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Here it was dark……
Hi Gail,
I always had dark hair until I was about 36, and then my dad colored it. First he streaked it and then i went platinum blonde but I didn’t trust anyone but him to make it that color so after that i went to an ask blonde. I keep going back and forth and this Saturday it’s color day again. Sometimes i think I should just go back to dark hair but when you are in your 60’s, dark hair sometimes shows all the hollowness in our face making age show. I would love a nip tuck but know wt my health it will never happen. Colleen, here is the picture of what my hair looks like now.
Hi Everybody,
Well, I think I better start using the Stair Master again. With me being in be almost all summer my thighs have hit an all time high, VERY scary. I have the Norditract treadmill and Stair Master in my bedroom and i used to use both of them one hour each a day but this summer I was so sick I did nothing but sleep and eat. Everything went to the thigh area.I am so debilitated I think I last MAYBE five minutes now. Colleen I watch Scandal, How To Get Away With Murder, And I just finished watching the Astronauts Wives Club. It’s off the air now. I think it was on for one season only. I have to admit I watch the Walking Dead because I like Norman Reedus. He’s nine miles of dirt road trailer trash I’d like to travel LOL. And I watch all the Housewives shows on Bravo except Atlanta. And there is a new show about fake dating show hook ups that I watched this past season, but can’t remember the name. Game Of Thrones, Masters Of Sex, Mad Men which finally concluded this past spring, and a new show called the Royals. Then I watch Discovery, OWN has a show called The Have and have Nots, And late night all the true crime stuff. I DVR everything. And Wheel Of Fortune. Still waiting to win the $5000.
Actually on my site there is. Look: Below there is a button to upload:It’s underneath the bottom here It doesn’t show up on this page I cut and pasted. It is below TO BETTER EXPLAIN YOUR QUESTION OR ANSWER, YOU CAN UPLOAD SCREEN SHOTS. Scroll all the way down on the reply page. It’s there.
Reply To: Hi Girls-Here’s Celebrating the Dog Days of August Part 2
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PS: Nope, it doesn’t work. I contacted the webmaster. Cynthia
Hi Adele,
I’ve never watched dancing with the stars. I do the true crime thing on OWN late at night, the English shows on PBS and Bravo. I skim over Bravo and see if something is worth watching and if the drama is too much I watch a movie. I also watch Discovery.My father did hair and make up for MGM and Paramount Pictures for 30 years and he had salons everywhere. I never paid for anything until he died. Right now i pay only to wash and style, about $35.00 a week. Hair cuts are free for me. I color once a month for $65.00.I found someone who learned the same way my father did.I used to do my own hair after my dad died until my MS went into progression. I’ve used a hair dresser for the last ten years. It’s easier and i never have to mess with any thing now. I keep a separate web site to show pictures There is a link below here where you can upload a picture. It’s the box below this e-mail.
Let me know if you can see my picture.
CynthiaIt’s hot here but humidity is very low. That’s the only thing that makes it bearable. It’s also great for my hair because it’s a dry heat. My hair stays nice for a whole week and never goes limp.
Hi Colleen,
I was supposed to take this drug Topomax for my MS and I refused to take it. First thing I found out was hair loss. My mother was on a myriad amount of drugs and she lost all her hair the year she died.It made her very unhappy. she used something called Toppix and it made a word of difference. Her hair dresser put it on her hair after she washed and dried it and it made her hair 50% fuller.F irst time I heard of it was on QVC ten years ago, and then she ordered it right from the factory. It’s a powder they put in the hair and then a haor spray that goes with it. It doesn’t come off either until you wash it again. It costs about $80.00 for a can of it and the spray and she would buy it every six months. QVC also sells this lifting and filling spray by Jose Eber that works pretty good too.
I don’t like them. They are too heavy and in Nevada it has to be 65 before I even wear pants. That’s the thing I hate about living here . I have all these great fall sweaters and a ton of Halloween sweaters and NONE of them get worn. Every year it’s still 100 here. Until THAT weekend. So I end up wearing one on Halloween. I have a ton of really cute ones too. It’s too bad.