goes along with Scientology anyone who follows it must be brainwashed. I don’t really know much about his first wife-is it Mimi Rogers? Another thing I always thought was odd was that he and Nichole adopted kids-then she had biological kids with Keith Urban and then he and Katie Holmes had a biological child-makes you wonder if he is the biological father. We always thought it was interesting that Johnny Mathis was able to keep his private life private despite obviously being gay. Maybe he was one of the lucky ones back then who was just respected for his talent. Your Dad must surely have seen a ton of interesting things during his career. Also I bet you learned a lot of great makeup tips from him. Nothing like a great makeup job to make a woman feel like a princess.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I just finished The Charlemagne Pursuit by Steve Barry. This is about the 4th or 5th book that I’ve read by him. He writes action adventure books and they usually have some basis in an historical occurrence or with a historical figure. I enjoy how he ties together a story from the past with something happening in the present. After this i will probably start reading some holiday books and stories. Something light in between holiday preparations.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I just finished Reunited Hearts By Ruth Logan Herne. It is really interesting. It is another love story that does not have a lot of sex in it. I really like these books. I still have two more of them to read. I did not get my Patrick Taylor book this year so have to find it myself. Can’t believe that they did not get me a book this year.lol

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I’m surprised that no one gave you that new Patrick Taylor book. You could have read it while you were all comfy in your pajamas. I like reading Christmas books at this time of year. I read The Christmas List by Richard Paul Evans which was really good-it had me in tears-it’s sort of a retelling of A Christmas Carol one of my all time favorite stories. I usually like all of Richard Paul Evan’s books. I know many people consider them trite and syrupy but sometimes I like to read about a story with a sweet message rather than people’s dysfunctions. I also read Making Spirits Bright which is a book of four short Christmas stories by various authors. Kind of the equivalent of the Hallmark Christmas movies in story form. You might like Richard Paul Evan’s books. I think the first one I read was the Christmas Box and then I read the other two books in that series can’t think of the names right now but it would be easy to find out if you want to know. These gray days do make for good reading weather.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      To Gail and anyone that reads. I am trying to get word out for a friend on the Q forums. He just self published his first book and it is available on Amazon. The name of the book is “The Campaign” by Donald A Shinn. I don’t know if you have seen posts by him on the book forum. He is Gardenman on there. Also if you could send him a few prayers. He lost his brother just after Christmas and his Mom right after New Year. He is the last of his family so feeling a bit down. He has been caring for his Mom a long time. He was a good loving son. Every year when Big Brother is on he does daily recaps of what is happening in the house. He gets the live feeds. That is how I came to know him. I am not sure how to describe his book as I have not read it yet but am sure it will be funny.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Thanks for the heads up on that book. I will be looking for it on Amazon. I love to read new books and new authors. I will pray for him during this really tough time he is going thru. That is just so sad.
      Thanks for telling us about the book.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Sue,
      I have seen that Gardenman has a book out as I follow the book club forum. That was quite a blow him losing his Mom and brother within a few weeks of each other. I forgot that you are a BB fan-I don’t watch it so I didn’t see him on that forum. I saw where Lori Lori ( I think) announced about his book. I didn’t realize it was self published-for some reason I had the thought that he had a publisher. My brother has two self published books on Amazon too. Anyway, I have checked it out and am debating on whether to try the paper back or use my kindle app on my tablet to download it-as I only have nooks and he is not on Barnes and Nobles-at least not yet.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I have read a few books since I was on here last. The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge by Charlie Lovett. It was a novella about what happened to Scrooge after his three ghostly visits. It was a cute story to read during the Christmas season.
      Then I read The Mistletoe Promise by Richard Paul Evans. He always writes such sweet uplifting books with a message. I know I can go to him for a quick feel good read.
      I just finished V is for Vengeance by Sue Grafton. We are getting to the end of this series and it’s making me so sad as I have read and loved and followed Kinsey Millhone for all these years. She’s become almost like a real person that I know. W and X are already written and then she still has to write Y and Z.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Yes LoriLori did announce it but QVC removed that thread. I am just trying to help him get the word out.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      That’s nice of you to help. Maybe you could say something on the Quacker Factory Facebook as probably more people read that.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Well-let’s see what I read since last time. Man Up by Ross Matthews-the story of how he got involved in doing segments on the tonight show. Then I read Breaking the Rules by Barbara Taylor Bradford. I haven’t read a book of hers in a long time-I used to love her but either my tastes have changed or her writing is not as good as I found this a bit slow moving.Probably some of each. Then I read Board Stiff by Kendel Lynn-a new cozy mystery series for me-I will probably try to read more in this series as so far I found it to be fun.

    • Cynthia Shay
      Post count: 65

      Just finished reading Nixon’s Other Men by Bob Woodward.. Good read. Nixon was a strange guy. And his wife Pat a lonely and mentally abused wife. Now I’m reading Wildflower by Drew Barrymore

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I read My Secret Mother by Robert Bannon which was basically an adopted child’s letter to his birth mother. Being an adoptive mother these kinds of books always interest me. Then I read When The Balls Drop by Brad Garrett. The first part where he talked about getting started in his career and some of the people he met along the way was interesting. The second part where he talks about women and marriage and such was not that interesting to me.
      I then read 11/22/63 by Stephen King which is about a guy who travels back in time to stop the JFK assassination. Another great book by Stephen King-although for me it slowed a little bit in the middle section. Then I read Pet Friendly by Sue Pethick which was a very cute and sweet mystery/romance.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi, I just got done reading An Irish Doctor In Love and At Sea by Patrick Taylor. It was a fantastic book. Looks like this is going to be the last one of the series. That is a shame because this has been an interesting series. It has kept me wanting more every time that I have finished a book. I really hate to see it end. I recommend this book to everyone. I recommend the whole series to all.
      Gail I finally found it again. After I wrote to you and said that I could not find it, it dawned on me where it was. I am not the sharpest crayon in the box this week.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Gosh I have several books to post. I read Crash and Burn by Lisa Gardner it was a faced paced thriller about a woman who crashes her car and afterward starts asking for a child who doesn’t exist and the story goes on from there. Then I read the Easter Bunny Murder by Leslie Meier which is part of a cozy mystery series that I read. Then I read another murder mystery Every Crooked Nanny by Mary Kay Andrews. I’m sensing a theme here. lol After that I read Here’s the Deal Don’t touch Me by Howie Mandel which talks about his life and career. Then I read The Secret Sister by Brenda Novak about a woman who returns to her home town after a divorce and losing a child. While there she comes upon a box of old family pictures and discovers that she may have had an older sister. So the book is about her trying to find answers and also finding new love.
      Colleen, maybe Patrick Taylor will write a new series that you will like just as much. I have so many different series going that it’s hard to keep them all straight. Plus I have a lot of older books sitting on my shelves that I have not read yet. I still have several books by Maeve Binchey that I haven’t got around to yet and I look forward to getting around to some of those. Plus I still have every intention of reading the Harry Potter series too. Have you ever read any of JK Rowlings adult books? I haven’t but some people really like them and others don’t.
      Well off to my next read. I must admit when I look at my bookcases I’m like a miser with his gold and I can just stand there and look and dream about what i am going to read next. I can browse a bookstore or library for hours. I am really at home amongst books.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I read Where They found Her by Kimberley McCreight. It’s about someone finding the body of a dead baby by a creek in a college town and the hunt to find out what happened. This is the second book I’ve read by this author and both have been good.
      I read The Residence by Kate Anderson Brower. It’s a book about the families that have lived in the White House from The Kennedys until now. It was pretty interesting and told from the point of view of the people that worked there-chefs, maids, ushers, electricians. plumbers all the people who keep the house running.
      I read The Sphinx by Robin Cook. He usually writes medical thrillers but this was about a woman who was an expert in hieroglyphics, and how she gets embroiled in some mystery and intrigue when she was over in Egypt. Of course you all remember that I wanted to be an archaeologist so this was right up my alley.
      Then I read Me Before You by JoJo Moyes. Good book-get out your hankie.
      I read the Wednesday Letters by Jason F Wright about the children that come home to bury their parents that just passed away and the secrets that they uncover in the process.
      I just finished The Dog Who Knew Too Much by Spencer Quinn this morning. This is one of my favorite mystery series-this is the fourth book. The stories are told from the point of view of the dog Chet who works cases with his private eye owner Bernie. Great series.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Gail, I think there is a movie coming out Me Before You must be based on the book. The books are usually better.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Sue,
      The movie is based on the book. It came out a few years ago and all the women on the Q Book Club thread raved about it. I wanted to read it before the movie came out and people started talking about it again as I already knew how it ended just by reading about it. It was a good book-I think the movie might be good too-the trailers look promising.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      You have really been reading a lot. Is the book The Residence a new one or has it been around for awhile. It sounds interesting and would be nice to read. Just want an idea of where to look for it. I have not been reading lately but need to start up again. It just seems like things have been crazy around here and I have not had a chance to read much. They make movies from a lot of books. They are never as good as the books though.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Colleen,
      Well it seems like a lot but that’s probably a month’s worth of reading. I just always feel better if I get some reading done everyday-especially now that I don’t know the path that the macular degeneration will take. Hopefully it will be long and slow so that I have many years of reading left. Just went to the eye doctor yesterday and there are no changes in my vision so that is a good thing. I hope it continues for a long long time. I take the vitamins that are supposed to help slow the progress every day religiously and will do anything else that I can to help keep my eyes healthy. I just feel happier if I am always reading something and I prefer fiction but will read all different genres.
      As to The Residence it is a pretty new book-maybe written in the last couple of years. It was interesting but not great. Most of the information that is in it is gotten from the service people who run the white house like the maids, the ushers, cooks, plumbers and electricians. Because these people are well known for being discrete about what they see and hear there is not a lot of real detailed stories about the first families just some bits and pieces. It was an interesting book none the less. If you are interested in any book I would go to the Amazon or Barnes and Noble sites and read the reviews there. That’s often how I decide about a book-I read the reviews there or over on Goodreads.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I read Granny Dan by Danielle Steel. The story takes place in Russia and is about a young woman who was a ballerina there before the revolution. Good story.
      Then I read Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim. It’s a short book about a young girl and the woman who was her wet nurse on a plantation in the south before the Civil War. It was very good.
      Then I read End of Watch by Stephen King. It’s the third book in the Mr. Mercedes trilogy. Great ending to a great story.
      I also read Chorus Lines, Cavier and Corpses by Mary McHugh. Another book set in Russia (I’m sensing a trend). It’s about a group of five 50 something women who have a tap dancing group who were invited to be the entertainment on a cruise through Russia. It’s a cozy mystery so naturally murder ensues during the trip. It’s the first in the series. It was okay-pretty simplistic-but I will probably try reading a couple more in the series before I decide if I want to continue or drop it.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      It’s been awhile since I posted so I have lots of books.
      Hidden Riches by Nora Roberts a novel about an antiques dealer who accidentally purchases some objects at auction that have smuggled goods inside of them and what happens afterwards. She also has some romance in most of her novels.
      The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny. Number three in a murder mystery series set in Canada. Good series.
      The Little Shop of Happy Ever After by Jenny Colgan. A story about a librarian who loses her job and buys a van and starts a mobile bookstore in Scotland. A very sweet book with a little romance too. The author is from the UK so I wonder if Christine has read any of her other books.
      Dead Hot Mama by Victoria Houston. Another murder mystery series. These books are not the most well written but i read them because they take place in the area that we visit in northern Wisconsin so i recognize a lot of the towns and lakes that they refer to in the stories. Was reading this in prep for going up north and then we had to cancel the trip. Boo-Hoo!
      The Sweetest Hallelujah by Elaine Hussey. A childless widow answers an add for someone to adopt a dying woman’s child and all that happens afterwards.
      A Year on Ladybug Farm by Donna Ball. Three women in their fifties buy an old house together and chaos ensues while they are fixing the house up and learning to live out in the country. I liked this book and there are a few sequels that I intend on reading.
      The Girls by Emma Cline a fictional account taken from the idea of the Manson cult and the murders that followed. I still can’t decide whether I liked this book or not. The writer didn’t seem to get the tone of what it was like in the 60’s and sometimes I felt like her writing was too flowery and she was trying too hard. So I really have mixed feelings about this one although it had a big hype when it was being published. Sometimes I find I like the little lesser known books better than the ones that get a lot of publicity.
      By the way,Colleen, Patrick Taylor is coming out with another book in October. This one is co-written with someone else so I wonder if he is getting up in age like Mary Higgins Clark she must be practically 90-I would think and she is still publishing.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I have not read as many books as you have but have read a couple. I read Maureen McCormick Heres the story. It was interesting but she was a mess. I guess a lot of the child stars go thru that but she talks about what all she went thru. I am glad that none of my kids wanted to be child actors. I never thought that her life was perfect but she was really messed up on drugs and mentally. The next book that I read is Take Down Twenty. by Janet Evanovich. It was about Stephanie Plum the bounty hunter. It was really good. I always enjoy her books though. She gets into just as much trouble that she always does but she manages to get out of it. Of course she has the help of Ranger and Morelli It is a really good book.
      Gail I have not read as much as you have but I am still reading. I have a lot of new books to read and I need to get started.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Being sick this summer I had time to do nothing but read, that’s why I finished so may books. Remember, Greg still works so I am home alone all day-you have Ron to talk to and stuff-so that’s why I always have my nose buried in a book or a nook. lol
      I am just starting the Stephanie Plum series and have only read book one so far. I figure I need another female crime chaser since the Sue Grafton ABC series while be ending soon and I am on the W book next.
      Doesn’t it seem like so many of those child stars got messed up. I guess maybe fame at a young age is not such a good thing for a lot of people. Was she the girl from The Brady Bunch?

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Let’s see now. What have I read lately?
      Hollywood Divorces by Jackie Collins. Pretty typical of all her books.
      A Country Affair by Rebecca Shaw. A girl gets a job in a vets office in the UK. I thought it would be more about the animals but it was mostly about the other people at work. I think there are a couple more books in this series. Not sure if I will read them or not.
      Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. A thriller with a little science fiction thrown in. Really good.
      Back To School Murder by Leslie Meier. A cozy mystery-I have read others in this series and I enjoy them. Easy fun reads.
      Helpless by Daniel Palmer. About a soccer coach accused of a crime he didn’t commit. Daniel Palmer is the son of Michael Palmer who wrote medical mysteries and his son writes mysteries/thrillers using cyber crimes usually. Pretty good book-not as good as Dark Matter though.
      A Cat Was Involved by Spencer Quinn-this is actually a short novella in the Chet and Bernie mystery series. Love this series about a PI and his dog. The books are told through the eyes of the dog which makes it both funny and interesting.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I read Blueprints by Barbara Delinsky about a mother and daughter who had a building/decorating show on TV and what happened when they wanted to replace the mother with the daughter as the star of the show.
      I also read I’ve Got You Under My Skin by Mary Higgins Clark. She always writes a good story.
      Then I read The Funhouse by Dean Koontz-it was one of his early books originally written under a pen name.
      Just yesterday I finished A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backman. It tells the story of a man who everyone thought was grouchy-but underneath the gruff exterior he was a kind person. It’s hard to explain-and it was a little slow starting-but ended up being a very enjoyable read.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I have read three books. One is An Irish Country Love Story. by Patrick Taylor. It was really good as usual.He kept the same characters in the story line and it is getting everything in order. He is not finished by a long shot though. They have a lot more that is going on. There will be another wedding and a lot of new players in the story. They go along with the old characters though.
      The next book that I read was a short one. One Peep at A Time. It is about a couple that go out and start doing a lot of good things in the community. They are real people ant it tells their story. They started in St. Louis and have not moved to another state. I cannot remember where they went to. The woman that wrote the book is Ron’s cousin. So it was interesting to read.
      The next book that I read was In Such Good Company by Carol Burnett. It talks about her show and all the things that happened on the show. It is not as funny as the show though. She describes the acts that they did and to read it was not as funny. I do remember seeing them though.She talks about a lot of stars. She does not say anything bad about any of them though so that is nice.
      Well that is all that I have read so far. Do not know what book I will read next.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I have been reading some short seasonal books.
      I read Turkey Day Murder by Leslie Meier. Obviously a Thanksgiving themed mystery. I read a lot of her mysteries and many go with different holidays.
      I read Antiques Slay Ride by Barbara Allan. A Christmas mystery. I read a lot of her books too about a mother and daughter who own an antique store. And their blind Shitzu-Sushi.
      Then I read Five Golden Rings a Christmas romance. This was just okay.
      Now I am reading Christmas on Jane Street. It’s supposed to be based on a true story about a family from Vermont who goes to New York each year from the day after Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve and has a Christmas tree stand there. So far it seems like it will be pretty good.
      These have all been really short books. Like novellas i guess.
      Colleen, you are way ahead of me in the Irish series. I think I have only read three so far. I guess because I read so darn many different series.
      That’s cool that Ron’s cousin wrote a book. My brother has written two and my nephew one.
      I have a Carol Burnett book on my kindle. I will have to see if it is the same one.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      I am reading All I want for Christmas. It is a set of 14 novellas that benefit diabetes research. It was 7.99 and part of it goes to diabetes research. They are just fun to read kind of like the Hallmark movies.

      • Gail Norusis
        Post count: 3596

        Sounds good. I love sweet Christmas stories.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      More Christmas novels and novellas
      I finished Christmas on Jane Street which I liked very much.
      Then came Miss Kane’s Christmas by Caroline Mickelson a novella about Santa Claus’s daughter helping out a man who has lost his Christmas spirit. A very fluffy little piece.
      Dashing Through the Snow by Debbie Macomber – she always writes a good Christmas story. A lot of her books get turned to Hallmark movies.
      Moonlighting at the Mall by Evelyn David-short cozy mystery.
      Santa 365 by Spencer Quinn-a Chet and Bernie novella
      The Shepherd, the Angel and Walter the Christmas Miracle Dog by Dave Barry-funny Christmas book.
      The Christmas Angel Project by Melody Carlson
      The Mistletoe Inn by Richard Paul Evans

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I just finished the book Scotched by Kaitlyn Dunnett. It was really good another murder mystery. I read so many of these types of books that I usually can figure out who did it way before the end of the book. This one was really good. It was hard to figure out. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. I really recommend this book. It is a good read.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hey Colleen,
      Do you read a lot of those types of mysteries? They are called cozies. There is a whole website called cozymysteries.com about them. She has lists of just about all of them so you can look things up according to what they are about. I get their newsletters where she tells about what new ones are coming out. When I read those books that are in a series I like to start at the first in the series-do you? I am not as good as you at figuring out the killer. Have you read any of the Inspector Gamach series by Louise Penny-they are very well written-I recommend starting from the first in the series. Another favorite is the Chet and Bernie series by Spencer Quinn-told from the viewpoint of the dog Chet. Another good one that reminds me of the old Agatha Christie books is the Agatha Raisen series by M C Beaton-also the Flavia series by Alan Bradley-Flavia is an 11 year old girl and she solves the crimes. I also read some about an antiques dealer and her mother-also Lucy Stone-many of hers revolve around holidays-there are so many good cozy series out there. I also read another series written about the place where we go to up north each year. There is such a great variety of cozy mysteries available. I think there are some series about something like a Christmas store or something like that. You should check out the book site. Love me a good cozy.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I will have to check that out. I have a lot of books right now that I need to read. My mom gave me two bags full of mysteries. She reads a lot of them also. I need to read them before the next Patrick Taylor book comes out. Hopefully there is going to be another one. He is such a good writer. I started another book last night. Hope that it does not take me too long to finish. I do read a lot of series. They are fun to read because they all have the same characters in them and it is fun to see what happens to these people. Even though they have a different villain in each one the main characters stay the same. I am also looking for another Fanny Flagg book. She is another good writer. Am not sure how many books that she has written.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I just finished a book called Unraveled by Maggie Sefton. This was another good mystery. It started out slow but once you got into it, it was very interesting. There were a few characters in it and you had to keep track of all of them. Would recommend it. It was one of those books that is good to read when you cannot get outside.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I just finished reading Critical Mass by Sara Paretsky. It is about women that were scientists during world war 2. Some of them were Jewish and others were German. They used a lot of scientific terms that lost me at times but the story was really good. It was about the detective VI Warshawski. I have read other books about her and they are always pretty good. I had to laugh because my mom gave me the book and she went thru it and marked out all the cuss words. She used a black marker. I had to laugh I was thinking that I am not a little kid that you have to sensor my reading material. She is afraid that Melissa or the other adult grand children will read the books. I just had to laugh.
      Now I am off to find a new book.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Gosh-I haven’t posted any books in awhile so I have a whole list today.
      Colleen, I have to laugh at your Mom crossing out all the bad words so her grandkids wouldn’t read them. I’m sure they have heard all those words by this time in their lives. lol That was funny. It’s a good thing there weren’t any sex scenes or a whole page could have been blacked out. lol I have never read VI Warshawski but have heard of her and I know my sister has read some.
      I read Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum a story set in WWII Germany. It was very moving and thought provoking.
      Well Read Then Dead by Terrie Farley Moran a cozy mystery set in Florida about two women who run a book store/cafe.
      The Other Daughter by Lauren Willig about a woman who finds out after her mother dies that the father that she thought was dead is very much alive and he has a wife and a son and daughter and is a member of the aristocracy.
      The Couple Next Door by Shari LaPena a psychological thriller about a couple whose baby goes missing.
      Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews a light romance about a woman who owns and operates a flower shop who also does some wedding planning.
      The Fireman by Joe Hill-Stephen King’s son. It’s about what happens when a disease is let loose around the world that makes people burst into flames. I love Stephen King and his son seems to be following in his footsteps.
      The Happy Hour Choir by Sally Kilpatrick about a woman who plays piano at a bar and is convinced by the woman who took her in when she was pregnant and kicked out of her house to play the piano and lead the choir at the local church.
      At Home on Lady Bug Farm by Donna Ball. This is the second in a 7 or 8 book series about three women who buy a house and some land in Virginia and fix it up and live together there. So far I like this series a lot. This second book they threw in some stories about the history of the old house and that made it even more interesting, I thought. She also writes some mystery series but I haven’t tried any of them yet.
      Well now I am caught upon my reading list. On to the next adventure.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Here’s what I have been reading.
      Before The Fall by Noah Hawley. About a man and a baby that survive a small private plane crash and what happens in the aftermath.
      The One in a Million Boy by Monica Wood A book about a 104 year old Lithuanian woman and what happens when a boy scout who is obsessed with Guinness world records is assigned to help her with her household tasks as part of a badge assignment.
      Can’t Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg. What happens when a woman has a near death experience.
      The Last One by Alexandra Oliva-this is a book that I won in a giveaway. It’s about a woman who participates in a Survivor type reality show and during the course of filming a plague type of illness starts but they don’t know about it and she believes that some of the situations that occur because of the plague are really part of the reality show.
      Whack Job by Kendel Lynn #2 is a cozy mystery series about a woman who is a director of a charitable foundation who solves crimes while working to earn her PI license.
      The Day the world Came to Town by Jim DeFede A book about the 38 planes and the people on them who were diverted to Gander Newfoundland when the airspace over the US was closed after the 9/11 attacks. This was a really interesting book about how the wonderful people came together and provided for the stranded travelers during this crisis. They just made a Broadway musical called Come From Away about this same story.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Hi Gail,
      I read that book by Fanny Flagg. That was so good and funny. She is a good author and still am looking for more books that she has written. I have read two of her books.
      I read the book Letter From Home by Carolyn Hart. It is about a woman that found a dead body when she was young and how the daughter of the woman wrote her a letter when they get older. They meet and she tells her the true story about what happened. It was really a good book. It keeps you guessing. This is another book that my mom gave me. I am falling behind that is all that I have read. You are really reading a lot of books.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I just finished the Maidenstone Lighthouse. It is another mystery. It was not hard to figure this one out but all the things that happened were really interesting. It is about a woman’s boyfriend that disappears and what all happens after that. She meets a ghost in this story and that was kind of interesting. The ghost was a family member that had committed suicide or did she? It is a really fun book to read.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I have a long list to report.
      I read Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. which has been on my TBR list for ages. It was such an interesting study of what it was like to be a geisha. Kind of a sad story but very enlightening.
      I read I’m Hosting as Fast as I Can by Tom Bergeron. It was just what it sounds like-a book about his life in radio and TV.
      Beginner’s Luck by Laura Pedersen a story about a 16 year old girl who moves out of her parents house and into the house of the people that hired her to do chores. It was a quirky little book with some interesting characters. I found out that there are two sequels so I might read them sometime to find out what happens to her in the future.
      The Good Girl by Mary Kubica was a pretty good thriller with a twist at the end.
      The Letter by Kathryn Hughes was a really good book about a woman who finds a letter that has never been mailed from decades before in the pocket of a suit coat that came into the resale shop where she volunteers. So goes on a quest to find why the letter was not mailed and to give it to the person to whom it was supposed to be mailed. I enjoyed this one a lot. I see she has written another also.
      Fool Me Once by Harlan Coben-about a woman who sees her dead husband on her nanny cam and sets out to find out what is going on. Not as good as his usual books-could not really like the main character.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Your list is always longer then mine is. I just got done reading Ladies of the Lake by Haywood Smith. It was really good. It is about 4 sisters that have to stay in their grandmothers house for the summer to inherit her money. It is funny all the different things that happen in that short of time. They find dead bodies or skeletons in the basement walled up and all the things that they go thru to get rid of them. What made it a little more fun is they were ladies close to our ages. So some of the things that they do are really funny. This is another one of my mom’s books. She really is good at picking out the good ones.
      Well I am off on my next adventure. Hope that I get done with this book soon.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      The Ladies of the Lake sounds good. I will have to check it out. I have heard of that author. You should see some of those ladies on the Q Book Club forum. I swear some of them read a book a day.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I just got done reading a book and figured I should list what I’ve read since my last post.
      I read If Not For You by Debbie Macomber. I’m so glad that it was a book that I won in a giveaway because it was boring and I would have been mad if I had actually bought it. I have read other books by her, mostly Christmas books, and they were good but I just couldn’t relate to the main characters. They acted like 15 year olds not grownups.
      I also read The Mill River Recluse by Darcie Chan which I liked a lot. It’s about a woman who becomes a recluse after she was beaten by her husband. It is actually an uplifting story although it doesn’t sound like it from that description. She wrote two other books about some of the same characters. I think I might try to read them too.
      Then I read I Need a Lifeguard Everywhere but the Pool by Lisa Scottoline and her daughter Francesca Serritella. This was another giveaway win. It was light and funny. It’s just separate chapters written by each of them about their observations on life. I think I will pass this one on to my sister as I think she would appreciate it.
      I read Daugters of the Bride by Susan Mallery. It was a fun easy read about three daughters and their mother who was getting married.
      Last, I just finished Wanna Get Lucky- number one in a cozy mystery series about a woman who works for a hotel in Las Vegas.
      It was pretty good. I will probably try reading more of the series.
      On to my next adventure.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I read Inheriting Edith by Zoe Fishman. It was a book about a woman who inherited a friend’s house after her death and thusly also inherited the woman’s mother who lived in the house and was in the beginning stages of dementia. I really enjoyed this book and the characters in it.
      I read in a dark, dark wood by Ruth Ware. It was a psychological thriller about a bunch of people meeting together for a bridal shower and what happens during the weekend. Good book also.
      The Last Chance Matinee by Mariah Stewart was a book about a man who had a family with one daughter on the east coast and a family with two daughters on the west coast. After he dies all three daughters are forced to work together to refurbish an old theater in order to collect their inheritance. The was the first of a three part series and I enjoyed it enough to want to read the other books when they come out.
      W is for Wasted by Sue Grafton. It’s almost the end of the ABC series and i am sad as Kinsey is one of my favorite characters. It was good as always.
      Next was The heart of Henry Quantum by Pepper Harding. I didn’t like this book at all and I can’t even give a synopsis as it really never went anywhere.
      The Fever Code by James Dashner. Book number five in the Maze Runner series. An apocalyptic thriller which is a great series. I enjoyed the whole thing. I wish he would go back and tell what happens to everyone after book four as book five was a prequel.
      Last was The Island House by Nancy Thayer it was an okay book about what happens to some family and friends in Nantucket over a few weeks time in the summer. Nothing to write home about.
      So there we are. Don’t know what’s next but am looking forward to it.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I read Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. This was a very good psychological thriller. I never remember detesting a character so much as I detested the man in this book. I think she has another book out-I will have to read that one too.
      I read Antiques Flee Market by Barbara Allen. It is a book from a cozy mystery series about a mother and daughter who are always getting involved in a murder mystery. I really enjoy this series. The mother and daughter are kind of a zany pair.
      I also read The Melody Lingers On by Mary Higgins Clark which is a pretty typical Clark with mystery combined with light romance. That has been her formula for many years so if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Although maybe it’s just me but I don’t think her later books are as good as her earlier ones.
      Finally, I read The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper by Phaedra Patrick. I really liked this book. It was about a man who is cleaning out his wife’s closet a year after his wife’s death and he finds a charm bracelet in the toe of one of her boots. The charm bracelet leads him on a quest to find out where the charms came from as he never knew of the bracelet’s existence. In the process he learns things about his wife that he never knew and he also gets a new lease on his own life. I would recommend this book.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Haven’t posted on here in a long time.
      Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan. A girl gets engaged to boyfriend not knowing that back home in China he comes from a very rich family.
      Christmas Cookie Murder by Leslie Meier-a Christmas cozy mystery. I have read several books in this series.
      The Christmas Joyride by Melody Carlson. Two women go on a journey delivering Christmas cheer along the way. I enjoyed this one.
      Visions of Sugar Plums by Janet Evanovich a Christmas Stephanie Plum story.
      Three Christmas Wishes by Sheila Roberts
      Becoming Santa by Donald A. Shin novella-good story.
      The Deal of a Lifetime by Fredrik Backman another novella
      Camino Island by John Grisham typical Grisham fare.
      Snowflakes and Coffee Cakes by Joanne Demaio heartwarming light romance.
      Best Day Ever by Kaira Rouda a good psychological thriller
      The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin A story about a man who owns a bookshop who finds a baby and raises it. Good book.
      Calling Invisible Women by Jeanne Ray about a woman who wakes up one morning and finds that she is invisible. Another likable book.
      Small Great things by Jodi Picoult very good thought provoking book.
      I am Half Sick of Shadows by Alan Bradley this is another book in the Flavia DeLuce mystery series-I love Flavia the main character who is a little girl who loves chemistry. good series-some books are better than others.
      Going Gypsy by David and Veronica James a true story about a couple who toured around the country in a RV after all the kids left the nest. This one was just okay.
      Love Letters From Lady Bug Farm by Donna Ball another book in a series about three woman who buy a farm together in Virginia. In this book they hire their place out to host a wedding to earn money and chaos ensues. I’ve enjoyed this series. Light interesting reading.
      Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll kind of a dark book. I’m still not sure how I felt about this as it pursues some serious topics and I didn’t like the main character. It was however based on something that happened in the author’s life when she was fifteen so maybe this was her way of working through the trauma.
      How to Find Love In a Bookshop by Veronica Henry. A woman takes over her father’s bookshop. I loved this story-light romance set in
      England. I loved the town and most of the people-I hope she writes another in this town with these people.
      Innocence by Dean Koontz typical Dean Koontz -not sure if it’s science fiction supernatural or what.
      Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher-thoughts on her life.
      That’s all folks! That’s like four months worth of books. I will have to remember to post more often.
      Colleen, I have not forgotten your book. I finally remembered to buy some mailing envelopes so I hope to get it out this week.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I just got done reading The Curious Charms of Pepper. I could not put that book down. It was so interesting. It was fun to follow the charms that were on that bracelet. He really found some interesting things out about his wife. It was just fun to watch him find all the clues. I am so glad that you gave me that book. I cannot wait to read the other one.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      I’m so glad you liked the book. Hope your Mom likes it too. The other one is more of a Christmas themed story as it takes place during the holidays-perfect for CIJ.
      Gosh I haven’t posted my books for so long I have quite a few.
      Dearest Dorothy Are We There Yet by Charlene Ann Baumbich about an 87 year old woman and her adventures in her small town with all her friends.
      Mrs. Sinclair’s Suitcase by Louise Walters. A young woman finds a letter in her grandmother’s belongings from the grandfather that she never knew and she goes on a quest for answers.
      Blue Monday by Nicci French-the first in a series of murder mysteries starring psychotherapist Frieda Klein.
      A Night On The Orient Express by Veronica Henry-the stories of a group of passengers on the famous train. I love this author-she knows how to write a good heartwarming story.
      Antiques Bizarre by Barbara Allen-another in the series about Brandy and her mother Vivian getting involved in solving crimes. This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series.
      The woman in Cabin Ten by Ruth Ware-a murder mystery thriller.
      Lottery by Patricia Wood-I loved this book about Perry who wins the lottery and what happens afterwards. Perry is a young man who lives with his grandmother and is in a lower IQ range. He wins the lottery and many changes occur in his life. I highly recommend this book. It’s definitely a feel good story.
      China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan-this is the second in a trilogy. The books are just kind of a guilty pleasure look at how the super rich live. The first book has been made into a movie that comes out in August. I would like to see the movie.
      When We Were Sisters by Emilie Richards The story of two foster sisters going back and making a documentary about the foster care system.
      Wedding Toasts I’ll Never Give by Ada Calhoun-a woman talks about marriage
      Killer Green Tomatoes by Lynn Cahoon-Cozy mystery about a farm to table restaurant in Idaho.
      The Little French Bistro by Nina George A story about a woman who leaves her unfulfilling life with her husband and finds a purpose and new love in Brittany. I enjoyed this book as the main character was in her 60’s and I like books about older women reinventing themselves.
      Now we’re all caught up so it’s on to more adventures in reading!

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      Gail you are putting the rest of us to shame. I wish that I could read that much. It just seems like there is so much going on here all the time. I still have not gotten the new Patrick Taylor book. I really need to get it. I forgot the name though.
      Thanks for telling us about the books that you read they sound interesting.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Remember I have not posted since March so that is four months worth of books-broken down that way that isn’t that much. I go on the Q’s book forum all the time and some of those ladies must read a book a day. I just always make time for reading-if I don’t get at my book for a day or two I actually can feel it. I miss it!
      Remember, you have been spending hours and hours making spaghetti sauce and tending grandchildren-you have a full life. I have a very quiet life and Greg still works four days a week so I have lots of time to read.
      I just like to share my books in case someone reads this and finds a good book amidst the books that I have read.
      I know that you will get to that Patrick Taylor book sometime in the future.

    • Colleen
      Post count: 3077

      I am hoping when the kids go back to school I will have more time to read. I have a lot of books to read. I want to read the other book that you sent. I looks so good.
      Enjoy the reading while you can. When Greg retires it will take awhile before you will have time to yourself. I think that they have a hard time getting use to not having to go to work.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Haven’t posted here in a long time so it will be a long list. I’ll try to give a brief description of each.
      The Girl Before a psychological thriller about a girl that lives in a house with weird restrictions.
      Class Mom-a funny book about a woman’s stint as class mom.
      The River at Night-women take a white white rafting trip and danger and tragedy ensues
      Close Enough to Touch story of a woman who has a disease where she is allergic to human touch. it tells what happens when she gets a job at a library and meets people from the outside world. Good one.
      Last Ride To Graceland-woman finds one of Elvis’s classic cars in her shed after her mother dies. her mother was once a back up singer for Elvis and she never knew who her father was so she returns the car to Memphis and goes on a journey to try and discover her biological father. another good one.
      The Outsider by Stephen King-need I say more
      Christmas on Lady Bug Farm, Vintage ladybug Farm, and A wedding on Lady bug Farm-the end of a series of books about women who buy and fix up a property in Virginia-I liked this series quite a bit.
      They Myth of perpetual Summer-woman comes from dysfunctional family-leaves when she is very young but must return home eventually to try to iron out a family crisis.
      If You Only Knew-sweet romance about a wedding dress designer who returns home after a divorce and helps her sister when she discovers her husband is having an affair.
      The rule of One-sci fi about future American society where people are allowed to have only one child.
      Antiques Knock Off-cozy mystery from one of my favorite series.
      Start without me-two dysfunctional people meet on Thanksgivng-don’t bother.
      A Christmas By the Sea-a widowed woman inherits a seaside cottage and goes back with her son to fix it up to sell it and ends up falling in love with the place and a man-she always writes sweet Christmas novels.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      Gail I don’t know if you received a notification so thought I would let you know. Gardenman (Donald) has a new book out called The Ten Thousand about a Government controlled list of books that people are permitted to read. The Kindle version is 99 cents.

      Have tou read any of The Sisterhood series by Fern Michaels. I won the one called Truth & Justice from Goodreads & it was pretty good. I liked the members of the sisterhood. Interesting characters.

    • Gail Norusis
      Post count: 3596

      Hi Sue,
      Thanks for telling me. That sounds good. I think I will get it.
      I’m not sure if I have read any of the sisterhood series-I might have as i have read Fern Michaels before. I will look into it. I hate when I win a book and then I realize it is part of a series-I won one that was 5th in a series earlier this year and I decided to go back and read the first four books so that I am familiar with the characters and what happened before.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 643

      This one I won was Number 33 in the series but I read it & it is one that can be read as a stand alone. So it is a big series but each book must be one of the cases they take because I did not feel I was missing. Seems most books these days are series & I usually read the first & get hooked.

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