

  • adele shanbar wrote on Tiago R's Wall 8 years, 10 months ago

    @tiago-r Hi Tiago.
    Not sure if you can help, but, I keep getting a message to add my name, email, and the “I am not a robot” thing, every time I post. Also, Gail told me I am coming up with “0” posts.
    Thank you!

    • Hi Adele, are you still having the same problems? I see that you have 296 posts total.

    • Hi Tiago
      Every once in a while, I get that message. But, (at Gail’s suggestion), I sign in again, and then it disappears. I am glad I found a way to stop the “robot” thing. Thank you for getting back to me. I also know that Barbara had the same issue, and I am wondering if other people get it too.
      Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

      • Hi Adele,
        Sorry about the trouble you were having yes the best way to avoid that is what Gail’s suggested. We were having lots of spam on our website and to avoid that we had to implemented the “I’m not a robot” check mark. Thank you for letting me know about Barbara. Have a wonderful holiday too with your family.

        Best Regards
