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Hi Everyone,
I missed April Fool’s Day. I guess my trick was that there was no new thread. lol
DD, good to hear from you that things are well. Sometimes kitties can be silly but that’s what makes them lovable.
Adele, what three movies did you watch? I love comedies too!
yesterday it was chilly with snow flurries so we had a fire in the fireplace and watched a movie too. We watched Elvis which was really kind of depressing as he was so taken advantage of and died so young. But having said that I did enjoy Austin Butler’s performance and I enjoy seeing him as he is so stinking cute! I may be old but I am not dead-if I was 50 years younger maybe I would have a chance. lol lol
Friday night we went over to jenny’s as usual and had to spend time in the basement because of tornado warnings. I feel so sorry for Jenny as she is so petrified of storms that she spends all her time all day long checking the weather when storms are predicted and she even has a weather radio. I wish I could help her. I think she has already had some therapy or hypnosis or something for this fear but I guess it hasn’t helped much. I am afraid it will rub off on her kids. I don’t know how she got this way as Greg nor I were like that when she was growing up. I mean I don’t like tornado warnings either but I also know there is nothing I can do to control the weather so I just go to the basement and wait for the all clear and hope and pray for the best. I think her fear may be something to do with not being able to deal with a situation that she has no control over but I wish she had some better tools to manage it.
They are saying we may be getting another batch of storms come Tuesday. I am just glad there were no tornadoes here and we kept the power on.
Today the sun is shining and it is going to be 50.
Gail -
Hey Gailster
I would be like Jenny, for sure. There is nothing that scares me more than a tornado warning I would not be able to live in any area that had tornados sirens. I would be completely freaked out That is the scariest thing ever to me.
Every time I hear of tornado damage, I keep saying I have no idea how people can live in those areas. Give me a Nor’easter or a blizzard any day of the week. Snow can be shoveled. Nothing protects you from a tornado. Plus, they are getting worst every year with global warming. I say prayers for anyone in their way every time I hear it in the news.
Has Jenny always been that way, or getting worst with the severity of the storms lately? I feel so bad for her
This weekend I watched movies on Peacock. I saw:
Fighting Temptation. (Beyoncé was in this one!)
Employee of The Month
Sam and Kate( this one was sad)
Emma…..on list for today. Lol
Ride Along 2….. on list for soon…. This one’s on Netflix
In y new solitary life, movies have been keeping me company, especially on Friday and Saturday
I had an awful meltdown this week. It was on opening day for the Red Sox. That was Gary’s favorite sport to watch, and when the fighter jets went over the house….. like they do every year on the way to Fenway Park, I started to bawl my eyes out. I watched the opening ceremony, and cried through the whole thing. Especially when Big Papi came out. There was no frantic call from Nancy to Gary to find out what channel the game was on, no yelling at the TV, and nobody getting excited about the game. My eyes were so sore, they stayed sore the next day
I did not expect that. That grief came out of nowhere, and took me by surprise. I was looking forward to the game, and then could not watch any of it. I was going to watch in Gary’s memory THAT definitely did not happen. It is what it is, as I say. I got over it.
Do you and Greg watch baseball?
Please be careful out there in these Spring storms. You are in my prayers
Pics attached of ornaments I made for the girls and Nancy, Joanne, and Joyce. I hope they will all load. I have been having trouble with that lately
Adele -
They did load this time! Lol
Different people hit different sets
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Love the ornaments. I’m sure your friends will appreciate your talent and thoughtfulness.
You know, as kid Jenny didn’t seem to be that afraid of the tornadoes. It started getting worse as she got older.
It isn’t something we like but it’s something we have gotten used to after living in this area all our lives. The best that you can do is be prepared and pray and hope for the best. it is good to have a basement. In the south they don’t build much with basements so that seems to be where they have the most fatalities. We have had a couple of hits down the road from us over time and every time it happens we are just grateful to be alive and still have a house. Have you never had a tornado warning in your area? They say the storms will get worse with global warming and I also just read an article that talks about how the geography and the placement of the US makes it ripe for all kinds of weather disasters. it was interesting.
You know sometimes grief just sneaks in on you when you aren’t expecting it. And after all you are barely six months into losing Gary so even little things can bring it on. go ahead and cry-it’s an outlet and better to live your pain than stuff it down.
You will soon be able to get a job as a movie critic. Thank goodness for all the streaming services so that you can find things that appeal to you. I know some people that just watch the old movie and TV channels and that’s nice but I also like to stay in the 21sr century and keep up with the new stuff.
I like to think that I’m at least a little hip for an old lady. lol
Greg and i don’t watch a lot of baseball as there are so many games but we do watch some Sox (white not red) games and some Cubs games. We watch more football.
What is Amanda doing now? Is she living with her boyfriend and working or going to school?
Will people come over for Easter. We are planning on going to brunch and having the kids over later for sandwiches and an egg hunt.
Gail -
Hey Gailster
Thanks for the compliments!
We are doing brunch for Easter. I’m doing the genuine Belgium waffle recipe. I’ll see if I gave it on here to attach it. Bobby will do bacon and home fries
We had one turnaround warning. Let me tell you, it was ugly. I was a crazy person! It touched down a town over
Amanda us living with her girlfriend snd her fiancé. Amanda snd the fiancé both live to cook. Last week they made their own bacon. They had it with burgers over the weekend
Amanda us working for a big HVAC company near us She loves it. She arranges all the installs
We have almost all of the streaming services. It seems everyone watches something on all of them. I go from sure to site to find movies I like Todsy I watched the new series with Rob Lowe and his son. I liked it
I’m praying you are nit getting the tornados tonight!!. I hope Colleen is also not in their oath.
Stay safe tonight!
Adele -
Hi Colleen
I will be praying for you to be pain free. Please stay safe!
Happy Easter everyone! I hope the bunny is good.
Happy Easter to everyone. Hope you all had a great day
We had everyone for brunch. I made the Belgium waffles. Bobby made bacon. Everyone left at 2:00.
I’ll attach the waffle recipe. They are very light and delicious!
Happy Easter!!
Adele -
Hi Everybody,
Sounds like everybody had a good day. The kids came over and we had a really good day. The kids came over all but Melissa. She did not have enough time to make the trip. She is coming this summer. I will be glad to see her and the kids.
Adele your brunch sounds really good. I am glad that everyone came over. We had everyone here for lunch and then we had the egg hunt. We all went outside and watched the kids and then we played games. I played baseball with the grand kids and that was fun. We played until Ron started throwing a fit because he was afraid I would hurt my back. All I did was bat I did not run the bases or try to run and catch the ball. So I sat back down. I use to play ball with Owen when he was little. He played T-Ball and we would practice in the yard. It was fun to see how much he has grown and plays I could not win now he is too good. lol
Your eggs are really pretty. Did you make them? You are so talented. Wish that I could make things like that. Well that is about all from here. Have a good night and stay safe.
Colleen -
Hi Colleen
I bought those eggs. They are called “panoramic Eggs”. They are edible and made out of sugar. The girls love them. They get one every year They we’re Heathers favorite
It sounds like you all had a great time on Easter. I’m glad the weather cooperates for you!!
Poor Ron. He must have been a wreck thinking you would hurt yourself. Gary would have done the same thing
I’m trying to get Easter put away. I’m up to the decorations. All the candy has been put away. I’ll try to load the pic of the edible centerpiece. Lol
Hope your day is good. It is supposed to be 70 here today!!
Adele -
Hi Everyone,
Wow Colleen, I’m impressed with your baseball skills! I don’t even think that I could still hit a ball.
The mind is willing but the body is old. I’m glad that you had a good Easter. We did too.
Our bunny (Greg) hid the eggs so well this year that it took us forever to find the last two for Kendall. And we need to find them as our bunny puts candy and money in the eggs. They were in the house as if we put them outside I am always afraid that an animal would run away with an egg-and as i said they have money in them. lol
Adele, you really know how to do up a holiday. You always find the cutest things for your house and for gifts.
Our weather is going to be in the 70’s and even 80 this week and then be in the 50’s by Sunday or Monday. I just hope we don’t have bad storms again when the temperature changes.
It’s nice not to wear socks and coats though.
Gail -
Hi Ladies,
I’m sorry I haven’t been on here lately. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. It was pretty sogggy out here. Yesterday looked more like Dec. or Jan. We were socked in with one of those “atmospheric rivers. Rain allllll day long!!! Last yr today we woke up to snow on the ground. It’s still snowing on the higher elevations but hopefully not down here. It’s been so wet & cold the flowers are having a hard time blooming. There’s a tulip farm in the area & they should be in full bloom but they aren’t.
Got some bad news. They let the lunatic back in the bldg. But the good news is all the paperwork is in & now all we need is for the sheriff to come & take him aaway again!!! I’ve a solution of half bleach & half water in a spray bottle.
OH I gotta tell ya something I’ve never done before. I’ve never had a full set of dinnerware of my own. So when TEmptaions had a big deal on dinnerware, I ordered the All a Flutter set. Butterfies. I’ve used dollar tree dinnerware for yrs now, & they break so easily. Have you guys seen the new patterns in temptations?
Well, that’s all for tonight. Take care.
dd -
PS; The Eqster decor is from several yrs ago, but you get the general idea.
Hi DD,
I hope that you can get rid of the crazy guy permanently this time now that all the paperwork is together. I thought his apartment was condemned or something-so did they let him back into it?
We have crazy weather here too. Close to 80 this week and next week back to 50.
I hope you enjoy your new dinner ware. It’s nice to eat off pretty dishes.
I had a gold set when we first got married. Remember the gold, copper and avocado decor colors from the 70’s? lol
When we built this house almost 25 years ago I got new dishes. Royal Worcester with herbs and butterflies and I still enjoy those dishes to this day. It’s nice to eat off pretty dishes.
I’m not sure what patterns in Temptations that you are referring to. It seems like there is always something new. I haven’t been paying much attention lately as I don’t want to be tempted. lol Thus the name.
Gail -
Hello everyone
Glad you found all the eggs, Gailster. Next year Greg need to make a treasure map. Lol
DD. Good God! What are they thinking? I feel so bad for all of you. You have to take an elevator up and down. That is what concerns me the most for you. I hope he is gone a quick as possible. Do they think if he’s stable on meds his behaviors will stop? It’s just not fair to all the rest of you
Colleen you certainly had a lot of energy on Easter. God bless you! You were like the Energizer Granny Bunny!!
It’s warm up here too. I hope it stays that way. It’s nice to shut the heat off!!
Have a great day…. all of you. Please stay safe
Pic of the glasses case I made for myself -
Hi Everyone,
Just checking in to see how everyone is.
We continue to have vast swings in the weather.
Last Sunday we woke up to snow. Greg went up north last week to work on a new CD with the guys.
He said the first day he arrived the temp was 80 and there was a bunch of snow on the ground. lolI heard there might be more flakes this weekend.
Greg got in his first golf game of the season this morning.
Golf league was supposed to start Monday but there was still snow on the ground and his teammate was in Texas watching the space launch so it was good it was cancelled.
We went to a great concert this week. Elementrio-three guys kind of like the three tenors. Greg loved it and said he could listen to them all night which was a great compliment as he is usually sort of stingy with his praise about singers. He even went to talk to the guys at the meet and great after the concert which he usually skips.
Did I ever tell you that after every concert in this place they hand out Dove bars on the way out. I think if they ever didn’t have them the people would revolt. lol
We have been doing other things the past two Fridays so we missed going to Jenny’s. Hopefully we will go today.
hope everyone is well.
Gail -
Hi Gailster and everyone
Bobby was on vaca this week and spent the time doing the clean-up outside. This was the first time he ever did work in the garden, accept for picking up leaves. He edged and mulched. He finished the front, and still has some mulch to do out
His next project is to dismantle the pool. That’s a huge one mage showed me pic where the pool is all rusty on the bottom It’s the right decision.
I’ve been grounded th last two days. Bobby moved some boxes for me, and I was putting them , organized per decorating season in the closet JJ used to use. Well it was not pretty. One box fell sideways, and all the Annalee dolls fell out into the bottom of the closet. Getting them out, back into the box, and the rest in there made my back go nuts the next day. The sciatica pain was through the roof. It was so bad my hands were trembling and I could not get comfortable in any position. I took an extra Celebrex the last 2 days. I’m only supposed to take 2 a day, not three, as it can affect the ulcer. It was just enough to help with the swelling and make the pain bearable
So….. I will not be cleaning anything else out or continuing to organize decorations for a while. I think I will have to ask one of the Minnions to supervise me next time. Lol. Lol
Bobby turns 53 this weekend. We’re doing his birthday on Sunday. Amanda is cooking.
Benny is home from the hospital snd stayed in rehab for only 4 days! I can’t believe he got the functioning back on his right side so quickly! Thank you for the prayers. Prayers work
He does have to go to speech therapy, because he still cannot talk. He was very lucky
Benny will be coming for Bobby’s birthday with Pina. I love good news!!
It will be lousy here this weekend. We’re getting the storms you all have now.
Hope you are all ok. Praying for all if you, especially DD snd Colleen
Love your stories if where you and Glen go. I wish you could send us videos of the performances!!
Luv u guys!!
Adele -
Hi Gail,
I was thinking of you the other day when we had all those bad storms. I wonder if they went up your way. I cannot believe that severe weather is here already. There is supposed to be chance of snow flurries here on Sunday. We have a lot of plants out in the garden and have to worry about how we are going to keep them from freezing. We have one apple tree that is full of blooms. We are going to try and spray water on it to protect it from the freeze.
The concert sounds like it was a lot of fun. It was nice that Greg went up for the meet and great and talked to the guys. He must have really enjoyed the concert. I can see why he stayed to meet them.
It is nice that the Dove Bars are given out. That is really nice that they do that. I hope that you find some more really good concerts to go to.
Well that is about all from here. Have a great night and stay safe.
Colleen -
Hi Adele,
That is nice that Bobby is doing all the yard work. He is a lot of help to you. That is a shame that you have to take the pool down. Will you get another one to replace it? It seems like the kids all have such a good time playing in the pool but it is a lot to keep up with. It will be a hard decision to make.
I am glad that you are taking time to let your back settle down. It is hard to stop doing things when we need to get them done. I know how that is my back still hurts after all the shots that I had. I had my last one Wednesday. I am still having trouble walking up and down steps. I guess if that is how it has to be then I will adjust.
That is good news about Benny. I hope that he does well. Is that Enzo’s dad? I have been praying for him. It is hard when some one has a stroke like that.
My sister is getting her speech back. It is hard on her when she tries to remember some words. It will be a while until she can get them all back.
Sounds like you party for Bobby’s birthday sounds like a lot of fun.
Well that is all from here. Have a great night and stay safe.
Colleen -
Hey Colleen
Yes it is Enzo’s father.
How long did it take your sister to get her speech back? It’s been only 3 weeks since Benny had the stroke
This bout of sciatica is real bad. I really did it reaching into the bottom of that closet! The last 3 days I’ve had to take an extra celebrex. I’m hoping it won’t make my ulcer ho crazy
It’s very gloomy here today. It’s supposed to start raining later today snd it will pour tomorrow. That doesn’t help the arthritis either!
Hope your day goes well.
Adele -
Hey Colleen
Yes it is Enzo’s father.
How long did it take your sister to get her speech back? It’s been only 3 weeks since Benny had the stroke
This bout of sciatica is real bad. I really did it reaching into the bottom of that closet! The last 3 days I’ve had to take an extra celebrex. I’m hoping it won’t make my ulcer ho crazy
It’s very gloomy here today. It’s supposed to start raining later today snd it will pour tomorrow. That doesn’t help the arthritis either!
Hope your day goes well.
Adele -
Hi Adele,
My sister took three or four months to start talking again. A speech therapist came to her house to help her. She just keeps working at it and taking her time when she talks. So have to jus keep praying for him. I she having problems with anything else? That is the only problem my sister is having.
It is horrible to have trouble with your back. You cannot do a whole lot when your back hurts. The weather does effect the way our backs feel Then with the weather going from hot to cold that bothers it also.
It was cold here all day today. We were going to gril but it was too cold to sit out there and try it. We had ribs so Ron boiled them and then cooked them in the sauce. They did not taste as good that way and some were really tough. We had corn on the cob with them so at least that was good. We still have some left over and more corn to cook. So will have that for lunch and hope that will be all of it.
Have a great day and stay safe.
Colleen -
Hey Colleen
Thanks for the info on your sister. I was surprised they did not send a speech therapist to the house. He has to go out for it,and his appointment is in May
Amanda is here cooking. She is a very good cook! Everyone will be her later to eat and celebrate Bobby’s birthday
It has been storming since late last night. It will storm all day.
Hope your weather improves!
I hope DD is ok I worry about her being alone.
You and Gail still gave your hubby’s, so I know you are ok
Have a good Sunday
Adele -
Hi Adele,
I am glad that I could give you some information just hope it helps. I do not understand why they will not go to the house to help him. He needs the help. Did they ask the doctor to have them come to the house? With my mom we had to ask the doctor to recommend that the therapists come to the house. So she did and they came. They have just a certain amount of times they can come but it is better if they come to the house.
That is nice that Amanda is there cooking. I hope that you all have a great time at Bobby’s party. I hope that the storm does not cause any problems. We lose electric sometimes when it storms. Just have a good time.
Have a good day and stay safe.
Colleen -
Hi Everyone,
Adele, tell Bobby Happy Birthday! At least someone else cooked for his bday. I’m glad he was getting all the yard work done. Your back yard will look different without the pool. I hope your back is feeling better.
Some how I think I missed Benny having a stroke. Didn’t he and Pina recently get divorced too? I will pray for his recovery.
I’m sure you read that Len Goodman from DWTS died over the weekend.
I will miss him even though I don’t get DWTS anymore. If I remembered he was retiring from the show too. I did get to watch some of DWTS last year because Jenny had Disney plus so I watched some at her house. I also heard that Tyra is gone from there. Maybe Alfonso will just take her place but I don’t really know what is planned yet.
Colleen, how are the great grand babies? Do you get to see them much? Do you already have your garden in? We don’t get ours in until after Greg’s birthday which is May ninth as that is usually around when the last frost is. We had a lot of big tree branches down this winter so he has been chopping those up for firewood. We haven’t had to buy wood for the last few years. We actually had some snow again this weekend. Nothing that really stayed but it seems like we shouldn’t even be seeing snow anymore.
It’s going to be nice during the week and then chilly and rainy again next weekend.
Gail -
Hi Colleen
The storm was on and off torrential rain. Everything went well. The noise was deafening, as everyone is always so animated! That’s Italians for you. Lol. Poor Benny was getting very tired. This was his first real outing.
I’m not sure why they did not give him home services. Marissa says it is because he can walk so well.
The sun is finally shining. Yahoo!!!Hey Gailster!
I did not hear about Len’s dying! That’s awful!!! He was such a nice guy.
I have not watched DWTS since they moved to a pay Chanel. I have that Chanel, but feel it was so wrong and mean for them to do that. The people who can’t afford extra Chanel’s can no longer watch, and it’s always those who struggle who suffer. So, I decided they are not worth my time, even though I loved the show.
Yes, Benny had a stroke and brain bleed while driving. If he were home alone, he would have died. He was also lucky nobody was killed. His truck is totaled. The person he hit had no serious injuries. Thank God! The police figured out in a minute that he was in trouble and sent him to Mass General in Boston. He was very lucky, all the way aroundMy back and sciatica are a little better. That pain down the leg is awful. It just won’t stop. At least the last two days I have not had to take an extra celebrex. The pain is tolerable….. for me. But remember, I have an extremely high pain tolerance, and even for me the first 3 days were intolerable. It gets so old dealing with the constant pain and grief. Being all alone when you hurt is not fun. Nobody to make you a cup of coffee or get you a bottle of water
You need a certain skill level to be elderly and alone. LOL. LOL There are days I don’t feel like I have it Then there are days I say a prayer of thanks for being able to accomplish the little things we all do to take care of ourselves and our familiesHope everyone has a good Monday!
Adele -
Hi Ladies,
I started a post last night & it disappeared before I was finished. not alot to talk about except for the weather. April’s been the coldest on record & we’re on track to be the wettest on record. But we’re having a taste of summer this week starting tomorrow. By Friday we’ll be in the 80s through the weekend. But it cools back down next week. Maybe now the flowers can bloom.
I do have a piece of news about our local lunatic. Apparently he got the crap beat out him. Not sure of the deets, all I know is he came back all bloody, swollen face & eyes. He got maced, so he crossed the wrong person. I don’t think it was anyone here, but I was tickled he got what he had coming. He came back asking the guard where the closest hospital is. We didn’t see him for a few days. I guess he’s back but it’s been quiet. KARMA is a witch. LOL.
I’ve taken my Easter decor down & it looks bare in here again.
With the temps warming up, maybe I can unpack my summer clothes. Just the blouses & light weight things. Too early for shorts or tank tops.
Btw I’m doing fine. Snowball needs her haircut but finding a groomer ain’t easy.
Take care.
dd -
So glad you are ok. It’s scary with someone as violent as that guy is living in your building I’m praying for you
It’s cold snd Rae here again I think the sun is supposed to come out late today. Not sure
The weather has been very strange, all over. I feel so bad gif the people who are constantly dealing with those awful tornadoes. Total devastation in a minute
I’m still dealing with the miserable sciatica pain. The weather makes it hurt more But, it’s better than dealing with a home torn apart by storms, do I have to count my blessings
Please be careful when you go out
Oh…. I hate that new paw fetti and fern looking Temptations patterns. What about you?
Do you watch Ghost snd Abbott Elementary? I love those shows. Love Will Trent too
Take care♥️
Adele -
So glad you are ok. It’s scary with someone as violent as that guy is living in your building I’m praying for you
It’s cold snd Rae here again I think the sun is supposed to come out late today. Not sure
The weather has been very strange, all over. I feel so bad gif the people who are constantly dealing with those awful tornadoes. Total devastation in a minute
I’m still dealing with the miserable sciatica pain. The weather makes it hurt more But, it’s better than dealing with a home torn apart by storms, do I have to count my blessings
Please be careful when you go out
Oh…. I hate that new paw fetti and fern looking Temptations patterns. What about you?
Do you watch Ghost snd Abbott Elementary? I love those shows. Love Will Trent too
Take care♥️
Adele -
Hi Adele,
Well, it looks like we’re gonna have 80+ the next couple days. At least the flowers are getting a chance to bloom. Then the temps drop by nearly 20 degrees by Monday.
I don’t mind Paw fetti. I got the kitchen gloves, & the mini bakers in paw fetti. Since I do have a pet.
I’m not crazy about the palm design either. I love the garden pattern & the butterflies/All a Flutter. I got a set of dishes & some other smaller items in the butterflies.
I’m terrified of those tornadoes too. And we don’t even get them. We occasionally see a funnel but they don’t touch down. But it’s when we’re having some crazy wild weather. I remember when tornadoes hit Missouri & destroyed a whole town. Everything was like toothpicks. And the most recent in Mississippi.
Well, that’s all I have for tonight.
Take care.
dd & Snowball -
Oh yes. Tornadoes scare the life out of me. Thank God they are rare out here. But with global warming, everything is changing
I do like the butterfly pattern. The bee one is cute too
It’s still very chilly up here. We’re getting more rain over the weekend again. It just does not want to stop. I bet it will go from chilly rain right to heat snd humidity. Seems like we are skipping Spring every year
I hope your weather improves for the weekend. Once you get good weather, it works itself over here. Lol
Have a good night!!
Adele -
Hi Everyone,
We are going to have a chilly and rainy weekend too. Again!
I’m just tired of wearing a winter coat.
DD-I hope that they can get rid of that crazy guy permanently.
Too bad you couldn’t find a mobile groomer for your cat. Even if you had to wait a while for an appointment. It sure would make things convenient.
Adele, I like Ghosts and Abbot Elementary too. Even Greg likes Ghosts! From the first time i saw Abbott I knew that Quinta Brunsen was going to be a star. She just has the “it” factor. Have you ever seen the Christmas movie Unaccompanied Minors? The guy from Abbott-Gregory was in that. When I first saw him on Abbott I kept looking at him but couldn’t place him until I finally remembered him being in that movie as a kid. It was a cute movie.
I can’t believe next week is the final episode of The Goldberg’s-one of Greg’s favorites. I guess the kids are all grown up now so they ran out of material. I keep on wondering how long Young Sheldon will last as he is getting older and older and bigger and bigger. Some of these comedies have the greatest casts of characters.
Gail -
I saw him in a movie on Netflix recently. Can’t remember the name. Lol. I love that show! All the characters are fabulous. The principal is hysterical. As well as the janitor. What a great selection she made for actors. She is very talented, as an actor and director
I will miss the Goldbergs. The father was just like Gary. Things that came out of hud mouth, were the same things Gary has said Gary saw a lot of me in Beverly. How crazy she was with the school, and had her finger in everything. Lol
Those were the days!
It’s cold up here too. Rain storms starting again tomorrow late My poor joints!!
I’m laying low today. Very low. I finally fell asleep at 5:30, and woke up at 7:30. I look drunk!
I was watching the Golden Gurls, then tried to sleep snd could not. So I watched Frazier. Then Cheers came on at 5:00. I was finally sleepy enough to try again. What an awful night
Hope you gave a good weekend. Pool cones firm tomorrow.
Adele -
What does pool cones firm tomorrow mean? lol
Lol. Lol. Lol
Pool comes down tomorrow
Those dam auto corrects. I don’t check for accuracy, snd I should
Adele -
Ha ha-sometimes I can figure it out but that one had me scratching my head. It’s like all of a sudden you switched to another language. lol
I like the principal from Abbott too-it makes you wonder how she got her job as she is so off the wall-except I have a hard time understanding her when she speaks so I have to put on the closed captions.
Oh my goodness-Beverly Goldberg is so intrusive! If you were like her you would have driven your poor kids crazy! lol
We tease Jenny that Lachlan is her little “schmoo” like Adam. Even though I don’t think she has ever seen the show.
She did say recently she was watching the Golden Girls and she said it was really funny like she was surprised.lol
I guess she didn’t think any of the old stuff would be funny.
It’s prom weekend already-It used to be in May when our kids were in school and June when I was in school. They keep getting out of school earlier and earlier but go back now in mid August.We’re waiting to see if Jenny’s niece will be prom queen.
Piper is going to a birthday party/sleepover tonight so she was showing me the gifts she was bringing and how instead of wrapping them she had decorated the boxes and had her own hand made card. She is so sweet!
She told Greg and i that they were having supper there and were having either spaghetti or sandwiches and Greg said they should have spaghetti sandwiches. (that’s why I married him-he makes me laugh) Piper just gave him a look-she doesn’t get his humor yet. lolGail
Hey Gailster
I was not as bad with the “Schmoo” stuff. But I did call Heather my little Poopah Bear. Bobby was Boo Boo.
I was the Girl Scout leader, PTA person… which was different for a Catholic school. I was in every field trip to annoy them. Chaperoned the dances And if I could not go, I sent my Dad. It was me snd 3 of my girlfriends. We did everything together Good times Lots of work and laughter
The pool is down. Took only an hour.
Now we wait for the rain to arrive
Hope your weather is better!!
Adele -
Forgot to say…. Piper is such a sweetie!! What a good friend she is. I hope she stays that way all through her life!
Adele -
We were similar. I was a stay at home Mom so i always chaperoned field trips. I was a Cub Scout leader. We helped with dances and prom and stuff too.
I called Brent Brenty BooBoo and we still call him BooBoo. Jenny does too and we refer to him as Uncle BooBoo with Jenny’s kids.
How funny is that!
Gail -
Omg Gailster!
How could we have the same nickname for our dons states aspart???
That is eerily similar! Lol
Quacker s rule!
Pic of “ no pool” attached.
Adele -
Omg Gailster!
How could we have the same nickname for our dons states aspart???
That is eerily similar! Lol
Quacker s rule!
Pic of “ no pool” attached.
Adele -
HI Ladies,
Where did the month of April go? I don’t know if any of you are FB, but I am. I got a post from Carolyn Gracie today asking for prayers for her elderly mom & dad. They were in a terrible car accident last night when on their way to church. They were taken to the hospital treated & released. But they were pretty badly banged up. They had their seatbelts on, but the airbags didnt deploy upon impact. They were T-boned on the passenger side, her mom’s side of the car. I believe they’re in their 90s or close to it.
I had written a post the other day but it disappeared on me. It was about Carolyn & Dan Hughes froom a couple weeks ago. They’re doing fine, & she could barely get through the post he had her laughing so hard.
Well, we went from summer back to spring with a thud. It was 81 Thurs., 88 Friday, & 82 yesterday. Today it’s back down to the 50s!! Thud!!!
Take care. Happy May!
dd -
Hi DD!
Of course we will add them to our prayers. That’s awful the air bags did not deploy. I hope there are no lasting complications. It seems after a day, that is when the aches snd pains surface. When the nerves wake back up after the trauma. Prayers sent!!♥️♥️♥️
Same here. It is in the 40’s. It’s pouring up here
I got sick last night. A bad head/chest thing. Spoke with the doctors in call person and they did a z pack and it feels like it has started to help. I tested for covid last night, and it was negative. I may test again if I continue to feel like this
I hope your weather improves. It makes you feel so much better when the sun shines
Take care…..I am not on Facebook
Adele -
Starting a new page for May-see you there.
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